HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-12-03, Page 1. J , , . ,, , ', , , , '� , , -r.,J, V4g-1!F1J1 WrrTJ"rV-9%,i,i,-,rT,� .4"F%"% .... ... V-1. --- ,t-,- e � -�.-. 'Tw.- - ,� -V � �7
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. 36T.11 YRA avaSOMPTION I 111:w Pea YAA-is IN
R, NO.. 14, . WINGIIAM9 ONT. l, TIECUROAT, DECE)OR R 3, 1908o *1 M ,X0 OV1300AT13 .
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;:)A%JJV1VJ1k 1rAK^XAK;1lr114* 41L 10 A PkMa A IOU PLOP A A Pm* UX P 43114"IR, PAPP 04 144A "JT y U. . We " -
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1 Cburcb lRew personals- The annual meeting of the North A box-soolal under the Allspice -0.7 of %ocal Itteins
,Ill be
L . . !as �� Huron, Liberal Association will be � Holmes' Union Sunday School *
0) —WU%Vo the use of working, wbeu. To. the Editor of tile Advance. 11b, 11 $i L'l,�� on X? L - ' -=,--.,.== J
, I � ... � , - � - � -I . 1. '' � hold in the Town Hall, Wlngh%m, on � hold in Holmes' School House V I. - ' ' ' ,
Toronto girls can Make $10*9W a day DEAR SIA %—Yotir esteemed. paper la Toronto 171 7. citing men, are pre� Xno, 4.74meg returned from the West Tuesday, Dec. 1550), top the election of day, Dec. Iltb. An excellent pro- , .DrInk. CbrIstle's. Teas.
$v � '
playing "Ita.g. has been coming to us regularly. since parIA9 for thQ foreign mission field, last week.. oflicers And other business, � - gramme to being prepared and a, good Wear Groerve Shoes And Rubbers,
* * * our arrival at Darloan's, B.C., And you Ab A recent Meeting Of 01100 Mr. Jobu -Toyat of Lucknow was In time is expected, Don't forget the
Three weeks from Friday of this may be sure that its columns Pre eag- � Oburch vestyy (Ustowel) the resign&- town on Tuesday, Carling 01114cri.. I date, Friday, Dec., 11th. Programme anuary 21 Is the ' oext Division
Mr. CIIffor4 of Woodstock Court day In Wingham.
week until Christmas. The 49,74 of 007 Perusedo find the home 00" tion of Rev. N. A. P. Bou e e - � at 8 o'clock sharp. Admission, ladies .
. I rp 40 r ctor Sunday with friends in town, The Curling Olkill has elected ftsoM
the old year are rapidly passing. noted. We are always glad to bear of the pavish was accepted, but not MR for the season.—Pre4l4ent, A, M, bringing boxes free; gonto, 16c,,.Vrlce Miss Coaford, of Elora, is opening'
0 * * about our ohl friends I , It was with without % unniber of those present ex- Mrs, Winfield oi Wfiltecharch spent. - out In the Chisholm Block, a stock of
, Crawford; Vice-Presitlent, William , of boxes 20o,
sorrow of heart that we read of the: pressing their regret at Waking so able Sunday with her son In town, Holmes; Secretary, B. Cochrane; � ladies' fancy goods. .
—Now alwi,se Mau rises to remark, I Wellington Kerr arrived home from . 9 "T Is Is Qood "
death of so many of our former. a Preacher. Rev. Mr., Bourne Ana Treasurer, F. VauStolie, The Club Say 11 ,, .. The Town Council will meet next
I . ,
that a woman sl�qqld never marry %, townspeople, both old and young . British Columbia on Saturday last.
. ' 4%mily leave next week for Searboro, haa. not yet b4ii Able, to secure, the The author of a "Ladies* Columre$ Monday evening, The Public .9ohool
Mau to reform him, un I rink on satisfactory terms, And unless says:—"Lot me give you the. recipe Board on Tuesday evening,
� I til $be 041% After lepiving, Edmonton, we pro- miss Mkwgiperite Park of Goderldh -
.I- makea satisfactaryowelet,04of bad to visiting relatives in town this � .
ceeded to Calgary 11 ,,rcb. ek.. "
,, where we joined, Baptist Cho we they can do so, will have to Abandon for the nicest plum pudding you'll Mr. 1, J. Cunningham is gaining
eggeR * * * . the main line Q . - hope o
. , f the 0. P. R. v And Last Sanday, Rev. 11, R. Allen Miss, Mabel .McNichol of Brussels ' ,f participating In. this winter ever taste And, one that we have used strength, a,nd with care, -vvill soon be
st4i-ted on our journey to British Col- preached
., . his farewell seimovis to the was a visitor a.,t Mr. A, Schaefer's over fuel in our home for years. Here it 4*8 :-
-The Dominion Parliament is like- Umb!,&. After leavlog Calgary we congregAlon he , re, There was a good Sunday, . 9A One Ill. suet, not toci. fine, one lb. able to attend to his busihess again,
a iary. That L soon came to the foothills of the attendance, and Mr, Allen's parting MV, and Mrs. Andrew, Leogatt, A Qood Suggestion, . bread crumbs, very- fine; one lb. rals- Good advice re Shoes, Read our
means a session until the hot days of Rockies, and about nino, p.m, arrived words w , ere listened to with attention returned lost week from An extended advt. on Page 5.—WILLIS & Co.
