HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-03-18, Page 4THE WINGHAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 190. • '• 'ea „fir i GET OUT i "VAMOOSE !" MODE 1 IN Ye Srnashers of Prices. x'1 6 ENE • Ordered Out by n� Ist. It will take a day or two to pack up a few odds and ends, there= fore we close the store Saturday, March 27th. the HANNA STOCK opens Satur ay ti ext, March 2 th when the Crazy Prices will prevail. MINCIIMSNIZIMMIZOIRIIIIMINOMEETZAIN=3., RPM RED TAGS FAIRLY SHOUT THE PRICES A week of Bargain Feasting—the last week—you will remember, it all your days. Come with the Crowds. The Robson Mercantile Co. • Wingham, Ont. - r� li>• l r u� ...r t - z>. t•=f :.t C', —Of the 22,000 miles of railway in the Dominion, Ontario has " nearly 8,000 miles. Quebec comes next with 8,573 miles, and Manitoba a close third with 3,110 miles. • —Hon. Mr. Graham has introduced a resolution providing for the setting apart of a fund of $1,000,000, to be ex- pended at the rate of $200,000 a year, for the elimination of the Ievel cross- ing danger. This money is to be ex- pended under the authority of the Railway Commission, It is proposed that, the Provinces and municipalities shall also contribute to the cost. The railways will also be .expected to bear part of the burden, Not much can be accomplished for $200,000 a year, but it is a step forward in the right direc- tion. Lost Energy Restored by Psyehine, Mr. Geo. Pratt, of Clarkson,Ont., says : ac Pour years ago my soh ilbert was so run down, thin and emaciated, that we thought he was going into a de- cline and feared he would never pull through th3 severe cold of the winter months. The boy had no appetite and seeiwcd to have lost all energy and inter, est In life. He was altogether in terribly bad shape. MS condition caused us the gravest anxiety. 'erortunatcly I procured PSYCIIINE for him and this soon gave him a nevi/ lease of life. Itis really remarkable how rapidly this splendid medicine brought about a change. After taking one or two bottles he was hardly recognizable as the same youth. PSYCHINE effected a speedy cure and he was soon able to work about on the {arra agate. Today ho is a misuse young i'ellow,Audit' anything, rltrotiger than Ma brothers. Nothing in, tate Way of hard Work seoma to aifeot foal. I cannot sneak too highly of VSYClx1NY. It oertatnl7 Saved our boy and made a, man of hint." Prevents the children taking cold, wards off that terrible malady La Grippe and completely fortifies them against disease. It should always be us:d for colds, 'a rl a wesriness, Ions of a etite etc, p s y pp a p 't. A. S LOCUM1mIt bend to Or.. I.00 Ms L Spadina AVe.1 Tenoned. Sold by ell drug sloe and deafens, 500 and $1.00. • p it COs.,,/ seek lL Aed 0a tali)i —A new treaty bas been signed at Bangkok, Siam, which adds fifteen thousand square miles of Siam to the British Empire. The territory in- cludes three provinces. The Empire on which "the sun never sets" con- tinues to increase. British rule brings with it civilization, liberty and re- ligious freedom. —At this advanced stage of our civi- lization, nothing should be left undone that will prevent the ravages of dis- ease, It is estimated that at least 81,- 000 people die in Canada every year, and of these it is claimed that one- third die, while wage-earners, of pre- ventable diseases. In other words, eve are losing 27,000 lives that we should not lose. Placing the wage- earning ability at $1.000 annually, we are losing twenty-seven million dollars every year from preventable diseases, in addition to the expense that is in- separable from sickness. At least, such is the calculation of one statis- clan, —The Ottawa Citizen reports as fol. lows : "In the Commons, in reply to a question of Dr. Chisholm, the Minis- ter of Finance stated that it was not the intention of the government to increase the present rate of interest (3 per cent.) paid depositors in govern- ment savings banks. But Mr. Field- ing also added the important an- nouncement that he had embodied in his budget a scheme whereby deposi• tors could convert their savings into Dominion stock bearing interest at a higher rate than that now paid. In other words, it will, be possible for the people to secnre government bonds at a reasonable rate. A better incentive to saving among a large proportion of the Canadian people could not be de. vised, provided the rate of interest is attractive enough. There will always be too the moral Influence exerted by consciousness, that it is possible for any thrifty citizen to become, to a more or less degree, a national share- holder. Such a feeling must be favor- ably apparent nt in the o' rens and ad - van ement of the country." SPRING TERM PROM APRIL 1st. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Sve have a largo school, a high-grade school, with aplcndtd 'e uipment. In* etructors are exporieneer. Courses in Commercial, Shorthand and telegraphy departments Are thorough, np•tb.dato and practical Our graduates arc in demand as office assistants acid Bust• •teas Collego Toaohors. Write for our free catalogue, tinter at any Urine. ELLIOTT & 15ACt.AdliLAN reieee 'Attt —A bill has passed both houses of the Diet of Sweden, providing that hereafter all persons, without distinc- tion of sex, who shall have attained a designated age and fulfill other pre- scribed conditions, shall exercise the parliamentary franchise. This is the most notable triumph the woman's suffrage movement has .achieved any- where. • —It is claimed that Geo. S. Cove, a well-known Boston inventor, has per- fected an apparatus for storing the sun's rays and utilising the heat en- ergy thus developed to generate an electric current sufficiently brilliant to light bis workshops. In two days of sunshine the device generates and stores enough electricity to last six days. The machine can be built for $100. If this can be made a success, it will be among the greatest inventions of the age. —Attorney -General Foy's law re- form measure provides :—That appeals to the Privy Council be abolished, save where the matter in controversy exceeds $10,000 in value, or where the question involved affects rights of great magnitude, or 'where the liberty of the subject is involved. Also that the jurisdiction of countyand district courts be increased to allow the trial of actions under contract up to $800, and on personal actions, save criminal conversations or libel, up t,o $500, It also provides that solicitors and clients be allowed to enter into an agreement in advance for the payment of a fixed sum for services to be rendered. • A SURPRISED MINISTER. "For many years I have been a suf- ferer from bronchial catarrh, and had despaired of anything like a cure. Judge of my pleasant surprise when I first used Ayomei, which brought complete relief, llyomei has been a veritable godsend."—Rev. Chas. Hart- levySardinia Ohio, r housandsof catarrh sufferers have given up in despair. They have tried stomach dosing, snuff, sprays and douches Without success, and now be- lieve catarrh to be incurable. Bag. "'Walton McKibben, the dru - g1st, holds out hope to all distressed, I1Ie sells a remedy called Ilyoneel which is guaranteed for catarrh, colds, coughs, bronchitis, asthma and croup, iiyontei (pronounced High -o -ale) is medicated air, full of the healthy vir- tues of the mountain pines. You breathe in the delightful antiseptic air and as it ppasses over the inflamed and germ ridden membrane it allays the inflmmation, kills the getrne, and drives out the disease, A coneplete Hytneel outfit, Includiree a herd rubber inhaler, mats but $1,00, and an extra bottle of Ilyomei, if af- torsvards needed, ooete bra 50 scuts. See Mr. AloKibbotf about it today, —An order in council has been pass- ed at Ottawa prohibiting the exporta- tion of black bass, maskinonge and speckled trout from Ontario for five years. '—The report of the Minister of Rail- ways contains some suggestive statis- tics, The people of Canada have been exceedingly liberal with railways, having given them cash subsidies of over $185,000,000, besides 52,000,000 acres of land, and further have guar- anteed their bonds to nearly $59,000,- 000 more. It is said that this does not include the completed railway given over to the C. P. R. as bonus. On the line of taxation too, the railways have been favored, for while the rural municipalities in 1007 paid $0,820,000 in taxes, the railways paid $1,300,000, and yet the assessment of the rural municipalities is less than half the capital of the railways. It is pointed out also, that Michigan alone, with only one-third of the railway mileage of the Dominion, collected more than three times the railway tax that Can- ada did. It looks as if the railways did not pay their fair share of taxa- tion, How To Improve Health. No better way than to improve the blood, cleanse and enrich it, give it nourishment and strength. This can be quickly done by Dr. Hamilton's Pills which have a vitalizing, purify- ing effect that is unequalled 'in any other medicine. When lots of pure rich blood circulating to all parts of the body, with snap and vim running through every vein and artery, robust health is inevitable. No cleansing building tonic is as good as Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills. Sold by all dealers, ' Where The Money Went. A well known resident of Stayner had rather a peculiar experience re- cently, Having made some purchases he went to his till for the money, and found same had disappeared. On close examination he diseovered the nest of a mnnee lined with bills ftoxn ones to tens. It is needless to say that itrno t as the expensive a n ivenese w s et found In Stayner for neatly a day. His effusions Were totally different from those of the Poet Burns' when he upturned the mouse's nest as be plowed his Ayrshire garden in the 18th century. Do You Belch Gas This is a disagreeable result of food fermentation that Nerviline stops at once. Take ten drops of Nerviline in sweetened water. The stomach is warmed and eoothed, digestive g v trou- bles cozreeted the Hain }of gas ceases and you aro Well, When such a simple remedy does so ninth it is fool- ish