HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-11-19, Page 7*
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cluding piobably siich itelus As �ld go illotuntly Lillod. 'Thell, five of thellegro JDA And, tying their victlut's utouth so that r1ri A
. �
. r ! I lually assaulted her. � "'I AL CHAIR*
guoi0ii.s, gradu4ted land tax,, Citizens 16 d(III)MUCH W(kr0 $14111, r vl, She wa* una4le Co. cry out, the men c0lu- BIG �SCHEME-o r 4% ,
CATHOLIC ofenee force, ail -Australian PAVY, OOKS LIKE Volleys of bullets were soon poured NTIFICAL After bolag robbW
preftmentiA . , � a4-d'a hovae giul luk was Ph t, of what money she possessed Ittro. Him. Sy$teM ,
.1 YWug, ,,white Ailstralls," into Pook " MA S AT ROME soil was let go. 8bo staggered out into, taliaR Electrocuted 4t AU:111A .,
7 of F�ejg ,
AMURDER down. lie WAS wmA to roll over on tile * the street, where tille was found . �bt S4hW,%,V$r Upilwr I * M, , 'I-
CONGRESSO 4 policy W nou-4411,MV0440 with 144WI .. 41 floor, strike A wa,teh and set'lire to his . � r S .. Alodlo.al . I
own house, -Which Was soon A roaring .'t , " ,, oftend4nee wets procured 4n(I she waa Now YQrk . ,
— . que-5tions, And maintenance of the Pro. . . Prison For Murder, �; I
teGtalit succession. furnam) in Which )its body was destroy- taken holue. r � 1
IQ 11 . - , Fiftieth Annivomiri of Pope Join, The police of No. a division Were W,'Oql e, f I '0110 le, . �
Prelates,, Priests wid, Laym - arrangemOnts I Wt 'euding are Mysterious End of Wife of Chick ' (.1 Dock4r4l ovidoently had a large , �.. � I ..
. r
, � 4 r $;,k111Sh th � QT*Q Fr. , � Jb
. 1.
. ., en. 'At Nbell e llo�v y r 1. quantity of ammunition Wrod in )it$, ,notified, gna Detectlyo Young, With � I
completed par ,to be I ing the Priesthood,. Got Two $hock# 0.44 Protostoil,lfi#
I _ Stahl, Basehall Player. house, for Tailay cartridges exploded r r . Patrol 6ergeant Lyalatt and a, ulun. �
* I I
Gathering In Chicago r launched tit a great demonstration In __ __ whilo, the house ivas burning. her of constables, went oiA oil fk built Streets of the City. Innocence. I
Sydney. r for the men�- 6hortl�, after N o1olock
At the last general. election, in 1000, h Fearing race riots, Governor Ifaskell Seventy Y1101113aUd of the. Faithful Volice, Sergealir � � , il
Sir Charles Fitzpatrick Principal S e Carried More Than $2,000 baa� ordered a company of militlai, to ' 0 r t Lydiatt Arrested Rog. Now York, Nov. loi--Tbe plaiv of Y., Xov. 1G.—Andrew De �
� several pur�ly Protestant candidates inahl X. ROSS, aged 24, of 1,878 Queen the Now York Parcel D-apatcb, Com� Auburn, X. I
Federal constituencies , 'M All
�peaher at Banquet.. were rim, Ili . Worth. of Jewelry. Okmulgee. _ 0 10 —, , Fr Over the World:, street east, V, Wiper At the Woodbine vermo,"colivieted Oil JanuAry 2,801, 10071,
I and a heavily subsidiv,ed Protestant I r . stables, - Pany for building a system for freight
' ,�
defence committee issued Advice to was 'Identified by Mrs. IrIensoll, subways under New York And Brook- of tile murder of Antonio Page. at Rottle
electors in several StAtes as to tile 1304toll, NOV. I—Q--While tile Boston THE VALEDICTORIESO Mor, Orucheos! and Mor. Sbarett lin't1lie other man has not been, cap- lyn Was Outlined before the Public Oil June �,Otll, 1000, WAS successfully
Archbishop' McEvay Preaches 64 . merits. of candidates belonging to, -tile police wore not inplined to -day to hold __ electrocuted In Auburn Prison this morn-
, three Orthodox * 'Represented Cua4a, I tured, - . I Service. Commission yesterday At tho ,
, pal -ties. it tile liew , any person reapOil i Ig f t d t . I lug At 0.11, Two shocks Were nece*sary
r -
Holy Name Cathedral, Orange party matur�s the sectarian Is- a b or be CA 11 Chinese New Emperor to b,o Install, hearing which Is being given to com-
- silo will become of great importance to late, last night in a Soutb. Boston door- 5i --A Pontifical lums panies, desiring franchises. Cmigress- to 1,111. The first one, Administered At,,
I .
all candidates in the 1010, elections. - way of Mrs. Julia Harmon Stahl, widow ed January 21st. ' Rome, Nov, I GO INSANE. � 3�30, Was of 1,840 volts eight amperes.
Chicago, Nov, 11--Tlie first Catho* was celebrated this morning at St. Pet- man Charles N. Fowler, Appearing for ,11lis was held at full strength for . seven I
'r �r_ ,_� of "Chiek" Stahl, the baseball player, I I the New York Parcel Co., said . .
lie Missionary Congress ever held in e W veral'illysterIOUS eir- Pekin, Nov. 10.�Vollowlllg tile pn-blt- er's by the Pope Oil the Occasion of tile .1 that secou4s, titen reduced to 2QQ volts, whoro
. America opened here this morning lit LOSS OF LIFE c ror 50th amilversar,y of Ilia joining vha B94ies of 1hirty More Victims of tile compaily proposed to provide, for it Was hold fox, 30 seconds, then gradual.
