HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-03-04, Page 6__________ �
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The Otlys. I
'11wre is u0thitig Ili thv� worlil Fo w0l
worth lookingr aft,t,r ai the bc�y, arij
tll,,Ir,%� I% no b"In'4 In th
,�% world P."I much
110AW-tcd as tII4,k licy, Irilp attituilt, of
the Wori'l toward 111111 ii tim livurly Iix-
plrI,44cd by' the nw,flivr, who, haid to tile
rJI1n-,)e* Ilfflbcri� ,N ,fohnall?" -11a il;
cut Ill tile val,41", '.1ybut 14 111% (Iniii1r,",
, �, ,
'I don't kii(INy," NVOI, go awl sell� ar.1
101 hill) to 901) R." I
We chaporoiw� our girN, anti, not too
cawfully, btit ire 1;.kvc, Jllt� Ili)". to
clinow" III% asqoeiatm ,
alid Ilia ellilroll.
I' Q. It t s 1,V it hout InUch a4l�vjec, 41111 wit'll
vl,.; , ry little guidanc� Qlfli are, naturally
Ujl�'wilw. gentL�, Coll, palliollablo, al,14
flivy Win their Way, t0J, fird art-% uvl-
come Ili our bome, but I (]a rot Imow
of, IIIAIIV homes where boys are invitod,
About he only dloor that swiag,3 wiLh
sure,welenite to tile boy, about the only
Omit that I$ shOVed Ilear tile fire o9pej.
ially for the boy, about the only p 610
w'hi-re It.- is sul; of ivelconte, I.% wtro
yAll do vot (Il . nim him to go. It 1i
abolut tile harde3l; thing in tile world to
get hold of A boy -to geb a sure grip of
once knevir, who
bad Spent most of his life being a ('out,
panion for Ith; son. Ile went; skating
with ,hini. Ile wout everywhere with
him. They ivi,ro compaxiogs, The Old
man never aniounted to much- Iiiiiistelf,
but ILIS W� did. Tile product justified
The greatest disco.very in the world is
self -dlzcovery. A great i'aany I,Aople go
through the world and never discover
themselves, nover corne to the conscious-
ness that they are an element, a faetor,
in the -world, They feel no persolial.
responsibility, The load does not toilet,
their should;ra. We are apt to criticlse
04,41-asse"rtion,'atid yet A boy, or a young
mail, who thin" fl� is tile -whole thing
ii worth a thousand time more than tlta�
ove who thinks he is nothing, Tile one
will mlobably discover hi,i mistal-t,, and
he Will gA lots Of AXAStelleti to tbftt
plid; but the other will nev-2r diaeover
his wista'ke, and few will care NvIlether
he does or notl-Excharige.
Grant, 0 Lord, that Ili all our nUfer-
frtqq here upon earth for tile taFPtlinOtly
of Thy Truth, we may Steadfastly look
up to hea�ven, and by faith L,eho!d. the
Holy Ghost, inny loarn to love and ble8s
our peilseentar43"by the example of Thy
first inartyr, Stophen, wbo prayed for
Iiii murderers to %hoe, 0 blo,,aed. ,Jesus,
who, standest at the right hand of God,
to succor all those thaE suffer for Thee,
our only 1kiliator And Advocate. Amon,
Pray Constantly.
Dut can we pray constantly Will it
not divert us from our work? No, It
it not, Praying cons %ntly inotti-mi two
in t
thing.s. It ,means having, In all tdiat we
do and say, the prayerful spirit, tile
etness to as and
onrs to I -Jim, so that we felt Ilia presence
and act as in HIS presence, This will
help, and not bluder, our work, When
We tire expecting soon -to see dear ones,
We are not hicapRoltated by our Meet-
aney. We work the more eagerly .And
neitsely, but with a light And joyous
livart. 'it is so lit Jesus' sarrice, \\'a
c,in live in the prayer-consciousneaq of
Ms prewnev whatever Our work or plan -
sure. Whatever cannot be done Ili this
Prayer ' splise of Christ wo may be sure,
ii an unallowable thing. lint, secondly,
lincensing praver iticans constant actual
turning, front our task t6 speak to (3,.od�
And we can and must do thst. �Ve can-
not live a whole day througti on ,one
single word to 01od at the day�s begin-
ning, We could not work ,,vith a friend
nit ilay on such terms . Aluch less can
we do .,;a witli. God, Once and a,gsin, and
again during the day, we must turn
de-finitOlY to Him for friendship for
counsel, for strength, -21 -elected.
I The Fanes of Our Forefathers.
(By a Banker.)
&aftered throughout Western and
Middle Europe still stand, unfinputrod
cither ,by the ral.-aging hand of time or
by the stibreAing throes of earthquake,
mally magliffice-Tit relies of the Past
whiell Strikingly exhibit the chaste and
refined art and transeendant genius of
the ereat ai-chitects of a bygone age
And it would appear as though WOE
each Succeeding period one mazi�nmlnd
conceived the 'Inspiration whiell evolved
the triumphs of - that particular age,
after a reign of a century air more a de-
sire for that.-ge becoming manifest, until
-it length another genius orlghia!tei a
sliperb And ill'thqUe style entirely differ.
ent to tbqG whicil for gpasrftti0lIq 11,
bold despotic s,%vay and at once the new
design 6
q I IS univeri,ft'lly adopted through.
nift civ lization. anti, like its predece4aor.
dorninat-es with iftiperioll,,+ rtile, and
Wholly Supersedes it,
And then after more generations 1mvp
qO1110 and gone, a nondescript style ob.
me architecture ap.
pears to be a lost art,
And holv renlete with %tirring intereat
are MaTIF of these flUlm of our forefath,
Ors, whidli capecially in Britaill.
I are so
11111norOlM. Here it 0loge church, oreet-
ksd Ili thc- days Of the Conqueror, its bold
Normall architecture &,till period, and its
'walls dec,orat,-d Avith fine brA4v,Q,i
., re.
eonnting It -lie prowesq oil tho v1rtII,_j of
the fitif, Off knightly anco4tors of thii
faillily wbiell still Inhabits tile gJ,m,_- an.
ctstral hall, while on each cide of the
ft"';Ie Rre effigies Of knights- Anti squireq,
the very liefinct worn in't Atrincourt or
=hanging above. Her0oseveral al -
111b$ upon NvIli0l rest recumbent
inarble or alabistel, figureq of cru.4aders
Ili plate arnior, copied Probably from tit.-
'rery eoat of Inall which tiley Wore in
tbo batflel with sal-adill ill tile Troly
Land. Trorp (lit tile fIre old ,%;OrnIAIl
fftnQl of 'Ximborne Alinster), g quallit
orrc,,ry Made six bundre(l yeirs, -,Igo by al
111011k of 01.14onbury 4110%vilig ILIJ,� sun'
moon and stars rovo,ving around tll,l
ilattlil or hore, Ag Wt tile fine e'tilIM1,111
of li'- "i',�'4, VdinbUrgh, Mid al,io in
Diany otiler..;, flin f.It(,4re(I
- . Iva r- flagg �
borne by g0lant )I(!)) tit WAtorlon, tit
11-110O."or at. Tnklt)vniall.
