The Wingham Advance, 1909-03-04, Page 5"
" `.,1ALI 1, Y"
Two of the many Styles of
20th Century Clothes
• M,
That we're howhig for Spring
These Clothes have a national reputation
for style and satisfaction.
Ready -for -service, or made to your special
measure from choice of three hundred
stylish cloths.
See these fine garments before ordering
your Spring Suit or Overcoat. We are
exclusive agents.
McGee & Campbell
Clothiers and Men's Furnishers
Necessary Amendment.
A rather important amendment to
the Menicipal Act is proposed by '4't',.
Il:. Hoyle, M. P. P, He would change
the date for the closing of the doan-
clal year by treasurers of municipali*
ties, from Dec. lsth to Nov. 80, Mr.
Hoyle explains that the reason fpr
this is that the old .date has been
found most inconvenient, Treasurers
are obliged to have their financial
statements ready by Nomination titre
and the tittle is not sufficient for
Orem. to got their balances adjusted
and the Statement printed, By clos-
ing at the end of November this dif-
acuity would be overcome,
She Wears Large Boots.
Has to on account of corns, but they
e an be cure in twenty-four hours with
Putnam Painless Corn Extractor.
Use no other but Putnam's.
O.itario Government. Commended,.
The Grand Council of the Royal
Templars recently commended the
Government's enforcement of the Li-
cense Act. It will be recalled that be-
fore the Whitney Government went
into power in 1005 Sir James Whit -
neer straightfor*ardly refused to
pledgehimself to provincial prohibi-
tion, stating that he believed the en-
foreement of such a provincial law to
be impracticable. He, however, said
that if elected he would see•that the
existing license act would be enforced,
and the commendation of the leading
temperance organization of the pro-
vince is a certificate that this has been
Many Down With Pleurisy,
Doctors say the country is full of it.
First comes a chill, then cold develops
—the inflammation grows, you can't
draw a long breath, lungs and sides
get sore, and pleurisy sets'tn. A. good
home -cure consists in taking twenty
drops of Nerviline every four hours.
Supplement this by vigoroubly rub-
bing the sides and chest with Nervi -
line, and when warmth and circula-
tion are established, put a Nerviline
Porous Plaster over the aching spot.
Nerviline Treatment is always success-
ful in colds, neuralgia, and pleurisy.
Try it yourself.
Fishing Privileges Cancelled.
Once more the government has
surrendered to an opposition demand.
The Minister of Marine announces
that steps are taken to cancel the ex-
clusive fishing concessions given for
Great Slave Lake (10,017 square miler)
and Nelson River and parteof Hudson
Say, all for $10 a year. Also the ex-
clusive rights in Lake Athabaska and
Lesser Slave Lake (3,492 square miles)
at $10 a year. Also the twenty-one
year right to fish around James Bay
and its tributaries at $10 a year.
£hese concessions, given away to Gov-
ernment supporters, were exposed last
session, and caused so touch indigna-
jon throughout the country that the
government has had to cut them
fir !, ae
rt ...
Head Office, Hamilton.
To -day usually takes care
of itself—it is the uncer-
tain to -morrow for which
we must make provision
to -day
It is impossible to tell what the future has in store for
us, financially. If reverses, sickness, or unexpected emergency
arise, the prudent person will have made provision for such con-
tingency, by laying aside in the safe custody of as chartered Savings
Bank some regular sum from the weekly earnings.
Tliis fund differs from money involved in business, or invest-
ed in mortgages or commercial ventures—it is at once available
whenever required. It is an emergency fund, always subject to
your call. It stands separate and distinct from' your business or
your investments ; and, representing an accumulation of stnall
sums, regularly taken from curr.nt income, it is hardly missed,
and rapidly grows into a substantial sum.
THE •BANK OF HAMILTON—by its reputation, and
the absence of all unnecessary routine ---has gained the confidence
of Savings Bank depositors, and is popular with those desirous of
opening a new Account. Every convenience and accontmodation is
afforded all who desire to make use of the service it affords, and
an enquiry for the Manager will secure any desired information.
or attention.
