HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-03-18, Page 8.50 31• 14 J• IM 742 3• 114 pit AMPAAAi RAP AMA,IMARMA ARAAIRMI AARt 1A l 8 THE W1NGUA.M A.DVA.NCE, ^ TI .DA.Y, MARCH 18, 1909, The Greatest Sale of Blouses FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH IN THE EXPERIENCE OF THIS HOUSE How do we account for it? Well, simply that the goods and trimmings are the very best, and they are made and, wished in the. best and latest styles known to tete best designers in Canada and New York, Tho rices at which they are offered bas Hauch to do with their rapid sale. Opine in, It will be a pleasure for ns to show them and quote prices, NEW SPRING GOODS. New Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Muslins, Lawns, and Trim- mings of every desoription are stere in abundance, and are ploasiug M our eusto Hers in every particular, Please come in and see one great display of new Curtains and Onrtain materials of the very latest and best designs, Best 'Groceries, fresh and Glean, always on band. The best flavored, sweetest and cleanest Oatmeal, always in stook. Try a package and you will always use it. VIMISIMMINIMMIN HIGHEST PRIDES FOR TRADE. D. M. CORDON Belgrave, Mrs, Ceasar has beenunder the doe - torte care lately.. ,Tae, Owens is quite indisposed and unable toleave the house, Airs. Walsh of Wingham visited friends at. Belgrave thie week., Mr. and Mrs, Tisdale .spent Synday with the former'a parents .at St. Ata- gustine, Miss Waysmith of Belgrave was called to visit a sink uncle in Myth last week, Mrs. Waugh of London attended the funeral of her nephew, John W.. Coulter, last Monday, Mr. and Mrs. McKay, from near Whitechurch, haveinoved into Mrs. Barklay's house in Belgrave. The many friends in Belgrave and vicinity of E. L. Dickinson of (Soderich are sorry to learn of his death. Dr. Johnston of Adrian, Mich., is at the home of his brother, Henry John. ston of Morris, who is very ill. - The Ladies' Guild of Trinity Church, Belgrave, have placed a beautiful chancel window in the church. The choir of Belgrave Methodist Church were pleasantly entertained at the parsonage last Friday evening. Mrs. Ferguson 'of Bayileld, sister of Mrs. J. L. Geddes of this village, has been appointed teacher in the Bayfield Public . Pub c Schoo l Special services will be held in the Brick church, Belgrave circuit, for two weeks beginning next Monday evening at 7.45. All are invited. On Monday evening, about 20 drove out from Wingham to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 0, Proctor, taking them a little by surprise, as well as enjoying a pleasant evening. Among those that left for the west last Monday were Mrs. Geo. Hanna and family, Mr. and 1VIre. Ed. Wight- man, Miss Ida and Roy Brandon, Mise Maud Sterling and Wm. McCurdy. King's For Bargains I We Want Your Trade S.pring Goods LAWN WAISTS.—The First Shipment in this line to hand. Come in and see them. LADIES' SPRING JACKETS.—This season we have some of the Nattiest Jackets, in right -up-to-the-minute Styles, and , at sell -them -quick prices. Have a look. GINGHAMS, PRINTS and Wash Goods in abundance, and . at popular prices. • DRESS GOODS.—A complete Range in the leading colors and new weaves. We have the best range of Black Dress Goods in town. EXTRA SPECIAL.—Ten cases of Select Seed Raisins, regular 15o per package—for 10c PRODUCE WANTED.—Any quantity White Beans, Butter, Eggs, Tallow, Feathers, Dried Apples, etc. CEO. E. SING Hood Goodsj Cheap Prices SEEDS FREE A package of seed of the D. & H. Colossal White Sugar. Beet will be given you free if you write for our handsome new 1909 Catalogue. This beet grows -to an immense size, is easily har- vested, and yields 1,500 to 2,000 bushels to the acre in ordinary soil. Makes cows yield more milk. Fattens hogs quicker. If preferred we will send you a package of our Russian Giant Let- tuce or Ostritch Feather Aster seed instead of the sugar beet seed. Write to -day and name your choice, also mention name of this paper. Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd., London, Ont, West Wawanosh. Pure Seeds.