HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-12-24, Page 641-.- 4 -, — ., I � . I - I 1. I - �', ;F� �j��"77',' `_ , , - - ' �� _'F11!I7, "': ;IT., - . 4�,%, . W I . ; 4.1 � 1. . . , .. " ., " , . , , �V` ' 1 �`-177`u 1,N7.7 7T,0MRTWtVW"11 I . .. 6 1 774r ,4'.,�, I � I , ,4 _� , I " . :7 1 41 . f, , - .'x : t.... 4V � . � , . I I � . �� . . .. . I . �I I . - ­ � - . - W . . , I 8 THE WINGRAM ADVANOB, THUTWDAY, DE CEMBER 24, 1908. 1. . -_ - I I . - � ====_== - _ . � ­ I- I ­ ­ 11.1 ­ .1 -11.1 1. . �. I . � 1 I � , 1. ._,_,_M&.__ . .. � I.. . ..- I . ___­­ . ��= , -1 . . � � _1� . - Luc,know. : Turnberry,. East Wawanosh.. I I I . - Lower Wtogbam.. whitechurch, I – __ ­ I .. 'l;. , I .1 -1 1. 1. ­.. ".., � .. . I ­­ I. I , . I � Ur. A. Clow lo,st blis driver, It* Mr. Turris, oAlgAnizar for the O.O-F,,--L Those Who hemo M4 their taxes, The Township 0outwil bad ek very, . � � F I 110, - �" . I I week. IS dolliggooil work for 0ourt Sher. had better do 00 betorpe 102 closett, or bn4y 4ay In Belertive, V00. 15, that beall --- I 14.111. III '. . .- I Miss Georil"a phippen will spend wood thio week" they wIllhave, to pay the cost of coll, Ing tbe'big wind-up slay of the year. .-.,. -, ­­ ­­­' '" "o 1 O' CUT1440" W thbor diter in Palowy. Min X, X. Uatolilson 14 spending . - Xmas. with friends At BrAntrol � .4'. An assembly- will be bold at tile, lection. So s4ith the Collector, III Wditiou to A. l4rge notabor of sruall ,� 11 Mrs. rhippen. Lien., 14 In very poor Town flittl o4 the evening of New 'rho municipal pot began to elmuler accounts Which will appearin the fin. ane .ohelors of town, last Week, At first It WOO tbOUK anclal gitatextient vbortly, Connelly & Clothing I Clothing health, Ana at the adv ed 0,00 of $I Mrs. Jr. 0. Holmes 'Wont to 313raut- Y�ar's PAY by the Ba � lit , � I TaylorwAndepson Cow IV 4rowing feeble, ford on Tuesday to spend, XwA96 with The Luckno . would be Reeve, but Co. were Paid S40,00, part payment on w Orchestra will furnish Jill, N _ , . - ban , Win ., 0 A bold her brotheri, the musical part of the ovent. he has = to retire, &04 D.,blof. the kapa 4 .,. and W, A L g a , , � A cottage ,prayer -pleating wAs gglestone of Call nf Blyth $?47. 00, on the -Tolinson drain,,, 0DI * . only , . In Mr. HaWs boine on Thursday even- Wm. B ,Katy Is bome Mr. and Mrs. Adam Johnston, who fatt Antiouncols. III$ Intention of tryin 1I The 6 , ontraot on tho1ohnsim drain Is y L I Al I T E D Iii&, by Mr. H, Detials. . for Xotas t,and Robt, Rosi, jv,, 14 home , his chapoos. Arthur Wheeler wi , were united, In mArriage, on Tuesd" likely be a can Dow completed, 49 Is also 016. main . ,.. I , I _00 I I I - from HA�. ney., Man, of last week, are now pettled In their didato for the Coult- p rtion of the H*Ilalwn 4raio., the � � -1 " i Out, AqWeuly closed its doors on Mr, And Mrq� ago, Cottle And two ew e T y w oil 4.nd should make a, good run, 0 ,cheo bein asyet I i � , a how , he ere tendered A ' goo � Ttiesd&y, and bid. the kids. eiijoy their . I , . IT there is a ruinov that W. north and south bran I children of Calgary, Alta.. are ,.,pend, reception on Friday evening at, the t, C unfinished, $100,00 was paid Me cotim; holl4ays. When the school opens on . . .. ralUsbanks will be 4, candidate a , love, w ing Ill,, Winter with TO. Vottle'o par-. home of Mr. ,Tas. Johnston of Ash. for the Reeveabip" It so, be will tratotor for tile delivered for the north � ;fall. 0h Miss Musgi , ill wield the ants in Whitechurch. They arrived field, branch on the Hallahan 4taln, as wAs . bItch, -And It is said some of the Jear , . . Make then't All sit I'P' He i"A".1081 a 41-11io a check for $110.82, in favor of little urchins would be improved by a, on Satar4ay, A number of Westerners returned -good Reeve and his exterleace in If e Istiao Brown of Myth, for conorete Exclust*ve Clothiers. I few applications. Now then boys Dano�o Are the order of the day. this wee]; and last to enjoy the Xmas. municipal matters, wotild e valuable tile, for culverts thioughout the Tow. n. . I who speikka first? Last TuesdAy night 4 Up. StAplotoo'e, season with frien4a li�I-6. Mr, and to the township, Looks. like An elec- � . - . , We are. disappointed. The electric We4tlesd%yitt W. LoWe, Thursdayat Mrs, Keith of Loortore, Man., M Hon ­ sblp, Theannual report of Dp, Haini. , . i . just now, . lit6n U H 0 was received 4nd or- . I I light factory is running again, and vIdAy at I -D. Mol, Mrs. Wol-McLeam of Brandon. M%n., Council me,eting met on Taesdaly, derea to* be' flie'd, The UeAlth offloor I 1. I I . i Intosh'a. "Where is my wondering Messrs. Wm. Walker And A.. MOK'al� Dec. 