HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-12-24, Page 2Pp
require nine hundred offloore and men
to plan the ve4seL Whon It is va.
4� ov 44a one are attempv�
Ing to rival each other in war vessels,
and Britain has declared, her Intention
G h of keeplliS her navy larger than those
r1stimilas Gi's Fop Men of any othOr two nations, it will be seen
Do, Hill - pppfletor. how vast the expenditure Is. Not
only Is the, outlay In peace MorMOV1.4,
Are Often The Hardest Things To Boy but as-mucU of it is unnecessary, it is
absolute waste, and waste must event -
Or At Least To. Kam What To Select
ually'result, in impoverishment.
—The revenue of th For the fiscal year ending with
e British Gov- jun,, 1000, the railways of the United
You Should Have No - Difficulty ernment amounts to over 150 million States paid in taxes the suln of $7,ir
pounds aterlings, or over 780 million 602 171, or an average per mile of $340,
In Making a selection. in our store. If you will dollars, Where does all this come while in Ontario the Average per mile
call, w0l. be pleased to show you what we have, from � Well nearly 80 per cent comes
municipal and Provincial taxation
and perhaps be able to give you a hint as to from taxation on alcohol, ten per cent was about $100, As compared with
from customs, 11 per cent from a tax
what woula be nice. Say—A Lounging Robe, farm and other property, It means
on tobacco, over 47 per cent fro"' pro'
House Coat, Smoking Jacket, Fancy Vest, Gloves, that. the average, taxpayer, on the
perty and income tax, and the rest same valuation,. pays over $3 to one
Gauntlets, Neck Scarfs, Neck Ties, Handkerchiefs, (nearly two per cent) opmes from mis, paid by the railway corporations. ' Ac -
Tie Pins, Cuff Buttons, Fancy I -lose, Fancy Shirts, cellaneops sources. cording to the report of the Minister
Coat Sweaters, Plain Sweaters, &c, of Railways for the year 1907, the
Come in and see what we have. —Three years ago it was decided railways of Canada have received in
that Parliament should meet there- bash subsidies the aum. of 181 million
after in October or the beginning of dollars, or an average of over $9,000
November. To make this possible the. per mile for the n,452 miles in opera-,
fiscal year was closed in March In- tion in Canada. Nor is this all. The
stead of in June. In 1, ON Parliament Dominion and Provinces have given
Robt. Maxwell met November 22. In 1007 it was not land grants, to the %mount of 52,183,�
cailed until the end of November. '003 acres, We can. better understand
Now we are informed that the next what this means when we remember
Tailor & Men's Furnisher session will begin about the 13th of that the assessed area of the Pi ovince
January. 'So the country is back of Outsi In is less than 25,000,000 acres.
1, 1 where it was before the fiscal year Along with this the Dominion and
�14 k,%A%p 0 was changed. Provincial Governments haVe guaran-
teed the bonds of railway companies
—Improvements are constantly be- to the extent of many million dollars.
ing made in wireless telegraphy. The The average passenger rate in Ontario
Navy department of the United States is three cents per mile, while in Ohio,
is considering the building of a long- Indiana and Michigan it is about two
We Want 1(otsr Trade distance wireless (elegraph station cents. The passenger -traffic on Calla -
King's For Bargains I
near Washington which will ba,:ve a than roads has increased in ten years
sending radius of 3,000 miles. Truly from 16,000,000 to 327,000,000 passen-
IIIs is arlage of progress. With air- gers. The freight traffic in the same
ship travelling seventeen miles in Period has increased from 25,000,006
Xmas, Goods
twenty minutes, and wireless telegra- tons to 64.000,000 �ons per year. And
phy covering thousands of miles, sure- yet in view of all these facts the far�
As the time is drawing near for Christmas shop, ly time and distance, in communica- mer pays over three dollars taxes to
tion and conversation, will soon be one paid by railways on the same
we would draw the attention of our customers
ping, merely nominal.. valuation, and the traveling public in
to the many lines we have suitable for Xmas. gifts. Ontario pays three cents per mile,
—Scientists and humanitarlans are while the Michigan traveller on the
still studying the question of preven- same road pays two.