--AwnE's, Wingham, Rev. Mr. Baugh, a former pastor of Donnybrook Methodist Church, was again in our midst on Sunday last and preached an able sermon. Many of his old friends were pleased to listen to him once more. The congregation of Donnybrook Methodist Church intend repairing their church this coming summer by raising it up on a basement and ven- eering with brick. It will no doubt make,a great improvement to the church. Win, Champion had a sale recently, and purchased the Fordyce postoffice store. The tenant, however, Mrs. Chapman having yearly lease, declin- ed to give up "possession without the Iegal six month's notice. We under- stand Mr, Champion is looking for a house to rent in the meantime until he can get possession. Mothers, Attention! Your Delicate Child May Be Restored to Health by Vino!. Read the Following Letter Front a Canton, O., Mother. "I Wish I could induce every mother who has a weak, sickly child, to try that delicious cod liver preparation, Vinol. Our little daughter was pale, thin and sickly. She had no appetite and no ambition. "We tried various medicines, but Without any benefit whatever, and she could not take cod liver oil or emul- sions, as they nauseated her and upset her stomach. "Learning that Vinol contains all the medicinal and strength-ereating properties of cod liver oil, but without the disagreeable oil, and tonic iron added, we decided to try it, and the testate were marvelous. It gave her a hearty appetite; the color returned to her cheeks and she is stronger and in better health than she has been for years. "I cannot say enough in favor of Vinol for weak, delicate children." -- Mrs, d, W. Stump, Canton, 0 There is nothing equal to Vinol for delieate, ailingchildren and feeble old people, to bud up strength and re- store normalhealth condition. Those w Those try itand .receive no bane. fit may have their money returned oat demand --that's your guarantee. S. Walton McKlbbon, Druggist, W ing- hatts, East Wawanosh. Pure Seeds,—Awns s, Wittgha�n, Many are complaining of colds round bore. a The Benedicts' Assembly was held in Belgrave on Monday evening, when there were about 150 present, married men and their wives, single rnen and their girls. They enjoyed themselves in games and dancing. About mid- night, lunch was.perved. They report having a most pleasant evening. The music was furnished by the Belgrave String Band, which takes no second place. Horace Solar left a couple of weeks ago fol: Winnipeg. Jno. Solar disposed of onii`sof his line black drivers recently. Stanley McBurney is sick at present, pneumonia being the trouble, *+� Jas. Noble# spent part of last week,at the home of his mother near Clinton. Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Scott, Oth line, spent Saturday with friends In Hula lett. Mrs. Alex, Morton is slightly better at time of writing. All her family ares& with her, Will. Howett, of the sideroad, had a very successful wood bee on Friday afternoon last. Mr. iardisty intends splitting his barn next summer, and is busy getting things in shape. A load of young people from town visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Reid one night last week. A very pleasant time was spent at the home of Jno, Fells, Oth line, last Friday evening. Dancing, games and music passed the time all too quickly, and all deckled Mr. and Mrs, Fells as ideal host and hostess. The many friends of Mr. Bert. Reid, 12th line,• will be sorry to learn that he underwent an operation at the Wingham Hospital on Thursday last. The operation took about three hours, and was successfully performed by Dr. Tait of Toronto. • Londesboro. Mr, Allan had two sheep worried by dogs the other night. We are pleased to note that Mr. Addison is a little better at present. Mr. Robt. Smith has been busy get- ting in the supply of ice for his butch- er shop. Quite a number of people have start- ed to make maple syrup in this neigh- borhood. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Archie Watt is improving slightly after his severe illness. Mr. D. Cantelon shipped a carload of potatoes and also a carload of hogs on Monday of last week. Robt, Hamilton sold a fine team of horses to Jas. Archibald of Seaforth ; the price obtained being $365. Chas. Ruddle is busily engaged haul;, ing brick for his new residence, which he intends erecting this summer. E. Lear entertained a large number of friends one evening recently, before leaving his farm. He intends having a sale on March lsth. Thos. Fairservice, jr., brought in a basswood log to the sawmill the other day which measured three feet across. This is a pretty fair-sized log for bass- wood. The farmers are taking advantage of the scant sleighing to haul their logs as the roads have been in very poor condition all winter for heavy loads. Belmore. Miss Ella Jeffry has been on the sick Iist. Rev, Radford drove to Walkerton on Thursday. Christopher Johann took a trip to Palmerston last week. Fred Johnson, who has been visiting his mother, has been on the sick list. Mrs. Henry Abram expects to start for her home in the West next week. Mrs. Elliott has her father and sister from Michigan, visiting with her at present. Mrs. Philip Baker, who has been vis- iting her sister in Blyth for the past week, returned on Friday. Mrs. Henry Abram, Mrs. %'Vhitwell Lowish and Mrs. Ralph Metcalf, visit- ed at the manse on Thursday, Mr. Elliott took a trip to Blyth last Tuesday and brought home an engine, which he will install at the brickyard. Mr, and Mrs. Elijah Rattan of Lake - let, visited Mr. Radford on Tuesday, and remained for the tea -meeting at night. Thos. Roswell attended his brother's sale near Mildmay on Tuesday. His brother hits sold his farm and will move to town for a time. The tea -meeting on Tuesday night in the Methodist church was quite a success. A line supper was served in the basement and a good proggrain Was rendered in the body of the church, to an appreciative audience, Those tak- ing part in the program were : speak- ers, Elev. McTavish, Qorrie; Rev. L. Perrin, Wroxeter ; and Rev. John Radford, Belrnare. Rev. Russel, pas- tor, presided. Mr. and Mrs. Willis and Miss Griffin of Wingham, sang a number of selections, which• were much enjoyed. Gorrie. Mr. FI. Granger and Mr. Wm. Stin- son were at Toronto on Monday. Mrs. Perkins is having her house piped for putting in acetylene gas. Miss Lucy Kafue visited Miss ?oath- ie Sanderson in Toronto last week. Anson Spotton, Iiarriston, was in' town last Thursday in connection with a charge laid before J. Armstrong J.F. of using abusive language over the phone. The case was settled however, wit out trial,al, ea1hparty y a i n thou own costs, and the defendant apolo- gising. highest Cash Price paid for hides..., Thos. 1i'leld st Co. lyth. Salem. The annual Spriog Show will be Pure Se,hda.—Awog's, 'Wingham. held in ]Myth, April 8th. Albert Wilford of the Y, M. 0, A., London, spent Sunday at his bout() here. G. M. Chambers k Co. have pur- chased the coal business from J. G?.. Moser. John Wilford an• d .R. H. Robinson attended the Grand Lodge meeting at St, Thomas last week. Mr, Obarlesworth of Seaforth has opened out in the hardware business in Mr, (ferry's old stand. Organizer Barris of Wroxeter was in town last week and secured several new members for the 0. 0.. I.P. Our townsman, Thos, McElroy, left here Tuesday morning by 0. P. R, for Manitoba ; if he likes it, he will move his family out there later. Dr, E. Wilford gave an interesting address Sunday afternoon to the seho- let's of the Methodist Sabbath school. On leaving Edinburgh University, Dr. 'Wilford visited England and Ireland. Through the influence of our Canadi- an representative in London, he at- tended the opening of the British Par- liament in Old London. A meeting of the ratepayers was held Friday evening, when a proposi- tion was presented by Ballston Bros,. asking for a, loan of $3000, without in- terest, to establish a tannery and mitt factory and manufacture linings for mitts, in Blyth, said loan to extend aver five years, and ten years' exemp- tion from taxes (except school taxes) with a fixed yearly assessment of $200. A. by-law will be submitted to the people. A concert under the auspices of Mins Sylvia Seel, the popular teacher of S. S. No. 11, was held in the school -house on Friday night, March 12th. The night was tine and the school was full. A very lengthy program was supplied, consisting of singing, instrumental music,` dialogues and drills. A very pleasing part was a"Good-night Drill" by eight little girls, the performance being a credit to their teacher. An- other very interesting part was a mili- taryarade in regimentals by an im-, promfatu volunteer company, compos- ed of ten boys of the neighborhood. The admirable manner in which the boys acquitted themselves reflects great credit on Sergeant Herb. Camp- bell, who at the expense of so much time and trouble drilled the boys. Three cheers for Herb. Many thanks are extended to those from a distance, who so ably helped in the evening's entertainment, amongst whom were— Brock Brandon, Miss Hazel Brandon, Misses Moore and Orr, all of Wing - ham, also Miss M. McRae, of Oran brook, a very accomplished elocu- tionist. Miss Seel is to be congratu- lated on the very' successful outcome of the concert. Langside. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mc- Gregor was the scene of a very inter- esting and happy event, on Wednes- day, Mar. 10th, when Katherine, their third eldest daughter, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Jas. Moffatt, of Lloydminster, Sask.,. formerly of Kinloss. At 5.30 p.m., in the presence of about 140 guests, the groom unattended, took his place in the parlor' beneath a very prettily decorated arch, while the wedding march was being rendered by his sis- ter Lena. The bride appeared leaning on her father's arm, very neatly attir- ed in cream crepe -de -chine, with veil to match and carrying a boquet of cream roses and maiden -hair fern and a wreath of lilies of the valley in her hair. After the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. G. P. Duncan, of Whitechurch, and the congratulations to the bride and groom, all retired to the dining -room which was beautiful- ly decorated, where a very sumptuous dinner was served. When all had sat- isfied the inner than, those who chose to tip the light fantastic repaired to the society ball, where they spent the remainder of the night. The many valuable presents were evidences of the high esteem in Which .ho young couple are held. They intend to start for the West in a few days, where they will make their new home, al- though we wish them every possible success, we shall miss their genial smile in our community. We wish them a safe journey to their new hoarse and hope for their return, ASKS US TO PRINT. To relieve the worst forms of'theu- niatism, take a teaspoonful of the fol- lowing mixture after each meal and at bedtime : Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce ; Compound Kargon, one -ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces, These harmless ingredients can be obtained from our home druggists, and are easily mixed by' shaking them well in a bottle. Relief is generally felt from the first few doses. This prescription forces the clogged - up, inactive kidneys to filter and strain from the blood the poisonous waste matter and uric acid, which causes Rheumatism. As Rheumatism is not only the most painful and torturous disease, but dangerous to life, this simple recipe Will no doubt be greatly valued by marry snfferers here at home, who should at onoe prepare the mixture to get this relief. It is said that a person who would take this prescription regularly, ar dose or two daily, or even a few times a week, would never have serious Kid- neyRheuma- tism. or Urinary. disorders, or a i y d Cat this vat and preserver It. Good Rheumatism prescriptions 'which real - 1y relieve are eoaree,'indeed and rahon you heed it, you wlif]:t ib badly', Morris. Pure Seeds.—AWD1's, Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Johnston rejoice over the birth of a son. Henry Johnston, of the 5th line, is lying very ill; we hope to see 'him around soon. Stanley Sanderson and mother of Gorrie were guests at Arthur Shaw's over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Campbell, of the first lizie, celebrated the 20th anni- versary of their wedding on Friday evening. Mrs. J. Caldwell and little daughter of Saskatoon have returned home, after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Isbister. Mr. Harrison, of the 6th line, East Wawanosh, has purchased from the Grimm Mfg. Co. a large size evapora- tor, through our agent, Jas. Colley. George Kelly, sr., of Morris, has purchased lot 23, con. 9, from the es- tate of Jno. Skelton. The price paid was $3,760. The faran once belonged to the present owner's brother, the late Jas. Kelly. STOMACH DISTRESS. • Jamestown. Pure Seeds,—AWDE's, Wingham. Mr. Hessian of Wingham, visited at Mr. A. Pollock's last