HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-11-19, Page 6V
� IN
g a" XWWWVFP1R1-,*
I I", A 1� � t4f S . �, '. 1i 1,�, ,.Z�.,' k.71111T�r._ - 1--- - , 1 ""T"WV1, , ,
011"W.-I"p4w �� , , , - - � � . � ,. ". . � , . . I . I . . . - , . I _- - �1 - I. .,/,. _�7�.�, __-7 , �.*— _ __-...___, __ - �4��'_' �, � .. � . - 111. . I - .. , � � 11 I . � I .1 I I -1 � I., I,- I., -
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..I. I � � I I - I I I . � � 1-1 11 . � - - � I .. � 1. L ' I -TS.
�.q;- - ______ � � � . .. - — --- , ;V_= __ , - I tha better iinpul,,is pniAsed, und the � M11INKS F1710M CIA3 J r. CORNS CURED
', I-.---,- - W . 11 __ � up "I I I 11roud, indonli,ahlo slArit, woke up . . I N 241,10,Y,P5 "�
'Ing 'to Prohibition 0 1 P )t too 0 00 1. r "74 ,
I n A+"�, of . -IW", Q '*"' " v "" t, Y4 ,
. A<14 I . -I le't a fitrangor -for its repullio. Ono Way of Cvad ,, tl "Ou "' """'
. . I - ear all Law Ili rJaino. i. -S4 IVA- 1INVAAA1914, U� r"PPly. D�� lutnalu 6 I
I 9W a in to I'll V plevoy 11066 over boill allowil i Vora mtr4cwr. ishover nria,le# osuosoi I
I W.Av me slio muraiuTod. "Years and I I l"b"'n W, Vc-ai, (d l'yal" 11P.4 returned wiltalps Ito noldH, 14 ll.arnilesll D004uspoompov"15 �
�� - yeava ago. it I had he'd tile love that . . I fraill las vae-Itija at bey'ristoll, Me., NVA.1 ('uly of heallilip. gullia an -A b1s,1118,
-�:untrkab!e taki of the M-0. 01re CuRrauteeil. Sold by
a � 0 -is I I PK F "I I .,: , . .11,11,11RUI.N4,411
. H F" _%#P1 0"'k DS long 112""" 9 S - ( i�,.. a I � Poe. ottleB. Ref"ROBIlbotittiteo. Q
I . . I Quglit to lisvo been mine-Af iny fath- .. o w-ty 114plor 14 1 12
1 1 1 -E or had treated ale aii lie (lid Ills oUi,!r � I � 11 � ... ivrved in th-� prohibition 1hti%tt-. l4ears PUTNAM'$ u
& ML V .0600% 1 vhIld_-.ny lite woj�la I , �.� � PAINLESS
Th.404giving Day, . i, � , have, been dif- . I .. .
� � :. . 'I., .. - -� SAN's thit a fricnd too!,. 111111 Into a, I-11vo
� orout. Shall I lose tile only love I . . 1-1 . � i , Nvfiisra sevtml well were drill4ing �11111 CORN EXTRACTOR I
"..;%".. I
(By & Jean Walker.) over llsl;ed for, the oilly blessing life �� �. .41; ...- �
� I - -".L"��Z. (,I ilerc4 some he�-r, The room we.s. with. --____..__,__. . .1 I
0 Lord, the (liver of our days R01 M A Im"i L Or' - hn . � .'. ��, " , 't. I fait furuitur,,� (.r fixtur-, swo- lor tw'e - -1 of DyInS Tross.
. .j to give me? I mnnot Ill 11 I .1 . 4
� . 1. tZor
, %isons, 116 they Illove, so oia� watchea and ropeated wild I...: I A, 11 , .. .. I L-Alle, it f.:%,v cliLAir,3 and Ow gas Jct;3.
4.�'. . Attention ha% recently boon directed b
. I I'm 0 111, I I I N's , id In t I � _;,_�'.,
_�)f eltallgilig sc 1599POW N 411 .�A , .
Thee Nye offer prayer aud pralse, 4 ", I - . ,",$L4 04-400.*!14 ,.Pqlovr�,'�,,011111� . words to ilorsolf, until tbo first fal , While &sr -i wa i woucltxingy where tile tu tile uujubvr of trevs Ili. Wasgow w1lileb. 4
� -eoela wyf# ''.....111PPOWIPM tile � _5 , .. � I .
Int. Thy werey, polwr ant). f,junm� vli� . louge4 to be out ill it, to dream for a daNvn of tho morning carno into . , ". I b.,Pr was to come front tho proprletur� nr;� in A, dylug state, their sleidy condl-
our greatful hearts shall ever My" The ball room At I,yAnOWOldo IM a few millutea, Among tile sleelAng flow- r,l:y, A titoillilit llad struck lier; in - .1 ,.1. . I tt.Q,Ppcd t4l tv Pas Jet aiifl t,urned it oil, -Ing v -
Our gratitude if) Thet, AIM'. the first few minutes tll%t it eallio, .. I whereat Litt- anibrr fluid flowvd farth as tion. be o;tribated to. sluolm A wr
Inagnificcub apartment. Nothing could ers, of her bappluens and her love, She I , . a it, 11 from tli:.- r�plcvt ol a keg. Thn proprietor =ldeut wentious A singular colutd-
owl over hor head and to her, Elio seemed to, shrink $ror �
Vor loss we thank 'illte -is for gain, be III bettor taste tbau tile decorations, draw It" whito oil I r a crinison. flil%ll 00vOrOd her SAW, r) "I � In regard to five treto whifli a :
For griers our soulK bave, salletified, awn. The still- 0 .1 I filled ilia glatvics 0 �!(.qrs and it!
. The scene was picturesque And da44149i pAs404 Out On to the I and her evo.-^,t fell as though with a i �. -s frlt,�ud, John 114ttison, planted in the centro of
Vor joy Thy love wrought front our Pa"13 the Innumerable light, the rich hang,1198) ne$$ of the night Ivan soothing after the , Yet. It cr�ina agida, I I I . I itud then two other for owtomel,?3 drew lik garden )it 1�elflngrove oil the birth
For hopes our hearts have been denied, th .,oat , ly and frag4 ,-I:- gay music And laughter. She Bat down souso of Shaine t �, t- I - . forth two luu.n., of tile from Another gras 1INv
Thy presence evcry (lay 1111.140 brl.ght, -0 I . aut flowera, the e an(l aFain. she playe(I with 1 . ,she let. mter that he Produced a gIasi of of his fivo soils, io of hie soils dtod
quIsito dresses of tile ladies, tile glettl1k, un4er the great cedar; And whilo she ,at herself think of all tilat might be, I V 4� A 11 early in tile ninateenth century, out '
And gladdened every sorrOWNRIght- I � of rich jewels. Faint, 09 uioitO POr- lived, Inez Lynne never forgot tile A a yield I 0 81 0 , wh1okey from a gas jet. thruo lived .till iLfter Ja5% when there s
r - Ing -a - and then sh . ed, and said It. , . . 8ceing that ther
es Deemed to SteAl upon the 4ir, the , soleplu bett,ty of tha � .. I'll . . . . . .
