HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-01-21, Page 5THE WINGITAM ADVANCE, ANCE, THHUR DA.Y, JANUARY 21, 1909, An Extraordinary Clearance Sale Our programme for January is to reduce stocks as much as possible regardless of profits . . . , . . 20 PE E T FF 20 Per Cent Oil Overcoats. tt ti " t Meu's and Boys' Suits. rt tc t; Winter Caps. tt et tt Lined Mitts and Gloves. it tc tt 'Wool Top Shirts. 50c and 75c Wool Underwear. Lumberman's Rubbers and Overshoes. ii it tC tl at t Come and see for yourself what we call Extraordinary Prices. McGee & Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers fi 4Neee4441Nie4eA84444040N,d •NOf N ***** aov.e Coal Goal We are sole agents for the celebrated Scranton Coal, which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and Do- mestic Coal and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. Residence Phone, No. 55 Office " No, 64 Mill No, 4.4 We carry a full stock of Lumber (dressed or undres- sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts, Barrels, etc. Highest Price Paid for all kinds of Logs. J. A. KEAN 49-01144144441441-414.4444.4441444.4.411-444410.414, Asa 0 IBargains For Janu ry a i The Following Bargains Are Offered For January Only . 8 Good practical Hammers, cast steel, fully tempered, each 35c 6 Good Hand Saws, 24 in. long, with ruled back, each75e Of all the Saws yon ever saw, you never saw a Saw that saws like this Saw saws. 6 Steel Wire Halter Chains, 41ft. long, each 20c 'BREAD KNIVEi.---This knife will cut frosted cake without cracking or crumbling, bot or cold bread is cut equally well, superior as a cold ham slicer, each 30c 3 Only, Soap Stone Cutter -Farmer's ; these stones will ' hold the heat 12 hours on the coldebt winter day, each 400 8 Polished 4 Tine Manure Forks, "D" handle, each 600 1 Dozen Handled Axes, each 75e ENAMELED WARE. --Soap Dishes, each 150 100 No. 9 Granite Tea Kettles, each 75c 10 Quart Preserving Fettles, each 380 We have an interesting price on Skates and / . Carpet Sweepers. Remember, For January Only. • I1 Pint Drinking Cup 1 Alex. Vot ng & Co. THE BIG HARDWARE I I 1 004 aWINGRAIVI ONTARIO it til k1S IMMO 4111M11110 Turuhorry. 0o440 *not January lith, 44 per Statute. The newly elected members of the Connell, namely :---David 11. Moffatt, Reeve; Alexander Kelly, tiobt. Mc- Michael, John Rutherford and Arthur Wheeler, pouociilors, having made their declarations of qualification and of office took theft' seate at the coun- cil board, when the luinutes of last meeting of council were read and adopted on metign of Messrs, Mc\1.ich- eel and Kelly. Rutherford—McMichael—That the Reeve and Mr. Kelly be a cornea - tee to attend the meeting of Wing- ham Town Council at once and get a settlement of taxese if possible, and if not paid, that the Reeve he instructed to see H. L. Dickinson and have hitn euforee collection—carried. Moialichael -- Wheeler — That the agreement made between Oulross. council, D, McCormick, Wm. 8, ging and this council, re drain and culvert on town line between. Culross and Turnberry be suetained, Wm, S. King to dig three rotas of dreain ; D. McCor- mick to dig and tile one-third of remainder; rl'etrtaberry and Culross to provide tile fur the balance end the three hast parties named to pay for tile for King portion of drain—car- 13y-law No. 1 to appoint road commis- sioners was passed; also No. 1 appoint- ing R,obt. Black and Wesley Ansley auditors of 1908 accounts; also No. 3, appointing John McTavish assessor, and No. 4; appointing Jas. Elliott a member of the local Board of Health to serve 3 years and Dr. Agnew, Medi- cal health Officer to serve one year and Adam Cleghorn, Sanitary Inspec< for to serve one year. Wheeler — McMichael -- That the auditors meet at Treasurer's