HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-11-26, Page 1r 36TH YEAR, NO. 13. WINGHA,M, OTT., THURSDAY", NOVEMBER K 190$. 13UBSt7RIPTIOX $1.00 To O1106a-1,1=0 in s. SANCTUM PARAGRAPHS. >rI,CTR�G LIGHT PLANT ""f"" ��""'~"` Teacher Engaged, Auction Sale. 'romised To [3e Good. `�"`�"""""" MEETING OF T HUi�ON 11 ,-�-�" ------ Cburdb) lRew$ Miss, Lrthel Musgrove has been On lot 83, eon. 3, Kinloss, ore Mous On Friday last, a boy named John r local 'Mems � COUNTY COUNCIL. .! engaged for the first half of 1908 to d John pasemRre Young, acting as News agent on one -A Conservative candidate at the The .electric light plant owned byay, November 80th, recent election in Quebec hag been the Town of Wingham appears nowE"� teach in Lower Wingham School. has sold his farto and will sell without of ills trains, got into trouble. Re "'"" "' with tri lists, The first to be o0 condition, The lin- Rev. ATF, Cresswell, who received a Alias Musgrove is a geed teacher', and reserve all his faun. stock and lmple• stopped off here, and made himself Drink Chrlatie's Teas, The Council of the Corporation. of presented t nag d c t u, i call from Wingham Baptist Church, will do her duty faithfully, . meets too free at the QEteen's hotel, by going wear Glreer's Shoes and Rubbers, the e County of uronn ill et int t of thlug we know, he will be asking for provements have been many and cost- , as he is. giving up farming, a recount. * * * IV, but will pay, not only in better has accepted a. Call to Mount Forest,. Ssla. at one o'clock; teams, fl months, into the bed -rooms. Tram .one of Goderich, on Tuesday, December the service, but in increased revenues. Rev, Ale. Ward, of Ripley, left last Magistrate's Court. Jno, Purvis, auctloneor, these he took a watch belonging to The Advance is pleased i see Alex, Ist, At 3 o'clock p. m, All accounts --It is reported that header Borden There Utas been a large amount ex- week for Belfast, Ireland, where he On Monday, Charles Rintoul was Chas, Johnston. He: also took a valu• Coutts able to be out again after his against the County must be placed wants Hugh Clark, A1, P. P.; to rude a the flume, but his was ab- will spend a six months' vacation in charged by Fred Siwand with assault Annual Meeting. able bracelet from the store of AIF, illness. With the Clerk before date of meeting. enter Dominion politics, Hugh s ole el P es ar i } order to prevent the hoe of regaining his health, and battery. Tice defendant pleaded The annual meeting of the Woman's Knox. He was placad"gmder arrest The new street lights are not so daz- W. LANE, Cleric. it y n c S y n p P g g pp Y g , Y ,Dated at Goderich, Nov, 10th, 1008, quite a joker, but after the Cassels'' a waste of water, which. meant more which has not been the best of late, guilty and was fined $1,00 and costs, Auxiliary of St. Paul's Church was by Constable Phi en. The bo is zlin as the old ones but the throw revelations, Sir 'Wilfrid ought not to expenditure for coal. The new water- or $4,75, The offence grew out of held on Thursday: The following only about fourteen, and pleaded with the light much farther, wilt under the IGincardine man's Rev, H. Edgar Allen will preach some old dispute between the parties. officers were elected :-=-Hon, President, the Constable that this was hiefirst wheels are of the best type find each farewell. sermons in the Baptist p P offence that his father was a heavy A ;nesting of the Borden Club will humor. * « * wheel is capable of developing 1g0 Mrs. Jenkins; President, Mrs. Tomo- . y be held in fife rooms Chisholm block, horse ower nr 300 horse ower if both ghurch next. Sunday morning and � Curlers' Meeting. kins ; 1st Vice -Pres,, Mrs. Roderus ; drinker, and beat bile severely when ori 7,hursday evening, 20th lest. E. AS H BY —In a casoin Boston, two melt who P P evening, Morning subject-- Loving 2nd Vice -Pres., bars. ATeGuire; Rec.• he did not bring home enol}cy, and made improper profits out of a muni- are in use. One of these is autlpafeut Counsel to Loyal Christians;" even- A meeting of the Curlers will be that his mother•hind &large family of High School Notes were crowded JOBBING CARPENTER. cipal Contract, have been fined $1,000 - for the present load, fr. subject, "The Successful Life." held in the Cout;cil Chamber, on Fri- ,Sea,, Mrs, Diamond; Cor.