HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-03-04, Page 4• THE WING: AISt ADVANC. `the Store CPCONIOattk to the 'Dom s. Come on \ Tuesday opened the 2nd Sale of the Hanna Stock, Crowded all days, Greatest Bargains ever offered in Canada E 2nd Sale of the Hanna Stock opened Tuesday, Sorry we had to lock the door so often, but couldn't do otherwise. Lowest Prices ever quoted on Good Goods ON IN The Robson ercantile Co., Wingha osnovarassaroessramosnoscroornr Whiskey Did It. It turns out that Jos. Kelliher, who was burned to death in the lockup at Port Elgin last week, was a South Af- rican veteran, and that he was mak- ing arrangements to go out West to locate on the land, which as a South African Veteran, he was entitled to. He went to Port Elgin to buy a house and lot for his mother before going West, and after the writings had been drawn thought he would celebrate the event by taking a drink or two. It was that drink that was responsible for his tragic end.—[Walkerton Tele- scope. A New Railway. The extension of the St. Mary's & Western Ont. railway through to Exe- ter may be an accomplished fact be- fore long. The company is asking for a loan of 'twenty thousand dollars each from municipalities of Blanshard, Usborne and Exeter. Meetings have already been held at Birkton and Exeter, and petitions are being cir- culated in the township of Blanshard asking the council to submit a by-law. In case the municipalities fall in 'line at once, the officials say the construc- tion of the road may be commenced as early as June. AFTER 20 YEMMS0F SUFFERING. Zaln-:132.Ik'; Healing Power Proved by School Commissioner and Baptist Deacon. Q`1�NB of the most recent converts to the 4�1 Zam-L3uk method of treating and curing disease is Mr. C. E. Sanford, of Weston, Ding's Co., N.S. Idr, Sanford is austice ofe Peace t J h ace for the County, and a member of the Board of School Commissioners. He is also )Deacon of the Baptist Church in X3erwick. Indeed, throughout the Cottnty it would be difficult to find a man more widely known andmore highly respected. Some time back. he had occasion to test Zatn.11uk, and here is his opinion of this great balm. He says:— " I never used anything that gave me such satisfaction as Zam-Buk. 1 had a patch of eczema on my ankle, which had been there for over twenty yearn. Sometimes, also, t x a disease would break Out on my shoulders. I had taken solution of arsenic, had applied various oint- ments, and tried all sorts of things to obtain a cure, but all in vain, 1 was advised dtogive z a - Buk a trial and as I stn a firm m befjever in Nature's remedies, I did so. Front first applying it I saw it was altogether different to the ordinary ointments and embrocations, and it soon began to show signs of clearing away the eczema on my ankle. This was so gratifying, that I persevered for some time with it, and I AM glad to say it had the desired result. I ant now cured of the disease which defied every other treatment for twenty years, "This is not the only direction in which I have proved the merits of Zara-Buk. I suffered for a long time from piles, and I found a perfect cure for this painful ailment in "Lata-Buk. Zara-13uk soothes the pain, relieves the congested veins, and to restores the elasticity to the tissues that the piles gradually but surely disappear." us.nuk is a positive ani certain rete for arts, burns, broites, arsine, ii:les, 0:4 Ang sore., ricers, scalds, blond -poisoning, eczema, scabs, clumped bands, cold ;:real:a, el id Lies, ringworm, teats soros, bad leg, diseased ;nits,1, en 1 all other skin di+c.oes and injnt:e Aabb'ilrvcif into the parts a5 ntc i it cure:; ne Fra:Kia, rheumatism, enol ,rictiera Plan) _hi t3 and stores tell At 50o. box, three far $1.35, and poet free from Za,n-13rdt Co., lorcnto, fon price. Refuse the hatmfal imitations sernotintes represented to be "jnst aa I;oritl.' A Good Move. Mr. Lewis, the member for West Huron, has introduced a bill that should be passed by unanimous con- sent. It provides that wireless tele- graph apparatus shall be part of the equipment of practically all vessels en- gaged in the coasting trade and inter- nal waterways traffic of Canada. It would exempt only such passenger craft as are below 500 tons burden, and only such freight -carrying craft as are of less than 1,200 tons burden. The wireless has already, proved the means of saving hundreds of lives. Brussels. Messrs. Ewan & Co, are busy at work on 100 new buggies for the com- ing season. They have disposed of their Iarge stock of cutters. Metropolitan Bank will move back to the newly transformed and mod- ernly fitted up premises in the Stret- ton block in the course of a few days. Upwards of 100 names are on the list of proposed municipal telephone users in connection with the line rad- iating from Brussels. 