The Wingham Advance, 1908-12-03, Page 3_­ � r.. ­ . - ­ . . I T_ ­ t� �111 ­�72RIVIr"..'RIFw— "'�-1-1.7-.;ipm�l-wvlpl;qrwwm�rw,l,-W.pq7l"7"*I �� ,XW04-m " I '*1 � _71n, J .­��.. ­ . Z. , ­�_1.7 . - A . ,'7-,77,, � 11 ,, I "� I i � . . 1W wil, 4 _�, 11 �. � , , :,�'; � - I . � I. , . I � ., . . .,: . I I—, .`JT- wa'e. 7 I , ._-'! `X71W.4F".T'W -, ,;,, - ,,, .1 . .1 I � - . I .. . . 7W.1. 1 ", , , .� %,�'.. ,_ I ". � . , , ..­ I � . , 'i I . . 1. 4. I k , . - 1. , I I ­tl ... I ,;, * I 1. 11;6 :, . . . � e . � .1 .11 �� .. � .. . .1 . . ... , , � . A^ I I . .1 11; .1 � I'll. , , . . . '.. 11 I � ), * I � � I 11 A I �..�:_ 6..., ..'�.,­­­ r ,0.W_R0114k�-01P+1#.%W,,.,,, ,,- . - . 6 ­­. .1.. I -.0'. _.. .., _­__ __..___.. __ __ . ­ ­_­__­­­­._ I ­�_­.­_­____,.t�� I I . , — .� � , � . . .. 4W. rA I -11 i 01 ". I I . 16 1 . . - 4411010", ". ' � - I. - I I ,.I, 11 _, � , r, , '.�­ .;� 1 � 4� - ' '�' ". ' ' - I I � . . . . . . I ­ ....... . - I , - - - I I ­ . ­ �. .. I - - ... - I . . —i - _Z : � �.�Z"� . - - - _4 __..AX,T;; V. � I r I Iq I 1. � , � . . �­ 'r' t "' � ;��� I .­ - .,w - �- - - . , 21! 1 � I - � : .. P 1, .. I I - I I � I r . - - - - - I - - I — , - - - , - - - ­­ I �_- . � ", ' ,. �­ 11'r- `4& . . I -00"04 _-1_1-1111 - 1. Z . � , . . � I I I I . I I ­ " - — 1. I . "wlwl%"'w*4"""w'%'*"F*'-*e%,�'v ANAEMIA —Z . R"EJA 'A T I SS M, I - , I It Comos as NoZ aily 4,nd Is as Will, � NEWS FROM THE OLD LAND.', Is caused b.y the evil influenee Cankers on ; "' pol'o Chipoks, Ond Color Come to $10 -op, 1 of poisoned. blood, XTrio Acid arid (.1tiorovis oa- anai,uda to simply thlil- Tito foar of death, whi(gs IM, Imu. - . . I ".. .. . nflvgi of blu0j., so, fuOrmlously ext4olt-od In ollamAtle . � other impurities, Notbiall so (',0111- I Apple Tree,s : , . ons j), it conflia,il toa much InoluorR, awierrl,i, I Ma,qy Interesting "appenitigs Reported froin - pietely (tispe's these pois as ',: literaturo, s",r#d Bud Otherivivo, JA safel - blood, f 'W�ft�AWI%~q_"­**-W-t�,-%� 11""01OP81 be'"110 the lung'i Are lusuffl- r Ferrozone. It makes new _ � � , .4 - to W ulmost without existence in siek- ,vicutly allpplle4 11,11:11 oxygen, awl Ow . Great DOW". . r vitality aud vigor, euab- uany ontario appie� growers have coul. blo,xi, Is eDn,sequ(iltly Ill-miwished 44kt lieu, Most patient% have lost It cent. I '"r . -40. --I----,- 00 010000444410400*041moo 1011d "6040W. , 1� iid 11. � 1~0 111U114)"t,111e, system to throw off everY , plaineoi ,that ail unusually large number lialf-starved. plettly. 1%v the time thoy become serlQue, . ., -be. forined, if poesl4lo, In order that traee of Ulieuilltatism. Vor a, Sure, of bran-ches, ,are dying oil thair 40olor up- But there is A vare. I J,y Ill, (London Daily X-11.) Ogre try . ple trees, And not A few of the Younger Dr. Ramilion bm *ioltveol the pioblem I)mth and Aee both painWho, ac. h be shown to Ill M3 falli-0118 01% Of MAl"IrOkle, 41"I cording Ito Dr. �V401�01146 Ifutchinvu, In 141o. Prinee al Wales has decided that AP11"t photography ullZ t which trees have been killed oub:lglit, `1110 Duti;,ruut, EL43 a blood, enrielier theirithe AmericAll, MAgtizlue, And cause: 411 the more allVid.%toa PVQPcrt belong- bol. tin octual and gouiltine way In Ferrozone trouble. Ilas usually ii -en a . . f people "on, tile other aide" 111411ifested . ttribilted to, equttl !,a not known, ueltber foar nor auxlety by their ap., lug to tile Duchy of Cornwall In. Joutil A vlaq showing how 1krrozone. acts 114 And replac- themselves to friends in this world. Suli-Soal,d and Oyster-Sliell Beale, Invos, All the funothma upon which life de- proach. At 19 one of the xuoA morolful London shall be oWept Away? Tito Dally Mail volunteered to. lovin 4 Illustrated by tile following from Mrs'll. tig*tlom this autumn, however, howe pende ,%re helped by Dr. IfamiltoWs things lit nature, that ther Oyerwhellul .. ed. bf new buildings, with. every, Improve, of Wright, of U111101d, X, S... P , I men . . commissiou- of till equal number 44'six inouths Ago I experienced a act. ohowix tba� 'the greater part of such � Ill% -- 'e Irt"r niajority of the polsons, which 4e- � ) , a this w4y, have at. spiritualists 4114 MVII-known chemical e call be traced to cankerg, caused Welinosa And purlt., fil ift.StlltOd with stroy life, whether they nro those Of � Tra4wformationg 11 ious lllne6s� It commenced with Split- "Alue : wonderful Proluptutos Into tl1A vital infeuhloui diseases or i�osoi which are ready taken Place on the 4WIlY estate and technical experts Ili order to In. �g ile4daclies, dull, pains through illy Ith't, by a fun,gua disease known a' fluM. ITealtbfv- color tmzpVl.,tl)t9, the PAI' elaboro,ted quire fully into the matter, arid to do. till I I found it, bard to Black Avt Or A ba,eterlal disease knowix _ froili the body's own waste r Ild, ash -en f4t�. Better a.p at lZouningtou. C"Ourtoilytty street haa termine It possible whether the 'O.Mlled chest and ohoulderN. roil anti as rear 1.311ght, Vito Blight, Qr Pli`ltf, at"'It", Products, act -as lmrcotlZii And a,bollsli been almost ent4rely rebuilt., and tile Qld or nler, - satisfying oleep—would . - Tw'g dip,,5tion, and dr-canAvo 51"P exe suro spirit pliotograj)lia wifto genuine 'a. got Morning felt tire, . I Attacks R10 the grimy tenem.outs have given )VA to to$$ And in tile d till 1$llglit. The Blaek Rot to follow, bomusa of thp itterear,ed blood 4onveloluingoo long before the end clean, bright -looking blocks Of 1111's ly Ingenlouh 11 akes.11 ever. Then I grew nervous, lost flesh, leaves And fruit, causing the latter to supilly furni.vIied by Dr. 11amillton's comes. Property Tito commission,molt for the first t.1mor . circles 'rot. Oil tile surfa . of t fruit While oleatit i,s net In any sense an. which Are as well built as ally . � . got Palo and had heavy 