HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-11-26, Page 5TWO STOKES TWO STORES iCI A.S At YOUNG'S Big Hardware for This Week and Next. Lantern Globe,-, regular 10e for 5s-. Clothes' Pins 1 cent per dozen. ,Razors, guaranteed, ret;. $1,00 and $1.25, for 49c. Horse Blankets v Halters Sleigh Delis The Best Goods String 'Bells at the Axes Axe I3andles Lowest Possible Mitts Prices. Skates Lanterns CEMENT X Cut ]saws At $1.60 Per Barrel. We have trot the best values in Mitts to be had ill Wingham. When you are vv,ting a stove, call: and see us, we will, save you IC'0`m`;10 ;10 to $15. Call and be donvinced. Alex. V 1 q; 0 T THE VIlJ.A VW VVING11AX ONTARIOi TWO ffORES Two MR11's 40ma 40 a flourishing colony, even to their own IIIIIIIIII� IU I gPIIIJlillllll lq,lllllf �llt is..ARD �S�� BIG SALE OF , Ladies' Coats AND Skirts. minister. effects include nearly, There is Big Money Saving Chances at twelve hundred head of stock,' TheGORDON APPLE 'TREE DISEASE. ,,. body is regarded, as one of the model LDI. * t this store from .Monday morning lentil Saturday colonies. The Germans are a tltriftp night in Fifteen Departments. Be stirs- and people and make good settlers, Many Ontario apple growers have complained that cankers on apple get your share of Bargains. Set; our display of ' Is Your Throat Husky ? trees have been gradually getting 9 worse„ especially during the last three Ladies Coats and Skirts on 2nd Floor. This is the first step ptowards Caytour _ years, and in some districts they remedy. ckl ov r the depends eakdsp spots, drops � '� damages to orchards. The. trouble A• Big Sacrifice Ltl, Lad Everything,y, g re slips a are doing an alarming " Wonderful. Winte�l res' iquickly to the stomach and does ]title but has usually been attributed to sun- Seasonable Coats. • Some are ' harm digestion, alt's altogether di f- W, scald and ogster-shell scale. Investi- [� Coats p the manufacturers' loss, some (,rent with is right rlt atte, it cures be- ;'r - ^", ° " " C o a `s A L $5.00 rause it etc ri ht at the trouble, r �'-`}` � ' are our loss —far ivhatevefi - g g gations this autumn, however, have You inhale Cattarrhozone, breathe in shown that the greater ' part of such a reason, our customers will get the vapor of healing balsams that ? damage can be traced to cankers, the benefit. Nell -tailored Coats, three-quarter length, in strengthen and restore the weak -,, PIain Cloth and Fancy Tweeds. Have been $5.00 throat tissues. You'll not have colds,:"s ' ns {< caused either by a fungus disease selling up to $7.5Q. On Sale, each...,,.,...,,aCQ� 7 or cougbs--throat trouble and catarrh known as black rot or a bacterial dis- disa,ppear with the use of Catart•ho- .� ease known as pear blight, fire blight, , ions. At all dealers, lac and $1, Get< it to -day. or twig bligbt. The black rot attacks also the leaves and fruit causing the Beautiful }'u� CTho second group Of Coats comms �t • . 11 latter to rot. On the surface of the Coats prises some of the very prettiest In Force On April ist. rotten fruit little black pustules orstyles, in all types of fitting gar - It has been decided' that the act of pimples almost one-third the size of a At $8.50 s I R ments, in plain cloths and 'tweed last session, respecting the sale of pin -head appear after a time. These effects. Deal worth up patent medicines, shall come into Farmers . Mechanics Teamsters rice—each............... I$8.50 to $12.58. Special Cut P force on the !st of April. After that � � pimples. contain spores which when set free are carried by the wind from date any preparation which contains tree to tree and help spread the dis- n p n�r chloral, aconite, ergot, strychnine or /(��1T ! y ease in the summer. Either kind of Wonderful Value" In Undfi�sk��1 1t7 any other of the numerous list of Stop ! Look : Listen �. canker may cause diseased areas on ,r + deadly drugs will have to be approved the trunk and large branches or