HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-12-24, Page 3THE WINGRAN ADVANCE, MUMMY, DRUMM Us - 1908. . . . . . . . Reveaulo And Fxpoudlturoll A Dear U031. The revenue flir November fell be- Mr. Ed, Fraleigh, of St. Uarys, has 7, by, over 4uot sold to Mr. 0. Lf, areaulwooil o 40". "loll, low that for November, 100 I ti a, million and P, halt, the rate of tie- L lenoUls, WIscousto - a black Orping- 7 oft crease being over IS per cent, The Oor Entire Stock of Ladi& ton hen, two years old, for 44%. This, MERRY CHRISTMAZIl IN revenue so far this flecol year showls a, fowl last, year 1W, 4 PkIllett took first shortage of eleven, millions And 9, half, prize at Boston, CIristmas es While the rovaime has decreased by Coats Will Positively 7i Old Age Pollsious, A fifth, the expenditure onvurrent a.c. ants EVERY DEPARTMENT OF OUR STORE count has at-Isen during the eight The ftal order-in-Coupoll has now' Christmas Presulu wouthe by nearly ton per cent, for the Be Sold at Cost* been passed by the Domintou Govern - IS FILLED WITH NOVELTIES, period, $row April to November, both. meutt whereby old age anulul4es will inclusive. During the eight months. be issued by the Government. Full WE BUY TO SUIT EVERY TASTE, .11 1 1 . � . � .. �': has gone to capital expen� partioulArawill. be available from post - Great Variety At Isaid'so ditares, as compared with $10,04.487 The whole stock is brand ne All this se4 1 wastem everywhere, Arid & staff of in the mme period in 1007.- The Jull, w good 00110 lecturers will be employed to, hold malge bought for spot cash from the best makers, therefor public meetlaga throughout Canada Neckwear crease is almost exactly $5,500,000. the bargains oftered here are unequalled by Any, house, The -public works expenditure, In. a , 0 the coming winter, and. explatu even in the large cities, On Saturday morning* December tivin Yes, the store is full of them, Come right in In Ties we are showing a very large rarge of the latest which Is to be Included the National th FIf b, this Great Sale will open and cox a the nature of the 'plan for insuring you are, always welcome h le, re. Look around— and most select patter a, 11he fioest yotA ever saw. Transcontinental,, was $19,507,821, as. e it itin e from day Against penury in 01A ago. to day until the last garment is oold-11firat come, beat *11 find Usefu In Neek Sc4rfs we have a number of novelties, including Compared with $12,814,503 in 1007, you wA I and, Senslble ChristWas the new Silk Ruitted Scarf, Don't fall to see them. There has been An increase of the net served." municipal Ownership. Presonts displayed in, every department. We debo during the roonth of nearly three While this Great Sale is g on, every other depart- 1144bicipal ownership Is a groat sue, millions. It now stands cess la Orillia, and the electric plant make shopping easy for you here, everything marked and a third ment of our attractive stocks W, be carefully looked after, particular attention being paid to our new and v9ry attrac, in plain figures and at the lowest price. just a few Shirts. at� $280,817,204. The actnal debt owed .