And Ill e101 otto of fill flhog(, ()lit elillp.
ttral�4 nna rlinAcl,
.4 alld villa"T'l, plillilvIlel
ortlueffigit-C4 111141 Meor , (1, of 1w.1l 0114 wo-
"(0 . VIdiant Warrior 4 piv�lt .4'.1te.,111lon,
pdohrn I.."(1 divilw'. ' "'Otheri Nvll() b.Avo
rloliforr�l(l bpnpfjt.� Ifooll their race
l0w4p A-Aes for milturit" , (tave re.,tv,l in
flit, ,%oit belleath,
Alid a, Blue AVI'l piqlip Njql;�Il ,tit, ,�I,011.
fllv�vl%s trumpet vali all thil'.1 0141 to,11III4
I0) Ilivo 111) th(Ill, (lortd, "rhell ',Vill ill!
ft"ttek qeparatp flieft, all Into two great
. A4,41
It it "nq- And tO (,Ill of theso Poin.
P"Inie-14. thO40 WhOSA h%JIJF&rJ1qQ1onA
. IJJV�,
lJoell. blottell Alit of flio rv�orfl, ill virk(a
(It iltf% flr"'t EXIOW-1011 ffllllb� for tbeln
11v llic, Savimir of flin woi.1(1, tile lovIrg
wokonw—flom".. ve blp,�,ied" inliellit flit,
Killattoill—will. V-1t1dros".e4l. 1111t to tho
oth,pi, Rroat PP,,,,%ni1)Iato, thou,'whev h,t,l
rorgotten their God. the ;dreml 14-nt.�hpp
o" vandom'da,clon tri fli-n todlflm of re.
fflllr�#--T).�JY'ff yelf-will Ito uttortid,
".Nothing," Ike replied, with it grial, In-
t1teer was lk ),Jew of unrivalled magal
. ,
flexible smile. "If that be the case, you
ficence tit it, that Inez had spent hour
will norho � s have A, harder task than I
ill admiring,
It Vita )%'Itll froat, though sileu
*-Xpettod, But yOu. will .9ikeoc'ed; She will
never resist your persuasions",
411111sentent, that Lord Lynne SAW 8i
Allan, with acaming Indifference, gratin
lblialao'," said. lAa.d,y Lyulioj
I', I
gently, "will, nothing but this. conteat
ally pprsuado A atim, to come olit upol
the balcony to flin.
X00 'Hust my sister be sacrificed? IS
' "There Is no chance for Lord, Horting
there Ito One 06o In the -wide world you
� can
top," he -said to hitusalf. 0411an has beet
"No," lie ropll.etl: Olt hi your sister,
tile favolito all along.#$
Solne one also was watching illia. Jiro
.14 110, one tue, I wanit.11 ast
01 have plegAed with you for the 1
coeding with tk dark face and angr,,
ti nle", she said, haughtily. "Aly dOO`a I*
fixed. I shall not 0sk for mercy or coin.
'Thlitoe.- .
, "You. have known thooe,--your frl(II34
P�s on n_
-some time,,, said tile ItAllan, to Lor
Is soulothing like common Moe,
Ino IS It
" 0 returned more cheerf ully; "now
. . e children," be re
ire 1511411 110; I thought you �Vpl , �
wisdom at losm, tid 'sea
plied, with a Smile,
When quite sure of not being Over
She looked at ,him for EL Aloment, 14
beard, Count JJJuaIdo drew near TAtd
Lyulle, He held at small engraving I
utter wonder that he could mistake bar
meaning so entirely. Ile W1,40ed before)
Ilia hAnd, and. under pretence 61 askin
the calut scorn of that beautiful fAce.
her ,opinion About it, be bont over bar.
"What making in rn�
And then Lord Lynne, who had i
thorn, claimed I his attention, ire ,wic'nod
progress Are you. .
cause?" he saked.
,43 uu.
feiguedlY glad to see Ole wurteous Ital.
"Nolle," she replied, briefly.
Mill; lie welcomed )till) WA
1411 ag � . rmly,,
and gave bbil A Pressing invitation to
"Answer me truly," lie continued
"Have your sister as
visit frequently At tile .Valv.Azo Glorul.
Agatha received blin with a marked 000l.�
wished you?" ,
,I "Nob. one word,11 site sttid,. ra.1sing lie
ite,*s that did nq .
J. . esoaDe her sister's . no.
tice,l "
Q ear eyes Unflinchingly to his face.
"Count," said Lord Lynne, "will yot
"We axe quite fortatnate;, $&I
I I d. Lord
Lynne, 'U
give its your opinioul Is this engraYinf,
copiea from GiOT90110?"
meeting so many of our
f rieuds. Soul a country neighbors of ours
He lauttered Something that, ,sounded
are in Rome mow, or will, lie hero Soon-
lik a all execration, and leaving Inez,
went to her husband.
the Leighs. You will like thms,� count,
'very Much; they are old friends of ours.P)
Count Rinald'D declared he should W
r,%A1-TP,R xxxi.
charmed to meet tuty friends of Lord.
Lynne. They left the gardens together,
How strange it Seems," said Sir Al
I "
ail to .Agatha, "for us Ail tp meet here
And 110 drove ho tile with t4emp "Vbal
Lord Lynne invited him to Spend the
in Rental- But how altered your sister
lookst She must have been very Ili."
remainder of the evening. . I
I.Lady Lynne has, been very ill," )is
"She bas," replied Agatha;
suits her, she is much better and strong-
a aid; "it was on itecollut 11 )ter d ejioato
health that we left Yyoudon so suddenly;
er now." , 41rhat broughl; me to
(We you knOJV.
$lie is much better now, and cheerful so,
Clety Will do her
Rome, Agatha?" hs owirtinued; �
I'llot' saia alle, looking. -up into his
It might have been it pleasant evelituli,
few, but she saw something there that
for Lord Lyn -no was aninl&tel And bapp�
Lady Floronce ,seemed to have racovere�
caused a vivid crimson to flusli bar
own, while ,her sweet eyes droppW shy -
the gay, cheerful manner that had aIace
ly before the ardent g�,ze that seemed
to read her very thoi4lits,
been her great oharin, the count told
irresistible AlIeledotes of his London Ad-
It all OaM 4;Ut then -the long�trez-
aurea Searet of his Ilove; And. his story
'ventures, and Agatha list-oned, Amused
and iat*restod; but Lady Lynne had a
I was, go well and go eloquently told, and
bore in every Word. the impros of MO,'
weary, listless look upon, heT face, and
bar heAft Was sad almost unto death.
truth and nobility, that 110 girl coilld
have listened to A unawired.
