HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-12-10, Page 50
and Fit
The 2oth
Brand of
tailored Garments
Has No Equal.
Th"y possess a Btyle
which other makers cau-
not imitate with the
same degree of, success.
McGee & Caim-pbell
Clothiers and Men 9 s rupnisheps
i44"IBIL4.1 lw�i 11 6; 1 ww, -".An hWil LLA i6&dwi .1 11 h4wi
7r�tf . �111?7
zo Cattle 61aukhtored. ns il 4
The largf.t Jiieoh Vold stock farm at I I VA I
-A �� . I I . . � Ur. 13. T. Xavtner. of $ebrInSvillo
Rua Falls, ont., Is being turned _J
slill),yed, & carload of -pickling onions
into a slailflitei vard by the quarno,
COW.141air of about 40,000 Ilia, to, the
tine otylcil� 9. Over 150 cato ex
Ing f1 ollit e suit Our Entire Stock of Ladies' west on Nov. 25, ThI$ to something MERRV CHRISTMA
d e, , th disease weJ10 Very linusual, for as far as is known,
stroyeil,. a 175 -foot trench dog
and noone else from Ontario ever shipped
the cows buried as soon as Wiled, and as large A'�qnantlty of vioklipg onions
coveted with quick lime, After tile at one time.
seboxitilighter the premises W f Coats Will Positively
f :d. 111 be -dloln- Bruce County, HospitAl. Christmas Presents -In
Do Your Rars Ring ? Five years agothe County of Bruce
Be Sold at Cost. Started �vlth a legacy of abotit $8,000
4 TIAA is the beginning of chronic
.1 -1 to establish a general hospital, Up to
catan h. It not checked, the result Is the present time the. Trust Board have
deafnesq, A simple remedy that 7 invested $25,600, on xylilch there Is a
M1111f, physicians advice 10 to slowly rnortgage indebtedness of, only $3,0W, Great Variety At Isard's.
a I inha 6 410Atarrhozone" it few times with no floating liabilities, The hoe -
I each The whole stock Is brand new goods, all this season's pital bas 27 be a tot- patients, and in
9,k bought for spot cash from the best makers,, therefor furnishings and equipment the bisti-
aition and hearin Improves at once. tution is a pride to the county of
Head uoises, buzz ng ears are Cured. ere are uneqtfalled by any house, Yes, the store is full of them, Come right in
e % offered, li
Bruce. There is no indebtedness on I
vor Catarrh nose eve argailis
al deafness, throa. u in tile jarge cities, On Saturday morning, December
, , t, maintenance account, And the ladies —YOU are always. welcome here, Look around—
and lung Catarrh there is probably no the Fifth, this Gre4t Sale will open and continue from day of the county have raised $4,135 to-
i-eii1edy,go efficient, to day until the last garm taining the hospital. you will find Useful and Sensiblo Christmas
ent is sold-11first come, best. ward main
The New City.. serveO. Presents displa ed in every depa ent. We
While this Great Sale is going on, every other depart. Only One Painless Corn Cure, y every rtnI
Cochrane is the name of a new city make shopping easy for you here, thing marked
ment of our attractive stooks will be carefully looked after, Hundreds have tried, but no one
to be built in the north of Ontario, id 'veq attrac- as succeeded in making as good a in plain
i It is situated at the junction of the particular attention being paid to our new ar b figures and at the lowest price, J ust a few
Ontario provincial railway with tire I remedy as Putnam's'Painless Corn Ex, suggestions below of some useful presents for Ladies
tive Christmas goods, Come and see them.
11 Grand Trunk Pacific, and no doubt tractor, li?� by for the best, beware and Gents.
1 will be an important point in, the of substitutes f6r Putnanilo.
i futurec,though at present the I city Trade As usual and Cash always.
exists Ily in imagination. It is 5W Ordered To Pay Claim.
miles north of Toronto, and it is said Some months ago Thos. Harris, a
to have a touch better climate than Compliments of the Season to each and all. prominent cattle buyer of Ripley, was
Winnipeg, Itlieomuchfurthersouth arrested on the strength of a warrant Ladies' Wear.
