HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-12-10, Page 3w ,� �- �� � .. d � • �� n'�+.M. � � � I .�., � � �.r'r�. : e• .�•.. , k,,� . *s,�-.. � ��. (r�� %� ; ,.. n �'� . ; � k .,�� �' . • • , / � ... �'.. . . ':, ' \: ...,. � ._ .. �. � �... . . . M�r!uP!MRP41�. . , ..... :.. \� "-.... �/,. .. ... -. .. .,. .�„�.. ..,. . . . ..., � ..11�9f � � . � .. .... . . _. ......... .. . . .. .. . .. .. . . . ..... .... ...., ... ..., i. I . ... . , .. � . . . ... , .. .�. . .. . . � ' ��"�'"� a -,...�+......�««.;._ . ,a.. ....._.....�....... �wre�MMM _ l / i «...�..�,. .... _ _. ... _. .. , ., � , � �� , , � '. � . .r r ,,. � . . -. „ „ _.. _ . _ . _. _ _ .�. ..; , - �„ _ .�.,n >,_ I'1 ....` ,,,�. � ! 1,'.. wMw� . .� ��4.�� �1.,«1��� �rwt+�.r,�+rl`.�+�rr+�r�.n . ,. , "�'� �" �IA'i'TM,.� WI'T'N /� �i�kJ�pAFi, �w�r�wrq . _ , � . .. �.���� ! ��� 1 �;�� .�:,...�... N �t'� la��ea�.�a �{"exza�onc� b�ing� �QY�����" �CCI� , � t��nr���e� z� �.,� s��sc �t �a� un+�► ����� ���� ��� ��� �" '� ��oc� ]a��lt� tk��� i� b�in�s �ao�.. . � RAD BREA'���-N�A,[�Afo�M� t�a�M came. ,�.�^' ^' loal�s. U�� �liia aG�aw�� t�:o�ssaai�.a - "WI��n tla�� l�vtivel� t�r� CQl:tS1�- Zti'ox��t �«� �nyt ���xR a•E�c�ivQ,� ir��ua ��1� ' • _ �� '4Yf�X►14:1� U�Q l�� ��.'(� 100� t111C� ����i,� _ '���Q�, �il(�, ;VAl1 �Xf1Y43 Sa1:�'�X1i1C��. ���z� �txuc�', ii� tl,e truxtitrxn Ftt�'1; ��@ tl�e �Aa�y Inte��t�n� �M�pRen�r�� �tepor��d �ru►cr� �oeX 1il�a � �.ew e�snu t� = t�a��alo �r�c1 l�e�cl�e�ie tr ���., cau��t�, �,� a�► 4�.4�tin� i��.�tlo "��ttA �. �* . , Y �,,,,�,�,,,.�,,,,�,,,� ,J , , ► �' c�u��, ii� svh�e}k s� plu�•ky �vo�uan, ��ixa. 47�"�1� ��"�����• • � t, , .. , r x�tlzt;l'�1�U1� � Pi�l�; t1�Qy �4xs �o ��tc� 1�. uin,cltikua, c��x�ed �ff tl�� t�onnrs, �n � � �% �T �i .��io. �ullnn�u� �t,��ew��r�G caaz�sex�.in�, �p�l ,��,ri s.at�iCel� �c��l i;ltei� #ici;iori, tta� figl�t, �1�lxa��i� l��tea Por lialP an lanuz, . aw�rwr � � �� ��, � : _ � � � � � , ,. �. i; � � ,�, . _ � � �� � �� ��.1� �. \ �a,./ , ���op aoz�diklou� vtx t�� �t� o�. �+tpr•t�zr�bar, . � • , • C �iy T�.i��;irae��a: ��[ca��ri� 1V �a�t t�nd s �ups i���ect Au tlu, x�e4ur�aa �a� 2 txw car• Y'et sQ akfact�va i�tx�,� tla� �zztar� , y� (T.cru�lon A�.ily I�f�,il.), ��ntoeing tha �h,rzrellaldex�a a fisoc� ctiv� �1��s 1�velya� 1Vf. Gttetz, a£ 7��ngato�, r�s �i��.ex�t� �i�as b�a ���e ur �U t� ��c��?t�ry e� €ITA,�u� i� �t���n'�l�te.�, Ujirtc�cl �taet;�n ii�hpceto�� Uor4 c� }�art. .Au�a�her cl�,th #�•a�n pin�;un �aa oa- jdpncl f�� f�fte4�. yea�e. �o a�so r�n ozn- svxxt�cr�. T h�.�e huti nn a�tt,�c1� o� bl�od O��t� ia u� �axtruarit a IA�'eu� az �'4A ile lt�. ��io ll�c cougar �nlcaxec� Elzt� y�ard o# A�r�. curxod ia� X,iver�pol, tivltere tkvo firsb� .nil�us aerviceq iu Carsiif�, ai�c1 fGr� th%s ��i�u�'dai� wl�irlt l�rah�� c�ut �. tuttr�nd look- '� ��'� ����x � y#4Gt �1. Clddn��u wlxil� Hhc wtta� ]a:�ngi��ig up � huainesa, �S�it�, t�o l�ase o£� tlxo S lot i�'� p�Y��plr.;�, 1,liey �ver� ukly� m�, �ia• 1''t111 i'�"&�ui;.-�M5'Umq� q!� �}.ia �,nrain �- y �+� � ciQtl�ee. �;l�a� r,Htt aio� okrse�v.� tYie ��usb �iot�za o# t�a� d,i�o�ae dial q�� a�t, 2�. . .�� , ,� �prouted in 41i�a suo�l; o�nx� i;a tk�a ���. �f�,i���,.TQN 5, ��i.�.�J� until it �s�as �vitlaiat ttiveut ��,Civa� fee�� of f� u •ir �l: 2 � 7.'he viott�z� �� a, ?xian n�me�, ti'Yill�am trmu��v�tiy� ansl atker a,nn�laua �erxzcca nt �b x�r 1� otch�ca t int ��ui�nl, tli,o a���p�.z•• ti�•ar�, �va� tiv�;�tkxo�� a# k�arvasl;in�, bxri }��i.. ,;ho tb�rx �turned �nd�sn�v �t xez�ciy '1`ltom�bot�, �vito,� tivi#1� lus �x9�'a, �vn,d� o� a� �'l�ru�Aut�i �nd �'o�tamottbk: he xece��vod +p ok � �y #�ttc�e, T�rie�l all e;axb� af tt�kin� t}ict� aro u,� ��j!►ala, fu11 �vl�t�u� ��U�� (���C��'•�� to �e r�n ��1�� �ex�ainetl� untl t�a tho ��ueci�teine, �rut 1�1t� zm les d'lc1w� l�a,v�, P P�' , • when li� R o nde }� P 1, Q i• x th ►rs atien , 0 u_. Wi� h4 � �hvv a » RpQ�,1 17�A i �, w�rk6 isrs r t n r b . ,1' We cux n a�a 1� , k'o 1 X � i4'� P � a a �1 � e 1 7 , c a e � lum a�d �Y �e s�a d� ez xs�l b e�e r�• r a r sl� f ca�v a �� � c ta a I o 1� s r t I e YP d d 8 �' „ il�e la,t�r^ wo,a t�l�,eu ill, 'J'i�o�upsau� RLnd Xt Nne about 1�$8 bhat A;x. �ndxA�+!� T��as i�on�inrs��lyd L'�x�xo�one an1 �u.vd � . u��,uxr.s T u�ed t.o tc�t �x�ow�y al,a ��eav ,: n h3s }tiY4 �ve�ro kspb u�d�er aloae akrs�xva� tiste�decl his k�Yt.ainees ta T�audon. �vh4ro �� � tx•inl, I naticed a�i ��npmr,e�e�t Q� Sood c�uality, nnc� t�� yiold is� ubovo uiv c�ot�r tvma ��i�ow u�3a ��zero v,w,s u�uaDi�� �t'�xful �f clollt�s. c�ve�• xts ltead. '�lon. (l�n 1�Tpv, 6 aa�t botli fsl� 1U t�ud �e ��s� t� li�e pi "St�r" omnibn�ea l:q� a#�2�• �.li�: s•ercuul lwti, €�t�.i], Ice�rt u�? tl�,o t�je uvaraig�� u, •bad �.Mate tn annoua;,. i haa va�uv uutna ;[ic�r 4rics t�uc� #�t�,o snt�rla of th� Uenst ' ; �re�.tm�nt, M1vhicli iu�€tlty �leatroit n�y �prin,� 1V�iea#��-�'l�n ncre��e a� spxi�a� �o►uQt�reu�1�uuY'i�mba, u��,a �,n a�unqytu� �ioqd- insGantily �ttx:�cteti �lie flttentiun Q� 11�r. nbthe I'ort SeuLitnry ��ospitttl ayniptqzns ttiveon Cl�a Llg��nnt �:ncl Gastlo �ncl ikc� . }vho�t �s staucLl tlecz�e�ts�s * 1YI,tIo ,, a's � ga. o� p�a ue tivere" dlaoovc�r�ed, '.Cltvm aon Au v Ielin t.'i7iesa oiuviY�u�e� tiva�,e sl+.in. .Aa tluo i+caul� ak l�erxoxo�tup � h�v�a J` �,� A�eter mve do�a of 1�r. Ii�m��'.�on'� Pulia }�'�' aib unei s��vcr�zI atl�er,s, avl�o: �Yexe K 1? g X, � ou , w cl�t�' luenl#�hy coui���l�exiom, nnd' c�n rC• f�haxo tiv�stti ut�vera�a yi41�d, cuztsi<�eraUl� t�rro �m�a �. auddau diiaiubro. i i�bt uctt€s, mx� in il�� }�otxno, �tad tLey entered t�kia� a�'etia �,ied oz� �unckiy zai�lxt, but I�is �vi�e �s iho first to ru� fa�oni tho .Angal ov.e�. n.i ' � e� �hrunlcoz� x�a3n, �vua x��o�ted, N ri�� a�pn�k��ee �ncrc�sa�1, �n�t vn��t oxbausti•an mt�a hackesl. tug U severzel do�s, lo� ttvelity beli�evetl io t�a ou thu tivay tp reeQvery. �,ondon Brid�� fo� �, punny. T,�,to� n�'a�.