office, on Friday and Saturday, Jan. 29th and SOth to audit township books and that the Treasurer get 50 copies of abstract and detailed statement printed—car- ried. Kelly—Rutherford—That eve pass to Mr. John Mosgrove a very hearty vote of thanks for the very kindly manner in which he conducted the business of the Council during his long term of office as reeve and that he and his partner in life may enjoy many years of health, happiness, and pros- perity in his retirement from the duties of office—carried. The following accounts were passed and cheques issued :—John Burgess, election, $8 ; John Burgess, stationery, $1.70; John Burgess, registration of births, marriages and deaths, $12,60 ; John W. King, election. $9; Thos. Netterfield, election, $9; Herbert Hen- nings, election; $9 ; Geo. B. Scott, election, $2 ; Geo. Mason, stationery, 75c ; Jas, T. Wylie, drain, $7.22 ; Wm. Elliott, drain and culvert, $10; Doug- las Davidson, Sick Children's Hospital, $10 ; Municipal World, papers, $5,75 ; Chas. Elliott, tile, 20c. Council then adjourned to meet Feb. 8th. John Burgess, Clerk. La Grippe Coming Again. Europe is now in its grasp, and in a short time America will be over run with this awful epidemic. Get ready, use preventive treasures. Bnild pp a surplus of vigor by• Ferrozone, and inhale Catarrhozone three times each day. Nothing destroys the grippe germ like Oatarrhozone. It cures the cold, breaks up the fever, relieves the headache and destroys every vestige of catarrh and sore throat. For bron- chitis, grippe and winter ills Cater- r•hozone is best. Sold by all dealers 25c and $1. irimiawaMtStyuewtiw�+m+r�++�nM+mr►+w� 1 Furs and Coats at Cost. 1 If hi } need of the above articles, why not call and inspect ours ? Everything up-to-date—no old stock—and the prices will suit all. Our New Prints, New. Insertions, And New Embroideries Are now on sale. Come and purchase early and get the choice of the new goods. We have everything in this line to please the most exacting customer. We shall be pleased ,toshow these goods. Fresh Groceries always on band, Highest Prices Paid for Produce, ►. M. GORDON AAPAARIMMAMl4RMIRARMARI1RMARARRMO RMWM�!'. —The public works department at Ottawa has purchased Mrs. A. McAr- thur•'s lot on the main street of Ches- ley for a postoffice. site. The lot cost 33,800, while the original amount vot- ed for a postoffice was $5,000. --The Canadian Northern Railway is asking Parliament for an extension s of tune for the commencement of sev- eral projeeted lines, including one from Niagara River to Goderich and one from Washago to Kincardine. SEEDS FREE A package of seed of the D. & H. Colossal White Sugar Beet will be given you free if you write for our handsome new 1909 Catalogue. This beet grows to an immense size, is easily har- vested, and yields 1,500 to 2,000 bushels to the acre in ordinary soil. Makes cows yield more milk, a 9attcns hogs quicker. If preferred we will send you a package of our Russian Giant Let- tuce or Ostritch Feather Aster seed instead of the sugar beet seed. Write to -day and name your choice, also mention name of this paper. Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd., London, Ont. east Wawanosh. The first meeting of oonnoil for 1909 was held in J3elgrave, Jan. 11, the znewbere being Wm. J. Parks, reeve, and Messrs. Janes Owning, John 011- 1espie, Peter W. Scott and Robert J. McGee, councillors. Having each sev- erally subscribed to the declaration of qualification and of office, the Reeve in the chair, the minutes of last meeting in 1908 were read and con- firmed, 0uming--Scott--That Alex. Porter- field be reappointed clerk at his form- er salary of $110 --carried. Gillespie---McGee.