at the ' by experts of the department of In-" �� �' f� main crotch. It is not easy to tell in �e are making an extra strong bid for BIG BUSI- land Revenue, or bear a printed state. Armaur Clad & D�amand Edge Rubbers every case to which disease a canker anent on the outside, of each`package is due. NESS in LADIES' "WEAR, showing to CAsu Bu Ens that there is it deadly drug in the pre- what vast differences QuIcx CAS11 means in - both the p tration, and the name of the drug. ARE THE BEST ? They cost no more than T SELLING and BUiriNc, of goods. Proving the wisdom of ordinary kinds. Big variety. All new goods. Too Weak To Work, coming here where the best results await every buyer. An Uncrushable Toad. g = An experiment was recently made , Ladies' Fine Underskirts n the Clap testing department ofh a W. Brosseau of Waterloo, Que.,' One Dollar, n"tchi ch a company l ced iBucyrus, Ohio, WILLIS coo Ladies' Underskirts, made n which a toad was placed in a oven- differed from Indigestion, - ;y ton brick press and was four times of good Black Sateen, Eur - No Appetite, Headache broidered flounce and Duet Subjected to a pressure of 11,000 lbs.At Robt. Johnston's oId stand. ,Phone 128, frill, the first of the kind a ' ' ,vithout injury. The question at issue and Backache. ever shown in Wingham, + I I I + vas whether such a pressure would -- Can be bad here only, as we MADE WELL BY VINOL. have the sole agency for this Lill the toad or whether its ability to Handsome Skirt. Good value .om ress itself was sufficient to allow at - 1$1.50. All sizes. r a P t #- "Vino] is a wonderful medicine I� ��r< . came out of the or alive. The-ioad was first placed in a lump of granulous clay and the whole p4sged I into a brick. After the huge press had done its work the solid brick was I lifted from the m•tchine and the toad winked its eyes contentedly, stretched its legs and hopped away. Have You Nervous Dyspepsia ? How it shakes one up, invades sleep, destroys strength, adds real misery to life. Not the stomach but nerves are effected. Starved nerves rause the whole trouble. You need Ferrozone because it's a. nerve food. It supplies the elements that are needed to make rich red blood, This is the saving bank of health. The richer the blood in red cells, the richer you're sure to be in health. Ferrozone quickly makes blood, strengthens the nervous system, invigorates the digestive organs and presto t The nervous dis- turbance disappears. You'll try Fer- rozone, 50c per bog at all dealers. Impaled On A Window Pot-. A shocking accident resulting in the death of Mrs. Louis Fortner, formerly Hiss Clara Schmidt: of Walkerton, oc-. curred in Hanover last week. bars. Fortner, it seems, had arisen early to prepare her busband's breakfast and in going down the cellar stairs stepped on a curtain rail which broke under her weight, dne of the sbarp ends pro- truding and piercing her abdomen, as tike fell forward.' The unfortunate lady was actually impaled on the pole and when released from her painful Position was found to be frightfully injured internally. Relapsing into unconsciousness she lingered in agony until 2.30 O'clock Saturday morning, when the angel of death released ber from her sufferings. The sad accident robs five small children, of a loving mother, and a devoted husband of a dutiful wife. A strange and singular coincidence is the fact that Mtrp. Jacob Fisher, a sister of the deceased, should have met her death About seven montlis ago by falling Clown a cellar stairs In West Branch, Mich. A bro. ther, Dir. J. J. Schmidt, hotel -keeper of Ayton, also diet a sudden death a few months ago by heart -failure, thus making tbree members of ilio• same family to have passed aWAy- within the past seven months. Paralyzed lly Lumbago. - Manual labor or even light exercise Is impossible with lun`bago, The muscles stiffen out like steel—to mover means tigotty. Only a powerful t•eme- dy can penetrate deep