HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-02-04, Page 41 4 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 19090 Great Sale OF OVERCOATS No better proof could be asked or given of the ex- traordinary savings this Sale offers than the grade, Quality and Fit of our Beaver, Melton and Tweed Overcoats. A Great . Feature. We manufacture all our own Clothing and can sell at greatly reduced prices to the people. It is to your advantage to save a few dollars when possible. Come in and note the quality and see the little prices asked. DON'T FORGET -•- We are Selling Overalls at Reduced Prices. Special Order Clothing a Specialty. We press all clothing bought from us free of charge. Taylor = Anderson Co., Limited EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL WINGHAM, ONTARIO air Irtewe Item —A Chinese proverb: "Going to law is sacrificing a• cow to. gain a cat, ---Open-air treatment is good for consumptives, but bad foe fauna machinery. —During 1008, bank deposits In Can. ada increased $78,087,000, compared with a decrease of $31,697,000 in 1907. Commercial discounts in Canada de- creased $41,779,000 in I007. —The municipal population of On- tario in 1009 was 2,200,303, an increase of nearly 58,000 over the previous year, 'r`ne total municipal taxes im- posed amounted to $19,629,258, being at the rate of 88,88 per head, or 17 mills on the dollar, —Over thirty years ago, erahatn Bell invented the Telephone, in Brant- ford, Ontario. The Bell Telephone Co. now has 100,000 phones on its lists, or one to every sixty of Canada's population. • Besides these, there are 200 private telephone companies, with 200,000 phones. "Hello?" is heard many times a day on all these phones. The Bruce Herald reports—"Mr. 0, F. May of Toronto, to whom the local managers of the Huron and Ontario Electric Rrilway transferred their charter two or three years ago, spent Sunday with friends in Walkerton and gave a favorable account of the subsequent and the present standing of the company. A large sunt of money is now on hand from the sale of bonds to build the road. The com- pany is applying to parliament to have the charter amended so as to go on to Sarnia where connection will be made with the Furness line of steam- ers. Mr. Mason, a prominent Owen Sound lawyer, has been engaged to secure the right of way from Meaford to Southampton. Options on water powers have been secured along the route and Mr, May expects to have a good portion of the work completed during the present year. • INDIGESTION ENDS. You can eat anything your stomach craves without fear of a case of Indi- gestion or Dyspepsia, or that your food will ferment or sour on your stomach if you will occasionally take a little Diapepsin after eating. Your meals will taste good, and anything you eat will be digested ; nothing can ferment or turn into acid or poison or stomach gas, which causes Belching, Dizziness, a feeling of fulness after eating, Nausea, Indi- gestion (like a lump of lead in stom- ach) Biliousness, Heartburn, Water brash, Pain in stomach and intestines or other symptoms. Headaches from the stomach are ab- solutely unknown where this effective remedy is used. Diapepsin really does all the work of a healthy stomach. It digests your meals when your stom- ach can't. Each triangule will digest all the food you can eat and leave nothing to ferment or sour. Get a large 50 -cent case of Pape's Di- apepsin from your druggist and start taking to -day and by tomorrow you will actually brag about your healthy, strong stonzach,for you then eat any- thing and everything you want with- out the slightest discomfort or misery, and every particle of impurity and gas that is in your stomach and intes- tines is going to be carried away with- out the use of laxatives or any other assistance. Love All The. Way Sidney Love, a Slhicage young nntn, has. wade 35 millions in 15 years and now retires at 35 years .of age, traaary, ing the most beautiful girl in the world, Township Loses $4,000. The death of Archie Pow oli the road at Beachville led to litigation, which; has been in progress for some time, Finally the township of West Oxford has to pay $1,800 to relatives of deceased, and posts of over $1,200, or over $1,000 in all. Electricity As Power. The manager of the C. P. R, states that the Co, will install electric