HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-12-24, Page 511 _0 ... ". . , , _ , ,'__ .., , ., " - __ . ,, ,. _:1.. 11 . I I'll 1, - . .. , 1. .1.11 I !-!1'7!:1!*r I -1. 1, , "_ **+-4",*-+,*4,++*+*-++*+4+0, +.*+++.*4,+*,*.**.**,+**,*.+4..&4.4 " CHRISTMAS OF I THE PRE"I"'ENDERRS , Oy Toln Q411on . 41 -In 11 I , . _ "-,= W -%f_".' , 7 ... VW111, ",* 11.=j , I I I 1Lr`,-,,77"w " - 0 , I I . i * I I I ,: '-: " ' " - - " - ­: ' ' ' L' , , , ! 4!11, I 111!:!11 . 1111 l::;.,.;".11!,M The evening of Christmas day, Ill tile to the chair to Bteat 111111401f. silo ; ,tvar of our Loril one thousalui so -veil looked at him )taught I,y. This must I i .1 - - bundred and ninety-three. A bleak wid _ , be some other belated traveller who had 8()Ugljt shelter also at that ptirtioular - bitter ovening, AvIth gotd English to 11c ), 11,11, Site awirlered. him coldly enough. I iug round about ter lineasile. "I should goligm-tulating themselvea that they , iThere is notIllog yort call (to for mo- Pear are the solln(LS. of t1le Christinag chimes I Nvere, waTra over good Unglish fires, and I tl Uk you," silo replied. "I Will suninion . I I out Ili the gloom, And amid tile whito tile landlord J ::Tile landlora?" lie 8tillinnered. . * wastes of snow-covered contryside, a . yes; I ailt cold and hungr)!; I Avant Sho dreaded $011IR out ugain ill that Strange country, into the darknessi heavy coacb, laboring and swa dng along, a lucal", 1 tile Kentish rQatIs oil tit-. way to Loll. , Ile lurched toward bor-bo even It dop waved the pistol at, lier for a moment, I That particular voitch, had had a hard but alto did not Arink, 11 Do you said, humbly. "You Shall at i0iIa,t refit hero until volt carriage can be sent for., fight for it all the way from Davor. kilow," lie asked -ado ),Oil uu4orstaud I The insitles had been pesilsh and gruiu What sort ,of it place this !a? I . Do you I lilling and fretful; the outsides a little know that mail .drink &lid gamble. thcIr , Its flood through tile rice -fields. wide; I I drunk And quarrelsome, by reason of ., lives Away bero, at all hours? Do you . much "keeping out of tho 61d" at Way- know that Death awaits expectant At ", stile hills. Then, finally had come tbat the door, to final) lip one of us?,, $I ,just I.. - You lighted upoti a drunken, worthless sAdeu frightened leap' on the part of There was Something so tragiq and , . 1_ Itp -.","the loaders -the plunge down R bank Into it field below the roa4-antll the up.- _ so menacing in Lis manner, despite the gaiety of his th-ess, that alto drew tile fire, I ]lad I ' n mind one obj.eet.-I , et I , set Of tit,- coach into a drift. Amid back, frightened. But only for it tile - But the bells shall join in a joyolls chime 1 much scroambigg gild Swaying and pluiig inout; her Own desporate need assert- heart filled With compassion. Ile raised ing, of the horses, the frightened passon- ed itself, und she faced blin a little con- .again I 'hrist t I Of tile C hat is to be! gers had been got, out, anti now stood temptupusI7, "Had you come ,a moment later, yet, Ili a little forlorn group about the cow,li, Cirri your eountry, when one collies I No one Was hurt, but they had to face to, ail Iiiii, one. does not.' expect to be In - . gratitude, at least, I owo you,, for Staying my hand,,, Ile bowed to her, the, fact that oil Christmas night they sulted-orl'--slie glano,4 at the pistol I r" were miles from anywhere, and that he held- Ior threatened." , I sm n hope of assist- He filing the Weapon onto a table, I ­­ ance, 11 With one passenger only ti this SbOrY and laughed grimly, "Your -pardon' 11 lie said, 1180 . this is an inti, is It P, . intimately concerned, and that passeu- 17ruo; I had forgotten." He laughed . . ger a woman. During the past few days Oi5terously, and ,suddenly strode to - I . Ilia life of Dorothy Voutier had seemed to be a dream of hurry and horror. The wards you shall be weil sarvedill pu4 -into Words. Some of ilie mothers, think Of J-11tit. childhood relpards as pre Who read this page have dres9ek]. it half- Mous. and Avv Imckedour bonxes antl volt dream !lad begun in Paria-Faris that Ne Site stood there by the great fire, . ran red with blood of men anti WO- 'anxiously watching the door through of a poor Italian laborer, or foro the child-beart its our own little )ones have I little colored girl whose mother takes Ili Childboaa Around the globe has tile sum nicu--l'Arls that ]Ind swallowed up, ill which lie bad disappeared, and -,Von- . . the hungry j%Avs of its guillotine, her . father. Thereaf ter, a hurried flight WILit dering a, little What was to happen. 9.1ord was a sudden cessation of the , I ; h out of the pountry; noise Ili ilia furtAor rooin; tlion"a, great I Arith. delays Oil the road, and suspicious faces to watch them here, there And shout of laugh I ter; a moment or tivo later a Strange procession entered the overywhere. A horrible passag6 aeroas the Channel; a landing Ili friendly I room in Which alto stood. First TO "10 tile Xaiscl! at Christmas, writes Wolf Von Sellierbrand, land. And there a fresh disa, e-; !"" came all elderly man, In a sUit of black, and widi -what appear, . cause her grief-stricken mother it, IV- oil up the struggle Ili all Obscu i 11 311. ed to be it luistily improvised apron about 'Ids waist -or perhaps it Would I . '. ­ , r's Dover and bed died Ili her d I be better to stay where his waist i 8 arius. I I The girl had lingered ill Dover until I should have been. Following Jilm came a couple of young men, with 1 _, - the small Amount of money site had 4 I - ivas almost exhausted; and then had -4 their coats off, bea . ring, %ilvor dishes I determined to go to London. Every- holding food; last of all,, the mail oaio ha'd sat Avitli the pistol across his, , I thing was possiblel even then, in Lon- don; and silo might find friends. Slip knees. Ili the doorway, after they had , I took a seat in the coach -paying for it entered, eager, grinning faces -all of t3 . .1 I . with almost the last of her money -and set out, men. The stout, elderly nian advanced to 1, . . I She climbed now to the top of the Wilk down which the coach had plunged the table With inally obsequious bows I ill her direction; lie Spread a clotli. at I and looked about her. Below, feebly ht one enT of the table, and the younger , ill, by it lamp carried by the guard, Was the scene of disaster, Avitli. her fellow- inen set the dishes upon it. Wine Was brought and poured out for her; dia- l. I passengers grouped about; from where trustfully enough, and yet with a car - I . she stood she could Joel,- out over the tain proud self-reliance , she seated . snow-covered landscape a desolate herself ,,it the trz-ble. This %via a Simeon 