HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-03-11, Page 2� - " .1 I- ­ -_ ­­ 1111-11- ­ -1. 11.1 � 1. .111, I . � I—- ­ .11 .11.�l-.�---.�.,�-11--�.�,,�,.-,--",-,-,-.,-,—,--�', ,I . I . �� **,� c',Al'ftVtVr 43 tAQ 090WIM0 W4044 �Of I � - I Is' 104,04 80s bitt(tr, 11 I'V I r A,— I - . . OrW RQ WtCke � 1'rar. K, 19-N. 40. Plit them 411 (QrtU . 1. , 9$ to MO.; CRK%, 940. N 4 , R, ,�, I I . 6\ I �k Q` A � �Tre (lid (1114 �X orifelt tro atw4* L t4 . - 11 �. � I - 04014 1 � 11 J4 yllle.- T444 lilArkot tip -day was, Nvill 0,04 Ili this nlutter� Ao #ut *M , YWY largely 4ttQA4*4, but thwe Iyag , forth that lie nilu U 110 D.O.'awgr4eil or 4. W UP . 11 11416 01411RIR ill, PrI904'690opt in, Alto I hindere<A by t4leir lamootat,tiim ond utt� - - .. liggs, w.111011 AilviiioW from $0,10, , to , � I I L - UW .. I b0lef, 'Xibitba, arlse--Durlog hfipra.y- � 1(1,76; dressed hogs scarce at $9.40 to , I . I . 11 I or tit, nudoubte(Ily felt wisure,il that Ae .... 11 � . 0.0% bay, plentifill At Ali AVOrtlge of . :�ROON Xi.-MAROH 14, 1909, would be raised when lie 41imild sin,40t TORONTO MAR. - I 0 $12" aled ha,y, $13 to $14, st.-aw, 40%Tu this lvord to. her lifeless forin. Ile said to ,$$ too) oAts, ,DOC; potAtogs, 7v to $oil Aenea3 and Dorcas. -Acts Q'� 01,43, tll"�'o Nvol'ds'lll &141ls' 1141116. 8110 sat lip FAUMU119*1 AIAR ET. ba� to � and, of ercellent quAlIty; butter, 20 (10miamitaly. --I. '1310 Jivo,spqVity of th-1- - -Tha Itillattelle-ois of th,tnil JA a Atrol)off The offerizigA of grain were small, ow, So; fl,egh, eggs, 20 to 200, poultry$ i 4Z� Aquillent In Support of the AtV)e1luIllk%llQs4 Ing to bad roads. One load of goose high; no Change In hide prices. 04111 tit 6% 43144". IV, �. ­ I he, -clitivoll (11, V.) of flip Jjarr,ttiv&. %rh (*a t sold At $1,0�* 000 bushelt,t of bar, Owelt Souud,-J�Irodueo is 11ormat 14 . � --Tho refevence bere is to t114 whole 41. Preiented her allytr-In the Plan- ley At 62c, And 300 bushels of oats At supply, with a t�elldcncy towardl lower IlQdy of cll*itlails, Uot to t1w varlults , . per Of lierforining the ni,fracler :Veter foi- su� per bu . l 0. . shel. prices. Butter, 20 to gZo; Vg1j it tR congr�gatlou% gad...I-est-or ,1130. -we." loww, tile woullple of 4jesus In "JI81119 . Tlicre lvas it liberal Rupply of Wry 90o; hogs, live, $0,25; do,, dresseo, )ISlit, , Jutrus, d:lughtej-, at 1A.W1011 alivaclo he butter, witfoll, sold at 20 to 2% pet, Ili., $8.00; ",, drtmea, lie . -At. T� Thi"tt is. A,(�St fl,0111 per,woutioll. was one of tile . admitted spectators- according to quality , ays $8413; bay' V One re.taoil, for this unilaubtealY W118 4e- . , Now laiil, qp oAs- to $940; do., balvd, $11, atraiv,, $7,6% 01110 ��'Atll, tile IQAdIll9 P01'Q2'0Utor, had Wbodon. ter', at 28 to 300 Dev dozc% Poultry wa. 4 gs Outten firtil. . I ADE REVIEW hepl, qqavej,ted. jilit tile prinelpal re,t- a, �Manyr Wllevo(I-This miraclet NADSTREET'S TR �ou, for this lierlod, of "rest" hiny be welt as tit; one At 1,$dda, strengtheaed Ifily ill 11julted supply, with sales of Alontroah. Tile tritile mituatiqu hero tracefl,to, -tile ,croubles Wdeh cxkt,14 be- Gic faith of the. di-sciples, rwil added 10 l4d,t at M50 to $14 A ton for No. skows little change , While moSt lineit tweQ4 the Jews aliki, tile iloman rulers. . many to thi; 14ord. Thereby tile ehurall I ,and at so to J$10 for mixed., strow 1,4 1 revort tbv home, done a fairly good buit. . I I . 4, e - . in A. D. 07 01,dus Caesar Wiguia, W -Mille "'I", 9'reaith, edified awl built lip, 43, nominal at $I-2 to UI a toil for buA41e n S5 fov spring, the Volume of tiugfues3 II R1 w � . .tic wor'xc, 'Phere Dvesseil hogi are firm �t $9,25, to, I � imit1,4, p,ad it is not easy to gee. ,law peror of I'Lolue. lie has beL,n referred Kill'." da" -IU 01'angelir to as �'tbo extravagalit and freal0sh wg�,` A droat field Ili Joppa. alulon- 89-40 for Leavy, find At $0.50 to $9.10 illera, Call W much Improvement until fool,,, .and one of his fo6lbardy freaks Eight Ilereolls of this liamen,ro mentica. for light, � . I . bout tile, cud 09 this moutb, when spring Lrought on a religious war with his Jew� ad !it the New Testaltieut. A taxioar-A Wheat, fall, bush ...... $ '%a I trade, rog,41,detl by the Jews as, lialf-ita. I � � . . tra,do at retail should be tinder way. I All subjecti. In A. D. 39 be Issued or- Do., goose, bush.. ., - .1 V4 0 QQ sorting trvAe. during the past i,r�ei;- has . ders to Petronlus', tile Ronlan, Governol' cle-an and comhquentl , y d disrepiftble, Barley. bush.. ,, .... '. 0 00 0 69 been quiet, TA ary goo4a . the oi ) It Is, (real tbfl COUtU Wool; Li Of Syria find Palestine, to set 111 . t with d0a ft)"linills AkIld It,T,, 'b. ush. . , , . . � ,... 0 0.0 0 70 still cheerful aa�l, alth6ugh th� - statue In the temple at Jerusalem fi)r blood witich. was connectea with -it. Pot. Peas, bush., , '. I 1. move , . � a vs Ila 0 lift . , .. ., 0 01 � 0 go ment has so far bort; moderate, there Is �he purpose of bt4ng worshipped With ilia 01"S lodging tllel!6 !'ON 11 t ve Buckwheat., bush.,. .. i. 0 60 0 01 llkel.'t to be an excellent In4lairr for � - iA;j,;q-Ipt1ou, 4,(,,a4t1%, tile '.Nlew Inearmetion been Already, to sorile, eNtent, abcive Hayj per ton .. ., _ .32 QQ 90 00-J110 lines OR account Pf 014 light of &ipit�-r.` Irbis tile. Jewg deplaretl to Jo-wisli prejudice, It would Also Show Do,, No, 2_ .. ­ ­ ,.9 00 1140 06 Rtacks rotallem havo In Most pArti of )R� Such all Outrage that it could not be that there is no vi%,,-�pect of persons %Y101 Straw, per toll " _ " 11�; 00 13 09 tlio com . i1iry, Values are generally st.endy QayrjeLi, out only as it Nvas done over Clod, and would slye Peter A, elialic"" to Dressed hoge. . � .. ...... 9 * 070 ,although a firmer olloanoy is reported I I . their dead bodies. Tbus the Jews %yore Itelp those who most needed help. "Tile Butter, dairy ,, _ _ ., 0, IS 0 2.7 for gingliams, prints aull cotton,s. , . so. persecuted therogeivos tijab t tj'adj�jQn4 . hey had ill house is Still SljQWn At Jaffa, - Do., creamery., .. ,. .. 025 099 Wronto; The volume of trail -a in all I I ,ill tit operat4oli ne r , 1.0 Wine to Persecute the Christians, and %Wj fAulleries tire ��t . It, ilow , laid .. (. .. .. 