HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-12-17, Page 1- - I ...1111101IFF.11IF4111101111". K ,% , , 'll.. --..,-."""?.- I I —_ . , I I " "' 1'r'.7:JY7777 _ WNTF 1 7"" 0 7.r 7-.;* -, . . I ,, . I I., " * . I _4 . , " 4 " .1 " A.— .., I I , .. ,w , .N _ .1 , 7 ­ . , , ''i - , M.. 4 r I 1, , , " ­ 4 1 , I . . I 11 1". , . . . . . . I'll, , I ' ', ., , , I `-'. , I* I ,- I I ­ 1. qN 1 7 . I I i 47 ,W" ,it I I I , , . e,]1..V,;1F%'J. 'N., - I . ,*., I , ,­ I VIF , - , I , 1, .. 1 11 I . . I I . 1. I 0 I .1 I.." . I . , '' . 1: 11 I I I . I , 1. I ,1:1 . .. I ,A,01_, , " . . - 6 I ." 1. I 1* . . . I I .41 I . 1) , ,­,., 0 1. 1, - , .­ ., , I . . , I 1. 1: - . I -_ ! 1"­ . I I I , 11 . I I * . . I I .1 I ! I . 1) I A00411611111111f, a . I - : I I . .. ; ... T : I . % . I . : . I I . . - gh I ... . f . ... I I : . , h W . . M ­­­ I 11 ... --'a.c, .e._ 11 I .. I T e - I i in . , . . I I . 0 I . . IIP . I . 11 .. .. . 1, , I.. ­. ... I -.11111111 ... , 1, . . . V11. .­_ I- 1. .- _. I _ , I _ ­ I ­ I"", '. 11.1 I 11 1. I I 1. :_'-_-_ _ _­m".'s I I . ' - I I . 36TIl YEAR, NO, 16, . WINGHAM, ONT., T1TUR$DAYs ]DRORMUR 17, 1908, - MOSQRIPTION I 012M .1 1-1,4041=1. MMX,11: . , ,F - . . . . , I . I 11 I g, " .11 'Ill, .,pi ... ... , , - . . 14. , I 11 I . I.. I . . I I 11 !_ . - "... ­ - I - I .. I .. ,,, ".., , - I. . ,. ­ I I - 11 ,:, , ''..''., ­ . 11 I . -.11111-. I I...., ... 1. 1. . — I I . I . I, I I 1: .. _6_' I I , , :. I I . I - . . e,_4,"% ­,*v , . , . .. . , , ,. 11 . . I , 11 I . . I Vvitonvo4dad- B11'evale Tnurn irntinell Mp,**;n WAAAAA T" W # P.1holairne 're -A I I I ­ I I ,e;ll . P 401 V. 4 - W. , Xr. Win, Thompson of RaullItcM. Mr, Ark4Mrs- WITI, Gallaher visited — . tF h Sunday School, Bel. ,, , vielte.., Ourcb . lRews . Mrs. Joan Milne, formerly of Witi ; Trinity churo . . local Items , I., friends last Sunday. I I !J Wingliam Town council mot Doe, b4m, Was United Ia recen grave, anno,unce, their Christitilits tree' I w.attin the Village iecently, calling on Salem L , OIAIVI e hey will old Acquaintances. I Barry Chamberlain is e I., 14b, as per Statute, but our repor(tQ Mr, E. B, 1300duran, I entertainment for Wodxiesilxy- 28r4 - I . tigaged `^^-^-^^—^'^—^`-"—""" - must be brief. .1 reside in Olds, Alt% M I . . . pg. B m a - . , onaw lost. An excellent progra, to I pre . ! Ur Norman Barrio Arrived home working in Wgwanoell at presoo.t. . The Auburn IlikiptiO4 will open their 04 account of error. in. assessment rant -'a Wingliam friends wish her paration, and no effort will be spared Drink Christie's Teno, , las Week from the Northwest, after Mr. T'no, MoNaughtori, has moved , -now oburob, 11111141 on Sunday, Doe, Rev, ... W, G. llow$On WF48 granted 4, much b4pplue qq , to make the event successful.. 114 Wear, arooeo Shoos andRubbors, on Absence of nearly A Year, lie 200i. Rev, IV, W,116harlesworth will . rebate of $5 In taxes. The Stok Chil. Jolmdon, Is Superintendent, And Mr. Into his new house, whieb, We hope lie preach at .$.p.m. and Rev. Win, Raith* dren's,Hospital was granted $5. The e I , on h&vb 4 watch or clock that is I speake, well of diat. = t country apd will find comfortable. I 4y, B.A., of Toronto, At 7 p,m. Spec- * Mocrae, Secretary,, 'See I posters for I,f y looks as I Finance committeeli report, recooi A. new Loyal Orange lodge has, been IPA . sick, bring them n; he'll . f he had treated most , rtloulamr 411idly- , . The annual Xulas tree of the Blae. lak Offerings on behalf of Building mending PAYM044 Of Accounts amc`tlxlt _ formed IA London, and ii mAke them tick, ., to PAtterep I I vale Alietbodist clin ch will be held Ili Fund will be, ta,koix atoach service, . Amed "The . , . . Isfr, A. nastiogs Ana deter were the Ing to $33:14.05 and electric light ac. Rev. Win, I I .1 .to 103 townships have given I , goests of Mr. and Mrs,, Ratm oil $Ilia- troll of Wing. count$ To Ontax . ,r ,,3,, of Dec. A The Baptist collgreir . LOWS" 'Lodge, After tits, Election Of Officers- , the church oil th of $241.47, wo.A passed. The Grand Chaplain of the , good programine is being prepared, hato winila ptobAbIF ave extended a account of I Ontario West (for. At the regular meeting of . I up, the statute, labor system' of main- 1. ay. MISS Hastings bag recently , _ . Western Foundry Co. for merly Rector of St. Paul's, Winglia, . . , .in) B,, Y. B., U., o d . consisting of dialogues, rocitatlons, call to Rev ,Mr. 'McLemix of Meaford, Pumping Water WAS left for the Fire I n Monday evening, tb( : taluing the roada. , , I I returned from an extended visit to songs . , . I whole also the first Alaster-of the, followin Vloors were elected for the, - , , tableaux etc;. who preached to them recently, but And Witter coolinitter t f , ,MAtilloba, And other western Points, , o, deal wlth I . We regret to. record the, lie objecited to- the Sunday after4ocin they Rod the CO. suffered ha new organization, I I enaalpgferr'n:-ROx1­P1e%, P- Fisher, Tenders 'are asked for, in Connection . She had a most eiijoy4ble time Visit- - Unexpected Urell arta Rest Wa, L ing her friends. I demise of Mr. Thas. Holmes. Soirto drive to Tecow4ter, ,especially in the extent, . PrOs,, H, HiDOCIM01 Vice -Pre$- W- J- ,With Whitech ' W11- - - . - winter.. No pastor has been decided In future the license for the Thea Furalture Sale. ,Kelly; Sec.-Troaa., W., R. R.HlIlott,,, nosh properties; see a, dvt. - . mouthe ago, lie received a blow oil his . . Cor -Soo.. Miss. Kelly-;, Organist, Ure. I , Mr. 11. 