HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-01-07, Page 3C 20 Per dent DISCOUNT We are ushering in the New Year by giving remarkable values in certain lines which we are anxious to reduce before stock -taking. 20 Per Cent. Discount On all Men's and Boy& Suits, Men's and Boys' Oyercoats, Pants, Vests, Odd Coats, Overshoes, Lum- bermen's Rubbers, Lined Mitts and Claves, 5o and + 75 cent Wool Underwear, Winter Caps, Heavy Top 1 Shirts, and a number of other lines. 4 1 1 1 1 The quality of our goods is widely known. You. should avail yourself of this opportunity of saving money. McGee & Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers .y: 1 1 3 1 a tal • •A•$..,♦t••••r••,••••••4•• Goal Coal We are sole agents for the celebrated Scranton Coal, which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and Do- mestic Coal and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. Residence Phone, No. 55 Office " No. 64 Mill " No.44 We carry a fall stock of Lumber (dressed or undres- sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts, Barrels, etc. Highest Price Paid for all kinds of Logs. 4.444-......4444441.4141.44.4404144 114414.44.401,440414141.4/444,410•411101 J. Al MoLEAN 11111111111.11111 OMs 0 M einE1111110 • TWO STORES TWO STORES Bargains dor Janu'ry The Following Bargains Are Offered . For January Only 8 Good practical Hammers, cast steel, folly tempered, each 35c 6 Good Hand Saws, 24 in. long, with ruled back, each750 Of all the Saws you ever saw, you never saw a Saw that saws like this Saw saws, 6 Steel Wire Halter Chains, 4.. ft. Iong, each 20c BREAD KNIVE3.—This knife will cut frosted cake without cracking or crumbling, hot or cold bread is cut equally well, superior as a cold ham slicer, each 30c 3 Only, Soap Stone Cutter Warmers ; these Stones will hold the heat 12 hours on the coldest winter day, each 40c I8 Polished 4 Tine Manure Forks, "D" handle, each..... G0c 1 Dozen Handled Axes, each 750 ENAMELED WARE. --Soap Dishes, each 1Sc I 1 PiiNoo 44,49:alrt ae rnhirteaesveeTr nt Drinking Dr n n Cup ].Oc p M ettles; each �Se _ E ettles, each 3$0 interesting price on Skates and Carpet Sweepers. °Rememb� ' emem e For � � o JanuaryI Only, 1 Alex. Voung & Co. ITHE BIGHARDWARE W`I.�.\ GRAM w ONTARIO O STORES TWO STORES 0 01.1100100 Tab b W ''G EE M ADVANCE, T DAY, JANET T Our Entire Stock of Ladies' Coats Will Positively Be Sold at Cost. SEASONADL.I I'OU.Dq"RY HINTS, A writer in .the Poultry. Review gives the following :— These are the days when we meet fellow -poultrymen with the usual "How's the hens laying ?" One gets all kinds of -answers such as, "Doing pretty good Pm feeding beef .heads," or, "Oh, I don't knew, I'm not forcing there just at present:.' One thing I'm pretty near` sure of, and that is "beef heads or no beef heads," you can't get eggs out of a poor layer, She's like a trust, magnate — soonest fatten than wot 1, One sees lots of advertisements re- garding wonderful recipes providing feed at 10 or 0 cents per bushel, I'll tell you a good one, and you needn't. send the dollar either. We boiled 00 pounds of wheat, and after pday's soaking, took out no less than 2.77 lbs. of boiled grain. In boiling grain, one itis to be careful to provide sufficient water, as it will soak up an incredi- ble quantity. Regarding the palata- bility of boiled wheat, one has only to see the manner in which hens, ducks, geese and pigeons "dig in" when it is placed before them. Arlt feeding dry mash to most of breeding pens at present, and it is a ration that hens seem to take kindly to-1-tbjrd by weight of barley -meal, low-grade flour and bran ; feed in box nailed to the wall, said box being filled at noon daily, just a common, oblong box, with the top off and holding about 8 pints of mash. This seems sufficiently largo enough for a pen of 20 hens. I noticed it last winter, and also this, and that is, if you have any hens or pullets with colds, you will find upon feeling their crops at night that near- ly all are empty. They are too fever- ish to eat, and therefore really need hand feeding for a day or two, or plac- ed where they can get their share without molestation. Have recently been digging up arti- chokes. They are greatly relished by the bens, especially if you cut open one or two to give them a start. MISERY IN STOMACH. Why not start now—today, and for- ever cid yourself of Stomach trouble and Indigestion? A. dieted