(which furnishes power go well as We have just. received a sbiproent of ten dozen Shirts by the Government in loons stands at tive ChrWmas goods, Come and see them. ll l2k appears to be a paying concern. suggestions b0low of Some useful presents for Ladies g for the holklay trade. They are novelties,. which were in- $250,000,000, as against r,,17,000,000 a Trade as usuk%l and Cash always. Last year it Triads a prolit for the and Gents.' tended for next $priv& trade. year ago, an increase of $0,000,000 in town of $10,000, which somm was the year. applied to the reduction of taxation, W 1, o % A- a . . Compliments of the Season to each and all. Now It is zaaking a reduction In the Half Hosell Do You Lack $elf,Control price of light. For stores it is reduc- We are showing a very popular, range of Oasbmere 11alf If -you tore constantly keyed up, nor, ing the charge per light from %e: per Ladies'. Wear, -yoi , month to 18c and for houses from 20c Hose in plain colors, Helio, Ilarple, Green, Brown and Black. Vous, perhaps depressed—look to 'It over-worked nerves for the cause. to 18c, so that a small residence using They are starving for the nourishment Do M. GORDON LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS In Plain, bomatitobed, fancy em - Gloves and Mitts. that Periozone so quickly supplies. only live lights, has a. 24 hour Service broidered and Initialed LaWnsj also plain and fancy Silk Besides itstonlo action on the ner- of all 0e lights for 90c a month, Hdkfa. Prices range from 6o to $1,00. see our special Une Li.ged or unlined, in Mochas, Dog Skin and Kid, with vous systera, Perrozone has marvelous 160 each or two tot .... ...... ....... A Painless Corn Cure, knitted liniaga, fur linings, wool linings or silk linings. blood-formiog properties. Itthussup- BILE COLLARS AND FRILLINGS.—A large assortment of -all. plies strengthening materials to every Easily applied—costs. but a, quarter kinds of Ladies' X-Teokwear; very prot a 5 nook and coruer of the body and —thaVs Putnam's Corn RxtrActor, . 50 , ty Silk Collars * t 2 0 brings the system to a condition of on put 85o, 50o, 75c, $1,00, 4 special bargain at.. I ................... . we yetirs in use. Insist nam's No matter what you want in the Men's Furnishing perfect bealth. To be strong, eat well, only, LEATEM4 R GOODS.—We never had such a .:ftne range of Les. line you c4n get it here. and work long without fatigue, use ther Goods; never so cheap, Wrist Parses .......... ..... 20o I Fetrozone; it is the beat nerve syE- $liver Nineq Brisk. Finger Purses of good quality at..,..,50o, 65o, loo, $1.00, 1,26, 1.�o —A newspaper published in Maza- reth, Pennsylvania, claims to have the Q1_ I .. .. .. tem tonic known. At all dealers in Silver mine claims at Gowganda, Kil) BBLTF3.—,Tust opened a Shipment of new styles, PAces McGee & Cam--pbell tald rhysioal Cu I. 50c boxes. —A Wisconsin editor Is in trouble. Ontarlo's new silver district, have n bee selling well. Elk City Record's office shows that, deals aggregating are ................................ 20o, p6o, 50c, 74o, See our 50o Belt, it's a regular 16a line. KID GLOVES in the leading shades and makes. See our WE WISH THU PEOPLE OF WINGHAM io6 Years Of Age. LADIES' FURS.—What better for a Xmas. present than a nice tion sent A check to the Item. for $20, stock, Ont., says :­'Cotarrh had giv- en me all kinds of suffering for a I "ItIbIge Ruff Stole, Muff, Caperine, Cap, Gauntlets or Fur Coat. paying to December 4, 1M. When Referring to a case where a, physician $835,000 have been closed, or will be guaranteed Glove at ............... the Advance gets a hundred thousand rubscribers like that one, the editor I intends to retire from business. 