HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-02-04, Page 8THE WINGHAM ,A. V'A E, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1909.
asvy*e000a+Q_000,00000,,•SO4 400+?♦4P0*1f•••••••••••••••• .r4.., .•fre.Aes•ssss+4.►+ #O
I Fine
1 Men's Clothing and furnishings.
Women's Skirts, Coals, Waists, Underwear.
Carpets, Linoleums, Curtains, Rugs,
Sheetings, Cottons, Pillow Cases, Flannel
ette Blankets, Towels, etc,
i Dress Goods, Corsets, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, etc.
the lowest Prices on Earth
if Price
You never heard
There never was
Lay in a two or
East Wawatiosh,
Mr, and M,re. Herdisty entertained
ra number of their friends last Moe -
day evening.
Ohas. Wightman and Robert Ilan-
risen, 014 line, had weod-bees .on Fri-
day of last week.
The Forester$ of We vicinity took
in the oyster supper in Auburn. on
Thursday .evening.
Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Tomball of
Battleford, Sask., are visiting Mrs.
Turnbali'd friends Here.
Mrs. Win. McDowell and Master
Norman have returned home after
visiting friends in Guelph.
Miss. Lizzie Maine has returned to.
her home in Londesboro after visiting
her friend, Bliss Lizzie Sueil,
Misses Mabel and Delia McDoweIl
of Westfield are visiting the former's
sistee, Mrs. Cameron, near Lucknow,
this week.
We are glad to hear that the infant
son of Mr. P, W. Scott, 0th line, who
has been ill with pneumonia, is getting
along nicely.
Mrs, '1`, Woodcock returned to her
home in Cap Rouge, Quebec, last
week, after having spent a month
with her daughter, Mrs, A. 0. Her-
Tlie Ladies' Aid of Westfield Church
had a social in the basement on Tues-
day evening of last week. Notwith-
standing the bad roads, there was a
good attendance, and avery enjoyable
programa was rendered, after which all
were served with sandwiches, cake
and coffee• in Westfield ladies' usual
clever style. Proceeds amounted to
about $17, and are in aid of the Sick
Children's Hospital in Toronto.
Report of S. S. No. 0. Class V—R.
Deacon ; IV—Verna Taylor, Pearl
Deacon, Gwendolyn Currie, Earl Elli-
ott, Mary Carrie ; 11f—Maggie Po-
cock, Harold Currie, Earnest Shiells,
Charlie Taylor; II--Wilmor Taylor,
Fiona Deaccnn, Helen Deacon, Annie
Currie; Jr. II—George Por•ock, Harold
Reid, Thos. Currie; Pt. II—Helen Po-
cock, Verna Elliott and Charlie Currie
equal, Teddy Kerr; Jr. Pt. I—J. Per-
due, K. Kerr. ' Average attendance
20. A. L, Lawrence, teacher.
of such Bargains.
such Reductions.
three years' stock.
Wed., Feb. 3rd I
Is Opening Day
of the Great Sale
The Robson
Mercantile Co.
•.4........1 4 00.M0. , * !!$N**4..i.lON4.**** ►•• *He* ••••••••••••••• 4 44* •
Miss Jennie Hogg spent last week
with friends in Wingham.
Chicken -pox and whooping Gough
have their innings now in eotne
We are glad to see John Pearson
able to be around again after being
laid up With a jammed foot,
Will. McLennan, of boundary, bad
the misfortune to fall down the $faire
in the barn one clay last week,, and re-
ceived a severe shaking up.
Quarterly service will be held at
Ethel next Sunday morning, couse-
quently, there will be no service at
the other two appointments.
Mr, Ed.. Bryans and J. R. Miller of
Morris, who were the retiring otliners
in the Iiowick Fire Insurance Co.,
were returned to their offices. by ac-
clamation last Wednesday,
_Rev. Mr, Watson of Teeswater took
charge of the service at Roe'e last
Sunday and was very much appreciat-
ed. We hope to have Mr. Watson
with us in the near future again.
Oliver McInnes, who was spending a
few days with old friends ou the 2nd,
left for Toronto last week, His bro-
ther, Reuben, expects to join hint in
a few days, when they win return to
their borne at Areola. Their many
friends here were glad to see theut.
