HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-01-28, Page 98
King's For Bargains
I We Want Your Trade
Stock Taking Over
Below We Give You One or Two
Specials Not to be Looked Over
20. Pieces Dress Goods, all good fresh stock, rang. ,
ing from 5o cts. to $(.25 per yard—for.. , ....
Doz, Pairs heavy ribbed Hose, regular ,
now, two pair for 35c
25 Per Cent. Off All Neck Furs.
COME EARL,'. --set first choice, and go away with the
best values you have received for a long while.
-Good Goods I ICheap Prices
1l�e eve `rtCakevs o\
ediothdrig Xea==.:
for siren who want every cent's worth of
value that their money will buy.
A long experience tells us how—and a staff
of skilled workmen know our way.
Goods from Scotland—from England—from
Ireland from Canada — from everywhere.
Just about every kind that's made — and
plenty of each kind.
Wouldn't you like 'to see.
Robt. Max.wel!
Tailor & Mch's Furnisher
Sale of the Manna Tiros. stork of
Wingham starts Wednesday, Feb.
On Tuesday morning, Jin, i21 -h,
there ppassed away at her home, .lot 28,
con. B, '1'tirnberry, Mfrs, T. P. Ale-
Creight, widow' of the late Thos. Me-
Creight, who predeceased her three
years ago, She had been in failing
health for a number of years, but her
death carne very suddenly at the last,
She felt asleep rn Jesus, both calmly
and peacefully. b1zs. McCreight was
mild in her disposition, was over
ready to render to those who needed
her assistance, whatever was within
her power, to do. She was' quiet in
hert o unhesitating
elf ' is life b h
religions u t
testimonies she so willingly gave, an
the beautiful Christian character she
manifested, convinced tier many
friends that her life was hid with
Christ in God, Three sons and three
daughters are left to mourn the loss of
a kind and loving mother. She was
a member of St. Paul's church. Her
maiden name was Eliza Jane Coulter ;
she was born in Nassagaweya, sixty-
three years ago. In 1801: she was
married to 'Phomas P. McCreight of
Tur'nberry. The sons are Thomas and
Alfred at home, and John on adjoin-
ing faun. The daughters are, Jane at
home, Mrs. Wm. Meek of Schomberg,
and Mrs. Robs. Shields of Tient coun-
ty. She was a kind and obliging
neighbor, and highly respected by all
who knew her. The funeral was
largely attended and was conducted
by her pastor, Rev. C. E. Jeakins.
Peacefully sleeping, resting at last,
Earth's weary pains and sufferings are
Jesus has taken her home to his
Sleeping so sweetly, ever at rest.
Adding Machine
Loose lent ledger, bill and charge. card
system, and all modern devices known
to business science are at disposal of
our students. Consequently business
-houses of loading Canadian and Ameri-
can cities are calling loudly for our
graduates. Individual instruction.
Enter any day. Mail courses.
Send postal for particulars.
The Canadian
Way to the
Canadian West
Daily service of express trains
by the most direct and inter-
esting route. Tho only
From Toronto daily at 10.15 p. m.
See J. H. Roemer, Agent, 'Wingham.
Caretaker Wanted.
i till noon
will received t i
Tenders wrl be e
of January 28th, for caretaking of
the Wingham Presbyterian Church.
Lowest or other tender not necessarily
our Tea and
vj v Is it that the sale ees
II our Teas and CofEeee
keep on increasing.
BECA.USE The quality is
there -the flavor
Is there — blend-
ing is personally attended to.
They're rich, yet delicate, They
have everything to recommend
them. WE ? BEOAUSE
They're Good.
The Grocery Store
J. Heng Christie
anhone 59
Looks as if King winter is keeping
Ma trump cards up his sleeve.
Sale of the Hanna Bros, Stock of
Willgham starts on Wednesday, Feb.
Mrs, Peter Knight, Cypress River,
Assa., was the guest of her sister-in-
law, Mrs. R. Scott.
Me, and Mrs. R. Nichol spent a few
days visiting friends in Toronto, Mr,
Nichol took in the Fat Stock Show,
There is quite a list of visitors home
from the West, all of whom are favor-
ably impressed with the home of their
Me. andMrs. A dman and son,
t S. n
Clifford, of
, visiteded
with the Tornado's mase
mid aunt,
Mr, and Mrs, Jot), Roe..
There was it party of merry-niakers
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Geo.
