HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-12-10, Page 11­."j,.JX,41 , " , � , ',�� '' �"..' tL, WN -WV -, 1! " - � - , , . -1 I , �1 ,i�i',:�­�?- .'141W '0,04 R `,,._,�, �'O,��- .0k,..,' I � ,1.1 �,%O 11".".. . . . . I I � ,..,- ,v: . I . . . ­ .� ., . . . �1. : , I �', (11 . . ,Oilli ,�-..�. -11� -44,4 - , . I I , , , I I � ,�- _� � 1 4 �' :.: I � I : , , � I I , r- ­ ..- . I - ­ . I I., . I - I _. I.. I � . .. I -, , I , - _-A1NW_'__­11.-1,V1 ­ . ­. � _­­ . . 11 - ­ I ­ ­ . . �1 I I I . . . � . I .. � ... . , ­ I � . .. . ��' �. - 1, I . ... . . � ; . .. . . . I .,�_�� ' ':'�­ �' ' ' L.'f' . � .1 - . .. I 1.�� '. ,i� � - . . A . I . � I . ! _. I I- ­�- I _ I � I . I . . . - . I ­­­ . . I I . . . . 00 Vwx yus = Ammcm enri,T WINGU"t 01fT. I Tjff"SD A V SUBSCRIPTION I ROD Tolluescamme xx V, L I ­ — X3..& $DECEMBER I Or 1908,. , i 3ultAUARt. NO.- 15, . � . . � 0 . . ..-.– I.I...A..— ­..".., ..'....... I I . . ,, . I ­ � I ., . . I . . . . . . — _. - _', . � , .. __ . .-".—. .— . " ". . , — .. ''. , . 7' .. . I . I . . I .. . I I . I � I - " I _. - I � � I I I I I � w I . -��, Irp-IT.- .U.44 4. .. * +U4. .— - -* V - Town Council *0009, �. . , 1. � , ... 1. . 1.1- 1- 1. _., � I., 1-1. An 11481 WAWAOQSR 00y. M.411 Preovats Early, Docentbor Weaturo . 110111041 uporallollft #A15 VT W� R , and the rink his now being flooded ana � — . I Postaxo4tars ,are urging people to if ).?.tof. Ht(-.kq to correct, December Mr, Goo. Oburohill of Blnovala re - 11 . . . Cburcb lRews I Th send their 0bristma.4 parcels early I will be cold and Stormy, and the win. .turned home from Wingbam Hospital made ready fox, IceakAtlag, . I The regular monthly session of the a follo . g from to it that they Are fully ter generally will be severe. The pro. lub weeks . after undergoing 04 ye An echo I WAS bold I on Mooda_ � L"'. � . �­ -eV%-r­^-,*A �-~ I win , ari-Alberta, pa- and to see _. A critical Mr, John Robb, ter a � nail " p a 4 U o fegsor says :-"In the winter of JOW-7 operation on the brain. Som -4 four teaqUer. 4le . (I In Kingston on Sunilay, Town 0ou - Verr r fare to a, On of the late Mr. and, a,n4p=or1ty rep4lol he oat�a ,,, , a 0 a 0 � 04 I�n T and p g Oven All the Anembers wore pree- Now lfymq Book .. John Bone of Hut WaWanosh, so 19,11 the great cold waves expended :years Ago be received a severe blow aged 73 years. He was a brother 6f the . � . . ounce, and OrA ).4 11V ater, 1901 Of F409 town, He a out his boyhood ter a ce FAI-Allels, scarcely one of them - I mitIntea of October ass- . 'be . ent, am Bv E's ;, the church. and brol; � r of Mr.. Win, Done of States ports 14 a cent An themselves Along extreme north On the forebea.d fro ibe but,stItIg of Public School Inspector David Robb p ng from . years on printed mat ut for' two Olin � - having a Sun, At the time, no serious result of E'Itat, Boron, I ' Sion were a, proved and oonflrmail� %oada, will b3 eingl (till 15) on t is Tarox, and is, now it ounce$, parcels to Gmt Britain And 4 its way for to the southward, WAS anticipated, but i-ecently it began, iaii4 In 0, 0i of the t - The communications were then I,. new byron book. - The l0o newspaper man of recognized Ability. foreiga countries must be taken to We believe, that t There will be An entertainment In read.. One, from the Lteense InsP00- conituittep, which worked so faith- he 'Winter of 1907-8 to IN0, t1`0010, At the operAtion, Dr. 1 the pogtoffloo In order to get the rates, will Opp" tl.xe boreal gates to more Uleginbod, succeeded in 4.01noving 01 S. S. No, 9, East Wawaxxosb, on Dec, - tor, contained A cheque for 10,21), fully And, to. each ood purpo�e, have J. R. DONIO, � 16. A, good rogram of music, dia- . thaTowW-S share of a0con4 h1lioLl. been concludek U the Oxford press- and make the declarations , of cow. southern arts of our continent, In $Vnter of bone from the Inside of the logues, rocitatZris, ate., is being Tttsro to probably no more popular, tents, 04, lain *Qr91 exietrating the . pre, canse fund for IM. Anoth . )ared, and C41 Are InAted, Adfula, �er from as are now busy on their part of the I a, we predict a harder wlii- 0 1111, wbieb, was . been7 d that the yot Ill tile reAlt.p of newepw , fer for. the country generally . J� A. Marton, Intimated legal meas- work. It had IDS, man III � eX 14 , I ., with brain. It, Is, expect this will reo It F . .. ready by perdow than lohn It, Bone, thO_Pre$� Sol some extreme weathei far l6to the it, permanent recovory, . Sion 10 at$, ures it a* drain that flooded Thos. book would have = -1 nday School Social. th it � � - � Groves* cellar wag not Attendail, to, Christmas but this was found 11A. eat Secretary of the 040"an reps$ A box social under tbs.auspices of son . . Cash for South African land war. - this was referred -0 & We -ter po . ssible. ' , Association, He is a practical, thQr­ Holmes' Union Sqnd�Ly School will be ,A Mothor (Iono. I rants. -Box 71, Winghanx. - tO the Fix oogh-going, conscientious newspaper . 