tban. riiiiny of the principal cities of issued by the Traders Rank of Ripley,
'I L4 arope. . The towusite lies high in -a w with obtaining money
rolling country, well wooded with false pretenses. At the trial LADIES' HANDIKERCalEFS in plain, hematitched, fancy emtr
white birch and poplar. In the centre in Walkerton, Harris was acquitted of
M GORDON broidered and initialed Lawns, also plain and fancy Silk
of Ae, for which one thousand acres
have been reserved, tbere is a fine the charge, and a few weeks ago he Hdkfs, Prices range frora 5o to $1.00, See our special line
body of turneX around and sued the Traders .0o each or two for ....... 25o
water, Commando Lake, Bank for $15,000 damages for false
which will be a featuro of the future arrest and prosecution. The Bank BILE COLLARS AND FRILLI� G"S.,-, 'A' , I*a* r*g* e* , a'gs*o'r6* in"e'n't, 'of 'ali
city ; very pretty Silk Collars at 20c,
ed,�TlieCoixiiiiissioneraliaveresery entered a counter claim against Haro kinds of Ladies' Neckwe
'Ixty7,qix foot boulevin:d around rig for hills of exchange and at the 36a, 60o, 76c, $1,00. A sparial bargain at,. � ................. 26o
this lake, and intend to take every
trial which took place recently Harris LEATHER GOODS.
means to keep the Water pure find was ordered to pay into court . $5, . 597.- -We never had such a fine range of Lea -
uncontaminated. It will provide the ther Goods; never so cheap. Wrist Purses ................ 25c
town's water'supply. At the sale of 30, the amount of the Bank!s counter Finger Purses of good qualitY fit ..... F)Oo, 65o, 75o, $1.00, 1,25, 1, 5D
claim. against him.
lots recently, some seventy lots wero KID BELTS.-Sust opened a shipment of new styles, Prices
di4posed of at prices ranging from $60
to $1,050 per lot. Five chartered ensible Orange Orchard Profits. ........................... 25% 35c, 50c, 75o, $1,00
banks purchiLsed lots at, the sale, with All'is not gold that glitters and See our 50c Belt, it's a regular 76o line,
the object, no doubt, of erecting build- KID GLOVES in the leading shades and make$. See -our
Prange growing is not -all profits.
Ae CIri
ings and opening tip agencies there in Icago Record Heraid.ilves the guaranteod Glove at .............. ........
due course. The townsite has been An followihg as an example a sqc- SHOPPING BAGS in all Leather of the best quality and now
reserved for the Province by the On- Xmas,
cess :-"The grove consisted of ten styles. Prices are ........................... 50c, 75o, $1.00, $1.25
tario Government, so that the profits acres of Wagbington navels Ilia, were
of the first rales will go to the Pro. u set out in California in 1800, The COMBS AND PINS.-Faney Back and Side Combs and Hat Fine,
vince. The fact that five Banks were trees gave a small yield in 1802 and 13ILK BELTS and fancy Gilt Belt lengths, Sash
aniong the first to buy lots in the new Prescilts the cr6p was sold for $80. The next. Buckles, Pins and Belt
City (alt,hough yet a wilderness) shows year It, brought $035, the next $2,780
their confidence in its future, BILK WAISTS.—A shipment just received, bought specially for
In 1895 the returns were $2,840, i� Xmas. trade; they are very pretty and made of silk that
1896 they jumped to $1.000. In 1897 will not cut. Be sure you see them, Prices are $L90, 2.60,
-Z FOR LADIES AND GIRLS, to 5% 800 The —ar 1898 was a bail
644- . - - I I - 3.00 and 3 50, Our eader only ............................ $2.50
one on account of heavy windstorms,
YOU CAN CURE CATARRH. Cardigans, Fine Shoes 11 +11 A 4. A IM T A 1.
Coal Coal
'We are sole agents for
J the celebrated Scranton Coal)
which has no equal.
Also the best grades of
-Smithing, Canuel and Do-
m6stic Coal and Wood of
'all kinds, &1ways on hand.
Residence Phone, No. 55
Office .4 No. 64
Mill- No. 44
. We carry- a fall stook of
Lumber (dregsed or undres-
sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar
Posts, Barrels, etc.
Highest Price Paid for all
I kinds of Logs,
J. H. Taylor, 54 Bond st., Toren -
to, Breathed Hyomel and Cured
a L6ng-Standing Case of Chronic
Catarrh That. Defied All Other
Remedies, Also Toronto and
New York Specialists.
Without taking a drop of medicine
into the stomach, J. H. Taylor, 51
Bond street, Toronto, tells how the
di,tressing troubles of Catarrh were
overcome by simply inhaling Hyomei
air. It's the history of tens of thou-
sands similar cases on record, proving
that Ryomei can be depended upon to
Cure Catarrh, Bronchitis, Coughs,
Colds and Croup. It has no equal for
any distress of the bre'athing organs.