0 �6 a 30 lilies colitilineo more or Tom oil the light , durilix thla time ilia church waa built t lie town,21 ghgig't e ji a, dressed,, Ill., .,o, 10 o le side. Prospects continue, favlorable fol, . lip it�d in tilt iiffied. Gaillee-This is the 111R.kOTICAT.( APPLICATIONS. Fowl, lb.,.,. ,,- .. ...... 0 33 sr usiness a . t retti,11, blit at,. Only notice of tile e-,,J4-ence of churchn-s � In 'that native land of the apostl,as,- Effedbs of Divine Power. Turkeys, Ili., .. _ " .... o 2.4. .1 26 0ra are %)at heavy. The lessons .4)f a Hackett, Edified-Iluilt ill), that is, in I., Aeneas inade whole. ,,julls Ohrist Cabbage, per dozen .. .. .,0 40 0 co Year uga h%ve not' been lost, and while . faith and holilles Walklwi�A'bomtnojj IT1110eth thoe N141011P (V- 34,) .A. areat Celery, pet, do?eii ,, .. .. 0 40 0 60 orders cover .it fait- range of lines they Potatoes, bag .. .. _ .. 0 %, 0 80 Rt* Rtuerall� for. small parcels, Tilts expres 0,11, deno ag vours,3 (if sickness colli for a great Savlour, 0iiere � . Won its, ta . conduct. 1-4 the, fear of tha Lord -With sin abounds grace can much more Onlons, bag . . ... .. _. 0 75 0 $5 sliou)4 result in st goodsorting tit) traild .reverential alve, carefully, pray,rfully. aboulid (Rom, 5; 20.) The came Of Apples, barrel '. _ ,_ 4 00 - 5 00 when the sasil.11 ouve opens.- The� I . lad Scrupulously obaylag'the commana" Acnem Is A, type of that of every On, Beef, hindqugrters,j .. .. a rao 10� 00 %rd tendency Olt same lines of d . I I ., I r.r g9o. 8 I 'it- depoiltment ivas ner. I Do., foreqi1attora .. .... 6 00 7 r,6 is eneouraglug purolma-es to mome, extent, , - I wents of God. The �;, DO.P oice. oarcuse.. C,ottoo goo" are firm in tone. I'Vool. such its beenmeth saints, In the colu- 1. ,.Vbe sinner is (1) helpless. Aelietir Do-, Ch * 1. 8.90 5 75 tells Rud. worstea dre.9a goods ,are looving . fort, etc. --This itilp"'Ites union Alta coul- was, totally I � rifirm. lie coul& nat mo medlum, carease. . r, 40 7 00 . I Ulkiii1ou with the I � As A. re- Hands und feet weve paralyv,led. only di. Hutton, per owt, , , , , . . a QQ 10 00 more freely. Ifoly $pirit, I . Vvjnljipeg� ttilt to flow there has beou A, stilt of such A, union, g idunce, bouragge, vili(k I.X)wor Call reistore .1 palgiet), soul. ve;blp prime. per 0-Irt,.. .,10 OD 11 40 ii 14 cm good volume of sorting trade !it all lineq. ,4reilgth find 001.9 ation -%vailtld b,k (2) liopc-leis-*. 11he discase Nyas entirely Laiub4 per cwt,.,. ., ''.. 12 W Reballero have been making purchase,,$ as , Vo(it-ligafeit Ors tritsting ,wul. Ave).,- luolrable, lie could. not restore himself, SUGAU MA1tXL--V. the 'y were needed a.ml altliough In(livid. roul6plik-d-There- was A. great iAM*0aS(1 and for plght yean the skill of huniali � ,96. La,wrev,e Sugars Are, quoted. as . (121, Orders have not been large they have in numbers, Title is very de%ii-Iftble pro- pbysielans proved unit vaillng.. Por � Lite follows: Granulated, $4.60 per etyt., in totalled up Well. Dry goods men ralior� vided ilia increase is of Lite right quality, 4 f hpg ,.jrina Sinner t)iert, is hope ill tile barrels, and Alo. I golden, $4.290 per spring order" oomfing in well, and there d6lierwise nitinbers tend to drag a church v,-ounds �f Calvary, Itere Wit, remedy cwt., in barrels. Those prices are for de. indication that the sea, 1, ,io .;Oft will in to build it lip. which has never failed. 011list's 1)[00d livery hare. Car lots 6c less. 111 loo -lb. one. ilown raOlor Ill, tie, A, lat�i; It. Tile healing of Aene,is (%,,:. .32-35), cIpguseg $roni all sin (1 Johli 1; 7). bags prices are 5o less, Valicam,01, and Vietorig... Trade all 32. All quarter-4-77he apostle did mit 12� Thai sinner inust e (1) want to be LIVE STOM througit tile Provin.o (lontiaxie� quite I �onfine bis labors J -o tl'eritsalem, but wliolo. Aeneas dpsir d to be -wholii. active. . I . , went; to other places visiting and encour. When all angry man Nvants to be cured Tile railways report receipts of live Quebec.- General limsitlem, is $aid to be aging the churches, as Ili chap. 8, 14, of an evil teraper; when a. covetovis man 4100c at the City liarket for N-Vednesday Slowly i1o.proving and wit.11 tite advtlit of Came down -From Jorlionlem, Ssintq- fougs to be dured. of Avarice; when a An(I 71flursday its twing 104 eat IOaAs3 coi. l 0 faVona,ble weather conditions are expect. The Jews -who had been converted to drunkned wants to be cared of 111tem- tninial- 1,731 cattle, -2)130 ho,tp, ,.24). sheep ed ,W Christianity. T'he Geliltile�s were not a,44 peranco, lie. %vilt listen to the r,lysician find 111M and 15b, calVa. ago. Ill I be as good iv$ this time a yeat yet vi -sited by the Apostles, This word and ii ready for tile reniedy. (2) Be- Exportars-wot many exporters we.ve � � * C it offexed. The best ex . 11a,miltoll, .Duslue,5s hm-e is Wr)y meal"; 1310118, 'SOP11rateAT and hOlY' per- lieve. A lie o believed flint Jesus was Po"t steers, 11"00 to Steady, but OUW410' Of ilaillittery there song. It 19 applied in -Lite Scriptures not nble to heal him, then and there, just as IA4()I) lbs., s0d from $4.25 to 615,50, with has been little only to some eminent Individuat-s, its lie wag. He believed that Jesus (fia heal ()lie lot of estm-quality r6poi,tela ki-a Und011- 0eneral business keeps isirly SaQ Peter and Sabif John, but to every biln, ovell as peter spoke the IN -mile, little inore money, but the prlc� was active. . I sincere Christian ballever'(see Psi.. 110, lcjesug Chris I � )) tuld 'lot made public; J;ghL cxportgr�; or cat, Ottawa- lei\- is a quie6 tone to most . � lijaketli thee whole, I . 1.1; Earn, 1, 7; 15, 26). Lydda -A. city be -rls command to arise, 1,1e w,e, hing front -,150 to i,265 ,)ad i,g . , T-1 , obeyed Pett 4 .8. j . 40 lines of trade which is ijklely to be fill. lilled in the Old Test,xmeut . c It, 'p-ouglit for e-gpoec purpos,es, of Judea, et Without faith it.is itapossible to please Led (Ezra 2, 33). It was located ill tile God (Heb. 11, 8). .3old at $5 to 1�5.tti; export bfflls, $1 to Proved upon when spring tnide at retail plaiwof Sharon, twenty-five miles north. H. Dorcas' work, "Goroas. . ifull of $4.69. 1 opens Out., i 0 0 . I West f rom Jerusalem, and toil miles from good ivorks" .