HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-11-26, Page 2.-.� I 11 .. � -.I. -I.. I 11 I I � - _TV . .1 . . .I I I . I I 11 � . I .11 ".� .". _'. I' �.. _ I "Rw".- _i � ..... . . .. 2. 1 ._�.. . . ... . .......
Im— � —, . I 1 17 .1-1. 1- --I I .... --1 ."..- - . ."..''...-.1 � - . I—— ... -11-1-1.1... - � � . I I - . I— ill I �
I I _ - I , �
I I . 4r___"__*"0_141 1 1 . ,t:%(I oornfully reloded the Inotructlowl .,ffmmmp� wolght; refrigerator beef Is, quoted at , - provellient in the Situation bavo' boon' I "
� r7o - (if tile prophet. "They treat. God'A � iii 014 to, 9760 Per till. MAY HAY E LEL I read f Pleads 'here shoultarteow, with 75000 ASK IT, ,,,,
. �� � � 0
.... I � Tke WIP&m A&
I l a , .
, 3% method of dealing with them, wid Nvaru- . � , I UVERPOOL AULN 11"=r. I ��, Z #
a 'a,
I I big titom by Rio Qts, wtth. ooutwwlt . I 'a, Wood,oll 4 M. vabiod. EPiroti Un�etn GorMo,ll oil hiliowit life."
"I 0 - Tho perP,ou referred to it, 9
a � 1XV, 4 , I Course,
A lay theyA doth, r1olo �
. � r\n And derislon. W . R L 5,400, barrels sollim.gi market ootivel Sir Andrew Yraeor, Meatowtilt-flover- They Wout luve,stigotlea, of 8411A TH60, HAUL, P"MP Ir ;
11 treat us as, ittero lillfaut;4 list wemudy
A.. prlce* rotbor hIgh. Famous J40 Brookore, .
L V. a w 1)(44 lie tatiell, Ito like, ,little ohildiron, -. .. - I - I - nor of Bou'pl, who WAS %4vt At 11% Q41- Monastic lastitutions., - , IJ
collstantly, going Over -tile some 04sy leg. 11 _ � - I I . . I BUDSTAL,110"S TRADZ U VILW. ,Ctktt% w1,11c, AtiteAdillg, a lecture b I - I I I - I . . � -1 .1. " - .1 .
. � . y Prof.
. ,
149,8180A We -Nov. 29, 190, BonsV1_0lgr);e, Wo must conceive verse - Wittro%1-0eneral business conditions 1%94ara, yallo, Nov. 22. Burton, of VIdeago. .
10 as spoken in whillery, with a mocking, TORONTO MARKET$, have showu little Change during the Past . __01)40f Ly_ 11owever, titer to, still time to avoid London, Nov. 12�- Uter elghteeft '
, om, of Slagare. Valls, X. Y., yesterday, A, . Dro Agnew
WovI41a Temperance Sunday.-, Isaiah, - motion .91 the head, And in A childish,, 1 A1RUURS1 NAURUT. I . those months' exertion the Protestant A111- .
. . , r week, Weather has been hardly as fty- . catastroplre, even According to t In d
as., %-%3. stattimering toue.-Iihyald. rAQr it is Ths, offerixigs Of gralp to -day were orisble for tile retail trade, but the vol- received a rowl;itinloAtiou from the who Paint the dmrigoru -in the Moe ri OW)
I .. , . w. 14400 has got up R mQuater Petition to ft.ewp", surfiso"o A"'"4101411 .
precept upon Pr fair. Wheat Steady, -with Salem of 200 , - , keeps up l3erlin, Germany, po%lco, at olors. Oilo of them suggests tits follo � .
.ecept (A. V.)-Tltlx Is. ume of the wholemle buslueom atilt,- they 9 .
C,Qmme%lt%vy,--I. The uortliorn. king- the true meaning, The prophet had been faiYly Well, AD4 in. 5014Q lines Orders 0110W IIA4 fll� expedient-,, the House of colmillons, which ivas pre- I
. bushols, of fall At 93 to 00, Barley un. - . under surviAlango a itim an- 0100*-V"WrV 41A 006 900d"44 11U*` -
. J.-4), '� 1. wQQ__4QrICJ, i,epeating, tile Same Warning again lid [uprbvement. A canvas of tile wholesale I 6 - . Certain classes in India have bon sented by 4a Water itilember, Praying
dem. witrued (vz , A chaawd, 1,000, bushels selling at 0.4 to 11 werin tho description of 11"dward eaw #Aaorw" 64 wtoo�
orrow, misery, A heavy calAmity, a agAiii, and the People Were tiried of it.. Doe. Oats, ". wuh Salem of 000 trAdo generally hero reveals A wide- (41lackf1e) Lea, who is alleged to have nf,f(-.,tcd b�, treason, Wto millions are for the Appointment of a IROY4 cont. "t
atea,ily 1- I - � � 1. _ I .+
: ,se. to the crown of pri4e13y the l4ike -many to -day they Woforred not to Sproad fooling of Confidence re, murdered Officer A%oUormIcl;, And Practically uutouche4' Ilut they llp've Into the necessity
ur 11. Nay (R. 04- bushels at, 440, ly future trado, conditions. . forgotten British strengt4i. Lord mission to , of
crown of pride the Prophet refers W hear about their Pius, Country produm tit fair supply. But- 91 irdin, serious injured Officer Naguor, oil onquiro
. - The prophet's begins ivltll. this TI quiet. July ly � L Inspection of luonnotio A114 coil- I Pi 'KENNEDYi MoDow UASAI
ri;$�%I-Ovks. tile to to lumber trade is Still I Valls. . Xitoliener's now concentration Of all
Samaria, the beautiful capital Of Israel r. aold ab 28 to ale Or lb., and eggs 22, At Niagara 'Tile COm- ventual Institutions. in Great Britain
" . of A -so Scoffers, 035040o perdoxen, POURTY.sbeady'. -ViOtintry 'business to moderate. 11111nication nalced It Lee had ydb been troops. has withdrawn tile soldiers the new logislittioxi oil the Subject, The
,rite city was, situate4 on the top verse, Isaiah A I Rain Is
wr9undeil by a rich vAl' who considered themselves perfectly se- front the eyo of tile natlylo. Ili ,Lord or *�I *4 1wittah m000" *"oWA0%J
round hill and St. 41-90- OU're. � . 11"ay ill moderato supply, with ffal�� still badly needed, the few Showers which Arrested, and it the American Author- Itoberts! tinic, both native Anil Brit- 30titioll JIA4 760,00 signatures, Including manto
. .
ley. the drunkards, of 4P11"Al PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS, of 23, loads at $13. to $15 a ton, EKra,%y fell hAving boon too light to have done - ltie4j would extradite him. They sa th000 of 'many People of importance 0ow X,WAT�W W MXP= M,
raim, tlm leadlrlg� tribe of tile riation� firm, one load selling Pit $16 a, ton. Any pronounced good. Produce Onto$ - ho answered to tile description sent ouf Ish troops juarched through the coull, And Standing
, They wore $0410 Of tit 0 . try whon chan ,.