4Ark . rree he rottell lnlla� alogulis to. sloop, it resembles it to the � in London. in Lower Kennington lana on Tuesday at tile Itoyal Photographic & so low little black pustules or pimples Almost tile same desirable 800letYls headquarters, Go Russell. Square, - under my eyes. My strength gc vorried one-third the size of a pin-liml, Appear I And Mester street � W, C.: tile names of Its iuouibon�a being � I couldn't do house"Tork. I was Dr. unmilion's Pills - extent that it is In the vast majorty change has been maole� and unable to eat and feared I would aftQr a time, These Pimples contain � of instal . .,less not only not p4lnful, bA The greAtest rebuilding 00114MA under as f011ows, not got well. Ferrozone braced Ina up spQrl�s willeh -wliell set free are carried Make Rosy Cheek$ r welcome. raill-ra,cked- and fever,scorch- � to , U10 olioelly C011ooruss Spiritualists -Mr. A. P. Sinnott, �fr. in ft. few weeks, It seemed to supply by the wind from tree to tree and help ("I nta. long for death as the wrear- . nsideration. of Terty in llrbicW me%- 2. It, 80rocc)d Skeelv, Mr. . Rober . d in Iles),, spread the ollsettse in the summer El, Better act at meal Your case In more 1,4T.1)"Imleer lonlo for sleep, . I owever, the Pre t Xmg, wonderful strength. I ,T'I"' sleep, In ther kind of canker way cause diseased �cumblc now than lo.ter oil,, Dr. ITamil- while many . of the processes which do-wa, between Stamford street And the Photograpblo Experts -Mr. R. Sanger. looked better and was a IQ to ton personally guarantees his, pills, of lead river, bounded on the west by NrN'Oterloo Shepberoi, Mr. R. Child Bayley, Mr. X all I*took twelve boxes Of 11'errozone and areait oil Qe trunk And large branches Mandrake and Dtitternut. Th,3,r . I to oleahli are painful, dcath itself Toad and on rlars J. Mortimer, in or at. the main crotch. It Is. not easy to . stioned, Tboupard. et * me"b is painless natural, like the fivJing of a . the east by 131,141CI . y cure was. complete," 113 unque -nllcs real The King, whou Prince of Wales, Watching the work of the commission It Ferrozone doesn!t llelp y _ ,ou an(! tell in. every case to which disease e, n r Anlie - flowgr or' the falling of a leaf.' .Our expressed 9, -wish that the whole of for this journal I& Air, T. Thorne Bakex, cure you-thell -nothing ev - . a it they have Cured find kept well. , g t44a r . .er will; your ker Is due, They. will do just t -lie sanie for dear ones. drift out on the ebbin � this - . you. of lite ivithout fear, without pain, eat area, containing 2,000 or 3,0W -,rbo, was olected chairman by the com- druggist sells It Jit 500 boxe8. Better A Blight Canker, howevoi, often be. Try Dr. 114mlltoilf; Pills, 25c. per box, or fc�es, should be. entirely cleared,r if pOS- mission, try Ferrozono. gins by attacking a water-8prout And five boxes fox $1.06, and refuse any 41411� without regpet, save for those they . r � 1. , , running A * leave behind. Witen death comes close sible, and rebuilt on a plan which should To obtain a, spirit pliotograpli in the ,-.—, � . � : . . I I own It into the trunk'r crotch I � r. - . .. I I stitutee. - Inake It a good residential district. presence of the whole commission, strin.- , or main: branch and torroling it large dead � . 'I" - . I . . . enough so tlia!t we can see the eyes be . .. . _ - . _ . '',.rr .. . 1. The 'scheme Is. to be carried out by the gent precautions being taken to prevent of evening newspapers; And the celebf4tt- area there. This time of year such areas . . . - I hind the mask, )its face becomes as wal- 4 . to. .3 0 4. 1-1 , +h� 4.;_.+A -m 04 0111 r, as she PA634 sml1Qd At the caused by Blight are usually distinctly ON COURTESY. come " that of his "twin. brother,' , " I _V1, . - 4-11. I I . I I I , I I ,, 1 14 4� J! rr I , r , , i , , � I i. � - 11 , . � I . , , , I . . , .- . . - �_k I WhIch Was Far isetta. A -ore ' 't YOU A the Mass W"t, ' ' "A'hy 11111, �a lug of tile nc�x '07 J! . .,I was I�iokillX f,J job."—Paek. I __ _� I Groundwork, Madge—IN'llat, ig the object of hazing ineollege? 1,larjorle-1, guesa it's tOL tQat'll the boys brutality for we ht the footbii)l gaill-eac—ptiek. . A Distinotion. . Prospective Tenant -How many blut- b.114,,,,,r,, tile$ dOeO thbi, Apartment '. coinincolate? Irruth-loving, Landlord -It hits rooai r . Prince of W ale$. ILLQ Oases v . 194 - party fall In April next a the do ' ings 441Y U 0 r celj, . r of the occult members, and at ich a dem- IvA and told him, .a doserved good fpr- , -line f or )its kindliesu She direct sot the t marked off from the healthy baT% by a . crack between the two, and by the it Is- A large railway company, which every , � -Tew IC thons- morning pours into I Yet slop. 6 7 1 r . r 1. . . I . . I �Ir � I � I FLOWER0 IN SEALED BOXMIS1 - ,�, . I '�.,_ .. . A.. . : � .i� � , ji . - , , . � '. "", I N .,W�1­ . V., .,*, . I . �' *, - inolition of the dgapidatea b uildl begin as soon After then as Poostblo� onstration will, it is .hope d ,be attempt- ed at a later date. . � gentleman who as h%din; her music into the the vehicle Ve the boy .saod bark being darker brown In -color Zen healthy 4114S, of suburban residents and in the carries them home again, has 5 DOCTORS . . 11 V;\ I ... . ��. / � , I i (I � to . , . One scheme contemOnteol, is the build- -be . rd, 11 some rowa, and she w st the , bark Ancl - oligUtly As a rule the surface of evening Issued a set of five r1kes for the. consid- ' I A Scheme of the Florists Which Pro- . 