15; members all, present . the %ve % clean sheet, there not, howling: . ... the bulk of the work completed, but - � I boy to -night," might have been a Alt- not% of Xoosei4w, $ask, . , nar,r an oyster supper, not even . minutes of last meeting Were read and teen any contagious disease in the A !! , I � thing& tidied up, nor the floor oil, ting refrain during the past week, John Conley, 8th con,, Xitiloss, near adopted, . � township during the year, The ool- .t1sk your friends who were in, last week buying Cloth- i clothed, No use boosting sorne fel- with the answer, "Oh your wandering Holymod, died Monday morning, d Rutherford - MoUlobeal - That A lector was allowed -0 a till Feb, Ist, . d . age ­ . I in . : Iowa; they won't respond.' Just Wait be to "" da-Rce is gone, rot the jolly 70 year ce, At , # 11 _ 011400! down you'll find hlm.�, a. Interment takes pla grant of $10.00 be made to Mrs. Falliv next, to returp big roll for the balance , lug from us, what they -think of our till we Ray 41 lot of nice thing'$ about Tiffin's, cemetery, Wednesday after- As charity -carried. of Taxes for 1908, remaining As yet up- .::: .. _ � that outat again, Tile closing exercise$ 01), Monday, U nooq at 1.80. Deceased had been ill The Treasurer read the aunuitl state- paid. By -Law No, 19, 1008, to ilx the 11 . I � $- a. Noq 1-1. West WAvratiosh, were only a short time. He was well went of the Receipts And Expend!, aniount to be paid to each- inember of . !! I think 111 have to ,conle to 'Upper . marked by a, visit from, SAuta, Claus, known and ilighlyrespected. ,, tures. of the municipality for tile our- the council for atteri4ance at council � . Town Nomination to hear all About Brellis arrival, the teacher, pupils and rent year. wbloh all ' ( the cost of the renewal of the Light . Qwis %,balauce of ineetings for 1908 was read and pass- I � , . 1 - . The hockey club will play local -nd Poll olerka for ii , Plant. I hear that the Mayor� the parents were entertained by,bome. of cges with Pi4merston, on Jan. 7; Mt cash on band of $10720,70, tile Annila, ed. The D. R. 0, n . I Prices, Qualities, Make, Fit and Style$ I I � -egory are loaded to the new 4�minute records, which Mr. rest , , Moffatt -Kelly -That the municipal electinn (�Ony to be , . I . are _�,)l) , Reeve and Mr. Gi , on'Jan. 21; Wiligham. on Jan I I . � aolmea has scoured for his p4ono- 26; Listowel on ., .0 stateme. t be received on Jan. Ab, 1909 ing di - the chin with inf6r.mation, - and all . Feb. 9� And Harristoll In , And. adopted-, hold - � . 'night , graph, A 0bristwAs tree, laden with ., carried. vision No, 1, F. D, Stalkox, D. R. 0.� I . , ' you'll have to do oil D;omlnation on Feb. 18. They will Liv- , . � , is to touch the button and � then open expressions of good,will to All, was - -I play at ACCOUNTS PASSED. John Din wall, Poll clerk, Poll. Div. We assure you -the answer will be-11T1:iE=, Is NONE ill I stripped by ,94ntia, every child recel. towel ,Tan. 15, Palmerston Jam. 29, , No. 2, WMightman, D. R. 0,, Geo, . . . . our eyes and month to take it all III. - iv, Harriston Feb, 1, Mount Forest Feb, For Board of flealth�J, Mossroyn, Ounni gh I . I lust get, a dozen pencils sharpened inl� solue recognition, 'But the most. 2, and Wingliturt Feb. 10. $1; J, Burgess, $0; Am' Elliott'. $5., 0 an PRII olerk, Poll. Div, I 1. . � Interesting, feature was the gift of the No. 8, John Elliott, D. R. O., W. J. BETTEP.." That is the repu'tatioll we want to make good, I Ile . Y, r, Editor. f tber a no W. H. Cruickshank, $5; 0. Jobb, $4 -, Currie, poll clerl; -, Poll. Div, No. 4, J, I I I 1, opeeclies after so much "doing" down boys and girls to their toa�cbcr, Mias Drs, Pidgeon of Toronto and D. A., A. Qlegborn, $1', Dr, A new, $17; Ouyler, It consisted of a very baud- MacOrimmon of Ripley addressed a I 9 Gibbons. D, R. O., Dan, Mat -tip, poll , here, we'll feel As sick as the hen that Jno.. Mosgrove, salary a& Reeve, $05, and the only way by which we will be able to increase and � . . sitting on a door ob. Boole Toilet Set laMpe, white and gilt meeting held at the Town Hall, Satnil, financial statement, $3; Jno. Rutber- clerk. The business of the year being ; . col . orings, and Was Accepted as An �;r. day evenjug�, by the Local Veto Com- flair-beathe council adjourned. , � 19in , . � ford, $50, R, McMichael, $50; A. . . ce the munielpal election in pression. of affection that binds pupils mittoe, Dr, Pldgeoo also a0dressed �. Moffat'. $50,; P. McLar- Alex, Porterfield, el . . � I Turaberry is not far off, and Lower . I . 'a the Kelly, $50, D . I erk. hold our trade. Be one of the merry ones—buy a Suit, " .