100 more are expected. James Johnston and family have re- moved to their farm in Howick near Fordwich. We are sorry to part with thetn as they proved first-class resi- dents but as Mr. Johnston's health was restored he decided to resume farm- ing. Preliminary arrangennents are Weil in hand for the big Orange Celebra, tion to be held in Brussels on the next 12th of July. Committees have been drafted and an outline program mapped d out. Every citizen should h uld r lend a hand and sustain the good name of Brussels for hospitality. Early Wednesday morning Mrs. .lames Gibson, a resident of Brussels for over forty years, passed away to the Great Beyond in her 08th year. Her maiden was Sarah Ingram. She Was born in Co. Cavan, Ireland, and came to Canada with her parents when 15 yearn of age. 65 years ago she was married to her late busbaud, James Gibson, (who died in 1807) in. Darlington township, and came be Brussels in 1866, residing here since. She lost her eye -sight 2 years ago but was remarkably hearty for a person of her advanced age. Mrs. Gibson got up from her bed and walked across the room' and was helped bank by Mrs. Eobt, Kerr and on getting to the bed the old lady dropped on her kneed, put her head down tett the bed and died almost instantly, 0,1d age with its attendant weakness W44 tho cause of her detailed, The Level Crossing. —Public opinion with regard to the level railway crossing is no doubt re- sponsible for the matter being recent- ly discussed in the House of Com- mons. It was introduced by Mr. Len- nox, who furnished a good deal of in- formation on the matter. He pointed out that in the United States (for which figures were available) there were in seven years, Killed at crossings 4 250 Injured " ,,,....8,715 Total 12,071 There were eighty-five per cent. more killed at crossings, than were killed in the passenger service of the trains. Mr, Lennox pointed out that on ac- count of the much lower taxation of railways in Canada, than in the States, the roads should bear the greater part of the cost of protecting the crossings, but he held that the Government should assist in the public interests. Hon. Mr, Graham, Minister of Rail- ways, admitted that he• had a policy with regard to the chatter, but could not reveal it at present, not having consulted his colleagues in the Cabi- net, It is generally agreed that some- thing should be done to protect hum- an life. Delicate Children. Doctor Told This Mother That Vinol Is A Fine Remedy— Mrs. Flagg Tells How Her Daughter Was Restored To Health By Vinol. "Our little daughter, six years of ago, after a severe attack of the mea- sles, which developed into pneumonia, was left pitifully thin, weak and ema- ciated. She had no appetite, and her stomach was so weak it could not re- tain food. She lay in this condition for Weeks, nothing the doctor pre- scribed did n bit of good, and we were beginning to think she would never recover. "At this time we commenced to give her Vinol, and the effect was marvelous. The doctor was amazed at her progress, and when we told him we were; swing her Vhiol, Ile re- pplied, 'It is a fine remedy, peep it up. We did so, and she recovered her health and strength months before the doctor said she would. Mrs, J. W. Flagg, Portland Me. Vinol is a real end liver preparation, containing in a highly concentrated forte/ all of the body-building, stren- gth -creating and curative elements of cod liver oil and tonic iron added. It is delicious to tako and ehlidren lova it•ilvery+ mother who has a weak deli- cate or ailing child, should try Vinol on our offer to return herr mons if It fails to give satisfaction. J', Walton MoKibbonn, druggist, Wingham, THURSDAY, Al.A.1.1.+Oi11» Clinton. The business of the Clinton Knit. ting Co. is increasing so rapidly that additional rtttteltinery is necessary, On Saturday last the Principals c f the Collegiate I'ristitittes in Seeforth, Clinton, Winghtrin and Goderiob, met. at. the home of Principal Field, Gtz'de- rich, to discuss ,natters pertaining to the svelter() of Collegiates generally. Mr. Rowelitfe has sold his five acres and buildings on Raglan street, to Fred Watts, for the sura of $1700, and has bought the property of Mr. Jack- son, on the London read, consisting of three acres with buildings for $1400. Mr, W. Protor, who is employed in boiler making at the Foundry, had a nairaw escape the other day. An iron