HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-12-24, Page 477" 3 " .. � ,-"�4'., I I . � - , . , , " - , - . � I � . I = � , r !' I : T 0 r 1�,-_r.�� �, ' =' =9 1 !4 ' 50 . r , r I ' .1. - � . - . I I " 19 W r A I - I N , ,� I , I " 4 %1' 0 1. 9 - 9 . i * 4 � 4 P 0 -� I I - fli 4 � � 1, Ip: :r 4 � �, , , �, -W"o-,-� - . - I . ;, "r"_W^"1',::7� 9 ' ' 'r 9 , � ., , 'r . , "9 _ - � I , I ­ ­___ ! � ,-. _ . . � r 10 1 ' 4l � A r , "_ 9� , . 0 4 . � 1 9 — — __ — , _ -_ ­",;.�. �__ ;..;.� --i- - - __ � — j ­ .1 .- � — , . � � , �_ —,— -- r . . �. .4 � __%~ . _ _ � , _�":=!r-'! � 1=0,r"--` ";�O= "w-"-*' , -- - , * , ,�� .!:-t_'- - - , I � 11 , , '" � i7 . — . �_­ ­. I I Ir' - � � ' ' ' ' - - I I e $ ­*� -,- 9 � I - � . , � ­ r - ­ 1.F10104""I . ­ I ...... j--..--- I Holid gently. "Let hor do for you It t I Worth Kiiowin.g. 99 .�� "' r 4 I"", CORNIS- CURED ISSUR NO, 52, 1908 ,­ I &F I -1_1-1. Z- .17 I.. . � failed III t101119. She Will TOP8 ur "a rill . , .. ___1 . , AVS101) "lissivro, with � . 4 A$ 1 war"u. A104, dil't I . F, ""' """ , W I. ,y XO I & � I 101�1 Z_ I wid, love better thau I bavot outx. DYSPEPTIC I with wh4ing In 4 11111-1111 h�lw, all'i p')Ikb Ya 1024149go r __ �__ t_;= -�" - ill cart rillyies eye allf CQ� ,-\ 0 - , r , f'. er _'.�I'.�.,.,�:�;�."". 9 � X4> r -f \ �t' , Before, tile- milli met Iliat evening orer aly r I JPU " b _ . _-,-r ­­­': '' - , I= # $Olt r b Oe Itig,Tt appl), lim tit 11h. I , 9 , � Corullxtrastoir. it over Itru.%I(loVeono RUP WANTIM -,i,r. With vhatuoia ukiii. 11 �Sv� � n4Z the, Andalusian hills, 11laned,, Laily Vitt` � -1 j evall on 601110asnoacids.'Is ormlesabevailsevolorhoil .~. . , � I I .. r I - r . ­­ 9'. , . . r Ij .7 Fz� i�A�_O I 0, 41, : I DOES. YOU' NO GOOD" Vor pallit wilicit has been spatt t r 1. ' J�Nj riq _" m HIS LOR1.00HIP'S �� .. 11 I It(- slept tile last, long sleep. 91116,J, try �) ettlug It, I.Ileik . 1.111)[jilig ume ond NJ " 11f I WORK , ;,, ouly of lwallas .4 . t murrious ]KEN AND WOU&N, IYORK . �, _ , I air of 1140. Curo 411APAntead. KoUrby ,,,, ,,&,&,r,A,, , A I�oinii. soaro t1ime copyll ism). 1*0001.5 I I � '' I I 1YN11n �.ordi Pan defaribe the dealt, Orvr it with it new Oliver d;,Mar. m1bottles. Rettisovulistitutes, 4 1 I 1 9 A I our advartiotox inuitierW. �L04 14y, "4,u 1 I . . I . Ole young husband. 'the blaw wa,4 so 11411 tile time you're afrala to cat; -i ingi - M ICE" � Silver .vpoono and foTl, r b. I Oreiltness, Through Suffering. on I M I I suddeii, s(i Unexpected, that It Almost do- your tolipel is co ted, inouth tastea bad, brl hl� . p Lept SS weekly"V1211", to"'Aaw"' nw- C" slml)- 9 A it _, by leaving thom for scy�J,41 lit)Ur's IS% Mfg. V_ London. ont. ­ _�____ __ ___________, -_ rl life and, rea-gon. Ito eoul,l stomach is blog-tod, It you want to I Ht Ong balmx w4te.r. IlKye, �rhiw jvftt�.r '00FIN EXTRACTO C A.tNt EAV) W.Af; p ved Jilin of I .00D but -_-!�: ,� ,.,L=, .k, f7gr) IM, SMfAL TZA, It I ant grent, I'vo 4lared tit(' birth- . 9 Ito � realizo the fact that h6 lovely and well, stop Using dyspe will tablets, And t:=4:="_ --.,Z-.,-,. - — ____ V16.96 M ROMAIN 1: I 'I t I ling hot When tho silver li Put Ill, c.. to tho bf* e^. Alfrod Tyler, . I lovinq young wife, )lad left him forever. go t the source of a trouble before ) Loodon. Got. parg Pica, ' 0 ?I I tit ft Wfle U,eroselle on a pieec ,if CAMPING IN THE PYRZK4ES, , I , I . - - NIMMIgn-'-sm" Life lo4 till Ita charms. In tile first . it Is too late. ,Strengthen your .­._,_­ -I ___ I . TP��� 1. And diuddercol on the orcst (if honlire" I . .. .1 i j I - . I - 111 19 .. r, . 1, 9 . �.. . . I � �. � 0�1 bittertiv.4s of Ills kwrrow, Lord Lynne bail, ma , tile bil , re � htomach, now*papor when t!.1paning I.%inp phillinvyq, . ­­ I FOR $411iB. _W___ SN% I � t, out c, Aulate, tile b0%iQN -- aurd rub thelitt'-with, it uIltil'thoy allN,., Young Vrcuchmeg IUVO 09111111 4 NOW � and Tea 11 . . ,:. ^^-A--^-^�"W-�� j cited rinuot- So, the young girl grow ul) in tile dying, her beat -t breaking for the loss 0! but one wish; it was to die, ail!tl so Pitt (10 this And dysp?psla will be no Tuore, 11(it Alum watt',r f-3 one of tivi be3!� !it. ort star, olnely old CaStIO, (lilt Off frOni 0,11 the the fair-haired B'liglishmau, who had all plI(I tit tile angpll,4i. for which there ;� . Playground in tilit NountAino, MODERN HOTEL F013 SALE, 9 Yor your couditiou the best. reHerip. Beat di�,Aroyvrs. ApPi with it I)r,1411 It, , pleasures and aniusements of liar age, 4brought suoh, golden radianoe into ber - scouted no retup,av, Ike I-oulitined at Per- �. ti 11 I y ca youux i0reavilmoll tire Ore- 114 MOST It1)A*ON'4&BXsl0 PROPOSITION � . . . re A party of t ever ilftored--A gollen opportunity to .. And on my brow receiveil Olvinest "car, ition oXeopt I I oil is Dr. 11amilton's Pills, N 11011, it cracks, be(Ntoa& or wherever in4ept4 aro . T ,Nfark of o�vuorAilp iiiiieribrol, by Pain, without antv coulpa xer gloomy life. ranto Bil"Ply 1)"Mlse al lelle"g.7 WAR ulki,do, spechilly for the stomach, kidne found, partq, 01. - ys ,; to, filend ,the summer In the VYrevacs- veiro.haso a. nnodM hotel Ja dhe qw�st prox-Per- . g; -living only in the glories of Lo -rd Lynne persisted in calling every dpAd Ili hints. At length Ile NA'M roused And liver, no better repledy wl I be do- ,In frylog porl, eliops (it, ril,A.,4t pork I Some rf them Went, through the 0 ivakes an alrouill 9ror,t Of twoty thousita,d. lluriling.ths bloot.l. that, tinged th- qiliv. nioth( 1% . Xperlenco Quil town in ISNIF340tchowao, On 4110 000 ]ilia; tile past and the hopes of the future, (lily. DUrIrI9 BIA1104's illness lie WAR 801- front his grief by, a 'letter from Ills nio- vised, for Dr. Tlawiltoll!g Pills aro, per, always du.ji 1;9qsJdQr them"Iyes ilia Priog braiti. � it with light brown: silgar, nj liwt year and they 1. will require twvuty�flvo thoummil, cult. to -thinking of the present merely as it dam allowed to exchalago it word with tiler, calling hiiii home till Urgent 0- feet. well As. popper and it plays;olu;4. kem�l% It. nonom for me'.4lux wrel.r dmw- . Tho i4erchil, -let of tit:- Primal curse probation that must , be eadu � red. At MadAmo Alonteleone, but one evolitful fairg, - J Emit, it, leaves ,I() alucaverers of the Pyrcute-a as . will f., "M amw 7 - , % eat, but it adds It (1,. of ducit, over 110 .Ond4 Ufr biitel In axcuaago ' r rh 9weetuess Ili li,ho m Tht,y go In will, tents made 11 I'llecomes ihc� dlictile. Itealing. tentlor tile age Of eighteen she was beauti- day" instead of b dismissed with a Dr. HaMI100's Pills. liclolls flavor and help,,j to lgal�c III,,, light rralnw, which when . Wt I'D are. about , '40" val.t. payment. IV. T, xoxeuxle, It"I - . "ill tO, Weybura, $ask. '91. � nurse, fill as all hour!, and 'acomplished to few cart words, he� was invited Into (111APTEA XVI, gravy rie-hor and browuf,r. 1 U80 a triflo fil ft�k:t Mix Ailuare and livo feet bill)), each ­ ­ --- , _­­__ , ,­.