week. Russell Moffat of the boundary east, left for Brandon, Man., last Friday. Mrs. Mulligan has bought a house in Wroxeter and moved there last week. Mr, Walter Savage has leased Mr. J. Pollock's fifty acre farm for a term. Mr. D. MacDonald purchased a new horse last Friday at the chattle mort- gage sale. Mr. Chas. Eaket moved last Monday to the farm he rented from Mr. A. R. MacDonald. Every family here ought to keep some Diapepsin in the house, as any one of you may have an attack of In- digestion or Stomach trouble at any time, day or night. This harmless preparation will di- gest anything you eat and overcome a sour stomach five minutes afterwards, If your meals don't tempt you, or what little you do eat seems to fill you, or lays like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heart- burn, that is a sign of indigestion. Ask your pharmacist for a 50 -cent case of Pape's Diapepsin and take one triangule after supper to -night. There will be no sour risings, no belch- ing of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stom- ach, in .Headaches, 'slat Nausea,Debs , ach, Dizziness or intestinal griping. This will all go, and besides, there will be no sour food left over in the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Diapepsin is a certain cure for all stomach misery because it will take hold of your food and digest it just the same as if your stomach wasn't there. Actual, prompt relief for all your stomach misery is at your pharmacist, waiting for you. These large 50 -cent cases contain more than sufficient to cure a case of Dyspepsia or Indigestion, _R ND UNK %_ STi= �. . SY SETTLERS ! Low rates to certain points in Alberta and Saskatchewan, via Chicago or Port Arthur, oaoh Tuesday during March and April. Pacific Coast Excursions Daily Until April 30th Vanoonver, B. 0 $42.75 Spokane, Wash... , 42.76 Seattle, Wash 42 75 Portlatd, Ore. 42,75 Above rates are ane -Way second elaes, applying from Wingham. ToCbatao l d Uo w anda. �( wg Tho pioneer route is via Grand Trunk and T. it N. 0. Ity's. tall iii o a tori salt o For t circle and f rho t o a 0 1 W. lltlilNlt ", 'Towel .Agent, or Awrite J. D McDonald bfetrttei l aedeih•er AaeM, Tetioab i. Syrup -making is is the the h o day. Miss Selinda Bush Is vlsitiug at the home of D, L. Weir. Miss Olive Green is renewing old acquaintances on the tenth. On the 0th inst. a young daughter carne to the home of Mr. and Mrs. D, Weir, W. A, Mines purchased a new horse on Saturday last; be will now have a fine team. Mrs. Young of ITarriston called the early part of this weekon friends in this vicinity. Miss Lou Higgins of Belgrave is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. Fitch of Belmore. Mrs. John Bush has a brother visit- ing with her, whom she has not seen for a number of years. Mr. David Armstrong and hie bro- ther of Fordwich $undayed at the home of Mr, Wm. Weir. Mr. and 11Irs. Robt. Muir visited the homes of 1Vfr. Andrew (SeminIll 'and Mrs. J. Kitchen last week. A sleighload of the young people of this place spent a very pleasant even- ing at the home of Robt. Baker, Miss Maud Higgins has gone to V ingliam, where she intends clerking in the new grocery of J. T. Lennox. Mr. Elliott, who purchased the Smith farm, is at present moving in. We believe he will feel at home, as he was born on this farm. John Higgins of Hannah, N. Dak., who has spent the winter with his brother and friends here, returned to his home in the West last week, The Misses Ritchie and Smith visit- ed over Sunday with their friend Mrs. D. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wadel of White- church, visited at Mr. Robert Hamil- ton's on Sunday. Mr. Ed, Barnard of Wroxeter, has bought Mrs, Ed. Mulligan's farm, and moved to it last•Wednesday. Mr. Jas. Wright is gradually grow- ing weaker, but we hope he may be restored to bis usual good health once more. The second debate• was held on Fri- day evening in connection with the Young People's Society. Subject ; "Resolved that Canada has a brighter future than the United States." Neg- ative side was taken by Miss Rae Moses and Mr. Leonard Ruttan ; the affirmative by Miss Berva Bryans and Mr. D. -A. McDonald. Discussion was excellent on both sides ; decision in favor of the negative. Don't Miss Christie's This