�� �ead lt i:o �kl oth�r youn; ����ri � k, P � Y "ho n � �, •, . . s�rui:�a•ly n:fPe�qi�ed." . tv}noqt+ liofrcr•er, 3s 1>eco�an� nioxv pa�!x• ��,�,�r ���''��14i%r a�aG�ar � u�a�cl�rnr.�It� ��A�rlt�:a xt ���us uip n,ncl tttelc bet�vaeu 1, _ enptai�; of tk��v txrr�e hxs bee lnigu owtt�to at �'�vllholx �ias pnx�l�u��ci . , A �n T dex�Itwbct £t� fr.P3i7� u,n aua icion af an ra +' • e' r t,• �o r��i�erly axi;�t�a t�hat hae Ul�v Pawer lar �n inlxtures �vtt.h pthoc gra7tuy. l�l�tan'u pl�as� r�o I,ab�,rn��'�.y^ x�m+:+;ut suo� tl�o clogs, kLo enraged eau�ar aaxa tlie � Y A d t us.a�m d�nta n wodo u wa ex�ug to cum, io Laa1, ta restw�e lik�e x�u�zro. 13ar1e�....,,A ca�sid2ru.ble c�uant�t� of a�ropd xn«itotu,e." '�Y�cn. :�'Ina�13�, nftei tear�nn t]to clQtl}as �i f�cEion, x pinca. `.Che� caina a colliexy n�b f3xyrxinQuT , - ba�•le �va� rathez cittixk in colar , .11- �?r. I%nmiltoix'a ].'�llg ott cet�L•aanl tU iece� nt�d in'tix•in ,� cau 1Q of do s Th�a sottrae of iha can�n o� htu� not . zon�e, tiy it�, o0c. rissi• i�x n-t sw?�' dru,� Y � S'' Y. �� a � P �! R'� �n to bo �aaea ta liie mauy ontox�risss. ��al,�. thaug}i verY goac� iar staak foectirz;, �veetil; tl`e:» tivhy rwti �;et tli?�r� now nncl t7�o aniruu,l z�ivaa ita esc�po �nto t�� 7� bsen tra.cQd, 411 tdiie waa dana tvithont tlxa useis- �a•hic.li is ua�r tlze chieP it�Q +9f Ll�i� �x�Lixt e�ja� #1ta abunde�in•t �ood li�ra]th t�h:ey Lrnala, nPP�rently uninju�ed. — Newppr� .. , � �°-�^-^�- tn�ce o£ a�nrad edncatiou. Tndeed, �"aa , _ ix► Unin�io� t�ra eurQ to Urin�A yquY :E,'ric�, ?6r. �or Cvx�xe�nonclea��ce 1'artin,ncl Oregantan. LUNA`i'ICS A� LA'�'iGE. cnly ixt lti� later yec�xs tlxat I�Sx. ,dudre�va tl�at a1�e a'til� xat:�izied, afiect�on #qr the p��&T��,S, �i.�ntliei a� the �imo oY �.11- bax, or fiva Uaxes fox �1A0. A.t a1a i-�- • �4r, �a�auel, iJnder �ecme£Axy aP the learned to x•ead and wxiko. Yot uo. h�c1 n�.un, i��g cnnacd o�ts to bv ratlter li�;lit in d�oale�ra. Medical Feqs in Ancient Greece. liomo Offioex s�tated iu Pnrlixuuen� re• itt his �ingox encT� t�he paxtioul�r� aF enek Qn �;he �1itLr� o# abt;�i�in� �100 4n a rvvight, �vhilo oi�ts ti�bich, �varG l�Rlvest• - c�sul� t�at ttiven�tyni�is p�t,ieni� �n ull of liia � veziod uudertakxngs, xx�vol�•in�,Y for�ed �nortgage cicocl, 11Zr. �'P�.ddy ox� ed late �eere Cau 1at b xain, cau�ing con- , Tlie ren7uneratic��i pt physiciana ' escw�aea, two p# t�Aem �;r:ce, ��am the, th� oilculaLiou of huud�,�ecls of tka.usandn plAln�e�l that �vltilo cuirlo e�d �n n� clerlc Bicle1•aule rust. � Y �sL1,�A%i�DRA, r� �+�0$BY. origin�lly cansistod in pre�ec�ts, latit �hree nsyiuuls iu the ne�qh,borhaa� of o£ pouuds a,nnuallp, l�y �, flrnt qf aolicitot�s it� ���txlth, W oo�d• Pea�-,-1'eaa �voio poor on int� fieid�, �:t tPxa time of FIinpoc�ate� puym�nt u ----^- L�sam an,d faen� tho ��vetl �il�ptic . ward �Avo i� juniqr elerl� 2s, (Scl, to. o� k�lt whero got fn �e�r1y they did tiv�11, stb �arelY W �khout a Gamora and Has ' pY� m�iaans receiv�d t�l �y ublictp rais�, Gblony dur�ng thE t�elve �nonths es�ied 7+Z3}; �g7G'S DIAIvIQ�v'D. grp�s a Lla�k xnort�n.ge deprl, �ie tli n���ttgh there ��Qra soma aompl�wnts u£ Taken 10,000 Photogra�t�s, Ys; , P p �ept. 30 laek. fillecl itx thp deecl liiin�elQ �o i•e r��ent it the crovm pf honor,' the freeclo� o� °`T�vo o£ ihese esenped from ����,11ci�o `Z'k�Q Cnllinan Dinmond xa alraady n t�s acaurity for tlte �pn.yment q� £200'to �'�° ��o� rfpepi�g uneYeuly. the lio� It i° np exaggexution to aa,y i;l�at the. city, ths pxi,vilege Ut oati�:�� at r� es outside the as ltun aun , oeaossiov aY the �ritish Qxo�vn,, aud n, certain yPilZiam CJlark, th� �eourity txe- �tlek�'kLen�--Not�Fith�tanding . Queen Alesaudra's remier l�ol�b i� the lsing's tab�e. Z?liysioians etnploy- �� f t �E •'� tr'll � liero �vill kro no further prosentntior� lo ing a dcvelling-hoi�o iu Caxllslo whiel� And dry �cceather dut•in�g tha �xowuig �o� , k• I d ed i•'�4i ' 9 ec1 by the £iin,te reeeivad a yearly sal:- thiR � , � �.: !���� `� ' ' '�1� � : �,;. � .�:>; .�,� .,.,� , _ ` � , , p..y.i � uiMl�n�/ '�u 'ii; _ �„^� C IF N�eea.��r"y,. � + � "�a��iu; ��'L tla�k ��.uki;u. sq,�k �1f ;�c�a��a good a�aaugt� #nr a�zat.�,�e� tvi��4��'" "xnlui, 1i���a ;-qu l�en� l�rrrip� zn,An,ay o�, . '�Ic+�n c?" „I �a�c>.' ,,. r��t YH.,� Thtr�l<s hi H , o �� d ��xt�i��*1a�, Ci�,vo ��ou ax�ytlxin�� �o k�a� ! � ,,, G.zn a . „ � kfii , ^ # ' 1 f�� 1��� Qn_ r y , � `F�,vcr� Ikx ol . ti � v, i, x n d cat� s� ex la , , x n I' � SSQu s Ui� v�law pu�ipkxa� u�i �,u � Qa �• , , � T' YO Yl j�1C% 1�: . W 1 CTt1C.9 7 x! t� �l � x t7tt �1 x Y X d Q B� � �ro�x � turi:ey in � s�f��e." � 'M . M � F4�otbali k��a; rar, � Co�ciL-..� losb t�s�t �amp beCausp �� eud� �VCz� f�, pi1 ou h.o, , 4 .�g . 4 ek xo i,ke�r won,, � � �,1 to �ra,�. ��tooter—X t�ld you u SveeJc ago t1�a.L• you hacin'G nnyt�lrxn; but f�� a�d� aY �� _ �layez�a.,,. , � Plothi Doin , 3 � S „ Esiton J��a�ou�-,.�'�o�. kincl o` people ar, kh�y in tlint liouaa ov�+r tl��,s�e?"' Zittfio ., ti. n W�,a � o t f x t -.- , t A brca lx z �x; ,. � � � ��'t g�iL uo chaust tn Fiqc1 pa4. Z�� clativ cceiz�ied ma entire 'tpnti9n.�� � 4� H�rrison Streek Stati�n A�nenities. ��,ttnrt r.y'a���—Gat n m�ttC1�Y � l;iaL �)cdsli�i N�zst. '�4�1�y clidl�'� ,Ye � lixint ux•ouncT un' fin�i one t�•l.aen ye �'tcl:- � von o w�ut y •iY►na �.re � � lar bu oa�e of th zn a� b u to be� the Iiiv of tho ema into whiclt it ie wn� tho roperty of on� of t�e nl�emt9 P��p� Qf thas exop, follotivedby a heav�� P gx�1�13. n�e , ei . n�csty as �,1yA ns high [�s $3,OOQ in some in- Pd nP tl�nt sn;peY �' � '� �: .�' 4 t. �,. � �. . rAin und 1�ai1 stprm in the �econcl �eek wltkLout uestaou on,� oP the mo�t en• � disohu,r , am,ci an]y antici ted ii,is xe- x�uw cu�c, Pno toxxnal xaaeutatiou tvaa of tho insQnera em lo ers. Tie then � st�,iicqs.. Pioti peaplQ tivotlld pay enor- Na bors' Folks. � ` lease � t � mrid a�ea� a o S�r Ricliaxd Soloman `�oolt t��s desd to uno h i� flrm o£ snli• of August �vhich becti� snun�y fielda da�vx�, thizsina�io amatour phqtog��al�hErs it f� mqus aumR fpr a aucc�aeful tre�,tznent, y , UnciR Allen. � _. by n ahor tlm�, �?. g.. �y buckwl�eat na� bo classecl ns a good . . und a casa is, reoorclecl in wl�zeli $20p, :. Ymt t�1ce tluas� are «rmp�n4v?