The Wingham Advance, 1909-02-18, Page 740
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TO QUARREL, Imposed 0-4 c4fbage, Mon, But It ii RIPPER. Mr.. Dollard H,%s VA NAr-row EscApe to 114 Var B004 Careless P 0111 Much sufforilax ,
. THE THE NORTH, victilas sma pt In Ouokwllea C44% * Mistake DlizzarJ Causing *
�_ w4s RoduC4410 $1 Fai:h. — �., from, Death. I in .19,me Cosese I I For 041"I powaor. In, the midilliewe
I *�
U1411a a44,0ermaay Must Fe I'— - ,
, . rforce One Oirl Killqdr 41111d . an
, . M , y Qthe
_ y1I Chas'. McLooil Finds Remains
be Friends, AUgubta, Uti., Veb, 15.�`Vll go �udgo , I Montreal DeSpAtCh — WhIle MOVIng � . . I _ � of c)tt,,w,,. V& 14.—In Connection 'Witl
. Stabbed by Him a Husband Doad an
r, I along tile. brow of tile mountain kast Vlurhro4 Brothers, tile jim4fitigation now !it progress unact ,. 4. Wife May DI
11o_ Cit' s, *0 Darkness —TrAffle 0
1 to I , , lock,
Undia one )letter and inake the fine night with. tile snowshoers who were --- I the Railway C011111118slon with regard t4j , Token IQ Hosplwl, e4--'Ma4Ir4t4.00y �
lelm 'Yes , ,Killed
� I *
Kirg Wele oled Rome by Thousands $'1'1'0W.'000"' "'a R"'Ord" 1) ( Lt, ; Five Working Women Attagk, ,, 0) most feagiblo )ACAns to adopt tor tile , —
0 v t0rday in 11111)0�jllg Sentence 111)01 C4 aftacking tile let' palace *Ur. V01141.4 They U, Vound a Gold Mine, �r r
,I OVel I D #
had it narrow viieape front deatil. lfaub- prot,cation of level railways crolsin in ,
of His'SuWects, vcAroes enorletvil of viol itt log .the 14ealth And Wounded Yes,terday. uIrri'd by Ills colurados, her Still ell and Of Vrxlue, C'miada, fit% , g,j Now York, Feb. joi—A Fittwi,po polson- Chicago, Veb. 31-100110Whig the
,tji,tics hilya becti I)Ve ad
ordittauceS lit allowing 1varliago to ac� fell it 4tituee of forty-five feX lie - � showing the number ,and v par Ing caso puzzled tho, Newark police Yes- OX111110e of Anuary's blizzard, the
Itaraoter of
ttle-to ou their prclulses. Tho fine Berlin, leeb, 15.�Myoterfaus 4ttacRB would undoubtedly IvIve beell .l.illed lint r fatal aceldelit'l at thehe croiih zerd(ty, They luYestirg4ted witli. tile as. slee 4
Both 144046 Satiafled, With the, """ tgti dar- ,rt o.torl wbich. 1140 tied TIP the
. IvAS 1111I)oSca on each of tile Lie it for tho littvrvwition of Some bushes, Tried to Leave. Recorjr of It on the Ing' tile past live YeAV4. Since tile slutance of tile county jillys! lau, And middle w&t is moving ea0,tw4r4, leav�
r feudautT. , poll women upon the strots of Berlin, . I C
Appreciating their hiability to pay Uto which ]it fell, and hung for halt an . Board 'was Created Ili 1903 records came to tile conclusion that Stanislaus ing aufferjug and. d a 11 a a
f4eeting of the Soyeroiju $4 rvealling the nottoriously "I'vippor" cases 1 Tre es* have b lestr otio i it
I . ally Buell fine, tile llegroes san); to tile 0 hour unable to relea'so h1unw1f. r Call kept its to all rallway f'.j.
bent-]) witli groaus and staring eyes, of othe,r cities, coutintre. 4,11vu women At t1io cu(I of that thuo four tufmi- . t4lItic-3 In tile Dominion, and lit PLarly .,5arilrowiski died because of tin accident., Waite. lit Nebralskit the temperature
Berlin, Feb� 1A.-IZIlig r�djyar ird orking clas3 wero 'd_ ill r bers of the Xontagnard Sdowshoo as Njo� �'Vcry case there Is oil file, it report fl-om ills wife is Ili a critical condition, lifts fallen below zero ,an(l in Texas
- a'B visit When the laughter which the courva of t' w Edinoutoll, Feb. 14c-Charl I r
to Berlin, was ,,in unqualified mie"Be. It devision caused had subsided, Recorder Ofe vity end the suburIn Yesterday, Club heard. Ili-, cries and came to one of the Board'4 offieials giving par. YPfitOVdAY tile Couple bad 1AICIMIleAt it Is injuStially Col
. I ShoSr f'eod, all 1,2111071toll ma,11, who, 'Alila a lijad it jr, feiteed,
14's not resulted hi. an Auglo-Germart al. Pic(Inot suspendea sente"es ul)O4 con- wbile thl-, niorning 0o wife of (I mer- the redelm They tied their sa ticularg. ai to the ageldont,3, j)i1ring, eakes for breakfast. Shortly afterwards theze will be heavy loss among, Cattle, .
' . X"911b"'4 Tboustin& of telegraph poles aro
dition that each of tile dcrendantq (10- tog, ather, and one Inewber of tile guitling a riarty of prospectors through , that period there have bec'n, altogether �Iiey lieckit 'a violently Ill. r
liance, Or' ev"t-ft lit tin ententv cordiajo, ebalit was woull-Z-4 by all unknown as- pirty deseenkleil anti, fastenea tbout to tho norillern wilds in tile vicinity of �L-j. 1.70 fatalltle�i at level croiAng's, summoned V physiclall, who found $)Up.
posIt $1 Nvith the clerk. Tito 0dillanvo 4
but; it hae Unmistakably I d sailatit" Nor -3 0-1 C'w woman Were serl. tlj�' unfOrtlulate. 111lin, whor Was t(JQ Il,' But the striking faet in connectlon. -ouls, of po soiling, down it% M1880.1tri, Iowa and itelghb&.
relieved tile lind'ar which tile sentence was impose IV the
1� omy in mia, accidentally Stumbled ove
for ruouths provides that the court- ('may Impose ally tile A10, " i The ma and Ili$ wife were burrieil
tvilsioZ4. �J,jlicb I hurt� The first attack occurred b.jdlv injured to release lillu-self, Tho 'ith Ali anal'y'sis of tile vit inK States, while Passenger traffic ha,,3
has charao- ,tj%ItO quartw.,�,at Notts filtal. been badly hampered by a b,eavy
, r
. fine lie sees fit," . r 0 o'clock yeater. -jilowshoets tholl pulled '11111, up t,o s1kelct-ons of two. Riur4ored brothers, Ims Wes Is that nearly ninety -rive per cent. to tile hospital, Before anything could SnoNviall inrAlInneSlota. In .0
_ .,
ter0'a thO relations betiveen Raropo's 0 0 401 .. I day morning, on the opon street, Ti i 0 .4afo ,gound and carried Irlim home, arrived hore. ,)f tbelit linve be(�v (111e� to (11,j cirejesi. ))a done Sarnowlski (Ilea lit agony. Mrs. . .
