HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-03-11, Page 5The Greatest
Cut of the
Whole Year
All profits are sacrificed and a part of
the cost as well, to effect a quick
and complete clearance of our
Mediurn Wei ht
Our one object is to dispose of every one
of these Coats, and thus save the cost and
trouble of carrying them over to next fall.
Coats that sold during the season for
Far $15 0 $17.50, $18.00, $18.50, $19.00 and $21.00,
and were good value at, those prices.
FOP $10.00 Coats that sold originally for $15.00,
$16,50 and $17.00.
For$7,50 Coats at themthe seasonthforwere $10.50sold , $125O, andiddle $13.50of.
F or $6.00
Cats that were originally sold at $8.50,
$9.50 and $9.75.
McGee & Campbell
Clothiers and Men's Furnishers
A Singular Record,
To have attended 2700 funerals, and
to have missed attendio ehureh only
00 Sundays In 80 years, ie the singular
record of Air. Jas. A. Macpherson, bar-
rister of Kincardine.
Canadian Laws,
Canadian laws are respeeted because
they are enforced. The action of
Deputy Game Warden Colbeck of the
Soo in walking a hundred utiles on
snow -shoes in order to arrest a man
with venison in his possession is a'
commendable one. The offender was
fined $03 including costs.
A Peculiar Egg.
The Clifford Express reports that
AIr. Philip Bollinger discovered a
lien's egg which is a peculiarity. Up-
on the shell of the egg, characters are
stamped which form letters and fig-
ures. The capital letters, L 0. 0, D„
aro quite discernible, also figures 100,-
000. No doubt this means a fortune
for Philip, the genial owner of the hen
which is a black alinorea. •
Life Will Be Shortened.
Those who fail to observe the funds•
mental rules of health, especially
those who neglect consumption, will
have short lives. Costiveness ruins
health, destroys vitality, weakens the
blood, causes dyspepsia, nervousness
and insomnia. Why not use Dr.
Hamilton's Pills and be cured, Take
one or two pills before retiring and
yon are well next morning, no
headache and nausea when you use
Dr. Hamilton's Pills, they euro scienti-
fically. Positively the best laxative
known, 25c at all dealers.
To Register Eggs.
Poultrymen will welcome with de-
light an invention which registers the
number of eggs a hen lays. This de-
vice is in the form of a band which
fits over the hen's body. The expan-
sion of the body, produced by the
emission of the egg, causes the band
to spread and registers anumber. By
the register, owners may tell whether
the hen is eating her eggs or if they
are being stolen.
Change In Libel Law
The amendment to the libel law
promised to a deputation of Ontario
newspapermen by the Hon. J. J. Foy
is another striking example of the
fairness of the Whitney administra-
tion. During the few years the Whit-
ney Government has. been in power
more reforms have been carriedifflit
than during the whole of the Ross
regime. "What we .say, we'll do,"
seems to be the motto at the Legisla-
tive Hall in Toronto.
Are You Pale, Anaemic ?
Anaemia means colorless blood,
means languor, blanched lips, faded
cheeks. You grow dyspeptic, ner-
vous, suffer functional irregularity.
This condition can't exist if there is
plenty of healthy blood. Ferrozone
makes good blood, rich nutritious
blood, that's why it cures. In concen-
trated form Ferrozone contains cer-
tain rare qualities that render it un-
failing in anaemia, languor, poor color
and loss of weight. To build up, feel
young and vigorous, nothing is better
than Ferrozone. At all dealers in 50e
To Increase Exemptions.
In the Legislature, Mr. J. Torrance
(North Perth) has introduced a bill to
increase the exemption from taxation
from six hundred dollars to $800 on
non -householders, and from $1,000
to $1,200 on householders. Mr. Tor-
rance has received a number of resoln-
tions from railroad men in Stratford,
stating that they spent two or three
months in each year away from home
and they find it impossible to live on
less than $1,200 a year.
Do You Want These Books ?
Everyone thinking of going out
West should read the free booklets,
"Settlers' Guide" and "Western Can:
ada," published by the 0. P. R. They
contain a mine of information regard-
ing the Northwest, crop figures, lands
for sale, farming notes, good maps,
freight and passenger rates, and par-
ticulars of settlers' train service dur-
ing March and April. Apply at once
for copies to local agent or direct to
R. L. Thompson, District Passenger
Agent, 0. P. R., Toronto.
Beware Of Cocaine Medicines.
Thousands of drug fiends have been
started on their downward course
through catarrh snuffs containing this
habit forming. If you suffer from a
cold, sneezing or catarrh, don't use a
snuff, use a sensible treatrneut like Ca-
ta,rrhozone. It heals and soothes,
brings relief at once, cures thoroughly.