11FIS" VA -11 A Very lllb'errs� City last week at the age of 106 years. She was born in the city of Quebec. Six years ago she fell out of her bed, inflicting an injury froni which was called in,the editor wrote—l'Bav- consummated this mont]4� a, the SUOPPING BAGS in all Leather of the best My and now styles. Prices are %06, Clothieps and 1 Men s Futinishers ing felt the patients pulse, he pre-. engineers' reports verify the ropre- ................... I ...... 'do I Cbtistmmi scribed for the man," but the composi- seutations of the claim holderso Of 00 BS AND PIN$.—Fpncy Back and 6, Combs and Hat Plus. USEFUL PRESENTS in Gouts' Furnishing Department. In Breathe Hyomel. And Kill The gaarantee 11yomei to oure catavrh or tuoney back. Don"t delay this plea- tor set it "purse"'instead of "pulse" — these the three most notable are the SILK BELTS and fancy Gilt Belt lengths, Sash Pins rind Belt 4 41 'Ahik 1. al '11111 loll 14 1 11 1 1 11"ll JA 11 llklib 611ill.9930 Jo.. 6101 0 111.10 —and theeditor has beea trying to sales of the. Armstrong fraction for Buckles. KID GLOVES.—All kinds and qualities in Voobo and Kid. Prices are -75% 90o, $1.00, 1,25, 1.50. See our leader at .... $1.00 be foul, you will hasilk and spit and teed Ao eare bronebittell asthma, toughs* colds, bay fever and croup, keep out of the way of the doeto3r 1 $100,000, a group of the McIntosh SILK WATSTS,—A shipment just received, bought specially for several grandchildren. Her husband . Silk Muffler. All prices. ever Since. A lb� claims for $300,WO and of the Mann Xmas. trade; they are very pretty and made of silk that SHIRTS.—Men's Regatta Shirts, very prot patterns, fASt Colors. The Best Goods I. -h ,,1 1 � 429m nnn A A .. - . will not out. Be sure you sod them. Prices are $1.90, 2 50, —A newspaper published in Maza- reth, Pennsylvania, claims to have the Q1_ I . — ll" - other sales have been made, the prices 8.00 and 8 50, Our leader on ............................. $2.50 "DIGRSKIRTS.—Anothbr sbipment; of* those HTGH-CIASS Ux- i champin.n subs.criber. Ten years ago its strength, its vigor and vitality. But there is one remedy that will kill rangtog all the way from $3,000 to DERSMMTS just received. They sell quick. You save from 1 he ptdd his subscription to December tald rhysioal Cu I. $35,000. 25c: to $1..50 on thqso skirts. See our $5.00 value for .. I .... $8,50 4, 1008., and i List previous to its expira:- WE WISH THU PEOPLE OF WINGHAM io6 Years Of Age. LADIES' FURS.—What better for a Xmas. present than a nice tion sent A check to the Item. for $20, stock, Ont., says :­'Cotarrh had giv- en me all kinds of suffering for a I "ItIbIge Ruff Stole, Muff, Caperine, Cap, Gauntlets or Fur Coat. paying to December 4, 1M. When AND VICINITY Mrs, Mary Orottealu- died at Bay Our �?RICES are -all nuDuaun. the Advance gets a hundred thousand rubscribers like that one, the editor I intends to retire from business. 11FIS" VA -11 A Very lllb'errs� City last week at the age of 106 years. She was born in the city of Quebec. Six years ago she fell out of her bed, inflicting an injury froni which M le n's Wear,111 1- into my throat. I used several reme. dies, but never got the relief that I she never wholly recovered. Up to WHY SUFFER* for This Week and Next. Lhe age of 103 years she was still able Cbtistmmi to Sing the old French songs, and USEFUL PRESENTS in Gouts' Furnishing Department. In Breathe Hyomel. And Kill The gaarantee 11yomei to oure catavrh or tuoney back. Don"t delay this plea- darice Steps in fashion 76 and 80 years ago, Duri . ag the last two she, NECKWEAR we are showing the very latest in Knots, Bows, Strings, Hook -on and Four4a-hand Ties.. A very Loathsome Catarrh Germs. yeats lost hot- hearing and sighto and was in special line, Xmas. price ..................................... 