HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-01-28, Page 5011. THE WINGIT.. ADVANCE, TIJURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1909, ON OVERCOATS, PBICE$ That Mean Business When it comes to down -right Good Values, you will travel a long way before you find anything to equal these , 9 A9 07 "QUALITY' $16.50 and $15.00 For $11.00. l2 only, Men's Overcoats in Blacks and '.1‘ weeds, mostly loth Century make, which means su- • perior tailoring and a perfect fit. $16 5o and $15 oo are the regular prices. You can have any one of them. $11 for $13.50 For $8.00. Four only, Men's Dark Tweed Overcoats, vel- vet collars, this season's goods, regular $r3,50. Our price now l�'i0.00 is only U $7.00 For $5.00. 6, only, Men's Black and Tweed Overcoats, good value at $7 00. Our only is now $5.00 ..........., Don't take anything for granted, but investigate and compare values. [McGee & Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers 461WWWWWi'MANWIMAIMMAANAMiliai Pod Fors and Coats at Cost. If in need of the above articles, why not call and inspect ours ? Everything up -to -date -no old stock -and the prices will suit all. Our New Prints, New Insertions, And New Embroideries Are now on sale. Come and purchase early and get the choice of the new goods. We have everything in this line to please the most exacting customer. We shall be pleased to show . these goods. MEM Fresh Groceries always on hand. Highest Prices Paid for Produce. D. M. GORDON WPM , 01010011010 MD • • MMUS 0110.1111.• I Unusual Values In 1 ilardwaro. ♦..iN..i...Ni.NI.N. IThe momentum of active trade has carried us well into the new year. We make it well worth your while to buy now by offering exceptional bar- gains in every thing, Buy as we buy ! Watch your Iopportunity ! As we tell of things that are special, look into them, We keep on the outlook all the time for quick buying chances, and ,values such as these seldom last long, ICROSS -CUT SA.WS.-We have two only, 53; feet long with ]ante tooth, for $2.00 each. SAW HANDLES. -15 cents a pair. BUCK SAWS. -3 only, Happy Medium, at 40e each. AXES. -We have half a dozen hand -made Axes to clear at 70c each. We have on hand all sizes of Coil Qbain, suitable for ILogging Chains, Repair Chain Links, Cant Hooks, Cunt Hook Handles, Whifetree Irons, Curry Combs and Horse Brushes. Nothing wrong with any of them in any way, simply the usual January ,Clearance Sale. All the Istores give bargains just about this season of the year and we discount our own best effort with more for your money than you ever knew before. Call and see what we call Bargain. 1 v Alex. Voun & Co. I THE BIG HARDWARE CrNGHAM - ONTARIO.) �Ii�• O® II SERIOUS, BTJT TRUE, The Dominion Government will not touch technical education because education ie a matter for the pro- vinces, and it doesn't want to inter, fere with provincial rights. Control of crown lands is also assigned to pro- vinces, but Sir Wilfrid's government in establishing the provinces of Alber- ta and Saskatchewan, refused to allow them control of the public domain. When it suits a political purpose, as. in the matter of the Manitoba schools, Sir Wilfrid refuses to interfere in political purpose, as in Alberto Alld Saskatchewan,he t t.erteres with the control of the schoola, When p rty interests require it, Sit W In- sists that the control of the WWII franchise and registration belong caw, etitutionally to the provineial au hori- ties. When there is an urgent party necessity that the Manitoba, Onta4o and British Columbia lists and dia. tricts should be so manipulated as to give the Lanrier government a dis- honest advantage, Sir Wilfrid is ready to trample on provincial )rights. So. you see it all depends upon theview school questions, When it suits a point.: Seeds of this handsome Ostrich Feather Aster given away free SEEDS FREE If you are interested in gardening we want to seed you our New 1909 Catalogue. This is one of the most complete seed catalogues published. With the cata- logue we will include, free of charge, a package of seed of our superb Ostrich Feather Aster, which has feath- ery, snow white blossoms frequently five inches across, If preferred you may choose a package of our Russian Giant Lettuce or Colossal White Sugar Beet seed. Write today and name your choice, also mention name of this paper. Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Limited, London, Ont. CANADIAN SUFFRAGETTES. Prof. Goldwin Smith has this to say on this question ;-Suffragettism has started here. After the exhibition on the other side of the water a repeti- tion in Canada might have seemed im- possible. But seeing that neither of our two political parties rests upon any principle of its own, a movement playing on the balance of the parties may stand a good chance of success. It may be taken for granted that the agitation, if it succeeds in gaining the vote, will not stop there, but present- ly demand admission to parliament. What sort of women will go into poli- tics it is easy to foresee. The gentle wife and mother will prefer home and the cradle. Meantime not a single case apparently has been cited of any female grievance which. male legisla-, tors have refused to redress. In fact, the balance is the other way. After all, gdod may be done in the and. The political world may be brought to its senses and compelled to have done with faction fights and have recourse to real government. � :� -;� Vii• ��ie���� �- ♦_�..•. i/l: a•�.��.e•w•/-.e•-� i., s' +...: w foc.�e,�� Vi�.� i���:"i!..��� � �jsa illTi �/e•-•• ilk14411 /'i".e - ���. .A r.L,..:►iei • yi iii. ♦ S ya ;-: .rq f :�;