1. r I r . umstances to be cleared up. The. most cation yesterday Of the late Elope . - . subways under. the passenger subways, ly increased to tile full power, When it
the Holy Name Uathedral. The (!oil- !in ortant of these was the absence of - I�wa a -4 g priesthood, It WAS tile most impoil Mine Recovered. , . -
I p . ng Hall's v ledictory, recolm eudin Ing I �- so as not to interfere with them 1� was turned off At 6,09. The second sllO04
. to ,,remony witnessed in Rome since t 1 In r �
gress, Which will continue until tile owelry. In � the reference of important affairs, .he - ,n An
- , ed was of the same voltage at
a, By Accidents, on Vessels on the A considerable amount of ), I coronation of the Pontiff. 'Thera wore Be way. His systein, as he exill , and was. held on , r nine amperes !
l8th. instant, hits brought together 1. seeking to account for this fact and for the Hinpross Dowager, now dead, Ana _ribi, Nov, 10�Prliice Elitel Fred, consists of A series of tubes across . for thirtysecouds, Del i
very large number of prelates, priests I present not less than 70,000 of tile faith- crick, representing his father, tile Elm- and, through the olty, longitudinally, ve,i)ieii
Lakes During 1908. the reason for Mrs, Stahl!s presence in other edict wasr issued at one o'clock this . - I r Nbelnn,g declared dead at 0.11,
and prominent laymen. from All parts of . - I ful, who. ]lad come to Rome iroin, fill peror, hars, left here for Hamm. Subscrip. equipped with cars, capable to carry or ,a protestell. Ws innocence to . I
the rather poor neighborhood in, which - morning, giving the late Dowager's va.e- parts of the world. � ill ii 0 two to five tons. The cars work the last, lie Insisted to his confessors I I
Canada and the United StiAes, Among DOLrolt, Mich., -he new Dowager, ' F011olv'llg Out tile tions for the fa. 111ca of tile I ,oil wh autornatical y in much the same mr*i� tliat lie did not kill �age�'
. or . . Nov. 16.�-Just six lives her body was fonnil, the police sought a dictory commending t democratic ideas of the 11,017 jr4a,cher . 1 . . 10 -94 �
, r I have lost, their lives Ili the diiasker h . -
those taking part are )light Hon. Sir were lost in accidents on the freight mail who was seen to cross Andrew's Ye 110"AlA, to Clio confidence Of Clio tribunes had been created oilly for 111.4 . . Ave ner as the automatice cash carriers "I Am a mark," were the Italian's -
Charles Fitzpatrick, Oljiel Justice of the wid passenger vessels on the lake . a during �quare, South Boston, with Mrs, Stahl '�Iotlpg Emperor's regents. r Histers, the members of royal families, been. opened !a Berlin, Colo,rile, Frank. used in department store, Mr. Faw- words, "I Ain not guilty. I did not kill ;
I . . � a 1),
. i'mperor's installation oil the the diplomatic corps, and the special mis- fort and other big cities. ,
. The new E r age -
- of Canada; Archbishop tile year 1008� Ali during the past 30 she died, Thls�man is believed to, )lave throne . department stores. store houses and � Re insisted Chat in tile fight that lie .
Supreme Court )not before she entered the hall Ili Which ler said the cars would run to the Tony P .�
Nrc:Nvay, of Toronto, and Rev. Dr, Bu days, For'i1x niontlis straight the year belped M � and the nilining of the era will, sions sent by the heads of states. r -e I
ri-ce, . .. ra, Stahl into the doorwayj but take plueA it is expected, oil the Chinese Thirty moi d=1 bodies were post ofifees. No action was taken had with page the letter fell a I
� ople were Admitted , i , gainattlie
Ilresident of the Canadial) Church E Attained a record prOVIOUSly Unparal- r brought tip from the mine th:s morning. and the hearing Was adjourned un
%.- was not seen to leave the house. Ntely Year, Jan, 21, by tick,06. The Jlasilica Was radiant Ill- , adie police still"keep, the public Away December 4, . I.til talife as both men went to the ground.
tension Society, Sir Carles Fitzpatrick leled, Not 11 single life was lost in 00111. The police waited for the result of At 3 o'clock this afternoon P, confer- side with thousands of electrio lights . r ,I : I I I
sions or other accidents to large vessels examination, ence of diplomats was held to discuss And candles. The 11apal pro ssion Was from the Immediate vicinity of the shaft . Fowler said that the freight b
was the principal speaker At' a ball- the medical examiners' ce head. The scenes witnessed are pitiful, ways system would banish the I r .�
during. 'tile period named until Oct, 1. . a set for this forenoon, before R �
which ,1va propel- Steps for the recognition of the , most magnificent, find brought to
quet tendered the -visiting prelates in the Ills recent losses came when. the blusting . Ing to make any Arrest in thc new ,government. � 0 a large variety o gether The whres of tile impr1soned miners are in New York city And that the city I i
, attempti 0 f handsome and rich �Iemanding why the authorities I;eop wi
Auditorium Hotel in the afternoon by of a steam pipe on the steamer Lizzloe case: Up to the time that the relativo. - - I . I 11 save $5,000,000 a year in the -wear
r '
Clio Fourth Degree X -nights of Columbus Marshall cost four lives, and two more of Mrs. Stahl noticed the absence of � . - . court costumes. Thero were 34.eavdinals their huoband$ abut belOW ground, And and tear upon street pavemeiats.