treat naval and commercial rivals. l:,,h,Vdj1%nt stabbed, life vivtIm lit tile 0 __ .111.4.�_ . . �arnqwiskl, thong 4111nols, Indianji ,,lad Ohio Pirtillar
- �
Front tile popular point of view tile BAD TIMES ' .- ' Up. . - � . . r 0 0 #4 M,cLcod oure eveuing after,ing riess or,.rocklessne,is of the victiln-5 ra. r 11 prollipt measul'" ,c0t,ntdIti01l5 prevail, Tbe middle
0 , [),-I inart t,f the arni. Another woniatt 0 0 # 0 4, 0 _+ ther than to the fact that the cros.iing,% were taken, may die. ea, ,,,,, ,,r
' - hig it i, I Ts I I the Mississippi aiW tile
111 expectations. The Ivas wowidW fit the t Yes Gulf $late$ will
Vi4t; far exceeded a' . camp dls(-ov,�rvd beside Mal trees -
tord" It were ,110 rO were unprotected. Ili Prince 141m, -d - The police found lit the room occupied,
"In Queen had to battle their 1� r ay . miopoon fit tile northern section of t Aintlor w.100. Oulaltis of an_ land there has not been it sirglo lever by ther Couple, a box of white powder next fool. the full,
ilitogl3"e"r(I'l ll'o His Lost Words. force 04 the Storm, which iasolieduled
A it other eaiui�f4
. it's licart through all armor of Land Owners Say Governmeut Re- Q`-`IY- 4t 3 D'LIL)cl, in VIC After 0011 . -it-, C'urious as to who crossing fatality lit five year�, ,ttla oil %YU11 A, rat, poison label. They also to hit tile Atlantic reigiott to.niorroiN,�,
tvy reserve, and they did so. The people � girl was attaehva in the eastern section. Now York, Feb. 15,�-A sin,cial might lia,v3 preceded him, lie Scraped the Intercolonial Ralf - - there lllv(- found traces, of tile poison on some
I I , ,
wit"I'led to them from hour t fus ,it Law Into Effect, Bile warded of tbo,bLow wit4i her hand, from Fairfield, Ill, to the World a 0 bn n n fit 01111� criod. buekwbeat cakes which ]lad been left STORM IN X0R.vljEItX OjUO,
o ]tour, In. .,es to Py way the nAl-. and disvovered an In- tat p 0,
lifferenoo gave way whiotwas woundeda. . . �e 10 - In the kitchen, They concluded that Tat Cleveland, Ohio, Fel,. 15. -The damago
to interest, and in. � 0 say$ ., Tito Rev, Daniel Daaset% scriptiou on tile trep, ruming �6 ' d . .
. Y became licartli lit the evening "Ripper" attitegad a p - I
I .
torest g"R4111111.1 loss and Dublin, Feb. 15, -At a InOcting Of b.'ItVilers Leaolj, all aged clerg mail of Dons I ate TA y 2 �-1 _wson bail been used for baking pow wjo%t. to, telegraph and telephone Itnal
� I
cordiality. When tile Xing and Queen, . 1� wife lit the.suburb of Holki,al- OY illay, 105, and OQ ItiltAl.1 of life own two ATTORNK, 6 REAH Fier. The couple lia(l not been married in Qrthern
departed for London Berl! frish land-owtiors, held to -day, a le- , K,hoenlitiusen, but the blade of ,Ills knife 041), was told yc�iterday that lie brothers, Later on ona of the ilarty long. , . Ohio by the heavy elect;
n was their$. � . storm whicli began yeet�rday and Cop.
XING EDIVARD'S TACT. solution was carried unalihnously do- broke %phist tho woman's stays' The wits going to die, lie asked that out Ills foot, and the rest pushed on a _� -_ Vatted during tile in - I la4t night, !a
. .fair miles to rtialoo Camp. NNIII(al. the In- � I lost Of
The credit for this con ' est belongs ploring the 1Iviviessness pre ilallt then baitt Ilia, victim into uA- Ills graphoplione be brought to Ills . Trimmed Off by OppOsIng Party proving to be by far the astrona
qu consciousuess and she was found half all � jured malila- wounds were drm., ad lie UNDER ARREST. suffered lit many years . Most dis,
, �
*0 the tact and candol, of tile King. His Irelanct consequent upon the fact that bedside. Into the machine the pushed oil alla e . I . .1 � . Along the Jake
* �
firs't tnalloeuvro in the attack on the tile Government, for pol . itical reasons, bour later and taloau to a, hospital. La -t- -venerable paistor, Wked. . li,'-slde brush -under a large tree lie had found 0 at Polling Booth. 1. I 11 01101v road, both east and woot of this
refused to put tho, law into effect. or in the evening the wife of another . I ' (4ty, hundreds of poles are down, and it
�"ltaiicl of Gerint"I Suspicion W&S a State SeCjetaVy Birrc-, ,an address lie spoke soniz prayers the skeletons of two, men, Feb. Q,A wrisatio - , svi I) require duys to even get th, .
Vidit to tile Clity 11all oil NVC(jRCSd&y 'I t resolution. re" birtchicr ivaB wounded in the thigh lit the Mcl,co4, Ills fears aroused, hastened, Xelv Orlea:11s, n Welland Man Charged Wilh For e lines
NVIlen lie hobliobbgil with delightful in' cited, had haTid;d IDIOM many parts b4SITIOSS Z(V-14011 Ot VIC City. Tho 4tt4lCiZ and a benediction, bac);-, and in� an ]tour* came on the ivas created in the United states (3r. gery at the FaUs. connected 131) temporarily. Many town -K
formal of the country and the liberty, and oil the inereliant's wife occurred this When Mr. Leaell had fluislind tit Court this aftieneou when a Grand I . to,dity )vere conipletoly isolated ae for
- ity for nearly ill' 'tour ""tit tho lives of the " law-abiding a mornlit.w, in t-lic southern part of the 1 ' retralus, Investigation revealed the citi I I . C,65 Communication by either telegraph or
municipal fathers. Ilia Majesty,s 111,41. itizelis lie had tile records repeated. '111 t Jur,y roturnw' Indictments against Niagara Falls, Feb. 14. -Emil, telephone was concerned. A
fected. is hosts and thereof of relentless tyranny. A let-� city. The woluan wita wounded in the 1011 ' - fav,t tha the hoade of ,the two men . , t Ashtabula
bearing captivated It a lie asked that they be usled, tit his had boon out off and removed to some Mayor Paul .
the 500 disfil ter was read from the Duke of Aber. thigh and hand, Ili every instance th Felix ali-%,fither iwontinent Brener, aged 35, of Welland, is under Edward Llitracy stopped upon lt live elea,
Igulsbod burghers invited t - . crinin Is method is to ap- funeral. Ills relatives assented, oill"llown li)ilit, The clothing was com- citizens �
111"t him. Q Corti stating that those ill au lal esoaped, , If,, ot( . trio light wire that had been eltrri-e(L.
tc Toffer$011 parish.
thority of Kenner, , arres .
