HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-12-17, Page 4u , . n • II THE "INGRAM 4DV"ANCE, THUSE!AY DECE EE 17, '19o8, A charter has been granted to the All, eeswater. taxes, wit Clinton 60AP0.10 W,_ , � h the exe-ep- � Clinton Iles ital, and It is now an the tion of About $IW, were paid in time N 1 baste of a public Hospital. to escape the 6 per cent extra, Itev, Mr, Mage,, formerly pastor of The annual concert of the local p the Baptist t_lhurch, Clinton, but lath S,O,S, ala be field on the evening td;1,s Gills FoMen terly Pastor In Manitou, Manitoba, Jan nary 7tb; has bought out the Morden, Mani. The Teeswater per sent. Bebe` - toba, Chronicle, and takes poseesslon son Co, loan sold at a Premium b mp. Are Often, The Hardest Things To Buy Q The fltinil of Mr, D. McLeod (him- tures for $5000 for he er R. Toon, i - Or t beast To Know What To Select sella n moor typhoid re laid and with ate area onThetoDominion the purchaser. �tles Co..of I'u� ---� circumstances that call for practical Mr, r• Cambell, principal of the help, that should b, rendered at once, Walkerton Pri lie School for the past Should 1r �! three years, has resigned. He goes to ��uhall�d Have No On information laid by Inspector Landon, where he has secured a post. o Difficulty Torrance. Mr. Schaffer, Kippen, ap- tion ata higher .salary than the Conn- 0 making a selection in our store If you will drewa yefarchPolice �e aft seglip licl or- ty Town cares to Lt - call, we'll be leased to ! show ou what we have, cense Law to ihe en be ngi n Local O s o the i, the Knox Churchpay♦ g y Those in charge of arrangements for con' p y the second weeof January Ctq 1 have in eld and perhaps I?e able to give 'oft a taint as to tion territory,pEle pleaded guilty, and 1? P g 7 a fine of $50 and costs was imposed, preparation an historical sketch of the what would be nice. Say — A Lounging Robe, church since its organization back in Gloves one, of the Grand Trunk docks and the early fifties. House Coat, Smoking Jacket, Fancy Vest, , an ocean steamshi , were destroyed Gauntlets Neck Scarfs Neck Ties Handkerchiefs by fire at Portland, Maine, on Friday, 11fr, Geo, ti Armstrong is enjoying ' ' . ' causing a $000,000 lass, Among the the satisfaction of having won first Tie Pins, Cuff Buttons, Fancy Hose, Fancy Shirts, freight destroyed were thirty Doherty duel for rah three-year-old Sb �� heifer at the Coat Sweaters, Plain Sweaters, &c. Organs that were on their way to the F old country, Fortunately, "they were Come in and see what we have, covered by insurance, Somewhere about the end of this monthWaterloo, Quebec. - • •' month a bond for $7f18.80, given to . the town by the 'Thresher Qo., be- comes due, and it is altogether likely Robt. ava11 that the town will foreclose under its apron, Alter Years of Misery agreement. able Existence From 111 Health, Finds Vinol. - Tailo> SAV, THIS ANYWAY.. r & Men's Furnisher "After years of miserable existence Here is a simple home-made mixture on account of tray health, I wk.s get- ing as given by an emtmore discouraged. every day, as I eminent authority on had tried nearly everything, without Kidney diseases, who makes the state- success, to build me 'up. At last I went that it will relieve almost any heard of Vinol. I have taken three Case, of Kidney trouble if taken before bottles and have gained in health and the stage of Bright disease. He states that such symptoms of lame backstrength every week, I sincerely ie- , pain in the side, frequent desire to Commend it to all who suffer from 'King's For Bargains I We Want Your urinate weakness and cough or any disease of n, g g Trade especially at night; painful the lungs," Mrs. A. Sava.rd Warden, and discolored urination, are readily Waterloo, Quebec. overcome. Here is the recipe. Try it: This is b@cause Vivol is a genuine Fluid Extract Dandelion, ounc ; tonic and body-builder which contains _ounce ; Compound