HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-03-04, Page 7I'll -, 4" OR"" — : ,_ V W . I I 1 1"17—WW"I .1 .11111151111LFF
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F'11 11'1 __ -,-"-- - ---"-- - "' _` " ...... ___,,;_ . . / m . -_ 1 71 W . 11 .
ully, Murdered by Un -
known i I a Her Own Home, I
(A r-Ileelal Despat"111 froill 11altilltoll.)
To lie foully murdered Ili her own horne, fil broad day1h,glit, Ity it litall who
emptled the couLentis of it .3$ calibre, five-vitarribered. revolver Into her body ))a-
fore Inal'ing good his esvilliv, Nvas Cho cruel fate iliat befell L'thel I'Ulirade,
toventy-Hirco, yeani of ,lge, secolitt eldest dangliter of T. L. Xlllra,de, prill0pal
of the Cannoll street school, ymtoirday afternoon. The deeil was perhaps Clint of
, , .
an 1wintie nian, or it coward. crazed, by tile fear of being captured.
Tho remarl.able feature of the tragerly ii that the mother of the dead 1911-1
Was at Tiolice headquarters appealing for protection against the brute who slow
her daughter wlioin tho murder Nvas being, Ronnuitted. Thor ease is One replete
1%ItI1 pathetic features, and it j.3 doubtful It before it orlitto Ili the city's ]'!story
created $rich A profoun-1 sensation or stirred up so. nitieli indignation,
Although tile police were quickly notified, and had the dra.- net out within ,
ton minutes of the, time of tile shooting, scouring tile city aud surrounding
vourttry, no traco of the inart sou,ght for has been secured yet.
I The Irturiliered, Nvoinari and her sister, MISS Viorelleo Killraile, a -%yell knolvil
shiger, were alono In tile house at the time of the Aragedy. Mrs. Hinrade left the
lJouse shortly before 3.30 o'clock to go to tile police offlee And appeal for pro-
tOctiou a0gaInat a wan ivllo had lialitutea the vicinity for it -%yeek or more, Car-
rorizing the faluily with his suspicions aetion.1, 11:he ilitig evidently watelied liar
)Pave, and Assuring lilmself that the girls were Alone, walked boldly lip to tile
door and knocked for admittance. Tito girls wero. dressing to ",a Out. miss
Florence Kinrado had already donned )ter street attire and yy.as waiting for
R.Litel, who was upstairs, when tile knock came, ,
Going to (lie door she was surprised to see a man about five feet seven.
inches tall, of mediurit build, with a dark, wavy itioustAche, and wearing .1
slouch hat and dark clothes.
She recogmized Ili Idut ilia man who had been hanging around the place for
several days, and. was preparing to Ask Iiiiii Ilia business when he curtly demand-
ed that site supply him with food. Site volunteered to get Min something to
eat, find Attempted to shut tile dcor, witen Ito brualted liar roughly, aside, and,
stalked lilto the hall, forcing liar bael,, towartli the dining room. Startled by
ilia abrupt entrance And frightened by Ills inanner anti Appearance, the girl ova -s
preparing to call for help, wheri lie gruffly dernanded.
"Olve tire what money.you have!"
"I won't," said the frightened girl,.as ilia backed Jowardi the s,tairs and
(ried to scream. The strailger prodileed a, mvolver And. sternly colininand,ed lier
to be Quiet.
"It you yell, I'll sliool," lie said. I
Tile desperado repeated hii demand tha.li she harid, over whot money she
had, Site went upstairs to get it, and he attempted to follow. She serealued
. .
to her sister Ethel to lock herself Ili he..r room, and returned with $10, whiell
.,ilia handed over to him. I I I .
Having heard. the twise downstairs Rfi7a Alarmed by liar sistor's warning,
Ekbal. bravely attempted to leave Cho house by tile back entrance and sumnion
help. The burglar probably divined her parpose And moved forward to mact
7 - ----- - -
T40 Heaj, IV, verm 0001, In-
6cwd at chicno"
I ,
Chican-0, Mar. I.—W. Vorlia,
0, ,it BOOW,
.president of A. Dooth & CO,, 0113 so-
calle(I Pill trust XvIllelt Went ilktQ tile
hands of it rticell-cr last ,el)telubtlll) And
F. 11. lltobbluq, fortut r it,;.-,istalit tivas-
Irriv 'of tit,) compally, weno itidieteil to-
dax-, "I'licy, "%),!tit others to the and
Juror. -4 1111knowil," Am charged witfltezt
toring into A, coli,q)II-acy by liteang of
whicIL flivy tivellro.1, "wilfully, )1111 lielons-
ly, feloniotloy", etc., the $run of $300,000
front tllv, Continental Xatle;,zal Bank of
Chien"Yo. Thil two IIIQII Are jointly Ill-
dletv<l, News (if Elie grAd jury's
actic;ii creatrd it sensation ill Chicago.
I.Vile litilillitics nt tile Jinto the re-
e0ver was appointed were estimated
at oycr J$6,000,000-, tilt,, assets, have offi-
Oally been ipstilliat"I (is low as $,1,000,-
St'llgational fer4tilliony wit% aildnevil
from F. It Robbins, who ww Indicted.
%vith Air. llootil to-thly. Tha wittleas
Wit it startling, story or falso state.
input-, prescitled to the liniVcs to bolster
ill) tile totterlilri, cred.it of tile firm, say -
111 - tit(, r;:iprPF;critvd asse.t% were $2,0(K),.
000 away front tit(, true. condition of
I -
%inning of a Suit to Determine
I the Lveiful Mir.
Paris, Mar. I -over one hundred wit.
nesses have been surnmoneil to appear
ill tile case Of Ernest Ifeuri Jeall Bap-
ti to West, claimant to the ISackvill,%,
lwor,age anti e8tittes, against I'lonel Ed.
Islard Sack-ville West" Ilia Ittephow, to
Whoul tile estates have passed, which
comes lip for trial ,'Honday. Ernest is .
tile soll of tile Into Lord Skwkville, find
)to was born At Areachon, ill the, CAirolide,
Jnne 24, 1809. Ills mother was Jose.
phille Duran tie OrIP",rn, A, "Spallish
danco.r. . .
The case binges upon the legitimacy
of Ernest. No attempt will lis made
to deny that Lord Sackville lived with
Joseplinio de Ortega as his wife, and
Chat lie formally legitimatized his'phil-
dren by liar, hub Lionel will. contend
that [Ito dancer lit 1887 contracted a
marriage with at Spaniard named Oliva,
a cnutly Lord Sackville's
legal recognition of his children is 1111111-
f led.
. ',%Vlien Ethtl was confronted with the man with Elie revolver she nttempwd
. -006
lo sur;earn for ]tell). Tbis alarniQd the st.anger, who gal(], serealli or I'll
.Shoot you", .
. i:rhe unforturiate girl d ill not head tho'waruing, and liar sister Florence, con.
vinced that the mail meant all lie saiJ, tried to wrest the revolver from him.