had become dioba�6d lit vice. -9 Effects. of intell1porA110- Dressed hogs Are unglio ., forward fairly Nvell slid prices ATO . Tito Borlin. Authorities have been noti- ollig a.tutions, It Is I - . . 1 4 - I *40%) "Wwon paid to OW000" of Wo*
. L . .1lg,qd at $850 -0 tile 13101sh .
a tribe of drunkards, and because Of this 1. �Boauty Spoiled, "Whose glorious f r heavy, aillil At $8.75 to $9 for light. dtoltdr. tied that 14e is atilt at large and oxltra- tWeilty-fiv Years since awn god (W"Na,
tile woo was upon them. a, fading flow* beauty is it fading flower" (Va. 1.4). it 1, . Toronto-Thero is a steady tons to troops have so illarelle4, and. fiftoen
. '"'Wat, fall, buall .. ..., $0 03 $Q 04 � I dition proceedings will be taken imme. . ' WOMAN SPOTTER* aft, ho,m—j to 4 muir * s P� &%
Dr.-,&,Ver.v forcible figure. Thelt beau, is not %1quo tile yulg r, 1 t . n o sg trade here with some further Improve- di t I It its is Arrested. Lee is one Of yeft-l'a since a native regiment has boon .. I I I
I . , I A lit erxt.4 0 d Do", gow, bush . . _ 0 So AM A . I 1. I . . t-
ty And glory would,fAde as & flower. tile homely who are "overcome with 111lue," bualt . � . . . 044, o 00.� ment noted in both wholesale and retail tile six; criminals who escaped from the seen mareldingthrough Bengal,"
. 11
fat valleys-TUQ valleys around Samaria but the refined, aecomplishod. and benix- 0111,11. " " Thisouggestionis c1mracteristio of Re,
1411,10y, burill .. ..:. .. 0 r)4 0 rsq, lines. Xoncy is coining forward more Toronto jail in July last. About tell DR. ROBY. C, REDMONn
were vej7 fertile .and beautiful, over, �tlflll, 'rho highest type, of Physical or Ryo, bush . , , , . . 0 75 0 7 a tile loose out .Uses Her T ildrelt
, - talk 'which. is going on ab , . , Wo Young Chi I (314 'A. Im * aftilo 1 I
men to I ,6 freely n4 the outlook for tr`adQ Is days later tile murder was committed, Ono of the most complex politlea, 1 prob- I I
oods is
. . .
_ ,
come with wine -W1110 0AUBM . ganiz%tion. is most injured by bAt9xi. Pens, bush � , ,,,, *. _ , . 6 85 0 00 Dright, Spring business in dry g I And 9. reN%rd of $500 was initnediRtely Toronto Cars. & IL oi v. qMNO .
fail 44 easy victim to temptatilon. Al- calit,p. Investigations a . a to tile effect of Hay, per ton � .. .... .. 13 0 0 16 00 already good, And, some sorti . rig Orders offered .for the apprelion.O�n of EN (. lems of the present age. If Indio, Could .
cohol deskro$0 tile will. Power. The. alcohol on Animals prove this. It has ft,aiv, per ton � . ...... 15 00 16 00 for heavy lines aro'coming lit, Retailers' ward7 Lee, The marder was particu. be Awed into quiescence by a mere ,par- Toronto, Nov. 23. -One of the al- PHYS11011AN AND SUNG1110"
drunkardhas. a bad Character and goner. been found that swinq are not injured 9 oo puroliases, were not heavy find stocks larly brutal, 11agnor being Ishot ivithout ado of t4rcaops John Morley would not leged "spottera" now at work on the Wide* *i4 Dr. Cbliil�"!)
. c
ally enter$ rack)Piggly Into the vilest Dressed Itogs ..., 8 60 0 .0 jo a _ '. I 1. � � A
I i1n4lauts a's Butter . . .. .. ...... 0 R8 0 31 Should rQquire reinforcing -eai,ly in the % word of warning,
hy Ili(, corlstant use, of at , hav n c street ears is a woman, with two cli$ - . .
. sins. what is overcome? 1. Reason. untan beings are. These %lilinials have D 0 34 season, Grooers report a fair amount of District Attorney Ackorson yesterday House of Lords in order to continue his dr%i. who iii very active on behalf Of
Interripar-once makes 10010 Of men. 2. small br � ainb. The.slarger the brain, the or holiday goods. 5easonable book the depositions of three men who work At the Indian Office. the company, 4nd is consequently
. , Eggs, per do4en - . . . . 0 36 0 40 orders f . :; - F., . Re VANSTONE -
Conecience.' The Moral 'sense becomes alore detiowto the Organization, the more dware lines movewell, a good business witnessed the tragedy, and they keeping the conduo.tors on the alert.
Physical powers. The Chickens, dressed, lb..... 0 , will be
deadened. 3. ' serious the Injury. Intoxicants will steal porting goods, Met- forwarded to Germany, and if Lee is'the ead AM 801A00OR
, I Ducks. spring, lb .... .... 0 10 0 12 having been done in a % REV on th Several conductors have been R02USTOR
drunkard indulges In that which'ontire- the lustre from tits eye, the blooru from OLT IN CHINA. Air ey
. . . , fr Gop-le, lb .... 1. -.1. I 0 09 11 00 Ado Are steady and in fair demand. hoot man under surveillance, an officer will carpet for allowing the elder of Kafty to 19an &I IoW_t Ig- GM*6,4
ly un ligatIOUS the .check.. the smile .Om the lit), the . o is 0 16 and' Shoo men report an improved en- be sent to Berlin. I I
. fits him to meet the Ob, , Turkovs, lb., _-. _1 the two obildren to Tide without pay�,
, .
that are resting uporthim. HQ incaps, , pity from tile heart, until that whicli dalib�ges, per dozen .. .. 0 20. 0 30 gh for winter footwear. The leather I t - f . MANY PER$ONS KILLED IN BAT. Ing a fare, The woman, who is usual� May= axom,
I . . -acted az " i
tAtea himself for ulty Position �� . t . once pleased and at1h . can only 0111 , b4r, .. ., ... _ 0 76 0 85 0 is quiet, with prices steady to firm ly poorly dressed, has a very young wnngw 1
(1010, - ova and repol. . Doctor Gathrie says: TLE AT NOAN KING.
