The Wingham Advance, 1909-02-25, Page 5THE WING AM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2r, 19.09, Two of the many Styles of 20th Century Clothes That we're showing for Spring These Clothes have a national reputation for style and satisfaction. Ready -for -service, or made to your special measure from choice of three hundred stylish cloths. See these fine garments before your Spring Suit or Overcoat. exclusive agents. ordering We are McGee & Campbeil Gy Clothiers and Men's Furnishers 1Ze ire lCK,akess o\ eAokhVng dor 'Mes\== for men who want every cent's worth of value that their money will ` buy. A long experience tells us how—and a staff Of skilled workmen know our way. Goods from Scotland—from England—from Ireland — from Canada -- from everywhere. Just about every kind that's made — and plenty of each kind. Wouldn't you like to see. Robt. Maxwetl Tailor & den's Furnisher Whitechurch Hardware 1 Store Newks. JUST RECEIVED. We have fast received a shipment of the* I3ritisii American Oil Co.'s Famous Lamp Oil, FLECI!ROLUNE. .A. trial will convince you that this is the best oil you ever used. It gives a clear light and is smokeless Do not confound this oil with the cheap grades whish are on the market., 5 gallofns--410. ..a..,.,v.rST — linoof harness repairs of all kinds, MST IN.—A full p 1 Buckles, Snaps, Rita, Hame Straps, Halters, Billet Straps, Rosettes, Bridle Fronts, eta., etc. Team Collars, hand sewed and hand :filled, fully guaranteed. Single Harness. . ,7US'xt ARItUVED.—A'New Home Combination Phbno- graph and a lot of the latest 2 and 4 minute records, Do not fail to ase this flue instrument. J. T. Holmes Whitechurch A Bride z3, Days, On Wednesday, January 27, bath - swine Isabella Dennis, Af Port Elgin, was married to 11ir. J. II. Vance,. of Bethune, Sask., and on Tueeday, Feb, 0, her death oeourred. The wedding was one of the happiest events, and the end carne as a terrible surprise for nothing serious was expected until the near approach of death, Mrs. Vance had been slightly ill on Sunday, but she had expected to leave for her new hoine in the West on the very day she died, The deceased was in her 27th year. She was wolf known in Bruce township.! Do Your Boots Pinch ? Is so, look out for a tiny corn. Cure it before it grows big, Putnam's Pain- less Corn Extractor is the best. Try Putnam's." Rural Telephones Pay. • The annual meeting of the directors and shareholders of the St. Mary's,. Kirkton and Exeter Telephone Com party was held in Aberdeen Hall, Kirke ton, The company is on a good finan- cial basis and satisfaction is the key- note of the meeting, and although the financial report was somewhat behind we are assured of a surplus over and above expenses of some $1,000, and a dividend of 5 per cent. will be allowed nn the shares of the company • on March 31, 1009. The shareholders also authorized the directors to issue bonds to the extent of $00 per mile for new construction. Brown Tail Moth Conning. Dr. Win, Saunders, director of the. Ottawa Experimental Farm, has sent circulars to all the larger nursery -men in Canada, warning them of a threat- ened invasion of the brown tail moth. About 75 nests of the young caterpil- lars of the brown -tail moth have been found on apple, pear and cherry seed- lings, and quince stocks, recently re- ceived in New York State from France. The nests contained living caterpillars in the usual winter form. This insect has already done incalcul- able damage to orchards and wood- lands in some of the eastern states, It has recently been found in consid- able numbers in parts of Nova Scotia, where constant efforts are being made to destroy them. Thin As A Rail, Are You ? Every day spending as much energy as you make—if the balance goes a lit- tle further, well you get thinner. On the danger line tc-day, to -morrow may be too late 1 Better use Ferrozone it builds up,a little gain the first week, but the gain keeps growing. Next week not quite as ,thin. Keep right =Jot of fat won't hurt at all. Your blood is enriched, cheeks grow rosy, your heart and nerves grow strong and you don't tire so quickly. Joyous robust health, a sturdy frame, and a cheerful mind—all these come with Ferrozone.v You'll try it, only 50c at all dealers. Perhaps Provincial Telephone. Engineer Cecil B. Smith, formerly of the Hydro -Electric Commission, said recently :—".A. matter not gener- ally known is that the hydro -electric system is to be paralleled by a tele- phone system, and the commission has made arrangements for running the lines on cedar poles. Where a complete