HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-12-10, Page 8%t 7 -7 ;7 77' THR WINGHAN ADVANOB, THURSDAY, ID13CEMBFit 1,0t 19o8, Wroxoter, Lucknow. Miss Bonthron of Hensall Is visit, I Alt'. And, Mrs. X, W, Henderson lot; Lev folster, Mrs. Q. D. Simpson. ont, over Suuday wltb XIP Miss Mary. Sanderson returned from "% an exteudod visit with frie"Ids at W. ft. Reld of AsIlof UIDATORS Z5A E old pwod. Away PAY ATIY 0"MRNT is Ottawa And Toroi oto, on Monday 6010 An attack of poritqni. NAIDID BY U3 M108 GertiQ 1-141-VIO has returned tt% Deceased was. well-known and, ea, front Tot -onto, where sbe was vl,�Itlaa 0 n ANI) SOrD very highly osteewed audhior death t or REP M DMECT TO YOU her sister, Other relatives and friends, deapIr regretted, Our merchants have a great dis. ROV. 0. W. Sanders, rector of St. Xruas.. oods, which. will meet Peters church, and Rov. Air, Collins of play 0 hes of t is most fastidious i Exeter, exchanged pulpits on Sunday, tbowi�o f, And Hanna Bros. $30,000, Stock Genepal Merchandise Unless you are a man who appreciates good values and know when you exacting purchaser, 'Vile latter proachIng anniversary ser, vices In St. Helens., are getting value for your money. ' We h.%ve opened ail exclusive Clothing Mr. J, Patterson has charge of the Hugh McMillan, A pioneer of X,11. electric light plant in 'Brussels. Thope loss townshi I p, olled At, his Itoine.,lot 10, Store in Dr. J. Wilson's block (opposite National hotel) and are after your 14 no doubt that he will give good mt. The buyers of Wingham, and vicinity have' their, first opportunity to rairl the isfaction. Re is YOX7 indusWous in con,,&eon Sanday morning: f pQxn heart - of splendidly assorted mercbandist.- gathered together Clothing trade. Advert!Sillg tempting prices ill Paper', or lots of reading matter� any work he, undertakes, 0,6 Interlite"t took place in enormous and select stock k - I�inloss cemetery on Tuesday after- by Hanna Bros, and are now ordered to be slaughtered by the assignee, will not get it. We must, as they say in Missouri, "Show You" and we are Mr. Allen Rae, After spending a few noon, months In this locality on business, Ev�ry day throughout Decem 0 Is At the 1;901ar meeting of Court prepared to do it, We can give you several reasons why you should buy returned to. la home in Radl$on, a ber this sale will be c ntinued. Orders 4rt ,9ask� Tile many friends wish him, Sherwood , 0. 50,. 0. 0. X1 hold Now impQrative, The stock simply must be cleared out, thus you will find every ard cle your Clothing from, us. every success, in the great ' , , day evening, the following officera West for 1900 -were elected W. j, in every department sweepingly bunderprlced.. The people will instantly respond A carload of turkeys was shipped Douglas; V.Q,R., W. J., Macgregor; to such radical values in seasona le goods so come early 'and get better attention, let—Ours is, an ex:oltisive Olothing IStore—we pay, attention to no other line froin here for Winnipeg. Robt, R.S. 0 it, Graham; F,S.,. J. H. Agnew. but Clothing. ThompsQzi of Brussels and M. A. Rae Trpas�, D. R. NoInt4b; Chap.,. Goo: were. Mr, Thompson's buyers, It is Potter; Win, Spindler; T.W,, 2nd—We manufacture every garment ourselves, therefore are prepared to sald that they were the finest lot of D Towers; S.B., Doti. McOharlw; guarantee them to you as WE KNOW whaf they are made from fowl seen for a long time. J.B., Win, R. Johnston; C.Dep,, Win. Great Inducements In Fur Department. and how they ore made, A] number from here attended Bitrr�; Delegate to High Court, Dr., A. 19"911ee services on Sunday and the J, I AL Spence, The aunual "At Home" Every article in this huge stock froin. Children's Se�ts at $3 00 and No, I Rich Lamb Coat at weial on A19nday evening at Blue will be held Thursday evening. The $175,00, is so radically underpriced as to make this department one of the busiest in the store. 3rd—You will save the profits of the middleman (the man who buys from They had . %vale. speaker of the evening will be R. B. the jobber or manufacturer). 