HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-12-17, Page 8"'OPIRM491k 411 -IM, %�,T � . * 7 7� PP TIEER WINGHAN ADVANCE, THUMIDAY, DECUBER 17, 19080, 4A I q TaylormAnd.erson Only L I X I T R D Exclusi've Ask your friends Ing from Prices, Qualities, Make, We assure you the answer will be-11THrimpi, Is NONE BETTER." That 'is the reputation we want to make good, and the only way by which we will be able to increase and hold our trade. Be one of t I he merry ones—buy a Suit, Overe 7 .oat or Pants from us and we guarantee you will be, because there is nothing more disagreeable than a, suit of clothes on a man that does not bang perfect. With our'Clothes you do not experdment—they're perfect from the start. N ow, Ladies, if you are in doubt what to buy' your 0 Husband for a Xmas. present that will satisfy him, buy him Suit, Overcoat or pair of Pants from us. You could buy nothing better to please him. P. $.—Special Order Department A Specialty. All clothing bought from us will be pressed absolutely :&ee of charge. Taylor Anderson Co., L i mit e d EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL W INGHAM, ONTARIO Guelph Fair laet week, very poorly, T Peat a e BOIM-04 Dec. Q�b, to Dr, And The signs of the tImOR Are MOVIOg Idio. Charlesworlb, A jimilghter. f4vorabl� In vicinity cot Jtuw4stosva. Mr. Abu Barr exhibited aome, of his Rev. Ur. West h , ad charge of the e ss-i,g,,nee s cattle and isheep At the Guelph Oa� service in Victoria., Hall last Sabbath, 1! stock Fair last voeek. Mr, Linton and Mr. Bills 0.9 Ayr, Mr. Harry Metcalf of Lou4on was. t6 vielte4 a few days last week At 14nies 0 F_ visitor at the home of his uncle, Mr. and Andrew SimpeoWis. Frank Metcalf, over Sunday,, There is a Christmas tree and enter- Nominatious for Reeve aio4 Council... t4innient to be given Jn the Hall here lors. also live school trustees, Nvill be this FAU v Sabo y held In Industry Hall,, Uorday, Dec� day oi,o oning, in a4d of the Sun Hanna Bros, $30,000 Stock ot 11, Continue$ the 28t,b. 04.11 at 1), MacDonald.'s store for go0onuell & Bell shipped three on. your 0brietaim presents, the best tire horses, two of them belpf "Cairn. that. money can, buy; also your can?. bro$le Hero" and ',Royal Oe V1 and % dies and nuts for the childrens The sensational rush that greeted the great sale still grows in volumes. number of -colts to the West, Buyers upon buyers are I in and again to profit, Mr. and Krs� Dancan, M�Acl)onaM Coming agal by the wonderful -slash. .Tameis ving- bAbr Donald&, and Miss F1, Inman, - 11offrou and Elam LI in prices. There is something for everybody in stone Purchased the Groos bush near ent last Sunday At the home of the Ing, this immense stock—some- the Lutheran church, in Uullett. The fQ)rmer's mother, Mrs, A�oh Robert. thing everybody needs, Then the dollars you saveadcl wonderfully to your bank timber will be taken off this winter. son of Wiaghatu, account n t. �hlf you,possibly can, shop in the morning—there are many who ca The W. F. X S. of tboXethodist We are pleased to state that Miss Th-ose Q. can, get better attention, have more time to choose or examine, church and the Touv�. IvAles' class of Bessie, Moses has secured a sohool, the Sunday School shil ed a consign- known as B44cier's, on, the Oth con. of Xneut of clothing to PC Deaconess* %e , dutles, to commence 4fter tho ..... 