HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-12-17, Page 3I 11. I -------- ­', . — —y" 7 —�7,*F`- 741W. -- —1 .—.—.— ­— ­­ ", wpr----- —r—I�F­ - - I , . -19 W — I , � —, — , , 10-1 17 -71 -W-vT 11� —1 �. , , �, 1. '. . I ,.s, "', ­ " W -1:1.1w, " ... I .. 11 "I 1. ....... ", . . — I i . . --#;1. ��, �, I ,771qrr, �; , ? , , , � I 't'Y,— " 1'r . ,� r, ,31 1 !,47W - I " I �' � . . � , 7. . . .17 . .T I . 7'%Z7-' t. ". , , , �?,�Ir - I , , WR 7� ': . � I 'r ,� � , . ,"I . � , ­ . , ., , I . . , , 1:7W ,V � . � I, �� 1, - ��e. 1 4 1 ,�­ �' . ,, � 11 , , , . . . . . . . " '­ . 117 , - ,� *,��,t` -':, ,`�-7 .1 , , �#-" , ,, ��� . 11 I ;., , . .... . - . .. I . - I �,',; I . " 14�1 . I AW . . I . �� 4. 't.;` I ­ � f � , � " , : � 1, ,.S " - , ­� V 1 � I -,. � :� I I , . 1, 1. . . '..., . " 10� I I I � 0 " ­ I . '; �'�t'. �� �, .". . V., � � le ­­ I . :1114,0,10w- ."..\ " 1- 1. ­ ­: - � I - I , .. I I .. ­', i Iii.;1001050 .0'. 1-0 �� I" '�,� ': ­.-.r-.-.:'�:,-,, ?� %�-" 1. I I ­� , IIRII�!ift.Pm�ll.�lpi.lo,ollok,.�== ., , .­:� ­. , ­ ­ " , ,, . , - � - �­ - I— - -1 .. . . �,�k­(-:� .. --- - ,- , ­ � ,. - I , � - 1-�� I � ` , . � �. Vpw, I , , .. - 1. �­ . � ': ; , 11'�"� � �: .k , .1 - .­ ­ --" -, ­ I � - -1 ­ �V*p 0.ft".t41­%,- , � , 1. q . I � � — ­­— — . V I I - I ­-- - -- --- ----------. 4-­...��- � ftmrvm-�— "A I, ­ - - ­ -- ----. -- - , - —0-00 � � ,, . . I . � . I � 11 I - I �'- , "". I- � .lop , , --U I - 1. :­ , Ov .. �- , M."1W 11 11*V1" , - -, 11- I - I . I ","! - ­­ -- — ­ -� , , . ; , - I., 't I I --, .., ,, ". Constipation �40', A P, -y— Mm ', THIN E, B, EDDY CO. ,� ONE WOMAN'S � .I ,.. I . Parbaps Losing Weight : I I � . 111 . , I . . - L I ­ I Demme they contain mereury . sy) I . .'Not quite vielt but robbed ­­ . I U, I rm �' , "I ... I � '' . I . . . . . . . . �, � I � . NEWSFROM TMEOLD LAND �' , � P �, "a" ' STATEMENT I , ,,f � Quy# $100,000 ,A ' - , I Froputy in Mentre ­ � I - I . - . , . .. �' . I and minerai saits, many pilis tire , . ambitiou to work..--fluil it hard to i For Wholasale Rouch. Tolls flor $I 141,10Z $is . , ,.`,� . . . 1� � I Mmw laterestlax, t1appenings Reportgd, Fmm, ' : haralt, The easiest wid West IAX- Tile next Horse show, ijua,,. tile aits- - think clparl.v, Not ill enougli to ' I I — ", � 0 ' .-tors to, I I .1� I I It .� .,. .11 �', ­ . Givat 13titaln. . .atiyo is Dr. 11amilton's rills of pk,oa of tile Ontario 11orse Jlr".derhO As- thluk Of dYillg- but bad 01011911, , 141argin Use Dodd's. Krdn,e,y P1,11's. I 11 A,q#t,. L . . . r 1. � I , . " iMavdrake and Buttoraut. They isoolation, will be held itt thm Vitioil Stouk Jo i � I ; the ,Spput for Products I I . () . i ---- ------ — --& � Yards, Weet Toronto avronto June- 1,4 1, I fe to Ile prPtty (bill. There. (Vom Aodiug),# # "4111101111111 . I ­­­-­­-­-- eleful, the stomacli, Westines, aud . 'errozone—that of Hill Inatistry, Tho�IP -� I ; '.. r- I., 0"s - A �1.111, i'll J'. ­­.... .1 k r 10 1� , , � -11- . tion), at% We4ue"day, 'Yhursday &lid Frl�, . a renikly—b I � rpvod a Blos.0no to Hier When ' Thavigh I held AU p6rUx's r1ohes v, . . .� . a , 1. . -t JV, (London Daily WQrId.) to be permitted to spe4k at a Soclulist - bowels—drive ovt wasto "natter, day, #1411, 13, 14 and 15, 1000. . quickly liftR di t half-dead feel. Ins 4nd Weakness Were Within lay lt"4 to-vdgllt;� - . . k Aftfkr IL tuntultilouS meeting at High meeting was told lit 'Kingston, police � tone the kidneys and forever cure lhiring the time of tile %bow A mg, Gra(dous a but Forroz'�Ue Ottawa Viva progs, By tho purchase : Almost M r4 Than ThAll $he I I ! ,, good J , 11 71101161thtunau love W=.Ou4d44, nio . I Court recently when )i4rtholonlow collstipatioll. street car serylep will be giv,a front the makes you feel good; it sharpells of A property At P, cost in the nolghbor, � could, Bear. I With every sweet delight", . 0 " . , � ­ 'Vycolabol BucklughamphlreO on Tueod!iy' Charles Bmilomnois, baildel I city of Toronto. , 00, the R�. 13. liady Voila. . St. neorge, Man., Doc, 7.-(Speelal)- I know -As I know the moolt hauga I A resolution wais , , was, o ck tho dullest appetite, walcm W, as,:hood. of $100,0 . � 11' I Aunt' 4 Yards, � patly, of Hall, has taken A Atep forward, �� fliore, 0, Molled, by Xaleoliu, Alw4ulay, barber, :. Or. Hamilt �Arrlod protes,ting gnso P111 , to'save her sister, woulen lit tha . I against Vie appointment Qf Mlsa I)Qv for uss - f . ­ The building in wbi( keea as a razor, "I'llit"ont pains, and. aqbeo which come , lit the sapphire oky in the wost,e— . the head-mistresa, of the Abbey Sehool, ' Instant Relief ill the dirvation of enlarging tile spoilt . Ault. - 4t the show will cst, r I tale on. Tile lneetIng Was held 111 1�'Mtou i As A general twitcand system cleanser be held will be specially fit,tea! With, it it% .Montreal th ,at thit critfiettl times fit A woinan's 1110, Wfy heart- Would lop weary and Aching . � I I I ; As.xAyar of High Wycombe for . 11arket Place oil the the evening of sun� , sliply Ting And will be well lighted, end ZONE ,rougit whleh tho various Atra, Ars044 Vinct, of this plaeo, bed , #till, � 1, gi , , � mulng, year, notbilig is so wild Auil efficient Aa Dr, heated. All the horses on exhlbWon FERRO - , , pioaugfA of the Ilull industry Xklxko their yen 'tho followlik statenteui for pub- �. , I Two uncompromising factious, both of day October 18, and At th it 11 It ­ Xly , . , � ,9 co elusion at )(Part would ,not be at root, . i I Hamilton's Pills Of IvIgIldrake and But. � Will be stubTed (it the Stock Yards and way to tonottiner:i. To., the Ottawa 1'..4%1. lication: . , equal vehemence, were represevited, Ono I the Socialist opeoclies the Chairman " tornut. Sold evorywhero in 25o boxes. BUILDS UP . I -) r t � ..,.elv I . 13 I . �Oy 1 � lt�d opponents to speak. A man ilre4sod . . ... '. . I ... overy Qpportuni -will be given visitors .. tave lorought up A hugo family . I . , L� O -' I �44 I' Ve 41way s enj byed eroo 1, health. , TO A -well Of unshod teal's I hold the view that It would be an opoch. I-' . ­ . -1. " I . I Blood? Forrozone makes 4 Which 4uppl!ts ,-4 large quail Would -I not know that behind the smile , I 11 "'Y'M-AWLI �AA ,, I making evout, in tbe I I '� : � , . - , ­ I I "I ... I - . .." 