Kargon one ounce ; �'i a B Goods ;Compound �yrup Sparsaparilla; three one o ate a iron together with every ,�;,�;,{,Sr[ ounces. Take a teaspoonful after each one of the body-building medicinal E meal and at bedtime, one drop of oil to ments of coliver pset he stomach A. well-known druggist here in town and retard its work. Vinol acts di - As the time is drawing near for Christmas shop, is authority that these ingredients are y f. � recti on the stomach, Creates a heal- all harmless and easily mixed at home ping, we would draw the attention of our customers by shaking well in a bottle. This thy appetite, and enables the necessary ■ mixture has a peculiar healing and tive organs to obtain the necessary to the man lines we have suitable for Xmas. ifts, elements from the food eaten to make S'; '= soothing effect upon the entire Kid, rich, red blood, healthy flesh and mus- = ney and Urinary structure, and often cle tissue and create strength. overcomes ,the worst forms of Rheu- Your mons FURS.—A fine selection from the best makers and every piece a rimUsin in just. a little while. This y hack if Vivol fails to g fine specimen of workmanship, style, etc. Neck Furs fi•orn $1.50 mixture is said to remove all blood benefit. J. Walton McKibben,, drug - to $20.00. >> disorders and cure the Rheumatism gist, Wingham, Ont. FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS, Fancy Collars, Ruchings, Ribbons, by forcing the kidneys to filter and Fine Daces, Inaertiona, etc., in abundance. strain from the blood and system all - uric acid and foul, decomposed waste KID GLOVES.—Our line of guaranteed KID Gloves, in both long -matter, which rause these affiictions. West WaWanOsh. and short lengths, is the best we have ever shown. '• Try it if you aren't well. Save the The death occurred at Lanes on prescription. Monday of William A. Reed, after a DRESS GOODS.—Our stock of Dress Goods, Fancy Waistings, Silks, few weeks' illness. The deceased was Satins, etc., is where you can procure a most acceptable gift. = in his silty -ninth year and was a' (""` well-known resident of Ashfield. We extend a cordial invitation to rsvitR sr 7Pa? nSON to came ' Winter �erOpens�J411thand inspect our stock.Reeve Bailie was called to Guelph last week in connection with the WANTED. Roll Butter Fresh Eggs, Dried Apples and Raw Furs. pro - CENTRAL ect for the building of a n P. R. PP - ranch lino through Dungannon. Highest prices• gnash, or Trade. We understand he went to confer Butter 27c. Fresh Eggs 30c. $TRATFORl7. ONT. with the officials of the Guelph & g = This school is one of the largest in the Goderich Railway, which is virtually • provinco. It is noted for the thorough- a part of the C. P. R. system, and in ness of its work and the enceess of its connection with which theproposed students. Three departments— 'line will probably be built. 'Che line COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, will no doubt epnneet with the new 1he Peoples Popular 5tolH,e Agents --Ladies' Home Journal Agents—Ladies' Home Journal Patterns • Chris as Bargai*iv i Great Bargains In Chinaware. t 35c and 50c Japanese Cups and Saucers for ........ 25c 100 Cups and Saucers, fancy Japanese China, very i pretty decorations, regular price 35c to 500. Special this month ... ............. ... 25c 72 Majolica Quart Pitchers, nicely tinted, regular 20c each, Special price this month, each.. 15c 4 30 Children's Cups and Sancero,'tor only, each.... , ..., 50 4 30 Fancy Mugs, regular 15c each, for ................... 10c i Bargains in Lirnoges China Dinner Sets Bargains in Limoges China '.Pea Sets e Printed and (fold Porcelain Dinner"Sets, 97 to. 102 pieces ...............•. •..........,......