-That Finlay An- derson be reappointed Treasurer, at his former salary of 5100 ; this amount to include postage, etc,—carried. James W. Bone and John S. Scott were appointed auditors for 1908; sal- ary $8.00—carried. Beard of health for 1909:—.The Reeve and Clerk, Thomas Straughan reelected for 8� years, James McCal- lum and James Mc(tee for 2 years and 1 year, respectively. Dr. Hamilton, Belgrave, M. i3. 0. Scott—McGee—That the assessor's salary be placed at $05.00, this amount to include postage and sta- tionery—carried. Curring—Gillespie—That Wm. Rob- inson be again appointed assessor for the current year, Moved in amendment by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr, McGee, that the ap- pointment of assessor be deferred till next meeting of council and that writ- ten applications for that office be re- ceived by the clerk up to that date. For the motion—enuring and Gilles- pie. For the amendment—Scott, Mc- Gee and Parks. Request from J. Ross Robertson re- ceived soliciting afurther donation in aid of the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, was read. Resolved—That as formerly, $5.00 be given for that pur- pose. Request from the Manager of the Sterling Bank, Auburn, received, ask- ing for a share of the Tp. business— filed. The Dominion Bank, Wingbam, re- ported that the balance at the credit of the Treasurer's account on Dec. 31st last, amounted to $1154.37 ; also a bal- ance of a special drain account of $200.24. The Treasurer presented a state- ment of the amount realized on the sale of the Hallahau Drain Deben- tures, same being as follows :— Amount of face value $2,500.00; pre- mium on same, along with accrued in- terest to Dec. 16, 1908, $257.85, making in all a total of $2757.85. The clerk was instructed to order 7 copies of the Municipal World for use of the council, clerk and treasurer. By,Law No. 1, 1909, ratifying the appointment of Clerk, Treasurer, Au- ditors and Board of Health for the current year, and By -Law No. 2, 1909, appointing the council road commis- sioners for 1909, both duly read and passed. Debentures were issued for payment of the following amounts :—The Muni- cipal World election supplies, 32.51; Municipal World, 7 subscriptions to paper, $5 75 ; J. L. Kerr, Blyth, bal- ance of printing contract, 1908, $21.10 ; J. T. Holmes, Whitechurch, repairs to road grader, 90e; Geo, Cottle, White- church, repairing culvert and furnish- ing material for culvert on Western Boundary, $227; Frank Gutteridge. Winghatn, tile, $101.71; Alex. Porter- field, expenses of last municipal elec- tion, 544.00; Alex. Porterfield, salary as clerk, 1908, $110.00; Alex. Porter- field, postage, stationery, etc., $10.00 ; Sick Children's Hospital, '$5,00; F. Anderson, extra work in connection with Drainage Debentures, $9.00; P. W. Scott, ditto, $1.50; W, J. Parks, ditto, $2.00; Wm. Walden, part pay- ment gravelling sideline 33 and 34, con. 4, 515.00. The council then adjourned to meet again on Monday, Feb. 8th next, at 10 o'clock, a.m. Alex. Porterfield, clerk. Have You Warts ? 'You can cure them painlessly by Putnam's Corn and Wart Extractor. Never known to fail. Be sure you get "Putnam's" in 25c bottles. ;410 gSe'. '.g ` ;'A't'e ..—sSY?e,..q ,ati-.4.,:,•.e•ry Rx, fi•. SY 5... e?"c'. •.:: . ",�..,r •. ».. L .-:heti•.. .144 F K•;r TFJ GI Y 0 ti YASE W E10111911 A NUAL. STATEMENT As submitted to the Shareholders at the Aaaual Meeting held at the Head Office of the Bank, at Ham'lton, Monday, January I8th, 1909. BARD OF DIRECTORS FOP 1909 GEORGE RUTHERFORD. J. TURNBULL, Vice -President & General Manager. .'