The Wingham Advance, 1908-12-03, Page 44 THE WINGITAX.. ADVAN04 TAUAISDAY, DECRUBER 8, 1908, Pvcts ionto times,. and look 10T. ward into the f at are,%vith more obeor• fill bearts that the present att-luseuoy In work And money will soon be A thing of the past, V -People's Popular Store, bamAbb=a The sa Till' TQrO11t; news say 1-1111,ur ng IAstflv0ot%,X Yeats, �s I Are You iCulap the eve have hal Theo, 44 Propyletor, Jn: Federal afrniro the most o4trava, gent fuld morrupt government tbo, WINGHAM, ONT, Do you want things to be just so ? Then counlry has known since Corif _ ede.rm* I'd like yo- for a. customer, We've promised tion. This to proved by the revela. we, tions at Queboo apd at St. John. wo Pson 8 you satisfaction—promised you that style, fit and Those -revelations show tat the 0 Patte price will please you—we'll keep our, promise. methods which obtala. Ja 1011t,41110ry Do. to And which mark the opera.Our best ads. are satisfied customers. Come hero —14 nine months Ontario Mines V11Qr1la"o"ftho 0overliment all over the for your next Suit or Overcoat, produced $12,205,705 worth Of win. Country. According to the 11t last published fang United 119%41t)eN JEWELRY STORE the total campaign. faud, off. the Repub. lican party 4m6antea to $1,050,518. Io;-Newwo icor trumor says Prowler The United States has A Xopulation of Kerr B.,trd urler p Ilrre at the dQso of the between. $80*000I000 an $90,000,000, first session of his new parliament. Canada. has mPopulation of between six and Ox and a half millions. Ifoa, the election of October 20th the Cana- Agents—Ladies! Rome journal Is Headquarters For= :====:a -_=z.=._= Hats; Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Underwear, Etc., —Now we are Informed that a 'go- dian. Government had A campaiggn ronto girl actually chased x bur Ar fund equal to that r in every line that's new and up-to-date, b vue Republican reported by the Agents Ladies! JJOMe Journal Patterns ty throwing a pillow at him, . party of the United strange thing. about the occurrence Is, States," Call and see our elegant stock. that she bit him, even with it pillow Small Prices—Big Values, and Itis also remarkable that a real, —The goverip live burglar ran from 9, girl armed .meat of Canada will Rl�h Cut Glassf only with 9, pillow, construct a building .at the Alaska- Yukon-PacifloExposittop to. be held It, Seattle, June 1, to October 16, 1900, 1 1 inclusive, d - Suggestions For Christmas And —An item in one of Toronto's daily coverlIKAe,roup space of 800 by 140 feet. 1. . e anadian exhibit papers announces that Ontario apple will include a� disple, viarnond Rings, ct were "roasted," Now they of Its riculture Robt, Max'we cark -sympathize with the apples. and horticulture, to inining resour- There is, however, a serious. phase of ccs will be shown and special 4tton Holiday Sheppeps, the Item. It is charged, that large tion. will be given to dairying, and 11n4titities of apples were shipped to same of the finest stock In the 0 11 �004 Pearl Pen d lon and, with good fruit.qn. the. top, will shown in this display., aA42 Tailor Men's Furnisher of the barrels, but very inferior apples inissioner Hutchison, whohas charge below. This deceit is likely to injure of the display states that the work of the market for Canadian apples in the collecting the varions exhibits has Headquarters for Santa Claus will- be 40%0 10-01y 4 old land, A big law -suit is the out- been under way for several month.,;, corns in at least one instance, ,Hon- and the entire display will be assembi Gold Watche!sf Cc, est y is thebest policy" In packing ap- ed three months In advance of the Our Big Store. Come in and take ples, as well as in other lines of trade, opening of the exposition. new Auglicati, Bishop Par- look through (fur splendid, —The awful revelations of graft ..The King's For Bargains We Want Your Trade before -Tudge Cassels. leads that thing is 5 strongman, resourceful, and well -assorted stock. staunch Liberal paper, the Windsor resolute, He is an, advocate of all Record, to speak out thus:— reforms tending to the social and "Such rottenness could not have moral bettermout, of inankind, Bat' graven without knowledge of he is not a faddist.. Ono excellent fen- In fact we have the'largest and Produce Wanted ture is that be lives