Oh4e or twice Lord, Lynne gave an anx-'
,,you are as far Above me, Agatha, as
look at ,his wife. .
that bloo, sky," said Sir Allan; "but If
is not strong," lie thought; "I
you mill try to love me, my wholo, life
must not let her fatigue herself too
shall repay you. DO not keep, me in
suspense, beloved, tell me, will y,ou tr7
How could he ever -dream of the depth
to love mel"
of anguish in that Weary hearti .
He could hardly hear the faintly whis-
That night Lady Lynne could not
. .
pered amolver. it was favorahk to him,
sleep; in vain were pillows of softest
aown in,ae
Ile ',now, by the .droop Qf the golden
the the little
Smooth and cool; th,d hot,
head and flutter of White
aching head tossed Nyearity, from Side to
hamd. in Ilia own. I
side, seeking for the rest she ivas nevor
'Was Lynne, are you iwt afraid of
more to find. At times there was a
the night (law?" said L Voice which
strong Impulse- upon her to seek her )ilia.
made Agatha start and look Amilty.
band, and confess all to him, But the,
Turning round, she Saw Count Rinaldo,
She Would never see him again-ber $'in �
with a Strange expression OIL his face
liglit-like flame in ]it ' a
her, strugle, and her triumph, would all
be in
and a I
"' Ibere is a splendid view froul this I-
v n.
,,. ;(Better," said the perverted 'lleart,
far better to die whiI6 he loves, you
cony," lie continued, carelessly turning
to Sir Allan, -,vita heartily wished him
than to live -%vithout biln.t,
at the anfiliodes-while Agatha made
NO Steep came to ease the b.unIUI9
eye and f he aching ]lead. Men the grey
her escape And re-entered the room.
The half quizzical ,smile she suiv upon
'Ups -vvI
down of morning came, Lady Lynne -,vent
quickly to her maid's room.
Lord Lyon a's sent h or. Eli & burn -
irig face ,to her sister's side.
"StOpibanla," she said to ]ter, "Will YOU
get lip and find me that little battle of
laudanum I had when my lace ached
Ciount Rinaldo was the first to take
ilia leave; Its he did so, be silently plao-
ad a7knRII folded piece of paperl'in Lady
Lynne's hand. Then Sir Allan and Eye -
I,((Certainly, my lady," replied the will.
9 maid, "I aill
lyn a.ose to go.
"Philip"' said the young baranot, In
so sorry your fAce is
bad again. I'WOuld have been up hall-
a 14Div voice "you are Miss Lynlls guar,
dlan. Wliat' Chile call I see you to-mor-
Rk 06, if I had known." .
. .
- en, Stephanie brought the little vial,
she looked In al&rm .at )ter lady's pale
"About three," replied Lord Lynua;
1`A,nd Allen, deal-, old fellow. I -under-
face. .
"The pain must have been very bad,"
stand it. I wish you all the happines's
in the world, and I believe you will fisve
she said; "what can I do?"
it, "
"Nothing now,j replied Inez
J ,.
When the maid disappeared, Inez care.
When their visitors had Aalxtrbed,Lo�ra
L�nnea went to Inez.
fully dropped it sniall. portion of tile
liquid into a spoon and drank it. After
zi, " he. Ask
- you tired? zed, kind-ly. "I
am afraid all this talking and laughing
that she slept the heavy, unrefreshin,
sleep that results from opia,tes.
has been too riluch for you. 16 Is like
old times to see Alanand'Ovelyn once
Lord Lynne and Agatha were full of
more. Do you remember the chamIdes,
commiseration the next morning, Ste.
phallic, had told them how .bell lady had
and the tableaux, Inez? If Bartle Bo -
bull wers here we might have them all
suffered so much from bell old complaint,
over again."
nouralgia. In -the face,.th,at she had been
obliged to procure opium to rub it with.
Did she remember them? A =1
Sharp and bitter as death, shot throu -
"I thought something Was wrong last
her hearl. Was "at every hour of that
evening," said Philip, "You -svere so
happy time burned in upon her mom -
quiet; but, Inez, my darling, be careful
ory? Had She dreamed, then, in -the hour
Of that Opium, a small quantity ma y
of her beauty and triumph, of the fate
deaden the pain; but mind you do no t
that awalted herl
take too much.,,
"Come here, little Sister! said L6rd
The afternoon brought Count Rtri�ld,
Lynne to Ag&tha. "I wonder what took
to the PoIlazzo Oforni, Lord Lynne spoke
Place in that very Ilmmlitio-looking bal-
rouch Of the Leighs, and of tile pleasure
ao'lly' 1 wonder what Allan is coming to
they ,should feel lit being all'togeth-er
once more.
say to ine to -morrow." I
"Do not tease her, Philip," Said TA14Y
"I should not wonder," 'he said, "if
Lynne, as sibe Aa,w her Sister$ a face
learrived this very day,"
ny uneasy expression came over the
"I -will not tease )let-, my dear;" re-
count's face.
plied Lord Lynne. "I will only say &no
word -1 think she showed goo4 taste
expect your friends to -day?"
be said, turning to Inez,
when she returned tile white byaointli
"They lAll Probably reach here," She
replied, understanding fully &1,1 that was
to Me."
"Returned it to youl" cried Agatha,
-wondering lace. llfty—ll
coulpillgod. in the question,
Lord, Lynne WAS deceived Ili his
with a
But the words Avere arrested upon her
expectations, for Just as they had fill-
lips. Inez had fallen back w%h & try
tbat raing through tile room,
lobed dinner, the door opened and Sir
Allan Leigh and Miss Leigh were an-
"That Is my Paulll," Said Lord Lynne,
raising her tenderly. "I invIte people
Evelyn bad quite recovered her bloom;
here, tua forget )low no,*Wary quiet
and repose are for her."
her tinile was as bright as ever; all trace
Of her long illnoss,had, vanished, Sir
Inez had not fainted; It was rather
as though some Sudden blow had struck
Allan had a,iterod wona,erfuny, He- Avila
bar, I
nOW a tall, handsome man, with &
bronzed face and ,dark moustache, There
, P,
I'll -h -ill i 6.110 sold, ill & low, fitint
voice, 'P.
what trouble I give you, Bub
was one thing in which J6 wag quite
you love mo, in� dto,you not?"
evident lie had no changed -that was
"Of course I 0 dArlilig," Ito- replied;
1119 deep and lasting love for Agatha
"antil I ought to be more careful of you."
