HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-11-26, Page 44 THE. WING11A)l ADVANCE, THUROAY, NOVEM E R Q0, 1008, had been established lq 1888, in which Toesw them year $151,000 was expended, X�lille in �"j�1 N �j (� 1008 the .departrilent had, (pent $747,- J. T. Stephens, hail., ?vrta in lic41ni1- Chin W Neon The dc! attiltent had nine tort lust week, undergoing an opera. t1v el g branches, which covered almmt evil y tion, an, his eyes, which. have been gly. . i t; x11 .` i �iZ �"t ++� i1 C twonch of fartxting work, `.i'he 173,- lug trouble of late, REAS. ESTATE Ke re ou an,'Cid ar li"" Bi'* r ._ 1100 farmers iia Ontario have a ca aitltl Thomas Taylor, a. Kinloss pioneer, rM 1 AND IIVSURAICE Theo, Hall - Proprietor. invested amounting to $10%oo0,wo died recently at the home of his and the output is $200,000,000 pet- daughter, Mrs. Shoebottom, London. - -- -- - -_••.- --ter= ._ ...a� ,. - a _., ... _, . Do you want things to be just so? Then annum, or an average of $1,200 each. Ile, was aged 87 years. we"d like you for a Customer. VVo'Ve promised Mr. James stated that if they Could A gang of C, I', R, carpenters are ���1� ��O���tt���+ FRUIT, �� �� ��("� �(� you. satisfaction ---promised you that Style, fit and , get the farmers of Ontario to adopt Making rapid progress with the erec• , C, � V L .�....:, the methods of farming they know tion of a new roundhouse on the site Some exce rtipml Values ill price will please you -,- we'll keep our promise. ,,, of the one recently, d I Our best ads, are satisfied customers, Come here ttaly, it would be a comparatively easy, y estroyed by fire, Farms. If you want one, it will CHRIS rMA BAKING THE GOVERNMENT ON TRIAL, matter to double the output of the lir, R. J, Hiscox has moved with referred The good old Province of his family back to town, and during Pay you to See us. IIs referred to a scheme the depart - the winter will be domiciled in the....._..: _.._.., -,. ..... ,..: , - ..._ .. _ :,.,, .....:.,_:. or your next Suit or Overcoat. province, On - (The Weekly Sun), dwelling over rale store. The family tare is all right. meet had under lands o talo g yNEW CURRANTS. CROSSE & BLACK, - with the enquiry into the manage- Men's tirnlshl"1 s 0 S ,0 n y g which the men now working could The by-law to grant the W. Si, WELL'S PEELS, br meet is the Department of Marine not hoe to make moke than a bare Thompson Oo, a lban of $5,000, sub- p Choice cleaned Currants and Fisheries are so astounding that existence, and, by prober methods, to milted to Teeswater ratepayers on Town Properties ert�es new fruit, 3 lbs. for......25c Mats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Underwear, IEtc,, 'they would be absolutely unbelievable, New drained Pe$l, the hest gradually build the lauds up, and .the 6tb, carried easily, there being 1.10 ' if the sworn testimony of contractors At right prices. We have a Extra large, cleaned Cor- in the world. in every line that's rieW Arid up -to -dal$. y make them of value. These farmers votes for and only ten against. Im- rants, new fruit, per lb, 1oc Call and See our elegant stock. who have paid bribe money, and the could be taken from the poor lands mediately steps were taken to proceed number of places admirably suit- ' Lemon Peel per lb...........20c hesitating admissions of recipients of and placed on the rich clay lands in with the erection of a new mill, and ed for retired farmers: No rret These are close prices for > o Small Prices---i3ig Values, l Orange Peel per lb...........200 bribes, did not compel belief. New Ontario where the could make on Monde a an of men were at Ceristmas Fruit. The Minister of Marine lass xecog- y y gang tier or healthier town in Ontario a decent living. work building the concrete part of than Wingham. Property bought Citron Pee] per lb ........... 30o. nixed the seriousness of the revelation the new building. 