'VI, Bgrood By Molton Iron. . I Committee. A third., from the N4, ker of the highest type. The best . held 114 Holmes' School House on, I , Mvm W. J- BOYCE) of tOWA Was in Some few very nice things suitable , tion4l, Sauitarturn Associationt'asked St� Andrew'& Church. . wor I day, Dec. Iltli, An excellent pro- Mr. M. J. Bell, of Seneca Falls (for- London over Sunday, attending the for Xmas And Now Year presents at - I evidence of his, Ability wad the unani- I , � for a grant; this was filed, Which preparatory service wAq held on - Maus expression of a , steem in ,,,,bj,h: gramme is being ro ared and a good marly of Wingbarn, and brother of funeral Of his motheri Mrs. Blizibeth S, Gracey's Forniture store. , - - mearts-no gralat given. _ I time is expectex. Von't forget the Councillor D., Bell) met with a serious - B07ce, reliet of the late Rpbv. Black- .. � , , Friday, and on SIIII44 morning, the lie 1,5 held, is found in the fact , Sacrallient; Of the LOU. . . . , , that .date, Fridayo Dec. 11th. Programme accident about two weeks ago. well, $he died on Dec. 20, Aged 07; Those who wish to es.ca6pe paying VINAlier, CouxITTga RL"PoIrv. . a Supper was notwithstanding the Other offloers of . - I He , ,five er cent extra on tbtsir taxes, administered. Rev, D, Perria pre-abix- the Association are changed every at$ o'clock'sharpr Admission, ladies works In & very, large foundry,'where interment. took place on, Sunday in . sliourid pay them on or before Decem- ittee reported In pot an appro bringinj boxes, free; geow, 15c.; price o4sand men are employed, - - The Finance cannot . ia,te at .about a th � Woodland cemetery. Deceased was a . ,yr -rmon from .Tohn year, *SeeretArT Done has hold the f boxes, 20c. Tea will be served with He was At his work and everything 11fe-16rigresident. of the city, and was bar 10b, which IS. Monday next, 04 ,;14, ref, , .- , '' a NJ . favor Of poyment of the following Rc, 14 4rr ng to the touching incl Oost for it daca e, and it bpgine to ap. #*pot Tuesday morodog, the five per cent Coll . , I I dents in eporinection wiih the Lik9i; a - the boxes, Come and have A good was ready for "casting," The highly esteemed. She leaves a large I , rits, . . up pear tba� he may ,have It Just as long social time and an . t � I . � joy the programme, ,fox, Carrying inolters, mest in W 'rie, wot-k ­ I I ... ­$ 005 per, of our Lord ,with his disciples. as, he is willing to. assume the many . , the family -,—Mrs. Boyd of Winnipeg, Mrs. -will be holded. ,. A. Cut J. Partridge of Torontoi W. T. Boyr 1. a4ant wea. onerous duties which it imposea, Mr. must have been a little Wet, for pe D Tho.q. Deans, teaming ......... " 150 N . . as ri Macdonald was unable to give otwith4anding the tiople WANT)OM.—Marsh bay for packing soon as the metal ran into, it from the of Wiugbam, three other sons in Loxx� his I Instrated lecture to the A. Y, A, Young, supplies ..... 1. I I I ­ 1,35 ther, there Was* a g od attendance, Bone 1184 a way about him that is f exxituro �. , . . 0 1 ti, In ,R. R. Elliott, printing and advt. 4.00 and those who braved the hiclement hard to. explain, but ralghty nice to '. ,Must be Roft And free from cupola, It spattered all around, So a - don, Harry, Wesley and Thomas, also P, A. on 1VIondAy.evaning, on account - I I I . - four daughters residents of London, of an Accident to the lantern. It will A. Sanderson, teaming ...... I., 820 weather found the services helpful. possess. Io is not the way of many , thistles. Apply- to Walker & Clegg, of it fell on Air, Bell's arms, head, 11 , I Upholstering factory, Wirigham. neck and back, a,,n4 he was. badly: Mrs. French, Mrs. -Collins, Mrs. T. - be give J, 0. Stewart 41, 00,, Supplies... 238 words or of profuse expressions of .. i, Her ill. ail n at a future date, to be - . burned. A letter from him a few, Partridge and Mrs.. Bridlo I . nounced later, . D. 0. McDonald, work - � .. "... li. gladness, but just a powerful expres- . . . Public School Board. days ago, reports that be Is. improv- nes$ was of, short duration, as she was .J. Latronica, work .......... I �4- 1*05' Sunday last was Oommunlon dayin Sion of genuine welcome and a. clasp of � The Board met on Tuesday evening, ing, but the Sears are likely to remain, taken ill on Sunday and died on Wed- Special prices for cash, on all liners S. B. Ferguson, revision Voters! Sb. Paulls, and there was A - goodly the hand vhtch thrills with the heart- - need , of furniture till New Year's at S. Next Son" Action back Qfit, It is .% blessed fm- but we m . a , GrAcey's Furniture store. Lists ......... ­ ...... ­­ 07,05 . number of commuoicants. . ust condense the minutes. fox, molten Iron burns Sever ly, AY. Messrs. Allen and Dalm4get re, ev. .0, E. Jeakins will culty to be able by sheer nature to The Principal's ,report Showed the I . We have made an immensecontract , . 4,00. day evening, R . average for Nov. to be &90. . Certifted Election Of Officers. Give the boys And girls our excellent . vision Lists .... � ............ 0,0() preach anothersermon in the series to meet a Stranger and at once eacont- with Santa, Olaus for all kinds of - ,91mmon Bros., printing ........ � � I pass him: with frie . nolly affections. It accounts for repairs. Supplies, Coal, At the regular meeting of L,O,L. No. Shoes for Christmas. Nothing more Map, under the auspices of the Broth- as for paynnent. I I I � Christrars Slippers.—W. J. Greer, I J. Aitchison, path to foundry,. 4,00 ethbod of , St. Andrew, The sub- is this innate blessing which. obarae- Salaries, etc., Pas d 791, on Frida,y *evening, after regular I . - sensible.—W. J. Greer. I I .. I 1� 2410 - . I-Arizes - Done A."d al—a h, u. The Inonactox-7s report spoke of the hv­­a. .,,A ;­+,ai,^_ of ._A.A.+.. 17 * lk : 11 'Ph. J- 1, A 4P _4! tu � �� , I F - * `��v * . 