enough to helpp Tito surest relief Coates farm rittt- ng In Norviline. It sinks into tite very root of thetrouble, penetrates where an ally liniment cannot go, T"reveut lumbago returning, put on st Nerviline Porous Plaster 'Whieh re- moves' Inflammation And strain from the museles, anti act's as a guard from draughts wind exposure, Nothing will so �tuickly cure Itis these reniedieg, All Ntlel`4 Aell Polstrn's N'ervilina and Nervlilne Porous Plasters, ttefuse all EVERYBODY BUY A PREF Rr""' AN. 6 E` AND CUT DOYEN YOUR FUEL BILL BY NEARLY ONE—HALF We Claim The Following (creat Results Fifty per cent, saving in fuel Minimums quantity of smoke Minimum quantity of ashes Evenness of heat distribution. This astounding saving in fuel is accomplished by eo- mingling the oxygen, contained in the air with the hitherto unconsumed gases, bringing the same to the igniting point and thereby securibg secondary combustion. Don't buy a range till you see this wonderful -wood or coal saver. -FOR SALE BY J. G. Stew' art & Co. —While the Irish are only a frac- --Last week, between Berlin and tion of the British army, Tot they Stnvford, a car took fire by the draw over half of the old age bxplosion o£ it lantern. In the cat- pensions, arpensions, thus corroborating the was Mr. Hodgson with two valuable claims of recent statisticians that horses, Both horses were burned to the Irish are the longest lived people death, the Car destroyed, and Mr. g was badly burned. in the empire. $od son also Ilk 5 ,QCIIP 11IRST; READ OUR 4 TSE WING AX ADVANCE, ''III RS 'AY, NOVEMBER K 1908. , .,. .. ""-.r•"..i:!-:.. :m..,... `iy/•'. ..., wnal Optioo In 09440b. ....,. . r.. ,, ...,:.. w.-.r,nw.n.... .-,,:.. mr�.;a,..es...-_^...,.--w,..,,�a.,,.w,,..r...,,.,., -' _ .._ rrv+.,.,++w,++w•..»+.wr+n,..... - COMING OUT ALL R1GUT. A petition signed by ,150 ratepayer) r+..l. . lid's been presented to the Godei'lelt council asking that body to sub-'" option aan bo l w leers vote of �r ■ Coli,Weather Re uirements Are you seeking for a mottotown liver cltet'ri.ttg, ever bright, ray Gt�lritni�sttltxloitttli o�r troublesr the wtocal p try r t t is s me ti rte as the . a t Stiotth+a thedarkest night na s paria$il'0,o1166° 0;kstte , municipal elections next January.., 4tl.�.ri NothingShining Ever keep. It plain: Ire Righttter, • � �� Ulm wiry the hc-nestiv believaa'our Col- legs to be thtl.' best for you.. After reading tho }pewit we will leave For Bigamy,le, Sending f c n er nb Se n or a o lac you u d g pY p rs y Lav aside your cares and worries, I, a -coming out All right' I�vrAyll Fred, n .fQlmor Ripley boy, 18t—We desire to call 1= - special attention to beautiful crogw, �€ A !i who last week pleaded guilty to big- 1 g Eo Amy, appeared before Judge Snider at Wool Blankets. They are made of ver fine wool a',tn the � „ �` just latest and best Ehglish style, To Appreciate lust; what right, , ljverpthing s a -Coming out all right, j lf'amilton on Tuesday morning of last this all means, you rfgnire to Bee diem; and handle them ; la the face of all your trials, �`'' ¢• '� Tribulations and your woes, week, and was sentenced to three the are uta both single and doubly • tae y p p , they cost a little j t Your losses and your crosses, l years- with hare; labor at Kingston "�' more than common blankets, but good judges will at oncei+aloe friendships and your foes, , Penitentiary, Both KimbWo wives pronounce thein far Cheaper than common blankets ; every Never doubt your final triumph, ; swore point blanl3 against him, And part" is put up in a nice paper vaso, We invite every per, beep this motto plain in eight-- , Put aside your cares and worries, t did nota ear tnitch affected over pp their husband's sentence, The line- bon requiring blankets, to come in and ezamilae them and get our prices, And we will be satisfied with the result, +'vorything's a•coming out all tight, .I All right, band is said to be the only one who All