. deaths were caused by the capsizing of a, and 300 bishops Ili tile procession. several of ,the women have become hisau-, - - - - — IMPERIALIST PRO.CO,NSUL INTER,
I . -
of the Nortl jowelry, the police had believed the case BUTTERFLY KING% Canada was represented by Mgr. Bru- and been taken to ail asylum. - - - - VIEWED .1,
hern Illinois jurisdiction. scow in Whitefish Bay. No loss Of life to be one of heart failure; but With the . chesi, Archbishop of Montreal; Mgr. �
Archbishop XcEvay was the ineaeller at an4 just one serious. accident ]lave been � There is danger of further explosiolls . SHEFFIELD CH01% � . �
. . s a possible motive, ' Sbaretti, the ga t Ot. in the mine from extensive stores of I
Pontifical Vespers in the Cathedral tile record among the passenger fleet the ease appeared to be one of murder, lie Discovere& No - Prejudice Against . �
I shice the season opened on April 1. The � The Ruler of Greece Amusing Him tawa, and others. dynamite at the bottom of the pit, ,
I � . I
this evening. Rev. Dr. Burke' and According to Mrs. Stahl's father, John . The Pope celebrated mass at tile high I : I English Immigran 'i
latter 'when 'tile steamer King Edward rts in Canada- i
Rev, F, Kidd, Secretary of the Arch- Harmon, the jewelry worn by her when self In Paiii. altar, standing above the shrine of St, Dr. Coward Sap Farewell as They . 1
(flooese of Toronto, were the deacons stranded oil the Canadian shore of Lake she left home 'was valued at more than � Feeling in Favor. of Preference- �:
. Peter, At the concluplon. of the mass lie � I
of honor. Dr. Burke will read a paper Unroll with hemyy ,damage. $2,000. TRANSFER SYSTEM. Sail For Home Would Aid in Imperial Defence. i
at t4 -e Session of the congress to -morrow - 1� ------+-4h--- London, Nov, l5i--A well known inillarted his solemn benediction to Uie I . I r I
' .. writer on social and political matters vast congregation. I 1 6- . Ir � I
morning on mission colleges. : , I . � - Londoil, Nov, 10,Lord Afilimr, in. i
VICTIM OF THIEF., who writes from the inside, Says— Street Railway Association Decides Well Pleased With Their Tr 'and te,view to -day, stated that he had :
The avowed objedt of the congress, BROKEN RRAIL � � - 1p �
AS set forth Ili its programme, is "to I "The King is extremely angry at the SUGAR DUTY. to Revise It. Treatment Here. - not discovered any prejudice against .
mark the change of the Church in deal,Fe -of 1113 trother-In-law, the King ;
North America from missionary con . of Greece, to Abdicate. Our Sover- - r the English immigrant !n- Canada. If .
� - Norlhwest Mounted Policeman Caused Freight Train to Leave Quebec despatell; The Sheffield choir it did exist the explanation must be �i
dibions to its full share in the efforts Ogn believes in doing with might Opponents to Trust Claim That No Ottawa, Noy. 16.- The Canadian that certain English immigrants ]lad . )
of the Church universal by Striking -Robbed In Salt . Lake City. Track at Gobles Station. wbat lie has to do. The King of sailed for home last night by the Gram- 11, �
. I I Greece believes Ili enjoying the smiles . Arp, plan, Before their departure they said ce a'general f I eeling of dis- �
the note of unselfishness clearly &nod . Duty is Needed For Sugar. Street Rallway Association has .ade themselves unpopular. There is I
forcefully. To crystallize the mission- Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 16, -Be- of the pretty women of Paris and Aix . pointed a committee to'devise means for nothing Ilk
n coming the victim of a thief while ell- Woodstock, Ont., Nov. 10r. -An east- lea Baines. He is an airy, irrespon- Washington, Nov. 10�Conauuaers of re ising its transfer system. Represen- I
ary sentimedt now being awakened i farewell to Dr.. Charles A. E. Harries, like on the part of Canadians for !in- .
the director of the CilnAdlkn tour, by migrants from the mother a Intry ":
the Catholic clergy and people, to the bound freight traill-running down grade sible, if baldheaded, butterfly, ere- v . I
end that all may realize their .common gaged in pursuing one, -was the expert- 0 sugar in the United States were partic- 'tatives from Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Respecting preferential trawe he'said
dnty� of preserving and extending the unce that befell SergtAkfajor T. J. Jones, lit forty-fivo ,miles ail hour, ,came to as the old King of the Belgians is U ularly interested in the hearing bro-dmy Willmpeg and other cities all deolare three ringing cheers, ai)A singing "For there was it universal feeling ill Can- !
. Church of Jesus 0hrist. To stud of the Canadian Northwest Mounted Po- grief tit Goble's Station, On the G. T. R., sinner af a worse type And no mon- -before the 'Ways and Means Committee that ,the present sytem. is grossly abused, He's a Jolly Good.Fellow," Dr, Cowarii, ada in favor of it, and this was not �
y arch will go to Ilia long )ionic so little with the result that the companies were the conductor of t1te choir, authorized ;
inis4ionary conditions, ,Nspecially Ili lice yestcrda� while lie was ell route to tell miles east of here, last night, about I.Cgretted. due so much to any calculaiion of pal-- *1
But for.the King of (Ireece of the House of Representatives for tile annually losing la,Tge Slulls of Illoney. tile following Statement: - �
America and the colonies of the Unit- Salt Lake. Upon reaching Ilia ,hotel half past tell, The engine of0the train to be Amusing himself at Paris when presentation ot arguments for higher or R.forts tire to be miide to put a stop to . . . ticular benefits -which might arlse to �
r ,ave of Canada, I desire Canada as to a general sentimen , ill .1
ed States, and plan for th .ir improve- here lie discovered that his valise bad apparently broke e rail in passing As the Eastern, crisis is so ftpparent is a lower tariff oil sugar and its mallufac- the existing abuses by a more rigid sys- "Ili taking k t �
I rient. To. pledge to the Ifoly Father been tainporea with, And a. wallet con. every car after the engine left tile to thank the Canadian people in my favor of trade wit1k Britain ratlier .
Aindrica's loyal support and active co. talaing his identificat , ion papers, . 'war- track and piled up in a heap, positive scandal, and at Athens tIlOY ture. 'The fight Ior the free entry of tem. own behalf and that of the choir for the than with foreign eountries, especially ;
some are saying that if lie won't go Ile may sugar was made before the committee -1 - f i
operation in his mighty task of Ire- rants and about $175 in currency had h6avy cars being erected thirty feet in succed in finding that lie has been to -day of the claim that the consumer great warmth of their reception, their other European countries.