1;, . , ; ", . , I ; I . I I �r � "'. . r , � , ..*. , . �4 1 , , T * , A� . I .1 � ... . . I I .., . .1 � I ;1 . , , .i . I I I 4. � . 1 . � I I I , . - I - . I I — — . � . . . � . , I � . , � � I . I I . . . . . - � � . i ­ :; .: . , �.�, . ", ; , . . i I . I + I .1 I I . . . 4 41� 110. a � � Vv. AS 114,0Q, -M ...... ..... ­ q t will oe-11A omsinoa Trans- ? 0. ;--w A. Ov, V4 P, Scott, work. . � ................ 00 Jac - I . �W.y C � A 4:0, r0c - . Q. q �4� 9 action," Theset special -subjects tp great favorite with the llbo,�s." At, g000lcondition of the school, and COMW the following, offloers were elected.- dhaire, ,parlor pieces. centra tables Methodist nday School will be "At - � . . I . u I , I W. Fryfogle. work ............... 7:06 men, on each se of the present he is occupying the Editorial mended the caretaker, for its comfort W. Master, W. J. Greer,- Deputy Mae. picture frames and pictures, at special Romeo" in , a Lecture room of the I � I 1 157 .. acrid Sunday , - andeieaulloess. The teach 'ra are do- teri J. W. Hewer -,. Rec.-Sec., J, W. p4ces,,try S. or aicey'ts furniture store, church, on Thursday evening., - An in- I Richardson.& Rae� supplies..., J wouth have been a,bly dealt with, And chair III the news department of tile L _ � � . . Gartshore & Thompson, pipe". .35.56 no doubt the one for next Sunday will Torontaftap and the way that paper Ing good work, and the Inspector. McKlbboxx; Fin. -Sec., S. A. Maguire; . * �. . vitation wil, be extended to the teach- f; I 1? . J. A. McLean, lumber. . I.... - 981 be made helpful And practical. � if, 44jutoping aheWis'another link in �00raulended the. new teacher, A -lies ,Ilrea,surer, D. Bell; Chaplain, J. 0- Ladies' Rocreation Club. ers and oncers of other Sunday 1( . . � I W. J, Boyce, tapping. IrL�Ins. ... 14A0 . the chain of evidence of his ability Hawkins, as doing well in the junior it - . sru b, Die. of Cer., Ben. Scott; Lee- Schools of town, - . . 69 repairing roof . 2,00 . I find worth. Of course all the Warn. department. The report also referred tnrer, %V. Guest; Committee -men -1, A number of ladies of Wingham. met I I J n, . * " hodist Church, I � _ on Friday evening last And organized ' A box social will be held in the 11 I � W., F. Vr4uStone, gravel ....... : iqi 86 Met bars. realize that the work of the sea- to the faithful service given by Prinel- 4. 0. Manners; 2, W. J. Wyles; 8, T. H. McKinnon, work at new Excellent Sermons were. delivered pal Musgrove for over eighteen years, M Robinson - 4 0. .4. Thornton the abo.veAnamed society. The follow- - Junction School House on Monday, - L . retary in any association Is the roost I , � ; 5. in - Dec. 21. A good programme ia'eX. L '. �117 " bridge .......... I ,­ I... 2500 last Sunday by the pastor of the responsi e 'an t at the secretary is and regretted his retirement from the - Chas. Barber. There was a large Mg offilcers were elected .-Hoxx.-Prts., . . _. Canadian Express 00' ,�', -I ....... 3.41 Methodist Church, In the morning, t 0 Lone person upon . whom rests, to a position. Part of the time, he bad attendance, and Bro, D. Bell Added . rs.,C. E. Jeakins; Peas., Miss Ethel pected, which will start sharp At R I I . E. Dennis, lumber and dra,�iug. 7,10. his subyiot was-I'The old. old story great extent the Success of the Assoc!- done the -work of two High School to the interest Of the evening by giv� Musgrove; See.-Treaa,. Miss Olive o'clock. Admission -ladies bringing , I PL with v, -ad on , -10 teachers, at only an ordinary salary. -Com,, Mrs. R. Cle g, axes, ree; gen emen, 0. price 0 1 S. Linklater, supplies ­. .40 %r ation,!1 ba,, John 3, ; ation. The anadian Press Associa- c rama., VanStone; Exec. [efias boxes, 15c. , f -1 . . 8 - G�o. Mason, supplies ... :,.:' 5.58 In the evening, "The secret of the Mr. Stalker, his successor, was spoken se,ve Mrs. Willie, Mrs. .T. 0. Smith. A , .... . I disetv;sed from tion IS bigger and better than ever be- 110" The year just closing , I - - . Clerk and Assessor� fore. It is filling the measure of its very successful one, a large . . Mayor, L smooth brow" was I . . of as un excellent teacher. The defdc- re,n has Ella Cornyn, Miss Houghton, Alias M. WANTOD-100 live pigeons, deliver- '! - few organizations of tive ventilation . I ' . choosing jurorq .... ....... 12,00 Mathew 0 -, first ,clause of verse 25, creation as very . Of the SchOO! Was - number of members havirig been - Macdonald, MISS Mabel L Ross. The a er�uson, Sal. and �ostage 55.00 "Take no. thought for your life." its kind a -re doing at the present time: again pointed out, 'The �Chairman added. I I following were appointed as cantains ed to 4, M. Crawford, Dec, 23, 24.- 1 _ . - for a III The Wingbam Gun Club. , ad D D and is most assuredly setting jan ex- An' . . , Indoor Baeeball:-Mis Xv a '10) 14 "" 0 Griffin 6fthe "Maple Leafs," Miss An- - ....... v', r' )IV O�giy Are a letter of condolenee on the A pair of our Ladies' handsome , T'B F 45.00 Next "" ay" �� h I e!sap a-r� Ample worthy of emulation. Not Lightning hitch Hockey Shoes-tbe ' _ E V ! 8 ...... 20.00 I h I Secretary were requested to pre &PIllen , " * ­.... ... 7.00 Goder 0 , will P1 ao a " � 9 - of Trustee Kerr, -9 ple McLean of the "Stars,"' and Mies bestthatis, Read re "sensible Christ- L ori?,�J R. Rauki * .. . mons, morning and eve, ing, an ev. .only is this true as regards the bust- eath The Board Dress Shoes or our elegant Slippei coming..