4. - Home in Toronto last week. Year holiday. . Mr. Win, Duncan of Three Rivers, Misses Bessie and Rae'Noses gave a Great Opportunities For Christmas Gift Givers Que., to renewing old acquaintances in party to A number of tbeh: Jamestowri ,ge.d in the foundry btialuess, ort a good firne. They. oertalnly' town. Mr, Duncan ab one time was friends last Monday evening; all re- eA wh'te re r. f(Ills! faketory stands, Mw how to entertain. open meet, There will be a local option meetitig The W. 0. T. T -T. held an 2nd Floor Bargains Furs and Fur Coats ing in. Methodist church, on Monday thiq Thursday evening in Victoria eveoluo. A good program of, address- H411, at which the Rev.O. Wisbart and es snd 013f ingwm rendered. The Powell of Brussels take part. - All president, r. artis, Clothin and Overc presided, should attend t1lis meeting. 0, a ts,. A. Hasteott of Manhatawa, has been eu as principal of ;be school heieltg1!U4 Place of Mr. Stalker., He llolyrood,,, Under these three headings you will find such.a group of unrepeatable bar - comes well recommended and has a first-class certificate. His salary will - Miss Nellie Thompson of St. Mary,$ , gains as you will never see ag in' We can only give you a few quotation$, but be $750. is visiting relatives here. every article in these bfig departments is slashed accordingly. The Y. X� 0, A. bad a concert on Mr. and Mrs. B. Ackert have moved Wednesday evening. Miss Pauline to their new home in the village. Johnston, the Xoh4wkpoet entertglu- Scb6ol children are looking forward $5.00. And $6.00 Waists'. $3.98. $24.00 Grey Squirrel, Sets $15.95. er, and Mr. Walt6r Md-Raye, the cele'. to their 0hristmao holidays, ere Ladies' high-class Silk Waists, elaborately trim. Now pillow Muff, well padded, and 72 in. Throw brated Canadian humorist, supplied long. wed, in sky, white and blavk, exceptio&I of finest English Grey Squirrel, regular $2-1 the program, value at $5,00 4nd $0,00—Special .......... $$.us per set—Speclal . ........... ....... The A. Y..P. A, of Trinity Chur Master Harold Ackert of Kincardine on High School spent Sunday last at held a social evening Monday night home. $12.00 Isabella Scarfs $8.5Q. and entertained the A. Y. P. A. of St. $2.00 And $2.50 Lustre Waists $1,39. Paul's church, Winglixta, -Mr. and Farmers are enjoying the nice Splendid quality Black Lustre Waists, nicel Very large, full furred, Isabella Sable Scarfs, Mrs, John' Hartley of Clinton were sleighing, and making ready for trimthea, worth $2.00 and. $2.50—Special. fur rich, deep and soft, zognlar $12.00� also in. attendance. Xmas. Special ­ ............... ...... I ... ........ St. Andrew's S,. S. entertainment Mr'. Leslie and MAggie Erwin of was hold in Industry hall on F rid Lucknow spent last Friday. evening Ladles' Tailored Mantles Below Cost. Men's $8.50 Fur Collars $5.50. evening. Rev. Wi4ter Moffatt If with friends here. d h u% on ' 'A B!, Miss Sarah Haines -returned home, A superb- range of highly tailored Coatel in, Menis fine curl Bucharlan L�mb Collars, regu. is eluding blaeki4, navys, greens a eAstoril, LOT' oti gavIhs ro e ig lilands Of after spendinga, couple of weeks with plain colors, fancy Tweeds, newest patterns 14r .... ..................... $5.50 1W, a ad ,yele Tour t n.gh th 'otlai'd", with JIM lit views. , elig her sister in Bayfield. and shades, are on sale. indiscriminately, 'AA There died in Brussels on Saturday, Xr. Gipies and miss Nellie Haines a,n old citizen of Blyth, in the person ,and cousin attended the hot supper At of John Ak McDonald. Deceased Crews last Monday night. Trimined Hats Underpriced. Mens $12.00 Suits For $8.25. went; there to make his home with his sister, Mrs. Karr, a short, time previ4 Mr. and Mrs. las. Hughes of Tees- About 2. doz. only left of the best Trimmed Hats, Fine quality Tweed Suits, new stylish gar- ovis to his death, His remains -were water returned. home, after spending now stylish. shapes and shades, as well as ments and orrictly tailor-made, exceptional brought to Blyth cemetery on Mon, several months in the village. blacks,, to be cleared at great redue- value at $12 00—Special .................... $8.25 plilill day afternoon. Rev. Mr. Small con, Rev. Mr. Watson conducted service tion" ue ,t d ed service at the grave. Deceased in the Methodist Church here an Sun- Men's $12.50 Overcoats $8.00. was unmarried, day morning last. Mr. D. 0. Taylor The annual meeting of L. 0, L. 9M, of Lucknow will take the pulpit next Plain black Milton, heavy striped Frieze and was held in Orange Hall,.