7'1;e new mill will made by suspending twenty-eight of The two great difficulties confront- g• her©. can always be re -sold. Remember we handle only ed the department was the scarcity of be somewhat larger than the one the best drained Peels. the officials implicated by the evi. farm help,-und the inability to arouse destroyed. NEW RAISINS. Rob Maxwell deter. That may servo as a first step, - the indifferent farmer. This and ii& cosens SHELLED NUTS but merely as a first step. The next other questions the department were. � RitchieU GG No. 1 Selected galleins, move is due from Sir Wilfrid Laurier, addressing themselves to, and the out- A SURPRISED MINISTER. the best that money can Tailor Men's p p�ph the head of the Government, and it look seemed bright for the future of y� 5c l ailor & Men' l Furnisher should take the form of a prompt de- REAL ESTATE AND bu 3 lbs. for.,,...,,..,.2 wand for the resignation of the .Minis- farming in Ontario, as with the ad- IF or tunny years I have been a Rnf. Choice Seeded R+iisine, ; Shelled Almonds, new, vent of Women's Institutes the home fever from bronchial catarrh, and had INSURANCE - WINGHAW new fruit per package per lb........................40c ter in charge of the Department. I. . p • I g life of the Ontario farmer had shown despaired of anything like a cure. ......................10C t0 15c • Mr. Brodeur knew his officials were Shelled Walnuts new.....40c inat•khd improvement. Ju ge of my pleasant surprise when I ,� s regularly taking bribes from contrac- first used Ilyomei, which brought ...... Choice Seedlees (Sultana) Shelled Pea Nuts. tors doing business with the Govern- Though much has been done by the complete relief. Hyomei has been a Raisins, new fruit, `L ment he was a party to the crimes Department towards increasing pro- veritable godsend."—Rev. Chas. Hart- Winter Term Opens Jan. 4th lbs. for .............. ...... duction, there appears to be still more lev. Sardinia, Ohio. Arrange Now to Attqnd the ramous 2�,C committed. If he did not know this pP Thousands of catarrh sufferers have g Table Raisins clusters,ICING SUGAR. s For B " 1 F,• �- u4 + Wall+' +y„F his lack of knowledge demonstrates to do, and all should unite in helping y ' Bargains '�e g given up in despair. They have tried ELLIOTT largo fruit, per lb ......,.20c King g Your Trade his titter incapacity for the position them to do at. stomach dosing, snuff, sprays and _ douches without success, and now be- Beat Iain Su ar white,' he occupies, In any case he should be ; 7 called on to vacate that position at Neve catarrh to be incurable, o g r i Produce Wanted p But J. W. pe to the druggist, TORONTO ONT 10c lb. or 3 lbs. for ...... 15c 4� ,/�/ =once. It is not, indeed, going too far holds out hope to all distressed, I•Ia • FIGS AND DATES to sa Chat the whole administration THE PEOPLE PAY THE BILL. sells a remedy called Hyomei which is Tir,s SCHOOL STANDS TO -DAY IVITIIOU7 Bast Pink Icing Sugar.....15c .1 guaranteed for catarrh, colds, coughs, A gi•rrnIOR IN Tine DonENION. Nearly Is under suspicion, and that public g g ' tau"colleges OLALII To HE min: nEsr, but All kinds of Farm Produce—Butter, Eggs, Dried - confidence will be restored b nothing bronchitis, asthma un*1 croup. CLAIMING to be 8o DORS NOT MAKE TIMM New Table Figs, per 1b....20C les Beans Feathers etc. for which w0 y g The revelations of graft before IIicate (pronounced a heal -me) fs coverGto over..atS a for yourself wh t cc pp , , , , short of a general enquiry into every medicated air, full of the healthy vir- thl, college Is doing and the advantages New Cooking Figs .... 5c MINCE MEAT Judge Cassels are alarming. Here tues of the mountain ines. Yon will pay highest prices. spending department of the Govern- u tt otters. rent. Now that the work of house- are a few examples from the sworn .breathe in the delightful antiseptic New package Rates .:......10e - testimony of the contractors, within air, and as it passes over the inflamed W. 1. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL = cleaning has begun, it must be pushed and germ ridden membrane, it allays Cor. Youge do Alexander Sts. New Dates in bulk, per This season we have the - to completion, even if this involves the past few weeks:-, the inflammation, kills the germs, and lb. 10c, or 3 lbs. for....,25c very best Mince Meat in 4i the resignation of more than one F U R45 J. J, Murphy, dealer in building drives out the disease, ails which we will sell b Minister, and the enlargement of peni- material, swears that he has paid in A complete Hyomei outfit, includ- ... Very fine, new Fruit. t ' y the pound at 10e. • A full ran a of Fur Coats Fur -lined Coats Neck tentiary accommodation to provide toll to government officers $3,803.05. in ga and bard rabber ra bottle osis but THE GREAT SCHOOL. > > W. R $lakiaton, sail maker, sold CENTAL! Furs 1�'1Uffs c�LC. at lowest prices. roam for the offenders, if afterwards needed, coats but 50 cts. - ' , p The future of the Liberal party, and the government $3,000 of supplies in See J. Walton McXibbon about it to- PURE SPICE history's verdict on the Laurier Ad- two years and paid the government day. BEST CHOCOLATE. ministration, will depend on the man- agent 5 per cent, commission. d ��OC� r F. X. Drolet made large sales to the 6 , , STRATFORD, ONT. You will find our Spic(s Best quality of sweetened Our ji 'ter in which the situation is faced. Z� Our past record and our present grade fresh and pure. We handle find unsweetened Chocolate government and paid the agent $8, Has superior I of work stamps us as the great practi- p - commission. To other government Alma advantages i n cal training school of Western Ontario, a full line Of whole and ill 5c, 104 and 20c cakes. Of Dress Goods, Flannelettes, Hosiery, Underwear, employees respectively he paid $1,701, Turco doparianents—COMMERCIAL, round Spices. We guarantee the quality. Yarns Blankets &c. is complete In every - INCREASE THE PRODUCTION. $1,700, $1,5oa, $700, $740, $164, $400, Music, Pilte _II SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHIC. g p _ i , , , - Ladies Art, Xlocution Our graduates are in demand as lanai- ' particular, and we solicit a call. —. $272, $200, $185, $130, $115,, $140, $120, y College ands, Domestic cess antiege teachers as well as ofEn- y $105", with numerous payments under tore Domestic =' assistants. Individual instruction. Nn- ter NOW. Large catalogue free, Write We guarantee Kerr & Bird's Baking Powder, put up Truths which the farming communi- $100. - for it; _ Science, Business College Courses, - in I Ib. tins at 15e or 2 for sae. Half lb. tins lOc. '- ty will do well to pay heed to were R. H. Gale of the Slade Electric Co, ; + Literary and Scientific Courses, al- � ELLIOTT d� NIChACHLAN 7 Butter 23c. Fresh Eggs 25c. _ delivered by Mr. C. C. James, Deputy paid 3:1 to 3,1 per cent, commission in so Public School Classes for young P"1NOIPA°' - Minister of Agriculture, in a speech in three years on $10,000 of business. girls. Cheerful, wholesome, home- I WANTED.—Good Butter in, toile fresh Eggs, Onions Toronto the other daKINGy. He declared Patrick Murphy, saloon keeper, sold og > > like. Tor Catalogue, address : _ Potatoes Beans Oats anti Dr Wood. that the output of the farming Indus- to the government $3,761.48 worth of _ ATHUR J, IR��IN°'y■ ' tr In this rovince is not nearl what second -band coal ba s and other oods "TheReQi■St. ALMA COLLEGE, � y - Y h Y g fs' 1 St. Thomag Ont. + D.D.S., L.D.S. - it should be, and the importance of at 80 per cent, profit, and paid the - providing the remedy is such as to ire officials 5 per cent. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen - of moment to every one. J. D. Cote, plumber, received some nsylvania College and Licent ate of Good Goods Cheap Pi; ices . DRMARGARET C. CALDER Dental Surgery g y Mr. James pointed out that the De- $27,000 from the government in three of Ontario. partment of Agriculture in Ontario years. He says that he paid Inspec• honor Graduate of Toronto University. —office in Macdonald Block— tor O'Farrell $100 ; the Captain of the Licentiate of Ontario College of Physicians Montcalm $140 ; another captain $100 ; and surgeons. W: T �77 T!'t L� i 1` 1• d . 11,1 V -PJ :. .... .. , ., .�., - .. - other employee $75. $ O , and to anDevotes of yoRree Threat. of th , . D.D.S. t - to a chief engineer �• 0 • special ai t to Diseases o BSA. LDS., D D S i_ anger say they n Fitted. ° an of o ou MILLS. • As' Fye, Far, and Tl U Eyes Tb •ouch ted. Honor Graduate of University of fierce Bel & CO, lade a , Glasses D Property . d d Licentiate of Royal Dolle e _ ...... ... .. __. OiRce with Dr. Kennedy. g payment to the government agent. Office Hours —. 3 to 6-4 to 8 p.m. Dettal Surgeons of Ontario. A. Davies, of the' shipping 'and OFFICE IN BEAVER BLOCK — WINGIIAM ' '��T�• �!•��• /� �,/� wrecking firm of G. T. Davies & Sons, V 1! l l� 17.1117.A Levis, paid an average of $500 a year Miss Elizabeth E. Grant to government officers in com- Teacher of Piano, Theory, Harmony and CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES t' missions. Interpretation. Pupils _prepared for ... - • • • a.� .. ...... ..... m,....__ . . ,/, t to k.e s something Thibadeau rocer, aid 5 per cent, Conservator or University = � p.c w 9 . g , p p ezaminapplicat on. on ■ , ± 1 Igo, a 0, ,�h on $7,000 worth of business, p GD �t0 Il 0 V0/ Another grocer paid the same STUDIO — IST FLOOR—MAODONALD BLOCK Winghana Circle, Na. 434 1 pH anp0 ®g 6t3. 6 more than. an rincivased rate. , 10 Days 1 5`9 Meats the Ist Thursday in each month, / al 111r. Wiggs says that he aid his in the Chisholm Hall, at 8 p. m. Candi- / ee au�e ©� 9 B B gg y p Frank McConnell dates for cheap reliable insurance aro = 9.6� commission in supplies on which he solicited. Ask to see our rates from any j r 9 -- 8 g 9 0.8 made no collections. LICENSED AUCTIONEER' FOR the same a officers e i en, risks accepted at 1 � = 1x�eonle, to jCaovsde a E. Amyot sold $1,000 worth of fire- COUNTY OF HURON. _ ttf R. AlLea T. F. Rec. Secretary ®f Bargains works for the Arctic and paid officials t Leader Reo. Secretary j - 10 per cent. commission on the job. Salo orders carefully attended to,, Stock q tai with weal tai/ and implement sales a specialty. 'i'erms W. d. WYLES •- Fin, Secretary I John Drolet sold meat to the depart- reasonable. Residence, at North end, t Head Office, Hamilton. rnent, and gave the captain' of the WINGHAM - ONTARIO , COMMENCING i ' ,government ship his own supply at a / - reduced price. WINGHAM DOMINION BAR Pyou have never learned to save, you would not event- Geo. Marchand, boiler -maker, re- Npaired a lightship for $5,000. He paidn � Saturday, 1 �a���b�� ���� uall find ourself an better off if •our income were to o General I�It�sITaI.ry w�'�' +� a 5/, commission and gave $10 and $15. each to four government engineers (Under Government Inspection.) HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. be doubled to -morrow, g_ , ...:.�.. who verifled his accounts. Pleasantly situated. BealUlfully furnished. Most of the facts brought to light at Open to all regMarl7 licensed physiclans. g g Rates for atients (which include board and On the other hand, if you knew haw to save, you Rueben eotila have been discovered nursing) 3.50 to 416.00 per woelc, according Capital (paid up) $3,976,000 Fallowing Are Just A Few Of The Special to loonMon of'room. For further informs•4 might be able to la aside a fair amount of mons in a year or long ago if the Parliamentary en- tion—Address (and undivid- 1 g y y y quir•y had not been