•Seo„ Mrs, each and compelled to pay back to the Beside the new flume and new You are cordially invited to be pre-: day evening this week, at 8 o'clock. , c P. Work ne; Treasurer, Mrs. B. soft ned the Constable's heart, and he can revounger than himself. This Out s se there in good time for4next city $5,000, 'which represented their water wheels, the electrical apparatus sent at these services. .All ineinbers are requested to be Pres, Scott ; Work Committee—ATra. Sills, , illegal gain. Different countries have, entirely now is as follows t—•Gonera- Cnt and help to arrange matters for Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Roderus, bllss. Sad- took the boy bo>Yte, fed him, and on week's issue. All work promptly attended t4, g t- tor, of the latest kind, new excitor, The twenty-seventh anniversary of the coming season. Will members in lar. The ladiea begin their year's his promise that he would lead a bet- Fon S,kelt.—A � new Coal Heater,, Residence—Car. Minnie & different ways of dealing with graft- the dedication of the Presbyterian work with energy and enthusiasm, ter life, he put him on the train and cheap, --S, Gracey s Furniture Store. Patrick Streets, era. ' 'switch board, transformers, and new y arrears kindly try and settle at once, gy sent him- home to his mother, This * " « street lighting systole, of thirty lamps, Church of Giorrie will be. field on Sun- as the Curling Club is very much in President C. G. VanStone has called . Walkerton Town Council has a or five more than were in use Under . day, Nov. 29, and Monday. Nov. 30. Died Of Glanders, may not be the right process from a _ . On Smia the Rev Mt• Parrie of need of the money, Fees can be paid a tussling of the Northern Hockey Infected with that rare and terrible .legal standpoint, but perhaps. the >" pi stone pile, at Which it puts to work the old system.. The cost of these y to A. M, Crawford.—B. H. Cochrane, i League to tie held in Palmerston on . men who seek charity for themselves appliances alone was $1,350,00. R'ingham, Will conduct �s°rvices at Secretary. disease of glanders while experiment- strictly legal method is not always Wednesday, Dec, 2, . "]- or fvtnily, paying 121a per Hour or Now as to cost, It was thought 2.30 and 7 p. m. The choir is being ing with its germ, Dr. Thomas M, the best way, of reforming a boy, and $1,23 per day, Wivghain might do that the amount authorized by the augmented by friends outside the "Dainty Mode" is the name of the Wilson, of Attwood, Out., contracted it bettor to err on the side of mercy, Mr. E. Ashby announces in his advt. Wu Have 1Chapped worse than follow a similar course. By-law $7,000) would be sufficient, church for the occasion, best wearing Rubber for Ladies and the disease. Dr. Wilson was pursuing if there is hope of a boy being made that he is ready to do jobs of carpen- ++ � y ( Gents. See them at—W, J. Great- a. the better for it. It fa questionable if ter work ; residence corner of Pat, The stone would then be available for but to ensure a complete renovation, The evangelistic services conducted a course of post -graduate work in the q . n use on the front street next season. it ivas found that more was necessary, in the Methodist church b Rev. G. R. laboratory of Prof. Ludwig Hektepn stamping a boy, of early years as a rick and Minnie streets. AI �(�kl ,( « * • it near] as we can ascertain, the Y Married in Portland, at Rush Medical College, and it is sit criminal, is the beat method of saving Hands . y Tutk, have been full of interest and P- ATF. McCormack, Culross boundary, A quiet wedding took place in Port- posed that it was there the malignant him from a further downward cpurae. has had a' hard time with fever in his —When we say that so-and-so is cost will be about $10,000. The dehen- helpful: Sunday last was a busy dap, land, Maine, on Tuesday of this week, � "no great shakes," we are really quot- tures for $7;000 brought on sale commencing with a Fraise and Prayer germs entered lila system. He died family, four having been down with Ing the sentiment of a verse of which $7,200.50. To this must be added re- when Miss ane Manners, daughter of after a two weeks' illness, in the Pres- Ef ecutive Meeting. it, Al present, one boy is very f11. g , service at 9.30, followed by preaching O the last line is :—"I judge of a friend ceipts from the sale of old material, service at 11 a.m. In the afternoon, Mr, Goo. Manners of Mr. Cham, was byteriau hospital, doctors and nurses The first meeting of the new Up- CREAM by the shake of his hand." And the about 1,500, so that the roots