to be without it. For indfgestlor, sour stomach, heartburn and sick hsadaehe you'll find nothing halt so effl(leet e,s I'oleon's Nerviline. Get a 250 bottle from your denier today. $levator Burned. On Morel's Gib, Clot ke . Ttannalz't3 elevator at Orangeville etatiori was buwnetl, together with 20,000. bushels of grain, very little .of wblob will be of much use. Have You. Coram ? There is but one painless cure--rPut- Ilarn's, Takesout the corn, root and branch—does it harmlessly in twenty- four hours, Insist on l?utnanz's Pain- less Corn Extractor only. Nearly Poisoned. Miss Jean Mundell, of Listowel, while visiting in Toronto last ww*eek,. h ld a rather narrow escape from death by ptomaine poisoning, While dining at the house of a friend she ate sortie canned tomatoes, and in a short time began to feel very 111, As it hap- pened the lady with whom Miss Mun- dell was visiting had just the week be- fore had a shriller experience after eating canned sardines, and as she had some of her medicine left, used it with such good effect that 111iss Mundell recovered after two or three days' rather severe illness. New Theory About Rheumatism. This disease is constitutional, caused by virus in the blood that circulates to all parts of the body, To euro you must use a constitutional treatment. Nothing so completely dispels the poison from the system as lserrozone. It purifies and renews the blood, clears it of every taint, The system is, vitali- zed and strengthened and thus en- abled to fight off threatened attacks. Not only does Ferrozone relieve at once, but it cures rheumatism, gout and lumbago permanently. Results guaranteed, 50c boxes at all dealers. Insurance Case. An interesting case was tried at Walkerton Assizes last week. In the matter of Kaake vs. West Wawanosh Fire Insurance Co. It was a dispute as to whether the barn of J. D. Kaake, near Kingax1, was destroyed, by light- ning or wind. The plaintiff sought to establish lightning as being respon- sible for the damage, in which case he would have been entitled to $950 fire insurance on the barn and contents. The Company were equally strenuous to confine the damage to the wind and thus exempt them from any lia- bility in the matter. Some twenty- three witnesses were called and a lot of expert evidence taken. Particular stress was laid on a cow which had been killed in the barn. The animal it seems was swollen, and burst a few hours after death, and began also to immediately decompose. This, the plaintiff claimed, was evid..ace of it having been struck by lightning, and Annus McDonald, veterinary surgeon of Tiverton, substantiated this theory. The defence, however, maintained that these symptoms might also appear if the cow was suddenly killed by the falling of the barn, especially as it was hot weather, which would quicken the decomposition of the cow. The fanning mill some distance from the cow was likewise said to have been hit by Iightniug, as part of it was scorched, This was the signal for an argument on the eccentricities of lightning, the , defence maintaining that owing to their different positions it was impossible for the same light- ning to hit both the fanning mill and cow. As three other barns in the immediate vicinity were blown down by the storm. and as Kaake was un- able to establish proof positive that his barn had been struck by lightning, the Jury returned a verdict in favor of the Insurance Company, and the action was dismissed with costs.— (Walkerton Times: A GOOD STOMACH Means Good Health, Cheerfulness, Ambition, Persistency and Success. Mi-o-na will cure your dyspopala or any other stomach trouble by building up the flabby walls and making the stomach so strong that it will digest food without pepsin or other artificial aid. In other words, Mi-o-na cures dys- pepsia by removing the cause. J. Walton McKibbon is the agent for Mi-o-na in Wingham and he says to every reader of the Advance whose stomach is weak, who has indigestion or dyspepsia, that Mi-o-na is guaran- teed to cure or money back. The price is only 50 ets. a large box, and one box is all you need to prove that y a on the right road to ouro g health and happiness. Mr. Geo. Linder of corner 11fill and Park streets, Elmira, Ont„ says : "For about ten years I have been severely troubled with stomach trouble and in- digestion so bad that I could not re- tain my food after eating. I Could not eat meat, or scarcely anything and had headaches and constipation. I secured a package of Mi-o-na with the result that now after baying taken two boxer, I am entirely cured and can eat anything, digest perfectly and am feeling fine. Mi-o•na also over- came my constipation. I am only too glad to publiely endorse and recom- mend Mi-o-na." Protection and Safe Investment �U Ann dOMnxnnn IDT The Endowment Policies The Dominion Life A sound, well managed Canadian Life Assurance Company. A er o rate of Tutoredd a a g earned in 1900-- 6.73 PER CENT. +- WALTER T. SIAM Looat :Alone s. %Institut. if you are suffering from, Catarrh or Cold i.i the head sod to the CUROL SALVE CO., Spadiaa Avg., Toronto, for a free trial of CUROL, It cores Catarrh and relieves a .cold in the head, sore throat of a tight chest like magic. Rub CUROL wellinto the parte affected and inbale the healing essences.. 