(v. 36), not great works. Butcljers�Prhuii picked lots of botch- Soppit. It was the seat of -a very famou�, Even God's work in creation was "very erS, equal ill, quali bei9t exporters, TO SAVE DAYLIGHT. school. goodill not, -,,try Freat (Gen. 1, 31) ic- $5 to $5,20; loads loyf tepted llQtelje-r!;, � .13. Foun4 a certain mall. -The Lord , bd and faitWL Nvard is for the 'go h ger- $4,000 to $3,10; one load of dii:xteen beina I- vant" (Alatt, 25, 21). We are "erea, -bett & Hallj : an One of tj�j' British Bill led reter to this man as he had led Phi ted 6old by Cot L_ lip.to tile eitutteli. Vight years -There Ili blilist, Jesus unto good .works)) (Eph. been by, Dulin & Levac% at Ahe 1&tte� . Warmly Supported by I . could therefore ,'be no doubt cast on the 2, 10). The Bible is our guide fol -good. price; loads of good, $4.40 to $4.70; med. Winston Churchill. miraculous nature of his cure. Palsy works (II. Tim. 3, 10, 17). Good works ium, a4 to $4.30; common, $.3.75 to ,$4; . I � 14k -This is a contraction of the word qlol-ify God ("Afatt. 6, 16, 11��I�et, 21 12). COVE, $6-2-6 ZO $4�25; Canaers twil. em. . . I tr � -4.50; I)II118, $,3 to $4, London, Uarqh 7.-Durlag Tiriday's paralysis." It is a disease which do. i5ood Nvorks hre the adornment of vo- mon 00%vs, $1.5.0 to $' "rive" the , parts affeoted�, of sensation, men (r. Tim. 2, 10), Those who hava loceam and StOcker-t-The Messrs. debate in the House of Common$ on tile . -a, the power Of motion, or both. Tile Wealth are charged to be rich in good Ifurby reVort having bougitt lt'hout 250 daylight saving bill, .111r. Winston Chur. term was used by the ancient physicians works (T. Tim. 0, 18). We are to be a Of 6,11 kin& at about, the follolvint, quo- . in -u much wider sense than in our day, "Pattern of good.works" (Titus 2. 7, 14). tations. Dest feeders, 000 to 1,A Jb,. chill, president of the Board of Trade, including cramps and lockjaw, The dis- III. Dortas' lovo. "Full of good works Caell) at $3.75 to $4.25; medium of game warmly supported the bill and assured ease in its extreme phase was consider. Find almsdeeds whilch she did" (v. 36)' weights, $3.00 to $4; Itockkrs, 500 to 70i) the advocates of the measura of tile ed incurable. 84. Maketh thee whole� We do not read that she gave alms-, she Ilia., '53 to $3.40. Government% bellevolertt xeutrality, it Th imilar language did alms. Livino administi-Mion of onrls Milkers and, Springers -Prices are -is noteworthy that pimiltically all the 'p, - gaill in strong fol, go0a. quality cows aad fO,- in 3 6. Peter did not heal him own alms Din -s it go as tilt a I ftap-wn- strength, but by -the power in h . blessing. Thoilfts from )ter hand. were ward springers, but jiglit eouirsoll saws. members of tile Cabino.; voted for a see- the overf, r of Sesus Christ. 1-10 -was God's chosen lov� out her'heaft. It was And Isite springeri; sold slowly. Prices and reading and rererence, to the select instrument; the healer was Christ. He her chief delight to W like her Lord, ranged train W Mo 1$655. and one at $78. committee. I was restored to perfect health iminedi- who went about doing good (Acts 10, Ves, . I Gaives--r"etrApts of 150 calve,s Several staid nemiapers, beginning at�ly. Make thy bed -This would show 28) . Dorcas had the "faith whielk -work. sold at steady prices at .V-) to $ Del- vrith the Times, coast er tb*t this "bill that lie was a paralytic no longer. He eth by love" (Ga]. 5, 6), Faith AVU110-at owt., ,with two choice , new mild -fed veal- to promote Pit earlier use of d light : ay was at home, and therefore was love is barrell. (L Car. 13, 8). Blessed Is ers of prime quality Sold byAlorbett 4-, In cert4kin months of the yea0 has vron not 'lie that considereth the poor (Ps,A, 41. Hall at $8 . per cwt., the 4ighest.price the right to serious consideration Ill- commandei to talte ill) his bed, as in 1). Jesits,said, "When thou doest almP/l quo'Led this se4SOA. � stead of the farcical treatment It at the eme of the paralytic recorded itir not "When than giveet Alms" (�jfatt. 0, Sheep and Lainbi-Tteeeipts of lolq,po first received The corporation of the Luke 5. 24; but he was ordered to make 2). - hilself and bodies representing it He was commanded to help L . I sheep 6-04 laniliz sold at following quot-t- city of Loji��n. IV. Dorcas' industry. "The coats and tions. Export ewes, $4 to $4.50 per evirt.; numerous other interests have approved Ond to prove big -faith by his works. arnietits which Doreas,inadell (v. 39). rams, $3,00 to $4, grain-fod lambs, TLL of (lie idea. � . Axose Iminediatel:p-This showed the Eoroas did what she could, She tMed $6.50 to $7. common lambs, $5 to .$5.tio, - - - - completeness and reality of the miracle What she had . What liasb thou? A rod 1108s­TN'Vo thousan(i �ne hundred and the'faithiand strength of the man. (Exod. 4, 2). Use it And it shall become hog were reparted from all souroe8 aa ' AMBITIOUS. 35. Saron-Shaxon. This probably has tile rod of Goa, fo er arliv na I ICELAND reference to the district of which Lydda � � 0 0 1 the market for Weducs1ty blessing to others (Exod. 4� 17, 20; 17, Anti lllui�sda3r, which sold ij�t higher qtjo-� I I waa the chief city. The plain was not- 5, a, 9). ,�vjl&t harg that,? All ox -goad. Laviolls. � I ed for its fertility and beauty (19.1. 3is. Use it and .qlay Chi Philistines and do- . 2; Cant. 2. 1), Saw hint -It must have liver Israel -(Judg. % 31). What Last The Parliathent is Alixious For ulade a great impression upon the peo- thou? A alin.g. 11tirl It and sinit.'e, Lite . Com lete Autonomy ple to see a man -who had been in bed 04fit (L Rani, i7, 50). 11,711:at ]last tholl? , I . P � eight ye4rs with an Incurable dinease, But a bandful or meal In a barrel and a NFIW YORK STJQ_11� M-1CLI's, _�__ elations suddenly restored to health ',%lid walk. IfUtle oil ill a. crim. Priepore food for New 'fork. March 6. --Sugar � raw, Copenhagen, A -larch 7. -The 9 Ing about the streets perfectly, well, another and revl�ive life for. thy-scif (I. strong, faij- refinin of Iceland with Denmark 1ave recently I ? $8.31 1.2; coutri- . , Turned to the Lord--411tay believed that Kings 17, 12). What bast thou? Xot filgal 06 test, $3.8 .2; molasses �ugar, become greitly Wained. Iceland for . I Scene, was tile Messiah and accepted Anything save. a pot of oil, Borrow KA 1-2, refined, steidy. long has ))ad home.rula and durinct the Him as their Saviour, Elsil6clal atten- Vessels, Pont, outi ana Pay thy creditor WINNIP W WH2,AT MA-RHET. past few years she has obtained al%l pos, - tion should be called to tile fact that Q'r- JUnt"i 4, 2-7, nlarg-)- What ]last Peter kept himself so In the background tholl? i3tit five loaves and two fiQle'. Wheat -Atarch. 