right, did any weeping, SPLENDID UXD9RWEkR Everything's a -coming out all right, - German Colonists. For every person At right prices, Quotations are very misleading --just step in and our In this world of site and sorrow, With its heritage of tears, get prices, Neel the rock of faith beneath you, A party of Germain settlers from Dakota, slumbering in all one hundred ()HR'ISTMAS' GOODS in' all linear are daily arriving-- It will banish all your fears. Bravely do the task that waits you, and seventy -titres souls, p have the' are sure to lease you, � y p Ever keep this truth in sight— Cast aside your•earee and worries, chased an area covering thirty-five `of A1- I� , Everptbing's A -Coming qut all right, sections of land north Calgary, - All ri ht K berta, They have brought everytbing I Dried Apples, Butter, Eggs and Poultry I Ail right, 1 Everything's a -Coming all with theta that is necessaryto found i taken at best rices. out right. a flourishing colony, even to their own IIIIIIIIII� IU I gPIIIJlillllll lq,lllllf �llt is..ARD �S�� BIG SALE OF , Ladies' Coats AND Skirts. minister. effects include nearly, There is Big Money Saving Chances at twelve hundred head of stock,' TheGORDON APPLE 'TREE DISEASE. ,,. body is regarded, as one of the model LDI. * t this store from .Monday morning lentil Saturday colonies. The Germans are a tltriftp night in Fifteen Departments. Be stirs- and people and make good settlers, Many Ontario apple growers have complained that cankers on apple get your share of Bargains. Set; our display of ' Is Your Throat Husky ? trees have been gradually getting 9 worse„ especially during the last three Ladies Coats and Skirts on 2nd Floor. This is the first step ptowards Caytour _ years, and in some districts they remedy. ckl ov r the depends eakdsp spots, drops � '� damages to orchards. The. trouble A• Big Sacrifice Ltl, Lad Everything,y, g re slips a are doing an alarming " Wonderful. Winte�l res' iquickly to the stomach and does ]title but has usually been attributed to sun- Seasonable Coats. • Some are ' harm digestion, alt's altogether di f- W, scald and ogster-shell scale. Investi- [� Coats p the manufacturers' loss, some (,rent with is right rlt atte, it cures be- ;'r - ^", ° " " C o a `s A L $5.00 rause it etc ri ht at the trouble, r �'-`}` � ' are our loss —far ivhatevefi - g g gations this autumn, however, have You inhale Cattarrhozone, breathe in shown that the greater ' part of such a reason, our customers will get the vapor of healing balsams that ? damage can be traced to cankers, the benefit. Nell -tailored Coats, three-quarter length, in strengthen and restore the weak -,, PIain Cloth and Fancy Tweeds. Have been $5.00 throat tissues. You'll not have colds,:"s ' ns {< caused either by a fungus disease selling up to $7.5Q. On Sale, each...,,.,...,,aCQ� 7 or cougbs--throat trouble and catarrh known as black rot or a bacterial dis- disa,ppear with the use of Catart•ho- .� ease known as pear blight, fire blight, , ions. At all dealers, lac and $1, Get< it to -day. or twig bligbt. The black rot attacks also the leaves and fruit causing the Beautiful }'u� CTho second group Of Coats comms �t • . 11 latter to rot. On the surface of the Coats prises some of the very prettiest In Force On April ist. rotten fruit little black pustules orstyles, in all types of fitting gar - It has been decided' that the act of pimples almost one-third the size of a At $8.50 s I R ments, in plain cloths and 'tweed last session, respecting the sale of pin -head appear after a time. These effects. Deal worth up patent medicines, shall come into Farmers . Mechanics Teamsters rice—each............... I$8.50 to $12.58. Special Cut P force on the !st of April. After that � � pimples. contain spores which when set free are carried by the wind from date any preparation which contains tree to tree and help spread the dis- n p n�r chloral, aconite, ergot, strychnine or /(��1T ! y ease in the summer. Either kind of Wonderful Value" In Undfi�sk��1 1t7 any other of the numerous list of Stop ! Look : Listen �. canker may cause diseased areas on ,r + deadly drugs will have to be approved the trunk and large branches or at the ' by experts of the department of In-" �� �' f� main crotch. It is not easy to tell in �e are making an extra strong bid for BIG BUSI- land Revenue, or bear a printed state. Armaur Clad & D�amand Edge Rubbers every case to which disease a canker anent on the outside, of each`package is due. NESS in LADIES' "WEAR, showing to CAsu Bu Ens that there is it deadly drug in the pre- what vast differences QuIcx CAS11 means in - both the p tration, and the name of the drug. ARE THE BEST ? They cost no more than T SELLING and BUiriNc, of goods. Proving the wisdom of ordinary kinds. Big variety. All new goods. Too Weak To Work, coming here where the best results await every buyer. An Uncrushable Toad. g = An experiment was recently made , Ladies' Fine Underskirts n the Clap testing department ofh a W. Brosseau of Waterloo, Que.,' One Dollar, n"tchi ch a company l ced iBucyrus, Ohio, WILLIS coo Ladies' Underskirts, made n which a toad was placed in a oven- differed from Indigestion, - ;y ton brick press and was four times of good Black Sateen, Eur - No Appetite, Headache broidered flounce and Duet Subjected to a pressure of 11,000 lbs.At Robt. Johnston's oId stand. ,Phone 128, frill, the first of the kind a ' ' ,vithout injury. The question at issue and Backache. ever shown in Wingham, + I I I + vas whether such a pressure would -- Can be bad here only, as we MADE WELL BY VINOL. have the sole agency for this Lill the toad or whether its ability to Handsome Skirt. Good value .om ress itself was sufficient to allow at - 1$1.50. All sizes. r a P t #- "Vino] is a wonderful medicine I� ��r< . came out of the or alive. The-ioad was first placed in a lump of granulous clay and the whole p4sged I into a brick. After the huge press had done its work the solid brick was I lifted from the m•tchine and the toad winked its eyes contentedly, stretched its legs and hopped away. Have You Nervous Dyspepsia ? How it shakes one up, invades sleep, destroys strength, adds real misery to life. Not the stomach but nerves are effected. Starved nerves rause the whole trouble. You need Ferrozone because it's a. nerve food. It supplies the elements that are needed to make rich red blood, This is the saving bank of health. The richer the blood in red cells, the richer you're sure to be in health. Ferrozone quickly makes blood, strengthens the nervous system, invigorates the digestive organs and presto t The nervous dis- turbance disappears. You'll try Fer- rozone, 50c per bog at all dealers. Impaled On A Window Pot-. A shocking accident resulting in the death of Mrs. Louis Fortner, formerly Hiss Clara Schmidt: of Walkerton, oc-. curred in Hanover last week. bars. Fortner, it seems, had arisen early to prepare her busband's breakfast and in going down the cellar stairs stepped on a curtain rail which broke under her weight, dne of the sbarp ends pro- truding and piercing her abdomen, as tike fell forward.' The unfortunate lady was actually impaled on the pole and when released from her painful Position was found to be frightfully injured internally. Relapsing into unconsciousness she lingered in agony until 2.30 O'clock Saturday morning, when the angel of death released ber from her sufferings. The sad accident robs five small children, of a loving mother, and a devoted husband of a dutiful wife. A strange and singular coincidence is the fact that Mtrp. Jacob Fisher, a sister of the deceased, should have met her death About seven montlis ago by falling Clown a cellar stairs In West Branch, Mich. A bro. ther, Dir. J. J. Schmidt, hotel -keeper of Ayton, also diet a sudden death a few months ago by heart -failure, thus making tbree members of ilio• same