HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-11-26, Page 8TUB WINGRAN ADVANCE, THURSDAY, NOEMnu 2e), 19oS.
Wroxoter, Howick, Morris. IParm For $ale.
Mrs. Pingle visited friends In 11141- Mrs, 0, Barnard is on the s14 list. Mr. George cook, lately hotelkeeper In loving liipiiiory of I)Aby $11non
lett last ,week. Miss Oertle Harris is yUltiug friends At Oorrie, 114.9 Teased A hotel At -Both- 114nn% who departed this life $oveva- FIrSt-class farm, 1110ASAUtly bitUat-
well and moved there, bet, M, 10084 Pd, Adjoining Bluevale station, lots
Mrs. Caesar and sister visited rela, in Toronto. 29, 80, adept
Ivrort-18, 100 Acres, all
tivoo In Wawainosh this week, M Is$ Nellie 131ack of 11-�r;,Iuton wAs Mr. Waile of Fordwich will be In Just A few days ago, tbat dear baby Cleared except D', acres, well fenced,
Mrs. D. Gibson of Ilastli)gR is the borne over Sunday. Lakelet Da Dec, 1, so, we understand passed Away.
him to say, to collect taxes. NO I and In good condition. There mv a
guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Brandon, miss Gibson of Toronto was a viul, engtb of time can o'er QjUea large bank barn, large brick house 3 Ofivs More Of Our Great
a parsonage last week. Chas, Kent. of Vordwlolt has or 41M the memory Of that 1OV017 and kitcheu,, with frame Bummer kjt»
moved. face;
A little baby girl exine to stay At ter at th
the home of Mr. and Mrs. lawes'Ray- Mr. A , to Mr. John G. Wallace's farm, ZTestiq c4ed him home to rest, Chen, orc4mrd, a never-falling spring Hanna nna
McLean's little daughter has mile I
04 well, an artesian well with NY a te r
lor, heen somewhat indisposed foi! the last b 8 east Of FOrdwich, just vacate F or he bAsteneth those. whom he loy pIp,(J to house And barn -, pig pe
y Mr. rived Sotheran. est best, Pen and
Mr, And Mrs, Bryant of Hullett week or so, poultry house, Jaxm, With conle
Mr. Henry Demmerling, of flowiQk But de.opIg motbers heart and mine iloors �
day. e lingers for all tints, acres of good Corn will go with. the
e other day, but we are Clegg, the present tenant the RQbt
visited. :relatives in Be Grant's second child took. slid- has rented his furca to Mr. Win. F Thy, memory lin frost�proof silo, IOXSI� T,
denly Ill the ���...JJJ)grave )4st Sun- M V,The township council met Nov, lar.11 farm, if the latter is sold before cornAir. and. Mrs, w1ifora of Blyth glad to he Is julproving* 13ornett farm, which. has been sold, according to adjourunien vested. Apply on premirses.membe is bag, r�HICING
spent a -clay at Win. Wrax'e last UNDERP
We notice that Mr. J. 11, Wendt, A cow And helfer belonging to Will. all present -, minutes of last meeting Proprietor,
'week. our neat And enterprising jeweller, Gibson strayed on the 0, P. Rt track read and confirmed, Bluovale P. O.
Mrs, Douglass, mother of Mrs, Will hits 4 fine display of articles for the, at Fordw1uh. The cow was nearly
A mtltloo, from Rev, Mr. McNabb
Corbett, has gone to her home in coming holidays. The interior of his killed, And the heifer so Injured that And 2 )tbers, which was filed with
Stratford. story is very attractive, and quite up- she had to be killed, the. clerk on Oct. Met, waspresented (AVO si
Tthe ex
The people of Belgrave are sorry to to-date. The sale held on death of Harry Kerr of The now firm of Hemphill 4&, Brown, acutors of the estate submitted o a vote oe electors 11111 Tuesday by to this council, asking that a by-law be r
learn of the ( a of the late John bmitted ttf the WINGHAM
That the last three days of our Great Ten Days'
Wingliam, are having their will overhauled And White was a success. Live stock der the provisions of the Local Option
will brought good prices. clauses of the Liquor License A
are putting in machinery, which , ot, Business College.