0, view the exhilits, Both the 0. P. It. lots of it, compr ny's raw material, III tb . I . ti4tory of the town as A priest came forwara and presented ligs, In tile therich, nourishing kind that vitallm ,of pulpwouil, 'Llihi ex 8 olt�V until tile lost two years The golden crown with its jewobl )!at . . , �� , . � Lrd be4flog, the ,words I-ITho Rev. G - and tile a. T, X have Bid! -%vlwlo Dody. You'll be wonderfully eant � I RAI J ,,*ty- 10, I , were Mise Dove to be appointed mayor, 4 el I , , , UBMS HATE ZIGHT y4rda and, there Is every convenience for the � palialon, Is sigula' 'four ygnrs of Age and at the. critl,Al ; Sp 41�0 ,a crew the other insisted +Aio,t such pa unplece- Johnson, of 4aling." He was escorted to . 1. . I - the easy loading and unloading of the quickeaW, inintensaly strengthened, feel and Wills wine ri'lation. to the pro, time of life that come$ to eve a of foaxp- , , . . the platform, but when lie removed his Even the Top of the Pink Little. Head, I . , . posed. enlargement of the gr4 dented appointment would oreatie An Iat­ .: horses. hearty and vigorous, aftler using Ferro- .in spoilt ,I 1) 4 d pain ry'WO11,011, flave I not seen 4enchantment dio, I I � � I . - zono. - Buoyant health, surplus vigpor and swnetlme8 talked by ,,�Ar . a ,a 74Y right lilli An.l. shoul- And the sweet flowers fade . too soon? . *1� possible situation, And ultimately make bat and spectacles he was recognized Lis . 15 Sensitive to It , . of Nvilliam Vail de High Wycombe the laughing-stookOf the Macaulay. "Why, it's old Mae!" some, The different classes of tile show, wit], if ". I Vou,d not Ile down two millutes ( . . 1* *4 fat- each, tire as , reserve energy AD come from thia great , orliol For earthly passion, and ;600j slid fire, 41. �. � _ one shouted, a;� great uproar prevailed. ()no thing- wh The kuperlaten,dout 0%t* , Will WADO, 44 that WAning- =00,11. . . country. I I � . � We Must learn, to the prige money, of tot mat*rativo. Vifty QentR e, box of fifty of the Eddy Com. at a tilito without ,suffering tile gr I , le, &#preciate and, respect in the 4aby Is follows-, Clydoad4los, $820; Canadian pany, Mr. �� est agony� 8,041ptimes I awakenotfw:01 , . I , . * 'It Wbon th The complainant alleged that the t � - - .1 , . , I I I .e protest in I. chl,s is Widely, 4red ClydeidAlos and $14rea, $440.1 tablet", at all de�lcrs. A feeling as if some one had lai'l it I.icce - ver me �� . , eeting.opexied, ui . George 11. Milleti, is now It. , 4ler the ebairmauship of Al fendant, who was, the chairman, seized his Attitude ,toward light, � , , , ... ­ .11 . . � . 11 ­ . . . Montreal in 011I)ft'tiork With gOOting tita � I know but ono joy that will gi i . I the 4ontroveroy reaelted 4eiman Birch, dragged him off the platform, different from our$, WrItO Pr, Woods Shires, $30.5, aacknoys, $420i Standard I ­ I L I I , of Ice on my head, Anotlier tinio. It I � . , 7 fever hee,t. him, and Light reds, $276, Thoroughb I reds, � $276, Ponies Space across I 'Lite average size of growth -a . premises ready tot- Its new usos. ,. .d . rest . , ,�, I Hutchinson. in the Housekeeper. ,Nvoulit be ik burning pain tin er the L;,ft A— , I Up to the present time tlie Montreal , As I wake, iteath the stars *. � 11JRowever clever this lady may be, heT kicked. him. Witnesses corroborated. . I . I 'Alight horses, $300, elIR14- oi 'the aimulur rings, They then counted : branch - . , , to.-Itight . -, Li sex does not, make )ter A. lit arta'propet The defordant denied tho kicking, a one of the Most stA411114U119 and, at. 130; Heavy DI 11 of the Eddy Comp ny hA � shouldeA. . I A joy that Will. la I �'. All I , 0, A medicines but eould get , st though the Ativergo - . lit tile WOT14 to us, and ionshtpa, ��245; toti - � " � been "I took inany � I .. F� 'person to occupy this hon,ora,ble and ex- be did, he said, Was to push IT"aulivy tractive things � I 15. al prize money, $3, the itumber of rings within tile inch housed at tho c6riter of Latour and ,no relief, till lead! pales � � r, I � the brighter the better. But to A -Poor space oil o44 block and registered the Ueneyieve streets,lit tile beart of a larg.- I lig of Qures of J�mjljar And nevvr lose its delight.. . . I I .. 1, a,ating position," depyred Mr. Birch. Up- off the platform with his shoulder. azz I ling The judges of heavy horses Will lie: total in Ink thereon. Then they counted I cases to my Own by T)odd's Xidrey I I . . � t aking tot of it, babyi� is as 4 manufacturing diitriot. A-rouna it Pills, led. me to try t em, .. roar ensued, ,�Jg The Bench imposed, a fine of 10s., with bl" � . W0110 And that is thQ kuQwLedge of 'God's I -,z I -1 and irritatip as it is gm.teful to Its, Ron. Robert Beith Bowmanville; Jame$ those total$ on all the samples of each the bliater Shoe Compaity, Sims' Shirt I * fl!iy d:1 d deep love, . I . "Nive axe dealing with a, principle and 13B QQst4- . Ili's chief ljeotlon, to the ne,w world Torrance, Alarldialtij Job White, As i , A11104 & I I wonders for - - I � I � ) � . , > . h- of the several k uds. of timber submitted, - factory, , 1X0141m Company, iff , Inc. d infinite care of me-, . I . �� * I not Wit)% an individual , ' pointed out Ald. I &a re- 1 An I � 44 , 1, I mpary. and other lit- *now what So my heart is at Test, and I look 1W . * . fix Which ho finds himself, if he could Writ, with A, XcLaren, Chicago aud*in tile 11SUal WRY 'tllui MiCaVt(tilled ,gherwill Paint Co . want`� All women to " I . � � Deacon. "Whatever Miss Dove's raery HIGH COIFFURE POOM,ED. put it lit words, woudl be - "It's so boast� � serve' judge, The judges for 1140%neys. the average number of a required dustrial ,concerns, - . Doddl.s. Kidney ]?Dlo did for me." I . . I �' tal capacity May be, it IS not, I mftln- L 11 I year . I ,4 ; �,* Experts fit coiffure met In the Port. Ilylight.1 lie is born& cavOwltnin more will bei Dr. Cam�bell, Berlin;. W. 11'. for each kind of tree to grow one inch, Tho E(Idy . Dodd's Kidney Pills car -e 'who rodneva yond I , I I .L .. .� �: I ., Con'PAny, desiring to get The , . .. I; To. God's eternity, * � �� taln, of the calibre that would enable her man rooms on Tuesday to decide UPOrk senses. than one, Whilop thi room which Gibson, Beaconsfield, Que.-, B. Rotllw0l, An inch growth on one side reprewnted, out of tile manufacturing zone, went to . Moan who has sound Kidneys ,, I � . . � I to fulfil t,ha duties. Of thO Mayoral the hair-dressIng fa-sbions for the c0m- he ()couples should get plenty of still- Ottawa,, with L. ,Xeredlth, London, As of course, two filches gro A.lk to fh� tree, t1w corner of Peter and I safeguarded against ulne,teliths of the . I*. . � I jemolue streets, . . . , : . chair," Ing winter sea�llon. shine, this should never be allowed to reserve judge. Th submitted the'cauut, procoAs and nearer tit; wholesale jobb:ng autt dis- suffering that make,% life a ijur(lon to I I - . I - .. I - a Pourteen of the leading hairdre - full upon The lis su,7 t e 'wouten 4 Canada I. Councillor Gomm struck humorous osers I - t of prizes. offered Is prectleall To t to unqu 11 PrAyor. . shine directly tuto his eyes OX � . Y � . astionable Rcitntifl,! 