Suicide of Alex. Stevenson, a Paint -
She ,grabbed tile arm that held ti a weapon, but lie brutally thrust .her aside,
sind turnina the revolver oil Rthe"I' fir,& five ,hot, Ili rapid suceession. He
er, at San&ich East.
stood so Jose to tile girl when shooting that the flash from the powder
. _
burned ]ter clothes and scorched the fl !sit. 'Death must have been histantane-
ous, as all examination of the romaills tit the morgue showed that three shots
Wilidsor, Feb. 28,-.Alcxander Steven -
passed through dic left breast -,viihin A. radius of About three inches. Two of
sonj a painter, aged 29, died this morn.
them probably pierced the heart. A fourth wound Nvas, discovered close to liar
left car, and the girl's face was frightfully burned, as though the weapon had
lit- from a dose of Paris green. Steven.
.been press,pd against the head when fir.ad.
son inade deliberate preparations to kill
hinixelf and procured the poison under
the of wanting it for his work.
floor without uttering a sound, while ]ter sister, who had
Zu'r= his sister all affectionate
good-bye lie -went to his room in Fieldv
mlUis.osed tilt,. awful tragedy, ran out of the hou.so and acro4s the road to the
ii,esldt.oco of Mrs. F, J. Rickey, 106 Herkimer street. Weeping byaterleally,
Ing'$ hotel, in Sandwich East, and sival-
slit ,t4d of the terrible tragedy that had been enizetc,a Ili Itir home and , ,to-
lowed nearly an ounce of Paris grooll,
Stevenson then informed his frioxids of
vompairled -by 'Mrs. Hickey, van to Vie groctry etore of Goorge . Hunt, 1-71
3-terkinter st;eet. Rusbing into tite storo, she* cried out, "They have
what lie had douc, and, Although inedi-
0 .
Vilit-1; they have killed Ethel." I
1, .
umoned at orwe, big life
could. not be sq ved. 's
Itovensoll's J Omo
Mr. Ilunt and a clerk, gra,bbing long meal knives and a hatchet, ruslied
was in St. Thomas.
fo the Kirtrade bomest(Kid, Ili .the meantime, Corondr McNichol, wholives
at the corner of Bay .And 1-ferkill3cr stroots, had Arrived oil the scene. 'HQ
ftad Ills horse hiteh d up and was preparing to start out on Ili% after-
. -
C0 t.
rinon rounds wlten gomebody rang him ill:) and informed lunt tlimtheivaig want -
I e,A at tilt- Hillrade- 11011%0. !Xlr. Ilillit and his Conlixinioll ru.".1lod into the
k-u*mo and found Ehliel Kinrado i4tretched out oil the I Rcheu floor, at tilt', foot
A intinent of Colored Teacher in ' I
I t.ho
(,if Cho Track staircase, Ili it pool of blooil, Dr.. MeNrlehol, who exaluilied
Dod.r., AlKlit,'red that .4he Intuit have oll,id histantly. The back door was apen,
Essex Causes Trouble. -
0ho-wing tbat; the irturdtror must have esenited by jainp-hig over ilia back fence
and gt)Ing oitt of a lane that runs the full width 6f the street. -Allss Floreitee
Kilwado collapsed after giving, the Alarm, and was removed to A, neighbor's
Windsor, OU,, Feb. 28,-Bpop;uso I
honse. Tile body was takerioto tire Illorgue, fit the City Hospital, and Coroner I
the school trustees nallica a colored
AT(Viehol issued a precept. for tilt hiqueO.
teacher to assume charge of public spe-
Aarailton, 'Iffarch. .t,- Xo more I sane nian, bont oil rob.Wry, would Lake
evidence of the irl- such chances ill Tatting him$ elf be seen.
Lion NO- 0, 4 small settlement between
here and Amherstburg, nearly all the
.tenee interest aroused in Hamilton over i FOLLOWING A SUSPECT.
white children have been withdrawn
from SOILOO1, A-nd the villpge is torn ill-
tilie borrible antl inyiterious murder eann. Brantford, March I. -(Special).-
mitted in it ll(rkiawr stret-t li-im' P, oil I 6onstables Brannan -and Brown ,arrived
to two conflicting factilins. Tji a . 1peality
Thursday afternoon la.6;t coli4l be ]tall in this city at 10.40 ou'Saturday night,
..flian AvA nfioroloid bY thi crowthi th'tt having Come 111) 1.40 Irami
is about ,equally b6tweon whItes
and blacks, and Jias been the spono of
flopked the. streets yL;terday Afternoon
A, general scouring o%pedition for the
the ssmo Kind of trouble several tirrIes,
when the fulleral of tire victim, :Kthel
Kinrade, I
perpetrator of the Hamilton murdeier
heretofore. 4 ToAjority of the trust ca
ar.o colored, . I P
took place. Fully -tit holir Ile.
Tho officers did not receive any iiifo
fore tile hearso drove lip to the door I
mation until they struck Cainsville,
-.0-w-f _ I
ipeople brgan to line Iferkliner street ill
where the report was given that a man
0p viclulty of the Xhirade lionle, And I
601,pil. the paIL-boaxers carried. the flowor- I
bearing a striking resemblance to the
fllgjti, a lad through on Fri-
- ' '
Cart -To NAtio., Pers9nated at Cam.
,laden jeasket into the Areet the crowil ,
tiny. Conling to tile city it was alkio
bridge Un;versity.
pinst Jkavo numbered three ilmoisand
^ ,
Byearly twice that number must '
learl led that'livesumably tile same mail
Loniltin, 14-1). 2S.-Carria natioll
I had stopped at the Western Ifotel bar-
the scene of the tragedy I room, from
, where it roport was gent to
1)""';,P 111g
con'tintle's to lie more noticed ill Eng-
tile afternoon.-' They cattle front
every quarter and included every class. ; the local police department. The detee-
land than site ever was ill Aillerica. Oil
16 wia not the Ordinarily illol-M(fly etill- .1 tives consulted Chief. Slemin, who had
. 'Chur-,day the letiture moin Calus,
Intia crowd. that gatbors On ,,neh all ov- : on Saturday aftemoon received a Vo-
)art from Mt. Pleasant that the tiamp
(ttill,, 0arribrid,,_- was crowded witill
Pa4ion, bill: people who, al-dayed t 11:1 f, sliel) l
eoilid t , IlAd been seen Ili that village And was
In committed
e\p(-(-tn,nt university m -lit, assmubted it,
n. sensptional erbile
,in tile very heart of one of ilia most , all Ilia way westward.
toni;P(Inenvo of it, I;olice all tit(' Gains
bulletin board that Mrs. '.Nit.tlou had con-
,Lbiekly populated residential di3trIati;, ; TRAC101) IIV)J[ DOWN.
sentpd to address the college oil varions
t-trid. the slayer escape asifthagroundliad
Brantford, Orit,s XArillil I.--Ooteetive%
stibjv.ets) among which was drinking. It
,,piwallowed him up, cairto Lo vi'w the
Brennan and Brown retilriled to Bra.ut-
was rather A, rowdy ,erowd of under-
-igeene of the traggedy, to discuss tile her-
lord At 3 o clocl: this morning, Illiving
gradiultes, striOldrig its hard as tlWy
alble details, and to theorloo on the inys- i
tery ill which tht- Crime appears to be
tracked dowp the suBpeab they were pf4
ter at a place called Ungar Lake, Xor4
coilla befor-3 the lecturer's appearti-nee.