The H, Wawanosh Council met in Both mills 0. W, Walker Campbell—Shaw-That as s , said yeti- ensure first class work. of Gorrie received the bids. Sale shall be away beyond our already high record, we
Belgrave last Monday; they had a big seem to be quite busy these.' drays. tion has more than tho. necessary Most modern and rop.ular 1juid•
day's work. ','hey deserve to be liberally Patron, Miss Annie McLeod, 10th con,, left number of signatures, the same be en. nose School In Western Ontario.
for Edmonton, Alta, Tuerd4y tertained,' and that the clerk offer you
on k be jii� Widely experlopoed, broadly on Thursday, Friday & Saturday, such further
Taxes in the Bel cavo school section ized. morning to wait on her brother John strutted to prepare a by-law ar, re Jilt a little over one cent on the dollar Dr. - stair. The synonym of suocos4.
assessment. and Mrs. Smale, also Mr, And who is very ill with the fever in the ed by the Liquov License Act—carxiod, Graduates eEkilnently 8uccosHtitl.
Mrs. 0. F, McLean have returned to hospital in that western city, Campbell—McCutcheon --That the The -*,cry emowoo of modern,
Some of the Belgrave people attend- their houies, After spending some ffine living business systems., reduct"
ed the funeral of Mrs. Logan of Blyth in Wroxeter, The former have gone w Mr. Leggett, principal. of Ford. Reeve and Clerk be instructed to sell ions as will merit your immediate approval.
to Chicago, and the latter to Mobile ch Robool, has been re-engaged for the Johnston and McDonald Drain de. Stenography, Telegraphy
last Monday. nueb' 1909 at the same ;salary. Miss bentures to the, best possible advant» and 'Commercial
ng Alabama, They will be very I M. 8 geo. Courses.
Robert MoNorray intends spending missed as they are very genial and Roadhouse has been re-engaged As B -law No, 13 as read was provision-
December with his sisters and other teacher of the junior department at y
relatives in Hastings county. hospitable. the same salary ". she is receiving ally adopted. Preparatory course for those
Messrs, A, and George Paulin have now. y Accounts were ordered to be paid as whose education has boon neg-
Miss Radford of W'awanosh And been woridug with the grader on Mill follows:—A. T, Cole for deviation Mail col
Mr. S, Campbell. of Brampton were Mr. Win. Baylor of Lis 'Vic% in any subJects,
street. When the work is completed towel has road, inspecting cement arch and
f�r.thos w1ab to study at
visitors At Mr. Hill's last week. purchased the Hallman farm in the keeping light on road, $17,40; Ed. 0 Is.
there will be a marked improvement
n ong, farm bridge Individual Instruction, Enter
Mr. Archie BrydgeFt sold a very tine to the street. Our council have been Oth con, of Howick, about a mile and Armsti. idge on Cole any day. Write for handsome Extra Specials From The Fur Depaptment,
two year old colt to Mr. Jackson near doing 4 good deal of repairing and so quarter from Fordwich, from Dir. drain, $15 ; Sm. Craig, farm bridge on catalogue.
Teeswater, for the neat sum of $145. grading on different street,', which Barber. The farm contains 110 aerAs, Kelly drain, $15; W. Craig, making
shows a goo GRO. SPOTTON,
and is considered an excellent farm,. cement tile, $78; Duff & Stewart,
P. W. Scott has a telephone install. a deal of enterprise, So -on- The price paid was $5,3W, Mr. work and material on 2nd line bridge,
ed in his dwelling house, so that he that in wet weather we are not ti B4ylor will move there at once. $33,46; S. VanNormaT . i, repairing cul-
can communicate with either Bel- ')led with deep mud as in some towns vert and hills, $4.50; H. Bosman, re.
grave or Wingbam, and villages. The Council niet in Fordwicb, Nov. culverts, $0 ; P. Gutteridge, Look ahead and buy your Xmas. Im during our great sale; others, many
NOTE=-'With reference to the item l8tb, pursuant to adjournment; mew, = tile, $9.75; W, Rutledge, two
Mr. Garner Nicholson spent a that appeared in the correspondence bers all present. Minutes of last culverts on Forrest drain, $19.50; of them, have done so, and still there is an ample range for 37OU to select Furs
week in Toronto among friends, when meeting were read and on motion of
recently, in reference to the hotel, Mr. Downey & Hainstock were adopted. Wm. Thornton, putting in culvert, Are You Going to of unquestionable style and durability, at such underpricin- as will make a pur.