In bronchitis and throat trouble no
doctor can do better than prescribe
Catarrhozone. Try it, see what won-
ders it works, what power it possesses.
Different from the old way, you in-
hale Catarrhozone. Sold in 25c and $1
sizes by all dealers.
Horse Market In Bruce.
During the last three months the
Paisley horse buyers have been doing
an active and extensive business
among the farmers of that locality,
having shipped 14 carloads of 18 head
each, besides occasional smaller con-
signments. These animals averaged
$175 a head, which represents over
$44,000, distributed among the breed-
ers of the equine. These farmers have
been for several years breeding first-
class animals, which are always in
A .Big Green and Yellow
Ribbon Sale
First=Class Jewelry
W J. Patterson's
Worth of Watches, Clocks, Rings, Silverware and Jewelry
of all kinds. All must be sold regardless of
price. Sale closes Saturday, March 27.
The prices on the GREEN RIBBONS
are the Regular Prices
And the prices on the YELLOW RIB-
BONS are the Slaughter Prices
It Will pay the citizens of Wingham and surrounding
country to throw' away all their old Watches, Clocks,
&c., and come and get something good and up-to-date
at our Yellow Ribbon Prices.
Nothing llo y d to be taken out of the store
without the Spot Cash.
W. J. Patterson
The Great Watch Doctor; Wingham
Spring Suits, Overcoats,
Trousers, Etc.
Is the theme we bring to your noticeat this time, Some wise man
has said+ -"My on, get 'wisdom, and with all thy getting, get under.
standing," The wise than to -day says --"Get a New Snit or Over-
coat, and when you are getting, get it made to your order, in your
own town. where you know what ya>i are getting, acid that it is
genuine Tailor-made." That would be wiedom; that would be un-
derstanding. Our NEW SPRING GOODS have arrived, and it is
not exaggerating to any that they inolude the nicest lines we have
had for sone time, and at prioea correspendiug with the qualities
shown. Space will not allow us to go into details, but
and can snake them any sty to desired, We are dealings in strong
statements, but will back them up. We have yet to find the style
of garments we cannot duplicate. Although plaice, neat styles are
more in lino with strictly high-class tailoring this season, it is for
you to name your style—WE WILL MADE IT,
OUIt FURNISHING DEPARTMENT is filled with the newest
and best for Spriug and Summer in all lines.
We have also added a flrst•oless line of Jewelry,
Rot. Maxwell
Tailor and Furnisher For Men Who Care
Whitechurch Hardware
Store News.
Is there anything about your premises, inside or
out, that needs brightening up ? If so, we
have the stuff you need—
Sherwin-Williams Paints.
Plow Repairs Now is the time to look
p after Plow Repairs. Call
and tell us what you need, and if we haven't got
it, we'll get it -. . . . .... . . . . ....
The Purest and Best Place Your Orders Now
J. T. Holmes Whitechurch
The Store that stau.ds for BEST of everything in.
Stock. Best Assortment. Best Value.
.�^ Aka
'IN?. There is no Better
The result of years of prac-
tical experience in the design-
ing and manufacture of tissue
paper patterns, added town
intimate and comprehensive
knowledge of the qualities
most to be desired in a paper
New Idea Patterns are as
Iaccurate as it is possible for a
it paper pattern to be. The en-
tire process of their manufae-
if tore is in the hands of experts,
who spare no effort to pro-
duce a perfect pattern, by
which any woman with or-
dinary intelligence and skill
in needle -craft can fashion
garments that fit well, and
are distinctly up-to-the-min-
ute in style.
New Idea Patterns are sim-
pler to follow than any other
paper pattern on the market.
They contain no unnecessary
markings, and present no
complications for the embar-
rassment of the inexpert home
--MOST WOMEN—will buy
it in preference to all others,
when they know that they
can get A PERFECT PAT-
Most Unfortunate.
S..S. No. 5, Huron Tp., has been in
bard luck for two years. Diphtheria;
broke out two years ago and the
school has been closed and reopened
several times by reason of recurrences
of the disease. The books and library
bad to be destroyed ; the seats even
were destroyed ; the place fumigated
and everything possible done to pre-
vent the disease breaking out again,
but every time the school opened the
disease 'would break out, Two deaths
have occurred from it but of 83 cases.
On Wednesday, the ratepayers in the
section met and decided on the recon,
tnendntion of the Medical Health 0f -
Beer to close the sehool again, A
motion was also passed asking t hat a
Provincial health officer be brought
As Unexpected As Burglars.
That's the way cramps come, strike
without warning. Nothing so sure to
instantly relieve as Nerviline, just a
few drops in sweetened water is all
that's required to stop the pain. Poi-
son's Nervilino is a true comfort to
every family, for stotnach and bowel
derangements it is absolutely specific,
Guaranteed to have at least five times
the strength of any other pain. reliev
ing niedictne, perfectly safe, pleasant
and useful for external pains tno, For
a reliable household m.edieine-case
1.Nterviline supplies all that's necessary,
Large 25o bottle Sold, everywhere.