blocked. The 3988 J. E. WELCH Reserve ed proflts) $5,29700 so, even . on our resent income. Snperintcmdout, / Y p Arctic inquiry was held in 1f106, but Box 223, Win6ham, Out.Total Assets, oVCC $48,000,000: Bargains Of This sale 1 was so restricted by.government ac- 1 It is not so very difficult to accumulate money --if once you tion and the .ruling of the majority WINGHAM BRANCH. � / commence. The only war: to Commr, F, is, to OPEN A SAVINGS that the inside facts could not be dis- 4 only Men's0-5 e Prork Overcoats, regular price 4 • Farmers` Notes discounted. $11.00—Sale Price .................................4.49 e ACCOUNT. covered. The majority held that the 4 certificates of officers proved the prices Drafts sold on all points in Can- = 3 only Men's Work Overcoats, regular price I There exists no more competent custodian of money, than to be right. Now these very officers TRY ads, the United States and Europe. $10.00—Sale Price.................................$3.38 i the Bank of Hamilton. are under suspension, and we are told Paying special attention to Savings Ac- that the Are to be prosecuted for cor- = 4 only Mens Ulster Overcoats, regular price y p SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. � Counts, this Bank has, in its rise to a lace amongst the leadingrtiption. In the Merwin inquiry two$8.50--Sale Price...................................$3.19 / Interest allowed on deposits of $L.OtI and ' financial institutions of our Country, come to be regarded as ayears ago, It was made cleapthat the Malcolm's upwards, and added to principal quarterly. 3 only Boys' , Overcoats, regular prico $6.50 Government was paying in sortie cases —Sale Price..........................................$2.95 especially suitable and convenient place for the artisan and farmer more than double the proper price for D. T. HEPBURN, Range , to keep their savings. machinery and supplies bought •in ,' jZ' R.Van•tone, 1�ollcitor 40 only Men's Fur -lined Caps, regular price ; - enormous quantities by the Marine 750 each --Sale Price ............................. 590 4 No deposit is too small to ensure for its owner the courtesy Department. This was established in a 20 only Iios s' rieak Caps, regular• price 50c and liberal treatment for which the Bank of Hamilton has become the face of government obstruction of NEW RAISINS each—Sale Price .................................... 39C all sorts. There wag ample ground CURRANTS known. for proseoution at that stage, but the majority whitewashed everything. -protection and Safe You will find many other lines Interest, at highest Current rate, is paid on deposits of $x.00 No evidence shows that this system DATES PEELS equally as good value and upwards, of plunder goes back more than eleven MINCE MEAT'' !n l estment " during this Salo. years. It is a development of the In package or bulk a Y 't present regime, and has become a reg- ARE COMINRb IN a ular way of transacting government EV ERYT p bBANK OF HAMILTONusiness. No one supposes that the- HY) (i Tho Endowment Policies d custom could hf4vo been continued so b�'e want your Produce. i long, and grown to general without NEW AND FRESH --OF--" the knowledge of men much higher P01t THE � . Highest prices paid and the best value, for �in the administration than those mon- XMAS. BAKING?. The �Qta�la�.�fe your money. bels..t L l i tiotsod, _ , A soti<nd well managed AGENT WINOHM4 i ,,.-...r,x... r.w .,.,,,,,.,de„, n/. a..wwra�.a.,�w.w,w•wrry,. r , '" ; � Small -Pox In Carrick, There Is a big outbreak of smallpox In Orrick township. The health au- thorities) In Walkerton, are alarmed about It, remembering the expense and worry of tho attack they had there tti your Ago. Produce Wanted. A. J. MALCOLM L J Canadian Life 0Assurance Company. Averttge tato of Interest • - earned in 1900- 6X7 PER CENT, WALTER T. IrALT, Winghea4i. Local Aganb _