on his way home from the hunting E sty feels that he has been unfairly $2; E. Smith, dinging on, Forrest
Bound of Parry Sound. dealt with. We are sure that neither A petition was laid before the Coup- drain, $16.40; P. RutledgO, drawing
Messrs. Jas. and Jac. McCallum and the Advance, nor its Wroxeter torics-
til by Geo. Gibson and A. H. Cruar tile, $2; Win. Thuell, balance work on chase easy.
asking the Council for the privilege to
Mrs. Walter Allison, are - attending pondent, bad any fortis
and stringing wire on same grader, $3.25; Geo. Kirkby, ditch on
- Findley to Mr. Esty, , desire to be unfair 0, !ndarv, $3; Jas. Lawson, gravel, Business College P
the funeral of their brother, r , ar;a we are only too
McCallum, in Halton county, pleased to hear from Mr. . R sty, that for telepligne purposes on the road $5.2.5 1 F, Y. Rath, gravelling on W. We teach real business, and $24.00 Black Lamb Set $18.25. UP To $20-00 Sable Scarfs $13.95.
The Woman's Missionary Society he is endeavoring to keep an orderlyallowance in Tp. of Howick. Moved boundary, $36.15; Chris. Johnston,
of by. Messrs. Winter and Underwood, as much in ,three mouths as
the Belgrave Methodist circuit ship-hotel, and adhere to the law strictly, that the privilege be ,Ied, provid- inspecting on W. boundary, $150; 3'. you will get in six months 2 only No. I rich black Persian Lamb Genninn Alaska Sable Scarfs and Stoles,
Our correspondent, we believe, report- A. Anderson, hall rent for Grasby sets of large Empire muff, and styl- of fine even fur, trimmed with heads
ped last week, a bale of dry goods and ed it as It was represented to him, !ng they comply with govern' drain Court, $2; corporation of Blyth, At another school. The Ken- ish 72 inch Throw, worth regularly' and tails and fancy Bilk ornaments,
a box of fruit; to the Deaconess Home, without any personal animus, and ing Telephone lines.—carried. hall rent for Div. Court, $7,50; Jas. reedy School is a modernized
Toronto. now that ir, is clear that Mr. Hsty was With respect to the petition pre' Gibson, gravel, $10.40; P. Fowler, business college. $24.00—Extra Special, per set ......... $18.25 worth up to $20.00—Extra Spech%] ... $13,95
Mr. Chas. McClelland received the not to blame in the matter referred rented to the Council at their October gravel and damage, $5.20; W. Knox,
present of a beautiful deer from Dr. to, it may be allowed* to drop.— meeting by Win. Dulmage and Jas. repairing And filling at bridge, $1,75; Write to-day for our cata-
Allison of Blind River, last Monday. EDITOR, Kirby to submit a By-law at the Jan- J. Scott, filling washout, 750; R. Mc- to acs. $25-00 Ladies' Fur Collar Coats $18.50. Up To $9.00 Fur Collars $3.95.
which be very generously divided nary Municipal U lection to ascertain Donald, cleaning ditch, $1 ; George
among his friends. whether the ratepayers are in favor or Pierce, gravel, $3,20•, .Phos. Clark 50 inch Heavy Black Beaver Coats, loose High class far Caperines, large storm col-
not of granting license at the begin- repairing Clarke bridge, I
We sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. ning of the year, it was moved &,vellln� The Kennedy School fitting, large German Otter collar of Jars, splendid protectors for stormy
by and covering - Sommerville's bridge -
George Hanna, over the death of their Ruined His Feet. Messrs. Winter And Downey, that this with sand,
rich glossy fur, splendid value At weather, worth up to 69.00—Extra
infant son, last week. The funeral Used a ten cent Corn Salve—for a Council deem it unwise (although $66-40; H. MeArter, gravel, Adelaide St, E.
.r he could have cured his corns legal) to further implicate the mumi. ............ ......
was largely attended on Sunday qx!art(, $2 28 1, D. Somynervi)le, deviation road 025.00—Extra Special ............... ..... $18.50 Special ..................... ... $3.95
Rev. G. W. Rivers conducted funeral with Putnam's Painless Corn Extrac- cipality until the course the Govern- and cleaning out river, $12 ; W. Clark
fees re Gra-sby drain, $30; Chas. Pol. T O R O N T O
services. tor. Use the best—' 'Putnam's." ment is goinmo
tpersue is definitely lord, ravelling on R. boundary, $55.-
obtained from the Provincial Secre" 11; C as. Pollard, gravel, $1.05; Jag.
