The Wingham Advance, 1909-03-11, Page 44 The Hanna Stock In all the 'history of Western Ontario was there an opportunity offered you to buy Dry Goods, Clothing and Furs at the prices we quote you. Crowded to the Doors i Every day last week we had a grand business—we sold more goods than we did the first week, and we will contin- ue to sell them at The Lowest Prices on Earth Why not? Just think of a comparative- ly new stock bought at a ridiculous . price for easel, and only a short time to clear it all out. Some Special bargains Just placed into stock, some lines we were short of—bought them at almost a Hanna price. Buy them -now when you, get the chance. Women's Embroidered Hose 25 dozen of a maker's over stock, made of good cashmere, black, beautifully em- broidered, with two designs in blue, white, and red; 35c values for 19c. Children's Pure Cashmere Hose Special lot of 25 dozen, sizes from 5 to 8 inches, pure wool, full shaped, soft and good; regular price 35c and 45c; bargain price, any size, 25e. 27 Inch Japanese Taffeta Silk i 5 pieces of splendid, bright, perfect, wide width Taffeta finished Japanese silk, in Ivory and Cream only --goods that always s^11 at 50c, a yd.; while they last for 33c per yard. Ri etnnants White , and Stripe Flannelette 1 Another case of mill ends of Flannelettes in yard wide stripe and in white Saxony Flannelette. At a Big Bargain. Balance of our Furs at NextmtoftNothing Prices Colne and be convinced that the bar. gains are here for you, i THE "IMAM A 'V A NC Brti els, Monthly Iroise Fate on .April 1st. Mrs. Duncan McCallum and son0. have purchased the floc 200 -acre farm. from Rd. Lear, of Ilullett Tp„ paying $12,000 for came, The Metropolitan Bank stair.nmoved into their newly outfitted premises on Monday and are now nicely settled in their fine quarters. It is said that Alfred Backer has purchased the eligible building lot on Turnberry street from Jas. Thnell and may build a new residence next year. The probabilities are that the ro- posal to erect a new church by Mel- ville church congregation will not be consummated than year, but may be undertaken at a later period. Monday evening at the monthly meeting of Brussels Orange Lodge No. 774, under the head of the order of business, good and welfare, ,Dr. M. 3, Moore arose and read an address from the brethren while S, T. Plum presented Rev, II. M. Lang -Ford with a beautiful gold headed cane, suitably engraved, expressing the good wishes of the brethren and regrets at his ex- pected removal for his new field of labor in the town of Listowel. Mrs. Robt. McKay, an old resident of the 8th con., Grey, will be 80 years of age on May 1st. Although her eye- sight is not at all good, from cataracts, one eye only being of service, she made a quilt with over 4000 patches inside of six months, The industry she practiced so many years seems to be so inwrought that it has become a part of her make-up. Thursday evening :of last week the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter, John St„ Brussels, was an occasion of joy and gladness when the members of the family gathered, once more around the family fireside and duty celebrated the golden anniversary of father and mother. From the absent members, who through unavoidable causes could not be present, came letters of con- gratulations. The wedding dinner be- ing disposed of, the oldest member of the family, Mrs. W. H. Peter of Her - vie, took advantage of the situation and surprised the groom and bride of fifty years, by reading an appropriate address, while the baby daughter, Miss Clara, of Clinton, presented Mrs. Hunter with a full set of Austrian China dishes, inlaid with gold, and Mr. Hunter with a gold headed cane, suitably inscribed, as a token of appre- ciation from the family of the notable event, Beware Of Substitutes 1 Greedy dealers endeavor to pan off, substitute for Putnam's Corn Extrac- tar. Insist on Putnam's only, it cures corns and warts thoroughly. The imitation may fail, Over Twelve Million Dollars. Frank Kress of Kalamazoo, Mich., has accomplished a sale of a colt at the highest price on record. The deal originated in a wager regarding the weight of the colt, and it was placed by Mr. Ehrmann at 1,160 lbs. !Cress said that the colt would weigh more, and a contract was concluded by the terms of which, when the colt was weighed, should he' not weigh more than the 1,160 lbs. he was to become the property of Ehrruann for nothing, Should he weigh more than this amount he was to be bought by Ehr- mann at one bean for the first pound of his weight, and this to be succes- sively doubled for each pound.. The horse weighed even 1,200 IN, and the price according to careful estimates would be $12,500,000. ASKS