�. I .and teacher very closely. Ere dts� three meetipga on Sunday.. I . en, salary, $40, ost4ge, $7, financial - k vVingliam is the most thickly populat- missal, a vote of thanks was ten red Methodist Ohurch, Town -Hall And, statement, $7; ohn Burgess, salary "-ir, &-.am *,W* � ed corner of the township4 what's the . do . . I � Y, .1 Overcoat or Pants from us, and we guarantee you will I ­ - I .. matter with our having a representa, by the children to the ladies who prol, Presbyterian Church. . hido, $75, postage $15, rent of offine, - - tive in the I Council. We inight th vided the program, All went home Mr, Zolin Button, manage,. of the, $12; Paul Powell, bal. sidary, $25, Salem. . I , eu _ bapl5y with the thonglib that another Lticknow Furniture Co., has purchas- postage, $5, For gravel -J. Ansley, be, because there is nothing more disagreeable than a � get cement crossings, and sidewalks Christmastide is at band, ed Mrs. H, ,Bowers' samwill at the 12th $1.78; Geo. McDonald, sil.so; T. .T. Mrs F Kitchen is at present virsittl - �� like Bluevale� Now we, won't suggest people were Moffatt, $6,80, Mrs. Robinson, $1 -, F. . Ing frienas in this part. 1 - ; 11 i any names, but just ,throw out the On Sunday night as the con. of.Aslifteld, and is having it mov- suit of clothes on a man that does not ba-ag perfect. With , .. suggestion, that we ought to have a _ leaving church, Win. Kennedy's rig ed to� the, rear of the Furniture fac- Gutteridgei tile, $88,33; H. B, Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rutledge from . I . . � coming from the Pr,;sbyterian church tory. Lucknow will. now be well printing, $1; D. Holmes, fees, $2, the, West are visiting friends in this , representative from. right among us. H our Clothes you do not experiment—they're perfect from . I I. . We said w, WF49 meeting a rig. coming . from the equipped for wood nianufacturijig Treas, owfek, tile drain. $10.25-, S. vicinity. . . . . , a -would not suggest anv . � ` I I I nuanes, but W. H. Ornikshatik. would Methodist church, close to the .latter _- plants. Another railway is veeded to King, King drain, $39,05 ; J0. Nichol, Mr. Richard MoMichael. is spending � I � . ,. place. There was a head-on collisi . expor � the fluisheil product of D inspectinf; drain, $9; R. Gilkinson, a few days visiting friends in this the stsrt. � . I I be a Winner. Besides he has had ex, . .on, t ur 3.15; Jai. Hen I . . . porlence, has good judgment, is cauti- the night being dark and storroy, with, Thille, But where are khe logs to dome King dealb, $8 R per, King v cinity. �. I . ­ I 1, . .. .... ­ I - - - I.. . .1 . I one, economical, and eonrteous into the result that Mr. Kennedy's horse from? drain, $139.05; obt. Hogg, repairs B - I I '. . . I I � Qn. . i &Ilia, `6harlty, Air. Eli Bolt met with an Accident 11 I . I . .. . . . . I.. . ­ .1 ..... � . . .... . ­ 1. C I , Cents on M, C.� you,_ vyas Impaled on the shaft of the other line bridge, $5; Mrs. 0 i I the barg I rig, it - going in at his breast ,%ad coin- f __ 1, , , : $101 by cutting his foot, while working in . ' ' . I � ean do it. we would like to see you ing otib behind the forearm.. They. Council adjourned sine die. the bush. I Reeve once more. I Now, Ladies, if you are in , doubt what to buy your � backed up and cleared -each other, and The Court of Revision on 011411y A number attended the WIMts- 9! . Business was booming at Thos. T. the unknown rig drove on, not know- - Jamestown, drain, Culross and Turriberry, wag Abrahm wedding oil Wednesday last, Husband for a Xmas. present that will satisfy, him, buy him a Fields' slaughter houme last week, as Ing anything had happened. Mr. K.'s d otice. Reeve B , . "Jaclel slew right and left, getting the I horse only took a few steps and fell Mr. Hessian of Winghain visited Mosgrove was chosen chairman. The near elmore. 11 . . beef ready for Christmas display. over and wits dead in less time than it W Overcoat ' p— I . ith Mr. A. Pollock last Week, members of the board having taken Your correspondent wishes the Edl- a Suit) or pair of Pants from us. , You could buy il� There was some good ones to.'). takes to write itl, It was genet -ally Councillor Cutt and wife and Mrs. !hlll laths of oMee, heard the, follow- tot of the Advance and its reader,s a " ! . Illage that Mr. NV. T. MeBwe lug appeals against assessment; -R. Kerry Xmas. and Happy New Year, I I Among the best was a fine. heifer, supposed in the vi. , a visited friends in Goderich � I nothing better' to please him. - , only fifteen months old, tipping the Hutchison was the,owner of the other last week, Stokes, 0. Stokes, Thos, Altkin and Mr. John Gemmill left on Monday A scales at 1,550 lbs., and turning into rig but he claims that he wag not. . R, Muir, All are parties Assessed being morning last for Pilot Mnund, where . 