, � It has been suggested, as Mayor !us; ono. Ill. eurrarits; four eggs; four
. .
July orAvgust, unless the businem Is at Ils,bly, where we reipalued three and appreciation. Mr. and Mrs. Allen visit to Manitoba, . Holmes has had two rather difficult tablespoons of flour; oue cup brown Roome To RP.NT.—OVOr M41COITWO
. ready when Parliament opens, -and daysq Then on through the great left for their new ophere of labor in Mr, T4os. Bell of Soutbampton 1.9 years in the Mayor's chair, that lie sugar; I lb - grocery.—Apply to. 0. X. Griffin.
I , ., citron, nutmeg for flavor
unnecessary delays avoided. I Rookies 'we wended our way, p4mir- Elamilton, on Tuesday last ... , a with his daugh, should be allowed the honor for is Misses L. Ferguson a . ad May Smith
. , ...Next spending a few day . Ing, Mix with a, little snow, or if n�
* * * . Ing the vast mountains, which tower, Sunday, Rev, C. McLean of Meaford ter, Mrs. Vaustone. third year, when the. prospects are snow, very cold water. Pot in air have a pretty dislplay- of baud -painted
, .
—The grain shipping season has 04 Above us Often reaching into the will,prexqh In this church, morning Mrs, T. $. Watt of Mio, Mich., was good for "easier" year. It is a, good tight cans and boil four hours. goods in the Wilson block this week,
s a ' Called to Binevale this week by the suggestion, and if Mr. Holmes is will- I
been lively, and lake ports have been clouds, until, like the 1,r elites of old, and eveaing� serious illness. of her mother. The statutory meeting of all mun'loi-
busy. Lar quantities of grain are who were seat oub as spies, we fell . Ing, very few, (if any) will object, lives In Turkey.
ge that "we were as. grasshoppers in. St. Andrew's Church. Mr. `W, R. Green left on Monday L 4 . pal Councils will be held on Tuesday,
ried in storage in elevatoro. . L Mr. Holmes has been careful, and at�
. still car morning for a tripto the West. He ' L . . One poet has said. . December 1501, to wind up the year's
Huron's port (Ooderich) has handled their sight." On and on we went, Rev. Mr. Dobson of Fordwich occa. will go, as far as Winnipeg, it not be- .tentive to the interests of the Town. "Piero . e diseases wait Around I .
more Western grain than in, any pre-, Over mountains, through valleys, and pied the pulpit of this church on Sun- yond, I TO burry mortals home." business.
. . Canyons, along the Fraser river, Good advice re Shoes. Rea4 our
vlous season. .day last. Rev. D. Perris was in Gor- Reeve Irwin is in attendance lit tile . , But who would have thought of a Kerr & Bird call the attention of
* * * I whose banks In places rise almost per- rie preaching sermons, com. e , a,dvt. on Page S.—WiiLLis 4 00,
, In Mora- 00�titt-!Lou
,�cli this week. Dr. Irwin . Thanksgiving turkey having tubercul- the public to their large and woll-se-
A.— I 4. 11 . 0 4. 41. 4 , -f + g%f 4un �
WAS u ar o a ellsh o wo or x0e tive or tho twerity�seventh anui- - -F...., � osis. The Mitchell Advocs�e gives the lected stock or seasonable goods. See .
, .
. —The Ontario Legislature will meet hundred feet. . versary of the. Presbyterian Church Town in the county parliament, V. 61. C. A. Concert. . . folIowfDg.—,IA clergyman in town. their large advt. this week. . I
probably about February Ist. Pre, When we Arrived in the city of there .... The choir of St. Andr Fred. Godden and Robt. C. Green of -Thursday evening, Dec, $rd, is the . I
later Whitney ought to recognize this . ew's Bast Wawanosh left . on Wednesday . purchased a turkey the other day. and P rienils of Mr. Arblile Robertson,
I - Now Westminster, the Provincial hold a social evenin ------ --- date of the Y. M. 0. A. concert in the W4011 about to have it drawn came to - I I I .. ".1 - L ".I.... . . I .
. g on Tuesday next ,
.1� part of the province by requesting ' for a trip , to the old home in Essex . .who has been ill, will be Pleased to .
. A. H. Musgrove, M. L. A., to either F air -was in Aill owing. In. cattle and in the schoolroom of the church .... county, . Town Hall. The program should the conclusion that it did not look as bear that h6 is now doing nicely and
. At horses, this Fair equals anything -We. Next Sunday, the Sacrament of the miss a Christmas sleighride. The ok it *
. Hingland, Thus they will prove entertAining, and the citizens good as 16 might,. and at once to - I ;
1. move or second the speech from the f in a fair way for recovery.