-Monda� Sunday evening. fancy Tweed Overcoats. well lined, perfect evening. The election of officers an fitters, worth regularly $12.50—Special,.,...$8.00 .other important business was tra-as- Cheistmas Fups Undeppriced, .acted, The followinlK are the offleers East Wawanosh. elected:—W. Iff., R. McCommins; D, Boys' $5.00 Suits For $3,65. X, 0. Stewart . -, Chap., Rev., W.. H, Jas, Noble, Oth line, spent a fe%V Cooper; Sec.s A, Anderson; Fln.-Sec., days last week. with friends around CHOOSE Lton brand, Boys' Tweed Suits,sizes 20 to 32, IT. E. Taman; Treasurer, W. H. MoRl. Clinton, $5000.00 WORTH TO au immense range of patterns and colors, ro 0 regular $5.00—Special � ..................... $3.65 y - D. C., Tames Gibson ; Lect., D. A baby girl came'to stay with Mr. FROM AT THESE PRICES. ter and Mr. Coombs; Oom., ff. mild Mrs. Harvey McDowell of West - Robinson, J. -Wilford,. J, Mains, F, field last week. BOYS' $7.50 Overcotits $4.65. Haggitt, Wm. Gibson Rev. Mr� Cooper was appointed reporter to the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott and Miss Boys' well inade, heavy Tweed Overcoats, heavy Orange Sentinel, Patience of Blyth spent Saturday 6 only'Ladles' fine curl Astrachan Jackets, well with friends on the Oth line. uilted satin linings, 89 in. long, worth up lined and velvet- collar, reg,. $7.50—Special. .$4-65 olke , ` .,A " �o 1*35—Sheeial .. 14 150 iss Phoebe Densmore has returned I ........ I ......... ... Boys' $12.50 Overcoats $6.98.' Have YOU A Norge. from Wingham, whare,abe has been 2 only left, Ladieb' fine Beaver Shell, Canadian spending a couple of weeks. Rat -lined Coats, genuine Sable collar, regti- Heavy black Melton Overcoats, deep fur collars. NOTICE. 11 you want to keep him in shape, lar $65—Special ................. 1.440.00 regular $12.5"pecial . .................... $6.98 0W*A0W*J0V%A0" never let him suffer pain. Rub on Stanley Appleton, who has been "Nervilin0—It is noted for curing engaged with Jno, Scott, Othline, for NOMINATION MEETING. strains, swellings end stillness and the past year, has gone to the Old sore muscles, For internal use ta cur. Country. When Bu 'ing lug cramps and colic, Nerviline is a Miss McKenzi;o, Campbelliflle, who Everything in this line of Men's Heavy Wear—Leather Coats or Vests— y A meeting of the Electors of the perfect marvel. In every good train- has been visiting friends on the Oth Sheep lined Jack-ets—Heavy Pants—Frieze Jackets or Ulsters—Raincoats—Fur- Township of'Turnberry will be held in ing stable yofill find Nerviline be. line and in Lucknow, returned to her the Foresters' Hall, Bluevale, on Mon- ca:use it keeps horses in trim andre- home,last Week. coats, including Coow;, China Dog, Wambats, Wallaby's, or Calf in all sizes, Christma,s Presents day, the 28th day of December next auoes the veterinary bill.. Farmers, At one o'clock -p. m. . , for the Nomina- stockmen and all horse owners should Messrs, Sherk and Doble, painters of and selling at astounding low prices. Wh not get so is wortli while and that I tion of Candidates for the offices of -buy Nerviline and prove how Invalu. Win Valam, finished the painting of Again—shop in the morning if you possibly can. Even with extra sales- mething that Reeve and Councillors, to� serve In the able it is. Good for man or beast. Mr. ylor's house, now occupied by y Municipal Council of the Township of 25c per bottle at all dealers. Mr. Blair