9 - � over 800 Ilia. of dressed beef, fit for The writer witnessed theac identand Af6ssrs. Dinicaii And Will MacDon- in favor of Assessments made by En- he intends to spend Xmas. with I I I , I . I � . .4 ­ � .. .1-1.1-..., ....11-1. ..I . I -.,.-... ..., . I—— _­....� I . ...­..­. 4 � . a I the table of a king, or good enough for is of the on that no blame,can be ald took a business trip to Wingliam gincer. I . that electric oyster supper that never attach opini on Monday last. Die ichael-Moffatt-That the En- friends. . . . i ad'to any one, as both horses U I I showed up. I can't say that I like were going at a, walk, and the storm, Miss Myrtle Wilson of Brussels is gineer's award and assessments on the The men of the Methodist congrega- P. S.—Special Order Departmeab A Specialty. _S I � I this killing business, but it seems and possibly the light from theMetbo- visiting with Mr. and Mrs Duncan OlMally drain be sustained, motion tion At this plice have been drawing I something has to d1e.lu order that we dist chureli windows shining, In Mr. MacDo d,a e t r � cartied, Mr, Rutherford not voting, gravel to the church as they intend in _� . 's Kennedy's face, were alone respon- nal tth a oo. boin renovate. . . in live. But you should see Torn If an interested party. the spring to All clothing bought from us will be pressed absolutely free of ebarge. P oy Mr. Craig of Guelph had charge of e Court of Revision -was then ' I .h up town, decorated with bunting sible. Miss Mary Padfield, form rly teach- . 1: an op And such , . er*of the p6hool in this section, was d colored tissue paper. the, prayer meeting at Mr. Andrew closed. . John Burgess, clerk. 1 . On Friday last, the Whitechurph Pollock!s last Wednesday evening. I .An array of w4ats. It nearly took my _ I ­ � married last Tuesday at hex- horae in breath, it is so much like a city we Rifte Club, bad a very interesting ' I . 1% .-..-.,I d-lik I" I �t match for an oyster supper, the losing L Mr. Jas. Moses and Miss Elsie Stra- Row1ok, to Me. Playford of Alatil. , ,market, 'Tis Christmas time in Tom a side to furnish the supper. The Cap. chan spent a part of last Sunday with I tobs. Taylor = Andersull Co., Limited I shop surely. I I -i In �0 5 -o - u i, Mr. and Mrs. P. 8 MeEw6n Turn,- I I i raww iwie is wd�ay t ns, were vy In. eacro u an er . 4 k Carriclr� and the score stands as fol- berry- I I I . IL111ty &IJI. . I I . Belgrave. - lows: -Possible 50; Capt. Beecroft 40, � G. Lamont 35, A. King 29, T. Deacon . . quite & number from this vicinity took in the lecture and entertain -went Mr. Harry Coombs of Delora,ino, Man., is visiting relatives III this vicin- I I I Sproat & Whaley have their store I . beautifully decorated for Xmas. i. 1) _ �191 A. F ox 38, 0, King 34, A. Campbell 21, R. McFbael 8% P. Leaver 29, T. a,t johnstonis r ,hure ,h last; Monday evening. ity. . - i Mr. and Mrs. McDougall of ChIC1150 , I � I . John Owens of Thessalon is visiting �, KoBarney 28, T. Garton 10, D. Ken� I nedy 26, J. T. Robertson Wi, Jr. Baker - . Miss Dora Watsou of Brussels spent Saturday and Sunday with her school. _ are visiting the latter a parents, mr. and Mrs, 16,bez Walker. ' big father, Aw. Owens of Belgrave, ---.----I.- . 29, E, Irwin 22, M. McDowell �8; total, for Beecrof t, 40D, Oaptain Robt. Car- mates, .Misses Forne Eckinfer and bliss 143mma Leith has been Appoint" . Mr. W. Watson has finished up all big .building contracts for this - tick 44, D. Beecroft 38, G. Shloll 42, J. Gwen Sash. I ed organisti in the Presbyterian Hill . I . . seasom . . $parting 36, Win. Love 4L,T.AL Mason 18, W.J. MoClenaghan 2T, R. Ohara- Miss M * Ray of McGillivray Ag e .- ,.;viaitecl with Cs. Andrew Pollock, her church,, 31r, Tindall of Smith's I has been appointedleader. , . Adam Halliday of Manitol;a 1 is pion 27, S. Garton 16, McK. Patterson � mother, Mrs., Gibson Ana Mrs. B. Mr. S. Ring of Saskatoon, is spend- ., � expected home this week to -visit his 81� Jas. .Toynt 21, Thos. Gaunt 18. E. Westbrook 32, A. Robertson 15, Thos. King, last week. . Ing the Xmas holidays with big Par - parents. . Mr. analdra., Campbell entertained r'd 2, X. Henry 38, total for Car- Fo , Vick 445. Majority for Beecroft, 45, Miss Pearl Wright of `W�oxeter . took in the Christmas tree eiliertain- eats. Ib Is 20 years since 31P. XiDg left 'Blyth, b finds , ence he many a number of young *people to a dance Mr. Car,loletj 10 best men made $56 ment at Jamestown last Friday, night, changes. . . �_­ � I last week, I points, and Mr. BeecrofVs 10 best made She is always a welcome visitor in our The Methodist Sabbath School en - i Mrs. P. McKenzie is- spending a few 845 points. It, will be noticed that burg. - � tertalument will be held on Taesde6y weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Shed- Bob Carrick heads - the score, with 44 . . ' Mr. Robt. Shaw of Bluevale had . ffening, Dec. 29th. A good pro rant � I . den, All. line, Morris. . points to his credit, and Bob feels very proudof the fact, And that other fact c arge of the service in Victoria, hall ,!