. I I I have seen In Ontario. The fruit ex- LorWa Supper will beLAdministered at have been a year and a hal witK gbouI4-encourage the -young men in to the office of Dr. Shillitiglaw'for I -
. i
. . Throne. We promise the Premier, he hibit, especially the ,apples, excelled the close of the morning service. Scott Bros. . L L their efforts to uplift others, by giv- examination. Tbo doctor said it had Windsor is to get a corset factory. LChristmas .
I 'I would do it well. anything we have seen in the East. � I . I I I I . . . I I Ing them a full house. Tickets are been affected with tuberculosis, and And the more the product of that -
�. ' � * * * From Now Westminster, we Went St. Paul's Church. only 25c, and as the program is being was the worst case he had ever seen. factory goes to waist, the more sue-
I, � �11 —One would almost Imagine that A special $ " furnished by local talent, the proceed, Other fowl may be affected in like cessful will the enterprise become.
" L 7' to Vancouver, the commercial metro- , acramental service was - � Footwear L
t .� — held last Sunday at 9 alai, for the Wo. Mrs. Grisdale received word on Sat will remain In town and assist a local
; .. F- there bad been a change of editors on. polis of the west. Here we found a . urday .of the death of her son, Joseph and worthy institution. A manner so that it would be well to Cash for South African land war- 11
! `�� the Globe staff, from the fact that flourishing city whose growth has man's Auxiliary, the 01AS'LAuxillary - sk or 06 keep %L close watch on those being of- rants,—Box 71, Wingliam. I I
� Emerson, aged 16, in Orillia. The ro- progra,m, and if you cannot go, at .
t . I since the election we see in the Globe been marvelous. Only a harniet in I and St, Andrew's Brotherhood. ...The mains were brought to Wingh&m for least purchase a ticket. I ferod for sale." Mr, Fred. A. Lewis, piano tuner, ex Our Christmas FOOT"AR
� . exposures Of graft, that (before the 1886, it Is now a city with over *75,00'0 regular morithly- CommnnlonL ser- interment,- and laid to rest In Wing. r pects to be fit Wingharn in January. Display wins great admiration
election) the same Globe declared did vio ,.'. Good advice rw Shoes. Read on
not exist, an those WhOL said it did, of a Population. Here we met many .e will be hold next Sunday ham cemetery, on Tuesday, advt. on page 5,—WILLIO & Co, The regalar meeting of the Ladies' from every looker, and well ' .
I ..' L Cl Special spxvices for men. .only are Readers Will Be Patient,
. ;1;0, "mUCk_r&k:er8." QUary_ old- acquaintances. who have done ' I Auxiliary will be held in the Council it 1315Y, . - .
t , I., � were called . Well in the Anset city of the West. being held eabli evening this week, Wara . in -Gray, Nuptials. From now until the New Year, our Hospital Notes. Chamber, on Monday, Nov. 1th, at .
f '' Is the Globe A slinuck-raker" now? We visited the celebrated Stanley except on Wednesday, when the regu- I advertising columns will be crowded� For Women,
L., I * * * Park. It is unlike most city parks, in Iar mid -week service will be held. A very pretty wedding was an and it we give a little less reading ' David Dinsloyand Harry Green are 4-15 P -m- The members are requested . I �
I ' .
. � . I � that it I tural . , he object of these services, is—The event in Erskine Presbyterian church, valescing rapidly, And expect soon to attend, There are Handsome Street and
, - —AToronto dAily paper announces *8 a na , not a man-made T along Toronto, on. Tuesday, November 17, matter than usual, we know one read- '-On Dress Boots, with the new Ouban .
V , � ne. Here are some of the big treeE. extension.,of Christ'a Kingdom a era will be patient, We have given to be able to leave the hospital,... St, Augustine ind Donnybrook bud- Heels - and narrow Toes. Beautiful
0 in a. black -faced headiogm--I'Tho Devil 0 1 1 when M iss Jessie E. Gray, daughter of Mrs. Turner of Teeswater, who under- gets of news are w
� ISAII Right," Well, we feel inclined Of which wellearso, much in the East, men- them our very best efforts during the , elcome additions. , Slippers, Sandals and Oxfords in
( � � to doubt the statement, He played Unless one sees them, one cannot real- � Mr. Sobn Gray (formerly of Wing. y�iir now closing, and if we (through went an operation three weeks ago, this weeLk. Keep up the good work Dainty styles. We've everything .
. . to make h Woman's foot lock .