� Qa' btw «, � "7'he Home Secratrzi.y is in eommuni- on behalP af tho '.�ransvaa�l Ci�ovexnment, citot�s, ancl t�arrp'��ed �1Q0 oit it, Y p4s�iblo 1;o meet, She �� said no�v to _ �rae,�:.1u w�ut m�trbs yau J'}ie m�.n �vho 1�as �a'th9[�k un t•ea- +� �' tin- w' h' n lon er �3ire tl interested. `.�'lze i�iS4ner �vas founcl uilt ; and l�ir. �'r��P� , osses albu . eon uinin o er 10 U00.. �0 �Yas paid, Fronl a, letter in t;i1� �y11t s�t tg ]rnu�wdn' w�l ein•u� �po I�axuci yquT sons for bein� tl�nnk�itl, ob�ervGsl Un, caEion with the (7pmxuis,aanors in L kxo. �s o �' � Y . ; adaP'.ie�x state3 �Eha���tlre �un �vas ' Mixecl Gruins—QorrespondentA report P � � t �.�' � Netiv York Meclical Journal, �owe,v t�-- c10 ,��.11en C�pnrks, "iq uader i�o obli �;< y ucy on the �enern.J, question o£ lu�atics Tho stone itt .its �Yow e1lc.pea ie notiv n\V� y� tl es�cr► iu �raut as iGms an�l of �GiieSr London but will not ba, seeu U his 14'Ca- tihe aon o� � tvor�:in fnrdener, �nd mar- for tLe first time upon tha �rowing Of P�o.tUa �phx, al� tatcen bp hex own kan�,, The p�Y L� t a s�1us bra�in� aboixt �atr tiions to c�lebrnte �.rllkLII�{g�rlYll�p, He's ;� beinp eaercised utside the na lum 'est �ro1�nb1 until, the visxt qf tho riad a� tho a�s o� ni�e�ee�i. �iis Uigamquq mi�ced gxains•. 7.`�e favorit;a gra�i�t m�xtuie repx�sntixig xU�ul stncl x,-nportatinb nei�• - Yo�t taace •eon ie you vr.snit �em bu�, �ab�rin' 1'eligia��s m�i;���uinp." ` �t�micls amd tslso with tha Landon As �iu9 and n�en of Sweden to 'F`Tindapx ��i'?�a8¢$ wero contracteci in ull parts of ia one of bru•ley und aRta; oatN sw�,d perzs, sonuges,°k1:�ce�. un�l fes�ivstia in ull ga.ets �ctnh an• ictn, T,._.._. t1 izqe'Gbmm3ttea as re�arrls the paTti�u- uex� Vvook�2'hen, it mt�y be �howu to ��i�e tivor�er� within �SVo montlia, andbarle�, nts anc�peus oome next. Oats, oC �,urope. � - G7vo sw�, ��r�tl.ma na,yt�ors w��ho u.re�l to prou�i of Tnem. la.r instftu��or.s in '��ew. The �rea.t the gueste stftor tho state bauqueb. � ror the forgery t}�e prx�oner �vns sen- barley aud tivheat ara nlso used uy so�ne, �ox• a period o� aix'iee� �eara notiv th� _ ' ma, oTit of tihe esca• ars lun,utios of a Tlie stor of tho diamoud ia one oF ���ed to ten �eara' genal servitude. Tho alao oats and `vheat, and �vheat, ,peas Qu��, hdd be�ev, a dev�iee of the camea•u, �'hqy caone Pram owe� ya�r an' a9 thny "�'ardnex," enicl tiie tall irnmP n;� t�ie � rfectlp haxmleaa� .t� but cle�r] . �� � • • : qtliersentencestvexee.�'sen ye�rseaohfox 4ud oats. Outs un�d a�eIt, oats und bucic- �he p�ea livq ca�era�, �1,t �yaa, ot '� a''E`r0 �'1iA� by �v:�ter tanlc, "}�er clon't �cem much tivor- .�W F? v Y'Pe, 9 the most xrmttzkabl8 x� the kuetory of � �' z°har hatoh�a au' tea uu� warm.ed �tvurae�ivea rxecl a.bout d�•�n o euiu�s in do under �ev�ry effort should be tal�en to preven,t mining. On Jttnuarp 28, 1J05, I�Z�. F. '�11e twa bi,g�,miea und tli�•ee yeurs torthe �vheat, and oata and flax, also have coiu�ae, as 1 rinca� of Wales ti�a,t her r nn' ha�l u�rc�o o' ,�te �, ot . �� P a• �esea,pe, c�n�l aftex e$cape to »ecuro re- ��rell� the msua or of one oE bhp minoa larceny, all four tp rim coneurrently, tl�cir ndvoCntes as grain �uixtures, Some ��,��ty madt her iirst ana�ishot, �; , or ot t�e Ew�ucic �un�ey mrou.�mt vrinh �c� nm' p rt �er sho�. „ , � i � eat e,n' a�as�i nt�aut °�x gues� iiat," eLu�);.led tl�e el�ort �Pt�• of t�e Preu:ier :�}i�mond Coznpany, was `� - n'1ia 1�ave trieci mi�ed grtiins speu-k un• 6lthou�h to-d�.y the �uaen z•eallp �laea '� TLu tean;r,ar cner w�us �trin' ar w�bbe Qu�t- fnvorubl qf re�uate bttt the Uull. af �ez• liitce tleycip m �kie fla.q ao thor• ' +�`�'�` `�_ �tsn'ot=, {;t'�Tnp a� 1ie �varnie�l l�ia feet on the ltoE walking through a mine �vheu ha noticor3 ILI.S OF C�ILI�I�QO�� thoso reyortin nre m� ore ar le� �trong- oug ly mitstei•ed �it3g�tec•hnicalitie.3 tha'� `-''�-y `" Or �nowt bhe e�izoattio a�� t.iW, ye�bier jaavd�era, e5nders; "dey are de tivindo�v:s of ine Mt�RCIi 1N I'I�tISQN l�RESS, o dnzzling syhstnnce �rot�udiug from P g ��:' �a�.. solc:: '—ChiCano \Te�vs. 3?ressed, in rep]icas of tlis �IIal�lotirap the grouud, fIe dun zt out �vith liis H�tN 7C0 CURE THENi. ly favorable to their uso. sLe is fully co�npetent to entcr the darl: '� > m�o surr:s�t tkLtng �'v�n�tin' 'emi trom siudn' b � mi k nifo and found. the Culiinan dia,mond, The Ne�^ I�'all tiPhes�i>—.�Iule aqnte cor- Ttzoni �vlvich �vwa s�secially }�uilt ou thu ival�t o� .you. prieon �a.rb, n�party of suffru.gettes • Ixl tl�.oua�ntls af 11Araes I3aby's. Own xes ondents re brt ri.ii avern e of a� in- new ro at acut the Vietorla aiid Albert Proof PositivE. rixove thra��gh soms af the princimal Tho Trunaz•u�,l Geovernment �irro�asod ib �ablets is the onl inedicino used � p g �'}' �' � ' �� � an' m�cbbo wh�n a fe+vl�em S�a a d�e oi raam- nsbreet5 of the eit and tJie �vest emd on �o� b0,000 ponu$s, p� whieli 10,000 � area��ecl naz�eage of new fall whet�t in t�•£ -,�er iustig�,taon, n,�d Y�rine off har � �_, �� 5 r;d_ Iiincl• Laciy—An�l �re ,you re111y anil, � ounds uc�d to be retur ed to the Gov- v�11en cIiildrei� are n.i�ing, and the their xeaPeetive loe�,lities, a 1urger num^ films. �'Vhereve;• tL,e (,Zue�u gpea�--b¢ it u �`: '� a ,,. �,, ,. A.n' a��vaoTs h�d n�o warl: t' cto t�h�'d � an' �nily h�t�n„ry? �Sr.ttu�y. �he �voman tivpre gre� bl+ouses P u mother �aho lceeps this inedicine on ber of returns ahow s decided ahriiiltage cruis� in t.l�e 2•oSal yuch� to her home in 6�:=.,� ��r�xa� c,;, s�T s�ouD� b1�, Hu�k,y �Iolao--Sure, nia'am. �Thy, I'm �.nd 6kdt+ts, with 'tv�hite t�xoad arrowa fund ernment in dt�es. It ie xeally of �ricaless �lAnd may fieel �s sa.fe ns though rea xnn in froaxi 10 to 2a" er cent. 1)enmark or u ri4e n;cro�s couubr itt `''�sa.