25c a box of all Druggists sad Dealers. or postpaid from the proptietors on receipt of price. HEALING, SOOTHING. ANTISEPTIC. GREATEST Or HEALERS In spite of the hard times, the above amount of property has.been sold through our agency in the past few morello, which is au evidence that Ontario Real Estate bas a sound sabatautial value. There is no disguising the fact how- ever, that the West still bus attractions for many, and farms are being listed with us almost every day, because the owners desire to try their fortunes on the prairies, Many of these farms can be sold by as at what would have been oonsidered ri- dieulously low figures a few years ago, when the prices for farm products were much lower than at preeent. It will certainly pay any intending purchaser to give ns a call, as a half an hour in our office would be worth more to hioa than a week's driving about the country. Desirable town properties for sale. Money to loan on good farms, at low- est rates, .Insurance in all its branches. Twenty years experience and no un- settled or disputed claims. Ritchie & Conn REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE - WINGHAM LEAVE US YOUR NEXT -ORDER FOR GROCERIES FLOUR BREAD ORANGES LEMONS TEA and COFFEE' Coffee Fresh Ground while you wait. We carry nothing but the Best, and the Best at Lowest Prices. A Produce Wanted. alcolm's PHONE 54 llOEION BAKI HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Capital (paid up) - $3,976,000 Reserve (a',4 a vla- - ` $5,297,000 Total Assets, .over $48,000,000 WINGHAM BRANCH. Interest allowed on deposit of $1.00 and upwards. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts sold on all pointe in Can- ada, the United States and .Europe. The People's Popular Store Wingham, O nt. 1 I • Agents Ladies' Home Journal • — Agents Rome Journal Patterns SEEDS! SEEDS! SEEDS! It's time you were buying seeds for early planting. Our seeds for Spring aro all in stook, and it is the largest and best assorted stock that we have ever carried, Rental's New Seeds, (Flgwer and Vegetable) 2 pkgs. for 5o, or 25c a dee. Ferry's New Seeds, ., 'I " Oe a pkg., or 6 pkgs, for 25e May's Seeds, (Flower and Vegetable) 15 packages for 25o, We have catalogues from the moat reliable seed men in Canada, and can procure for you any seeds which they have in stock, at a lower price than you can by sending for Jhem yourself. See our catalogues for Seeds,. Shrubs, Plats and Bulbs. We guarantee price and prompt delivery. A v, GES and LEMONS NEW FRUIT. JUST ARRIVED. A tremendous cut in prices while they last. We secured a quantity of Choice New Lemons- and Orang- es, at a great reduction in price, and offer them to you at about one third lees than regular ;prices. Oranges, sweet, juicy fruit, reg. 40c a doz., for only 29c " [f " " reg. 30c ' d t 19c Lemons, new clean fruit, reg. 30c °i " " 19c '° d� 64reg.20c .O ii 0 14c mommessonseemazgonsocas New Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Splendid value in Fine Dongola Kid Boots for Women. A close cut price on Patent Colt for Men and Boys. Something nobby for Men in Tan Box Calf Blucher Oxfords. HOME MA E MAPLE SYRU WANTED—Choice, fat, dry picked Poultry. Turkeys 14e to 18c a lb., Chickens 12c to 15c a lb. Hens 8 to 10c a lb. Also large quantities of Butter, Eggs, White Beans, Green and Dried Apples. r.=..w°•.., �:_ rte„ x,,:r ....;.:u• ,f .:;:; D. T, HEPBURN, Manager It, Yanatone, Solicitor H SEE(S EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Trainsleav6Toronto 2.00 p.ni, on APRIL 5, 20 MAY 4,10 JOSE 1,15, 29 JULY 13, 27 AUG, 10, 24 SEPT, 7, 21 Second lass tickets from Ontario srations 16 principal Northwest paints at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Winnpeg and return 432.00) tdmonton and roturi, $42.50 and t6 other points ,a proportion. Tickets good to return within 60 days from going data, TOURIST SLEEPINGCARS ors all excursions. Comfortable berths, fully equipped with bedding( can be secured at moderato rates thmuh local silent. Early application Mustat bt; Suds ASK Fob! Hoestagnittf$' PaesPHLEt containing rates ind full tnforrnMlon. Apply to ntar Ef t`:. .R. Mettle toe. L. Thompson,. D15. Pas, Atft.. Toronr6. ONLY DIRECT Link: NO CHANGE OF GAPS J, H. 13eenxer, Agent, "`Winglltitli, ArennagagenZeneMagitra T. A. MILL5 WIN -GRAM Daily Arrivals of New SpringGoods • All the newest shades and patterns for Spring ♦� Suits, are to be obtained here, at the most reasonable prices. I a Wash GoOdS i i i O House Furnishings A. full range of New (}arpets, Linoleum, 011- cloths and Lace Curtains just arrived. Do not fail to see our array of Z ° New Spring Goods i � We are now unpacking the greatest selection Muslin; in sham and lin n effects to be of a , (� g s, e, shown in Wingham this season, suitable for Waists and Suits. Highest prices paid for all kinds of produce. Headquarters for i3utterick's fashions. .'hone 80. Mills 1