HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-11-26, Page 3kg�A EA to stallious of mixed or unknown blood,, NOM40" , UZEMA, AND PILES CURED Put the Amerl,-lin favitier who I)ru4 U14 -A IVw � " 11 EGZEMA SUFFERFAS itrare to a Verdivion for it heavy volt, 4 r MAGISTRATE AND §QHQOL COM- JI.SucIly ehaligeA Dili inind a ek!1111111 of NEWS FROM THE OLD LANDI 'ioirti later, puts wbut h* got from till, MisSIONER HEALED OY ZAM-BUK, You Can Sto ThAt Itch At Que first crom to a coa.,1%. horw for style, Zum-lluk by it% licaling power 1144 An enlilleat Ohl.oago, Ill., Skin iiii'vial lit this Product; to a trotttr for speed, and. I Many Interesting Happening$ ReporteO Frol" earned t4e., pralso of mon. aud womori REAT THZ SOIL FROX U3314ATIL a 5 1 11111110 pure, wild t1w grand rc,adt, to i� Jack or a )rule, As a homi breeder Do doesn't $blue) w Why 4,4 you JuvalUbly prodlet th,% 001406t Ill the hlglwst stations of life. One of minp(Moul, that 6 a positive cure, for Int,"r we'divo bad 14 y"1011 Great Britain., IN *testi Prominent gentlemen to German Xas a Plan to lucreAso crops of ee2�'clup, soul till forms of a%ln, disoage. K NValleo do Loneez roluarlud, wriwercd Prot. MAtharW4, "It It Vic I tool,$ only at tile outside of a sire (And 00=4 true pC913-3 nceettoarBy give me erotllt kVeklk highly -13uk'a fayor Is Thia wo-aderfal reirfdy to all Oil of apparently )act jw -very cari%blly at lot, xr(At WLM�pl. AU4 dI tt, doun't 0 Mq In Zeal Wo Early Spring Vep, Ables and usafujotsil 4 naturolly tho. true too thalWal to hold olay Sanford, of We.;5Wil, KI Wintwgroen compound, vAlled, D. 1). D. I;e a r. Q. 1' that) and 1`81`06 little what kind Of arild h U.S.fou Star, (Londort Daily Mail,) water may be m.4do hot for tile model Cc,, X. H. Mr.- Nk"ostion is A Justice Ot Dr. Meliner, A German, is reoponsible reivription, and 1-3 A eloivn, Pleasing Mood is running, inside. -most pleasing. baths. When they are not Ill. use th tile P4l4a to he Ito,- Q6Q &0 for tile County, and, A 111.0111. r the latest Agricultural blea, w111,01 Is liquid that is iipplleti dirKt to t The story of an engagement that NOT W. U1410. bathe are transformed. into 14tellen ta- Der of the Board (if hkilool ("olurnij- now the subjeet of experiment In Ger- Ing skin. Thoroquit N almoost miraculous SUCH 4 oft would be this UP! J',VQ got Y*4 lasted for twenty-one years and tholl lies, Idonera. ITO is A160 de"On of the llap- PlArly and Frnnee-lbat of artificially ­11le ryufferer gets Instant ralhJ and fAakeo. Him Confident. Carving Set shown hero. The did not end in matrimony was told ill heating the soil for.the purposo of pliqli- oft,%u a tow applivati(ins areQnnig, Of T o Public Alan (rituell 144,4teneil)-wit- By a device W.Diell should become dear tist (1hurob. in Berwick. Indeed, thrcolgh- to Dr, A. F. IV. Ingrani, the LIshop wh,� Ills 11robate Court on Wednesday, to the heart. of thilfty hollsowives One out the county it would be diffloult, to hig the tr London, 13aid At a diviler Ill Nvuldne- carving Itric, kt rowth of vegetablea. It is said tako away 'the eruption, cle�l-r tile Adu set consi* of the tax,4 ),oil g.)t thcm., whEu Miss Laura Leggett, daughter fire Is made to do duty for both kitchen find A man to'proinise remarkable results, especially and Moot a, completo purp. Wit, a(vording to tile Suit. Tho I`01 hwayninu-4. revolver, of ti, veterinary surgeon ractising in . wore Widely kiwiva ant., 0 fork and 5harpeaing steeL The 1111� W A14u Unit(% relieved)—Oli. that's and oittilig-room, The, two grates stand hipDly respected. . Ill the quickening of spritig vegetables Tho d1tivoyerer of 1). 1). 1). has pruwn a 'rho), say I overdo 4ttliletics, but I all 4,10t. I WA -3 A13,41.4 0 imIght ho 4 Coal- ent's Paxl�-road, souilt to pro. back,to back, and whon tile fire Is ;lot *owts time J.,ick lie had occasion to I awl, their development in size and luxu- to inwileAl antlinritios bow ypry use]('," cWt, really. J,,xerdpe keeps ills fit. I THE handles ore genuine prolTylt-1m; lettPr—Cloveliluil I -lain Pealer. will of Mr. ohn, rhinco. it is to (lose tho stoma0i. to cure skin don,t oveldo it ally more tilan t =U]A1(1r4tnbd, formerly a, clerk Trx(Ilfgh"; needed In the 141tchen tile Pulling Of a test Zani-Duk, and hero is his ophilon lie Par. s lover will raise it dividing