4 Mot enJ 7able time' Harris, organizer, -who, assisted by There wits & larg: atteno3ance at all 4th—You get a better selection to choose from. the services, The Bluevale Presby- local talent, will furnish a choice pro- terians are to be congratulated. I gram. Dress Goods -and SUItingS At A Price, Mr. Noble of Montreal was in the �.0_4 We could give you several other reasons but we feel confident that a visit village last week and made arrange- The entire stock of new Dress Goods, Suitin ments for . the 0 ening Of a printing Pordwich. gs, Silks, etc., are So radically under" to our �store will convince you that what we say is the truth. And job W is understood that priced that they will be the first to go. Ile I, of"co' cate in the Grand Con, Miss Viola Fallis spent over Sunday tral,43 going to 10 3lock. Re ith Harriston friends. expects to be ready by 1�' Chriatmas with the first issue of his DonN—On Dec. 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Remnants, and Ends. paper. Win, Wallace, 12th con., a daughter. A table will be filled up with ends of from 2 to 5 yards, marked at such prices as will make them Our young pbople's expectations are Dr. McNaughton has decided to good buying., raised to a high'pitch these days, as move to Brussels, much to the regret OFFERs our rink is elpoected to open in a few of his many friends here. $1.50 Silk Eolienne $1.10. ISPECIAL TWO WEEKS' days. We an erstand that Mr. B 4 D Match is to be in charge. We hav� MAiturnp—In Deliele, Sask., on ress Ponds only, lovely satin stripe Silk Hollenne in dainty shades for evening wear, exclusive reason to believe that he will Nov. 7tb, 1908, Miss Mary Moore to in style, rich in appearance, durable in wear, regular $1.50. Special per yard .................. $1,10 every Mr. R, 1). Milne of Log.anton, Sask., make the evenings very pleasant for all who may indulge in skating. formerly of Fordwich. As a special two weeks offer for the opening of our New Store we are Mr. John Booth left on Monday for Editor Watterg is -nursing a very sore lip, being, , a cane I erons growth, Great Sweep In Ladies' Furnishings. going to put on sftle about 500 Suits and. Overcoats at prices which will, Toronto, where he has secured a lucra- He has a plaster on it this week, tive position. We congratulate �iin when you. consider the quality, make and style, cause you to sit up and on his position; he is very deserving which we hope will give a permanent Here you will have a chance of a life -time to store away most acceptable Christmas of such. He proved himself to be an care, in obliging and painstaking business If ew 4!4 take notice. So whether you are in need of Clothing now or not, come '' I Gifts at a price. and look around. Our salesmen will be pleased to show you goods. man, He will be very much missed 6 in the social and musioal circle. East Wawanosh. 92.00 Mocha Gauntlets $1,25. Remember for the first two weeks of our opening only, will we put on - t I - Report for S, S. No. 9, Bast 'Wawi- Ladies' finest Brown Mocha Gauntlets, wrist wide and deep, Regular $2.00. Special .............. $1.25, FEEBLE OLD LADY. nosh:— Class V—Ricliard Deacon; this special offer, so bring your friends and your'pocket books, the oppor- class IV—Verna Taylor, Pearl Dea co tunity is here—grasp it. p, Gwendolyn Currie; Class Ill— $�.2.75 Twelve Button Kid Gloves $2.15. Margaret Pocock, Earnest Shiell, [ins Strength Restored By Vinol. Genuine French Kid Gloves, 12 button length, Perrin's guaranteed stock, in white, black and tans, Harold Ourrie; Sr. II—Annie Currie, Regular $2.75. Special ................... ............................ .............. .... $2.15 Fiona Deacon, Helen Deacon;. Sr. Pt. Mis. Michael Bloom of Lewistown, II—Harold Reid, George Pocock, Pa., who is 80 years of age, says: Percy Shiells; Jr. Ft. II—Alex. Lea- Belts and Collars. P. S.—Special Order Department A Specialty. "F or a long time I have been so ebe ver, Helen Pocock a -ad Verna Elliott, that I have had to be wheeled around equal, Charlie Currie; Pt. I—Jas. Per- Newest and berst 50c Fancy Collars and Belts, special ................................ ............... 38c in an invalid's chair. I had no 'clue, Jno. Tetylor, Kathleen Kerr. Newest and beat 25a and 35.- Fancy Collars and Belts, special ...................... ........ 