Though, telAVe8t , ouild, our patIlway fum. 61 t scene. In the dis should be so. 1. were only three of the trees standing, t
I ` 4 . gaa Jets ill the room Scars, ail A, test of
muoic was of the boot, and the whole tanee she beard the faint sQuUt Of the watclied the dawil of ; , only those wbo , 1. : it
freed, I silo sat and , 4, r, - On tile night tiult Ilia sqn Aiatthew 4JO4
Got., tile Moonlight, the trees, - P116s can know the &con I tho prqpriotoIr's resources, was ationt to ,
. dattoo-niusic— I . On There wall no
� � tile golden m .ling.
NNIO felt Thee our defouco And gulde, Beene one Of Animation. tL,ud alljoym � bk1rnJ.a , I one o( thq tree& fell, 'and oil tile night; 0
Ili Thy great goodness- love cOutrolled, a consulted fhe sighing of the breeze, the perfume more battle—it bad been lost; no . r, throbbing, 0416 call for 4'Martlui cocktall whou sudden- of Arederlok and John's death (%orno �
It TArd Lynne could bay nis If War y
: ab%4bi,n�-vainmlvhiohth'441)nletltcaup�o : - ty thr-re wove ,%iar , it a r, In"s
Our every want Thy hand supplied. his own inclination, lie Nvould. have Open- of the flowers, all told Ol more struggle—evil had prevailed. , �0(1 t`tauly itwr"ks the aulIvror'a lifel , without, f0lowod by a; noise JI)w ' years between)olle. of the trees fell, car,
. , I
u s in and conflict, ad the ball with Age., tainly, its thit writer remarks, 4, singular
,tlia, but the Coull- impassioned girl—thO story Of her bal` '1�sor weal or'tor woe she had shaped : Zam�Bpk is b,eQscd by thousAndo - of liquor depu, a squad , .
and her d&UShter, pluess and her )ovs. she -�iould . ties.
freed, tess of Strathaale hev fato. Sho, had sworn , I 11,110 liged to buff"erfrom. piloo, Wt Irbom , lustwitly the proprietor Pprgpg to A coluoldenoo,-Glasgow Herald,
. �
Itested in Thee Our strength, our Lady Victoria, were present, Ana stern Beautiful as It wASA qlxo aid not. re- wino Idt the cost be what -it mlgbt' � itlagoirrod. Onosucligratofulrerson . .. . - � I
I .
need. �- L etiquette poiut%l to the tall, plaiu main long, She was ougaged for the ii Mrs, B'dalieth TaS,Jor of Gmeliwood corner and presaed an Invisible button. I 11 .. . I I .- ... .
I I ,but Nature woke up. from Its, rest, tile .
Scotswoman, AL.nd. Philip could not third waltz. to .Lord Lynne, and she did birds b6gaif" their , Qviling hyrnAl I , : . �Vonaeriug what tile offept of this mig
. - _ . m . m Avenue, Toronto, Sho pays. - Oror ,bt � Lanie Back
. stillered Acuto.y rom -
When fettered, blind, with worldly eare, ., obey. not Irish to lose that. She went bitok the dew -laden floweys, Opened their ! four lot Tears I , f - b% SpAra turned oil the beer gas jet, :
I � ng,� , Pw
Thy sacred touch our vision, cl�ared, ntQ. the couoorvato.ry� eyes) 4111 oupand . % blq441ugpiles, Duringtbattlmolapo4 . but 710VIVMg came forth,
0 ell, rope in prayet, "Keell the first waltz. for me, AgAtUail quietly and gently I � d sent abroad their th I - 171164" is shut . elf," rm� -
, .
ur souls forgiv 149 ,whispered, .� Uer light footsteps roade no xioloo, I - the bright, sunbeams wilvin. 411 Jmiusiis�, AlitqpqritA, 11100?y 0.1) - la tile pro
so wallo,, perfumes, 'Watch Your Kidneys
Zied', 4� 1
The Angel of Thy peace appL 441 havQ �tnit promised ,U14it", Ae ro. "I might be P, ghost, I glide ed and gladdened the earth; but - A ouTdios, (,w4 iloct6fs p-rowiptloiis prietor, witli a wink. 8cars wai unable
Breathing the gift Thy love il"PaTts � k Inez, al - *0 � la In the ' r , r ylo , onto. Y.Aw.,Bu1cwAsj!ffer_ to learn where the liquor came from . Ile ' I . I ,, , ..." � I �
ile she said to, lip som.athl di 4 that nik t i Lut got - I
I "%yaywa;a P119d. 0I 4m so sorry. As. ,rxelf, with a smile. But -
Calming our wild and .. the smile died upon her lips; for, stand- 116ait IQ11111110, Lynne, And never woke - ent to every thing oleo I bad tried Ana - says lie thinks the proprietor b4d tanks When the buk drags and aches,
I . I
110axts. likes waltzing." rd L)muo drew near Ing by the Aide of the marble Flora wa$ again until it awoke to remorsp, alld _ It curad me. I am grateful for the cure, - in the 'Yell , $.—Boston Hertkid, feels lam� over the sp . ine—when.
And again as to . . . - ;�
tyllne And her sister ,&Raths.. They daVair. AAdUSIbLIVDnOVf)VIliLdP.Ue$Q:QCQOIUCO, � _.Z.,
our feeble tougues. for utteratioe fail Ills cousin, he was struck with her as- -Lord - I . . there is indigestion, headache and
podness, sing Thy praise) tonjohina bpautyt "Inez had arrayed liar- neither sawnev, board )ter, at4 she stood hen the bright morning was fur- - I know the cure is permanent." e iginal 1,ogs,
To tell Thy � .1 . I I rose and proceed 4110thor thAnkfal -wonian is Alto. A. constant call to make water, be-
n self for conquest that ovoning. "He rooted to the spot, unable to MY% 114' thor advanced, she . , .
3ftt wholl we p ss death!& shadolvQd V414 to make a oareful toilet. $,he - R. Gardiner, of Catelina, Trinit Who the Lincoln log cabin was ware of sick kidneys. It neglect�
Bile said to herself, Able, if her life had d9penaed 14pa, It, od. * I Bay' taken 'from. Now York to its final rest, i
raise. . I'Oves, mAgnificemp, " . ,� . - I . $11ecayst "In Jily case ZAM-Bu OfNo- d, this condition dovelop
A song eternal Ave shall lhod %way the traces of -her tears, . - . . . " Ing place ,in. Xont 0
A -ad Share in it new, wondrous way) Iland-my drops ;i�ij please him;,, and to utter one woa . cure. For 10 care I - lucky, it aroused a � s weak-
, 0 � 6 tea, I Jojq#� amoothed the long tresses, She t6'J A W01140rfo I . deal of comment and aess and soon you'll be =able to
An endless, true Thanksgi-ving D0,Y- _ please him Jb did, for Ilia Y00 r 5 � u his hand J�prd Lynua A04 A, 13e=* drass6-cl herself In. o a of her prettiest hoA been troub od Irlth blind, bleedijlg . "eat ourlosity ,
� . 9
ould have done on, tif u 4y%dAtb, and ghe b.eAr4, A , � An it passed through
-upon ,I white I . I .