power for their road in British Columbia, and eventually, throughout the entire west, Steam has served the word 'Well, but it looks as though electricity would largely displace it at no distant date. Teeswater. David. McIntosh has sold his farm, lot 24, con. 7, Kinloss. Mr. Chittick of Belmore is now in possession of the blackstnith business purchased from Mr. Johnston. The assignee of the estate of Wm. Habkirk is offering the stock for sale. The insolvent concluded he could not carry out the agreement formerly made, so it was decided to sell the stock. Messrs. Mann & Ewing have sold their hardware business to Mr. R. E. Little, change of possession to take place March 1st. The deal was com- pleted last 'week and report of it was received with a good deal of interest as it was known that a number were after the business. After 12 years in Teeswater, Mr. James Macpherson of the C. P. R. ex- press service, is moving to Toronto, having secured the run from that city to Detroit. Re entered upon his new duties on Monday, and the family is to move to the city in the course of a couple of months. A number of real estate deals of which town property was the subject were put through during the past week. Mr. Geo. Nixon bought the stone dwelling house on Elizabeth St. which was occupied by Mr. \Vm, Johnston, from T. Copeland. Mr. Johnston then being out of a house bought Mr. Nixon's property on Union St. Mr. S. R. Brill has also been investing. He bought the Dean property on Elora St.—the brick house Just west of Mr. Brink's. This was followed by the sale by Mr. 0. E. Ew- ing of his' residence corner of Elora and Brownlee Sts., to Mr. A. M. Rob- inson of the Bank of Hamilton. . .t J A Doctor's Advice. For Chronic Coughs And Colds A Prominent Atlanta Physician Says Nothing. Equals Vinol. "I want people to know that I be- lieve the most valuable cod liver oil preparation, the best body-builder, health -restorer and strength -creator known to medicine is Vinol. "I advise Vinol in my practice, and find it has no equal for healing coughs, colds, bronchial troubles and sore lungs. "I have used Vinol in many cases of indigestion, mal -assimilation, and for patients who have no appetite, were anaemic and •run-down, with splendid results, I have also found Vinol to be a boon to the aged. "I believe Vinol to be well worthy of any honest physician's endorse- mont," Dr. J. E. Ennis, Atlanta, Ga. Vinol contains no injurious drugs, but it actually does contain peptonate of iron and all of the medicinal, cura- tive elements taken from fresh cods' livers, without a drop of oil to upset the stomach and retard its work. Those who try it and receive ne benefit may have their money return, ed on demand. 1, Walton MoKibbott, druggist, W ingharn. Gowganda Silver Mines. Thi» new silver mining district of Ontario is attracting men from far and near. It is estimated that al- ready 5,000 claims have been staked, and that there are 7,000 people in the new district. The C. P. 14, intends to run a branch from their main line into Gowgandn. How To Gain In Weight. You know you are too thin --you eat and eat, but never get an ounce fatter. Nerves are weak, color is bad, strengt ly seems exhausted. It's not hard to get fat. You must eat more, digest snore, exercise inore. Try Ferroznne and watch your appetite grow. It turns all you eat into nutriment and build- ing material, fills your veins with rich, red blood, gives you ambition and vigor. For a tissue builder, afatten- ing tonic, one that restores perman- ently, there is nothing to compare with Ferrozone. Try it and see, 50c at all dealers. Canadian Electric Railways. On June 30, 1908, the capital invest- ed in the electric railways of Can- ada totalled 886,929,606, compared with 539,076,018 in 1901. There are at present 50 distinct systems operating 971 miles of main track line in Canada, In 1902 there were only 558 miles of main track line in the Dominion. A Frog Story. The Wiarton Echo says :—One of the pumps used to fill the boiler in the Seatnan, Kent Co. saw mill at Dyer's Bay suddenly refused to work, and upon investigation it was found to be caused by a large bullfrog, which had been drawn up the suction pipe and got under one of the valves, and when it was released, the frog was still alive. That was on Jan. 23rd. Ritchie & Cason REAL