1 $ i.oq - 1-2 bi4,. july sible liberties from Denmark, but the that bub little attention was paid to 11rifing them to Jesus and they will foed $1.13 1-8 bid, May,, $1.11 3-4 sellovir. 11341oritV of the Icelandic PArliamexib , a nulti him, The glory was given to, God, .tude (M -a -Lb. 14, 17-10), �Vbat Outs--Xatch 42 I -So sellers, Ltay '44o favor tile dissolution of all (4,lo,vernmen. 111. 'The raising of Dorcas to life (vs. Last thou? Onl.v a needle. Ply -it And 8011orsi I - "tal' ties 10th Denmark. Iceland's Miti. . later of Home Affairs, 4�t. Uaffsteln, who 30,43). � the poor 'Vill Gie.SA you and God wIll BRITIsH Wmv MA.nx E.'T9. supports the polley of a good under, 30. Soljpa�l, port, or town, reward yon (vs. 90-41-, Psa. 119,b; proy, 0" the 14 1:11).' Olod is glorl led And lymi are Ittl CoAsb of the Mediterranean sea, thirty 1,1 f Londoli-London cables for ca , or, standing between the two countries, has iniles from Xornsalem, � - A, 'd. Ar, stesidy, at 13 1-4o per pound, 4rp"d been forced. to resign. Bloom J605%on A certain di.,. ' R';zc(" . _.-.0-*-40-__ weight; refrigerator beer is quoted ;�gb !IRS t" -n 1`40mizated to succeed hinjo ciple-Poreas is called a disciple that I t 0 1-40 Dot, voul2d. and he is 8ttoligly hostile, to Donlinark. H may be sedu that under ilia gospel It Ilia rAudidature prevalls it 'will bb ,tion botween male 0 PROVINCIAL IYATtKUTS. -taken Ili Denmark as a serious affront. tber6 is no distl�P TLIVITION AND FRANK ""O' and fenjale (Gal. --O: 28). -Cam. Bill, — . . TQlAtLa..,.Dorcd§--�-TIl0 � SyrO-Clialdato LOIld0it.-Pairly' large market; brisk, _­_­**_*� , . and GTebk liantel''for �ajj­antelopo 01, The Dawn of Better Rellaflens, in demand, Oats sold very quickly kt $1.30 ITIV gazelle, which from its loveliness was to $1.82 Pei cwt., dressed Park pleat[, WH' an PLAGUE, - frequently OmPlOY911 as a proper name . Sight. . full selling at $9.75 to$fl per ewt,; a few - *A__-4 e fav women. hogs sold at 00.25. Therewill be ad Ship. � -moyer. This disciple was Berlin, March 7.--A. factor fit tile I'll- ffitnit of live hogai Monday, but buyers griti3h Delt amiable, illdtletrious cud beautiful gates Pleased With Christian character. As Luke was Writ. t"llational situption which gives Ger. Will lie Oil the luarket Wednesdar morn. ilig, when higher prices tire exii . ected. What They Save in the StAtes. , Ql!O ation . ill9 this book- for tho Greeks he trans. many the 1h,cliest satisfaction At tllL . lates the Hcbre'w and t s: sclect% $0.50 per Cwt.; fsLt Syriac proper present illoment is the uninisLakabit qo*wsl $4.25 to Nxo� Ii, , ayl $1043 to Londofi, Alareh 1-1.1he British. *dele. Manles into Grook. Tabitha, was her Ite- dawn of bette" relatlojt3 between ilia $11,450 Per toll; straW, $8 to $6.50; but. brew name and Doroaii liar Greek tiame, fatherlai * be Intettlationlil Tuberculosis nd and Vratice. . ftrr tr a nieryy 26 to 2Sc, roll 24 to 26c, gates to t Flit' of good w0rkS­tsP6clA1IY in mak. , %acked 22 to 94 CL-Vjros13, held fit WaQiingt and garments for Widows, who Tudlettiong mij.-Llt�ly from day to day 0 011 Litt fall, pet- dozen, froAt laid 24 to 20a pet doze". i'twiltd, it report, to -day, In whiell th6v inwleOuntrY 'Were 6 Most tinfortuti. that tbe two great Military powers who stratford.-Il", , $6.75 to $0.85, drts's- ate class. "Good works conle from e, for thirty-eight years bv,%,o been glarin ,* to 4t g ,ld 9 to 0go; co,w$, 31/ ., dro pay a bigh tiibute to -American prove�- V111111ing stream, not fro - ,sse,q 4 pool, 'and the obi _% a Stagnant 'It '-*tell OtIler across the Rhino like to at/�,(!; steel's ftnd Leiters, 4 to 43,je, ti,tive Methods Ili thit field, They lay .1 way to kl�etj always fierce bulldogs, are gradually veering dresg�a 7 to 746; lailibs, 6c, dfessed 14n,. atrr.ss, upon tit#, volilpletene4s 0.1th whiall fall of those it to be always giving them around to it really tolcra,ab point of calves, 4% to� 6c, dreSsed 7%. t6 Sc; compillgory liotVioatiolk Is ci�rrle(l out it) out." -Trumbull. 'Which she did -8110 rie%v, Wbiell gives promise of developing flideS, Packets, 10 to 10f/ac, farmers A to is praised not only for, the alms which Into ,it genuine rappirdthe,ment, 11c; 'Wheat, $1.05 stitildard-, ?),its, 45e 14%r Yovk a.nd. t1sewlierow, suld thq Insist she gave, but for "almsdoodg �frllich She The agreement Over tha,'% o upon the lildieppli&.1biliti of slinifor rog� 1 rocco ques- ifan(la-rd, peas, 85 to ft; barley, 60a ulAti ns in tb6 'United Kingdom, Saying � 111A." Mid emphasio'lliti8t be Jai not up� Boll, Signed ill tile early (lays of Febr ; 0 it- bran, $2.1; aborts, $25; ll-iy, $8,610 to an what the purposed doing, but what al'Yj lbttrl,(,d 016 iflauguratiott of ill $D.50; L,pgs, 2 C, hut Chat Wh�6n' this is done 0111ally good re - 0 ,I' for, 94 to We, 'to sults eat be oxilteted here. 'The delt- 9118 did, 'the dofts are blegsod ill tile new OrA- It )lot 0111Y decisivelY burled straw. gates lormavl it high apinfoo of the value - deed (Tas, 1. 25). al. �Vlaa 140L that b0his. of contention, ,ohich had kept St.,Thoutasi-41wee were volly large Thus Wd Ace that good people Arti France Mid Germany farther 'lPatt; iimrko0 here tel�day, 1hilt IlLtib, elittilgo, 01,010, varloils day And )light (JoIllump. 901110t-111109 Sick- D"Od-Dtath comes to than ever during tile last foul, Years, ill '(1notations, Live hogs. $1.20", dressed tion Camps In Ampr!M but PreclPitatod a wbolly unusual crop, , ftr)o to $.), 10 0 11 y ,�ll, h led, $lg,, � -4-0 4i - - i I all alike. "Sometinic'm the de tit Of C 08 a a - God's enilits blakes ku6wn theiraVirtiles , 1) *persollftl ploagantript J)dtv�ecll J�ht 1111](1117 onk, W, eggs, 23c., buftor, 25n., -,*hcat, F1814 9XPOAT BARPleb. Ali! Choy become a power and eltakliple LTIN. stai�Amon 'of tile two Vona. s111011241 lilacs, S to 70, it drop of,%d till. 0 41�11t A& good beyond what wag p6gsiblo -white . . ,.... 