The president.'of tfie society Oriteled, R?L)-
4-nveloped. Little children oil their way
to Sunday school looki d with wolldoi-
County. Tito su pact only partially
* 11' L 1 $edj aid Ad-
purently Ronlew a- astill . I
' '
ment, at Ne crowili as the limrse witl)
Answered !-lie dosori tfoa of the Ill
, an
. wanted, and tile detectives do not t1ilirk
monished t I
"I tbink, geatlettion, that if you don't
lh,e, murdered girl's remains went past.
.1illy halt the cro-wol, probably inov-,
I hi, is tile milrdager lie came djreot
I .
rnind you Nvould better put your , IV . a
I "' -M'.;4o, up of wornell. They stood oil
. VA a
from Hamilton, however, taking tho T,,
rf. & 13, to Scotland where Ilia siraligo
aw.,.y. Tito ]ally SeNlia to ))a raClJor A.
, Tartar .2
rielghboriag lawns, blocked street
antl road, and eve', crept lip Oil th0
actiolis iplicited ouspicion, Ile akirted
aronlid gelvin And Scotland, And rofus.
A inorrient later the "Iady'$ entered
with. determined tread, carrying A bat-
veran4ah of tile Ithirado home to peop
Irt ,windowvix. &orco Of People, through
in tile
. '
ad to allow aulone to ii2ceb him at
close range. To bie detectives lie admit.
cl;cL ScareelY, however) h%d ashoo,
opallcd her 1110ittil When, w-ith one roax,
Itiorblot 0111-Joally, Ivelit to vielir
Led these strange Actions, 6kating lie
le shoutd u i nm
thO MME net,'
K I On d. I
was afraid. Ilia follow belonged to the
a, Nv011-kilaWrl inember of the Calus. Ills
Varnad6 .1tonio and was of a solnewhat
voice liad rerealed hillit.
Although four days have elapsed sined
simple rilind. 1-10 was short and 01 fair
"Mrs. Nlaition," however, was allowed
e tragedy is appar-
c6mpl6xion. Tito detectives took hi's
to deliver typical littraligue , pulletuat-
H with disovoierls? interruptions.
ently onveloped in as Julto myet0rY As
plxotogr ph and patprited to 11amilton
I , . .
when the police first took cliftrgO of illp
this morning . - a long two night
, ,after
ease, tlltre, is reason to believe that be-
trip, They left Itim witil a Inall usalled
the inquest oil Wednesday night,
uokl I he 7orkod.
1 )Or-Qu4JJt, V-11011. whonk.
0'r probably at tho itaquefl, there will
I roirr Iltmo:iNq suspr"CT IIELD.
Schomp to Flood k-gartino Republic
tbe ,-volol nionts. The police maintain
. I . .
I .
I , 11111-Olit INJIVII., *.NfRrCIl I, -(8P"_
. With 909ut Money. .
ithat thdy Are still Ili the athr, but gd-
I ial.)--lzobert 'X,Ortoll, arraAed f.4r At-
Indianapolis, r-ob, 28, -Through the
anit tlia dle$" h"VO remon to be hopeful
Mf accomplishill,4. something. I'doplo
terill)(111g to N -4t Ilia %vay 'Out ,of t) . to oily
I oil tile Vero Alliwors the dri-
Aritst'a, .
I u011art E. Istott, by. Secret Ser -
. . .
Anive begull to talk. a,nd the officers have,
geriptitill of Clip JI)A.n wautt(l In 11(titait_
yip off1porg here last night A .8clitome
been furnished with jg 4ribt, of litter-
ton, about 6 feet 7 inellp.g tall; dark
to Mod 0o Atgentino 4epit lio with
, will ,be gloted to'the bOt-
lination, that ,
soit and overcoat, slouch lint, aild droop-
'eollaterfeit money was nipped ill the
tam. Par obvious* Ixasohis it 14 iMpos.
Ing In 0118 taclip, (ill inot givn patisfactinly
jl A, 4n4'effillots are now making to oil -
Able to, Inalt:6 tile infolrillAtioll LMQ10.
Accollut Of 5;01f, 111'e, I% helil here Wa a
rompags tjl.a 4tirest of a proinitiont IGOV-
Dismissing tho tramp theory Inak4f, It
djarg- of drunkennees, And I-Trifililtort
crultient official Of .&tgeatiuo, *lie
stimost necessary to look for another
offl(cr;4 notifi , pol. .
80tb Says VA8 to pay him $40,000 for
rnotive iliall rolibery for the orinie. The
Ithologi,aphic plates and prints innAo
police, it p Mile, Vill try mitt discover
i 11,11, polivot. haw reeeive(l word t1int, tile
of bank notes of the republic. 'Scotti
. I
Some Othet 111011vo,
! polit-0, fit Tillsou'llurg awl Perlin have
WAN Arraigned and -confealml 111.9 gul,it,
susppi-Ig under arrest,
. iia, ))p1ng, vii.ablo `16 give bond, is now
Tito report mado to the P01W th-11,
I , *-+* —
A 1011194,AHAII-
Ill jail.
I .. . I I 0 .0,4- . _
whon B'dicil Xhirade w;ls returning frilin
a woel; ego 'Sund:ty A 111,11, stood
- Loildon, On -L, Fell. '28- NIF24- SAVAll
Ew ' to ' 60a Toosy-'rurvdy Wdather.
oil flit, walk nm bell 11011le AII(I lild h1i
71T('(,:1!l Y, who Is living with 11,4 gtivlul-
1.0lidoil, FAAS.Rwropio experloneed
featurei with An umbrella, And the faet
r. ,Vully, T,orne avpllli ,
-got's It,1.1.1,411 ; JL
- eurloxisfj toptly-ttilivy weather Talt week
thati 41, 111,N11, Will) stood Olftldik V10
1101114 v Oil .edntsday flight. looking It
(.61el rjl,t(qI llpy olli hundpe&,h birl,bilay
I mlity and
Ani Tilptidly, 1411,0 N TWO, allit IlL
aild It nittit 114va wad lileitsulid ppe4Ars
Vill . the .nivitrit wonder NvIly they h44
.41WI!, 1111d Ills foatareq *Ith bis li'Lud
'Whell pool& pw'sed, Allgq, Atl thab 011:5
i4 b1top,vil with 4 wo-Ailortril Intilli'lly.
Nyllift, 110lig In Itall(ax ANIIS, AT(,( ,
pot 011A to lefl4ild l"ateAll of travelling
Routfl. 011VO(IfloAtIa.1y ,ilia thomoineter
'11-ly Ilave b"Pil Me 1111111*61,tir, It it wati
', .
t1tilght, sunday Wio?)l tiaka, MO Sir
'As 24 dool'002 11191110 (it l3qlfJIt01;- Ulan
U r
jtli.4' polfel e.,ttinot ailderstowl ling Afl,y (Iiieleit Tol per wa* ow of lier plipllo,
It t Xles.