ESTATE AND 'INSURANCE Farm Properties. Some exceptional values in Farms. If you want one, it will pay you to see ifs. The good old Province of On- tario is all right, Town Properties At right prices. We have a nuntber of places admirably suit- ed for retired farmers. No pret- tier or healthier town in Ontario than Wingbam. Property bought here can always be re -sola. Will Wind Up Factory. The shareholders of the Walkerton Binder Twine Co. at their meeting at Walkerton recently gave the directors authority to dismantle the factory and sell the machinery and building separate. An order was also made authorizing the directors to call a general meeting of the shareholders of the company at some early date and wind up the factory. A gentleman has been looking at the factory pro- perty with the object in view of buy- ing the factory and turning it into a manufactory of women's wear. Liquid Catarrh Remedies Fail. They go direct to the stomach, have very little effect on the linings of the nose and throat, and entirely fail to cure. Only by cleansing the air pas- sages by relieving the inflammation and killing the germs is cure possible. No combination of Antiseptics is 60 successful as Catarrhozone. In breath- ing .it, you send the richest pine bal- sams right to the seat of the disease. Irritating phlegm is cleared out, hoarseness, coughing and hacking are cured. For a permanent cure for ca- tarrh, nothing equals Catarrhozone, 25c and $1 at all dealers. A Big Sale. The Mitchell Advocate says :—There was an immense crowd at the sale of Mr. Chas. Ooppin, Logan, on Tnesday, in fact the largest ever known to at- tend a sale in the township, some esti- mating that there were over 2,000 peo- ple present. Lunch was served, near- ly 100 loaves of bread were cut into sandwiches, 60 large cakes, numerable small cakes, 25 cans of sardines, and about 25 lbs. of ham, and even then many had to go hungry. Everything sold high, and Mr. Coppin informs the Advocate that the net proceeds ex- ceeded $000 more than expected, Railway Wreck Near Harriston. On Wednesday, 27th January, a ser- ious wreck occurred near Harriston. Just about noon, the freight bound for Wiarton, drawn by a mogul en- gine, instead of taking the Wiarton branch at Harriston Junction, signall- ed from the main line to Southamp- ton. The switch was opened and the freight steamed up the Southatnpton line at about thirty' miles an hour. When about three miles north of Har- riston and going down grade in a blinding snowstorm, it suddenly crashed into the south -bound way freight from Southampton, killing in- stantly Fireman Root of Palmerston, and Brakestnan Smith of Southamp-. ton. Engineer Jos. Arkell, of South- ampton freight, is seriously injured. and not expected to recover. All three were on the way freight. The crew on the north -bound train saved their lives by jumping. Engineer Kennedy, who gave the wrong signal, is a new man on the division. This is one of the worst wrecks in this section for some years and the cars were literally smashed to pieces. One engine tele- scoped the other and remained up- right on the track, but the tenders were thrown one on either side of the track. Rev. F. O. Nichol, Presbyter- ian minister, late of Cargill, who is re- moving to another field of labor, was in the wreck. He bad his household furniture, along with his horse and dog, on a car. Strange to say the horse and dog escaped unhurt, while the furniture was literally smashed to pieces. Mr. Nichol was in the ca- boose and escaped unhurt. Ile ex- tracted an iron bolt which had been driven through Engineer Arkell's left foot, and tied his handkerchief around the leg, tightening r it with a lead pen- cil, to stop the flow of blood frothe wound. Just The Medicine You Need. Your color is bad, tongue is furred, eyes are dull, appetite is poor, your stomach needs tone, your liver needs awakening, Try Dr. Hamilton's Pills. In just One night you'll notice a differ- ence, for Dr. Hamiltons Pilis seareh out every trace of trouble. You'll eat, sleep, digest 'and feel a whole lot bet- ter.. You will gain in strength, have a clear complexion, experience the joy of robust health. To tone, parley and enliven the system there IS nothing like Dr. Ham{�ltor,'e rills. 25o at a dealers. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE - WINGHAM NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A BAR- GAIN IN Dinner Sets Tea Sets Toilet Sets Jardinieres And All Fancy China And don't forget to try a pound of our Teas and Coffee. They aro sure • to • please. . Produce Wanted. Malcolm's L PHONE 51 MAKE MONEY Selling Pelham's Peerless Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, etc., during the winter months. We offer you steady and profitable employment in your own district at good pay. We have over 600 acres of choice nursery stock which you will sell direct to your customers. No diseased or dried out American stock supplied. Established over 80 years. Write now for par- ticulars. PELHAM NURSERY CO., Toronto, Ont. )CENTRAL//1 STRATFORD; ONT. This school stands in the forefront as the largest and best practical training school in Western Ontario. Wo have three departments: COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, All departments aro in obargo of ex- perienced instructors and the courses are thorough and practical. Our gradu- ates secure good positions Students aro entering every week. Write for our free catalogue at once. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN PRINCIPALS A GREAT SCHOOL! ..n GREAT IN REPUTATION, RESULTS, INNLU- 5)) ENCS AND TirOROUOu\Ess. NOW IS THE TIME TO ENTER TUE POPULAR ELLIOTT ij TORONTO, ONT. And prepare for profitable employment. OUR GRADUATES READILY OBTAIN 000D POSITIONS. Our Handsome Catalogue 18 free. Write for one to -day. Students admitted at any Lime. College open the entire year. W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL Cor. Yonge & Alexander Sts. DOINIO BANK. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Capital (paid up) • $3,976,000 Reserve 0",;a pro lei- • $5,297,000 Total Assets, over $48,000,000 WINGHAM B14ANOH. Interest allowed on deposit of $1,00 and upwards. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts Gold on all points in Can- ada, the 'United States and Europe. T, URPBURil, gauager R. "/iruetAni,11otlotter The Pooplo's Popular Store Wingham, Ont. ...41/o4'"+th141+/'rlhlirti0l44tiomotim _ KER I Agents Ladies' Homo Journal and Homo Journal Patterns. i" "4 µ yd'itlw f,.'"'1ws February Clearing Sale. 25 Per Cent. Discount during the month of February on all the following lines : Ladies' Fur Coats, Capes, Muffs, Ruffs, Stoles, etc. Women's and Misses' Tweed Coats. Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Reefers. Men's and. Wolnen's Rain Coats. Men's and Boys' Caps, Visor Hoods, etc. Men's and Boys' Heavy Rubbers and Sox. Misses' and Children's Tarns, Cap, Hoods, etc. Children's Bear Coats and Tweed Coats. Women's and Misses' wool -lined Gauntlets & Mitts. Women's White, A11 -wool Golf Jackets. At Half Price. Quantity of Men's & Boys' Caps & Tweed Ulsters. A quantity of Misses' & Children's Tanis and Caps. Ara • Remnant Sale. Big Remnant Sale on now. Some good ends of Dress Goods, Muslins, Prints, Sateens, Wrapperettes, Embroidery, Laces, Dress Trimmings, etc., etc. Did you get a So E -Z Dust Pan ? Ask for one. Good prices paid for Eggs, Butter, Dried Apples, White Beans and Oats. T. A. MILLS WINGHAM Reduced Prices. Before our February stock -taking, we have decided to clear out many lines of Men's and Boys' Clothing at greatly re- duced prices. A Full Range of Men's: and Boys' Tweed Suits These must go to make room for our new Spring Clothing. If room would per- mit, we could quote prices that would show the public what we are doing in this line. We can assure you that no customer will go out disappointed. We solicit com- parison. A full stock of Ogilvie's Royal House- hold and Listowel flour always on hand. Highest prices paid for all kinds of produce. Headquarters for Butterick's fashions. Phone $9. T. A. Mills 11 nialan+4.1 �rt,NNY.W.fbYk.M ri you is sufficient. time, abroad; whenever desired—either one such in their for strictly given additional for - � ou epgp ee 613f399�Q DB , ...I_ Head 1. may 2. either 3. 4. 5. person accounts 6. their 7. instance) 8. the „ ��e We .1190 Office, Office, An Further Remittances and Money Savings Accounts own order, Accounts All confidential, to Your Manager. BANK DO rl ----:l&.