� at Sunday evening, and Rev. Mr. Is ,being prepared , Lunch wif, be se ved at the elbse. . I Ci B. Wilkinson, 4th line, Morris, will be in the campaign for Morris that he and hie, tnen have to -furnish the supper is not costing him a single Wesb will take the service next Sun- . The Epworth League of the Metho- . Municipal Council. .. I regrettill tear. The supper will be -day evening. - dist Church have elected the following officers for the year -,-Ron. Pres., . Miss Kelly of Blyth And Miss Ca,r- I � I . .. lisle of Kippen spent a few days with given on Taesday evening, 20tb, at the home of Win. Beecroft and will The Christmas tree and entertain- went in connection with Stinday Rev. Mr. Cooper,- Pres., Miss Bentley; Ist Vice, Mrs, Cooper 4 2ad Vice, Mitsa i Mrs. Carlisle last week. � . consist of oysters, roast tnrkey, roast venison. and other routg and no doubt .School in ,Victoria Hall, last Friday evening, was a grand success, Pr6. Crittenden; Sca Vice. 1�iss Moser ; 4th. Vice, Mrs, Bender; Tress., Frank Me. I Mr. W. Geddes is having -fifty cords of long wood..delivered to his. mill numerous toasts; - other daintles, teeds amounted to $21. . Pherson; Secretary, George Wam- - i , 1''. A*= Kelly -Bros. ofMorris. I * , i__ ", John Robertson, blacksmith who known only to the culinary art, will be provided. After.supper, there will - be songs and music, consisting. of I 00 EPA ip 3190 tm Mo I bold; ptanist,, Pearl Gidley; asst� plan - ist, 104ninta, Moser. Reports from Vari- A". i- ­13ttees -le submitted show. I . . . . I . I I What It Costst . �. . I � � Apd--Ihe . Results. . . I A Xe ' Dnecly School education ,does not -cost mnoh­$10 a . month (less for cash on lon- gei�tdrws). I I Any graduat , e will earn from - $500 -to $1000 a, year, We find the position. . I . Send for our booklets. They tell the whole story. . I " . The Kennedy School � Adelaide St. E. ' TORONTO I 1E. AS H BY Tr%00TkT#_. . � was working for J. L, Stewar 9 t, has phonograph selections, accordion, vio- . '. Ing the League in a prosperous condi- . . . been on the sick list, but is now quite lin and bagpipes, All the members of I Donnybrook. tion. After all expenses were paid, & I ,, , .1 better. the Rifie Clab and their ladies are balance of $100 remained in the hand I cordially invited to attend. . � Miss Martha Wallace is Improving . ­ 8 All work promptly attended to. I Mr. and Mrs. Horner of Badaxe, some, we are glad to find. '�. of the treasurer. I * Mich., and S. Wrav, of London, are : -:. L L �� J,-- - . I We ar . e sorry to hear that Miss . G! 0.0 t *. ., L Residence—Cor, Minnie & _ .4 Patrick Streets. visitors at Geo. Daley's and Win, ' 4 I Wray's. I Wroxeter.L LMary O'Connor had to undergo an . . � � � . . . operitiou in Wingham hospital. She One evening last week, sixteen new Miss Ada, Morrison of Hanover is cawe through the operation success, Howick. . � members joined the O. 0. F. Order 'in visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Lackie. fully, and we hope she soon will. be Council met Dec, 15tb, as per Sta� . - .. . I . ­ -_ - L Belgrdve, and the'ins,jority of there -- Miss Lily 11alb,flelsoll has returned W611 agaille I tute; membeiN all present, Were young men. to her home in Milverton, after spend, E d. Robinson and Albert Stein have John Dane asked damages from the. .,. - i Rev. and Mrs. Rivers had a bright Ing several weeks with h6r sister, Mrs, Just returned from the West. Their Council because the township had not - 0 W. L �'__" little baby boy come to live at the par- 0. Reis. many friends were glad to see them given him a proper outlet, for the 1.De BELL's, . , - soilage last Sunday night; a fine W. J. Perrin arrived home on Fri- ' We do not think there were water from his property; no action, I Christmas present� � clay evening of last week from Toroa- aealalil"Itimes in the P.