The penalty is lost manhood, 0 1 d 0 ri Apples, bbl - . ..., .. 1. 2 50 S. 00 There islittle demand for- hides, Ana FATAL COLLISION. child on her knee, and the other she � � - . �
gradation, an Impoverished and a d . ffGo not away, I Pray you, under the Beat, hindquarters .. .. 8 00 Q 00 prices Are u-nobanged. Country trade .. . drawa so close to her side that some. , .
late bomo and eternal banishment fro delusion that intemperance is confined Do., forequartors . - , � 4 50 ' 0:00 allows a, fair volume and colootiorts are - 1 . ? Insvi time the conductor gails to see tile DICKINSON & HOLIES ,
God. only to the lowest stratum of society. ".. 7 00 8 00. generalli satisfactory. Produce prices irgents Well Organized and Well otpgater, who as a result gets a free
a .... strong Ono- .1 know the Contrary. Much iinprov�d - Do" choice, cArea'as I C. P. R. Fugineer and Brakeman Ceremony I, Y ETC 1
2. the Lord hath. I Do -1, nledium, carcass ., A OO 8 50 are steady to firm, with fair lots coming Armed-PictViresque - ride. I . BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS,, i
This is & reference to the &tiny Of tile as are the habits of the upper and middle Mutton., liir cwt .. .. ... 6 50 8 00 forward here. . Killed Near Peterboro. Chinos Capjtal�Bodlss of Emperor -� 'I t -
Assyrians, ,which was 60011, to Come up- classes -and, we 'thank* God for that- I , - owoo-wam slook, Wingbain. i
rm, The Veal, prime, Pei, Cwt .... 7 50 10 00 Hamilton-Busiliess here continues .and Empress -Dowager LYIng in
on them like a dova6tatirig ato we have met this vice in All olasft�s of Lamb, per owt .. .. .... 7 50 9 00 fairlr Active, Stocks of wholesale lines I � STARTLING AFFAIR U 16 Dickinson. Dudley Wutw 1
destruction would be complete, like a society. It has cost many A pervant . . are moving xn*re freely,'and indications State. . ;
terrific hail Storm or a great flood. her place, and -yet greater loss-rulned . BALED HA'%.r AND STrtAW- I Poterboro, Ont., Nov. 23. -Between 12 - . I .
I i
3. troddeu under feet -ShalmsMes0r, her virtue. It has broken the staff of Prices in car lots on track, Toronto, po nt to continued activity until well up and I o'clock this morning a collision New York, Nov. 2z,�-A cable desp
� with the Assyrian host, invaded4 Over- bread of many a trad,�smau , It has Are: to the holiday season, Retailers report occurred on, the'Canadian Pacific Itall- atoll Investiption in Manitoba Showod J. A. MORTON ��
came and carried the people Away never wrecked the fortunes of many a nier- H . a fair trAde. Oollections are generally four miles west of Pontypool, being to the Herald from Shanghai says.. "Tlie
� . ay -Wo. I �imothy, $11 to $11.50. satisfactory And produce is coming for- way a
to return. It is -an unsolved pr,�blellll chant. It has Spoiled the corondt of its Straw -Range Is from $6.50 til $8, ac- , , accession of the Emperor took place on G sorme' Mixed With Coal Oil, ZARRISTER AND SOLICITOR ;
, highest rank into I Nvard freely, with prices holding up, The I caused by a switelt having .been left Thursday. Reports of Prinpo Ching's . ' I
to this day where the text tribes alre; lustre And sunk the cording to quality, demand for holiday lines has beart fairly open. A double-header going west P.011'd. ,1-11, -M.l, have I—. ;. -m,4.44 Winuinecr Nov 22 -'P4f4-h MONEV TO LOAN
..4u_44._ 4.1'. _OtjnuA to exist or are contempt. It has sent respectability to I .
. J SE EDS. ao0a, I On, . I a
ent4rely extinct. All of this was be- hide its head in a porohouse, and pre- - 'Vancouver and Victoria -Business all cd Wf�h a light engine coining east 'rite are Contradicted. A decree has been points to some more or less startling 4xi400.-Morton Block, Winsham.
, . .
cause. of sin, and *specialty the sin of sented in luxurious drawing-roollis scenes Aleike-El-,tra- faney lots, $7.25, N% 1, I .
. , ,the $0.75 -to $7; No, along the coast holds a steady tone. engineer and the fireman of the light en- .
dritirikenness. which have furnished laughter to 2, $0 to $0,25; No. 3, london-GencT.&I business is n . gine and a brakeman named O'Connor, promulgated ordering the officials of developments in the oil investigation '
4. as the first TIPO fig (R- V -)-AS the 3oullious Ili the kitchen. But it has done $5.75 to $6 per bushel. - " OW mov- who (tlso was on tile engine, were killed. the Pro I vincea to Capture rebels for sum- before the authorities have conclud- I
o things than break the staff of Thnottly-111rices are fr0ln $1.36 to . ln� fairly briskly, Although the ordering th investigati n. It is now Wellin&on Mutual i
'first ripe fruit was eagerly seized by the %voYs V ed I air 0
fruit gatherer and hastily eaten, a broad, lower rank, wreek earthly for- $1,75 per bushel, according to quality. is not as heavy as might be expected, The noxace of .the dead engineer and fire- mary beheading and promising a. re -
0 Red clover -44.26 to $5 p -&r beshel, , WinnipegL-The one unpleasant feature inan cannot be learned " yet. ward, . clear that all the oil which caused
turles, and crown wealth with thorns.- . - an kill- tile explosions, resulting lit 14 deaths, .,
Samaria would be A delicious morsel for . � of the situation is the Shortage Of rs Toronto, ov, 23 ' a t a in I . Fire Ins. Col.
the Assyrians, .cbe image expresses XoA accursed vieel . What hopes so pre. London.- CWcutfA linseed, Nim. -Doo., es, N i-TI1 bX0 ty 7liere is a serious mutiny in the gar- was shipped from Winnipeg, or so14 i
at ease cious that it has not 46 Od per 412 lbs. in which. to move the grain. General ed In the 0. P� R. wreck at Pon pool i
in the strongest manner the gre withered, what car- -a � rison, at Ngau King, on. the Yangtze, ti en Oct. 15 and 17. 1 1
. business is active. were all from Wedt Toronto. They were � I Metablished 1840J
. with whioll. the invaders would UIC8 the eer so promising that it has not Arrested, Live i5tock. . 4 ftlay, engineer-, aged 34, married, where fighting is being 'waged in the It hai been established that gaso- -01TELPH, ONT. - I
city and the whole kingdom of Israeli tvh%t heart so tender it has not potAfted, Tile railways again report another Ott%wA-Business here is steady in il.d. r Ne*A Office
and the eagerness with which they would what tenippv so fine 'that it has not de. heavy rull of live stock of 117 car loads tone. . Finlay had been off the road here two streets. Alargenumber of persons have line was mixed with high-class illu. Wake talsen on all classes of Insurwole pro-
. — , - - - yea,rs and had been working in the Vnit' been killed and hoitses have �been de. minating . oil, The identity of the Pei,- pertr on the casU or prealluin note system.
seize and consume the prey." It is still stroyedf I speak what I know!' for Thursday, consiting of 105T cattle, l ed States. He resumed work here only � son or persons responsible for the mix -
true that trouble and Sorrow like all 11. Strength sapped, "Broken with 2830 hogs, 1814sheep and lambs, and 93 troyed. MUM GOLDIN, cum DAVIDSON,
. A GOLDEN XMAS. last week. His wife is in Kirigaville, a in; mud their motive and manner of F"aldent. Secretarr.