'Walked over to tile wall, Find taking, enough prospect. She Was turning again, strange inn, she thought, but tile fire 110 mail may wcirk--unloss he be a as though to rejoin the others, When was bright, and the food Was cr od, and I go I .... ­_' the balf-drunken chorus of a song float, ed lip to her from below, and held her the wine Avarming. The mail had drawil itway from. bar . . . back. TWO or three soldiers on'leave, as she seated herself at the table, she . I I who had been. passengers outside the had an uncomfortable feeling that they ! . coach, were (lancing about in the snow,. Avere hovering about behind her, and I shouting and singing, and making the watching. She ate but little, and sip - best of a ,bad busilipss. . ped her witte occasionally, ,silo bad an I - I Wily, should she go down there, alto alort eye an dear for anything that , . I 11 I thought, Why, for the matter of that ' might happen, And presently that f, . _ should silo continue her journey? Lon - alert eye and ear for anything that I .. don lina nothing to offer her, any more men were drit-wing nearer, and Were 1. .. . than any other place, she had lost all watching her. She looked lip frolm list ]ter dearest :and ber best, and wanted meal, to see a dozen heads cranod for- . only, oil that desolate Christmas night, ,. ward; and the face 6n. cach head was L__. to bide herself. Above all, the thought grinning insolently. that she might have to -wait in the snow She rose to her feet, she faced. thein jo there, peOiaps for hours, until assistance a little falterinaly, Ill Avant no ser - 0 I . came, made her shrink away. Scarcely vanta here,)) sh said; "I will ring if I 0 !J knowing what she (lid, she turned Off require anything." , $ aloiig the Toad, dra'%ving the hood of her cloak about her head and. Wandered There Was a shout of laughter Ili re - . away. Thinking deeply of till that ),ad ply. , One man stepped forward, and caught up the glazs she had but half The method which Christ eqtpi,) ,s to la tj lipge.n,e,d, and Seeing Av7rself, as she ' I'll marked out for disaster as ora piled, and drained it, lie spluttered . ; -surely as.tbo mail Who had died by the out something about sweet III* having touched the glass and Sweetened the guillotine, and tile Woman who had !;lreathod her last in that inn Ili Dover, .vvine. Others pressed boadly - forward to sj are at ber. Dimly roAliting the . . I she was careless what became of her, the night might swallow lier , as that mistako Anadc)'thc- drow ba,ok towards the fire, otlfd­16pked About in - nation lit the experiences Of nisil, Lbrif.t- Ina$ ,once an everft ,bespeaks.,art ever deeper Night had swallowed those she . a frightened, fashion, -41l.' searoh for a . 3 .1 I loved. friendly face;- Sli4­ a*­nono in all the , .Simeon took down two other wretched chromos, And from behind them he took the natural healthy sensations flushed faces, before-Aicil. Ili places in his room. it was not all -gold, for some of it oililuy .tiger and cold brought ]ter pre- 1`03ad! Arhat-good fat!6'8ent her hero , sontly to herself. and showed ]lei, that to -night?", lituglied one nian, lurelling I q . alto was lost. She had Wandered into toward hov "Don't look starbiod, el ,il,l I '. a by -road, AvIlich sloped down -hill be- you're in the merriest house In. tbe; ) tween tho. bare, rustlitiog branches of three kinFdouis, and shall dance.tliliq bruth aifd will gradually troals form all 4aar W.y I-elations. , tvees; she looked about her a littie ni . _gl,,t until your pretty ]lead is In it . ­ fearfully. E,fideavoi-itig to retrace 1wr becanto hopeles8ly Ili- whirl, I promise you." ' "i,A ber nionel, I 11 ant ready," said Simeon. "Let us more toshols 1110 sporli tor in his greatcoat, and then putting out his talldw candle he undressed VDnaghe te ,than before, and Alt last'ga,ve. bays,"'hiceoughod tile, mail in blac .k this We Are collod. It is our high. pri . vilege to shire Ili it. But we joust ill) fill hope of-fillding tile coach or ]ter Who bad first come In. "Bright V)1e.5 ____441 I _' I I fellow4ravellers, Once she raised I, are rare lierc and these tire them brig)lt- : ! I timid cry, the echo of which floated I est l!vo aeon ill many a da.y.11 lie and silvered his room 'and made hina "" among ilia trees und into the a" y took a feW ludicrous dancing steps to - I depths of the Woods, And frightened ]lei - Ward ]ter, ,Ind ]told out his arms. - I ; 1. I more than ilia cry itself, Setting ]lei- "I do not know Arho you are,1P $he feet to, a run,sho Went oil blindly,hop. Ing that cried, in bar high, clear voi U iletb 116 one %erc who I,Jileo, r "but W otec! ed the moonlight because he got it for nothing, but he often Wished that alto might collie upon a cvt . tage where she could find Shelter. tile from this -this bully. I ,I as 'lot, ing I have know what manner of man He is, that Ele who, spaka not as the scribes, but And So it liappenod'that she C1111111% of any of you; blundf--red ., .,- I ;. to 11 great iron gato Swill i 91,19 ope.111 upon. this placel believing it to be ail 3) beyond that gate, at (t 0 the end of AvIiat appeare C be it, short road, wa.s inn Another shout of laughter greeted visits really believe Ili hitu? I am afraid 4 house, With lights gleamin g from the loWbr -windows; lit the darknois the words, and the mail Ili blaek out it fresh eaper before her. I I , $Ito could not clearly make Out ilia : 401 "If I buys made a mistake, I pray you let 1110 go; I $tin les's alrald of the . I I size or a arance of the place; but she jud:t'51! be an inn, night And ilia darkness than of you 11 I i and counted herself fortunate 11-1 I,!(,,,- She saw the evil, balf-drunken, g in. ning, faces pressing 'Closer to her; for , ing lighted upon it. She found her 11 1111b , to tile Prili'01PAT door) dIld After a 33101lient alto @Ostd ]ter oyoA and Swayed a little against the wall be- I . film ling for a moment or two Nvl,,Il till, look, Opened Went in. a hind her, '1711,011, cle r and sharp, . . Silo found f!"ra"1111111in a great square across the room, stunded the. voite of the nian she had first soon in that place. hall, dimly lighted, And with a Stair. "Stolif StanA away --All of yorill, and has fetidly supposed that Lis coin. case running up at one side. V Tom 'Aero was ail aniazed glience then I m nd, tile door of WhIch WAS PattitillY Open, alit, board murmurs and expostul ,Itjolia all"L W frosh laughter. Opening her eyes, Dol-otby : ,.