%rt of the country takeno � . MUSIC � James W. Bone of But Wawanosh to, where he Is attending the School of they came from. They are both the John Hanneberg asked that $11 paid . has this winter A. herd of 58 head of Science. ­ picture of health. in Taxes for road work, be paiii back L to his division to be spent there. It EMPORIUM . cattle nearly all Polled Angus; they Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Carrie And son The Ttilstes Board of the Denny. will bepaid back next June to be sent - I . Are a beautiful sighb to look at� Floydi have left for Mt, Forest and brOO'k Methodist Church at its last in that division. For the sa e reason, (Opp. Slmting Rink) Don't forget the Methodist C�rist- Port Miron, where they will spend meeting appointed Miss Emma Bam- Geo. Ashton -will receive pI5 to be -_ - L .. - 11 mite entertainment on Dec. 25thi And several weeks. � ford, organist, and Mr, William Ringan spent in his division for good road L : ler, choir leader. Thei also passed a work. - � -01- --t-ho Presbyterian entertainment on Miss Kate Hazelwoodb who has been resolution of thankful apprec Headquarters For All Kinds . .1 New Year's evening. Everybod 11"i6a of The Bible Society Was granted use come And have a goodtinle. y taking a bourse in music in Toronto is the long and faithful services readered of the 'township Hall, free for annual - 'Of Musical Instruments . L - visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. to the church by Mrs. Thomas Bamew meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle of Belgrave W. 0. Hazelwood. ford, who for eleven years filled effici. The Collectors of taxes were ailtho- I gave Art."At Home" to &bout forty Of Miss. Lula Ruthertord, who is ently the position of organist, And rized to continue the collection of � their friends last week. There, wert attending the Normal School at w" 8,1W06ya reluctant to receive tiny unpaid taxes, the time being -extended PIANOS. games and sports and all report hav- Hamilton, Is spending her Xmas. holill monetary consideration for her tee- I to thebrat meeting of the Council of 'No more beautiful or Alt - - ing enjoyed t6 good time. d&l,s with her patents, vices� feeling that she preferred to do 19M _ pro - lb as a service to the church and to . priato gift than a Piano.. We have Sobn Wheeler's son, Alton, a drug- Miss Bessie Lovell i's enjoyinf her, God. ;ii. Pope asked damages for having them from all the great makers. "at in Detroit, has a raise of W in 7thla ooali_ gi aVy vactition among friends ( -his engine broken by culvert giving For finish, Workmanship and tone, Alton loarnecl the business in Wl tli. 1­�'._ _4 I Way, The matter was lef t for the m they are unexcelled, and ab right which is now ovet $100 ptsr won ty, After several ImOnthe study In the lig' Normal School, StraLford, Reeve to investigate and if he found prices. hant. Canadian boys make good . the claim just, to issue order for . te . clerks, I I !Visa Laurie left last Week for Toron. $Avg THIS AINYWAY. same. . to where she wilt visit her brother, -law N6. 10 was passed a?S'oh VIOLINS. A Local Option mdeting will bci b or goini; to Kansas to make )let, By at- We have the lArgest, and best held In Ebenezer Church, 2nd line, ft1ture Ing 0. W. Walker Returning- fflaer - stock ever shown in Wingliam And I Morris, on Monday evening, Ded, 80th, Clark, home With her gist . wl, Mrs. Here is & simple home-Wildit mittate for the MunicipAl elections, at prices to sult every person, We beginning at R o'clock, R6vs, Dancan . " I'ven, by an emliftent, Authority oil . A number of accounts were passed . wo4ld ask Violin players to call of Whiteehurch MoXAb of Walton, The mitertalitment under the itus- K1,1fley diaomes, Who makea the, state. and ,will be found In the Financial and judge for yourselves. West And Anarews of Binevales, pices of the OabAdian Order of Varibbr- thelib thAb it', Will reli'M almost any Statement now ready for distribill, rtivord of Belgrave, ,and V. Buchanan tora was not as lttrgel� attended as An- case of Kidney trouble If taken bef6pe tion. of Witigham, are expected -to bpeak. tiolpated. Miss Pauilne jobbson end the stage of Bright disease., Restates t .1L ­� . Ladies And gentlemen are invited to Mr. MeRaye gave very good satisf4ol, 'that such symptoms of lame back, - . Nothing more. popular and attend, , tion. pain. la the side, frequent ,desire to pleasing than a Phonograph. The �h . winate, especially At nfght, painful Clorde. Edison has the new Antliorel rea- 009ii i* *--a *vw Tho,,Laalee Club" of this Village Is I and discolored itrip4tiob, ate readily . ot,da which play twice Ag long as- . t ive An ent6ttatameat in tho Tow" I orgircomb. Her# lathe reelp t : Mrs. (Dr.) Armattolig visited In the old