Were behaving lit It disgraceful inariner proach b is victim quietly, without and 'thus hisi relatives, congrega- pletely r d away, bones only being ebargingo them wit,14 oconspir . t*horo, charged.0ith uttering a down by the heavy .1yeigh,t of je�jeet, and
Tho ]text sErateg to I% � left. In the violul ty where the ue. He is it shoe cobbler. was almost i t. . utly kill d.
0Y -biell tile Kill- ig sivpiclon, . .
rei3orted to Wea �� in allowing Buell 11 st-tte of things to avolIKU deliver file atback tion anti friends will Ilear his QN" caiull� it.greoing to arm tital,rGIN-I! Ivith pistols, ns a ,E upon in-
. .r down Taitton mlsii exist. suddelily anid then fice, Tlie population fire had been lie found his brother's guns, scissors find oither �Iseapoll'j to Ill- Ile met a Welland young lady, and structions; from Ili* Mayor of Ashtabula
11198 Was a Series of Straightforward arquis of Lansdowne wrote -lie -Ing quarte-ri of the city is voice as they Stand beside Ills wAtch and ring, which belonged to - , under promise of marriage �boriowed. 'plan
publio utterances emphasi Ili the The M, ,, of t labox . � grave, I * Oil looking ovor the pire. oliprcss; and 0ireaten certa,in Yet- the electric illumin.1ting t was (.Ioftd
that the �tyratniy of an unscrupulous touch excitell, over tho frequency of tile r- rank McLeod. $900 to purchaso property. He is r
Zing, I his do- ' eanip b ore," I c- dovirn last )light, and the 'cify Y,ft in
Most solenin and binding fol combination had been substituted for and special orders have been Mr. Leuch was born lit Chen, o found another blazed tree, on Xhe indictinents grew out of tl,e ported to have raised "50 by mort- total darkness, Trolley Cal' Service W45
Bire for cordial relations witli tile Fath- ", 1. .
ordinary law, Lord Clonbrock, who, iss�1i`,;1111v1t111)1 which a very little carving Nvas legible,
-police to protect wonion walk- 111100 county, �T, Y. . of tile whiskv also abandoned, I .
erland.. Devoid of effusi'Ve phraseology presided at tho'nieeting, said that the ing -alonte. 0 blit it showed that the men were killed . rs of -A. ,E gage on tile property, Two days ago
and cagger, "'.4-t ,roininent attor he came here and made the -
ex ited optilpism, hi,s words land -owners of Ireland were face to 'JI)o ee"Ond Dtt.wk io-d!y 17as ulado -* 9 4 +-4"�-0-#-++4-+-*+-++_++.+ n't least throe years avo� One ,of the it 1, ney of acquaint Sandusky is .still out of communication,
<,,arried a deep conviction to ills audience � * ; 0 skeletons had tile' breastbone Shattered, �\"�9e�lillruilli,i,00"lrlll0",,�11.111,;, tit the Kenner polls at ance of ,'"'after Homan, a builder, and as are several other towns between
face with nothing short of t1te kreat- fill )tour ater the first, on a seevant r Vic last national election. "&jr, O'Sul. told him,he wanted to erect -two houses Cleveland and Toledo. The losses sus -
of 02,000,000 doubting �rjjonla gi I it-papearelic" being Illat tile Inall was .
� . Be$ to Bet crisis lit the history of the country. by tlimc young men, One of them stab, tivan went to the polls for tile avowed here. He asked Homan to introduce taittood, by tile telegraph. and telephone ,
which they were addressed. The IIiag . . ..... 110.4.0— bed her in the abdomen. This is, the fif- sbot with it rifle while reclining on a, 1)tirpopa of -i'All" lereal advice to c . er- him to
bas effectively eradicated the theory AS A SLAVE, I p1lo of blankv-ts. I J, 0 I, 0 bis bank, and was sent to the companies will aggregate many thou-
� .
he is Gormanfs arcli-enemy bent tecuth attack shico the ottti,6Ves began, . __ Xea'r the ba" of the tr 0 were tain clients apposing tile Feliv regime. Royal Bank. . m,nds, of dollars.
that ing�1 NILIE IN HARNESS. ' As lie approached ths oolling 'boot'll Yesterday lie offered a cheque for Ifailway trains were all reported aa
upon isolating her aud bari Or pro. .. The police have increased ,the reward f oir REMA I a . .
t4o approlienslon ,)f the assailants. 19KABLE ADVERTISEMENT Carved words which would incall a It $ 50 to tW bank, purporting to be sign- ru
gross in all direetions. ' Three wouten ,",are o4tackea ,J:ucaasy BRINGS MANY OFFERS OF HELP f0VtarlO If d0olphered. Theso words I 0 Was seized and his fIoN%,jllg whiskel.s, 3� uning behind schedule time to -day In-'
ELECTRICITY WILL GUIDE THE 1. . . re4tood to the I IN"th a State-wide reputation for tilair ad by Homan. The bank refused pay- cause of the inability of the train deso
THE KIXG 110ME AGA 114T. 01 oeation. of valuables, I' I .
.. uxuriatice, were stimloarily clipped. mont, and informed Homan, vho repud- patchers to got telegraphic oreers to
� FLOW OF WATER, 'Cuing 'by it man w1lo used a Sharp lit- but tit(- murderers had no. -011 .
London, Feb. 13. -Tho reception Lou-- . Fitruinent believed to be a largre . . I; only tn.l, '
. � awl, 0-0-8- i4ted the olloque, Information lva� laid tTain crows. In addition to this, tele -
don accords I(fii� 'Edward and Queen wounding them.on the lowor port-forto of Willing to Bell Himself -Able to Do care to reniovo every article froni�tlic *R
Opening vietilus, Clothes, but aj5jo failed and against Breber and lie was arrestedlilst Iffrapli'll0las f"ll ac'"s the tracks at
Alexandra never lacks ent of the Esnach Barrage Corn. their bodies. One of his victims Died to Many Things, But Was Not Able . ED , . night by Chief Maine and Officer Me- aces, resulting lit traffic being
mislasm, but - blazed tile trees in such it malmor as to 0 M
the welcome their 114jestles received Plates One of the Most Gigantic deatl� and tile others 'were bxdly wound- * to Procure Any Employmont. make mo,b of the carNing unintelligible. 1. — . Namara. -1 V1111"up!"
