The Wingham Advance, 1909-02-18, Page 4i TER WINGHAM ADVA.NC], THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1909, ttt.t4i.NtttNtt44+414..“ .4.••••••• •••........f•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Unprecedented Selling 1 Hanna • Y Never in the history of Wingham was such • • enthusiasm displayed in a Sale of Dry • • Never in Canada was there such Sale of Dry Goods. OF THE ros. Stock unbounding Goods. a We Played Fair and Square With You. We had everything exactly as advertised --all mark- ed in plain figures ; you saw, examined • and bought, 1 you told your friends and they did likewise. Now -- 1 You Are Going to Buy Again. We are unearthing new treasures every day—you • f can quite understand. how many nooks and corners • there are in a store the size of Hanna's. We are mowing down the prices with a bargain 1 scythe, sharpened to cut deep and clean. PRINTS. 60 pieces of English Prints, new at 120—Sale Sale price°olal value 910 VESTINGS. 6 pieces new White Vestiogs, very neat stylish patterns, regular price 25e—Sale Price...14o 1° MEN'S FINEST ENGLISH CASHMERE HOSE Imported to sell at 25 cents—sale'Price 35 cents— ' 60 cents— " " 15c 35c Ladies' Pull Fashioned Finest Cashmere Hose. Regular price 50c—Sale Price, 36c 3 pairs for $1.00 /i Ladies' S tylish Ready -to -Wear , SKIRTS AND MANTLES $4.00 Skirts—Sale Price 12.00 85.00 Skirts— " 17.50 Skirts— " " 12.50 3.75 110.00 Mantles --Sale Price15.00 12.60 Mantles— G.25 14.00 Mantles— " " 7.00 15.00 Mantles— " " 7.60 e Come in to -day, or to -morrow, or any day when you want to make your dollars stretch like elastic. We have been rushed every minute for two weeks and expect to be kept going; if you value your dollars, come here to 1 The Robson Mercantile Co. WINGHAM 1 • 1 • Teeswater. John McPherson, of the 9th con., Culross, has been the successful bidder for Mr. I3abkirk'e furniture and um- dertaking business, Mr, S. D. A, A, Stabo reports that in the part of Michigan, where he re. cently visited, the rural telephone is in universal use. Phones cost $10 per year and farmers wouldn't be without thein for a good deal ram. A year's free tuition in the Continu- ation Class department is the prize offered by the Teeswater School Board to the member of the Entrance Oleos that takes highest marks at the June examinations. The same prize is of- fered for competition among pupils from outside classes who come here to write on the exams, Of these the one taking highest marks will also be given a. year's tuition free. The Council bas made a new agree- ment with W. H. Green of the Elec- tric Light Co. By the new contract the company gets $550 and willkeep t1Te pumps and engine in repair. The lights remain as they are, and the contract is to continue for four years. Provision is made against legal en- tanglements by an arrangement for arbitration in cases of dispute or dis- agreement between the Council and the Company, The grandest event of the season, so far, in Teeswater social circles, was the celebration on Tuesday of last week of the marriage of Miss Minnie McNaughton, second daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Peter McNaughton of town. and Mr. Saml. Robins Brill, Teeswat- er's welt -known butter manufacturer and grain dealer. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's parents at 11.30 a. m., Rev. D. Tait officiating. There were present about 80 guests. • • 1 t • • • • •• Turrlberry. Council met Feb. Sth; all members present,. Only one school section (No. 3) had complied with the law requiring them to send to the Aleck the names and addresses of their trustees, secretary and teacher, hence it was moved by Wheeler and Rutherford—That those who fail to do so this present month will be reported to the Inspector—car- rfed. The assessor was instructed to assess and place on roll all property exempt front taxation, such as church build- ings, school buildings and lands and all vacant lands such as the market square in Wingham Town Plot, all townshiproads where land has been bought for deviation roads, a list° of which will be furnished to him by the Clerk for the year 1008 and future years. Wheeler --• McMichael.— That any ratepayer wanting a change of path - masters, poundkeepers or fenceview- era, notify some member of the Coun- cil before next meeting—carried, The Reeve and Coun. Rutherford are a committee to meet the Reeve and another member of Culross Coun- cil, also Mr. Geo, 13.ryce and Mr, Lout - tit, to try to make arrangements to settle the dispute, re culvert on boun- dary, for all time, The Auditors laid their report in printed form before the Council for final audit, and it was adopted. The Clerk was instructed to ask the Winghani Advance and Times to send in to this Council before the 5th day of April, tenders for the township printing for the current year, A deputation consisting of Messrs. Geo. Spotton and H. B. Elliott from Wingham waited on the Council stat- ing that a. company was being formed to construct Rural Telephones in this and other municipalities with Wing - ham as centre, and asked to be allow- ed to construct their lines on the road aliowancP, free of charge. McMichael — Wheeler.