uletal bar and of this, great balill" 1710 mye; " I bad The method. consiats ill burying at A diewase, The diwase jA ill the Bld", All"I Iiixment'ary mudidate, Jugghis, overdid BuckhQrn and, contain the r, ORMNOON 1.1; 1900TIAND. Bank of Scotland, Who died on Dec- -'VIlich depth of 20 to 40, inclies under the field litust 1c, treated thdre. Itis cordiality, A young boy Xct a job wttii & sMtt,51i em,bor 16, 1907, tilt the olowing coal$ into tile sitting,* A Patch Of cozema on illy, gulde, I finest She$eld hand forged rarniti, oilev, to Do treated conduits of earthenware, "Doctor the Itch where the !tell Js,p "Jogglvi was. rtianing, for a slumodis. The will, which Was. written on a room, firephice. had been there for oyer twenty ),cars I "Ve'll olmil in tile 0arn, the farwor Ide Also 440 woula through wDlOt steapi p1pon, About All Tlpl�-j ww'J"'Ierful rem('J"y' 6 now still4l Wet lit 1`111,1111nellaill, a114 his cordliality 4, perambulator house is prov 4, 41- Sonietimce the dise tcop steel blefdos, Euclo4cti in, 4. "alld I'll Qxr=� 310 cot in the rigid Illm Alorn beet of' notepaper In the saloon bar inch in diameter are laid. Btealll at a used lit all parts of tip X1111tild At toL-4t Q%'If"P of a public house in Goewell road, wa$ vided into separate, compartments, and break out oil my shoulders. I had alliong the sluill voters excited a good velvet liaed case "Very w0l, gatil Mig boy, temperature of about 300 degrees, Is by pilysivians and in hrApItall. Thou. d'eal Of osod by Mrs. Mary'GoodcoaQugh all with wimbera and keys. taken solution of arsoide, lied 4,pplleii surprise, Two Canvassers fell But the tirst maraing 40 overelept a littio Opp a. Simpson,, sis- A similar plant. Is to. be Adopted for various Ointments, and trie4 all sort$ forced through the pipes; it, warniq the sands bave, becil, cured Ity it, 111to twilt liballt it. $5.00 and K was 4.3Q 'wben *lie roaciml tho: field. end Mrs tizzie W1111 air in tile condult aud, the heat slowly f. (W$ Thu Water, Imaing o.n ills b tera of the deceased, they alleging that the nisills, bicycles. A Workshop, complete of things to obta&n a cure, but in vain, radiates through the clay condult, wariu- TRIAL k3OTTLF. FRr1E It, grand. ideit, of Clitudidato Jug- a blaclt: 100% oe, pva 4tni it had not been properly ex I be At the Zani-lluk, unliko all else I trl It 3%11 have nover tried 1). 1). D, just OuRcattilogue is your$ for "Wbere b ayo, re iho ecuted. With every necessary tool, wil ed, proved In- the earth, Pre. gios,, mil tile filst, instead of on all the, tornooliv, be that Mr. Brand did not know - of its disPosal Of Amateur carpenters de- highly setisfactory, And cured tile all- teakago of beat Is very slow. Experi. scriptio.-P, ivi-ite us to -day, oncloslug only slinking Ilauds with a voter in the Qrdlixt- Xr10WIe4,_1Va0bTn9t1Qu, star, contents, and that it has, been. Obtain- stro, to couptruet some device for Dolls- we,_,t, Inent is said to allow that When tile SUr. lOv. to hell) J)sy PDitAge and paekiilz, ary Way lie rushes up and gmb% the the? asking. ,diab, thoL P t of hold Use. -lal bottle i shaking them loug y undue influence on "I have also used Zani-Buk for face Of tile ground Is about freezing a -lid we Will wqltl YOU free A 0 we hands) 8 Leggett, itching plies, tpid it has 'cured th"n point tile soil at a depth of 1!i to 2o of this wonderful remedy. TRt its prove and waraily� Mr. Thomas, K.O., said that Miss 21,000 THEFT OF INGOTS. conletely also. I take collifOrt In whas has a. temperature of 404 degrees. itr,'merita, to you—SpNi) RTGHT NOW 'But isn't that rather overdoing It?' RYRIE BRO84 Leggett for something Me twt�nty helpang my broi0or mail, and It tile Assuming that the artificial heating FOR THE FREE TRIAL BOTTLE. tiaid the other oanvasser, years had beeim on, terms of the great. Two. platinum ingots, weighing 214 P I Publication of my experience of 74mi- were begun early in March, whon this 'Overdoing It? Xo, Indeed. It may LIMITIED WAS PdNr eat friendship -with, Mr. Brand , At ounces and worth upwards of ;CIj000j, I D. D. D. COMPANY, - overdoing It, but Juggins knows Ills A0 link will lead other sufferers to try condition existed, a very sniall expendi. ' look one -i the shO'%V' case 'Of It, I should be glad. For thO cure Of turs of heat would be needed to cause � 23 Jordan tret, Dept� D2, Toronto,, out, time they were engaged to be mar. Were stolen fron -%vay a -bout. As. long as lie bolds both .