U8. TO PR NI To relieve the worst forms of 'theta matisUrt, take a teaspoonful of the fol- lowing mixture after.' each. ureal and at bedtime Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce ;, (Jompoend Keegan, one ounce; Compound Syrup $.irsaparilla, three ounces. These harmless ingredients can be obtained fronri our home druggists, and are easily mixed by shaking them well in a bottle. Relief is generally felt from the first few doses. This prescription forces the clogged- up, inactive kidneys to filter and strain front the blood the poisonous waste matter and urie acid, which causes Rheumatism. As Rheumatism is not only the most dsinful end torturous disease, but angerous to life, this simple recipe will no doubt be greatly valued by many sufferers here at home, who should at once prepare the mixtureto. get this relief. It is said that a person who would take this prescription regularly, a dose or two daily, or even a few tithes a week, would never have serious Kid- ney or Urinary disorders, or Rheum. - Out this out and preserve it. Good Rheuniatistn prescriptions which real- ly relieve are scarce, indeed, and when you need it, you want it badly. A Freak Lamb. Mr. Thos, JY. Mighton, of near Dur- ham, brought a curiosity into that town on Monday of last week in the shape of a freak lamb, born on his farm the previous day. The freak of nature which, at first glance,; appears to be only the hind quarter of a good. sized Iamb, has but one limb visible, and is entirely without a head, though the last named member, as well as the various joints and muscles can be dis- tinctly felt through the covering of skin and wool that envelopes the whole. It is decidedly one of the freakiest pieces of nature ever seen and the astonishing part of the whole affair is that the lamb was living when born, and though there was no apparent aperture in the covering that enveloped the whole body through which the animal could breathe, it lived for several minutes, WHAT BEAUTIFUL HAIR 1 How often do we hear that excla- mation of a certain woman's hair or a certain man's hair. A. prominent scientist and hair spe- cialist emphatically states, and leas proven, that any man or woman can have luxuriant, lustrous hair, by using a famous prescription called Parisian Sage. Parisian Sage is now made and sold in Canada. J. Walton Mellibbon, the druggist, is the agent in Wingham, and the readers of the Advance can buy from him for only 50 cents a large bottle. Mr. McKibben knows that Parisian Sage will beautify the hair, cure dan- druff and stop falling hair, and for that reason he sells it under a guaran- tee to eure or money back, If you cannot obtain Parisian Sage where you live, you can et a bottle for 50 ets, from Giroux Mfg. Co„ Fort Erie, Ont., express charges peepaid. Alberta Elections. The Provincial elections for Alberta are to take place this month, nomina- tions being' fixed for the 15th and poll- ing for the 22nd, The Opposition is protesting against the short notice allowed, and say that an attempt is being made to obtain a snatch verdict. Look as young as you are, Don't allow .r -worry lines to ere.. him Avoid them by /Eq. eplu r your ner- vous system an + digestive organs in perfect c t clition with Vino!. VINOL repairs waste nerve tis- sue, and .builds up strew= . Vino' is a Cod Liver and iron Tonle. It contains pelptoiate of iron. and all et the medicinal body-building prop- erties rop .erties of Cad Liver Oil -- without the olio Vinoi tastes good and agrees with, the weakest stomach. ANAEMIA Is ai complaint peculiar to wo- men. It follows on indoor occu- pation -- Impure air — insuffi- eietat nourishment. Vhiol is a wonderful blood tonic — it en- riches the blood and gives one a good ]healthy color. RUN-DOWN Conalt1Ans are the result of itt Sufficient nourishing food, in- digestion, worry, or overwork Of the brain or body. Vinci is the Most successful • rentealy known. It cures Indigestion, purifies and enriches the blood and creates stsefgth. V NERVOUSNESS is caused by overwork, indiglese tion, or a run-down condition of the blood. Viuoi is an ideal nerve tonic, it tones up the organs of digestion, enriches the blood aild makes strong, steady nerves. SLEEPLESSNESS is tensed by nerve troubles and et weakened conditions of the system. If you are fidgety, restlless, toss about, and cannot sleep nights, V i to o I will • strengthen and invigorate the entire nerve system ttnd give refreshing, resift* sleep. VINOL QUICKLY CURES A COLD AND STOPS A COWIN Taken TO Asylum. The Lucknow klentinel says to Arsila, Nicholson, an unfortunate young matt who was brought back to his home in Luc a w k ao from the North Country in a helpleee condition, having lost both