of this united r marriage to do Chas. Hoff -The You get all hest grade of Felt Foot- at $ P Sunda School, followed b Men's doing all they could to fight the dis- worth. League Executive of the Wing- wear in all the up-to-date st les, at y y man, formerly of London, Ont. The P sty leg, "To eat humble pie," originat- year should nearly make up the bal- Meeting at 4 o'clock, in the Town bride was the recipient of many useful ease, Glanders occurs frequently ill ham District was hold in the Board W. J, Gtreer's, VIOLETS LETS 11 harass and same other animals b► t is v 1 ed in the fact that during feudal Jaya :Unce. If not, next yeal;'s Cosiness, yell, Rev, G. R, Turk preached .( } rooni of the Wingham Methodist The weather of the est week has 'r the "u}nbles" Inferior art of deer),tvtth improved service, -. do so and handsome resents before leavin P (' p p again in the evening, to a large congre- P g rare in human being) and in the ma- church on Thursday afternoon of last been so fine and mild, that it is Wingham. The young couple, who orit of cases is fatal to diem. It at- Cures chapped hands in one were baked in pies for the poor fol- without fail gation, and it is believed the service j Y week. Every member was present, as thought to have been "Indian sum- PP have the best wishes of many friends, tacks the mucous membrane of the lowers of the feudal lords. The new water wheels are more made a deep impression on many Pres- follows;—Hon, ]Pres., Rev, J. er Ford „ « * * economical in the use of water, and will reside in Portland, where DTc' nose and respiratory passages. mer. The condition of the streets night;, Not greasy'. Rubs in ant. The services continue a1I this P ' Y P' g p£ Lucknaw ; President, 'Walter Hall, makes it .un leasant for edestrians, perfectly. Is perfumed with those who know, think the will Hoffman has a good situation, P P ,. P y —Local Option campaigns enlnmin Y week, and will probably close with j'Vingham ; fat Vice -Pres., J. A. Hun• effect a saving of at least $400 a year Atlases Louise Ferguson and May ter, Brussels ; 2nd Vice -Pres., John A meeting of the creditors of Hanna Violet Petals. An elegant ate with a vote on January 4th next, g y Sunday next, when lir. Turk will The Deadly Frog. Smith will hold an exhibition and sale in sixty-eight municipalities. Of these in coal. Then the old are system re- speak morning and evening. and sing of Water Colors and Christmas novel- Kerr, Wingham; 3rd Vice -Pres., Miss. Bros, is called for Thursday, 20th lest., preparation far after shaving. y u'red a man Wesel half a da d On Thursday last, Violet Nocton, a ties in the Wilson block for one week at the office of Mr. Osler Wade, 64 28 are incorporated q Y y, daily one of his sweet solos, at each service. Sadie Logan, Ripley; 4th Vice -Pres., cities, municipalities, P to replace carbons. This time will be , twelve year old girl of Dundas, was 'only, beginning Deo. Ist. Miss Jessie M. Ford, Lucknow; Sth wellington St. west, Toronto, for the 25 cents a Bottle, cities, towns and villages. In flue P sally q the s service will be esple, killed by the Dundas -Hamilton elec purpose of considering the affairs of years (1904 8) local option majorities saved. The saving figured out is as tally in the interests o£ young people, Vice -Pres., Miss. Evelyn Evans, Gor- P P $ follows: tric car. She was crossingthe track Y M. C. A. Concert. W. the firm. aggregating 30,278 were fuse in 228 and all are invited. A similar service rte ; Sec.-Troas„ Rev. G. Fi Rivers, On coal........ •........... $400 and got her foot fast in the frog. The The Young Mens Christian Assoc'- B. A., B. D., Bel ave ; Re to Conf., municipalities, wiping out 926 licenses, last Friday evening was well attended gt P• Overgaitera and spats for ladies and * 1 n1to„ �n������ 'One man at plant........ 46. accident occurred at a Curve, where ation of Wingham will hold a Con- R•ev. H, W. McTavish, Gorrie. Luck. >;entlemen, in fashionable shades, a! u u In the'same period, two local option Half time, one man re lase- +Led proved a blessing to many young wAm replac- 2:31 people present. Come again on Fri- the girl could not sec the car coming, cert in Town Hall, on Thursday, Dec. now and Brussels Leagues sent hearty New goods just arrived.