��s<:�x`"' Au' �Dend Ut,;o aa,v �tocls,i� oo�rn or c�oa'�inn' �umber•s in b1uck an th�o breus�t, �nd vaiue owing to ita size and in emnll cry- tkiore }vas �, doctor co�stantly iri the �n a' � g p �' Y un bas w�ood so liun�ry I'tl Le �vilJin' t' fill up on 'tvh3te caxps. etale would certaiuly realise 500,000. jlome. Babp's Own Tablets cure ttll some o� thu aeed sown in �ugust did t+��e Hi hlau<ls—aho i�s ne}�er tiyithout :ti ` � � � An' db�iu�thdags he waundm'•t d,o even ie h�e ttenith foad.-Chicn�� Ne1vs. � not erzninate until lato So tembex und oa.mesa. 7,`hat -she uses it wall is evident� � I.n the e}^�n�in� the party zn�rehe,d ta pouuda, etqmacIi r�iscl bowel trou'bles, broak � p � a.n° wm� n��d �ry t� t�nac �am am� �e�a . eurly Octobe� xains fell, made a fair ti�'hen it is stated that ciui-ing ane of her iihoka vrhem ho'd b�mtu, a The Victim. �Idlnwnp, trhere it ha3 been in�tended The diainoud is namecl n£ter an ex- u� colds, expel ��orms, and make �tch, and ennie along xiicely; but fall ���'�i'z'�ean cruisea she s�zctired 1,4A0 Ths�'d 1a�e �t oft fcn �h�n explain "tRi�ay �c�' r u �, ,, 7 �o ha�Cl outsid+e the pinean a demou�stra- chairman oP the Premier '�'rauevaal Dia- taetliin� er�sy, T�ie mQther has th0 �hes�t sown. on atubble lnnd wua ve �hotogruphg in eis �veeky, droDmoc� �n' iY��td�,e ltiss Avoirdu� ais is �ukzn�, �ian �tu.in�t t3i�e trentmen� of their mond Mining Company, �,nd is the larg- gur�rantee of a. governmant arialpst �,�,� �d �osvth was very back�vard. � In hei �vay of �ving �o rvork sho is `I� Thqx+e�s timas I�i,t so 1om�am�e �e�s� �hdnk- f�ti� , comrad� tvithi�. The Gi•orv�d, h�o�eve , eet ever found. Tke ~veight of tho origin- that tlYis medieir�e contains no apiatA T, moat metka�odicu,l. ,Eier hoto>ra h� fi11 ' • � �� r�_ tm' o�t 'emn aUt, hc�rse,�nelc ridin�. �Itts slze {;ot cff any � arat� ao dense t1�t a m��eti�n,� �tvas iinpos- nl wn� 8,02u �-4 ca,rats or over 1 1-37, lb. or pQiaon.4us sootl�ing st,ufE. Mrs. 33. ,�'OtA'�oes ti'Phile eom9 Corresponden.ta. man nlbuu�a n.nd under eueh b o� ra i' Esaox�tal'ly w�hen N:avembc,r'�s oomxe aa' �wdn- Dolly—�es; uFf tho horse.—A�cember A sible. Tke police refus�d to �llaw the avoirdupoi�. H; lioi�ny�ziar�, 11lo,ttall, N,S., saqa c— LeP�rt n heavy ero.p , oi patatoes, th3 hcr �a' i ahas'-4vl�tten u cle�cri taon of � zt h� n tss�ohb�a.fl tn a���i.y�ttm�a, but an 9uudu�y 1'ipntn�otb s. �rooessioX: to s�top, so bhe. suffn�Aettes, The follo�iug is a hst of t2�e gorgo- I have used Bnby s Own Tablets for bullt of the retu=ns indica.te w yield a 7� Y P �� Por three wecks I actuall o�r e,t n,t�mt ded by a bras�a bu.nd, march�ti: rauiud the oua Urilliants iuto which tlle diamoncl my little, girl whi1� teothing ancl foY �lttle lean than the nvern�ge, owing to the tha picturo and bl�e date w'hen iit�ken, �' �.y,�,e�s �,�1tt. �,� �;�,y�� up tnac . T1mc Wante�. consti unusuall dr s�eaaon. They incluclo a�neat ti�arirty of� subje�c'c5, ltad to be fed l3ke one 4eeds a ovo�s my wfzen t�ght: � q�r3ean t�iee, sin�{infi the wainen's "Mar- haa been txansformed: pation, �rid think tliere is ila _ � 9 from•t3►a Iiin a stud horses takeu in tlio bAb , 6ecauso tn h�nds and I wanLt t' �ea,r mn cLrtv�n�g v� am' otum2, throtT 'rom—Fie s n wonderful mi;�d-reader. aeiliuise." 1. A pendeloque or dro�. brilliaut, �edicino can eqnt�l tltom." 6old by T�irnip�—�`hese root,� hnve t�een more- old du a at t B lLYII3li1L f'rA16 At ��alYBP�ipR ar s were sa overed with t�� a�'� I rie told m,o ever�thing in mS mind in �voi�hing 616 1-�, caruLa. �a o�trem� lneciicine de2,lers or Uy muil at 25 or lees a fu3lure this setLson, ult�hough y rr�.n�l,ot,ildre�i on �he ,.,, � s to ortraits of l�er ou�taide ttve d�aoa�, aa' yua�i tAve ]�,fch an' `yee' four nnd fivo minutes. AUSTIt3LTAN" TERRI�Rf3. d'uueneiou� of thie s'coLe aie 2,322 iu. cents a}�ox fronx �he Dr, `'4i1],ia7n� here t�nd there a tew good fiEltls ware P b eczema ti►at t1�ey had to be dmoro in,�� l�i;�ud—�es; �, fino mind-render beit M�dicine Co., Brocicvi112, Uxit, reported. lawn at 5andringi�um and the ruius ot bound up all ti�e tlme." JOSN D. 'oV�LI,B. � °i`ho mem�bex»' slio�v of the Ladies' long �ud 1.'T31 iu, broad. • „_� the Parthenass. 1'�e h�ow ra 3�s o£ her . �_'- slow.—Philadelphia lnquirer. m 2. A e nare brilliant wei 3�in 309 9- h2angel Wurzles—While not so large, p g P That is the ozporienca of hiiss , � �en.n,el Assoaiation held an WedsLesday � g g c r r r � fn ai2e ug uaual o�v ta the d�rou�h gj���1� ��1� bhree ulbums alone and �, �n.t tha N�oa�tham tan Insiitute, 7.onrlon 18 carats. 1.771 in.,loug by 1,6J4, iu. How Spirits Tip the Table�. ' � ' no�v a#nouut i;o eovernl thoi�sand. '�hey v�olek M. Mcaorley, oF q�� Gore SEreet, .� Latest Invention. p ' broad. mungl�y ha,ve q�ield�ed mueh better thun Sau1C Ste. Maria. 5he � adds :" I � ruArks the couun�g of an At�s�tralian Louitai,ing, oT tipping, tho tnbIo i� wn- turni s and are of oad feedin unl- �Epiet t}�ejn at their games rom�ing r�ith �� F'nrmei—Ca�Y'b you read, mistar, Thab .��.i� �. A pendeloqne R�eighing 92 carata. othcr exhiUit•ion of "psychic force" that i� , p.' g � q each other, nnd c�ne tliat made the T�.ing conid nat hold spoon nor fork. From � sibn says, "To shootiug allo�aed." 7�he d�oR �as imporL�+d from Australia �. A square brilliaut weighing 62 cwr-. qa ,�h��ays �vatelaed witu intexest, aad Carrol;s�—�'iield carrota ese not naw I'our tivith 1augl�ter �hen lie aatv it hay finger tips to elUotiva tha dreaded disease �,. T3tuiter—T'm nox shootin; aloud. Tkis a�eFv y�a'a a�{a, but ia as ,yet undis�tri- Rta• yet there ure acorea of ineans b whick ��g�� t�vo of tha young2r sons of tha sprcad, zuy fiager nails came o�' and my.. i� a noisoless un. , 9�, t1, s unro brilliunt wei hin fi2 car- Y Iar�ely raiped, bu� whore grown they prince of l�Vnles ench eud�eavai�n io ns- flesh was one raw mass. The itching g biited and very° little known. q �' & , these results ma3 , l�a obtained fraudu- �qere u, ver faix cra moz+e . cinll as � � fihe do� is a.lmoat ahvays �lp,elt u,ud a�s. lentl I�x fnet � axntns ma�ufactur- � �' � Y a�rt .2us rigLt to a cert�.in toy by tho and the pain were atmost exeruciacing. An Ounce of Prevention. s�nd in coloa" t}ve li ht�r tches befn �,6. A keart-shtt ed , brilliant wei hin �� ' Pp regards .quality. I had thr�e montha of this tortnre and � y , q 1� $ l� U' 8 ed for this exprc�s purpose ma� be pro• gu ar beeta. Thia c1Ase oi roots tvere froe use of lus fista. „ 2�Ji� on thn feet nnd fac�e. T�e ey8s �ive bhe 18- 9-8 carat, cured from 1,he estu.blished ., g urp ' d..to haar thut hia at one time amputation waa diuussed. 