11ar4big, who, went houie to - on Tot. . torium and. similar t "O Having ,sold our residence,, We OJMor' Beri Winfle head, and since then bad occasionally , bings will be $5, Orangeville Some. ,weeks Ago on it!,- felt all our household furniture by private. - - * . Id; Asst.. organist, Miss We are pleased to see Miss AT. Fish.' count Of inneSel, 1'ettIrn . Palo, Liket w wits talgen to , The regular meeting of the A. Y. P. Per annum, . M A Fisher L , . I or able to be in the post,offioe again, gham Hospit ' & an operation , d ' * , "' ' he a By-law $70 was read fleet an, . I . . . ' ed last week Wt af ad A, Will 6 , cecond sale. It comprises parlor'L bedroom, L' q and el .18 -field next Monday evening, tj After her protracted Ulu .,ngte recovered W t. Jae 18L At It I 11, U 1. -the (Ir -room And kitchen furn - Ve M 0 ties . egg, I I A been decided on to titke plac L roe. It dealt with. ,y earth (11111rig , LulLre, ROOV,S TO a oil when Rev. 0, .H. -jeakiris will com- . I . - RlqNT,—O r I al ol post in Mr. John. Do 9 Store, Tti sday. During Monday night, he closet System, After brief discussion, Purchasers will plea e call soon, As - grocery.-APply to 0. N. Oriffin, We are sorry to report Afro D,11al- , , L we trust he will enjoy"als" Sojourn died. . . Art ) od menee A. Series of readings from, it was, left over for 1909 .Counct 1 to all must be dispose - 4 got forthwith.- . .. , He. was unin -jed and erij(y stead still laid tip with blood-polson- ." . with lie, tI . DlokerWCbristmas Carols, which willr. de With" Tiiz Missus B,&T,T" Patrick .4treet, . - Lie respect of the Community. Ito be given At intervals. during the evexx- , at C . Just Try These. : Ing. We sincerely hope he will soon , .i n . 11 By-law 580 was passed. It provides ,- recover, - Mr. W .L le of , mia, man. 4 Inge whi A good watch is a ,wiRe counsellor, fe , Illiato Sanderson had a., sa was a ,quiet, indu6tri . to Christmas decorations ave for - I -To relieve chilblains, bathe the ; , - VC,ry good - a4berent of, the. Method' arch. the Municipal elections, The poll - I iso Ch -ogress, I - stock at the Qoftorl Hou,;d, . to in. a lite. et In. hot wooter at night, t1i.enrub, * The railway companies have remov- prices were L onservative, And 38 _ A. Morton's a L .1 , realiged. Mr. Sanderson And. in politics, si C I . Ing, places and officers are. Ward I- And long friend. W, 0. Patter. , . is An enthusiastic stock -raiser Ana years of age. . Next Sauday will be Cbristmas-San- Itij I . I hop; W. McGregor, son keeps. them, . them well with castor oil, 2-W%rts ed the rails ,at Cardwell Jot,, which is - bu I (lay in the Methodist Church. The . D. R. O.; 8, A. Maguire, poll clerk, I I can be removed by applying a salve nowonly an unpleasant memory f9r e n accident made by mixing common table sat'; , .. in y r, He has had several sale* due- M,, Ell Elliott mot with a , clibir will , rooder Christmas anthems, Ward 2 -The Advance oftleo;L Theo. A. Leg Brokon. ', travellers, 9 the Year. while he,and his wife were driving The pastor -will tak-o subjects touching Hall, D, R. O.; Walt . with the yolk of, an.. egg,. Change the I . _ In- . er Hall, Poll clerk. Bert. Vandukle of the bag ."app'llicatibri daily, an in a Don't forgot Baby's feet in selecting - L - our new and .enterprising furniture to Blaevale on Sittarday *evening. the facits of 0hrietruns. At, 11 a.m., Ward $-The Town Hajj;L A. Da . I- for line met with An Accident on Vri- - jeep, the. wart will drop. out, and the L. I I . . gage trans, , , weel or: . - L . . I . you in r ual,her,.Isdoing'an ex- Apparently Mr. Hlliott's hot -me Was "The flesh -robed God; His xx&lUeL and mager D. R. 0,; D, Lougbeed, Poll day last. Ile was unloading A beavy, roots. so decayed, - they will not reap- some handsome styles, -W. J, Greer, , erchant, At . . I 11 Chrlothisas Shoes, We have r cellent business. He is quite pleased not going true to the ffilea, so Mr. Hill, attributeR;" at 7 p. in.. -The face of clerk, 'Ward 4 -The Park House; P. I L .. . . . - . . with his success, He is proving to be . ott was prepared to do a, little urging. ell' L truolc At the Queen 9 H. Qtel, when the I pear, No charge for those simple re. , ' . .# . -y, and in Campbell'. 1). R. 0. ;- Albert, B trtink slipped, and falling on one of a. Th .* Ch t' in Art, In Histou I , poll with, the Whip. L Just then the lg ton.,J Are the pictures we have of clerk, his logo, broke It At the Ankle. The cipe . L ,e Misses Ball have sold their rest. . An up-to-date and obliging business '.. box -so -1 . locality, who made a dash to one side of L Mr. ,, . dence. on Patriclg Street to Mr. Lucas, mad. The people of this I the road$ Chrlst like, the original? Come and Ooun. Spotton. moved, sectinded by acolden. I L him, would Ana it and they were both thrown, out. .. it will 146Y him aside for A. few. Boys V. M, G, A. , of near BelMore, Possession is given - . - have not called on . - bear this very unusual subject 4100"uss- Court. MoPonald-That. this Council weeks, , I . . I Sailuary Ist, .1 to their ii4vantage to do so, Elliott found himself being trailed ed At the evening service, desires to place on record Its k .L I On. Friday evening last, 114r. Cullens, -, ,. : .