family to have passed aWAy- within the past seven months. Paralyzed lly Lumbago. - Manual labor or even light exercise Is impossible with lun`bago, The muscles stiffen out like steel—to mover means tigotty. Only a powerful t•eme- dy can penetrate deep enough to helpp Tito surest relief Coates farm rittt- ng In Norviline. It sinks into tite very root of thetrouble, penetrates where an ally liniment cannot go, T"reveut lumbago returning, put on st Nerviline Porous Plaster 'Whieh re- moves' Inflammation And strain from the museles, anti act's as a guard from draughts wind exposure, Nothing will so �tuickly cure Itis these reniedieg, All Ntlel`4 Aell Polstrn's N'ervilina and Nervlilne Porous Plasters, ttefuse all EVERYBODY BUY A PREF Rr""' AN. 6 E` AND CUT DOYEN YOUR FUEL BILL BY NEARLY ONE—HALF We Claim The Following (creat Results Fifty per cent, saving in fuel Minimums quantity of smoke Minimum quantity of ashes Evenness of heat distribution. This astounding saving in fuel is accomplished by eo- mingling the oxygen, contained in the air with the hitherto unconsumed gases, bringing the same to the igniting point and thereby securibg secondary combustion. Don't buy a range till you see this wonderful -wood or coal saver. -FOR SALE BY J. G. Stew' art & Co. —While the Irish are only a frac- --Last week, between Berlin and tion of the British army, Tot they Stnvford, a car took fire by the draw over half of the old age bxplosion o£ it lantern. In the cat- pensions, arpensions, thus corroborating the was Mr. Hodgson with two valuable claims of recent statisticians that horses, Both horses were burned to the Irish are the longest lived people death, the Car destroyed, and Mr. g was badly burned. in the empire. $od son also Ilk 5 ,QCIIP 11IRST; READ OUR CAAL06ur ' ' , IIE-N Betide one 1ho Business College 'the 1 _� t . •;,fi, We tisk privilege of sending you our intensely -interesting, handsomely- , Mustrateti FRE?. CATALOGUE. In fact, you really owe it to yourself to get . a t Stiotth+a tt copy and read it thoroughly before you select the Business College to attend. na s paria$il'0,o1166° 0;kstte Tltis Catalogue ekplains all aboutour 4tl.�.ri eebool, our faculty, our d:il'ereqt courses.. Ulm wiry the hc-nestiv believaa'our Col- legs to be thtl.' best for you.. After reading tho }pewit we will leave you to judge'for yourself, ya y Sending f c n er nb Se n or a o lac you u d g pY p rs y obligation. Just mail your name and address on a pastcard. Stud(,ms larAitted say Limn, Speetnl openlnd5 septorober +nd January. The 1~"orest City Buninoao and Shorthtzad College LO'Obott, it W1 W&STEWMT. Prttletpil -. . ONTAttto J. V' l.'WtS`7'Lttvl r r. Jr.. C.A., vtca.lyampet ,,..... . .._ _..........._.,_._,_.,.,:,.,,•rlrr..l.rrr.rr..........._...:. _ ._.,.:�..�. M�...... .._.._...,-.._..,�.,,.....L...— -...., Only . . .........bad no appetite; my digestion was - bad; was suffering 'from headaches WATERED MEREEN UN. r• t €', and backache; I was so weak that I DERSKIRTS — In Brown had not been able to work for months Black and' Navy, full wide when it friend advised me to take skirt. On, sale, each ... $1 2 6 Vinci. After t had taken one bottle I F� _�' • - noticed my health was improving, I continued its tine and to -day am per- These Special Lines, and fectly well. It is'with pleasure that _ scores of other equally good I recommend Vinol to all those who investments, will be on sate need a flesh, nerve or tissue builder." Wm. Brosseau, Waterloo, Quebec. This is because Vinol is the beat cod - - •- • - --- _,. _ liver and iron tonic in the world. It creates a hearty appetite, strengthens - 7 the digestive organs, makes rich, red blood and replaces weakness with strength. The beneficial' effect ofsa a Vinol In eases of weak run-down con- ditions or for feeble old people is sim- M �•-"a �+� coo _ ply remarkable. We inCIte all old people, delicate children, weak, run-down persons, -1. 