250 Just as long.is you have catarrh your nose will iteh, your breath will W I L L I S & COO bed continually, durinl� that length of time. She is survived by three child- KID GLOVES.—All kinds and qualities in Voobo and Kid. Prices are -75% 90o, $1.00, 1,25, 1.50. See our leader at .... $1.00 be foul, you will hasilk and spit and teed Ao eare bronebittell asthma, toughs* colds, bay fever and croup, Von, all of whom are over 70, and MUFFLERS.—Way's Mufflers iiL the leading colors. Black you will do other disgusting things several grandchildren. Her husband . Silk Muffler. All prices. because you cault help yourself. The Sleigh Bells died about fort- -ears —o SHIRTS.—Men's Regatta Shirts, very prot patterns, fASt Colors. germs of catarrh have, g6t you in their f Prices are ................... ­ I .................. 5001 760, $1.00 power; they are continually sod per- Catarrh Cured Or Money Back. BUACES.—Speoially for Xi-nas, presents, one pair in a box, slatently digging into and irritating morth 75c—Our Price ....................................... 500 the mucous membrane of your nose The It .1, _�anse of Catarrh is 9, q�rr rJ VA.D a.1"Ju UAS.0 at tuluuUmAuu; taw wM51) ILMAMS# LIUW J1l1WUAVJ3,, Prices arle .................... 40c, 75o, 1.00, 1.26,1.60,$9.00 tubes and finally reaches the lungs. - 1:' 1 so ­ -up a large shipment of - SHOD, DEPARTMENT.—Just opened Cough syrup can't follow to the Iting it goes to the stomach, and fails to all kinds of footw6ar. See our Xmas, Slippers at Bargain cure, Catarihozone is inhaled. It goes Prices. everywhere, gets right after the GROCERY DEPARTMENT is crowded with Xmas. Groceries ,erms, kills them, heals the soreness, and Confectionery, Fruits, eta. No room here to quote -Atops discharge and. backing, cures L prices. Come and see what we can save you on your Gro - ,,,very trace of catarrh. 'You're abso- ceries. See our GranitsWare Premiums given with Baking lutely certain of cure for catarrh, Powder, throat irritation. colds or bronchitis, you use Catarrhozone. 25c and $1 sizes sold everywhere. Some Long Words. A question raised as to the long- VA eit sentence ever written has led to a search for the longest word. The 2 blo honors in English appear to rest be- tween "antidisestablishtnentarianism" and 10honorificabilltudinity,"the forniw er word scoring twenty-oight, letters and ten syllables as against twenty- two letters and eleven syllables in the latter. Two other words, I'dislotel- teotualization" and "laolroamseriptil- bleriess' may be commended to police- men In search of fresh tests of sobriety. rhese words are, of course, easily Sur- The heatler that warms homes passel even inUngland by ,isometric- nonitronamidobenzouplitylain Ides, hetter because it. radiates and other specimens of scientlifle phraseology, while across the German more heat into the house. all Ocean are found inuumerable in- I N_ of thirteeu syllablea d 119 you paying gbod nioney for fuel and then burning it k wor such as 'Sailpaardelooszonnorspoo �w� in a stove that forces most ofthe beat up the chimney? agpetroolyting," the Dutch for "motor Ali direct draft beaters waste beat—they can't hold it c!tV." lonC enough to radiate the heat into your horne. Axe Handles owest kossi le Cilgary A Ceatre. Calgary is the commercial centre of Apoko, TV V "MRIL V% Tht'Dominlo Life M Mitts prioes. -w- J- PRICE ARTin J. IRWIN 50,000,000 acres of fleh farm, grazing, GURNEY V.61S W.Mou A sound, well iftwaaged B.S.A., L.D.S., MO.