Bert's ono evening last week, who
s' a euchre after playing progres tv a hr tirll
lunch, then took pleasure in t b , n z s
of the dance. All left at an early
hour, voting Mfr. and Mrs. Kerr
capital entertainers.
We hope our member for Past
Huron will back Mr. Lancaster, M.P,.
in his bill for better protection of rails
way crossings, as one night recently a
party of nierry-inakers were returning
in a sleigh. from Walton in a blinding
storm, and jnst as they crossed the
C. P. R., a train running at full speed
dashed by, and if it had not been their
good fortune, they might have been
struck amidships, which would have
added another to the long list of acci-
dents on unprotected crossings.
Paris Is Full Of Them And Near-
ly All Use Parisian Sage.
In a beauty show at the metropolis
two years ago Gold ` Medals were
awarded to five different women.
To the most beautiful woman be-
tween 20 and 25 ; between 25 and 30 ;
between 30 and 35 ; between 35 and
40 and between 40 and 45,
A society reporter who interviewed
all five women in the interest of his
papers reported that all of them bad
beautiful hair, and that each of the
five enthusiastically attributed her
luxuriant hair to Parisian Sage.
J. Walton McKibbon sells Parisian
Sage for 50 cents a large bottle. He
guarantees it to cure dandruff in two
weeks ; to stop falling hair and itching
of the scalp. It makes any woman's
hair beautiful, soft and luxuriant.
The many friends of Dr, Carder re-
gret to hear of his serious illness.
Sale of the Hanna Bros. Stock of
Wingham starts Wednesday, Feb.
Mr. Robt. Taylor returned to bis
home in Portage La Prairie on Fri-
Misses Irene and Vera Bennett left
here on Thursday morning for Cleve-
land, where they have secured posi-
tions in a millinery establishment.
141r. and Mrs. William Ross of East
Wawanosh left here on Wednesday
morning, accompanied by their
daughter, Donaldo, for Montana,
where they will reside with their
daughter, Mrs. James Auld.
Bainton Bros. are moving the rem-
nantv from stock saved f m the fire
of their
into the old
Standard office building
on Diueley street. A proposition will
be brought before the council to dis-
cuss the advisability of lending Bain -
ton Bros. financial assistance to re-
build their factory again.
i3oltlr,—fn Lucknow, nn Jan. 201b,
to Mr. and Mrs. W. P. McCaughey, a
Mr. X. U. Alexander of Toronto
spent a few day's with relatives here
this week.
Dr. J, F, MacKenzie of Detroit at-
tended the funeral of his uncle here
on Friday last.
Mr. and Mrs, D. A. MacKenzie of
Windsor wet'o called home owing to
the death of the former's brother,
Prof, El, A. MaoKenzie.
Klee Jean l3rotchie, who previous to
spending the past three mouths at
Toronto, was a resident of this village,
died on Friday of last week. The re-
tnaine were brought here for inter-
nterment, the funeral taking place Mon,
day afternoon from the residence of
Mrs, N, Beaton, to Kinloss cemetery.
Angus Morrison, one of the
residents of this village, died very
suddenly on Wednesday morning last,
aged 82 years, Deceased was in good
health and had been down town in
the early part of the day and returned
to his home at the noon hour, appar-
ently free fro:u any ailment. When
entering his home, he carried in his
arms some wood for the kitchen stove
and after placing it in the wood box,
fell over on the wood. Medical aid
was promptly procured but heart fail-
ure had taken his life almost, if not
instantly, Interment took plane Fri-
day to Lochalsh cemetery. Rev. F.
A. McLennan had charge of the fune-
ral services at the home and grave.
And on the twenty-first day of the
first month, Philip, whose surname is
Awent, who lives iii Brussels, even
the carpet town of the Hurons, said
auto his men—"Let us go over against
the King of the great elms which is
on the land of John Shurrie." So he -
fore the rising of the sun, they went
out, and with axes and saws, they
slew the mighty one, and behold, in
his bosom they found a Coon and one
of the young men fell on him and
would have slew him also, but one of
his elders said unto him—"Spare him
and peradventure he may whistle be-
fore our master." So they took hint
alive; and now be is in captivity to
prove himself as a whistler, but the
tree they cut into 5 loge, for which
there were three teams of horses wait-
ing to haul it to town, and on measur-
ing it found it to contain 3,202 feet,
two of the logs being limbs.