right of way has been bought for the power line, they will run on such right of way. Where only casements have been secured, the telephone line will take the nearest, highways. It healmost impossible to place these wires on the towers, as the high-voltage power wires would cause a continual buzzing. While nothing of the kind may be at present project- ed, it is suggested that these tele- phone lines may prove the beginning of an Ontario -owned system, should the province ever desire to enter that field of usefulness. Just now they are I be utilized simply as means of to p .ready communication between the dif- ferent stations." AGED PEOPLE. Mrs. Sarah J. wiiithron Of Chicago, Grandniece . Of Alexander , Hamilton, Who Signed The Declaration Of Independence, Says: "VinoI is a godsend to old people. I am 70 years old, but 1 have a hearty appetite, sleep soundly, and feel active and well to-day—thanks to Vinol. When I was young, cod Iiver oil was dispensed in a greasy, unpalatable form, and it fairly gagged nue to get it down, Vinol is entirely different, very palatable and nourishing to im- poverished blood. It Is •the finest tonic and strength -creator I ever used." Mrs, Il., W. Avery, Norwich, N. Y., says t "At the ago of eighty-nine I felt the need of a tonic, something to strengthen and build me up. For some time I have taken Vinol, and have found that it brings vigor and life to the aged as nothing else will." The reason Vinol is so beneficial to old people is because it is composed of two world -famed tonics --the medicin- al elements of cod liver oil—and iron, Vinol tones up the digestive organs, aids assimilation, makes rich, red blood, and strengthene every organ in the body. We will cheerfully return money to all those who try Vinol and receive no benefit. J. Walton McKibben, druggist., Winghans. SETTLERS' TRAI NS +TO' MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN By Canadian Pe Iftc direct line Per Settlers travelling with livestock end effects Speciai Trains will lee.. Toronto Each TUESDAY rn MARCH and APRIL bt 10.10 pan, Settlers and families without livestock should use Redular'Frains leaving Toronto 10.18 p.w. dear Tourist S1eepfng Care Vastest Ttme COLONIST. CARS ON ALL TRAINS tVa Chicle for Berths Low Colonist Hoses Only Thi'oligh 3ervioe to the West Applx to nearest agent tggr fust. information and trey copy tlt "Stllter.outdo or w. rte R. L, Thompson, D.P.A., C;P,R., Toronto $80,000 In spite of the hard times, tbo above amount of property has been sold through onr agency nn the past few months, which is au evidence that Ontario Real Estate has a sound substantial value. There is no disgaisiug the fact how - r, attractions eve ,that. the Pest still has art ao ans for many, and farms are being listed with us almost every day, because the owners desire to try their fortunes on the, prairlea. Many Qf these farms can be sold by rte at whet woul haveconsideredbeen ri- diculously low figures a few years ago, when the prices for farm products were nnnoh lower than at present. . It will certainly pay any intending purchaser to give us a call, as a half an hour in our office would be worth more to him than a week's driving about the country, Desirable town properties for sale. Money to Ioan on good farms, at low- est rates. Insurance in all its branches. Twenty years experience and settled or disputed claims. Beamer, Agent, Wingbatar. no nn - Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE - WINGHAM NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A BAR- GAIN IN Dinner Sets Tea Sets Toilet Sets Jardinieres And All Fancy China And don't forget to try a pound of our Teas and ' Coffee. They are sure to please. Produce Wanted. et, alcolm's PHONE 54 Lwae MAKE MONEY Selling Pelham's Peerless Fruit and Ornamental Trees,_ Shrubs, etc., during ther s wrote month We oifar yea steady and profitable employment in your own district at good pay. We have over 600 acres of choice uarser3 stock which you will sell direct to your customers. No diseased or dried our American stock supplied. Establirhed over 30 years. Write now for par- ticulars. PELHAM NURSERY CO., Toronto, Ont. CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Tt,is school stands in the forefront as the largest and best prabtioal training school in Western Ontario. We have three departments: COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. All departments are in charge of ex- perienced instructors and the courses aro thorough and practical. Our gradu- ates secure good positions Students aro entering every weak. Writo for our free catalogue at pncb. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN PRINCIPALI A GREAT SCHOOL GREAT IN REPUTATION, RESULTS, INPLU- ENCS AND TrioROUouNEss. Now Is THE TINE TO ENTER TRE rerULAR ELLIOTT TORONTO, OTT. And prepare for profitable employment. OUR GRADUATES near =LX OBTAIN 000D POSITIONS. Our Handsome Catalogue 15 free. Write for one to -day. Students admitted at any time. Cblloge open the entire year. W. j+ELf.IOTT - PRINCIPAL Cdr. Tonga 84 Aloitander Sts. DOMINION BANKS HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Teeswater, There will be a change of proprie- tors ro rte' tors at the King Edward Rotel on March let, The new pian will be Geo. Kreutzweiser, who has rented the pi nperty, , Reeve Donaldson of Culross. and Reeve Mclaee of Greenock let the job last week of extensive repairs to the Riveradale county bridge over the Teeswater river. Welwood o h of The Salo by. Joseph his farm to Mr, Ur. ,darkness, report- ed a couple of weeks ago, has fallen through, and Mr. Welwood has rented his farm to. Mr, Field of Wingham. Mr. W. Dobson, 12th one Culross; died last week. Mr. Dobson watt con fined to his bed for some time with pneumonia and several days Lego hope of his recovery was given up. Ile was in his 50th year acid for about 20 years has been a widower. Mr, Andrew Adamson now has what he was looking for in the way of a farm, On Tuesday a deal was put through by which, on April lst, he cornea into possession of a two hun- dred acre farm on the Howick-Car- .t•ick boundary, three miles from Clif- ford. The price paid was $8,500. Mr. Hectors Honey, who for some time made his home with an aged sister, Mrs. Neil McKinnon, 4th line, died on the lath, Death was due to cancer that attacked the lower part of his face. He was aged 74 years ; was an ex -employee of the G. T. R. Co. from which he had been drawing a monthly pension. Capital (paid up) $3,976,000 Reserve t'ed proiitiea' $5,297;000 Total Assets, over $48,000,000 W INGHAM BRANCH. Interest allowed on deposit of $1:00 and upwards. rarmers" Nates discounted. Drafts sold on alt points In Can• ado, the United States and Enrolee. D. t HEPBURN, tanager It, v*este**, flollolter A MOTHER'S TALI( - TO MOTHERS. What" Zam-Buk did in a Western Home. Here is juat one illustration of the wisdom of keeping a box of Zam-Buk always handy, It is a true record of the varied uses to which this great balm was put—with highly satisfac- tory results in every case—in just one family, and during a few months only. Mrs. 0. J. Irlarn, of 907 William Ave., Winnipeg, makes the report as fol- lows "I have found Zem-Buk so very use- ful as a household balm that I want to make its merits still more widely known. Some eight weeks ago,, my brother, Mr. 0. Proctor, happened a serious accident. While at work, a rusty nail penetrated the palm of his right hand. The rust of the nail poi- soned the flesh and inflammation set in quickly. He went to the General Hospital and consulted a doctor who advised poulticing to draw out the poison. This was applied, but when there was no improvement after a few days, I began applying Zam-Buk balm, leaving off poultices. "The effect was almost magical Zam-Buk soothed the pain, drew ont the poison, and °allayed all inflamma- tion. Healing then commenced and in a few clays he was able to resume work. "Six weeks ago my husband, Mr. C, J. Irlarn, while returning from work quite late in the evening, was bitten by a dog, the dog's teeth penetrating the flesh on his thigh just above the knee. Directly he carne home Zam- Buk *as applied to the wound, and in a few days the soreness was gone and the wound thoroughly healed. "A third instance of the healing power of Zam-Buk was provided when my little boy had a nasty fall. He is five years old, and was playing one His head when hefell. truck on s a day :z sharp stone, which cut a nasty gash. As soon as I had washed the cut I ap- plied Zarn-Berk in the usual way, and f l it was really wonderful how o v quickl y it eelieved the little fellow's pain. With- in a week the cut—a deep one --was quite healed. "Every mother who once proves the all-round value of Zam-Buk will never again be without it." Zam-Buk is a pure herbal balm, and mires cuts, burns, bruises, abscesses, ulcers, eczema, scalp sores, ringworm, chapped hands, cold sores, frost bite, bad leg, inflamed patches, etc. It also cures piles. Used as an embrocation it will be found to remove rheuma= tism, sciatica and neuralgia. All druggists and stores sell at 50e a box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co.. To- ronto, for