* , , , , , W. a . Howson .will t 3 a Me 0 On. adjourned-, and at the Invitation of would make a Christmas gift that Maud ])&via of the "Victories." The -1 I -_ 1R.. Saint,ut, .. ....... I , ,so k D ness. end but quite as true and success- . r. - Club* colors are yellow. and black� mas presents" on page S. , J , I T. J, Elliott, work ...... � . 1,05 gall's work in Goderioh, rul in its social functions. The Asso- Prin Musgrove, went to Moore's rea- would delight any woman. -W. J """ 5.50 L l I Great. interest is being manifested in W. G. Gray, teaming .... �,_.R ciation may, well be proud of'such a taQx�t, and were feasted on Oysters. Greer. . . The Taylor -Anderson Co., manufac- . . I I very T.. Hall, ptinting*... I *. I I .... I.. 1 ,5.75 secretary as �Ohn R. Bone, &a4 John this club, which will meet a Fri* Wrers of clothing, have opened up a ' . . . . were . R. Bone has just cause to be pr6nd of A COU'RICOTION,-Our ad. last week, Analyersary And Tearneethig. day in Mille Memorial Hall, and will stock of their own make of goods in The electric light accounts . � the Association of which he is secre- .stated that a wet shoo would almost Anniversary, Services of Winghean enjoy all the privileges of the Pariah the Wilson block. Their advertise- Xm,,,as. Slippers heavy this mooth on, account of . Belgrave. I tary. I instantly crack if put by the fire. It Methodist Church will be held on Sun- Club. -Ladies will please meet at 7.80 ment will be found on page 8, and - changeq. They were all ditly certified, . Friday evening, . I � they - and will appear after the 15th. in. the Airs. Porterfield, Sen., is visiting . should have read as follows, -"A wet day next, 13th inst, . ,- invite ot.r -readers to call and in- ' I . I - shoe will alm6st Instantly burn Rev, Dr. Dougall spect their stock. After you have been all over : Fin. Statement of theL Treasurer, .The UrB.J. L. Geddes. . . I if of Goderich will preach morning and report of the committee was adopted. Mrs. Carlis] . I placed or held near a hot fire," evening. On the following Monday, Pormerly Of Timberry. The new bridge at the north end of . town and looked at a thousand : . , I e is visiting friends in L WINGHAM MARKETS. I . there wiltbe, & teameeting under the Mr. Ed. Townsend, formerly of T,wn'Is one of the best in the county, useless articles, you'll uudoubt� : ' London this week.. . _ : Reeve Irwin reported -for the eom- I I - I .1 . I L auspices of the Ladies' Aid. Teo, will Tarriberry Tp., niet a sad death, on and cost $10,000 as nearly as can be . . edly decide to give "Him' I : , I xnitt�e that vi6ked LIst9wel to report' . Miss Ross of BlyCh is visitilogfriends . . be served from 5.30 itatil 8 o7clock, and Nov. 18ch, at Leduc, Alberta,, Mr. ascertained. The building of t'he - 'L � I L . on water and* sewerage systemsi A! in Belgrave this week. I Wheat -W to 02 eta. . 0 an interesting program will follow. Townsend was a brother of Mrs. Thos. abutment was not an easy task, as the - SLIPPERS . to the latter, Listowel has none. The . . I Oats -85 eta. . Among those who will take, part, are'Aitkin of Tornberry, hence a refer- I I 1� �.. �, . I.. I btained from four artesian R. Harris of Wroxeter, 0. 0. F. Or- ersonals . coffer dams cost time and money. . : � . water is a Barley -52 ate, Peas -82 eta. Die, =. I the following :-11ra, (Rev.) Smith ence. to the sad event will be of inter, 'rho work, however, appears to L be . . I . wells; these cost about .$NO each, and L ganizer, is in the village, I . . . HiLy-$8.00 per ton. - Baker, Of Teeswater, who is an excet- eat to ourreaders, The deceased own- Our line of Men's Slippers is ' . V Of ood Little Isabella,Watson is at her Stateo-22. to 23 eta. . = ----- lent soloist, the 'Wingbant Quartette, ad a portable saw mill, and was Inov- well done, anaL it will be a durable : the finest assortment you (38,11 water. The committee consideref 'a . give An abundant suppl. A. H- Wilford of Dlyth was In t a structure, the aunt's, Mrs. Smith in Turnberry. . Eggs -24 to 25ots. last Sat W. 1. McDonald with concertina . � ing it- at the time of the accident. He, . find anywhere,. as well as the � pumps in Wingbam waterworks equal ' I Potatoes -26 to 35 eta-, urday. selections, J. W. Duncan with cornet - was driving the wagon tank, when Don't forget Bab,v1s feet in selecting ' ,to those of Listowel, and thought Miss Mary Porterfield'has rAurned 0hickens-7 toL %Parker, the hor,ses Pan away. He remained your Christmas Shoes. We have most reasonable in price. 1311p- . that two good wells should supp a from visiting Miss Coad of Blyth. I I 8 eta. per lb. Miss Barr of Londeaboro spent Sun- aglos, Miss Brock and Mrs. In I . ; pers in Tan and Black Kid, Al- , - I-V I Duck& and geese -8 to 0 ate. day with friends in town. who are always listened to with plea- - on the wagon, and secured control of some handsome atyles.-W., J. Greer. 'T of ,water. The Mrs, Morrison of London is at the* Turkeys -10 to.12 ate. per lb. L. . sure, will give recitations. Admission - the horses, but they broke Away a , ligator, Velvet etnbossed, Opera . . committee has on y visited one place, home of Mr. and Mrs. Watson. . L Live Uogs-$5 ft -M�si McMillan of Winnipeg is visit- . to tea and entertainment 25c; children second and third time, finally throw- ' An elegant line of furniture suitable � L as yet, I r . L ing bar sistar, Mrs. L. Hanson. 