FURS.—A fine selection from the beat makers and every piece
fine specimen of workmanship, style, etc, Neck Furs from $1.50 tion of tuberculosis. An eminent
to $20.00. French doctor of medicine Is now in
the United States for the purpose of One In Seven Called By Consumption.
FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS, Fauc Collars, Ruchings, Ribbons, -
Fine Laces, Insertions; etc., in 01 undance. spreading throughout the country a A dreadful plague indeed when you'
wider knowledge of the beriefitialre- consider that in incipient stages it can
KID GLOVES.—Our line of guaranteed KID Gloves, in both long suits attained from the injection be- be cured. Take care of the little cold
and short lengths, is the best we have ever shown, neath the skin of a solution of diluted before it becomes a Ng one� When
the throat is sore and hurts to expand
DRESS GOODS.—Our stock of Dress Goods, Fancy Waistings, Silks, sea water as a cure for tuberculosis your chest, rub in Nerviline and im-
Satins, etc,, is where you can procure a most acceptable gift. and certain other diseases, The sue- mediately apply one of Poison's
We extend a cordial invitation to EvnnY PERSON to come cess of the treatment in France is said Nervillne Porous, Plasters. Pain and
tightness are at once relieved. In -
and inspect our stock. to be so great that two dispensaries flamm,tin and soreness gradually
for its exclusive application have been disappear and fatal illness Is thus 1
WANTED.—Roll Butter, Fresh Eggs, Dried Apples and Raw Furs. established in Paris, which treat 300 avoided. Nerviline Plasters act as a
Highest prices. Cash or Trade. poor patients daily. counter irritant over the seat of pain
and as an exterior application in cur-!
Butter 27c. Fresh Eggs 30c. ing colds in the muscles, in pleurisy
—Uanviger Hays of the G. T. R. says and headaches they have no equal.
that trains are, running regularly over Keep these right in your home,
P whole .section or WO miles west
UhUm Le AIN" from Winnipeg into Alberta, and pro- —The barn. of Mr. Xas.'McMicbatl of
gress is being niade in grading the the 2nd con. of Hullett was destroyed
first hundred miles east from Prince by fire on Sunday evening, Dee, 13th,
C p Rupert. He expects to see the whole
Good Goods heap . ri es line in'opbration from sea to sea, a together with all its contents. There
d distance of over 8,400 miles, in the was an insilrance which does not by
an- earls cover the loss The fire
books or the year are out, nor is tiny 1here is just, one way to cure
government legislation ready. After dyspepsia and stomach.disorders, tri -
The Whiteeburch Hardware Store i's going to make a t V191 or serious and that is to tone up
new departure this ChristmaL4, and for three weeks it will or put energy into the stomach walls
brou-ht down a crude sort of measure so that they will be able to properly
be turned into a veiltable XMA -8. BAZAAR, and we want
waiting�another� 'year the governinen -e
which was kept before the House and mix or churn the food. Xmas. Novelti S
everyone to come and see us before buying elsewhere.
the committee for wonthq, and then Mi-o-na tablets quik':Iy arouse the
We will have displayed for sale—Toys of every des- stomach from its inaction and in a
cription for the little ones from I cent up. We will also dropped. It is understood that a new short time it is able to do its work
have useful articles of every description, in the regular bill will be 'introduced next, segsion, properly.
and that it is- not yet prepared. Only Harry Dodd, Bridge St., Hastings,
Hardware line, and last but not least, that great entertainer, -
the Edison Phonograph, playing two and four minute two �other measures are yet mention- Ont., says.—"For seven years I had 4
ed. One is to create a new depart- suffered and spent much money doc-
recurds. Do not fail to bear the new Amborel or four ment for Mr. Mackenzie Xing toring, but all to no avail. I could eat Never before has our stook of Xmas.
minute records, Edison's latest triumph, and get our special "I'd but very little, as the food would fer-
'Xr�as. offer, which will enable everyone to secure one of add another to a list of portfolios &I- ment and sour, making gas, which goods been so full and complete. The fol.