CP. SMITH, Agent
'3i.7re Xaktv:$ o�
eAcokVin. far Itt.ovAik
for men who want every cent's worth of
value that their money will buy.
A long experience tells us how—and a staff
pf skilled workmen know our way.
Goods from Scotland ----froth England—from
Ireland -- from Canada from • everywhere.
Just about every kind that's made and
plenty of each kind.
Wouldn't you like to see.
Robt. Maxwel1
Tailor & Men's Furnisher
Whitechurch Hardware
,Store News.
Is there anything about your premises, inside or
out, that needs brightening up ? If so, we
have the stuff you need--
Sherwina ♦ `` i11iars Paints. .
Plow Repairs Now is the time to .look
after Plow Repairs. Call.
and tell us what you need, and if we haven't got
it, we'll get it . .... .... .... ....
' The Purest and Best Place Your Orders Now
J. -T. Holmes lhitechorch
SEE * S F r•' EE
A. package of seed of the D. & IL Colossal White Sugar Beet
will be given you free if you write for our handsome new 1909
Catalogue. This beet grows to an immense size, is easily har-
vested, and yields 1,500 to 2,000 bushels to the acre in ordinary
soil. Makes cows yield more milk. Fattens hogs quicker. If
preferred we will send you a package of our leussian Giant Let-
tuce or Ostritch Feather Aster seed instead of the sugar beet seed.
Write to -day and name your choice, also mention name of
this paper.
tl Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd., London, Ont.
Willie's Good Scheme.
Papa was about to apply the strap,
to Willie who was attending High
School. "Father," said Willie, firm-
ly, "unless that instrument has been
properly sterilized, I desire to pro-
test." This gave the old man a pause.
"Moreover," continued Willie, "the
genus that might be released by the
violent impact of leather upon a por-
ous textile fabric, but lately exposed
to the dust of the streets, would be
apt to affect you deleteriously." As
the strap fell from a nerveless hand,
Willie sloped.
What Causes "Nerves ?'r
Most people say worry, they are
wrong, the cause is in the blood which
is thin, and lacks nutriment. To cure
"nerves" more blood, sinew and flesh
are required. You get these quickly..
by taking Ferrozone. No health bring-
er is so certain, no nerve strengthener
more potent, no system tonic so well
adapted to the wants of the run-down,
nervous or sleepless. Let F'errozone
build you up, let it fill you with vim,
energy and surplus vigor. It has done
this for thousands.
5,000 Pacts About Canada.
The public will welcomethe1000 re-
vised Edition of this valuable booklet,
which has been happily described as a
tabloid encyelopedia of Canada. It is
unique and clever in its arrangement
ns worked out by its compiler, Mr.
Prank Yeigh, of Toronto, the well
known writer and lecturer. 80,000 cop -
les have already been sold, The re-
sources, wealth and business of the
country are given in a concrete farm ---
a feet in a sentence. Mr. Hamar
Greenwood, ALP, for 'York, ting., says
W "It is an eya.opener to even a keen
Canadian like myself," A copy may
be bad for 25 cents from the Canadian
Facts Publishing Co„ 007 Spadina Av-
enue, Toronto.
For A Cold.
Nothing cures so qutekly as the
healing Pme essences In Oatarrhozone.
It fills the breathing
rgans with a
healing, soothingvapor that relieves
irritatat once. Ordinary
colds are
curved in ten minutes. Absolutely sure
for Catarrh, and in throat trouble it
works like a eharncl. Caterrbozone is
a permanent cure_ for bronchitis and
throat trouble. Not an experiment
not a temporary relief, but a cure
that's guaranteed.. Get Catarrhozone
today, 26and $1 sizes,
Judge Cassels' Remarks.