15. cents, � . ing him under the wheels. ReL lived for the Xmas trade now in stock, at shape, Nullifiers, Romeos, &c. ;. , ' Miss Breckenridge of Bluevale was For Torouto.and othe, market re- � . special prices, for the rest of Decem- � We are showing choice lines The account of the Western Fonn- I I I �. . Miss Millie Agnew,ispent a few days - but two hours after the accident, . - . . a visitor at.Mr. Oiverx�s ,last weak. ports see page 2. with friends in Brocefield this week- A Splendid Concert, The Leduc paper says t-I'Mr. Towxx� ber, at Jae. Walker's. in Ladies' Slippers. ; dry-, of, $25 for pumping water, WAS re- . ' I ferred to the Fire & Water committee Mr. and Mrs. Tisdale Sundayed with, � . I I I I - 11 William Wright, brick manufactur- It 'is the general opinion that the send was a inan respected by al"Or The buying season is at 'hand. Par- - on motion of McDonald and Spotton. the lattei?s parents near St. Augustine.: - � � - his honesty and integrity. He was a chasers will do well to scan our :, Slippers at 75c to $1.75. i . I I � . . .1 . erofKincardine,'was in town on Concert given in the Town Hall on � christian gentleman in every sensa'of . . Thursday ever . . On motion of Nicholson and Irwin a Mr. and Mrs. John Patland of Ethel Monday on business. . iing of last week, under columns. Wingbarn merchants carry ' : refund of $5, error in taxes. from at;- spent a day with Mr. and Mrs.'Scan- Whitechurch. . the Auspices of the Y, AL 0. A., was . the word, with the courage of his con- Well a,g,o,ted stocks, and they will ' I Will. Thompson, traveller for the one of the beat that has been held for victions. HIS tragic death is but the treat you right. It is not necessary to ': sessinent, was gran$ed to Rev.. D. I per- drett. - . � The 'parsonage is being 'improved 0anadian Carpet Co., and & former end of a series of calamities which - Tie. Joe Ynill returned horne from Mani- tO the extent Of StOrol.,windows and Winghaw boy, ,.vas in town on Thurs- some time. The program was given fiave seemed to shadow him since go to the city, nor send to city depart - . Mr., Dulmage 49ked consideration of toba, only two o1hys before the dea6 door,,. . day of last week. entirely by local talent, And the per- making his home in Alberta, over a mental Eitores for 0 your holiday or I We I GreCiT : his water rate accoutito as on account . - r. H, I * formers doiservo credit f�r the manner , - A fewyears ago he Staple goods. Tak it all round the t of his father, . M I D. Henderson was in Toron- wilt. McDonogh of Toronto was re- i a which every number was. rendered. dozen years ago. best values mwy be obtained right at ,of not making connections, he had Last Sunday, Win. Wray visited his to for a da:y oe two last week. newing acquaintances in town this The good-sized audience 'Was apprecir buried it. beloved wife, und since that home. . . ­­.. - .- ­............ . ... . . ,used no water; referred to Water Coax- si ative,, and gave every number hearty time has had to face inany friancial I I steri Mrs. John Crowe of Dobbinton, Mr. E. E veritt of Allan Park spent week. It.is eight years Since "Dusty" reverses. -To the a(yrrowixig orphans- OvuRsiiou a I -We save you money; , mittee. Mho is very ill, Sunday at his f&thees - of this vll-. (as lie was familiarly known by) has applause. The prograto comprised of whom there are'three boys. &xxil they save your health. Buy here. I ' v ne, elections . - I. - - 11 Conn. 8potton referred again to the Mrs. P. McKenzie, who took & para. lage. . � been in Wingham, and naturally the fOl(0w1I)g:-CO0ceWtI . a a b )n Suitable Xmas. gifts. -W J. Greer. ... . . � 1- - - ­­ .. ..... I . � notices many Obanges. Ile IW49 a, by N.V. J. McDonald; selections by the, . � Dry Earth closet system. He had in- lyti�stroke about a month ago, is re. Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson of the member of Wingham's champion foot. Cline quiirteLte; readings by Mrs, Tea. 0 NOTIOn.-Persons having accounts 91141 - ' ' I ast bein"who I Used in ClintoriL Covering nieely, Of 0 wi qaired into the system Soo, wbo have been spending a few I . 'Parker; solos by.bfiss W. Alb&,Chis- a ce %R,. I and found it worked satisfactorily.. Miss Jennie Proctor has returned. days ,with Mr. Anderson*a sister, Mrs. ball team. �11 ainat the late Henry Kerr, will -4a hohn -, piano solo by MISS E. E. Grant; I afea-se send them in at once. -Airs. R. 10%, : . Mr. W. 11. Green is on a trip West . 01, four J. Moore, left for Wingliani on I's t him. O%rMAVJE I " Yo"a'ydecw d t a 'ibr a ir'8ho eympat 8 ye 8—t a are _Omw t go - On on IS t" It cost each ratepayer about 03 eta. a married ,! loth wives pr ease - year; the water was good. and only boine, after spending three Monday to spend a few days with Mr. and spent Sunday with his brother at duet by Messrs. Offne and HUI; a drill, A1ycTzo,,q S,itu.-T. R. Walker will Werr. . ac E6 . � one dep montho in Manitoba. . � " ,Mountain Maid's Revel," by a num- hold an auction Sale of 25 cows in calf, ath had occurred there fro& Andemon)3 parents.