Three battalions from the manoeuvres d I
inva ing army come upon and destroy wine), (v. 1, marg.). A man's physical, calves, Ohio, Fireman Sweetinall, of Quebec It vs been ordered to proceed to Ngan Olng the mixing' are questions yet to 1�
thosd� a be determined.
a who ight, have been happy and mental arttf moral strength may be Yen- Exporters -None wore offered and JOHN RITORID I
, in I I . ity, had been in West Toronto only two Xing and restore order. Wingliam, On.t. '
prosperous but for strong drink. dared helpless, useless, despicable by al. none were wanted, owing to there Using , - Agent.
� ..Enormous Demands For Coins to be weeks, exchanging positions with An. Commander LI was wounded, Coin. , � '� ,
IL God's ransomed blessings (vs. 5, 6). uchol. Alexandor is, it lamentable illus. no shipping space. other employees. Brakeman Bert 0-011- mander Oheh lion 'kung killed And a AV . ..,� , ___._
5. Ili that dav-The day when, because sold from $4 . SMALLPDX, �. . . .. . 4.:
. Iration, of this fact. Seneca says of Butchers -The best loads Used as Gifts. roy, aged 19, eldest son of Timothy Con- deputy in charge of a magazine -was . MgWz"Rr -
, -o $4.373/2, and feNv In comparison . ,_
I of its great Nvokedness, tile Northern him: ,4HC was in Babylon, in banquet t - roy, Confectioner, 09 I Pat Dundas street, murdered. . - '-'
kingdom should ')a destroyed, A crown after limliquet, entertainment After en. brought these figures; medium biltall ,"rashlngtGui D. C., Nov. 23 - Giiii.t. West Toronto, had been on tiie roa4 only I
I Official reports of disorder in China . I
of -lory-The Lord will bless and defend *ent . .
t,rtainment. Having -spent a -ii,hole, ore', $3.75 to $4; common, $%50 to $3,60; Outbreak of Disease in Differ , 411 "' ,
Reference is . �(,wo,J,2.50 to $3,70; eAnners, $1 to $14 ing new $10 And $20 gold pieces. Are six -weeks, The three men killed wore to -day reachod. the State Depa�tment at - , $
th(;e who trust in Him. it glit in, Carousing, a second entertain. tile crew of the front engine with a dou- I , I 11 I � � ... I
1 Y . t. . Washington, causing very qerious.0011- Municipalities. ,Li,l 1 'a E ,
here made to tile two tribes of Judah nient was pro -posed. There wore'twenty UOI119 to be favorite Christmas gifts this lit, header. Tito version of the accidelet
and Benjamin, the remnant of God's peo. . Feeders and Stookers-'The Messrs. ;��r, judging from demands coming to cat Toronto is that a brake. earn. MY. William Martin, the Ameri- Y 5 E C I 'Fil E U
guests at the table. He drank to the given ,,it W RUMPTL It
ple, who were to continue a kingdom for health of every one, and then pledged 1VTuYbY bought 500 this week at follolv, t Hankow. cabled
the Treasury, aria ill consequence thib man on the double header opened the that revolt and riot are in progress Toronto, Out., Nov. 23,Outbreaks ot rite for our interesting books " Invent-
- more than a hundred years After Israel them' severally. After this, cal -Hila, for ing quotations: Beat feeders, 950 to 1100 presse-& 91 tile Philadelphia 111rit N%ill switch to lot Another train pass. When . smallpox in five rural municipalities of or,* Help,, and tiow you are %windled."
wits carried into captivity. "And clearly llerculW cup, which hold six botil'os, it lbs. eacii, at $3.65 to $4 per ewt,, beat the train passed lie forgot to close I along the Yangtae River. Onta,vio have been reported to the Pro- sqnd us a rough sketch or model of rour In -
the closing of the clouds around Samaria feeders. 800 to 900 Ilia. each, at $3.25 to get busy in a day or two turning them b, Coming at this time, when an up- 1 ion orimprovement nrd vewm1ellyon
0 vinclad Board of Health. The localities obabl
was coincident with the dawn of a was filled, when -he poured it all down, $3.75; stockers, 000 to $700 lbs. eaqh, at out as fast as possible. Director of and the double header was ditolled7when. heaval is dreaded by all off icials here, C."dur opinion as to yrbether it is p
drinking to Proteas.. and afterward the Afint Leech said to -day the demands it dbarted to pull'out, . In which the oasLs have occurred are not Cgentable. Relected applications btve often
brighter day in Judah. Hezekiah came 3.25 to $3.75; stockers, 600 to . for- these toins, which now lia,v.c "In . _ - 17 it is feared that revolutiQnists, , spurred - I -oximity t6 one another, but 611, successfully prosecuted by us. We
pledged him -again in the same enormous $ 700 Its, 0 in close pi nutreal
to the throne only three years before the e� to action by the.death of the Emperor conduct fully equipped offices In M
bumper-. He had no sooner miallowed it each, At $92.90 to $3.15; common and in I are situated in different parts of the Pro- ' gail..warhington; thisqUallfesustO rOni t -
fatal siege of Samaria began., Ilia aeqes- God We Trust" on them as well as the THOROLD FIRE, and Empress -dowager, may at last have vince. In each case the local health au. *. ly dispatch work and quicIt secure 11nteu
. - t1an he fell upon the flood. Here, then, diurn stookera, Boo to QOO lbs. each, at Cos, are very 14
St. Gaudins dev! heavy, taken courage to bring about a wide- I
sion must have been ilearly contempo $1.75 to S2.20 'thoritles are dealing with the outbreak.. Is btoad as the invention. 5 ghest references
ils hero, invincible by all the toils of and lie can explain the circumstance spread movement directed against the urnished.
is tl * Dr. C. A. Hodgetts, the Secretary of the : '. Patents procure
raneous with that expedition of Shal- . Milkers and Springers -The market !d through marion st wa-
. inst Hosea, when he "allut p.rodiglous marches; by the dangers of only on tlie theory that People have it throne And against all foreigners. It is . 'Ili receive special notice without charge In
maneser gda sieges and combats; by the most violent continues strong for the good to choice in mind to use them as t6ristinas pres- Weldon's Meat Market Burne — feared that the revolt may fire revolt%- Board of Health here, rb�.Ier too lewspapers distributed throughout
him u bound him in prison' (11. classes, at prices ranging from $4 510 -jriouriced the names of the municipalities ?�
P, extremea of heat and. cold-hore he lies, ant, instead of giving more perishable th 0 nion
17 conquered by his intemperance?' $65 each, with an odd one or two reach- New Firm to Start. tionists to the north and South to ac- 4( . 0 Vl-'I'-Patent business uf Manufac-
. *F
Kings 4). Yet hewas not daunted by - -ens of their friendship. in which the disease has occurred. ,. . it is! W .