- .. - , een. ap- , . I If A 1 4- itround in. a circle, by banging.on, to L . Prov! . I . . I preolation of Mayor Holmes' high do. u i k 1 lot 41 , ncial Secretary, And Mr. Flom, . ir- " 11 I -.3 I ­ r,L 196ple and Air I y a.. — ow of the lines, while Mrs,. Elliott St. URIC 8 VU U114 , 11 --TP VIA are, e ng e 111 I d_ L Ono P. - . I - T!, Cona L 'MI week, They have taken tip their re 1. Paul's Church. , 11 vation to his office, duties for the past I ndl ,ty.Seeretary of the Y. Ar. 0. the Town Hall, by installing closet$, . . ; . . wits engag,4d in seeking for'ller hat, Nomination for municipal ca - met 4 numb of the boys I ,two years, and also of his unfa Wing L er . Of wl rworks attachment. Mr. L dence in the house foritterly occupied Last Sixads y evening, Rev. 0. R. illng dates will take place on Monday, 28th , th wate ' . . I 01 which was concealed beneath the ,courtesy to the several members of- In *%" L _ ham, After the plan -had been is, doing the work. '. , I by Mr. Mother. He is, busy getting $now. . Jeakins.gave the fourth ofa series of L to L Boyce . , . e . inst. ingliam, the meeting Will explained to them, the boys decided - r6a4y to begin work it$ Soon A$L Po$ . disociurse$tamen. Thesubjeetwas- the Board- arried; be in the evening. As the - dit ' ­ , I .. 0 t0J siblo and will issue his first, copy. of his Tile Jubilee services held Sabbath, "A. RuAiriess Transaction," based on The r thanked the Council for e organize a Boys' Branch of the Y. U. Mr. W. H. Greco has secured the I May a pprwii,ches, vamors increase as to C. A,, with th Goersi- franchise of Rainy River for electric L ,: , paper in a short t1nie, We Welcome Dem Otb, in Knox Churob, Bluevale, Revelation 8L: IS the kind wcr rds of Appreciation. ,e following of _ I I -111 counsel thee to . . I probable eitudidiites, but at pres Chairman, 111. Gillespie; Vice -Chair. - lighting, power and waterworks, He -11 I I i ,t, A At the invitation of tile Town tb exit - r ._ him to our mid .lay he meet with were very Successful, 11, v. J. B. buy of me gold tried in the fire e list is so indefinite that it is. Scarce- man, H, Dore; Secretary, B.. Blackall; intends putting in a plant there in the - . L . . I I , . .11 I - _ -it preached at 11 a. tit. ayest be rich ; and white tat- -edict. The ludications,are T - spring. - the success be desires. Mullen of'Bloi th(ill n that Clerk, the Council of 100$ closed t4eh, L . I y safe to pi e . Aii . . - and 7 p. m,, "d.dolighted the large Inent that thon mayest be clothed'i labors. by enjoying the oysters, and Ia- bowever, that there will be an L ejeo_ I reasur, r,. J., Mitchell. Friday even I .. . , - Y Lpraetio%( An 'I chat I . . 11 4 . I - , Pauline Johnson, the great reciter oongregatioxx'wiph Ille'ver d that, the shame of thy nakedness diligence in socia . ng was,se Sete, for meeting. - ' L . . 1. 'O and entertainer, is coming to W.roxe- 3L P,fn. _ , . tion foi Councillorsat any rate. It. if; , L Mr. A. ff. Wilford of Brown & . . I L . , LL. I ,!k ' s. -ti -, pmd anoitit thing eyes ­ " ,, ,-, . 4 - on Friday evening of this week. discourse. At an *41old me" do not appeat . I . about time intending Aspirants had. L . . Wilford of the Witigharn Evaporator, - W, 11 , I I _., , tat service was held, when the large audi- with tiye-salve that then mayest see." L their election cards in our columns. Fraternal Visit* I .Was in town On Saturday, Thev had ,, t .. PL __.. . ., I ­ She will be accompanied by a. Mr. torium, Was filled to the 4001's with a _ The Rector compared tile world to a $75 Realized. . . . . . I :,; Ly had i , . , ,. "ke ' lendid enter- ,nost , I I . . The, A. Y,. P. A. of St. Paul's paid a good season, And 'shipped Out the I 1. & . . . tit. !a _ ,attentive audience. Rev. D B.- - vanity fair, or A'market place. Nor- A drawing took place on Thursday. - Cluistin. . the 'society in Blyth. a fraternal visit last of their stock on Saturday, at sat- .... - . 1.11 I . . , x e, who is also a op giVen_ Mop, I ,;. .L The concert Will be .aeof Oranbrook delivered a very olliantman ofthe world says* "BUY Of1evening, 10th inst., at the residence of . .A Short . is, on Alonclay evening., There were two . II LLL .11 L 1 ­ under the auspices of the Canadian I - - I 10hriatillwi D,W is only three, hours . . Young So 81 - isfactory prices'. . . I.. - ... . . L Order of Foresters of this village, scholarly discourse with which, &it me," and tries to entice peciple to. buy . Mr. A. .J. Vilon, for a,Cup'llicill, pre 100AS of I .-haperoned by ­ , I . I . . were much delighted. Mr. Wm. his goodS and enjoy Worldly things. sented by the -pastor, Iter. X, Lauren- long in the 11:1nigh town of Tornea," Rev An 3 tins. They were I :1 is, who forty ye&rs ago ,rhe world ciff,srs inuoh,on easy terms. dean, The lucky ticket was No. 176, 1 L, man 11 I . There shouldbe a crowded house,as ii. I,blater of Morr - said a traveller., "I spent last Christ- , ' ,The Violins have arrived from Geri 11 I I - . . ; I good entertainment like this does not Precented in the ecingrogaticiii, led the, - Another merchautman, L Jesus Christ, bola by Mr. 1. I I . mas there. At sunrise got tip to see warmly welcomed L by Blyth young. y, at D. Bell's. I .. I ..., I . 11 often ,c . of : jng. - The makes I P, Keating of Toronto, - people, who spared no effort to en ter- . ,y nice things suitable L . . . . . 11 , .ome our way. The prices I ng with much acceptance. his appeal, *11 counsel thee," The drawing was in aid of the R. 0. my presents and to read my, Christmas hern.. L Refreshments, a pro- - Some few Yet 11 1k . admission are very reasonitible'L The collEltion ladles usW over forty years etc. Especially to Young people does Ohurefi, Wingham, and the receipts, mall, and night had fallen beforoL IL got ton t Z . . . : I . , I . ' , planLof gram, and competitive games occu- - for Xmas and New Year presents at' - the hall cin be seen I Mr. ago were, brought into -Use. Metuo- lie make. this appeal in order to as. $75, will be devote ng through breakfast, Tornea, has a day. I 8 Gracey's Furniture. store, I ,,, , I At gist about L' . Mi. the prizes came - , . .. I ,P Alleo!s drug store. . L ries of bygone .days, were vit,idly ithem to do. right. Christ offers (let) of pta, A to plaol twenty-two hours long In June, Pret.