11 convalescents, or those suffering from chronic colds, coughs or bronchitis in this vicinity to try Vinol on our offer to return their money if it does no good. We make this offer to show �.._ _�•„ our faith in Vinol. J. Walton McIfib- bon, druggist, Wingham, Ont. a ¢, y Do better baking-- a Brussels. you can, and. save - Thos, Friendship, who has been a �arlly ��d �t��p9 �®® resident of Brussels for some years, 9 t left last week for Teeswater, where he hIaha3 secured a position at trade aswith carriage maker.•}nA�range. s r� __•_"`� ' Messrs. Leatherdale & Son, of town, RE you having bad luck tvitlt your were fortunate in securing a tidy' or- A g bakin Y der from the city of Winnipeg for household furniture and a piano, Most likely it's the fault of your *� amounting to over $700, range. Harry Philip, 'tubo for the past six No matter how good the coolc, how '. t \ years acted as operator at file G. T. R. perfect fire recipe, you can't expect suc- station at New Hamburg, has been cess from an unevenly heated oven. transferred to the position of went at Brussels, as successor to Jas. O Neil. James Blashitl, formerly of town, Impe� pal xord celSeries e jOO has gone into ba9iness at Ann Arbor, makes experts out of tate most inexper- Then the Gurney -Oxford reversible Mich., moving there from Ypsilanti, ieticed cooks, grate saves fuel and gives you at quick Dnch., where he spent several years That is because the oven is even] bright til -burnt ashes fi e. Nothing but $us -et throe h wit.hite, anti where his father and family still y tno teside, heated and reefs-; Cly ventilated. The rou lCall in and see the Im erial Oxrord 5k oven Gurnd divided flue keeps the Range—lct us explain these anti other School Trustees I�'arroty, Skene Aucl oven just as hot in the front as itt tha important features of its construction School BoardMoore are ewhose three 2 year rs ni the and roasting, means perfectly even baking whieh retake it the one best range for pires at the close of the year. oAll Are - and roasting. your kitclien. eligible ser els- or anand have no . 'You ll have a real warm home all jeetron to serve for another *ier•tod, j Brussels is season finished wee up trig winter with this heater work of this season last creek after a R successful t"un and will re -open next spring. During the 28 weeks the fac- if you haat a cold house last winter -.-"burnt up too r:uch coal— tory wav in operation, Eneas Crich, found that tha most of the heat was going up the chimney—just call one of the cream gatherers tetwelled t`'2 fn and iuspeettile 4,2000 utiles, or an average of aboutTV '' 150 tulles per week, '• ,i m Last Sabbath Rev. W, 0. Rowson of ;Vin ]pant, occupied the pulpit of rt Laurel Base Burner the DlethodiA church ]pom slid gave g two title disconr•ses. The niortilo ft It conservoc tips- heat generated= rad;ates it into the room -iratvs subject lysis "God stud lite Plowman," r'yp ,,j ,.,. the colt{ air from lite !lour and thc•abuf;lily hcatc it, from which a set inch of good cheer other heater will get se much heat out of the - coal it burns anal and hopefulness �-t aces- sting Gods keep �time}W o hat heat in the taunt. The Art Laurel wilt do this providenees was given tinct greatly len- because It has the lnrgot and uto,,t direct radiating surface of any loved by the eongrrga.tton. The par- heater on the market, Able of the bereaved rather,'' often de- We -.I to tell you till About this heater --mill you tall in Soon. signatea as the stot•y of the prodigal It, son was the evening topic and from The Gurney IFOUI<�,.di.',�'" Co.,�..]lrnitea, Toronto this unusual Viewpoint I2ev, rif:t•, How- son riresentecl nttuternits lemons show - Ing the hatefulness of sin The the sor- row over tho shiner. O.he revdrettct g061itle An, noes choice lnngilk e, rind iq very energetic in ltig stX and opens up tnany new AvenuF'tt of thought, 110 'will be Welcome back WAS.. I Bt)YM WINGl1` AN. 0-gtllnr