.� .
his neighbor's peril. He began his reign . IIL Honor humiliated. "The crown of ing $70 aad $71. On tile other hand, tok tion. These bands have long waited for is, the same old story of no vacellin 1011 tlu an Angineers.
with a political revolution and a reli- I There has been a -wide�pread apmand an opportunity to strike with success,
pride" is 1'trodiden?l under foot (v. 3). the new $2.50 and $5 gold pieces, -which. we , liter." , MARION
- common light cows were hard to disposo for St. Ciatharnes, Ont, Nov. 29.-Jrbe fire They are known* to be well organized yvill have -this wi & MARION
gious reformation. He throw off the The inan who has held the highest pool- Of At $25 to $W. each. I I Pationt Experts and Sal(oltort.
with signs on Now York Life
yoke of'Assyria, to which !its father had . the unique sunken de I . flend visited Thor -old tbibs morning, When, and they have plenty of arms and am- rtontre"
submitted (IL Kings 18, 7), and he clear- tion, becoming au inebriate, is exposed . Veal Calves-liew good calves are be- them, and the Philadelphia, Mint, has at 4.30 ololoc)c, the M -t inarkot on Albert munition, smuggledin to them from sev- OT -I 1, Atlantic BidZ02,11kitton e&- -
ed the land of idols and id6l-worship. It tv the contempt of -men. He is easily de- 'rig offered. Prices were quoted at 1$3 been busy for some time producing straet, condooW by John Weldolt, 'was 4110- eral directions by the Japanese and oth- FOULED A CH AIN. 0.7"._ _ni.__�._���� ,
was the- dawn of a day of promise, such feAted, as were .% the Harvard oarsmen to ,%.25, with an odd calf at $6.50 ,per tjisse coins. Director Leech said to . -day covered in flames. Chawles Crick, a green era. Many of these arms come by -way ' �. � -_ . I
. I owt. L - t it was believed for a -while that the m,,,,, wi, uvies next door, first saw the of Macao, where for. years a traffio in BRI -, NEI).
. as the prophet seems to point to in some years ago, whell in competition Sheep and Lambs -Export sheep . are blia, TAIN ALAX
these two verses2'Rawlinson. The with those of Yale, who depended. on I sunluen designs on these coins were on. flames in a buildiag adJolrulag the meat mw- arms to the interior of Ching, has,been Steam Barge Caught in the Old
residue --The remnant who obeyed the claret for a stimulant, while the Yale n demand Ewes sold at $3.25 to $3.0, birely original, but recently it had been ket and used as a smusage futom aind 6--ve conducted. * . . .
� Lord, often referred to by -Isalih. .6. boys drank only water. His reputation ramt V to $2.50; lambs, $4 -to ".00 per discovered that the Greeks had similar tl,, ,,arm The fire .brigade turned out dulok- Welland Canal.
1� , A spirit of judgment -A clear pereep- is wreaked, as, was that of such distin- cwt. , coins 400 years before Christ. W ft response to the c42 and albhougb MOURNING IN PEKIN I . SITUATION IN INDIA REGARDED
tion of God's trdbh. A clear !lead is guished worldly poets As Burns, Byron Hogs -11r. Harris reported prices un- 1:1 water wais piaying on the ommagraton a Pekin, Nov. %1 L -The ceremony at the. . AS VERY SERIOUS.
d as well as glory and beauty. and "Rao. changed At $6.25 for selects, fed aikd wat. fcw ultautes ,After it was dIscovered the Imperial palace this morning, when the St. Catharines, Nov. 22. -As the I —
y -at, and $0 for lights, was passing down Evidence of a Systematic Propaganda
promi b" luxurioudhabibg and sinful'in- IV. Stept stumbled. "Through strong 'Yed, art the mark JOHN D. FORGETS, but-lding wes completely gutted and the en- members of the diplomatic corps present- steam barge Iona 0
a -
. -vie ec, -&!in -in . Prospects'v. - f6r lower prices. I " two on Part of Revolutionary Leaders
dulgen . The drunkards of Eplu aa -k are out of the way" � (v. 7) A .. . tilre stock destroyed. Tb:o building be5lonp ed the condolences of their respective the old Wellarld Canal above lool-
could do nothinp to oppose the invaders man in liquor traveling from New York 1_____�_ . I to wilinam mourD, who eablwates his 1-s Governments on the deaths of the Em -
of their countrv--lom: Coin. . to Philadelphia on tbe,fast express, do- � UNDER' at obout s7oo. partitully covered by insuirance.' per�r and the Dowager Empress of Eaturday afternoon her rudder be. -Native Troops Being Tampered
ni. The evils' of strong drink (vs. 7, liberately walked through the car to the OTHER MARKETS. CROSS -EXAM I NATION. Weldon's los-a is cubout $1,200 withbilt a n0111- 0hina, was one of the most impressive cam' entangled lit a chain, which is With -Minto Abandons His Tour.
I 8). 7. But they also have erred----�`Jer- tear platform of the last one and jump- London-TAt spite of the dense fog I Inal Insurance. Ailbeirt StionWs fruit store ever witnessed in Pekin, used in Connection with a floating
usalent as. well as Samaria has her in- ed off. When picked up he was ins � - ,bAdgei.1across ther Canal for the use SToy, - Lord 111ittly,
. which W16 -o adJoIns the 'Weldon stdre was A noticeable feature of the proceed f R Calculta, 1 23.
as a Standard Oil Cots. Huge Ptofits-In 6airaged considerably by water and smoke . 0 a
. On' caused by the white frost there w. ings -was the presence of every member y College students. The ser- '
cbriates -and scenes of disgusting intoxi- siblp and died soon, after. large market to -day. Nearly everything . rold bus secured a now Wdusbry, The vices of a diver were procured, but Vicaroy of India, to -day announced his
. cation. Though her punishment is not as V. Influence forfeited. The "priest and If ay brought $12. Straw, $7. But- 1907 Sum of Forty Million Was TUID of the Imperial elan, as well as every of�
-sold. . col,,Itul Wood & Prodiloe C=Vanyl he was unable to exit tile chain until abandonment of a tour of northern
Turn the battle to the gate-Who.pur- the prophet have erred through strong tot- Ili good demand; prices firm at 24 to Paid in Dividends and as Much in=- ficial, who lately has been reported (lead
tile th fleeing enemy ev�n to the 'very drink" (v. 7). Some of the most gifted 25e NvIvolesale Idts. lit the dairy hall UmAurars of wood pulp, limve m,cured Wo or eliminated from the conduct ol af- "bout noon Sunday, when the steamer India in order to hasten South to deal
0 . Moro Earned. ,r,raser property, better lm�n an the Old was'backed into the level above and with the revoliltionary situation.