$ P tied, but for some reason the wedding Messrs. Johnson, Mattley & Co., In tile 4 a Or sk'111 dl$eases, I know Of 710th' the desired stimulation, and tile radla- the fellow,$ hands he knows his purrs -e is 70RON70 was postponed. Brdtjoh section Of the �vlaclihiery HAII at F�Ile to equal Zain-Buk.11 tion into tile, air would be exceedingly ' versity, slid little hope for the future, safe." ------ In August, 1907, Mr. Brand contem- the Wh Ito (1,ty late on Monda, Z=,-Buk Also cures burns, outsi gradual. In warmer weather the stir- miles. ln one Installce, . I V Ilig". rity now a plated a trip to Scotland by water, About 10.30 each nigh.t the (lay staff ulcers, blood poisoning, ringworm, scalp face heating from the sun Would actually prospe to and the day before he started met of attendants leave duty and tile night sores, chwRed hands cold tiores, and all colluteract the r %�hen the melons Were yielding a, litt KEEP BABY WELL Hovi Irving Wanted to Die. AdiatiQu of tbourtificial. better price than at present, an acro, of take their= *tAt 10.36 On XO- skin Injuries And da ) "N'VIlat have I got out or R?" slid Miss Leggett by appointment at the staff, lie senses. 1-tublied.well heat. land yielded �350. From $100 to �XO an No matter whether baby is sick or Oakley Arms, Qoswell road, which was. day night,just day staff had on to the chest Ill. eases of cola It ro. Of course the plan does not well Baby's- Own Tablots should alwxys stroking his . Chin and oralling kept by Mr. and Mrs. CO-Atcm- Acre in rot -urn is not nucolunlon at All. be kept in, the house. They not only .,Lot me q". Well, a good White, her left and at a moment when a doul)lQ lieves the tightneo and Aehirg, All plate heating the soil in the dead of Through the whole month of August. 8 tile mitior disorders of childhood, "em' friends. They had tea In the saloon staff W a r 01,91, , Ith the police were. on duty, drug&ts and stores sell at 50c. box, or Winter, when Atmospheric cold WO d and Into the first or second Week of og-l�,"yl, (gd glass of wine—good friends bar with Mrs. White. There he wrote d. The turbines, but prevent theirl. And should be given I lie Idased my hand With the will and gave it to Miss Leggett, crash of glass was hear post free from Zam.-Buk, Co., Toronto, kill any plants, that might be artificially September the industry continues. Each henever the little ones show the slight� ore siad the following day he went driving the machinery Were runiling at for price, 3 box -es for $1.25, caused to germinate. The idea is sirapl� morning there is, %, jam of wagons lit the courtesy, Always he was so courteous— eat signs of illness. Children take the always -his actions, like this little one of to the t1ime, hilt the 1161se of the snulah to Aid nature when the spring sets In.. Scotland He died about three months was loud enough to attract attention. Asparagus, lebonce, young onions, cu- little town. Thelgood wives come With Tablets as readily as candy, and they kissing my hand, were so beautifully assurance are absolutely safe, Mrs. Goo. Howell, tl;ned. They came, just before the spoken 'bronchitis, on December 161, The theft of the two ingots Was discov- to killing disunion, distrust, euspicio cumbers, radislres and. other spring of A neat- chequo for their Wagonloads later of their husbands, and with the 1907, ered almost immediately, but the thief =4 racialism, plants are, the ones oil which, it is ex- Sandy Beach, Que., sm s: 'My baby was Words And gave them peculiar value� Mr. Thomas W. Taylor, retired the wives shop 11141astriously, Tile little oubled wit i colic And cried had vanished) and� as yet, there Is no General Smuts appealed to the, pubtle pont,d to use the system witli, most "That's net % bad summing up of it builder, of Stoke Newington, said he banish Its suspicions. no delegates restpurant close to the railroad 1,; day, blit, after giving him at elite to his identity. effect. Later in. combluation with. for,* 0 - Alit" 1: said. "And -the end. How would, was present In the Oakley Arms were trying, on A basis of p6rfedh equal- thronged with farmers, by noon. The 9,11atly4r, Tablets tile