­_,-­ aordinary degree, She spoke madame's. boudoir, There she told him I P ATDN"rr 1POR SAI�11�. 1-8 11 XXV& Soothing tile pa'-sialls of the troubled 411 extr A SURF. CURE of sugar also in the rOnAtin.-, or fr. �..a v ( , gas. Intlemle b t bur for Italian, French And Clerman with as frankly that her daughter's marriage Two 4ayB before Lord Lynne left Ser� . ving, 0 f of vh�ich slielters four or five Milli 06;, itig4t. coul, n rftyito. �f oinnie, Monteleone appeared be, "NTo one co vea 1. They Also take it, collapsible boat, When 09 v.9wo. hc4W* and furnaces. v. G. crone, 9 much fluency as Spanish. She ,sit 9 with him would be the bittorest grief a uld realize my suf(eringa rp,ll�,,ay is Jett the 11rat otageo of -the Jail%,- , . , , ,, - - u 4 P " 0 X.0 r 4 `e t � — 11"" 0 1 0 , Q " 0 ' 0 a" � ", , A� I I y I 4 , 4 P '" , " N 4� f " " , , ' 4 0 0 '" - , , , I - - � If, I 11 J. Cr -111 Crowning tile life Yvith. Loyp'.4 PlIP1,01110 bealatifull. and played with -no mean fore Jilin Ili deep itiourning-dress, ]told. from ,stosuadi, trouble and indigestiou. Put a t1lblespoonfal of, pure white lard ney tuto the tilountalas ,Are made by Picking 49 li�ast 1114cm ftreet, Utiffalo, . colitroilo, ��A of her life, th-a downfall of her hopc*, the Ing in tit(, starch iviten you boil it, and -.%'oil UP ri")Wo of tile Illuleteoro Who evOli$ tbo . I �. I I -111. We I might liar mother's heart last stop completing the filial ruln. .,Ithef,loi tie babe,bi ]ter arim, " For five years I have not been well, My t grapieft $I, . of �, t i Olt SA1,11-1)JITROIT DRUO sTOCIC ANI), I 0 mas 11.0 t,11 she said, addressing him for food ,did will have no trouble wbatev I. froln'th, mmuttallia from $palu taking owes F Cwturea- new, modern ,building; evtAb- gl()Nv with pride as she watched liar, her race. $till, bialica,s lif t t 71 I , me no good;.becauso I couldn't to the Froncli market". 'I'llere good JellOWA ,,$;hod. $24 ,daily ,mlos; aXOeaAJOnAl �bti�-tunt� 9 ' I "'I ' What if Love'ti fimtborn bringn ,tile and liar lioPo� rose higher day bY be suerificed, and site withdrew her op. tile first time by that title) 41 aim here digest or Assimilate. My doetor said starch atirking Iio. 't.he iroup., . on their way home Ara only too � giaoJ to car" bty,, disagre=eat I M�i olulok- � . . of partniem Addri; k"Por un 9 - . Ma c" -till P day . position. , Ito I.vob Of my it ,X.Ist, keeue4 p to ask it favor'of you, You took vonstipation was at t Yellow soap And water inixed to ry the eamp efluiPage an the backs of their ly. X),rur 035 260t. etneft, Detroit, Aftell. -, t' note or lifel.g most trembling IvIlidame Jvfontelone has begun to from kfer� My one tl bvrros in consideration of 4, few Polite phras. /_ 1__.19___-1_.____ __ _rwr , Not another word did -the stern lady 11,01 me lily daugi 110TOP trouble, so I got Dr. Ilaralltoll?s Pills lick 1)(Iste With a little water will stop . �.� 0 - I il A la,ak RH cffVVtUUII�' nr4 Will Soliler, ito aud a tow fraucii, - ,_�� litraill, jorIn her plans. She had purposely utter, ,even whell I )e. and object in life; Make A-Mouds �ly tini At t1iii close . down f 31alleft lcueli at )It , appetite Improved, pp,in after ea I of a long dayo.a tramp 150 OLD TIME SONC.8 , , %Vhat it I leave bAkind t1im, disinill 0 for the -wroug Tau dAd. Give 'no thil c, For wimll holes in plasering tak the mountains, the 4ec_, liveo, in a most ecoa Inical manner, fact to thtink liar. ,Site would not assist .ased, and lily food digested quickly. I � ,e one qtg durkoulag $Ida of � . death, Itil(t so she 1110,11.0, ad to, save a BuAl little babo, Ili �Iaco Of tile ellild you ivvok , part Plaster of Paris, thrce pa Words. avid MtIsle Complete- 1� lit filly preparil-tions fur the inarriage, Am .delighted. with the thorough cure � rt,j of fiue� explorors, wilt koPletilues Mee 4 flUmo Mud- 11 -1 � A,nd ,swelling >,lay. With t1lis she intended to f )m Mo." '. $and And inix wri,it (old Water deAly shoot UP ahead of them, The 941404 r bmt owit;4 Me'a frapraut of nio and tfio ]tlst of the Nlonteleolies was led To I derived from Dr. liamilton's Pills,. d pin,ters give ark ox(namation of Pleasure Ito coblic Air.cITATIONs, THE PRACTIC. . � go to Madrid, w Lord Lynne lulaltAted for Houle 19111ti- To stop door.1 fronz erea'MuWput a lit. all breathP here liar name Was to the altar by hot- English lover lit plain "(Signed) MARTIN E. WAME11, a and burry toward it. Ali POULTRY XP,NPZR. 10 cents each or still knowu, and lionored, and there Morning (Iw,ss and without Any orna- Utes, It WAS , JAI lflaucaks, child; Rald ("Brideewater", tie oil on tile hinges. They find it bas "oa kindled to - guide a for ,.N's cents and our Cataloguo of 400 BOO* . httroduce liar beautiful olii I Tol to tile now that she had left l4iii, he had. roth- ' of Dr. Japanned ware should not be was 'ear, 43ad ment, Her mother never blessed Iter- Quick results attend the use s.bell th.ent, by 6024-0 herdsmen, whose Prayer. ,9 ing also jo love, Bllt the pals, wistful dichia cures all with v,ery )lot Nvater, as it jyjil call, to the silence or tile mountains, has caught BArgailis F REV. notice of ilia Spanish queen. While ills, this Me ,,a I -ad of their A*" OrlITIA, 0 Our Loving Pat -her, Than does beset ulatUring. those plans, a-circurnatance never gave list, consent to tile Marriage, face of the ladv moved hini. It Ito to,% E�anlilton's Pi ir, to craelk. . t tile not tootstops In the distance. The U. 0. SUITH CO., Dept, lit. She said but these few worils- "I with. a in the stomach aud digestive C ,. 1-io bad no idea 'who .they were. , blast lllmlY . , I 1. am all it ebild .so, youi�j to Xrig)atid, the cliane. '. tz"JuIll Never ban It o, jkqugh� they were smugglers plying .�. � � .. _;:�, � . -�__" its behind and before, And it is in Thoo happened which render6d th Aram my opposition," gans by removing the ca,use, g a 2airror wh2re the sun's . -be- =—­­ ­­­-­­- ­ :. - - - - - useless and -Unavailing. Destiny had So St6plieu, Lord - would 41 It the jour. - . . tw r VARMS FOR SALE.. that we live and movot and have our I as were -that it a o, , rayll will strikoupon it, it acts oil tile (,sell v ance and sPain, in 9 � - I being. To the quickened oya, Thou d os t other ,things in stor-o for Bialica Mon- Lynne, married Bianca Monteleone, And ney. And after all, it would be ,a, Per. 14 11 -I inereiiry And clouds the gla$9, , _ 'lose by ItIB but the ca P Is Met Up. Ili __,._V ­,i . immediately the ceremony was ended Ila, petuAl, reluirlder of ilia Borrow an(! his Geology and Coal. . - one great soup pat there is an. ell% podrida, 1 25 ACP,M-N74Alt ST. CA.TH,&R1NZ%- reveal Thyself in all Thy ,workii, so that teloone. 