'tit- - iributing oentre, and bought Out the La. . .1 , I . n t I � I . . ote When be quoted an original. verse, . of London had placed a sealed envelope his face. � . the same as &it the last show; copies hority. Their general -conclusion was porte-.'�vlarflu 1. - 1. . Our Father in Uo6ver, Thou Last not I ,� Vb1oh, ran as follows: . containing the winter forcvmwt; of the Flo has neither P197400f, !A lilis t�nder may b t . block, covering all area of , Ieft u . . � � - I . o procured on &PPlicatiQn to the hat it, takes from four to five years for I$ 0()o square icot. . , 9 to find out 'by oft-repoated O:F- I I .1 I , HORSE ENDUUNCE. v . I I - periment and failum the true p ... ,� � season's hairdressing fashions it the - skin not iiair, ,c . tarlo Horse Breeders' Apse. a, tree to increase Ono 1XI011 14 dIAM01,T. The site I& oppoa,lto the lioaj,4, of Trade . I athway � ! ... on the top of his pink 5evretary, 04 , I - I . r- 'Our beautiful Dove has fallen in love hands of the secretary Of the, Interna- little )load to protect hiza, agair,st the oiation, 1��rliameiit buildings, Toronto, . in lite, but haO inticle the Way so plain . .�. � , . . Hickory trees varied front 4.87 years to : building and being near the centre of .If D,r, , i I 0 Yen .Daily the Distanco. He Can that none need err therein. Wi have the . With thirty -ono men round a table, tional Hairdressers' Society. light rays, It Is.little short'of cruelty � — iI 5.83, acograing to their locatlou� ew;t or tile metropolis is considered A good bar- , � She Wants ,a seat in t1ko Mayoral chair, At half -past nine these envelopes were to animals to lay an unforturtaite baby West of the Alleglianles, Oak rv,quired gaill at Go Is Not Great, life phait, in out, hands in which we are . . . I � I But I doubt whether she is able. opened, and it -was found that the jury � I .Ike CANADIAN FORESTS. ; .4168, nd 0 X approyiniat,0y $0 'per squaro � I I faught, by . precept and by example � , ,and . .. .. I I I on Ilia back in & toughli per-Ambulatori I yeAra fat, the Iijelt, ash 4.01, a foot. e&otiatiqus . "What tq A !Air day's work for I :, , �.7 ,I " . . I I I � 0 ,bad been going on a . to a man had pronounced the doom of or baby buggy, so deep And well pa4ded .. poplar four years.-Frout the Cbioltgu . for the purchase during it - the teachings, of Which, are coAfirined , I . 0 oonsidemble . . � The resolution. was ultimately declared the high hairdressing, that U4 cannot even, eAutilly strap 4' Tribune. ILOMP' is 4 frequent question and. very by all the' centuries. Porbid, that we . . - . , . I . carried. I " Estimates of Their Area Gro4t�y , 1� , — I tline between the Eddy Company and. ti.al ' . I The modern Grecian style they decided down so. that he can lift neither hand . 000 astern Townships ]Bank, -t It the I I , R . brou Oifficu!t to answer. 'The London bus 4ould be vittrlib to the light,, or that Then Miss. Dove asked to be allowed Only one '413ROMO QUINIME" . . g I I with equal unanimity Would rule fashion nor foot, and then to vhQel him about Reduced of Late. 11shot Is LAX,NTIVE ',DMXO QUINUTH� Loa ag(-nev at J, J. Browne 4 Sons,' , horse docs eighteen - i we abould' turn a deaf eay. to the voice "�� , .� . - miles A day at a . .� I � I - ` - to speak. "Wycombe," she said, "Ishard- for' the next. few months, the only poiht for hqurs, with his little face turned- Up � I I I ' . that calls up.. gle praise Thee for Him �,,- , e game in putting me In fol"the eftmture Ot E, W. OROVE. 1*4 the When IV, H, Hawley, Prealdqruo and I -Ate gr'seven miles .All hour in double . .. �� . I . ,� -al inanago, of the Eddy 0001pa'ay, barneos, with, a four ton bus; . a pair of ft us :1 � . of differ6nee being whether ,the hair to tlie' full glare of file light, *and even World ovfm to Cure a, CWU in One D44y, �Ge- genet . Who taborlincled among men and lof . � . - � . I I � ly Playing *11, The pr opal direct rays of the sun. I - -- .- I I All ON -ample that Nre should follow in . I so unple'slut a position. Following close on tit* reports of wide- 7" , V I OP should be parted iL the front, at ae ,side 0 -he - � was askt.4 "A I I that I should become mayor was made I , spread have(-. from forest fires, 0 1 ., � —� . by telephone as to the ex ot post horses used to do twenty-six miles I or not. parted fit all, I Here is where the foundation of � � or, . figure, thei Prep Press gathered that he� with a o His steps and. whose sweet Word to, us is .. � Y - rzN- I in . . in . at a properly constituted meeting. I The jur awarded the Challenge Shi many to for slev, . I ughly satisfied with the 1) r I ee, no ton coach at eight miles go- 't]?�Iiow . . eld . a case of headache, of Irritable destructive aild ek naive tlt' . ing and -at six. retur I , e." Amid all I the alluring .. . I I . have in no way sought the honor. .1 1.0 Mr. 'IV. Hartman for a coiffure show. norves,, of fretfulne.-*-with its accom- eral seasons paot, come thestTa4ling an: ... Which seemed to be a little belpiv $10,jr .; mug. pounds may . we hear Ilia voice only, and . ,� . 4 . agree that womian!s place should be in - - I 4�e known tho. horses in the heavy 1 Ing the characteristic cluster of curls on , panying Indigestion and sleeplessness-.- vouncement that, instead of the., eight I 000. I amid the f ,.'' the home, but there is an Increasing' 14 li . T,00k at the faces of these poor ),In � deer N -an Cf 11. M. Ru"ekbounds to do, . lickering, lights, that would . . . I , " , the crown, 'with Ek fillet of jewelled o,hif- id lidred or one thouBaud. million acres I I Operations Will f1(%Tt immediately oil over eighty miles in a day," . lead its aside may,we see none but Josus I � . . mumber of women, who ha*e no bome. fon, the front being arranged in what little human cocoons, and you Will see, - with which Canada has .. 411te , rations and betterinent.s necessary' I says a wn- only, and follow him in'loyous and aiu� - "I'll'. , of forest land I . ter in Country Life in America, "but I ­ . �, � � � 'You are throwing away the resor.rces, of I, technically known as p, ,,divisional three times out of five, t6't ,while, they for ocoti�ancy by tile new owners, 1b the . gle-hearted gervice into the ever asceud� ' when you don't make any' I �. - � Are bravely trying t9 make the best of Is the intention to, mak .y Were AevOr worked more than - ng heights. Amen. . . I . I � I . your country � . I parting." been credited, she has only about one lVice � I, � . I b4ndrea million acres of merchantable -e the buildiu; t i ,a i�'Cek. A. good horse will trot 1 � ,..'