There will likely be a lively time at
the Municipal elections, It is report- k gi4L& ;i s .66* tary through our representatve—car Bol inspecting E. boundary, $3.75;
ed there are new aspirants for the ried.
Coons. Winter & Underwood re-,. deviation of Kelly drain,
field, and owing to high taxes caused Grey. ported as to the claim for damages $25; Stratford bridge Co. balance on
:by extra expenditure on roads and Sommerville bridge, $11MO.00.
bridges, the people of Morris are made by Jno. Ferguson and Robt. Fer-
•Mrs. Aikens of Orangehill, who has guson at the last meeting of the The Council then Adjourned to meet
beginning to have a restless feeling. spent the past few weeks with her Council. After inspecting both pl again on Saturday, Nov. 28th, at two WE HAVE Cloth ing Inducements
a,3e-?, o'clock.
The Tp. of Morris will vote on Local daughter, Mrs. Geo. Johnston, re- they do not consider that the Council WClark, Clk
Option at the coming Municipal elec- turned home last week, had been in fault, or had been the . .
ar, er
tions. A good majority of the people Thea roach to the new bride on cause oaneither o16 Taken more care in the selection
gf d damages to eithf the as* of our Fruits this year than in
in Belgrave and vicinity are not Johnston's sideroad is being complet- properties. No action will be taken the past and nothing but what is
favorable to Local Option now, As ed this week. Messrs. Wallace and in the matter. Gorrie.
there is a good, respectably kept hotel Jacklin are doing the work. A large number of accounts were choice will pass over our counter.
here and Belgrave being a great stock examined, approved of and cheques Mrs. Calvin of Teeswater visited on While exclusiveness in style, perfection in fit, reliability in workmanship,
shipping point, the farmers can hard- Quite a number from here are in- were Issued therefor. Sunday at the home of Mrs. H. Per-
ly get along without hotel accommo- vited to the wedding of Miss Olive This Council adjourned to meet kine. The very best, The make our Ready-to-wear Clothing exceptional value at their moderate prices, our
dations Mr. Hill, proprietor of the Raynard of Ethel, the wedding to take again on the 15th day of Dec. in the
house, 'has done his best to adhere place at the residence of her father, Tp. Hall, Gorrie. Mrs. Howson of Wingliam spent Raisins kind. you want special underpricing during this sale gives you an opportunity rarely equalled,
closely to the liquor law, there being on 25th inst. L. Walker, Clerk. Sunday with Airs. H. Perkins and ....8 LBS. FOR never surpassed. For the remaining three days we put on sale our entire r&nge
no charges brought against him Mrs. Jos Raynard removed her daughters, Vary fine quality..
whatsoever, during the time he has household 'effects to Dungannon on Miss Lily McLaughlin of Salem is ..3 LBS, FOR 260 of $5,000.00 worth of bright, snappy, new goods,
been here. Therefore it would not be Wednesday of last week, where she RHEUMATISM RECIPE. visiting with her friend, Miss Eva Currants Extra choice.,
Advisable to close the house at this will make her home with her nephew, Evans, for a few days. ............ .... PER LB:,i6c,
time. John Savage. A well-known authority on Rheu- Miss Alberta, Evans, who has been No bet- $9, $10, $12 Overcoats $6,69. $10 and $12 Men's Suits $6.95.