- tile clink Of glasses and tile loud Voutior ,,,aw the group fiflling back that which lie had saved all these tears. Itoo Lillgilig Of Inell- Clearly this was all from lier; a4AV also at 1% few paces dis- filli, site thought; if sha could only discover tant the 111.111 watching Qorll, with that _ our littleness,, our mi'lifirity, out, Bug picioll 011,6'of another. Help its to kn; , a rooln Ili which site could evil-lookinj pistol grippod firm In Ills . , I I .1 I "Cst, find In With']) Soma refreshment inigbi; be served to beir. Silo opened a door furthest from tbat riglib ban , and held against his leg. I 'Come, Ilarry - don't spo,11 P-portill the 1114,01, many happy children dreaming of the morrow. What a pity that the Saint through whit, -b exclaimed one of mon, )Ilv `1 the Sleigh to rest on the southerly slant, the liolso of the men s voice,, could be Pfttt, I -Pa lips have a fascination boran and b thait this, eVenting the Chri.it- heard, and passed into it rooni . .X fire I never could Withstand." I burned. brightly C.", the broad hearib, 41Tbuoh hot- and you tolleh dtatlit" ]light. still, iong before the night was anti the Appeared to be Untonant,ld. M-ebtimcd file Other, ill a Clear level That is the usual practice oil slanting Ilace With a Ittle glad. sigh tit Sight of the Voice. 64,10poing at 11in quickly, Daro. I ilAM65, the throw bAfk )ter hood, and thy saw that hisfixistol was lovelled- Advanced to tile hearth, straight at the Ile of t1le malt NvIlo OnlY than did, site discover that tile bad, spoken, The fellow dropped back ' rootil 11:14 A tenant, after all. )"N'lily a Couple of pikees, And pub lip a pro. . bk Il dp ill, beforo tba'fjr'o ' testing hand; the pistol followed iliul, ­ lvas a young luaii,, lichly dressed in 110ome, lTarrT - & jok6q it joko," paid made hundreds of children happy by his tile fabbion of tile' time, but with Ilia hAir disordered, And his eyes beavy 11you tl'P Inan, Aulki Y. "Wit started it All,, I 1 brought va it) here to wait Upon less instanees: hub the house in which Simeon lived ]lad ail ample chimney, anti Pind bloodshot. ' -'lw had scarcely )lad '111110 to J10tica him, And to draw baelk tile wendi-11 "Now- beingo mAster hero --T tn(i it ' I III Mollie alarm, when alto observe d that across Ili,; knees, anti grasped in all," sai(l the other, quickly. 11(4eL you ne--every 0110 of ,you-, hide your &0runk-en r , t one hand, was a beavy pistol, bea4i where you ivill-:­but got you golitill, I For a mol-amlit lie looked, at hot, 49 lie hilght have looked out of those ' They drew toget.bor - ri littio altlletl inurinuring orowd - And looked f ' Min I lustreleNs tyes at memo figure Ill $I dream, tholl he Sprang to Ilia feet, one to all6ther. The mail and 14m girl stood still, , 14 tonocaling. 1:110 pistol behind him$ And I bowed Nvith elaborate courtesy. Avatelling each other. the murinutirg 1,N 'Our ;(,rvdilt! I Av011ltl Allvd , laila Ill _ grouli drew Away, gild gob to the door; broke Ill) there, with laughter and 'fit all comes back to me now. That burglar in tile fancy ball costuino. must Olt world it) kniow wlv ro volt (,ame from poluse, jostm - slid went 011L u(INIV. A111 - .. tree alreadv pretty well loadt. I Avitil gifts. Well, !Ill give them sonic things . , Nit 11110 dou%it,f lnatf,i What Can I the door OoRell bultitia tbe In , , t of 'Choin, . , Ito for VolVe NIV, Twill - , 11111o'l -.( I I 't ivev.v it, 14 for ille malt Isla tile pi -dol on the ftb!v. .111 441 (Of Iviam t lit, P.mking.41 anti 13(ftfl beforo tile girl---mbrunprAreA. V Ife "Spuke ' .'.Inlewlwt ihi4l v; Ili,, lit-fil and with it 6trarge qu14 uptin him, 41 -In 11 I , . _ "-,= W -%f_".' , 7 ... VW111, ",* 11.=j , I I I 1Lr`,-,,77"w " - 0 , I I . i * I I I ,: '-: " ' " - - " - ­: ' ' ' L' , , , ! 4!11, I 111!:!11 . 1111 l::;.,.;".11!,M ... - =- , " '- , I ,, , R"ROV-PW., , ­11_1. _'. I , , 'I., , , , , . , I., " - j , _1 .1 "I asl you pardon, Ruidalu." lie boxan'. +4++.#.,** -#-+*++*:**+*.*,+*++4.+'4'+-++#,#+*+*,+++ "I dill not Illeall that they alloula hirlu *-Qollld . .volt. I was rovklessl I .did not Under. stand that t1w jest lulght huri; you. Won't , , C"RISTMAS CHIMES you reanule Your meal?" - "I walit 110thillf lieral" 41to said, look- --- ' I iug round about ter lineasile. "I should I - I uh ollter hore, but that. Pear are the solln(LS. of t1le Christinag chimes M_ to my carriago b44 broken 4owli,ll 11051t4t0d a little Over the W.9rd, 'Ili the larid of the Mod towers, but silo knew $lie )))list not tell him And they Weh-011le the dearest of fpstival tifues I that silo Was poor And friendic4s; she In this. Westeril world of ours! must make tile beat case for herself She I Sho dreaded $011IR out ugain ill that Strange country, into the darknessi I Brigrilt, oil the holly and wistletoo bough Tile but it must be done. Ili all tile wide . 1,41gli.01 firelight falls, - Awl bright tile world there seemed 0a this Christmas are. wreatbed evergreens iiow, Itight no living $out to whow She , Tilat giaa(iou our owil hoine. Ivalls. eouhl turn for hall) or protection. : I "Xadalll I bave not fallen so low that I ca let you go like this," he . , , " They tire ringilig to.111ght through tile NGI,Nvay f,lr,9, . ind said, humbly. "You Shall at i0iIa,t refit hero until volt carriage can be sent for., across the Slyedish fells' And the Cuban palm-treo dreamily stirs I volt need har lio harm froin Anyone." To the sound of those Christmas bells! Ile glAlleed significantly at the pistol . on the table as he Rpoke. I I'Dou you always go 41-med V alto. They rlug iftere the Indian Ganges rolls , asked, a little, scornfully,. "What .4 o Its flood through tile rice -fields. wide; I I . you fear, that you carry a weapon They swell the far llym" of the Laps and Poles, Always?" . To the praise of the Crucified. Ira laughed a little Whimsically, and ", took lip tile pistol and IQQkQa. ,At - it, - "Wholl you camo ill now", he 8 aid, . The years. coine not back. that have eireled away . $I ,just I.. - You lighted upoti a drunken, worthless With tile Past of tile .'rl,astern land, gambler, with 110 hope in life -no special When 1-10 pluaRed the corn oil tile Sabbath day I reason foil livbig As I sqb here before I And bealed ,the withered hand; tile fire, I ]lad I ' n mind one obj.eet.-I , et I , tiquity, and is undoubtedly of pagan ori. was about to blow out lily 4-i-Alils.11 So hopeless waa his tone, that sllc in. But the bells shall join in a joyolls chime 1 Voluntarily started towards him, her I For tile One Who walked tile ea, heart filled With compassion. Ile raised I Alid ring for the better time a )land to. Stop. ]lei,, 'atid went oil again. I in .again I 'hrist t I Of tile C hat is to be! tile Uille toile. , , "Had you come ,a moment later, yet, *'"*4* . . . . . . . . 11, I I - .. .. .. 