19c All clothing bought from us will be pressed absolutely free of charge. strength and took cold at the slight- Average attendance 27. A. L. Laww 8 provocation, which invariably set- rence,teacher. Fanc Back Combs Underpriced.' le on lungs, And a cough would y resul t. son learned of the cod Genuine hand carved, handsomely set Back Combs, every setting guaranteed or comb replaced. liver reparation called Vinol, and Combs specially bought for� Christmas trade. procure 0, ottle for me. It built up RHEUMATISM RECIPE. $125 Value, special . ._ ... ................... I ....... I ...... 05C Taylor =Anderson., Co., U-m-fited my.strength rapidly, and after taking $1.00 value, special ..................................................... . three bottles I ant able to do m. . ....... 650 ost .75 value, special ...... ...... .......... I ......................... 50c of my work, and I can walk a quarter A well-known Authority on Rhea - of a mile easily. Every aged or weak matism, gives the following valuable, EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS person who requires strength shoald though simple and harmless, prescrip- try Vinol. I am delighted with what tion, which any one can easily prepare it has done for tne." at home: Men's. Furnishings 'Underpriced, OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL WINGHAM, ONTARIO As a body builder and strength Fluld Extract Dandelion, one-half creator for old people, delicate child- ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; ren, weak run-down persons, and af- Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three t matters not what you look for, new Fancy Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, sepirate ter sickness, Vinol is unexcelled. If Ounces, Vests, Hosiery, fancy and plain Shirts, Gloves and Mitts, Underwear, Hats it fails to give satisfaction we will, re- Mix by shaking well in a bottle, and and Caps, you will find such, reductions as these below. turn take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. J. 'W2ton AicKibboni,. druggist, Wingham. He states that the ingredients can Morris. 1, - �i mew W W. -N be obtained from any good prescrip- 50c Cashmere Hose 38c. ALMA LADIES COLLEGE, St. Thomas, Ontario Mrs. D. McCutcheon, who spent the tion pharmacy at small cost, and, be - $150,000 endownient, hence summer at Milestone, Assa., returned RAW FURS. — We ng of vegetable extractioD, axe harm- The entire range of imported English Cashmere Hose, daintily embroidered or plain black, regular pays all charges for regular course want all 1 50c. Special ................. I .......... .- $200 home a week ago. less to take. ....... I ............ ......... ... 11.11 ................ 8se first-class advantages at vety including Latiu, 14rench, German, kinds of Raw Furs, for which we This pleasant mixture, if taken reg - reasonable rates. Science, Pianoforte, Drawing, with board, room Mr. Robt. Work of Toronto, who is will pay the highest cash prices.— ularly for a few days, is said to over - For Catalogue, addreas laundry and library for one year. visiting at his home in Grey, spent a, GEO. E. KING. come Almost any case of Rheumatism. 15c Fancy Excelda Handkerchiefs I Oc. S "Tbe Rezistrar." Separate apnrtment for younger pupils. day visiting Mr, and Mrs. W. Robb. The pain and swelling, if any, dimin- Finest Excelda Handkerchiefs, plain And fancy centres and borders, large size, reg. 15c, Special.... 103 W. J. Scott, 2nd line, returned last ishes with each dose, until permanent week, after a very pleasant trip results are obtained, and without in- thioughtheWest. HevisiteaatVir- Grey. juring the stomach. While there are 90c Ribbed Wool Underwear 63c. don, Hamiota, and other places. Don't forget the school concert at many so-called Rheumatism remedies, Tiger Brand, firm ribbed, Wool Underwear, unshrinkable, regular 93c, Special ...................... 