41 9 � " ___ , __ I ­___..___._ of, meAt and barley, From. another comell. I aulfohle for. mixed farming and fruit; � ,� thing tells it,I r4ory of Tile northern front of the olastl­ took her to Italy, loss;, still, lie Would not part with I I �- the fragrance, ot tea, ,L skin of red wine clift acres grapes, In full be-Sirlug. Apply tho; For one yta.r 14ord and Lady Lynne altogether. Ito could 410t, co-fisor All Buropeou goologimt calls atLeation . . Is brpached And the Frenchmen produce such Clia% Welistowa, Horaor, Quit. care and love. But it is Ili the Divine faced the high road that led to - r. .t� to give . I I � Bill. wa�re perfeiitly happy. Bianca sighed up oll­elalin to this, Ills only child, go to the piacitical bearing of recent Kea- . � � ds,U,caelea as smoked aawmge and pof ==�__;:, .. . , — I ' . _­ ­_' * Una, so tenderly human .and yet so di- ancient. and celebrated city of I . ' � . or even -pate de foia gr4s, The air and appe- ' . wheA she remembered liar Mother in ilia tile matter wool compromised and lie logical studies of the construction of the I The Poor Horses, �, vine.i that we mee Thee morit cl-6rly and ville. One evening a man, coming on gloomy castle qf Sorrento. She may be * agreed that ',Nfa,dam ]NIouteleane ,should Karpatblan Mountains. It hAo hitherto : . . . ! tile born of the day'o tra-mP make everytblag !. . learn the thought- of Thy Itetirt to-wavd business to one of the'servants, found I � - . 1. 1 taste its best. How they are treatedl I I � in the middle of the road a youn for-olvall if her zhind did not alwaya dwell have cliarge, of his daughter far 'at 191"t been assumed that the coul-basin Adjoin- ' - 9 Us. We 9 0 9 - ; In the igorning the party splits tip for a Their feelin a aren't, considered. , IM - I ay's sport. The coo)i: and 449 aid start tot, , � v stand in Toverent adoiratiou be- on that and and cheerlessr picture. For the next Qivvelvo years, If she lived so ing these mountains terminates at 4 1 lu:,:_�. I 4 ye" ille - fore Him, so Pure and yet; w gentle to gentleman, who had api)arently. been the first time in her life AiQ, was happy; long, Bub to this I � to would not even. fault along their edge, but Professor : i oonre, fap4a or vIllne to buy provender. 31! them, glare and the heat affect thrown from Ilia Itorse, and y r - 1. � there is water near. tue riabovaien get ilia the erring., so mighty in power and yet the Spanish laoly would al- Uhlig allows that the coal Must continue ' IF � boat Jut* commission, �w . stunned or dead oil tile bank, wh!12 she was out !a tha fair, bright world, Agree, unless I : 0 i ,All as it I -i it lo a Some horses even insist Upon stopping Ir so gentle to the erring, to heal and to ' tl razed at ,some dis. mixing freely With her fellow -creatures low )'in' to contribute a, cartain =4 . ' staunch cratt wilit a belt iDt Kapok or i4va- to I -est. . � �' tild horse quie y g P under the ninuntains, slid that the pro. � . . � . hlesn, and we pray that Ilia Spbit may A few minutes admired, loved, and praised by all. Her Annually foward fJie support and eau. � , We are apenIng our a -,v n office In. IVia. ; Aase. ribre aligut bar wDich makes her ,prac- : . � I olloble tallce from him, In tits to sound for it may be do. hipor, The Underwood is now at harno tivally unaltilvable. Thlb, is, essential, for the How few drivers think to leave their �. fill our souls and transform an( Ware husband adored her, never was love so ca.tion of tila little Inez, Madame Mail- �' the inhabitants of the castle . .. =d Biulply by the character of the , t" 15811fax, Et. John, N, B., Tv1O,n`tre9,1, i watet: in the mountain lakes -bowls in the. horses in the shade! our lives, May we so live in His radi- t or so devoted its that of Lord teletilie would have consented to almost . I a- Fit afen � Madame Monte Pass',011a a q`aPOntO, I'laintitna', T-011dgOil, WlIVIlPeg i hollows of the bill -,,a so cold ill On a recent huraing day a man left �. nut presence. that. wo. sliall grow 1-ito His aroused, and, by iy terms, Ito diose, to offer, ,so tvnxious odperposed layers. instead of sounding i and Edmonton, 'with agencies in all the the bgst wimmor cou"Ita ueep afloat unaided . leone's command, the gentleinall ,was Lynne for his beautiful bride. Her )ove- 2 41 -�a child. through the Lower Cretaceous forms,-, Other (3ties, i "I Ilia horses for half an hour on, the Sunny I likeness. Amcn. . carried into one of tile bedroom$, ly fae,e and sweet, graceful manners, liar was 4e toi retain ]ter daughtei � , .� only for . few minutes. side of the street -wlien there Was good i qo T-t,I L miw left the -witr , where tion, as has been attempted, lie points VNITP1111 TvillivW11111111D The young Frenchmen who are in -, . ____ and a doctor sent -for ,with All speed. clutu.-IlKo simplicity, '$Von all Iteawt fn 4 11 that the places where the older ILIUS 1 this Year ,say they want to wake the most of shade ten feet away, . istful Energy, The extent Of Ilia injuries Was S6011 11,ma, in X�Iorimo% and 14 sunny Naples, lie had loved mid suffered I LIMITED . their dis Y before It gets Doised abroa(t, Tito averago driver of qven a very A Res .3. Soxrow had aged andal -'are, 00 decTAY., (A � it Ver. , 41 0 because " . all , " , are those - c "I lite joys of roughing It In the I . discovered; and they -were a violent Ito had never Ili liar whole life ,t ,I hilit. Vis tiary layer shows itself a an 9 Adelaide St. East - TORONT . whe. heavy wagon Carelessly allows his wheels (Ily it Banker.) concussion of tile brain and a broken. heard mother hardly recognized lit the sad, where the coal Must; lie nearest th r. . ryr=,Arebonco revealed the region will. . ' one compliment, now found hom. - . I � ... I.. � -1 I 11 ... ­_.,�, .1 Y B1291 , Wh-- and Amarlean.,4 to get in ' , - - I— ­ I � "I .1. ­ � thoughtful mail the bright -faced boy face, Recent soundings indicate the cor� � a ba pects , L "Ilitherto slialt I'llou conic nild no Air- ankle, For many days the life of the %gp and flattery 6verywheie. 't was In" who had been away from her'so short ­-­ —­­--­­ - ­ ­_ . unW It becomes its commonnh�e A-, j�, tile to beat his team uritil, by plan Ing tiler, and here shall thy proud waveq be - stranger trembled in the bal- possible t I rectuess of his conclusions. I 10�m - 9 . I young 0 be young and not enjoy the a, time, Lady Ly,iGe had said nothing �, � .'.. "., ... .