Lynne. Tall and'strong as lie wasp poor
V(Tell !lie just once again that you
Sir Allen trembled like, ail Aspen leaf ,
love Ilia," Alto said, genbly.
whelt her little hand lay for a moment in
lit bent over hot-, And Smiled into the
his grasp And )ter sweet true eyes Smiled
botiffiful Palo faee, ,whII6 It-- whisperett
,upon blill agaill.
that lit loved her better that% his. -life,
And Aliss Agatha Lynne, who Had felt
IAA,V Lynne wonld not go to her rcout
uncomfortable, When Lord 11ortington
MIMI Agatha slid Lady Florence hall
bad paid open attentibit to htr-whor
one to theira. Them, wbon She was sure
Cr ber husbAll'a
Jablinmd tile -handsome, eourteolio Count
Alontalti-looked very ally and eonsel.
014ttv MIA would not
meet again that avoifing, ,the went tip"
oils as the honest, manly young baronet,
ottil'a to her own chs,111bor, a hentis'alio
n Ote,l UeAr her, and seemed to forget
th9t ally viia else existed. Rvelyn and
a 1-twelit, with on'ttle tl,ttooA Of tile wOI&
I ro"Itan luxury lit ft -large mirrort. rare
Lad Norosee were very happy togeth.
tr- th had tbe Santa, love and keen
Statues and pictured, .8ilkon, ballglng%
Ahd thick, soft oarpetA, were all there;
nPlIlleeUttion of humor', And U, rd Lynne's Irla
but 14dy Lynno noted nothing of the,
911, con 6
it t that Surrounded her. h1to-
Ittee Positively beamed with happinesa
when lie 110A;4 tile ripple of silvery
phonla Awaited her Inistrost, it blue Milk
laughtdr tllkt gounded t1r6ugh the
dra%in golvil flitown over h& atul,
,III- not locep you this ovelung'O
room, 11, tile course of the ovt1ling :mia
Count Rinaldo appeared, and was eor,
dialty welcomed by 1108 itable
iA.ay._i,ytuo to he,. maid. ,4vetoll,
my writinl4ak, there Is sometlifug In,
the 11616. it
fflaftj Who really"Ilked A Rouse full Of
I have orgotft.11
VlWorf, .
The maia Noon rttittlitd, bearing *Itlt
her the deak given by Lord Lynne J6 big �
e6os, tho devotion pAld b'y the .young �
aronet, to Agatha.
"I was Passing by Y, mitl tho U4114.11,
Coffee bad been handed around, tbo
Iting Windowa that opened nit the UtLl-
colly it
111.0ftlill gag P U# 'raot"ItAt 16 JIOIJVl04.tdV
, �
'And t ()light I should like to knolt, if
vtvo opillied. was one tit tho
your f riall hati artivea.,,
prettleet in Annic-, grarleful flowers
Ito wm Introdutle(I to Air AIIAll find
Wort lentwined in tile fronwork, lylakitig
P,val". ina unte.hea. with ge.ruttililging
4111te an ornaincutal buiver bf it, 0d
*At 1014t, My lad.vP Ot maid, its- W
mistress waved, her h%nd, in
, , tolkqll (it
Idiolul4sill, "let !go routove your ,oruall
luent6'and Itufastoll Your hair,p)
Listlessly and, silently Lady Lynne gat
down to the easy. chair drawn up, to tile
toilet table, pzIng iteadfaRuy at tile
fitea reflected Ili the mirror. �
I 0110 by one tile skilful. Ilaudinal4oll. Te.
moved the Jewels front tile thick tresses,
of raven hAiri then she 4liftst .
. , , cited it,
slid lot 1t; fa)l ill .411 its rich luxuriance
over )ter itilstross' #boaldera,
"No one ever bad such hair as my
lady," she murmured to her4olf, brusli , -
. Ing. it the while, And as proud of It*
,a glossy luagulfleeme as though It were
her Own, I
t Very beautiful did Inez look then,
r with. that Wealth of bair flowing like 4,
. veil over Iler white shoulders. 1'itoad-
I fastly and silently $Ile gar -ea AL ilia )You-
4roas lovellitesa Ili the mirror, the Wk
. lu4trolis (.1'ell Nvith thell jetty fringo,
I the riolt. ll�d lips, tile queenly brow, the
exquisite checks. Thelle Were few such
. faces In the World.
All In vain," site said, "all 11 I "
"Did n)), lady spealc?" alsked Ste,
a pbarie,
d I'NQ/` replied. LAdy Lynne, wearily,
"Bring late tho little Y14 -so that it 'I
� Am lit pAill I need not call any Ono,"
Stophane obeyed, and tb�eu' WeAt 011t,
. woudering wIq her mistress looked so
r ItmF and so calmly In the mir ' ror.
I 7hon Inez, remembered the uote that
t It WAS
, had �ean pressed Into )ter ]land.
Ili i4 pocket of her dress; she rose, and
found it. Her hand did not trembid 4a
she opened. it, her Iiiis never quivered
as she read It, altbough, the few lines it
. contained 1yore )ter death warrant,
I "I shall call to-litorrow at three 14
wrote Count Rinaldo, "I shall ask f�'r
, ,
r a private Interview with your sister,
slid make her an offer of nim,riage. If
� olle accepts me, 'which She will do it you
use your influellee, all is Well; if site
. I I ,
refuses we I oliall ask for Lord Lynne,
,I shall tell him all about what took
I place at Seri -auto, and clatin you and
your fortune by prior right. Nothing
will move me from this Pill -Pose. hl�
Stead of wasting your time in useless
. Appeals to me, spend it in persuadingi
your sister to Accept me.11
"I am hunted down," cried the wrotch-
ad girl, as the noto fall from her nervell, ,
less gra' �, "I am hunted d
Iles on Z aid,, of me. To-moorwr'91'w' Fph-u'inp
,vill ask Agaths what She racant by not
'understanding his allusion to the white
I -
hyacinth, to -morrow he will know that
I Use And schemeIl, And - betrayed my
Sister, to win his love, to -morrow lie
will know thitt I ]lave deceived him -he
will know air the -wretched story of my
folly and credulity, illy Pill And ohame-
-will know that I am no wife for- an
.honorable man. Oh, heaven, can I bear
She did not weep, now As She had done
months ago, when she Wept for the, love
given to Another. The time foe tears
was over with Inez Lynne, A pallor
like that -of death settled on her beauti-
ful young face.
-,� "It must be fate," she cried, as with
quick ste ,a site paced lip and down the
room; "if must be fate, If arts shams
did not bang over me another would,
and I can face neither, Olt, vv,hy have I
-wasted my youth, my beauty, my genius. .
Why have I sinnedt" .
This was the cry of the rolued soul
l me, "Why )lave I
sinnow? To -morrow ,men and women
will shun me. My sister, whom I have
a v dearly, will pass by
me. I betrayed )ter And took her love
train her." .