*. . I)evIia, New Ontario. It -,vas 31.) be- ber of ,ynung ladies under the direc- 4 fresh milch cowq, I Jersey cow, and It Will soon be the "presentation" . , _ fever, and that case bad been* brodilit Mrs. Smith of Turnberry And Mrs. ' low zero,, rather � cold, but still and � season, when teachers, and others will , A A% . . . in from Toronto. He moved, second- Miss Gaulay, Deaconess from Toron- seem as -cold as tton of Miss Houghton ,Tableaux re- a good Pneral ose horse, at the receive gifts of appreciat Ion. While %p 5 . 'Vannorman of Wingham wereat Mrs. frosty. so, it; did not r d 19 r4ZF : ad by Conn. Gregory, that a By-law . to, I-.; expected to be preAent Velday presenting "Lead Kindly Light" i Natiollaf hotel, 3�rlagbaux, on Satur- we Shall be pleased to get reports for I W. Watson's last vieek. in Old Ontario. with, only a few ,,,qock,()f Ages;" and the ktocutin - be prepared Similar to that in force in evening, Dec, 11, in the Methodist on day afternoon, Dec., 12th. - This is a, publication, we peefer not to have the . Miss Beatrice Robinson of r degrees below. The cold "you'don't contest, The last-named number was . Clifixton, and that it be considered at Seaf0 th church And deliver an address in the feel,, is the kind We prefer. . good lot of cattle, L Purvis will bo' addresses'that accompany them. The I ' ' next meeting of Council. - Some of the arid Mrs. Jas. Anderson of Wingban' Interests of the Deaconess' work. . one of tile most. amusing, and was the auctioneer, re � Almost Christmas agaia . Council thouglat this might stand in were guests of Mrs. Sproat. Contributions of money, clothing', I I taken parU in by Alex. 0outta, Alex. � . asonrr for this, are, they are gener- the way of securing passage of -a by, Robert Armstrong, jun., Ah line, etc., will be gratefully accepted. All Stuart, and Robt. McDonald, th13 two .1 .1 Lally alike-, they Are not of vide, Sea- - and with it comes a desire � law for pare Watel-, and SA the report Morris, has entered the John Avm- are cordially invited -, meeting to be- J. C. ROCKWELUS NEW SUNNY latter forming the elocution class. L I eral interest, and they take tip much : of the Board of Health had .not been strong Co., lii,e stock dealers, gin at 8 p. in. sharp. � while the first -named reptesebted I , , . � valuable space. It N suffictent to give � to remember otiOs friends, . . SOUTH CM, Prof. Spix, teacher. Mrs. Parkei?rt � the facts, which the public like to - We have been planning for . - received, thought it beat to let the Miss Carlisle of Rensall was visiting Whitacharch Rifle Association pra*- - Setitch selection, "A Cute for Ague," F I. , ocal Items read, and leave the address with the , this and have now a bplen- : Dry Earth System lie overe It; was . recipient, except in very special cases. �: Agreed that the consideration of the her brother*, 0. 13, Carlisle, lAst week, 08ed oh -Dec. 5. The following are Those of our citizens Who patronize was very a6inasing, As was also a .111-.0%11^~ . I � FI:] . : did show of GIFT GOODS * By-laLw would not imply;, immediate and W. E. Carlisle of London spent A * t 2W yard. range, seven the opera house and others who want -selection by., tbd quartette, entitled L I . I . � I it 0 at, i's � ith big brother here. 4hotsr. po.osibl "Ba,.Aso Peofundo. table.111 ek! u have a watch or clock th . : action, so the motion passed. Sunday *1 a 85 points. -R. Carrick to see a good colored show, will be it In the Drink Christie's Teas. Si bring them to Patterson; he'll ' suitable for all classea Of � , :12; Win. 0eect-oft 29; D. Beeeroft,27; g,a%d to hear that S. 0. RcakWelrs Chas. McDonald sang I'Lead Kindly, b Coun. S�potton remarked, that $is he Mr, and Mrs. Won. Hopper left this &, p ox 24; J. Spe,rling 22. It. Patter� 'v - Wear Greees Shoes and Rubbers. make them tick. I people, youngest m6mber of the week for Bruce Mines and Thesgalon, Sunny South Company, last sea L' ht" very sweetly. - Miss .8. ff. Rey - r . I " Id Lightning hitch 1-tockey Shops -the - was the son 22; J. McOlenaglian 20,, G. Lam- sons moit talked about attraction, 'do a, Miss Houghton And Alias Grif- I ' ,Council, lie felt, the duty Incumbent where they will spend a taorith or sit ont 20. T. G,tx.tori 19; S. 011.1 -tot 19:;R_ Ill ,ppear a House, . Mr. A. Coriens has bandea us a fine Crime in aijd see our goods. . - on him to invite the Council, 1he ri tot, is; -f Gaunt is., J. Joynt W � bt-ought to a close by, the 0. - cale mas presents" on page 5. . sveeks aniong f ends And relatives, ahaxn� 11 in the Oper ftri were the accoxxxp&Diste� Tile -con- ad&x, Of the Mutual Life 00. of To. beat that is. Read ra "sensible Chl,ist- 'Press, the Clark and the Chief to re. we wish them & pleasant time. L7. At 500 yards, seven shots, posal- WingbAin, Saturday evening, Decera- cert was u voilto. . - We will be pleased to show 'I . bar 12th, There isn't much to say diencie singing the NAtional Anthem. � . . gale thernselves with oysters at his ex- The three churches of BeIgrave- , ble 35:-R. Carrick 81; D. Beeorcift About this company, save that it is a The proceeds amounted to $65.00. The Scarlet Chapter will meet in I . . d you will ;,�'. 9 enae. There wat no objection to this Preabyterlab, blethodist and Rpiaco- 28 -, G. La,mont 27 -, K. !?Att�rsou 20 -, J. )ad strong onei composed of twonty- I - Winglism L. 0. L. 