— - . _'. . ­.. .. The Order of Pools. . . About, they are at last extricated. ' ance. During that time he never To- new and golden l4fe opened to her, 1'70T when -bar son wrote ,to tell her al Ills, ­­­_ Appil I iR not the only Fools, The average human simply loqu oil, Flwje(l:' And what a mighty force do Day , L . covered his senses, but evidently the first time she wora magnificent jew- ularl,lage witill the beau6iful &;ught�r the year. On Nava 1381, - j'a " CHAMPION 11 , Apparently considering the disgraceful __ those proud water,j exert, all unheeded, imagined himself in England, They els and costly dresses that enhanced liar of a noble but Impoverished. rA.ce, but . . mber 121, he THE scene in the 11 -ht of tin economical ell- ,. Order of Fools was instituted by ,&dal- , I TI I C discovered that lie was an English beauty and made her doubly fair, She i , . phus, Count of Cleves. 3rV1 . 1, tertain � � .nll unatilized, around our shores. . I , I ment, A makes one blush to be nobleman, for in a small pocketbook liked the grand6ur that surrounde(l her; to liar as to Aladaine Monteleone. She Minard's Liniment Co,, Limited: Members were not by any meaus idiots, - ___", GAS AND of the same species. power of tile. I�alls of Niagara it fully , the disappointment ilvad been as great plib'Into requiRition-which, however, in was written Ills name, "Stephen, Lord- it ",va, I s pleasure to dwell In sumptuous 'l,new that tile only hope for her son Gentlemeni--Las6 wWcer I rao0iv`4 bowever, for the word had a different . If F'rome respecter of decency lends it . I thi littere.4ts of tho ,grandeur and ina- knew lie must be roomall to tread upon soft, thick carpets; was to marry sonle 'One with MOU6.V, great beriefit fro -In the Use of IIINARD'S meaning then, They were the prototpye I , " . GASOLINE hand othets itre Usually- discovered wolit Jestle soblimity, will, it is to be hoped, I woro diamonds ol to gaze upon rate pictures and statues,- and all,it had'selacted ill ]jet, Own Mimd LIXIME.NT in. a severe attack of La, of our modern. Order of Voresters or Odd , . il are willing to fall lit line. Three or four iy L"'�no"' ' The "Y , I . � . ilever be the �Lqc-pW-se§3, it is statedi g,!e4a1t11vya'IUO0, andt a 'purse full of gol(l to have servants ready to obey her the lady whoni slie, wished to h GTipp(i, -and I ,have frequently proved it p - .. - ENGINES ean lift a wheel out of a phice from nr to'provido ever city, was found 1, his pockets. Inquir- ellows, doing a f3imilarly benevolent y � slightest ,word. It was pleasa4f; to ))a a wife, il, quiet, gentle, RIlgIL.4h girl, with- to be very eff"tive in eoqes of Infl-aut- work. TI - - - - , AN-hich. it is practically impossible for a , 'all - out an -y Pretensions to beauty, but the Motion, leir Insignia con , 11 a --= Q? t- M CIO r -A horse to pull it. town and village Within a diatriet nearly ies were made at Seville, and thep young, idolized wife, whose every wi sisted of a man- , - _� � four hundred, miles in circumference, they discovered that the wounded and whim were gratified. sole heiress to till enorinow fortune. 'But . .tle, upon the left. shoulder of which was , -.-. . P 11r1R1^L. � I A_".. This passive watching of suffering.had with ample electrical power for both stranger had been residing for some - 11, the first tumult of this now life, 4W6 hope died when site heard that ber Youls, embroidered a jester, or fool, in cap and z _. I it I human illustration some time ago, I Motive, lighting find henthim, require. weeks in that city, and tl,.Lat only two Bianca half forgot W. A. H(N�VITINSM'4', bells, yellow'hose and silver vest. So is the only GRSO111143 3311191ne bliat you can try . the hopes she hail. son ]lad found a wite for lillnaelf� aind � . . u jolters ]lad a bright b8fOr2 you buy, I know what the "0114m.- when it girl's clothes burned while the . ments. But the power of the tides Ili- days before his valet left him and re- wrecked, the ambition she had betrayed.. she wisely abstuill,ed from mylilg any- . . rIoa" will do, and I want You to be fully trolley went a block. "The passengerk, ' finitely exceeds that of many Niagaras. turned to England. Some large boxes Once when ta-Ilcing to Lord Lynne of her 'thing elther of her hope or olisappoint- � I happy outlook upon life and met toge, ' Modelled with It be,tore you pay foil It. The were so surprised that they could not ,_ . I All day, all night, the mighiy wasto of belonging to him were still at till mother� she suddenly clasped liar arms ment, When Stephen wrote to say that . . ther to dic,pense the earnest of their price is low. Full Particulars free. act." Surprise is it very natural state waters is perpetually exerting its irre- hotel ,, and these were forwarded to" r und his neck and asked him to give up af Wr the birth of his ebild he hoped to . . . I 110althfUl OXISteUCa at RtUted intervals, W1111. Gillespie, 98 Front.St. E.JORONTO of mind, but in some instances it doesn't sistible force, ever ebbing and flowing, Sorranto, tit Madame Monteleone'd 0 his wifil Lome to Lynnewoldo, she I . the chief day of 'which was November 12, � I desire. .1 . . I his English home, to bring his ,wealth lir I Talleyrand's Way. I I look well in company with procrastina- �_ . without aessation, without rest, but for . Over to Spain, and to call himself by liar in vlurtt preparations she c,ould for . �­Proni the London Chronicle. The ,Ginko Tree tion�Pldladelphia Record. i ew PUT -ties In , I - V . to hear ThIleyramd- at ',his dillnff I . . . ' lie one moment of turn; ever placing at Very slowly did Lord Lynne To" name of Monteleone; but lie laughed tileall; but when she ex'Pol .. "L or of nature should 'see a maill. Our disposal the Most potent and alto- cover consciousness and strength. His long alid loudly at the mere idea, something definite as to the' tIT1118 Of sierydngg gmiluaited. Us Mamd'alt's +O` ibis � iv ,a , , i ;ether resistless energy in all terrestrial gratitude was boundless, He spoke "Walt, Biauiia` he said, lightly, "until - pulests' xwi- . k tbis Way ' . PES CURED AT 110 1E BY festation. of the beautiful in foliage at 1, as both ladies you have seen lywiewolde. Why, my - their arrival, there came the Had news D'T woyal- ,blood-. "May I I i Nature. And �et, noiNkthatanding the French fluently� and of the death of the young and boatiti- I To M PTITice I the corner of Elmwood avenue and As- I I W t M -0 sembly street," said William P. Houseal. . advance in the past few deca,des'in the habitually conversed Ili that lan* dear child, you could ful. bride. f 'offering -your wo,yal IIEW ABSORI TION �AETHQD , put all Serranto In Lady Lynne realized how great h4ve taLe dionor 0 a . "The gink':i trees there, to the number 61* R_,� �q L knowledge of ilia Means of utilizing guage, there was nothing to Check oil corner of it, alev bighn,m-4 a little beef?" . , -4 natural forces, this greatest of them all their friendly intercourse. Air that YOU must became,Eng.. son?s Borrow waa when. the Haw -his al- of nine, lim a douned their glorious gold., 11 .1 fillit; I can never be a Spaniard 11 To a ,duke-. "IT-ousei-Q110'u", 'PeTlult an's — or- dress of autumn and for Uniformity. I N -Q-I A re . has been altogether Unheeded and neg- h6 had to tell 1vas soon told. He, ;;i �t, * tered fa4e, At first she felt soniet 4is- le;) — , _q Stephen, Lord Lynne, WhateVer site may have tho Lady ae hitment at not-sceing the little Inez to ioMl you vomebeef - I and splendor of color I have never seen 1 4 Ili; r upon refleoition P To u, anaroln , y I out 'It t ,r — . 