There is truth in what Judge Cas-
sels . said in commenting on his in-
quiry into the actions of officials in
the Maxine Department. He said:—
"The chief remedy for amelioration of
the conditions I have sought to por-
tray, lies in the awakening of the pub-
lic conscience. If the public generally
could be brought to view with abhor-
rence graft and abuse of trust on the
part of those administering the public
moneys and property, the end of such
abuses as have occurred in the past
would bo in sight." But it is wonder-
ful what a deadened public conscience
can stand.
Opposition Usefulness,
The usefulness of a live, strong
Opposition, such as now exists in the
Dominion house, is evident. The To-
ronto News, in reviewing legislation
says t --"There is not one single re-
form of recent years which can be cre-
dited to the Fedex'al Ministry. It is
most hopelessly unprogressive Admin-
istration that the history of the coun-
try can show. It has taken no for-
ward step except when pushed so hard
that a step was a necessity to keep it
from falling. For the last five years
the country has been governed
by the Opposition and the Ministers
have been nothing more than a collec-
tion of Moro or less ornamental figure-
heads. In this MeAvity case the Gov-
ernment shows its actual sodden inac-
tivity, There are proofs to no end to
ebow that it is the duty of the Minis-
ter of Public Works *to recover the
$85,500 filched from the treasury by
1 is oliLical buccaneer. Dub the
tt p
Governinent has done nothing. It
rests with the Opposition to force
Ministers to wake up and compel res.
Cause Of Boils Bxplained.
Even in health there is a Targe ac-
cumulation of matter in the system,
which if not destroyed breaks through
the skin in the forte of pimples and
boils. No remedy eo eleansing, so
sure to drive out boils as Dr. rIatnll-
ton'e Pills. They brace up the syr.
tont, rid it of humors, restoreheal rh,and
absolutely prevent swellings. pimples,
blotches and bolls, Because milli and
certain, anyone cat nae Dr. Hatnll-
ton'e Pills. Sold by all dealers.
Geed Cows In Demand,.
A few days ago a buyer from the
.States gave the It]gh price of two,
thousand dollars to a farmer near
Brockville for one cow; this le bellev-
td to be the highest price ever paid
for a Canadian cow. 'What .made the
animal so valuable ? Glranted that she
was a model of beauty and an exquis-
ite type of her breed, the fact remains
that her actual performance largely
helped to effect a sale. She hasa
record of 121, pounds of butter in 80
days. The records- assisted in making
the price. When farmers generally
commence to keep records of individu-
al cows, we may hope to develop not
only many more such excellent speci-
mens, but a general improvement in
tate production of the average herd..
Records alone can furnish the infor-
mation necessary to enable intelligent
selection of the promising cows, and
the rejection of those that are not
profitable, Such selection, coupled
with mere liberal feeding, will repay
any farmer abundantly, As scores of
farriers in Canada can testify, it has
often resulted in an additional fifteen
and oven twenty-five dollarsincome
per cow within four years. This
means millions of dollars extrafor
the farmers of Ontario and Quebec,
even from the present number of
cows. The Dairy Commissioner, Ot-
tawa, will be glad tosupply iecord
blanks for weights of milk, ancl to
assist in organizing cow testing associ-
Mix the following by shaking well
in a bottle, and take in teaspoonful
doses after meads and at bedtime.
Fluid Extract of Dandelion, one
half ounce ; Compound Rargon, one
ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla,
three ounces. A. local druggist is the
authority that these simple, harmless
ingredients can be obtained at nomin-
al cost from our home druggist.
The xnixture is said to cleanse and
strengthen the clogged and inactive
kidneys, overcoming blackhead, blad-
der weakness and urinary trouble of
all kinds, if taken before the stage of
Bright's disease.
Those who have tried this say it
positively- overcomes pain in the back,
clears urine of sediment and regulates
urination, especially at night, curing
even the worst forms of bladder weak-
Every man or woman here who
feels that the kidneys are not strong
or acting in healthy manner should
mix this prescription at home' and
give it a trial, as it is said to do won-
ders for many persons.