11 /. I .. , , - -- - 11 WSA orloo ar t a not The duchy, of course, woul. UNKNOWN MILLIONAl RE. to , me as she drove off," sald the news- Blight Cankers Is fairly amooth, not . station of its agents and eoncluotors--a � . GAVE HCR UP! vents Leakage In Delivery. �� ;I I Toad, this, but it is stxted that a The will line just been proved of Mr. vendor, telling his narrative to our re. rough, checked, or blackened, and is free . I goull-decalogne -which constitutes an ad- . . Florists litkve hit on % now wrin-we . . ; undertake is syndicate with a capital of 9800,000 ' for the hotel I( It to. John Stefilliovitch SabilizAl, of Messrs. . Schilizzi Bros., inerolis.lits, of Austin presentative, "No one told me to do it," he added; from pimples except in old cankers wh ere other diseases have sot in and caused mirable code of manners And which may 'well be Adopted not only by other tail- . in deliverinty Xlowqrs. After the flowers have been i1eked In boxes. and the boxes, I ' I A Dri.SJ�X.V11%TG CAZ�@. . I ready with Vans . . I the required site and permisaiQu Friars, London, wlio. loft a fortune QT "the idea, came into my head in a glese. . ways, but by almost every public In- . Ulcers and Soris Defied all Treatmefit., are t4ed up in, fancy style with ribbon, Mrs, BroviTI-41ere !a All item %boillp a � celvea, Irom the duchy. 92,114,574, Mr. Schilizz! died on Coto- � moment when I saw the lady w9uld 114VO The. Black Itilot Canker, on the otlipr athution and business house. Conduol- I � I ibe enods of the ritybon. are sealed to the convict ,who writes Poetry In prison. Chat lie is The hotel would be the fine at In ber 13, 4t the age of sixty-eight. � Greek,came got list feet all mu&" . I Pol- head, is as a; rule not distinctly mairked . . the tore whose task it is to collect railway � tickets an, attitude whiell Zam-Buk Has Worked. CUre. box with wax and the florist's private thereon. Mr. l3roNvii—Win' Is what I . South London, and would rival some of Mr, Splillizzi, who was a The gallant newsvenaor, Cliaxlep of I by a crack between it and usually assume Complete . . inark stamped the establishments on the north to Le udon in his teens and joined Ilia lock, is an intelligent, Industrious lad he�lthy bark. The central part, e%pe, may best be described As restrained imperiously Zie- . � This is not to Add style to the pack- great � bank. uncloals business. Ile event nally becamo of oliteen, living at No. 8, Lower Town- etally it more than a, year old, Is usually feroeity� Tickets Are age, but very" a strictly useful put. . F,oul, or Fair Weather. Itead of the firm of Messrs. Schilizzi I send street, with his widowed mother, , d the bark is i h, oomeivhat swollen an -oug manded, rarely uked for. When they miwacuious inotgooi 1.9 the cure wwuh zam. pose. It wat not an uncommon owur- Small Wallace acceptLxd an invitation LATE PREMIER'S WILL, Bros., which had large dealings as im. porters of general goods. Mr. S01iflIZZI, a aister who works in One of the spin, ning mills, and a half-brother, who is a black and checked. 'On part of the smoother surface Ithore will nearly at. are held out with rabbib-like submissive- ' no", they are snatched as if the passen. � . , BUk baS WOrked in the *900 Ot lfra, Joao Beers. oUL'Orlsual (Oat). "I trewQ to v4f-' , rence for flowers to leak on the way. Two dozen American Beauties would to a larty, as follows: I " Dear Loul-y—I -will come to your par, probAte of the will of the late Prime who retired,% few years 490, lived very . . laborer, ways be found numerous little black gets were reluctantly disgorging proper- . 'ty from the Rtarting far." pfao fm". "from ullows Wild 810n. sores, shrink to one dozen. .Sometimes the ty if it doWt raiiP (then thinking that . 3vilmater Sir Henry 0am.pbell-BAnnew- MAXI hao'now been granted, The estate is 1�..4. quietly And was comparatively an un- knQwn mart in the city. . STREET SINGER'$ ROMANCE. pimples or pustules about olle,third the size of the head of a pin. These are the . �_ .3 �1 4. a. stolen company- with the prin(dPle that Courtesy is A � .4-4-1 ­rk.Aa a lication of the Those broke out 6n xw,y lep and differamt POrts cif my blDdLv, and spread to an cA,urm- chalice Of detection was slight, as the recipient would not know liQw many he might have to stay a honle ill that . �, case) "and if it does�; I . returned as of the value 01 =0%vvO, Mr, Somuzzi leff; 91,000, to tho."ond'un Much interest is -being taken In the placea w ere sports are pro uce 44a r a J 1-r -131; exv-, 0-3-s au'a gr- P -n. —Y flowors -were sent e 116 gILT" this does not include the settled estates Hospital, zei,000 to his clerk, Thomas , 1yestern suburbs of I4bndon in a mysterl� spread the disease in the spring of the Biblical command fo do unto Other$ as dated O,kl remettace I aprMed -to rtry and hwil . and In the ease of a large order few per- sco,tiand and the Hunton Park and, Aghby; an annuity of Z50 to his but. ; , a Year. you would they should do unto you, the them, and rami3haed suWurvitlng Qpea,k,v in I ous la4y singer, whose Identfly is . . mann -ed to points � 0=010, sons would take tile trouble to count Genning's I'Ark estates In Kent. let, John EmeM 6100 to every other cona, lets in 4tery. Both kinds of Cankers may live over little code of era referi Ono nwolical — arw another gave my them, and 4 halt dozen might well slip e left IL year's wages to each servant servant of over ten years' service, and 11,; Y from Year to year and continue to In- out that railroading is A highly 'complex osae up ,,imt, I bad conoal',ed five difterOnt away un I noticed, b . . H , 0 platform Is an ample wagon$ crease in size. This is especially true of and technical business with every de- doo,tcoff, and they wwe oil baUted by nw now e of over t4n years service . and six ;e5o to cacti other servant. The rest of which accommodates, as upright grand . . cad cox�o. Then I went Into ,hosjyltal and was So the florists zeal tlie packages months' wages to each servant of be-, his property, After a bequest of ;e6,QOO piano of fine tone, ftn& , a masked lady Black Rot Caluker, though often this