feet and parts of both hunch; by buying theca frozen, was taken to. the London Asyluin for the insane, last 'rtittreday. His terrible sufi'eringsand subsequent Iaalpplees condition have affected his mind, and of late his con- dition has become steadily worse, and for several weeks past it has been ne- cessary to have hien constantly guard- ed, It is a very sac' ease. Felice Force Organization. The latest rumor revives the story .'hut a Piovinoial police force will be installed throughout Ontario. In ad- dition. to the pursuit of eriminais, its duties will include the enforcement of the liquor laws, the stamping outof disorderly houses, and the suppression of petty thieving. An unofficial re- port indicates the scheme which nosy be adopted. The Attoimcy-General will be at the head of the system, while immediately under hire will be the chief executive oilieer, who will be known as the "General Superinten- dent of the Ontario Provincial 'Police," Under the latter will be two divisional superintendents, one for Northern and the other for Southern Ontario. Act- ing in co-operation with the head office in the Parliament Buildings will likely be a staff of criminal inspeetore, whose work will correspond to that now done by Provincial detectives. The police force, proper, will be corn - posed of sergeants and constables op- erating from each county town, The men will be paid probably by straight salaries, thereby abolishing fees and commissions. It is understood that the scitene has the approval of the Ontario Government, although 'lion. J. J, Foy, Attorney -General, is not prepared to make an official statement concerning it, FOUR MONEY `)ACS W VINOL %'AILS TO HELP ' .01.1 J. Walton Mckibbon Druggist w Wiagha �� And. at the Loading Drug eters in eyed Teant end City I d, 111 Beemolr, Agent, wittghtrtxi, ." For three weeks I actually had to be fed like one feeds n baby, because my hands and -arms were so covered with eczema that they had to be bound up all the trine," That is the experience of Miss Violet M. Mcsorley, of 75, Gore Street, Sault Ste, Marie. She adds : " I could not hold spoon nor fork. From finger tips to elbows the dreaded disease spread, my finger nails came off and my flesh was one raw mass. The itching and the pain were almost excruciating. I had three months of this torture and at one time amputation was discussed." "Zam-Bak alone saved my hands and arms. I persevered with h and in the end had my reward. To -day, I ata cured wmpletely of every trace of the dreaded eczema, and I fervently hope that sufferers from skin disease may know of my case and the miracle Zam-Buk has worked." Zam-Buk is without equal for eczema, ringworm, ulcers, abscesses, piles, cracked hands, cold sores,chapped places, and all skin injuries and diseases, Druggists and stores at 5o cents a box, or post free from Zatn-Buk Co., Toronto, for same pace. You are warned against dangerous substitutes sometimes offered as "just as good." $ai, 000 In spite of the hard times, the above amount of property hits been sold through our agency in the past few months, whloli is au evidence that Ontario Beal Estate has a sound substantial value, There is no disguising the foot how- ever, that the West stilt has attraotions for many, and farms are being iisted with us almost every day, because the owners desire to try their fortunes an the prairies. Many of theee farms can he sold by us at what would have been considered ri. dieuleusly Iow figures a few years ago, when the prices for farm products were much lower than at present. It will certainly pay any intending purchaser to give us a call, as a half an hour in our office would be worth more to him than a week's driving about the country. Desirable town properties for sale. Money to loan on good fame, at low- est rates. lnsuranee.hi alt its branches. Twenty years experience and no nu - settled or disputed claims. REALRitchie Cosens ESTATE •I T SA � AND INSURANCE - WINGIIAM LEAVE US YOUR NEXT ORDER FOR GROCERIES FLOUR .BREAD ORANGES LEMONS TEA and COFFEE Coffee Fresh Ground while you wait. We carry nothing but the Best, and the Best at Lowest Prices. Produce Wanted. alcoim's PHONE 54 MAKE MONEY Selling Pelham's Peerless Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, etc., during the winter months: We offer you steady and profitable employment in your own district at good pay. We have over 600 sores of choice nursery stock' which you will sell direct to your customers. No diseased or dried out American stook supplied, Established over 80 years.. Write now for par- ticulars. PELHAM NURSERY 00., Toronto, Ont. Protection and Safe Investment. AMR COMBINED re The Endowment Policies —OF— The Dominion Life A sound, well