Great preparations are bei matism gives the a
ng made following valuable, pending a few weeks in Toronto, re. ter to be
Jamestown. at S. S. No. 4, towards the Public thou harmless, prescrip- turned to her home last week. Seeded- Raisins had. In An immense range of this season's beat Over 100 suits, all sizes from 31 to 44,
O.,=ple and
school examination and concert on any one can easily prepare Mr. and Mrs, Fred. McIntosh of packages ... �2 FOR 250 productions in highly tailored gar- neat cheeks and stripes of splendid
Miss Nellie Miller of Listowel spent Dec. 22nd. A real musical treat is in athome: Salem visited on Sunday with the ]at- ments, 'in fancy tweeds, frieze or quality tweeds, strictly tailor made
Sunday under the parental roof.• store for those who come. Don't for- Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zimmer- In bulk......, plain meltons in black or grey, vel- garments of style and durability,
Air. and Mrs. Leonard Ruttan of get the'date. ounce; Compound Sargon, one ounce; man. Mike Meat PER LB. 10c
Bluevale visited at Mrs. Gibson's last Gib. Stevens, wixo sold his farm to Compound Syrup Sareapakilla, three Mr. T. H. McLaughlin received the vet or self collars, regular up to $12 splendid values at $12.00 — Extra
ThursdAy. Mr. Sellars of 'Morris, moved his fami. ounces. sad news last *veek, that his son Nel- Also the very choicest in PEELS, value—Extra Special ...................... $6.69 special ........................................ $6.95
ly to Listowel last week. While we Mix by shaking well in a bottle, and son, who has been clerking in Jno. FIGS, CRAN13ENRIES, GRAPES,
Mr. A. Pollock and Will. McDon- were sorry to lose the old neighbors, take a teaspoonful after each meal
heartily welcome the new to our and at bedtime. ORANGES, LEMONS, &c,
aid took a business trip to Wingbam, we heart' Catto & Co's. large dry goods store
on Friday of last week. community. He states that the ingredients can Toronto, was ill in the hospital with
be obtained from any good prescrip- typhoid. Mr. McLaughlin left for the
We are pleased to see Jas. Simpson Roy Fraser and bride of St. Thomas tion pharmacy at small cost, and be. city Thursday. TEAS AND COFFEES A
at work again after putting in a pain. are visiting with relatives in this to Ing of vegetable extraction, are li�rm_ The Presbyterians intend celebrat- SPECIALTY.
ful time with his sore hand, cality. Mr. Fraser is a son of Reeve less to take. Ing the 27th anniversary of the dedica-
Mr. Samuel Snell gave the young Fraser and is well and favorably This pleasant mixture, if taken reg• tion of their church on Nov. 29th and
folks a party on Tuesday night of this known, having learned the cheese and ularly for a few days, is said to over- 30th. Rev. Mr. Perrie of Winghard
week.; they report a good .time.
butter making at Molesworth, come almost any case of Rheumatism, will conduct services 'in the church in I Hen ry Christie Ladies Wear UnderpriCed,
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald got home quiet wedding took place on The pain and swelling, if any, dimin- the afternoon and evening of Sunday,
last Thursday, after a pleasant trip Wednesday of last week at the manse, ishes with each dose, until permanent 20th inst. On Monday evening a fowl PHONE .59
and a good time visiting friends in St. Brussels. The parties interested were results are obtained, and without in- supper will be served in the Town
Helens. Miss May Smith and Mr. Wesley Stev- Pring the stomach. While there are Hall, followed by addresses and
enRon. The young couple will spend u- -11Y so-called Rheumatism remedies, music.
At the meeting in the ball on Tues. part of their honeymoon at Guelph patent medicines, etc., some of which Judge Holt held court in Gorrie Our entire and enormous range of Ladies' high-class ready-to-wear Mantles,
(lay School, it was decided to have a residence on the nth con., where the tent results, and the above will, no Hartiston. and R. Vanstoue of f is so radically underpriced that consideration of
day night in connection with the Sun- and upon returning will take up their do give relief, few really give perma- on Tuesday. Messrs. Anson niton o Skirts, Waists, Raincoats, etc.,
Xmas, tree social on Dec. 18bh, groom is a prosperous farmer. Con. doubt, be greatly appreciated by many ham ivere also here Wing-
in eon your purse necessitates you supplying, your immediate future needs during this
Jno. Miller finished his contract gratulations are extended to the sufferers here at this time. nect—, 0
with D, McDonald last Saturday, hay- young couple, Inquiry At the drug stores of this with the Shier-Sharpin case, In which sale. Buy now. You will never buy better.
Ing put in seven months and most of neighborhood elicits the information entrusted C
it on the road. He did well for an that these drugs are harmless and can with ' the disposal of the Gorrie
amateur, giving good satisfaction to be bought separately, or the druggists I'Vidette," claimed certain commis.
the. public and his employer. here will mix the prescription for our 'ion on the transfer, which Mr. 8har. r%,!rAurn $9.45 $1.00 Wrapperette Waists 59c. 75c Wrapperette Waists 47c.