ready too large. The second is to caused serious heart oppression. I
these, matchless instruments) which will talk) laugh, Sing was in constant misery, sour gas
solos, duets, quartettes, etc., play bands, violins, accordions, abridge the freedom of.debate arld on- would belch from my stomach, I was lowing are just a few of the n2any articles
pianos, orchestras, otc., in which you can hear anfoo run- able the government to force a meas' languid and weak and had no ambi-
n in suitable for Xihas. gifts: -
9, birds singing, dogs barking, = blowing, and a uo� through the House With a limited tion. I did riot feel like going any-
aixio gre
thousand other things equally 413 int g. Don't fail unt of, discussion. No at where orseeing anyone. Therewas a
to statesmanship is Involved In these constant dull pain in the pit of my
hear it. Our I)riceg will defy competition during the holi- measures, stomach. I was unable to sleep, was Linen Table Cloths and Napkins.
day season. Everybody welcome. nervous, restless and would wake
more tired than on goin to be& I Lunch Cloths and Doylies
—The Legislative committee of the tried Mi-o-na and soon found relief,
Grange reported as follows 'The and in less than six weeks MI-o-na bad Chenille and Tapestry Table Covers
completely cured me.
startling revelations of graft and cor. Walton MeXibbon, druggisk sells Ladies' Fine Underskirts and Waists
J. T. Holmes Whitechurch euption in various Government de- Mi.o-na tablets at 60e a large- box., Children's Bear Skin Coats and Boas
partments come,lts a shock, to every tinder a rigid guarantee to do all that
right-feelingcitizen. The state of af, is claimed for them or money back. Fatioy Collars and Belts
fairs revealed is most shameful and Fine Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs
deplorable, and demands drastic reme- Icid. Gloves and Mitts.
dial measurbu. We believe that whor- Winter Term Opens Jan, 4th
ever graft and jobbery is disclosed in Arrange Mw to Attend the Pamous
mom, Government affairs that not only
should Governmental employees who
have profited In, any way be dismissed
WE WANT TO HAND YOU OUR from office. but they should be pun, Men's Furnishings.
I (she4 As defaulting bank clerks and
114TERESTING others are punished, Not only should THIS 8011601, STAIMS VO -DAY WIT11011T
these be punished, hub all those who� k sopimlon IN Ivits DomNION. X-OarlY
411 00116908 dtAIM TO Hs Trip inmr, but
FREE BOOK CA tiot being employees of the Govern- OTAIMINO tO DO 80 D098 NOT MAR9 WXIEM You will find in oul, Furnishing De -
so. Get ow, Catitloglud, Restd It from
ment, have assisted or thated In the eover to cover. Soo for ourself What
defrauding of the country, should be thlik dollege is d6itkR 6nd Jo adv6,utages partment a full range of Fancy Sbirts, Xeck
About Qualifying Yourself for a similarly punished, Where corrup. it Mork - )'i Scarfs gnd Ties Var Cap$, Fur Mitts and
Successful Career. tion and fraud of this kind have been 'W� 1. ILLIOTT PRMCIPAL
-age & Alexander Sts, Xid Gloves.
To leam th6 folly 6f atktaring "buenos* extensive In uuy depattment of Gov. Coro Yo
ernment, we believe the resignation of -
IV! without a "buste'ass Gdudcktlori"� It
roul, -out Frao Catalogue.
auttimn. of 1911. Then he looks r
turning the grain trade of the future
great wheat region of western Cana-
was cauesd by a dog chasing the cat
and upsetting the lantern.
Vhy J041tabla t6 abcUrat thts "Imtelf16511 A006
t1a," lkt rbr-do City SUSIA-684 collqb—
A. M I L L E`1$
da (if not that of north-western United
—An American authority states,
that the battleship North Dakotti,
a if
0 Very choice Cluster Raisins, regular price 25c, Special..
States) to the Pacific, not only for
*Vt C."inot,614 Sho snd and Typ4wouof
caurbob. Talldwily, A
4 124r
n ow being built &t Quincy, near Bos -
the markets of Asia, but for Europe,
soon as the Panama Csnal is open
�s rduoutos' As$
The guns on the vessel are to
c6st about ad#en hundred and tkinety
in 1914. .