0 o 0, - � - v, round. New Flate A6lirdlog Mack Out, Ma6r. liviiie�ll typpor Aambet-411stead of I 0h6fh4n1.-,)'ffitke1A Were 411IJO� ldrg,1 � ,. kinonge and Soadkfed !'rout. buryin 'I 1POIRtM. PlOnfIfill,. 80 to 85c J*r bttg; -ell .g bar immediattly as was miato. BACK TO WORK, ' o* - ­ 'Oifgw4l, 11411. 8.­11,� .1,ft 01,40011. 04ty In fh-.� L-In6t. Bro,ektop, Mass., Afarch I s._Tb., jijc� hiftler, SO; -egg-N, plentiful"23 to tt;c per �.#Ounajl tile ,sp-mi'al fisbol-10's r�plllatiots 3h , 0 0 - WAS lligh-A-11out tell miles al"Ay. torte,i of W, T,. , J)ougIAA �.,lloe 06. rd.. 60 yk A i 011lckt'114, 2S to 30c; gee", $1-, for flit Pr An e Ot Outtirl'o Art so am. Pont until him--Tiloy . . � ' 'port lw#.f inarkA stock f,,j%d,%,1 as. to ,allsolut6ly Prohibit the ssle . probably sent tO, gualpi.1 tllplr C,ust tilt,'? adtivlt� te torkvyi, 111.2t); elk , I � , 4t/ge- per Ili-, Imtelle,re e4ttl , , poter lipfore, s4ho aloji. Jj*p to'JI1113 t.11,16 with fit#. rcturn of 4ay e, aemand and export of black bisq, maskinouge, � lin 425 stitphers WhO, '06d, to, 4 IjvA., 6y. to 7c the Apn.qtlP.,4 l(nd not rd.J.J� 'ka (A 1. , dea trout for It period of fiva 'd 1111Y One - tis hild, 1"11 tin ittrl dko".ed 1, And spel, WL,, A"All- years, from And Aftolr Vily 30, 190. , - " Ive 5Tgo, dA% " .",, 'fe, but, they hi'd 110-aled .Mmno. Dvill"119 ing tl)o en'rlwr'�fll ldlene" L't AlKlut 1,050 ed *RX6i lArnb4, It / .sc.d 100., � ".4 - 11 81"A At"011 1, "115' hop, innrkt-b battk,r ,111vo 0.74 P, ll";'--""n""';(Itlg'lvilll-' -11, V- It R rOt olievativ?,A, At a colif(-rolim b0t%'10" tilt vt,,,,I, 7c, Ijur-kwhoat, 4ne-, barley, $1,,05; Mild that tl%ev P*.P(,(-ted a 111IM-10, It siriker;i awl the -employero. Jr,qt,q-1 rorli, ,phoittil, GAP, tin mr, enlo- natil wwt mtun'll hiat they should df,141'0 Ill$ % A,t J i q - . tnrjay f THIS WA9 SAD. 1w(p.ositeki aptl synipl.tily ,nt I . ra(4tify -ggreen"itt NI'A-4 WWOJ, 42o, wboft t, ,itAntlard. $1 -, lidA114, $'I." New Vark, MAtell 9.-Il,ene Salit.11, 0 . ,ljolt 4 VAnt, fut LJ10 t.,0rW,q kv to ero -ftot mild# litilillo, $16.0, 111y, 010vor $8.60, timothy."$qj yftvi old, was hilliAl Usti Abdit biv Ga ­7111-1-ki%tt. go, AV1,i10w�._Wll0M #16 � I ­­ - I I- 111. . � . I . � I W,11 011tit 0'r f0d, ,%6WJJ)g, Pto.41,4hO thilft J6110 ID014000, 10f ­.­ rokew.. 41*4 att'sto, 0; 001, *Alibea 14 to M,- un, 0113tooi4tie't,oism�i$oidohiu--tLw-bf st"04 wiir� thit 6.411stmea to Ikeunowl . rilge flitt suddoilly', 4tta so. , "Vasilkl'a 10 tl�. ,oil the tklkltwolk 1A Nint 4VO14us, to . fl,r,il WPM indOIAP4 fb I)4rvA* TO tlio Ulngiltou polled w,b,,f (%lat'A0 Wind: V*te0s6r6.-*0p 11a togi-ket , - It #m MI *�fta ninjintr tho ji(lary oppl-tittus 4 4)11 ' . Y* 1! e0A golel' it h ItAi.M fo fl. I 11 - Wtwnt. they wor(�. Thk 111.1rW 014 1)(1 M I v#, �JOAAI, Qml flift I-bild 8,4 slit TAA a lit-ouy in Jilt, .141,ji; erk 114vo 1-4611 proying oil YOTIAg gidA, Ililv fl� fn $14, lm*ft $11 to $14; rgrin. tO find bor wrigitt, . i . 11 I 1-1. .11.11 ­­­­ ­_­_ I _­.­ - ______7,_----,__- ! . A=�R, J, mwz i 0MA, UDA, I I ­ -11 I _­­­ - ----- ­__­__­.__­_­_,_._ - ________�-; __�_.__ __ "GI Was thero 441 wahtiv UNIVERSITY , * "t, j& � tt wsiu#�U% Atlhw�, _041" In X604ousm 35lQ*1C__ I , , _* 1*44+4114-H-4 01*4 W1 +4 4-t+1 ! 4 W-4 , � , I We's there, any Alv,t I . I , , I. W. tT1. 'PRICE I .. I - 11. � 1,1_.10 A .4.. I 0.0,A., LoMn PMA suissounwaox rwox, flam= , *w � it �Alas ttwre wq liulligumeat, IQ& AND, BIBLE.. omom W, RmLym PLO= - WIN99AU UP) (1) Wais the're QD,Y rromiu of a 'r5ay. 1H_1.11_H,_V 1V_+_9__*__9� � -4. %+4 P -i 10 -to, I 171-V+ 1 --- -- "I I b t . Advoitti"nionto in the local coluivillo olt�*Teed too Per Una for first'ineergoil, W14 lollrN .- . -14— #,( in) WA'S thore Any debl"VOT AdyertlsomenW of Wayo Zama for W4 11% or tq U.e . ,pk and eirallsr,'fli. for MA Mir" 26 f9r f* **(a), W -W th0l'i any Abrithm.li? lion. W 0140 Issues eamphlot " (') 'y IvItn't infull'i N tile ordinary seroon. , eider to icnow what portiomg (if (toy) on Question. 0 this Book are to be taken & - ,I the ab speoll1od pariods;- R014tO 1170rd of (Jud, to be ACCOtAW Alitl I . avieA upon at t'he peril of, tile reader, . DepArtipont of Orient4is au4 the Anti. when dam the ilVotrellt �.�,.ord oi I ., !tic Higher ('r iim. , Otod Vasa into soleatiflo Subjects, unrali. Able bi'Itory, liovtiofct effllsion% rayths ­ " 0vorles, Iiarables"00., lvhWb are with. . Roy. Elmore HaVY1.3 111terested 04 . draw)' fV014 tile region (if impiration n n4 Are marely humq.n uttenancea, to be the subject. deAlt- with a$ th,0 TeAd*r plea8esJ . � _+;1+J�j_1__10 H;+ 1�'J P 1-jr ++_v I. -T- 1. UNPAIR TO THOU' 11,90 1;%-Z, . �_ "DO Yoll not think, jji� dear Lliallizel. � Torouto despatoll: Rfm. 4inore Hitr. lot*, tli�t it N but fair to t4oso who art . ris and Non, S, IT, Blake )izva Issued .1 A,gked to I '111y lot' this te-Aching, that the) ' F,1�01�ld )e lir 'oted witu ill-, emnscu!0 Pamphlet entitled, 'Tho Teaching at 1�eli. . � I . od and Ulu ltt,� d Poo -k which proccod:� gious Knowledge In Ulliveraity College " oil the W'nsemlls 09 thought of- the re, I �ltra vires. " It QQJ1P!J'W of A, foreword P1y441'ejit*t'A'cs of t ls� I I I ig1jer orltivs? by Rev. Elmore Harris, ivilo Is bea(i Olt .It would be 4 niattor of yeli'5 great relief to a 1246 ilumIjer al th'e B11>141 TrAisluff $QbOQIA aA,4 all opoi Clirlstian men if the result of tilo4 leCtor to Rev. $it4an,el.DtjrwarzL, ChRil� , . i4v0sti,alatiolls to which yot .t refer vrer4 Oe4IOX Of �10t,Oxla College, from the pen into the cooqzxetll� �h;i,pa of a, rea Pill , of 110. Blake. It will bo borne lAinind Dible, -showing what portioll.s (if any) that Torotito univel-sity I,, a foderateil Ate , the' inspired Word of Qod, to lil ge,cept,v,d a., gu all, and As 0a institution em1;raci.w, colieges of all 0 � de. I ,Putting appondik the ervailt buin:llit, portion, in Ro'Blinati011s, 7.110 mikin points at Mr. 91114ing "Ibl'itAltes, of Aloges?, " Blekes aVD&ok AIV ditteteil agalrt,4t tile, .. . 4 �.O� . . ,department of Oxiental literature, or. TAFT AND TARIFF, uAllirea b.7 Prof. A-fecurdy, who, - ­.