' a. inspiring, welcome And their " hospi- Ile had. observed a strong feeling that �
storing all things in Christ!' These obw been stolen.. the air. The van, containing the bralco- ejected from the throne. No one does not get any benefit from the pre FEWER LICENSES. s
I tality. Our visit ha been a great suc- Canada 0 .
jects tell, in a -few and plain words, just SergE, Jones is convinced that the men and conductor, turned over find Would care as, little as King George. ent duty. It also was claimed by those . , should do more regarding Im- r �'
tile reason why the congess Is 'being theft of Ilia papers and money was the rolled down -the embankment. The oc- t - I who dre opposing the so-called sugar - . cess in every Way. In visiting the small- perial deferce, but it had not yet been I .
palled together. . work of members or friends of the gang cupants had a wonderful escape, but � trust that the present rate of duty on to er cities and in giving two concerts in taken up tis a practical question. Can- .
of horse and cattle thieves lie is now Toronto Citizens' Committee three days indifferent places, and with ada had a very heavy expenditure in .. 61
I., The �Pope's Mossage. running down. they were able to crawl out of the KILLED ON A SAW* raw silgar no longer is required for pro- . . continuous t I
Tr01IGtj!JIg is the message sent by His windows uninjured. They got out just . � tecting the Ain . crican sugar growers, on Carry on Campaign. t ravelling we had a heavy front of her for -her oivn development. 'L
-11olineas . to Archbishop Quigley, of Chi- : , 1� in time to signal and stop a second E und e sugar is raised in strain, bu t1le maWilest pleasure given If the United Kingdom were in dan- I I . :
,cago, ratifying the Catholie Church Rx- I THE KAISER. freight Which was rapidly approaching Bens'on Sterling's Coat Caught and this country as cheaply as abroad. � I by our concerts and the cordial greet- ger there would be ail irresistible !in-
tension Society: , from the rear, and prevent a further I �: :, Toronto, Ont., Nov. 16 -The Citizens' ing compensated for any temporary dis- pulse to oonfe to her assistance. S11611 A
accident. So far as is know' there was Drew Him In. ;-P, : "' __ Committee appointed to conduct the comforts, which were unavoidable, We assistance might not be effective as " i ,
"Arencrable Brother- Health and the III campaign for a reduction of the number visited several places which, bad never it Ought to be, but Canadians would .
Apostolic Benediction: . Von Ruelow to Meet Him To -mor- ,a person killed or injured in the wreck. VISIT THE KING of tavern licenses from 160 to 115, is heard a chorus of this calibre, and in desire to give it. . (I
'IT -lie 'statemenb which you brought One car was propelled against the lit. Chatham, Nov. 15.-'11 am going to gcAtIng to work with determination. Or- that respect we feel we have increased Lord 181111,3 t I
to� , us oil your recent Visit to RO . me row to See About it. tie frame station and crashed its front I r added h :
. . mother," gasped Benson Sterling yester- in gmii,,tion -meetings in thre various the interest in choral music, We are would oppose empliatically . �
concerning the Catholic Church Exten- I h,. The station was unoccupied at the' day aftornoon, as staggering about ten King and Queen of Sweden" wards has been arranged� and other pre- most grateful to Dr. Harriss, whose .six- Canadians r A
Sion Society of the United States of I time. Auxiliaries frpm rCoronto and Lou- annexation to the United States, there �i
Berlin, Nov. lGi--Eniperor William, is feet from tile lybirfing saw which had parations for a vigorous campaign are terprise planned this colossal undertAk- . ,�
America, whose administrator is so . don are working at clearing away the cut in,to liis vitals, lie fell ,fainting to the England to See Edward. ing, and I desire- to say that wherever were many silent and undonscious in. 1�
Ably assisted by your counsels, has due to arrive At Potsdam to -morrow Avreekage, but it will be nearly night be- under way. The committee has decided fluences at work which min,lit brina !
ground, passing away before the dootoTs, to raise $10,006 to. meet the expenses of arrangements for our comfort could over. .
been read by lis with the greatest inorning at 8 o'clock. He will have an fc,re traffic can be resumed Blenheim, come physical conditions, these were them. to the vorge of annexc4ion beo . I I
. ,. The tracks hurriedly aununoned froin Portsmouth, Rn,g, Nov. ld.-The King the campaign. fore they realized it. Lord Milner , ': i
pleastire. You aske(I us to approve audience With Chancellor Von Buclow are torn up for a long distance. The van could reach him, The scene of the * I - - made, and no expense was Apparently
this socidby of our autbority and tr during the day, but the hour of this caught fire, but Was , extinguished by ,,�id,at wao Will Stevens' farm, near and Queen of Sweden, Who have come � - avoided in contributing to our comfort. Nwis Iturestrained - in his enthusiasm 1
enrich it with Pontifical indulgences. . . tile second train's crew. - enhei to England as the guests of King Ed- The, moving of two hundred people withk for Canada, her resourm and poten- . , I
Tbis work, which you have so earnestly Meeting has- nor, ye-. Deen fixed. N,elther r - . I Scotland, some miles east of BI lu� NO ENGAGEMENTI tialitles. .
- in Harwich township. Some weeks, ago ward, landed here this afternoon, and nearly six hundred pieces of baggage � J
undertaken, is one than which there Is le it known whether flio meeting Will 111r. Stevens lost baxn, crop, etc., by fire. shortly afterwards boarded a 'train for . WAS no easy task. I can only add that I - j 11
.none' more worthy of men eager to CARELESSNESS 'Mindsor. Full naval honors were ac- .. ,
promote the Divine glory. We also see occur at Potsdam or in Berlin. These 1. Yesterday tile nedghbors assembled to 'Miss Elkins Says So And, of Course, if at any time in the future a visit to RUSH FORSTATES'. ' '
t,hab th- work is most 'opportune in a points will lie decided by 1iis Majesty hold a sawiing bee to help him over. corded their Tviajesties, 'and the impos- Canada will be Welcomed, we shall come .. .: I
after his arrival. THE CAUSE OF FOUR DEATHS IN About 1.15, wheiv lie had hardly got I of 28 warships assembled in We Can't Contradict. and under the same direction. �
country -wbere, owing multi- ' red a royal salute. The Prince I ' ' '
it is pointed out to -day in -well in- down ko wark after dinner, Sterling, who Rge 11-'eyo'h .. I � J � .1
tudos of immigrants of various nation- NEW BRUNSWICK. L turning a thick- stick, ,which of Wales boarded the royal yacht Via- Hundreds of Emigrants Already ,
alitiez, a great and extending field lies formed quarters that none of the news- engaged I r
open for the lipbuilding of the King- papers of Germany have adopted a pre- . . � had bmil half cut through, so the rest toria and Albert, on which the King and Washington, D. C., Nov. 15. -Sen" HORSE . THIEVES IN PEEL. Leaving Europe. ��
Aoin of God. And the more so as the maturely optimistic tone regarding the An Employee of Atlantic & Lake Su- could be cut, Ili some Way caught his Queen crossed the channel from Cher- ator Stephen B. Elkins to -night made Toronto Harness Maker in jail Charged r.