63c No. 4; it promises to be laughable and patent medicines, etc., some of which A special ineeting of the Council do give relief, few really give perma- was held on Monday to consider the the music high-clsss. Date, Dec. 2�.. nent results, and the above will, no DON'T GO TO BUSINESS advisability of submitting a By-law to On Tuesday, 14th inst, the Epworth doubt, be greatly appreciated by many $1.25 Gloves and Mitts 93c. authorize the borrowing of money for Leagues and laymen of Ethel circuit sufferers here at this time. An immense range of Gloves and Mitts, heavy and light weights, will be out for you to make bridges, instead of 1 �vyfng it in the will tender a. missionary banquet at Inquiry At the drug stores of this E year's taxes and w1eping it off At Ethel to the Rev. J. L. Stewart of neighborhood elicits the information COLLEGE UNTIL YOU -W PEAD THIS F. RE your choice from, regular $1.25. Special ...................................... ................... 930 once. China. Mr. Stewart was a probation- that these drugs are harmless And can Mrs. F. 0. Taylor of Gorrie spent er on this circuit some years ago, and be bought separately, or the druggists last week at the home Of her parents, his return is looked forward to with here will mix. the prescription for our HOUSE FURNISHINGS REDUCED. OK Mr. and Mrs. John Roo. Aceompa� much delight. readers if asked to. Everything in Carpets, Rugs, Draperies, Curtains, Window Shades, etc., etc,, are included in this big sale. nied by her two sisters, Mrs. T. Scott On Wednesday of last week U16 It in immonsely ImportanL that and Miss Martha, they made a pleas- beautiful home of Teasdale Whitfield, CAT 'A L you should get all the Inlormation and helpful visit to their �Bister, Mrs, 14th con., was the scene of a ve�y The same Astounding reductions are Applied to Millinery, Mantles, Skirts, Waists, Underskirts, abouL a college baf�rc you enroll D. McOutcheon,,on Wednesday, pretty wedding, when Miss Amelia Whitewear or Underwear for Ladies; Shirts, Trousers, Vests, Rainco,,tts, Heavy Jackets, Overcoats, as a student. Your succew de� The electors of Morris will vote on became the bride of Angus D. Brome. Sweaters, Hats and Caps for Men and Boys. Don't delay, the earlier the better. pends upon your cloice, Local Option at the municipal elee- At five o'clock, Mrs, Wilson took her Be assured the same courteous treatment awaits you froin the same salespeople you have been Qr Fee Catntodue tells all i%baut tion, and it is thought the By-law will place at the piano and the bridal used to buying from. 4- otir M&-! t ot Teaching—why we turn carry- It must be acknowledged party took their places under an artis- Now For It 0 -P tj �nd. tically arranged Arch, from which sus - It c -m i6e, however, that at present, the ratepay'- BY ORDER OF OSLER WADE, 'ASSIGNEE. "rativva out w' and S, ho dolfifl. S110y"01swit.iloyOub pended a large bell. The young cou- nd �.urv., i. ers are perhaps more concerned as to ofth- Bu3ines.Educktor's Association's who shall represent Christmas Groceries—Fruits Dipt—ik. A.d thlo largo, handsomft them in the next ple were nnattended, little Miss Fonda enL to you FRE -t as flower girl —Candies—Nnts, &c. They're 111ust'atod 1,00� W111.6 6 Council, and the keeping of their tax- Wilson doing her ai by, return Of Mal if Irou -ill just send rate down to the minimum. admirably. Rev. 3. Henderson per - I all here. The biggest and best us four am* an4 d s. formed the ceremony. After hearty Farm For Sale. Students admitted any time! Mr. and Mrs. W. Robb have return, congratulations all were invited to, the selection yet offered. Compare ed from a long and eDJOyablO trip Of dining room, there to partake of tbo the qualities and you'll find First-class farm, pleasantly situat- h -rest The rorest City six months to Manitoba and the many good things Ritchie & Cosens Spealal Opening September and January h MusIness ame, Shorth2nd College Northwest. They are heartily wel- kind hostess., The prepared by the ed, adjoining Bluevale. station, lots LONDON, ONTARIO comod back to Mon where they are gifts bestowed THE PRICES RIGHT. 