stomach gets the blues and grumbles. Give it a good eat, then take Pape's Diapep- sin to start the digestive juices work- ing. There will be no dyspepsia or }.rel'ching of gas or eructations of undi- gested food ; no feeling like a lump of lead in the stomach or heartburn, sick headache and dizziness, and your food will not ferment and poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Diapepsin costs only 50 cents for a ]at•ge ease at any drug store here, and will relieve the most obstin- ate case of Indigestion and upset stomach in five minutes. There is nothing else better to take gas from stomach and cleanse the stomach and intestines, and besides, one triangula will digest and prepare for assimilation into tho blood all your food the same as a sound, healthy stomach would do it. When Diapepsin works your stom- ach rests—gets itself in order, cleans up—and then you feel like eating when yon come to the table, and what you eat will do you good. Absolute relief from all stomach tnisery is waiting for you as soon as you decide to begin taking Diapepsin. Pell your druggist that you want Pape's Diapepsin, because you want to be thoroughly cured of indigestion. • A Century Of Progress In China. 1807. One Protestant missionary. Not one Protestant convert. Bible unknown. No Hospitals. °t Opium. trade unmolested. Foot -binding general among Chi- nese women. Western learning unknown. No daily newspapers. No railroads. 1007. More than 3,000 Protestant mission- aries. More than 150,000 Protestant com- municants estimated, New Testatnent studied with the classics in the government schools in some of the provinces. More than 300 hospitals, 'Use of opium to be abolished in ten years. Foot -binding custom under the ban of the Empress, New system of education establish- ed in each of the 18 provinces. Daily newspapers in every import- ant city. 0,000 miles of railroads in operation or construction.—Selected. x. -+1.4:+F+ Croup Quickly Cured. Don't Let the Child Choke to Death While Waiting for the Doctor. Hyomei, the miraculous, antiseptic dry air treatment, will cure croup in either e the first or second. stages. Easi- ly inhaled, even when the breathing is irregnitte, it reaches more promptly than any other remedy the terribly inflamed membrane of the windpipe. Its soothing balsams act in'unediatoty, the in flttnttnetiott is allayed andthe swelling reduced. Geo. II. Hing, of 22 wellington St., South Woodstock, soya ; "We would not think of keeping house without fiyorne . It has 'warded off colds, croup, coughs and sorb throats for all of our three children many and many a time. When a ehikd breather? badly and thro►tg h the mouth and the glands lands around the eyes and nose ebnitOehett to swell, then is the time that we flnd the, Hyontei quickly relieves the troti- ble and gots the bronchial tubes, lungs and throat cleared up." 1lyontel (pronounced high-o-rne) is guaranteed by 3. Walton McKibben LO oar0 catarrh, oonghs, colds, asthtrte, bronehitie and croup, or trtoney back. A complete outfit, including a neat hard rubber pocket inhaler, costs only $1.00. Ari extra bottle of ftytsnael, if afterwards needed, eats but 50 eta. RY 7, 1909 The whole stock is brand new goods, all this season's make, bought for spot cash from the best makers, therefor the bargains offered. here are unequalled by any house, even in the large cities, On, Saturday morning, December the Fifth, this Great Sale will open and continue from day to day until the last garment is sold --"first come, best served,' 7 While this Great Sale is going on, every other depart- ment of aur attractive stocks will be carefully looked after, particular attention being paid to our pew and very attrac- tive Christmas goods. Come and see them. Trade as usual and Cash always. Compliments of the Season to each and all, - D. M. GORDON *www,mmilA Whitechurch Hardware Store News. Do You Want A Gasoline Engine ? We have the .Agency for the very best that money can buy— The Fairbanks Morse Engine. Be sure and get our prices before buying elsewhere. Do You Want A New Roof For Your House Or Barn? We sell them. Safe Look galvanized shingles, corrugated roof- ing, or Amatile mineral surfaced. Do You Want Anything In The Hardware Line ? From a Stove Bolt to a carload of Cement, you can get it here. Do You Want The Best And Cheapest Music Money Can Buy ? You can get it here, in the shape of