No idle sophistries came� Ili tills hour
to ease her conscience, or take a -way
tile Sting of ]ter Sorrow. She no longer
excused herself or'saw things through a
false Inedium. Ili the stillness told dead,
.of night she atoptl face to face with her
sins; she saw herself clearly, as, she had
never (lone before, With uo veil of illu-
sion hiding the reality from -her.
"And I might have been happyl" she
cried, passionately, 1116 is too late now.
I am lost! Afy beauty, my genius, my
talent,, ]lave brought me to this; and I
might have been happy and beloved."
. .
She -*,vent to the window, and draw -
Ing Aside -the silken hangings, gazed out;
into the quiet, Serene Italian night.
The golden stars seemed to burn in tile
depths of the dark blue sky; a soft,
sweet, allvery light lay oil the flower
and tree and distant blfl, She laid her
hot, wea�led head against the cool glass,
and stood watching this calm and beau-
ty. Like great resistless waves, there
our d through her mind the memories
of tollr life. She saw herself a diseou.
tented child in the gloomy house of Ser.
ranto. Instead of making the best of
things, She had given way to anger
r pimeeted with her;
Instead of Seeking r . efuge either in her a
duties or her studies, she had qiven hall
self up to dreams. She had lived. in it I
world of her own-haa Inade herself uu-
fit for real life byeonstantly indulging in
day -dreams. When her mind was
weakened, her morbid imagination
excited, the temptation had come,
and found bar unable to resist.
She remembered the first ineetin
with at rtithless man who trackeg
)let to her doom. Ali; if she had bulb a
been open and honest,. if she had but
confessed to Madame Monteleone it
sh,� had but told her she had Ween P
him all would have been well. laut
she had met him over and over
1rin,,ahe had worked her-
sell' into _Ii� Ing that she loved
him, and then came that crowning
horror of her life, that foolish Secret
r4arriage. -
ITO be, contiffiled.)
I I � I io 4 0 — �
Thet Tailor's "$. a. L.ri
"Did you ever notice liONY -tile tall-
ots while measuring a man for A, suit
of clothes mix in a few letters 00- -I
casionally among the numbers?" ask- *
ed a downtown lawyer recently of A
iriend. "Whon4var I- have been meas.
ured for a suit of clothes the tailor
always said S. 11. L. in a subdued
voice as ha took the ineAsura for the
leligth of niy trousers, i olten, won.
dered what this secret signAl meant,
and, on one occasion made so bold as
to ask, but was put -aside in Some
casual way, which plainly showed me
that tho, tailor did not wish me to
know th,o meaning of the mystetious
8. B. L. Well, I never imew what
these letters nied'at until -one dak thikt
winter, when I stumbled across the'
solution quite by accident, I was
waiting to have my measufa ttdken
while a. strapping big follow was on
the raek. As he measured the length
of the'troaser leg the tailor said, 10r, I
S. B, L., "Yes" dluno back tile reply r
from the big 1611ow, '&tit bow4egfed,
too.' All these years tailors had on
necuAing me of being * Islightly bow -A
legged ' a -ad I had never caught oil
until Y was practically told tile answof
in thd Accidental Way.-Philadelphlo,
. , 0 b #I, , I 1.11 �
. `b4jaetlott Overruled. ,
,11(461onel, wo want a eontribution from
you to help build a intsilon elturah," :
"Juage, you know wcIl enough that
while I am In sympathy with ill
Itud'vellgion. I don't beflevo Ili 01= ,
In ,the &bstrAct, mid -01 �
t dfXoither do 1, Colonel, NVe're going
o I build thl.i one of eonorete.lf
__ .. . . . IN Old wrillibn
A Striking InstAnco O, f the Great
Power of Vegetation.
A. 0QrrQ$POUd0JJCo calls attention tb. a
curioua instance of ilia. mechattieftl paiv-
er of vegetation In tile out of Qla,w4Y
churchyard of Towin,.Jrx lfertfords)hira.
A tree, wItiolk has been divided itito
two or three main Ptemo, grows Ora! I ght
out of tile towl) of a noble 4ame who (to.
.parts(! this life over two couturlep! ago,
And has rolit her gloom .
1 y home Into
Pieces. Strangest. Sight of 411, it has
Wrapped itself roull� the iron ililing
'Which 'ISO -J, to guArd tile grove, and
Which, is thus. how nimost anti , rely con,
.beAled inside the tree
people Como froul, iAr And neat to see)
. .
Ote wonderful eight; and to thein is told
a story that the quiet inhabitialt of this
disrupted Sepulchre was Ili her day it
lady of very free thinking opinion.s, 41%4
had,.oaja Site wollId have plaold Above
her remains A tenth th4t )to person could
ro'ka.-Froln the Scotsman,
--*....&, -,-. � - � -
. C
Responsible for Nearly All I of the
Misery. Women End . Ure.
Annolubt, is written on the features. of
ninety womell 01AL of a. hundred 'n�
, i. ,
mistakable Are tlig, signs of otoo little
blolad," The weaker sex is assailed at
All ARDS by the eylls, resulting from
bloo4lessness, from 010-911"I who is weak
4:44 tall . 11 tit dull eyes, pale lips,
fitful anLetAlIte"llinct palpititing heart, to
the WQ111411 Vrh(o feel$ "never well," witil.
n across the shoul-
dera, fainting fits and aohing Ilinbs. Apd
lator at lifa-)a turning polut, nervous, dis.
orders and heart troubles inake great
calls on a woman's sta-Iingth I
At all ages Dr, Williams" Pluk-IIIIIS
Are especially Valuable to the female sex,
for they� Alone possess .the power of
making lit abudance the rich, red blood
Of health. They fill the, starved veins,
with now blood, so that enfeebled bodies
Avre strengthened-, ,weak nerves are for-
tified,, and rolmst health IS, restored. ,
Airs. H, Smith, Windsor, N. S., says:
�`A few years. ago, my health began to.
fail. I suffered, greatly from inward
troubles, and In About a ),earls tinte my
whole System was almos� a1vreck. Aly
blood had turned. to water, and my heart
had - become so builly affected that I
could, seareel�y go about. Ili fact life had
almost become A, burden, and thes.2 seem-
ed little hope for me One day it, friend
e d irled Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, and -told- me that ,site had
been in almost the Santa condition I -was
and that tile Pills lind restored ]ter to
her present- splendid health. I took oour-
age from whit my friend, WId me, and
begail. to take the Pills. I took them
regularly for severea months, constantly
growing stronger, and tile internal trou-
bles front which I had been Afflicted
wore disappearing, and my whole system
seemed to have gained. new strength. I
wanted to niake certain, that therdwoulA
be no rot-a of the trouble afid I con-
tinued to take the Pills for n. time after
I had really fully recovered. Shice, I
have proved, for myself that Dr. Wil-
IlaniV Pink Pills can do, 1 ]lave roeoin-
mended them to a, number of-Ruffering
people, and those who have given them
a fair tr!Al have proved.with nie that
Dr, M"illiams' Pin), Pills are just what
they are recommended to be!'