ta'ollbl disap- I the Examination of the caso showed that may be used on Btrawber- Z'y" 41 you like that to oomel!' INPOSSIB14U. making of the will and saw- Mr. railroad gent has A busy time of It. 0 till% -ad slan It, and at Mr. Brand's the lock had ben tampered with, And it Ity And. justice, to arrive at 4 settAement y 1, Wred. I advise all mothers to us "How would I like that to come?" he Farmer—By Jingo, 1 don't see how they Bra is possible that Which would endilxe and be non-Taci 4,gs,tia'u'uelaxperiments may be tried on EvoryboA happy. And why not? medicine,", Sold by all medicine dealers re ated my question lightly, yet medl- Carl. myself' request witness added his name to the glass Was smashed a!- various fruit trees. The method I nts a box from the, ril the document. while the thief was endeavoring to ab- Discord bick-arlia With 9. few acres n nielons--tseldoni or by mail at 25 cc ta ively, too. Then he Was silent for and ge, which were likely to be applied to floriculture and schooling is assured. Their books and Willi, Cc,, Brookville, wine thirty seconds before his snapped 'Allt-NY irs. Di amis' Medlefile Cross-examined by Mr. Barnard: street the Ingots by opening the door of worse than war, mlg4t strangle South the growth of plants for seed . purposes more than fou-X—the children's wipter oat, You do taot know that on September the ease. Altogether platAnum. of the Afric0s future. )its fingersa.—the notion again before the Xlllattent Americali (atter an liour's riauso) also clothing come easy.—St. Louis Globe- 't : I —sa3,, guZ�q, what ia,thu.,ar are yott walt- 0 (the date 'of Ilie w t value of X14,000 in Ingots was in the They were now being asked to make It is calculated that the expense of Irk. words: Ing lor,� What tiale d' we pall out, anyway? dr,nk,n ill) he was ou case. —one State, stallation for each Democrot.. -L COMPETITIONS. "Like Terry, in Mo- Who &as survived two generations g before breakfast, and was sacrifices for a high ideal space of 12,500 square SOM F, NOVE. GUard under the influence of drink early one Governfilent, one people. Thot was yards In Germany or France Is about Clureis Magazine. 02 hU-AtI0n31--Th4t All ftonds, air, In the morning?—He was not in the 1AJkA10A^1 I'll their aim, end he coutem*ted the ill- $250 plus the steam, genoratin apparg- TT 11)AXT11 AMT1 W11717 Hunting Gold Nugget In Sand at Sid- AaXwrJcaa—.Dopeli"$ oil wlikt? Guard (judjClably)—All, sic, that again do - FAITH. ::Do you truot your h,usband implieltl7V What a ouestlon! W,,b.y of course I at) --to a certain Menc,"-010VE-land Leader. ONE MORE UNPOnTUNATD, Tho police Justice loolled' at the battered disroputtiale kpoolmail of ailanhood uefore Win and turned to the poiloemail. J."Officor." -he asked, "What is the Qom - P allit2l' "Ith-eumatiz, y'r hotior", splitte up the pritoner, answering for bimself. JUVENILU. PEPRAVITY. "Xitty," oald her mother., rebuklugIy, "You InILIA oft still when you are nt the table." ,.I cah't, manima," protested the little girl. "I'm a fidgetantan." WORMNO OVERTINTS, "Look. bierd." stild the office boy, "I thin"ic the bom ought to glinme a bit extra -this weetic, but I gums lie won',Lll "'Willat for?" asked the bookkoeper. 1. For overtime. I wuz droaluill' about me ,,%,ark all I -as' n4ght.11—Tit-Bits. Wayside Communings. - Adam Zawfox-Whatld you do if you had a million plunks? Job Sturky-Thl fust Wng I'd do would be to prescribe a Turkish bath fIr you, all' if you didn't take it, -by jiuli:4, I'd kill ye! S Isg-s S not struce ba ier gna us, u so completely." gan. One faxiner after another bought - f the ruling chiefs or native states of In - an exaggerated coiffure rather than a story gota--it was mught by an unseen Every suffering woman should use seed, followed his neighbor's example, headaches And baeloaches and Irregulairl- dim. In a sack race for boys under the hat, for if the wearer's hair is brown, liand and de-p@sitod gelltl.V at his feet. DoddIs Kidney !?ills, They make strong and planted. Alma And the neighboring Vies. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a sure age of 12 years the competitors included Impressed With City's Night View. like the marabout, it is impossible to Among other -stories told of him. was healthy Kidney.4, and the woman who, country has developed Wonderfully as a cure when given a fair ttial, because the heir to the Sultanate of Johare, "I. have seen the boasted sights of distinguish between the two a few that he rcjred from the dead a. labo!er they enrich the blood and thus reaWl Europe, the Alps, tae fiords of Norway, 1� I'll) has good Kidneys is safeguarded against result, Seventy thousand dollars a year Prince Abu Bakir and Prince Ahin4 i I - yards away. who Nm,% said to havo'been killed during those terrible pain$ that make miserable has been poured Into that neighborhood the root of disease. Sold by all medicine The letter was successful in carrying off the ruins of once mighty cities, the glor- The trimming is not a little daring. bruilding operations at Llauthony, itealers or by nW1 at 50 cents a box or the second prize, -London Tit -Bits. ies of tho RhIne, country," said William and tile lives of so, many women. for twenty years, a total of $1,400 000 1 Pour "leathers' 'composed of the back at they six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- Anderson in: the Blatz. ' that he brought to life again.a. girl who Xenwho were once so poor th I . bones of stiff quills are fhaished at had (lied of typlh*id fever. He is said al- haans' Medicine Co., Brockmille, Ont "I have watched the festival of the the tip with the ends of peacock feath. so to bavo revived a 4yin The Old Fashioned Pie Eaters. had no Windows In thtir house, no linen A -.% are. The quills are Placed upright in g women to on their tables or beds,, Are now prosper- JL� -, Cherry blossom in qapa;n. I have seen normal. vlqor and taken deadly poison The Republicclas of Minnesota, bav ous. Pianos, books, good clothes, fine FRENCH HORSE BREEDERS. SAMPLE COPY FREIDE the pageants Of Chins, and the bomutiful the front of the busby, and the pea. cl inwardly digested the I - 000k's "eyes" gleam forth their green, WWI impiulty, While memy wb-b hail Ing read an, horses And carriages have conic. The Would you like to have A sain- ba� of Sydney, Now South Wales, but, blue, and purple shades with each mooked. and Opposed him were reported useful lesson of igo4 and 1906, have whole plane of living has been raised, How the Present Huge Perchevon Has at r all, I believe that in America alone movement of the wearer's head. to have been visitecl by swift eupeme- nominated for Governor this year a Land which was once worth $10 per aerQ Been Evolved. pie copy of the Farmer's Advo. the man Nvitli red blood In his veins, the tural retribution. plain farmef 'who, according 'to Me Nv scarcely be bought for $1W. cate and Rome Magazine? mail to whom the evidences of power tip- FEMINLNE AM"MITIT11,39. He claimed that a vision of the Vir- convention eulogist, "sets Pie Ilh call 'no Thar draught hor" is getting bigger -peal, can find enough to satisfy him. Clara--13itt, my door, It is a soeret. I vow- ARRSeT OF A GENERAL. wl' Where once there.was only pinching ad- It "I do not refer to the grand canon of ddon my lionor never to tell. gjn Mary appeared to him, at Lian- his knife." If he should be eletiled and bigger. III the late 'SO's if one 8VIgh- THEBEST AGRICULTU AL Maria -Well, Im listening! .. - . I , - - Ul - -F- 41- t t t ht'� I evening, he . was sober as a judge. %or rn1r1rn_ 1%A. ture with hopefulness and trust that Ing tus, which may be large or sma.1111, accord- ill 0 nay—Prawning Contests. (Lau ter, in which his Lordship f), NATIUS. tile people of South Afirca, sprin from the boat *took of Europe, woull be Ing to the tract to be heated, an � d which may be used fox The INTOtwi-thstanding their natural charms join I e�)p-lalntiff, Miss Laura Le tt 'he .1ge that We regret to Announce the death of Father OgnaUus, vilto passed awuy at ons 0 f the finest peoples on carth. 