the life he advo. the heads of the department im- ,nates. For instance, he is a believer in House Furnishings. for The Ladies t mediately next to the Minister, sane temperance; he Is opposed to the most complete stock of Jewelry All kinds. of Farm Produce—Butter, Eggs, Dried and there should be a merciless bar because it is a muse and incentive cleaning up, if some of the thieves Apples, Beans' Feathers, etc., for which we to treating and promiscuous dtinking. P do not see the inside of a prison, Soon after he wont to Kingston he Carpet Squares, Rugs, Mate. will pay highest- prices, will naturally extend to Fancy Back and Side Combs, All the of all kinds) suitable for Christmas learned that -his rectory property was, the other departments, and now devoted to hotel use, The lease was Chenille and Damask Curtains, newest styles In wide, plain, back the ground is broken, the inquiry nearing dissolution and another terra Table Covers and Stand Covers. combs, open work top back combs,. Gifts ever shown in Wingham. will doubtless broaden." was desired, The Dean looked his Iomen Table new designs in settings, prices 25c to committee squarely in the eye and . I Covers, Stand Covers, $1.75 each. Side combs 'to match, 10c F U as Drapes, Tray Covers, etc. Aid that he would not extend the —The Ottawa Citizen very properly 5 an to $1.25 pair. Largest stock in Wing, remarks thus.—There, are some blue lease, that be would' rather resign Lace Curtains, very, handsome well - A full range of Fur Coats than accept his share of money from bound, price up to $5,00, ham to select from. , Fur -lined Coats, N.IeCk books Issued •by the, departments, that source. The, committee finally Furs, Muffs &c., at lowest prices. which absolutely require a specialist Unbreakable Combs, reg. 20c for.. 15c concurred, and the property Is soon to Window Shades, Curtain Poles, etc, Unbreakable Combo, reg. 15o for., 10c to make head or tail of them, and as be closed to saloon uses. there are comparatively few special - public, these publications are largely Brooches, Beauty Pins, Maple Leal —AIA English newspaper of recent _11"Ina,. Shirt Waist Pins, Cameo Pine, a waste of labor, paper and Ink.: If d ,Thgib`oWu"nPd"apof Canadian Our Stock ate says: those having in charge the prepara- I Rich Cut Glass. ate., etc. commerce are ever widening, The A tion of these volumes would bear in Fancy Hair Pins, fancy Hat Fins, ists in blue books among the general other d, we recorded an order of W, P Of Dress Goods, Flannelettes, Hosiery, Underwear, mind that they are supposed to be 8000 tons 1, n, of Canadian steel rails made up so that they can be tinder- far India, an order secured In conipeti- Yarns, Blankets, &c., is complete in every stood by the avera � Quality a little better and prices a f _Z e taxpayer, the tion with the rail makers of the particular, and we 301joit L a call, work would be consigerably simplified little lowor than you'll find elsewhere. Plain and Fancy Kerchiefs., and the blue books of More Use 1;0 the world. Now an Ottawa message tells Salts and Peppers, Oil Bottles, Knife The Great us of the closing of a contract by the country. Dominion Iron and Steel Company and Fork Rests, Vases,, Water Bottles, with the Australian government for 33on, Bons, Sugars, and Creams, SpOon Embroidered and hem stitched Watch Doctor Butter 25c. Fresh Eggs 25c. steel ratio for the roil- Trays, Pickle Dishes, Tumblers, Bowls, ..... ... JW to 500 —An improved condition of bast. 10,000. tong of L nese affairs is reflected in the October ways of the common -wealth. Not Embroidered and lace, ..... 10e to 506 long bank statement recently issued. De, ago Canada supplied Australia, etc. F &ncy Excelda, Hdkfs ........ 3 for 250 posits, -which have been bounding up railways their managing direc- for the past three months, continue tor. h order for. 10,OW tons of GEOrails Plain -white, hem stitched.. .. So to 10c n En KING their soaring tendency, the increase in is a fitting sequel. It is also a plain October over the previous month notice to the world of the reality of amounting to $11,80%870. The .eir. Canadian industrialism." The Ado China Department, Hand Bags, new goods .... 