Dew —of YQuth. sortie rare .picture, Her areas was Of �vary ,a 1011 ilat fell f OM. liis lips, njiig robes. - She was oven sat- Audprotrtidini;Vlos. lbadbocaush the different work. I
, It.
MOT . . I v4rl6us kinds o ointments, oto., b, - cities. All any curious anecdotes wore
The . ( 10 06 w1h I
who is on the. some glowing soft, material, mingled I A W1 dArlin
A4L k, MJU�W NV_#," Wd 'tend- Ipfied with her own appostrat' I
,, _ 4at I ha,to payer canto Across onythimg to do me. told Of the irlp, but probably the best
An "teemed friend, I �rought she gazed in tile IniVrorl. she looks .
seventy, writes us that all whito and gold, n lipal) V17, .I'd* nu Od until I tried Zam-Buk which �purod one is this one, which is told with The Cure is
1. * * I
. ru liere T W .. I Do Y011 know 4,11 that was fresh, and In, r an 'i','l That this may be the means o
- Of ces considered him Old olials, tile loot gift of her father, 0110110 to I ..I 7ou � i f - keerl1relish by captain N. 0. Bullitt, .�'. I I .. . -
. I
right 3"IP an I f halr; QPA19 Vftt I Wl �.%y toyou? but ray cour- oharialn-g; at, from the I I � 401pili . g AOM% suffer.9to from pilot - of 0oinpany A. First Kentucky in .
his ac(lualut t1at one Ivan his Vather Ili, in the midat of her wealth, o' 'Sh tO I In., e K mirror, ,some. ha I . .$ ' . Dr. Hamilton's ,
, �totry
but one, and � Pills
heaven, and lip left 14111 saYllig Often were clasped round the firm white throat .age half $411s Ir a 1 Ymn-Buk is the wish. of Quo who 114, 14ntry - - , .
r1in. Artle44 who Val"& her brig.1st 0 as not t ' tail ., who was in charge of the de .
all(, very swpetly, ,,Tbou bast the dew And the exquisIto, arlils, Ana v; d�fw 0_ I . L� (Ued away that w i found great relipf," five privates that guarded the , - !. - .
. son rose, axtistically place4 In Qie .bed-. I to .big fitbe in somp ouwprW; but p.gain until , ' 21L Buk Is iL purely borbrkl balm And ' famous relia cti its way South,
of thy 70110", Seto s4o )ilia time to reply, 4 Vol" was owly Una cautiously Bile left the The one remedy you can, rely on
I be In every o o I area cuts, z rested is Dr. Ifal *It L
ice of her dres9l, gave .sufficient P.61or.to , 81 I o urill . "The car on which the cabin al His e
. $he -
Wtv justify this rolerence, and glance , , board *Rying, I'Agat�ba, )&L Lynuq ;ered her slater's.
I correct- relieve the white, The brilliant, , assi,011- � . roQm, and ant burns, bruise. e0`0 `1 ulcers, 100 ! was standing on a railroad siding in on Is Pi RV ry
r,ome elements in youthhoo, , wants to qoak to 7on—WILM Are 704r- - 040 One rabid gla P loon It A C07 -sor a an % � Baltimor , e, when a m kidneys
- t7i ti�8 ,Tbor& IS EV41. Leigh Call ; 0 a a in, . arylander, who
at ate face was radiant irk It - I X -t � " nee around -411 was - me 6 an III I I . symptom of disordereW
ekl And made permanent by grace: they )tea never Ing you," io she wis d, Agatha lay, sleeping 0 1 ,I r at n 4100 a 0, had exhibited great apparent Interest they cure by renloying the. cause
_ ' ' dI 0 cc . . u 'ic A
(1) VID'or'—what ki,la;tio step and dark eyes flashed as SAW Lord lqune, hurried13 V the white hyacinth WAS u to . I
I)eaming eye, the harp of a thousand done before, for she had hoped at last— . I _,, "Yolk 100W f OUn Y' a , '06. ell -b or 11, to, r P In the cabin, approached me in a very You improVo iediately, anA
The oliening b114 this haughty girl who Spurned aliko love What I Wish to say, Agatha; take this in a glass on the table. She bent I'l - lh� timid manner and asked, will experience
all atune. . flovmr," he qtad4 ,bandino it to her, 6ver bar fair young sister, Who -ole t. I L " 'Is this -really the Line. you
strings I lov�e(j har. . . F, oln. cabin?' ,
adorille4 with sparkling dew, charged and lovers --that Lord Lynne . ",Rnd faturn it fo Ilia to-intfrow mornink such 4 sloop oks would never aga, a , . "'Yes, It'D the veA it from Dr. Hamilton's 'Pille
, , She had no reason for it,4 Savo tbAt his with Tour iangwor." sit Inez Lyn iler sweet face. wear- I . . I th!tag,' I re- benef
,with sweet swell, a thing of beauty, at- ited when he had d , , the M no.] I I uded, Best for the kidneys, liver Ana
tracting, subduing, enlarging Our alll)s- eyes had oofte 011TA111'r I IFThore you aroo` crlp4 % Voice gg a look of ptofound happlaos.o. A I splo, 'And Abe Lincoln was born in stomach. Sold by all dealers,
,upon her, and his lipshad touch tl .1 �
hensions of multiplying power. band, 'he was coming, too, to ask 'her Of Rv4lYn Lai& as &he e'Itere'd a 00uh bm'16 Part'" Re ropy llPi, h t h -_ . therel",
(2) Visions�—Boundlle4s 1possibilitics , aervatory, "positively looking seat![M�, Ines felt 10 omor3o 01 -Cneftts)( ta w (f fYes, right within those very . F1 I I a, A.
passing before the eYe,-106Y ideallza,, - . , !Oww 1'ox All: that b r "fvlr.L Dooley" on Happ
for the waltz. the dreamy, delicious mu tal with J.,ovAl Lynne I Make hn4fo, A$w ii ibout le go, 40 Berl! Sidul 1, I mile,' I Ina a
sio of which had just beguu�' It she had , i to irtfliot. 11 " 'Well, well," said the quest
. mia ,�as beat asking xoir 91%1W her h�nd vias about If 11
" tb4t, 'or 1ft'. 11�ha Q�qot feel, she . .
tions rising -like cantles in, the air, glow- known he sought hdr In 6omplixnoO with % of murmured I . it , L . ., I ioner, "Well, sir, )tIa A, tur-rble problem this
Ing combinations fitted to enthu", In- ya.u. for the I t ItAlf hour. . . as he ruminatively stroked a meager hare Ivan IV* human QuIlappiness, if
. ,
Agatha's ra Unfit, she WOU14 not !lave ,AO W left to orsol , and I can." .
y. . � passe4 out togothbr ..
SP a -ad satisf. K , p ... h. I she took . I tuft of reddish IiGard. 'and I suppose T1447 00, an
ire Voyages�Hope at the prow, wis- smiled assea . She would havb tra.m- r4orcl 7Mo, a* iie tho, ht alone; I and cautiously he out, those very logs with his own I, Rosenfeft finds out th' u4 iv
(a) pled upon, liar own heart rather than its ION T 4 $lowly the glass and quit- - Now Features of a Doctor's Home. it he R be the gr-reatest man since Mosen.