$0.50 to $10.00 i Pretty China Tea Sets, 40 pieces..... , ...... •$4.00 to $7.00 We have a very large stock of Fancy Chinaware, new goods. Our prices are low. 4 Plain and Fancy Kerchiefs. Embroidered and hem stitched .............. .10c to 50c ' Embroidered and lace....... ...................:10c to 50a Fancy Excelda Hdkfs.... .. .....................3 for 250 ! Plain white, hem stitched.... .....3c to 10c ; Hand Baas goods .......... Bags, new g ........... ..25c to $2.00 Purses at all prices. I Christmas Fruit. California Navel Oranges, bright, sweet, juicy fruit, r TELEGRAPHY. Walkerton & Lucknow branch of the all sizes, prices low, per doz.... , .. • ..15c, 20c, 30c, 40c 4 Our graduates aro In demand as I31181- C. P. R., and the southern connection Florida Russet Oranges, very sweet, juicy fruit, doz... 40c asss ColleSeGei:pours as welcant as cage will probably be made with the G. & Very choice Cluster Raisins, regular price 25c, Special., 20c , logue, it is free. G. line in the neighborhood of Choice Layer Figs per lb ............................... 20c 4 Good Goods I I cheap Prices ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN McGaw,, New Package Dates 3 for .............................. 25c 4 rnirfC10A�s Z Recently, five boys and young men New fruit, choice Raisins, 3 lbs. for..... , ..... 25c , and three older men were convicted Now fruit, choice Currants, 3 lbs. for, ............. .. . 25c 4 New fruit, large, clean Currants, 2; lbs, for............ 25c 1 before Magistrates William Bailie and " Beat Icing Sugar, white. 3 lbs, or .... . ......... . ...... 25c 4 J. M. Roberts at Dungannon on the _ charge of the theft from Miss Milli - Beat Icing Sugar, pink, 2 lbs. for ...................... 25c 1 an of some turkeys. The offence MULLS 14 Hal - to on the evenin of Sal- Figs, lb - lowe'en, and the men were instigators - T. A. Iaisi very good, s s. for.. , . w, 4 l .. , r ....... • . 25c 14 __ Old no . , ,- -, ,• ---, •- -.- ._ . Old Raisins, nearly as good a,4 new, 4 lbs. for .... , .... 25c � of the prank, which the boys were Old Prunes, very good, I lbs, for "" 25c ; only too ready to carry out. The boys were allowed to go on suspended = , sentence and the men were fined $5 WINGHAM and costs. The preliminary hearing = of the charge against Leo MCGlenn ; for theft of forty-two ducks from Geo. ., Christmas Candy. , McIntyre also took place. McGlenn Start a small SaV'.ngS was acquitted. Very fine Maricabo Chocolates, Vanilla Chocolates, and � pp0 e0 BI In West Wawanosh we understand Milk. Chocolat©. , • is g Q 0 B - A Fine Cream Candy, Maple Creams, Date Creams, 8B gg6 a BQOp Bank' Account for each that Reeve Bailie will stand for anoth- Mixed Creams, 'Vanilla Wafers, Maple Buds, Milk 69 �0'i�, er term with good chances of re-elec 2 Ohocol:tte Medallions, Cupid Chocolates, Nonpareil , �6G9 9 9 a tion although we hear that he will be , , • a • 0 Q opposed b Stephen Medd at resent 6B BBl3 0 ® 0,0 6 of your children, and PP y P preNovelties sent Wafers, per lb. 40c to 50c, ; Bugg 0 Choice Mixed Candy, 3 lbs. for 25c a member of the Council. CouncillorXmasChoice Mixed Creams, 2 lbs. for .. ........... B6 8BQ B 8889 Anderson we believe is dropping out, """""'c ,gam but the two other members of the 2 ._ ,u then make them a rezu- present Council. Messrs. Thompson _ Be B r and Murray. will try it again. New V� lar weekly allowance. aspirants mentioned are Wm. S'Vat - son, Nile, and W. A. Wilson of Luck- Christmas NutSil i now and there may be others of whom _ Head Office, Hamilton, we have not heard or who have not = No. 1 Grenoble Walnuts per ib .................... ... 20c 1 Never before has our stock of Xmas. ' yet declared their intention.. Ashfield - - No. 2 Grenoble Walnuts, d, per lb .......... . ......... 100 4 will have'a vote on Local Option pro- I No. 1 Almond Nuts,, per lb ............................. 20e 1. EACH your children to save rather 'than spend.. As hibition but there is not much talk goods been so full and complete. The fol- No.I Brazil Nuts, per lb . ............... ............. 200 /T about the make-up of •the Council, for r No. 1 Pecan Nuts, per lb.. . ........... 