-gledtheevenitig, I . I . I 6. 1. . I I I ined glass, windows in the Mr.. ,and Mrs. Malcolm I I L I. - , . 4 . L L . ome with the Wingham visitors, were called . " I , Itt I N , 'who report a very enjoyable evening. , : , i brought to. the m ade of many of the gold, the Symbol of power; man needs ,church, ty good, ell? But that is nothing be- - _1 I , -1 I Bel grave-. older members -of the congregation by power, to overcome evil habits and . I sides Wardbury. warabury, in .' or_. L . I to Mitchell on Monday by the serious. ' - . L, L. I . - 1 *114 I - . this service. On Monday evening one passions. 2ad Parity; impurity is OvituisnoEs I -We save yon money; way, has a day that lasts born May 121 - C 11 tit 1). illness -of Mr. Malcolm!s father. Par. Xmas. 811ppeps, m. ., , -a save Your health. Buy -bete. to July, 22, and Sgitzbergett's lonpat, & Co's. Pianos. They're beauties. - . . - , Rev. W. J. Beandon of Port Col- of the best teame-etings .ever held. in. moral ,weakness.. Sr -Penetration, a Bell's and see Hellitzman tial PdralYsis Was the cause. Afts. - . l', this.I.BluevAle was given. The tables in salve that thoa mayest see7y fts.-W. J. Greer. claylagts three an a half 'months.' - I , ;L ( , they , . ;.1. borne is visiting his. brothers in - ; Suitable Xmas. gi . . I . .. Malcolm returned, but M r. Malcolm kfte)r you have been -all over : , -i . ; I I the schoolroom w -Y L I -W vicinity. . -ere laden with the Zeeek, first the Kingdom of God and was obliged to remain, as the ease Was L J 14 , .: tortai L best of good things, and the ladies ais righteousness." . it pleads fluron Old Boys. , Our Men's, Slipper display attracta .Box. Social. . I . under consultation by physicians, . town and looked at a thousand - - - Chris . I . I . 11 undoubt _L Z . . 4 The Xmas Tree en riment of were ant,iring in their attentions' to with every man. and men ought to be At the annual dinner of this Assod- the. attention of the Ladies who aro'' Ono "of these events, InL Aid 'of I Useless articles, you' _ . ; 11 Auditorium cirthe pleading .with Sim. When we hear looking for something for "Him" for - Holmes' Union Sunday School, was L as . I L. :, . I . . L - I . 11 I . nesday, 23rdingt. No one shoulil MISS . 5 -David Carrie of Wawanosh W -, I L Trinity church will be held on Wed, . their guests. - In, the ation in Toronto, W. K, MoNaught, On Saturday morning last., while - - edly decide to give CiHimpy ,,, chtirph an excellent progi itin *as Yen- the appeal of the world let iu putL AM. P. P. , spoke of old times in Huron Christmase--W. L.T. Greer. : held on Friday evening last. . There Mr I I . . this annual and joyftil event. A good It Christ first. The Rector'closed with county, when he work,d on his fath- ' I . . .: . . . . feeding his stock, he fell to the floor - . . . PPERS L - . 71 I I dered, and all who heard it felt th . was a good attendance and an inter-' L . I ram, An . happy. along with the tea it was the best 25-- coting 'program was, Presented after beneath. He managed to reach the I S 11 L . I .1. - 1. .. I I.. I., I . . " 01, . % .an earnest appeal to men to inake sea farm, At that time the now fer- Boy Loses Both Feet, . . house,, but in a rather dazed condi- ' .... 1- .. trl in e. worth they ever got.. Revs. Perrin, chol6e between the wares of 0hrist tile farms were largely Woods ,And the boxes had been emptied of their , ., . 1, the W L Ia. Walter Bishop, a 12-year-old Barn - .. . . . L I I . The Xmas tree entertairim . ent of the Barnett I , Andrews and McRae dolight and those, of or a vvampq, And go1q. to the grist mill to contents. The program comprised tic". Fortunately, no bones were : Our line, of Men's Slippers is , . eL& I . I Aran boy, who was living with Henry - songs,, drills, recitktions, and address_ L'broken, and we hope he is All right by the finest assortment yod ,aza * , Belgrave Methodist .Sunday School ed th adieuee with.their spicy And I I hava flr)u,r ground meant a. tollicime' McLeod L - 1".. -L ' ­_ I L . will be held in the Foresters) 1101 on timely retnarkS. Land Me$srs'L R-1bort Anniversary Services. ­ journey of i wo days, for the Sacks o . f nearRipley, is.in t'liellospital eLg by . Meesrs. Spotton, Llay4 and .this tim . e. I find anywhere, as well .as the,:, I . . . ". I I . I !it: Walkerton. The boy did not want - Kerr, and solos 'by Mr. W. Ansley, I I , . .1 , L I . . Christmas night., Wi'ngham,. Betts. Maxwell. and J* It. Miller spoke of the Anniversary servici6s of Winghan.l., grain bad to be carried most of the toL go back to the Home to which Mr. - $' 1 The Town Clerk is busy on ihe Fin- most, reasonable in price. Slip- ' . '. eels and Westfield talent will assist early clays of Knox Church with much Methodist Church were held on, Sun. way, He told of one occasion when McLeod intended shipping him, and Tile ptoceeds, $17, will be devoted to alleial Statement to be .presented at ' I .1 . the School in furnishing ai excellent acceptancti. R- v, J. 13. Malien kept day and Monday last. On Sunday. ex- .out on a deer hunt, how he became hid In the barn, where he remained Sundwy School .purposes, The School the Nomination, and it pers in Tan and 13lack 13' ,id, Al- L . ' ot'lle'ntSerme, L . ' a the spring, with . I I program. The a .tree the audience delighted for neafly An ns Woe delivered by it' agal g is Almost too - ligatoro Velvet embossed, Opera :' Sunshine Xtna Rev, lost in the "wilds of MeXillop," He i over night, and when found both his will OPc n I soon to give readers a full outline of I . ' I feet ere f Ie 9 broug f1l "i t a goodL start. . . I , zen. funds on el nt to give I . ; h I 11 " " . on tirtaltiment will -be held ,on Friday . , hour. with.bis popular addres.9 "Bam- Dr. D,)ugj)Llt of Goderich. Ia the morn- - came out finally to an old weaverp..Og W ro I Wa 1. . the expenditure. Every ratepayer, 8 Ape, Nullifiers, Romeos, &0. -, I 11 L evening next, Dee. 18th. All are in- bles through Great Britain." Excel- .lit to . I .. . L' - Ing, hia subject w.k-;, '!The breaking of cabin, where the bill of fare Q. Walket;ton to the hospital and it was I who is sufficiently interested (and All lines - ..L L . iven. by Misses the ie should be) will be able to see a printed - . 