-"r deposit desired. any Savings information 93 ®0 ®0 Sfi90@p I • u., account regularly the in without or dealings H. 4©� BEl ps a G®98H Hamilton. as deposits BANK may in whole Accounts trust being may names, may more person. P. The following information • • o may interest those desir- p gg Q ons of opening a Savings Bank Account for the first time • • • • • • i • , may be opened with the deposit of a single Dollar; and, while much more as you wish, an opening deposit of One Dollar of any sum—One Dollar or more—may be made at any or irregularly, as money is available. • may be made from amount on deposit, to relatives or friends OF HAMILTON will make such remittances for you . be withdrawn in person from Savings Accounts, whenever or in part. may be opened with THE BANK OF HAMILTON by for another. Parents may open accounts for their children, subject to withdrawal only upon the signature of the parent. be opened, 'and deposits made, by minors or married women and fully under their own control, repayable to them on regard to parent, guardian or husband. be opened, payable to either' of two (husband and wife, persons, or the survivor. between THE BANK OF HAMILTON and its depositors are and no information—not even the existence of an account --is , Account is invited by THE BANK OF HAMILTON, and any that niay be desired can be obtained by a sirnple enquiry .. !t!iHL'! ,4 � rtY .,• . SMITH, Ag g ens M r. Win •ham «iu� Y K'N..wM.--Wl4k1.Y,.IW 11yY.WMY.II.y ..' - L.,IY.4MiWMMN.Y t.f WY.,.1JW..F,MWbO,IY,,..N, AdMYMYYfy' _... Irtewe Item —A Chinese proverb: "Going to law is sacrificing a• cow to. gain a cat, ---Open-air treatment is good for consumptives, but bad foe fauna machinery. —During 1008, bank deposits In Can. ada increased $78,087,000, compared with a decrease of $31,697,000 in 1907. Commercial discounts in Canada de- creased $41,779,000 in I007. —The municipal population of On- tario in 1009 was 2,200,303, an increase of nearly 58,000 over the previous year, 'r`ne total municipal taxes im- posed amounted to $19,629,258, being at the rate of 88,88 per head, or 17 mills on the dollar, —Over thirty years ago, erahatn Bell invented the Telephone, in Brant- ford, Ontario. The Bell Telephone Co. now has 100,000 phones on its lists, or one to every sixty of Canada's population. • Besides these, there are 200 private telephone companies, with 200,000 phones. "Hello?" is heard many times a day on all these phones. The Bruce Herald reports—"Mr. 0, F. May of Toronto, to whom the local managers of the Huron and Ontario Electric Rrilway transferred their charter two or three years ago, spent Sunday with friends in Walkerton and gave a favorable account of the subsequent and the present standing of the company. A large sunt of money is now on hand from the sale of bonds to build the road. The com- pany is applying to parliament to have the charter amended so as to go on to Sarnia where connection will be made with the Furness line of steam- ers. Mr. Mason, a prominent Owen Sound lawyer, has been engaged to secure the right of way from Meaford to Southampton. Options on water powers have been secured along the route and Mr, May expects to have a good portion of the work completed during the present year. • INDIGESTION ENDS. You can eat anything your stomach craves without fear of a case of Indi- gestion or Dyspepsia, or that your food will ferment or sour on your stomach if you will occasionally take a little Diapepsin after eating. Your meals will taste good, and anything you eat will be digested ; nothing can ferment or turn into acid or poison or stomach gas, which causes Belching, Dizziness, a feeling of fulness after eating, Nausea, Indi- gestion (like a lump of lead in stom- ach) Biliousness, Heartburn, Water brash, Pain in stomach and intestines or other symptoms. Headaches from the stomach are ab- solutely unknown where this effective remedy is used. Diapepsin really does all the work of a healthy stomach. It digests your meals when your stom- ach can't. Each triangule will digest all the food you can eat and leave nothing to ferment or sour. Get a large 50 -cent case of Pape's Di- apepsin from your druggist and start taking to -day and by tomorrow you will actually brag about your healthy, strong stonzach,for you then eat any- thing and everything you want with- out the slightest discomfort or misery, and every particle of impurity and gas that is in your stomach and intes- tines is going to be carried away with- out the