3S- � Jimmie—Iio�v did you •kno�v T�vas go- �' d�alers in 'rn.ther li ht tn ield but �vero of' ooti �no ia riot � rise impre�s�ian of a bl�ak rin�, It is s7ua11— G. b maFqui�e brilIia,ut �veigliing 11- s�li al•titciea, for the old-fashioned �t bot f facto ur' se�gand �'��ty h•�.s�frec�nently fulTen a victim to "Zam-Bak alonc saved mp hands .� �' i�g to cali? � six�ut 10 Ibs.,—rou h haired with ve 1-4 oc�rats. qu y, h or ry P P� the ever alert c:amera of 'tl�e (,,1�een. and arms, I crsevered wi�h ic and in lYer Littla Sis„er—I snw �I'ell ia1•ing ff , TY method of li£ting the tablo �viili hand �pr atock 3eeding: r che �nd had nP reward. �o-da I am � � tlie pias ont of her belb.-Puak. � shart laqs, a.n,d eryua.ls or exoela ull 7. A Ynttrcjuisc bz�i�ii�nt weigIiing 8�J-16 or knee i� now clitissed si5 far too prlmi- Co� �g hqa been tLe maet a.acaess• �� }�'t �e �•eg�trda as one of her be�'i cured yom lotel of ever tracc�of the known ter•riers in 9is capaciiy f�r kill- carn,ts. tive a trick to be worked effectively, plio�ograplxs af �he Iiing is that �Phioh P Y Y ` � � i, T ful crop of tho seneon, an�l tLe best oF � Icta liiin t�llcin" to l.ord �u£field in dreaded eczema, and i fervcntly hope ".r �� Wanted to Re Fair. �� �t� �tba,t itiwill 1 aive a onsid�r� carate. ��u�ro brilliant weighing 6 6-8 Insteatl, wuen the tat>le is eitdier ve1•y i{s �� �or m�np yenr�, tniting' both �t1P zaund§ df Mu glbordu h 7�ouse. Then tfiat s�lffcrcrs from skin disease may / Bar i tti litile daub� aniall, or very light, the mecliuiu. nses a s g g ber—II'a r ge ug �hiu, eir. Ever ,� „ yield and quulity into consideru�lou. knorv of my case and tha mi�acle .� i uble vo�, mn�i ih�ere i�s n�o ques�ti�otb of �, A pencioloque brillianb wei�hing 4- littlo rubber sueker, but wheu ib is a s�he Aav ghoto;rapl� o� ]ifa 2viapesiy run- Z a m- B u k h a s w o r k e d," tried our hair preparution, sir? „ I I' o b a c c o-- R e p o r t s c o n c e r n i n g t o b a c e o nut an d in a ll aor t s o f unconven tiuna l t"'" Custoane�:—No, T ean't bl�,mo it on .} its qua li t les be i� f i� d a n i d c� ts t f � v o t an c i �.82 Csrate jarge ox l�eavy table thn,t ia to ba 1ev1• . g zn everY �vav typie�al of a terxiaz'a tu'eed- 10. l�iiuet�•six Urilli�,nts woighing 7- tn,ted the services of an uceoin lice are are mengro, and u:re to the effect that '���3oyyy, T�ese very Tnuch amusflcL the Zam=Buk is without equal for eczema,. , ( i:hnt.-Bo�ton '.Prauscript. fn�r aud piuck, �t i:a aleo m most vl�ifun.t 3-4 carats. usuelly einployed. p there ia leay of £}ie crop raieed than ia gaiser �vhen he was isst iu this counkry, ringnorm, ulcers, abscesses, piles, cracked ',.,. ', �� - ��tvp,�eb-dtag. Il. ;1 quanbity of unp61ished "ends" Th1:s us one esample of these zneth- reeent years. . a,nd he is said to hnve begged �he (,,1ueari hands; coid sorea, chapped placea, and �,,� A Novel PAausoleum. A l� numla�r of th�e t��txalinn ter- Beans—i'ields� are xe drted as bein all akin in��ries and diseases. l�ruggista � Rrs wei hin 9 carqts. ods, bo�h the mediiun and his uesistant F B for one of the� hu�morous seta as sho �'(� . � .� g g � , and etorts at so cents a. 6es, or post a rriers w�eiro shdrvn an W�edne��d�y. They �u of the�e stones, from the bi ost wear a stout leatZier Uan� etra ed to frbm poor to good. ��� tl�eni. . .. are mDw to be ex eeted re larl ai �� �� Olover �eed—]aurl in tho season the free fc.om 2am>Buk Co., morontq, for i 1� �,,� Stran�;2x=Tha� lint of yours �.1s seen ,� P R'u Y to the smallest, are aUsolutely �vitl�ont theri wrists, uncter the cuffe. t1 ched � 3' `il►en the Queen ]ws put har hobby td aamc price. Yov are warned 3�atABt , l sonte sert�:ce, I reckou. � ��aR'g• flsaw, :�nd are of tlio £inest l!stru. blue- to tl�is is n.n iron �•od `vhich extende ��ond g'rowth oE olo`ver gave proinisa �, �ovel use. Sh,e has had certsa.an phota dangerous enbstt�utem oometimes oAered � � tTudertnl:ei's 1lttin—t1ye, youtt� feller, ,� of a ood eld but the dr �veathex re- n, 1�a re ruduceci on ohina. �his e�emv3ce �� ��' '—"""" wluto color esietinQ. abou� an inche beyoncl the leniher bn,nd. g � � � P B2' P P pa �ust as good. `'�� I'� e bux�iecl a ond ni�,n reo 7Ie in that ! I RO1liANCE"OF BIISINESS. The atorp of the way in �vhieh bho To lift the taUle, tliorefora; it is gnlq vnlling from the nuddle of Augu6b until ;8 kep�t ak Windaor and anly used by th.e ,� .�'�'� ,�_,y,. ,. �' 3' 1 1 ,�,, � H t e death of Mr. SolOmon 11:nd- reat Gullinan diamond was brought �o necessary thttit the projoctmg portion tiha latter part of October, forceci m�.n� Qwoen r^han entertaining her mast inti- ����++�6u�a ' r:• .' .� !' �, '� � tit lci-Lits. �� � furniers to turn their cn;ttle u on the �te friencls. Lucu cu conttiins a ho- � � r•ews at Cardiff on Monday, a�omantio �ottdon ie inteieating. "aevon detectivee-- of the pieco of iron should bo slip.ped fieltls reseived far clover seed, p � to ra hic re rodttetini ��.nd blie are nll - � I'ROBABIIY NOT. The Wrorg Filiar. business oareer is ended. tliree of theiiT Dutehmen, employed "by tianeath it, for iu i�Uis position u vise- 8 P P � Y p Susie—Auntie �lear are o p D�ir. Andrew� tvent to Cardiff fift a�esels. ,4.