as tall of which the empl;yee of the r bbp)re klye momi" �md onne aiway varlt littito And temptation is removed from the 111 tween three to tell years' service well as the other* may the out tit the must be familiar, but of the, bitrIc"10 bso,si% The sores were ao exten4DLve uud I t, 9 And te big niece, Hypatia Lambunidl, is oil- pianist who accompailles the raysteri. _ I path of those who deliver then!. , end of the first year. Tile diseased area - of which the passenger bar& no concep- Nyma so wetl6lge,Aed that I tad be *Walk With a - - - Made the following peounlary bequests, -vided equally between his wife, his . Ous si4er. . May be small in either kind or again it tion. ,If In his bewilderment the patron Welt cad crutcli Tr1*9 was mor .:onaltion - 42 000 to his nephew* lit- James daughter, Helena, Schilizzi, and h1a Bon, A man who drives and, collects contri- When I -Prot I -b'-gan to use Zam-Buk. I na)- CamNell-Bannerman. Stephen Stefanovitch Schilizzi. butions I completes the party. They do may include the whole of the trunk and of the road should seek enlightenment, 914GEI it to Q,e wres, and In a few dz%yo I 49,000to his nlece,Mary IMb0Il91Bel1-_- in death duties on the estate the lu-' . part of the branches, or may run for Bev- surely it is the duty of the employee to thought I km* an improvemowat I Derseveired , . I rot come out until dark, and they al- oral feet along a single branch. In old give Politely and clearly whatever infor- with the balm and, to out a kag swry kmart, [ , natt. cliequer receives about L Z286,000' , irayA choose quiet streets, where the er of, � the weadopful badML did v44ok all the doctors 91,00D -to Ills secretary Vaugh4ll I -1 . trees only the branches are attacked. matlQn may be asked. The mann Mol failed ,to do-lhealed any ulcera. I- bavo , L L _, ., Mr, I . -fine, rich tones of the singer's powerful Reinedies-Where a tree is too badly expression as -well as the actual words w Vu -t aw-arl m7 at -Lek. �ajnd arxvbdh, the uIT a cam and gwr,ca laiis fbKobad, asad I taloa this I wash. . I 13URGLAR-RIDDEN TOWN. volee are heard to advantage. Use& Constitute an important element I "a � I / . - uAsoked, to give Any hope of its recov. L %Nportunity of arobgty ad'viblimg efil WrAo fguf- . O_F�l zi,000 toreggy, daughter of t1le Rt ��,__;Z,"" Ron. John Sinclair. L At Leicester Assizes Qu Tuesday, be- . A representative of this Journal dis. ery it should be cut down and burned as the art of being polite. As the rules in pan wouads to ?') .;e1,000 to ,Dianche Frances J�. de fore Air. justice Jelfs, Ernest Frank covered the fair singer in private life. soon, as possible, for otherwise the dis. question put it ,a, gracious -manner... . stv4 Zam-nuk a proper tria.l." . . L .. Humphrey, Thomas William Cooper And Bhti is living in.a. large and well -&p oiut- ease will spread from It even thrQughi Is to your words what oil is to inaehin- It th by ateettag sueft dmpro:sqAy-.o curea as . . I . H*eltzk44. of John Crossely pleaded guilty to being ed boardink establishment in Cat- _ the tree Itself be dead. In.the same way ery in making them more effective 'to thts,*af, Zam-Buk bee ectablisbed its world- I I. I I fxm to Mrs. Madge Henry, wife conceved in various burglaries in Lei- b wide reputation, In overT. eouintry. to ,which I o 10 Jocelyn Henry. . ourne Park, London. She Is between dead or dying branches should be cut off their purpose." It has lyetm buti,oduoed ft Los become the I 0' .0 . ;er)oo to Captain Henry Harvey Bruce cester and the district. The prisoners, twenty and twenty,two years of age, And burned either this tall or early next The auggestlon4 here very br.W17'sain- le*Alr.g tuandly balm and ombr000ttion. This . I * ' it was. said, were members of a gang led fair-haired a.24 'bright-eyed, with .a, de� spring, taking, particular pains to see InArized may profitably be ap, lied by aurety is,woot of excevt4onal %morlitt ' . 5 0 PL N. . F, . � , - 9260 each to Frances Forbes and by Frederick Spencer, who was recently L lightful Irish brogue. that the cut, Is made several Inches below every business man in Ilia dalY C-0111- Puray herbal In nntdro It suppMes tU sentenced to twelve years' penal servi- "No, I do.not do it -entirely for fun," Any trace of the. diseased area. All cuts morcial life. The man who. solicits your twittew4fe wYdi a handar amd aiffeocttva cure for Aurelfe Forbes. tude. it'he sald. "I started it just because I had thus made should. be ollainfeated in the advertloomont, the salesman who has the ftundeed-aild-oujo-iinjurd0o to -Wbir,ft 61he . .. 0 �� guo each to Johnnie (Harry) Bruce -the children or the 'husband axe NOW. 4� , , ,�). Le late lit. Disney, for the prosecution, said to do something to keep myself naive, walmor described below and then paint- samples to exhibit, the life insurance or Und Daisy Bruce, children of tb that from August last year to April of t, not 1. could ,�ot think of anything else at ed. It this Is done the frost will Act ,ot- 'Agent whose halt -trigger tongue pleads Zam-Btik is also) a sure cure for eczema. . 0 0 4 C I Gen. Sir 11enry L. Bruce. . Ily, even the ,tin g m waii.ok-oomms, vold-ooree, chamod � , 6 4, 0 0 . , Wherever a healthy stub to eloquently foi your fami I ,nZw s0inhig, 'Piles, . the preont year Leicester and a great the moment As you have promised not jute them , a.�rm due ,to blood POL To his niece, Mrs. Alice Hliz06 Camp- part of the county were in a state of to reveal my name, I will confess that I left after cutting off the cankered, part seductive canvasser who tries, to. in- citts, �b,uras, bruftes, and aMl skin injur4es 4 0 0 .,bell, who has the enjoyment of the B01- panic owing to the ettraordinary ,mim- ran- awny frorn libme some months ag,). of 9, branch it can be out afresh in the veigle You Into buying r, history of the aind ,dWear-es. A,bi dirugget�p anti otoroa sell . 