use of laxatives or any other assistance. Love All The. Way Sidney Love, a Slhicage young nntn, has. wade 35 millions in 15 years and now retires at 35 years .of age, traaary, ing the most beautiful girl in the world, Township Loses $4,000. The death of Archie Pow oli the road at Beachville led to litigation, which; has been in progress for some time, Finally the township of West Oxford has to pay $1,800 to relatives of deceased, and posts of over $1,200, or over $1,000 in all. Electricity As Power. The manager of the C. P. R, states that the Co, will install electric power for their road in British Columbia, and eventually, throughout the entire west, Steam has served the word 'Well, but it looks as though electricity would largely displace it at no distant date. Teeswater. David. McIntosh has sold his farm, lot 24, con. 7, Kinloss. Mr. Chittick of Belmore is now in possession of the blackstnith business purchased from Mr. Johnston. The assignee of the estate of Wm. Habkirk is offering the stock for sale. The insolvent concluded he could not carry out the agreement formerly made, so it was decided to sell the stock. Messrs. Mann & Ewing have sold their hardware business to Mr. R. E. Little, change of possession to take place March 1st. The deal was com- pleted last 'week and report of it was received with a good deal of interest as it was known that a number were after the business. After 12 years in Teeswater, Mr. James Macpherson of the C. P. R. ex- press service, is moving to Toronto, having secured the run from that city to Detroit. Re entered upon his new duties on Monday, and the family is to move to the city in the course of a couple of months. A number of real estate deals of which town property was the subject were put through during the past week. Mr. Geo. Nixon bought the stone dwelling house on Elizabeth St. which was occupied by Mr. \Vm, Johnston, from T. Copeland. Mr. Johnston then being out of a house bought Mr. Nixon's property on Union St. Mr. S. R. Brill has also been investing. He bought the Dean property on Elora St.—the brick house Just west of Mr. Brink's. This was followed by the sale by Mr. 0. E. Ew- ing of his' residence corner of Elora and Brownlee Sts., to Mr. A. M. Rob- inson of the Bank of Hamilton. . .t J A Doctor's Advice. For Chronic Coughs And Colds A Prominent Atlanta Physician Says Nothing. Equals Vinol. "I want people to know that I be- lieve the most valuable cod liver oil preparation, the best body-builder, health -restorer and strength -creator known to medicine is Vinol. "I advise Vinol in my practice, and find it has no equal for healing coughs, colds, bronchial troubles and sore lungs. "I have used Vinol in many cases of indigestion, mal -assimilation, and for patients who have no appetite, were anaemic and •run-down, with splendid results, I have also found Vinol to be a boon to the aged. "I believe Vinol to be well worthy of any honest physician's endorse- mont," Dr. J. E. Ennis, Atlanta, Ga. Vinol contains no injurious drugs, but it actually does contain peptonate of iron and all of the medicinal, cura- tive elements taken from fresh cods' livers, without a drop of oil to upset the stomach and retard its work. Those who try it and receive ne benefit may have their money return, ed on demand. 1, Walton MoKibbott, druggist, W ingharn. Gowganda Silver Mines. Thi» new silver mining district of Ontario is attracting men from far and near. It is estimated that al- ready 5,000 claims have been staked, and that there are 7,000 people in the new district. The C. P. 14, intends to run a branch from their main line into Gowgandn. How To Gain In Weight. You know you are too thin --you eat and eat, but never get an ounce fatter. Nerves are weak, color is bad, strengt ly seems exhausted. It's not hard to get fat. You must eat more, digest snore, exercise inore. Try Ferroznne and watch your appetite grow. It turns all you eat into nutriment and build- ing material, fills your veins with rich, red blood, gives you ambition and vigor. For a tissue builder, afatten- ing tonic, one that restores perman- ently, there is nothing to compare with Ferrozone. Try it and see, 50c at all dealers. Canadian Electric Railways. On June 30, 1908, the capital invest- ed in the electric railways of Can- ada totalled 886,929,606, compared with 