.1 Church Anniversary. ham) was married to Mr. Howard ' on Wednesday last ..... correspondents. The Advance has a
, ,
*.. ' � i'L ' . Ila some very dirty trIckS.L and we cut izo their greatness.' In one case, we . press of ailvertising) fall behind a lit- l6ft for home . handsome. :
i �,�� -o which a horse and The anniversary of Wlugham Meth- Waram. of Peterborough. Rev. Mr, , Mrs. .R. Vanstone and Mrs. D. Robert- staff to, be proud of. . I
"- hiaLiLcquaintancesome time ago. Un. saw One, int tle now, for a few weeks at the Christ- .
I � I .__ * I buggy had been backed into & hollow odist.Church will be held on Supday, Murray perforaf6d. the ceremony and was season, we know they w. Ill make son, who were patients at the hospital . For Men . .
� ,-,�,.� , - *til the newspaper referred to , aces . od- Miss. Morley pla,yed the weddin Christmas is drawing near and , . I ..
�. - . ., prod n the butt. As we drove up, a photo Dec. 13th. Rev. Dr. Dougall of G 9 due allowance. Our advertisers are have .returned to their homes .... Miss W. G. Patterson is ready with a, large We've splendid Shoo$ in all the :
. � I., unquestionable evidence in support bf I erich, will preach morning and even- miirch, The bride, who was given. Ethel Hall recovered from an attack
. L � its statement,, we positively refuseAo was being taken. Ing; collections In- aid of. the Church away by her father, was very becom- reliable business men, And- what they of fever and returned to her home and varied stock, Keep watching �nsw abapes, made from the beat
. . I . have to say to the public is entitled to L. He of leather. Business Shoes. Full L
� 1. I . lklieve it. . Here is one of the most magnificent fund. On the following Monday, the ingl)r Attired in a dark blue travelling consideration. I I last week.... Alex. McKenzie of Loch- this apace through this montt Dress . Shoes, Slippers, Dancing
harbors in the world. The shipping isr L ill be pleased to show you goods.
I * * * L wl
I , .
.1. . 1. r,adies' Aid will hold a Teameeting in suit and Gainsborough hat, i Mr. and alsh is progressing favorably after an Pumps, etc.
" . . . :--Sad was the cue of A prisoner large- Vessels from &II over tht.
" . world call here. The 0. P. R.'llne of the Lecture room. This will be fol'L Mrs, Warain left shortly After th � Killed By Train. operation for appendicitis ...... Miss It is requested that the ladies who - For Boys & Misses .
4 wIlo was serving .a term of two years lowed by an attractive program of ceremony for Kansas City, Missouri, Edna Chandler's friends will be pleas- are desirous of joining a Recreation .
,.. -ion. "Empresses" leave the harbor for 010- . A sad and fatal acoldemb happened ...'..... .1 .... ...
, in' Edmonton jail for defalcat am where they will make their home. ed to know that since the operation, Club will meet in the,rooms of the "
t I (nuslo, in which the The.Wingh I
� Ciulper developed in his constitution,' ental ports, Hong Kong, Shanghai Quartette, Mrs. (Rev.) Smith Baker, The bride received, many . handsome .at Heufryn crossing, on P riday after- he is gaining in .strength and will Parish Club, Friday evening of this - ..We've the best of Shoes for '.
!, * , "and an applicat' i ' and , Yokahama. Passenger boatF 'and others will take presents, the groom n . oon. The passenger train from Kin. a v hool and for Dress occasions. .
-� I ion for pardon was I of .Teeswater, 's gift being a soon be Able, to return home ........ Mr. week, at 7,80 o�clock for the purpose Of Leggius and Rubber Boots for the .
I . I � .
il :�, made to the Government. The par. running between Australia and B. 0. . cardlue ileavilag Winglimn at 140) Arthur Haines has had a very hard organization. Girls and Little Follows, &o. �
. I * 'On the wharf large lum- part. Mrs. Parker and Miss Brock pearl crescent. does not stop at H6nf , ryn. Can't tell you the half here— -
1, don was granted, but reached the Jail land here. Just as it - , .
, will recite -, Mr. T. Duncan and Mr. ' attack of .fever, and on Tuesda,y even. :; .
Fou 89nvicz—Ohester White boar, was about to pass the station crossing, . , We Are ready for an immense bus!- come. see. I
IL. t' W. J. McDonald will give instrumen- . Ing was in A� critical condition. His ness in Christma.% Footwear. Come, 4 :
,.V one hour after the man's death. "Too ber mills are in operation, and shipt-
. I , - bred by B. D. George, Putnum.--n.Wra, a lady, Mrs. Savage, 70 years of age, . . .
. I late' is a phrase around which cluster carry the lumber to all parts of tht. tal selections. Watch for posters giv- Reath, Town Plot, 'Winghain. daughter, Ads`$ is doing nicely, see our display. -W. J. Greer.
. � .
V . . many pad memories, . ,world. I . I � Ing full information. . was driving alone in a buggy across � The annual winter fair will be held I
r * 4 * From Vancouver to Victoria by Dr. Nelson. Tait of 498 Spadina Ave., the'track, Apparently, she had not .What He Saw.
i boat is a distance of abo UA eighty" Toronto, will be at the Queen's Hotel, heard the approaching train, as a high at Guelph, Dec. 7th to 11th. Single ' .