$ticks. to, flis Gun% ana Rcplie to
Strictores on Him,
Chester 0 Massoy Mena$ Revi
Mr. Jackson,
llw foill"Jivill"? 13 Dr, C,trluall'.i roply to
Stdetltre.3 in ',%Lturilay minting lintpri
by wire froni SAIM114 Vail.':
Tho stroko Of the 11,1111.11or drivei tho
nall bottle. .Not Ilk,sly 4wy lom vlaorom
.,.Itroke would have iloua it. At tile be-
gimillig of this blioluoa,i the 0-eneral
61q)oI'IlIteroI(1n`C, When lvik,!d, imistok),
lliat Otero must bu it Tirvaeller in c4als a
appoiritt-d froin our own (O'oriferenco, Ito
1-4 tile pa.4or, Qn,(.1 nblt ;,Ilt tudy so to lt,
reco alized If I t', , ,I rQsuotlilible for
di6eloplille 1,1rid ductrine. The'llresent, ar-
rallgellient has not ahvilys honored lifill
In Ills 111180P. Yonr Corl-kiSpUll(ItIntil dt'41,
Whil pel-80111111 Inattill's, Altid'do not '.0110'1
tile point' of my letter, vIZ_ (114ciplillary
il"T911 lit riti(isl All , it OhJc0tlOnAb10 Oilelllfl 6't
which has grown into A, propagalrdl, ivl
of higher crii;iclsm, Th:3 wedge oilters at
tile introduction of Prof. Gl orgo Allato
8nilth to tile preaelleral liteoting. How
easy to adVance .ilit.l.-nit. and Nloali myth-;,
Abrabaal anti Joshria. niytll.A, ere vtioll
arld. tile flood Illyths, cro.5sing (lit' lletl
,sua And tile JDidan iuyLh,i -who darea
draw it line anti say: thu.i far and rt
fartliftr? Once started, where will you
sto 9
No'so 1rho engaged Tvfr. Jackson allou',d
have known whi'dier lie wits ctoirw. Mr,
Flavelle writes straight pernonai7vlewi,
hub under tho eircurnepttineeti I iiiugt lie
. I
Illy Own judge of tile propriarl-es, Whell
I wish to write keen things I will study
Iii -3 style. 2kir, Jackson innst, of conme,
have full ]Wtitudox of defenev, Ife has
inany friends, anti no doubt, their eyaw-
pathleq will Ito sineere Ana their sopport
might-)". All thk I foresaw. before I
penned -1 woril. Dirt there was a duty
to ha dischargell, and someone bad to
n after comiuRation
with thu proper 0111,01 officers, one of
w1lant was depilt,cil to .see .Afr, J11'eksoll,
it ho. thought Advisable, An#) 11.1.4 111111ister
!it charge. As to lily waiting 11pQn Mr.
Jackson, that has been tried before,
when a man is set upcip Ills path. I
spoke as I thought for the 'Metliodlsb
Church froin occan to ocoan, and not
merely for Toronto Wlethodi-sm. There
were evik to be cured, Another wiglit
(to it niore gracef"lly; oi rt%inly none
could do it with deeper convictions,
with purer interest, or with strongar
desire for the general *elfare. A firm
believer Ili th-3 integrity; sufficiency and
trustworthiness of 11oly Seripture must
in these days take 'his s0nd. It (lops
(!QJJJc to pass, As ift JIJQ former aity.S,
that a Inert 1--i set for A sign to be spoken
against, tll:tt, the tho4lits of many
licarts be revealed. A plain declaration
])rings things into the light, and that
wltich makeili. inaulfest is liglit.
Mr. Cliestpr D. Xassay writes A,
lolkys" ,a to] -
To the Editor of the Globe I desire
as a-layman of the Methodist, ,',Church to
express lit sincere regret ,it the unbe-
coming attack liv Dr. Carman on
Clio Rev. George Jackson, Which appear-
ed in the columns of your paper on Fri-
di y m orniug. Ilia letter is as Intolerant
as An oneyolical oif a mediaeval Pope.
Tile General Superintendent; seems to re-
serve tile rigoil; to ride roughshod ailo'.
where ando-everywhere over any odyl
I whose theological 01.0111glit i's not procise-
y ilia saine As Ilia. I do llqb -%visit to
(,Iltkr tile arella, Of tiloological 11salisgion,
but I elaint the right to protest Against
slich a cominuilicatioll as 1311'. CAlrluftJl
wrote -In relation to Mr. Jackson. Such
a letler anti do nothbi,er but harm,
I ba.ve known Rev. -4A[r. .1at-kg,ori 'for
Ye"IN- T have seen 10,; wort; lit Rdin-
';gh' '
))It , Fill(! was glild when -ilia Shot, -
bourne Sh-cerl, People invited ]Jim to tkell,
pastorate. I was a member of the com-
mittee A hloh invited Mr. JaQkson to tile
pulpit of the Metropolitan Church, which
lie felt lie must decline. I have since
been delighted that Ile saw fit to accept
Elie invitation to bocome It' Member of
tile fflellIty of Victoria, (Jolle map where I
ain supe Its will. be a blossing"to all tile
young in all over whom bQ may bo. placed,
Alr. Jackson, in- my judgmenI, lias done
More since he came to Toronto 0 ele-
%,-Ile tile standard of pillpit, efficiency
1114'aniolian Afeti)odisal th,)II .Ally otiltil.
eggyrrian Ili the Dominion. Thi's is the
inall whom Dr. rJarinan mercilessly a.s.
sails, and calls 'fa 1)ireoi asaistailt,21
"An employee.,'
A aryin.g need of Cho lfcthodisL C?Illlroll
ls more ripe scholarship Ill file pillpit,
and wore carileal; study Of file Ilibli,.,
slieh its we see in the N4rk of the Rev.
George Jaekson. it is needful both for
tile pulpit, and tit(,' pew.
Xry obsel
A -vatioll has led ilia to Lie]
that those who are attacked a,4 modern
critles Of tile, llib!o bear wore of the
spirit Of Christ than thw,o w1lo so bit.
telly oppose them. Surely if anything
('1111 stand ilia searchlight, of ilive'-41ga.
Lion through nil the ngveA it is tile Word
of God. I Am not a frtlid to trust Illy,
Bible Ili the hands of suell ,Ile,, .,to Ift,
Jackatill—lininble, evaligOical, Ohrlat
like students of tho Woord,
Roller Skating the Popular Pastime
' I
in Old London.
1on4on, Fell. 28-- The vqguo of
roller skatiligg reached Its ellinax (Ittrin'?
tile past wtok, during which Londol'i
P0011's to b0 roller inad. A new verb,
"to i,lial,," ]ilia b -en a4acit to tile n,rignsh
dictionary, And "rinking" has beeofiie tire
great *sp;rtj pastimo alid social function
4f the day, lVol-Wrig, afternoons And
cveningff thousands of Ili Tl women And '
ebildTou—nienbers of ParIT.ImInt, clerks,
duellosscs, ahollgirls tuld actresses alike
-hie them to tile Olympia, *n wheels
a a 'ofil the evet-rolling stream. ITun.
ol ie,dii of licroolift $it -bit tile raigool
seals ft ovrid the skating floor watching
for hour.% the Imulan river glide by, fits
eirlate(l by the dre'rinly motion And lialf
hypnotived - by tilt ceL;i,.T,eA4 year,
- I -
1_41arnia, Ont., Alarch l.—NIrg. I'vlary G .
borne, the Snrifla; ivolfian who dfmp.
peared front her home last lelllttsda l
and who it is Itelloved has Iftlet deltill
either 1)y her own hands or tot the
hands of othei,s, is WIT iniqa1ug. The
police Of this and other places are ulak-
inni, a voiliplete search for the wodian.