ones, 9voty home should ' Morris. i2all, on the eveoina -of the 2Dth, Of this.1L c- Try I Winglianion Tuesday. � 1. - Fluid Extract Dandelion, one --half hitve one. .Th" are enjoyed by . Wood al"Wri plentiful this wlntel�, I mouth. There wit 'be. presented the - ounce,- Oom 0ancl Kargon opo ounce; Miss Edythe Porkins is apending' a both old and young. play entitled "Ilia SplpetWsOoaven- this week with "filends In Ana promises & little drop In price. It tion . W.1yrup SatleapAtillol, three few days .. ", A very pleasant Ana cheartnt outl6s, T&ke a teadodoural After -each townt is said thAt, mr, U, Higgins has over a eVeliffig is looked tot. There should ORGANS. � hundred cords to dispose jot. be A Itti-ge attendance 64 the propeeds weal and at bedtime, Mr. And Mrs, It. V. White Were In We have a, great min;bet, of A well-known dt-uggigt here In tova, ,Mitchell attending the wedding of the Ib Is ramor6d that some ard tirying will be tot the Sick Ohildron's Ifog- Is amt,hol,ltr I I secouill,hRild, Orgatio, taken in ol- to persuade Wm, Ishl6ter t* run for pital, Toronto, mact for 'out Public that these In, f, redlents are latter's slater, Miss A. Stewart, change tor Platlos, Sonia of then) All harmless And easily w xea at home I Reeve agnin. W. Jr. Johnston Is In the , Libr#&r. by, tiboAhig well in a bottle. This The skatifig rink wA4 opened on F pl� have onlr been In tied a few field for Councillor, The young men W,0 extena out, t4yrapathy td Mr. A. mixture him a peculiar 1189.1109 Ana day evening -last# .� , and a, large number TnOnthF'- All In first-class "adi" I'D 1,Fh I te,1 jAteealod ItiorebAnt, in the goothily effett upon the entire Kid. Indulged In the Nsoinatihg sport. tion, Will be sold very cheap and 8 n th pi�avd a blisme6 to show what Matirol ()tIr,k on easy torme. wad they will never lao,tn death of big brother, Mr. Robt, Mail- he3r an thina,ty struottire, and oftea 3. R, WjIlliting hap dISP6801 Of 014 $,ouager. W, J. otAilit to poll 4 good -to, editor of the Port Higin Times. tea th6 worst forms of Rh6it" property of his son, W, D� Willia-pis, voto, Tile decepAed was a. most axemplafy = In jilet a little while. This on the 4ornet of Alma atd Mille , sewhig mitchfiles. Tho Local Optlob caffirsIgn iti on, oltizati. Ile was An ill -der In the Proal, mixture Is attid th remove till blood Rtreetsi, to Mf-. Jill. Sho,rpin of Grey We iteep & veil large stoak Aria they #&y there wit be thirsty 'bytoti&,a 011urch &r,cl a,lso superlater. diaord,ors atrd 'outo the AlieumAtisra bountlayi �of both CanAdfau awl Amarlo&n . . 4a6ka In the to#Mt-hlp &fter May lat, I dent of the Snud-ay School. -He took b�y forallng the kidneys to filter and manufactures. If you ate eon. , AS tMPOVAM-00 PeOp,16 �,�recllot that the � & k!�Oh Infor4st III everything thitt 1*�- atmin from Clia blood Mid systein All One of the chief' Attractions At the � tmplmleig, pureAhaoing a. wo.o.,.hinet . 187.XAW will CAM. ithe MajorltyL t&ln,ed to tho Inb&lleoulal raoril kad aria Acid Ittid foul', dettotapogerl waste toticort given under tbG ImApteft Of ' it woilld pay you to c4fl And tee. , _ ­eflgloU6 ti'L Ifft ,of ,the town '4ti* � I say the t&*f1VkI should bo, dry, we ry , L !Otyai. tnattorf Which ft'qSo flifift afiltalluit. �. the Vaglish ohutdh S. 8, Im,t Wednea. thefil, *1#0 tW law V111 be oboarved. Th6 wa&tg. r'a'atps of p6oplo have loot a I Try It It YOU 4ten't W6116 Sava tho, - dar evenitt Were the solos tendered. � * i of �ho wtjorfty should tulas , " ul f0tud. b.v MW A. thiabalm -of Whighaw, J&W", , , ,, , ", , * , - L , " ', , ", � .. .... . L '. ' ' ' " ' ' -4 ­ " ­ ­ -­ '­ - - .- W , most, 610A, d �,Prftarlpbltifis � I I EXC4LUSIVE CLOTHIERS . OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL - WINGHAM, ONTARIO M . . I , . I . I . EN , N 0 T I C IE . n R41 . L ffibhip. A. fln P_nQ_ .... - - - , TeDders will be reopived by the under. NOMINATION ME9TING. . signed up to the 15th at January nexb for tho I � . . . pikircbme of the following properties, namely: 1. Village Lots 14, 15 and 16 on the West A meeting of the Electors of the side ot Queeii-street In the Village of WbIte, churoh on which is situate a corafortable Township of Turnberry will be held in AND INSURANCE' frame cottage In good repair, and a goocl the Foresters' Hall, Blilevale, oil Mon- - frame stable. . day, the 28th day of December next - - 2. The North 'East corner of Lot 27 in tbo Tenth Concession of Rast wawnnosh, 430ft. at one o'clock p. in., for the Nomina- tatning one aere of land upon which is 91tu. tion of Candidates for the offices of ate a frame store wid dwellft aud frame Reeve, and 0ouncillors, to serve in the stable and blacksmith ahop, This being also Municipal Council of the Township of , the)oaaflon of the Forcly postofflae Tnums.