11 " . star We are showing choice . . I . vited to attend. lexit recitations wereg . I box.of Alabaster ointment," and oflpotatoes and milk. The ineeki0aub'er for, found necessary to amputUe both feet _ Tbv Advance Did It. I ia Ladies? 814 L I L . I I . I L . - . . Inez Andrews and , Duff, while it many useful and North Toronto created a, tipple of , L ippers. -1 .., The officers elected for 1009 for L. delightful musical program Was L practical lessons .0, little below the knee, Be is doin- About isieven weeks ago, our Bel- statemerit by Nomination evening. , 1. I . ' w .. - 1. . .. I . , O. 11'" In ate A, Whole asp walfa%.eaa be expected and. -wil gtave correspondent made a little note ,. 0 Slippers at 75c to $1.75. ; . . . L, 462 (Belgrave) .are as follows -W, dered by the Cline Qu%rtott 0 of Wing- . were deduced. the evening, the laughter when he said he . . I eL -tea i . . . 4 like to David -pot of potatoes which the weaver's _ likely: recover. I of the weight of a fin three year old I I I . I 1; topic wag OXatharx's reb ash for South Aft ax land war- ' I . . I . . . M., Wm. Johnston; D. M4, H. Lals,h- Lb,m and Knox -church eboir., 'Rev, Thou ai-t I OwneaL t ox 71, Wingliam. . . . . - . L L I L the man." Both sermons .- wife bad boiled for him, and drank all IL ' colt by Garner Nicholson, of ran S. -B ! . . . . . . . . . . man: Chaplain, Robt. Owens; R. See., W.J., West, M. A., and. his couffrega- were listened toLwith lotereit and pro. the milk she bad in the hou.,;6.' Be . , , Firx.-Sec,, F. Shoebot- tion are to be'congratulated oil their" fit The Town Taxes. . Morrie. On Tuesday, Xr. McKenzie . I r . , Bert, Watson We have made six, immense contract . . I . I tom -, Treas.. Wm 131-yalls; LActureiri SUCCeSSfill On Monday evening, a successful said the 'training and discipline of *from nearT. Seawater called at the Ad- witil. Santa Claus for all kinds of : ' . ' . L . I . . I W. Little; D, of C,, Win, M01&rAy ; r the auspices. e And enquired - - L , I L d to him than. all the learning he ob- wt naidering the cry of Christmrs Slippers. -W. J. Greer, . .. ..". . of tha Laclies' Aid, which bag proved colt and who owned ' L , I . L $' >23. ,flftleth . axxniversary t I . . - The town'taxes have been, fairly ' it. He said he . . #%er -, :.., .1 very "' ,,6eeting was held aude those old, days were worth much more Vance offic - The roceedmof the Jubilee amounte jl paid 'in, oo toa . committee, Win. Love, Dr. Hamilton, , out hard times. The following amounts , W.J. 6r?c I Ishmaix, Thos . so valuable an aid in ills financing of tained at college. saw It in, the Advance so we looked up True, -our Advertising is crowding : .* . Rohl. McOraeo Alex Le - L I - . . . were paid the Treasurer. less the dis- the - _ - *11._ 'N .. Williaingi . L. I . I ,if - ".;a : the new churob,- and * assisted 150 . item, `Alri McKenzie went At ourTeading matter, but did our read- , 1 . '' . For some. nice, easy chairs, rock- count intimated for early payment :- . ..... I I ...... .1......1. . I .1, I ht - matei-lally tit removing the debt. An I - - , ce, and is now the owner of A fine ers ev , """"" ­ , , - """' , , .1 I . A meeting in. the interests. of LoCILIL An elegant line of furniture sulto a lent chairs, parlor pieces, centre tables, Sopt. Is (11%). . ....... $7105m: 1 no 8 L er pause to think of the value to L . I . . I excel tea was served in the lecture . 172ft3 OOL heavy drought colt three year old them of the advertisements. They L -rade now in stock, .at room, from 5.80 till '8 o'clock, And - I I I " . Cotton wilt be held in the Methodist . " Oct. 15 (17"), ".. ..... I last . I for the Xmas t p oture frames and pictures, At special L June, weighing nearly 1,800, and show them where to go for tiny arti- . . - , I I . Nov. 15 (, %) . % ....... 1272-91 Mr. Nicholson the $2W1n his oleo they wish to purchase, They tell .*.,.. m *.111. 11 ...... I 111.11 church, Bolgrave, on Monday evening, -Special prices. for the rest .Of Decem- the'! an entertaining p.'rogram'Waa pricesi try S. Graceyle furniture Store. * I Dee. 21st, at 8 to I . .1 . ) 907.74 "' , , , , " ­ .. , I I . L ber, at Jag. W41ker's. L presented, Mrs. (Rev.). 811111th, Baie! L I - 0 I t. Both seller and purchaser, are them who Are the alert, wide-awake , o'clock. Rev. D. 0. L L Dec, 14 (met ............ I .jingles . McKetroll, B,A. of Lucknow, and . . . . . I I Poe ce . . F I 1. A box .4oeial will be -held tit the of Teeswater delighted the audience ., . . readers of the Advance,, and that is merchants, and these are the man -who : 1, . I . Rev. -A. McNab, B.A* of Waltono will I Tobil, to date ..... $20,309.21 . 