price. A Fatal Fall. While engaged in repairing the. windmill in connection with the Queen's Hotel, at Milverton, Robert Donovan met with an accident which cost hien ilia life, b falling a distance of sixty feet. While trying to remedy the defect, he was astride the vane of the mill, but his work being com- pleted ho endeavored to go down, but being, rather short of stature the dis- tance between his roaeli and the plat. forth was about eighteen inches, whichspace he dropped, but the plat- form being icy, he lost his footing falling headforemost, and•when with, in 20 feet from the earth his shoulder Struck the mill frame. He Was car- ried to his boarding house, but died soon after. Going Into Consumption When your throat rattles, your lungs'and chest are sore, your throat is stuffed with cold—don't fear con, sumption—use. Catarvhozone and get well. It clears the throat, cures hack- ing, relieves tight chest and soreness in the bronchial tubes. To clear away catarrh of the nose nothing could be better. Catarrhozone is nature's own remedy, it herds and soothes, cures every form of throat, lung or bron- chial trouble, Prescribed by many specialists and used by thousands everyday. 25c and $1 at all dealers. Million Dollar Shops, The new G. T. R. works in Strat- ford are said to hate cost one million dollars. They were opened on Thurs- day last. Commencing with the arri- val. of General -Manager Hays and; his staff in the morning, their tour of the. new shops in the city in the after- noon and culminating with the big banquet to Mr. Hays in the evening, when Stratford returned her grateful thanks to the great railroad than for the magnificent million dollar plant, the day might be said to be the great- est in the city's history. For three hours in the afternoon all business places in the city closed down, and ful- ly five thousand people took advent- age of Master Mechanic Patterson's ,open house, and walked through the immense shops, There the humblest visitor could see everything done, from the testing of a car wheel to the swinging of a monster freight engine on a derrick from one side of the shop to the other. Defeated By Dr. Hamilton. In no way is health so .menaced as by constipation. It leads to indiges- tion, insomnia, anaemia and hundred ills. Ordinary remedies fail, they re- lieve, don't cure. The worst case is defeated and cured quickly by Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which cleanse the entire intestinal tract, stimulate kid- neys and liver, keep the pores of the skin open. You'll never have stom- ach trouble, yellow complexion or headaches if you use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They are a perfect: system tonic, 25e at all dealers. Clinton. Rev. T. W. Cosens of Wallaceburg has signified his acceptance of the invitation tendered him by the Board of Ontario St, Church, subject to the action of Conference. Mr. E. Ball of town has sold Ms farm, 13th con., Hullett ,-foi $8,100. The purchaser is' Mt. ff. Daer, who has had it Ieased since Mr. Ball moved to Clinton six years ago. On the farm, which is two miles from Auburn, is a brick house and two bank bares. John Bannerman from Bayfield, died at the House of Refuge last week, aged 73 years ; the remains were inter- red here. Two new inmates arrived this week, Thos. Ballantyne, of Blyth, aged 71, and T. Wall, of Ashfield, aged 65 years. This makes the number of inmates 95, two less than the highest number reached. Evangelist Robert McHardy opened revival services in Ontario St. Church last Sunday with large audiences at all the services. The week night meetings have gone foward with in- creased interest and attendance. There seems only one opinion of Mr. bicHardy--he is a clear, logical, con- vincing preacher. Mr. Baker, Dominion Fruit Inspec- tor, laid infer•rnation against Mr. B. Churchill, before P. M. Andrews, for improper branding of apples. Mr. Churchill pleaded guilty* and a fine of $10 and costs was impposed. No one supposes it was more than a technical violation of the act, and therefore only a minimum fine was imposed. It is said that a lady from outside of town recently lost a pocketbook containing over $100, which was foiled by a stable boy at one of the hotels. He gave it to the hotel proprietor, Who in turn handed it over to the owner, She was so overjoyed at its recovery that she forgot to even thank the hotelkeeper or reward the boy for his honesty. Last week Mr. Wallis bought a horse from W. 3. Nesbitt, 13thcon., Gode- rich Tp.. paying $180 therefor. On Saturday, Mr, Shipley, of