—That we grant to the Wingham Rural Tele- phone Association the right to plant their poles and string their wires on the concessions and side lines free of cost, provided the said, Association is organized and charter granted during the current year—carried. The following accounts were passed and cheques issued :—H. B. Elliott, advertising, $1; Express Co., cartage and freight, 45c ; Municipal World, rolls, $3.60; Robt. Black and J. W. Ansley, Auditors, each $10 ; D. H. Moffatt, at audit, $3 ; H. Henning, working road machine, $2. Council adjourned to meet April 5th at 10 a. m. J, Burgess, Clerk. East Wawanosh. Council met Feb. 8 ; all members present. Wm. Wightman and Win. Robin- son applied for the position of Asses- sor. Scott and McGee moved for appointment of Wm. Wightman. Cunning and Gillespie in amendment supported Wm. Robinson. Parks sup- ported the amendment and. Wm. Rob- inson was appointed. The tender of the Wingham Times was accepted for the township print- ing. R. Vanstone was appointed Solicitor for the township. Sam. Morton was present and asked permission to take some standing tim- ber on road allowance opposite his property, con. 6—granted. Jas. Match was appointed a member of the local Board of Health in place of Thomas Straughan, the latter on account of old age asking to be reliev- ed of the duties of that office. Councillor Scott was appointed dele- gate to a meeting of the Ontario Muni- cipal Association, Toronto, for the betterment of indigent consumptives, and the municipality will pay the necessary expenses. The Auditors' report and Treasurer's Abstract for 1008 were read and adopt- ed and the auditors were paid as usual $8 each for their services. Reeve and Councillor Scott were in- structed to inspect Edward's bridge, con. 6, and report on the condition of same. Messrs. Geo, Spotton and H. B. Elliott of Winglfam were present ask- ing the Council for permission to erect poles, etc., on the public highways in the municipality in the event of the formation of a company for the con- struction of a rural telephbne system, Mr. Spotton outlining, the modus operandi in the establishment of such a line. The request was granted, on condition that a company would be formed as outlined by the above nam- ed promoters. By-law No. 3, 1909, confirmed the appointment of assessor, and By-law No. 1, 1009, disposing of tax levied on doge and bitches were both read and passed. The following accounts were order- ed to be paid—Wm. Nicholson, putting wind break on bridge on Eastern Boundary, $5.22; Fraser & Logan, tile, $13.11; J. A. Anderson, hall rent, Nov. 12tb, 1008, $2; Alex. Porterfield, ser- vices as Div. Registrar, 1908, $10.80 ; W. P. Hallahan, tile for Hallahan drain, $70; J. H. McClinton, refund of dog tax, 1908, $2, balance of salary as collector and postage, $21; Jas. W. Bone, services as Auditor, $8; John S. Scott, services as Auditor, $8 ; Finlay Anderson, salary as Tp. Treasurer, 1008, $100. The Council then adjourned to meet on Monday, March 22nd, when path - masters, poundkeepers and feneeview- ers will be appointed. Atex. Porterfield, Clerk. $Bo,o I11 spite of the nerd trines, the above amount of property has been sold through our agency in the past few months, wbiolais an evidence that Ontario Boal Estate bas a sound substautiat value, There is no disguising the fact how- ever,, that the West still has attractions for many, and farms aro being listed with us almost every day, heoause the owners desire to try their fortunes ort the prairies. Many of these farms can be sold by as at wbat would have been considered ri- diculously low figures a few years ago, when the prices for fares produots were much lower than at present. It will certainly pay any intending purchaser to give no a call, as a half an hour in our aloe would be worth more to him than a week's driving about the country. Desirable town properties a'or sale. Money to loan on good farms, at low- est rates. Insurance in all its branches. Twenty years experience and no un- settled or disputed claims.. PRINT B' ' REQUEST. Mix the following by shaking well In a bottle, and take in teaspoonful doses after meals and at bedtime. Fluid Extract of Dandelion, one half ounce ; Compound 1 argon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. A local druggist is the authority that these simple, harmless ingredients can be obtained at nomin- al cost from our home druggist. The Mixture is said to cloaneio and strengthen the clogged and inactive kidneys, overcoming blackhead, blad- der weakness and urinary trouble of alt kinds, if taken before the stage of Bright's disease. Those who have tried this say it positively 'overcomes pain in the back, clears urine of sediment and regulates urination, especially at night, curing even the worst forms of bladder Weak- nese. Every man or woman here Who feels that the kidneys are nqt strong or acting in healthy manner should mix this prescription athome and dave it a trial, as it it said to do won• ere tots snarly persons, Cured It hi One Day. Coughs and Colds disappear like • Magic when Hyomei Is Used. Ritchie & Cosens If the thousands of people who suf- fer from hacking coughs and agoniz• rag colds would arouse themselves suf- ficiently to follow this advice, they would cease to complain within 24 hours. Here is the advice, if you take it and you are afterwards sorry that you did, it won't cost you a penny. Go to J. Walton McKibbon, drug; gist, and purchase from him a Hyomei (pronounced High -o -me) outfit. It will only cost you $1.00. Take it home ; use it according to directions and if it does not cure your cough or cold, take it back and Mr. McKibben will refund the purchase price. Mrs. I. Coon, of John street, Acton, Ont., says : "I had a swelling come near my eyes which was caused by the catarrhal condition. I had to cough up the bad. impurities that dropped into my throat, and it felt as if a hard cold had attacked me, right in my head, nose and glands near. A week's treatment of Hyomei overcame my trouble. 