% D.D.S., L,W3. timber, and coal lands, Vlve_eIe#atov Skates Canadian Life Assurance Company, HOnor GrAdu6tv of Unive"Ity olt T*roatd Dottor of Dental Surgery of the Pon- compitules h%ve their hea(I offices Art Laurel Base "Burne , r Average Irate of Interest and Llowltist6 bf Royal College 04 -baylvanial, College and Licent ate oJ there, and operate eighty-nine elova- has the largest direct radiating surface �Call in atid we will demonstrate to oarned in 1906— 1)6ttai Su)*oons of Outarlo. Dental Surgery of. Ontario. tors throughout the provino. One of riy heatte 64 th6 mak-ket. That is I i how the Gurney-OXford Art Laurel Lanterns CEMENT Oviriall M SilAvaR 13LO= — WWOVAM, —OMOO III X4644041d D100k— rd n se l3urner will beat your houso 6.73 MR CENT. million bushels of gr6da were marketw why it will kobep a house war er dia Mau At $1.60 Per Bavrel., a I there In 1001, aud'120,00a bxemls of it heater twice its size. It will require betttr, rnore temomically 'than it X Cut Saws flotir were wIllel byl Calgal�y fl,>ur less fue'l, too, for avery particle of coal has ewe been dotte beford by noy WALTI&H T. IrAM, DR. IMAM 0. CALDER CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES mills, In the samll Year, 1181 horS6S- will be burnt to a rine whit6 ash. 11 . dater. L06ki AR611b winighaw. Itonor droAxiste of 'rototito laniverettY. 20,074 cattle, and 771 sheep wire ship. We have got the best values in Mitts to be Licentiate of Ont Uollego tof Physloi4ns awl b ad in Whigham... ped, from bhe di at. The total dloar- Lot us placo i�.ti Imperial Devotes edial p0t6rotion to Dieeu�a of tho Wingham Clealas No. 434 ing: of caig-1, -.y clearing 'house tot iov r1d, IrAr, N.80 .,Cl trilmat, Atuountod to $60,145,006. Vivo hitti- Oxford R&nge in your kit - When you stre wariting a -stoove, eai,i atia gee gyas Thoroulbly Tooted. Meo %6 1 b burs a all month, dfecl and hinety-three building per- itig )erly leltiod. cherx and ericl your cooki Ila, we will Save you from $10 to $15. Cal) a office fill, th 0111fah 1101 it Cal I — , MINION BAR OM6 Houto 3 to 5-7 tayj M# a tOR f"r ch , r611 a 911 a a miti Avers issued doiring the year. DO be cotivinced. Solid a 0 00 diur rat f fto O&IgAry is the head(piatteta foe the It will do that. of th re. L ies' rlakd L% 0 t 3 HEAD Opplon, TORONTO. tile A&WO rida western division of the Canaldian Part- 111 you are nottatisried with your baking­ Ith brAnches -a burbing toomuch PennIt Moil"AtInAll fle Railway Compiny, wl if you find you at T, MAOniNsroalf I - Awmaer 130.86c tat, north, south, east aild west of Lbe elty� fuel—stop wasting moneys spoiling LICENSED AVCT101119911 VOR W. 1. IftrM Phil, Oaomtatt Ituport-,%nt branches of tho Gritnal food, wotrying—and investigate th.o Capital (paid up) - $3;976,00 COUNTY OF AURON, Trunk Pacific, Great Northern Aud Imperial Oxford Ranglo. ReserVe (P-nd VAd'"d- - $5,297,00 jula i naer' Let us ghcw you the poitits that make ad. 106tits) oratra parefullY atictided t6, Mock, Cauadiaut Northern are noW u. this range the most satistlactory ratiga you $48too,00 bd Implamtnt goiloff a ProciAlty. Torma tonatruatidu into,06,19Ary. cati