the London Road, delivered a oolt that he had sold to Mr. Nesbitt, for $175; it is one of t he prettiest eolts that ever stepped oi Clinton lnnton tncates, and attracted a good deal of notice ; it wilt not be two years old until the summer, but it turned 19:00 lbs. neat. The Value Of Milk. "A quart o`f milk is practically equal to a pound of beefsteak in food value." This statement was made by Prof. Dean, of the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, at a banquet given by the Hol- stein Breeders' Association in Toronto recently. Commenting on this, the Star says :—"This statement is not by any means new, but still the fact con- tained in it is not so generally under- stood as it should be. All realize that meat is a food, but many look' upon the fluid which comes front the cow as a luxury to be classed with tea or cof- fee. The consequence is that in the average family probably four pounds of meat are consumed for each quart of milk used. The latter is high enough in price, but ten cents will pay for as much food value in that com- modity as twenty cents will pay for in meat. Milk, moreover, • is easily assirnilated. The standard ofhysi- al well-being r c w ben lvauid be elevated and the cost of housekeeping lessened, if more of it was used." When Love Was Hot. The Walkerton Times relates the following :—"A young couple had been to Ohesley and were driving home, when the beau dropped a light- ed cigar on a horse -blanket in the cut- ter. Love being blind and the Buffalo Tebbe thick they did not see the blaze whichgradually enveloped the bot- tom of'the cutter. As they drove ou they began to feel the climate getting sultry, and the young lady began- to remove her furs. The. temperature, continued rising, and she suggested dispensing with the Buffalo robe. On raising the robe, a volley of flames and smoke shot out which caused• the occupants to stare lock -jawed with surprise, The clothes of the young lady were discovered to be on fire, and before the blaze could be extinguished she was badly •burned and almost nude. The young man of course came in for the blame, not only at the hands of the girl, but of her father, who expostulated with him, thus : "When my daughter left home with you, she was composed of flesh and blood: You have returned her to me a burnt offering." A scorched horse - blanket and pieces of burnt woman's apparel were relics of the conflagra- tion, which were found in the cutter when it was returned to Rennie's liv- ery on Sunday night. ,.,,.,... ---',.mss Mr. S. .l. New, of 154 Baldwin St.; Toronto, says t tt I can trace my son Harold's trouble to when he had the measles five years ago, from which he never really recovered. Some of the best physicians attended him, but with months of suffering he in turn contracted whooping cough, bronchitis, and then pneumonia." ` Month after month went by that v.re shall not soon forget; months of sleepless alights, fearful coughs, weakening night sweats, left my boy a mere shadow. ‘He had no appetite, and my heart ached to see how 11e was wasting, away. He spent one whole surtner at the Lakeside Home for Sick Children, and calve home greatly improved, but the cold winds of October took him off his feet again. The doctor advised me to send him to Muskoka, but heavy doctor's bills had depleted my financial resources, and such a step seemed our of the question." " At this point we tried PSYCIIINE, and human lips can- not describe the change treat took place. No words can express the thankfulness of his mother and lt:y'self when we saw the crisis was over, and realized that our boy was fighting his way back lo life and health. PSYCHINB had mastered that which all the doctor's prescriptions had failed to check. Day by day Harold vow stronger, and all through the winter, although continually out of doors, he failed to take cold, and he nut on flesh very quickly. By the spring my coat was completely cured, and de- veroped into a strong, sturdy lad." 1 SYCHIA,' ;s tlln g;catest str 7,t'n restorer and system builder known to medical scieree, Arial should lac hard For C walla, Cell t, Weak Lungs, Loss of Appetite, Weari- ness, e;e. All druggists ft's 1 aS r r 1 5 ore. s.l I Yi:l• ILII. t 1 1 3 aria $I betas. Dit.T.Ii,.S1.O. C1Y4, YIITED, TOltOn't•J, sayA t• .\+lel '+f4M14.'LKd'tillh .M.KIW.I,#iGCdt IL'M I.t Yr. 44:Ik MEi } ax (py kit ►, 7A Ai. ALM iJ, ?llul t1ia- ex, of tin 1' A. ' io.:uAve . anti vervi h •'tf'i' • t\'dl F.. *taw,* esY,.v,vnwe+h[1L A r' ?ile14 i t t',gfV New Idea '1100 TheLeadingStore. New Idea lifoizines %jprtn • Just New Dress Trimmings, lies, Corsets Our crowded Spring Suitings. Just ies' Shirt fine .....