Why not start now—today, and for-
ever rid yourself of Stomach trouble
and Indigestion ? A dieted stomach
gets the blues and grumbles, Give it
a good eat, then take Pape's Diapep-
sin to start the digestive juices work-
ing. There will be no dyspepsia or
belching of gas or eructations of undi-
gested food; no feeling like a lump of
lead in the stomach or heartburn, sick
headache and dizziness, and your food
will not ferment and poison your
breath with nauseous odors.
Pape's Diapepsin costs only 50 cents
for a large case at any drug store
here, and will relieve the most obstin-
ate case of Indigestion and upset
stomach in five minutes.
There is nothing else better to take
gas from stomach and cleanse the
stomach and intestines, and besides,
one triangule will digest and prepare
for assimilation into the blood all
your food the same as a sound,
healthy stomach would do it,
When Diapepsin works your stom-
ach rests—gets itself in order, cleans
up—and then you feel like eating
when you come to the table, and what
doyou good.
at will
you e
ll stomach
Absolute relief from a
misery ie waiting for you as soon as
you decide to begin taking Diapepsin.
Tell your druggist that yon want
Pape's Diapepsin, because you want to
be thoroughly cured of indigestion.
13el more. 111r.01111110Well PRIM IIMODEONIP 0R
Perok, Copeland's baby has been on �� ~
the t+iclist but is reported better.
Sale of the Manna Bros. Stock of
Wingham starts Wednesday, Feb.
8rd, A ■
Mrs,, McGrogan spent a few days.
last week near Whitechurch visiting
Quite a number attended the concert
given in Delmore Hall on Friday even-
ing of last, week,
Wrn. Scott of Charlton, New On-
tario, is visiting with his mother and
brother in ilowick,
Mrs. Alexander Wright of ITowiek
s er t last week withher aunt, Mrs,
Bennett, in Gerrie.
Thos. Rosewell sold a young horse,
rising three, to Mr. Shoemaker this
week, for a good figure.
Hugh Douglas has taken up hie
abode in his new home, His aunt is
installed as housekeeper,
Mr. Dickinson, sr„ of Mildmay, died
on 'Tnesda,y of last week and was
hurled in Walkerton on Thursday.
Mr. Harris and sister of Toronto
visited with their brother, N. Harris,
boundary, who continues in poor
, 9. --,
Geo. Yeo is very ill at present with
Wm, Yeo, sr., has just recovered
from it slight touch of bronchitis.
Many sad hearts, filled with sympa- Jno. Idarbottle has returned from
thy for those so suddenly bereaved, the West after a stay of two years,
were among the populace of this vi-
cinity, when the solemn and unex- R. Chamberlain is buoy cutting
pettmr'cl of the wood in the bush of Miss 1. Powell.
deathed on Thursdayessagewas last
eceiof veProf, L, A. Sale of the Hanna Bros. Stock of
MacKenzie of Montreal College. The Wingham starts Wednesday, Feb.
Jas. Masters has recovered from his
was horn in Invernesshire, Scotland, illness ; we are glad to hear• of his re -
on Nov. 2nd, 1862, and carne with his covert'.
parents to Canada in 1831, his father Walter Huggins intends to go back
and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Mac- at the old trade of car inspector at
Kenzie, settling on the 14th con. of Fort William in about six weeks,
hate Prof, MacKenzie, who was in his
47th year, was well known and very
highly esteemed in this vicinity. Ile
V�1GIIQ1 NIIUd111114�11gG�1�
0 NO, 4
1 Extraordinary I
t Saturday Next, January 30th �
Ashfield, four miles from Iarcknow.
Fie first attended the rural public Mrs. Jas. McEwen has just returned
school and afterwards taught in a from Ottawa to her house un the 2nd
number of the schools of the district, con. of Turnberry; herniece is with
78 Pairs LadiesFelt Juliets—Slippers
after which he attended the St. Cath- her.
crines Collegiate, and afterwards Kin- Gavin Bryce, after cutting wood in W
sardine and Goderich High schools', Mr. Thos. Walker's bush for about
and later resolved to study for thetwo months, has returned to Geo.
ministry, He entered McGill Univer- yen's.
city, Montreal, in 1800, and later at
the Presbyterian College, Montreal, ,.—..........a.........., Saturday 113.e 30th at
-and Shoes. Regular $1.00 to
$1.50 Per Pair. On Sale
and graduated in Arts and Theology, J , >
and afterwards graduated and secured COAL BUCKET FELL ON NIM.
the degree of Bachelor of Divinity.