1 .*.k-3- --
. ()IhlNya, Pitt, Marell I.-A)r.
the i ,")Ioilll eftnI114"'ttz for the V'(111111111,12,1i
11ol"e ill Ott%wA, wlin, Infule way at tit(,
gollel'al pleetioll for Sur Wilf0il'I'llurlor,
an,Y.5 Ile Ivill Ila, the 141110ral t%ndidlate
tot, the by-014floil agdiiisf wlioov r tb
rotilknAloli 01004051.
I 0 0 'i__
flea, T111,411, local Presidept, of tit o
Illilte(I Mille NVOlkers, Nvas fatally at'lli.
bkl by ItAliar nilners 10im lie rendor ,;l
: All fitiversa 6k.i.41o",
Thet Ilow VostjnnrLlaoa lil'othodlit
(Istirch, Toroilta,Avall deffleMod,
Sucessfal Attompt of Pormer Uni. I
ve.r4ity Student,
11.V..a4deck, Mar. I.— MoCtlrdT flow,
Silver Dart Q310 11410 alia it lialf ill gro.%t
"Signed) Oraliltra 13cil."
,"J'Aiddeek, I'leb, _1)5).--.AloQqrdy alto.
oveded Ill elrelitiltiavigating, or rather
Ili eircurridroming Baddeck, Day. Covered
about five Inill'-s' averago height forty
tit fifty feet. It, wa's ti, famolls 1 ,rforlri-
"Shrited) (1.1%3110.111 Bell.".
The flight ;7sas Illado tot All average
speed, of forty*rrillea an hour.
lorolito, .Alarell I.—To It comparative.
Ty smoll onin-ber of people gathered lit
tae Ieeture tbeatro of the -new Pllysles
b1111(liug Cho ;0lnOun0Qm0JI`t Ilia$ Inade
on Saturday night 00 it gri-Aduato Of
tile Vniversity of Toronto had niadethe
first really suece,,isful flight lit a heavier-
111all-air wat'llino ill Wlr4da, The flight
va,i lilado by All-, J, A, 1), McCurdy, of
L'apr, Breton, who gradanted front the
140..00l of $civlite two years, ago, Ill. A,
maellinto V )at was tile invention of Dr.
Al-E.xandcr (Ira-hain Bell, a -well-known
Carittollan loventor, as conveyed lit bho
t vleng ra iris tinot,od. - .
I— I.,... ..... 1
DefenJents in Carmack Mor1cr
. .
Trial Quite Pleased,
Nashville, Tenn., ifar4h L—Refreshad
after adjournment of a day and a' half,
with their Ihmq of battle reformed, coun-
-gel lit Clio Cooper -Sharp trial for the
ninrilfr of former Senator RL W. Car-
inaek Appeared .Jn coprb this mornitig
for renelvAil of t1le contest, .
With their ordeal of cros-i -exam 1 na Lion
bellinit' them, LIM VOW defendants were
Ili f,specially good Ilanior. ],',veil the old
coloncl, usually stern And tacriturn,
anillod ,I)III-Ily 0 his frierlds, shook
bands NJtli, some, aild seelliod to enjoy a
playful push in the back given by Ills
young-c,st dauglitpr, 1 1i,4. Beyerly Wilson,
of Mobile,
There Meas the lialal large crowil
Awaiting tile operillig of the. oollr roont
doors, end the imial rnsh for scats ill
Clic, front row. Bitf tile re-ulara have
leartled that the balcony is Elie rent van-
tage point, anti ilia heaviest crugh is Italy
at that point.
00 0 1
Harry Monroe, From Winaipeg,
Worked Cheque on Windsor Mon.
111fift-or ' Feb, 2S. Two )),Oaks ago
one ITarry Monroe, big, Lamilsorne and
plausible, arrit,ed here from Winnipeg,
,lid At . once Ilecatup a leading figure
around the hotels, spending money roy-
ally. Ile discovered that James Back.
berry, a bartender, was tilt old boyhood
friend, and immediately put the friend-'
o test by having him endorse
a number of worthlQp elleolues for him.
)TIollrae alsp liggall. lIggotiations; for the
purch . age of Lagoon Park, a Sandwich
rosort; and oil the strength of forged
papers. was able to stretch his credit
still further.
The arrival of a wornan put Monroe
oub of ilia running. DiseoWring Iiiiiii in
it Detroit saloon, tile woman, who turn -
.ad out to ' e Monroe's wife, revealed
him to tile pollco as a fraud. Before he
could be' art- * ested lfolir o left town. I L
i's P.Stiplated tliat Afbilroo obtained aL
1 asb $1,500 va$ll In 4ilditiori to OaLlflng
and other pro' arty dul-hi; Ilia short
" L, 1) Rp I
, fty. . ---*-**—
I .
Young English GO Ran Away With
- I ,
Married Man.
. __ .
IT;dIfaN1,Feh. t9.8.—An Briglish maiden,
said to belong to one of the old families,
left liar father's home, air(], with the
mari she loyed, topk passage on the Car-
sican for Canada, here to ))a rnar lcd
And acttlo down. The father Of t1le, girl
did not approva of ]ter plarts. Ile dis-
eov'croid thal 1 . tis dirigli6r'a loy-.r al-
rea6,'possbssed a wife.' lie kbied, to
ifMreal to iiie njomt of th Allan Line
that Ila N -VI -Shod his dailghter* returned to
him. 117ord was sent to Halifax, and
when the Corsican docked the pair were
soon discovered. T'he girl, when inform-
P(I that .ill was known, fainted And wl,s
ill a swoon for some Citric.
Tit(, mail, whose name i.4 Adam q, N o1cl
enough to Ito tile girl"q faLlier. It wag
their intention to settle in British CO-
Itimbia, whem they were to be married
oil arrival. Another inarl and his wife,
who were passengers Ott tile Corsican,
interested. themselves !a the girl, and
took liar with them to Montreal there
to await, ingtructious from ]ter mther.
Before ,separating from Ilia affinity the
agell lover lundo liar it gift of fifty I
pounds, Ile declared that domestic I'll-
fe -
- ity prompted hill, to Abandon 1115
home. -
February Returns Show a Slight in.
OtLa-wq, Feb, ".—Customs C01100tiOlis
have begiiii to respond. -to tile improve,
Inent Ili business conditlons of Canada.
For Iftuy IllontlIS they Ila,Ve boon rtift-
aing behind the record of collootions
made last year. Howeviii, 0011cetions
,during February were not only equal to
but A, little Ifett6r than tile collections
el the provioe.8 February, tho total
Amount collectea for Cho month being
*4,113,047 which Is a betternielit to ilia
aitiftouint 6f 04,. 4,1)10.