539,076,018 in 1901. There are at present 50 distinct systems operating 971 miles of main track line in Canada, In 1902 there were only 558 miles of main track line in the Dominion. A Frog Story. The Wiarton Echo says :—One of the pumps used to fill the boiler in the Seatnan, Kent Co. saw mill at Dyer's Bay suddenly refused to work, and upon investigation it was found to be caused by a large bullfrog, which had been drawn up the suction pipe and got under one of the valves, and when it was released, the frog was still alive. That was on Jan. 23rd. Ritchie & Cason REAL ESTATE AND 'INSURANCE Farm Properties. Some exceptional values in Farms. If you want one, it will pay you to see ifs. The good old Province of On- tario is all right, Town Properties At right prices. We have a nuntber of places admirably suit- ed for retired farmers. No pret- tier or healthier town in Ontario than Wingbam. Property bought here can always be re -sola. Will Wind Up Factory. The shareholders of the Walkerton Binder Twine Co. at their meeting at Walkerton recently gave the directors authority to dismantle the factory and sell the machinery and building separate. An order was also made authorizing the directors to call a general meeting of the shareholders of the company at some early date and wind up the factory. A gentleman has been looking at the factory pro- perty with the object in view of buy- ing the factory and turning it into a manufactory of women's wear. Liquid Catarrh Remedies Fail. They go direct to the stomach, have very little effect on the linings of the nose and throat, and entirely fail to cure. Only by cleansing the air pas- sages by relieving the inflammation and killing the germs is cure possible. No combination of Antiseptics is 60 successful as Catarrhozone. In breath- ing .it, you send the richest pine bal- sams right to the seat of the disease. Irritating phlegm is cleared out, hoarseness, coughing and hacking are cured. For a permanent cure for ca- tarrh, nothing equals Catarrhozone, 25c and $1 at all dealers. A Big Sale. The Mitchell Advocate says :—There was an immense crowd at the sale of Mr. Chas. Ooppin, Logan, on Tnesday, in fact the largest ever known to at- tend a sale in the township, some esti- mating that there were over 2,000 peo- ple present. Lunch was served, near- ly 100 loaves of bread were cut into sandwiches, 60 large cakes, numerable small cakes, 25 cans of sardines, and about 25 lbs. of ham, and even then many had to go hungry. Everything sold high, and Mr. Coppin informs the Advocate that the net proceeds ex- ceeded $000 more than expected, Railway Wreck Near Harriston. On Wednesday, 27th January, a ser- ious wreck occurred near Harriston. Just about noon, the freight bound for Wiarton, drawn by a mogul en- gine, instead of taking the Wiarton branch at Harriston Junction, signall- ed from the main line to Southamp- ton. The switch was opened and the freight steamed up the Southatnpton line at about thirty' miles an hour. When about three miles north of Har- riston and going down grade in a blinding snowstorm, it suddenly crashed into the south -bound way freight from Southampton, killing in- stantly Fireman Root of Palmerston, and Brakestnan Smith of Southamp-. ton. Engineer Jos. Arkell, of South- ampton freight, is seriously injured. and not expected to recover. All three were on the way freight. The crew on the north -bound train saved their lives by jumping. Engineer Kennedy, who gave the wrong signal, is a new man on the division. This is one of the worst wrecks in this section for some years and the cars were literally smashed to pieces. One engine tele- scoped the other and remained up- right on the track, but the tenders were thrown one on either side of the track. Rev. F. O. Nichol, Presbyter- ian minister, late of Cargill, who is re- moving to another field of labor, was in the wreck. He bad his household furniture, along with his horse and dog, on a car. Strange to say the horse and dog escaped unhurt, while the furniture was literally smashed to pieces. Mr. Nichol was in the ca- boose and escaped unhurt. Ile ex- tracted an iron bolt which had been driven through Engineer Arkell's left foot, and tied his handkerchief around the leg, tightening r it with a lead pen- cil, to stop the flow of blood frothe wound. Just The Medicine You Need. Your color is bad, tongue is furred, eyes are dull, appetite is poor, your stomach needs tone, your liver needs awakening, Try Dr. Hamilton's Pills. In just One night you'll notice a differ- ence, for Dr. Hamiltons Pilis seareh out every trace of trouble. You'll eat, sleep, digest 'and feel a whole lot bet- ter.. You will gain in strength, have a clear complexion, experience the joy of robust health. To tone, parley and enliven the system there IS nothing like Dr. Ham{�ltor,'e rills. 