On Tuesday evening of thio week
Roe's League will hold a social part,
after the topic is given. Special belec-
tions will be given and instead of the
usual lunch, a treat of candy will be
given. The collection taken will go
towards helping Rev. Raley, the mis-
sionary supported by the Leagues of
this district, who was so unfortunate
as to have their home burned.
One of those happy and interesting
events took place at the home of Me.
Jas. T. Bell, lot 37, con. 5, East Wawa -
nosh, ou Wednesday, Jan. 27th, at
high noon, when their eldest daugh-
ter, Marl, and Mr. Milton Taylor of
Melita, Man., were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony. The bride, who
was unattended, entered the parlor
leaning on the arm of her father,
while the wedding march was being
played by Miss 0, McClinton, cousin
of the bride. The ceremony was per-
formed` by Rev. J. L. Small, B.A.,
Pastor of St, Andrew's Church, Blytb.
The bride was charmingly attired in a
gown of cream voile trimmed with
lace and ribbon. Only the immediate
relatives of the contracting parties
were present. After the ceremony
was performed, the gueste partook of
a dainty dinner provided by the
hostess, at which toasts were given
expressing the wish of the company
for the happiness and prosperity of
the bride and groom. These were
briefly acknowledged and replied to
by the groom. The happy couple left
on the 2 45 train for Georgetown and
other points for a short honeymoon,
when they will return and visit
friends and relatives, before taking
their departure to their future home
in the West. The bride's travelling
costume was of seal brown broad-
cloth, with waist of point d'esprit over
white silk, with hat to match. The
many friends of the contracting par-
ties wish them a happy and pros-
perous journey through life.
14liss Maggie Snell spent Sunday in
Mr. Waddell of Whitechurch visit-
ed at Mrs. E. Mulligan's on Sunday.
Will Moses and Will McDonald are
cutting wood for Mr. Hugh Moses
this week.
Mrs. Duncan McDonald of Kincar-
dine returned to her home Monday of
this week, after a visit of two months
with her friends on the 2nd of Grey.
Mr. Robert McBlain, who has been
in the West nine years, is around
giving his old neighbors a visit; he
used to reside on the 4th con. Grey.
Messrs. John B. Miller and Edward
Bryans were re-elected at the nunual
meeting of the Ifowick Mutual Fire
Ins. Co., held in Gerrie; these gentle-
men have been directors ever since the
Society was formed.
Rev. Mr. Perrin of Wroxeter gave a.
fine discourse ou tlae text, "One thing
thou lackest," in the Hall, Sunday
night. Mr. Perrin took charge of the
Sunday School, Sunday afternoon,
and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
A number front town attended the
funeral of the late Jno. Sanderson,
'Wroxeter, on Tuesday afternoon,
The 0. 0, F. are making an effort to
increase their membership and have
been having initiations every meeting
night of late.
Mrs, Lorne Shier and daughter
Alma, are visiting Mende in Toronto.
Mr. Shier has gone to Cobalt, where
he has an interest in twines,
Quarterly meeting services were
conducted in the Methodistchurch on
Sunday inor•niug last. The attend-
ance was not as large as is visual, .on
that occasion, on account of the state
of the roads and weather.
The lecture held in the Town Hall
last Friday evening in connection
with the A. Y. P. A. of St. Stephen's
church was quite a success. Mr. Jea-
kins address was full of wit and
humor, Messrs. D. Hicks and L. Ash-
ton gave some good selections on the
violin. Miss C. Perkins sang a solo
very sweetly and Mr, J. S. Lyon's solo.
was well rendered. Mrs. Geo. Allen
of Wroxeter deserves special mention,
for the wiay she sang her, beautiful
solo, The duet by Mrs, Allen and
Miss Ritchie of Wroxeter and the
quartette by Mrs, Allen and Miss
Ritchie and Messrs. Jeakins and
Lyons was thoroughly enjoyed,
Should Mrs. Allen or Mr. Deakins ap-
pear before a Gorrie audience again,
we can speak for them a hearty wel-
Mr. Richard,SiIliles of the West has
been visiting with his brother and
other relatives around here.
Our Western friends try to fill us
with Western ideas, but Ontario is
alright, a lovely place to come to
Miss Ida Davidson of Winnipeg is
renewing old acquaintances here,
Her many friends were glad to meet
Mr. Fred White of the West has
been visiting with Mr. Tisdale's fam-
ily, having lived in this vicinity when
a boy.