!ION. J. S. HENDRIE, C.V.O. CYRUS A. BIRGE. W. A. WOOD. HON. WM. GIBSON, President. C. C. DALTON. LIABILITIES To Tho Public Notes of the Bank in circulation $ 2,384,342.00 Deposits bearing Interest, including interest accrued to date $21,103,968,03 Deposits not bearing interest 4,589,423.06 Balances due to other Banks in Canada and the United States Dividend No. 7S, payable Ist December, 1903 $61,821.50 Former Dividends unpaid 240.50 To Tho Shareholders Capital Stock $2,472,860.00 Reserve Fund 2,472,860.00 Amount reserved fpr Rebate of Interest on Current I311Is Discounted 75,000.00 Balance of profits carried forward 801,007,19 25,783,391.09 69,218.99 62,003.00 $28,289,020.03 5,321,817.19 $33,610,837.27 ASSETS Gold and Silver Coin $ 553,714.44 Dominion Government NQtos.., 3,370,771.00 $3,938,485.44 Deposit with the Dominion Government as Security for Note Circulation 125,000.00 Notes of and Cheques on other Banks 1,505,360.38 Balances due from other Banks in Canada and the United States . 776,912.12 Balancesdue from Agents of the Bank in Great Britain 173,933.17 Dominion and Provincial Government Securi- ties 377,513.41 Canadian Municipal Securities, and British, or Foreign, or Colonial Public Securities; other than Canadian 3,189,756.27 Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks 785,017.07 Loans at Call, or Short Call, on nogettable Securities - 1,775,994.28 $12,647,972.14 Notes Discounted and Advances current .............. 19,023,003.91 Loans to other Banks In Canada, secured 254,417.16 Notes Discounted, oto, overdue (estimated loss provided for) 95,725.30 Bank Premises 1,233,173.00 Ofliee Furniture, Sates, ste, - 119,619.01 Real Estate (other than Bank Premises), Mortgages, etc. 116,814.30 Other Assets not included tinder foregoing heads, 69,512.20 433,610,837.27 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT The Balance at Credit of Profit and Loss Account, 30th November, 1907, was - The profits for the year ended 30th November, 1908, after deducting charges of management and making provision for bad and doubtful debts are. . s a + e . A . s + e Premium i'eeeived on noW Stock 0110M WiitCFt ttAVII DECLARED FOUR QIIAT1TERLT DIVIDENDS, IN ALL 10 PDR CY:NT'. Carried to Itesservo Fund from Premium on new Stoetc as above Written off Bank Premises Altowaboe to 1X-I'reelderit authorized by Shareholder8 Balance of Profit tend Loris carried forward ■ . r . a . . e . . . . • $211,019.70 $360,308,40 2,500,00 $580,758.10 $247,161.00 2,500.00 25,000.00 5,000.00 270,691.00 a a a . . . . $301.097.119 4.14.16 I1 ON. WM1. GIBSON' Proltideinte el, "i1JRNEIULLr t laoatorasidoit and Gonorttl Manager. ISARD'S JANUARY S'JOOK REDUCTION SALE. 20 Per Cent. Discount DURING THE MONTH. This is a great MONEY -SAVING chance for you. Don't MISS IT. Remelnber, this is a genuine reduc- tion, not off goods too highly priced, but off our CLOSE -CUT, EVERY -DAY SELLING PRICES. Come early—make your selection while stock is heavy. 20 per cent. 20 per cent.. 20 per cent. 20 per cent.. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. off Ladies' Fur Coats off Ladies' Fur -lined Coats off Ladies' Fur -lined Capes off Ladies' Coats off Ladies' Fur Ruffs. off Ladies' Fur Caps off Ladies' Fur Caperines off Ladies' Fur Muffs off Children's Coats off Girls' Tweed Coats YOUR 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Clothing Dept. CHOICE OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF CLOTHING. per per per per per per per per per per per cent. off Men's Overcoats cent. off Men's Suits cent, off Men's Fur Coats cent. off Men's Fur -lined Coats cent. off Men's Pants cent, off Men's Reefers cent. off Boys' Overcoats cent. off Boys' Suits cent. off Boys' Pants , • cent, off Boys' Reefers cent, off Men's Fur Caps Move quick and save 20 cts. on the dollar. . Our stock of CARPETS and RUGS is far too large and must be reduced before Spring stock arrives. In order to quickly reduce it we will give Twenty per cent. discount off— WOOL CARPETS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, BRUSSELS CARPETS, UNION CARPETS, WOOL RUGS, TAPESTRY RUGS, UNION RUGS, BRUSSELS RUGS, MATTINGS, ETC. Bring along your Butter, Eggs, Fowl and Dried Apples; taken as cash during this sale. Isard p W\M1ews ¶tenis ,2 ( 6.ivwwvv",•wwr.