possibly have in your kitthen. exi OuflL ON total ASSets, oVer I romoboblo. nluddenco, oKt North endl, I Lot u,4 prove to you how the cotntre fitid W1140"AM ONTARIO 'Ot. 11a,611tolt pollows Nature's phitti strip must ovenly licat tba *Ven—thakkilag _ . - , . (I Yf, U Alma t, sup"" ' VA -64 it so hot In tht front as At tbb back. ,A HE A490 a 18 aim i4ml 1w.11111LIL and throat. They� are now making your life miserable; in time they will sap your entire system. of its energy, Music, V in e Art, U locution TWO STORES TWO STORES its strength, its vigor and vitality. But there is one remedy that will kill the erms and enre catarrh, aud tald rhysioal Cu I. h.%rah roodioinea tind p -paucea a %von. Jelftil pill of Vegetable 00111POLSItit)b that is Ryomel, the Australian dry Ads, the thifted StAtas and goropoll itt­v." ft. �wlk.4. yo. A41 % Almolloot qNSvqh, M va air treatment. Jos, Dural, Woodstock St., Tavi- Call in and let us prova thema facts to you. rECIA,LS stock, Ont., says :­'Cotarrh had giv- en me all kinds of suffering for a I "ItIbIge time. There was a swelling of glands under the eyes and adjacent to my -nose and the discharge would drop At 110UNGS Big Hardware into my throat. I used several reme. dies, but never got the relief that I did from, BootWs nyornel. I have for This Week and Next. been so pleased with Ryomei results that I highly, reeommend its use to catarrh sulTerers." Walton McKibbon, druggist, will gaarantee 11yomei to oure catavrh or tuoney back. Don"t delay this plea- Lantlern Globes, regular 10c for 5c. Rant antiseptic treatment. Breathe in Clothes' ]?ins I cent per dozen. 1:1yotnei and kill the gernis. Walton McKibbon will sell you a RaZorS, guaranteed, reg. $1.00 and $t.25, for 49c. complete 11yomei Outfit, including in- haler, for only $1. It is also guaran- teed Ao eare bronebittell asthma, toughs* colds, bay fever and croup, Florse Blankots, Halters Proteefion and hfri Sleigh Bells Inyestment The Best Goods - String 13ells 71 COMMMD Axes at the a The Endowment Policies, —OF­ rJ VA.D a.1"Ju UAS.0 at tuluuUmAuu; taw wM51) ILMAMS# LIUW J1l1WUAVJ3,, Prices arle .................... 40c, 75o, 1.00, 1.26,1.60,$9.00 tubes and finally reaches the lungs. - 1:' 1 so ­ -up a large shipment of - SHOD, DEPARTMENT.—Just opened Cough syrup can't follow to the Iting it goes to the stomach, and fails to all kinds of footw6ar. See our Xmas, Slippers at Bargain cure, Catarihozone is inhaled. It goes Prices. everywhere, gets right after the GROCERY DEPARTMENT is crowded with Xmas. Groceries ,erms, kills them, heals the soreness, and Confectionery, Fruits, eta. No room here to quote -Atops discharge and. backing, cures L prices. Come and see what we can save you on your Gro - ,,,very trace of catarrh. 'You're abso- ceries. See our GranitsWare Premiums given with Baking lutely certain of cure for catarrh, Powder, throat irritation. colds or bronchitis, you use Catarrhozone. 25c and $1 sizes sold everywhere. Some Long Words. A question raised as to the long- VA eit sentence ever written has led to a search for the longest word. The 2 blo honors in English appear to rest be- tween "antidisestablishtnentarianism" and 10honorificabilltudinity,"the forniw er word scoring twenty-oight, letters and ten syllables as against twenty- two letters and eleven syllables in the latter. Two other words, I'dislotel- teotualization" and "laolroamseriptil- bleriess' may be commended to police- men In search of