-Ten per 02rot the iurebass Turnberry for the year 190D, And money on acceotance of offer and th6 balance should a poll be required, such poll Some exceptional values in . -sviffill' 'h'r'y d"ya theroafter. It will NO telder ...essadly accepted. usual polling Parms. If you want one, 1 Dated this Oth day of December A. D., 1908. places in the four polling divisions, on the 4th day of January next, at 9 pay you to see us, . It. VANSTONE,-Wingliam P. 0. o'clock a. in., and remain open until The good old Province of On- . .11 5 o'clock p. w. By order. tario is all right. Gone Astray. JOHN BURGESS, Tp. Clerk. Bluevale, Dec, 14, 1908. . ' . About Oct.'20th, from the owner, a %-ad heifer rising three years. Infor. ... I., . � .1 I Town Propertie's mation gladly received by the under. . a . igned. ORO. "WALLACH, - A Merry I At right prices. We have a Lot 28, Con. 6, East Wswanosh - I . number of places admirably suit - St, Augustine P� 0. - � ed lor retired farmers. Xo pret- . . I Chriestmas All I tier or healtbier town in Ontario Farm For Sale. . than Wingliam. Property bought I Let it be so. M ay peace and here can always be re -sold. good will prevail. Por one sea - First -class farm, pleasantly situat- son at least let all Strife end. ed, adjoining Bluevale station# lots . 20, $0, eon. 1, Morris, 100 ac ' all ruNG O'N Y]f BULLS. cleared except 12 acres, wellrfee$004 Ring on merrily. Let'a all be Ritchie & cosens and in good condition. There are a, glad. - large bank barn, large brick house I . and kitchen, with frame .summer kit, . . I ­ I - . .. I I I REAL ESTATE AND - clien, orchard, a never -failing spring - � A fall title of Xavelg INSURANCE - WINGRAM well, An artesian well with water abd Sonoras of voty _ piped to house and barn; pig pen and Orange's choicest qiiality. I poultry house. 18x50, with cement floors; frost -proof sila. lOx34. Ten , Prom, per Doz ........... 20a to 000 I acres of .good torn will go with the . Nothing ?), i - , , , farm, If rue latter is sold before corn. . Nicer stil'i"Il'i I r I is harvested. Apply on promiads. Cranberries you get the I L,, proprietor. right kind. Two qualitio.s. - Everything . ' JAS. B. XIOO , 13a and 20o Per Qua& . I , I I � I � � Blaev I ate P. 0. see onr 0audieg- - I 'Now Ready - Candies Reaps of them. I . . ."� ­ There Is pick and I I . r.. 0 . - I .. I . i . - S' choice, Our popular prices aro- istm 5 . i " I I o 4 � 1) Per Lb ...... .. ......... 10o anti 150 :1 For Chd ' . ... FW, �Llm up, I - ",""I'll" He I- 11 , We'vo gol lh,�W­Cooking, i AXD T14B 33EST W - Figs gatntal Palled, Large ', - Christmas and Pressed, Small Pressed & I . THAT MOXWr . . . I . I Glove Bo.ted. 11 I OAX BUY. . , '. It.41SINS AVD CURRM4T8 OF I - filft Year Excursions TIM HIG119ST QUALITY, IF : - I . . YET I . 'Between alt stations in 'Canada, ; COME AND SEPk TREld. I 08-lifortia G, r a 6 S) Table . - also to Detroit, Port Hilron, Well., i Raisins, ]Layer igs, Dates, � Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls GRAPES, DAVES, LAX99 RAIS" , I I . . 1300 BOU and suspension Bridge, N. )r� INS, &e., also on hand. . . too BOURO Chocolates, Mix. . I I I I I I ­ . Candy, e0tmm, Oranges & � I Cr . a. I .. I , -.1 alnut.4, Vilborts, , 600d going Dec. 24th at : Chinaware. ,, � U1111alMot IV U, , At Single Vaft .1 . . la Wth, i , Almobda, Britz. xfilts� 11op. 1008. Returning until Dec. 2&h It you watit a Dargain In - 1 C0111i Balls 06nd ever�thliig , . . . .. 1008. Also good going Dec. alst' , Oblilawate, this Is the stbre to I tot the thildreb. Call and 1008, and .Tan. 1st, 1M. Returning come to, Ale've stocks of It. � . I until Sau. 4tb, Iwo, DINNni R S)MTS I - see our stock before Voyiog. ... I 1. .­ 1. ..... � � � . , I I ­ 11 � ... I . . At Fare And One Third i TEA SMIC3 : I : . _____ Gond gotag I)eo. 21st to Ded, 25th, 1* mloxtrtT SnITS ; Tntlteys, 0eato, baoks and 1008: 11.6t,urning until Jan. 5tb, . ''t %. I 10ANCIr 01111141A, : I - OM010118 Wkhtetl for X111M. 1CM. Alim good going I)PL 28ch, , 1. 1908, t4 Jan. lat, low. Returning I gv6ty bit of clith4wara at loweak! , I vintil .T&n. Sth, IW9. Ir I vV1009. I . —AT. . . .. .-11-- I--,.-- I _________"_ . ! I Por t1okitta sna 1101 Int6madoll, b4 oft I I W. MtNttY, Toft 46ft, Of *lite !. 5 i - 11 " J. 0. McDonald 1. , ly ch ; Mlcolm" S �. � W4*1611 ph"01W Ageft% TOM* - is Henp , IWO':' I L- 11 �,.ri�.","",�-,�",,,-.-..'�-....�,-�.,.-�-.,!",��,-..--.�l--.. I 111"wil"W.- �.... I., A Z I � 1L_ __ _'_ I- _ _._.dr.,� I #1 �? ,