Week PHONE 59 J. Henry Christie alsimmenramimonviswimees Plumbing and Heating Is no experiment with us— let us figure on your work. Our New Paint Jlas arrived. Try it—none better. $1,60 a gallon. W. J. ROYCE Stone Bleck "Viiit►gliatlli liolyrood. "ry Farmers are preparing for spring work. Gillles Haines syent Sunday with friends at Fordyce. Bert. Edgar of Riversdale spent last week with (Sillies Baines. Thos. Carson gave a number of his friends a party on Monday night. Miss, Minnie Beaton of Lucknow is dress -making in the neighborhood. Mr. andMrs. Ackert spent a couple of days with Mrs, A's parents at Ethel last week, Mr. S. Statters conducted service here in the Methodist Church on Sun- day night. Miss Facey of London has returned home, after spending a few weeks with relatives Here. Bluevale. Pure Seeds.—A\I'DE'S, Wingham, Harry Chamberlain has been on the sick list. John Harbottle spent Sunday with Brussels friends. Revival meetings are being held here in connection with the Epworth League. Walter Huggins bas left here, and is living with his father-in-law, but soon intends going west as a car in- spector. On Friday last, a number of the members and friends of the Methodist Church assembled at the parsonage with their baskets. They spent a very enjoyable evening, and ere they de- parted left Rev. J. W. Andrews, their pastor, one hundred bushels of oats. It was a kind and thoughtful act Miss Macpherson Wishes to announce to the ladies of Wingham and vioinity that she will be ready to show all the latest styles in Millinery on Thursday, Marsh 25th. Thanking the ladies for their past favors and hoping for a continuance of the same, all aro cordially invited to call and in - spent, the stock. Having secnred the services of Miss Sharpe of Acton, a lady of both Town and City exper- ience, she is prepared to guaran- tee satisfaction to all favoring her with their esteemed orders dew Grocery T wish to inform the people of Wingham and vicinity that I have opened up in the prem- ises lately occupied by A. W. Webster with a stock of iROCER1ES CROCKERY - and CONFECTIONERY e have been The premises a'v conveniently fitted up, and I hope by keeping goods of the Pint Quality and by giving Good Values, to merit. a share of the public pat- ronage. JITINNO ��ws~ww�r�4 COMPLETE !I The above word applies to Our NEW ermuCI STOOK, and when we say OOMPL'ST3i we mean that our stock is EQUAL TO, 1(It' NOT SURPASSING, ANYTHING EVER SHOWN IN WING. HAM. BEAUTIFUL GOODS---Iil(. VARIETY --.LOWEST PRICES; and the best of all is NO OLD STOOK, NO DEM) TIMf3lat. EVERYTHING NEW,. OLEAN' .AND FRESH. OUR. 1.4E1 ADERS The Victoria Shoe for Ladies. The Albert Shoe for Men. The Astoria Shoe for Men. Highest trade prices for Batter and' Eggs. Kindly bring Butter in pound prints. WILLIS & CO. Sole Agents for "Victoria" Shoes for Ladies, "Albert" and "Astoria" Shoes for Men. :s r .+`. -.•i r. w-..} :,r., e,,--:;Y.t<h:.rr' .:K:. ." •},A l&zzet9 Va:ks &mit XN,x‘o, . • szatistssesatuotwactstuamsa Xkss 11,,e1.1nok&s _ Invites the Ladies to attend the formal opening of her New Millinery Department, on Vwcs&n, 'Uareh Vtxe 2,5% AND TWO FOLLOWING DAYS OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL TEN P. M. • SUCCESSOR TO MISS BOYD - . ... • w.... �•. .. {. o -a•<' o "'.,rs.- 'six.:} d,x: :?S:ti:e,�..:-i' ';! e, r�'c C......"1=.5". ti ti .r — — — — — — We Wish To Announce The Opening Of The Model Jewelry Store And Optical Parlor With an Ideal Stock—New Methods --New Fixtures—and Lowest Priees. Strictly Business Principles. 'Everything Tip -to -date. After twenty-five years' experience in t'io Watch and Jewelry business, we have made Viringham our choioo as offering an excellent Meld for a successful business. We feel thoroughly capable of securing your confidence, and to be able to supply your demand. A. hearty invitation is extended to all to call and inspect our stock. 00010 in land look around and see for yourself, and while we hope to have your patron- age, there will be no obtrusive attention thrust upon you, or requests to buy. We consider the compliment is entirely to us if you call, and if at any time you require such goods as we carry, we sincerely hope to be favored with orders for your needs. Yours Very Sincerely J. E. McIntosh T. A. McIntosh