fresh tests of sobriety. rhese words are, of course, easily Sur- The heatler that warms homes passel even inUngland by ,isometric- nonitronamidobenzouplitylain Ides, hetter because it. radiates and other specimens of scientlifle phraseology, while across the German more heat into the house. all Ocean are found inuumerable in- I N_ of thirteeu syllablea d 119 you paying gbod nioney for fuel and then burning it k wor such as 'Sailpaardelooszonnorspoo �w� in a stove that forces most ofthe beat up the chimney? agpetroolyting," the Dutch for "motor Ali direct draft beaters waste beat—they can't hold it c!tV." lonC enough to radiate the heat into your horne. Axe Handles owest kossi le Cilgary A Ceatre. Calgary is the commercial centre of Apoko, TV V "MRIL V% Tht'Dominlo Life M Mitts prioes. -w- J- PRICE ARTin J. IRWIN 50,000,000 acres of fleh farm, grazing, GURNEY V.61S W.Mou A sound, well iftwaaged B.S.A., L.D.S., MO.% D.D.S., L,W3. timber, and coal lands, Vlve_eIe#atov Skates Canadian Life Assurance Company, HOnor GrAdu6tv of Unive"Ity olt T*roatd Dottor of Dental Surgery of the Pon- compitules h%ve their hea(I offices Art Laurel Base "Burne , r Average Irate of Interest and Llowltist6 bf Royal College 04 -baylvanial, College and Licent ate oJ there, and operate eighty-nine elova- has the largest direct radiating surface �Call in atid we will demonstrate to oarned in 1906— 1)6ttai Su)*oons of Outarlo. Dental Surgery of. Ontario. tors throughout the provino. One of riy heatte 64 th6 mak-ket. That is I i how the Gurney-OXford Art Laurel Lanterns CEMENT Oviriall M SilAvaR 13LO= — WWOVAM, —OMOO III X4644041d D100k— rd n se l3urner will beat your houso 6.73 MR CENT. million bushels of gr6da were marketw why it will kobep a house war er dia Mau At $1.60 Per Bavrel., a I there In 1001, aud'120,00a bxemls of it heater twice its size. It will require betttr, rnore temomically 'than it X Cut Saws flotir were wIllel byl Calgal�y fl,>ur less fue'l, too, for avery particle of coal has ewe been dotte beford by noy WALTI&H T. IrAM, DR. IMAM 0. CALDER CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES mills, In the samll Year, 1181 horS6S- will be burnt to a rine whit6 ash. 11 . dater. L06ki AR611b winighaw. Itonor droAxiste of 'rototito laniverettY. 20,074 cattle, and 771 sheep wire ship. We have got the best values in Mitts to be Licentiate of Ont Uollego tof Physloi4ns awl b ad in Whigham... ped, from bhe di at. The total dloar- Lot us placo i�.ti Imperial Devotes edial p0t6rotion to Dieeu�a of tho Wingham Clealas No. 434 ing: of caig-1, -.y clearing 'house tot iov r1d, IrAr, N.80 .,Cl trilmat, Atuountod to $60,145,006. Vivo hitti- Oxford R&nge in your kit - When you stre wariting a -stoove, eai,i atia gee gyas Thoroulbly Tooted. Meo %6 1 b burs a all month, dfecl and hinety-three building per- itig )erly leltiod. cherx and ericl your cooki Ila, we will Save you from $10 to $15. Cal) a office fill, th 0111fah 1101 it Cal I — , MINION BAR OM6 Houto 3 to 5-7 tayj M# a tOR f"r ch , r611 a 911 a a miti Avers issued doiring the year. DO be cotivinced. Solid a 0 00 diur rat f fto O&IgAry is the head(piatteta foe the It will do that. of th re. L ies' rlakd L% 0 t 3 HEAD Opplon, TORONTO. tile A&WO rida western division of the Canaldian Part- 111 you are nottatisried with your baking­ Ith brAnches -a burbing toomuch PennIt Moil"AtInAll fle Railway Compiny, wl if you find you at T, MAOniNsroalf I - Awmaer 130.86c