gates of their own city. -Clarke. We ministers of our day have'llot only been 28 to. 20c was paid for crocksand Pound — vojr gmuuds and wIR beain shortly tW crec- fall91 of State. This -was the Answer of �
.have a spiritual welfare to wage (Elih. ruitted by strong,drink, but have dragged rolls, Eggs scarce, 28 to 30c. wholoale . tiou of 'their buildinw. t n umors of sui- a � . Londdn, 19ov. 19. - The Pall Afall
6, .12), and we are, pledged to conquer iown with them those they milght bave for fresh. In the dairy hall 32 to 35c Nqw York-, Nov. 23,w-rior over f iv e oldes. and deaths current in Pekin for the Gazette to -day warns England of tile
danger lurking Ili the Indian situa-
-the world for Christ. BeWare lest ,%vs influenced for good. was Asked, Dressed hogi--Mild. weather, hours t"ay John D. Ropkefoller, _' ' �; " - tion.
x,ender ourselves unfit for military ser- Vr. They err in vision (v. 7). Liquor trade slow; $8 Pei, owt, for most offered; witness for the defence in the Gov- Mrs, Prince Ching, for the first time since I
�nftr as that of the Northern kingdom, clouds. the mind, and crazes the brain, a few sold at $8.10 and'$8.26. Live hogs SEDITION OPREADS. 1t)1a!tpawaeon1cg awEky of their AUJOStles, aP- "it cannot be long before the (Iov-
there are seen the marks Of sure dc- In contrast with drunken Ephraim the -it was expected that $6.25 per Cwt. ernment suit to dissolve the Standard peared officially as the ]lead of the Vor- ernment is forced to take coil-pre-
Oine." "Note the effects of strong drink prophet predict, that the residue of would be the piiee for Monday's ship. Oil COMPAUY, faced an unceasing fire . sign Board. The heads of the various lit a Dress'Suit Bryanite Kneels at hensive military precautions it, IrL
portrayied in this verse: 1. Erring, Nvan- the people, the faithful ones, either re- mont, but late advices say $6 pot, cwt. of questioY.' from the Federal court. THINGS LOOK RATHER BAD IN Governmental departments were present Each Crack in Wall. . dia,", declares The Gazette. "The sit-
dering into forbidden ways and places, turning to him in Ioyal obedience, or would be paid for scledbs. Small pigs sel, Frank D. Keflogg, and wlion ad- INDIA. with the members of the Imperial elan, . illation has become so Alarming that
2. Even tha religious teachers led astray. r6turning to their ,own land, shall be said at $4, to $6 per.pedr. . . and in addition several thousand minor I - it is now impossible to minimize thO
3. Wholly Absorbed in appetite. 4. They lournment was taken till Monday the I officials, all in, white, had assembled at Atlantic (sity, N.J., Nov. 22. -One danger which faces the British Ciov-
cannot see things as they are, or judge crowned, for the Lord of hosts is their Peterboro--On the market dressed head of the oil combine was still be- Alarmists Are Talking of Another the Imperial command. At the conelu- erninent" . .
Pod. But the prophecy looks awtay to hogs were $8 to $8.50; live, $6 to $6.10; - thousand persona facing the board
. ing cross-examined on the chftrgea f the *declai .
correctly, 5. The wholo life is perverted," "th it dak," when Christ Shall rule over hay, baled, $16; loose, $14; butchers' and Mutiny, but a Rising on Any Con. sion of the functions in honor o After ing that the Indian
r1ough -%v n 'Palestine was in anti- his a chosen peoplej a United Israel, and farmerW hides, $7.50; butter, 28c; eggs; that the company, in its early days, siderable Scale is Regarded as Im. 'dead, the diplomats paid homage to walk from Young'; pier yesterday af. movement posseues evidence of a sys-
qui ous for its vines .and wines. then he will be the object and Source 30c. accepted rebateso. to the disadivantage Prince Chun. the regent. ternoon, saw ,r- F., Smith, said to be tematle propaganda on the PaTt Of
11 It tire tan (lifferenCitames in the Old .of their glory, their beauty, their wis, Bellovilld-The market to -day was Very of ' its rivals. . possible-Oivilians Go About Arm- Each foreign legation was represented a wealthy western visitor, kneel at the revolutionists to tamper with the
Testament for the vine, and twolve for doln, their strength. And God, in, Christ, large, Over 25 loAds of hay sold, front The enormous earning power of the ed. by three of its members and the spoota- every crack in the board walk and native troops Tile Gazette concludes:
wins and at leastt tniney texts in which i,s 1,11 this to us. Ile is, the Mristian's $14 to $14.50;, loose straw, $6 per loa.d; .oil combination was sharply brought .1 cle, as the foreigners approaclied the yell: "I voted for Bryan." "After numerous inquiries we are
drunLenn"ess and drinking are mention- glory and beauty (v. 6), And also the baled straw, $10 per ton; baled hay, out In to -day's hearing, , when Mr. . palace, was unprecedented. Ilhey mo,irch- The victim of the fool electi(KI bet, able to state that the Governmene
ed.11—Gelkie. T -be priest—They were CbristlaiVs strength (v. 6). Thebe)MTer $15 and $10, The live ]Log market is Rockefeller, after- stating that the London, Nov, 2Z.—Elyidences of lul- ad through a throng of Mandarins dis- attired in a dress tuit, with his tVOu- ,views the situation as oven, more scri-
--pecially inexcusable because of God's is strong in the Lord and the pdvVer of quiet at $6 per hundred; dressed, $7.60 Standard had paid dividends amount- rest, in India have deepened, tlie A,p - tributea over the -three marble terraces sera "hindside before," went through ous than that just prior to the great
VfOrd, No piriost colild lawfully drinl, His might (E,ph.. 6. 10). Instead Of being to $84 Potatoes, 80 to $5c per bag ftlid ing to, $40,000,000 in 1907, said it bad its with which the outlool, leading to the Chien-ching-kung Hall. the POHOXmance to save a $1,000 for- outbreak, because I+, is headed by Ili -
wins or strong drink (Ley. 10. 0). God, ticvercoms with wine?' he overcomes the plentiful, Butter, 26 to 80c. Fr sit eggs, Wiled as much more, and that this prehensio . The approaches .were lined by a re- felt -which he.had put up as a guar- telligent men, con-knunication %
but official members of the prophetic 20 to 3W, others 96 to 27e. Lte was added to the company's surplus, in that Section of the British Empire inavkable display of rod umbrellas, huge antea that he would carry out his oaswr, And it is also easier to procure
world. ThroughChrist wbielistre"then. trge dii- r t onsible qufrters. b, agreement if he lost. .
order. Swallowed-10den sometimes say eth (Phil. 4. 18)) lit tan do what God play of poultry. which was stated by the Government's is . fans and screen of many colors and ot arms.11
. iliat. they swallow their wine; it Word requires, bear what God inflicts Chatbam—Big market. Eggs ver counsel to be $300,000,000. It -was Xing E41WO-rd's recent proclaahation er objects of deeoratioii used by the . - 4 , I ' I : I � :
-ay tl -ws them.') I ' serve its , $ y fl -, Kellogg that the 1 seems to have,had the Immediate a-[- oonrb for State processions. � AB GAME.