this evenin- on their return from Ber- Engineering, Feats of the Age- ad' I . Ntear to tile point where lie find been I . __-2_._*_ Ecircry lineinan a,vailablo hao been pub
Iin was mor`e remarkable than ever. At Two Crops Instead of One. These attileki3 v,ero folloNCod -iVediles- I --TRIO ap� working IsEcLood found a small sli,%ft, Another Violf,,nt Earth.-Ijock IV - to work by th-Otelegamph. and telephone
0 1 1 � . 11 - .1 A companies in repairing the damage, but '
tb1D staq n to meet them were the . day by two similar assaults on girls, one Baltimore, Md., Feb. Id, fro i whiell T,tl�d�,%ns of late had taktn . CARRIED INTUO LAKE
Prince and Princess of Wales, Mx. As- - , of whopi wivs severely and tile other ting. . . CalabriFt and SICIly. mplished
peal of Thomas E. Swa-till, the YO "MI d. The Indian-,,, however, Clallued I . I - thus far little has been acco
quith, the Premier, and Sit- Edward Londloll, Feb. 14.-Wheu on. Tuesday only "" I ihjured. Oil Friday I.-fter- vollege graduato fron, Sea-ttio, Nlilash., thilt UICY had OPI,-ed it themselves. - . . toward iostoring- service.
kircy Forelp Secratary. While on the tile Khodive of Egypt performed tile 110011 higit'l'ile'rviolility of J,jelitenburg tin. jo, ally kind of Nvor. � t Roggio, Fpbi 13,A .64 CO
" .�, wbilch was NA eir� tile companion Of tile t-wo MCI) Is . violent carthaliocl, Score of Buffalo Nhermen Took a
roaa'to Bu;%1igIlaiu Palace greatcrowd, ceremony of decktring open the 147,snath otbor girl ,i,s attacked lit tile salue made throug[i an advertisement, ill the still unaccounted for, , Ivas Nit here to-iiq�,Iit. It lasted �..Ijj
ehoered vociferously, . . barrage, one of the raGst q -jo ell. -liar, buit i,he warded of the weapon wilixt ,olunins of ,it newspaqxw) in which Mounted Police will be s�cot north to seconds'sind throw down inaty dam.t.gc,d . -rate Charce.
� 1gant twin Despc DIPLOMAT IN DANGER
Tile King, )1,110 was uot looking so ginecring, foats of modern ' time.% To- with hor hand, 'which, vkrns severely cut., the young incin offered to sell 4111111%elf investigate. I .
-Well as usual and was closely muffled it ved As crown. The new barram is Hor cries 41 alarin, brol,gilt, all 0XI-Itea into Jejupor-ary slaxery rittlu.-r than walls. rl 1'eoplo 'led 'roll' their hu'6S ter' Bulfalo,_Feb, 14.-A score of fiElli- � —
p cc'! _----4.*,4__ ror-.A cken, Thcre were llo f,,tt.%litjes,
about the throat, ]lad a low min-utes' situated At a distance by the rlvme'r of crowd, membors. of williell, suspecting at '
arve, has )lot fallort on deaf cal's, '11he ,rll.o Shock wits felt L111,011-11out Calabria. ermen and their dog3 wore carried People Threaten to L3ruch Chancel� ,
animated conversation with Sir nawara 162 kiloinebres; north of the Assouan Chat tile (Tini'mal had tak,en refus i NIAGARA IN BONDS, Messina, Feb, 13,-A Osevere. earth. out into Lake Brie this morning lor of German Legation.
0 in (I a-dveTlisement read:
11 to- both of them showing plainly a and stretches across the Nile neigobboring house, scarelied it from Col. I,Wbite man, twouty-soven Years ,01d, $book lasting six seconds was felt here
,11Y11great %tiSfaCtion at tile happy re- bt,"rr"'igheight of 0.2 metres above low lar to roof. Their efforts to find tile will sell himsolf illid'slavory to bighest - I S ev � when the icio field was set in motion - -
- water mark. It is 000-irtetres long, mid man ,;0to did tile stabbitur -however, were bidder for any period not Ioxceeding five Ice Holding Back the Water$ Above subterranean roa prew.ded by lotia by a shif b in the wind. All were Santiago, Chile, Feb, 11 -The feclirg
suit of the Sovereign's short stay in Bar till cningr. It was
lin. The visit certainly has had 9, won. is OeVecd by 120 doors Nvith locks�, U 114311CCesSfUl, I . � . raduaIte of High School and � ring, caiiiing tile people
derfal effect upon tile mind of the Brit. Tito western ext-romity was begun . 0--_ - Years; 9 to fice,frolu their ]tilts and house.4, Tile rescued by small boats except Xosoph '
-er. after tile Nlilb flood of 18DO, and tile mll typewriter th . e fallintr of Satusky., Tito man and his dog team against Chancellor Beckert of the Ger-
� ' nMy - the Walls of previolialy wrecked ho��Ije-j I
ieh public, and antagonism against 0 itary aeademy,, can use e Falls. panic was accettuated by tit
and assiwt ,-it bookkeeping or other aleri are missing to -night and !Lre no doubt man LegislAtion, Who ' was arrested at
113ally sealus to have disappeared, Bar- Work has been carried on so onergeti- EMPIRAE' S Aft a Cal worrk; ainiproficieut in nureing'aild I I Tito slibek was feft throughout eait2j."J; lost, it's til i I
cordial, reception, of the King has - 0 cc .was not move than chillan on the charge of murd0ring a
Lu's .ally. that it lvAs finished eighteen I- I . can perform ininor surgical operations; Niagara Falls, .Llq�_y., Fi:lb, 14. -Only a sicil
paved the w.Cy for this, and commuilloa- TRORLIts abead of f-be.contracted time I . I tiny rivuletj Rot d y and along tht� 1;61-ther, ,,,,St, five inches thick and was so rotten servant of Wo.'Legation and afterwards
tions ]love been given out by the British For a thousand years before tile eon- MR. HALDANE'S SCHEME TO S E.' Fompetent, to care for invalid or mildly . cap nor swift enough Including Palermo. that it must have broken up on reach -
and German officials in which mutual ception of the reservoii and barrage CU,RE UNIFORMITY. Insane case; ain. -total abstainer; wAxit, to carry it pulp log over tile brink, is I — - . ing tlio open sea. . setting fire to the building to, bide the
I and fears
PjAerplit" the nitt,row strip along tile . rican side of wiq�. The fisherman irlio wont oub this are expreLad that an attempt will be
Satisfaction is expressed relative to the 1�4 . work of any hand; purchaser must pro- f101vina over the Ame crinie, is intense ill Santiago
aims and f4edlan - policies of the two Nile valley was render4ba f ruitf ill by Anxious That There Should "be No vide.lodging and clothing." ara Falls. "A strong 1101'riloust wind A SMASH UP. morning knew they were risking made to lynch � him upon his arrival bare.