Mr. Taylor says: "Some years iigo
while on a hunting trip in Northern
Canada, I contracted a severe cold
1 -hat settled in my head and finally af-
fectedmythroaf, It rapidly- develop-
ed into Catarrh and caused a miserable
throat weakness. My head would be -
Rubbers, Spate, Leggings,
- ere was a rop o If, , ., n
1899 there was an increase to $5,830,
nou er suiptuen� OL 1,11080 X11UH-ULASS UN_
DERSTURTS just received. They sell quick, You save from
House Slippers. Pump
J� Suit
Cases, Ilockey Shoes, occa-
and since then the cron has brought.
25c to $1,50 on these skirts. See our $5.00 value for ...... �8.50
sing, Felt Shoes.
frow $6;000 to $7,000 an-nually..
LADIES' FURS. -What better for a Xmas. present than a nice A
Flop,, MEN AND BOYS. -Leggings, Spats, Overshoes, F ine Shoes,
Peculiar And Painful.
Ruff, Stole, Muff, Caperine, Cap, Gauntlets or Fur Coat.
Our PmORS ate all REDUOED.
Evening Slippers, House Slippers, Moccasins, Felt Shoes, Hockey
On Thursday evening Miss Alma
Deacon, &.-young girl about 12 years
Shoes, Rubbers, Suit Cases.
of age, daughter of Mr, Geo. Deacon
of Colbeck, accompanied by a number
M e n's Wear,
-Moccasins, Leggings, Rubbers, Fine Shoes,
of friends, was wending her way to a
Rubber Boots, Felt Boots, Felt Slippers.
religious nieeting when she was run
into by a rig driven by a young chap
Bright New Goods. Lowest Prices.
named Legate. The rig was coming
at a fast rate, the night darkt and
USEFUL PRESENTS in Gents' Furnishing Department, In
on account of the high wind, the girls
did not, see or bear the rig. The shaft
NECKWEAR we are show!, the very latest in Znots,-
Bows, Strings, Hook -on audgrlour-in-hand Ties. A very
of the buggy enteredber mouth with-
special line, Xmas. price .................................... 250 a -
0"' m"in g any external injury, frac-
turing thepalate bone and the septum
of the nose and tore the soft palate.
KID GLOVES. -All kinds -and qualities 'in Mocho and Kid.
Prices are -75c, 90c, $1.00, 1.25, 1.6o, See our leader at .... $1,00
These injuries were All repaired under
-Way's Mufflers in the leading colors, Black
chloroform and it is hoped no pernian-
Silk Muffier, All prices.
At Robt. Johnston's old stand. 'Phone 129,
ent deformity will remain. It is said
SHIRTS. -Men's Regatta Shirts, very pretty patterns, fatqt colors,
that the girl was carried a rod or
more on the shaft - before the horse
Prices ar .............. .......... $-50o, 75c, $1.00
could be brought to a stop. -[Grand
BRACES. -Specially for Xmas. presents, one pair in a box
m or th 75c -Our Price
Valley Star*.
....... I ......... ........... 500
come clogged during the night and It atinnuance, the best maires, new handles.
there was - catar-11 dw in fr - Your Nerves Are Weak. Prices are .......................... 50c, 75c, 1.00 1.25 1,50 $2.00'
ES from. the nose into the throat, Many
days I had been unable to breathe
other than through my mouth, and
'he on:tantly hawking and spit-
ting 'wa almost unbearable. I had
Al be�n treated by the best throat spec -
2, ts
ialls here and in Now York but
noth!ng benefitted my condition. I
ob.tadnacd Hyornei at Walton MeKib-
CIA S bo 's and soon found relief, the throat
dropping ceased and my head began
to cloar. L continued with Hyomei
for six weeks and after that time I
At YOUNG'S Big Hardware was well in every way. There bas
been no return of the trouble since,
and f feel grAtefIll in speaking well of
for This Week and Next. HY0111ei, as it Cured me when all else
Lantern Globes, r6gular 10c for 5c. A D.D.S., L.D.S.
Clothes' Pins I- cent per dozen.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen�
Razors, guaranteed, reg, $1.00 and $1.25, for 49c, neylvania College and Licent ate of
Dental Surgery of Ontario.
-Office in Macdonald Block-.
Horse Blankets NV. J. PRICE
B.S.A., L.D.S., O.D.S,
Halters Honor Graduate of Unhersity of Toronto
and Licentlate of Royal College of
Dbi: tal SurgeonA of Ontario.
The Best Goods
String Bells
Axes Hobor. Graduate of Toronto 'University.
Liewtiate of OntArto Collemo of Physicians
Axe Handles Lowest Possible aijd Surgeons.