0 $ 4 4l 4 .64- 4 0 0 - might have found that I )lad plucked - , - . : ., , - - . I . . I I - I up courage to do the thing., So much . I . gratitude, at least, I owo you,, for Staying my hand,,, Ile bowed to her, The Broad App I of The Christmas Tree. but there -,yes no. irony in, his manner *1 * * 4 - now. "You behold in lite a r Ilan for . I - , whom the good things of life ' at and done with; you see me au!,rouniftetl e I - "I'lle Christmas tree bc ougs not more- left out when, Christmas cories to Wt a with gamblers and drunkards who are . I to tile 110111c, -but 418 -%'Veil to tile ell an iv spirit of love .and beipfuli,tv, 0 lurch .UindaY School," says I tbat inakes us realize tbut It If 'and 8 ftr, umallit my fit companions ) . . "I do not, see them," site replied, arat E', Sangster, ill ilic Wortiall'.4 I-Itime belinigs to a comition. brotherhood. N"nipanion steadily, "They,are gone.11 "You for Decentbon "Thousands "INTO1111's ago,' some of us retuembore War(I to Chrishilas .Uive and the CbrISt- there woulil be Uiristmas trees in ill I I aye banished. them," lie said, "That should be a good Oman, At ,nifta elleer In their toutillient hOlUes, PlIMI)pilles, in Clibla, Ili .'orca, or i whose life is haa-4 And AAro early have to our Own. frontier lands Pa,cif 1 least," sho responded, lightly. "Now- you will let me go oil lily way.11 , I -he Avork beyoud their stlength, i . ook for- Coast. if we. ienlejiber( .,.fO go 0 . od put "Stay," lie said, as she niade towards , the "Yonr ward to Christmas tree and the Christ- pose, we selected picture s Illas tree With -it longing tile), Could -not, siliall garments, dolls, whatever we coult door. CRI-riago e6ill be fetched, or -another shall be ,provided, I pu4 -into Words. Some of ilie mothers, think Of J-11tit. childhood relpards as pre Who read this page have dres9ek]. it half- Mous. and Avv Imckedour bonxes antl volt I if you insist upon depdrUng." . I 1 11 have no carriage,l site said, lowering "I dozen dolls for their own darlings; thein a,, freight by railroad (Ind steaul have they dressed. one for a mission Ship for the TiLtIc brown children, yellp her eyes. was Oil lily Way to Londo; the Dover coach; it broke down." school' or a settleIllent, or the daughter children and red children who ha e th, .by "To London? Have you -friends of a poor Italian laborer, or foro the child-beart its our own little )ones have I little colored girl whose mother takes Ili Childboaa Around the globe has tile sum there t" ' "Not a friend in all the world", she \ vashing? Til"Oo ,children should not, to delight in the Christmas tree." . I said, her eyes filling with tears for the I - moment, as she looked at the fire. . .e "I think I might almost siy that, .Fib& 1.0 I too" lie replied, bitterly, "Bub don't you I rIA . see that you must remain here, for to- .. 11 it , I night at least ---'l - . - i7 pe., I ' Xo-no-tbab is impossiblel" ,site 11 JA 1 . & . cried, I quickly. 511 must . go oil my . . ­ . 1 34- way., - ,­ "Who are you?" lie asked. "I think V I ,. .. J 1. I have the r1ilit-to know; you'vosayed - .. .. I - X\ f , we from death to -night, on iny word it's . . I d true," I I - . "I am Dorothy VaIttier," she replied, - . I 'Illy fri,ther-a French arlstocriut--has I - - , died on the guillotine, I left my mother I Ili -the quiet grave of all old church At I Dover. She war, ail Englishwoman." 1 - X %114g:6 *l&&W, 11 I . V "You have suffered much," lie said.. "I I I I .. am sorry.. I am Sir Harry Melvin -at , : . 1 your seryiee. This place is Ifelvin liall . - .Gnce respected throughout the * county - -1 I -1 I 1. -now a thing for pointing fingers "and I 11 I - . . a), , heads." .. . 141111111TImay change all'that,' . I she said, I . - - . I . with. a little quick laugh. "Since you, . I I . I . say that I have mved. you frobi death - 11 __ I . to -night I bav .at lcaat tile clahn'to-do . .. I . . I . , with you as I Will now. Some kind of , Ir , N . %. . fate may have fluligine in here, out of I . .1 I I the World outside -and for a purik,se. - - % . . Meanwhile, sir' -sho dropped him s'lit- % -\ . \ tle curtsey----- 'l am still hungry. Since I you insist on keeping me prisoner here k I a -you Will at least not starve-ine, I \ holie." . - 11 "Xo, indeed,," lie laughed,- And for the _ first time there was something natural I . . . - anti almost, boyish Ili tile laugh. He .1 gave a tug at a bell rope liedr ,to'his . I hand; a moment or two- later altright- - . cnK-1,661dfig, p1derly,moman cime filto I the_'.roo;hi, and :stood watching him. 'tund Christmas Chronology, . I - gialloing oce"Wolially at the girl,. I ' "Dame ,Sosset)` Uid .$ir'Harm. "I ."... . give this lady into your charge. See that she i,l wall 66re(l for-, set the,aer-, ,Ajid Cortain legends and sto-rics finger 0 the iii-gredients th,- p1trin pudding -is , vants stirrin I, .1 "and have a proper meq about ChristiouS cerevionics alit [ cus- typical f the gifts of the wise men, 'a . _V) .., I set oilt bore at,owb, . . 'tirls'balits se son LOWS MAI the 0 .1 is so li ut at any rate, It is in 14, 'n.-Tand that "Am I to dine alone?" k nvolved in fa,ble, that it is difficult- to blic disli most, I I , I t f OUTISJ cS. ]Pyal he Ill a IONY tone, . I . Separate the facts frout. tradition, but Vrenolt eanuoi, excel the Eliglish )tore, . If Lk I meal for two," lie said to .the. old it is Interesting to Tead of the -antiquity and t1to Story is that whon 11eilry IV, woman, Willi the. gliost bf a smile flit. of moSt of ,our ellStolnSl w1itcs (h-th- AvlslWd to Witertaill a disbingaishod ting lt ross Ilia fe,04 - I erine Louise 8mith, in the 11-itt*, urrr ambassador, -he obtained with .much I 814o they dined lit proper fashOli 1, and Givette. Christinor, books, for fi I- trouble the recipe for a plu-m pudding, tlj,,y talked of wany things. oilcc, or etalice, are 80 C0111111,011 We think we , 'file king gave fiAiluto directions to tile tAvice Clio door was enittiotisly7,oliened; and a startled face looked irt-tho late have ahvilys, bad. five".), yot not until 1750 was the first ChristIlla-i 'book isallexi c,Ook, A d Only forgot one thilIg-CAle clotli, As a cellmlitence, -the padding of one of those who had moeked:at!bet front a pablisbing, bou."o in bondoll. turned out a 14ilure of tile consistency before'. But Dorothy's back was.turnea , 'botigh New ar's ca,rds are anotent, of soup, and the dis-uFA-ed iturbassador to tile .door, aud the Swift balwot the till b k to the thne of the )- ,outalls, was -obliged to partaN of it Avith-every man who faced her Was only ue4esaary Wien )oets wrote couplets and mottoes indioat0a of enjoyment, because the upon. th' -butt of the pistol to Temind t "a aw bonbons, the first (Xi,rjst- king (li-dered it. any intruder that lie need not ventuie mas card was not i,)sued until 184G, aild . I Ev nnn the origin of the haughty mitice Ili, When, n4dar.1nidnight, lie handed her I I 000 copies