- WELLINGTON 10TIJAL 9100, Is a, Friend, or "Quaker," In t1tis, I � FIRE INS. CO. del*rtmitnt tho Able Is t -be, jroat�t , - Special Session of Congress to N 00601-0metit, that ever came out. of Asmi r � Head OAlco GUELPH, 0,NT. W. studied its a literii,T�' woric In conjanc- . Called Without Delay. tion ,tvith the greAt Orielttal. books of I Lila Vindoo satre,4 and the Pqrsittits, mium note system. . 1JA.NJ@rUL HIGIMIL CRITICISN�. I Wasitingr-ton despatch: An int-portalt! , . liev. Elmore 3�a,Tls deq1,L,re, that , conference. took place tG-day. betweelo the btuden!cs of the university are be? President Taf 6 and the Republican mem. collaing Indoctrinated -bT the "Higher' Criticism" throtigh this d I epartment' bers of the Ways And Aleaus Committee. 'I'llo ' �jnd s2yi �Iiat three montlis ago he, committee framed ' I a tariff bill tit company with Dr. 1q. Ny. lfoyle,j, which, it 44 understood, contains a pro�' X, (',, Of WYQ411Q.College, ?rlaclpal IlLae- _0 Nision for'. the collection of An inherl. late", of Xuag ,61lege, and Rzy. Dr, Oar- � I . tance tax, one of the suggesteil methodm mun, l resident Falconer with for ral sing revenue contained In the W. m proteot, The,r ware courteously re- augural. address of President TaU, Pres- ceive4, but obtained no a,ttisfactfou. ident TAU told the committee therc 1100. Wir, 11101CA's 10tter is lR,rg`,'IY an would be no delay In the official pro. argument on legal grounds, that under clamation calling the extra Session of tka Act Incorporating the university the Congress for March 15. His message to department of Oriental languages Is "ul- this Sessi6n, lie said, would recommend tra, vires 0 aroillegal. thAt It confine Its work exclusively to - ,' ��Sli AS ST.&TED, q10" C . . , taAff revision, that. there might be no Air. Blake sums tip hiij cage as follows: pinecessary delay ill enacting this most I (a) There lls.lia provisioil ist Cite stat. tetesgoverningV,jo universiby or Univer- impbrtan law. lie wotild, he said, not discuss lh big sity College f6V lut4truettoll'in or giving , lnessag,e ally details of tariff revisiou, , certificates in Oeological subjects or re. leaving all Such matters entirely to tile � ligious knowlle4p by eithel- of tbese- Ju(Igniefit -of Congress. . bodies : . *___ _ . � . lastruaiOn in botlk of these snb- is being CRUEL DEATH. jjt�) , I giveli. (e) This work was'allotted to tile fed- erated universitie,.� and oollegm. (d) These- latter bodies have there - Tight fore ground for complaint and the � 'Baby Upset Pot of Scalding Tea or, to dema-lid that this ille,wil Face and Body. with their righ1w shall cease. yJavlag challenged the legality of tile teaching, Mr. Blake apst deals with the . lKingstoA, Out., March S�Twuriel nia-tter t,j,ugh*& I -It �M,.T-g desire of be- coining misslavaritm Is ieadijig so many * -Murray, the fourteen months' 4614 young men zikd women to take up Bible ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Mur. . study, which lie hopea may 801l'tillitei llilotvvithstalldillg Pe"Istellt sffOrtll Of ray, Parriefield, meb a terrible deatl oil Saturday night. Tile family were at theological and othaT inqtituJAons, to frus- supper sbortly after Six o'clock, wholl I trat4s such study by sittking to make tilt Word of G611 lot DO11-tfFe6t by tile , the baby, tiliging ,it the table cloth, evel.-011anging notion$ ofli noisy rl"s of upset a pot of, scaldij�ff tea on. liar fact and body. Terrible injuries, both in. Won, W-110 take for "leff '"J'to, Qua"* tum Pslt quOtI.Sciatua (Ilow great is Our ternal and external, resulted. The Plif. .knowledg�), Instead ol the ritore lowly foring iltfaut died four hours later from skock. � one --the mark of the trifly learned, as " lie picks up a pelible, !it ilia vast onsali of learnin"ttautulit cat quad liesofinua - -_ FOLLOWED HIM. �hoir groat, is our ignor-alim). It will be an evil day for out- ministers, mission- — , arles aiii teacherg should Cod permit , Father and Son Commit Suicid( th%t'vyllat ILPIreat's W be About Lila only + sure standing ground left its in the world ' �With Same Pistol. to be sitakeu to the centre; t1lat the . statement. 'Tile Word -of Grod which liv- I , eth And abidet.b. foreyerl is prosdaimed as Tin Graitgo, Ga. March 8-�-Ou. the ex. an hallucination, and that belag bpru of incorruptible seed by the Wota of God 13 - P ---. _____ __ Act $11ot VliMe his son 2�11edhimsell an old-fa%hiollAd defusioll, to be vtjeoted three dayg' ago with a pistol, Robert wit.b. ait little comounctiou as if it were a heathen fable. if we pursue this I pro. F. Ridley,: son., Z,kerday blew out I 0&%s of elishitegratiou go that til his brains with t.he same weapon that n e life of the son. derful cohesive power of this book sha-11 ea *4 Like Ailthor may well write Over 'Robert V, Ridley, sen,, was one of the 01" reek, 'They h%ve ,�_nwh the ivind% thf�y shall teAp the whirhyind.1 Wealthiest men in Western Georgia and he settled an Independent fortune on hie ' � STANMS UY HOTX WRIT. son two days before the latter killed himself. The- tragedies were enacted "I have never tetai !it the least within 200 yards of the family home 11taken. Ilk the sliliple creed as to the alld tile family heard tho sbots. 131ble given to nic at rt, child over si\ty-, five years ago," � 1 W, Blake Btateq, Ills creed, -.is a be- SHOE STRIKE. lielt that It is a (rivIne revelation, that I I the Bible is this revelation, that God — . could und'ohlitedly give with 4cottracy- I Wanted. One Twelfth of a Cent such a revtletioll, and could prescirve on It - for the putilosco Intended without Each Pair. - eir6f—liv other book has ever been found which could answer its pur. Pages. That Christ dontilnually re. I - � Lynli, Ifftss.,,March S.