� 1-41 -4 . . . , r 1. .1'. ­ mse 9 women. Woven,' she eon- . It and to accept it good liumoredly their T . � I . — . : , f these FAMOUS SHOWMAN. I I I the' hatasouleat best ventilate - , :''A I . . timber, that is, timber fit for pulpwood , d an d % t , his tweilty to thirty miles a day for . - I � I I I ,eluded, "are beginning to realize more Bearer of a name famous among,how. tiny countenances are wrinkled Into one or flaw-timbe � . : . I I together most 4riking ,wholesale est'0' severat dayt4 .consecutively,, but Ci6inot ` A Portraiture. � ". and. more every da,y their citdzenship.1' . unive ,4 flown of perplexity I ,L.. . . Inen,-George Wo4rbwell, ones part own- - I's . aild pro- -T lishment in Montreal. . I . I This, at least, is the estimate of Dr. . . keep it -up, he may do sixty. miles in (ByRev. 11. T. Miller.) �i' � . . . I A final resolution calling upon a depw � er-of "Wombwell's Great Menagerie," is - tes+- . . I Judson F. Clark, I Whose general know- I , The. place vacated by the Eddy Coin- � . ­.. , , . I � . � _ one drtv� but then m4t have a rest the At, the' age of twelve. I was a clerk . 1. -11 .. t4tion to wait upon the present mayor, now, at the age of over ninety, By all means get tli� baby into the I . 11 , An In- ledge and wide practical -experience of . Pliny Passes over to the, i4later Shoe next,, I . in the office of a shipowner. My eln�- �� 1" t Vd, open air, day aod night, but see to. It . Company . -- .Alderman Wood, with a request to serve mate of tho,workhouse infirmary 'a,, the subject entitle him to rank Among �, . - . � I I.Small hors;s$ other things being PhYer was the senio the . . stgain as mayor, was also carried. - that his eyepare protected from the dl- . I ': - r'. .. I r dpacon in � . ;� � monton. . the first of Canadian forestry experts. . :1 1. I . . 'Ge equal,, stand more -work and recover church, and besides other offico4 " � . root glaTe either by bood or sunshade . ,,, he held ." ; . ' I At one time, according to his own � to serving for GOVeral years "I TRAVELLER'S VALUABLE FIND., ritore quickly that big horses. Some re- -the secro�arysl�ip of tI e �o 1 4 � LADY DOCTOR AS MAYOR. or by turning his 6ck to It. I In addition . . � I ,I I wn Mission. ­ 4, story, he would take lit bard cash as . - � I - 1� . . as Foretter to the Province of Ontario, I Travelling on the 1, 0, R., A-ur. Harry markable instances of the powers 'of The missionaries used to bring their I.. , L;f I Xt is reported III Aldeliurgh (Suffolk) much as, 92W a night; now lie depends . . . . . . - ,�. � � , - . , . - Dr. Clark had had several years exper- . . Towers, St, Paul st-rect, St. John., N. b 1. gi Day's book, journals for pern . I ,. I . . that 'the corporation has asked lArp, upon the parish for the necessities of business in British I � . . ponies are - 'yen in William, sal, and Ono by the . . 1, I I- . I . lance in the timber � ­ I found a, box of Zaal-Buk, the great skirL" Which re'cords a run of 107 miles in four- name of Pike, absorbed my .attention .. 1.11, FAizabeth Garrett Anderson, M. D,, to lif . RUN DOWN' loser- ­.'. 11 . . . . I I P... � 1. I I Columbia, in additionto oansiderab I heitter, . lie was s"uffering Irom ba4ly ,teen ,hour$ by two boys on ponies Ana and admiration, as I gazed upon his '. I accept the post of mayor for..th;a ensu- Though age has clouded his memory, . . I I . vied under tho U. S. Forest. Service. /� , - . I . chapped hands, at the time, so applied one of V2 milea in f-wenty-threo and a, personality. He never approached me I_ i � I � Ing year. It is thought that her deol- the old s-howman ca,u *911 recount !nct- " . , ­ I . � 1. . , - Dr. Vortiow, head of -the Faculty of For- . 11 . '00f -% the balm. Ile says, IlZam-Bnk etwed half hours by a twelve haid pony, (led), with one word of exhortation. Hem I over � � I . � , I .. �, � .� 1 11 a . . h , Won will be favorable. dents of the d&7s--long gone by --when Through Over -Work -Dr. Williams, estry of th University of Toronto, is n n ing, heale It beat'the cout By one word urged t o claims of his ,., - I . , dthe cracks i0t1c , h from London tc ,-i I , 11 he travelled from end to. end' of the Pink Pills Restored Health and -1 ,, . . — i . not quite so pessimistic, placing Cana- � A BONE TO PICK. and made my hands, quite smooth. Plod- 'Exeter, the times given included all, Master, and yet for . beauty, simplicity' . . .1 � . i . I I . . I I �;, . EMIGRATION REOORD. country with his vans of porformiug�.. StPOngth. da's area of morchaut;0316,timbor at r ,a to Ing it so good, I kept a supply handy, stops. , - I I and dignity, for Christ -like character � . . � I � . I I 'Look, hore, Jiggers, I've a bol . . C. , animals, and people flocked in, hundreds of some two hundrea million acres. � . . and have since, proved - , "..'r6wit' work - on account of the fro. ,and charm, he commended his Master, to . I I I . � � Emigration from Great Britain and . it a. really wqn,;, -1. �, How far this' remadves Can _w"th you;" . 0 . ­ � to see his show. Clad in the blue-srey - Badly Tun 4OW'A is the cOnditAOU ada's tim. Pick staur- deTful heal,ftr, It cures cuts, sores, quent stop,i and the hard pavement in- ine in a � . . 'year, . "anada . . 'I'm -with you. Tlicre?s a re or .silent and overpowering, eloquence, � I- . Irtland is still increasing, and last_ ;loth,, of ill, infirmary, he sat on Sun- tbousands throughout C , - per ber supply from the 4inexhaustible" � �urns equally Well, and I would. not like duces fartiguo,* and especially leg wegri. -of spiritual and att -which . ­ ­ I iport t way, Make it a. turkey . � ractive force, ­ ,� . according to a'Board of Trade r a i if Ilaps you are one of them, You find an across the . I . just Issued, the excess of departures I stage ill which Canadians have 00 long bone, for I've quiie, an appetite. now t* be without a supply." ress, godher than dountv work. �Twq Iteld ita place in my memory and affec- . . , "'It was troAfalp ovorsa= among wotk a burden. Ybu are weak, easily been accustomed. to, place it may be Mr. Towers is only o ' of lion I sands horses Wbrked,:will. within their powers tion unappr'Qached by any otlIsr. This . I .i, i. . over arrivals was 227,931. imals that hit me,$# he tired; outof sorts;. p4e and. thin. 11-7 1 1 : I I u's I The total number of emigi. my carnivorous ant readily surmised, It muA, moreover, A -Buk. ago; beyond many, ,. --:.