„. w 06$ Cases of New New Dress New Mus - Hosiery, is for the New of Lad- styles, ` { prices. • opened up, Ten Spring Goods, including Goods, New Silks, New Prints, New 'waists, New. and Gloves. Dress Goods Department with New Fabrics wear. Ask to see opened, One Case Waists, very pretty quality Lawn ---all ..111 EN Isard Wingham, `3 • i & Co1 Ontario. 4 ... - .. ..• .. ..... .. ' i "'SYd^l ISF ' i i, SEEDS FREE o$t ir -"'`\ t If you ask, you can have a package of 4 ., 's, `. l ,,ti 1 , a seed of this marvellous Russian Giant 1 v) fr y r ; ,;,k,./. ;, Lettuce included absolutely free with our ' ? ) ai tie• -N {Si t,.t "V' ' a ; new handsomely Illustrated 1909 Cata- • r ' ', x' it,,, 4 I ✓ logue. This lettuce is nearly as large and ire"t v li % (•, - ;' . solid as a cabbage. Stands hot weather . ` .if .r ,'7'X . / , i . , P,f,41-,buttery (G wen, and has a rich b e 4surprisingly 1 we ( w•, sur rs Y .. Y .. P g a . r '. t 11°-1,11(.;/. , 1 , t_; - flavor. If you prefer, you inlay choose a .'? , I q .., — package of our Colossal White Sugar e ,< BeetorepackageofOstrichFeatherAster ;AO . Write to -day and name your choke, also mention name of this paper. Seeds of this marvellous Russian Giant Lettuce parch & Hunter Seed Co., Limited, are given away free London, Ont. To Fight Consumption. At a meeting in Woodstock Friday a League. of the Canadian Association for the Prevention of Consumption and other forms of tuberculosis was formed. The societyexists for educa- tive purposes; to eucate the public into the causes of tuberculosis and to observe proper care and precautions for its.preventure and cure. Very Strange Indeed. A most peculiar thing happened in East Garafraica the othe-r clay. Over a year ago Mack McCormick, a farmer residing near Relessey, purchased a gold ring at E. 0. Daniel's jewelry store and had it only a short time be- fore he lost it. One day a mouse ran across the floor, and Miss McCormick, sister of Mack, instead of getting frightened and going into hysterics, shied a missile at the rodent and her ,rim was so true that Mr. Mouse yield- ed up the ghost. An examination of the moue disclosed the fact that Mack's long -lost ring was around; its neck, Row it got there of course no one knows. '! ,t(i 1 o 4r-ltt \ilL ARE The Endowment The ,A. sound, Canadian Average 6.73 WALTER Local Agent WOW= f p' COMBINEn —OF— Dominion well Life Assurance rate earned in PER b a a dt 'IN Policies Life managed Company. of Interest 1906— CENT. T. !CALL — W1ng}lam.[ ,.,,.,... ---',.mss Mr. S. .l. New, of 154 Baldwin St.; Toronto, says t tt I can trace my son Harold's trouble to when he had the measles five years ago, from which he never really recovered. Some of the best physicians attended him, but with months of suffering he in turn contracted whooping cough, bronchitis, and then pneumonia." ` Month after month went by that v.re shall not soon forget; months of sleepless alights, fearful coughs, weakening night sweats, left my boy a mere shadow. ‘He had no appetite, and my heart ached to see how 11e was wasting, away. He spent one whole surtner at the Lakeside Home for Sick Children, and calve home greatly improved, but the cold winds of October took him off his feet again. The doctor advised me to send him to Muskoka, but heavy doctor's bills had depleted my financial resources, and such a step seemed our of the question." " At this point we tried PSYCIIINE, and human lips can- not describe the change treat took place. No words can express the thankfulness of his mother and lt:y'self when we saw the crisis was over, and realized that our boy was fighting his way back lo life and health. PSYCHINB had mastered that which all the doctor's prescriptions had failed to check. Day by day Harold vow stronger, and all through the winter, although continually out of doors, he failed to take cold, and he nut on flesh very quickly. By the spring my coat was completely cured, and de- veroped into a strong, sturdy lad." 1 SYCHIA,' ;s tlln g;catest str 7,t'n restorer and system builder known to medical scieree, Arial should lac hard For C walla, Cell t, Weak Lungs, Loss of Appetite, Weari- ness, e;e. All druggists ft's 1 aS r r 1 5 ore. s.l I Yi:l• ILII. t 1 1 3 aria $I betas. Dit.T.Ii,.S1.O. C1Y4, YIITED, TOltOn't•J, sayA t• .\+lel '+f4M14.'LKd'tillh .M.KIW.I,#iGCdt IL'M I.t Yr. 44:Ik MEi } ax (py kit ►, 7A Ai. ALM iJ, ?llul t1ia- ex, of tin 1' A. ' io.:uAve . anti vervi h •'tf'i' • t\'dl F.. *taw,* esY,.v,vnwe+h[1L A r' ?ile14 i t t',gfV