Avas *tionsid,ered a larme cir- ple is involved in fable. It Is Supposed himself lip the great staireiase,-Aud left calation. Oil tile ot'll,fir lialvd, thet';iving " to be of, Eastern origin, but it was the her ill charge of Dame Jossefit, the of Christmas Presents dates ]back to &a- cristom to make mince Eta wall as other pausca for P, nioniont together,hartil, In. tiquity, and is undoubtedly of pagan ori. * oblong in Shape, represent ing in hand, to )!Steil to tile sound 6 f the gin, thoup,li, the priests instituted the R"It3t 111111111er the mang-or ill which bite P Christmas bells far Away. I- . . . . * eastern of giving 011,48-truns boxes, a core- ' 0 3 - 111fant, Jesus was found. A­tiri h ,l; t; is "A now Christmas for you)" she *his- 11301ty from Which 'Boxing Day in Eng- 0 ,,, tile rutritans made a vigOTO, is outcry. pored. haid. takes its niano, but the attempt to prohibit it fly "PraY heaven it may bell' lie murmur. . Antong tyc foods peculiar to 01trist. niftdo people mare desirous to con'ol stf. -e ad, earnestly, . 111118 1110110 115 to 00111111011 its philli pad- it. Good Solin Banyan even Avent so *1 * * 4 - dNg. The'date of the introduction iof fU as to refuse it when. he Was starv- If, by any chanciii, you Should go to this fav*rlbe dish. Is rolegatod to the ilig, Nut lit the struggle for supronllltcy, isfelvin Hall At [Lily time, you will find dim past, but it is probable it is not ni'llco ple conquered, U4 the dollololis her portrait smiling down vpori you from older than the eighteenth century, tinti dir'fli has conie down to Us Stripped of the Wall,'among the portrafts of other it Appears to I Aro beell. "tile dish of Any mystic weaning save that, affordod dead and gone. Melvins. And you will Ilitn6ver." Searchers for the symbolic by the acuto attaeks of Indigestion fol - hear all she did for file old 'place, and Say thal; oil aceount of tile ri I o ell less f to win t fie, g a it, for Clio malt who" life She mad4 a litt- - ., - . . - .1 . I ter and A Sweeter thing. Sir Ilarry nev 1 - — 11 . I . or niado it secret about it, be was,glad always to remember that Christmas A / 0 Christmas W14i the it di 15P night oil whict, silo had. drifted fir to Christmas fitfuldis is too stupowwas to be lightly passed by Or ignored, A Iv as e r IIIIII out of tile darkness, and Saved 11hri I — I and Ilia house. . ]'I'll to do as the other willed, - Santa (,'falls a tood on tile licartlistone, - .11, -44 0, I TO "10 tile Xaiscl! at Christmas, writes Wolf Von Sellierbrand, Sarfta Cistus' Post-Offidd. ill LiPpincOtton (DO00mber), is to see a nian jtbo his $]led all tile Hero's (11ristmas coining round agabil. PvOtelltions of a demigod; one Avlw has stepped clown from his I vVish it -'Vere,hat Year, . I pedestal to become 0, good Plain burgher, olvorflowing With -t e h 1( hils,o t1lon Ave lived Mt 91`11,1111111als, milk of hilinall-kilidness. "E'Very Christmas Eive, ifilsk now we're living hare, I whell carly . .n We used to wriN to Santa what '. TO Uring its In bif; pa4k, And, then weld. throw the note wd.y 111) The chbiracy bigiand. black. I'd aqv, "PleaEo brilig, a, big now doll,%$ ' Ant _ - - . - , o"o i sled, And r1obble a new woolly dog, 1CWust the ol(I b116 lost its. head. Ania then on Christmas, sure plough, Front mother or from aundo. We got jtl.qb what W614, asIctitl for - Bu , , we kuaw it was fto-in Santa. But now were lit a tity house-, All rywell And qtiftr aud iiew, And thore, isn't tiny, fIro*c*-- ])lit I know wbat I'll do - I'll Wrih! 111 ' 1`14A6 it), 8411tit 'CIA1104, Alid. tbon, a lit.uv lator, I'll ilut go In and bly it (yi tht IrAllor rudtkttirl —117 tUrlottv 00,14mith t_1*n. Kitt, lerEl In ft 11017110ru chille. wral)pcd in all aniple calm Wantle, M1011Y lillattende(I and not asily I ecognisil)1e, it i,q Ills custom to stroll through his 1),ark around the Neues Palais, where the boughs - are ladell 11rilh leathery snow, aml then through Potsdam. Ills Pockets Are full of gold And silver pieces. and like anotber ,8'anta clatis lie distributes his bount.-t to the children and humbler folk 110 MeOts. NTObOdY is oVerlooked--flio men at the santry-boxes; the 1)arlc laborers* and the white4mired gardeners in S&11,444ouei; iM crippled voteran and the sbircly. beggar—each and eVery ow, receives his (tole. Often lie pay.4 -,it 011-Astmas debts of courtesy incurred during the year. To - Baron vatit Lyneker, his marshall of tile household, lie sent a magnificent present (worth about 10,- '000 doli.), a chest of solid silver 1)late, in recognition of the oxtra. . and rather ventious labors that of Heial litid had to perform dur- ing tile year 1.900, the year vlwn tile (,,roWn Prince attained his Majority. To Dr. 7011 Ticuthold, hi!4 body physician, lie handed a fine Rold repeater, )met in preciotiq stones and bearing tile motto I"" , 0 ast , illaviter it, 111040, fortitor ill re. ' ThN had rof retive to it 1) differellea fil opillion betivell tho doetor 111141 hii, fillperial 1)afient. In t1re rovill llotl,4011ild Illo ('11rislillil'i feiitivitit".4 itn ecilidliefed oil all claborate se -ale. olid yet. wo are lolfl, lit tho .4man s,plrit AvIdell makes the doy dear to the, heart of till the (4prillall peolllc " . I W 1, e ,., , " _ , ,l 11 1 ­:­ - _-, 1, , . -1 .. 1_ ­­ -_._-U -­ I -No - I " , '' ., , , " __ - I ; - , ,. A, - - I .1 Ap" ­ ­ I - . - -- , CHRISTMAO—AIN OVENT AIN D AN #,.",0,044.10 - - - - 04 40.0 +# 0,44 ; ­ -_ -1 - _. *,j #+* I I . , __ , EXPO-31KNO9. , . : — The ullique-Ile" of Jesua is JU X)Ut. An ]Encounter I , I , , , I ,.11111111 ", gtal;dhll; thing that $1RU1104 upon U,4 A"a 11 ,;, ; I 1 ., , 11pon tbo luen wb,o lookoa uppil Illat . W 111% 0arthlY life. 'Thoy expioss, our I , 0 W 71C ,ug, I I a Cla tffi San lra (Nan,uso 'i ., , , , , - thought$ when thoy give littexaltno to. , v ,w . '0 , , alloh wordl Ali 0(gol "Nvitat walwor of . il 11 [A 1. I , I - Ulall I$ this thUt Oyell the Viltdil W44 - - , _ . - . 010 se& obey Ulial" "Nover wait spake '41 .13140 1 Stranic IU4e: of%mcon 1104sick, x Amobelor Who, 14 as. thiv '))all," "lie apoikka with authority Paid not as tho 0"Ibes,?l . , 11" 1 'me$ Didn't 91-elleve In 04.0was. 4 .4 With Omni wt are const.ralijoa to hll .' , "What manner or man is Ile,r) NA,e aosU - Vy QfAKUS 1111ATTELL I '111f LOON10 I to Understand 111111 bf the-retsutts W1 . - , li vc . I , , , I to 11 I 1*0 04014 Ott 4 . 9 .0 6 0 0 __ ____ 0+400000t*40+040-40400,004. 04 - .. conio ,from Ilia Ife, by the illipres, I slon vollich Ile made uoCifa UQU44 wliQ It W.1111,111 that. $111100n. HOrda0k 4W MAR Would 00490 4540011 90 he Willed it, lived abotit Illin, by tile relat . . 