� - -Another government building has miles. Leaviai Vancouver we sailed The Methodist Cburch. Wingham, on Thursday, Dec. 10tb, wind ,%,its prevailing. The train Williamlames, a linotype operator, fare for return trip and all members .:: Wel 6reer.
. ,
: The special services held in Wing- frOM 8 A.W- till 10 m. for consult&. the Port Huron Herald Publishing of the Farmer's Institute will be - '
; I I tombled o*er, this time au.observa- soutli-westward among the blands of . . ed on Sun- I ion in diseaaea of V;e, har, Nose and struck the buggy with full force and Of ' I '
w . tion structure seventy feet high, Out the Gulf of Georgia, and after about ham Methodist Church clos Throat, Glasses fitted. Mrs. Savage was hurled into an Company, claims that the composing adaritted, free to all the sessions by - "' * - - "" "" ' "' - � ' "'' ' , - .
! W -ill d h dity last. There was a large congrega- �
I � at Waterford, built only about a year five or six hours sail, e rol de t e adjoining field, and killed. The room of that office is haunted. While presenting their membership card. I
� ' ago. What are these Laurier towert; tion, morning and evening, and the at work- the otler night, about mid- I
, . south-east corner of Vancouver IsI. horse escaped unhurt. Dr. Kennedy,
� I made of, anyway? And then there's and# and soon Victoria a services were much appreciated. Rev. Hiall SCHOOL NOTES. Coroner, was notified and on Saturday night, James claims that he. saw the The editor of the Advance is well ' ' '' "' .. � ....-I I - �
� . ame into
I G. R. Turk made many friends Atir- late John Murray standing alongside acquainted with Chas. McConnell of ' ' ' ' ' �- - .� .
1. I I several hundred feet of A government view. About the first thing one set -a morning opened an inquest, which - - 0, ;� ,;; - ------, -
. ing big stay In Wingliain. Heisquiet . the machine with a bunch of copy in Dundalk, who has a mare which has I . 11 .
. . wharf just slid into the St. L%wrenco. !a the wireless telegraphy stations, . was adjourned until Monday, in order. e .9
" Public works must,quit this bad h . &bIt Aa we rouuded the onter wharf Of the tud persuasive in his methods, and (By the 1-1. S. Reporter.) to obtain evidence. me baud. It is Also stated that the raised progeny to the value of $1045. - : ,- -LL --- -
. �- � . — .
- :::-�tl-�-�
�= - -
, I . Ir harbor,. where the ocean -liners -call, "a L farm mare in that section of country. - . �,� - _ L
. of tumbling down, or slipping off thei ate more to common sense pre. The first meeting of the Litorlary . . 'late Hemy Anglin, who was found He claims she is the most profitable ' - - .
sentation. of the Word and earnest Society was held on Friday afternoon ' Foil 8,&rx.-A new Coal Heater, dead in the press room about a year . - .1
� - foundations. or they will be regarded we got & glialp'so of the magnificaril entreaty, than to the excitable � I appears In the same , . � I
'With suspicion. - Parliament Building, and eoob found (and evening) our 1st Vice -Pres., Miss cheap. -S. Gracey's P urniture Store. ' ago, occasional y The Briissels Post bays: -'IF, -
. .
I raethods adopted by some 'evangelists- Gietta Kennedy, occupying the ChAir. room, The Advance does not believe 00 shipped three sets of dandy up -to- I . � - .
* * 0 . I ��
.. I I
otlra�lves in the inner harbor,.Wbert, - �Oio pii �, � :
.1 �
to sleig - 'LL !
� , I Elie solos, so sweetly rendered, were The principal item on the Programme A Mock Parliament. in ghosts, bat as printers are general- da, he to T. W. X, VanNorman, "I
. k\1 * , .1 !
-Maneipal Nominations take place we land right in ft'Out of the Parlia- ,�
i Much enjoyed, And his visit to Wing- w4a the debale-IlResolved that the. The Borden Club will take up a pro- IY truthful And also temperate, we - I -
. 11 I on Monday, December ,28th. In ment Buildings. ham Will be remembered with Plea- earth is round." Mr. Torn Robinson I grain that will not only be entertain- _ cannot explain, why this man wm L of Wingham, this week, for his deliv- - I . � I � a
I Victoria is a residential city, It is L ery of stove ranges, and they have a - -
t . townships around, the electors are sure .... Last Sauday� instettd of an- L ed by these uninvited callers, .
� , thinking over municipal possibilities certainly "beautiful for situation." upheld the affirmative; Ur, Clifford Ing, bob educative. A mook PArlIa visit L dur- large contract to fill with Mr. Van- .. -.- . - 11 - .. -� I
. 0 . .
for 1000. In some townships, there Here, we are told, flowers bloom all thems by the choir, appropriate sellc' Pugh, the negative. The judges, Dr. morib has been organizedo with 4, H. Ing th midnight hours. Perhaps a Norman later on." - !