A few of the young people from
here spent a social evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Ohamney on
A number of farmers in this vicinity
thought to get their spring plowing
done early, but January storms soon
changed their mind.
Mr. John Wallace and sister of
Downey have been visiting
at Mr.
• Geo. Wallace's, also Mr. J. Vamsley
of Mount Forest. Miss M. Wallace is
some better ; we hope she will contin-
ue to improve,
Z 't I All
The following is the report of pupils
of S. S. No. 7. Turnberry, for month of
San.:—Sr. IV --Ross Anderson, Noble
Hastings ; Jr. IV—Janet Pringle, Ada
McGill, Bessie Pringle ; Sr. III—An-
drew Pringle, Bert McLean, Leonard
McLean ; Jr. IFI--Gertie Deans, Roy
Hastings, Gordon Adair, Ethel Hast-
ings; Sec.—Alvin Hastings, Fraser
Haugh ; Part 1—Lawrence McLean,
Myrtle Deans, Norman McGill, Grace
Tucker, West Haugh. M. P. Wynn,
Now is the time when the doctor
gets busy, and the patent medicine
manufacturers reap the harvest, un-
less great care is taken to dress warm-
ly and keep the feet dry. This is the
advice of an old eminent authority
who says that Rheumatism and Kid-
ney trouble weather is here, and also
tells what to do in case of an attacks
Got from any good prescription
pharmacy one-half dance Plaid Ex-
tract Dandelion, one ounce Compound
1Cargon, three ounces Compound Syr-
up Sarsaparilla. Mix by shaking in a
bottle and take a teaspoonful after
melds and at bedtime.
Just try this simple home-made Mix,
Lure at the first sigh of Ilheumatisnt.
of if your hack aches or you feel that
the kidneys are not acting just right.
This is said• to be It splendid kidney
regulator, and almost certain remedy
for all forms of Rheumatism, which is
caused by urge geld in the blood,
which the kidneye fail to filter out,
Any One can easily prepare this at
home and at small cost,
Druggists in thin town and vie.inity
when -shown the preseriptlon, stated
that they can either supply these in-
gredients, or, if our readers prefer,
they will ooinpound the mixture for
Mr. Thos. Hoperaft spent last week
in this part.
Mr. A. E. Gallaher spent a few days
last week in Toronto.
Mrs. John Hartley returned to her
hone in Clinton last creek.
Mr. Bert. Harris is spending a few
days in the vicinity of Lakelet.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sapper
will be held in Wroxeter Methodist
Church next Sunday morning.
Mr. Earl Fertney and his sister,
Miss Mary of Parkhill, spent a few
days last week visiting the home of
Mr. Wm. Mitchell.
Are Your Children .'Croupy ?'
This trouble is deadly—must be stop-
ped quickly, nothing is so sure as. Nen.
viline Treatment. Give it internally,
rub it on the throat and, and then put
on a Nerviline Pornns Plaster. The
marvelous power of Nerviline, both as
a liniment and in plaster form will sur-
prise you. For sore throat, coughs,
colds and pleurisy alone, it is used by
thousands every day. it
the home, especially for treating the
minor ills that all children are bound
to catch. Large bottles 23c each, Ner-
vili.ae Plasters same price, at dealers.
or N. 0. Polson & Co„ Kingston,
Here is a simple, interesting and
sincere letter from a rugged pioneer
of '49, who braved the dangers and
hardships of the overland trail to Cali-
fornia. It should appeal to all catarrh
Santa Rosa, Cal., May 5, 1908.
Booth's Hyomei Co., Buffalo, N.Y,
Dear Sirs :—I was afflicted with ca-
tarrh and tried a number of remedies,
but received no relief. I purchased an
outfit of Hyomei, and before I had
used the bottle I noted a marked re-
lief. I used it for a month or so, and
thought I was cured, and stopped us-
ing is for a year or so. Thong('t I
was getting catarrh again, and started
using it again. I use it every morn-
ing, and keep myself clear of catarrh.
I consider it the best catarrh medicine
that is used. I have often recom-
mended it to my friends. I am 81
years old. I came to California in
1840, and of course am not as vigorous
as I was 58 years ago. My address is
811 -4th St. 'Yours Truly, W. Mock.