I gold by all medicine dettlers ' or by
mail at 50 cents. it be*, or six boxes for
$2.50 from The, Dr� Williams' 11eiliclne
Co., Brockville, Ont.
- 11 -
Pertinent Query.
"Do you think you could learn to love
me?" asked old Gotrox.
� "Oil, I don't know r 'I replied IRIS
Vatingbadd. "How tatich are you will -
.ng to spend oil my educ.1ttIo;�?I1C1hi-
!ago 'gews. I � �
i6Pea;_it7--- shnows Oure will al.
ways cure my coughs and colds."
. -
� Sad ease.
"I never was so shocked in n ' '
I ""
aid Mrs. Lapsling. "'Pearley &Inte','.
rreen Is trying to get it divorce from her
usband. She fayg she list found out
-list they made a mistake When -they
narried; he isn!t her real Infinitival"
is i 0 ' .
A inard's Lin,ment Relieves Neuralgia.
-----8-# .)
Got to Have 'Ern to Pull.
"Dau'l; you suppose, senator) the'l;
ywitually all kinds of machinery will
* run by a wirelesss System?"
NO$ my boy; wo never could run &
Olitical MoollinA WitI101it wires.1 I
_ �,__
. Noisy Madrid.
801110 one JIa4 Well divillptl th,J inl4all.
114"t i of Aladvid into two,
vlai;"6. 4(44'�
witt) I'll to bed after '"' a. Ili, and jhi)h,�
who 64 lip before four. It is true thit
MO street'l Are, Ilovor (Ill"et. Tho stoiv,t-
cutterli, who were mending tile side�N*jll.-,
begall ollippilig tit daybrozxh, Next JVLA
beard the electric carls. with their fund
9011914, And the JaIlle-042-ts, vlatt'vi'llig
over tile AO!6iy cobbIt'stonts, IiV bre.11'.
f-%�t One tile SOU1141 Of t , ILP huray-guilly
0110ed lit OUV earl.A. Strpot fakir4 shwl�-
I'd their wares, and 8111tvirg J),�gq;lrtj, ivith
their wphil yllitel, I-oa?lied ill) and dowit
aft day. Jtwt before dinnor the -wornoa
Mitt cry lottery tivi;I-ts and evpIllng pa-
Xkr$ too), VIeW st3lifl at the voinor, and.
ftheir stentuxiall voices nevill, �,t'.)Ppefl
until after "Illblight. Aladdit varrloi no
latoilkey. 'Tile muelerle holds it by tLq,
fits street Watchman W night. tloule,
(IttelitlY tile holin; o; 'aleep weri� con.
atlintli broken by the Roulla 'of liand.
ObIPPIAR, 10110117,04 by tile quick, Iteavy
step of the Ivatchman In respoli,�la to thli
Illedifleval AkUllulons. Altogether, I lin.
hedtlkltlylglY 14011016100 agallis� lladrid
its a rest oure , It is b,)r far ,tile uoiale",it.
"I'le I was ever in.-Frou-i "A Second.
Class Trip Tato Spalu," lit tile Outing
Vagazirta for 14-bruary,
. . � - I. I -
It,' -"Shiloh's Cure. will glway,s
cure niy coughs; and Colds."
is$* �
The Cause of Large Losses to the
Cotholic Chumh in Goilmany.,
� A allort time ago. Father Bollaven-
�tuvo. the great 35orninican preacher,
stated that within fifty yards In the
city of Berlin aloll,i a quarter of a
million souls have Wall lost to the
:Catholic Church, principally through
mixed marriages,
In Germany It is almost certain that
the greater art of the children of
nuxed mayrfages are lost to the
Church. In Prussia about Go per coilt,
of these children Are Protestants. The
number of those marria as grfttly a-..
oeeds the number of 8atholic mar.
rJages. .
In the four years from 19.61 to 1905
there were 1,557 Catbolic marriagges, as
opposed to 4,874 mixed 1parriagea in
n randenburg alon
I , a, The
Proportion for ilia whole empire for
1906 was 350 mixed to 100 Catholic
unions. The question has become
ver&grave and is giving much worry
to a Catholic leaders.
I One of the explanations of filis
stranjet conditioll of affairs is the dis.
crimination practised throughout the
German Empire against ca.tholics.
Prussia is still the great centre of tile
Spirit of the Reformation, and the
Strict Lutherans there cannot coin ro-
miss with a Catholic. All tile T10,*,.
erulnent Positions are held by Pro-
teatants. The army, the universities,
the railroad administration -all are
closed to Roman Catholios._r.roln tile
Rosary Magazine,
d_* -0.
New York Excursion.
$10,00 rouad trID froin 4suspensloa Bridge
Vla L011rh Valloy R. R., Thurs0ay, blaroh
11th. Tleketa good 10 daYs, PartAculalla 44
KIng &treek east, Toronto.
� 4_"
A Key to the Mystery.,
The visitor took up A ginall M,I,V,s
8111041`0d, Over with Invisible grey, sprin.
kled, here and there with )'allow "blobs"
"What have we here?" he said to ilia
artist. I
"A chromatic in red colors with goldym
Accidents," replied the youlti . !),sinter.
IlLynn. night lights fi-ali tjle sea I
� quite so"' murmured the -visitor.
III wonder-lia.v� I got it right xideliplil
The Water regarded tile onawas doubt
fidly, then pointeti, to a reinarkable
Signature in the earlier.
"It's all right,') lie ,said. "YOW11 -never
make a mistake if volt 'keep that in the
right-IlAud 00ruer. 'It is it t put there
I is
for that purpose.0-Youth"s Companion.
the cheaper grades of cigars from do -
mastic tobatcO. It is a peculiar fact
that despite the wonderful prolpess of
mechanical contrivances in all lines of
manufacture, the better grades of cigars
tire made to -day exactly as they were it
liundred years ago. -Carl Warner, In the
Bohemian Magazine for February, I
0 � 6
Repeat it',�"Shi]011's Cure WM
alWays cure my Coughs and coldg."
V- -
r-1f1t'y_. .
Hubbiy-Whstl Anotlier new dress?
Wifey-Well, don't be cross, I bought
It with my own nione�r.
HilbbY-Your own? Where did you
get it from 7 .
Wifey-1 sold your fur coat.-Phila.
aelphis Inquirer,' 1
M illard's.1- in i merit fail sale everywhere.
Side Lights on History, .
Arlielia Bloomer JlaA invented the cos.
buine, that bears her name.
