The Wingham Advance, 1909-02-11, Page 4THE WINGHAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1909,
Great Sale
No better proof could be asked or given of the ex-
traordinary savings this Sale offers than the
Grade, Quality and Fit
of our Beaver, Melton and Tweed Overcoats.
A Great Feature.
We manufacture all our own Clothing and can sell at greatly reduced
prices to the people. It is to your advantage to save a few dollars when
possible. Come in and note the quality and see the little prices asked.
DON'T FORGET •-- We are Selling Overalls at Reduced Prices.
Special Order Clothing a Specialty.
We press all clothing bought from us free of charge.
Taylor = Anderson Co., Limited
i .,cR4°
n9 GGaO
" Speculation"
Head Office, Hamilton.
IT must appeal to the sound common sense of every thinking
man or woman, that the return from an investment is in al-
most direct ratio to the risk.
Stock speculation, mining, and other similar ventures promise
big returns, and involve big risk. Savings deposits pay small
dividends in interest—but they pay it. Safe, sure, certain—at
regular intervals your interest is paid in cash ; and, your money is
still there, to be given back to you at once, when required.
It is this comfortable feeling of security that has induced
many shrewd investors to forego the attraction of large profits on
their money, offered by other forms of investment, and caused
them to keep substantial sums on deposit in a chartered Bank,
where the Dividend is sure ; paid every six months, and the' prin.
cipal available whenever required.
THE BANKOF HAMILTON invites investment deposits
and is prepared to receive them on most favorable terms.
BANK 0r;
O. P1 SMITH, Agent w p W nghnm
The report of Judge Cassels on the
Marine Department has reached the
Advance office, Much was ascert'aid-
ed, but a great deal more was not al-
lowed to see the tight, Judge Cassels
no doubt did well as far as ho went,
but the enquiry was limited to the
sins of lesser marine officials, The
former Deputy Minister, Col, Gour-'
dean, agents of the depaz'tntent at
Quebec and St, John, the chief com-
missioner of lights, Commander Spain,
Inspectors .O'Farrell and Schmidt, and
some thirty other officials and em-
ployees are condemned or censured,
for various offences or improper pro-
The commissioner also finds that the
patronage system, has led to greatly
excessive prices, and that $100,000 a
year may be saved in the department,
by its abolition.
That the government paid $1,000
each for diaphones, which would;have
afforded the eontraotor 100 per cent,
profit if sold for $870 each.
That the charter for the King Ed-
ward steamship at $125 per day was,
improperly changed to $1S0 per day,
whereby the contractor got $6,600 to
which he had no right.
That some 80 men, who were not
needed, were employed at the Halifax
dockyards during the late election.
That the patronage system in Hali-
fax was intensified by the shameful
interference of the late members for
the riding.
That the Merwin and Brooks con-
tracts were absolutely without excuse.
That the fyles of the department
were mutilated after the inquiry be-
That papers were destroyed which
were valuable evidence.
That agent Gregory exacted 5 per
cent. commission on government con-
tracts under his j uisdiction.
That Inspector Schmidt took bribes,
knowing they were bribes.
That the. Deputy Minister had sil-
verware entered free of duty for his
own use, on the representation that it
was for the public service.
The Huntingdon Gleaner (Liberal)
says :—"Wherever Judge went from
Ottawa to Halifax he found men who
used their offices to enrich themselves.
Officials endorsed accounts that were
grossly overcharged and shared in the
plundering of the public chest. Worse -
than direct stealing is the destruction
of documents that would have thrown
light on the extent of the robberies.
One go-between, a Mr. Mervin, a
friend of a Cabinet Minister, pocketed
at least $40,000 commission on goods
he ordered. To allege, as is being
done, that Mr. Brodeur did not know
what was going on in his department
is to declare Jae is an imbecile. With
the revelations of Judge Cassels' re-
port before him, titling of mismanage-
ment of public affairs and of syste-
matic robbery, he ought to have the
decency to resign."