�rvwwv�nJ —R. L. Borden oppoees the sale of the Intercolonial. —Train service in the Nest is de- moralized by the cold weather. —Government snrveyors have laid out a township at Tort Churchill, —The Great Northern Railway will spend three trillions on its Vancouver terminals. —3. Lorne McDougall, formerly Au- ditor-Generel of Canada, died Jan. 15, from the effects of a na.ralytic stroke, —In several Ontario towns this year no tax collector was employed, but a bank was selected as receiver of taxes. The plan where tried was very suc- cessful. In Amherstbueg in six days $15,000 out of $19,000 taxes on the roll wore paid into the bank, —The 2 -year-old son of Herb. Clark, Raleigh Tp., fell orf a high chair, re- cently, sustaining painful injuries. The child's tongue was part way out of it's mouth, and in falling it caught on the arm of the chair and was al- most entirely torn out of the mouth. The child will recover. Great Danger In Headaches. It's often •dangerous to consider Headache a trifling ailment. If the head aches, the stomach is out of order and some serious disease may he impending. To tone up the storrn- a'eh, to give it healthy action nothing in modern medicines is so suceeseful as Dr. FIamnilton's Pills. The concentrat- ed vegetable extracts in Dr. Hamilton's Pills have a quieting healthful effect on the stomach and rernovee all die - melees. Your headache will he cared and they won't return, if you nse 1)r. Hamilton's Pills. Sold everytvhere, 4�a WE WANT TO HAND YOU OUR INTERESTING FREE BOOK About Qualifying Yourself for Successful Career. 'e learn the folly of onterind "business lite" without a "'business education"— reed cur Freo Catalogue. -, Why desirable to .conte tide "'vctneas eduoaa ,ion" tet Sorest City auetnese Cot,rce tead Catalogue. . big Whyy the bid *arsenals houses prbier P. C B C. graduates -read Catalogue This FREE 130011 explains in detail oto Commercial, Shorthandand'1ypewr'c Courses, Tells roily +'. C..5. C, mothe.s ei tnt,vetton qts auperier. Shows velu„ of Dane's. Educstnrs Ass soctetto• Diploma. Just send your neuro Bed address Catalogue will reach you promptly. 6tudenai 11W.etP�t�, Admitted Any ileal, a r ?.-•*1'1 .lid+'.��, �l'� r'f;Y'tt''a»� to- :•. , .�?� t rS,/ duo ?a ` tri," rs N ( .1de4 Ai, 44471/1 oil olden C lJ0, ' 4.44e� • 6410, Q r$nSsepe1 ined - The porcst City Bubitlipea & 3horihtiad College London, Ottietiw 3. WIC tp ttveli. 3. W. '44etp 1a tri C A, l Whitechurch Hardware Store News. We still have a few of those Gold Coin Cross Cut Saws left, $4.00, with handles ; fully warranted. Also some of Newland's Robes and Overcoats, which are the best value you can get for your money anywhere. Have you an outbuilding which needs a new Roof ? If so, call and get particulars about Amatite, mineral sur- faced roofing, which weighs 100 lbs. per square, and will only cost you $2.25 per square in lots of 20 squares or over. , Get ready for that cement job and get your cement here. The price will be away down this year, and we are ready for orders now. How would you like to have the best music and sing- ing which the cities of New York or London can produce, right in your own home, and just as clear and natural as if the living artists were there. Well, if you get an Edi- son Phonograph, you can have it. If you don't believe it, call and we will convince you ; hearing is believing. J. T. HoImeS - Whitechurch . SEEDS FREE A package of seed of the D. & H. Colossal White Sugar Beet will be given you free if you write for our handsome new 1909 Catalogue. This beet grows to an immense size, is easily har- vested, and yields 1,500 to 2,000 bushels to the acre in ordinary soil. Makes cows yield more milk, a 9attcns hogs quicker. If preferred we will send you a package of our Russian Giant Let- tuce or Ostritch Feather Aster seed instead of the sugar beet seed. Write to -day and name your choice, also mention name of this paper. Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd., London, Ont. east Wawanosh. The first meeting of oonnoil for 1909 was held in J3elgrave, Jan. 11, the znewbere being Wm. J. Parks, reeve, and Messrs. Janes Owning, John 011- 1espie, Peter W. Scott and Robert J. McGee, councillors. Having each sev- erally subscribed to the declaration of qualification and of office, the Reeve in the chair, the minutes of last meeting in 1908 were read and con- firmed, 0uming--Scott--That Alex. Porter- field be reappointed clerk at his form- er salary of $110 --carried. Gillespie---McGee.-That Finlay An- derson be reappointed Treasurer, at his former salary of 5100 ; this amount to include postage, etc,—carried. James W. Bone and John S. Scott were appointed auditors for 1908; sal- ary $8.00—carried. Beard of health for 1909:—.The Reeve and Clerk, Thomas Straughan reelected for 8� years, James McCal- lum and James Mc(tee for 2 years and 1 year, respectively. Dr. Hamilton, Belgrave, M. i3. 0. Scott—McGee—That the assessor's salary be placed at $05.00, this amount to include postage and sta- tionery—carried. Curring—Gillespie—That Wm. Rob- inson be again appointed assessor for the current year, Moved in amendment by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr, McGee, that the ap- pointment of assessor be deferred till next meeting of council and that writ- ten applications for that office be re- ceived by the clerk up to that date. For the motion—enuring and Gilles- pie. For the amendment—Scott, Mc- Gee and Parks. Request from J. Ross Robertson re- ceived soliciting afurther donation in aid of the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, was read. Resolved—That as formerly, $5.00 be given for that pur- pose. Request from the Manager of the Sterling Bank, Auburn, received, ask- ing for a share of the Tp. business— filed. The Dominion Bank, Wingbam, re- ported that the balance at the credit of the Treasurer's account on Dec. 31st last, amounted to $1154.37 ; also a bal- ance of a special drain account of $200.24. The Treasurer presented a state- ment of the amount realized on the sale of the Hallahau Drain Deben- tures, same being as follows :— Amount of face value $2,500.00; pre- mium on same, along with accrued in- terest to Dec. 16, 1908, $257.85, making in all a total of $2757.85. The clerk was instructed to order 7 copies of the Municipal World for use of the council, clerk and treasurer. By,Law No. 1, 1909, ratifying the appointment of Clerk, Treasurer, Au- ditors and Board of Health for the current year, and By -Law No. 2, 1909, appointing the council road commis- sioners for 1909, both duly read and passed. Debentures were issued for payment of the following amounts :—The Muni- cipal World election supplies, 32.51; Municipal World, 7 subscriptions to paper, $5 75 ; J. L. Kerr, Blyth, bal- ance of printing contract, 1908, $21.10 ; J. T. Holmes, Whitechurch, repairs to road grader, 90e; Geo, Cottle, White- church, repairing culvert and furnish- ing material for culvert on Western Boundary, $227; Frank Gutteridge. Winghatn, tile, $101.71; Alex. Porter- field, expenses of last municipal elec- tion, 544.00; Alex. Porterfield, salary as clerk, 1908, $110.00; Alex. Porter- field, postage, stationery, etc., $10.00 ; Sick Children's Hospital, '$5,00; F. Anderson, extra work in connection with Drainage Debentures, $9.00; P. W. Scott, ditto, $1.50; W, J. Parks, ditto, $2.00; Wm. Walden, part pay- ment gravelling sideline 33 and 34, con. 4, 515.00. The council then adjourned to meet again on Monday, Feb. 8th next, at 10 o'clock, a.m. Alex. Porterfield, clerk. Have You Warts ? 