S, a a b R
Governmoll flood's which flowed over tile I Swann. Ime been looking for 'worlc which 11 s low" si ae Friday has held . I I their lives, but th�ra have been few The police have taken steps to frustrate
ts. a u'd ban k Confus!.on ,Should' Occasion Arise for ,,ix weeks. He ssys lie has been back the water and allowed the ice to chances to fish -this season and they
-NOTHING TO QUAIMB L ABOV.V. I re,,�*&ig, left behind a deposit of I V
- I
that ' It inud. -Sinue Joseph's day periods ro� Joint Action by Forces qf obligeil to sell much of Ilia clothing In gain a foothold. 111wo-employa . took the chance. They got �ny such move on the pirt of the pe-
. h e den . the ric as of tile Left Sleigh on C Ossi 9 Ent Omitted two I it possible that Baron
question is alread)� being raised as to of famine 'have fallen on the land. Tile Various Parts of the Empire. order to get .% little money with which American reservatioti. walked f rom. Pros. , Ir n miles out and begin fishing, -when the p c. It is thougl
h . - milt . Von Bodeman. the German Minister,
0 lomats who !don of the Englislt engineers. was to . I — to buy. food, and that lVednesday nig Peet Point nearly to Bath Island this . tG Flag I -rain. dragging of the lines warned them tllat will exercise the right of sending Be4ok-
IV ton render the riwr .dependable ited use lie . ]lad to sell his last extra pair of morning. They did not complete the the ice wits in motion. There was a quai,
have beeigi ii,vt�t,ta'li,lil,,,,,Irarsetc'enit)iepvents closeli its enridhing flow over vastly increased 'London, Feb, 15.- oil Wednesday 811008. ]To stated thart -lie ]lad been trip merely because they did not care to - . . art to Grerniany for trial Ott thc�groi=4
are optingstio. IV . g a Avorking for a while in Chicago. He than get their feet wet, it'st . ter Of a mile of clear water between that tile alleged crime was committed on
They Point Out that areas by storin the. flood �;ivters and ni,ffIA Ron. Mr. llaldane, speakin t t�eani at one place North Day, Out., Feb. 14,--vTho 0. P, them and the shore when they reached GerraAll territory. .
British and German interests do not fraoi.a.g. thom � ' Went to Norfolk, Va., -whore he was am. being a few inches above the .0
econotilloRIly. The first the dinner of the London brigade of tops Of R. fc,(300)1 O�,T)r"s the edge of the ice. -0—
Oash in 4ny part of tile world, and tha,t step in this great work wits the con, ployedin the navy yard,as a ilinakeeper their boots. westbound struck a ___,*_'4__. --
tile bitterness between tile two 'nations Royal Field Artillery, said, according until discharged, on aecount of lack of A great wall of ice runs f'rom the Sleigh load of logs near Verner to -day,
really arose out of jealousy over affairs struction of the Assoualt reservoir, 750 to ,,'a ropor I b published it, the Daily work, Then,he came to Baltimore. I ]lead of Goat Island to the American demoll.-hing . the vehicle, and sma,shing STRUCK ROCK.,
miles from tile sea, ,and just below the LOCKEID JAILER IN
in tile near east, the prosent cockpit of rous A
Their aims, howover, "Ave hold back 2,300,000,000 tons of water, dominions ov,erseas, with a view -to thL, reRponses anti offem to provide work streams are able to trickle. This wall applied the einergency brak,es and jump- pennyslvanilL Special Wrecked But
Europe. beautiful Island of Philae. This will News: "Wo tire Lit negotiatiori with tile To -day's mail brougglit gene mainland, through which only -tiny the pilot of tho engine. The engineer
been declared identical, and Germany to be delivered at the lower reaches of creatioll and constitution of an army for Sw4un in Sol -no cases andicod. and has even elicroached, on the Canadian ed, landing lit safety in it snow bank, Then Prisoners Cogly J,&rated
I .
baving reached all agreemont, with the river when. required. . I .of the oulplre�(cboers)-Aud not of this Rhel-ter in othors. One tender-hearted channel, extending out some 200 feet , but'tho engine kept the ralls, and- no I No One ,Killed.
1'ranee rogaVding Aloroceo,theroappears Later was country nierely. I ain a bellever in the lady vma toudwil by tile young rhf.tji's beyond the third sorious dain kesulted.. "
iiothingon the hur&on over -whicil they , built at intervals below . ' Sister Island, and 11 Themselve"". ,eb. 15.�-Tho Ponnsyl-
Assottan three weirs, or barrages, to P01 vy of keeping lip to tile necessary J�)ljglit, and even thoug,11 stie expl,tined greatly diminishing the flow over tile 'A farmer 14eiving across with tile logs - __ pb�llad,lpllia' r
can quairel. The endurance of the An- �ontrol il ae a dard of tile diy, whether that be in that, she - herself was ill Poor 0117011111- horseshoe, Only the�-,Yery apex of the become stalled oi the crossing and un- . vallia special, tile 18-hotir flyer from
glo-German rapproebeiriont, it is recog- �1'sna6h, 110 miles below Asso-ftaii; at Illatters military or in matters wtval?) stances, she off-cred to take care of ,111,-4 U is left, aiid that 1; robv -hiebcd his ]torsos, tying them to a fetice
' . C.anadja palls HAlifax, X. $,, Feb. 14.-Tivo men Chicago to Now York, struck a rock
hized, l n hat between Assiout, 230 miles farther down, and Further on Mr. Haldane said: 11,,ku until lie could secure something to do bed of half its flow. . �brtt-,noglocted to niake any attempt t' named Shepherd and 'Macdonald. of ,it �T,ON�tojj.ljayajltonj 83 miles west of
Germany and France for lit recent years tit Zifta, on One arm of the delta. The Overseas army hilich is the veil as. luore worthy than delivering himself in. The gorge below is choked and the flag the train. . 'Charlottetown, prisoners convict . ed of . f[arrisbur" shortly after 0 R. - W. to-
" I .
the difference between Germany and ri,saach b,arrago is the laitt to be com. Aence of the 'military life of the Pill. to avian partial servitude. pids have lost their fury, -vvhilo the 0 � 0 .
(Irreat Britain arose largely from Ger- ploted. . Pire, Call -only be ga oil a voluntary Next, 1-farbormaster Joseph L. Fatnain r robbery mid jall breaking and sentenced day, Waing the train. .