and family. -will be useful as well as ornanieutal. This ismore I Turnberry for the year 190D. And The members of Calvin Church Sun- people we find it hard to cope with the afternoon rush, of a Christmas store than ever this year with such should a poll be required, such poll day School Intend holding their. Xmu will be opened at the usual polling St. KelerxA. Tree entertainment in the school. attractive gifts as places in the four polling divisions. house, No. 11, on the evening of Wed- Produce taken same as cash. on the 4th day of January next,. at 0 Mr. las. H, Soynt was home from nesday, Dec. 23rd. A good program 0 clock a. m., and remaiii open until Whiteehurch on Saturday. is being prepared, SKATES CUTLER W 5 p. n. Byodw, t 1 REMEMBER—After Thursday, Dec. 3oth, the store will be closed. RAZORS LAMPS JOHN BURGESS, Tp, Clerk. Mr.. Jas, Haines of Crowe Sandayed Bluevale, Dec. 14, 1008. with friends around St. Helens. Gorrie. 'GUNS SILVERWARE Miss Minnie Ramage left last week BY ORDER OF OSLER WADE, ASSIGNEE. to visit her sister at Lornesville, Dr. Whitely was a Goderich visitor HOCKEY SUPPLIES CARPET SWEEPERS Mr. Us. Mitchell. Wingham, spent last week. Sunday in the neighborhood of For. Miss r4 arr of Durham is a visitor at dyce. the Rectory. 5alem Morris. Fordwich. 'You may go where you Will and We do not think you Mr. Fred Cutliberb of Ashfield spent Dr Armstrong visited his son, Gar. wj11 find better value fit Christmas gifts. net, �t' Lucknow on Monday o We are pleased to know that Chas. Nomination on Mondsy, 28th inst. Miss Muliel Spinks returned from It Sunday at the home of Mr. Jas. Bar- way to Goderieh. n. his Westlake is again on the mend after There will be enough,aspirantli to on- Toronto last week. NOW FOP bour. We make it a comfort for you to shop here by telling his painful illness, surea vote. There w 11 be a poll any-. Messrs. A. C. Sotherkn. and R, J. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Webster, Jr., of bliss Lydia Harding has been re way for Local Option. the precise truth about everything we s611. Christmas Groceriee—Prults Lucknow spent Sunday in the neigh- enTged for another year as teacher" Miss Ferguson of Belleville, who has Sanderson attended the fat stock 3; &c. They're borhood of St. Helena. at . S. No. 4, Howick. been visiting friends in these parts, re- Local Option meetings are bplug show in Guelph last week. —Candles—Nufi turned to her home last week. held throughoub -the township. Vot- Mr Chester Edwards returned from all here. The biggent and best We are pleased to hear that Mr. Quite -a nugiber from this vicinity ing will be at the regular Polling the W -est last Tuesday, af ter spending selection yet offertd, Oompare the Messrs. Fred and George Westla;ke Win. Humphrey, who recently under- were at Goderich last week, rc places and the Deputy Returnin Offt- the summer in the prairie province. the qualities and you'll find went an operation in Wingbam llos� trial, Cathers vs. Spotton. are visiting their grandmother at Atr cers will be as follows:—No. 1, �V'. 0. J. G. Stewart Coo pitalt is rapidIv recovering. We hope Miss Lottie Phalt , who uoderwent wood, and enjoying the hunting. Laidlaw with David Laidlaw as poll Mr. Samuel Beswitherick's title last he will soon be able to come home an operation at Guelph, is able to Mr. Lloyd Henui met with an ac- clerk; No. 2, 000. P McCall and Jas, week was largely attended; very THE PRICES RIGHT. cident which kept'115m off work for a Kernaghan; No. a, S: Tevilue aud Rob- tbiD� going at a good figure. again- leave the hospital, and expected home ea Central Hardware Store, Wingliam. few days, by cutting his knee with an ert McCrea; No. 4. Thos. Miller and Wal er of Gorrie wield the hain, g A full line of