�schex, tho firni who ciit tho like gri can be obtmine�l th�,t �vill per- �'��rohards svffered from the ex� ot the humorous tyne: One alio�vs l�is a � � Y u un °ld lVlie�i .liniiita�a fills it it Yviil be a� 4 mit of he taUle Leiu moved in ull di• P � y g g ; ��idp Rre:tit Piro��itice.--Toronto 1e�va. q stone—eurrounded �ti man tivho carried � � ten�decl drouth in the l�.tt�r axt of the _ bia'est xnnnin across the latvn to reat � ' „ �, 3'ears ago, and ataxted bueiness as u con- b : rectio�� tivi�Itottt thc sl2 hLest dnn or ot �'rowiii� s�tasqn� aud u fe�v trees sue• a fi7vncL They say at Windsor thstt ;� � � Auntie �lxesit�,tin�ly*)—Certuinly, Su- Toronto lias iilletl up uitiny tiuies, nntl feotione� in n very liumble waq. Soon ��raall laak haudbu,g. �ut the haucl , . ,.� . � ��}�� sAn Josa eeala and- o ate=-ahell ' Ma'est dro 'n to tea hen =�' '`�" , i, '"' � s9e; but it is nat nice of you to aslc ,sue`h �g I�a;uilton thinl:s she ia��'t in WLe ha �vae em t Tho Cullinan diantoxid detectiou by' ord�uaiy mspection. Y a�nuld h�a ) p p x , w ,�d�/�,� ,�,i„��pj4„�dl���,��„�.,, Y be became a cab proprietor, and subae- g 1� Y• P g �� � � q � i� y� y 3 t esta,blished an omaibua serviao '�vas aotually stoweri' a�vay in kho poekeb S�ill unotker method that b�r. Cax- bark-louae aro re ortecl ae doin in'nr '�IiCv s.ervico is bein used he never is � S�isie��No�v dott t be vexed uun;tie �� eat cii class b un � m��ns.-VVinni- qpen �� of n�neu who tranellad steexa e nnd � g n describes requires that both the to fruii trees, mor.g especinlly in rve�- this oup, bocttus� ho might accidenttLlly � . r j neg .CriUunA. . ; betweon Ca�rdifi ond Penarth. Thia van• g medium and l�is a.ecom lice ahall be Y�u� p- tern Ontario und tho codlin mo#dx dro t Fi�em Tit-Bits. Worth Knowing.. T lcnow it ian't your fauit. ture proved a greab auccess. spent his time looking listlessly intio �he � � g p�� In 18fi8 an AcE was obtained for the a'�a• plied wlbh u, atout leat er s�rap. In �hiq �i"ag responsible for cons4dera�ble wormy �- � To so#ten li�rd water, put one oun�e �-� ' The Fount. , Caea tho etra.p goes round the neelc un- truit; pet, iaking i� all together, orch. "1hlith•" i, • ,cone�ruation o4 a tramway from �p�o�. � NOT FOR IVION�Y �f quic�lime into four gallons and A �, �� (� itiztci'back—Did ou �,sk�the old m�n }lnnde to 1'enarth Doc3e, and Mr. And- 23IC#.AI�SIST WHO tiV.CD13I�D SLY �� the clattnng, nnd attaehed to the ards m�.y ba dEwCribed ns being-in orclin• half of water. Si�1r it thoroughly and ��mmock large enoixgh for t1vo4 for iuoney for books2 Yowor ,end is n stiro ]ioolc, which cah Ary condition. �,4everal corxespondenta t�/(� ec3ioed tlie �lealer, Do you �vant it IInlfbncic-1'es; but lio s�.id th�t as Le� � xeNs bnilt the cars, provided the horsoe, � iVI�ES, be 1�rou ht into re u�i.qition aa needed. oitnt out thut ono ef�eet of tbe clrout'1� • ' $� i J ��, Q� f�� allow it to sattle. Then pour off the �vdth.ox• tivitLaut2" :�nnd la�er�tooh ovor the tram�vay, guar, � q p c�tleulni;ecl T woulct need about fi.fty tLou- ;� A renLarkal�le cureer of hioamy and �en tlie ligh£s havo been e.Ytinguisi�ed ib the tendency of applea to ripqn pre- clear solution, �cvhich �vi11 be e�ough "�Vihh or tivithout whai;Y" asked th�i' snnd, I hu� Uetter �.pply tb Cai•n�eois:— • � fr:tud Saa� aharply checkerl at I�eecls As• the t�vo operatora. elip the�hooTc #rvzn its maturely, thua uffecting their keeping Wou(d iie be VVifliout Qodd'� to acld to fotxr I�i�treis of hai'd water, I g�rl. �� Pucl.. :' v� , pluce ot concealment, ut_tech it to the qualit�ea, A,11 bar aoup for hou5ehold puTposes Crotvding, roplied tho den.ler, emi}�ng .rV Qdeag on dlrIandwv �vi�en Samuei G,hasdea �der aide of the table, nnd when theq r,in0 etaclC---The urrueually dry fnll Kidney' Plils. should ba ]cept for a fo�v weeks be#or4 ttt her innoaeuce. '�hen she g�.ve hQr {-ie Did. Joaoph Wao�tiv�rd, agect forcy-six, �vna A�r�,ighton or atand up, even tlie heavi- �veather nllowed but littte ro�Vth of , bein used. It should be la^.ed in oraer in a whiaper, � �. sentenced by 1VIr. Jusbice �'ickfora w�en esb iece bf furniture can be levitis�bed � g • p • �_� Trritated I,A,zdlac�q—Wliat ,sozxns to be , � � grass� nnd pastures were eaten very The Cured i-!is Lumbago of '('wenty �he snn and air as much us 'possil�le, tiie ny�t;ter «�itii youi ,co£fce bliis morn- years nai �zrvliude. p p Y.�losely. Li.ve stock are �onse uen� �. when it �vill last t«�±ee �s lon tzs af Man, Poor Man! �' ' •�a: , � . . tqitli eom nratiivel littlo difficu�t .--� , ears' Standin arid Muda Him ,. .�. Woo tivnrd �vas sxtd to hnvo married� �.om "fiho Spook Detecti�e," by John thez thin l�ut nro uite vi oroua a d� re- �' usod a�t ot�ce. 7.his a��tii�ea equall;� �irs. rtutter—�tr�. cru.Da le sa e her ing, P.Sr, IIarrie? bo you noUice a.iy- � :� • . 1��., � bigamously, Eliza I3a�vson rk �awcastle- R. Mea�t3er in tlxe T3ohemian 1�� u,zine ' �. � Feel Twenty Years Youn$er, PP Y thmg nnueual wb�ut it? � on-T ne� Jane Whittle ai �Jloei'con Lun- ' $ markably free tiom di�ease, 1l2ost of the to cako goap #or toilel� purpoaes. �usbnnd kisses ]ier gond-by every morn� Tmrortui�able Boarder — I do, bIisa � � r,� �;?� Y d fbr DecembeY, e ort c�,ttle hace been shi ed the Fortune Harbor, Ffld„ I�Tov. 80.— �utting onions, turnips and car'rata i of his life, , , �• e�aLu•e� i�'aun �ieunera�n I�a�vi� ab J3u3- � pp � Txotis. .Cltere s souxe ie�l coffeo in it this � ��`; :�'�;�"`..`.'r ' ,: y ,' -' " - - ca�e at this time og the eatr, (Special.)—Siaty y�ats of �ge but h31e �,cioss the fzbra m�kes thom moxe Ir; Flutter—T often �vondezred what i .jp �; �� ,�,k �. derafield; liaucea .Uay, a.t (xloucestei�; . ��,r< -- ��-��.i- y � and 3]ex�rty and witli All the vigox of tender tivlieii eCn?ted, n,ve hiui'thnt aour ox raseion.- Smni�t morning. � � .; . • .-� Thb Da.ir —The fiow of milk tvas af- . .. 