'room on Dee. 14, BIRTHS. : profit thmby. Call and " " at rather a feeling of �Ioarxxra at the pe,liall, are gettin Sparlitig2t; A., Fox 2f; J. MeOle�a- 9' ' . g ready for theit live colored people, each and every Dr. Nelson Talfof 4.98 Spadina, Ave., at8p,trh . Blatchford -In Wingham, Dee. 5tl), Councilloes devotion to duty. So to Christ,Wu entertainments; they Will ghan 21,,- ff. Champion 21, Win. `B80- expert in specialty work, who Toronto, will be at the Qxteen's Hotel, � 1 a . Kennedy's, restaurAnt they'went, and be good And well war. croft 19; T. Gat-tou 18 -, T. daunt 10,; 1 'One an ROOKS TO., R1VT._OVeV A1&1001111�8 to Mr. tiad Mrs. W. 1310,tchford, a . , eee i . thy of public do.everytbin fuany� that dal-kies can, Wingliftin, on Thursdayo Dec. 10ths , enjoyed a social hOR-110at as 'the patronage. . Joynt 15, 1 1 do so well &Z keep the Audience in a from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m., for congtilta. � grocery. -Apply to 0. N. Griffin. il&ughten . See oiir window for sag- - bivalves disappeared. . - . The people of Delgrave are sorry to Last P Viday forenoob. After it brief, constant State of laughter and' excite. tion in diseases of Eye, Harj Nose And The Advance welcomes its Lucknow! . DEATHS. gestiono. .. . � � . . - . I-. . learn of the death of James Martin of but s6vete illness, Mr. Yas. Martlit of Want frons, start to finish, On this Throat. Glasses fitted. - correspondent to the st-aff of- this pop- ynill-In Morris, on Deo, 5th, Robt, - )@eat Wawanosh, as Air, martin isone W&wanosh passed away. Mr. Martin company's former appearAnes In our - I � . ­ ufar zinilly lourba. Vaill, aged 61 years, 8 months. - 0%11.e-� ol the fitat Settlers, and Was well was conscious to the last, avid bid his town, our citizens liked it the best A meeting for orgartimatioa, of the Martin -In East W&WAnosh, on Dee. ' SANCTUM PARAGRAPHS. known by the older settlers of thi's wife and fainily, who were assembleol. And patronized it the largest of any . are old, at his bedside, farewell. a few mlnut6s for Several years, It Is announced by WHY NOT THE BESTi. Hockey teatim, will bit held oft Thuram 4tb .Tits. M- artin, aged 110 years. 1 IRY9 . locality. mt. MAI -tin was 70 ye befoto he died. Mr. Martin. was ode the management that this season's of- . day eyening In the Council Obatobar. � , ' - ­ . 11 - . I WALLE'r S- -A taw po9ttilloo Is t6 be built. to The death of Robert YnIll came as ot igavor&I briothers, who settlect, along faring is entirely new� Modern and up- When the beid ea,sx- be bad at the Li'glittilng hitch Hockey ShoeA­tbos , * V argues and a meeting, of the Llberals a shbck to the people of this vicinity,- the division. line, when W&Wsnosh to,da,to to the minute. lgverYthifig 19 sAme plAce as the Itiferior article, wily best that is. Read 1-6 "Sensible Christ- %^.%~,.�-,----.Aok�� DRUG STORE of the town wag called to decide On a; as he had only been rilek foe 16 couple was new, being awoog the pioneers. bright and fresh And the new-oomers not bave the best P There la hbsolutely mas presents" on page 6, 17M site. Conservatives were not 0onsid- of' days,- Mr� -Zutll passed mvay on He was & Otto ap�mloded�. far-seeing are all clever artiste -in their respective no doubt that the Vauill.v Hereld and X. 4. ,Ste . wart & OoAq advib., 6196W., WINTER TE RM � . .11, Saturday, the 5th inst., in the Olat business nilin# anct one who was fsAi- lineg, Th-baorripaprrecontly a par- Weekly Star of Moatreiil is the 'best G. Patterson's, came ton late fol, . . 11 I .. �red, though possibly they may be itl� "BallY dollar's worth III the 11ne of tiewe. - obahge, but our readotra will Dud them OPENS ]owed to patroniZe Lt a' e of his Age. He settled In Morils, - iess Ift.his denotinclation: of foand or t4l 'in Kingston, Oot.f and this 1. - .his office. The y ' of years SILSO, On lot 13, coil, h oartay of any kind, *hoft it ewne' Whig Of thAt dity a or - tot, the ____­_ ___ funny thing about the aili,tir Is, that ,,, number . f October 18th., papers. It Is all eaucat ady for the Xrnes trade. I . I . 4, where h6 built a beautiful home. lin9er his notice. He might allso be speaking of their performance, says I- whole fainfly. It has more features re the majority hi favor of the site , ,years Ago he was a inetober of called the pioneer Iffiplenjent L ,,It, is U6140111 that Kingatou theatre than any othall half-dazdIt big city Tito Olitarto Provincial Fair began JANUARTL%yx 4th , , � - ­­- � chosen im six, and it waa afterwards rwo - Agent of I , I I the Morris township Council. In raw this section, having for,a n0niber of ,goers have An opportunity of llattnin papers or magazines. Give It 0, trial on -Monday Rod elotea,on Ft-fols.y. It - " 9 L found that there wet's more ballots to a colored organization sitch sa hal for ION, and you will be glad of your is held in -U tvalph, And the rallwa is of- . - than Liberals. Who staffed the box, ligton he aolhated to the Presbyterian years, away back in the peventies, , , - (Jeed rates to those who Yetirs I How Church, and in polities he was a Con- ittted as general ugotit for Ing. Hall the boards ab the Graud. SAtu'rdA,Yi bargain. .ter red � if To Get A has not been aseertained, and Another aerivAtive, Hisr wife predeceased him Mfg. Co. of Oshawa. lie was also An sitterboori �axxol evening. The singing ­­ I .. 