11 'Mx ;,, 'Such subjeeta Junction School House on. Monday, w%b, .her solos', and cheerfully A GOOD SCHOOL, . . . what found the horse, and made the keep their stocks fresh and up-to-date. - = so . _ . address the meeting. Dec. 21. A good programme is ex _ responded to the encores. The Wing-' * - . This Is. a very good allowing. More Sale. The, nioral is obvious. Ttaiae This will be the last week for some of - . - I As - I -Out, relation to the bar -room;" pe(i,ted, Which will start sharp At 8 ham Quartette gave two .selections, Ranked Among the best Commer_ will probably be paid in ere the year X -m S a I . 44Does Local Option prohibit?" "How 0, 'It and Cline rendered a cial Schools of the Province, is, the closesb . . I . good stock, read the Advance And be 'these extended and money -saving ad - I . c 0 1 and Messrs. At I happy'. . . I I 'does Local option Leffe6t business and ek. Admission -ladies bringing .. .1 L . vertisements. . I .. . I I I boxes, free; gentlemen, 106',- piiee of - claot ,,David And Goliath9by request. Wingham. Business College, The suc- . I . L 11 . I I . . ! . - society?" etc., will be dealt with, The boxes, 15c, . . Mr. Duncan gave'two cornet selec- d9ma of its graduates has not been ex -7 Fine Chelsidlas Nunibero L, . Give the boyst aud gh-IA our excellent Farming I!- A business ,which re- ' I j) 043 - L. I L L I . . I public,tordially invited. tions in good Style, and Mr XcDan- I colled. The ndw Advertisement of The Christmas number of the F4rm. Shoes foe Christmas. Nothing more quires access to practical business in- v - I . . I I L L I I . Read our Advt. re '$Sftsible ald's concertina rendering ' - this excellent school Is to be found on V is one of the finest ever sensible, ­Wt J, Greer. formation. This is sup . . i L ' s were popu - ers Advocate I L . -plied tit the i I . . L . I . . L Christtanis presentsP I oft page.$, - tar, be is certainly a master of the page 1. We understand that AxY lasned by the -proprietors, and had we I columns of The Weekly San. The ie- -, .: ., L ' cret of the growing popularity of t.bis . ; I . . .. .. ­ . - . Willis & Co. instrument. Readings and recita- young people who are laboring under I space, extended reference would ba'a A Pioneer Gone. .- . Almost Chrisbmas again - , tions by Mrs. 1. 'Parke.r and Miss the fAlso impression that tb e n do _ pleasure. The Articles ate timely, , ,qrs. Willi . paper lies in its untiring devotion to . ,; . I - - L . I better to I am Mills Of Winghain the interests of the Former. The and with it comes a desire - I Brock aidded variety to the Program, a city school, will e iven well written and Linte 4 - . ) . I I . I resting. The mourns the death of hev father, Mr- memory of the good it has do a will to remember one's friends, - . I . . I,- and enjoyment for the audience. The free tirlaus I q eat lee, Illustrations are fine, and Appropriate, I n . I Lucknow. I trio City P "'a';'erl 'rothe I limneis Little, pioneer of Hallett , remain long after the subscript I receipts were $123. , of Pe bo 'L W le stands RVOry progressive- farmer oliouldsub4 . . ion . I i Do BELL'S "' , L . . 11 sixth among the cities of the, * m- seethe for the Advocate and gel . ;township, who died on Dec. 8tLh. Agged price has'been forgotten. To be po4t- ' We bave been planning for - - L I I Reeve J. S. Anderson attended the . - the 85 years. 1)0 -ceased wai born in Ire- ed A Farmer must read the Sim. If , ' Bruce County Council meeting last' I . . - ion as to loadufacturing output. Xmas. number (while the edition land and cf'L Line to this country over 56 , you have not been a reader of the Sun this and have now a r-plen . I I U - I I Whitechurch. 1 Ile attending the Peterborn Bud- lasts.) Stibnoriptions ,received at .the years ago, first settling neat- Milton. j,.y it for 1009, I did Show of GIFT GOODS - -i I - I . . M SIC week. . Whi . , I I . I- . . . I ness College, which was fountled. A Advance office. The Weekly vh4its of L - , . - - q . The Wingliant Army Band will 3I . ,s, quarto will About 45 years ago he came to Hullett . . rs. Nasinith of North Dakota I w-coritivity ago, they be the Advocate are worth -to any fartner t suitable for 01 class I 1.1, EMPORIUM make their annual visit to Luckitow give", free tickets to the city, Y,X C.'infifiltely more than the lowsubseripm I o make a -home for hi's Wife and fatill- A pair of our Ladies' handsome es of I I ; , '. speodi%,the winter -with her mother L 11 WAS married at Milton to his Dress Shoes Or our elegant Slipper - people. L I I New YeaVs Day, - V1 rs. T. ,rehouse, ofthe 2nd con ' . A,, )r. W. 0. A. or T. A. A. tionpri6e, . . Y. 'athm 8 : .1 i a , . - I . now bereft partner, 0 -Ine Will- wonla make a Christmas gift that - I - V - . . . - . I - ­.- - 'Aft. Peter Corrigan of town, hill' The Amborel or 4 minute Edison - . I 1. . I I . . L - enjoy ska Ia lace. A family of ten children were would delight any woman. -W. J. : 1. . I . I completed his 45th year as Treasurer recorits are now I o be heard at the . L I . I Sxwritm Suons.-To U11199 born. three of these having died since, Greer. : bome in and see our goods. _. -, & . 11 of Ilibloss township. , on att t. Wa _8WAn Lake, _ - . 11 - Headquarters For All Kinds * .. -e, They must, be heard I L e mustb&ve the correct Boo thoseL living al'a Win, in . - to show . I . " Hardware stoi - L have the proper Sk ngShoesin,both Ingliam. . We will be pleased _. . , *,* Mr, 0, F. EverR of f3oltonhasi been to be Appreciated. V& Man.t. Meg, Writ. Mills of Wt them to you and .),on will - ' _/ I I I - cured as Principal of our schools; to ' pe Us o Ila W Ladies' and Gents', Skates put an and Mary Thu's Frank R WONDERVUL MADAME WANDA Of Musical Instruments se t . free of . I 0 ate and I 11 L . , stlecieedJ. 