For 0even inonths of the fiscal year
tire collections totallo(I $42,630,700,-Whiell
is $l0,Aj9,qgI 1p.cAs than tile customs ro.-
Curtis for thlo FATAt petiod of tile, year
before. __---*44P--
,Slt, Petersburg, March I.—Iltroll volt
Meyt%ndorff, who conlulailded it regillient
ill 1111 11tissi-JapAll'-se war, wil'i ncel.
dentally killed to-dly N01IL! hunting ort
thp. 0.46tv of (4n. s1finvaloff. Ito. was it
sort of tilt. eollilliandt-l- of Emporor Nich-
014vil body-gullr(l. -I*++—
. Alforls,ql,'t 'Closo Call,
t Madrid, . Feb. 28. Xing Alfonso bag
ball all,othtT n1,JTYOW ef Oftlr(- fl -01-d BOY10115
fivJittry. While 1.1ding in All Alit6nJohile
, . near Vilia Mailrlqrto Clio m4 -
I I I .
I chine Wddeil alid. struck ;t, tree, Tt barn -
Wool toppling over bito 4 deep rst-
I 1 11111101i. pillo 00111JAIAS of Ille Alltollibbile,
however, wero IAOL injured,
"atfore I D10 I Want to $te My
Toronto WomwAttempts Her Own
Life lo, Buffalo,
Ilufralo, 'Marell, 1 --114VAIN- ii,r 411 -i -
baud refusett to liveoule, loconciiPil aitil
patch lip tilt) diffOrVAN Which 0.11A 011
their sl )Aratlnll 13 Illorithi ago, Mr.,;
Mira Lendrum, 34 years old,. swallowe:1
three tablot ,, of bichlorltle of mercury
Ili )ter Apartments at I
, .0 EA.,it Cltippow;,.
street, early t1IN Illornilig" and witi takm
to tile Blner8rency Hospital Ili A. critical
condition several hours latvi,. It li i4ot
lialleved sho eall live, 1irs,, j"J,nall-un,
took tile pul"na 11111nediatoly 0(cr ialt.,
had been balled out'-follolving the arreif
it hers lf And ]ter ltu,iballd on cllar,9 1,1,
of disorderly alliAm-t. Tli nowi or .Nfri.
fiendruill's 'attellipt at sule!do r ,aeh(.,l
hot.- husband jtlst its lie was behig Lried
before Juitik!o 1141yeertey in Third Dli-
triot Coul-t, .
14pnoll'unt is .34 years Old anzl lives .It
83 Ellner Street, Toronto, J -1a emil.,
to ll,itffftlo several days ago and wa-,; ill
a Court strpet.caf,2 last n1glit when Ill.-,
wife oidluo in. lie had not seen lie], fit,
iome time and says when she saw Mill
ill the place came over to whero lie Wit a
-1 i I with 4 'friend. 1-10 says Alle
1-Il!",inc?"llilil to go with liar still lie re
fived. When she perslated Ito went Out
of the place anti. she fo)low, d. On titc-
Ildewalk ,,tit argument arose anti the at
bention. of Patrolman Wilson was A t
traoted by tile lend t%1king. Ile arr mt
ed both and sent them to the P arl
street station.
Shortly after theii arrest Lenil'u'll
anti Ilia wife were balled out by it frietO
of Lendruin. They It* thit stu(Jou.
house together and it is said Ali, 's Lion.
111*111 a,gplfil requested her liu lrl;ia Fo
I 11th her ITO refliged, and slip went
'O .
to her Apartments. That wits ab -nit 113
)'cloek Oils morning,and it is belleved
-she too], tile poison shortly aN,r reaeh-,
ing her apartments. Shortly ifter 8
Atick this morning tile -%voatau living
in the apartment above Ilearfl groans
emanating from Mrs. Lendruni's flat
And invostigated. She called tile police
mid to Patrolniall Culluilighaill, who
arrivool a few ininut2s litter, _Mrs. Len-
.1runt, said sile had taken tIlven of tile
poisonous LO)lets, Dr, arove, of Niagara
3treet, was called, anti applied tire stont-
tell pump immediately, but could not
iay whether the -%voinan could live.
"llefore I (lie T want to see illy hit:,.
band," 'Mrs. Lmi(lrtini cried pitifidly to
Patrolman. 011111111gliam. lie imaletti,
ately called lip tile PCRI'l-AtTeVE 14,fttloll
and told Sergt. Jol-dan. Jiu-itica Sweeney
was hearing, the case of J -ndrtlln when
lie heard of,che mattoir, and iiiii-nediately
suspeilded sentence oil Lendrum. tlia6 lie
might hurry to'llis wife. .
When Landrum Arrived At the Chip-
pown, street apartmenti where his w1fo.,
lay lit a E:otill-conscious and hysterical
condition no was recognized by liar. Slit!
fought against b2ing Italcen to Elie hos-
pital, ,and ivalit-ed fier Iiiisbar,,A to stay
with her . Upon Ys piornise to go to
Elie hospital she consented to ,illow the
llhriela is to.place liar in the stribulfulce.
coo, rig o Lendrum lie had some
difference with hN wife nearly two
yedra Ago, and bogan separation pro-
ceedings 0 some months ago, which are
still pending. Mrs, Lendr"m has been
living in ilia apartm nta where she
took'the polsOn. tablets for sorno thnP,
while Lendrum, who is said to I*, A
racing mail, has been living Ili Toronto.
.. ___.
Petition For Its Inclusion in Anolli,
can Liturgy.
London, Feb. 8.-%`4p spriorlanese
-with vIlich the peol)le of Eugl;tud are
interesting tilemselves Ili social re-
form finds an Illustration in the ques-
tion which -Sir Tohn Betru, a Liberal
4no!nber of Parliament front ])even -
port, will put to Parliament to-mor-
rOW. Sir John wift a'slc the Prime
r Itis qttontion has
been r4illej to"thii rg .
1. , yer il 'tha*liturgy
of Edwatd V1., d6,,tling with the equit-
able distribution of land within the
opuntry, and whether lie will consider
iliii 'navigability of recommending to
the diinvocation tile restoration of the
petition to tile Book of Common Prayer.
Convocation is 'now ;it ses-,ion engaged
. I 11 e. . t,
in a rovisign of the prayer book. The
prayer referred to was composed, by
Archbishop Cranmer. It opens by as-
cribing t1io o,wriership of the earth to
tile L6rd, and implores that- it9 posses-
so I ra may I? . a led to remember that they'
are but, the Lord's tenants and may
not, "rack and stretch out Touts, 'nor yet
take unreasonable incomes."
"Give them," it continues, "grace al-
so to,consider that they are but strang-
ers And pilgrims in this world, and that
they way be content with that that is
sufficient, and not join house tQ house
nor couple land and land to the impo-
yeririlim nt 6f others, but; so behave
themselves In* letting out tenements,
lands, at . id pastures that after thi's life
they may be rdoeived into everlasting
dwelling places.
I .d,-*--
Highwayman YVho Used I Rovolvors to,
. .
Ott 48c Hpavily §tntqqqf4,
.f ,
Chicago, Ili,, Feb. 2S. -Three hold-up
nien Aroused of the theft of 40 cents
were sentenced to life terms In Q6 Paul-
teutiary by it jury lit Judga Kerr's
caurt 3:eRterdity.