-- I I ants from said. "A mysterious, illness, Which, I could. Your sleep is restless; your appetite � . Repeat WITO are glud theY heard of Zam will always. rove more -economical in , was. seventy year$ . . I I be remembered that the woriaps demand, There is no skin disease it will not re- (lie et -thai-pone that is habitually dii. -vel far and I '.. . I Great Brititin to iion-)�uropean countries poor and yon suffer from headaches. Ifove . ,d . my privilege has been to tr I , never understand, killed them all off, for timber is yearly increasing, while it: -I'ShiloWs Cure will always or curc. Its falne is - sproadln�g � .�. last year was 341,310, the highest num- All this suffering is caused by bad I Yen to the utmost limit of his capacity. Wid.6, I hm,ve.m6t saintly men and -wo- - . . . 1. . bar ever recorded. . � and I lost near 45,000. Getting new ani. blood, � and. nothing can make you . the sources of supply are yearly becom- Cure thy coughs and colds." everywhere, and it is now regarded ," , "There Are. however , many cases men, in England, Ireland, I Scotland, . I I �: .. .i I -a debt. . -a a very few years - . — 0 Nftles and Canada, But this one servant ,i . , � . These figures are obtained by sub. mals took me into difficulties all well but good, blood -itothing can Ing =Ole restricted. I . -- ,� � . I � .1 1. Naturels?great "first aid." lit waftshopa, Where from different causes one horse re, I - 1 . . I on the farm, or in the lionto. 1 0 trftiv- preswits, what the schoolboy call 0, ds his place without a . I I rement-ber the tinie clearly'when Old. Canade. will stand almost alone as a tim- ' f the Lord, hol t a . I .. I I traetoing from the number of outgoing , make this good'blood as quickly aA . Goin? Oearfoot. -, . -N - ed the . I , . � , . * ­ I I I - of incoming Davy, my big elephant, died. The snow � Dr � . Williams' Pink Pills for . Pale ber-expoting country-alotte, at any �., ­Lellor should be Without it, Every home "irroducible maximum'; then tha animal rival enshrined in -my loftiest love, as . . . �- - . . , Was on the ground, and ,we wore going rate, on Ais continent, I it's nioro fun goin' .barefoot than anYthla' 11 shoul(I bave its box.. always ready for par QXCel�01.to to be boughti is the �the embodiment of the meek Man of . , . I'll I Passengers, 293,633, And it is assumed ruing Davy , , The imperatIve necessity, therefore, of know. .1 . . from Huddersfield. The mo' People. . 11hose Nis never fail. ,to use. A little Zani-Buk rubbed r0guleTly tbough he will not be. too easy to cob, Nava � . � � . I At the I her of rsons travelling itiske rich, red, health.giving blood. er wesith, There -ain't a singld Inother thing that helps, . � find . reth,'in spirit, in manuor� in fascin- . �- lay down and died beside his food ,a ' , busbauding,thie. country's timb on the. hands and face before ,rLtirlit.- in 'a co � ating supremacy. I am ashamed that . I . for b , ness or pleasure was abqut the Mr. H, R. Reea, � �uebec city, says: yer feelin's ,%o� I ill! . untry, Where the love of f"k .. , .%, . , . e ill direction. man calob -with 4700 to buy him. I t, Nvas all is At.once apparent, and it is a iteces- Some day I stay In Inuvver's room, a-gettla' each,night Will keep the skin soft antl trotters has dominated the question. of I ]lays not put these words fit print. be- - .�. - - ' A -bout, twelve years qo I individual In her way. . . free front chaps,.cold-gores, or di"ase. I ,y might not see the I I I 1. I I , , I I . Of these 341,310 emigrants, it is esti. IrAly uncle, old George Wombwell, left run down as the result of over -work. pity that cannot be, mot by A -W when I've bother6d her so much, she sez, general utility. . ­ fore this, and the ".... I � 1 ,I$ . inated that 235,092 were me my share of the menagerie. I dolef ke 4 00in- effort, To meet the case,. there must be � .1 I I if you have a cuts -a bruise, or some I . 16 followiur, 'Aich - ;� . ZriUsh and My doctor orderedmo to tit I .. Oh, run an' vlay!" "YeL the true cob, sturdy. I light now but for tI I . .. . 'think there is a town. of any size, from . say Rating skin disease, which -has d0ied I in build, Irish. plete rest, but thi� did not help m.o. action by the governments,. both federal i , oxin I go barefoo,tv, 'En she says "It Irri � 'with plenty of bone but enough' blood is from tlie pen of a gifte& Writer, .:: .1 I . I . Land's End to the top of Scotland that I my nerves Y. choovo"� , all otd! ry rentedies, apply Zam.Buk. to keop,hl�n from-beiug whose praise. is in all the churches. I I . . .., . I .� .m;h�,, I had no appetitei were jIncl provincial, in the diredion of the ` Nen I :a1wuz wanter holier when I'm Pullin na A�uggiph, is ouis ,., I I I I have not been to with my ant I wealth in , I It first oleansea it wound by killing off . - -- , ..: ... . . unstrung and I 'was so weak I could coliservation. of the timber off my shoes! Of Vie mosit useful specimens of the . 1: , ­ . ORATOR'S DISGUISE. !ortunately, by farthe . n it i7ullds , I I I ;I . all harmful bac-teria. ,Tile equine race. Well under 15 hands, he is A Symphony of Discord. 1. 4 - Xothing the doctoi their popSOBF410n, '-, X story of how a Tariff Reformer dis. I I WICKED WEDDINGS. I scarcely move. rtion. a the a fun - -zoin, barefoot when Yer Play& up new.tissue . " a I., I I � aid li,el I ped -me, and I began, to think greater piopo of it is still I . IT It' a vell by cel,l just as , ea,sw to mount and sufficiently short in wy a Bunker.) ' . , ,., . . I 901sed hinisiolf In* 016rical at -tire in order Mr. Justice Grantham Spoke btron,gly . any gamao- . 'cks J a 0 f a le It ck it ig. a glorious .morning.', tile sun. phill, " . ��'t ., 1 . . I I my cue iv" incurable. While eon. hailds' :This must mean more adequate 'Onuse robbers Would be poley, an' Indiana bricklayer lays row afterrow of brl - his fittido t be om. ort b a for . . . . . ound With Hew . at the Norfolk Assizes on tilt, subject finied to iby room friends came to protection. of existing forests from fire awful tame, Then it coVeri tho Ar Iderly men, and he is up to quite - - ' "'... '%. . , . oduntion of .a s.ystcm- of.� 'Unless ther bad thbir show off when they healthy skin, a eve" c � . � of marriage an4 insanity. 