20, 80, con. 1, Morris, 100 acres, all Jtoga,, alle a. I.W.Westmelt, J.W.Westom%j upon the young couple were of high cleared except 12 acres, well fenced, TRY Mndpal vic�,,P,11241�. comfortably settled �sr a time They order , testifying to their esteeni, a There, are it REAL ESTATE nd and in good condition. visited at Winnipeg, Gladston�, POrt- after'theIr return from Orillia, Choy A full line of Navels IlAr e bank barn, large brick house MaIC011H,S AND INSURANCE age, Lauder. Napinka, P1 vobisher and Sonoma Of very Orang 8 ant kitchen, with frame summer kit- Ofil,e ,, d will settle down on the groom's farm, choicest quality. ton, Calgary, Edmonto 4th con. chen, brehard.4 never -failing Maidstone. Coming home they spent Front, per Doz ........... 20c to 00c spring F 4 F " * .'k well, an artesian well With wto, nearly a month at Tottenham. Jamestown., Salem. As Nomination day- approae STARTLING STATEMENT. othing nicer. pped lo house and barn; pit pen and hes, Nicer still it fioul t y house, 18x5O, wit cement Fam Propepties. changes are evidently likely in the oors� frost -proof silo# lftft. Ten Intq, weather has brightened We Are pleased to report that 111iss you get the The wi Cranbgrries P 0 R things up in our bu L Council. The Reeve, Mr. Goo. Taylor, of H. right hind. Two qualities. acres of good corn will go with the rg izzle Ellicott is on the mend. is likely to dro ont, and it Is reported It's Statements Like That l8c and 20o For Quart. farm, it the latter is sold before corn Some exceptional values in 'We are pleased to see Mr, J. AT. Mil- Mr. Goo. Muir spent Sunday last that Conn, Nel� Taylor will be a candi- is harvested, Apply on premises. NEW' RAISINS Farms. If you want one, it will ler out again after his recent illness. with his sister, Mrs, Win. Abraham. date and perhaps Coun, 0. Campbell Heyman, Kingston, Ont., That our Candies— SAS. B, NICOL, Proprietor. - pay you to see us. We are sorry to say Mr. JAs. Simp. altio. Mr. McCutcheon has not yet Is Making Mi -on -a World Hoaps� of thein, Bluevale P. 0. CURRANTS There , Mrs. 'Win. Weir entertained a few will .0 ntions publicly. Candies See a ipidk and The good old Province of On - week. !ends at het home on Thursday af- Ootin. Shw t again be a can. choice. Oar. popular pr 068 are— son, Jr., is on the sick list this fr announced his inte Famous For Obstinate Mrs. Duncan MacDonald of Kinoar- ternoon last. didate, but an excellefit young maii Stomach Complaints. Per Lb.... ... w-100 and 160 DATES PEELS tarict is all right. di'ne is Visiting her sister, Mrs, Job, Mr. and Mrs, R, Aghton of Gorrie will offer himself as a candidate, Mr. 8pf Figs We've 1gob them—Cooking MINCE MEAT King. 3tit Sunday last with Mr. And Mrs. W. Sas. Johns - ton. Nothing like get- Mr. H, Heyman, 132 Colborne sk,, Natutal Pulled, Larg6l . tl the young men into the harness, Kingston, Ont., says., I'M! -on is Mr. Matthew Moses has Arrived Albert Gallaher. ing a, In paekag6 or bulk home from visiting his brother in Mr. Jacob Willits left oil Tuesday and W* J* ought to give, a good worth its weighb lit gold as a rome Pressed, Small Pressed&_ Town 'Propepties Xincardine. last for Godericb, where he I account of himealf, if elected. to care long4standing cases hriftas an ew will act as of dyspep There was a very enjoyable time one of the jury men. An excellent sacred concert was tia. For years I had 'suffered with 9AISMS ANJD CURPANTS OP EVERYTHING At riglit prices. We have a spent tit the home of Sarfies Strachan, Mr. Orval McIntosh, who has b given in Ebenezer MethddiAt Church. my stomach and could find no cure THE 111011EST QUALITY. IF eon on Friday evening of last week no" even relief. I could not eab any. Yetatl, Excurgiong NEW AND r, RESH number of places admirably suit - last Thursday evening, visiting friends at Jamestown and Brief were given by M s YOU IIAIVE141T tiOU611T YET - ,k. cogn AMD Stri, THEM. ed for retired farmers. No pret- Grey, returned last wee addresses thing, as it would sour and form gA - Mr. Duncan MacDonald, our Mer- John Kerr of Wingliam, Rev. Mr, on MY stomach. Helmy, pains would - Between all stations in Canada, FOR THE chant, has tot in 9, lar�e consignment The many friends of Air. Joseph West of Blue q. W, Rivers coine around my sides and pit of MY ORAPES, DATPES, LAY -ti It PLAN- I also to Detroit, Porb Haron, Mich,, tier or healthier town hi Ontario Kitchen are ploAsed to learn that he is of Belgrave """" R`i�v-p&stor of the stoniach. I was unablo to ) for - INS, &o., td4o on