managed Canadian Life Assurance Company. Average rate of Interest earned in 1906— 6.73 PER CENT. WALTER T. BALL Local Agent — wingham. SETTLERS' TRAINS To,- MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Hy Catiradia» pacific direct line .Ver Settlers travelling With livestock and ot?eett Special Trains Valk hoe 'rotate Each TUESDAY at MARCO sad APRIL. at 10.1a v.txi. Settlers and 1'emilles Without livestock Re4ularTirans leaving Toronto 10,11) pail. dada+ 'I'otirlst Sleeping Cara Pastost Time COLONIST CAltS ON ALL ,ritA1NS No l hersie Lor Berth* Low Colonist Hates Only Through Service to the West Apply totaled agent for tuil infori»ationt tad trio copy 01 '•Sett els' Guido" :er Write R, Thompson, A.P,A, 0,P,11., Toronto CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. This school stands in the forefront at the largest and bast praotioal training school in western Ontario. we have three departments : COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY.All departments are In charge of ex- perienced instructors and the courses are thorough and practical. Our gradu. ates secure good positions. Students are entering every week. Write for our free catalogue at once. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN PRINCIPAL* A GREAT SCHOOL! GREAT IN REPUTATION, RESULTS, INFLU- ENCE AND TIIOROUGHNBSs. NOW IS THE TIME TO ENTER THE POPULAR ELLIOTT6,:b UQ. ffedd' TOR'QNTO, ONT. And prepare for profitable employment. Oyu GRADUATES itEAtILX OBTAIN . 000D pommies. Our Handsome Catalogue is free. write for one to -day. Students admitted at any time. College open the entire year. W. J. ELLIOTT PRINCIPAL, Cor. Y•onge & Alexander Ste. BOIION BANK. HEAD OXVI0E, TORONTO. Capital (paid up) - $3,976,000 Reserve (aij MIT- • $5,297,000 Total Assets, over $45,000,000 WINGHAM BRANCH. Interest nliorvtad on deposit of $1.00 and upwards. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts villtl on all points In Clan- Lida, the United States and Europe. ' D, V. 11EPBt 1111, Ingot lta'taliebtttte, iloftetter The People's Popuia.r Store Wingham, Ont. Agents Ladies' Horne Journal — 1 Agents Boma Journal Patterns READ OUR STORE NEWS CAREFULLY THIS WEEK. THERE 15 MONEY INIT FOR YOU. FRESH GROCERIES 1. BIG VALUES. Choice Variety of Sweet Biscuits, 10c a lb. or 3 lbs. for 20c Canned Tomatoes, 3 for25c Canned Corn, 3 for ,...25c Canned Peas, 3 for.........25.e Canned Pork and Beans, 3 lb.. tin, 3 for 25c Canned String Beans, 3 for 25c Gallon Tin Apples, each...25c Canned Pears, per tin 100 Canned Plums, er ,1.00 Canned Pineapple, per tin..l0c Prunes; email, 4 lbs. for....25c Prunes, large, 2 I a ...25c Evaporated Apricots, 2 lbs. for..., 053 Cooking Figs, small, 8 lbs.26c et ee large, 4 rt .25c Choice Table Figs, pkg....l0c Choice New Dates, 4 lbe.,.26c Choice " " 3 pkgs..25e Orange Marmalade, home made. Canned Finnan Haddie 100 Canned -Fresh Herring 10o Pure Honey, Clarified 100 Condensed Milk, per tin 15c Self Rising Buckwheat Flour for Pancakes, Home-made Maple Syrup. A Dish you may enjoy now any day. GREAT BARGAINS --IN-- ngiy Goods & Gents' Furnishings Men's Tweed. Suits ; New Goods- ; Correa. Styles ; Regular price $7.00 -- Our Special Price $4.99 Men's Hook -On Teck Ties. Nbwest shapes and colors. All new goods. Reg. price, 25o eaoh—Oar Special Price, 15e. ',furry Up --We have only 6 dozen of those Ties for sale at above prices. Hook -On Bow Ties. Vary ns at, nobby Ties for men or women. All the newest shades. Only 6 dczen on sale -- move quick if yon want any. Regular prioe 15o to 200 each— Cur Special' Price, 10o. Or 8 for 25 cents. Quilt Patches, Good quality Print, Gingham and Chambray. No waste. No cutting. Price per lb., only 20c. Pears Buttons 5c Doz. 250 doz Pearl Buttons, reg. loo per doz. Special Price, So dozen, any size. Or 6 dozen for 25o, assorted sizes. Fancy Art Sateens. 100 Mecca in yard lengths, very Pretty patterns, now designs. Worth 200 to 30e a yard. Your choice while they last for 5o eaoh. WANTED—Butter, Eggs, Beans, Dried Apples, Green Apples, etc. Big prices paid for Choice Poultry. T. A. MILLS VtiINGrHAM • ..:. w ..r. �,�. s .• ., i Daily Arrivals of New ' Spr ill g Goods 1 ._ I A11 the newest shades anda rn for Spring rte s o Sp g 8 Suits, are to be obtained here, at the most g reasonable prices. a 4/ Wash Goods We are now unpacking the greatest selection of Muslim, Gingham, and linen effects to be shown in Winghaln this season, suitable for IWaists and Suite. ssh.. r A ngs A. frill range of New Carpets, Linoleum, Olt- g cloths artd Lace Curtains jam arrived. Do not fail to see otir array of New Spring Goods House Furnishings Highest prices paid. for all, kinds of produce. headquarters for . 3utterich's fashions, Phone 89.