tat, north, south, east aild west of Lbe elty� fuel—stop wasting moneys spoiling LICENSED AVCT101119911 VOR W. 1. IftrM Phil, Oaomtatt Ituport-,%nt branches of tho Gritnal food, wotrying—and investigate th.o Capital (paid up) - $3;976,00 COUNTY OF AURON, Trunk Pacific, Great Northern Aud Imperial Oxford Ranglo. ReserVe (P-nd VAd'"d- - $5,297,00 jula i naer' Let us ghcw you the poitits that make ad. 106tits) oratra parefullY atictided t6, Mock, Cauadiaut Northern are noW u. this range the most satistlactory ratiga you $48too,00 bd Implamtnt goiloff a ProciAlty. Torma tonatruatidu into,06,19Ary. cati possibly have in your kitthen. exi OuflL ON total ASSets, oVer I romoboblo. nluddenco, oKt North endl, I Lot u,4 prove to you how the cotntre fitid W1140"AM ONTARIO 'Ot. 11a,611tolt pollows Nature's phitti strip must ovenly licat tba *Ven—thakkilag _ . - , . (I Yf, U Alma t, sup"" ' VA -64 it so hot In tht front as At tbb back. ,A HE J;r" & P -r^ k, I -- "Iciance, Bugineov) College coursol, Pills are uobM r pmMptly curing WINGRAIA 0 J6 AM U.LW SAVINtl$ 0EPARTMENTo T1 166d, I _ billionsueso, sick hmdaebe, cobstip)x- Litorary and Scientifid Courses, al- Th6 Gurney I'OU11dry Col. klmhod, Toronto, Ont. I ltdmt 4ft dop.00ts of *tlloa fintl Opeti to hit roAd r 11constol at& so Public School Classes for young tiont aud stornAch trouble. Thoy work, 1190, And sdddd t4 1&wApki qu#,rLttly. ftto(i tot pittlen Mordo' it I i d like & charni—very mild—vt tektah., 11 W 11 19, A 0h 6h troLduld a home- -Nn where, U Iolog)—t%80 to 15.00 pot WeAk, UtWfrok gills. Cheerful, wholesornt TWO ffORES TWO STORES toom- Por furtbet WOMA� like. Vor Catalogue, addre$8 ea -d & hettpr tmilo ll%xative be foubd 9991:1911 Inator, U64 Id"Vton"' "The Afthithr,lo"ALMA, COUgut than In Dr. 11o.miltOn"a Pilte. Tr them 1% and be oonvinted, 25o 46 all W9- 1 SOVCgi WINGRAH. Bia Parmete Votes discounted. WINOHAM Ladie5 HAR D W* ARE Music, V in e Art, U locution fe X - treating stornlach and liver troubles than Dr. umittitno. no 4voiaed Let us prov4 (d you how the Gursicy-Oxford raveretbld gratd stveq roel—gllve,4 ou ix b6ght clettr tirb and a baking oven heat in a few minutes evan though the Bra Draft4i sold 011L all Poluto in 0&n. Cleneral Flospital. College tald rhysioal Cu I. h.%rah roodioinea tind p -paucea a %von. Jelftil pill of Vegetable 00111POLSItit)b Ca baen kept gloing a week. Ads, the thifted StAtas and goropoll itt­v." ft. �wlk.4. yo. A41 % . tutd� DO'ncstl* 41 tbat Alwals eares, De. llamllton't� Call in and let us prova thema facts to you. J;r" & P -r^ k, I -- "Iciance, Bugineov) College coursol, Pills are uobM r pmMptly curing WINGRAIA 0 J6 AM U.LW SAVINtl$ 0EPARTMENTo T1 166d, I _ billionsueso, sick hmdaebe, cobstip)x- Litorary and Scientifid Courses, al- Th6 Gurney I'OU11dry Col. klmhod, Toronto, Ont. I ltdmt 4ft dop.00ts of *tlloa fintl Opeti to hit roAd r 11constol at& so Public School Classes for young tiont aud stornAch trouble. Thoy work, 1190, And sdddd t4 1&wApki qu#,rLttly. ftto(i tot pittlen Mordo' it I i d like & charni—very mild—vt tektah., 11 W 11 19, A 0h 6h troLduld a home- -Nn where, U Iolog)—t%80 to 15.00 pot WeAk, UtWfrok gills. Cheerful, wholesornt TWO ffORES TWO STORES toom- Por furtbet WOMA� like. Vor Catalogue, addre$8 ea -d & hettpr tmilo ll%xative be foubd 9991:1911 Inator, U64 Id"Vton"' "The Afthithr,lo"ALMA, COUgut than In Dr. 11o.miltOn"a Pilte. Tr them 1% and be oonvinted, 25o 46 all W9- 1 SOVCgi WINGRAH.