hand. gara Falls XMAS. BAKING. than Wingbam. Property bought of fowl In t o last few tLays. Awl. the steel Buffalo, Black Rotk, Nia Quite a number front this, vicinity gaining in strength again. church. Miss Brook of Witigham this and there wits nothing to relieve and Suspension Bridge, N. Y. t gavo tw ood readin 8, and the wymiserablo condition. I was weak here can always be re -sold, I ook In 'the old time services in con. We Are sorry to learn that Master Wingh 0 And languld And would feel as tired in &M ethodist arch choir bectiOn With Bluevale Presbyterian Charlie Westialto is not Improving I a At Siogle Fare church last Sunday, n gave several selections. Solos were the MoMing As on going to bed and Chinaware. Produce Wanted, lidalth, but we hope eta long Ile may venhy, Mt.s. Ilobt, Bsattle And F. T, I)OIrApiration Would break oat till over Good going Dec. 24th and 25th, Air. Duncan Taylor of cob.% Grey, be able to go Around again. In od . I would be so weak from If yott want A Batgain Ili 1908. Returning until Dec. 28th, MI. and the m0e qu&rtetto also gave yorniting that I would fall to my - ChittAwar6, thig is the stotd to 1008, Also good going Dec. 818t, sold his fitle farm toJ Mr. Lstwrence two selections, Mr. Buchanan Witig- - Ritchie & cosens W1100let, Of the same township, fol, 660 01 too —o"A ham, o6enpied the chair. The'ro was nees. My head would ache and come to. We've stacks of It. lfft, and Jan.1st, 1000', lieturning the tidy mum of $6,0W, - a fair Attendance present, and the pro, 6 ('118 of dizzlnogd Wbuloi leave ine uh- n1XXn1z nnLil Jan. 4th, 1000. Ai I MALCORM Turnberry. gram was much enjoyed. a Is to see. Doctors had termed the REAL ESTATE AND hzr. D. MacDonald, oar merchant, trouble gasttitfs, hub failed to benefit TIMA Sr1,TS At Fare Aftd One Third quite t nice Asgorttn6pt of Christ. The following Iq the standing of the S.0 41 me. I tried Mi-on.a, which I proeut. Good, going Dec. 2lAt to Dec. 25th L J you should visit his storo Pupils Of S. 8, No, 5, Turnberry, for ed at Walton MoXibbortla on advice of ITIAA goodo, TOILIVT1 1�111FITS and ARE YOU GOINa TO OUEL�fl ? 1008. Returning until Jan. 5th: got YOU Wants Supplied. alobtli of Nov -.—Sr. 4th—Rosfi Ander. a friend. which has Carta hie PAXCY CITINA IWO. Also good' going Dec. 28011 There waq 9 meeting hold in Jameg. son. Cornelist Yeo. Jr. 4th—J&not else failed. I Am sound And 2,,�,IolnanL4'i ohifta%Vate at JOW66t I", to San, Ist, imo. Returning Prin e, Possle Pringle, Ada McGill, if tio, take advantage of tho reduced feel grateful to Afl-on-a, for my present Gone Astray,, town on 111rid&y la4t In connection f3r. Lenard MeLean, Andrew r&te$ Olf(�Jted by I - Every bi6 of E. AS BY trio Grand Trunk hestltb." until Jan, Stb, IWO* with gatting the telephone installed. Pringle, Nelmo,n Reid, Port. McLean, R&IIWAY System, Account of the "Out- ItSL About Oot. 20th, from the owner, a JOBBING CARPENTER. . onald wift elected preal- Sr. Sra—Oordon Adair, Roy Htstl &rIO Provindltd, F Air." Return tiekoto Ml -on -a tbat places It far, And $twa 10or Qdk6ta aytd, full in-totmatl6ri, P-11 01 red heifer rising three years. Infor. Mr. D. Mo the known reanitA obtained by dout - Mil Pollock vice-president -.Mr. N thal Hastin #, Gartle Deana. 2nllf at Single fare froni all Station$ In. Ont- Above All other roft)(1a'aa And confIr y a son'' I I WN W. H)Wltltv Toft Agahb, br *00to tnation gladly received by the under- CbWtles i6rftst, se�crethry. It is i� be Alvin Hitatfrgs, Pt. Itt Arlo* West ofxInstAton, Goodgolag Walton MoKibbon lit offering to, ml�a! they get it, A414 thA pdople of this D6&,ne. TAwrevea Me n, — 11 8 0 J. 00 MeDonald 810ed- All Work p Lea 111orymte"1111 daily, until Dee. 11th. to Return -limit fund the money It MI -on -a fails to care NWO Oateftffet A*6ht6 T6rotkt*0 L row tly attended to. .1; U311:11t:r ara In, Aead of bonvaulatiolb XeGill, Oftoo Tacker, Peotrl MotLdAn, t)aa. 14. Soottre tlako from Gr&nA StOMA011 0011bld, 80 060til bOtK. n Py UPI 11 Or%O. WAttA09, of", kluld. Lot 28, oon, 8, RA'A Wnwmomh PveAid0D00—W101t. 111nt116 Xohti Md, Wob HAitigh. Trubk Agents, noll6f In W6nty-foar hours. 11,0111111 at, Auglustifte Z 0, PAW* Ottbato, IQ *Aa