40a N1.41411 Alt believo in $61146 Claus, I 4oubt it ITO drOPP04 the 1`49'J'Ad two 40111) 1011 . Ile sustained to the Antocedent history Of.1113 le, bX tile he had ever heard of Ili=. face downward on tile hearth as If' they 414 ' ilm Poo . b. barlootly wbJQ existed befivogpl, Iiis couscio-gsileaj ol In Ills boyhood he ha4 lived aniong not carq to see discomfiture Of their kin4ly creavor, I flimself gild tile life which IiQ lived, very praotiml - people who thought "You've been robbing toy Phops, The thing Passes our comprehension. U takc4 440k to the falry stories a waste'of -time, if they where do you expect to dispose of tile 4 U4 world's first Q11riatill" morning, alati le Ave$ its lit were not downright omaloralt and goodii? said siluena in Aloat bisulting tOlIeS. I meditation .14 4 bicuk cattle atall where a Santa Claus or no $arlta Clall', on '0110stmas , Santa Claus laughed 48 Only Ile tan IIQA a mother with )lei- first-born babe Day $imeoa had been wont, laugh. I . bes'lap her, We gaze In Wonderment Chat , All the 'developlilent of Mrioti8n, , I to worl just as hard wa on any other I i -Is It robbery to take from olle's o vll ciVill. zatioA could date fron , I .l. this, emit, Out, day of, the yea,r, No, warehouse? %liefse tire my toysl iaa4tr . I)y Illy good wito gild me, wid I hope ; . $Vardly plo different than, millions of cluoll, ,),at. osswillig an inherelit power . * Simeon Hardaek, bachelor ,of 45, knmv .nothing of Santa Claus, a -ad it I to ule,ke litany children hAppy'llvith theml What havo you done this (Iristmas to . 11 Which Ill IFIS, development was to fj:ans. form tile world, - goes without saying that Up d . id not care for children. either, . Wake your fellow men happy?,, l6collic, . I '1 . __ Christmas is an event which ciiallel)ps He hirl , ew that all people had to be- now, no 4ant", said Simeon, a , till levelling tile tile breast I our attention, That whicit has gcqreod to the WOrld bc0auS,e Of that for whie.b. gin by being children. For Ilia part be )lad got through the painf ul no' pistol at of he t old Saint, i . 1p Christmas fitfuldis is too stupowwas to be lightly passed by Or ignored, A Iv as _ . . ce$Bit)r As Boon ,I, ,,posa.ible, and at 13 was just as dull ll,t ,inmionp 14co But Santa Claus gazea full in his eye and Slilleon felt a strange Compulsion on I.. i : Olirist Ili the coilr4o o f nuture, or did 1-10 Come into nature. is He Ind that, as lie was, len,. oil two , aty, or thirty years later. ]'I'll to do as the other willed, - Santa (,'falls a tood on tile licartlistone, . which came from J -Um all evol;i­ion merely, or ail e7volution be"cati$e Lf tbe . B011old Mr, Ra-rdack preparing for sleep oil Chrl5tmas Eve. He lived in . and Smiled at -Sb0con, tile miser, and *that hard inall Slowly let fall Ilia arm, deeper fact Of an inearuxtioul an old house downtown that Ayes And fit ],%at laid tile pistol ell the bed, _; : Christmas 'Speaks of all inc 4r,laC'm of blessed with old-fashioned fireplacos. 1 Still guing jiltent),y At him, Nanta s,tid . God, in the experience of' one human, We That is, lie lived in one room in the suggestively: . - I know it u's an event, Bat oil its Inner old house; it being given, up to lodg- "Where is the money that you are , ' .. 841te it,was ail expert . . . . ience, ors. going. to Shower rigli . t, and left amex ag I %. 'A Tit the eartbly career I of Jesus, , Iod bas Mr, Hardack ]lad wer Red late at Yo u fellow men?" .1 Oven us ail exhibition of the duvalop, the office and he int6nded to go bael. And Simeon said: "Some of it is b%. , )"ent Of a human life, --which begilaivhell to work, next morning bicause, this hilld the wall paper over there," _ Christ "emptied Hilliself, taking. tU being a workaday -world, the only "Good," said Santa, Claus, "this is the t " 8 lo in 'a' A I Servant: being ma de in th-e- thing to do was to -worR and amass night you Will need it. Go and get. it?, Y lil'yeness of m a a life of de, . velOP'lleut in "Ile money, for the nAght cometh wholl I Simeon 'Walked over to tile wall, Find taking, wbich gro.w in wisdorn, 110 mail may wcirk--unloss he be a down it cheap lithograph from a I 4 ill staturo and In, fav,or With Ceti. and burglar. . . nai; be pressed on tile wail paper and it e Iran," llbi;ibig found ill -a f"bion its a Air. Hardack had, a well developed broke and lot Ili* hand into a cavity, n tuan, Re 1hurribled Hivaself, j;ifto Ii , c obedient, even unto deatIl, the ., "af fear of burglars, He had never seen 0110, and how from which he drew it, handful of silver . . you i c I You maY, wonder lie and gold and a Tell of bills. . of tile oross,", tile dov iopmolit An,led 11, "I'll orfect life, -in, whicliMs ministry bad jinafination e' ough to conceive of ANliat is had noe seen; but lie had ) "You have done wolY said Santa Claus. "All these , I elow. ,,POW that Ave 1 , ook back upon ttat often, read the accaunts f their do- years you have'been saving up this money thai you might I . - Life ib i9the Consciousness of the Chris. t tian Church that we e. I in not say wwat lne i, had Known men Who )lad .suf- 0 e, losses due to their depreda- go With I lie to -night to add to the Christ- mas happ . of those nless I It, A I IYON of nlan anti what of God. For the v Christian oonsciousno," Jesus %,j ti(ns, and -fie ,%vap, firmly convinced fl.af fliere were burglars,,and 130 sure whohl visit. I have no nioney, and there Are many , . .1 . .Son P. is'ono with God the fathl-r. And we ney. that his open, firQplace would form . among those I vNit who need money more tban toys. IS it not lucky that T . I I 11 I . at, expect to know more of God tj e ii,q. a dicr than Ave learn of Hitn: thre-agil tin especially attractive entrance for them that lie was always meaning to found, yet,?,, "Very lucky," Simeoril . Testis Christ the SOD. The inearru.tdon "Of boRrd it up. I said under the ­ hypllo ic influence, , . 1. - or- I I ,Jod Ili the experience of Jesus Uirist I became complete in the brief sp.1ce of But to (to so Would cost money, and Simeon Was no spendthrift. Why, Santa Claus looked at him searchingly I ` I . IRS earthly career. ; The Incarnation iiiiiali took lilao:i Ili he did not even utilize tile fireplace as a good spot for a, hearth fire. A and lie said., - "I suppose you know that I have three i I . 1 - I Jesus is In the development of the ages to, become aotualiZed Ili the warl-1, 11 he wood fire when lie could keep just about as Avarni. by -wearing his Over- other hiding places for illy m9ney.11 ,I, did not know it " , said Santa Claus, , i I 4118d011's of MIS world are to become thia kingdoms of -Lite Lord, Christ. coat until he ]lad finished. reading his 'evening rubbing Ilia red cheeks delightfully, "but it Pleases me. Only keep a I . ittle for I I . I 1 The method which Christ eqtpi,) ,s to paper? Aiid.tlien to bed with tile overcoat taking the place of a yourself," . "Yes, . ; accomplish th3os 4neilrnation i,I; tbroii.eh blanket. . . . I will keep enough, but I must I 1 the individual. It. is to b e0onio, .in rnvi;r- You do not know much of the give tlie- other wsviy. When shall vle . i 7 - nation lit the experiences Of nisil, Lbrif.t- Ina$ ,once an everft ,bespeaks.,art ever babits of misors 41 you have not Wought ere this iiiat Mr. Hardack start?" "As soon as Tell have collected it." . 