How adapted to each . (li ale fa�k ;ith the, flowet from A hands.' -—Philadelphia "Ledgor," . -Some folks say th, only way to be 4ppy
dont at the helm, have owed Ono act of kindness from him of ahM pain and deadly aligui h half ad the roonl� A formaldehyde room, where 'he can - �
other is the sail and the windl A thitit, , ' t t aid UIt is �11 & chance", she said, '%Ut . - . is to wurruk. Maybe that accounts for
v to ano er. . U(,TA.% anion tlie tall shrubs; i � . . . ..
of commanding 'beauty is a ship in full Ignorance is sometimes bappiness, and not dream t*Jiat a proud, . pasoiODAW thaf chance is Ini lest and Only Ono. uIsl1IT-uOT, "Ims'"x ant4 .u's 010 lug t4or.
sail, What continents and islands await I _ . 0 I* , it can be done, and I oughly before entering the rest of thq
luez was really happy go she moved in heart, breaking for love of hind W 11 fiQ is down I
J P I Am S;Lfej 11 Act that hope goes, I bpinq, will be blit orlo of the ffatilreq
its, silver lakes reflecting the eternal aigton with that music. She was, " - near. .
I my, with - .
snows of the mountainsl Suddenly our AM d11 Spanish ladies, a graceful dancer. ,,My am -ling," sbo beard him *111 �Iot tll%k or fear detection after whicl* will mak@ the home to be built
helplessness confronts: � No haste or awkwarduess—easy, and a lovino initial ,,how sweet And good , d I w I no manage that.it oball by :Pr. R, M, Hol&r'on Eist street one
" . - I *
. . with graceful dignity, she seemed to s4o isl$ I F.arg,posaiblp, Let, me spa if- fortune of the most, complete and luxuriolls AIR
'Ve can onlyoproad the saill make the music and the motion Ono. Then Inez Lyono knew that her at$- av6pq'?, ""
Then must breathe the auspicious gAle." J,rd Lynne had r;ever danced with bar tot W won tbo'h#art, and love she red gently at the library "'o.apth2o; the 116tlq diqirlfecting room, de-
before; it was her unusual ,sUpVTl9TltY meaut to xitake her own, I I's V*p, C ear and jo�- sign
L a * I Phi I .ad ftg pro*tlpn'for his family from
I . 1
(4) Valor.—Untiring energy, pressing a t'he bent Ohi stood quite still anio the dar� " & 6ntor. We lookeo u I '
, 7 hi -elf Wheli he returns from treating
that made him may, "That wit n h , 6 111410
- g with both - if I were a green Shrubs, and, no 4 6i'a, , we le wJlen he saw' , factious or contagious diseases, a stana-I
towards the mark, workin waltz I ever had In my life, ,' 4oimd , Id oi th with A o.ml e "t tho'
hands earnestly, with well -sustained ar. deir.alr, 110, w6rd tol bu . pipe with hoso for Ina iA fighting fire. is
Spanish courtler, I shobld say that every deadly strilo and . fresh, t"hd fair, and dainty)
.. .
dour. The rising march of the 0hr1sti%n . way .when It a Van fell % It .
day develops now gifts and gmees in Mly 1 of thq love and- bappinose frofttl " Amile led a , ovelty, A private Aafe, look - arI4
deaA. Ifer slender jewelled fling6ra 1#et� I r hand,
is to be inexidiall altitude, "The path of . upoij thp flower she borer n he 8helvel -in th.
charming eousip,-) * . a pautryl, a plate warmer
the just is as the shining light that shin. it was simply a pretty complimentary tiglitly clenched, but 66 W�a GUM i,j Atli Afraid I disturb you." she for the kitchen, a shower bathroom with
. �
m o the perfect speech, SUCh An Lord ljy=e had often An4 motionless, as a stottio, uyatil Lo beg6n- w you spend half your .
I . L '
day." There is no going down of the I ar, Th�ro was L.*-hne i�ent AWT, tb 1% I I ght, IT I � �io . solid stone walls, Are among the unique
whi�perod to his potrtil. . korniUgs ore; bilt I have something features. A. screened sleeping room is
.gn, W
sun of the soul the sun is neyer in the -f.1,— In it to non liar heart to thrill - no4oless at fle4- W 4qr OW4 qry paltioulat. to say to YOU- Y01 provide(! for summers.--Momphis News -
th:1 onliappiness among th, kaxiners.' Per.
ha-ps they wu4 be merryer if s6me im,
ployment cud be found for thlin, p
. rotor. -
ably in thl open air. Some say Itia
itioney; they're rich. Hogan skys Itis hu.
man society; whiell aoco4uts Pr thl h&p-
piness that prevails in all large oftlis.
Some say selfishness will make yo happy.
I've thried it. It didn't cure me. bth6r
people say ow1fishuess; but that's no
more thin t;6 say that ye Qim OAA�r.
happy be givin' up something that wul
make ye happy. Thl nearest 79 ttlq
happiness is in w4utino something . y
ale thinkin' Sle have a chance tq fit it
L ,
an, nQt gittin, It. If 70 sit it :toll be
onhapp , WhIn we hen i*y`fta%J till
warruff that ye want, t1i, fatially, do
) � Al . - . . -A - I--&, 64 -ed a ,j, 4,, r.oviA^n io.dav� are you holmitar- 14. A. A .
I . ..- I" : ... �. " -1 - , I I I - "It
ISSU No� 4711, 1908
, ,. . '... . . __- _., _,'. ,. I � :,_.. �
I . . � — _�
Airy Persiflase.
Afro. cuppotce—Ilow could a woulan
Yor bring herself to marry an aero-
aut? Ile'# so flighty.
Afro, Waypher—Yets, and too often he
acks DRIlftst,
Mrs. MarinalydeTlien, too, be looks
own on ,ordinary people.
Mrs. 04111con-Kcarney--And, again,
9 inow i In the higher circles, and you
on't.—Boston Transcript.
f 14- -
I 12
The delicious flavor and Aroma of
Salada" Tea is. preserved by the use of
calod lead paekets. it Is never exposed
o the sun, dust, dirt, air, the surround-
ig odolla and coiltatilluating Influence',
h d i uk or loose tee. are,
teapot test Ivill fillow tile difference,
1. I .L
Alliteration Appmprlate, Again.
ku Austrian army, Awfully arrayed,
oldly by battery besieged BelgrAde;
loBonek commanders cannona4mg come,
Dealing destruction's devastating doom.
livery eudew r engineers easay
�Or far
. ol%
_rtune—fightiag, furious
fr, i
l"lierals �ala't generals grapple—gra,
clous Godl
How honors heoven. heroic hardihoodi '
Infuriate,, Indiscriminate in ill,
Kitlsvue-1 kill kinsmen—Idu4mon. 10-Adrgd
kill I
L�IlQr low levels loftiest, longest lines,
Men march Imid. mounds, raid moles, 'ifiid,
murderous mines.