—Willis & Co, by-laws were repealed, the majorities Ung carbons.. ....... Peter Tansley (formerly of Wingham) 3rd, and will. present the following invitations for the 1909 Convention, Harr Green is doing nicely, and it Aggregating 38. day evening of this week. - Y g Y DRi G01ST was the motorman. Ile saw the girl, attractive ra ramme :--Selections b « „ , $1093 g p g Y but the meeting thought it was Luck- • is hoped -vilI soon be able to leave the after rounding the curve and shut off Wingliam quartette; solos by Miss , hospital. The man floras gifts sent ACA 014 i3 L D 8 L 0 0 K �It must be gratifying to Ontario' This will be a large Burn to save yearly now's turn,. and decided. to hold the p• y g• electors to note the business -like pro- in operating ,expenses. Besides, the the power, but the car struck her and Staples of Teeswater, Miss W. Alba Annual Convention there, some time IN MEMORIAM. she died soon after. It has been the Chisholm, Mrs. J. C, Smith, Messrs. F. to enliven the sick room have been cedure of the Provincial Government large outlay for repairs that -were al in October. It was also decided to appreciated by Harry, as well as by in handling the public property. The ways needed in the old system, will - habit of children to wave their hands J. Hill And Geo. Cline, of Wingham hold the Convention separately, and. his parents. '.err Lake Mining. Co, has paid to the also be avoided. Lines written in loving memory of at the crossing in fun, and when the recitations by Mrs. Ira Parker; instru• not in connection with the Sunday The'aunual debenture required to Hazel M. Mitchell, who died Oct. motorman first saw the girl's hand mental selections by Miss Grant and School or District meeting, as was Mr. Harris of 'Wroxeter has been in Government two payments for rnyal-' _ meet the expenditure under the By- 18th, 1fl�,8, raised, he thought she was fooling Dir. J. W. Macdonald, and an elocu- done this year. The District will be town for the. past two weeks in the in- ty on silver mined during the past law is $x`(11.69. This is only a little HAZEL, him, The Co. regret the accident, but t'anary contest among the members campaigned by members of the Exec terests of the Canadian Order of For• three months. The first payment was I cannot think of her as dead, claim no blame in the matter. of the Y. M. C. A. An interesting esters, and succeeded in adding a large `' r $#,000, and the one aid last week, more than half the sum likely to be utive, an effort made to organize new d' p Our bright faced, precious child, feature will be the Tableaux Vivants, number of members to Cuart Mait- amounted to $14,257.8"0, The Whit- saved under the new system. Look- . Fyhose merry laugh, or happy smile, Rubbers that are one year old are „ „ Leagues, and a Conference of Epworth . '° Ing at it from this standpoint, it was Rock of Ages and Lead Kindly land, No. 25. ne Government acted wise] in g P Filled all our hearts with joy. not worth half their original value, as League Presidents may be held. Y y a ter of economy to put he ]ant rubber deteriorates in quality vex Light." Watch for posters and give mat c p p the p H Y Y Other matters of importance were Lost.—In Wingham, &hand -faint• ,;, reserving a profit from these valuable. The snow is falling. on Iter grave, rapidly. idt Our rubbers are all new and this worth or anization a full house ed brooch, valued as a Qift, Finder ' 11 in first condition. 'Phe house seems still as night, p y' y g fully discussed, and the members of 0 ' � ' ` mining properties for the people of B you therefore run very small chances on Dec. 4th. The Y. M. C. A. has for please leave at Miss Macpherson's Besides, power, can now be furnish- The thin gga she loved, with tenat-of getting a poor air.—Willis & Co, the Executive are looking forward to shop. the province, to whom they really ed, if desired. handa, g g P P its object the intellectual and moral a most successful year's work. 0 belong. * * * Are hidden from our sight. uplift of young men; This tends to Mr. Jno.�Kerr was in Lucknow on Our friends, so wonderful) kind, build up good citizenship, and there- Buy "Dainty Mode" Rubbers ; they Tuesday, where the Committee held a -The Courts have decided that a y F^� �.......