3 .1 I I recurring gild enlarging, exporfEmm. 11, the strength of til, . I 19 experience must have storeq'of gold laid away I -unexpected , .Simeon took down two other wretched chromos, And from behind them he took . of .Ubxist, men WIN go Inio the thorough- Ili places in his room. it was not all -gold, for some of it out hundreds of dollars. "Good I .. 1^ ... . fares .of Our modern life, and 'meeting ,vith men with modern needi, will endoiC v. -ad silver, and some was in bills; but there were at least four places 1 n I" said Santa Claus. "Now we must be going. It is a cold night. You I i - . 1; vor to bring. them to this experien-ee of Josila Chrict, As the Spirit of Christ be- tile room that held enough to have provided him with a warm. and cheer- Will need to dress warmly, 1p While Simeou wn% dressing Santa I . - .. . . e n n luoll,*Hie spirit of 'love fill old age if be had been looking 01411slooked our of the window at the I : J bruth aifd will gradually troals form all 4aar W.y I-elations. , -for any puch foolish luxury And so this Christmas Eve Simeon snow-covered roofs of the houses, glisten- ing in tile fight of the Christmas moon. . ­ In this, great work Of I'learnating the , Hardacl read 'his paper, shivering I 11 ant ready," said Simeon. "Let us . . .. i, -- ,pirit of Ohrist in all 1unian relations do not We desiie to have, bur part? To in his greatcoat, and then putting out his talldw candle he undressed hurry.11 "Yes, lye will hurri -,,,Ill. be--. I i this We Are collod. It is our high. pri . vilege to shire Ili it. But we joust ill the dark alid went to bed. happy. Did you ever think f doing this . ____441 I _' I I never , forat. tbat this can only be ite Christ- He had hardly covered himself with his coat before the moon came out before?" "Mever before-" . I I j nias becomes an experience rather that, an event. and silvered his room 'and made hina "That is wily you have not been I . When Christ becomes an experience to wish that it could be minted, which was -really quite an exercise of im. happy." "I have nob been happy," echoed - I ; 1. I us as well as ail historical. person,, then ao longer .Will Ave lified to say "What agination on his part, He rather lik- Simeon, "I I I I . manner of man is this?" For 6 shall ed the moonlight because he got it for nothing, but he often Wished that suppose you will regret this Ili the morning," said Santa Claus, when they .. 11 I know what manner of man He is, that Ele who, spaka not as the scribes, but its Toys Avote just a bit stronger so, were out oil the root. He gathered up ., .,- I ;. - with authority, lie Who hpake os never that lie might save candles. How many people Whom Santa Claus the reins as Ito- Spoke. 1,1 Will regret it In the morning," was . I . 1. inan Spake, 'Was none other than the ,%it of God, the Sax4oijr of the world fille visits really believe Ili hitu? I am afraid the parrot -like response. . "That ! Judg(i Of tile quick and file dead, ; that they are. so few Ili number that the is because You did not get into ..:.:, All hail'to 1.1", 0 Saviouri As men Old saint would feel depressed if be -were the habit of doing it sooner. But you . 1. . tionsclous oCTIly love, exporleneitig- Thy . forgiveness, knot%vtng '17h_y red,4eming) told. But h%ppily for him lie 'Feldon, comes will be happy to -night?' . ,,I Will be happy to -might." 1, . I I ty graeo -we basten to give 1hee back the Is into spedking contact With III bonefi- Over the liousetops a-ampered the tiny . - I . love rholl gavest usi Forgive our oold- many clerical and so lie has collic Along year 0 after year with his packs of good things reindeer, and if Simeon ]lad not. been tinder a hypnotic spell lie Would have .. - : tiess and onr sins. r . vorgiyo our .selfishness and barahnees, even to one and has fetidly supposed that Lis coin. wondered at the strange ride, but lie I ] : 9 Of the least of these Thy Uretlirell, for ing is looked foirbY tile Whole earth. thought of nothing but the getting rid of : ,.- Whom Thou didst die. rib i-give even our I don't suppose lie could have picked that which lie had saved all these tears. Itoo 1. . . unforgiving spirits And teach its to be Merciful. Iame us o Lt of our meanness, out a less likely Place to Visit than tile room Of Sbneoll Hardack. But no In those chimneys that were small -, -for his mortal form lie sent down money - . . . . I _ our littleness,, our mi'lifirity, out, Bug picioll 011,6'of another. Help its to kn; , thought of anything save tile bringing 43 1, Of happilloss to nil ivithill the house I g by antli Claus, but some of tile arger S o;es lie descended himself, and saw . , I I .1 I ' , that heaven, arld tiarth are Thine, and , that ail thin -s are ours through 11ilee. 0=710 to Santa Claus; and lie stopped Ilia reindeer on the sloplill; root, allowing many happy children dreaming of the morrow. What a pity that the Saint . - I 4P Itedeeni us Aviih Thy self-suerifiocing love the Sleigh to rest on the southerly slant, could not have influenced his entire life! boran and b thait this, eVenting the Chri.it- while the eight little fellows stamped 0 But We hypnotism did not outlast tile I MRS ,I(,, may speak to its not merely And fidgeted oil the itorthern incline. ]light. still, iong before the night was 14 .11 Ofan event in bIStO3`y, but of an cxperi- That is the usual practice oil slanting ended Simeon ]lad given Away ,.ill his . I I u - wo inay alJ is ab.sence the roofs,, as otherwise in hi anta. Claus left him and tit last 8 - =e have. Alay Christ be born in our hearts. dear might run away with the sleigli. Harlc u River with just car faro May it be true of us that wo Shall grow in wisdom and in favor with God and There is no doubt but that Santa Claus has it inarvellous property of ae- home. Christmas morning was dawning Ill I illan, Auteff.:--J. Roy VanWyok, Harrill- comitiodating himself to small chimney a t 0 Last when. Simeon Hardack, who )lad It ­ tell, in Presbytorian. 