This scilkirice was made possible by
the paf!. agp of it law title years ago pro-
viding the sovert, perialty' inflieted for
highway robbery comillittoa with tile
. ol of 11%ldly weapong,
— 0 4-*,--
I lViusbington, .Mareh I.--11in ea,inpaign
r ,
CC) tilt]
And eo_or.dinate all effo .rts for
I the eonitorvaLlon of natural rp,,Aoureos lit
I the. ITaited ,%t%tes is selliedule(I to begin
oil Itarelt t5th,
The einninitt". is Composed of 00,ven
invulb(T.." A,x of theill ,elmirinell of stato
rionservation efollinis'lions.
--,.%14 6
X,ew, York, '.A
farell J._.4, Speei.11 T,011_
don despatch tit (11 , t) world sly,q: V, A.
` .iv York,
Mime, Inguranee broker, of X
is ill Lonaoll with A Power ,of attoviloy
representing shipiping on tile great Tak"
. vitlued at upward of tvil lylillion dollAVA,
for tile 1,111,110v Or tonferring wltTl the
Ilig 11114111-all,00 ll#C110108 Oj QrMt 131 -it -1111
on tile slll jtot, of r4te4 Oil load 1111(68.
1 11kiltus pope. ex -1t. P., fri'ly I.* chosen
COAR"vativo 104der In Albertti.
.1. -r-1-______
,rw, Ifumplity Ward Delivors
FIA111 Tift to Suffr4gettec
1,01140)), Feb. 28,-lirs. Hurnithrey
Ward (ilia Alm. ( cllk,vwvo F.Vu,cett ar.
lated, tilt- .i anti eowi of auffi-age oil
,, . pro -
Friday night ill publie. Mrs. Fawcett,
ah tilt, 11re0doint (if the N'ational k"Illon
Xroinail's sliffra
"go Societies, was Ar. J
(IOntly supported by )ter sil6ter suffra-
Otfigtg 444, Rtlffragilttvs, Mrs, Ward A`Q_
I'llse'l tile Ruff I'll 9P t tfl,s (it wasting tbeIr
time And healldrOizing the collill;ry by
11110, JA1TJVRs1Wss, by persecution of Cabl,
'let Ministers, and by their behavior lit
public meetingii, which Ivisl made An lot-
InTildoll deepor than site thought they
intended upon tile mind 6f lj,,Ilglalld 8110
ONTAtlated bravely, amid frenzied 1118.40s,
upon the danger 'of givilig votes to NVO_
men, ' Clle colonies RuT tile Vnited
Rt%tea lultylit. do it If they wished, she
said, bilt Otto results had no bearing lit
tim vtoie of (11roat Britain,
111r.-4. pa-weett, amlit It trenion4ous
brust of Applause, protluve(I evidence of
injustices to wpilloll ill tile laws, and
tile advniltagos (if wwrten having repre-
."IltAtiort, The moothig cloped. arui(,A
bIv P
oell"'t.1.1 Mier 41do having. convinced the
"I'llo postal offielal'; have, be'en
notifled, Chat sliffral. rette 1;,illgr letters to
Cabinet Ministers iZust hereafter be re.
fused. I .
. . I
New Yorkiis Famous Veixom-Yiell.
Ing Serpert is Deae,
Xow York, Mnr I.—The second
'41peelinen ever captured of the lache%19,
the filmous South Ammicon venoinolis
.4nake, whose polson has proven 80 use -
fill In the tro,aitment, of Acute uervorts
di orders that it is listed lit tile liomoeo.
,iiatbic inn1kria incol-ea, died to -day At
tilt, Bronx,Zologlcal (Alarderi, wlic!ve it
liall ])veil oil exhibition sinfw .last April,
wboin Prof, R'. W, AtlayQu, who. captured
it in Brazil, turlie4j it over to. the itiati,
tution. Since thio Ve,,)tIle w1aS brought
to the Zoo six extractions of voilom
front its fangs had bevil mado, About
half ,It tew-illowiftil lielog taken front ilia
ervature At each operation.
I A 0
Rillof of House Blown 50 Feet in
Air at Richmond Hill.
Richmond Rill, Ont., March I,—
The carbide gas maelline used for
lighting the Palmer House @xploded
this morning at 10.45 o'cloolic, The
machine was kept in a little building
situatp(l aboixt a limidred feet back
of the hotel, Tile. explosion broke
windows ill tile V'almer House, bar-
ber shop and a Jawyer's office, but
very little other d.mago was clone ox.
Cept the buildina in which the ma-
chine was kept, IvIlich was torn: into
splinters, One mail 'who was a:bout
seventy-five feet away at the time of
the explosion says .the roof was blown
Lip Ili the air about fifty feet. The
cause of the explosion is UAkno,g11.
Bandit Promises to Fulifill Duties I
of New Qffige Honestly.
Per., Mi),roPco Mar. I. -The Sultan
has appointed Ralailli, tile forniter bmu
dit, Governo,v of Clio rroyince of Dje-
bala. Italsiall lias llromlse l to renounce
the ransoin paid in behalf of Sit- Harry
.Kaolo,an, the Sultan's Adviser, whom
111-alsull held As a prisoner Ili 1907. The
[law ao ornor promises to fulfill the dut-
les of his office honestly and not to op-
poso R urapealls,
------ 4 -W4 ---
W .
Jurors' Opinion of Former Montreal
F .,
Man Who Shot Wife and Himself.
— .
Londoit, Feb. 28, - %'Ile corolier's
jury yesterday reported Ili the case of
John Tempest Dawson, of Aloutrcai,
Canada, giving it is its opinion that
lie inurdercd ilia wife and shot him-
self while Insane, The trqgody occurred
last Wednesday, w1jile the couple were
in t1ko N(ttionrl Vortraft Gallery. Daw.
n h retired business man,
and he and Ilia wife had lived for the
p(tst ten yeftrs in Brighton. Tho evi-
dance showed him to have been under
the imprvasion that lie *as, being per-
Messages Received While It Was
Running § -
I , Ixty-Threo Milos an Hour.
Chicago, III., Feb. 2S.--INIessages -were
exchanged by wireless teli-grallby be-
tween , tilt operator on it Dkke Share &
2AIivbigan Southern Railroa4l train which
rene'lled here from Buffalo list night, and
operators in Tol,edo, Elkhart, Ind., anti
Cllica,gd. Forty rulles out of ChIcAgo a
truck brolke rind a special train was
called by wirelesa from Hll hart. Mes-
sages were reveived with tile train run-
ning 03 miles all hour. This is ilia first
time ineseages have ever heart received
on a, running train. As It was impos-
. sible to orect a, tower on top of the train)
two wires wert stretched, instead, alon-er,
tile top% of three Ila gage efty-4 at Ar
height of eighteen illoCs.
PAric Se(zet Passengers, Out All Are
Isaris, Feb. 28.—Thero wag A sorl-
Okla Collision ne-,ir Prioul last night
betivoon the steamers Ville (!a Alger
anti the Niveruals, of the TrAnsportg
iTgritilmes Company, Tito. shock wa,q
terrible and a I pattio eei7ed the 100
passengers of the former vessel,, Site
Nvas oblo to Tooell ,tile IsaTbal, aild land
her p,imongers, but sauk litter oil,
.0, 0 0 — .
'a Los Atigoic,,4, 1tart-li 1j.-Liek,y llalthln
I ilonti,
,._ .