7 and the Intl nd the cure iis. effected! ,, Ing brilliantly fit ,L sky altogether cloud , . , see me, and Ono o'f them advised me crep, UV In the nigbt. . Za.m-Buk is also a, cure for piles, it a considerable weight; in holmess he in less save for a few WISP9 Of fleecy Va- 1� ,,, I W!UiA L � I , 'Mary Chatten, aged thirty-eight, who, to try Dr. , I Pink Pills. I scientific forestry which will bring about, An' folks ean'�t kliovt they're tomial till they tPrightly, quite fast enou . � , I � for ordin- pour hiph up lit the avure. 'The broad, I � - did so, and soon i�" i,fl�etite iinprov. -such treatment of .the forests as vnI1 I get'r1ght close In sight! � rAIZTC�SES, eing low and thick .1, with her husband kept an fun at Carle gives speedy relief and 'ends the throbw 94 , , 1. A SURGICAL ton R en biftg, burning pains. Skin-discasies; suolt ..'ary and b . I ocean, flecked 'with a, now brown-salle(I I I , I , . I I ,ode, was charged With the wilful ed ;my color came \ 'Yc and lit less - ensure their producing the greatest pos- An, I'm surely g6la' bbretoot every day Wit iLC,l i,i capable of kL surprising pOwei of � 54hing craft, au,a, fwrther off toNvords, I I get Old. I as eezeina) .1, ulcers, barber's raslij . ,,, I 4 I I I murder of her baby girl, The child was that -a, -inolith I w&,Atble ,to icive sible crop of timber, to say uOthing,of An, haven't got a nurso to guy I'll catch My , - -, cannot draught. - . the horizon, several coasting ste4mers I, , . . . found dead in her bed with )ter throat my room.' 1,coultinued the pills for': the re'storation of denude(! arpas and I death ol *old. lashes due to blood poisonj ete. . t1lit Ergland, Where he is as common . and sailing vessels, glitters an'd sparkleS . %� ". eut� and the mother was found -in a. well, azothtr nion-th, and they completely, the planting -up of-wasto areas not now 4 resistita, powerful healing virtues. 'Pure- , as he iq rare litro, he is the mainstfiv of in the solar rays. Advancing rapidly up � I . . . I OPERATION An' It yor goin, barefoot, yer wants V go, oato . ly ,vegetable, it is au ideftl combination . . in a helpless and collapsed condition, Slie cured me. I am now in the best of bearing forests, I doors. - of power and 'purity. 50e. a box of all the Small ar .d 4the general drudge tho 'the channel is 9, large squadron of the � . I . was grasping two White roses, a child's health, and able to do my woric ' Wit)iln the last thirty , YOM', exclu'- Y, can't Atretch t,ut and dig your heels in, ishment. and is usually an powerful British fleet; I bib, and a baby'4 sock, withotit fatigue, I feel sure that all sive Of -1008, 1,950 personsatO *known to stupid hardwood floors aTuggists and stores, or post free from large establa , geverak mighty Medical evidence was given that, the . in for- U%e you kin dig 'em In t where 1,&m-Bult Co., Toronto, for price. Rt'.-ct 01:1 . ,mment to both. He should car I him battleslilp,4, .it iiiiniber of cruisers ,or . who are -weak will find renem,bd have, perished on this continent . he dlrti At' 3 r -was of ulls in the long grass grows I L . I alth. and strength- in Dr, WiNams0'Rink eat fires or fires caused by burning for- Th) blades feel kinder ttokly an' cool between craft -destroyers) scouts and � ,, one ouncl iind, that she lie cheap, harmful and dan�gerous substi- head welf, 1mve undeniably good should. . various gra,aei, with tile accompanying i s , tutles. ers, a short back and powerful quartets, smaller L 1: ra'd insanity in )ter family, and that the rtoinly saved me front 9, eats. The'death list for 1908 amounts to yet too$, . being, it short, a big horse in a small torpedo boats. � I . i 11 . . - been once detained in an asylulA, They "' I I I 290, perhaps even more. The ,average 00, 'When I'm Pullin' Oft my Phots, I'm A - 7, . , But eastward a heavy bank of dorise . I I I bad PIDO�f mis' ' Inighty Itraid I'll cough- I IV C, i 11 I Her grandfather hanged himself And her When i . LONG WINDED PREACHEA$- compass"' � . � � - I � brother died in an asylum. I Williams' Pink Pills annual loss of life from this cause has I *Cause then I know tuald stop me ,fore I got . — . � fog is seen to be rapidly advatoingi and. . ! I .. .make new blood they go light to the thus been about sevolity-two, my stockin's ofn ,� J,�Opet4 it*­m- " 3110011'S CUM 'Will 41- in a short; time the squadron is hidden � .! . Questioned by the judge, her husband Toot and . icure aua*mla, rhoum&- - These Hours Once OonsidoroJ an Av; - � * . I I I - � It 7.1 often go 'round barefoot there's Adis 01 . wr.ys .C=e my coughs and colds." from view, although Oil tile summit of � " i . . stated that he knew his -wife's family tism, St. Vitlis danee, kidney trouble,. UNfT RULE FOR TREE GROWTH things to know- erage A),Iowanco for P Sormon, ' -- - - - ,- tile lofty Cliff the suit still shilles"111113ii- � 11 � . - . . I history, and knew she had been In an indigestion, headache and backache and 11 I . I Of how to curl yer feet,ou stones, so they ifinting the upper surface of the fog, � I � . I asylum; but he marriecl her itot-with- won't hurt 71 so-- . I - - r . I All Wanted. Ivillell appears asthough it Were the sea I �:. � I )ean Lefroy, who )iag exp essed tho . .1 � those secret ailments which ni&lie the � Ong Inch In Four Years it the Swift Ali, where tba gMsp I'S J1&1yL an' priekS 7' opition. that 10 Minutes is long "Geor"re 11 8%ld Farmer Scrapple to hit . � I .. 1� standing. , lives of So Many Women and. growing est Known, . I at a tuuch, enough for a serniOn would have Mot son, '-if YO'u had this wart of mine on itself; while here and there'a volume � I I ... - - Mr, Justice Grantham said it wao al- girls miserable. Sold by all medicine - Zee' plunk - solid, an' It don't of black smoke issues front the fogbank, 1. , ,most a witko thing, for people to marry, detlers or by inall at 50c. a box or six An file), 'in four yeaa!4 Is the swiftest butt ZmIlrt fEe0etMCTUW0ba � with scant Aympathi froin sorne di- your li,.ind what would you do with it?" *, , . . � . . � as though some subinarine volcanic ae- - " -1 when they knew of such mental Weak- boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. WIDI I lose my bat mos' every day. I wish I did vinos of Past Co"ItuTies, SeTs the NVe%t- "Oh I don't ka'aw, father," answered, tion ware taking place. And now the air 14 IIA&R. !Is had seen marty cases fit Which aledicine Co., Brockville, ont, tins, growth known in the race of the, trees. . Georg�., "Trini , t down ,with a r' I � . my olloes­ minster Gazette. -- I � Familera and fruit growers are