5� P �•'�, ,�. i. � Lily Th�resa Ble�udford, �.t Fishpond, f. � a young man, Mr. Ricliard Quirk, well. ,i1 fn,int scenti of violets is zmpartad Seti. `? :. �� T3ristol, He se�.s absn ehyr ed �vith far feeted bq the prolonge.�l drouth thnt se� ,_, ,,;.�,_, 'f'he Inforr�ler. ..� � � Itrio�vn a�nd kiighl� respected hexe givea td �a�;dlcerchiefs �y addi�.zg a, sm�.11 , o� m r itt << ' �_�i� � ,: .„�,�;, ;�p1 !ng a niortgage decd nt Pezirith for �2U � � in in tha luttei• pnrt aP Aug�istF and the all f1i0, credit #or his good heal�� t0 iece of oir�.� root. to the �v�.tor �n `I`r v, y 1 ]o m�,n, Sou n,re uecusod xearl�ei," snid DiCky Jones; szdlin� y �� ����; •; f( aud obtaining �1U0 upon it. Th�ar� `vero quality� of boi1� butter and ehe�s�e ma.tie nodt3's Kidney Pills, Whieh the ATO l�oilecl. of tttriking ariother boy and knocking u> to i;he desl: aud spealting in a tvhis- �:. '� ;�KE�'�;`:` a�everal char es ttf thoft from tho womon - �- in ihe fct11 tV�ad less th�n, usual. �'i�ieCs r�I sUffered �or bver twerlt earA � y ' y out oue of his teeth." `P7Scuse mo, er, "Tommy �'tiekcr's �ryin' td. lool: .' � ,� , . S � � .. %� Y Y Fin er mnrks an doors can �asil be � •�� ,, a•• i=tj,;!�� � �vhom. lle hact bigan�ously,mmaxri�d. '1ha -� for dairy praduata, howe�er,,,ntrong, us from I,umbago and T�idriey Diseaee," �bbod off with m pieca o# cln�n f1afl- JQ�Be. t�va of h�s teeth,°—Life, eross eyed, liko yoti look," , •�,�r�=�• 1 prisoner, who bandueted h�s ce;n defence, � �. • : ,#l�e� qnality of wero both bxtter and �Zr. Quirk says, "�nd �fter Cansult- ��1 di p�:d in arafiin. Aftor�vard ., lea�led no� uilc ta all the ehar os ex� i � � ch�eso wAs up �o tho nv.trlr� �n doctors t�ud tnitin thoir medi- n' p _ It is sc�reely neceesary+ to adcl that P � �' �' , . , g � wipe ovor tvith a clean eloth �vxuri� - ' it �as Diek}� Jories thab got �he snbse- F,�� .� o�ap t tho�e ot felqniauslv inari�ying TvTiss ; ,. � �a�er Suppl�es""�h° alaY ca'op ie ci��.�a, mnde up my mind i was insur� out df liot watei tc� tASCO' A\'Vt�jt tho c�uent �vl�ippiu�. � � I3�[an�FSard and Mivs �rnheea lJay. 'rfio � £�� ' ne�.rlq "one•Sifth large� tltan that bi la.st abTe. I't�as unfible to '�Vork wlion I a�g1L �---�, f4rsi; eharge propeeded �vith was thue of 1 .. � � year, Svh�lo the izn.mens�e yield of corn, �+�,� p�rsuttded ta buy a bt)x bf I)odd's pbstinato gr�a � s ot9 C�sn be ro- �:r' t' �, steuling uroney irosn tha y�is�ea Mitutie ` �- A1ao in�u,ns a e�aving o� ha.y u�d �n�her Kic�:ioy Pills, To rriy reub and. hu�5py moved by plaoing th m in bE�axino, � � « Merely Experimental. t at1d. I+axtny Iiendar�on paw�s a� I�ude�e�a• � � xnOre expeneive foddera. Lnst year s es- surp��as Z had not ta�en htzli a l�ox p�a�ing them cfn �t double �,d of blot- P'irsG time T'vo ]cnown you to re� 1V�ppF+t!! rpo£ t1�B Lydi�, L. P�n$� � � fttso n drink for a loii time; oltl man. � field. , � . perien,ee, aleo, :h4s mttde mAny farsnerA �vlien I experienced great relief. Seven tin� paper tund, �fter laying nnotl�er ) � « , , 6 ,, �atn �� ie.blb �ompotutd cure� ��., ��, r. Waddy, far the prosecutidn, �� i • " tivise to �he fuct that it 'le sometimea Uoxos Cu��d me� �hut was in 1�3W und p�d of the snt»e ovoti t}i� top, pre9s- �tf � � _; I iu cloin� n lzttle prehniixYurp prn,c- , ���'i� �� �+splalz�ad tlimt tli�a pci�on¢x•'� marYaaga , �` � bei;ter to dispo�o af the pobxer animals I am.still cured. T woulcT xYnt.Ue �,vitliy i�g �yitli a moderately hot iron, t�c�ug on i:�te goad r�solutxoug Z�spece ! �C�.�cjjll¢ SCb�is�,489 GT2tnd TrttnlC �,ith MiSs Ira.ixnio !}nvis in neto�er, 1907, "' ,= �r� �. oi �lte herd than to Winiey i�il6ni by o�zt Dodd's T�icinoy l�zlls fox an� �:. - to try to ptit ii�to ef£ee� ou �e�v �.'ear'�." ' Ori.�C7ceiLX, �vxltes �]rq. I'�tham ; rvu�a tlue sequel to 'the followin� ac�vei• �'.,� '��' �tlrchasing eapen�sive feeds. I�t this aon- mtrne i am twerit ^,� � g .. , r '7i �ii1b rery muoh ruh dofv�i fn tiseb7,ent in n Yurk$hire p�peYs ��'// " . ' bis�tion, it ib intieresking to nota thut thtin �beford i toolc��h81nYA$ ouri er � p Left It TherQ: h�a,lt��'roma f�ma.lotrouhlo, was thin «����or, forty�tk�r�e, nled�cal prafes= :, . � . �v�ile ba� hab �ie�en eetling a$ frorri �8 to ��dd a KYdnev ,�'ills curo th� Kid- /'� ait�sxv0ug, atad rtlr�+ �vesk� and Hi�ffaret� stfln nox� on visit trom C�.nad� esiria� ton and ltu� eat� ra.a ed 1'rom �,U ne�s: Healthy �{Yc'l.ifl ��tY�.iri 811 ttio 7.'eaoTi�r--'�oYi h�.ve uo oertificato of � ( ), cl ,,�f' r� �. �14 a , 9 8 � . �' ;� . l..�FT times jt�st an inexpcn- �•�ca��i�txon, Jolinn , n:nd � can t£ind travi bQwring down pains, in,deed Y«yrres oncteuco �vith 1�ud t�aet�t -�si ht / '' i;o 20 tt ton £h9 rico� of brnn n.fld �mPurities oixt of tlie liZeDd. '�hA,t'a .. . . , q � �, " dic� no� aare avhtltlier T lived br died, 1 to tlii'rt .flvo � viotv cari �nt�.rrir� e"� r -;-�- ��� � ' ' p why� the C�r�± itlleUrnatism sdl sometimbs. �" � t y �, ��'R ..., �-- - �_: . short� ars but �ittle befoW thQir 1ns� . Y , Seiatioa �:r, � ntvc gn�t—yct m peYfect ta�te ttnF sca�. ti�]i�ro tivere �ou vuceina�eci? . ialt �o b Y r � and oth0r, dis�tzses causeci b tlid res� =- n � i�ew �o (mYielt fri�hter�edj—iu Ttiis- � }��,dia, E. Plnkh�m'a��getabloCosri- �Pi�en 1�e x�tet M�.as �avia thd pr��ouer � Y R� $ ence of urie acit� iii tho blbod. � �� 'l+Y>�i.C;L d� �IA33I1L car s fi tres. �traw is nbt as d�d ns 3" � —ts Wantec�. sonri, sit��nm. pbasid. �conipXetely oarxd tne ot e1X ymq reprc.encetl, hSmeelf to• 1� �t docEoxy giv= � usua:t eitfier in length or cjudlity, mticii __ � , ; �tblc�, I air��ed is1 �eah , and �m ir�g his nais�e�na ��mes V6''�t�kai�. In ox�er Counit•y i7octor'e Cos�clima� (ng ]ioi�se ot th� uats n�nrl otlier :gr�in� bcing � � �C�K a young lady nothing ., _, �•, ,,,_ h Darn , k� � ' to t1 lie: Catkfideirca h� ek�outec� �t at 3n fidn•t bf houtso di forinEr � He Won, y � , , Thaw►n Out an Bil�n art Cy , , ire Yrdm baak�ci�a, iemwlo tro�tbie, rnnrri�a o set$�emen't nr ortin to ni � tie� --(�a art ou £ool tT�at man d�e�Y ����� b�,.,,.