Council meets in Gorrie, Wednes-
day, March 17.
Mr. J. J. Pritchard of Harriston,
purchased the Stebbins farm, llth
con., Howick, which was recently of-
fered for
f-fered,for sale in Harriston. It is at
present occupied by Mr, Wm. Fleet.
Ou Tuesday morning, Feb. 28r1.1, the
whole community was shocked to
hear of the sudden death of Mr. Thos.
Goggin. , A few weeks ago he was
laid up with a sore leg and later his
heart troubled him for a few days.
For the past week his nerves were in
a very bad state, but he was gaining
strength and it was expected he would
be able to sit up in a few days. His
death was caused by a clot of blood
lodging in one of the valves of the
The' Angel of Death visited the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gal-
braith and took away their little four-
year-old daughter, Elsie. The little
girl had not been well for some time,
but about a week before her death her
her malady assumed a serious form
and medical aid was summoned. In
spite of tendercare, the little one sank
rapidly and passed away on Wednes-
day evening. The pall -bearers were
the four youngest brothers of the de-
ceased child.
Voice Gave Out.
Thomas P. Macdonald, c
a doral. a prominent
singer of Teeswatcr, says :.c i eas
ago I became a victim to La Grippe an\d
had it in its worst form. The attack was
unusually smote, and left me in terribly
bad shape. I was utterly pro trated;
weak, and run down entirely. My
voice also completely gave out, and my
lungs seemed to be seriously affected.
People who knew nye thought I was not
long for this world."
"One day I saw in the paper what
PSYCHINE had done for others and
thought I wcuid give it a trial, so I seat
fora sample bott.e. This gave tele such
immediate relic?, and 1 elped n'c so, that I
determined to keep on with it at all costs,
And in spite of what the doctor had said.
In an incredibly short spa.:e oftime i'was
completely restored, and my voice was
soon in grand shape again. They used to
tell ire that a breath of wind would blow
meaway, I had got so thin, but PSYCH I NE
built mo up in no time; 1 em a pretty
solid specimen of humanity today, having
Rained in weight end putvn flesh all the
s1'o THAT T OOLD'b THE tl
STOP 11A 1a 1t Si1}r'pl{ 'WILD'•
2k SERIOUS. You eau do this by toning uti
the system with I's sinus. A11 druggists and
cloisters. malt. 6t).. ant f1.00. 1'1U. ]0 TRIAL
sot.t ou application to DRI. T. A. SLOCiUM,
New rebs
N ;2:4
Che Leads o Store
Spring Good
Just opened up, Ten Case
New Spring Goods, including
Dress Goods, New Silks, New
Trimmings, New Prints, Ne
Tins, New Waists, New
Corsets and (Gloves.
s of
w Mus -
Our Dress Goods Department is
crowded- with New Fabrics for
Spring wear. Ask to see the New
Just opened, One C
ies' Shirt Waists, very
fine quality Lawn—al
ase of Lad -
pretty styles,
1 prices.
H. E. Isar
Wi ng lain
, Ontario.
,a5edieGerrsss ..
A Big Greewad VeHow
}ibboo ale
First=Class Jewelry
Wi i .a t terson's
Worth of Watches, Clocks, Rings, Silverware and
of all kinds. A.11 must be sold regardless
price. Sale closes Saturcray, March 27.
The prices on the GR13 EN RIBBONS
are the Regular Prices
And 'the prices an the 171tI,LOW RIB.
BONS are the slaughter Prices .........
It will pay the citizens of 't Tir,,gltlnt awl surrounding
country to throw away all Their old 'Watches, Clocks,
&c., and como and get something good and up-to-date
at our mellow Ribbon rrices.
thion.dalmonrtli •16.1011.0i110.11.11...,...1111.01
Nothing allowed to be taken out of the store
without the Spot Oath.
W. J. 'atterson
The Groat Watch rotor, Wingham•