0 0 f : -
You sleep badly, appetite is vari- $HOE DEPARTMENT. -Just opened up a large, shipment of
able. You eat but gain no strength. all Undq of footwear. See our Xinas. Slippers at Bargain
Morning tiredness makes you wish Price s.
night would come.., When night G�OCERY DEPARTMENT is crowdetl with Xmas. Groceries i
comes refreshing sleep is hard to
obtain. You're run-down, your blood and Confectionery, Fruits, etc. No room here to quote
is'thin and watery, your nerves have prices. Come and see what we can save yon on your Gro -
grown wen1c, the thouglib of effort ceries. See our Graniteware Premiums given with Baking
wearies you. You need Ferrozone ; it Powder.
makes blood, red strong blood. An
appetite P You eat everything and
digest it too. Strength? That's what
plenty of food gives. Ferrozone gives
hope, vigor, van, endurance. Use
Ferrozone and get stroni. Results
areguick, tire is lasting. t all deal-
ers in 50c boxes.
C co
Results Of A Lawsuit. & _! AV I
Oil the boundary line of two farms 61 1. 0.., .1. fl 11w. 1.1 -41 1'. 1 --se
'llage there is a large
in an Au8trian vi N%lt
goosebez�ry bush, from which the two
farmera have for years gathered the
products. "What grows on my side
is nrine, and you may have the rest," Wk t� ang-.
was the agreement. Three years ago 0 111 0
the neighbors had a mistinderstanditig r
and this came to a clitilax when t1he wn, -rus range
gooseberries became ripe. A law -suit
followed, and appeals were inade to ira your klitchen
higher judicial bodies. The final de-
cision has just been recorded in an
Austrian paper. Each party is to you save
have the right to piek the berries
which grow on his side of the line,
just as it was originally, but neither 7 V U09
may destroy the bush.
The costs are
chvrged halt to each litigant. Each od,
faruier had to pay two hundred and
twenty-five krone. The yearly yield Worry- arfd
of the bush is worth about half a
Ick -one, and the Judge told the flgliting
farmers: "Wit1h good luck, it will work—
take you only eight hundred years to AVTr Wtve ptit the b6st -vvo know in ranlya licitc-d oven aq the lml)erjal Oxford. Tins is
I)evoteg special attention to Dl�easas of the make the batm pay. Take good care construction ioto the Inilierial Oxford. due to our spLckil rentre ffile �strip that dhideg
Ear, Xose and Throat, of it," Ralige Series too. the bent, so fliat li;df of it rijust pt,3s around
ave IL
Mitts Prices. Eyes I�Relorougbly TeLeted. We I, t 011t h0thiT�,.-? timt our yonrs of the tron t of the o% -en, instead of all the licat
Masses Ptoperly Fitted. ez,,pyiencein ranga b4iildinq IiA uiught 11s going to tbe bnlc offlie oven as in ordinary
Offico with Dr. Kenn a Yaung 31an Suicides.
Omeo Hours — 3 to 6-7 103,� P.m. d ninke flie Impaviitl 0.�fbrd snve more rang;e,. Tliat is wIry it issuch aperfect bread
Skate's Th,, Boice Times gives the follow- fuel) bake zmd rotist better,—timt wotild da zind calte baker—sucli �iti even ro.,ister.
i itig this IvWiollt the mrorl<, Anyooennqnicldy
--"A note left in the barn telling.
parents that they Would find hil worrY and dirt of d and e, ange this
0,,,Or ra asily ch.
s ngm =1'fe0n] coal to
Lantern8 Frank McConnell 600D NEWS FOR body lying in a boat on tile Ssugeen The result is thelminerial Oxfor
Cr-t*�%NT urning. Tlic
-�- 'J, rivet ht the rear of their farm, was highegt Achievement co.rd grate comes out
X Cut SaW8 At $1.6 .0 Per Barrel, UP the first intimation tbA Mr. and Mrs, id cast iron cooking Series the front oftbe range
J LICEMD AUCTIONEER FOR Colin Campbell of the 7th (-.on., Brant, apmatO. tnd the %V00d grate
3 COUNTY OF 'HURON. had of the sRd endliv 'of their son, t is fitted wifli R a ii g e 100 can be put In its ploco.
-1 gale ordere patefully attdndtid to. Christmas sh, v ers %yin. Campbell" who on Wednesday Gurney -Oxford ed- The lifting hetirth
We have got the best values in Mitts to be J &nd Im Stdck morning of last woek took his own versible grnfe. Vie WWI automatic catell
,�RlOht sales a Apocinity, ,. Tafras �rmto With intedocking tcotb tliat cut o4T.111 a 811 in the illustration, rhii1tt-4 It ettsy to
rea� Rosidonce, at North erk life by shooting himself through the -s own
had in Wingbam. dead Asbes, givittg n clear c1raft ail(I I briglit, remove the asli-pth �vltliotitsplffln ashes.