Raid to Or Oise r wis4t I vita so poor I hadn't itono - 0"') I is rent With all outburst of harsh stridu- - ", I - - ruin aiad notrow bad been brought upon i - 1, .. I . to losel-Health Culture. Tliomas I -looker considered throe gliess-1, lous discord as though it 0110rus of wild, I - - - . -buys no Tellable unit, rule to govern 1. I � t � I I I a I . Hil r ations front the fact' . I � I hours a fair average, allowance for a ',And I've $pent $4,000 glyin 7ou annuals -were giving vent to their rage, _ I If there Is any one thing that a that insanity of a -man or. woman -was Prosperity. . thent in �mowjng how long Ili takes for a lZopeat it--l'ShilcItt's Cul -e �v,1'11- sdrinoni though, on :)ao Occasion, rned'e:il educal,iontll groaned lisrn*r fts the hideous sirens of the Various ves- . vhon. he was ill, lie fet his cong,rega- - Scrapple. , , . gels, all of different tones, blare forth, , 000 WoMan dM& Mlore th= an,other it withhold at thb time of marriage, I Who say ddt beezaneas sea blue tree to grow art inch, but. some carriage -always cure ray coughs and colds." , �ton off rdoTo liglitIv. ftusiklg tit the tm--­ - : � /7 It was wicked to the last degree for Aix times sea -hard? Hot ees no true. . � � - ., - some acute, and shrill 111q. M-Niff and, _ ,__ �V � h 9, surgidal O YOU 1At zliy lifol I 31"va see ii - . - . end, of 's, 'Ile rested a, while .,n .- -P s asked to ohop woo ' 130 es I perWon. Ata to allow their childr6n. to marry 900ch trade 11k6 now aes c02110 to ZIA .i&ket9.1iAvO found out 1 15 millULL 1111- t ti tmp 1 (I ', %onio' ear-splitting and. res it&At� �,. .. , , aroul ' and then continued his horbily for 'lling to bury tho 'i�owit is at though n drovo of'hungtY, ,� To hoano i 11 , Wo Can state 'without fear Of a " hen they know there Was insanity III AM leoVoII, an' I tal to you. They osk,6d about forty of the coun- Hit Use of It. ]is i's u-mally -quite NY, I � ,� oontruUotion that there aTe hun. . w a family, . , ttyls . 'problinent vehicle and whoel manu- ' "Yell," said Tommy, 11pa, gave me a two liotirs longer. Orannior's sermons 11titch-et. hy-ollas were fiercely quarrelling and . th unless they beforehand in. Las' fall Von first I 00th'. my Irlond, xe each t 8niall book whon set up ­.� 1. . . . � dre4.yas thousands, of operations fornic . facturers drawing their stock from torti. watell to CArrr we type; and 1) - . � I . �d the person who was to marry For kooD dad ismall g.o.,,,n'utts, stand - I when I started In at, 'A . fighting; now a lion roars in till ItA their child, In this dase the husba.ud � )got was too %daynta s, Inough, ' �nry Where hickory, white oak, ash and school t11111 I& I.,, in xtov, Xno,t, Bunwin , —­.'.. - I rfpiia upon women i -d our hoa- I . � � F. � I . might, changing suddenly into thO yelp- . wbich are etittrely unneees. knew; and It passed his (the judge's) Baytause r idi so itatia atutt. tiallp trees grow to select and express to nigINlyll, exclaimed Aunt Jano, "that's and Calvi,a rarely reachod "Lastly, . I I Ing of a, pack of,wolves; or nowa grUni* . awryanamanyhave been avoided by comprehension how he could be, But now so many torn, for buy them short cross out sections of Wso ce, isn!t it?" %brotbren," under two hours. sepulchral howl finishes up ,with a series . . . vo mar- BAUD% peahutta, oak' an' wa. eorge Herbert once said� "Tile par. I I . , all tied her knowing her fablily hlstoM and X soon inua ,gat, I am afraid, - Woods froin the adds and ends about. "Yes'lit. Idause As soon as I git in oil exceeds not an hour ,A preaching, I of suarlinq hoots and yap$. "AWS Fine beega. store for ,serve my trade. their shops, These Word to be selected school In'thd mornintfj I kin look at it 8, LYFAA F. P IN K In presence of the fact that while in the :: Den rabbbo, too, I gona age . because ,all ages have tbought that it - And so it goes on, a symphouy of dIs- � � EGETABLE COMPOUND asylum shi� suffered ftom acuto manla, . To kal da e6ffeb, milk an' too. for -.the mverage width of gtowth, slid an$ bee how many minutes I'm lata."- cornpotency," but a oprtain ,rector of i' � 9 I . J I � cord, -antil in it short time the fog Own, I V " the SIZO Of &Lth block was to b6 about Catholic Standard and. Re0ord. Bilbury,' GloucesterAbite Was ,Of all, 7 I � revealing first to the spectators on the The jitty found it Verdict of guilty, but For ouslainer dat 4ska we. � J 1* . itiore and more; Yor ptoof of this statemeut read insanp, and the prisoner w You be su'Drige for soo. hoW fIA6 I one fiadh lengthwise, one inch "rose and � I I - .�— other opinion, for he nevet Aat down 11 ... � " oraerea 0 Uok all do" outtomerm a mint, . an indli. thicki We when a man says ho hat the I sillumit of tile Cliff tile tops of 1,110 tie following letter. be detained as it criminal lunatic during - An' no' lite dey eat dolt -food, unddr two hours. Tilo Mquire, wo " Anv Wtoao Aleo, a4l talk so good. - They examined bhose blocks cartfuily best wife hi the world that his wife learn, usu-Illy withdrow after the text % Wasts, then, " the fog pinks still loWer, I , the Wag's pleasure. 0! 4er.6 so #a4, so boat, a* tall, and marked on each block a one -Inch io always sura to agree with him. �1, - , .J �, " , 3fts. latIMA BWr, Chimilton, 0* � _ a was an.lounedd, 8111ohed W3 pipe out . . flit fighting tops, and the moilths of the � . . I � . I I .. . . . � ''.. .1 . . .. I .I I � funt, _ AW VOn he eat h4os vie, iny Itattd, , -ined for the b: 0151, the appearance ptesente-4 n0v ,-------o , - . Uo eas da grazdast ,Wan of sill -1 I - � I - I - - ,.. � I . . � 1. ,� . I . .aide and rofti w I I - VAWS to Abs. PbAlmn: . .� . .11 I 11, -11- ,� I - . Maori Navigators, An, I Rm Vatch beem go tin, stan4 . -- .. I . ... L. . , . 1. .1 I � I . I I .. � 1. . � ­ � ii. I : -1 . � behig that, of % great naval disaster; as At I wu sl6k for five years. Ono doo. Eon doorway of d&t b6eg hotal - I I I . I I '' - , What 'He FotgoL if every vessel bad been torpedoed atia "WbOn the V'nited StateA fleeb.stestab. Oil 33roaftay, dat eea, so divAl a � , I ill I , I �'L Was resting upon the bottom Of a 01101- 6tLer Wd me it Was a, f1brojil tuloor, ed Into Xew Zealand waters," writo% &it A'A, aqe heent pe6dit moo tooth aW ant,114 ' .. I - I A arty of young fellows on boara a I low �m. And then sit letigth the fog dis- ClIl 11 la� NO one Auckland correspondent, ktv' bow eon 060ba gthilida style I '. I I rder cau,ted somo trouble to the A � )PterA Altogether, and tlio fleet igain. and advised an oparb,tiolt, "the inagnift. To all hoes trands ddt PAMA by, . � . . 