—Canada's national debt increased
$38,000,000 in 1008.
—A bill introduced in the Pennsyl-
vania Legislature provides for the
payment by the state of $50,000 as a
reward to the man who first succeeds
in discovering it cure for tuberculosis,
The act specifies that the cure must
be as effective as is the anti -toxin now
administered in cases of diphtheria.
—Although Edison does not really
need to work, for he has reaped boun-
tifully from his inventions, yet he
cannot cease. It is generally' under-
stood that he is at work on three
schemes, which he, hopes yet to see
accomplished. One of these is the ex-
traction of power direct from coal,
This is done at present by way of
steam or gas, but there is a great
waste in these methods. Edison be-
lieves he will yet discover the secret.
The second is in the use of cement.
He is said to be devising a plan for
building a whole house with several
rooms by running the cement all into
the moulds at once. The third effort
of his great inventive mind is the
"storage battery." A few mbnths
ago he intimated that this task was
completed, and it is said that the
long -hoped for storage battery will
soon be placed on the market, This
Will be regarded as one of his greatest
You can eat anything your stomach
craves without fear of a ease of Indi-
gestion or Dyspepsia, or that your food
will ferment or sour on your stomach
if you will occasionally take a little
Diapepsin after eating.
Your meals will taste good, and
anything you eat will be digested
nothing can ferment or turn into acid
or poison or stomach gass which
causes Belching, Dizziness, a feeling
of fulness after eating, Nausea, Indi-
gestion (like a lump of lead in stom-
ach) Biliousness, Heartbern, Water
brash, Pain in stomach and intestines
or other symptoms.
Headaches from the stomach orb ab-
solutely unknown where this effeetive
remedy is used. 1)iapepsin really does
all the work of a healthy stomach. It
digests your meals when your stoma
itch can't. ' Each triangula will digest
all the food you can eat and leave
nothing to ferment or sour.
Get a large 50 -cent case of Pape's Di-
apepsin from your druggist and start
taking to -day and by tomorrow. you
will actually brag about your healthy,
strong stomach,for you then eat anys
thing and everything yott want with-
out the slightest diseonifort or misery.
and every partfcle of impurity and
tinethat ggiug to be carriedlaway With-
out the use of laatatives or any other
Heavily Fined.,
Eight Stratford botelkeepers wire
caught in violation of the law recent
ly, by selling in prohibited hours, It
cost them in all, $032. It does not al..
ways pay to break the law.
Salary Increased,
The vote for civil government, that
is .the salaries at Ottawa, shows an
increase of $1,874,070.50, Tho civil ser-
vice commission requires $30,175.
Two new county court judges are ask-
ed for Ontario.
Is Your Corn Troublesome ?
Why not cure it—erradieate it with
Putnam's Corn Extractor? No pain
or sore—"Ptitnam'e" is a guaranteed
success, try It,
Insurance Paid.
An inquest was held at Kintail on
Friday, when evidence was taken to
clear up the ugly rumors that hovered
over the burning of Neil Campbell's
house and barn in Ashfield. The re-
sult of the investigation gives Me,
Campbell his insurance, hut the direc-
tors decided to deduct $100 from the
amount called for by the policy.
A Pioneer Gone.'
The passing away of Thos. Wilson,
12th con., Huron, leaves a vacancy in
the ranks of the Orange Association
and the township of Huron mourns
the loss of another pioneer. As sec-
retary of the Huron Tp. Agricultural
society for over 30 years few men were
closer to the public and the faithful
discharge of his duties will go down in
To Move Off A Cold.
Cough mixtures dope a cold, but
don't cure. Above all else, keep the
bowels regular and stimulate the ele-
ininating organs. More valuable than
any cough syrup -are Dr. Hamilton's
Pills. They clear the system of every
trace of cold—the dull headache, ach-
ing limbs, and cough disappears.