4 Illout Castle estate and other property .. at 6k� 06 box, or -poet frea from Zam-Duk 00., ber of burglaries. The difficulty of tra4. I have no father, but my mother to well� spring "d,grafteol. , world In, twentf-five volumes, can be lis- Toronto, ,!� prl�oso. li�oNNvro ol cheap - mA . -until his grand -nephew, Mr. James Hugh Ing the thieves was to some extent ex- to-do. I was unhappy at home, find I Where the cankered. Areas are not too toned to for a courteous minute or two ha,m,ful tt.&tfo acmettimee offered as . I . 0ampliall, attains the age of twenty-fl:V6, plained by the f"t'tliat Spencer was . wanted to see It% and London, so I just large, especially on the trunk and and Politely dismissed without seriously "Just -us good." _ , .. Sir Henry left 91,000 for the upkeep, of Apparently a perfectly respectable man� went off, taking my beloved plato with crotohes they -should be neatly cut out clogging th wh cis of business. Per- . _ _ the, Belmont estate until there shall be who kept a shop and taught in a Sun- _v o a eally have something, Mary's Accomplishments. - 4 , ", income from the property avhIlable for day school. Altogether twenty-five bur� ,me. I .have got to earn.my own living with a6ife or some shaxp instrument 114ps they May r� r . . that purpose. . � glarles had bech. cominitted by the gang. somehow." I until the healthy bark is reached. The 'worth while to offer. Above all, the Mrs. B.- -I suppose you find 'you L A- �: wounds thus made must be disinfected tellers And the cashier of every bank daughter very much Improved by hex, A BARGAIX. and Painted with white lead (free from need a course In the art of gracious ex - SPIRIT PHOTOGRAPHY. DYING MANLIS LOVE LETTER. DELIC&E, CHILDREN turpentine).' The painting should be to- pression. Wily shoulu The depositor of two years' xt9v at college? Patient�­Doctor, what do you call . . Doubt was expressed 9. Lsbort time ago - A straUgG 'love tragedy has just been . posded next spring to lhako sure that money be regarded with frowning sus- Mrs. Proudmoth,er�l.al yes. Mar* this lover of mine? . . by a correopond,ent, concerning the gen� . MADE WELL AND STRONG 'his mistake -Ill Ell eth is a carnivorous repAer now. Doctor (looking at thermometer)- % investigated by the Chelsea Coroner, Ift. ' no disease gets into the wounds. The - piclon and why should his izab . ullioness of the spirit photographs showu Luxm,ore Drew, who read a letter writ- The little ones axe frail. Their hold, beat disinfectant to use is %,orroalve - endor�'ing cheques wrong aide up or and she 1requently impoverishes music. Well, rd call It a bargLiji-103 reduced I recelatly by Areholeacon Colley at Man- ten Ili the most rhapsodical style by A upon life is slight. At the very first sublimate of the trength of one patt of failure to have his books balanced regu- -But she ain't &,bit a,tuck up -she's lin- to 98. . t - . ne " 1,000 parts larly, call of correction in- 1: - I cheater, -and Mr. A. P. Sinnott, who has young Hungarian, recently employed a symptoms of trouble Babylo Own Tab y forth shouts animous to everybody, an' she never ' find a great deal of experience in spirit the Earl's Court Exhibition, to *his sweet- lets should be given. This =diciAe of water. Any druggist will supply the stead of a few wordil of kindly Linstru" keeps a caller waltin! for her to dress; A Joke That Failed, I photography, suggested that a oommis- heart, before poisoning himself. His cures colie, sour stemach, indigestion-, substance and explain how to make it L tion 7 After all, lie Is only Ignorant, or sh,e just runs In nom de plume, an' you The smart cockney tourist thought Ile *Ion of inquiry Into the matter should name was given as William Hegysi, of diart I hoca, const$s,tion, teething trou- up� The material will cost only A few only forgetful, '$O dark scheme for de' know that makes one feel so comfort- would have a Joke with the gen4rme, " Budapest. Mee and other minor allmoRts. It Is - M-Ats. A wooden or glass vessel ' must frauding the bank Iurks behind'hig fail- 0le-Tit-Bits. . and handed him the restaurant menu Unita Temple, an artist's model, liv- ,qljaily good for the new born I-abo as be used Instead of iron or tin) as the . ure ta follow the bank's rules. Court'si i ' ' . instead of his passport, while his friends e, said she had th, well grown child. Mothqrs. have substance will corrode these. Corrosive is Its own reward, It pays In persons rtepeat it --P 81�iohls Cure will al. stood by to laugh at the puzzled "Frog- recelvdd letters from negysi daily, and - e of a Government sublimate is deadly poison when taken st6tisfaction, in Minfinizing friction, in ways cure my coughs and colds.11 gle?v I A N . pe guvFante lains no ffiterna'lly, so care must W ta,keu not to making friends, and In raising You 14 � : 7, But the Frenchman took the docu- they bad Agreed to be married. ainalyst that this medicine ecof sociatese- I U grave politeness, glancing I . One Of the letters which, Hegysi haA opiate or pOiSO1101AS soothing stuff. Mrs, allow Anything to drink the liquid, and the eyes of your business as The Princely Li,d. ment wi . written to t,lie young woman was read, OreSsmsn, X'e`ff L.Iiallaburg" Ont" Beys: to wash thoroughly the vessel before Scientific American. . � . (Now York Sun.) . keenly at the cockiley as If to verify I as follows- I Iq have used BAbyle Own Tablets for using it for any other purpose. The L .