2 . � ... I I ktiovft who,t I suffered, und: the bea,r� cent; array of warships left one section : I 6m to okoud I like to 4161 : I , , J " 06ptafft and the rest of the crew by V'wir , . Iq t4t t*1A me it was ulcers,tiou, wia aii, , I Ill 'I I , � � . N111 Ill , I 11.11jill I , 11 I ; � . I 11 11 .. I � of tho community Wholly unmovea. Nlo : : I . � I . � , . I'ankA. Vor the want of something meld 1. I procteds fur steam, alioad. ... Ing clown pains vrere terrible. ' INteorl eould be brought to spo any-thinz.1 get tIM014 049 bard you 'ptog* I gat . i - I Tooliall to do, ate of thoill at last gave Aud mine of wq, too, lininotgett ]it tile . A 41 wrote to my dater ilbolit it, and she So ji,,, baegk trade Pitt dat? . . AdA611 I I . simad togs of doubt and. nti*ving, and imisied "I adviked we to tak6 Ly4I&'M. Pinkliam's wonderful about it. They have tradl. � x,rdin dil dat I hin tit to you : � I - 11 large party, at whielt chaillpagne Uml I . � by the .4pteious ttrgiimonfiq of ,thoto � 4VOg6ta6bla 45omp6iind. tionq of their own. about navigation, and - 'Mir deas "bad beezIneal talk b6 truo? .� - . i I partaken of freely by all, espteially by I I my trdiublea, when they reeall the fat that their an- th? w1at? : . . I 6,0' . Brown, the hott. ACOLLAR BA(� would make � i�hose olilof obieet fit life is to ai&Atedit 41 it us cured. me ot au I bat you, pott I ose . 'it gift t1at &0Y Mae WOuld aPPfcthkt*- the' 'TolY Blbf�, feel tIIem90IVe'5 tO lit sAd X did not havp 'to have tha operso cestors explored the Antarctic In their -or. A. lialy-The Otthollo StoadArd Alid . . I � 11 Next morning Ono-, of the numbir r - ' � plunge'd,in a lurIA darkil"s ttltog4her . � . Uou after till. The Cotabotind dw bIg acoke� eftnoel, discovered Ameridd, Tilhas. 1. I 1. �, � � .. - - . . I early, As lie Wrvi IPM-hig hi,', bettli 'he I � THig -ve'ry uleful atdclit, is Almost � I Insupportablo. Dut if,ttll suoll would. ) popill, %te4 11,1)iin aflA sailea the Patific - I "oftelled bV the Rtowatd. . I wits appi . I L I I . . ". tr . 9, P,rowa would � la to atty ona who InAls. ; 0111V ery with all c. " helped Via to VW&O fWaly through oin tta to end, you cannot convince Arliltrathig ,ft Difficulty. I . . 11�g pardon, s1r; Mr. � Udiopad4A I . " arno$tre," . to their . I Mange of Life." � - I I llp,ivenly FAther, by tlic% aid of His Holv I thent that tbere Is anyt-Ithig remarkable child,- ou A mean I . ­ � likA) to x", vou in hiq ((aliiii.11 . IT it ffir".16 hont Pn,-, calf Ukther. I . I '31t of 06 I'lilted Stalks -- I I The eirlv iiexr went nnl fouvid brown r, 1�1:;rit t'o rtvml Ilis init'll unto, tliey�4 � .0 I th Jbiaty Alk. It holds , fogs ,qvkd obfwnrItf&4 of Ainbellef IFACTS IFOA SICK WOMIM about the vi old pig, what Would haplidn? neJ wit battle8lifps, All the way up from tit# -I Would tell your fe.0 I witli it wA twool round his head � , �., vor thirty w8 Lyffla R. Pink.; Governess Ior - k -W.- . . # I . "nullo, old el -1 -S V would dmappoar, and tilt vould reillY6 , , 81kni. pouilionlit, to Xow Zoaland, and up ataho woulcl unigh .VOII, . I � ap, now At �`Olftll 116 12 collan-atid 111% tbd araw'stringi ; that tho SAN-101ir of tI �,Vorld, by, Him- , 1; -1 - , , ha,wls Vag f1116 Com und, made to the northward 10yotd, 111Akildlill, the . MN[d-Aticl Irl only thought It. - . 11 1. � ,, I . ­ . . . 11 I._ ,, , � I -11.1 orloa, it I .(at tiding. lht P?Icd it qvlf. in their mort;l, suffering tho rotfi- ".. , I frtart i*ootsand herbso ra,s been the Matorli, Retording to their own 1%,gends, , i '-*oh, I%u an right," xA'd )�. Nwft. , I . blitivP 1114titm atte to tbona,1wei blotte(I �, otandard rowdy for female fild hav(4 jeft tIltir trA(,*.q, and it is certainly ni, .say It. . $1.00 , Govornes'�­X charm so long as, you I - ,do t I WAS111t, ro,ally Orluk. vlm know. t ro. 8 I out th6 roeorki .kghinst thopt stn(,l ha,% q , Whaspositivolypured t 01 & ,purlout fact t1iAt thorok are hundreds of Child-.47hoh T only think it,-IAfe. - I . 1. . 11 I . -. mt-mbpr ever4hille th,;t h%limno.t. -fliftt I W -the . 111ade thom lum,t for nn 111borititTlea in wordi in MalayAlari distleets which &to , I voc"Iting 1-0. t1linty. I Fkay. old t1hil, wotnen Who home bontroubled vith .4 1 O., . � � I I . J-. L . I is, v. ,O)k .� 3 I tot out C411110OU4. , : , glory, � dli§p mentat mmat I , U cera- still part of th; Maori vernaeulAr of t4. ., , I I I I I I tho paid f,)r theltah, . I �­­Jj O�6 -- , I I � ,';, , i e �T VW 11,41rir - , F, � I �" " ;r, I b $ p 2 16 - :ftbMd tu Tp, irre ati * ,NJ, day.".. -From the Londion'Sumdard. . Thd lbrototlat of M606% I I I— r, I, ­�-V- ­ 041row f;i%t doon a wwtor tLa,r iAko " a I I 0. � ., i� 4 I -, V(Dift fit tits Oth4r 644-DOCtOr. I'VO � L . A Lot Pop tN,e Mcme% Ry"112 Sftoe* . ztoll?' "Xt 'depe"nas bu what Iml Z%Au) " Nai-OorAmIttal. ; tried ~,-�thtng Ana I cannot geb to THINK IT OVIA, t%nil vtm t',�Mptllllekl 0 1 f tho o0A 0 LOA11r9to IwAvreved Mr. ClitigNihs. 110V�4 tho rooda I I mita, riukh4va invit" All M& Ja�k­-Tpnd nie A dollar, will rout ! sltvlp. Can't you do something for m4t She -4f a nian lovai hill Wife ai5 II11%1I (11i 0110 IOWA 111111, 111) WlIt *top Y01ir wito,s rt,w hat!" �, 1,44-iriG4,08 Vbngo " it, ,gom at ther somt, paoA sm most of W6014A to *TU4 lie* fok adV106, Ttft-Till wb4mftt ., Ths Doctor--yV's., hold the Wit* N-1 wamIng bis mon*y ort cigars if Ahei a-kd lilin. &y",0an%*"*1 the ihNIAO blot) mml, iwo "16 M Vo _- tfieni, lyft_t 'Orhoft it 4LVMWR to, Tftflin# into ,. I W lit to 10,V4 a "Wt tkott W" 1"fore I 4%W rWW ll,g It, - . Aht U#A 41IM04 thOldg&48 to JoAk-Till yell get it back again.- : rll'ft YOV 9 I-Wi0,b7,-WMbM4'0 HO llj�, -y", but if Ilia wifo lowe" hirn fts illuell ,as A1118. cxlg* I .1. 11 11 �� I 11 ­ d'obt ft,�A 90, 'M 'an 11"t."—woAlifilt. . *WA6. Ad&6$4 Xyu% X" notton Tr"Wq'TA. . Cont"i461111 11 �,* who loreti her stiough to, stop it it the asks Min. tho won't oak him. was." ­V -001188t" %,U,t- -. - Loll, I - - - , � AM41 1 ton $Ur. � 0 . . . I I L . I . r I I , . . I . L ' � � .1 I � - . - I � � , � . , , � - r, I I k . I r " I � � . !,.%. I . ", , * - � � I , �, I . I 11 .. ­ , � . . - - . I I . , �, * . , * 11 � iii 4l 1, 4 ,,, 4, � I i I I I .0 .1, . .1 1 "�114 I I I .� a ­lLii ,U . . . . . . . . 0 ,��.:�� . I a V� I ? - . I ,,,, � , I . .... — - �— ­. . I . & LL��� , "", .,��,. " " - -- � 4b . . . . . . . . t� - " "d A 11 -11 1Z la& 64 .2 � � � � � �, � ;�, �.� � , , , , , , , , ­ ,- �V, , , , 'AS& . - .AL..A, --- 94;e , I :il bw ', " -----,- ---...I—,, ..." ::,