Hyomei (pronounced High -o -me) is
guaranteed by 3. Walton McKibbon
not only for catarrh, but grip, coughs,
colds, bronchitis and croup. A com-
plete outfit, including inhaler, costs
only $1; extra bottles of .flyomei, if
afterwards needed, cost but 50c.
Bu Stoves at
Your Own Price
For Next Few Weeks
25 Coal & Wood Stoves
Self Feeders, Air Tight and
Hot Blast Heaters, also some
good seoond-hand Ranges.
Eddy's Standard Wooden 'robs --
No. 1, 70o; No, 2, 80o; No, 13....00o
Four -String Brooms, eaoh 200
Stable Brooms, eaoh 50o
4 qt. Peed Measures, extra heavy. 18c
Ready -mixed Paint, per gallon ,..$I,40
Water Paint, per gallon .100
Stook roods, per package...... ...20o
Calves' Cordial, per package • 85o
Cow's Relief, per package..........350
Calves' Feeders, each. ............ el. e5
Ten -qt. Tin Pail. wuh cover 25o
Obioltens' Sanitary Drinking Poen
titins 70o
Clothes Horses . 50o
.Knives' and Forks, per dozen 7110
Razors. each ................ 5no
Stove Polish .. , ..... 7o
Win. J. Boyce
Stott° Block w Wingitt*ut.
Farm For Sale.
A first-class farm of 74 acres, com-
posed of Lot 41, Concession 9, East
Wawanosh, beautifully situated, one-
haif mile from the thriving village of
Belgrave; first-class buildings with
good stone stabling underneath, good
brick house, two good wells nod a
good orchard, together with driving
house, pig pens and other outhouses.
There is a good spring creek running
through the lot, and eight acres of
bush on the back end.
—20 Belgrave.
The Canadian
Way to the
Canadian West
Daily service of express trains
by the most direct and inter-
esting route. The only
From Toronto daily at 10.15 p. m,
See J. H. Beemer, Agent, Wingham.
Manitoba, Saskatchewan
and Alberta
Is via Chicago and St. Paul,
Minneapolis or Duluth.
Through St. Clair Tunnel by
California, Mexico,
Round trip tourist tickets now
on sale to all principal
Winter Resorts.
For tickets and fall information, call on
W. HENRY, Town Ageub, or write SSj
J. D. McDonald
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Our Tea and
Rill'(i Is it that the sale for
+1 i our Teas rand Oi feces
keep on increasing.
BECAUSE The quality is
there—the IIatVor
is there—blend.
ing ie personally attended to,
They're rich, yet delicate. They
have everything to. recommend
They're Good.
The Grocery Store
J. Henry Christie
Phone. 59
OINNI**111111110 0110111031011110 •110110 are4000.110 0,O 400100.1110 peimmes seat
MEN'S 75 cts. per Pair
—sizes 11 0 2 40
These goods are perfect in every way.
No flaws. No imperfections.
CHILDS'—sizes 4 to loY2,
NOTE. - Many Rubbers are thrown away as valueless
which could be repaired very -satisfactorily, and at a.
moderate price. We make a specialty of repairing Rub-
bers. Don't throw theta away until you first see if they
can be repaired.
Kindly remember that Store closes at 7 every evening.
excepting Saturdays and evenings before holidays.
King's For Bargains
We Want Your Trade
Where Your Credit Is Good
25 Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, all good stock, worth up
to $35. Your choice for $12.50
10 Pairs White Wool Blankets, regular $5, for 3.69
12 Pairs Men's Odd Trousers, regular $2.00 and $2.25
They go at 1.38
25 Per cent. off all small Furs, Fur Coats, Fur -lined
-, Coats, etc.
That lot of Drees Goods at 393 is a world beater.
Our regular stock of Dress Goods is second to none.
New Prints, New Ginghams, New Flannelettes.
PRODUCE WANTED. -Any quantity White Beans, Butter,
Eggs, Tallow, Feathers, Dried Apples, etc.
Good Goods 1
Cheap Prices
Ve 'Are makers o
C\oVMng dor Xem,==
for men who want" every cent's worth of
value that their money mill buy.
A long experience tells us how—and a staff
of skilled workmen know bur way.
Goods from Scotland—front England—froin
Ireland — from Canada -- from everywhere.
Just about every kind that's made — and
plenty of each kind,
Wouldn't you like to see.
Robt. Maxwell
Tailor &den"s Furnisher