— A gepieral -A-itchers fi.rred tn the Book then existing and ell- � dorsbd -it. strike of Cho 150 Meltay em. ployed ill ft this city � "I thankfully aolmowled,ge tile !in- � wense debt I Alli. under to this Sim- city tO-daY WAS followed immediately by individual endeavors by the jilanufail- plo presentation "linermiu- oar Bible, frOM which 6t,iindpollit I 'Jigre BeVer tilvers to bring about it seitl,�iueiib of t1te eil ffertneea. As it result tip to o a. in. , beex in the slightest degree moved by . seven firms have signed the new Scale, ,h ,�vllic for th* ever-ahangin- a Ra never -to -be- relied -upon a,ttao1c'3' of those who, not calls !In increase of about one -twelfth of it coat bit each pair of looking or Asking for sp�xlftjal dis. shoes handled, and the strikers in these cerurnent, merely kiss the Book that factorio returned to their work. About ninety of the 11altay stitchers remained they in. wy endeavor to perallade people that th4r hostile attacks P,re made In * nut Should the strike continue 2,5oo a rev,erent spirit of investigation;, . Ot] . ter Ofts operatives employed In the varl tlepartments of tile Shops Rfreeted, He reviews the contTadictions And itie i ,oniistendeii of the ,scientists and -_ , would become idle. gay's. TO PROTECT GAME FISH. "i sliltar the thought that our Tor- alit* Unillft-sity Wi0ald aid in bbe A Rigoratti Anti -export Regulation 'Aork of pha-king Xan's confidtlica in Adopted, the Bible. Will �'Qu w4a vour best Ottawa, Warch 8. — Avath 6 view to eti4eAvae,4, 2V 01IL1106116" Of VictOrla effectively protecting the black bass, College, to plam- Toro-sto. VHiverafty . waskillouge and Speckled trout fishery wid University College in their hicoxV.at.. 11 a tile province of Ontario An order atiplu' "'ate, b -f Ill'"nt'gN ilk either of asib, throujit 0, 'back door' by 111. IC0111011 hag been passed'pr6hilliting or stay btlief, Inade of tutromeb, teaching ii,nd ex. the sole alid export, Of those fish for a period 'of five yearia frolu the 30th of a-mlyla-tion In %ellglaus XlAdwledge, Or 11foolosical SubjtcWl ,- may next. It in Provided., however, A 1,1111' POSER.9, that AtY Person from a fareirm colitia tit hA*i49 an angler's per"Q6 may "If the. theological Institutions Ili take back with him a lawful catch of effillatioll With tha University itl%ist on t*O 4ayAl fishing. lot,truetiot it thesb r,liblects atd on — 44.6 � the lilies above reforred to, thell in LAMP FLASH KILLS 1;000. conihloft� ]fairh#.Q4 let the laymml� ' W"O$e l"ney IS demAnd0d to 811PPOrt W110116 Pleat of PlowOr goats Burned ;Ueh in8truptiony 'knOiV' emvititly What , , at Hong Kong Harbot, lq the tonrIling that is h4sistva upoll, 1.(4, Vitro be A, mpt,titig of thes6 new Tletorla, D, 0., 1141'reh 1—A 41's"Ister ligbhq, and insisb upon a pasitive fit -D'i'd, oft the Canton River, costing 1-110 loss of oloilt showing (dearly. Mora than li'ves, followed the ovk\r. 11N, ti (it) What books of tilt$ Bible, ill turning of 4 ��(Irosofte lamp (in 0, flower A ildition to Jonah, eta tilt,* y think bOttt While tLA st,eamor Aldina, Ifel IV, I I altoult], be trimiatttkid sk0lot 6cing the, roatihod. port laqt ,light, was fit ITolig I inApired Word of Go4, to N' aceept,ed as "On 1 suell by their Atudent3. Irt, Iliol� bill -lied it) file Avatei"i odge. 00)) What charkors Ili tht ,other 111t flamos re4eliing the othor boats and 1) DOk" of the Blb`16 they consider slaoul(l tm. irdatod In the sayne Inalluerl 0161"Itting - 110 Oft f0v Osealv, owing to fl�%vor bollbq lying Along hi flit unbroken NvIlat portion'.4 of th(A books Rye- lbio, nioult fast liy iron (4irtinq, . '11(e) lUtrisly hlytbi, , "M NVI)tt allqalif�. .,. ,10A00 0. Main, of London, Uni on - "(8) IiA.1111t, of,th-'.0 Kfuslon"4, L4 U6 P06J An AA1011 42011110, E110 111. P�. X for jl�.Wo, wi'liell Npill lip, lloitrtl At -the fto,tt 14161*1y it"Itol "(f) t4 t,Jj%t WAy,kJL4 Q4V 'rlj)IA66� tll#, , , , *1411lig of 0# 111kh '�oltrt. on Api'll 15 hA %V#8 J_* jala$r oli aft �r. (I. D train, qh ,n,� of the or(%Uolo? ,�, .its tb#re ftn.v 10141,11 t , I AV harii'm w . w1i'm it suddolt fill, Illrew hila� rvillyl brk e toat with Atioll 'to), (%, it ht 0alinpd, "fli) Was flitrA jii� jili,lyi nn(l F,m.l, AS , to poralfthontly fillum Win. 11 I 1-1. .11.11 ­­­­ ­_­_ I _­.­ - ______7,_----,__- ! . A=�R, J, mwz i 0MA, UDA, I 1 11 -1- 1-1. i .4 I a X i 4.11 =­ I Do— . , *uw 0 Pop- aWr 9f v , p I ... - � I � . i no I I e 4' I *to of I we A, , r T"10 00 I I , Natol "Utgory ox At ., � , * "t, j& � tt wsiu#�U% Atlhw�, _041" In X604ousm 35lQ*1C__ I , , _* 1*44+4114-H-4 01*4 W1 +4 4-t+1 ! 4 W-4 , � , � T140, 1411 - hvftl. , . I , , I. W. tT1. 'PRICE I .. I - 11. � 1,1_.10 A .4.. I 0.0,A., LoMn PMA suissounwaox rwox, flam= , *w � it IM01, 904or Qn4uato ot Vid"r Taroilito t , 0 09 lo. - 00. I . adTAU00, $460 oat so � . so "r I ADT=TM$Q R.*TR *-X494 -684, omom W, RmLym PLO= - WIN99AU ual 04vortisoinsate 106 Vor wap&W."..� Ilisk insertion, ft per XWO toli ii�o . , it 00@dq"P InsorUgo. 1H_1.11_H,_V 1V_+_9__*__9� � -4. %+4 P -i 10 -to, I 171-V+ 1 --- -- "I I b t . Advoitti"nionto in the local coluivillo olt�*Teed too Per Una for first'ineergoil, W14 WING"AM I PQ lie for �aoh suboqu�jjt lusvrUon. I A , (Ioneral tiospital, AdyertlsomenW of Wayo Zama for W4 11% or tq U.e . ,pk and eirallsr,'fli. for MA Mir" 26 f9r f* . weeks, quitil , cono qoh i4boetumb mudgir Qove 10 , A.) seroon. � � I . P166putly situate& 13"ixUMy ftmilshid, CoNT"oT RA.=&-Tba tollowlas are a Vat08 for the Insertion ot, advorgsonie4tolox to, w1to, with Mr. X. Jtiffroty, Conducted speoll1od pariods;- EN SJPAOX I Yr, a No. A MO., I XO one.columin ....... $70,00 WMA0000 $*:Owo sea �od In tile hotels ",folin Bull bitters,), R Half Column ...... 0,00 uartor Column ... 20.00 M50 70 8 8no 2.00 11 AP Onverintondout, Inch ........... &0,0 slog 3$ox 2A WinxIlmo oat, Advertisements without spootfio dlrootla.w will be inserted till forbid and obarmul " 'I -P 1_1. j_j� 1 + ��t__*_#__*__41_f__TP1 I I . . ,� 8- 4!� ,0--6- �4­6-- a_s_ oordlokly� Transient ailvertisciatexte faust W Paid for In 40ance. R. VANSTORE � , lop* 1 111011t analysis proves ilia liquor to be _+;1+J�j_1__10 H;+ 1�'J P 1-jr ++_v I. -T- 1. BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR r . � No4or to IoAn At loweat rates. , DR, AGNEW 01=02, --BEAVRR BLOM, PHYSICIAN, SURGEOW, ACCQUCHEUFL ' WINGEEAN. . Office ,.- . *1 I 1.44-1 H.T Ai . o -a- . ,­*_ .___ _'_-, _*__14 ril j 1 1 4 -w -H, Upstoirs in. the Macdonald Block, . IMMSON & kXES Night calls answereA at office. - Barbters, solicitolsl etc. r + # 1- !1+01-1 -1-1-4-11-14 I J, P. KENNEDY 0MO: Meyer Block, Wingham, I r X. 4 Mckinnon IDuctley Holmes I M.D., M.C.Pos4b. . . . 1 1 1-1��H-�,-o.--'.---44"-I-I-+.H-I-I-H.