1-1 ­ - a - ago, OR the , 0 her t is: ".'KaToitlits, ma If you stiffer from bleeding, itching, . ­ . had succeeded Lynne never expressed that I What a colossal fortune awaits the to his title two yearl husband again, lie felt it. better their equal. . His mother -was . lie had returueol .alone, For some YOU 'a I"tIa' beefy". I W Yin inventive genius who will devise some death of his father. that ..lous. 40, -ant, liave CIDUle blind or protruding Piles, send ,no your "The ginko tree, it should be-remem- P 011- - They bad been married almost � year Months she fetl ank' rl Alarmed Toa viscount: 'T'Isao o efficiqnt mcaus of harnessing tile. power still alive, and in compliance with wben. a sudden desire took pas beef ?11 � address, and I will tell you how, to cure bered, is the oldest species of tree on the ale, weak and nervoiis of ilia tides into our service; who -will her wish he was traVelling for two Session Of about him;, the spring of. his life Zeemed a ple need a tonic that, U , Lynne. it Wals. to return .. 'Taron some beef " yourself at I Aanericall continent, and away in the P 0 years before he married and settled ' to gone. No sinito evor came to Ills lip's; To a baron � j Pome by the new absorption dira past it flqilr�isli will build them up and xhow us how to transinit this uncon. te,'Kntb, so that her child might n. uiltitled genitlema-l". "Some treatin .e.d..-asviax north as be ,never for one moment c ant; and will also send some of . make them well end 00I a querable energy throughout the length doun. He had lingered in Spain, for born there, Lord Lynne said lid Ills aorro�i - Tk) A . . I Montana. Gi;i�i'-'jk4d(3'-*tVdYen in the What a VIS lie loved the colIntry, While at Se- all he could leave -him. Ills mother began to to fear beef?" this home treatment free for* trial, with strong. Celery King is and breadth of the land. , t� to dissuade I ginko, on Account of its resemblance to the toulo that will do of mr,omltb and prosperity for all nations ville his valet left him. and returned ter, but. in vain: She was Lbat his heart was buried in the grave TO IILV SOCTelaTy: 'Teef?)) van references from your own locality if the pine and maple -the trunk of one these things. Large , to England, He was going to visit too gentle, too �?ielding to persist in To. of his beautiful and beloved wife. Ila When, there ,%vays prdkirta pemm 6 requested. Immediate relief and per- and the foliage of the othilr. I am also I hin haying An extended sea�-board would It,, a small town no,,, when he was to liar ,%visit when liar husband could not bear to dwell Upon tbat one inderior to the &e.0retafrT, to him Tuloy package 25 cents, �at deal- Sig vol""n . . � � Opened up if everywhere the electric had Nplessed di8a ation, but in a brief imar when she Imil been -wUll him. raml did not 0. '40 inruoh ae a, Wawa. He manent; oure assured. Send no money, reminded of the fact that it is not -mail. S, 0. Wells & Co., Toronto. I � flurrent could be s4plled at inexpenqive thrown from Ills horse, and left almost hundre .Pprob, ay L but tell others of this offer. Write to- generally known even in the city of Col. ers or . by .. ... . . . I . IT Public dead at their castle gates. Ile was Ways he perceived how iltuoh But a'� yva.rs rolled oil the bittern eH of simp;ly lioaked at -the u1nn, ant' 'Pe"Tilted day to 'Mrs. .Al. Summers, Box P. 3, . � . . I ..... cost, for manufaetories and A me -as were all the she was really benb Upon it, his grief died away, tbieca.xvinu kmife at the beef infioilwognt- U It umbia, that we have such rave specimens .and private purposes. young and handso, They had spent a y , While lie lived, Lord Lynne Wi d,or, 0 t. of trees in our midst, for a tea'cher not A Westchester Legend. . �ps-and gifted with an easy grace ear oi Unalloyed 'level' lvely,_T. 'Ple. Weekly. ) . And what a tremendous power does Lyn . . -1 � 1, long since told liar pupils that the only There is a curious story of mingled our beautiful satellite exert Ili drawing of m9nner that charmed and fas�in happiness. Day by Day Lord Lynne loved really loved or cared for �my other wo- I I - - .l.awards her and compelling to follow her ated those proud, high -bred Spanist; more dearly and deeply tile beautirul, man; but In time .lie yieflolea to his The WqlI of St. Piegmund. . ginko tree south of Washing' ton city Vag quaintnesF. and superstition told about in ]ter apparent daily course uninimber- ladies. gentle 911-1 who I'Ad touched Ilia heart mother'is wishes. and. brought home to TOBACCO 111- --- 11 A B I T A service was hold Ett the quidlit in the private grounds of a resident of the building of the mill dam across the When he was able to leave Ilia as no other wonaan ever could or did. Lynaiewolde as his wife the wealtliv and . . that town." -Prom the Columbia State. ed thousands of millions of tons of sea -1 - V Pocantico. near, to Philipse Castle, at water; whor.esoever slip may be in the room he spent many hours every day , To make her happy, to watch her beauti. gentle lady whom slia !Aad selcoitC1 r)r,. AloTaggart's tobacco remady removez all church Of P10M.Slall, lioar Oliesber, yies- � terday, for the dedication of the iioll of kluardPs Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Tarrytown. Lord Philipse postponed the in -the society of- Madame konteleone ful girlish. face lirigliten at his lovincr DnAng the first ymir of his second dezy,e ror ,(!,�� -%�reed in 11 few dAys. A veg- I 0&ble medio-lit-a and only requires touching St Plegmund, friend and tuCor of Alfred - heavens, the. ocean beaped up Ili a grad- � 8 .t.110 tongu,, 11 . I erection of the church of the Hollow in and her daughter. From the mother words,,*o�t: the study and pleasure of 0 marriage, ilia was wretched beyond ex, - wItIl it o0oatio-asay. Prl�,,e, $200 ' * - _________91 - :. . nally sloping niountain of -%vaters. of I life. .11011vibeil her -wishes, and execut: prnslon; lie could not lielp -W-4te. could . The spring is remarkable for. . � '.1 he learned the ancient glories Of the the Great, which. the summit is immediateli be" ad been see- ad th6filalmost before they were Utter- not Avoid 00.311paring the passionatai . the faet that It% water has