Navels P ON for Christmas, ale. Peter McNab; No. 5. R. 11. and Win. mar. And Sonoraa of very Grey. We are Oleased to know that Nelson Miss Strong. who has been vi Garniss; and Xo. 6, Silas1oliustork and Rev, J. L. Stewart from 0hentu, Oran es ghlin. is recovering from All 81 139 las Peacock, On Sanhary GLI1 R01*' hoicest quality, Me' -au her sister for.the past few weeks, vs- China, gitve a very interesting address Everything has the Xmu hum. on attack of, typhoid, and hopes to be i�;;It OfAcer Clark will attend at In the Methodi,4t unurch Sutdav oven - From, per Doz. . 1 1-200 to 606 now. able to spend Christmas at his father's turned to her hoine on Friday of last his o5ce, Belgeave, at three o'clo(-k ing, on hie work among the ftlaese et. home, -week. and sum up the votes and make his (lone Astray. Nothing nic Mrs, Dr. Veifd of Brussels is holi- I 'on of the result, foi- the past six years, Dran orries Xicer still ff daying with friends on the 2nd con, St. Stopheri'a Church S. S. held their Mr. and mn. VVm. Gallaher ofBlae- deblatati r About Oct. 20th, from the b you g6t the nual Xmas enteetainmetiton Wed- vale spent Sunday afternoon at the 1 Owner,, led . 7 - :--4 � heifer rising three e&rs. Infor- right kind. Two qualitieso Mrs. D, McDonkId. of Xincmdinq i's an former's mother, Mrs. T. vesday, Dec. 10th. A splendid vari 1101116 bf the Have You Ugly Warts ]EVerythingr motion gladly received gy the under- 18o and 90o Per Qttsitt, visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. i presented, including a Gallaher- RAW FTIRS. —'We want all program wal signed,. J. L. Xing, plagebtitled,,Tb.6 Spinsters Return," Mr, Thomson of- Teeswater bashis kinds of RaW Furs, for which we Oure them with Pntnams Painless GEO. WALtAC,4## See out Candies— the spinster$ related their Wroxeter tuen. busy at.work in It. 111 pay the highest cash Prices.— Corrk and Wart Extractor. Fifty Lot Onn, 8, East M &wanosh Heaps of them, Rev. 3. L, Stewart of China was a when ; Candies vtsft6r ab the home of Mr41H. Dryans experiences while In Dawson City, Stokes'basb, getting out the timber he years suceesi is a, guarantee of Its Now Ready St, Augustine P. 0. There Is pick and G90� R. KING. itutes. is week. Ala9k,%, u1n search of man. Another weriti Beware of substi oh6iq. Our popittlet prices ato— on Monday of thi humor a play, 4-Tha Economical has bought. 9 Pot Lb ................ 106 and 160 Miss Ethel Musgrove of VVingliam. Bometarg" was Mao rendered. DQn'b foi-geb the Xmas entertain - For Christm s We've got them—Cook to & visitor at the -home of her uJaclet ment which will be hold In Salem Mr. Robt, Pearson this week, church on Xmas evo., the 24th. A pigs Xatatal Palled, Large . d ptograni is prepared by the AND THE BEST Pressed, Small Pressed & Mr. Aleir. McAllister woo atouna. TENDERS WANTEDo tgwohoo"ol and others consisting of ehor- TAAT MONEY Christmas and e -Glove" Boxea. bidding good-bye t6 several of his uses b the school, readings, recita, RAI$MS AND CURRANTS OF friends and acquaibtances last week, Lions, �Jalogaes, anil music from th6 CAN BUY. prior to his removal to near Toronto, Tondora will bo teepivoit by thd utider. Salem orch6atra. A lod time Is QUIC rIRST, READ OUR yea -P T119 HIGIMST QUALITY. IV where he has purchased a large fruit algfifd up to the 15th of J4ftumry hext for tha looked forward to, TIVe a4mission , i tkl sion's - pnrebMa bf th6 following peopettido, TOMMY: YOtr ITAUSIT iduGHT lact fatih We wish him well. i. Village- Lots 14* 16 and 16 on tbo West will be 156, COM9 "D 199Z THEM. Olddbf Qxteeh ntreat in tha Viliagd of Nftte MR CATALOOR 00foruin Grapeo Table Between all st&tlonij In Canada, i ehuroh on whieh Is idt"416 4 00intOrtAbI6 t Also to Detroit, Port Horon, Mich.