Turnberry. readers if asked to, p aimed was consummated after
*iq M days after the signing f the con- FROM WIN011AM 3 dozen new winter waists in. fancy neat Well made good quality Wrapperette
Council met in the Clerk's office, PJ tract. Mr. Shier claimedthatthat the
Bluevale, on Monday, Nov. 2.1; mem. time specified in the contract was 200 patterns or wrapperettes, nicely waists, in all sizes from 34 to 40,
al, d Mr. Sharpin claimed the Account of International Live trimmed regular$1.00valtie—Extra neat designs, well trimmed, regular
ECZEMA AND PILES CURED. be pre8ent, the Reeve in the Salem. 13 "t Exposition. Good going $
chair. Minutes of last meeting were go es had been changed, but as there Stock Exposi Special.............. ................... 600 75c value--Special ........ .......... 47e
Magistrate and School Commis- read And adopted. Mr. Win. Weir celebrated his birth- was no corobotative evidence to show Nov. 29, 30, Dec. 1, 2, 3 & 4.
sioner Healed by Zam-Buk.' The following accounts were passed day on Saturday last. this and Mr. Sharpin had disposed of Return Limit Dec. 12th) 1908.
and cheques issued -,—John Burgess the Vidette himself within the two
$125, adjourned 001,11,t of Rev 0 Mr. A. E, Gallaher had a successful hundred day-;i, the Judge gave his islon -, wood bee on Saturday last, I
D. McCormack, $225, ins. gravelling; decision in favor of Mr. Shier.
Zaln-Buk by its healing power has Mobard Rockeridge, $5, work Morris Mr, And Mrs, Herb. Henning spent
earned the praise of men and women bdPgWr". -Hockeridge, $18, culvert last Sunday evening at the home of 4P. To Manitoba,
in the highest stations of life. One of an ravelling; A. Wheeler, $1.44, Mr. Win, Mitchell,
the latest prominent gentlemen to gravel; Geo, Underwood. $4. repairs Saskatchewan and
speak highly in Zam-Buk's favor is to Jobb's bridge; John Baird, $4, tAn. Mr. And Airs. Geo. Edwards called A GOOD STOMACH. That flie, remahlitig tbree (lays will be deeldeffly busy orkes for us is �qs-
Mr. C. E. Sanford, of Weston, Rings derbrushing; Win. Edwards, $2.80, at the home of Mr. Win. Mines, the Alberta. sured first, by tile iiiereasing wimbers -who shop here dally, secondly, our extra
Co. N. S. Mr. Weston is a Justice of lumber Culross bdy., Onlrosci to pay early part of this week. Means Good Health, Cheerfultiess,
the Peace for the county, and a mein- 00c, Hugh MeXinbon, $10.63 culvert Mr. And Mrs, Smith of Turnberry The attractive route is via Chea- inducOmenta 1101(t chit during the last drays, as Krell as the special iluderpricing
bar of the Board of School Commis. and drawing earth; John King $13,05, spent last Sunday evening with Mr. Ambition, Persistency and go and St. Paul, Minneapolis
sinners.He Is also deacon of thfa Baps Turnberry share gravelling, John and Mrs. Thomas McMichael. Success. or Duluth. already advertised, Will bring the most skeptical to our store this week.
tist CnvCh in Berwick. Indeed, Kennedy, $1,50, ins. gravelling, Sohn
throughout the county it would be Porter, $7.25, working grad Mr. John Weir, who is attending
grader, etc.; Wingham tligh School, returned
difficult to find a man more widely Jag. Potter. $3.00, team I day on gra. MI-on-A, will cure your dyspepsia or Por tickets and full Inforiustion, call oil
known and more high] res pected. der; Robert Dixon, $1,50, work on home on Frida, evening Accompanied any other stomach trouble by
by his friend, 1tv. Robinson tubuild. W, _910NAY, Town Agent, 00 writii
Some time back he Floccasion to roads; Cloine Higgins, $7. Pep. pro. I Ing up the flabby walls and making
test Zam-Buk, and here is opinion rection fence Morris bdy.; Robt. Mas. We Are sorry to learn that Mrs. S. the stomach so strong that it will dl- J. D. McDonald
of thus great balm. He says: 61 had grove, $So, street crossings b Doff & McTavish of Howick is at present laid gess; food without pepsin or other At. Dishriab Passenger Airook Tdrovibw,
a patch of eczema on my Ankle, w'hldh Stewart, $117, lumber pixt $300Mor. up with erysipsiag. tier many tificital. aid, IZENIEN113ER Former Reductions still bold good.