'You can cure them painlessly by Putnam's Corn and Wart Extractor. Never known to fail. Be sure you get "Putnam's" in 25c bottles. ;410 gSe'. '.g ` ;'A't'e ..—sSY?e,..q ,ati-.4.,:,•.e•ry Rx, fi•. SY 5... e?"c'. •.:: . ",�..,r •. ».. L .-:heti•.. .144 F K•;r TFJ GI Y 0 ti YASE W E10111911 A NUAL. STATEMENT As submitted to the Shareholders at the Aaaual Meeting held at the Head Office of the Bank, at Ham'lton, Monday, January I8th, 1909. BARD OF DIRECTORS FOP 1909 GEORGE RUTHERFORD. J. TURNBULL, Vice -President & General Manager. .'!ION. J. S. HENDRIE, C.V.O. CYRUS A. BIRGE. W. A. WOOD. HON. WM. GIBSON, President. C. C. DALTON. LIABILITIES To Tho Public Notes of the Bank in circulation $ 2,384,342.00 Deposits bearing Interest, including interest accrued to date $21,103,968,03 Deposits not bearing interest 4,589,423.06 Balances due to other Banks in Canada and the United States Dividend No. 7S, payable Ist December, 1903 $61,821.50 Former Dividends unpaid 240.50 To Tho Shareholders Capital Stock $2,472,860.00 Reserve Fund 2,472,860.00 Amount reserved fpr Rebate of Interest on Current I311Is Discounted 75,000.00 Balance of profits carried forward 801,007,19 25,783,391.09 69,218.99 62,003.00 $28,289,020.03 5,321,817.19 $33,610,837.27 ASSETS Gold and Silver Coin $ 553,714.44 Dominion Government NQtos.., 3,370,771.00 $3,938,485.44 Deposit with the Dominion Government as Security for Note Circulation 125,000.00 Notes of and Cheques on other Banks 1,505,360.38 Balances due from other Banks in Canada and the United States . 776,912.12 Balancesdue from Agents of the Bank in Great Britain 173,933.17 Dominion and Provincial Government Securi- ties 377,513.41 Canadian Municipal Securities, and British, or Foreign, or Colonial Public Securities; other than Canadian 3,189,756.27 Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks 785,017.07 Loans at Call, or Short Call, on nogettable Securities - 1,775,994.28 $12,647,972.14 Notes Discounted and Advances current .............. 19,023,003.91 Loans to other Banks In Canada, secured 254,417.16 Notes Discounted, oto, overdue (estimated loss provided for) 95,725.30 Bank Premises 1,233,173.00 Ofliee Furniture, Sates, ste, - 119,619.01 Real Estate (other than Bank Premises), Mortgages, etc. 116,814.30 Other Assets not included tinder foregoing heads, 69,512.20 433,610,837.27 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT The Balance at Credit of Profit and Loss Account, 30th November, 1907, was - The profits for the year ended 30th November, 1908, after deducting charges of management and making provision for bad and doubtful debts are. . s a + e . A . s + e Premium i'eeeived on noW Stock 0110M WiitCFt ttAVII DECLARED FOUR QIIAT1TERLT DIVIDENDS, IN ALL 10 PDR CY:NT'. Carried to Itesservo Fund from Premium on new Stoetc as above Written off Bank Premises Altowaboe to 1X-I'reelderit authorized by Shareholder8 Balance of Profit tend Loris carried forward ■ . r . a . . e . . . . • $211,019.70 $360,308,40 2,500,00 $580,758.10 $247,161.00 2,500.00 25,000.00 5,000.00 270,691.00 a a a . . . . $301.097.119 4.14.16 I1 ON. WM1. GIBSON' Proltideinte el, "i1JRNEIULLr t laoatorasidoit and Gonorttl Manager. ISARD'S JANUARY S'JOOK REDUCTION SALE. 20 Per Cent. Discount DURING THE MONTH. This is a great MONEY -SAVING chance for you. Don't MISS IT. Remelnber, this is a genuine reduc- tion, not off goods too highly priced, but off our CLOSE -CUT, EVERY -DAY SELLING PRICES. Come early—make your selection while stock is heavy. 