. tions wpre well rendered by "lle P. Macdonald, Dr, Price, and J. A. Musgrovej *M. L. A., as Premier and lot of fits gubscribers in arrears had .
. will be lively contests, in other& per- year. Roses are often In bloom al quartettes consisting of Messrs. Mor- Taylor,. III A., gave the decision Ila Mr, Goo, Spotton as Leaaerlo; the called that day and paid up, and the Constable Phippen and a detective THE TWO EYES Z
baps, but little interest Will be manl� Christmas, Compared with Vabc6u- con, Hammond, frill &lid Guest, and favor of this affit-mative. Mr. Pugh Opposition, Premier Musgrove is unexpected event was too much of a searched a Gorrie hotel on Tuesday, -
. fested. At present, Morris ratepay- ver it 'is a quiet- city. it . is largely M - In fiffy per cent. of cases have dif- -
r . erff are said to be a,roused because of made tip of Englishmen of a very con. . essrs. Morton, Greer, Hill aud advanced so manyl biblical quotations surrounded by his Cabinet Ministers, shock- We can stand such an event and found a quantity of liquid refresh- .
Sunday, Rev. G. W. in support of his theory that we who will defend thb actions of the as that, so let no one in arrears fear ment that they say smelt stronger - ferent seeing powort hence how im- i
; high taxes for bridges. Bridges are servative type. Many of the residents 11OWS011 Will Occupy his Pulpit- strongly advise him to change his Musgrove Administration, While Lea. any such result, but come. than the law allows in &.Local Option - portant it is to have glasses pro- �
necessary conveniences, and generally, are men of wealth. They ate not of L I ity. A sample has been porly fitted to one's sight. I
Morning subject --J 'The old, old story, 0,111in , to the Superintdndotib Of a der Spotton and his front bendhers triunicipall . �
it is cheaper to pay cash for them, the go-Aead class which has made with variations"; in the evening at I- 9 . the - WANTnD.-Mar6h hay for pack1bg sent to Toronto for analysis. .
than to spread the expenditure over Vancouver what it is -, hence Vancou. & Smooth brOWLL" sanaky, school, or & missionary to will endeavor to bring about, ftirniture; must be soft and free from '
4IThe secret of . ln� entots, But his ideas were. downfall of the Government, and rise thistles. Apply to walket. & Clegg, A pair of our Ladies' handsome - We Test Eyes Free -
many years and pay interest, which ver has far outstripped it, though it tdreating services and a real we,o the Rott Dkess Shoes or onr elegant Slipper.5
'Q, or earlier, OMO very original and he ably upheld hi's to power by presenting & more popa- Upholstering fadtory, Wingliam. . And fib each eye with Its Proper
il -�-Xl of course raust be raised by taxation. dates back to 185 . . tot, all, argument, uotwithatanding the fact I&r ancl progressive policy, than the I would make a Christmas gift thAt -
1, 9 * 0 From Victoris, the Esqt%ima1t, and I would delighb any wotnan.-W. J, leuse, which is the secret of out -.
. I Nanalino railroad runs northward . ... . . . I I that he had by far the harder aide of party in power. The Borden Club by Golden Wedding, Greer. saccass. We guavautee all out wovk :
� -It is said on good. authority, that the debate. As for Mr. Robinson, his this form of entertainment will ilot A very pleasing event took place at , and can fit anyone properly who --
I the C. P. R. it willing to build a along the eAst coast of Vancouver I On Monday last, Listowel electors - -
Island, a distance of about eighty till and large bags are frequently flowing eloquence held his audience so I only Sustain interest in their work, 536 33Lh street# ROdmonton, Alberta, carried a . by-law granting a loan of needs SPeOtaOlesl See us WhOu �
branch from the Guelph-Ooderich miles to the coal city of Nsu&I'mo. it made. Fish is "undanb in season.. L spell bound, that they Were unaware I but will develop any latent speak- oil Wednesday, Nov. 18th, when Mr, $25,000 to the Morris Piano Co. to your eyes trouble you.
i line, through Dungannon to Lucknow ours and hours that apeed- Ing talenb thab its membera ni ty and Mrs. Charles Maguire (formerly assist, them in rebuilding their fao- - olrlw%`011� : I
passes through tb mouritalnous dis- lEtere tire found salmon of various Of the h , ave a, sup- '
I and on to Walkortobi It the milblef- fledby. . . possess... of Morris township, Ont.) g tory, which was recently destroyed by .
i. palities Interested will give a bonus. trict, with several valleys of fine agri- kind, As the a6ckeyei spring And cohoe ly Q)
cultural land, This road Is bow under naec! for canning purposes. 'The In. The Journal Was greatly apptecl- per to celebrate the 60th Anniversary fire. The vote was unanimous and -
I- We suppose that if a section of 60uh- the control of this 0. P, R. About (11028 tire very expert 91 cato , hIng ated, especially- the directory of fourth, A Close Call. � - of their Wedding day'. The table was nearly every vote was polled.