25c 4 1 the amount grows, they become absorbed In making next year. Reeve Stothers will again - lowing are dust a few of the many articles No. 1 Filberts and Peanuts. . . Zoc , be a candidate, and we believe all the Shelled Almonds and Walnuts, per lb ................. 40c and saving money, avoiding the habits incidental to other members will stand again with suitable for Xmas. gifts :-- those who have nothing to stimulate ambition. the exception of Coun. Styles, Linen Table Cloths and Napkins Big Clearing Sale Of Furs. A Savings Account forms character, and the parent who en- 2 Winter Term Opens .tan. 4th _ ' P Lunch Cloths and Doylies , courages the child to save, develops a valuable educative habit Arrange Now to attend the Famous Chenille and Tapestry Table Covers All of our splendid stock of Furs offered this month at greatly reduced prices. Dont miss this i during the character -forming period in a child's life. ELLIOTT ° Ladies' Fine Underskirts and Waists sale --Muffs, Ruffe, Stoles, Scarfs, Coats, etc. No Children's Bear Skin Coats and Boas reserve. Everything on the bargain counter, I The Bank of Hamilton 'especially invites Savings Accounts _ 4 of this nature, which may be opened directly in the child's Warne, TORONTO, ONT. - '(Fancy Collars and Belts All Fur Jackets and Capes itt and below cost. 4 Tnla 5iiIIGCL dTANDH 7'o•nAY SVITnCVT Fines Silk and Innen Handkerchiefs You'll save money by making your purchases or in the parents names—in 'trust. Highest current interest is A svrmlaioR rN rum DOMINtox. Nearly 4 - - _ all Colleges CLAIM To A6 THE BEST, but Xid. Gloves and Mitts. at this store. 4 added to the total sum on deposit ; and money so deposited Can CLAIMING to be so no&$ NOT MAXE TnEAL 4 p p so. Get our Catalogue. your it from � 0 Of `the Christmas ' cover to cover. See for yourself what -- be withdrawn, if required, without delay. identification, or any this coilega is doing' and tho ndvaritages other formalities, are unnecessary when opening a Savings Account. it oilers, Be sure you get a copy Globe. W. 7, ULIOTT PRINCIPAL , We are .Agents. i . Nor is a knowledge of banking routine necessary' Simply call at Cor.Yongi§ & Alexander Sts. Men's Furnishings. the Bank, enquire for the Manager, and all attention will be given r . ..� assortment of Magazines. '.Choy make your requirements. A fine good Christmas presents. 7 DOMNIO ENI You �w111 find in nue furnishing De - Sums from one dollar upwards aro accepted for deposit, and De- partment . y pttltment a full range of Fancy Shirts, Neck � �+ further deposits' or withdrawal of money may be made as desired. HEAD OFFIC E, TORONTO. Scarfs and Ties, Fur Caps, Fur Mitts and �"' ��' L:� � F' �� lir F Rid Gloves. Capital (paid up) $3,916,000 _ a t: (and undivid,- One SO ZZ Dust ran will bo given free to BANK'DLF Reserve ed rroAts) ,Z97�000 roti when your cash purchases amount to $5.00. N'Ot npcessal� to make our purchases alt at one Total Assets, over $48,000,OQO Hi hest rices aid for •all kinds of Produce, y y p P p time. Sava your bills and when they amount to Wl;NOnAM BRANCH. Goods delivered to air parts of the teats. $5.00 present them to us and get the boat Dust phone $o` Pan made. NO more stoopiwyg to pick up :i little • r SMIT" ]?M.M aerie Notes discounted: ' dust. Be sure you get one. Jjr a wild ori all pelma u Can.eAlso a Toy Wash hoard given free, while they oda, the United Stated tins Europe, n last, to Avery little girl making. A 25c bash blur- - AChl`rl'Y' — � VVINt��iA11'i ,. - . , _ chase. Thep will not last long, so hurry 'tip, girls. silviNCs DEPARTMENT, r, Be gore and ask for a Toy Wash Board it you rri,�ereeG,Atiq �wroo oa ep�sttd 4a l.on a i► Mi writ one. Yong mother or sister or friend may tiiswwrde, [iYid addtid'bd prlttolp>�i quartor�`r. get ono tot you it you are trio "busy to Solute to the store. W I IwiL _._ it."ri►IkY60'dNftltwlielf�tl a