endeavors of assooiations hostile to the' Outcome Of this meeting. alowever, of- perior Railway Threw Down What coat in the -whirling saw'. He 'WAS about bourg, and Welcomed the visitors on be-
thilrby-four' years, old, and len,ves a Wife half of King Edward. With Crime. Berlin, Nov. 16. -The election of Judge . i
en n I
Catholic name are' so aictive and so ef- ficials are hopeful that the situation He Supposed to be an Empty And ona child'. _. . _*� - __ t,!a= t exists between his daugh- Taft to the Presidency and 'the rosy I
- . r Katherine Elkins, and the A Brampton deTich: F or the second nsequence .
fective and so widespread. This boa will be cl - eared u �-: I .. Box -Great Explosion Followed. I --1 �- ?�, - , a reports of prosperity in co I
Duke of the Abruzzi, of, the Italian time within ten. ays a cue of h*r e thereof which have reached Europe I
tile hifluplice, unless - coped with un- r TWO ML14 KILLED. navy. tealing has been reported in t1rd
oAmsingly and prudently, Will do no lit- DRANK CARBOLIC. I - a have had the immediate effect of turn- . �
ttle har1n, especially among the simple LOUVERS NO MORE Campbell ton N. B., Nov. I J,Tl fori4&_ The statement. was made with the County of Peel. Yesterday a horse and , the emigrant tide again toward . .
I .1 . knowledge and consent of Miss Elkins, * was taken from the stable of Robert Ing �.
toll< of rurill districts, to the happy tion was received here to -day from Pas- A Fatal Accident WPh Derrick at o desired that the statement �should I�Ivgilliamson, of Dolton, by a man named America. The Hamburg -American liner �
orowtil of the Church in America, Toronto Coachman Now In Hospl- wil. Amerika, when she left Cux'haven yes- .
pebi,,, Que., of a most disastrous ex- , I be given to the public. Jacob Henderson, a harness maker, who
which ,wo have giound- 'co look foil. Windsor Young Man Wants 11ack Trent Canal. r -1 - I.- . c1laims Toronto as his residence. Hender- Corday on her westward voyage, carried I
'To this and yoiir efforts, with the help . . plosion which occurred at Fort Daniel, tal From Its Effects.. 1,600 steerage passengers, the largest
of Divine Providence, are directedi For the Betrothal Ring- Que., a short distance beroW Paspelilac, 1. I KAISER'S MOUTHPIECE. , soil went to Bolton & few days since and number a German vessel bas carried �
� I , -
you- not only seek to win to ChriA — , .1 On the line bf Clio Atlantic & Lake Su- � Trenton despalelt, Nem- Glon ,Miller, I claims to have been drinking so bogy to Xew York since lastr winter. I
those Who, through error ox- ignorance.. Windsor, Ont., Nov. 16.-A suit to Perior road, in which four men were. Toronto, Nov. lo. -Daniel Barr, .ft about three miles north of Trenton, Sir Roland Blennerhassett Author of ily that he was not award be was com- The steamship authorities are jubi- .
stray tarther and farther JrQiu Hiln killed outright and three Were seriously coachman employed by MT. A. L. Bo mitting a crime. I
but ilL the same time you also devo'ke, be tried on November 26th, between 998, two men wore. instantly MUM -by the the Famous Interview6 lant, and predict that emigration to I
injured. The names of the victims were was found in A, critical state in a room . He Was brought before the magistrate America Will toon. assume its old-time .
falling ot a nig (terricic this morning. London, Nov. 15. -The cat is out of and Was sent -up for trial. He is now in -
and jiistly, too, yoijr chief oare to all Fro(j Bellmore, a drug clerk, and Lucy not learned, There were three crews where lie sleeps, over a stable in the rear One " proportions. All the lines are prepar- I i
. of the men was the forenian in t' e bag ,at last. it was Sir Rowland Btarapton. jail, ,w(here he Will remain un- �
those of the aatbolie -folrd wbo, de. Whitley, 11as some .interesting feat- working on the new tumiel which is be- u esterday morning. charge of the work rind Ilia hollie is .11 inm for a record-breaking business be-
prived of tbe ministry of priests 4nd ures . . I ing out at Port Daniel, and at 12 o'clock Blennethassett who was the author of til the December sessiors, when his case t a r � �,
r . . ween now- and nex!b summer. .
- The suit is for the recovery of Dr. E. A. Patrick Hardy, who ,Was sum, in Tj;enton. His na'me is Win. cronen, will be 'heard And dispOE-a Of. . �
. encompassed by the snares of enemies, a diamon4 ring th.e plaintiff claims on Wednesday night just as the night nioned, discovered that the man was -a illiddle-aged mail of forty odd y,dars. the interview with Kaiser Wilhelm 'The movement westward will be �
run Pic rial; of losing their fait -It. We to I . lave given Miss Whitloy 0 seal crew were coming to Work, . a bleat was . - I - :
.. suiferina froin the effects of swallowing He ,moved to Trefiton early this Year which appeared in the Daily Tele- - I greatly accelerated by the prevailing �
� Ill charge had 0 .. �
are much. ,pie4gea wta, the method and their betrothal. Tho betrothal, hOw- being set off. Tile man lack of oinployment in practically
- . . I earbolic acid, a quantity of which was to undertake his duties as foreman for graph, and the price paid him for it BAPTISTS ARE BANNED. every I-,'uropean country. The situation . ":
means you seek to employ for the fur ever, is now null and void, accord- taken some dynamite from a box and. found ill an ink bottle oil a stand near Larkin & Sangster, the contriLdtors, was $2,000. - . i
fheranee of your societ.r and for Che ing to indications. Miss Whitley de- made the obarge ready, after which he serious in Germany that the
. , the bedside. of sections numbers one and two of the Sir Rowland Bennerhassett is ' a Chapels of the Denomination to be is so
I threw the box on the ground, thinking R �a 6 -day took up the question of L.