� try is Suffering for railway facilities, midway between the cities ot'victorin them. One day, 49 we were walking -form, which was of much Interest to - Mr, John Kerr and Walter Hall bad decorated with white abryeanthe- WALLEY'S
it may pay sometimes to give it bonus, and Xabalmo, lies -the village of Don- . mlong the banks of the Clowichan loombbra. a narrow eacape as they were return- mains, the flowers chosen by thabilde. The postpdhecl lecture on ,,Scotland') -
� but the -days of bobua-giving to large can't where We have been atopping foi Riveri we saw an Indian standing on A to for Adfl,bif the fleat man, kdowil Ing from Bluevale oft MoncTay even- fifty yeara ago, At the supper table, will be given by Dr. Macdonald in
I 'I log Lin the water pulill for 11ob, a bummee full blown .
corporations should be netwly, At Ali the )ast a6vea weeks, It Is situated ng fish out of B 10 oleo - Ing. They were at the crossing be- congtatillatious, toasta and speto,h6s - Mills Memorial Hall on Mondtty even- - I -.
'L end. if it really requires a bonus to In Cowleball valley, through I which ,be river. Cutloas. to know how he 0 Is tot, Xro loved by a few tween the junction and BluevAle, and were given, abd immediately aftors a Ing next, commencing at 8 15, under I I I .
� make the road, lb,will scarcely pay Its I D is for Duncan And Davidson too crossed the track, remarked, very suitable Address wad read, &lid anspicet of the A. Y. P. A. The lee- I �
. I flows the Cowlehan Itiver, In Dan, lid Ivi we a ,roaolled. him and, to our V
.. way when ery few cow, . P , is for F dward, known as our star as they .
I oaWs we stayed Avith Mrs. Button't, ,urprisil we found him italing it hook 10 Is for Peoggio, unknown so far hoo; many accidents had happonec! tile mombors of the family presented turs, which Is a very interesting one, - ,
paules will build it line unless there brother, Rev, A. W. Dever, and w1fe, Made by the village blatikmnitb, and G to for Goo., who eats Latin raw recently at railway crossings, ThO - Mrs� 11.1!Agulre with a purvoof gold and will be illustrated with it large uum- I.. d , " .. ,,, I I I 11 ..A W., 160 W.1 �
are prospects that It- will "PsLy.!, If It, 4ttached to A, short pole, lie 41d -tot it is for poor Harry, so sick just bow Silver 4001led- 11
; will lipay" to build the road$ the who are well knowri in Wirigham. I t to for lablater and Teddy, I vow buggy had just gob clear of the track, N,Jr, N,lAguIro vith sl beautiful gold- bor of lantern slides. WINGHAM 4
! I The laud surrounding the village h. Wait for th'slut to bito, but $Imply J la tor Jenny, whose books are no when withoub any warning whistle, headed emie, The uienibors of the ti'on. - -
, bonus to nob necossaky, And the com- be&vity timberea with tan lirs reach-, hooked them in the side and pnlled bore the night passenger train frora Pal- family prevent wore-Illss Aghei; Ma. jy. L. Howorth will be In town this
i pany should build with6ub asking tw- Ing to a height of two %ad three hub. them'out. 110 had about 00 ,which lie X Is for Kerr, whom we All adoto mprstoti rushed by. They both aver gidre,L 11r. flud Mrs. .1. If. Maguire, Business Collebtrlwpo 1
- slatauce, t, is for Lother, o'ex whom we do fret wdek represobting the Canadian Pree ,
dted feet, We measurecl one tree. had cAlight In this Way and which M Is for Minble, our llboodler,llyml bet that there was no warning whlsblet ji-jr, �oftue W.Maguirs of :0,dulobtou, Library, for the blind. Markham, Oftt,; Mott modetn aind populxr Bad- I
. L wit and As the road runs fop a short dis- And Mr. A. 19. Magalre, of Wingham, 0,180 to visit tile blind at their homes, I nemfthool In Urvatorn Ontmiol Z
. .. I I I I .., . .. .. . which we found to be hbout twenty- MeA811ted froML twenty to. thirtY X is for Nothing, the matko some I I Wldoly oxPeflopoel* b,o,dly '
. - five feet in Sli-th, A large arbount of 410116S. trout are also found In this got , tatice parallel 'to the track, abd the Ont, Immediate relatfvc-6 and friends them, oditc,,Att,d,sympatliot,id,attontive
0 Ift for Olive, whose o6upto to Gortle - to mako the library known to staff, The Rynonym of 61100684.
, I This 1. hO` fish story, As W P is Pugh, who is decidedly filrty and to Interest the public in their -9 emitiontlY Allec m-ful.