Take the pills before retiring, they
work while you sleep. and by morn-
ing your cold is broken and passes
quickly away. All dealers sell Dr.
Hamilton's Pills in 25e boxes.
License To Drink.
A peculiar Bill is now before the
Washington State Legislature. If it
passes, liquor drinkers will be forced
to carry licenses, embellished with
their photographs and other data of
identification, and anyone will be per-
mitted to engage in the traffic with-
out the payment of fees. Licenses to
drink anything stronger than ginger
pop and the various other "stickIess"
concoctions will cost $5 a year. This
Bill makes the drinker secure a license,
instead of the seller.
New Regulations.
The G. T. R. has issued a circular
to conductors and brakemen, instruct-
ing thein not to allow on trains per-
sons afflicted with acontagious dis-
ease. The circular also says :—"Parti-
cular attention is called to a desire to
discourage the habit of expectorating
in public places. It is the conductor's
duty in case of an offence of this
nature to point out to the offender
that he is breaking the law. It is also
the conductor's duty to inform the
offender that if the offence is repeated
that he is liable to a fine of $40 and
Are You Sleepless, Nervous ?
Two horrors crowded into one life—
the product of poor digestion and a
poisoned system. There is just one
cure for this terrible condition, plenty
of food—but. mind you, food properly
digested ; that's the difficulty, to im-
prove the digestive power of the
stomach. Get rich nutritious blood,
strengthen the system and drive out
poisons, then comes vitality, endur-
ance, power. Ferrozone does all this
and more, it makes sick people well.
weak people strong, changes °'nerves"
and insomnia into robust health.
Take Ferrozone and health is yours.
50c at all dealers,
Quarantine Raised.
The quarantine which has for so
Iong been strictly maintained between
Canada and the United States, on
account of the outbreak of foot and
mouth disease, is at last being remov-
ed. There has been satisfactory evi-
dence that the disease is now under
control, if not absolutely stamped out,
and everything in the animal line, ex-
cept cattle, may be allowed entry.
During the existence of the strict
quarantine regulations, the greatest
trouble was with ladies, who tried to
smuggle dogs, cats and other pets
through continually. Now the regu-
lations have been relaxed, this diffi-
culty is over, and hackmen are carr y-
ing tourists across, while even such
commodities as hides, horns, meats,
straw and hay are allowed to cross.
One Bad Mistake.
Is Frequently Made By The Wisest
Of Winghani People.
It's a serious mistake to neglect
backache. Backache is the first syrn-
ptorn of kidney ills. Fatal complica-
tions may follow. Booth's Kidney
Pills act quiekly to overcool° kidney
ills, do not delay until too late, it May-
naymean niabetss, 13rights Disease. Read
what T. Dewitt Holmes of Wingham,
Ont,., sayst—"r hdd felt miserable for
some time with lumbago. It had set -
tied across the small of my batik and
in the region of the kidneys. I ecoid
not stoop Over at times and when 1
would sit for any length of time I
could scarcely get up, The urine
plainly told the disordered state be the
kidneys, and although; I had tried sev-
everal kidney remedies I eould find to -
thing to give the desired results until
on recommend of our druggist, .Mr.
Me1Cibbon, I need 13ooth's Kidney
Pills. The one box cured fie quickly
and entirely. The lumbago soon went
out of my back and therehuenot been
a sign of it since. Booth's Kidney
?filo are certainly a grand remedy and
I feelrateful in recomtriending
them." Sold by dealers. Price 50e.
The xt,'T. 13ooth Co, Ltd., Fort Erie,
Ont., Sole Canadian Agenic,
$80, 000
In spite of the hard times, the above
amount of property hes beau sold through
our ngenoy in the past taw months,
which is an evidence that Ontario Real
Estate has a ,sound substantial value.
There is no disguising the fact how-
ever, that the West still has attractions
for many, and farms are being listed
with us almost every day, because the
owners desire to try their fortunes on
the prairies,
Many of these farms eau be Sold by us
at what would have been coastdered•ri-
dioulously low figures a few years ago,
when the prices for farm products Were
much lower than at present.