25o at a dealers. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE - WINGHAM NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A BAR- GAIN IN Dinner Sets Tea Sets Toilet Sets Jardinieres And All Fancy China And don't forget to try a pound of our Teas and Coffee. They aro sure • to • please. . Produce Wanted. Malcolm's L PHONE 51 MAKE MONEY Selling Pelham's Peerless Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, etc., during the winter months. We offer you steady and profitable employment in your own district at good pay. We have over 600 acres of choice nursery stock which you will sell direct to your customers. No diseased or dried out American stock supplied. Established over 80 years. Write now for par- ticulars. PELHAM NURSERY CO., Toronto, Ont. )CENTRAL//1 STRATFORD; ONT. This school stands in the forefront as the largest and best practical training school in Western Ontario. Wo have three departments: COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, All departments aro in obargo of ex- perienced instructors and the courses are thorough and practical. Our gradu- ates secure good positions Students aro entering every week. Write for our free catalogue at once. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN PRINCIPALS A GREAT SCHOOL! ..n GREAT IN REPUTATION, RESULTS, INNLU- 5)) ENCS AND TirOROUOu\Ess. NOW IS THE TIME TO ENTER TUE POPULAR ELLIOTT ij TORONTO, ONT. And prepare for profitable employment. OUR GRADUATES READILY OBTAIN 000D POSITIONS. Our Handsome Catalogue 18 free. Write for one to -day. Students admitted at any Lime. College open the entire year. W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL Cor. Yonge & Alexander Sts. DOINIO BANK. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Capital (paid up) • $3,976,000 Reserve 0",;a pro lei- • $5,297,000 Total Assets, over $48,000,000 WINGHAM B14ANOH. Interest allowed on deposit of $1,00 and upwards. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts Gold on all points in Can- ada, the 'United States and Europe. T, URPBURil, gauager R. "/iruetAni,11otlotter The Pooplo's Popular Store Wingham, Ont. ...41/o4'"+th141+/'rlhlirti0l44tiomotim _ KER I Agents Ladies' Homo Journal and Homo Journal Patterns. i" "4 µ yd'itlw f,.'"'1ws February Clearing Sale. 25 Per Cent. Discount during the month of February on all the following lines : Ladies' Fur Coats, Capes, Muffs, Ruffs, Stoles, etc. Women's and Misses' Tweed Coats. Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Reefers. Men's and. Wolnen's Rain Coats. Men's and Boys' Caps, Visor Hoods, etc. Men's and Boys' Heavy Rubbers and Sox. Misses' and Children's Tarns, Cap, Hoods, etc. Children's Bear Coats and Tweed Coats. Women's and Misses' wool -lined Gauntlets & Mitts. Women's White, A11 -wool Golf Jackets. At Half Price. Quantity of Men's & Boys' Caps & Tweed Ulsters. A quantity of Misses' & Children's Tanis and Caps. Ara • Remnant Sale. Big Remnant Sale on now. Some good ends of Dress Goods, Muslins, Prints, Sateens, Wrapperettes, Embroidery, Laces, Dress Trimmings, etc., etc. Did you get a So E -Z Dust Pan ? Ask for one. Good prices paid for Eggs, Butter, Dried Apples, White Beans and Oats. T. A. MILLS WINGHAM Reduced Prices. Before our February stock -taking, we have decided to clear out many lines of Men's and Boys' Clothing at greatly re- duced prices. A Full Range of Men's: and Boys' Tweed Suits These must go to make room for our new Spring Clothing. If room would per- mit, we could quote prices that would show the public what we are doing in this line. We can assure you that no customer will go out disappointed. We solicit com- parison. A full stock of Ogilvie's Royal House- hold and Listowel flour always on hand. Highest prices paid for all kinds of produce. Headquarters for Butterick's fashions. Phone $9. T. A. Mills