���g ����'� eut, +��E offieeYs mess �va� disoues�ng riilo ,.y� � wouIc� bc ntccr t}�an l�us :pretty ��� 1 �d�•k�1s�d�ahcs �tnd uarvonsriess. �' , , p P g ake ) Y , poultr �'�.rmvr� aro ivsn mor� at `�i„1� , "X iresziil � i�,boir�m�nd L dis I�, ov�r ta h�r var�oue ��r�rpartte� �3d secur• l�et �eeIt. - fi,etition to tho rai�ing nCgdomes�ie #o�ivi. tYlan�ing. �, , � °✓'� four�pie�e �aist Set 3hoWn �ial.r, �4ltxr.zcr—lt',lta{; you �lnin! tliei'e, �, � , ta o Co nnd ' r rt�oa in bniarlo, (�xitasLa., tn s� �of,�,l iudu �•.� . ��----■ ha � cOmmaiydecY iti li i�tc�g €�ll ; I 11 bet t�it� ono hOre� anid one qouitg' � , ., t;�tclE�? � p _�,me� �p8'e bl mp �o value £3�(fOb. 7''�osm ro e '""�'".._...�_.... �• �g�g ,� , g�' �_ liot�tenaut, "th�,t Z c�,n f:re t�veutq ehotis ° �erc. It i3 made rn tha �tneat •i�c1r, Ts"7r:� nt ttic �u�tx�'�I'ny tlY�w• e�1"aromen a ail�ants k�►otvi 41*hat it of , v d tb be tinn, is '�ein,g g�v , . � ., ,( 1 1) ++ ' � m tltiaaY After th� innrria a the � r�s �^ r ecetdan and mnrm ati;en S y ii� don� �'d� ma . �. ' . � P• en to � tha beleation t���d ralra of od �� �40 �a�eds �ntl c,�ll r.�ah �l�ot corx�ecLl � � ua�i dCt� lat�--��nt� ear.}y ' t l 7. 1 �' I otier a.r�d l�iia� ian.v,b 'tr�.wellec� ta ether - � �i�ltaur �vaitin frlt tli� niarker, X ll � '� q tY � � in t>tit tlri5 �c�%v �ttnt y�qa � T c�,i� � itm x B_ , ' � Nr , . ln crM� �'arin�r� dt re�en� n.t�o. reY n talc� � box n£ c�i nrs 'tTr�,t cnn." . pit� lri hlouriE@Ci 'Wlt� a genuitte �ao7�i� �ri��ac tvatit*r aii' l.s�lr. r� :'tn' t1i�`cv at�£ 9 �A� �'O�t SMC�K 1Ai'� � and Tvi3�e llavi� fu�d her �iste� 12�iviid � � � S �' . Z t.t�s ��_� Ut.cl�:"�-t'liir��o 1r.��r;�. �"Ax �y' e�1T� T�di� �. �.'�ix�• �old t��►efr furniturs for �6d. ��ise 7)avta _ ��' morW u�smt �ho egge�ttn t�pon tf�� �io�t ,.17one!�„ rrie� i:ho ma�o��, luatrous batoque peari. � � 7 far profii in po�iltry� tat»ing. �on�e rn• �ho whaTe Y�epg �tvas on y5ancl enrT ��, . •.:.��.� . j��n B��ge�► 18 CO��1'uYkdy m�,de al�a withdxesv £4G frorn th�� bn,�nk. �."hia orttr are to tlre orfer,� that elucken4 nro � : r � Sh�'s ."�tiil tn Cttai`nc. f� TOai�# a�d herbs, hE�s beon�. the mat�eq r�a� �tal�n t�s+ i�,e pri�aner. '��'lilCe � , I(�:el t� bo eaarcor L•ttfui iir,t��t o���i�r to �'�'�8 mnrnir�� tu �co thd ex��ri�ri�n� . � �� � t�d. �i�i�d. fox ���1 ie il.'� in Edu�brirgti l�e dis�.�,peared, �.itcr say- . � � tri��1. r �O� �• Ilt,errli�-1E 'C lrtic�lt't ct�•arnrt �ih.�.E r�t�c�`iX � I�t�1c'� 3' �_ . v�*ns in ar� , tho qYc�n,t deYnrin,d far ��s�s. �ur iays �,��he li�ut�ra�,nt fire�i� . . i. uii�ht liire linrl .x etr;rig:it fXu91t. , ti'v01 Cu7r�c�t�1o{�1at��b� 9ug tbati lro go g to h��, .Curkish , V� ����5 sct Wi�� �a� ma��ec� os� • r..; , ., � � ;; �dit9�� 1r l�t�.• • &hvti iloi c'ione ao «eIl ns ardiixn�y 'ku�rn• ���,iasn," I�� r.Rliniy �,nnatitnr.ed', � � � 1�„tc�l lh�h"� r��;rE. .\ln�nt•s x,n���;, '!l�19ct8�liSY�di1�116�9i'1$Y'OU�flbtl.W1��1[ r , qArcl favCl thi� sea�nctn,. 11 qc�cona s7��t, .� paic� ta any etltirea5 i�i C�na�a. t!u� rrrnu.l,r: r,�vr�r�u�o. t�� ,�ri�o�r�-A.t tho timd we �t�� ° ��g ' �rlep.�st i11�xriT�lf�tioTli 1tio8T�� �ek itt 7�`ork, c�i� z givo q.oa �tt accotuY� I � ,. 'x`hreglxtn�� a3u1 ��nrketlrtg�-.Thb c�hart• r�,�is�,,, ha rrpent�d. • � 1 �� � ioiti Cttrii0T8y. ir�C� a7l�.tit9� al.mq prp�ior�n liFot "Y'i^�. , �ie�a nt eCrAw, tLa o�sr t��aitie� nnd �i��* 'Wt�I°CC �btt C7'Uti CA7`xtL(�UC. Y��t l��� g� .. p r .� t)r�rct ahdf. T3nr,t ��r l�t+e�s i. Quiat� . , � '� gke�lii0 t,fi�� 't7e�r•, , , , � �ra�Gd; xr���hin�ery, combi�Ldd 'ta htirr�* �,�risq; r �:1iTfxI#"L` YCY�fif{. �.,.....:�. � �J:tty 1yt�r�Thd:� �«��n i�r r��,11w �ny � � . alC�ng t�sreehiri . < < r,� r i ]� Cht�r r�Yer.tSn lai. �on' t e . _. , .,.. , , . riw � 3'� � � `1"t�e �.ri��ce (�tcr �4[ise T)x.vi�)-w•'C�%a�. , , ,. • � � �" �ia� ii�i�e0�i�, i�&t'�e7t1u�'� ixlcligep 710E �t U7lC�LCT$Lbd(� E�ld,� E�lOTA Wl4� 7'ttl dbTl• .� : ,_.., �� �' . �Car�, tl�r.r� t Holcl n�t, pr�ie�CrF� 't�e �' n�c� � t� t, ��s e en, h � � � � cr 5 o�vn, ���� t rt, lwxt . � . ; . �'�It 7'la�ln ---i��v,n tn t�� ur�u�ua]1 y � "� � 1 � �' f�:/ � , ,.�_. * , y �i Bd�dikl8�a}t��i�'b�t'�l01a. tiiett�t ati nll, ���1 th�t thR �tar�ln. �+its �.:,L , •;-�, �' 3' ���jnr. �'1 hat �r� qnu tryt»g f�o �iot t��}---7)0� t� hu ihutir I��u ht ttr nyake 1 i '� e�, n� �l>>nr. � Y � ;� �ry �cv�st�hex� rasa��3ng �li�ost u�brdT�tz�• �Cpu'r�e not al�onttng �t �1c� tttrge� cct �, �cie�t�.wt of tt�nt '�oy r�f �t�inot '[ si��� 14t7M�r'r�tb 1)nii 1iit�-�-rlltd �v1��n 'I ma�r � r:+,t 'fiV'� �t ou � �t3 . .. . n t�ral '����inr.ns tr�rt�nxtior��....� �]�+ar� a ., ' ` � N � . ,� . 8 .' 3 . � i�i in'+►%tA� M►�i b!� , nu �aid �o trt�la�ro tiva w��t•� mn�rtimd. sse6 = „ •: „� 7,� �rtr�rt �h� �qth of ��uq»st to t'he 8�'th �1L �o��a ;yot� ix�r•�� n��ti��r�l hi� �i�:�y nf g�tEYrig � �$�«t��-`f�� Y�aln}�� ��, Eake it �it�� m�, ean f7 ., �y �� e1 y wr �� �, n nu u.e ril� �� , �� r� hax �bic i�Y�vl��• in rre��en t�eaav�nrel �n7iea i+xi�s r,il � �' 04 ticta�ber, tlic� I�.nc� 'ur�n ttp �Sake�d, u� fJp h�titi�:�� nut� A�li�iitted t�ti li�Yxt�Yl� ttti t.h� lrottam of th�n��t . �ti-�-C'�r�tdiiilv, r.x� tlr:lcl. ��t� �i�n't tE!i �rdw�► fi�r �v�ri�a � � �c.t�'I "'���'� � `�`"«��arr�r�M�� A� p t► �N �,td�+�i '�I�piLx � db ��`h�r�a�, �31�.ndtr,r�, t�h,�rr� �r�e bi �o1�st� e�l s s�d en �a�cit�ty Qtay �oils, t1i�� t�er,� li�tl� pto•,a• �.n�, ,°i'n7 firfn �ar ttrn�E cig�r�." �;t�� �'��+rlrar�Ya�; 1'�s nalinc� fit �ta�u� �n;� r,n�a it �ni�ht s�4I ;�,iccr !�htinc�r�:-- �i� � ! hq �'a: tl�ou�."�rery'Imd�'s ';�inga.�i�i��. h�i�m �r�am. .�.�,„.�,. .w..�;�.;, 7s; u ;�� I';� t ;ria1: �. r:. �1'�t ,A:�la�+t�ili� ��ty��l�i« a3�wa�rl�c��� S�x �ro��•e:�n�9u,a�t�oY�1z� �uid �' ' - r�$ w�� don�, �,t p �, Y' t..�e r . ;k .. ' � n . �., u C'.. ..Si4 :' a 1� � �t� � � _,k c,.: ",,�,� �',�, r .:t