many's aupposed hostile attitude* to� basis, and it must be recruited froili offe,red Swalm work oil a farm. Ilarry 'hil-1poo, is barely in motion, I to Dorchester penitentiary, havo escap- , Official reports to the company "I
Ili tile dam at Astsouan .are large irou ,�.. is only the third time thimt this LUMBERMEN LOST. ad from Pictou jail and arc still at this city say that beyond a severe shalc-
wards Great Britalit's now -found French gates that opell tit the touch of a buti*u 'no" Who come voluntarily; who cop,(% 1-11,eclilielmer, tin attorueV, made L% shill- dombination of 4wind and
friends. . , ice li4 thus large. They NY -ore brought over oil Wed- Ing up no one was severely injured. So
p � and let tho wa-ter through. -tvery ' ,,loved by olitbusiant, -with what ,L lar offer, and A. S, Pot6t, of -the United alfected the falls since the white Man - __ nesday by Sheriff Coombs and placed fit tile engincer of
V0,1T 11110- LOW IS 11OP114"Ur.), morning a inessago coul,es.over tit-- wire 11141.111t call a virgift mind, fror&a inill- Stafts Fidelity and Guaranty Conlipa, came' liere, The other occasions wero two Left camp Near Nepigon Over n in far' as can be learnedi to slacken his
11Y) ,jail, iceper 117m. Jones putting that the il had"no time
Borlin, Feb, 12.�Chanoellor Von 13do- from Qlh-o to 'tall how m)ach w-ater is Lary point of vie7.11"-,. 0,11led.ill PGrSoll tobli-erviewthe yo INLarell 90 1848, anti March 22, 1003. his strongest cell. They pl�,ked the lock re strikitig tile rocks whieh
low is most hopeful of' f,rood results wanted, awl . the gates arc opened )�ir. 11alda-ii0s Secretary infornica until. *A roprreentative of the -big de. Y —...,.-- I a Week Ago. _ speed �L'Ilio The pull -
I .
from tile recelit; visit to BoNill of King acooiidlngly� Then along the lituAtreds of bit; CA1111diall ASIOLIM,ed Press tll�,t�. partnielit store Of jo.vl (.;ljt,mUu & W * during the night, got clear of the cell, had fallen from tile hillside-
. � but there were other doors -to force. man. tile combination snicker, baggage
Ndwarili and ill this connection lie to� tailes of river and, thousands of miles when,, the War IMinistot said lie was stint Swatin till offer of work. Ali, (jut. RAIN' OV HUOT SANDS 7bon, the jailer came Ili the morning to car and three sleepers were derailedi the
4.1y e.,Vpressed himself ,as follows: of irrigatioll eituals flow tile negotiating with tile colonies -,v3tll tIlC man himself fook all inteeesb in the . . Part, Artbur, Feb. 1,.[. --Over it Nvtol.: �j -s breakfast they shoved
I � — Ave the prisonei
"The Conversations lict,ween English, floods. 'j"lle, vastly increased acreage will view to tile cl-Olition of an ariny of ,Yf)llllg Man, providing hjul 'with ____� Igo two lumbornicli named John lillio 9. . englito and first two cars turning over
a coul- 11 him 'k;lto tile cell and locked him in. on their sides.
,.Ind German statesmen held while thO now raise two crops iustea�l of one; the 'Onlph'O hO 1110411A only lit BID hir as ))late ollifib of clothing alla :Lgreeing to Descending on Country * About and 9. cardiiiai left sinluit'ii Camp, ticar The prisoners are still at large. All tile passengers wore still in ibeir
K was here have evol�cd sincero sat. cotton arwl sugar in stuinaer atia grain the 110111,0g,clleltv, organization, e,qt Put MITI to ,%vork , Monday morning at a Nopi 011, to inake their way to the ritil- #-*-*I—
log ion oil the German Bulde, a;nd they Ili wiltier. . nlent at , ,lift I Colima volacknoi .
isfaet III trainfilg of tile forces Of good salaril�. 9 berths, and it is considered relluttkabIc
-.0.0-W — resliective forces .of the empire wore ------- 4-0.6— 1 . . ivity and thence to this city. A flerce that lie one was killedy but all NyOrc
justify the firm expectation that by the . . — sytorni raged shortly after their ee�ar- BRUTAL DEED4. thrown about and badly sh,aken up,
visit ;f Ills Majosty tile King tile confi- COASTED INTO A CAR. I concerllcd� gci�that should occasion arlse INILN'leo CILY, Feb- 131-1'111�- C011111a ture, and as rioL,hing ,lilts s:n,-c been I �'. ------ 4_4�_
d-eace in the loyalty of both England for a joint action there would be no con-. PILLAR OF FIREG 110 I
and Germany and the undarstandium of Two Boys at ;ill-g—ston' Injured-Ond fasioli. , leano b the State of Jalisco is con- licard of them it is fattred'thby have
tinning tas eruptions with increasing bet, T,ho trail L I 0 g
10 - ,11 lost. h - it It the bush Drove Dying Wife Naked Out Into YE9
tilt politioal aims of both countries will * Probably Fatally. - - violence. To -day there Were A uUmb0l' has been Carefully 5futtrohod, but Ili vain. .
be,,strengtlienVd. Ki3lgSI011j 10c.b. 14. --As a 6sult of OBBED 0 A Mexichn Mountain Reported to of loud subtarrancian debollati011s fOilo%v- Two Mrilanders who left camp ab, tile � —
The .discussion of the Palkan ques- CASHIER R ad by a. rain of hot -sand, which covered same thne havearrived, but na they had the Bitter COIJ.
wleigh Ailing down hill ye4§tordtty illorn, . . he In Eruivion, �. Fjorac Driscoll Sentenced at Cal'
flou revealed ,it far-maching agreem-it , a It-year-uld boy, Thomas Iruntar, " it large area, setting fire to forests ,tod L Oiltalatalleed the Falgl'ishmell , Olit" Feb. 15. -The most .
' '11g' ' � Ills life. ' HN arin was so , completely do4roying ve,geta tion, 11, t)jt. not know -of -the It,tter's fitto. gary
both Ili regard to the encleavors oi Great Rij,j, Jos Young Woman in Montreal Store Mexico ,, - they do LO) do,,, For Arson.
Britain and Germany for the preserva. badly erwdiett that it had to W ampn- city, 1'ob. IS. -Tho people Vicili-ity of the volcano. Xcighboring - . . *so— shocking story of inhuman treatment Of .