WINGHAM ONTARIO bead� The unfortunate young man it. gickly ro8potiding Piro. Y011 C�ln I�Qq) 3.0tir %Ve Want YOU to call in antt ClIklynt t1le
,poudent for the 're iii all ivinter and n1ways linvo as a Initieviii Oxford ninge, see for yotirself w1lat
The Vh1teclitirch 31ardWare Store is going to make a appears bad been do.,
When you are wanting a stove, call and see new departure this Christma-8, and for three Weeks it will past four months and it seeMs wits balang ovLin As if the fire w,,is ninde fc"h it tfu t
'it, gli state of rpieIrfec ion has been reached.
desirolls Iliat somebody should end every wortii sv� A cast, got ott Justmted booklet Ab6ut ilia
t1s, we will save you from $10 to $15. CIall and be turned into a veritable XUA.S. BAZAAP., aftdWO WAnt big life. 1(noWing this M4 pArents No offier hiake of ran ge hns sticli an evenly range.
be convinced. everyone to come and see us before buying elaowhem studiously kOpt firearms out of his
We will have dipplayed for sale—Toys of every deg- r0aebebuetsill alft unguardPil moment
Protectio* n and Safe . N a
cription for the little ones from I cent up. We will also Oil day, morning of last week
have useful articles Of every description in the regular he secured a riflo, And made for the You get all the, heat
ap Sangeen rivet, l0aving tho note refer,
In RAW n I 11ardware line, and last but not leaat� that great ontertai r, red to above, in thebarn. liklivother,
the Edison Phonograph, playing that Wal can givc from a
not two and four minute who Came In the barn. shortly After 7
records, Do fall to bear the new Amborel or four o'clook, found the note all ' d ffilmrdl- ney.(
T minuto records, VdigonOs latest triumph, and got our speehil AtOly gave the AIAVAI. A blit-I'led %3urA )xforqd. Art Laurel
aoarcb. revealed the body in the exact Tliere 1,4 no cml wn*.ted In tlio lionic fli.rd 1.4 N
he Endowment P0110188 Xmas. offer, which will entible everyone to secure one ot place depleted In'the note.11 o, flu're are
ft by Gtirnay-Oxford Art Laurel, Boi��e 'to 'Tev.-,sed pl-neesin
Alex. Youn 019 these matehless instruments, which will talk, laugli, Aibg ' te(l
_OV- 11tirner, the nicke. ptrtr, to
solos, dnetg) quartettesi ete�, play bands, violins, accordions, Doctors Pear Tonallitis Outbreak. lNery piece of cont Ig burnt to a rind wlilte liavbor d.rtrati d a ii.qt, 4
pianos, orchestras, etc., in Which Yon can hear aut6s ran- Hundred8of cases are reported. If 641 Ott itil tile ficat reiiL�ratekl iq hold in t1io Av!ivrz the dip"flilg
your throat jar frfltAblo ttn(l sore Ar, s-41nA-6 inifil it Ila,; ra(Viziecl illto 111LI room, ii -t clodi can't 91t at.
The Dominion Life bbig, birds singing, dogs barking, wind blowing, and A I t lost ulp tile t
THE BIG HARDWARE gle it thtea times daily wit line b 1, It alwalvS 1001CA
weed thowwod other things equolly as intere,4ting. - Donit tail to T is qeeonj1)1'Nivd Virov,01 (Itir sred.0 I)ArU�,IQ now.
A ad andWiltet, Theft rub the throat and �Y,� I
ha, 'well Ma ten% ofdraft.4 nnd 01C111 )th gilo-q. k �tll atid flIN
n bear it. Oor prices will defy eompetition dating the holl- chtmt vigorotialy with Setvilhie and he Art Umtel is dic 1"NU" 1,—Nv U,
01tuAillaft Lifo Amurtwoo Compoiny Wollid
day season#' twerybody welcome. �ut on It Nervilillo porous plaster. produced, W Wl Jou inom tibout it.
WINGRA, T -VT 96 ONTA 0 Average rftt6 of Interest 40116W these InattUotiont Closely 6nd
bamod in yott, will nvold Tonsilitio, nrono-hitis The Gurrivy Eoi-midoy co., Limited,
and Throat Trouble of evetY kind, Toronto
lltinaeed,4 are ptevootlog %nd iomdog
their colds by thls method and reoript
T Holmes W, Whom It eftllnotitly SiAlsfoetoryo Both Net -
LOW A00, Wlhthatd. Plastero sond pols6wix Nervillne
caft be had from any dcmler, 25d
. 11