0 else his way worild be barred in count- made hundreds of children happy by his , r. : I- . I less instanees: hub the house in which Simeon lived ]lad ail ample chimney, anti lavish donations of money ,entered his room ftnd rubbed his eyes, The first I I The Little K40adlan Boy. as Santa, stopped into it lie Said to Us thing that attracted his attention ,%veto Tho Wild Wlad waited outside die door For the little Xanadlau BOY. reladeer, quite as it they understood every wora-and maybe they did; the three holes I, the Wall paper. He rushed t6"thent and discovered.that. With a wbirlhig, whistling, wtitherhig rotti. And a whdov of wicked Jay, "This reminds me of old tillies, my he had been robbed of their contents. He looked Ills bed and there lay Ills Ro cried, L I'l WlJl catch. tha lad at Suitt I w111 qiis itlin out on the ley blastl little follows. There am or)wds of chil- at pistol. The fog cleared from his brain, I will divvy blin UP Into HIM ehares ror -all, my datighters, the wandering afra: dren living hero, and the old folks came front Lite country, And I dare say T'll find 'fit all comes back to me now. That burglar in tile fancy ball costuino. must A schip Or tlio South and a rag fQr the West, But inost Wr the East. for I 'love her the . beat- I - .. tree alreadv pretty well loadt. I Avitil gifts. Well, !Ill give them sonic things . have drugged me after 'Ill, and got away ­ "' Avith the money that I have been saving She It) whurry and witilred, and -whoops with . Filee I they can't ,get in modenr Stores, for all my things tire made by b9ad juld vv.ir- for so many yeArs!f Ito, to the fourth hiding place. Aa she shi0i in it voice tit at raDeMbIes Ine'lf . ranted to lasV, rushed There was money therej but it was his tle'lCanitdlan 134DY 110 WOro The lit I 4k qlflot. doterinhied look . The rot It ate little moilthfuls of 'nde( Snow and butted each other playfully, Lallest boar1 air, - . A SoTVftlat passed his open door oil tile Whea he heard tlxd racket outside the dotir Anti the root and WWI$ shook. . and, with it happy sitaile oil his red face$ descended. wt t y down to light the kitch011 firet- I . I . '.('he inothor grow Palo. aud. oaltip #Illy child"' But the littio 11tatiadlan Boy, lit smited. old 814'autit . Ilt stepped out upon the hearth and 4 I Aferry Chrlstinasill site said. 41111firry nothingl" said siffieOfi Her' I With inactiaelits mado ,of relildeer Wit, Billy by tile niounlight that the children dack, Savagely- .. Witli a blaitlat coat all 11hod within, with stockluge, and anittens, and saah ot redo Avith a scar tortue to covdr his head, I inust. o ill another 1,0011), for there WAS - no oho hero but a Illan Sound Asleep. But lot ail that ilia inoney made many Morry Christmases that day- I -lot Tbo little Xanadlan Boy went f4rth No, i1tot. sound Asleep, for as the solne ­ I of 0 — ... ­ I And met tho,%Ilad from 04 Trozoil north. What heavy saint alighted oil the hearth signs of the Times* . Tho A Tlld Whid shrieked with a ahvill "011, I . bol Siniqoir stirred and ilion sat lip. I , 8116011. I-raildack WAS a miser, but lie wife rush out to'blect you when POW yotir oftio you're conling, 11 at night, . I'vo get $,oil, m3r boy. at longthl" But the little Poy laughed, "That's only was not it coward, and whon lie saw the fantastically dressed man on Ills heart),. it -d noat Chrititmas. Do her ,01,cs now beattl UPOil 7011 WIL11 PLII I'low. tllil ai)XIOUS to try y0tir strongth. Stolle )to reached for the pistol that hl old remonibeTed 11SIXt? It -A nent christal". 1, I'll run you a race iind beat yott liollow." always kept under )its pillow and I)Z)lllt- DO"S Alit have your rHP,P0r,S wItrwing III . Ile did. and the Wild Wind liail to follow. "Catile 4011, alid we'll fight, if 76U *Alit to ad it directly at the torpulelit body of the good old fellow. the Ingle or the fira*1 110es alto sit and ga%a Wit YDIt as it she . : I tr.y It!" They toul,lit afid tbey tought fill Lh3 Willa '18ttr One step," Sala 1 haeon, "'and I'll Could iievpr tire'? J)DA6 Sbo teleDhona Yet, dally till the taffy - prow attitt. T-heit De said. 11110.1r1ellds ay)4 we'll ifty to- blow yonr head off." But SAIAM U111114 WAR 310 COWATJ, chokes tile wire'? we tioar alirlatman. t , gethA,T; I retilly like -vaii, ,old Win -ter Wamher, , either, until not kuoNvi Ing the, meaning (if I ntatt IcAV6 you sicliphig and )OCS youilliell) ' ! . And veil newn't thlak that WOW, and. inalice or unchatitablenem, lie simply 4 -teal Auffly Out (it dawn? . noMe (ReAn Irigilf.611 little XAURdifta 114yg* 11 -Isabel Yeomans Tirdwit, in The Chrittinu smilod and $aid.- I'll; is one of the Illachille-inade toys. It's 110"Ar ;0hrl8Uh1A$6 litie,4 abo 11two the kettle slagilig ore t1le night bag Otte withdrawn? I L 010k Totailto. t do not inake them bpeausp they are, lt,s'ilo tr ChriethIC0, I , i6so I POOR XA8, ;9AXTA CLAUS. VeAlly dallgeronA. Do 'Von intend to give I it to your soil?" I)IJeL4 J hla b0alit het a0proba1lon Oil JU.3t ov-erythfug YOU do? .1 I it blust keeo Ura. 84nut alutts . Sill);OTI was Surprised at Such an Ir- 1)oc,a r.ha ,Dut eream in your coffee IXUd two linnits of SURCIr. too? I 1JUSY all tDo tittiC. relevelit speech frout the burglar, and Doeti gho ouddle up atkd sinugglo Ito And zAr W6rkhle on tqx, poetui$6 he said- nice billigs t6 you? . They irt ito vety final. "Don't pretend to be out Of your heita, M iletir ChristbAlls. 3, I And aut"It a lot of Alfterelit *Ayn fOl- that Won't SAVO You- Just drop thO Thero are ChrlAtlhas WOW waiting JA 'the 1 The dollies hit itVii dremed ,bag vf plunder and eoluo with me, I'll abollft In towift? I lit 1111ti,ty, reds Alad blutin Anti grbya- nut I 111w plftk Lite beAt. lutrodflee you to a police officer lit dou- ble quick Clow." ,,7awn1fig a DeAr chrKwus. Thore'ri tt little bit 4' wolkifte. who woulit . . And thon Nich toy 6116 lifts, t6 plitk It is a well known fact that Salit.1 like a twuld n6w so*tl; Wo toor Olithttitaft. I Iny 01flatibas LVO, you know, % All t1glift III 06, xreat bis Ifick. Claus, itillong 111.3 other gifts, Ills byll. .the ,0.ad(11Iwg volt Anti And that N Wily 4 P.Illgglos lip to YOU; With SATIM (1111111$ to 0. MAN 1wiver. find now that tbo J0110 0 f Mr, Ilarthlek 441o%ed that lut Avaq not . T11A a sliAititl (ibo hao to (14 It ld,;t to V1,t what U hKI ,110c, I 01, dear, It atolin an awfal t1ilits . Jolaug, but actually Illemit by all bo'lily , Lftt("; lip and unilto, Upp b lppy, utake. lk*1 I To hawk So Ilddilk 10 110-- I really Otilk Tiq fitiAd niiist tit ii& i havill fil thty I 'Saint, old Santa Ald vi4 lit, miliAtilla'.1 dr(lottas ooliw true, It"; 11thr Chtl itftlkl% .9 I 111ty btr4oll't "U? . , Ntas bid, hitowhigilutt. the power of flic _1100-plon N%t- - , I % 4w., ___ —N . L ,­ ) I . - I I '. . '.1 I I , . oic, , , -, 1, I I , 11 , . I . I . I I. 1. ,,, I _ _&.tA" lai.. "' g . ", I . . . . . . . I ; - " ftd' ,aL;_. __, ,__ A A , N , .." .4c...". . b - 'r= -, L"'i"_ - - - ___ - - _, ', m _. _ ­ - - t- ,44". LIL. -