-� - I I Hold th . e- presseol Stop the clock. the description. . I My Everythingr-I have arrived at the at,mach trouble and coustapation, with best way to disinfect the wound with h Then he read and translated slowly back 1.5 simply to tie a THE PANGS OFSCIATICA Here's A,thriller, ite's to Lhockl from the . ur A MOTHER end of my bitter life. Looking mark,ed. guooeag. I feel that my little corrosive sublimate . . Not the Sultan's latest dodge, menu: "Calf's heado"."PIF I there is only one thing that ,was full of ones are safe when I have a, box of little sponge or a, small pad of cloth on Nothing new from Kill lCaro Lodgo, feet" "pass on m1sleu-quite correct. - I Not that, Bryan's lost his - voice, I A A. ­ . 9.106diLail - 110' piness, and that Was your love. At, Tablets in the house?' Sold by medicine tile ewl, of a stick, .and, after dipping it Can Of Not thefaams of Ijearals first bhot'DO Exchange. . *404"I P door of dimth I think of you with d*aleTs or by mail at 26 cents a bex late the liquid, wash over the surface of , the be Cured by, the Fair U30 something stunning, rtving, roartnk;' -4" 1, I I . thoughts in my, heart. Everything . from The Dr. Wialams; Medicino Co.: the wound. This wiR kill any kind of I News to, start the extras pourinsi Not Infectious. . worm whatever. Dr. Williants' Philk Pills. Ali thd Nvay froia old Quebec I , .1 ,;=tnbor quite well, and I am so VOTY1 Brockville, Ont, I This sensation comes, by heLkl I used to be very much afraid that my ,I very thankful when I am thinkilig oi -1 - t I I To ward off eankers for the future it liva a pippin, it's a anorterl children -while playing with others would - p,at love. I is necessary (1) To prevent As flit As Fifires da.rting pains. Pains like- 'red Worth two columns and a quarter �� "04,",r tna I hformation. ;o trees by such means hot needles being driven through the Front page story, lead It sill ' I be exposed to some contagious disease, me to remember all we hopod possible injury t -a I Build the hendlines broad and Wit And 'they were constantly on the lookout to 6 A well known novelist was touring fie, --in tile thigh, perhaps down th 11 I , t I. together hand in hand. Who, through Lancashire In order to learn as tearing off the bark by whiffletroes sh ankle-thoit" a sciatica. For It is no MUStY StOTT; for trouble of this kind. ' to of you when I am deadt or other implements or by boots in legs to the . Not olMpLala faidod glory, I . shall take CA , rtalize.the Not of Teddy does It tell. 0 One day little Louis, aged 4p came rush. I ething of the lives of the hilia,bita,lits, 3 None 'but the victim Can I 'ng in from the street where she had Who .will love you as much as 12 Who BOM - climbing. If wounds am made ill th, trouble. But tile suf- (wait �tnd lioar the nowsies Yelll) i will give you Advice on all your (Icings? when he came upon an old man break way they shoolold be disinfected and torture of this of Parman. aviator, ith 'a crowd of children. I I 'do, and, think- Not been playing w . I . I Sweett sweet! you were the only one lug stories on the roadsi. .painted at once, otherwise. they let in ferer need not grow c'llscouraged, for No new war noar the equator, � .In A; very excited manner she burst outt plit gain some knowledge from re is a, cure in Dr. Williaans' Pink Nothing stale from. Panama . In this miserablo world I loved, but fate Ing he 434, the germs of the disease. O,vacers usual- the' . ,,W,ell, mam-Ina, two of the Meyers chit- _ I 0 IA�A 11 rru­ p;li- entich the blood� niotha ",4- .3.1 ,I I- 4 hus -. I or sunmy Jim of 0 - . Needed a StArtor. I I Ono niglit little Margaret, on kneeling, � . y her nianinia, t!) say her prayers,'f inish- I .! d, "Now I lay me," and forgot, 'Main - a," rho 691d, "you just start me And . hen. I can go a-Nvhiz�hi,g.JJ . . . I . Betviocri the Acts. . I � Robbie (at fhe opera) — "Ifamma, , . , vbat does papa keep going out be- ; tween the -acts for?" Mother--O,Ah. He goes Out for opera ,qlaisses."—Judge. . . - . Begging His Pardon. 1. ! I . d.a.. I �� Itere was once a versatile kaiser, . .� A71io in handing out talk was no miser; . He got &'straight tip 1. %� T� button his lip, . ; Xnd now the Wser is wiser, � I.. , . � , I I . � No Necessity, Anyway. . -1 . Airs, Heupeck—Has your brother Char- ,. .!a joined the Don't Worry Club.7 M, Mr. Helopeck—He isn't � eligible. �, Mrs. Henpeck—Why not? I Mr, Henpeek—He isn?t married yet,o— . Philadelphia Record. . � . I - HONORS INCLUDED. Tom—Whar yen get all dem medals, Sam? 'What has Vol been dohi'? ,gam—Dey Nvuz ;n do coat when I bough t � it, I Husband -Hunting, Sho:,­When A woman wants a 111131)Rll� You (1011!t S,uppoaq Bile goca and looks it a club for one, do you? I I lo —IV. (4 -irried woman , , 1, it she's a the chaueek are that she d0es—YOn' kers Statesineu. I go- , . ,a. ly starr from WOUZICIS 0 Son,- P X L a. Not of oil fields burning bVightly, dren have something, but sister says she would not realiZe our drea,vas. 1 am ciatic nerve and thus Not of gheath gowns most unsightly. conscience doesiel I Ing t leave you behind. You will have 'So%v far Is it to Fleetwood, my man?" though sometimes these may be very feed the stAMPA a rried m%uls I I ayou'll see a milestone a bit farther Mrs. Joseph L. This 00nolatlOn Is semething new, doesn't think we'll catch It, thouQ-" A ma . _ to take care of yourself. Remember me, small, Sun-soald injilries also allow drives out thqb pain.. ' "W411, what is it, darling?" I asked. , worry him lintil it -is wife begilis to sit ul I. � 1,11 was the gruff reply. ' canker germs to, on . Wilmot, N, S., was a victim of Something king. novel, true. , I � I come there sometimes when everything 01 ter, hence yottux trem Brown, ' car -4A10Ud &lace writers I I . will be quiet, 'and my silly And fast "What's the use If I can't read?" said should be protected against 6un-scala by ftiatica, And found a cure in Dr. Wil, Something for the ,,it's tile pigeon toes)"' she replledi­ and take notice, ' I , . I "Foor a' (Mirth anti tears and laugh exciters). The Decam'her Delineator. friend