It will certainly pay any intending
purchaser to give us a call, as a half an
hour in aur office would be worth more
to him than a week's driving about the
Desirable towns properties for sale.
Money to loan on good farms, at low-
est rates.
Insurance in all its branches.
Twenty years experience and no un-
settled or disputed (dative.
Ritchie & Cosens
°Dinner Sets
Tea Sets
Toilet Sets
And All Fancy China
And don't forget to try a
pound of our Teas and
Coffee. They are sure to
Produce Wanted.
Selling Pelham's Peerless Fruit and
Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, etc., during
the winter months. We offer you
steady and profitable employment in
your own district at good pay. We
have over G00 acres of choice nursery
stock which you will sell direct to your
customers. No diseased or dried out
American stock supplied. Established
over 80 years. Write now for par-
Toronto, Ont.
This school stands in the forefront as
the largest and best practical training
school in Western Ontario. We have
three departments:
All departments are in charge of ex-
perie:ced instructors and the courses
are thorough and practical. Our gradu-
ales secure good positions Students aro
entering every week. Write for our
free catalogue iLt once.
MNW WbM /�I'
ENOE AND TnonouoriNESS. NOW' 'Is
And prepare for profitable employment.
rosixrose. Our Handsome Catalogue is
froo, Write for one today. Students
admitted at any time. College open the
entire year.
Cor. Yonge & Alexander Sts.
Capital (paid up) • $3,976,000
Reserve is a ;TAW- - $5,297,000
Total Assets, ovet $48,000,000
Interest allowed on deposit of $1,00
and upwards.
Partners' Notes discounted,
Drafts sold on all pointe in Can-
ada, the United States and Europe.
D, T. EEP hill tanager
R. Yaestons; flsliolter
•.. . ,,144,
The People's Popular Store
winsnem, oat.
New Goods For
Spring 9909
New Dress Goods.
Most up-to-date in black and
colors. Our prices ate right.
New.. Prints.
Canadian and English, Prints
are 'much lower in peke this
year than they have been.
New Table Linens.
We import direct from the
Old Country. Quality guaran-
New Carpet Squares.
Handsome Tapestry Carpet
Squares. Very pretty designs
and colorings. See these goods.
Prices low.
New Embroidery.
All widths. Fine quality.
New Frillings & Collars.
You'll be in style, right up-
to-date, if you buy your Neck-
wear here.
New Boots And Shoes.
For men, women, boys and
girls, Prices right. Quality
New Ginghams..
Colored stripes are correct
this season. We have them.
Price, 15c yard.
New Skirtings.
New patterns, good colors.
Prices a little lower than last
New Towellings.
Prices lower than last season.
Splendid values in all linea.
New Floor Oilcloth.
The very newest designs in
Floor Oilcluth, all widths. Best
Canadian quality.
New Laces.
'2oSchon, Cotton and fine VaI-
New Belts For Ladies.
The very newest creations in
Belts. See them. They are
New Gents' Furnishings.
New Ties, new Collars, new
Shirts. Everything new and
The Ladies' Home Journal
Patterns are the best on
earth. Every month you
may have a 20 -page Style
Book free.
Good prices paid for Eggs, Butter, Dried Apples,
White Beans and Oats.
Reduced Prioes1
Before our February stock -taking, we
have decided to clear out many lines of
Men's and Boys' Clothing at greatly re-
duced prices.
A Full Range of Men's
and Boys' Tweed Sfflts
These must go to make room for our
new Spring Clothing. If room would per-,
mit, we could quote prices that would show
the public what we are doing in this line.
We can assure you that no customer
will go out disappointed. We solicit com-
A full stock of Ogilvie's Royal House-
hold and Listowel flour always on hand.
Highest prices paid for all kinds of produce.
Headquarters for Butterick's fashions.
Phone 89.
A. Mill