truer to a heir wine swallo rect,4, and "turn the battle to the ".areo. Powl plentiful. Hogs, live ) irthor stated by !%it feet Of initi1ting & series Of Political The bodies of their Majesties reposed AD UNIVERSAL GR
. "Tif eats up their substance, it devoltr8l dressed, $7.60, hay, $9; straw, $3.50). c0mp4ny i9ibbin the last eight years,
tI, eir health, it gylaws Off the fihe edges gate."' "Thanks be unto God- Which giv- butter, 25c, e gs, 25c; chiel,ens, 25 to bad earned ticaxly half a billion dol- offences and demonstr4tiolls of 'Political each Ill a separa,V hall. The"catafalque Name Applied to the U. S. 'tariff by
I -onor; in fine, if it (Ah us the victory through )our 'Lord . fection. The alarmists are talking 4 mperor, which was on a dais in . . Missouri Congressman.
of their sense of It Jesus 0hriar (I Cot. 19. 57 . We; turkeys, 11 to $1.35; gee.se, 80o to liOtt, dollars. I I! of the E ve
I liave its way, it will ultimately Swallow — $1, ducks, 40 to 50c; lambs, 41-2-a live, The course of Xr. Rockefeller's tes- of Another litittlity, And one I 9111Y the Chienchung Hall, was draped in Fi . Non Scotia Men Lost Their
them down, body and soall—Dr. Burrell. So dressed; veal, 0 to 70,, beef, live, 2 1-t tintony in the aiands of Government placed officer in particular, who has black satin embroiders(! with dragons, I WashingtOir, Nov. 23.—A universal
Vrr in vision—Itenderect'themselves; In. CHARLES 'COANWAULIS WILL. to 3 1-4c, dressed, 5 1-2 to 6 1-2c, export, counsel ran not so amooth as *yesterday, ill arrived in London from India, is Tile large image of a bira above the Lives in Collision. grab game is tile RIVellatiOn given tits
1 $1 laiting A, statement to the effect throne emblem tariff by Representative Champ
I- - oatso 36c; bar. when he told )its story tinder the difee- olrou &tic of . the glory and Clark,
CAPablF of receiving divirio oommunica. $4,25 to $5; wheat, 00ei I
tiond.—Gray. Are seen reeling and Stag- A Tedious Litigation Settled—Judge Ity, owt., $L05; Qorn, shelled, old, 700; tion of friendly Counsel, but the rapid, that the Indian GOV'ern"Torlb 'a Ill ' tile beauty that good government sheds over Boston, Nov. M—Five men� including of Missouri, to -day at the hearing be-
gering as they come from thoir most oft. McDbnald Orants Probate. new, 60o; boaria, $1.40 U $1.65, wool, fire intertogations of the Prosecution possession of evidence showing ,thmt 11 the world, was covered with a white Car- fore tile Ways and Afealis Committee
systematic Propaganda haa been #tot on tain
crea functions. A strong, indi Brookville, Nov. 22.—A civil 4, imper- foot with the object of tampering with ti, as were also the numerous Mirrors Captain, Obed Kruowlton, of the British on the tArifJ schedule for wood And
ignant, dos- ,tion washed, 14 to Igo,, unwashed, 0 to loc. , Wem always met with unshaken .
ariptl rc of drunkenitess Ili getteral.—Pill. St. Thowas—Livd hogs, ft, drofted turability an4l readiness to ansWev, tM. . in a throne, room. schooner Hugh G., lost their lives as th4 wood manufactures. The Admfilstr6-
I 0 which has been dragged th-rough the h native troops. While satin ,screens set at 'oblique an- result of a collision in Broad Bound tionis policy for, tile prearvation of the
0016, As the outer eye may see double $9 to $10.10; loose hay� $11, baled eept when, as he 6�.plairved-, "It is quite In official circles the ides of An- gles to tile catafalque shut out from the . early to -day with a bark In tow of a forests figured largely in tile arguident
eon 0 hog" $12, straw $O; eggs, 27 to, 30c; but. Impossible for me to Terilember after
And .1�eeome blind under the Influence of As during tile past Year and ft half lit, Other mutiny oil Any considerable view of the foreign representatives a tug. The sehooner sunk. I to -day. .
4rink, so the initev eye sees doublo and was Settled yeatorday, when Judge Me. to,NO to 28c, ' .. thirty-five years. I do not reca.11.1i
is 8t4dually blinded. The true path goes Donald granted Probate of tits wI'll of Sttatford—Hogg, so to $0.10; dressed, Mt. Rookefeller was quo4loned . scale is regarded as pracitiadly liiipos, numerous gathering of mourning palace Tho drowited are; Cktpf. Obod Several lumbermen said they wanted
. A 1.4 to 8 1-�t; Cows, a to 3 1-2e; -dressed, closely *!tit regard to rebates which sible, but, nevertheless, the situation Is attendants and servants, Prince Chun, Knowlton, 45 years of age, of Advo- a protective tariff on lumber beewaso
lipward; th07 1046 It Alta go doWitivArd, tile late Charles Cornwall, by which An 0 1.2 to 70; steel% And *heifers, ZY 1-2 to the Standard fts Charged with re- viewed with considerable anxiety, Ono the regent, stobd ht a table beside the cate, X. S.; First INIate Win. Merriam, othei articles are protected by the pre -
Viey4oso the true lidht an,d folia,v f�tlte estate of autliority—that same Indian offleor— Catafalque of thil Emperor. Parsboro, X. S.; Steward James Mill- sent Irtw. This mllod forth the term of
$80"O 9008 to "'a young 4d, dressed, 7 to 71-2c, lambs, $4.50 ceiviffig, but with tile eteeption of tile ' . �
lights to outer darkheAs. We need n Widow and second wife. Notice of dis. sald. The Dowager EMpteag lay in state I'd berry, Advocate, N. S., Seamail. Albert "grab" from 'Mr. Clark. Representative
constant, 010ar anti ,.vell-defined vision to $5 etch, dressed, 10 to 12e; oalvei, ingrooment with the Pennsylvaniallail- "We wish thAt we could ascribe Me her own priva,to palacot caIlea Huang- Mills, Advoettit, 9. M., Seamen, L. Boutell, of Illinois, asserted In defence of
cOutintlaute Of tile appeal Was Jnitdd by 50; diessed, So-, WhOftt, 900, MU1,11114rd; road, whieh Ift Rockefeller expl-Alre(I
. God, bit I Cornwall's brothers of Alexandria Day, , . I her, Parraboro, X. $- to .1
of unwit things, kitig(tow, oitts, gle standard; pons, 80e; barley, - turd a rebate because it Agitation to Vie partition of Bengal (11ii-Tien. The diplomats passed from Mos to Or. 11 -pro etive tariff that the Government
the I&Al life, thto X. Y�, who u , e the Stil(U alobe, for then it would lie down, but the hall whore lay the body of the Hmw The survivors are s"orid MA must secure $.100,000;000 in revenue, and
zoal of life.--Unvitt. 11811coossfully contosted the - gav 1I shipition s. tile truti, is that saition, And unro.st peror to the palaco of th6 dowager, ttnd r1ri 1111berry and two Norwegian Pea- that as a result some industries mu6b be.