Mi-o-n'a Tablets Cure Dyspepsia
S, 0. aull
Christm-us' Shamers
—The public accounts of the year
which closed eight months ago are not
By Promptly Removing The
Cause, Or Money Back.
catiflutions fitingf her guug will be
issued. In fact the blue-
WoM Out and, useless, Shooting lb
yet none of
Ver�fine IVIaricabo Chocolates, VIJL�illa Chocolates,
about twmity-ftra thousand dollarti
books or the year are out, nor is tiny 1here is just, one way to cure
government legislation ready. After dyspepsia and stomach.disorders, tri -
The Whiteeburch Hardware Store i's going to make a t V191 or serious and that is to tone up
new departure this ChristmaL4, and for three weeks it will or put energy into the stomach walls
brou-ht down a crude sort of measure so that they will be able to properly
be turned into a veiltable XMA -8. BAZAAR, and we want
waiting�another� 'year the governinen -e
which was kept before the House and mix or churn the food. Xmas. Novelti S
everyone to come and see us before buying elsewhere.
the committee for wonthq, and then Mi-o-na tablets quik':Iy arouse the
We will have displayed for sale—Toys of every des- stomach from its inaction and in a
cription for the little ones from I cent up. We will also dropped. It is understood that a new short time it is able to do its work
have useful articles of every description, in the regular bill will be 'introduced next, segsion, properly.
and that it is- not yet prepared. Only Harry Dodd, Bridge St., Hastings,
Hardware line, and last but not least, that great entertainer, -
the Edison Phonograph, playing two and four minute two �other measures are yet mention- Ont., says.—"For seven years I had 4
ed. One is to create a new depart- suffered and spent much money doc-
recurds. Do not fail to bear the new Amborel or four ment for Mr. Mackenzie Xing toring, but all to no avail. I could eat Never before has our stook of Xmas.
minute records, Edison's latest triumph, and get our special "I'd but very little, as the food would fer-
'Xr�as. offer, which will enable everyone to secure one of add another to a list of portfolios &I- ment and sour, making gas, which goods been so full and complete. The fol.
ready too large. The second is to caused serious heart oppression. I
these, matchless instruments) which will talk) laugh, Sing was in constant misery, sour gas
solos, duets, quartettes, etc., play bands, violins, accordions, abridge the freedom of.debate arld on- would belch from my stomach, I was lowing are just a few of the n2any articles
pianos, orchestras, otc., in which you can hear anfoo run- able the government to force a meas' languid and weak and had no ambi-
n in suitable for Xihas. gifts: -
9, birds singing, dogs barking, = blowing, and a uo� through the House With a limited tion. I did riot feel like going any-
aixio gre
thousand other things equally 413 int g. Don't fail unt of, discussion. No at where orseeing anyone. Therewas a
to statesmanship is Involved In these constant dull pain in the pit of my
hear it. Our I)riceg will defy competition during the holi- measures, stomach. I was unable to sleep, was Linen Table Cloths and Napkins.
day season. Everybody welcome. nervous, restless and would wake
more tired than on goin to be& I Lunch Cloths and Doylies
—The Legislative committee of the tried Mi-o-na and soon found relief,
Grange reported as follows 'The and in less than six weeks MI-o-na bad Chenille and Tapestry Table Covers
completely cured me.
startling revelations of graft and cor. Walton MeXibbon, druggisk sells Ladies' Fine Underskirts and Waists
J. T. Holmes Whitechurch euption in various Government de- Mi.o-na tablets at 60e a large- box., Children's Bear Skin Coats and Boas
partments come,lts a shock, to every tinder a rigid guarantee to do all that
right-feelingcitizen. The state of af, is claimed for them or money back. Fatioy Collars and Belts
fairs revealed is most shameful and Fine Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs
deplorable, and demands drastic reme- Icid. Gloves and Mitts.
dial measurbu. We believe that whor- Winter Term Opens Jan, 4th
ever graft and jobbery is disclosed in Arrange Mw to Attend the Pamous
mom, Government affairs that not only
should Governmental employees who
have profited In, any way be dismissed
WE WANT TO HAND YOU OUR from office. but they should be pun, Men's Furnishings.