-1-1-1- IMember of the British Xedleal Aasociatjo#) The vftdiet ronderea was for tho COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. I J. A. MORTON, Special Attention raid to Digeames of woutem SnA ohildren. BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, , orylos: Iffouns'-1 to I p.m.; I to 0 p.m. v Mo.NEY To LOAN. H -o -f *__* v_*_1 ++-1_H_1_++- I .. . . . . . 4 I ir lip . ' �� r Office: -Morton Block, Wingbam DR. ROBT. C. RUN" � 1414.1-H44444N-1 *1-1 ! 1 H-1-1�11- , I AL R. 0. S. &,J L, R. 0. P. ( on I � WELLINGTON 10TIJAL Physician and Surgeon, I � FIRE INS. CO. . (Dr. 01ils1holin% old stand) .. Est^bUshed 1840. ' ++++4 -H -I. I I- Ho I H, V ! � ! 4 r � Head OAlco GUELPH, 0,NT. C. CALDER Risks taken oli all class'es of in. I stlrable property on the eash or pre� Hollor Oradliato of Toronto University. mium note system. . IAcentlate of Ontario College of, Physlolant and Surgeonis. ,J.&mzs GoLl:jin, CYNM DAVII)SwN � President. Secretary.- Devotes Flp I ecial attention to Diseases of the RITCHIE & COSENS, U, ,lo, Ulm, Nose and Threat. , Eyes Tharoughly Tf4sted. Agents, winglialn, Ont I . I Glasses Properly FlUed. 0111ce with Dr� Kennedy. , I 4-�1--�-H-+-,.-+.�+++-I--i.-I-1- 041co HourA - 3 to 5-7 to 8 p.m. M I— 0 N?_ A-, ,114-H-14-1-1-1-1-1 �+4%s 1-1-�-4­1- , � � . 60 YEARS' _. I . . � EXPERIENCE I . 1, I re , A � . I - 'If, . I I . I I TFAcE Nqf,pits . . . ,. " DESIGNS , *A I 00PYEl.r.mys &a. Anvono Edndlng a ishetoli and deticriEtion mar 4ulokly twcortald our opialon free vMtbtr all � Invention ics probably witentable 36 Communtea. tionaptricteconfidentful. 11ANDO NonPatezit% I oontfroa. Ideat ageucy for eamvinir patents. ratents 'taken t rough Blum% ,k Co. reeelve rpccialvtke,v!�.Ouboh Miathe . ar. . I . L�,,011ie"' I ' 'A'I*lw..Ytl*.rkUlLd',x',OWUL'4h�F.'aw.olt.*,Ua;' I MUNN, §4 Co.zlelluo-d-ay. New York �'ItIN�.1-1%0*1-1.1-CW..-�-� - .Urwnh ( Moe. MVP St, Wzabinaton. D. Q . . 0 a -4 ,"IV *,"*.",* V,"."47V"-"V,W* .T.P.rV,%-,vVW,,N-- I W V-0-w"O�W'k-w- .0 W�-V* V I , � eN ." 4 I M1 I I %'N.), 0 a I G'�N o a I 4 � 4 9 1 41 1 We are sole agent2 for We earry a full stock of : the celebmted Scranton Coal, Lumbor (dressed or undres- ,q sed), Shingleh, Lath, Cedar 'I w1deh has no e4ual. 4 Posts, Barreliz, ke. 4 Also the beat grades of _�_­ -1 ___ .-- I I- I I -1 I - 4 , Smithing, Cannel and Do- : . Highest Price Paid for all 4 mestle Coal and Wood of 4 1 sU kinds, always on hand. kinds of Logs. I It . i. � Residobee Phone, No. 55 1 offica to No. 64 IN "' Mal it No, 44 1 J a A i t la, c LIE A 11 - ___ __ .___.__.___...... . '.. BITTERS ON SALE. __ . ----.--.— ' . I -11A R D I E 11H 0 0 T E lu"'. Hotel Men in Erin Township Finea - * 07ford WlenWouI4 Not Let Socialist . -Cne Pleaded Guilty, . V_ Pa. P. Speak. - 01101fir tiespatell: As it result of a o License Inspector Cakes, of ONI'MI, E1191,141d, March 8; - AL a 11, South Wellington, ftna Inspector Borth- meeting of ilia Ulliworeity Fabian So - wick, Into the local option township of ciety Ili tile Town ITall. here to-Ilight ,Erin ill East 11rellingtou, four clutrges of offering liquor for stile were heard ,Tames Reir Ilardie, tile Socialist .before Magistrate Saunders this inorn, ing. The defendants were John McCar- member of Parliament, who was to have: been the principal Fpeaker, was ultable. thy And IV. D. Dwyer, botel keepers, ,lid I). West, Laker, 11111sburg, and J. to gain a hearing Owing to the hostilel 61110118tratiolls of the ultilergraduates. Warren, hotel keper, 04fiving. Dwyer � Pleade(I guilty And. ,was fitiod $20 and Amidst scones of the greatest dis- order firecrackers vveril exploded, ,all-. costs. The ease against West was7 dis- toolobilo horns were blown, there - missed. Warren was convicted and fill- were shouts and bursts of song by bd $20 and eoAts, And the ebarge Against the students, egg's and orange8� NVere . I Ifecartby Iftlit over until Wednesday at . thrown and tho platform was storm- the request of 11r. Itaverson, of Toroll. ed. Many free fights occurred d1jr- to, w1to, with Mr. X. Jtiffroty, Conducted ing the demonstration. I the defence, The Proctor of tile university vain- ' t In tile hotels ",folin Bull bitters,), R lov allpftled to the itiidergradu'�tes to combination of whiskoy And bitters, give Mr. Ifardic a hearing, but they whiake.y pure, or whio, had been found r0flised to (10 Fo, and the llieeting tit tile bars, And supplies were also ais. Oventlially,Was broken ill). - revered in some of the cellars. Goveril- � , lop* 1 111011t analysis proves ilia liquor to be RVOLT 6F HUSBAND$, - intoxicating, 11 . 1 �. . . 1. .0 9 0 - I - SUGO TRUST'S SCALES , T-houtands of Ausslane 13000MO Mo- hammodans to Divorce Wlves. Arranged to befraud th6 United I . ._ ,St. roten,,burg, March A. ­The alfolv States G4vornmiint. IRIVIlod ii preparing.'t potition to tile Clza� ­ Now York, 'Marcli 8. -- �k verdik.l. U�rglug him lo Nsuo a likase abolLAhillo Ijb0rjvofeOjl9pjpu(,j%Iar ig t, 0 - e) ioliq In'Tt qrl' Awarding tile 'Vaited States Governutont W1110% NVAS Ar,'1utQd to .111 RusSi.ing Rome $IS4,110 t1amnqm I')' unpaid custoults , L time ago, dutles front Gt� Ablerleall Silgav Defin- Tho catl-�,% of tile lJoly 8yllod',q itotioll ' i89 COHIP311V IV44 1101140"d tO-dily by a , is o.%tv,41110y ('111 -lou -Z, litally fhousull,14 .jury which IleftrAl ellarges of Illis-W041,11- Of RUS-11-111 ponsanti havo taken advan. ing "algar fillport.q. tagv of file Clar's deeri,v 'it) proniptly The vftdiet ronderea was for tho le.ivo the ordlodox ('11111-01 Anti lievollil. full aillount Soul for by the Govern. blent, Ott t1to rollitntioli that this slut Uollaullilod"111-4, t1w voa'4on 11-ing fluit 1111, (Ior Atollaillillodan hINV any true Wliever �__ wils duo through. unilorweighing by the iq entlitti'd to put away lik wife if bt� I-, vompally'A elilployeevi of Atidntr finports 00 ,�,01111)ftllv'4 Ilroakl,yo�dml;%, not. s.11i.ojetl wit), Lt,r, Oil T08. Atan I 1-t lalltl-v l� thoup-.111dq ()f I'liti;ii.111 Ill I timAlly Nvili adilumd, to sftmr ill"It fralill. t1avo Altn"ell 11tvil, 111lip'lon for tilt% �-ol;* ultnt'dovic-os hail boml attai-4w"i io ille . lillrpo-,48 of 1)100,11111�tr tlivor" from ille4l, N0411M flu"re. vallmilg tholn, to regl,dt%r wivi-i. in InAlly ts,40s 111AIT.Vinge .1mother It'AA tli-In flit; irtio Avoight. NVO11111111