20 per cent. 20 per cent.. 20 per cent. 20 per cent.. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. off Ladies' Fur Coats off Ladies' Fur -lined Coats off Ladies' Fur -lined Capes off Ladies' Coats off Ladies' Fur Ruffs. off Ladies' Fur Caps off Ladies' Fur Caperines off Ladies' Fur Muffs off Children's Coats off Girls' Tweed Coats YOUR 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Clothing Dept. CHOICE OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF CLOTHING. per per per per per per per per per per per cent. off Men's Overcoats cent. off Men's Suits cent, off Men's Fur Coats cent. off Men's Fur -lined Coats cent. off Men's Pants cent, off Men's Reefers cent. off Boys' Overcoats cent. off Boys' Suits cent. off Boys' Pants , • cent, off Boys' Reefers cent, off Men's Fur Caps Move quick and save 20 cts. on the dollar. . Our stock of CARPETS and RUGS is far too large and must be reduced before Spring stock arrives. In order to quickly reduce it we will give Twenty per cent. discount off— WOOL CARPETS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, BRUSSELS CARPETS, UNION CARPETS, WOOL RUGS, TAPESTRY RUGS, UNION RUGS, BRUSSELS RUGS, MATTINGS, ETC. Bring along your Butter, Eggs, Fowl and Dried Apples; taken as cash during this sale. Isard p W\M1ews ¶tenis ,2 ( 6.ivwwvv",•wwr.�rvwwv�nJ —R. L. Borden oppoees the sale of the Intercolonial. —Train service in the Nest is de- moralized by the cold weather. —Government snrveyors have laid out a township at Tort Churchill, —The Great Northern Railway will spend three trillions on its Vancouver terminals. —3. Lorne McDougall, formerly Au- ditor-Generel of Canada, died Jan. 15, from the effects of a na.ralytic stroke, —In several Ontario towns this year no tax collector was employed, but a bank was selected as receiver of taxes. The plan where tried was very suc- cessful. In Amherstbueg in six days $15,000 out of $19,000 taxes on the roll wore paid into the bank, —The 2 -year-old son of Herb. Clark, Raleigh Tp., fell orf a high chair, re- cently, sustaining painful injuries. The child's tongue was part way out of it's mouth, and in falling it caught on the arm of the chair and was al- most entirely torn out of the mouth. The child will recover. Great Danger In Headaches. It's often •dangerous to consider Headache a trifling ailment. If the head aches, the stomach is out of order and some serious disease may he impending. To tone up the storrn- a'eh, to give it healthy action nothing in modern medicines is so suceeseful as Dr. FIamnilton's Pills. The concentrat- ed vegetable extracts in Dr. Hamilton's Pills have a quieting healthful effect on the stomach and rernovee all die - melees. Your headache will he cared and they won't return, if you nse 1)r. Hamilton's Pills. Sold everytvhere, 4�a WE WANT TO HAND YOU OUR INTERESTING FREE BOOK About Qualifying Yourself for Successful Career. 'e learn the folly of onterind "business lite" without a "'business education"— reed cur Freo Catalogue. -, Why desirable to .conte tide "'vctneas eduoaa ,ion" tet Sorest City auetnese Cot,rce tead Catalogue. . big Whyy the bid *arsenals houses prbier P. C B C. graduates -read Catalogue This FREE 130011 explains in detail oto Commercial, Shorthandand'1ypewr'c Courses, Tells roily +'. C..5. C, mothe.s ei tnt,vetton qts auperier. Shows velu„ of Dane's. Educstnrs Ass soctetto• Diploma. Just send your neuro Bed address Catalogue will reach you promptly. 6tudenai 11W.etP�t�, Admitted Any ileal, a r ?.-•*1'1 .lid+'.��, �l'� r'f;Y'tt''a»� to- :•. , .�?� t rS,/ duo ?a ` tri," rs N ( .1de4 Ai, 44471/1 oil olden C lJ0, ' 4.44e� • 6410, Q r$nSsepe1 ined - The porcst City Bubitlipea & 3horihtiad College London, Ottietiw 3. WIC tp ttveli. 3. W. '44etp 1a tri C A, l