been uved Ili Every-o1ay Helps. order to complete the dam, but the upath her. though 'the less powerful family -how they once h beautiful Spaniard with his calm, quiet LIQUOR HABIT baptisms at-Plenistall Church for fully A Labor -Saving Tabla­-A srhall. table dam burst each time lie tried to build influence of the sun -being To dig- and i� none save their royal masters; ad. They Wandered about Ili those fair English wite; but When hi$ daughter, . marvellous results from taking -his reniedy eleven centurleo. The Ax,chileacon cof oil bzIl-bearing cadcore is p; great convea- it. an& oung English lord found- S�, knd life for them resein', satfe .Ind Inexpensive -Chapter,, who ' tant ter-attritc- so that the plainly -dressed "It""" 6i'ic t4e goldiva-baired Agatha, was 'born, he for the Manor habit, conducted the service-, ra. ieneq in a maidless house. Hot dishes In his distress he was approached by Inc) I ---causes at times a court with tolul el p ,y bled the Iden dreams of the lotus. brAne trecutment; no Ilypodermle Injections, . tion. Perhaps we Becarcely realize, as we - .. . go . grew more reconciled to his fate. He licity, nx) lots of tAmo train business minded the congregation that while liv- may be placed on it and rolled to the side Harry, his old sla,ve. Rarry told his .­ lady, who lived in what he consiof . �er . It . no 'Pub , -a its a. hermit Plegmund acquir� of tile hosteis, while dishes to be remov- a I , , ow, and' held aft I -a cure, cartekin. ina thei gaze on her midnight beauty that liar ered a gloomy old ruin belonged to "all I could understand, dear 331- was a rich man n a high ( . master th t in a dream the Lord of power of attraction is so altog�tlier on�, of the noblest fanIffies of Spain position in the county. He -began . to A.ddress or oon..�,,ust i)r. bloTaaagrt, 75 Yonge ee such a reputation for learinag that ad may be piled thereon and taken out Heaven ha.i been revealed to him when qtapendous and so prodigious. I ' anca," said Lord Lynne to his wife one feel more interested in his duties; lie Veot. T,oiroui,,o_0auada. . King Alfred in 890 appointed him Aroh- at once, thus saving many steps. the Lord said the church must be built 0 He saw they were very poor,- there d "why you wish to 'return to that - - I . But how Utterly beyond our finite .t ayp bocame at-tached to Ida wife, Ili 'a quiet - - � b1shop of Clantierbury.-­London Stand. When to Acid Salt to Vegetables- first if the dam was to remain firm, when was no attempt with more digni y gloomy old Sarranto.11 power of comprehension the majestic than did Madame Monteleone her kind of way. lio caine to lookupon tihat No Great Rush. ard. Proba.bly many housewives do not add constructed. Philipse followed old Har - Power of the. Omnipotent Creator who obscurity and Povertv. � "I cannot tell," she.Taplied. "I do not 04e year of perfect happiness more as � 1-�, 1, I . salt until the last, -when boiling vege, ry's advice�-F rom the Westchester formp�_.tbn -splieres and who instituted � � understand what it is that seems to call a beautiful dre.aut than a reality; he A number of weeks after an al(! man minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. tAbles, and probitbly inany do I did not County Magazine. From the daughter he learned an me home, but my mother's face is alwilyg tried ,to forget stinny IS -pain, ber purple was -appointed postmaster of a smia,11 R - A, . 'a doniestic - 1, I . . . - , �. .4- - - di&'Jaws of nature by which their move- other lesson: the lovely face, tile before lite; and all, Stephen, I Would give hills, hier myrtles and, olives -the tried village the villagers a,nd their friends � . know Until .1 was told by I ments are ,,, d And yet. He who dark, almond eyes hainiteil hixn;-and anything for my little child to be born to f air I Omplaill about the mails, An . Both Away Prom Temptation, Riolita teacher. Salt dissolves and drawa � by ,,,, ,,,,,,,,1;:r,,1,,,,,,., and ill I'lis Power, he loved liar with a wild devotion - get the lovely fhae that even in began to c, tter out the nitrogeneous, flesh -forming sub - 4 bomel" d A story is told.of a west country stances from vegetables and me.%ts. . "made the worlds'i-tbe Son of God- rare in an Englishman. It was thc: "' lily a' shall havo ,,ZN,had oluiled -Upon him, 'he tried to iiwpeetor investigating the Ina :i:. t.; jim!'::1:i Y. I your wish," replied Ole past and live only Ili the found out that the Postmaster had sent shop who rebuked the sporting pairson Therefore, if it is added t4o early in .. - --."::. in order to rescue us froni the conge- - " u coking on bi ... I (Inences of olir 11-tisdevils, Inade expla- old, old stor What else could hap Lolol,3tllnne, illy at bar; present, and -in Fame degree he sliceeed. out no mail since Ili$ entrance into of- for Ills hunting proclivities. I hear you b it draws out the most valua,ble , Ile I " I lion for them on the. erosg of Calvary- very go fox hunting, & good deal") 1w observed Ing the vegetable. It also toughens ... . � . I I inight itild a beautiful girl.? Biatica waria reception from your Mother." Itegularly every quartay. there came dusty letters that the postmaster had 7 1) oi� s- f !" 'on, given all old castle, a wounded but I fear we shall not -have. a ad. fice, and painting to a hundred or more al � F, Ot at high vocation, and fell as one day. "You ouglit not to olo this; I .. . and surely, too, for the. sins of 'ill bic forg 11, "She will be pleased to see us," said a letter from Afailitaue Aloutcloono. The kept by him, said, 'sternly, b,�,,s, and tot, tlw-se two reasons should :t . . Universe scattered throughout tile dread deeply in love with the English lord there is plenty of work to be accomplish. be lidded a few minutes before serving. I ... 11 I .1 ;.11. L, .i� i -i; Ti. I died as he had done with her. A few ,!`,!!�:! lj�,:' abyss of space; for "Christ II&VIng( Lody Lynne; "and perhaps we might elidlol, she said, had even More than bar g "Why oil earth didn't yon let these -cd in tile ilarislifl A XeNy Way to I.T." Dye -A velvet .. 11; k !%;:!,!�: , �Iill once dieth no more." Aud all persuade liar to leave Sarranto' and go motilier's beaUty, %vith all tha fire and a?" 'But," protested the vicar, "fox hunt- Brussels earpet, little worn Wt fa,ded, :::%�1%j Wil:ii! &I'd any meeting among tile myrtle and orange to na for a time." . P 1IM" I ow__%, - ..*:... '2E . who come to Him In -11Y receive t spirit, All the prido ,and hautour of liar "I was waiting till I got the ba,g full,' Ing is merrely healthy exercise, besides, I waa dyed it rich green with olvag applied �M_l ;U,�, .,!!%!i1:1-: Ile I)enQ- trees, and theft Stephen, Lord Lynne, 11,11191a ,�i!ij:;4ilt!j i .M.;tl ,.z":::�.