11- 1.1 ...... I- to go. . moRg YOUNO Pr.OPL8 meeting to decide the question, i's - About seven years. Jae leaves to � up.to,hate aoa peonpetotis former, and features: Alone were worth moro then — A good wMely 1.9 a Wise CAIIIIA0110r, , teLined V, Out n1anagemput 11MU ftTly . likely, otber In a4rio. Groat denianil far out , * * * . moom his lorts two Aonm and tbeee - his, fatut IS among the best loxlptov6d the price of adtolst,i6ri And the Male - And 16 life-l'ong friend. W. 0. Patter- dllate(4 10 BuoltieAg college Teachers, Positiol I- daughtera, and his Sudden detnise is in thd township. itr religion lie was a Quartette waq the best ever heArd[ In . sot, keeps therao *� rlivatos"retarp, Offito At,41staiRs. eta., L and, this alty. Tile fitno. - . -Ulectort now have nit txcellent regrottoa. The remains were Interred Presbyterian, Ile losati"s 6, widow 'y Dicycle and'Uni- . . - 11118 embodinlont nt tile 1110st Expert, 'We bave ovt.r ,'Soo 01%110t a L lo portunity of comparing Ootiserv&- In L the Brandon cemetery last Monday. threp sons awt sit daughteft to morita cle tiding of Weathers and Green ,wan Rmilced among thq bdet Oordm6r- The eboir of St. Andrew's Chitivel't Modoro ftsteins kiwim In linAbifts .4el- t4o w6d I;t , beral mothodg of den -lin The service Waq conducted by Rev.: his d6p&vtixra, The sons are -Joh" of - the most dat-Ing &bd artitstle act of olid Schools of ihe Province, to the gave & concert in the basement of the L ance, W6 Invi'a eow.Dar:140% Thrto De - 9 pArtulehO. m6nriod br 91tille Instructors.' year for atenographen, book - with Town j§tt*o. !Recently the Whit- Wishart, of Drustolb. C()balt, jag. and Ohm, at houia, The Its kind ever presented on the local Wingbarri.1jualbeggoollege. Thesue- church -on Tutu&y evenIng. There , keeptta, vmcl *Rite vorki,ra. - ney Gooernmimb deeidea to -put SoLo -Ip.twhters uee-Mes. Adair and Mrs,. Stage. There were &196 several other ,deotsofitq gradaittas hashob been er- was ad eift0ttaitiltig Program-, receipts COMMtRCIAL, -_ - We con fill only k% fraction the makkpt, the Town site of Oocht ne � 0-0 A41'a io.o Vo Ill of Win am, -Mrs. Fallahay, of . o0cal turnew In the 011o, Including the - pelled. The new adveAlserpont of ab6ut $14, ' L (practIaMly ift is, *ildemesp, but with L Cobalt, Mrs, Reming of RAM11ton, Krnera In the Roller Skating stunt, this etpellopt school to to be fatind on AIr, Goo. Mmon )I&* ai)e of the big- of thm number. promptets of it futort.) The Govern .14, D.0 Mrs, Creighton of Clawile- wble), -18 a very olsvdr pit,.C6 of work, pago, 1. We understand that any . gest stooko of the kind north of Toton- I t L ' aluevale. 'all Ia& &t ho TELMAPHY, A Zonw-dy&hool g mall tit tho*,16to up to auction, and - hoya, Man.. and Mt me. And several extra good sololats. The yoti�g people who ate laboring under to avid this w�%ek be Is flWat U, - _ rbAu&to Y - An a rW I ill %boolotely Sure of a good , 0 on, ,,, - a brought In, me,ixy thousand The offleor.q­ple�t of nlftaftld t�.LO.L, Thd whole fautily with thea*cAption alulktice At 'the In'ttInAe WAS not A the fAlse Impression that the 0 goodstyle. Thlis tooln willibaRl - , VAll e0IM611 tn 411 DUSIUM 0011e96 016TId , . , -a. Oraighton 1,wgo one, but the q1vality of tho per- better In & tity Anhool, will a given ,elr Itigh, fthool Axlbjeota. posittou. ars eay of the pro 7M are -W.M." IT. Mathers; D.M., of Mrs, Vlemlog nod Mt - Jotido'nee W&', ouch &,4 to dr&WL &capt.L Aevoted eximl to cut glas's I � vince, Compare this with the Blair- A, Wheelejf'.j R#e'-S'e4"L Geo. Thai"" ~a preAovt at hilk deuth-bed- bl§ Ann_ _ freer tmnaportation to the great Elep. articles, . I I more Town site, practically glve,n tou; 1311n.-Sda., A. AUderson; Vhxpq in-law,! 'I'dr. 1-. VII'dintrig oi North city houseatnight", ThehIgh-el"A trid Ulty of Petetboro, which Ittanas r awAy 1) the Dominfoo Government to W, 3. Sohnstm -, Team., rud. . John.— 00.kot,J. W)JA AIr,o present, The faner. Solo tonecirt band, whiell aceornpitutes sIxth Among the title-ir of thoi Doinin- Dlk� O,ftX14, Al. D Lo-d4oti, Eyowid. Winghani 1: The Kennedy School it "culator for $480. _It IS nOW astf. eLton t T.o6tut,ar, Anson Thott" I boni., ,q on motway w" conducted by Rev. thA organli,%tlon, will head tho ion tit to wanufachirlix Cutout, var StTrgoon, lo'lu 16 at Moxibbon's . I noated worth $200,0V Honeut eloo- Gilbert Xothvpy, Tho& U.1110, JA*. POA- 41, H, Duncan, his Pastor* And was one. "Koontown" pirii,do, whieb. tAkes While, e�ttandlng the Pe, .%oto 13iiii'l. djmg Ift-I'Le, On W6dhpS(1&J'J Dec. loth, COILlege"' Adolalh, St. Z. .1 , tore,, bib tbey Grit or Tory, oiwi trot but , cook, 3no. Stowatt, Albatt Tbotaftws of the largest avlef, been I a W ,A*Afto4rh. place at noon. The prices of admls-' ness College, whtcii WO -1; foaridod 6 Oaticract, ii albt, faillu byesit, Business _-_1 I ) I 'Ift(I noses 6duilt, tUAL the Whitney method is Theril was a good fttt6ndanoo, #,vA it whlalj� iii arnplo ovIA-priore of tha high Sion &te,ga, es aud so oorits. It.metvtd quArter-conLury Ago, they will ho lboaM 4^W, r'. I &A-faess, 1, 0 , � L the boat, in the Intarosts of thapeopliN wm* Apat$od to htttt An 6yotter Supper towern tin whidh tho dootate& Was 154,M4 Are now on Wo at MeXibbon's Iven froe, tickets to the clt-7 Y. bl. a rmd Zt, omoets properly ottea, - 141to, SPOTT0111 I Mftto � . . T ORONT 0 . Ou . � , . to ,whow the puUlfa olomalu bel6ats. � .64rly In J&nuiwy� held., dvair store. � T., Y. W. 0. Zor T. A.2. : Ouft-2 to 8 P, m'. '. LAOV%^� I , lut L =MN't .1 ! ,"I""alit,"I"(". I �..'' ��­..,,,,," �L". ' . " .1jL&J,, I I I � I F .1 - A - 1, I 41 . . . 41 . I �Va �_&__­,,Wi� - . _.A"_ .1 0