� ,:' �. farmer owning land on the bank of a SEWAGE DISPOSAL. Have infinite kindness shown, fore should receive liberal support. wear longer and cast no more. meeting to complete arrangements for - And made the sorrows of our hearts Qr84tZ�Y8 Admission, 25 cents ; seats reserved W. J. Greer, the holding of a Convention in con- river, owns the Iand not only to the The suffering of their own, R" edge of the water, but to the middle without extra charge ; plan of hall vection with the Laymen's Missionary - af the river. This is the outcome of As there are a number of so -Called Our children, when they speak of her, open at McIibbon'a store at noon on Decease Of Mr. Henry Kerr, Movement, Septic tanks in Wingham, the follow- With angels link her name, Geo. Britton left this week for Tuesday.With. sincere sorrow was the sad � o the famous Williams vs. Pickard case, And that she may be happy there, Brantford to la with the Hocks The firm of Edge & Gutteridge of ing will ho ofinterest•, especially as The sweet clition frame, play y news received on Saturday last of the better and more popularly known as P team there. + Seaforth has done over $400,000 worth . the information given comes from so Mens Meeting. death of one of �'1T'ngham s Bost Citi - the Thames gravel bed case. Wil- a scientific Authority as a British But still •sue wait for her return, Mrs. Robt. Collier and three daugh_ of work for the C. P. R, alone in the Timms said he owned a ravel bed in Y From music lesson, or chore, TherA'was a largo attendance at the zeas, Air. Henry Keri, in Clinton. To g kers left town on Tuesday to return to past three years. In that time, they. �CVe� 1�l1tICi Royal Commission, appointed to en- And with a bursting bosom, yearn meeting for Men, on Sunday after- the Citizens of,Wingham, the sad and the Thames river, near Ttianiesville, m .their home in Medicine Hat, Alberta, have erected fifty stations, besides quire into sewage disposal, The Com- For greeting tit the door, after'an extended visit with relatives noon. in the Town Hall. A volunteer unexpected word came with such and - right that was contested by one Pick- other buildings, what priced Shoe you want— mission held 141 meetings, and have We often wished that we could keep in Wingham and other places in On- trial,,, choir, under the leadership of denness that it was difficult at first to , ard, whose counsel claimed Williams examined nearly 200 witnesses. These Her pure in thought and word, tario. owned only the property ti to the i�Ir. Willis, led the singing. Air. A. realize its truth. On the previous LADIF.91—If you want the latent come Here. We're making a Y P P Y P And now in love to us and her, g g. Musgrove resided, and after a Saturday, Dir, and Mrs. herr had styles, and best and newest materials fine showing of Wow Winter include many leading sanitary cuff• Rev. and Airs. FI. Edgar Allen will river's edge. By the final decision, The muttered prayer is heard. l"ave for their new field of labor in g p in Fall and Winter Coats, you will Weight Shoes for both Men veers, chemists, analysts, as well as few well-chosen tvordQ, called oil Rev. gone to Clinton to spend a few days find them at D. M. g$2.00, , Williams wins out. The gravel bed Not to some silent nei;;hbarhood Hamilton on Tuesday morning next, T Gordon's,, at ht .sad Women, at $2.60 belongs to Williams and the decisipn borough engineers, surveyors, mann- Has that rare s irit down, and will immediate) enter upon their 3Z . G, Howson to lead in prayer and with relatives there. While there, ho prices. - g facturers, river and fiber comunis- P y P X3.00, $3.60 and $5.00. carries with it the rating that. mfarm- y But to the laved ones gone bc,iure duties there. Their address will be rend a portion of Scripture. AIF. F. J. was taken ill, and an operation was Mr. Jas. Armour and family left sioners, etc. They have obtained by Where our rather gleets His own. 70 Victoria Ave. N., Hamilton. Hill contributed a Solo—"Give me performed. Even this failed in its river. owns land to the centre of the means of circulars and letters a large W. river. This affects the property of all The tie that bound us to the earth, Mrs. �� J. Haines returned home thine heart," and Rev, G. R. Turk hoped-for results, and he passed away last weak for Nutans, Sask., where W� ��IZO�V - amount of assistance from scientific Now binds us to the skies; from Blyth on Saturday, where she sae "The Sparrow Song." Air. Turk on Saturday morning. Mr. herr ATF. Armour has taken up land. Ont-. 