�:-1-1 fit of that Great 37,'xpiatiai. teloone to be his soilly. to please his beautiful young alialeat race. said the old man, with a gentle smlle� hag,r you wc,re at 0, ball tile O,C,I1,%r uigl1t.,, with it stiff brooni. Two packages gave llijliiqi!!�$!�. ::i.:!i::;, . M asked Diane& Mon wife, to whom be could, refuie nothing, Lord Lyalhe sk-ank selfishly from see- Philadolphin Bulletin, "In it somaA thab is so," replied the 16hop splendid results, and were used on some 'fifijt��:i.,-t;t1:,!:,. "r �"i'l i _.- wife. Ile war, rioll and noble -there . .N!;i1%:$i:;.:9:z% vo i6ii-IN , .. ...� no fear of refusal for him; but Lord Lynne iii-lortook the journey to I her� He did not caa-e to reopen the �1 i I ',In u sense that f4 sa,," repliefl t4lot, portleres to Inatch tile carpet. A very 11 li:-. 1,:i;,;:;,i;1. . .!!!!j-. a. I Sunday "Rest.' ., Was Ii ted so ; ;:1iti!1M�1ji; _t�_ . � 1 1 . (I Lynne never for- Serranto, It was 4 long and somewhat 10, wounda thait, had, once amaT Xfuard�s Liniment Cures Distemper. bishop, "but, truly speaking, I was tbroa tliin (I m Made by droppiug red ink luto : i*i11,-..1j:1 C - ;.. * for many years LOT, a t horror, acutely. Ho drettoleol lost the eight of I - — :!;i, : , ! 1. Uuwl-worlc. whi(-h N the main burden got the look of distress, Imog tedious one, for Bianca was delicate, and . .or four rooms,away front the, ballroom," it rinsiitg awter freshened a pink gingham ,O ; 1.!::� i :: I . M ;: upon Madame Monteloones' face, ,could not travel far without fatigue. ! .*1!!*. : . I her mother's face ill the ,child should A Dtfinitl6n. The vicar sixffl,ed and then retorted, "I on wash day. A pitle blue dye turned a I z ; :! I of so, many houge-motherA nowadays, ' bring back ilia Anguish it had taken � 11 I I Always three 0 nbroidaro�d dress ,, . I can 'he eftrrml on so much moro. I U may 0 I a ni ne - - , k ,t when be asked for her daugliter'g Madame Monteleone Teceived them yeatirs to deadmi. ,So time rolled on, t -he, ' ­.,LN�,ow, ,),all, nie, yo a f n the a r fou� fields behind failed blue lired Its, I 07 �F (111'etly hand. more warmly And kindly than they haol Dowager Lady Lynue diet! happy in to, word taxidermist," said Miss .Rodd. ,rA the fox, .so whatN 'tile difference?"- Into a preMy blue gown witA blue am. ., � . , 7= ... I and djo,eottously- thmi linild-work that fsN�y doalghterl" she cried, ,'How anticipated. Nor by one single word 111eyi -be so. The gold,en� taxidermist is it faller that rum a -taxi. Prom Tit -Bits. broidery that is mooh .admired, , ,I . 1= temptation ti) let if. emroaeh. oil. the blind, how foolish.1 have beent I uevOV or act had she forwairded their Marriage, haAr p into a swtet and callp" aiiiiI Johnnio.. "No, dettv," said .� � 1� . Ila Freshen Old Matting ­Cleanse the . Suriday's re%t is rriom insidlous.. The areamed that you loved liar! T"OU must but nowtbat they weer ni PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. ma,tting well with warm, sop-T)y wa-ter . arrried, not one , 10 6 word came to suln. lWas Rodd. 11A t%xld(�rmist is a Man PAZO OINTMI,7NT is guaranteed to cure aftY wortian who would not think of ,Hitting go Away and forgerlier. She call never word of liar blighted hopes escaped her)"f 111:an deafroBt child to Iler who stuffs birds; Havei you rievor seen case of Itchin.p:. Blind, Bleeding or protruding and, when thoroughly, di -F, apply a. thin down to sow on Sundav will lot her be your wifel" and %layer once Ili her daughter's presenco f&t,har,s. holue. . . doc. Piles in 9 to 1.1 days at, money refunded. 506, coating of varnict,11, This will convert This womatt says she wttg saved � one?" 1(yagsum", -said Willie. "Our � i � frolin an operation by 1,ydia R. tired brain be toiling OIZ (lividing the ,-Why not?" asked Lord LYAllo, calln- did she breathe a, sigh. Even the exPres- 116or Madame Afoliteloolic. life aeamod tor came to ditiller last night, and the the dingiest maftl Ing into one like 'new. 1-inkhaw's vegetabloco Und coming days between shops, seamstm.A I I P" 4' � sea ly. !,Wh%t objection have you to me"" , gion of her face seemed changed, Site renewed, Even wl Pie liail lived, w1y he stuffed turkey showed that Ito Asto'nishing Fent. To Stop Nose Bleed-Tako a small Mrs. Frank Musk 10 adsay, and dreBamakem. Tile children ply her ,IXorte," mpiied Madame Monteleone, , hod lived for one object, ontliopot alouO hopea, qlaid planned, for Walioa, so sher inust be a. tnxider.ritist.,'-P�ittaburgpoat. Tito solemnity of tile meeting was piece of cotton, saturato, it with vinegar a ghter I 11 ad. on the wmy to church ivith their plAU8 "its regards youraelf; but illy dall bad Austained,ber, one idea had directed now , lived and hoped for Inez. The : : V Anil fim2ri; in the riostril that Is ble' Ontario, writoa to,Wtrg. I kham: . somewhat disturbed -when the eloquent ,' Whon I wrote to you same time I ,T. i* ii,ospirality. Ili many bonics lotter- must marry it Spa-iii-sh noble. .1 ,would All her Words and actions. It W49 All same ambition waB renewed, the swa Mifiard'a tinihiont Cures Oarget ill cowit. . vouilg theolo jail ,)I ture I g inhy. Lvt it stay for at fow minut", ,writing has 'become ,in acce,lited Part not give liar to the WelltllieSt duke Ili over now, and the said. to herAelf bitter- Ide4s werot. initilled into liar mind. She - � ) 1. I - . g c d In lowing whonthe bleedini will comse entirely, ago, I waa a very sick womart suRoring . . - v-,Nrds the selfishness of men who sperid from female troitbles. X had inflamma- of the Sunday afternoon Touthwa, tind England, ITer destiny has Iong been sOt- lat she had lived it vain. Something devoted herself to the child.)s education, The Stern Parent. I Instant Relief for 11urns-A. ply it r, , to ly "resigtation had taken tile place of she tried to make ]ter all that her MOLI1. Pinall quantity of gratod. It.. lip Potato tion o2 the lonlinilitoorgarts atol, oculd tho accumulation of corro.Apondenep tied." .like 0 Ir evenings at tho club, leaving i's ft,dftM . be attendeol to, rnalmq that lialf-olsy as In. C "' Again tile pather-Well, air, ,Wha for taoir wives Ili loneliness at home, not staud or walk tiny distahte. At "But site ]OV05 lilt', determination that had made her ot�bad been; but no two CfialUtata were to a Win of ally kind aild instant rollof last I was confined t,o ray bed and the laborious as any in the week. Dorplionx. urged Lord Lynne. - faft stern and cold. ever more dissimilar than that of the you ? . "Think, illy hearers," said lie, "of Will III "PUIT(I. eV10I ill YPI'�V "I'M 011-11�q- doctor Bald I Would liava, to go through � Ing houohold probloim . i'My Suitor-Why-er I called, sir, to Roe It poor, neglected wife, all alone in tile ... lit, '11"le f Are often saved "Impossiblel" cried tile lady. In after vearA Madame Uontaleoud young Mother and liar only vIdId. Bianca - r c_ , . An operation, but this I relused to do. 0, Ing dir 'oil. 