t A, 46 to ,56; brari, $22; short% $25; hay, t
God'o nifnietors Pure 'a" ' will oil tile grounds that the widow $1 to $0, 110 atrA,; egg.%, 26 to g8c, - affected An equalization of oi
telean life And a clear VisiOn!iL8t'U6bl'e brought undue influence to bear on the 1)utt I Ur. Rockefeller Could uot veca any nto spreading to all .parts of the penth- they wets ptecodoll by Prince Chun 17110 men. ... I .
atooa, 70 to We; other rebates, though he though' 't ill ,tit uulftlst�61)10 . would tend to prevent the dovailtAtion of
ei-, 24 tA) '26c, pot I . . 0 A 4, protected. That free trade Ili lumbet
In judgment--StAgger when pronouric. testator. ellickeng, 36 to 50e; duoloq,* 50 to 06c; ' ula� covered the distance wi
I ,etit. rltwtg A pf6phots were -4 __ - I was likely that lie might have beard 8 The Anglo-Indian tod,rebpondent Of evidence of haste. Tito cAtitfalque. of Eva booth Ill. Anip,rican timber lainds wits the oplitioll
ng judgm I Pod, 85 to Doe. of it at tile time,
Sometimes J%% ea. Life a a prattical on, Nits Is Advantingo . - owell Sound—Witli, the d6so of tho . , ., 1�1, The Daily 11all, who speaks with Intl- her Mgjoaty Also wits fla,uktd by villilte New York, gov. 22.—Miss Evangeline t,.xpi eased by Ur. Clark, who Paid that it
terpri"'. It te uir6a a. *ek conocienm, I mate knowledge, 4eclarom- oreoilg, Behind that oft the left were Booth, tomm4nder of tild SAIVAtioll did -not matter if Caliada devastated her
a oloar, diset, inatit , Ottawa, NOV, 22e --An offer of fr6m. drottineritt btittet IwA tdk6n iL perceptible, MtkhAnO Killed. "Tho gravity of the situation Is not - grouped all the wom6ft of the Imperial fotests.
r - � to 2 IV' 8 th price on Port. Arttkur, Nov. 22.—t. nrin
. 'll'te J"49' $500 to $550 fo their ]and certificates dl'()Pjr and �E'Z 40 it e Aliller, it JA te, is Ill at the Army headquarters
ulent.—Leavit , lity, $1 $I .50., liogs, live $6. 5; realized in DritAin, In India overy elan, attondea 'by thtir serving Women, is city. Ever sinct her roturn from !fr. lloutoll nrguea that the Anift-rioan
. hag come to tile, members of tile Solitil � aeck liniftil on. the 9teamet rinfritiont, 'Europeali feels that lie Is on tile edgo aild they were (ill Plainly visiblo to the _
S. 11dre Is no plAq elftli—The liquor African Votot,Ans, o" i5i , light, . "rillot -1 tea I thro-h it tho west last August, Mis.4 Booth has forests would have to supply tht lumber
Association fit & lot- I 0 � '4 'y yAtt dpytth to -day. Ito f el 0 of A volonyto that may At any moment foreigners. The, nion of the Impbtlal bon hard at work, although 9ho return- for both 06untrie-4 If tile Canadian for-
busias#* Is it fildly busino", � . ) $725 0", J O doe per hatob. Ilito thd 1161a of the Atutmer. Ho When elvilians go dan were behind the Soon on ed becatiso of ill-licalth rtnd sickhoss fol- e8ts ttre dovafttoil, and, tuggested t1i t
an ho Metetary from a prominent I I ; pota .
. .
'd in it 61' 1146 ShYthl"A Calgary bitsinas man, himself a veteran . 1116ty 'plentiful; 611 , 12 '26; Atruok on his head And &4 inst4ittly tho right . A
Ono Who ig eVa9t g; at It I becorno tetivt.
i4 do vith. if, is made filthy -by it. I 120-e 0 00. Iturkeys, 14 to 16 I , arrifed and lCuropeitn wonloo are riot )land side. The mournifig dress of tile IONVI'nf Anstroke. Dr. Ifatlow Ilrooks, soniq broader selteme thiln the t6riff
It, of the 13oer war. The offer is tit loast 916e I ; MWIler lived In Prescott, ,ho sarno as that worn, her p iyo4citm Is attonding how, And She ahould Ivo adopted for reforesting the
I I' this Went '01 1111010611AW, T1146 b0411Y, $100 higheil than the priees offotdit by - TAt MPM15V M I - Ts. � �, . . st,ife, withou� an vaeott, it is evident eourt is exactly t ,,
1111114, And 90111 Of the Ono' 001111100titd, with - Apeculfttors in �%is violnity. that rae.e.-hatroul. has roAthell, tho high- by the populao. hal been eoliffned to iior bed. Her tonai- XTruitea Stateg tuta NuAda.
T'MA611, onti To -day tho� -bik'Afto NO MARKM wat(w mark of (longer, Yet there ate I- I Lion is n6t look-od upoll, � . �, ..
.4% 86flous. -
It Woome pollutea And tiorrupt. I , I" - , - — %veto, 422 box#A. lid I,Aleg; bidding III/Ake, -4 ii,-
IV, Tho,, soffe-rA reproved (Va. 0-13). Wlitlt a follow tells k gifl, bho Iq UAab Buffalo, Nov. 23.—Th,& livio iftek Rom� purblind offielali who will not N will be a Awat rollef wltog trave,116t.4 Wiag--Aftpr all Ili-mvicklo lum con -44-
I 9, 10. Whom oliall. h6 teach, oto,—Wny , WN enough to eat it again prove J-3AtTI81f CATTTA VAUD% inarket hat been discontinued for t�w the dangor bof6ro their ey#A t tile Itt, Justlee 11odgins Anil Mrs. Itodglus
. 8 that . -0 Ili o -broad can oblo hoito for raork(IT it I , orablo powi%r of dietio". Waqg�'Voq.
regard those vorod at the worda vis&i 1 the oasfodt way to rftth & itaft's --heart Tionicloff.--y'"bli ftwo for MUM Itive ptownt, owing to the qn4rawitining _1 I the ame Uoveraor of it pro- rato of 'Only two oents A, Nvord,--:AtIftata of Torolito, tolebratett their golden %Nvd- btit it eah't povidt e(gainft, MA wifols
b� the x4offers as thoy mooked, rtSeuled, Is through lik #i4maell, avitay a4 w/g to is%o per nx, drmta the yards. Vince W11060 lettert mlounellig Ali Im. Joultol, 'ding. � powtr of eoiltradictioni