1 the farmers. holding ]and along the g P g' ario has given up many good families • bsnks of the river. They have the men who have a special experience We know our child is living still had been in attendance on her father, then gave an address on "Leadership," came to Wingbam from Summerhill we can save you money On „ regarding the suliject of sews a dis- In the bliss of paradise. Aix. Gillespie, who met with a serious to settle the great West, and Mr. Ar- • , "mineral ri hts beneath the water g g J it accident recently, and owing to his carrying the thought through the in I$c2, and was soon after married to , your Shoes. You'll know it, g , y g moor s is another added to the list. , posal from all over the world. Ex- But we miss thee from our home dear, advanced age, his complete recover realms of War, Statesmanship, Social Miss Annie Cluff, who survives him, too, if you'll try one Pair. but cannot in any manner interfere We miss thee from thy place g ' perimental investigations have been is doubtful, P y Reform, etc, He referred to the He was a builder by traEde, and his The Monday morning passenger Step in and see the now lines with navigation. hCourts The case has been carried on for five ears at Birmin A shadow o'er our life a Cast, . before the Courts for two years, and y g- 1V a miss the sunshine of thy face. AIF, L. Fyfe and danghtei Mea. Jno. sacredness of the ballot, and closed first contract in �Vinghain was the train for Toronto on the Teestvater of Winter shoes. ham, Barnley, Heywood, Rudders- Karr, attended the wooden wedding with an appeal to subunit to the herdsman block, note occupied by Mr. branch of the C. P. R. -vas delayed by this decision by the Court of Appeal We miss Thy kind and willing hand, Pp—�--�-•-• ----- field, Loads, Manchester, Oldham, anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. B. supreme leadership of Jesus Christ, Christie and Alias Macpherson. He the derailment of three box cars near settles thL matter. Thy fond and earnest care, Thompson of Hensall on Friday of p P « « * itotherham, Salford, Sheffield, Acer- Our home is dark without thee, Last week. There -vas a large number Withoirt such submission, no man was also contractor for the Beaver Cataract. No great damage was done - ington, Dorking, Exeter, Gailford, We miss Thee everywhere, of guests present, and the event could reach his highest possibilities. block, the hank of Hamilton, the out it teak some time to get the cars - -Some of our readers ask for infer- Hendon and Ilford. The Commission- But we must still o on, roved to be a ver pleasant one. St. Paul's church out of the ditch, Greer g Y, p The address was listened to attentive- Macdonald block, , mation as to the challenging of the - era themselves have visited a large To meet &ltd do our part„ Trs. Thompson is a Welts of ATF. Fyfe. 1p, and was appreciated, many speak- the Town Ball, the Brunswick hotel, vote of Mr. Samuel Thompson at the number of sewage works. Regarding Amid all changes still to hide Amon those from a distance who • WAXTLD.—Marsh hay for packing recent election. So far as we can as- g g g Your memory in our heart. f; ing highly of it. The meeting was and many other buildings, He was a furniture; must be soft and free. from -• septic tanks some clear statements are attended the funeral of Air. H. Kerr, certain, the facts are these:—Mr. made, And we believe that faithful love were the following :—Air, and Mrs, under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A,, good mechanic, and a citizen of the thistles. Apply to , Walker ai Clegg, -- Thom son has two farms, one on each Will lead its to the place J. M. Depew and Mrs. I', Gluff of To- and after .payment of expenses, the best type. Upright ed honorable o Upholstering factory, R hurclin. P t It had been at one time claimed for Where we shall meet,, and see again ronto; Mts. J. McAllister, Mr. H, collection will assist them in their his dealings, he enjoyed the esteem of side of the township line between Eas g + 1 v ATF. Holmes of Whitecliturch Hard- - � • • - - �- tpte septic tank, itis explained, that it That dear, familiar foes. Autterson and Mr. G. Autterson of work, the entire conimtmillt IIs had been g 1; g - s Y` x...� y' ware store has engaged ed advertisin r _ and West Wawanosh. His residence salved the sludge difficulty, inasmuch ATa�ruLiE. St. Clair, Mich.; Mr, N. C1utf and Jao. De tut -Reeve, and load re resented g y, p y P space in our columns, and his advt. -vas in West Wawanosh and there be Ctuff, Seaforth ; Miss Keine and lobs• A Socialist Now. , P t .. �''"- iq enrolled as a voter and is a Ineuaber as practically all the solid matter was )round of Gerrie; AIF. and Mrs. W. J. the town in the County Cnuncii, Tor will appear next week, The enter- /9� «i, ' digested in the tank, rt 'is now clear- AicBrien, Mr..and Mrs. Jas. Miller, The a eaker at the L-Lbor Tom le, .1 . of the Council for that township, At P p Duet ten years, he had been a slued prising, advertising merchant to j a —, �1i�, ly established, continue the Commis WHAT FARMERS WANT.. air. and iters, T. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Toronto, on Sunday afternoon, was member of the Public "School Board, is the one who gets his share of the }, - —, the time of the election, his residence s'ohers, that all the organic solids ere Beacom, Mrs. It. Miller and ton, Air, Benjamin F. Wilson, who is on a tour whore his experience, good judgment, going. + ' . g �.. j p J g trade cin Watch far Air, Holmes was being remodelled, and for the not digested in such tanks. and Mrtr. Jno. Harvey, Me. Jas. Shep- ttiron h Canada. IIs is a native of and interest in the welfare of the',­,Ill!!{� time being' h° moved part of his fin- g ,, The progressive farmer ubw-a.daya herd, Mrs. Glazier and Mr. Henry Gla- g ad, next week, with prices of goods. I" Instances of the amount of digestion Auburn, Huron Co„ and passed his School, were appreciated. Mr. Kerr �",11 ��' 1; nitttre, etc., stress the road to the is the one that keeps himself posted vier of Clinton. obtained 11 in different cases are deduced on the latest devices and practical Entrance examination when 14, from utas a fa'thfut member of St. Paul's The Teestvater News says :—Ater- l�o�s° on his other farm, taking such - in support of this statement, the fig- knowledge of experts to make farm Wingham Public School. He went to Ohurch. lie was also a member of chants are making bitter complaints +� things as were needed, but not all his urea at Exeter bring 25 per Dent:, and work easy, and at tile, same time get the States and entered the Methodist the Mason'c Order, of the A. 0.1J, W., about the condition inwhich many � household goods. When Mr. Thomp- at Ilford a per cent,, the sewage at the best results. �� The Agricultural WINGHAM MARKETS. ut'inistry. At the last election, he was g g son came to vote he was challenged, columns of The Family Herald And and of Win ham Liberal -Conservative farmers brie their fowl tit market, both places being of a domestic charm Weekly Star, Montreal, areadmittedly socialist Candidate for Congress and Association, Ao leaves in deepest "these are frequently fed before killing but believing that he had not the best in this countr for the Cana• Wheat -88 to 90 eta, T� i1 I actor, y polled 7,000 votes. DTxs, 4'V'laon, :vita grief, his partner in life, i.hree daugh- so ']hat the crop is full of fermented "moved" out of the riding, he con'Then again it was Claimed that gap. dian farmer. No purely agricultural Oats -80 eta. > accompanies flim, is also from thitl ters--Anises Annie and Leo at home, seeds. Petdtaps those who market sc'entiously took the oath and Noted. g n 1 per Costing twice the money fern- Barley --52 cts, 'yeas --8» els. vicinity. In addressing the Toronto and AYi;�, A. J. Alderson of tacvn ; also thele poultry In this condition do list In fifty per cent. of DASDs haus rlif• +'or this threats have been oracle that tis tanks destroyed 'any 'pathoge is (sties the farmev to -dal+ with 'aa good Hay—$8.00 per tote, y 1 + organisms, viz., disease germs, which information ma The Family Herald Butter ---2Z to 23 eta, ,Socialists on Sunday, ]Vit•. Wilson said one son, Wellington, of British Co- know that they are liable to proseeu- forent seeing powor, beuce how Ira - lie would be prosecuted for prejury. there might be in the sewage, As and Weekly Star and at the same l'"lgga--22 eta, that the aim of the Socialists was to g. eek' newspaper with- Potatoes -20 to 80 ats. 1►itnbim. The floral tributes from this tion for this offence against larva anti portant it is to have glasses pro - Mr. Thompson did not act unadvised -regards this, the committee finds that, time gets a weekly n Papa Chickens -7 to $ cts. per lb, gala control of the governing power A, y, P, A. of St. Paul's, from the decency- psrly fitted to one's sight. ly, and 'ave believe lie had A perfect out a peer and a magazine equal to , Chi P y, teaching stale of the Public School, . na a result of a very large number of ringy of the best English or American Ducka and geose--8 to 9 eta, of the county, so that all could be g The farmer who truss to run his right to exercise his franchise. It observations the ef'Ruent from septic uTmeations. A week] newspaper. Turks s--10 to 12 eta. per Ib, given an equal opportilCiltp to procure from the School Board, from St. Clair, farm without m farms paper is not do- We Test Eyes Free was contemptibly small politics to p y' tanks is bacteriolog{Cally ahtioat as muLgazrrte rind agricultural paper- mil Live Hogs—$0.00. work and secure time ownership of the Attcti., Clinton, ilaln'ltan, and many Tig himselfor hisfarm justice. 