4 T other purposes. cost of the heating Is figmed at $15 a month. Both Restored to Health by Dr. and &tractIon. swaide. and other holl- day resorts would not, afford the enjoy living evidence, stated Mr. Brana was engaged in the Baink of Scotsland his sister's residence. Darjeeling, near Camberjoy. DIF HOW MRS. CLARXLE The. annual increase In profit for the Williams, Pil)k Pills. mant they do If It were not for the ex - intereStli1g, ingenious and popu'� for twenty-five years, and he resigned In 1902. He assigned to her a policy Father Ig4atius—the Rev. Joseph Ley- same patch of ground sown, with early vegetables is figured at $500 on a three myself and my Wife CRU tremely lar competitions which, are occasionally Df Insurance on his life, and she.had oestor Lyne—was, born In London seV_ ontyl-ons -years ago. He was ordained FOUND RELIEF months' heating of the soil. truthillUy say that, Dr. WMIlamis' Pills, have been of benefit arranged. kept it until the present time. He ad Fiven her heaps of presents In 1860 to the ouracy. of St. Pot&0, Plymouth, and subsequently held varl- I T_ ; MELON POOSPERITY. Pink gretat to us, and We AXG Oongt011tly TPCOM- mending thern. to our friends." Thus A novel prawning competition took place the other day -at Birling Qap, near believiad to be the bracelets, pearls, rings, and his moth - Bra' watch. He visited her father' s cus other curades, but very eaxly in After Years of Suffering Dodd's Writes Mr. Ernest L. Airchlbodd, Truro, Beachy Head. It was first ever arranged, and It afforded three house once a week for twenty-one his Career he conceivcd. the Idea of Kidney Pills Cured Her. What a Few Seeds Did for One Town rX OW �T,. a., Who furtiter s.%YG: 1,1 my n and a half hours of enjoyment for the years. Cross-examiiaed by Mr. Barnard: orming an Order of St. Benedict With- ill the 011urch of England. The ultl- Pleasant Point Matron Tells Her Suf­ —Everybody Happy. Li. 1885 William S. Ross, familiarly case I had been subject to dizzy head - &cbos for over a year, and three boxes The first Donors went to a eontestdilts. I team halting from Fiastbourne with an There are hundteds of letters here tA one Ab inate Outcome Was Is B dictinG ' - feling Sisters How to be Free From known as "Uncle BilI7," having lived for of the pills completely cured me of the average catch to a man of nine ounces. which passed 'between you; can you boy at Llanthony, -which he founded in. the Terrible Pains That Malpe Life some time in Texas, returned to Alma, trouble. About, a year ago my wife be. The 'prize for the highe ' st individual 9oint out any single letter -written by r. Brand in which he speaks 1670. To the last, however, he remained iii the churches owina to what he con- a Burden. with some melon seeds. in his pocket—a an to complain. She seemedto be com- gI-lo1T run downi Was Very Pals, and catch was awarded J. Bernard, Who Out - of your engagement or marriage?—There was tended Was tile rationalism permitted Pleatiant Point, Oirt ills the bare handful. In the spving following he planted them in a plee,� of rich hot- . weak she could not walk up stairs distanced all competitors With seveuteen ounces, The Competition was Voted a no occasion for such a thing. I was honorably, engaged to Mr. Brand for by the bisbops. Long before the foundation of the ab- cial)—That most of the t1at suffering women, of Canadahave to bear torn land, and in August he peddled the -without stopping on the way to get 1) roath, and ultimately she grow B'D great success and will doubtless be. -re - twenty -one years. He loved me and Uatended to -aching Attracted great At- bey -his pvc tealtion. his In those days are due to disordered. Kidneys, and that ther natural cure for them is Dodd!s, Kid- fruit about Salem And Xinnnindy and among his neighbors. Later, growing weak she could not sweep a floor with. She tried several tordes, peated. Last season at Sydney, N. S. W., an marry me. The jury found for the will, for One of -Objects Was to purge Lombard street of Its un- ney Pills, is once moreshown in the caso more fruit than the local market Would consume, lie shipped a barrel of the met- out resting. but received nolienefit, Then Ipersuad- execedingly popular competition was or - d by the piroprietors of a "Won - which his lordship pronounced, refus- ing six application of Mr. Barnard deretirrents of money worship And sord- id-ness, on one ocession, towards the orrill 0. Clarke, a. well kooNnip of Mrs. M 4 resident of this place au�d a prominen on$ to Chicago, TThe commission mor- old her to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and fier a half dozen boxes. AftOx City," A gold nugget valued at that the costs should come out of the close of 1868, he was announced to niomber of the Salvation Army� 1,jra. Clawke Is always ready to give her