an Edison Phonograph and Records. The city of Toronto is all agog over the visit of Harry Lander, the world-renowned comic singer of Sootch songs. The oitizens of Whitechuroh have been listening to and enjoying this great singer for over six months. and yon can hear him sing his very best songs in your own home at a very small expense, and hear him as often as you like, if you are the happy owner of an Edison. J. T. Holmes - Whitechurch An Army Anecdote. An Irish soldier on sentry duty had orders to allow no one to smoke near his post, An officer with a lighted cigar approached, whereupon Pat boldly challenged him and ordered him to put it out at once. The officer, with a gesture of disgust, threw away his cigar, but no sooner was his back turned than Pat picked it up and quietly retired to the sentry box. The officer, happening to look round, ob- served a beautiful cloud of smoke issu- ing from the box. He at once chal- lenged Pat for smoking on duty. Pat repliet--"Smoking, is it, sorr? Bedad and I'm only keeping; it lit to show to the corporal when he comes, as evi- dence against you." Lost An Eye. Mr, Robt. Alexatadei' of Britton met' -1:\1P with a serious accident last week, which has deprived .him of ono of his i eyes. In entering his house he trip - ped on the steps and in falling his eye oak street the latch of the storm door, " which was standing open. Ile was taken to Stratford Hospital, and on 11londay the injured eye was removed. Expensive Foxes, . Jas, Fennell of Amaranth intends to make a little money out of the some- what unusual enterprise of raising foxes, IIe went over to Petrolia recently to inspect a kennel there, whero the quarters built for Reynard are of cement and underground. He saw a black fox which was valued at $1,800, and a silver gray one, worth a quarter of that money, Rubber Heels ,And Bananas. • Says a physician :—For nervousness, I prescribe baked bananas and rubber heels. The jar given to the spine in walking by the continual clamp, clamp of a heel of leather, is the chief cause of nervous disorders. Hence the rubber heel that I prescribe, which removes this cause. Heels, anyway, are unnecessary. They orig- inated in Persia—a protection, you know, against the red hot desert sands—bet we have no red hot sands, so why the heel ? Baked bananas make a. dish that for nourishing and calming qualities are unexcelled. If you are very shaky from overindul- gence in coffee or tea, or alcohol either, try a dish of them. - Iiff you suffer from Pies the experience of (yrs Wm 11(it-.S. _ thousands leads to one definite conclusion-- - that. the Surest, way to relief is The Zanr-flute way ! Surely you - believe that nature provides somewhere, a care for all nature's ills! • Zam-Buk is the refined and concentrated t.ssene s of healing herb;' -nature's • bairn. Theoretically it. should be good. Analysts and doctors agree . on this. Practically as well as theoretically it. is good. Thcusands ▪ of people in four continents bear testimony. lt.eatl these cases :- 1 wnt. Hughes, of z53, licehclaga Smut, liit chela},a, Montreal, says :—" I - suffered from blind, itching, and protruding piers for leafs-. Sometimes they were so bad that Icould hardly bear to move nix u t 1 he fantation, the burning • smarting pain, the throbbing, the aching, the over -1 owt ring feelings t f dultcss and dark despair which this ailment brings, the shooting spasms of a) ony—all were so terrible that only sufferers from this awful ailment can undcrs tand 1 ' 13ad as this ease was, Zun.Ouk triumphal, and Mrs. Hughes suffers no longer. *Mrs. E. Iloxalt, of Scott Street, St. llamas, says t---" i••cr months without ccssa- - tion 1 endured great pain froth bleeding piles. r as many months I tried everything • which I thought would give me case, but in the end, dispirited and will suffering 1 • gave Ia." Then it was she heard of Zam-iluk, and she adds :—" Althougli I feared Zani-f uk would be like the ordinary rcntc,ries—u.,eltss--•I on glad it was not. It soon 1-,1 avcd itself to be very different. It rapidiy gave me relief, Ind alto' a tin e t:used n to con.l,lt'tly. { X would like to ht all sufferers from piles priors v het e grprd thing Zn,n•l3ak Idr. Thos, Carr, of Ellesmere Street, Runcorn, rays t.