0, Gordon, Who leaves for The Rifle Ch4b Is going to have A charge. -W. 1, Greer Henry at home. becoasea had been a EGYPTIAN PALMIST profit thereby. Call and : .1 I . * : match on Friday next, for - Conservative till his life and attended . I shooting i I . L I . London. No Sniall Potatoes. I I Iq In towry and ivill bti at tho Rr Wick - Fee U19. . . . 4 1 . - an oyster stipper, the losing side to. Miss Leo Kerr Is visiting relatives I the Metbodlis;t Church e Hothl Unti Monday ne.xt. Aladtts (I PIANOSO BmTHS -On Saturday last, to, Mr furnish the supper, ; - '! _ . At ' nn- I in Clinton. Owen Bound to remarkable for Move tookolaeo from biaL late residence, II)t reveals the mysteries of life, such Lis busit- See Our Window ug - i and rs. Win. Fisher, a son i on S than, Whiskey trials, though it has lots . n 12, oil Thursday, Rev. mr. ness. courtabip, lo ,o anA marriage. atvt,s for s . I I No more beatitiful o ,= day, to Mr. and Alre, Hugh IF indtater, , eje, p Information on all affairs. Don'r, miss this - . i I We Are all pleased to see Thos. Mutt I 1no. Chisholm Is home from Toronto of them. The Advertiser States, that fantily ,t] trance of secil hot and Rett ,g her advice, - . 11 ta ` ' ;;4cir, conducting the ser- - gestions. . . priate gift than & Piano, a daughter. onso Arowid again, but his hand i for the holidays. I " Tij the widow and 'S, , VP . I . ihem from, all the great makers. - Still In the 81113 and it Wilt be some - . a man in thattown has grown ota- vice. lie 'A. vlalt to Ma ame Wand& ut satisfy tho . 1i 1 1 P I - For flitioll, workm%riship and tone, Luokfiow Lodge, No. 112 toes so large that it Is imp6ssib a to riympat,by of the community is ex. r m, . 'L 1. 0, 0. V." time yet befot, e can usii It, Mrs. Sills hits returxidd from a visit .,,?, skeptleal. Aladarrid Wanda has Inado - 0_____-_-*_14- 1 . . 'is - dy, and noted to be 0.0 - -, I i they are unexcelled, and at right r atita ]&fft meetin elected the follow, The teacher of S. $, $o. 10, Xinlost . with relatives in Seaforth, get more than one In the pot At a time teaded, : Of the ityostmi'n'10'antuada, Readings -9 A.m. to - . . , - I I Ing ; and that after the whole family have - - . 10 P. m. . prices. 0 . - G., W. X, A. Mite, desires theL presence of the parents4, Dr. .T. P. Kdtinody and two daugh' partalcen of that potato, .there is Died fit Kenora. I ,- I . L - I ; refor -, N. G., N: McKenzie " V, .0. I or others interested In school work In ters spent Sunday in London. L . — : . 1 I cteairl - enou h left to f0ea two pigs, It Owen . now Active ,Death is I How regaril- I ,,.-__.,,,,, ... , 6A.......,,O,._.,,.^^ r I ,VIOLINS. 0, A , R. S.. U. V. xeXenzie It the opotionk an Moriday or Toesday, _ UP, and Mrs. Chas. Irvin 8 11W Wasn't a 'Local Option town legs of oar finest feelings, and how he . VTVVALL'Ey' S : . I We have tile largest And beat 0 ..0 1). Mallough I Treas., A, Dee, 31 9 of Taes- cilm "I - fl, - Ar . I I RM L ek ever shown In Winghara and. - :Roa" and % There will be no ex- Tvator were In'town on Sunday. I we Should suspect that the editor Of breaks in, upon Our lives. and instantly r1l I DRUG STORP, ate , The annual 11.0 11ome" held at, the LaMinatlon. With this ejoepticiti -of the Advertiser had been -but; ,no, It ioads the home with sorrow. The .WN ER TE . . i .. . a,t'PrI06S to atilt every person. We Town 'Hall, 'on Thotisda6y evening' by recita.1s. readings ai i4 dialogtipa, no Mrs' 11110, Lake Of Brussels VISItOd oatinot be, So the potato6a mIlAt Otherwige teqtive Season of Cbri8tmais , . . .. L r.. ­ . ._ , I 'the aVe 'Will 'he sadaexiL .. , I . . . . would Ask Violin plwyers to, dall Wembofsof0()urt Sh6rwootl, No. deviation will be m4de from tile rega- her patent -A, Mr. And Mrs. Z 808111411i have been enormous, and tonet h id by tha Own of . ''.. . and jadiga for Y'Ourselves, 50, 0. 0. F., su and tar routine of the school programme, for a, few days -last week. required two "Itifte" to grow OblaL hereaVdixtefit 10 Mr vs. Itfe- . I ­ .11 .. $ BY tile ObSerVitued of, tile jot, V OPENS . ­­ .. _. .11. I . . success. ,& Splendid ppogram wit OA 16 IS 4L U&I Mrs. W.. J. Sheffield and abu of Potato- I Craekim (And family) of town. They . ' r _. - _­ PHON001tAPHS'. tendered, inewing an 44cirebs b r. one In thn, school throughout "V Work I . y judger L Owen Sound Are 'Visitibg the totmer's. .. . received word last week of the ItInOgs , - .,. L. - ... ;'', 'L ­ ' , ,.­ ' *:­. ­ :,.­. .'':-d,., I gallit'et Harris, Also soleetione by tho., the year, the pa,rent can better . I JA.N,UAF'#,]L 4th It how his child fit using. his opportunity . 'NOthilig more Popular and, Lue'kriow Orchostmi which was touch sister, Mrs. W. S.Halnea, Former, Whighaithite Wedded. of their Aon William, who waq it book- tleading than & Phonogritp The , enjoyed, Refreshmpnts werei serve , to got equipped to t4ke, bi; place as a I Me, Geo. Tenant of l3raoebridge.has A-rx Oakland (California) papor ra. koepor, in thd West, The 111tross ,wits ­ I . . - . I !. discin has the new Amborel red- ' I all present had s the marriage of 6 former real. not (if lblig duration, for pneumonia . A Business - Ift expressions of trusted avid useful member of society. beon fit town visiting hiet aunt, Mrs, - POrt -, i d n SMarday . pleft,56 con Ale PrQ.pafta -to reinklin the dont of this town. Mi,­Stopboft G.- Pel. did itq work quickly X'4 0 A1099 YOUNd P90PLe . t ords Which play twice as long As , pr&l o for those who- Provided the Cartwright, tot, 6, few days. - "I * . .7 L I the old Ono. Every homo should . guson, morbing lie passed AWAY. 'the trPLIned by our blabagement than any - I A They are enjoyed by - tighter Of thamly:-A very qiile weddin . : I It ve one. vening's entertainment. day And you Shall be made welcome. Mrs. Win. 