had been there for over twenty, years I ris bdy,; David Eaffie, $1, damages; friends wish her a speedy recovery. tires dys-
In other words, MI-on-a e
Sometimes a-too the disease' would Paul Powell, $50, t. salary -, Peter pops!& by removing the cause,
break out on my shoulders. I had McLaren,Miss Kitchen of Capetown, who has
$80, pt, salary; Jas. Kirt;i5n, been visiting the home of he P, T• Walton M(-.Ktbbon Is the
taken solution of arsenic, had Applied $143, King drain, it brother, P. agent Spetial Prices are qtrictly Cash or Trade,
various ointments And tried &II i Mr, Yoseph Kitchen, left on Monday for MI-on-& In Wingham And he saga
sorts Council adjourned to meet In the to every reader of the Advance W11060
of things to Obtain acure. but in vain. Clerk's office, Bluevale, on Tuesday,of last week to visit friends in E the
Zam-nuk, unlike 411 else I tried December 15th, at 10 A. in. before returning to her home, stoinaah is weak, who ;has Indigestion
or dvspepsia, that Mi-on-A is guaran.
proved highly satisfactory, and cured John Burgess, Clerk. On Thursday, evening next, Rev. teed to cure or money back,
the ailment, 143'. 0. Powell Of Brussels is expected to The price Is only 50 cents a large
I "I have also used 2am-Bak for itch- Ir 2 give all address And also Som6 links- boxo and one box it All you need to ONLY
ing piles, Mid it has cured thern, tom. light VIOWO'L An enjoyable time is ex- prove that you are on the right road _
rletely also. I take comfort i hel . Care For Sick Women, pected; the admission Will be 15c, to health and h&ppiness, THROUGH LINE
Ing my brothte ratti, and if the pub I. HANNA BROS*
cation IWO,, Mr. Goo. Linder of corner Mill And
Of MY IOXPerietido of Zat&Bnk When patios gather around the blps Park streetsr Elmira. Oat., says: stribr —TO—
will lead other sufferers to try it, I and lodge"In the 6mall of the back;— About ten ybars I have been severely
should be glad. For the cure of piles when to stoop or bond aodmll fmpoo= troubled with stomach trouble and in.
or akin diseases, I know of nothing to I Mr. Brinker gave I& wife a pleasant difestl6n so bad that I could not re.
(;,ObleA When dizzy spells and bearing
7Am-13tik Also cures burns, cuts, the time to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills, *eek, by, bem�.,,"At Rorrioll to A num- not tat meat, or "scarcely anything
ultere, blood poisoning, iin Worm, Irtegahwitiog disappeari, vital etretgY' bet' of their frigharu. and Bloovale anti had headaches And ponatlpadofi,
equal Zftm-Buk," pains are ever present--that'' surpiqe on Titeadwy evening of last tate my food After eating. I could Western C�,11ada
6061p sores, chapped hands, cold sor4s, 18yestordd, back trouble is forgotten, friends, on the,00emion of Mrs. Win. I secured & pkickage of All-on-& With
And all akin in juries aba disease The ailing sick woman gains strength, keei birthday. As 6 present the re. tbo result that now, After havingVAST TgAINS bAltll
Rubbed well an io the chebt, In o"699' Improves in looks, Increase# in Aoirit calved a bostutiful fruit spoon And a taken two boxethin
I am entirely butted
towgst SA gs
of cold It relleveA thO 'tightness and by using, Dr. Havillton's Pills, They glee& of himid-p&Inted obln& The *nd can eat artything, di eat perfeetly XO 01UNGAS 09 b2DAYS
itching. All dra m ist rig fiti Voh-it M66
Mists And litoket A611 duft the- donditions that rob her of 6stead enjoyed the surprise, clad after and 4t 41 e.
At W box, Or P06 ftOO frOM2arn-Buk health And vigor. N6 M04iamb iso spending a very pIdtoont eveblift mMER,
,the bvercami§ my condtipatlon. - I am Talk it over with .1. It. 11
'Oo.. Toronto, for price, 8 boxom for helpful its Dr. )1itmilton's Pills, ad ciompapy pprbia wistiting mro,Br 11ker otily too glad to 1)ublIcly audorms ;acrd 0. V. It. Agent, Wingham,
roturod oftha dq. r6donimond 91,0n.4,11