AAqUisition of new members and lielp. glares she r10 Joi4ger ha(T the noop of �
. I The police ambulance took the man Trent Canal. magistrate and Deputy Lieutenant of Closed in Russia. 't In! na
n O pl! _ .1 means of some form �
jors, ,these are faithfully to depend o g Ia qjid flatly refused to POLY the it to be empty. Ail explosion followed 0 was treat- A Wife awl. it family of several ch - the County of Kerry, Ireland. He was 0 ON id tiona . �
thp wilt of the Bishops in their respec- ,$100 tliat the plallatiff'demailds. almost instantly, blowing four me to Grace Hospital, where h ii r Other to
___ , n. Who ed so well tht I i,the regained consciousness dren survive Mr. Crolien. One of Lhe at one time member of Parliament Berlin, Nov. IG. -A telegram from St. prelront the problem of the
. . tile Russian ;
Vivo dio,acsea and to stir tip in the souls were near at the time to atoms. Three Petersburg states that t0hemployed from reaching the desper- . �
oien that same zeal of LIBERALS WON IN CUBA. at a. late hour last night, but he was children is just recovering from ,%r and has filled several official posi- I
of '.All good . of the men killed are said to have be. ' in a condition to bear questloning. attaoic of aearlet fever. 0 . ti% -is, He is a frequent contributor GOvOriliaent has given orders to close ,te proportions, it has so Iong had in . �
apostleship whie") animates your own General Jose Miguel, Gomez Elected longed to Paspebiad and one to St. God- "" I �_ - = I Mr. Joseph Cronon, of Niagara, bro- to reviews on foreign subjects. the Baptist chapels. After the issue of E ngland. i
endeavors. fr,y. 1 : :� Elie ed-ict of April, 1905, providing for re- : - :- .
Russia I �
"Indeed, we marvel Jadt that yo*a an- as President. Three men who,were injured by flying IN DISTRESS. tiler of the deceased, i �rrived here yes, , ER WILL TESTIFY.' liglaus tolerance the Baptista in PEACE ENVOYS MAY COME. .
joy the approval of your venerable I-ravalla, Nov, 15, -practically com- rock will in all probability recover. Had , . terday evening to v sit his broth4r, built nuinerous Chapels. 1hese are now I _. i - .
brethren, some of whom -ve see oil the explosion taken pit -we fifteen MITI- and was the first of the family to 7e. . to be closed, as the Authorities insist ail C .
the Board of Governors of the society, plete returns of the election allow selve the sad news At tile home. He Will Go on Witness Stand in anada � Suggested as Meeting Place for r
that U18 Liberal, victory Was even utes later there would have been about Lumber Steamer and Barge Ashore � : V �, Standard Oil Inquiry. having a list of members, and on allow- Interparliamentaty Union.
jVbat is marvellous is the readiness And , I ing only those to attend Baptist Ser- .
Iiijerality -with which your wishes are 1110110 4eclsive than Supposed last thirty men on the scene, and it is likely I ' :
' .
night. official return -hot the nu her of le nd injured NEW BRANCHI New York, Nov. 15.-J,ohft D. R -e I vices who are actually members of the Londoll, Xov, 1G. -The Canadian As- �
,a from 1,300 of b m. kil d A, at Southeast Shoal. ock - ,
secon4ed by the good -will and contri- 11 total of 1,49,8 .polling laces Show would have been greatly increased. This feller is expected to go on the witnegs demornination. sociated Press learns that at a medt-
biltions of the faithful. To such an that General Jose Miguel aomoz re- has been the first accident of a serious . stand, when the hearing in the Govern- The leaders of the Baptista decline ing lost night of the British group of i
extent an4 to so short a -time has your ceived-188,823 votes, against 118,329 nature that , has been r�ported since the Detroit, Mich., Nov. I6, A lumber inent's suit to disolve the Standard to submit to this arritmtIng Police an)'- the Interimi-lianientary Union for Peace :
tindertaking puoceeded by the Divine - for General Mario TvIenocal, the Con- construction began on Ithis no�v line steamer And barge' believed to be the 10, G. —1. t.) Build Line to Ottawa Oil Comp is resumed this week, And vaillance, which they say is illegal. a,t lVestminriter, Lord Weardalo presid- I
- I
favor that it po)ild not havo enjoycd down the coast. A. Buell and A. Stewart, of Tonawanda, 11111JO - I - ing, the holdhig Congress in Canada
. servative eVdidate. 'The Liberals ear- I - :1 From Kingston. tell the ry of that gigftntio corpor- Of A I
favor'and. sUccess. From this ' . " Were repo . was discussed. A meeting of the Council I
greater Ilia beginning it is not difficult ried every province in the island. Ilav- r. t rtea to be pouYiding oil the � - atilon. Mr. Rockefeller will Ile a wit- BARRIE BOY IMPALED. n e held in January,
auspicio anaprovince went Liberal by 25,000, And
to ,conjecture what progreaz 1; ill, store EIGHIT SHOT DOWf4s. rocks early to -4&Y at.SouthcaO� Slio--ll, Obtawn, Orit, No v. 1G.-Williant.Wain- "'s for the defence, and will�probably
the city by 13,000. 1 1 Lake Eric. Both vessels were flying i . be followed on the Witness stand by P611 Back on Hook While Climbing Out when the matter will be considered * I
for it. .1 - t 1319 Wright, Fourth Vlco-Prosidell� Of C110 John D. Archbold and J. A. Moffitt, a . Of Window. Senator Dandurand wits one of the
pwe have good. reason, thereforay t � I G HT nals of distress. it is believed here thitt , I principal speakers at the meetifilo of �
,00ylimolid your sallitary industry alto A OLEROYMAN KILLED. KILLED IN OKLAHOMA IN F tit.* crews would have no difficult Orand Trunk, said to -day that the com' director of the Standard Oil Company, 0
d . y reach. 'tie from I � I A -� ,I � Barrie, Out., dearatch: In spite of the tile Interparlianientary !Union.