1 am glad to endorse Hyomei." When you use Hyomei you don't swallow nauseating drugs. You sim- ply breathe in the soothing, pleasant and antiseptic Hyomei air through the little pocket inhaler that comes with each outfit. As this medicated air passes over the inflamed parts, relief comes almost at once and cure follows. Hyomei is also guaranteed by Mr. McKibben to cure catarrh, croup, grip and asthma. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE - WINGHAM Brussels. The "At Horne," under the auspices of St. John's Masonic Lodge, was held in the Town Hall on Friday, Jan. 20th, and exceeded any of its kind for atten- dance, elaborate decoration and excel- lency of the supper. License Inspector Asquith, of Centre Huron, was here last week and laid information before Reeve Leckie, against the proprietor of American Hotel for violation of the Sunday Law. A fine of $50 and costs was paid. A movement is on foot in Brussels and locality to organize an indepen- dent Telephone Co. along the line of municipal debenture aid to serve the town and country contiguous to it with a first class service at a com- paratively low cost, 'Messrs, 114Cilay & Shaw have leased the premises in the Smalo block where the Metropolitan flank has been for several months, and will remove their hardware stock there in the course of a month. The Bank has returned to their renovated premises in the Stret- ton block. Thursday of last week saw a great crowd in town at the monthly Horse Pair, There was a large number of buyers and many chalet) equines but it is said the owners were holding the price too high to meet With the approval of those Wanting horses. A number of sales were inade at good figures, however, The next Fair will be held on Thursday) Match 4th' NOW Ia THE TIME TO GET A BAR- GAIN IN Dimer Sets Tea Sets Toilet Sets Jardinieres And All Fancy China And don't forget to try a pound of our Teas and Coffee. They are sure to please. Produce Wanted. Malcolm's PHONE 54 .1 MAKE MONEY Sealing Pelham's Peerless Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, etc., during the winter months. We oiler you steady and profitable employment in your own district at good pay. We have over 600 acres of choice nursery stock which you will sell direct to your customers. No diseased or dried out American stook supplied, Established over 30 years. Write now for par- tioulars. PELHAM NURSERY CO., Toronto, Ont. CENTRAL STAATFORD, ONT. This school stands in the forefront as the largest and best practical training school in Western Ontario. We have three departments: COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY.. All departments are in °Largo of ex- perienced instructors and the courses are thorough and practical. Our gradu- ates secure good positions. Students aro entering every week. Write for our fres catalogue at once, ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN PRINCIPAL• A GREAT SCHOOL! GREAT IN REPUTATION, RESULTS, INFLU- ENCE AND TnORoU0nNESS. NOW IS TIIE TIME TO ENTER THE POPULAR TORONTO, ONE. And prepare for profitable employment. 0015 GRADUATES READILY OBTAIN 00013 POSITIONS. Our Handsome Catalogue is froo. Write for one to -day. Students admitted at any time. College open the entire year. W. J. ELLIOTT PRINCIPAL Cor. Yonge & Alexander Ste. DOMINION BANK HEAD OFF/CE, TORONTO. Capital (paid up) • $3,976,000 Reserve fans Dros i ` ' $5,297,000 Total Assets, over $48,000,000 WINGI3AN BRANC 1 Interest allowed on deposit of $1.00 and upwards. Fan:hers' Nato discounted, Drafte sold on all paints in Can- ada, the United. States and Europe, HEPBUBAI Linger 1, "!"Arrtofllb, SolloltA • D rki4y'. `}: • i The People's Popular Store Wingham, Ont. KER • & ' IR 4410011,044~isialessasestisesalleansaasostaliananAress~vsaaaltfra Mad I1ti .% �h . y. t�4. � A' easure (11I5thiI1 We are agents for the " House of Hob- berlin," High -Class Tailors of Toronto. Correct styles -- Fit, Quality and Work- manship guaranteed. We show Models that embrace every requirement of the Canadian gentlemen's wardrobe, from the everyday business suit to the conventional Evening Dress. Our display of Fabrics represent the best ideas in. the markets of Fashion. In color, weave and quality, they are unsurpassed. We make -to -measure, and in every case guarantee a well -fitting garment, tailored in the finest manner, and in strict ac- cordance with Clothes of Quality. You'll need a new Suit for Spring. Call and see our Models and Fabrics. .. ..a a "-O a},a atiaa: - cr. 1 T. A. MILLS WINGHAM ggEniesissassisosnoimina Daily Arrivals of New Sprig Goods All the newest shades and patterns for Spring Suits, are to be obtained here, at the most reasonable prices. Wash Goods We are now unpacking the greatest selection of Mullins, Ginghams, and linen effects to be shown in Wingham this season, suitable for Waists and Suits. House Furnishings .A. full range Of New Carpets, Linoleum, Oil- cloths and Lace Curtains just arrived. Do not fail to see our array of New Spring Goods Highest priees paid for all kinds of produce. Headquarters for Butterick's fashions. lime 80, T. A. Mill s