If you ask, you can have a package of
seed of this marvellous Russian Giant
Lettuce included absolutely free with our
new handsomely Illustrated 1909 Cata-
logue, Tbis lettuce is nearly as large and
solid as a cabbage, Stands hot weather
surprisingly well, and has a rich, buttery
flavor.. If you prefer, you may choose a
package of our Colossal White Sugar
Beet orapackage of Ostrich Feather Aster
Write today and name your choice, also
mention name of this paper.
Seeds of this marvellous Russian Gant Lettuce Darch & Hunter seed Co., Limited,
aro given away free London, Ont.
The W. R. Thompson Co.'s new saw-
mill was put in operation last week.
Drs. M. H. and Ernest Gillies were
called to Wingham on Friday to assist
at a delicate surgical operation per.
formed at the hospital.
At a recent meeting of the Tees -
water Methodist Church Quarterly
Board, by unanimous vote, Rev. R. S.
Baker was requested to remain as
their pastor for another year.
Messrs .john and James L. MoDon-
ald left last week for Toronto where
they have invested in a grocery busi-
ness. The stand is north on Yonge St,
and is known as The Rosedale Gro-
Mr. P, II. McKenzie, though defeat-
ed for re-election to the House of
Commons, is still to have a hand in
the affairs of the country. He was at,
Ottawa at the opening of Parliament,
and is now on his way to Scotland on
a government mission. He has been
appointed to some once in connection
with immigration work. His field is
the south of Scotland and for three
months he will have headquarters at
There is nothing so deadly la its operation as Blood Polson and yet how subtly
and ilnsuspeetinm
g it co
meeces its work, First a tiny scratch or wound, not
enough to c ez land attention. Then a little redness followed by a tiny red
streak which rapidly broadens and travels upwards. The doctor h called in. The
iwouud is lanced, but in elite caset A necessary in order to Ave lite talc othe f patientification hat set in and amputation
Himont Bartlett, of 81 Northern Place 'Toronto, just escaped this. Iia had a terrible
ergot This is his story: --"I ncoldont Illy knocked the Joint of my finger and it turned to
blood ��poison. .I tried lots of remedies but th o Mand got vror.o. Htuaily l secured at maple
of CUROL. This did so much good that I bought a 25o bin aud in five dal a till wound
was doing nicely and finally heated. Had I'aged CUROL earlier it would baro saved inc
a lot of suffering. I certainly advise everyone Louse CUROL for all sores and injuries."
A cut, wound, or sore s6.outd 6e treated at once with CUROL. It Is a weft•
detful salve, Healing, Soothing and Antiseptic, it touches the spot every tim:. A
popular remedy at a popular price. All druggists and stores
s.11 it, 25c per bat, or sent on receipt of price by the CUROL
SALVE CO., Spadtna Ave., Toronto. Don't pay lAg prices
when' you fan get the best toe 2$c.
SAMPLE 1! R ret
Send Coupon wit h
name an•i adrtrt'as to
Cnrol Co.. 'Toronto,
who will send you a
i'iu li ruLsL.-=li.B.
CUROL titres
Running Sores,
33nd Logs,
Poisoned And
tVounds, Cots,
Burns 9.•alde,
and nil Macro tea
or open wounds
or soros. 25o bole.
Let us tell you more about it.
H. E. Isard & Co. = Wingha
4 ma maao•a4exC- - �•rt•.O�. S.1a�Jf dCQ'Y+t YQI,,. `^'S.
Head Office, Hamilton.
A Birthday Fund has been
started by many parents
to provide a start in life
for their children when
reaching tWentynone.
AN excellent means . of providing a son or a daughter with
a good start on life's journey when they come of age,
is to open a Birthday Savings Bank account in the
child's name. Each birthday deposit a sum . to their credit,
equal to their years—at five years, $5.00, and at ten years $Io.00.
These sums, ,with interest, will amount in twenty-one years
to quite a substantial sum—especially if the child is encouraged
to deposit its pocket money in the same fund.
At twenty-one, turn the control of the account over to the
son or daughter. It will either provide a start in life, or form
an incentive for further steady accumulation, that will make for
success and a competence for old age.
The growing Bank Account is a valuable object lesson, and
the child will generally make effort to add to the sum as .it
watches it grow. Children thus start life with a good founda-
tion laid for success and prosperity.
THE BANK OF HAMILTON specially invites these
Birthday Fund Savings Accounts, and provides every facility and
convenience for their opening and operation, under the control
of either or both, parents.
G. P. SMITH, Agent Wingham
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