-•" 1 first began to s•ufferItem pilar through sitting an damp grass ono summer, and for yr MS 1 t•r.dnred agony frs m i this terrible complaint. Sometimes T would be l•cctrit'dt s for a- 1 ng es a month at a - stretch. Yet, to -day, t never safter from piles 1 Zasn• link cured ate, to stay curt& e end I bless the day I first tried it 1" Y So ons could go en quoting case stir case •anti it is by waking stip cures tl.et Zorn -link has earned for itself its great reputation. Now if you suffer from this terribly painful ailment just be guided l.y the foregoing icasts 1 Don't delay 1 Don't waste time on things said to bo"just as good." Oct _, the real genuine Zan -Bele and start out on the way to health 1 • ZanE-Ita'k is a taro also for cold. aon•s, and chapps d tt.telced btntla, nlcars, f. steriag snres,bluod- a ttrt.a. l taa ars suodl a ap burn,raI b, drRtY's ♦ at atisroaak or.ti post Tree from lath- k Cts. Toronto, for price ; 3 boars for ,$r.z,S . Cnt out attathrd coupon and ma 1 +rats r e. ata hp ftn pea return .ostago) to Zant.ltnlc Co., Toronto, togother curb naris ud dsie of this paper and a Free Smola.) box will be sent you. tv taint MAKE IT YOURSELF.. There is so much Rheumatism here in our neighborhood now that the fol- lowing advice will be highly appre- ciated. by those who suffer : Get from any good pharmacy one- half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces of Compound Syrup Sarsapa- rilla. Shake these well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime ; also drink plenty of good water. It is claimed that there are few vic- tims of this dread and torturous dis- • ease who will fail to find ready relief In this.. simple home-made mixture, and in most cases a permanent cure is the result. This simple recipe is said to streng- then and cleanse the eliminative tis- sues of the Kidneys so that they can filter and strain from the blood and system the poisons, acids, and waste matter, which cause not only Rheu- matism, but numerous other diseases. Every man or woman here who feels that their kidneys are not healthy and active, or who suffers from any urin- ary trouble whatever should not hesi- tate to make up this mixture, as it is certain to do much good, and may save you from much misery and suf- fering after while. Our home druggists say they will either supply the ingredients or mix the prescription ready to take if our readers ask them. Clinton. The Jackson Mfg. Co. has on its pay -roll 132 people, 100 being in Clin- ton, and the products of the factory are quite popular. Edward. Walsh, West Wawanosh, aged '70 years, and John Sutton, aged 34, Exeter, were admitted to the House of Refuge last week. Edwin, eldest son of Mrs. G. M. Kit- ty, passed away at noon on Friday last at the age of nineteen years. His death was due to diabetes. The inmates of the House of Refuge hada special and sumptuous Christ- mas dinner, and enjoyed just as heart- ily as people in more fortuitous cir- cumstances. Another old resident of Clinton passed away on Sunday last in the person of Mrs. David Robertson, aged 75 years. She had been ailing for four or five years, paralysis being the cause of her death. Clinton Council was elected by ac- clamation. Mr. Wiltse is mayor and the following are the councillors :—T, Jackson, A. T. Cooper, J. Taylor, W. Graham, J. A. Ford, A. J. Holloway. Messrs. Hall, Hale, Cottle and Jack- son were unopposed for the school board. A load of Polled Angus cattle was shipped recently by Mr. G. Coughlin from Clinton to London, England. They were purchased from Mr. John Ransford, and according to the esti- mate of all good judges were the best load ,of cattle ever shipped from Clin- ton. They averaged a little over 1450 lbs. ExPLosIoN.—An explosion, due to some defect in an acetylene gas plant, resulting in a fire, destroyed the resi- dence of Mr. D. A. Forrester and in- flicted injuries to him that necessitat- ed his removal to the hospital. Mr. Forrester sustained numer•ouh burns about the face, hands and body, which will confine him to his bed for some weeks. The explosion occurred while he was renewing the plant. Ile had taken the usual precautions to pre- vent an accident and was quite fami- liar with the working of the appara- tus, which was installed some months ago. Without a moment's warning the gas exploded with a terrific roar, the force being so great as to raise the kitchen floor, in which part, of the house Mrs. Forrester and daughter were working. They' were only slightly injured, but Mr, Forrester was throcvir with • such violence