Now noisy, noxious 'numbers notice
Of outward obstacles opposing ought;
Poor patriota, partly purebaso4, �Artly
Quite quaking, quickly quarter, quarter
Reason returns, religious rightredounds,
SuwArrow stops such sanguinary
Truc6 to thee, Turkeyl triumph to thy
Unjust, utimist, unmerelfull Ukraluel
Vanish Vain Vleteryl vanish victory
Why wish we 'warfare? W-herefor wel,
Come we
Xerxes Mraes Xanthus XAvier?
Yield, N youtits, ye 7036;� Yield your
yell I
Zeno1q, Z1krpatus,., Zoroastor's zeal,
Ind all tAtracting4=2 41PIASt Ali*
" —Dr. Poulter.
I .
Will 4*vq�op 70AT bust froin zw vo thr04
juthas 14 a T , ery short time.
price $1.00, gnreso prOVatd.
The Maward's X641cluO COUIPmay, .
on Bathurst fAvoet,
I Tarorkto, out.
western sky. a -ad tremble, and net cheeks to gtoVo. " P rl-.r - - . V I$- 0 a -1—_ 1 . .1 j, I I WWI 0 Wit W1 ya IV." n. yo V40A UP , , . . 1
(5) vanity. -How many are entranced it is pitiful to think �ow feOPI0 can � r. not? Spain Is Prosperous. razor."-Amerigza blagazlite.
I . . I The Owl's Wisdom.
141 4�h 1, , �# . ,4� ?.4- 1- fl, I -1 A. .3 1 A J-% _,�lwad -elifte a It was a pitiful §Ight upon which Ao flyes,l! lie replied, slowly. 5 1 I I I . I
w I . �.y , . J1 a I P 0 e U G � . o .
they turn Ana stuay the vanity of with the Whole force And strength of mccronboants fell, Me proud beallAtiful ( ianted, to seis you ibelc WINUSUR �AIJJ 0 APPEAL,
. . . api�jneia . so set', ed anythii r JourT �
beauty. "Childhood and youth are, van- her wild, southern nature, loved h' rl, radiant with lo*� and h' 1 ,4 ig 0out you I
ity. Man walketh in a Vain show"; but and walked down the room by Ilia sr!L, Stort � time since,,with a, great Or P ney", 040 said. . "Oem Y014 guess why
, Lord Lynne was flun!K herself down, An& the moonlight I hin hel!0 $A To All Weinot: I will send free with full
the youblilidod of the, spirit of inan, is as one in a dream -will se k � fell upon the gleaming opals, the sump- 11.1 Almost begin to fearp Was Ills instructions, my bows treatment wbiolt
immortal. Time writes no wrinkles on saying to himself, I'Alow, I a my tuous dress, and the white, despairing ,refly, aft � d she. saw his face grew JPale . posuvol.v cure.,,. Leucorrhoea, Tjlodramrl,
of the soils of God, , I
, darling to -night I will ask her to be MY face. . . � st U there Was no voice in liar heart I)IrvitioementO, Falling of the Womb, Pain -
beauty rises to lasting brightness, as wife�l It had been, her one treasure, -bar 0730 that cried to liar to save or to SPOTO fig or Irregul4r wlodp, Titorlao anIl Ovar-
-we are changed front glory even as by Then Bertie Bobun, half timidly, came with, her one sivilbiti6il-that love would hini. I I Jau Tilinors or Growths, also I -lot Plushes.
the, Spirit of the Lgrd-. . to beg for one dance. He ,was dazzled by have crowned her 1W -and now it was "I have brought back your flower," Nervousness. Melancholy, Patna M the HwA.
"Thine ageless age no limit knows, the brightness of the face that smiled . all over-4er wondrous bea,irty, bar gen. obj sat*o, gauti * or 13wols, Kiduoy and Bladder troubles,
, �
No da -wit. began thY day, I upon him." I Pice, 1haa- all been . or wha you asked with itp" Whore CA.U464 by Weakness peoultar to our
a ius I liar marvellous w isin ( K And distinctly; "You Back
Nor evening Shade shall ever fall "You.are very kind," he said, as hele po � wer eas Ile ,�owed without speaking, MICT sex. You caa continue treatinent at home at
Upon Tby glorious way 11 cc t I to win the.hea# that wa* a cQat of only I? 0ants a week. Uy book,
. . her to .her place In the . quai4illp, 0 I&I4 at the feet of her gentle sister. elli went on, Womsix's. Own Medical Adv1ser," also sbut
Beamaville. 1L T. Miller. dance with me." Tears of mortification rained d4Dwn bar "It cannot be. Agatha has no wish r'rea on request. Write to -day. Address,
She looked at him in amazement as 9heeksi it Ivan not only that the hoPe to p(tln you, bilt it cannot be." Afro. X Summers, Box H. 9, Wiadaor, ont,
Flowers of the Sea. she repeated, "Xind-what. do you aild ,treasure 6J her life w4re *iqqkad, XTe took thd 'White hyacinth from : : r .
(By a, Banker.) mon?)) but she w4a humiliated, she had loved . Retrospectivq,
Although, with rare exceptions, not "if I were a king with 0. crown, v or in vain, Land ber balightY natilrO *Atbed h01!p4p`4sJ' ca,ra for some ,one else?ll he SVOOPhRut-It'S 4 . gTeUt tlling to have
% general covered with orders And =0410,18, Again. Without effort -bar alstof, bad ask4! , 0 toe
possessing the vivid richness of coloring ,rile .1.0, - I * the poh of A, ready writer. You find it
or a duke with ilia garter 4nd th Men wft the prize for which she would bafa s%olrd Lyn.ubf Iran tile calm ropl
of terrestrial flowers, yet many of the 0 I , ,
rar "I so 4o �Ou not?
numerous species of "sea-flowers'l-espe- of St. George," he sal.4 awkwa IY, "I fraelyAivou bar life. . I, U 'on the motives . Kan�lal Magnate -yes, Unless tho
.*-d m'. st :46t. questi,
. should feel more, at py ease, and more IfIt Shall not belll She crIed, wildly, 4-e, dool'ision. Alittli LeIgh has
" __
cially, sem-anoniones-vie, in the weireme worthy of dancing with you." 17 bavis n6thtnc also. 11 my life I hav6 t.-- y , . . lo�aa her things you write fall Into ilia hauds of
brilliance and striking beauty of their 'Or Many earn, She has not told inle.if Soiliebody who has 'the voice of a ready
varied hues, and in the grace And SyuI, It was a boyish opecoll, but it cotme been wr lux#A. I will lliva sh0 16ves tin ' I . I rea,der.--Chiougo Tribune. .
from the depths of an lionest, boyish whit jily fath6k modilt 0, �glve - a. I i;( i poor - , -
ff.j 41 does," interrupted
form, with I# r
metrical elegance of their k -love Mb. I will ba"Tady p I
in rilora;ls heart. Hemitlibbeyoungandawkwar , will make lifir , � . OV ell, od blew her. lopt her Minardlo Liniment Cures Colds,* etc. 1
some of the most favored but he loved his beautiful Irl with the Lyxme, or t *Ill diel" I do A_ - -, ? waa mad to think my- - - � I
. .