I (she4 As defaulting bank clerks and
114TERESTING others are punished, Not only should THIS 8011601, STAIMS VO -DAY WIT11011T
these be punished, hub all those who� k sopimlon IN Ivits DomNION. X-OarlY
411 00116908 dtAIM TO Hs Trip inmr, but
FREE BOOK CA tiot being employees of the Govern- OTAIMINO tO DO 80 D098 NOT MAR9 WXIEM You will find in oul, Furnishing De -
so. Get ow, Catitloglud, Restd It from
ment, have assisted or thated In the eover to cover. Soo for ourself What
defrauding of the country, should be thlik dollege is d6itkR 6nd Jo adv6,utages partment a full range of Fancy Sbirts, Xeck
About Qualifying Yourself for a similarly punished, Where corrup. it Mork - )'i Scarfs gnd Ties Var Cap$, Fur Mitts and
Successful Career. tion and fraud of this kind have been 'W� 1. ILLIOTT PRMCIPAL
-age & Alexander Sts, Xid Gloves.
To leam th6 folly 6f atktaring "buenos* extensive In uuy depattment of Gov. Coro Yo
ernment, we believe the resignation of -
IV! without a "buste'ass Gdudcktlori"� It
roul, -out Frao Catalogue.
Chpistmas Nutsof
Vhy J041tabla t6 abcUrat thts "Imtelf16511 A006
t1a," lkt rbr-do City SUSIA-684 collqb—
0 Californin Navel Oranges, bright, sweet, juicy fruit,
t*4 clattaiab.
tha b19 t*rdooklla
—An American authority states,
that the battleship North Dakotti,
11 0.
Thra rREr. BOOK axptahs In delld
0 Very choice Cluster Raisins, regular price 25c, Special..
*Vt C."inot,614 Sho snd and Typ4wouof
caurbob. Talldwily, A
4 124r
n ow being built &t Quincy, near Bos -
thd fift fivptrlorl Show ulub 6f
tons to cost, about nine millions of
�s rduoutos' As$
The guns on the vessel are to
goolsiuon'.w Dtolam*.
jwjot V42ij your nime
c6st about ad#en hundred and tkinety
4"J Wdrsm— CA14142wo
thousand dollars. Orie,broadsl4o of
wflt r**ah you
S, 0. aull
her guba will cost itbout. seventeen
Old Raisins, nearly as good -as new, 4 lbs. for .........
The Potest City
thousand clollAtil, After, two hours of
catiflutions fitingf her guug will be
WoM Out and, useless, Shooting lb
boubett, 16 It astimatea It will coat
Ver�fine IVIaricabo Chocolates, VIJL�illa Chocolates,
about twmity-ftra thousand dollarti
Fine Cream Candy. Maple CreA!ins. Date Creams,
Mixed Creams, Vanilla Wafevi, Maple Buds, Milk
Woute to faba her gans -, mid, It Will
Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce,
Goods delivered to all parts of the town.
Phone 89,
People's Popular Store
Ke-rr Bir.
Agents—Ladies! Home journal
Agents—Ladies' Home journal Patterns
Chr'* tmf,,
Great Bapgains In Chinaware.
35c and 50c Japameze Cups and Saucers foi ........ 25c
100 Cups and Saucers. fancy Japanese China, very
pretty decorations, regular price 35c to 50c. Special
tbis month ... .......... _ I—, ...... ........... 25a
72 Majolica Qaart Pitchers, nicely tinted, regular 20c
eacb, Special price this month, each ............ . 15C
36 Children's Cups and Saucers, for only,,eaf,,h ....... �. 5e
36 Fancy Mugs, regular 15c each, for ................... 10c
Bargains in Limoges China Dinner Sets
Bar -gains in Limoges China Tea Sets
Printed and Gold Porcelain Dinner Sets, 07 to 102
pieces ........................... I., ...... $6.50 to $10.00
Pretty China Ten, Sets, 40 pieces ............. $1.00 to $7.00
We have a very large stock of Fancy Chinaware, new
goods. Our prices are low.
Plain and Fancy Kerchiefs.
Embroidered and hem stitched ............... . 10c to 50c
Embroidered and lace__ � ........ ............. 10c to 50c
Fancy Excelda Bdkfs ............................. 3 for 25c
Plain white, bern stitched .... .................. �3c to 10a
Hand Bags, new goods ......................... 25c to $2,00
Purses at all prices.