'f'akc challenge his vote, more especially as three combined --for one dollar a year machinery of production. It rva4 not The Advance for the local news, and And fit each eye with its Ironer Impure as the sewage entering thein. Y - personal friencla evidenced sincere rd - is deputy -returning officer was m third claim Is that ,sewage that g Y a q:iestiotti as to whether you are a sect, The funeral took place on iV ekly Sun to our list readinghe o>? our ie what one ets in The T'arnil herald lenstl, which i3 the secret member of the same townships council, A g and Weekly Stan, and no farmers DIRTHS. P �' y Y success. We guaxantee All our work had passed through a septic tank rusts haute In Canada. Can afford t0, be with. Socialist or not, for in the near future Tuesday, Rev. C. E. Jeal.ins conduct• for the ct-unin year. .Hi'Ipfttl•--that is and ecoid not be ignorant of the facts than sewage a oqt it. Send one dollar far X9&9 and Messer- Tn 14lorria. Nov, 17. to Mr. out rv11t 1•e forced to be one by the in ' an im ressive service fit'St, Paul's what you wil� say it I% And you will tend can ilt anyone properly Who - in the rase. There Is no use mincing move chicly solids had t o* a au will find 1t more than nils the and Mrs, I'tobt. Messer, a daughter, � g P y from tvhlCh solids had been allowed y rescues of industrial conditions, The church, which was attended by the �x �� for bo lx ls� be it. Ottl needs Spectacles. Seo us when matters, It was A deliberate effort t0 to settle, either with or without 'the bill, Rlee-a-In Just Wawanosh, to Air, and Socialists bad a message to fit the School Board, teachers and a largo p your eyes trouble yo'a, gain a very amall�Party, advantage bq •tela of chemicals tui tanks tVlliclr were -•.-�-•-�------^---- Mrs. Geo. Thee, a daughter (still mor of the twentieth Century'. nucnbCr of ftlonds. Tho A, (7. _1. W, Rose L. Fritz, who bas wort the ' � � - disfranchising a, 06usorvative, borer. frequently elCanrtl out. Experiments Ontario Eto Provincial Pair. ) The world Was intended to be a linger performed their ritual at the grave. typewriting y id inlelgvenusurpoa%Ivo of life Isatin•; over is year, and ottrried tutu E v i Chavaller, In Maple Oreek. $ask., on dynamo for the production, of human we C e sl a contests, is London, Eye and b. the cohirnissioriers otvn resident Nov. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Phil. y p t'Vinghattm lies last a useful and eitcel- ,it graduate of the Kennedy St-hool of D " Crgeos, wi l be iL Y q ` ev Ile ser, Miss &rA Wade of happineasq but the monepollitio class lent citizen. Mrs. Derr tend fAmilly shorthand and businesm, Toronto. BtLr Surgeon, will be tit lileKiblions ehrrsmist, liuxv6 t<ltouvt�l tlrett With the . �lZ.2i to Guelph add ret►rtui from Ch a r ( A,��j Ws nesda Dee, IOth sewage of Doi -king, which is of the Win ham via Gt•,ind Trunk Rra11 ' A Wingham) fa daughter. had tampered with the wires. The desire to express their appreciation of Prod. Jarrett, tho clia mplon of calla. * g tore,• on d , 3'r s rr 8+ g Y'S tiro t; a t h csrdfrtar tlatrtebtir, t .EY the se tics S stetti. Good aiti Bec, S, fl, 7, $, , - Socialist party roses rL revolutlniiary the lean acts of kindness tendered drt, %s tciKa a graduate of thi, school. taraot, *an at, failing yes ti t, , "a' ?`� i P y going lb ATRO, t y La dwam , ad• noises tank 1: uarl Is not more easily ozld!Aed 1.0 aft i Ilth. I•totorn limit Tie 14 b: Tarty, but would fight with that ballet Are one Interested do a omm�torclal ridu- - liiasal oat,tet „ r q Y treated and glittaa rapmrly fitted. In Its pxasthge ibrou It filters than ;secure tickets front grand '.Ctunk gerr-••-Zn 01intbrt, Drt Nov. 21st, lXe>Yry and prtlt�nHt ra itnore serious �revoiu• tlsam 3a tlrtl hath of their bereave.Cat. tin raMtttl U10 well t0 get t1 eats- Itourfr•�-2 to fi P. in, p liquids produced by ogler motlxods, Agetlti. g y llerrr of Wln harxt, 'aged Cts eases. -tion, client, ioi;ne of the ecl'roul, •. r .. - _ -.. - - r..,...y._...,.. - -- r