� the very best timber fir used for fire. liver- a $1L`W buggy top was up, they, tould hot see were I 'Mrs. 1, 1). MoOlymont, Miss OroAwitc I
WINGRAM MARKEN, get ,the applo%oh(bg train, It Was & nar. Mittgaret Maguire, Weces of the bride Tho very ea4ence of moiltm,
1/ wood. The trook of tile bee to car It Outgblved# Q Its We question, "Oh will we Engineers caritot be too And groom, Mr. i D. Me efforte. The Dominion has made - living bualnem Aystomb.
I Into wood, and th-6.test) from the firol We leave Duo4stalof on the Zth of tbtovigh ?" ,rmv 4sdApt. C'17"'Obbl �)ooks for the blind' which enables ..2 StewbgrhOhY, Telatt,tolk
I WhfAt-$$ to 00 dt$, 7'ere we P. It for Robertson and Wilburn too care y
.. branches, is left to be burned or% the this mouth foi- Calitottla, WI ,fal, and the whittle of wArning nophew, .Mr, to,Wronco S, Ir'ras", them to distribute tIh(.*Xr boollm all -� gind Cothmirdial -
, - 'am t
Oil Many fArras, whole tre0S expect to spend some time. 8 is f6k School, in which therea no 8-hould never be Omitted. In this gi-oijason, Messrs. Willi %lid Thos,
� L. Oxta-80 ots. P668-92 eta, L gvOund, . with a fool, over Canada post free. The vrovince � -4 Caursts.
I Bik�rloy--Q ots. ato burned &a they lie, The land is f0tiner WilighkinItO, Who It now mA-k- . T It for Valeaven, our little bor doom cAA#, the whistle woA not blown until MoClyiu6ut, brothers Of Mrs. Ila- maintains A Achool for blincl children ; I
nity-*8.00 ber toue . .
I t I har4 to clear, but ones under oultiva- Ing his home in 149 Angelos -Dr. 'a to for Out plus subjunctive, quite the train bad pssaed, and then It w64 guire, Misses Elliott and Mono Mr., Preparatorr pourse for thoo
�! B4tte-...S2. 10 0 6W At grantfota, bub this is the obly 0 viboot education hm bfta neg. 0
i , uggs-22 eta. tion, It yields kPlebald ttopa Of ftnit rovolot, Our Addroill for the next low olear a In the 1*0k. for the Junction. wail Mrs. '91tiott, of Strathootia, Mr. Organized L-frort to help the adalt . lhotod.
V to for Viola, who $It . Mail toumlf4, In smy Anbifttx.
�i Potatoled-26 tO % 'Otd, wid. vogot&bl6s. Apples, pears and, weeks will be 1217 W, 47th at. Los An. 80at nn.,ovu", m. D., r.iouaou, uye and smd Mm. Clegg, Mr. lind Mrs. Casely, blind, Z for those who ,wish to btuay at
; Chlekuha-7 to a ob#N .061! JU4L gol4d, Calltothlak to Whith itAdross y1ou W be At Reftfbborilo Mr,. and Mrs. Chailest Frost, TvIr. And
'. _AL to 0 ot*, - Plato$ grow abundantly. is for Will, whose pilk we'll ne'er - Individual Instruetifln. Antor
-; home
Dacko and g#60e ) R M 'A 0 ,
Will Please 06104 Your o8teealed PAPLer I store, on Weant XkAW VIRS. -We *ant al .
� '"t drug ky, Dec, 16th, mrs, vvea Frost, skit t r a o t n, I ily 48y. lVrltt for haticlaouka
. Tarkoyaw-lo to 12 at@, Per lbo Ostne laplentiful, Hate the a6er it. ho
- , a joint, fitilia oyroqel lit, Th kinds of Raw Furs) for which v6 -' catAloalle.
, tottad in large numurs oLucl fatther Until -hot notice. X Is lot "Unknown qutLatity," lots - . )I -e evanlog was spent; with game#, I
Live Elop-$5.75, you reaelva fart Z &&ftitsa, tos, noebs .
*t"" '
-"I';- here to he mird I- 1 ago. IwOT'rox, — NINOWAL
* - bitak, btAok boars &re to be foutid. Vourm 911boarely I y Is tot basal ttArr , - 'Will PA th6 highest tash prkos
ror Toroota wid other weitket, to I - ouf who ever you bo brostea Ana gl4siubt properly fittod. social chat, ate., concluding a. very, en , 1.1- - ... I..", ,
i 'Partridges Ana phe"saw *rd planti- Win., Batton, Z Is oar woo, bast yo -2 to S P'" I Joyabla And meluoritbld unly6mary, � G90, V. 1ING. I L-- -i , " lilllil�111111111iillll )
�,., purto sort P*g# Z I i I i a 4ver did Nee. I Hours I " :0
A:� z I'll I I .1� , %
.) . , . 1� , I I.. .1 . I I I&" . .� 1. ,4� k
-"t, �., - � I iA "'i I --.&A.
--- J-MVW4013—�;-�W, — — --- 0- -1 .�. ,",