lover, in its descent, caught his head and eart'ied it down to a plate, when he was rescued before further injury was sustained. It was a mar- vel that his neck was not broken, The revival services are in their seound week and are proviug most in- teresting and helpful, Large audi- ences are in attendance and each meeting seems better than the Iast, The services of Sunday brought out very large audiences, many being un- able to gain admittance in the even- ing. . On Thursday evening of last week, while skating, Mrs, Elliott, Huron et,, had the misfortune to trip and was thrown forward on her head. She sustained a severe concussion of the brain and though she managed to reach home, she there became uncon- scious, and had to call in a doctor, un- der whose care she is progressing fav- orably. A rather remarkable and unusual scene was witnessed at the House of Refuge, on Wednesday afternoon. tttr, McHardy, evangelist, assisted by othere, held a special meeting for the inmates, and at the close asked those who wished to give their hearts to the Lord to coxae forward, when about 30 gray -headed men, with a few women, accepted the invitation. It was a touching sight. HAWKING MACHINES. Catarrh Sufferers Are Nothing But Hawking, Spitting And Blow- ing Machines, Says An Authority. Is it possible that in these days when cleanliness and sanitary reform is being preached in the churches, schools and at public gatherings, that thousands of people will continue to suffer from catarrh when there is an absolutely certain aemedy always on hand.. Hyomei (pronounced Higla-o-me) is a pleasant, medicated and antiseptic air. Breathe it in and it will cure ca- tarrh. ' It will stop foul breath. wat- ery eyes, and crusts in the nose in a few days, Mrs. H. W. Wilson, of Johnson St., Wallaceburg, Ont., says : "Yes, we are great friends to Hyomei .for the reason that Mr. Wilson has had ca- tarrh for several years and tried sev- eral years and tried several remedies and doctors, but nothing has relieved the trouble like Hyomei. His trouble is from pains across the eyes and a burning or huskiness in his throat. Sometimes much diffculty in breath- ing, the glands in his eyes and nose swollen and the disease tnade him lit- erally siek all over. He cannot say enough in praise of Hyomei, and there is nothing that can give better relief to catarrh than this remedy, which we heartily recommend." A complete Hyomei outfit, consist- ing of a strong, hard rubber pocket in- haler and a bottle of Hyomei, costs only $1.00 and extra bottles, if after- wards needed, cost only 50 cents each. J. Walton 111cKibbon sells it and guar- antees it to do exactly as advertised. Hyomei also cures Asthma, Bron- chitis, Coughs, Colds and Infant's Croup. Protection and Sate Investment AItit COMBINED Ill The Endowment Policies The Dominion life A sound, well managed Canadian Life Assurance Company. Average rate of Interest earned in 1900- 6.73 PER CENT. WALTIft , T. HALL Local Agent — Wingham. SETTLERS' TRAINS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN By Canadian Pacific direst line For Settlers travelling with iivestoclt and effects Special Trains will leavtl Teranto Each TUESDAY In MARCH and APRIL at 10,15 p.n1. Settlers and families Wil ont should use CiC RedttlarTrains leaving' Toronto 10.15 p.m. flatly 'tourist .Sleeping Cars Vastest Time COLONIST "CARS ON ALt TRAINS 1Vo 'Cherdh for Bertha Low Colonist Rated Only Through service to the West Apply to nearest airant for full information and (tea Dopy of Sentara' Guide" or write R 1. otrtn►an, , P.Ai , C,P,R„ Toronto 1 . SO IL ISeeratirt Agbat, '�Vingh9ttan+ 1909.. 0,000 ft In spite of the hard tittles, the above amount ofproperty haebeen,soldtlarough our agency lit the past NW' Menthe, which is an evidence that Ontario Real Estate has a sound subttatttiol value, There is no disguising the faot how- ever, that the West stilt bits attractions for many, and farms are being listed with us almost every day, because the owners desire to try their fertunes ma the prairies, Many .of .those farms Dau be sold by us at what would have been considered ria dioulously low figures a few years alp, When the prices for farm products were much lower than at present, It will certainly pay any iutertdieg purchaser to give us a call, as a half an hour itt our office would be worth more to him than a week's driving about the country. Desirable town properties for sal°. Money tp 1pan on good farms, at low- est rates, Insurance in all its branches. Twenty years experience and no un- settled or disputed claims. Ritchie & Cows REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE - WINGHAM NOW. IS THE 'TIME TO GET A BAR- GAIN IN Dinner Sets Tea Sets Toilet Sets Jardinieres And All Fancy China And don't forget to try a pound of our Teas and Coffee. They are sure to please. Produce Wanted. Malcolm's PHONE 64 L MAKE MONEY Selling Pelham/8 Peerless Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, etc., during the winter months. We offer yon steady and profitable employment in your own district at good pay. We have over 600 acres of choice nursery stook which you will sell direct to your customers. No diseased or dried out American stock supplied. Established over 30 years. Write now for par- ticulars. PELHAM NURSERY CO., Toronto, Ont. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. This school stands in the forefront as tho largest and best practical training school in Western Ontario. We have three departments: COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. All departments are in charge of ex- perienced instructors and the courses aro thorough and practical. Our gradu- ates secure good positions. Students aro entering every week. Write for our free catalogue at onto. ELLioTT & MCLACHLAN PRINCIPALS r A GREAT SCHOOLI GREAT IN IMPUTATION, RESULTS, IN.FLU- ENOE AND THOROUGHNESS. NOW IS TIIE TIME TO ENTER TIM POPULAR ELLIOTT T011.011TO. ONT. And prepare for profitable employment. OUR GRADUATES READILY OBTAIN GOOD POSITIONS. Our IIandsonxo Catalogue is free. Write for one to -day. Students admitted at any time. College open tho entire year. W. J ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL Cor, Yong° & Alexander Sts. w w DENION BANI 1 AAD br3'IOE, TORONTO. Capital (paid up) - $3,976,000 Reserve land podia - 0,297,000 Tota Assets, over $48,000,000 WINC,IIIAM 13FEANO.1L Interest alloeved on deposit ol": $t.00 and upwards. Farmers" Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all ,,Dints its Can. ads, the United States and Europe, b, , 1 1 t Janag$r It,'Vun tbss, I oil awr 0 4 The People's Pouiar Store Wingham, Ont. KB Agents Ladies' florae Journal Ageets hems Journal .Patterns READ OUR STORE NEWS CAREFULLY THIS WEEK, THERE IS MONEY IN IT FOR YOU, FRESH GROCERIES! GREAT BARGAINS BIG VALUES. Choice Variety of Sweet Biscuits,,10c a lb. or 3 lbs. for °tie Canned. Tomatoes, 3 for...25c Canned Corn, 3 for 25c Canned Peas, 3 for .... ....25o Canned Pork and Beans, 3 ib. tin, 3 for 25e Canned String Beans, 3 for 25c Gallon Tin Apples, each...25o Canned Pears, per tin 10c Canned Plums, " 10c Canned Pineapple, per tinl0c Prunes, small, 4 lbs. for....25c Prunes, large, 2 " t ...25o Evaporated Apricots, 2 lbs. for 25c Cooking Figs, small, 8 lbs25c ri " large, 4 "25c Choice Table Figs, pkg100 Choice New Dates, 4 lbs.,25e Choice " " 3 pkgs25o Orange Marmalade, home made. Canned Finnan 1Iaddie 10c Canned Fresh Herring 10c Pure Honey, Clarified 100 Condensed Milk, per tin 150 Self Rising Buckwheat Flour for Pancakes, Home-made Maple Syrup. A Dish you may enjoy row any day. • D y Doody & Gents' Furnishings Men's Tweed Snits ; Naw Goods ; Correct Styles Regular price $7.00 — Our Special Price $4.99 Men's Hook -On Teck Ties. Newest shapes end colors. Alt new goods. Reg price, 25o each—Oar Special Price, 16.3. Hurry Up—Wo have only 6 dozen of these Ties for sale at above prices. Hook -On Bow Ties. Very neat, nobby Ties for men or women. All the newest tirades. Only 6 dozen on sale— move quick if ypu want any. Regular price 15o to 20c each— Our Special Price, 10c. Or 3 for 25 cents. Quilt Patches. Good quality Print, Gingham and Chambray, No waste. No cutting. Price per lb., only 200. Pearl Buttons 5c Doz. 250 dos Pearl Buttons, reg. 10c per dos. Special Pelee, do dozen, any size. Or 6 dozen for 25c, assorted sizes. Fancy Art Sateens. 100 Pieces in 1 yard lengths, very pretty patterns, new designs. Worth 20c to 30c a yard. Your choice while they last for 5o each. WANTE D—Butter, Eggs, Beans, Dried Apples, Green Apples, etc. Big prices paid for Choice Poultry. T. A. MILLS WINGEEAM �..r t 1 antasensssersassammomazmuntammsm 1 All the newest shades and patterns for Spring a Suits, are to be obtained here, at the most reasonable prices. Daily Arrivals of New Spring Goods Wash Goods We are now unpacking the greatest selection of Muslins, Ginghams, and linen effects to be shown in - Wingham this season, suitable for Waists and Suits. House Furnishings A. full range of law Carpots, Linoleum, Oil- cloths and Lace Curtains just arrived. Do not fail to see our array of New Spring Goods Highest prices paid for all kinds of produce. Headquarters for Butterick's fashions. Phone 89. 11 T. A. Mills