then will be the novelist, eagei� to draw the old man some one of the well-known devices for lianiz) Piuk Pills. She styst something for tha deskman Y§tekdy, I I 4 1 r I too. My only . I I For -the %,� In Two Days. Row maany Ameriean woinen in 116arr', thi's purpose. I was laid up with b-natimm from oetg, tomewhat heady, _daY* 10119 for WS that little flower you gave me Once. I "Then It'll just suit You, for there?s ts should 'be kept off year Lat I wiffered For the paragrapher's pUrr- . You would discover that most men aMan will eventually go by I -ail fron loqely h9racis to put it on ray heart and shall think its if 2. Water sprou My side to my foot. W1 ill ttirl are all right it you would only trouble ble to conle into their lives, "d your hand Wgre there. nowt, on it," said the old f0IIOW--Bx- the trunks nAd main branches, because, Ayms at times Awful. I could got touch Here's no yarn of failing prices, I tile Atlantic to tile Pacific in two day .' "'n hange, Twenty killed by planin toes, yourself to ... ask them. I . I -,I ,once cliol. it in live libars, and thei to bis Me to utter these words, but My queen, my sveet, my gvetythin 0 � as said, Above, the blight disease often 'ray foot to tile floor, and lied t6'hobblb . . I I - .. . . I 0 "Where I go — ­ �_ - V , , c dy tight 16g was Ul)-State murdef, 100 alld OLM, because of some orgatic derange- In this world, at runs down one of these and starts the about with a, can . I Now skytioraping towors slim. 11 �, kickea about tile slow time ed tbiiim. be us happy as you = Repe canket below. A few minutes will dr&Nya up, ailil I my,tr expected to lie" 1jL,,,,a no yarn of omptY freight cars, � I.. I - .. - ­ pray, did this happen?" "In Nnamn., iment this happiftess is deni, and excuse me if I have caused YOU In- S usually suffleo to remove all the Water the use of It Again. I -was Attended b! Naught of intorcommeroo rato Jaxi. . . -Lottisville Courier -Journal. . Rvery woman intorepted hl thia convenience. it: -119hildws 6ure will alway sprouts from any ordinary tree. our family doet6r, And Uied. , several. Ileri's gengatio'd, real and Willing, __ I'� . I � prepava- Again and st , -colds." S,Wblutanca to it, 21oh and filling, _. Torlser'" " , , Subject should Imow that gain*thy sweet face comes cure My coughg and 9. The ttunkir must be catefully 6bliex remedies, but with no bcnefI4 and All the way from old Quob4e .,= f . � . � 001i f?Fr healthy mli'teiiiik is to me� which I shall never see, Again, 1L, I - . . spftyea with Bordeaux mixture, .And I jolt very much, discourage& Ono &V Thisi sansation comes. by beckI . . . I , W 'at soomp I bed by the tue of h th4b voice which I shall never hear An Example. special palus taken to see tha6 the I yeaa of the. cure of a similar suffordIr There the Prince Of Wales Is istOPPInX I 1Vore. I shall die with Jour sweet I �Cltlzens ar6 magnums poopifts . ,\\,�\v,uc�%,:I;,::I,l�,lilil�l I .. - V VIA It PINKHAWS any in llpoi--Your 1111- As the teacher read out to her class trunks And main bmtWies axe tharoughly through Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I illust to alift1t h0W 16,yal they are �w 1:11, ECOMPWIID ,,,, and God's o)i ray covered with the Bordettux. The firat aocided to try thOlA. I got iAX bOUS, To ,bis papm and WarAms), - ��, '' fortunate Willia.ra. � I a portion of Sir Walter Scott's "Iva)2- apraying shoul,ot be done just before leaf And by the time I heA f4ok-eft -thorl!L I,wM Anti the Ptines—tho point Is coming# ,'',":: . VZOETARL Hegyal committed Witicide with pruss e Can't lbravor rhymo this humming, �, � 51, . I �OVQ hoe" she came upon. the word "eloped." buds burst; the 9,60021A IL few days be- completely cured, awld hm" not had V110 111.1m this rhyme In oelbbr4tloti - . I .;* Mrs. M4gpe Gilmet, , of "W68t w B,cld &b his- lodgings 'in Edith GT , -f tDa Drincelt, great sensation- *...; . .. - lCrti!)N S. C.,W . rites to 3fts. Pb*ham: ,%ow, which little boy" she asked, "cati fore tho blossoms optn, and the tlitrd allgMest twinge of the trouble since. X, o . ( . - I Chelsea, . I wift a, week aft-�r most of tho Mod- am, thotefo,re, a, Very enthuaiastitfrielid, ' And th6 Prince to .0QrV100 Webkt - -..'.-. . .. _ I .1 A ... 111 was greatly ruu�ao,wa Ill h111th suicide whilo teMPUBorilY tell ifte What thoi. word ,eloped, zignifies? 'I . nd woloa Writually intent, . ftofn 0, We4kA003 6 i at 6 : . A verdict of soma h4va� fallen, MIf a Pduft<l' of Paris of Dr, WOUAMS' Pluk Pills, & r � Ob how startled thoeb Whb dhW 11. I.. 1 05.00' �j . A Ve6l'U t 1Y 011f, Insanc. was returned. A dead silence following, she explained. ,greon should be added to 6a& barrel of mend Jilem to all, who Ara slmlla;Tly IyEat up,6n; his -bad ho Wah, . A 6 i&uml o'Veigetable "It Means 'ran away,' Icarrikol away,' " .I (That's Manhattatiose for "wore" ' id I ­___ ­­ ­ L . Bovatauk, and the while kept 11 it I t,mbkd) 0. FORanian a pair of Cuff � * Compotlild Was r6domingnoled W, Md. It - . "tie you understand? I N,yavitore fin4d the 'Irl, a bort MME, MEL8A'S CAVALIER. she explained, , !X , mystery about the cures thoit's in.the ToWok, q ��. I Imot only rettot6d ino to poritot bbe,lth) ean, how give tated while spraying. The api-Ayiftff . There Is no Not the ctown Lin6 would make a most Imt, to m7 delight 3: a.m, a w6thet.11 1\�me. lyl,siba btut brought froni her �Vell, and which little boy then uct only (to a grest, deal to, keep Dr. Willia4tal Pink Pills mAke. Tliey Net a wreath lor aingio fi6wor, t tour in 1reland tile story of M Me & sentence -with the word 'el6ped, Ili , tf caukors, but will also kill most of. .Act upon, tiv� blood,, enriching �tlid Purl- Not a inutel, or a com and useful Christ. : un. 3086phino lkl_� of Budstowli, - donor tan, miss," answered a a 1 & _ 6 the llervOd Or algrette from tin 050eY heft, tipproplifite R "I I L' tha coddling moths (which cause the tying It, atul lit this, way Iftol i I .. Itm. r I g, . - . , A .d I kindly &0l, poirform,sd for her benefit by It t" "X 14, wormy apples), tile olgAr oitso bearcka, A�jg rie", the root at thQrdl9dAS0'. That r,,,i. t(i th6sd who wish they'd not, 'I I , W lary L a r cling ttreet vanoiOr Of 110WOPAPdrS In boy at the back of the class room. t, Not tbO Wkt dRY'S tOW01 h0t, tylas Gift. , I WL6rt,_tJ3JL15 IS 110 Whor, , . 