realm. The pretty '1131u,a Mingad,11 for W � We strength of his simple, dau d Wh;ia the wild passion of grief W golf worthy of hot," I
- oxhausteA Itself,- oh6 ioie and *4ht to I
instance, a globose creature, in foriii. . Vessels That Vary. 177�
somewhat; like Z* ribbed melon, is of a 94ture. I merrily at his florid bom- bee mirror. Was that wbitq, tear-aWned ijof see the scorn tbat rippled Ostend, Pa, what kind of ships are I
beautiful azure blue, decoraled with num. Inez btagboi had dazzled Bartle oJF_:nV0Uf Moment over hot beaufifill courtships? . . .
plimenta, a aolicious, silvery, rl�plin o4o ,bbe wtio that .
crous nation; of white proledd - but it tinglad his cheaki ;*Itf VVA so abort a time ain-06. ill ja--Boft ships, my Son.
ng otuIIZ1i11,V5 sdenly, "did obe
. t give me the answer berselft It was stend�And what kind of '�
while tentacles surrounding 0. atrIn laugh, AAY one who 44w Inez Lynne when ships sail
Shame as he heard It.
shaped rgall of a delicate rose color. '(Ali, you are laughing at mef lie said, she (intered the ball -room ball an liour 00 , e th6 sea of matrimony?
I (roill Jier own 11
Another beauty of the deep is the baukl% trying to couceai Wo Inortifloatift. III afforw4rd, would have Asald that obt b Pa-Rardships, my son.--ohicago
some wid fairy-like Sea -pink. It is hoA never known a sigh or sbod,% tqar. fate,
I � thought you would laugh if you ever Tho calm. proud face never quail9d News.
born to bloova unseen, for the T A -.1 11 � h 4 .A t, .- $1 The opaU gletmed in 1ar d4rk hair, her I -1 10 .
prottj creatare affixes itself to a rock
at the bdctom of the sea, and there re-
mains disporting itself and waving its
hidden from view in tit"
Du!�, wben a number of these sea -flow -
ors are transferred into an Aquarium and
grouNd artistically upon Tock -work, a
flow6r-garden is presented almost equal
in beauty to the most lovely parterre
which tile horticulturist could produce.
Here a brilliant scarlet flower decorat-
ed with. rows of ornamedbal beads, there'
A, sulpliur-yellow display streaked with
lines of deep orange, or of pale green,
or here it cluster of showy flowers ex-
aotly (like Japanese ,chrysanthemums
and almost equally brilliant; while in tin
Alcove or recess in the rocks are a num-
ber of the sea -marigolds, glowing in olive
green streaked with blue, and encircled
with a earmine or Vermillion lint diversi.
fied with a lovely Riure,
Some of the corals, too, Are also ver-
itable sea -flowers; as the madripore, like
a Alichaelmas daisy; tile sea,peony with
its large, irregular petals; or a lesser
variety decorated. with beautiful flowers
like the fire -work known As the Catlwr-
ine wheel. But perhaps more lieautiful,
and certainly more striking than them
all is a wonderful creature which may
be seen at times In %lit splendid aqtia.
rhull, at NOLP1013. In ShapO it is exactly
like a miniature date p.tltu, the ereet
trunk a darl, brown or lililek, and trown.
e4 with A. crost, of depending feathery
fronds of tile lovelieat sea-reen It N
P0541ble to conceive. Alto `g'd(1It,4r the
griteeful, littla aninial-for such it lk--
must bo the most exquisite and the me,;,;
attractive of all In the wide range of
animar lite. 4
But thougit so livantiful, it is a Vora.
eitius devourer, and if a, thly shritup or
other crustacean comes within the rang,n
of those grateful and elegant fronds,
they Immedlately,cloac, upon It and it 4
tuthlMly gulpeddown. kit simile, this;
of our own life. For unless by 3xvitift,
help We are Accorded Strength to rosi.�t,
Ave Illust inevitably stlecumb Ito the apts.
eloin attraWcn% ,61! evil. But that lielp
k never refo8ed to those who earnestly
sopplkatft thi Almighty In. the nallia of
Him who AIM upon tiv,� crosi that th,ey
inight livo eternally, for grioc ttn�f
strongth to keep in the path which lettd-
#th unto tternal lif(�,
Knew al o 1? a m. V �J .
41 ought to be very much obliged 4
Zou," she said, the smile lingering on her
lips. and In her eyes. * .
19)0 not laugh at me again, Atlas -
Lynne," sa,id poor Bartle. "It you 're-
tain any recollection of my folly, will
you also remember that iny life is at
your service; and If ever the 'time
ihould come 1.4 WhIO"A you require a
friend With 4 a i trong will and a brave
heart, will you remember mo?"
She smiled Again, but In after years
those words came back to her.
it was r, brilliant party assemblea
that evoiling.st Lynnewolde. The belle
of the room . was undoubtedly the beau-
tiful, dark�oyed Ardaluslan. The gen�
tlemen raved about her, the ladies Wore
not Jealous of her—she was too unlike
them, 114d she boon more commonplace,
he atirrea their eavyi as
It was, all smallor feelings ,weto merged
Ill sutpriso. 0he seemed careless of the
homago no frely offered her, Ines had
but v4o tfibught, Ono Idea, one hope, and
that was to win the love of the man She
Agatha enjoyed the darticing; Allan
kept' its madh ail possible to her side. No
Otto who saw him could doubt that he
loved this gentle girl, who amilpd go
kindly upon him. '
The music of another '%v1AltZ 'dotind0d
more enchanting, moto delicious, than
tile fit -at, and aghin. Lord Lynne Aought
tnez, .
Onto more to this wild, dreamy music
the, seemed to float as through the air,
with the face she loved best on earth
8miffing "'on bet. Vhen wbm he id,
leasea her, her,licart wat full of bappi-
ness, Sho could not TOrdain there to
laijgil Ana, talk; she did not wish to bear
tile sound of another V6100 while his lln�
geroil upon hor ear, She wanted to bd
Alone for & few minutas—Alone with I Adt
happiness, Ana her in".
She. PaAsed rapidly through ther ball-
room, and into, the conservatory.. It Wait
aintly lighted; the air, loadea with
luselous perfume, mdda her dizq, with
its excess of fragrance. Oat upon the
Ittwil she saw the silvery moonlight nild
the shadow of the troex Ilooll the
Rtats, out ill the, moonlight the lilies
atid roget slept, the night d#W lying thi4k
upon them
The 000i, soft light looked tomptiftic
lotoaOugh After tho hottea foolA. It'"
cheeks were fIuAe4 with the most. q,
He eolor, kild her eyes were brigh?,
quis ,
and sparlding. That e4ula never JA the
"me womati. upon whose pr6strao fig-
ure and raining toars the In6onbea3its
MA fallen. Thez Lynne woo goott ii�-
reSS; no Ono 001fld have told that the
)rr' tu , the amiles and the eii:y *ords
were al ovc4d and false, No one dotil
have guessed that benoath that b;iIIIIAN
manner thero ,w#s ,A, torrent of dark
angT7 pasSions—a. weal-th of rui]!1442,
hopeless love, But ebe played out her
part, she remained In the ball-ro0ii
until the last; nlio bade Bartle Bohun
ed -night with swoet, ga� words that
CrUltil ,him-, she laughid. -witit Lord
L711,110, and le9ted with Agatha. She iat
�atiently alter that, while her plaid
.ruihfd out the long, 4hining tresses,
alth0ligli her heart JxInted Ana she long.
a to -be undisturbed I but she never gtLvo
Nvay until her room -door was looked-, and
she was onoa more, alone,
01TAPT9111 VIII. ..