ex- chant on Water street tore off the can- vas, gave a startled glan . ce at the little got shebad used. a couple of boXesher aPpe" to go was buried. in the sand and at, a given signal 11terally thousands of men, estate, -h the midi -day sermon, to, City me), preact at St. Ed-mund's Churoh. The church Was perience-for the benefit of"hor suffering netted, globes Inside, and saiC "What in h— ­,vill they Bapd. us next from tits be an4to i-tripr-ovo and the color return C 'her faeo. She continiied using women and: children were admitted to the treasure grounds. BUSBIES FOR WOMEN. crowded, and at the close of the sernion ire 'was i$fstsra- 'my sickness commenced twenty years Egypt?" Rowever, he took one of the the Pills until she had taken the six boxes, to she 'is -perfectly well, They at once starts& digging frantl- Busbies' for women. That is the tatest from the Mint of JPashion and there *as great confusion. sur- rounded by a mob, but insisted despite in With the change of life," says Mrs. RITZ, "My health was in a bad stat e. winainable things to a fancy grocery; between them they split it open, dropped and (lay feels stronger and looks betiter than she done for wilille Elie cally with spades and shovels withwhich they had come -provided. As they dug the arrival' of the now hat wilf add to the perplexities of feminin ity whose tile protestaticals of eight policemen, making his way through t1le Crowd to he Water would i -an from my head Which would make me faint. When I cameout on 4, little salt at hazard, and tasted it, not sure Whether they would be poison- has Some years. tat' ?d twelve Was ring the Pills -she gaint in weight." and dug the exeltenient became intense, and as might be supposed, the onlookers suffrage is already divided between the conflicting claims of the large his cali, Which reachea in safety. Taitia occurred one of the miracles of the fainting spells I took fits. I Was -was The I ea or not. The fancy grocer smacked his lips and said: "I'll take all of those pounds Dr. Williams' Pills cure troubles numbered thousands. But, alasl nobody had the good fortune to unearth the UZMe Wido,*, the flat plateau, and impaot pill -box styles, which Father Ignatius firmlY believed were connected -with him at various lh- bloated till I clumsy. pain suffered Was owful,- It would go to my things you can furnish. But -what do them?" like these because they are rooted in the blood. Bsd blood Is the cause of nugget, go Its value,- was Presented to The fourth candidate in the milliul- tervals in his life. He had no sooner 'his than feet and then to my head. Many doctors attended me and I tried -any medicines you call The commiasion merchant wrote Mr. 'Ross ' ill common diseases like anaemila, indigestion, neuralgia, charities. Last August sack -and other races were ery field resexpbles in shape an ffi- verted basin. Covered with the soft- tnken -seat in the tab a man, pie -king -tip a stone, buried I t tbrouill but nothing gave me relief till I -used Dodd,s jr-idney pills. The first box stop- to know what he called them, and Mr. Ross Answered, ".'Ilia Aline. gem rheumatism, dsnee, gene St. Vitus ral weakness' held on the saiids at Filey, a select Yorkshire watering place. Among the est and fluffiest of brown marabout, U -A ­ 41, I_ 11 14. _� 4. the Cab Window. The stone, however, did 'It T 4.. 1.k 4.— 4.1,. ped the fits and seven boxes cured me melon," Thus the trade In melons be. and those allments that Only WOhen, g 11_ V%— With their attendAnt competWors Were the sons of some of FAITH. ::Do you truot your h,usband implieltl7V What a ouestlon! W,,b.y of course I at) --to a certain Menc,"-010VE-land Leader. ONE MORE UNPOnTUNATD, Tho police Justice loolled' at the battered disroputtiale kpoolmail of ailanhood uefore Win and turned to the poiloemail. J."Officor." -he asked, "What is the Qom - P allit2l' "Ith-eumatiz, y'r hotior", splitte up the pritoner, answering for bimself. JUVENILU. PEPRAVITY. "Xitty," oald her mother., rebuklugIy, "You InILIA oft still when you are nt the table." ,.I cah't, manima," protested the little girl. "I'm a fidgetantan." WORMNO OVERTINTS, "Look. bierd." stild the office boy, "I thin"ic the bom ought to glinme a bit extra -this weetic, but I gums lie won',Lll "'Willat for?" asked the bookkoeper. 