The Wingham Advance, 1909-02-25, Page 4^1 -
Ilea$ Office, Hauiltop,
By all who are employed/
the possibility of tennpor-
ary lack of employment
must be recognized •
0 0 •
IF, from any cause, your present employer were compelled to
close down, where would you personally stand ?
Dependent upon relative or friend for support or cash
accommodation ?
The prospect is as uninviting as it is unnecessary.
Be prudent, and, through prudence, be independent. Lay
aside in the safe custody of a chartered Savings Bank, a -small
regular suis from your income. The small amount now wasted
on unnecessary trifles, is sufficient. It is remarkable how such
deposits grow—if regularly made.
It is suprising thee' satisfaction that comes from saving, and
watching the total grow.
THE BANK OF HAMILTON is primarily and essential-
ly a Savings Bank ; and, having established a maximum of sim-
plicity and convenience in this blanch of business, it is gener-
ally selected by those desiring a Bank for the care of small,
steady Savings.
An enquiry for the Manager will bring -personal attention
to the routine of opening a new Savings Account.
C. P. SMITH, Agent • - Wingham
More Legislation:
The lass of three hundred lives at
a moving picture show in Mexico was
mentioned in the Lagislature as a rem -
eon for additional legislation in Cana-
da. Hon, Col. Matheson intimated
that the Government intended adding
legislation to that already on the
Statute books regarding these shows,
Fired At. A. Trains.
While. train No, 7 of the G. T, .
was running from Seaforth to. Clinton
last Thursday .evening, a revolver bul-
let crashed through a double window
of the rear passenger coach, close to
the smokingoornpartment, The bullet'
struck the opposite' side of the eoaoh,
narrowly twesing the heads of - two •
passengers. Considerable distance had
been covered before those in charge of
the train became aware of the shoot-
ing, or an attempt might have been
made to capture the perpetrator. The
conductor happened to be in the
smoker when the affair happened, or
the train would have bean stopped
and search made for the miscreant.
Rev, Fr. Hanlon was just two seats
from the window where the bullet
entered, That the act was intention-
al is quite evident, but the motive is
hard to fathom. A. stone was thrown
through a car 'window at about the
same place some time ago.
The Municipal Act.
There isperhaps no law thathas
had more amendments than the Muni-
uni-cipal Act, and there is yet room for
improvement. Take the case of a
Owns farmer, who perhaps one hun-
dred aures of land, assessed at, say
$2,000. Suppose this man has two or
three sons at home, over 21 years of
age. This man can have himself and,
perhaps three sons placed on the list
of municipal voters. It is altogether
different in a town or village. The
owner of property in a town or village
assessed at $100,000 has no right under
the Assessment Act to have even one
son placed on the municipal list of
voters, unless he snakes a deed to the
son of property sufficient to entitle
hits to a place on the list, or in some
way puts the son in the position of a
tenant of part of his property far the
same purpose. Why, this distinction ?
No one wants to decrease the privilege
of the rural voter. But why not give
the urban property -holder the same
privilege ?
.Samuel Roberts and his niece, Miss
Margaret Burton, both residing near
Palmerston, were married in Novem-
ber last. Now the groom is commit-
ted for trial on a charge of perjury in
taking out the marriage license.
Guaranteed Dandruff Cure.
Beware of the druggist who tells
you that any other hair tonic is just
as good as Parisian Sage—he knows
J. Walton McXibbon is the agent
for Parisian Sage, and he won't try
to give you something just as good,
because he knows that Parisian Sage
is guaranteed to cure all diseases of
the scalp in two weeks, or money
He knows that Parisian Sage is
highly recommended as the most
pleasant and rejuvinating hair dress-
ing known. It makes the hair fluffy
and beautiful. 50 cents a large bottle
at J. Walton McKibbon's. He will
guarantee ft. Made in America only
by Giroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y
and Fort Erie, Ont.
Daily . Arrivals of New
Sprillg Goods
All the newest shades and patterns for Spring
o° Suits, are to be obtained Dore, at the most
t reasonable prices.
Mash Goods
We are now unpacking the greatest selection
of Muslin, Ginghams, and linen effects to be
shown in Wingham this season, suitable for
Waists and Suits,
House Furnishings
A. full range of New Carpets, Linoleum, Oil-
cloths and Lace Curtains just arrived.
Do not fail to see our array of
New Spring Goods
V9=9:3110011ZW. la 1 re 31 MI 939592529re 12
Highest prices paid for all kinds of produce.
Headquarters for Butterick's fashions.
Phone 89.
421_...1 ' 1 -
The People's Papular Store
Bargains in
Good Fresh
Choice Variety of Sweat
Biscuits, 10o a lb. or 3
lbs. for 25o
Canned. Tomatoes, 3 for25e
Canned Corn, 3' for 26o
Canned Peas, 3 for... 25c
Canned Pork and Beane,
3 lb. tin, 3 for 25c
Canned String Beans, 3 for 25c
Gallon Tin Apples, each...25o
Canned Pears, per tin 10o
Canned Plums, ti 100
Canned Pineapple, per tin,t0c
Choice Fruit, Quality
Prunes, small, 4 lbs. for....25c
Prunes, large, 2 " c ...25c
Evaporated Apricots, 2
lbs. for. 25c
Cooking Figs, small, 8 ibs.25o
c c c c large, 4" .255
Choice Table Figs, pkg....10o
Choice New Dates, 4 lbs...25c
Choice " c c c 3 pkgs..25c
Buckwheat Flour
For Pancakes
Only 15c, or 2 pkgs. for...25c
Taring Sale
Men's Winter Underwear.
Women's " . ct
Ohiidren's " c
Women's and Misses Goats.
Blankets, Wool Sheeting,
Tams, Hoods, Caps, eta
Clearing Sale
Felt •Slippers, all sizes.
Lumbermen's,. Rubbers and
,For, Overshoes, Fine Rub-
bers, and Felt Shoes for
men and women.
Clearing Sale
Capes, Ruffs, Stoles, Scarfs,
Muffs, Caps, eto.
All the above lines
Must Go Now.
Come and Buy at
your own price
WANTED—Butter, Eggs, Beans, Dried Apples, Green Apples,
' etc. Big prices .paid for Choice Poultry.
y : J!Kt'•L`:'•s 7e . .-.;.• •:',Y :