'a ,,%TV house, rockiva� tile eradle, — . 11 � ,r-itsm N -,V, daughter knows her d0atiny, find will wa s thant-oa beyond %#ord-.5 that she had was gentle and yielding, Inez was. proud "A friend advised 11dia 14". Plnlzhalwo Sunday oveni , if --er-you would give assent to my great (IrL " 1. I � � Without entering Into ariV 00111plieAte(I fulfill it, ,.4he Mutt not sea you Again." never t,eproachod her daughter, eithiw Awl unbending, as well try to move I% Marriage to your dmightei. of )ter sleeping babe with 6'na foot and Rare beer Killed In Maine. Vegetable Compoun . After Using - I The stern, aytillikous mother adhered ol or look. But iii vaiii did Lord . Took as persuade her to ehange when -hp " ITanging, in front of a, store ,at Peering three bottles of it, I feel like n. uwr- (IlwAionq of 4111tv, Is it ;lot plaill tllqt hr Xot a cont, sit.. Xot Avipitig away ]ter toarg with the at r! � vilvgo (if to her words, and Bianca was kept a PH. _ it . Centre this week was it rare specimen of woman, we Arp, losing part of th-, pri �Xvdlvoady Lynne try tt) persuade her to her mind wag onee made up. Ilianca, had, a tomt! Good day,-Tit-BRR. -A.,it-Bits, , Ing'! NVoulfl unt a Teturn, goner in her own rooms ufttil the depar- I'll ­ ­ .� � . . I I . �. � . I . I 1. . , 46T nfi,ku­141,4�A�Ai�� AT. A'.V ,.,,,'un..,Iay kwepl leave 'Sarranto for it Hine itna visit lie d with reverence of +hA 'Ar, I . = the Acer fa,milv It was snotted in it to tit(. stricter ideal, which enjoinpil suit- turaof ijora Lynu,i. lRother atta de.ugh. Lynnt,volde, b e6 RIUL liontors of her race, lne% wm proud of ' able War& and thoughts Ati well a:3 notst ter said but littlo ,oil the subjftt. The "I should be lost in your Eugliill them, but frankly told her horrifieil I he r. -ally roqtful? To really feel tlmt -,V<I, dismim tuother appealed to-Ittr thilot's love And 'right hoine," the id to t , young lord; 14ATI(I 8A ho graholmamina, that in her opinion a, little I an S'UnIly had ft right' to oen'se of resperting all liar high I do not think I eould live away from prosent Comfort was worth all tile past mir utreR, that oil q'IIII(I-Ty it Was not hopes and ambitimis views, -Nama lh- tile myrtio, ana orallge.tteog." gyrandvur put together, 1* mtr duty to pinu About mir ebildrm's tent, and. submittea ill aiien6e. Xeithet mother nor (laughter wam des- IWISma MOU610one ]lad InAllagoolher I fompanlo'hAkips nor even to qtwly out I'all'a Lynnf� left lierranto "d returned tined to $to tile stately VilgUsIt ]ionic, own daughter admirably, but Inez wall w-henw.4 for helplug thmn to ovoreolno. to Seville., detormined of, any cost to Quite guadenly Binnea wft�t selzed with 9, beyond her abilities. ,�;he al not uh- thisir fault8---wnul.1 not that inalw. HOMO win ilia b.1stutiful girl who lovod him so violont and (iangeroug illneag. In volt! derstaud the child's passionato, ar(lola, __ fif Ill; antJC'1J)ntc, thil 41,'IV 11101`0 eagerly Well. ()ftee .more alone, .Madame, Monte. tile distracted husband tiummono-A tho artistie nature. She waq half frightened Au, than wo do now? .f %voxil(l not tho leone began to Prepare fur liar Journey most skilful phyatieham in the country, whoiti, th6 rich muMeal voke Pang of the . ,light of a inother wilo) Allowed xienuilie, 4L liemelf to k".p Sunday In t1d% gpirit of , to Vadthl. But another olmtael� aro", 311A.Iloft, who maile to oppositiou to her The fiat had gone fortli; tho Abort, IN of tile bewitiful Andalusian wAs elided, hopes and Avisheti already forming Ili her young hoart; Elie di(I 'not undorstand. privilow, rpoet 6poll her ellildrPTI?­ Voligroptionall,st, anil Christian N'Vnrl4l, ,g ,. , 11-1- mother's Avi.q1t,41% Who had imillinittelil al- lently to thrf loss of hor low�r, fell Ill, Hope, altil love, and hitTphiess, were All ovor; and iihe Only live, � to hold hor lit- liar. Shot eould not tell -why Inez oravoa , io hear 6ometbing of her �i)iont. lkigliAh I $-61� Qologt On. ,And faded Nisibly diy by dity. In -valn- did :r.,PA#,m6 Ilum. mon alla I tle flaughte,r in h;r Arms and bilass it. " 8toplidn," lookinj Into the _ father, anA look&l wparied and inelmi- J,ft phy.1106�43, I heavily for their They i2ll Alto said, facet "I . choly MIJJPU irfle P(jor ,(I , y ispoke. of the "Up'nitha, VVItat, is it bipedpl, ndviee. ,Ill lovitig bent ovor her, now tow Moritoleortem. Then began that faW mys. "Anything, Willie, tblit goft on -two the saine thing; her daughtti-Is disease wbitt Impulso eKllod me. home -1 tainit, tm. of uarrow reitraint flilt 111timattly I le". I 0 � - wal More mental tli&n physieAl; anil tht, distra,04 ber(i t6 die, but I have btion vory Up : heTed Intz-1,,"ne oil to a life of woo 11, 3g, 1. "A poir d mtockifigsi. MAMMA, - (is- t0ither btga.0 t* undortund mir balpved, with you," She flion I 11t5lv4 all Vallo", tft Tritwrlpt. th#A.Mp ds�ightor wai 4lowly but surplj� fl�6 11ttle bal)# In bor mothecIA arffig, Kild iTol bo rnuflntiott) 66-- 100 13 � -Id000& - 11 �' ., "I � . I " 1-r .. _� 4, � �� . ki-11111do ­ -1 -4,+ - Fmi t . manner which old butitevi say they nev- - J . Pit'kham's Votgetitble Compoitud to &11 or before s.,ttv the like of, women who sufter with Mmida It beeinq to Ile across betwe'ent an al. troublest." bino, and tile oonnuon Xorth Amerwan . 'rACTS FOR SICK WOMPINS door, I)(,-.4dt,,.A its poeuliar Marking it iA - it good H,it.e(I ti.nimal, irrighing probably ri 0V thh%y an Lydia X, Pink. 200 Pounds. Albott, 11. 8tuall, the court thii deer during )Ili ham's vegottAlo ('10M ni(� tnade �' from roots atid herbs, rlaoilui)een the . StOnOgr4l)II01', Klint . recent builung trip Ili the Hangelek re. standArd tonledy f0v femixlo ills gion, the pme 1wing ,v,(,ured At Middle and hu positiVely pure(Ithoupallas 0i . Darn. 'Xathos at that 9"flon whii , womou Who have been ttotibled with have been hillifing all their lIvPA doolwr- displaverilents,inflammiltioli lile(,ta- p(I it W.,(A tllk% first deor (if tl)P Hoyt thq, ever AAw, ­1(011110b,ep, Journal. tion, fibroid tmuprs, Ine arlties, pariodie,paine, bankitche t at bw. pal — 0661 — , ,,4 of the .kfa, wJIV don't voll keep 041t, ) 111946wh - feeft, Aktulanoy4ndips. P.-ITIOT? Yiliup% ory running Rilloothly flon,dizzipw ornervous prostnttlovi. I 'flow", `Toll 111111 engaged yet, daugli. Ol NVhr don't i try it? , tor, RII(I your ul,,% kntm,4 froi; ovptir!6(v� . lftb# PIA"am InVito &11 biek I that a youi)g man who findit thivgs ,rutv *WhOft tO Wirite her for Mvlee. '8116 ning too Amnotlily itit Apt to get biorkl WJ# , J46-4 thousuk'(18 to, Ard- qult."-IwWwi'� (Ity .Uurnal, I . . jfavx, , h 0 M t� h * ArCd a ��-� . ki-11111do ­ -1 -4,+ - Fmi t