"I wanted to make Something as till-
�ke the sheath gown. as possible," she
This � o explains why it never Wcania
Popular amiong our saAety leaders,
___ — -
qjpwaL gow
JL.Jr IR " grqwn S
and on.
FUR"N"7 1111JO&A
Write for t"Jackly Priob Lists. Shipments 50110itest.
- I
it,, a P4 T a
..'�yovkl it -
T.. I '! .
I '. I � ,
""SILENT 199
I* Villont 46 the Sphink I"
. . I
A1w*rN,.*wr*hoft ift Caush. AAk for Eddy's Unichas
I -
. I
l,,; " ..
, " ,
. _. . �, .11
I . - . ,
. ". . ,
l. .
. _ % '. . ,
� 1
. - � _�
. , . .
.t I ..
. .. � � — � .
100*000 'MUSKRA'r_ . 66,606 CoUlt
WANtttO 1MMtb1At(tLY- WIt AL80 MUY Oltl+&A ItUFM
ShIP to Ut it eiftc-6 butt lindab, youtsalf iluilt WZ tito thd
VZRY IIEST buytits of Rik* rats In Ci%fi*dA%.
UH MONTUMP STROTREA P" fts, 11 & " CH090 S,
11,111, l: ____ - - _ - � , ,
I I ... I -
Disposes of A I I _��
. Canard,
Roast "Possum" and Alligator stealco
e e n ile hotels and res.
taltrants. or this city, The . opossum.
whielt I$ an un,oleall allimal aUd I is far
from choice ill file quality of his food,
nevertheless, when kept up and fatten -
ad oil clea;) food, mkoo A rich and some-
, What gross viand, lilte roast pi -
, xK, but ex
COPt Ill special cases it is chief � ly priz d
, �
by t40 negrOes as the .Uzowu� Of theIr
feasts. As to the alligdtor, it is, Said to
hays it lilacp in the bill of fare of the
Indiana Of tile Florida Everglades, but
IS ne'ver oaten by civilized people, un-
less �111&r the compulsion of starvation.
Now Orleans .Picayune.
I - -
7. I . L � � I I
. -
I - .. 1� It Inuat give satis
- (action or you dons;
. pay for it.
I _Z�
�1_ .
. 41
a____- , -
Ts the only GwIlue RngLua that you 09
beforo You buY,l I know wh4t the ,Io�he_
PiOn" will dG. and I 'want you to be fully
satisfied with It before you pay f6r it, Tho
. Oleo t4 low, pull particulus .free.
WM. Q11lesple, Dept. ISM$$
98 rront St. East. Toronto
caution. I
"Old chap, I forgot, my money when
. � I
came Away from home this morning, and
I haven't even enough to pay my fare
oil the car, 'Lend we A dollar, will you?
P11 baud it back to -morrow morning -or
oue-Nit like It.,,
"If You need only a nickel why do you �
warit to borrow A dollar?,;, I
A "Yolt ought to know Well enough, If
fellow has a little money About him
the stick-up men don't beat him lip quite
so bad after they've gone through him.),
A Woman's Sympathy
lb ,�
. �Are you discouraged? Is Your-dontorla
a neay.1
these r
'been db
cure m
dens. N
N71111 if 3
A 1 YC
box of I
in my 1
this one
.for oth(
mu tne i,a,n And Stop
can .do thIs for you.
to I
li Ter 20 (the cost -of
ostage stamp). Your letters held consla
Nentlally. Wr to to�day for iny free treat-
mellt. MRS. P. M CURRAH, Windsor, Ont.
"b - � - - -
Stella -HOW Can a Man get into so.
ciety? . �
Bella -Have A Wife and an Auto that
are -both good climbers. . , .
- -
Minaed's Liniment Cures Burns, otc.
- -
Art Criticism.
"I don't like Illarblil btatues", said the-
flUffY Young thing. "They*always look
" if they had it cataraci or homething
(A that kind- the matter with thpir
eyes." - I -
. ''..
11-arion Bri4ae, c. B,, .iniky so, 101-7.
1 have handled AIRNT�AWS IA�NT.L-
AlliNT duringr the pasb year. .It is &I-
Ways . the first Lininteni; asked for liere,
and Im'q1lfl_;A1OnabJV the beat selleil a!
till the different ii-inds of Liniment I
handle. r
Stranger (pointing to the school-
house) -What building Is that?
Tohnni6 (rubbing Ilia baek)-The
4 A 6. I 11,
Cause of Baldness.
After consideraMe jocularity the pair
turned, to the pearly- ated stranger and
one Said - . p
"Ify KIOnd anti T liave been 41scusa-
ing the cause of baldness, but we can't
Seen% to Agree- Would you lullia telling
us what you r , �gtlrd AS tile real cause
of baldness?"
The stranget vhee1\4d About, eyea� .his
questioner.4 fiercely, anti allotted,
"Brainslk-411ttsburg Clra2ctte.
.. 4 � 0 -
A Pretty Kottlis of Fish.
Whell tile, Patient cAlle-4 oil Ilia doctor
he Jbilud the good niall Ili .a sfa,fe of
Wat apprehension,
"I've got all the symptoink of tile did-
eAsd volt IIaV#,II said the doctor, ,,I'm
".110L wolyl It, JIJX.10,� mult I oane
"AN'llat Are *volt SoVarea aboutill nsk.
t�d the p4tit,4.
1%,hy ulaul, roplietl tho. doctor, "t
Acift1t ttiftik i otroi cure it."I-11arper's
Weekly, I
_l__,"1,_,+- 4 lip I . . Li
Mltwdls 1"11111,1611t Cures bAndruf1id
ISSUB IN10. 91, 19,09
I. i �. 10,
_-____ - 4",�_
I .., . - . I.. oe,4440o%i�,,�111.1�.11�-���ll-��I
VAJ#,Jb,,0,tttr Oun. 4 tea r9lite,, , A V4
1 o , Ift,
'U'lor. - t.-- , 04t. ----,,,
� , — —
TAOL14 W091"r, AIA
Dyer CAUst4a ;Q work $pr UN 44643
their slisiro It,oUr4, selling our bisli wr,44%
Pfr1tIW01;. , Toilet AoqqIqItj*. 111"s, CQ i4i,
eto, No oxporjoxico nocomof, Wp* Flam.
, ,
Art, And remunerative. Illbe Jora# DPW 41tivo
CO.. Tr4aby Alroquo, To.ront*0 0440AA.
� _. __
FAR M_VT`_0_ 'fl6NT*'.
�.4_^.o --------- ----------
� ii - _1P_1_V_0__W_r0_'Q',X
. I 1�0. , iW�-i
r , of 3,15 acres, live =1141i Agilth at
L 0 , 4 oof Ulle ralid; erauIl opportuit-
it 11911 PartY. Usquir.(f Will. t;jftou,
. _. ., At.