25c to $200 • oulation was augmented by $6,790,OW, vanes inight add to this, the Ca- Purses at all -prices. Good Gdods Cheap Prices 2: which was to be expected in view of nadima western wheat -fields, and the. crop movement. Canadians may Ontario's silver and nickel mines, well, therefore, take heart at the pros- along with our industrial institutions, Handsome Limoges China Dinner are evidences that Canada is progress. Sets, ()7 pieces, price only. . _ $32.00 ing. Handsome I me Limoggs China Tom Big $ale Of Fups .. .... . The particulars as to how T". Sete, 40 pieces, price only..... $15.00 onmee was elected to help "Laurier Printed and Gold Decorated Por - 'w/ finish his work" are among the most colmin Dinner Sets, 97 to 102 es. 5.00 Fur Xackets for .......... $88.00 in $5 T. .MILLS 71, disgraceful in the annals of politics in ... 1.0 .50 to $10.00 38.00 to tt ........... 25,00 Canada. A poll was announced to be Pretty China Tom Sets, 40 pieces.. 8600 go it held at a certain lace. The deputy- .... ..... 21.00 place. authority, ........... $4 00 to $7.00 go 46 returning officer, Vi iioo ........ 20.00 moved the poll fifteen miles and held We have a, very large stock of Fur Capes at about... , RALF PRICE WINGHAM When oil realize that total it at Dexter, within one hundred Fancy Chinaware, new goods. Our y yards of an authorized poll. A. special prices are low. Handsome Far Sets, Muffs, Runs, G. T. P. train was engaged and on States, Scarfs, Throwovers. Sunday afternoon, the train started assets of over thirty millions are ADD Q6 LY for Dexter with its Liberal workers, Joe personators, whiskey and tobacco 1 They arrived at Dexter poli a.m. fl000avO entrusted to the custody of the Be Ogg were cared for till the poll opi;nEd� Specials For Christmas For The Gentlemen. Three young men Aged 18, 19 and 20 10 Days usage G d 0 0 a Bank of Hamilton you will respectively were brought with the "to have a. good time,". They 100 Cans and Saucers faucv X -1 - were le. with whiskey andinstruct. 9 - Ready-to-wear Clothing, Shirts, nese China, very pretty decoraes - recognize its ..position in the ed to vote for Coumee. One of them tions, regular price 85c to 50c. Pants, etc. Wool -lined and Fur -lined voted twice in fifteen, minutes and Special this month .. ........... 25c Gloves and Mitts, New Silk Tie then fall in a, heap oil the floor. An- of Barga I n 45 other testiflea he voted nine times. 850 and 50e Japanese Caps and correct styles. Braces, Cuffs, Collars, public confidence. All this took place in an waanthorized ...Saucers for ..................... 250 Tie Pins, Head Office, Hamilton. Poll. These facts with others were 72 Majolica Quart, Pitchers, nice] Hosiery, plain and fancy, 25a to 50c pr. COMMENCING brought out in the trial of I y Tomlinson for personation, before Judge Britton, tinted, regular 20c each, Special Silk Handkerchiefs, each...,25c to 75o price this month, each.... ..... 15c Exc4IdaHdkfs., fancy border, ea.. 15c ---HEN you know that this vast sum has been gradually The awful proceedings rival in their iniquity the cruise of the Minnie M.. 80 Children's Cups and S Neck Scarfs. Underwear. aucerst gathered from a small beginning, over thirty years ago, you, for only, each..........., 5c' W_ Saturday, Novell"llbe 21sts will recognize thatt back -of it, there must be sound, conserva- 8G Fancy Muga, reg. 16c each, for,. 10c RIBBONS. Think Of This, Girls. tive management, to command such public confidence. At the London, England, 0011186um New gibbons for Christmao, pure Miss Madge Temple is wearing a hat nVglo Silk, plain colors and fancy, all widths, which cost $600, It is 14 feet in cir, Paper E Poo. Low prices, _y cumference and is trimmed with 15 as- Following Are Just A Few Of The Special When you know that the greater proportion of this mono Note represents the small, regular, systematic savings of the farmer and trich feathers of old -rose color, each HAIR BRtTSURS.—Pare Bristle measuring •-two yards, The feathers Hair Brushes for women and I alone cost $500. Mist; Temples hat is Papetrileo, -plain and decorated men .......... 50c, 750, $1.00 to $1.50 Dapgains Of' This Sale artisan—you will , understand why this advertisement is inserted, absolutely the largest on record, and PAper and Envelopes, each. soliciting your Savings Account; and comprehend the reason why four feet larger than Miss Marle ........ to 25o CLOTHES BlIttsaills Lloyd's and eight feet larger than, Dutch- Fabric Xote,Pmperin pads Real Bristle Brushes, each....,... 80c 4 only lien' the Bank of Hamilton should be selected, as the best bank to s Work Overeosts, regialat price that of Wag Marto George. Miss with blotter, good duality, each 20c $Moa—shle price..........................,......$4.49 It* a collection of hats, Misses' entrust with your money. Temple has qui TAUS. =C.—•A quantity of Mi Envelopes, good qualityo any size 3 only Veil's Work OvereoaW, tegtilar price varying six feet to ten feet, and spec- I and Children's Tams, Caps and Roods Lal boxes have had to be built, for Linen Pads, regular 150, for ...... go to clear at Half Price, $10.00 - 80,10 Price ....................... 4 ......... $3.38 The absence of all display renders the Bank of Hamilton each. 4 only Mens Ulster Overcoats, regular price most acceptable to those who demand stability rather than display, $8.50-8410 Price ................... �..­ ........... $8.19 EA in the Bank - they select for the custody of their money. Com.FREE PRE CHR 07NICCOUM 3 only 130yal Overcoats, regular price $6.50 bided:, with this characteristic, the absence of all unnecessary for- One 86 B -Z Dust Pan will b - e given A Toy Wash 38oard given free, —sale rdee ..........................................$2.98 in free, to you, when your cash purchases while they last, to every little girl -lined Caps, regnlar price mality in the opening of Savi 99 Accounts, or rho deposit Kingston, OntarW, Mother Tells amount to $5,00. Not 11ecdts&rr to making J% 26c cash purchase. Those 40 only X6111b For or withdrawal of money, makes transactions with this Bank es e• HOW Ifer Son Was Cured of make the purchase all at one time, will not laab long. We have only Prl'ee ..... 100 A back smvet—be sure you get one. rbout, , so hurry up girla. 20 only, Boys' Peak Caps, regular pridb 50c orally pleasant to the majority of depositors. it Bad Cough and Run -Down 0011ditioll Ity V1061, eath —Sale Prole .................................... The Bank of Harniltoft, invites and solicits your Savings You. will find many other lines Account. womy t,00, Edward LdnhAn after it; Populap Magazines. arocer** equally as good -value taking two battles of Vinol been thoroughly cured of a bad eoust4 that during this -Sale. he, had for nearly two years, He Was Muoh riva-down and had lost life app.. We Are agents for it nnmber of the No, I Soledted'Ralsina, 8 lbfa. for...25c rite. VIA01 not oily euted his nough but; ib built him up and t-eattv in. best Magazines, Any of them silfttt- Choice Seeded Wbins ....... 100 to 150 I boll BANK OF NA�MILTON pribmed his appetite. 11ove Vinol bid for Christmas presents— Seedless Raisins ($altomm) 2 lba., _25o to be it splendid tonic." Elt4nia4h Len. Alosle6ls, AmerIcao Vvtrybodygor, tian, 140 Ragtau Road, 'Xingstort, 04t, I No. I Table Raisins, clusters,, only. . 20a %Z WcLUL YVUV KV Ut;t;* Nottopolitan, Peatsoee, Seribnevs, This is beeaute Vinol to & gebuins, toule,aud body-bulider which eontaing POPUlAt medhanted, Women's Bonier. cleaned Ourr&uts, 8 lbs.....26o liigbest prices paid and the best value for peptopM6 of Iron, together.. with every SournAl, todisal ]Iowa 3,01-lenal, txtit& quality, obiolta cleaned Our- your money, one of the bo y-butla 11 11 medieln rants, regular 12jo, for 10* -elements of co liver at') Alb withou. one dropo f oil to upset the stomach Now Table Figs, choice, per lb.... 20a Now, choice Linter, per pkg.. ..... 100 and retard its work, Vinol acts di. reetly upon the stomach, creates a Chpistmas Globe. Now Dates, in bulk, 8 IN, tor..... 250 healthy appetite, and enables the di. Icing sagat, Whitt, 8 lbs, for ...... bio gestive organs to Obtain the necessary Pink Sugar, 15c lb, or Z Mr. for... 25o olementallona the food "1816 "ills "ten to Xylako OLVOL 1 MI C* P.0 MIENT WIN(IHAM 0"i -i wwj�A_' A, rich, red blood, h6m1bby flesh and %aua* We are agents for the Christrata Ung# In packages........ lad Tit 010 tissue And cramteAretwth. to 40 LM, M W,7. V Globe, Leave :your order herc,, Fust Shanfa Alm"dO Ana W41AU 0 Your wo'do Wbol falls to )0ii Mw* uj� be -no J. 'Walton MaXibbon, drilg- the thing to ee!nd to s4 friond for a — ----- Uaab Lernon, Otutigetud Citron ohrlstwha promont, Nell 4riduad, ail E i �_ It A