against the wall that he was partly stunned. His wife and daughter rushed to the cellar and removed him ' to the open In a semi -unconscious con, ditton. The gas immediately ignited through spontaneous combustion, it Is thought, and before neighbors ar- rived the lower portion of the house was in flames, 'Despite their efforts to cheek the fire, the house was barn, ed, and with diflicttlty the other buildings caved. Mr. Forrester's home was just outside the corporation and was a tnndel farm -house. Itis loss will exceed $3,000. Dr. HamiltonsC C u ire For pimples. Alt skirt diseases such as pimples originate through failure of the kid- neys )xnd levet, All taints that block the avenues of health must be remov- ed. Dr. Thtanllton';r Fills do this quickly, they cleanser the system, make the skin smooth, restore roses• to the cheeks and give Clear, . dainty complexion. 1<or good looks, good health and good spirits there is noth- ing so 'sire as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 25c at all dealers. REDUCTION SALEI 20 Per Cent. Discount DURING THE .MONTH.. This is a great MONEY -SAVING chance for you, Don't MISS IT. Remember, this is a genuine reduc- tion, not off goods too highly priced, but off our CLOSE -CUT, EVERY -DAY SELLING PRICES. Conte early ---make your selection while stock is heavy. 20 per cent. off Ladies' Fur Coats 20 per cent. off Ladies' Fur -lined Coats 20 per cent. off Ladies' Fur -lined Capes 20 per cent. off Ladies' Coats 20 per cent. off Ladies' Fur Ruffs. 20 per cent. off Ladies' Fur Caps 20 per cent. off Ladies' Fur Caperines 20 per cent. off Ladies' Fur Muffs 20 per cent. off Children's Coats 20 per cent. off Girls' Tweed Coats YOUR 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Clothing Dept. CHOICE OF WORTH per per per per per per per per per per per cent. cent. cent. cent, cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS OF CLOTHING. off Men's Overcoats off Men's Suits off Men's Fur Coats off Men's Fur -lined Coats off Men's Pants off Men's Reefers off Boys' Overcoats off Boys' Suits off Boys' Pants off Boys' Reefers off Men's Fur Caps Move quick and save 20 cts. on the dollar. Our stock of CARPETS and RUGS is far too large and must .be reduced before Spring stock arrives. In order to quickly reduce it we will give Twenty per cent. discount off— WOOL CARPETS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, BRUSSELS CARPETS, UNION CARPETS,. WOOL RUGS, TAPESTRY RUGS, UNION RUGS, BRUSSELS RUGS, MATTINGS, ETC. - Bring along your Butter, Eggs, Fowl and Dried Apples; taken as cash during this sale. oraa isard r co. �.::.csC:�ieT.: Yya. ,.,z..•.w.,,csy'Stu�3.R`^si%�y'cw�•"''��'�'.W •°.: na44:e-*t:sm_: ti 'iza= • - sins o better b� — you ean, and save worry and f lei, too, with this range. AREyou having bad luck with your 'baking ? Most likely it's the fault of your range. No matter how good the cook, hots perfect the recipe, you can't expect suc- cess from an unevenly heated oven. Imperial xfO d Range S: ries makes experts out of the most inexper- ienced cooks. That is because the oven is evenly heated and perfectly ventilated. The Gurney -Oxford divided flue keeps the oven just as hot in the front as at the back ---that means perfectly even baking arid roasting. 100 Then the Gurney -Oxford reversible grate saves fuel and gives you a quick bright fire. Nothing but fine white, thoroughly -burnt ashes get through it. Call in and see the Imperial Oxford Range --let us explain these and other important features of its construction which make it the one best range for your kitchen. You'll have a real warm home all winter with this heater 1f you had a eeid house last winter—burnt up too much coat— found that the most 3f the heat was going tip the chimney just call in and inspect the GU '_N Y *X1t'O D .Art Laurel Base Burner It conserves the hent generated—radiates it into the renin.—draws the cold air from the floor anti thoroughly heats it. No other heater will get so much heat out of tho coal it burns and hoptuck of thatbest o n ca in the room. The Ari � will 1 a t Laurel it do this because it has the largest and horst direct radiating surface. of any heater on the market. We want to tell you all about this heater—will you call in boon. The Gurney Foundry Co, Limited, Toronto tUtt at,".1 LIk'1"'•1tEttii ioasuR':I: a.A.464 J'h41164.. WM, 3. BOYCI , WINOF1AM. ____44011168„,. as ■ 8 .t