His first charge was at Chesley where Couldn't Wall,. For Two Months,
he Iabored for five years. He was
then called to St. Matthew's, Mon-
treal, where he filled the pulpit for six
years, during which time he was se-
lected as one of the deputation to go
to the old country to secure a. succes-
sor to the Iate Dr. McVicar. Shortly
after his return he was chosen Pro-
fessor of Theology of Montreal Col-
lege, which position he filled until his
death, which occurred so unexpected-
ly in his chair at the College on Thurs-
day last. While a student, Prof. Mac-
Kenzie occupied the pulpits of White-
church and LLngside Presbyterian
churches in 1882-3. He was married
in 1885 to Miss Maggie Agnew, daugh-
ter of the late Jos. Agnew of Para-
mount, who with four daughters and
one son survive. He is also survived
by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
MacKenzie; one brother, D. A. Mac-
Kenzie of Windsor; and four sisters,
Mrs. Allan McLeod, Mrs. Kenneth Mc-
Leod, Mrs. Findtater and Miss Maggie
MacKenzie, all of Lucknoiv. The
funeral services were held at 2 p. rn.
on. 1ue_dL . 26th
the services
being conducted by the pastor, or' Rev.
D. T. L. MoKerroli, assisted by
clergymen friends of the deceased.
The floral offerings were numerous
and pretty. Interment took place in
Kinloss cemetery.
Worker Owes His Restoration
To Zam-Buk.
Mr. Daniel Goddard, of Bay Street,
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., says :—" While
employed superintending the unload-
ing of a coal vessel at Cohen's Coal
Dock, a heavy coal bucket in descend-
ing into the vessel to be re -filled sud-
denly overturned, grazing my left leg
and scraping the flesh off to the hone.
I was compelled to discontinue work
and go home for treatment, where I
was con tined for about two Months.
"When ableto get out again I got
cold in the wound, inflammation
started, the wound opened again, and
for another month I was unable to
move about. I tried all manner of
things to get ease and get the wound.
to heal up, but nothing seemed able
to do it. Not only did everything I
tried seem useless so far as healing
went, lint I could get no ease from the
burning pains.A
achingand the urnrn
iy• about crazy with the
9 was just time I
intense throbbing pains, and night
after night got no sleep whatever.
"Not uutil my wife began applying
Zant-Buk did I find relief. When ap-
plied to the injured member this baler
72 Cents Per Pair
Kindly remember that Store closes at 7 every evening.
excepting Saturdays and evenings before holidays.
IWILLIS_&®Gr 011=1:01111 CMCIZMInala 0114,
quickly soothed the pain, and as we
continued using it each day made an
irnprovernent. The throbbing pains
•were soon banished, the inflammation
and soreness relieved, and the wound
thoroughly cleansed of all poisonous
and unhealthy matter.
"Healing then began,and in a won-
derfull short time—considering
seriousness of the wound—Za-Buk
effected a complete and lasting cure.
I have since had no trouble with the
limb at all, and it is as sound and
strong as before the injury."
Zatn-Buk is a sure cure for cute,
lacerations, burns, eczema, ring -worm,
cold -sores, chapped bands, poisoned
wounds, festering sores, bad leg, and
all skin injuries and diseases. It is
also a cure for piles. Druggists and
box, or.
1 't 50 aro
here sell I c.
teres ever w ,
s y
post free from Zam- Co.,
receipt of price. You are warned
against harmful imitations sometimes
represented as "just as good and
-7•'-tVat 4
The Hanna
obson Mercantil
Wednesday, Feb. 3r•, 1"O
We are three young men --age about 40—all married -all have families—fairly good lookers. Our present home is in Oshawa, a town of 6000
inhabitants, 80 miles east of Toronto, where we have the large departmental stores to fight. We proved to the public we could win out. We
have a $50,000 business there and know how to hustle. We are not here to "gull" the public. 'We have a good reputable business character
to maintain. We have lots of money for our business needs. We have paid cash for this stock. We are adding new stock where needed and
we will sell you good reputable merchandise at
Come in and get acquainted With ug, Pott Will find
Ile sure and get one of out ?rice Lists which will be
us straight business. We will take your 13utter, Eggs and Poultry same as cash. We won't charge any goods to anyone. No goods on Approval, but you
can safely buy heeling() we will give back your cash without a kink. Remember the date-
distributed in a day or two.
Robson Mercantile Co. - •Wingham