- - - m;_-, '_ " - --j I llllll`I`
� .1
eSt $11U0 19X , OJI CAU -
444 for xPod pilitubell 4II4, 114ASr, ylyli,tn
V,,�44.,O. F�300x, Ul;t. _ ,
$41500 wl',', "i" 0-'qR -or '11M ."Is-"
`110tery. oonfoctjQuory 4na to,
aroxin Iblifiln"Ps in live town lit oAtArlo. largit
Premi`063; manulaotitra. 100th Igo c6im Slid
caudy, W11014$Ale and ietodl; eatabilall4d 24
YOars, dolut; ;17,M 41plueolk yoogly, 4 0-06D
far good livii man W1 . th A little. cAPJtAL . Ad-
111`010_1�0x rM, Uit,doay, Opt,
___�*�_ —_ASTMW—_---
I �%_^
0 URU OUTUR FOR T1113, N'XXT 11"11rWrY
0 414M $2.00, OnO,Aalf regular prfee. '04r,l
US A41ii4a Remedy ,Qa., roq,ju 2, ylexqouyer,
11001. �Iamtlten. out, 1. . - - .- ---
l- .
,bttt 418rosalls. more dtfftcult. WNto for otr-
oulails exploilatiag our now system Qf 0011ing
to the best advautsZe, J%:JJH pA,,I%N,�,
SA=l SMAN CO., RoehevAer, For eircillar "_
dreas, 1. J3. Rltbenllotlgi�, 70 P"rl street,
Toronto. .
........,� ....... ,1, . I I I
Hunter's Life Saved by His Dogs.
Four dayd and nights alone In thedea.
art without food 01- Water, his leg Rhat-
tered by tile accidental discharge of his
ShOtgUll, Was the terribla experience of
Conaro Undace, 4, Spanish sheep herder,
neat 11a.-Ornian Ile wao found yestpr-
day by �. searching party, lying fit . ce
downward and unconscious,
Conaro was hunting a, 00 ote when the
accident Occurred, I -Us Ifte was sa,yed
by his dogs, who lay close to their
master and prevented him freezing ,to
death, 'The dogs never left him until
they heard the cries of the searcheni,
Find then they led members of the party
to the unfortunate manli-From the
Idalio Stateanian.
- � *
I To All Women; I will Wd ft*6 wIth tall
tatitruotl*nfi, my home treatment wbiolt
Poettrel? cure, Leueorrhoea, Uleorauoy,4
. mplae—ts, Falling of the %Mb. pain-
ful or Irragulox Pe"oft, 'Uterine and ovar-
ian. Turaore or Growths, also Hot Flushos,
'Nervousness. melarmazoly" Paws in. the Read,
Back or Dowels, Kldnoy and Uladdw troubles,
Where caused bY weakileao peculiar to our
"X. YOU Call conunue treatment at home at
06 000t Ot Only 12 cents IL W98k. MY bwk,
"Worlan's Owu Mod-leal, AAvIser," also sm%
free on request. Write to -day, Addrw*,
Mrs. U. Summers, B.- H. 8, Wln,w-r, oilt,
. �
Cocoanut Disease.
The cocoanut groves of Cuba, have Te.
cently been attacked by a serious die,
,Page, which is said to be widely spread
n tropical America. Porto Rio&, how-
ever, has thus far escaped it. it is a
bacterial malady confined to the orown.
or terminal bud, of the trees, where It
produces a rot.. Tile great height of the
trees, and the fact that the terminal
buds are sheathed with the petioles of
older leaves, make it -%,cry difficult to
treat the disease with looal remedies. It
is Suspected that the bacteria are
spread through the agency of Insects.
The Deparement of Agriculture is in-
vestigating the subject.
Gold 6�i_d Watch
n, Cuaranteadfoo go yelolij
FffE foviellingi dozen co -
ba D UoLd InklesS Pons at ft
I each. ,Theoe ons write a.
1 beautiful colorly, aim I dip-
. ping In water. No U re-
� - .1 quired. NVAte to-day.1 IV&
11 tinist you W101 thepens, sell
I * , Uxem and retum the inoney
- anti win this if le beauty
.1 ftd Finish tell and
I I V .soalovely eaSetFraa
_ Dept 130 Toronto, 04t.
More Light.
By the oxUaoildinary contortions of
her neck he concluded that she was try-
ing to Sob a glimpso of the back of her
new blouse; by the lenso lines and solu-
tillating flash about her lips he con -
,eluded that her mouth Was full of pins.
"Umph-goof - suff - waff-all-
ffa,pogf" she aal,ed.
"Quite so, my dear," he a,greed, "It
1001ca very n1c;I1
"Ouff-wita - So-gs-ph-nif-ugh.
-ight?" was her next remark,
"Perhaps it would look better it you.
did that)" he nodded, "but It fits very
likely as it is."
: She gasped and emptied the pins into
her hands.
"I've asked you twice to raise tile
blinds so thAt I can got more light,
James," she exclaimed, "Can't you un-
derstand plain English?'l-Toledo, Blade.
Oe 0
—_ �
So Says Charles Bell of
Dodd's Kidney
Pills. I
He Had Rheumatism for Ten Y6ars
and the Old Reliable Kidney Rem.
edy Cured Him Completely.
March 1.-(Speoi�al)-111 am " well fill-
ed with gratitude to Dodd's Ridney Pill&
that I calmoot ptalso them too highiy�,
T,hose -are the ,v�,ordi Of 111r. Charles Belt,
well known here, and flitey Am e0ioed Vy
wany another Who has been freed. frov;i
the tortures of rheuniftflom by'Dodd's
Xidney 11,111s. '
"I suffered terribly from rheumutasni,
for tell YOX111" Mr, 13011 oOntinneS. "I
WAS so bald I could sealvely got ill slid
out of bed. Afticx trying varlous medi-
eillogj -without getting ralleff a friend
advisc,c], ilia to try Dodd's Kidiviky, Pills.
, X ,boxes elealied t1re Ithpitinatigin right
out of 'we,"
TilwA what Dows Kidney ikins qa
to Itheltmatieful-eleiftu. it Tight out of
you. They do this $11111ply und naturally.
lillollinatitill is eaused by uric aeld in
tho blood. WhIon the kedileys aro
110111thy they Strain this uric AM 613L of
tile blood, IiVith tic uric neld in tho
blood there oau be tic, Rheumatism. ,()&Il.
" ' I It eldt"dy "', cure R'lleaumu-4111, ltut�e
�Iour noy, Dodd's lildnoy 11114 ill-
Avoya cure tho kidtie.pq.
Afaftr & man boas�ts that Ilia wita
111adt him- when she doesn't seem t4
ba Partivularly Droud of the Jobt.
� . L Ai
4" `
"'. -4 1