Chpistmas Fruit,
Chpistmas Nutsof
0 Californin Navel Oranges, bright, sweet, juicy fruit,
0 all sizes, prices low, per doz ......... 15c, 20c, 30c,
0 Florida Russet Oranges, very sweet, ju�cy fruit, duz...
0 Very choice Cluster Raisins, regular price 25c, Special..
Choice *Layer Figs per lb ...... ........... ............
New Package Dates 3 for ...... .......................
New fruit, choice Raisins, 3 lbs. for, .......... ........
25 c
Now fruit, choice Currants, 3 lbs. for, .............. ...
New fruit, large, clean Currants, 2 lbs. for ............
Best Icing Sugar, white, 3 lbs, for ... .................
Best Icing, Sugar, pink, 2 lbs. for . ...................
Old Figs, very good, 8 lbs. for.. . .......... ............
Old Raisins, nearly as good -as new, 4 lbs. for .........
Old Prunes, very good, 4 lbs. for ......................
Christmas Candy,
Ver�fine IVIaricabo Chocolates, VIJL�illa Chocolates,
ilk Chocolate.
Fine Cream Candy. Maple CreA!ins. Date Creams,
Mixed Creams, Vanilla Wafevi, Maple Buds, Milk
Chocolate Medallions, Cupid Chocolates, Nonpareil
Wafers, per 11) .......... .... qs .............. 40c to
Choice Mixiod Candy, -3 lbs. for .... ....................
Choice Mixed Creams, 2 lbs. for ............. ...
Big Clearing Sale Of Furs.
0 All of our splendid stock of Furs offered this
0 month at greatl�v reduced prices. Don't miss this
sale—Muffs, Ruffti, Stoles, Scarfs, Coats, etc. Xo
reserve. Everything on the bargain counter.
All Par Sackets and Capes at and below cost.
You'll save money by making your purchases
at this store.
Be sure you got a, copy of the Christmas Globe,
We are Agents.
A fine assortment of Magazines. They make
good Christmas presents.
i� One So E -Z Dust Pan will be given frea t6
)-ou when your cash purchases amount to- $5.00.
Xot nece8sary to make your purchac;oa all at one
-timp. Save your billg a -rid when thoy Amount to
$5.00 present them to us and gob tho b6st Dust
Ilan made. Xo more stooping to piek up a little
dust, Ile sure you get one.
Also a Toy Wash Board given freA, while they
last, to Avory little girl maklog 4 2,5e mab plir.
.chasi% They vill not 1"t lobg, no hurry up, girIff.
Be AuM And ask for a Toy NVash Board if You
went one. *11'onr ranther or Aistor or friend vasy
got one tot you It you 4r6 to.) buay to oome to
the store.
Chpistmas Nutsof
No. I Grenoble Walnuts, per lb .................... .
0 No. 2 Grenoble Walnuts, old, per lb ....................
No. I Almond Nuts, per lb .............................
No. I Brazil Nuts, per lb . .............................
No. I Pecan Nixts, por lb...,. .............. ....... _
No. I Filherts and Peanuts...
. Me
I Shelled Almonds and Walnuts, per lb ...............
Big Clearing Sale Of Furs.
0 All of our splendid stock of Furs offered this
0 month at greatl�v reduced prices. Don't miss this
sale—Muffs, Ruffti, Stoles, Scarfs, Coats, etc. Xo
reserve. Everything on the bargain counter.
All Par Sackets and Capes at and below cost.
You'll save money by making your purchases
at this store.
Be sure you got a, copy of the Christmas Globe,
We are Agents.
A fine assortment of Magazines. They make
good Christmas presents.
i� One So E -Z Dust Pan will be given frea t6
)-ou when your cash purchases amount to- $5.00.
Xot nece8sary to make your purchac;oa all at one
-timp. Save your billg a -rid when thoy Amount to
$5.00 present them to us and gob tho b6st Dust
Ilan made. Xo more stooping to piek up a little
dust, Ile sure you get one.
Also a Toy Wash Board given freA, while they
last, to Avory little girl maklog 4 2,5e mab plir.
.chasi% They vill not 1"t lobg, no hurry up, girIff.
Be AuM And ask for a Toy NVash Board if You
went one. *11'onr ranther or Aistor or friend vasy
got one tot you It you 4r6 to.) buay to oome to
the store.