# 1: OUAPHS, DATE% LAYtg 9AIS- feittfte cdlAgo Itt good r1p.1r, 4nd a good TIMN Decldb an 1he Busittss College RA18ins, Layer gigs, Dateg, Buffalo. Black Rock,� "Niagalra, Falls INS, &a., also an h6iia. TO THE PUBLIC. fraillb AtMle. mar ot Lot 21 In 'the Donnybrook. ,r,2 ,Jhe North East co . IV— 'We ask the privilege of sonding you Bon Boos, Chocolates, Mix. and Suspension Bridge, X. Y. doijo6nion of Bast wa%mnash, eon. 06fidy, CreSM90 OftbgeS & We Are Agents Voir Parialsat Sage Ulnih9 6nb nord nf land uvon wh1oh Is altu. Mr. Harrison of Luoknow bas sold ate & framo Stolle 'atid dWalling Mid fmfite his 20Acte f4rni to Mr, W� Parrow our Intmaely -interesting, bawlsomely, At Single Pare Attd We Know The Ouaratitte Ike s it i nig,,Deing SLRG 336tianas, Walituts, Filbatts� Chinaware. 1 06 )o Lion of the ? S 00. 1*4011496 and Mr. P4rka. illustrateJ- FRE E CATALOG= In Almonds, Brazil 11TUtA, Pop- Good going Dec. 21th and Mth, Is Genuine— VIA(& 6r at of the IMS. If 7011 want 1% Bargain In aceptancooto rew thebalando Me, F#,rr6w w,%am an extra smilt c6rn Balls and everyflAng Returning until Dec. 28th, the secret of It being the presence of a fact, you really 0wo it to yourself to get 1008, Also- good going Dec. SlAto It tin ftld t11"fl5Mt6f, Ohlbawara, this lit th6 $tdft to J. W. MeXibbft, all for the children. Call aUd Ome to. We've stikoka of it. nder h cona 1 40 Ott little baby girl. Ito cvtl ti popy and read it thoroughly before you 1008, and San. let, ION. Returning 7 0 t4 this 9 daa o ei, low. Wect the Busineta College to 4tteticL �J� Th sea our gtook before bpy1fig. until jab, 4th I Igo% i 1, P&rlslab Sage, the quick-a4ting,hair It, V.&WTON0, wililgh P. 01. rtaotleo to the oi-46r of t`hi� evelilngs 56 Val restorers is ubraht"d— anloof the young poplahete and the 8,A t I lot k-,�* Tliitcatalogua axplaits an a6aour 'hey At Pare And Ono TbIrd i WVIA SnTa To stop fAling halt, achoo children, 4 , seem to 6nioy JoA Durlaculty,our Ji6erant court". To cure dandruff, It. U6� concert to to be hi514 oo ihe �WJ Ttitk6ya, G6oa6, Ducks knd 000a 9011at DOC- 21st to Ded, 26th, WOXLIMT SPITS To cure Itching of the seAlPo Send A X-ot'-wal $6odl to train avenitig of Dec. 14th , .4 good pro- Tellit �,hy we ha;ckly beliov� our Cot - 11008, Raturnil until JELT6 sth, grain is expected, ]ego to be the best (or you. After psading'tbo book we will ]save. vratit6a 1009. Also goo Joing Dec. 28th, VINVOIr CMNA To put life hito faded hair, for life Ili the holne. 4� To make bxrsh hair soft mid. luxtifl. vri you to judge for youraeg.' Sending fo a copy places you under no 10A to Uft, Ist, ON, Uetuthing Svery bit Of ChIn6wArd at loWeAt &at, J Mur )�Udowblellt perfilitit low Rev, Ale. McTavish of Gorirle Preach- % ud high- a Missionary ahniversai-y stermann &ljgauloh. Just Mail your Aama On ft A.Z until San, Silt, 100. prices, To make hair grow. or motley b4ok. JratL'4 a a 4 4ddrmi 6 9L posteard. Olms advant ego here oti Sunday motntng, ath lust. hallott .9 It In the met i1elightful hovir deqsN- Jaughter not., ad any vinift, spw4l *Pont" f, Sepltmber ond htwokry. rar UokoU "d M 106rmtttoo, "U ou favorite with 28th year andliet. taking fot, hf# text 2 coir. 810-111"or I de, And lit, & great ter than ever. W14to for cata- re 1know the krabe of the Lora Jresu.4 The rorest City Sushiess and Shorthwid Collojo W. 90my, Towh Agbuk ev wtlt* k luiss"Who desire beautiful 1%nd laxorl- 10"'ON, - ; Alma College, St. OhAst, thAt, ihough he waa rich yet logue : io, 0. McDonald at T. W. MeXibboals ov by elpram, Thotnu, Outatio, A for sakts bo beiarno Poor tb4t J1 V1 *ZT1 erw%T, P000soal J. Z=PVMT. Jr.. 0A., V1*pPfttiO4 Mma^ 1colm, H'enp,y ChNstle a,11 Obar as propAld, from $trout Xfj. V - ro Itiollmugh Rix polvarty Thiiii be M" PoN, Bile, Odt. ALMA %OV EGE 1 . _ _V�! ­ poi_