'Drew Ana da ton, brother ,of Mrs, J. U. Ver g WAS rot4afixa were brought home %Wdues- other hi Ootarlo. Great damand for oar I . Aduatk& an Bostne" Collogd Teftebers, Education, buth oia &xid,yoong. Mutilelptil, matters In Luckhdw are ThO_ S. O. S.00110ert Oil IV-oilfteaday Xineardide Are Visiting 'the formov's that of &JIBS Aja*601 Notith god Me.'Sw- dAy Aud will be Intorred in Dlut-valo I 'rivate 90crcitar(os, Oiffice At slqtarits, Ptil. . . Lvory quiet; among those mentioned night, la.vtr was qq1to it socoess, tot sister, Mrs. Jos. NlcN,14bhus. phon G. Velton of title. dity, *Vb0 Wk%1'e oeii*tory, this (Thuraday) 'Aftoe- Ir ermbodimont of the mirst Export. . We have A, special three ' r . united In marria gq Saticlar, Ifovember 116011, L tea event Ia Pad ern Systems known tit Business Set. li, V, and Mrs. Jno. Hamilton and , 01166, Wd fnvi,o eot'nPArl*on. 1111ireo lie. monthe' course for young': r RGANS. . for nomination for AoevA Are S. 4. only ftom it Anamial,fitandiinint, but 1. The unkluse PA : L)JAVO X great I Aridersoh, J. Joyrit, And At. Mitchell.. Also 'from the stdodpoint -of the critid, twenty-ninth, in Oakland, The oere,i ltideed 'r casting daik shadows nit tile , I We % t o children of ,Gilbert Plains, Man,, joyrtal Mettleon of &PProirching Christ- pattmouts. Minted by skilled Itrattuctars, . oumbdl! Of The councillors i3f t1rial year will In till In that there was A, 0041 prograiii. &td W ittony took plAce to the. shidy of the . inen, It in bolled down-roal .1 . P.I.Or In Xinjoso L.,%n Appreoi&tIV6 And 11114s.. Aspeolally Upon Mts. McCrack- 11 sacolid-hpid Organs* taken- In bit- listbility be totutnea. Audience, Mro Frank are visiting re'At'ves 'a tow" FirAt Mettici-Alat Church, And was Pop- COMMERCIALI business -, contains just what. I I 6410gill for Pianos. SOWS of thefu e s , D. A. ,McDonald# Hen peoupted the ab&lr. Mr. Cline's I violtity. formed by the Rev. Geo, White, In #n, tho Aged mottlet ,of the d000(ood, I I . have ool: been. tit use, s, few I I'M be I the blow fall heavily, The yoting - I yott ,waitt, a knowledge of ' , Ing urged to again topresont, Ana iss Griffin's singing wito mtj,64 Mr. W. $. Arinour, manager tit the the presenp of mi-tereari Bonar and dnea . "L" I months, All In flest-olaos Octal.. ma"tt Wit$ Well known In this, let ity, I I the township at the 0ounty,0ootiall; 'enjo?ed, It the hearty paeoiroo they `Wt . ArmoUr estate, left on Titesaity , I , V n businew m6thods, . ,qr.' J, Horbarb Bennett, Intimate . 1. . . .11 qW- twu. 'Will be told 'Very 011"PAtra otbisirs who tro ineotioned as aspivant,4 nAor I ^ for $6 business trio to Victor- friends of ilia yonn couplix, After a hit'vIn L I I 11 '. . * , T , on sasy tomil. "I onlid and hits 0 01., lla,nt$k ,of Molv1s. Her u," in him V , I %spentlifs boyhood days In the TELP,01tAPHY. vad be t4kort om a pi6.4 )ft. . * I Come In for three mouths. , . ato 0o"ditlor A, MoLoquan &xid Mai) . Win, 4014 11001 The Adr&n". ,-,veading bt-oakrast. IV. and Mrs. Pdi... tolwifts 1p , Ifft[I ("orrx%" Ift all nrialnon (!011ogo arid . I : I i P. e r %1" Land was uninarried. ti :- I .y. The cost . I Jobutton. Ift Asbilliold theLdiMl t .% tivAted thopea 100V op Me Out ill 4 PtWP01`0149 trip 4nd 606 ton left oil it honeytitoon trip not'LLIJ. 4. q, yral t, ligh School subjecta. titart tit Januat I .: 9witig m0cwtios, . tiott by -taw will be voted odr * and T tl ilia-, past, to the rattirof -et And fttt1`A­­_ looiaokeli And family have Mindoro . Is Aniall. I . ; ­ I " I , . I 4eeva $tothoro wil kn1j.410 Of Whftf -968tgr lint"16 JR049 r. .1 Tha bride Ia a IlWi 1). sympathy in their sorrow, , . I I I In At lrol)4W y , h ,if r! V11, and in well, and favorabl OW L. . . We keep a very large stopk . - I _ " I . .of fti.erfc4ll rprttIrtted to of, 0,6, Irl r OV %, %_ I r - . t , ymr Wingham ­ m be . , W IT, fdo 4anocatite igbIrind fling I n this her holue city, while - , both 0anadlAn &ad 4 ra,4&0(te, All, is Irloft Mt. CUT-latiM.As Shoos for mrybo, yi, tot, is the well kno pa" Lighitainif 111tch Rockey Shods-, I I ,,, . ''IT itfitatl1rdS. Tf Yron tire 60,n_ wavoA Coanel,ftr Ab4non I's ret r%loall"SW110111 A Wn build-er and con- d L The Kennedy School ., . I paill ! poriecl to bib refirug from raouiolp,41 nall-Alld % (4.111pipre, 411 Of fathatt Motharl Afbti)ro, i)roLth6r, tracitor, 'Thei b6tt- t1at loc. Also k1i i , Wstitilmt fig pqrdliaolng a, mAchloo, I ^*,Jn6 L tt 'Waali . : k 11 ,e otliftl me bel"99 which were btailtillty 6%0014te j. f4r. U44161 aunt# gtandmal graAdpa, SP 'a on, Business Colleg%,- ,- , PAY you to 401 ,iatl Boo L W,M,(yVJ et.,141 prl(tes to,, crA,h ,no 11,11 IbA, 41RU1119411:011110 ho-owdy O'Dea and the:: Adelaide St. 9. . - . 191A Si, 110'alo sat7r TA1Q I I 'S oomt Ia sin-gi, grij,ht lieW &004, $ at IoWd$t pritogg , ,*4' 11,6,W "V..*1,4 . 11 i 4116000 be it- 4 d, Ia Lwknow', th* I , I ," I i 1001 " Ift-A , fa"r$d rig$ iture till No S. _tighVip $jh*,t* Stt,pii, NIMPAT* - . T 0 R. 0 N T 0 .1 ; . I "I *31 -Is & Co. 11 IL : I ,fl , I I I ,,, ILW, ,opqiioiioiiiWW.' .'. --' ­_­ ___­­ optiol .-tfaw *1111 to voted out , with Pitt i walli. I Co. GraoOP14 ral'biturti store, , . r L '1111 i a of tit * yea,r's &b 010101, SPOTT014, ­­ r I 11 - 4V 11 ^^0*AVNA6 r: I . I I I I ."-:r - ' '. 11 I I I I LI I 0 . . .1. " ,ir . . .** "I ; o I ^1? , r, L I . , 0., , , 11 , I ,A, . . 4b I , - 4, :, , , '. ".." '. 1 1 ., , 11 i , I I , . I . T I . ,' , , '. 4 1 #0 % 1 . . 11 11 . I . , I r, I 1111 Lx'.. ., I - . . . . , V. 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