4 WbA t ou-96 or Iroth a Oreen's dog has eloped with my farVer's pigtot ease N&ftts, qatker'worm% bud IS Nyhy, t1lay elitd %llt'.� coulifion. kilffiell-ts Tile 'Prince be , Per- , utania ttoubl IT, i T14E LINKS showt here mo very :: 11�, � Ina J30 last- -Dundeo Advertiser. 1*0 a Itearl gray topport ........ '. of"= 6kit4nIsildd dinner." . '' "i"' ; -a, and Ili a.4 anaoinia, pimpka, oxil, 4M%omot, Indl- 1TJr6nr1r111n* to'ho Wore, he w6figly insole from 14k. gold-snof . , h61 toe � it hatils Vows- "rt. was One of the most chivalrous . � . I ._ � , I _ . , _ �. _. I moyls, and mauy other insect sarely did, I ... I I I ..."t I " hel i _._1 1. .� addition will k�oop the apples fr4 ftOm gettiou, r1i,minAthul, n,6uralgitt, SL Viftis' A,lpr6t6r ,toppor. i pearl gr�,:Llldl I 11 .. I - 'L Aot daly matot4d me . Iftiolento of My life," 8110 Wild Oli Alight- � ,_� . . .. -1 . . - . �- ,I _- 1, . . I 'As 11 1� 1, il .. - I �IQL e4 46 , but I am now &proud Ina froul tbo gtettmor at Liverpool. . - .- scab, 86 that orthodista should thus get - lob, p 78 A It . lArd reinforted Where otolihaty It -P ­L'O '41 1) t �i%e wide footway I - I n, return for the time alVt inollOY 611611t, , lit 11`e4'tql I g L' lit A .an wo, n. Never Heard of One. give out. -c"A. !�,�l.,,��i"-.�'--^-il,,'�is-�-, V, mow . . I L . ti fr6rito,f the fAm. . . in the form of licalthler trees and More W4 I* 0 TMA. itl e '641 9 iltgerls hotel In R&YOI-Avelllld, B61- 1 a ,01)�, Mail ,,Wljo�b is ,your name?" Asked the I IVA __ onld bd taken. at go o;�,ntii & bqv, o r ENCLOS1113 in 16e tuo-alid IFFAA TS F ft SICK WCOMEN. ous $ I I mud bttttr fruit. Cato gh ., 0 sit x 0,600 police juttim, I Iro'r W., Fily muddi,col. by rain allow-- ,� — , ,W L bars Lydia E., Plilk- fnsty *As hef" lit evory ease tOL See that tli#. sprx�tng front th.6 Dr, NVill, a, If ict ') 111(01101c, Y'r honor", AnAwered the tngraved VAth my mou'vam. Thd I "44..Q- — _"%,�L 16 com UtA) MOAG vrl *hex the ftmoua singer, dreoso& for I is tljorougbly doiw tit the times lyien- nrockvIlle, Ont. I wdy vagrant. I . Price is . I A N: 8 XV Ell% F V. bon's lvegetZll. �Ler �vening contort in the Vlater Irall, Honed. Orehatols tlint nre kept propBAY , -_ -0 j* - — 111108v do yoll Spell It V* . - - - 90as b &n th6 Appeared tit th6 entrAlic-6 And hosliated 1. . I . pruneA and SprftYOAI hAvc '11tell found tO Th6 Sam& at Ever. "X 01 I I o, k, Y'r honor." $5.00 - J!(r,­V.Vif(­ .-Do 'Voil leoll 1�tiil purall iiiiiaiM �r6Medy fd' feMS10 'Us beneath tho vorKndith to Make the jOut- I � . bb V&y Illuell li,fig j&ffeeft(l with miko Thd RdeiOlOgitlt, 'With eXtt& 'dYihP&' "Why, you're it regular paliuolroft�, Sent. pak,aillopy adoltea - ,,,,,, ,,,,,., 1;quar ,,I ,*a, -r ue-y'.� stdhaspositiviolitiir6dthoust,ndma ney In her sittift shoes to the entritige a I , 'f'r1"'1j1_­N0- v" ait' (.1,1tilit to ]Al' thb,ft tho96 tll&t tire WgIlattPd. tholtiti leanings toward Out ,'submerged ztf, ld Cdnada, . I .. . ,n$t �011?11 L , vrmen Who howe been troubled vith In Ivalting. one of tbn 'hotel mervantit - y,. 01testLy. teuth,,, looked pityiligly tit tbo� man who 11A 4hat ill SIIND FOR OUR CATAUiGUL, vl!Q flie vvell 1-tr ll,A", if W think N't) dbPlac6M6Uts$ inflal%XW41011, ulft=- was called hua laid A Pie(4 Of' eu*Ot, � ' 1 L AgTIOulturIl (4,0110910. (I'(1010, wtig switiging a pick orl the Toad b'dora 1%, ;whadroine, tho, millue as- WHIg ; have it to Imily. . . . tl=4 flbrold twtorst irft jwidtal V1110h waB net suffi6fent to cover the . I t . o hol spoko. _ � .1 — 1: . M UtbcAr- muda(ext strotell of two, or thr" yard# . I , VFLY)", lie MIA, f%'I'loo *Wf--:-" : n , avior. V A Soutid 61slip. 11odge,111 hitorrupted the ltob6, with Wo py4hoi, bapkitchoo L "Loug hours, my 1_1 y__ J1111. 13ROS.6 For 00,0 SON. o I N , S ovm feaft, 110dItAdyi Los- jfttat st, the vehicle, whkoh Vr" a IOW I'lloyi 11 reaponded the J31AU, VithbAt emotl^ ,01 donyt Mind beffil ftl16(t a UINOWUD Eli%pI0.yer__-_NVhy wvw you 4li%.1I'1q1'9( feet '! ing," Bald pt&UTfMnl1JA4 PaIL111111W in hi0i work. "'Sixty minutes." bunif & tdooter, a guttetallipe, runot *a front -mur lait 1 . ilm.,z�l A-plill-,,aut- pidiz !�ess 01, ild"M PM lifttion, froin the kert. "MotAng, n%orril ­ F� W A g"yv of porBoyimi bna betia waltAIV w gmially tis he tnt#rc,41 the brc,akfmt- Exch..... 134-1:315-138 Y'0111e Sf' L by don t you trY it ? .. . J 'L ,V- orn&Y iskulik, but I'll, be ovtrInatingly jz-�011 1: 'Ilqvinr. l�,ml)NA-cil. _NVIlat 110 ye e m& X-elb&, Ana out ... - � n 1. mom, "I'vc; had a Vendid, night. 810pt CUra WfIlL jiggered It r1l tUnd Mr.th-dil It Y'r . 6lL_t1lPy t4X XrB. PlAkbAm 1AV104 ta 61dk In tho' t d to bed If 11 . *P,11 III& wl ( A41" -ed witIl hill" L ilol* , T020XV) moem by Oat? AppIll-all I lboll . I to V L rtite h0ir for hd*lops of this gnthoring the newsboy, sW!* � h 4 like k f Repeat 1tv.-"Shi hou**1 tomd d,owit'i'm that platfdruir . . "� 61'p�,- 111(oltIVIt Uft' Iny %n! ­,1,"P: ul�v 1400%,itIg t6 thil einet-go,o4y, pusked h14- wq. '96 ftt- --- I r d On ��� "You cud It iffie Twill"Onded, grivaly, "like 4 - aya imro my couglis and eolds." by groxy, 1111 11ok yo tWt U041" 004_�.�� 1 1 lalid Lpatlo r. I XyAn) ,took poteA 4be.1*%Wy ground with his Ot*k I.. 'hunwil;7i topl. 11-Philippluts Gossip. 101,1W . . � . . I - I 4. .. .. . 10. iit��, , . . . P ..... wi As, ��&40_01�*- �k _' ,