to beartily congratulate yol� oil U WITH NEGRO DESPERADO. ing the shoro, it tile vessels We pdny had in view a direct -Ii 1 8 �
lit re broken warnings of hig pay oon1paluOild, little .- : I' � I �
. -
progress 6% your laboll.9. iNforoover, Dr. 0. SPIr)1ey Morgan 6truck Down .F. 1. up. A heavy sea is running In. the lakil Ottawa to Toroii!to, This will neoessl- MISSING GREEK& Frank Moran, Yonge Street, son of 13alt- TRYING TO SQUARE HIMSELF. ;
Ve )lave you, its by An Au6rnoblle, ssing vessels have been unable to LAto, the construction of a line to King- rick Moran, a G. T. R. mechanic, locked �
Murderer, Finally Wounded, §at I 9 And pit I
you request, Clie Support of our author- Now Haven, Conn,, NOV. 15.--Rov. Dr. send assistance to the two Stranded. ston, where the main line would be tap- Belleville, Out., NOV. 11 --Tho police - hiniself in ail outhouse yesterday. Think- I
l h he work hi,ppily be- G, Brinley IMorgan, reetor of Christ to His House, and His Bodly W s boats. o? this city are looking for two Gro?k !ug to escape, the young Ind climbed to Kaiser Sends Collection of Fine Dia- .
Illay be proscoutk�d �w:, - n the Fl�mes-Milltia 11 � �11 ped. peanut men. lAman Farna,cas and Tho- a window, but In. some Way loeb Ili's bal- monds to the Pope.' r
dl groatel .. Church, died at 19.45 o*dlock l Ile denied the report that the Grand .
91ulae'rij 4))d that niany of the faithful ordered Out. inas Hurrase, who Acted as banker for ance, falling backwards, impaling himself Nov. 10,-- The fort6lgft .Into-
. 11 CRUM SAILS. Trunk Pacific at the coming session Of d ho Wall. , Tile
tilliis"10"oll"in s s e i Ronloy
may Ia jildneed to 10-9perate there. lie receivcd whon lie Was struck Yes- . -Rioliard Crok- Parliament Will seek legislation bet. inas Rarrage, who Asked As bdullt0l's for on A hook attaohe to t I . Slone %�bji�b visited the Pope, to -day I
Queenstown, Nov, Ia. I The alleged thieves Went West.. I sharp steel penetrated the abdom6n. to congratulate him upon his jubilee I
in." ------- $4-4- . terday afternoon by ail automobile Okinulgoo, Olka, Nov. 15.- EA191A or, Olt former Tammany Ball leader, Coring the terms of its contract With .. . .1 - I . , 1 , - the hosplW,
. drivell by Samuel Cumpbell. Dr, Mot- persons Were killed and ten others Were was Among the passengers Who boarded the Government. lie declared that no The boy was taken to included 6, German mission headed by .
owes skull was fr44tured, and lie had uch thing bad boon thought of. SIR HENRI DEAD- where aft operation was pokformlNl, but holemor, Who presented Ilia
NE.W., PARM 0 Wounded t,o.dV in a 0ght b6twe-04 tile Steamship Lusitania, yestordayk He � I . 'I � r - I light hopes are ontertAlued for his re. Baron Sc I
A, also Intoril4l injuries. J)r, MOT90,111 James Detkard, a negro dosperik,do, and . I I ' A a . IT61illom With an Autograph letter I
, d044 -are- :Ndward Robin- United states. - X - covery. 4-1, . front Eluperor Wi i
who was 60 years of Age, was connected - officers, The will make a six months' Visit to tile - .Hontreal,- OUO-j XOV, 10 -Sir 11011 Iliam and it collee.
with many prominent falmilies Ili the son,, slleralff of Olnulgee county, . 7AL ASSAULT* Mly tie Tjobbiniere, ex-Licuteriant-GOV . .
. . Heilry I �11,_ I BRU . tion of fine diamonds.
. - - . nor of British Colunibin, Anil Premier of IGNORANCE Is BLISS. 11 I- . I
The Austrailixg OrangelnOkll May ,14tate S, Nerpont Morgan being a third Itlabkul, assistant chief Of P01400 of (,)1lobee, (lied this morning, About ten .
- -
or. in'rth: cousin, Hii pal,ish, is one of Okinulgee; two nog ocs nalned Chapman) CROOKED NECK SMITH. to Woman 'Victim Of & olelocic, At Onebee. Seems to be a Lot of It in Monroe 139AXAMAN CUT IN TWO.
Folm Independent Association- th e " r f East Toron 11 1,
I I I . weAlthiest In the country. brothlets; J. Deckard, a nogro, three un, Ottawa, Nov, Ia,-Tho Minister o I 1 04-00— County$ Mich. Fate Of Young Scotchman While COUP-
- - - identified negroes. Justioe eatinot, grant a new trial to Terrible Crime. KILLED BOY. Now, York, Nov. 1G. -A .despatch, t�
Melbourad, Nov, l(I.-Alle, Nlelbourne, 0190, IN DETROIT. Tile disturbAlloo began tit the St. - "Crooked Neck" Srditli� the Montrealer o, Nov. 16. -An automobile, ling Care. �
r4ule & San. Francisco Railroa4 Station, inneil to d-eath. for murdeting a Ohieft tile Herald from Detroit says. John
I Conde - 4
Age foredAstg tile early forwiWon of a , Falling 1*tW(*U two,
otellt&nb party In Federal poliCie1q. Former Toronto Lawyer Collapted In whvwo Deelkard eilgaged in it fight 'With friend. A nweting of the Cabinet will A Tomitto Aespateli; The, victim Of A driv,oll ty M. F. Wilson, ran into it Wesley Xernmerling hits been elected to OrIlliti,despate-111
how Pr at 'the Rolling Mills Ther6. ,,-;teve Grayson, an Indian boy,and beat Ile i1old to,dechlo whether the d&th. sell. crime of Awful brutality at the'liands of group of small boyt4 PI - g footbAll tile stato Logislaturo from ]Nronvool car., whiell lie was coupling togother
Ayin I
I The Radical-Protestillit daily Bays th him sonsoloss with a rock. - FrioAds, of Comm can be commuted. ,— two men at the Woodbine last nigbt, . yestorday And killed one of 10 play- county. But he (lea not know it, And 'this morning at, 12.1'0, John. C.1111pliell, of I
this leaders of tile Oritilgo institution In D6troit, Mich., Nov. 11--Relativea Gr6yaon, called Clio Police. Wholl Police- — -� '. '_ ,ers, kJohn Armstrong, eight years Old. tile people ,don't know who John Wesley Lindsay, a, G. T. It. brakesman, Wall
Now South WAlt,80 allpDorted by repre- from Stratfol-j, ont,, bilvo, claimed the nla,ft Klabor Went to tile station Deckard Mrs, Ruby Henson, of 32 Kew DeRth � - � � � t- , is, He is Said to live 80114ONVIlorO in the ly cut ill two by the train pam.