tiOn Of Peace, and In I`110 attituaO Of tateii,. HIS 11 -year-old brother Ilefiry Knocked Senseless. it' the vfciulty of Colima are greatly towns and villages werc covered wit'I � wife ever heard in a London court calgary, Feb. 15- UdgO Hayve,_1
each Government towards the new ro. . 4wit and ashas, and tile people RIXIn. LOGS ON'T, vas told this morning when neirlibors file ,,joining sentenced VlOrac DrisC011ir'
giTe in Turkey. .9. *-*.- - — . tel'I'Orized ljy nit eruption of unasual dolled their homes Ili tartur. jitjlfl ,111j. charged Daniel Curtin, laborer, with t (-,-it
I hope that public opinion both lie%ro . Montreal, Fob, IS.-Olto of the most 1'iOIQnCO of th�jb mountain, according RIMS, n1mOst tMme from flight, deseended. aged nluote�ell, Of 11ioll Itivez., -_
. GOING TO ROME. son. Tho trial bas been Olt
� ver � to despatches reebived here front Points = �llrtijl, it was showil" Came ,�ears for ar 0 Drise
and lit England will follow the example daritim and sensational robbe.-les a into the settlements In large, nuillbers. Cool Action of a Farmer Nearly ally
of honest and pacific aims and shicoro Toronto, Feb, 15.-Vicar-Genoral Me- . 8 lit that section. A Piliar of fire shot A Armin of lava it mile long is flo�v. . oil ,,;nudity morning very to,, sol -do tittle, His fatheri'Michael
r-eciproeallitndiwrstaiiditi,,#, given I)j ted lit this city took plato this froin tile " driank and c1rove his dying WRO 6211 (,Oil, and tile convicted son Were, chargOd
, the Catin and Itev. Father Hand, of St, pc-rpetra crater Several hundred feet I 0111 file double crat4r. V roni Yu,�m-
rulers And statesmen of both countTICS.0 Paul's Cluji-Ch, 11cluall Cfttllolic, leave to- afternoon in 14. A, Wi.lderls department, into the air, Theio was also a fjo,,,�,y t"191111it is Vi�],Ojted tll,tt the Wautiful . . Causes Bad Accident. the house in liar bare foot and only r, with burning the barn and att-tiliPting to
The city- gowvninant is planning to morrow night for Rome. Tito nti,ture of al store. Tile cashier, a young lady iiani- fall of aslics ill tils town, of Tu%pan, Lake Ohitli,inkanat, in the soutlu,ni part, I - -.- night robe oil. The weather was frda/� btirn the house In AvIllch Airs, J)aiulors
ilame, a now section of Berlin the Eng. , their business is not disclosed but it Is ' Colima and Other itcarby platee. of ilv,it 6tatiI, �014th Xorth Bay, Feb. 14. -The Q P. It, '500 ing cold, 'Tbe woman was t6ken in I -Y and her four children and the, hired "tall
od llls�j Danloar,. was maldlig lip her wa,; fornitirly . le jit(ige criticized tile
thought by some it may havoJ40 do -.Vitll I -11,111Y PCOPIO flild to tile hills. Tile twelve leagues fit lmgtli, lilts It llf d4al;. expres,cr,'ire-BL-bound, struel, a $)a
fish quarter, lit commomoration. of tit(, 0 Va or I-laild cash lit oviler to go to the bank wheft 11 flames have Do: ,jgjj load neighbors and cared for, and will die Ae �ver6 slceping� III Al brotia-lit lit by the
inan,crel st,tretd forest fires vilon , ty
vi -,it of King E'dwardo Tit- streets of .the relArted, stilOttion f -I. tit L ar"(1, and perple In tilt, viciul am of logs Roar Veiner, demolishing the '� result of th6 ovposueo and coniplica- verdict of not guilt I-,
- as Bishop of Londort. Pt up behind her desk, lift liar a tile si(jes, of suffering fm,,u hek of water, ,. tions. Curtin was remanded for b.c.1- jury in the enso of -tile ffttACT,
this section, which arc now being gra,d . � tile Itiotintain and )ro, — vehicle and smashing the pilot of the I 0 s; 0 , n .1
410 I _ I . blow with Ili,; fist', grabbod $100 'it"(! 09- party j.4 enaftligLred, All ellorn"OUS I . .6 * ) I led t;
ed, will be given the names of loading . � engine. The engineer appli he emel, tonce,
English cities. � - The ghlittmem Fever,' caped. 13,110 girl Was alone ,at the time flow of Ilyl. i..; reported. 'Tile guiall rr"D gency brakei and jumped, lauding fit . ---*-..O— DVISTS.
A 0i 1,011�on, Feb, 14, -Lord Lucas, Par- -Wils full' a CANADIAN ARRES Ir" G OX
— I And lid ft few minutes later by villages t ifte
o War the clerks I b. -Iso ,of tile mountaill safety .111 a show 17�11k, but tile engine q 0
lininentary tTudor SeeretAtry to tit ying on tile floor unconscious, h.qve been deserted by their 11 MIAN MI.,,SING.
8ERESFORD,T0 RETIRE. , I ifiabitaim. - kept the rails and no serious damage re� I
Office, (leclar'o,t). to -day that tile colon� Wit I two notes of $5 and $2 clutched h. ..."I'll .- � _ - ., , a
'Lord Charles Will Vacate Hit Com. ic,4, IlOarlri;f Of tile aiiendid outbarst of her TiAndii: She wits removed to tho hos. 'Cat Upset the Lamp. I sulted. A farmer driving across with The State of MissOurl No supply
ital. The robber has iiot been lbsUfalift Man ChArged With Serious the log -5 botnio italled oil the crossing
I anthuslasli) ill Lot)(1011, ara 0ousiderlhg vaed, ap" Totl`Olel, Feb. 14.-LiSt Might about 10 Offellee at Detroi hitched Ili's horseg, tying thairl to) felred Th
mand Next Month. F a' and tin at Alfred St4r Has IladEes For Legiglative Agents.
the advig-thility of initiating R sellome, . .1 it. a fence, but neglecting to make tiny at -
00 o'elook fire broke wit lit the uppoj� pal -b .1 —
London, Feb. 14. -Au interesting all. akin to th'- territorild force, - of tit(, Nv,ebiltor buil4ing. , 0"11I)I(A by tempt to, flag tile Willi. Porfighed in the Nods.
uounceinctit wa,i issued. by the Admiral. L �.6.4 0I , , - � PICTURE STOLEN. -Tarnos, Vishor njul ftimily, tile ilecup:titis. A-troltj Feb� 14.- On a warrmit; 0 -----4-e-4.- __ Jefferson City, mo" I.ei) .15.--Setlatet
tY to-IlIght, Aoiniral Lord (liarles Nine Nearly Asphyxiated. � tri. . � 11rogtit has Introduced a bill requiring
Deresford, contiliander-in-chief of tile Uadrid, Veh. Isy,.-It i,; annoinjeo(l that. 1061ftg all. T110 lower part was relittod cliargi,119 111111 With All OUP11(lo AgAill9t p0i; Artluir, Feb. 11--AlNed St011r .