Pur nially "targ 1.114-V llitlilwift W-15
on,. Of Clip In4t proinimAt sliortimicii In
the. rilited Ntat(.s. Ito 111miagool it Itirge
stable of higli-elassi rac, horsts.
640 —
JJAI t 1 oble, My4l,;n ,Atreet, Toronto.
dM -11C Inuilannin by lniqtako and walk"d
tilt' 1%h`(`ct8 IXII 111ent to counteract tile
I I -_ - - —,---.
Taft Tokvs Pmusial,t (if Whitit
11cluse on Thursdoy,
PrepaAlions FQr the Oig C "
I 11 ,,ere
. Now, Colnplcte4, - mony
Wablilngton, Uarch. I.—VtoparAtioza
for the Inauguration of WilliAin Row-
4rd Taft, into the PreAdenoy, ilext
ThurstlAy'. are Complete, and the varlou'a
oommittees; make the prophesy aat the
ceremonies of the (lay w1il bo the, most
brilliant a 0 1
. nd Ictlircklque of Any Pro,
viotta illauguray event, .Prediction* is
made also that the orowd of Tifritora
who will cargo from every ilool; and M.-
ner of the Vulted, states ,Will be 4 re.-
eord breaker,
The work on tile great Courb of Hon-
or, One of the most beautifiii featl . ires
Of tile .Inauguration. received ito fl.nisZi..
Ina topolies to,day and this focal poinb
Of thQ national function producef; .4 col-
or and. deco.rative wheme v,,hich is sairi
to coliPse, 411 previous efforts in this, dir,
The task of getting tile pension of.
flee in readiness for tile inaugural ball .
will be finished to -morrow. The orurt
laelitation whicli will Attend this bril
Haut Social 0yent will be unsurpassod,
- I .
the committee havilig spent $20,OOQ fop
decorations alone. I
T i lie lArg,a crowds: that have already
arrived wero augmented to.dAy by many
more thousands reaellitti; the city on ey.
ory ill coming train, There was also all
Influx Of *.any organizations t-om all,
ferent stiates,
,, —__*+
Germally (a Use Machine Cuns or'
Small cannons, I
. Perliti, 'Mareh I.—Tile military airship
01 the ftltlll*e is to be armed with smail
cannon, or machine guns. T'lle army all.
thorltip- at seyOml lieadquarters
througt%out aerillanjr aro eNpQrInienting ,
Along, this lino,and it has been 'Ortwilly
decided to provide balloons of tile rigid
Zeppelin type, cithet' with cannon of
9,1nall calibre or maellitio guns, Tile dan-
ger resulting front tive recoll a,nd t" eq
eal)o Of gas from tile muzzles has been
limeticallY elintinatel by a iy rEem of
adjuattilonts, tile detitils of Nvilsoil are
k,epl; secret. It is proposed Also to arm
tile 8cul-i-r!"id bAllOolls, of the Parseval
nud Gro" P Tofl With a lighter rapid fire
Weapon, t1lux enabling their, to a.tWok
infantry det,jehineirts.
. I
. '
Lafayette College Professor .Killed *,
by Ulcerated Tooth.
Hasion, Pit., Feb. 28.—Dr. James F.
Moore, professor of Ine'Alallien and PN-
perimenLal philosophy at Lafayette Col.
le,v,e since 1872, tiled suddenly to -day of
blood polsonfl1g, resulting from all ulcer-
ateatooth. He 'Was in his 05th year. Ali
operation was decided on this mornin.g,
and two physeans wore about to perform,
it, when Dr. Moore, who was sitting in .1
chair, suddenly threw lip his hand anti
Dr, Moore was a meniber of aeverol
promblont scientific sooietje. j and a
writer on sorientific subjects. He is site-
vived by his wif'e. - - .
PlIen-kier's Visit to Chief Cities of Great
Political lmpqrtance.
London, Iiieb. 28.—It is sald in par-
ticularly well informed quarters that
the Pritne .Nkfinister, Mr. Asquith, lit-
tend i tts.goon aa il ossible to visit tl e
Principal . cities in .Ireland.
Nuch it, proceeding would be almost
without parallel and ita political sig- '
nifienrice at the present tirrio cannot
be overestimated. It may, however, ba
asmnrted that -Air. Asquith will be recon-
efled beforehand to it more advanced
policy or home rule than Ills Whig col-
leagui-s in the eabinet haTo seen their
way to support hitherto.
— so 0.
r Archbishop Bruchost Opposes Views
i of Certain Court Authorities.
Montreal, Feb, 28.- -Archbishop Brit-
cliesi, Ili a pastoral to the faithful of
the archolio0se read at the Roman Cath-
olle Cathedral to -day, gave his support
to tile anti -vice erus'arle now being con-
ductod lit the city and put himself in
oppoi4itiou to certain of the court air-
tborities, wlio lkqve late)), expremed the
View that R11011 IllaCeR should Ile toleritt-
oil. The Roman Catholic Arebbislilop
has thus joined forces with Rev. Arthur
French, of the Anglican communion,who,
is waginer all energatle crusado against
, vice,
Sarnia Worrian Who Disappearod
Mysteeiously Sevoral Days Ago.
Windsor, F46. 28,Tho police of
Sarnia and Port Ifuron are maldlig a
thorough witreh for Mrs. Mary Ca -
borne, who disapiscared front liar honict
Ili Sarnia under my.4terioua ciecumstance.ts
,zeveral days ago. The Nronian noted
strangely of late, And haa been closely
watplie :T. Pour years amb to the clay
Valentino Ilarrison, Efr,4. Wbornes
fath,,tr, wandered nwiT ftm Ills horao
in Sarnia and was fountl dead at the
gait's of the eentietel'y. Mr-. 016nire i's
fifty-two years old,
4 1 to .
Nows Prolostes 1:6 Hav6 Discovered
Missing Russian Spy.
London., Mar, I.—I'he Everting Xewg
professm; to have discove,rtid that Az, -f,
the tuqsian apy who was for uirtuy yeara
roilaceted wit]; the fig
ghting orgartimflon
of tho Society of tho'llqvolutionlsts, And
whose aptivitim have receittly b"n tho
silbj,Ntt of sm atiolvll diselosurm in tho
Doulun, I. -i living ill Londmi, Tito luan
vollom the Nf( AA idoutifINI Zia Agef ae-
ilifs Ili's identity, but, new-rthele-1 he 0
cillot('41 fit gr(lit It-ITACII As A3111111111.1liq
having platined nuincrous rv%;;asqm -
tiong with w1delt A2pf is chargpd, Anil.
with having revealed plots whert,,by the
life of the 1"'Inperor was %aved.
Yesteril,ty allotlwr paptr, whioll had
prc,Nvioitr,l)r.Iltliqoovt,rt%il'I Ayof in Lohaon,
stAtell tl;ab 110 111(t r0tur&td to rlhl,8409
- 1. -1 I —
grandy Oixtitcly . at King-4ton,
lKingatoll, Ott., Feb, 9A.—Pettera &
CO., tollf,eetiollors, have b"n surAuloiriod
to tile, lldliee 00110 to nillawer it Charge
of aellitip liqlior without st lieville. 11b,b
i cato has grown ont, of tho alleged Salo
ot braltd 6hoeolittes, .