1. For overtime. I wuz droaluill' about me ,,%,ark all I -as' n4ght.11—Tit-Bits. Wayside Communings. - Adam Zawfox-Whatld you do if you had a million plunks? Job Sturky-Thl fust Wng I'd do would be to prescribe a Turkish bath fIr you, all' if you didn't take it, -by jiuli:4, I'd kill ye! S Isg-s S not struce ba ier gna us, u so completely." gan. One faxiner after another bought - f the ruling chiefs or native states of In - an exaggerated coiffure rather than a story gota--it was mught by an unseen Every suffering woman should use seed, followed his neighbor's example, headaches And baeloaches and Irregulairl- dim. In a sack race for boys under the hat, for if the wearer's hair is brown, liand and de-p@sitod gelltl.V at his feet. DoddIs Kidney !?ills, They make strong and planted. Alma And the neighboring Vies. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a sure age of 12 years the competitors included Impressed With City's Night View. like the marabout, it is impossible to Among other -stories told of him. was healthy Kidney.4, and the woman who, country has developed Wonderfully as a cure when given a fair ttial, because the heir to the Sultanate of Johare, "I. have seen the boasted sights of distinguish between the two a few that he rcjred from the dead a. labo!er they enrich the blood and thus reaWl Europe, the Alps, tae fiords of Norway, 1� I'll) has good Kidneys is safeguarded against result, Seventy thousand dollars a year Prince Abu Bakir and Prince Ahin4 i I - yards away. who Nm,% said to havo'been killed during those terrible pain$ that make miserable has been poured Into that neighborhood the root of disease. Sold by all medicine The letter was successful in carrying off the ruins of once mighty cities, the glor- The trimming is not a little daring. bruilding operations at Llauthony, itealers or by nW1 at 50 cents a box or the second prize, -London Tit -Bits. ies of tho RhIne, country," said William and tile lives of so, many women. for twenty years, a total of $1,400 000 1 Pour "leathers' 'composed of the back at they six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- Anderson in: the Blatz. ' that he brought to life again.a. girl who Xenwho were once so poor th I . bones of stiff quills are fhaished at had (lied of typlh*id fever. He is said al- haans' Medicine Co., Brockmille, Ont "I have watched the festival of the the tip with the ends of peacock feath. so to bavo revived a 4yin The Old Fashioned Pie Eaters. had no Windows In thtir house, no linen A -.% are. The quills are Placed upright in g women to on their tables or beds,, Are now prosper- JL� -, Cherry blossom in qapa;n. I have seen normal. vlqor and taken deadly poison The Republicclas of Minnesota, bav ous. Pianos, books, good clothes, fine FRENCH HORSE BREEDERS. SAMPLE COPY FREIDE the pageants Of Chins, and the bomutiful the front of the busby, and the pea. cl inwardly digested the I - 000k's "eyes" gleam forth their green, WWI impiulty, While memy wb-b hail Ing read an, horses And carriages have conic. The Would you like to have A sain- ba� of Sydney, Now South Wales, but, blue, and purple shades with each mooked. and Opposed him were reported useful lesson of igo4 and 1906, have whole plane of living has been raised, How the Present Huge Perchevon Has at r all, I believe that in America alone movement of the wearer's head. to have been visitecl by swift eupeme- nominated for Governor this year a Land which was once worth $10 per aerQ Been Evolved. pie copy of the Farmer's Advo. the man Nvitli red blood In his veins, the tural retribution. plain farmef 'who, according 'to Me Nv scarcely be bought for $1W. cate and Rome Magazine? mail to whom the evidences of power tip- FEMINLNE AM"MITIT11,39. He claimed that a vision of the Vir- convention eulogist, "sets Pie Ilh call 'no Thar draught hor" is getting bigger -peal, can find enough to satisfy him. Clara--13itt, my door, It is a soeret. I vow- ARRSeT OF A GENERAL. wl' Where once there.was only pinching ad- It "I do not refer to the grand canon of ddon my lionor never to tell. gjn Mary appeared to him, at Lian- his knife." If he should be eletiled and bigger. III the late 'SO's if one 8VIgh- THEBEST AGRICULTU AL Maria -Well, Im listening! .. - . I , - - Ul - -F- 41- t t t ht'� I