Montreal, Feb. 14.-Ily thd bursting n', lubst valuable pahfflng oil wood on by Willialn .Gilk�apic as a grocery store, Miss Adt*lo $Siultb, it pretty girl of eovcn. WA OO . , otia January all It-gislittil'o- ftgelit-9 to War litifol,11151
Channel fleet, will vacato thii eouinytild of P gas main nine ptople living left his holue Olt Dawsoft 11 C
,�ps i1jr(I b1fIg
Ica to be, furnished by tile
' I Oil 11�lui- Dowenito Theotocopulij 11 aps b -4 reT301"ted that it <I t UPStItItS it Set tmi,= Clixrles- D, Chilcutt, onto it 31,11, with thveo days, provisl0s, to vx- , te
M.4rch 0.4, wben this fleot will digap, ly istreo.t jjaj,roN�qy ese by%ilt- - PrIl. Ater It if ft P
pear as the Adef fighting ituit of tile tioll. r aped asp 'I Givc figure lit Chnadfitu bank 11 slid . �terct4t . � ,; ate, enlergelicy�
I knowil ii'4 "L -o," )xas beeil sj�jcfj the lamp oil rL tablo, U.v y
Illree sopavato families oil tile ? I . - I—. . flig Asklog For Release From KnItOn plore land, alla hit-' 'lot lice" see I a Tito bill close$ with an
-11 force- Iti-pet: wore overcome by,gas and reqiilr� , 'I bplipli,
first line of Gtoat Pritain's wtv' fri-,111 flip. P11,61 111114KA1111. ulle thieves eircleq, was arri�sted llerl� yo-Morday. Cal- I, �d lip bp,camo lost ill tile p 0 ioil I 1) yis "
'Mist Jamieson Marrlod. . ,,ti,be jjccajj��e, of tit , it y o b t
Henceforth tho'lliost -011port " cNirried off tile fraille -in %vell as tile pia. cutt, who had roo;v-P.41 it; intiviation of (10ty of Joseph Phil %vo(ja14 ana, perisbod. Stolir witS it high. ,,()IN. in tile Capital. Thd author of tP,
Ant yeast,'Is 134 ine(lical 'aid to 'bring them back to Uire, t4erer were VcrY few httelld-ftlits Tomlito, Feb. I3,-Tb,0 wediling is pro,e(iditig-i against him, NrAS takeft into . all
of tile Channel fleet, under tile comman(l -onstiousliess. employed tit the i * educrAttl 1"relielilliali, 11xvilIg 01104 1,111 elainig the object is to Wolltif4
of I'llep-Admiral Arehibild Betkoloy ' utt,011111. alluoulive'l of Ulpa 1"lizabi,th. Marshall custotly wllil� ongakwil at his. illialftnee Toronto, POV. 13.-,� potition (if -wer "
illiffie, who is now sprond in commit __W*_6 � - - __ bepu a prof"sar, lit a French college and lobj)�Viijts without difficulty.
� , ud ill 111.4 R"teellelloy 1.11avl; Grey laid 016 janliparill. dallgfllt<�i of MIMI) 'Taullesoll, bliql1inFa in 111.9 offi(* in tilt-, Majestic 0 lingo t, _____+4_*_
in and I MINISTER DEAD. to Mr. Clifford 11",alk-or, of Delleville. buitil-ing. 71(i was taken to ilii%. Waylul " IlWortune followed him front the SKIPS OUT.
tile Channel flect, will form 111(i A"011(1 cornergtono of it fivelitoof m1m6u q 000 fiainoi; will, be presented to tit,, WIN 111IN't In fiv I ,q,'f 9 -
The warriage wai sol�ouinized in 11iii,ti. county jail, Nylicre ho roniamed, unable ltlinf,�ter of ,lustico ill two weeks, tiDe, tinjer fjf ,tile &'tn Francisco earthquake,
division of thp plain fleot under tile Sit- library at the Canada Military Xxisti. Toronto, Out., FO). m.-Ittv, Alex. more. I to secll&, I)O11413inen until to -day, when or I i's
I I o Vice-Admirdl Sir trite Oil ullivorsity avollue, %ronto, vamply"ll, a; re'r3red 11pthodist tninist-t�i sking for tho release of %loseph Phillips lit which Ile let Iwactically all I Albi uetelue, N.M., 1'eb. 15.-N go-
* .
, , .'4* Lord of tilt, ,ug, g9l 1.907. on SfatIlVday, apt r- I
��� , r, Philip '1111111mon is 8,m.lollsly M fit lie wo'l rek-asNI to tippear for trial ucXt g,q
IT, , second !� ,bit A IM 3ni
. Ili : - .1 ",�" -1 � ,
,o lie Iq niewjw�;. Ile leareq a wife dud three child. ill Taos, X.M., says that nIoNY4
Admi Ity. I e tiled at his reAldn'lee, f9hileoc Af,roct, J;jjj'Q Ili's hoinp hi Itosedlate. Mr,11ugh Tdm*- Friday. from Icingstou PeAftentiary, who, ci
I .10 � noon, aC"MP0`dlI0d by Ilig 110n0v tile' ulornl�tg, of henrt failure, Age,,l 77 pari, Sol,, t,j port NVol,t.h., 1,4c- 6.iyear torn, for tile 14ijur6 "f ren destitute, had been received there that Albott
. 4 i I.I.; I _1___.4.A.A__ Twilling, tit<) former bank President
Mouteftitub-Governor, Ito liald 4ft Iftfor. xasr, :13 in the C& SeVej�itj ,�'Pfjr$ Ag4l) QjjL!ljtt Ivae Inttr- Serving a
Rrakoimaty Killo(L Irlitl V13it to t j-4 looking after Ills Interests, , VIM lit ClovIand, 'Ohio, to the (latightcl, tit(, '11ork,Coutity toati. Amoolation Fixtv-POV0111 lives were lost ill the of Asbury 1'&Tk, X.1-, Who war Eon -
he 't 'a 110:nrl,loture '43to bodv r)f fth X1_hkn6WTj inaft u-a,t �"-*� Whitf, tho famnuo 116hewing According to 1�. (7. Il'obillotto, i (4., -
or t*0 freightg %VeSt of ($�Ijpjkl�a4li t(y.d9y for "Jnpl' L wIt? � VIVI� Xilt,4111(00' f1Vcnt0'.j *Lrtk ki of finprisonmont.
Xotttt 1�4.V, Odf., FRi, 14.*"A biteli-in whieh, f0ect 11 its two trin tow found Oki dip, tracks of ill 6 .�r. (,.,. It, , ` . wrtelc tfie StO0110t 1`011011b, off 011M fvaetd f(i WX YeAfl;'
rag 6116 1116d �,R,,,,, �Iil-.011A;ro" of that Olt% Thn )liar, V110 slarfl�d 010 ptfltiou ill eir-mllit"my Terawhitil, Now Zoalfth.d. I (or 141100148ting with. the bank,ki flinda
of & Mffitablb ottuetilros Nethorby va tbot l"brt, :r!,rj4 (11��1011, It aild hn Mployeb ti tho 30hum-UM Ville ovfr, proved .kft
Ap Avenues betwoon tile PhAin. wits badly mumdata, aitahad avidently oomp&jj�, fatitily bIlrue(I at j1rjj which.
%'t6U1ftd in 00 &Mlh of It hr&�'eSman, ftoatiag, t n , flage, ho%v. �nhapvl oft�, I throe molithp ago, tht Mo6l; promialtit Aftov 26 days, tho jury ift -tho Car. ill Tillifting Property ill Tao";i 001tilly,
nittat unkitown. UC & I and itio. roturnad to h,ftr parents, alchig *havolloldord bayo tiped tho request, .rot mi4ok jilut4Cv 'jrlj%j 4t'jq�jjjviIjC, Tonki., has disn'ObeAred Ittld, that, his bond.,*C
I, Mont buildiligs 0,114 Q1164it fftrtot, I beeft %if " k: �y A train, debtro,yed tbot factory. with her tht flimd childreit, telaalo, litis boon tooliVea fro,in 2,000 tolosmallt !tijan uo'1161)10 to $50,00.