- oolilpic �
igenta,jive Orgligemen ill Victoria, and Col. L fled to Ilia 110 -Use Wrty a.114 bArticalled JAP NAVAL REVIEW,, U16 avellue, ig I ying At her lionie in A. serious - wcatern. p ing OZI him. Campbell was & Scotch -
body of lohn X. Daggan, wh6 PAPER 'STRIKE, 'art of 'the county. I
,Other SiAteA, ftre now perfecting Plans hirag,61f. Whien 10subtr approaoliod 'the 1(obe, NOV. 10,--Prollminavy to Condition. Ono arregh has been Inalk 'a. Wealty Rolilluerling Ia the lila,11 man, and eAllio, to thia colintry ahout .
for tllj� creation of an indopenaebt Or. llips,ed in the plant of the Detroit 0op- houso Deekard shot and Initantly k11,104 great -nAval revio,w 30 battleships .and And Another will probably follow. - Rutfovd, Me,, Xov. M-13otwoon 186 IV 10 tile eftill algii And 81�onb tile twol yekrS Jigo.
,gtga party. Experienee of the policy of per� And 13r4ss Rolling 14ills, Duggan, him. many torpedo boats are in poettion off .and 20o employeA of the Oxford Paper 110, lilat I I I . , I%— - ,
utlea in thisport. Tito assembled fleet simultAll- Tito assault occurred on Woodbine . (30111parly ptruck to4ay anct Croapd. the monty to be oloot2, but John. got tile , ,
jpavoy)lng tile oxisting parties with Or- who about twenty years ago was a Sheriff 11,obilmon A,Atb�6rod dep - votes. It &II, happoilod through & Ini.s. Frod 11. Mellor, wliomti. boo wits folmill
�mpororla tritin wbom a,ventie about 9 o'clr.ek. Alva, 110118011 ,ipet 10ill bdonuao two unim officiab; tollilt , Oil satuiaity with A
Angempn lifts 'it is .Wd, t-on"Illeed tile' Toronto, a iiiii-illhOr of 06 . a MW 111"InuttA (indt hurried to Cbo seeno, vously mduted the 14, was aceosted by -� Wall, wilo, Al site )at ztheit poafflons by m ohango In take ill printing UW, IlAmol oil t1w bell. in I R
14 171rly'r 10, f I lix P( bullet in, hi.sTlelit"(1, iq 4,411lipmed to have .
'y(Iney leaders that if 11rotodantiAln, Is err 111111 & DnggAn. ramN �,rhill party contained shvtral negr6et it Rrrive(I yestterday from Toklo. Itoa . Tito. Board of CalivreMosr Will iM0
IrAtfor(l, wbert Ing bro- w1rom tile gb<�rlff vonnni"ioiml it% ftft- _____4-+ --- - moved away from 111111'. struck ber it hours. Toronto throwl firill, 11
ill ip-ronle a real foree in naVIODMI At- here from M , A eompany, 0,lpItAl1.#0,d tit. $16�MO,Wo is lwavy blow. Half insensible from tho- _�_ it opetiflonte t6. John. Woiley Xemm4or. WTVORNANI (t =
f1tir,% it 1.4"Ist, have A. soparlif" political Cher remhlet4 Mixfothino btkl overtAk- livq, Alt tho fttbleking party approAolied )!? , wililo (I. We,qley will proto.4t. Inel. AlollgAido the body wivi a, 'rifit, AM h :
party I*hln4 it. . ,el; Ilim, Anfl la,tto,fly 11# hift(I Wn 'Wnrk- t,hA J)"ImM. hmi" lkt,,kard opefled firo 1*1119 Orpftired CQ tftlea over tila fertilti. blow, lvir& ilimmit, was araggea acro.4.,; Uftrolkl Hough, of Quelite. Wg,q arrostkd d(nI vill litive to be sot. box of tartridge.q. Mellor had lived in :
- ahor- \�Jtb & rint,, firing (tal I'ApidlY AA be 001114 or V118ino" of the Atmour and Swift ,the road into tho Woodbine grounds to it - for thi�ft.-4 from rooming houses in To- r0ly the niAttf,r N ]
, It iA Said t1lat 00 Ill'() Ora 11111 w of' Ule 'ing In tile, rolling Inills AA �a (Illy I - -lie? Ilia" was. waiting, roil&o. tieaby kbe Mato Logiltlitturo. I ',\fontreal About it y0alt. .
r Will ow., In- 0y, load bie weapoti. The thoriff fail first, Vaeldlig CoMpAllift, -
!i stal)lo. There anot .
gow Pfl, E,,V is to bO it r.!l
� I .
. .
I I .
. - -
,Ajklm�*,�"' . .� A.&A.U.brk�a-z' I ,
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,. ,U"% -A.,.,._A_.1 ha�__,__ ,.: , k. * ; ., . I--. .. __1 � - . _ I I . �� I "I'll, I
- __ __Ak��_ -__ - __ __ _A. _106&V.w.A_____ -1