The woonbeams of th&6 soft stuhimr
night fell up4n thp Stately lutll -01
LYWIpwolda, Upon the aftl-k MASftJ of
wood, thd ollining lake; the -picturesque I
garUna; they bathed 411 In their aw I
�soft light. Bit there was one Vot wtor",
they fel) without -heMitit or balm In
their half -mournful light.
xtvor did "good and evilo fight for A,
huniah beatG go ther strulgled that
night for thd beatf; of Ind% Cyiine. Alt
the lira, the -passion, t16 ttaklenstiest of
tho Southern nature wdrd strouted. Sba
had sworn that the would suceetil; that
slionld b -by ibowo moans iTi her
Irwor the love she longed for nihould
e here,, and she waa not of tbae6
Who pstoeitt tin oath, As 6, '119'1�t bur-
dom" to be thto*n off at will.
9110 now sat by tile window of h6t
room-, her dark oyos ,tdsthig upont the
woods of Lynnewold6; her wealth of
black hair falling round bar should.
Bra. Site wap altho.51; t6tribly, bwux.
tiful to behold as that "war, of pan-
aionsi" raged within liar. ,
tt vas a war; fot there were times
when a. Better look odtm to the 4§2.
jufAfte ' fa0a, and softer tears fell -
own tile Wo dhe6ka. Thah et b -A -t.
id he lot Impulso whiaparda to
te�r Iro be, ttttlont, 0 submit, to lenvo
her -aldft APPY Ili hat 106, io '06A-
t%AtIftei't r4 troonplo, upon the wild love
"wrought havooll within, Bat
Ot Jnjtarea. rAle clear MuSJ,0nl V01174 1111IVOI�
I - I
tremblid, as, $he roplipd.
OA . o feared I
, gathat is young. POThalts 9W -
bein , g persuaded Against hat will." (
(',$he need not have f4prod Mo." be
jpa,ld, proudlY, "$belle$ the right to re-
fum, Inet if *110 will. I owanot ,pilderstiand
ItO b6 ooAtinued., "She s6emod to like
,Q, I thought", A
"She Is young," replied the clear voice.
"Ai.14 kind to oy6ry9Ae.lL
Inez saw thdt her words touched him
koenl.v, He Iva proud, and 16 was not
Pleasant to twk tl�it lie had been Vila. 11
enough to confound and mistake love , f
!Or -,vlxe,t was orily kindness.
?IhobeArets Of an unwelf6me mesta.$0 1
Of t,en shafe tile fate* of the inewo'ge thay
L, Ingo ot otid Inez, gently. "Do not let me I.,
40 Ortunat6, Lord tybiw,
"Xio," lid replfed, kindiki "you can '
never bo. mos041%teA With -anything ury
vwwo in my mind, I ohall 9�vaya To-
jaeMbij how well and how gently you
have fullillod A� painful iniasl6n."
No doltbtf J50 suspiolon, tvar cro4se,d
his Wiliai he was a, Lynfia� a gantl i '
ji� eman.,
a i� ma n* bf honor. Isellood. and
, ohei-y watt unknowa to h1in, How
could lie 849 ott Sho- brought him haoic I. I
the tiowei tee hoa vaoea Ju A,�athp,ls
liati:41. She brou ht him the n;nsw,1r; Rnd ' I
no one, as lid t9ought, but Agatha, had
hoo,rd tho qu,pation,
"Aly sister We fad ask two favors" i
she coutfulted. "One is that you will '
never pain bat by alluditig to the aub-
ject &Pin; the Second, that Yolk will So
Wile your journey as to PVavaht��'
"To prevent liar front 946ing the again
until my folly IS forgotton, Ves—tell
bor in both wleh6s I will obey )let pune.
tuall ",
111al.d. tiot ,Aotleo the flush thilt. seem.
ad to hootell bar face -as the gava utter-
iwe to *the false 'wo-rds; lie did not
notice how o4refall;y she Picked lip the
Poor littlo'4owor that, in his' hurry tota
I ItAtIon, lie had dropped.
. "I ho6d n-ot AtIc you to Wall my Bad"
rot, Ing 11 lie s Id, ftIlIng
first , n
4 by, b:r namo. "Yell Can bt
true) I know.41,
ITO lid eotitintl0d.)
—1 _� - � 1. - - __.
� irl
I TrAe Wise man PTO fiW by the' e*lk - I
en -44 of othera—And at the senit time
viixft In K littlo origina,lit�r.--M]04,0 I
t: �44Shilo . h's Cuie -will always
,ure thy coughs' and toldsoll
- -
- - -
Historical Anydato.
Aloxamler wo-s before Tyre.
Ole, succeed," counselled the generals,
'Iva must invest the city", �
Alook frowned.
"To make our revenge keener, why
tot compel ilia citizens to do the invest -
ng let u4 be the protomers," he an-
Whereupon the court jester withdrow
to draw up the proVectub,Puck.
. , � ., , , r
. I . -1 . . I
Scn.m C30 N "r I* EA L.
I .
. � It Must giVe
I. satisfaction
I I , 01
. 14k
. or you don't
. * I . jody for it.
46 I.- I . � r . I - . ....
I '
[hii "CHAMPION" CIS 001 eagolloo EffgIng
�s tho ,oma -y aesollno Mastme Oat You tan Lry
�Ofore 0 J�uy. I lca,mv ,What -the - llohdln�
I � )I 41W do, i44 IL Want YOU t* bla fully
""tvled with it wom you 'Pay tot. It. The
Otto is low. Fall Dartloulzra free.
Wto.'aillesolio, 08 rront St. It. JORONTO
: r .. .. �. I .
. __
In spite of the worldwid,e depression,
sa�s the Scientific Anterloan, Spain lis
experiencing A. period of decided pros -
Verity. The spirit of rejuventation has
extended to the nary, plans for the To.
builailig of -which. Are being actively
proamte4. Tenders have been oub.
mitted for three battleships, -wiltieb will
ba about 426 feet in -length and of l5iWO
tons displacement, with a speed of 19%
latots. Also three 'destroyers of 360 tons
&lid 28 knots and 24 180 -ton 26 -knot ter,
pedo boats are to b her ih
four gunboats of about 1,000 tons dis-
placement. The battlosItips will be -built
At Ferrol, end the rest of the fleet At
. . . r. . ..
Imitations of the Undenvood may
. claim superiority, but the Underwood
Typewriter has been granted. the high-
. est awaird of bettor by Wrteen Inter-
national juries. It is the original and
. perfected visible writer.
Adelaide St. East - TORONTO
".. .1. ... I � _. .. - I
� 1. . .. . �
� I
Followed the Rule.
Pupil (reading)—And his body was in.
terred in St. Paul's Cathedral with er—
or—Dompey ilia Great.
Teachei-:-Wlth whatt Are you 'madl
Pupil-Iffoll, It says here "with gratki;
pomp," but you told ine last week that t
wasn't to lbreviato when I was readin,
so I read it out full. -London Opinion,
- � V I -
Minerals Liniment Cures Garget In tows,
t I V.
All the fttrie In the glid.
A Salina paper tells of a boy who was
severely bitten by A, llcanln6,11 and the
)Dniporin, Gazette Adds: "life father
mounted an dquine Ana went for the doc.
tor, Who recommended a poultice of
milk from the family bovine. -It Is said
that a slice of fat front & porcine Is a
good thing for suoll a wound."
I � 1;� I �p
Kinard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
1. .11, OL'I ... I
Heroic Tediltment.
"Ever got posgintiable over OVOP00'
1%opo, NVhenover I get downhearted I
put a grain of wheat on the tible, fokls
iny inagnartyinIglasa, tin' watch It ttld-
ily' while one of ,the b6ys rands Lite Ile.
rublican canipilign literature gently Ili
my ext", I I.,
... - . �. . I I � I .11 ....
. � ______. ... I -
*11% 1PAVORIT98
.,_ 17-
"t"DDY'S -1
66 , , , 1010-0. ff!p
Siv L E N I �
-Iftl- .."M J& op'" C *" ''t ^
TV1 ,�%, 't r1E::0
11 WILant at tho 80flinx t "
Alvao. ovetywhiml It C60046. ask tor tday's M010hes
. . . .
"In A'hollow tree, Oari4 147 Vacation,
I found two young ONVIsP said a stud-
OnL III also found in the same nest two
A druggist can obtain an imitation of
eggs. Puzzled that the mother Owl
should have abandoned her Setting ere
KINARD'S L19DIRNT from a Toronto
its oompletion, I laid the biatter before
rice, oad have it
mv farmer host.
labeled his own product.
This greasy imitation is the poorest
. '"The farmer told me that country
the owl, altel
one we have yet seen of -the many that
hatching Italf horbrood, le-Oves the other
every Tom, Dick and Harry has tried to
%" to be Ut4ed by the new born
birds, Those young are warra bloodA
Ask for MINAMYS and you .will go I:
they are helpless to leave the nest, am
it. : t: . I �
In nine cases but of ten they con�plete th4
. I
hatell as -weli as the mother would have
done. I'd consider this a superstiticin 11
roof of It.` -Prom thd
.1 I . . I
Philadelphia Bulletin. .
Be Kind to Father.
. . ... . . I �
Be kind to 'your farthAw. bG 11W 0, bh'rd 02118
To Idoic up a dollar end toil for A 01116,
He be= all the bur6en. emd chops 4NU the
And etill you all toll him he's not any good;
WM16 motbar, doar Mothew. she toes f2trough
LOSS of appetite Means a SIUFP
th-0 dMa"s
Cooidas =4 oleattins and votdag the PT01".
gish system.
Poisonous wastes are insuff 1,
Be 1clud tO Mir i,&thw-d*u�t pond -Will to
to rIng in his
ciently expelled—kidneys boweli
livor clogged, and d1seasi
with ,= and with rawor
He eglq in We at ice sail awV&ts tor &a dough
and get
gri[ps, right hold of YOU -
While mothw skips round whOre thsO br"10%
you can in 24 hours restor4
And writee "Dwlt']G HUsballd144 PIOME'sn'L
dowa ";
Muwr appetite With rl erl'0=0)
for food I
plome closs all bue W"Owis it oborW4 0=8
my 4MV."
it door, sharpen zest
What digestion it brings—YO-ii'
fool like a, new person—rich blood
130 kind to your fathw =4 49111t pull to
is formed, you gain strength, yoIJ
Till h,6,5 almost oomVelie4 0 tUft bastOr
sleep well, and feei hearty.
oad beg-
U016 choppli;; and kindMug "d eaming 04
moder �
Aw geding sweat lebters Alod mothw;
'Tear bonw-
,r.,ee ,he w:whvn *434 Ned Oto -Pet bkAIv
k attar t,
And vater the Tabbor PIOAA.' 'UOV97 Not It
Isn't riEnOZONE just what 7011
I .
Be kind to your father and koo him tro"t
Meat �Vonit it do you the enormous
od it bus done for others? It oftu!i
Vorry; .
R.W Uto la all trotible WA buoUe and hUffy;
De.n't bosit him 14 breakfeat. and b" -s 113A
ail to, because it contains the strength4
ehin you beyond- tb4
power to put . .
i. at rftht to your ftthw, and toll him
Re ,
rego of tired, run-down and nervous
11 Sold by all dealers, 60 centi
I 01, K -
A che somao WM*Y; MY Wad'* *t 94
per .1, or six bQxea for $2.60.
. I
� ,="for
. I I I. I
Repeat it:�"Shiloh's Cure Will
I . I.. ;
Prom a Private Colonel.
always cure my coughs and colds."
"I I
Titere, was once an old ftraly� colonel,
whose #4 was a Ivoll-spring tt9lQnA I I
Oausb &nd effect,
But for those who Would ;shirk �
From their authorized work,
"So they caught the fleeing robber,
Wit language was something 111(0141104
�d Id they ?I'
. —Array and Navy Life.
:Iyes, after 06 hot Chase."
- ''I I
'And lie broke down And confaaaadt"
Mituird's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. !
,,Nro; it was the. automobile that broke
1:1 I I
. down. Ile merely oo,nfessail.` '
� . __
- � V
. .
Pointed Parageaphs.
Repeat w—" Shiloh's Oura Will at-
,& fatted calf 'has no love for a pvo&.
WaSro cure ray couirlfs eMd colds."
gal oil.
The hand of fate to always MO t6
Saving Timo.
grab ftn,oprdrtunity.
aeu loo cing for K policeman look In
Mr. Seabuty vn4 his wife were on
tile point of moving to another flat.
the safo places fitat.
A woman never bttellipts to lilde her
n6th of them were anxious that the
traxafor should be made at the least
jealousy under a bushol,
.,,.Z - . . . . . , ., � —
possible expense,, and the hearhom of
I. I � _"
the now home promised miiterially
to further this alm.
"I can otlmr leads of 'little 11*IgA
over in my brown bat," tworinced
Mrs. Scabury. "And you nah, too
books t#ld so on In out big satchel."
In disduasing furtt,Z the matter of
11 i ,I -
- I
transportation, Mrs. Spabury remark-
ed that, notwithstanding the lioat,
she could woar hot winter coat over,
leave it. and return for her spring
coat. The idea ohAtmed h6t WPM.
tical husband.
CAM , I van do the slime thing Ill
11 11
o SAJ . "I'll wear tivat Ono suit and
then ,come bael< for another I"-
Youthbl, Companion." � ... I
- , -I I", .
Thd bleached biowto may linve 'a
light head D,nd,,At the so6io timo a
hoomy haaft. . 1. _.X�J
It-& _;��" .. , � .,
. A.W�"