HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-11-19, Page 50
MAI -A 11 it., VI +;
Mr. D. Geddes, rottirolog officer for
"Torth Bruce, made his official declara-
Ion of the North Bruce election on
The M,Vto Coat. V rlday of last wee k, There were W09
votes polled, of which Mr. Tolmle got
277.1, and Mr, McNeill 213.5, Mr, 'Vol-
mle's ofllclal majority being 830. The
total nquiber of names on th.e, lists is
�1� N
731 There were 18 rejected ballots
and 224 spoiled, There are 00 polling
She Wears Large Boots.
Has to on account of corns, but they
can be ciired in twenty-four hours
-n Uxtrac-
with Putnam's Painless Wi
Use no other but Putnam's.
F; Walkerton And C. P.
The town of Walkerton asked the
Railway Commission for an order
compelling the 0. P. R. to constiuct a
proper bridge over the Saugeen River
s.; _-1:
on the line of the Walkerton and
Imcknow Railway, and the matter
came up in Toronto on Tuesday, It is
F claimed that the piers of the bridge
block the lee in -the spring and will
For Fair Weather For -Stormy Weather cause ovk-flows of the river which will
do great damage to property on the
banks. Col. Scott on, behalf of the
town, Mr. Mae.Murchy for the C.P.R.
Can be adjusted These Coats can and David Robertson, K. C., got to-
froa one to the be made from gether and settled the matter by the
other in about ally weight of 0. P. R. entering into an agreement
ten seconds. Clotll. to pay any darnage that is caused by
the fresbets The amoimt- -0 il
A fatal accident occurred in :Kln-
coidine, to, Mr. I)au Campbell, cattle
buyer, oil Tuesday evening, Nov. lot)),
while delving hPine from town. Mr.
Campbell was turn(ng the comer at
Durham and Princess streets an(I ow.
Ing to It being very dark, the buggy
struck a hydrant, throwing him out,
Ile got back into his buggy and went
as far as his cousin's, George Camp,
bell, Broadway, but when he got out
there the exertion proved too much
after the fall be had received and he
was found shortly afterwards, Will-
ing arms carried hir
o into his cousin's
house, where although all that medi-
cal aid could do for him. was, done, be.
passed away at five o'clock Wedues.
day morning, Mr. Campbell was one
of the most respected citizens of Kin-
cardine township, and leaves a widow,
three sons, William and John of F ort
William, Onb., and Archie at home,
also a brother, Tohn, living in town,
who have the deepest sympathy in
their sad and sudden bereavement,
The deceased was in his 0401 year,
What Causes "Nerves ?11
Most people say worry, they are
Tvrong, the cause is in the blood which
is thin, and lacks nutriment. To cure
"Nerves" more blood, sinew and flesh
are required. You get these quickly
by taking Ferrozone. No health
bringer is so certain, no nerve
strengthener more potent, no system
4. � 11 .1 4. 11
-.-age on c so we a ap e t.0 tile WantS 01
is to be fixed by arbitration and there the run-down, nervous or sleepless.
is to be no appeal, thus saving law Let Ferrozone build yrou up, let it fill
suits. you with vim, energy and surplus
It will be our pleasure to show you vigor. It has done this for thou -
Died la His Waggon. sands.
the greatest Coat ever produced Alex. - Turnbull, of Usborne Tp., 14The Black Hand."
passed away on Tuesday afternoon of The Kinew dine Review has the fol.
for Style and Comfort. last week. The deceased had driven lowing: -"Last week, The Review
his team attached to a democrat wag- me I ritioned that a fire had been started
gon to Exeter for some lumber and on the doorstep of Mrs. Beaton's
was driving home when 'death over-
. . . . . . . . . . . . house on Princess St., but that it had
t,)ok him. He was driving alQpg the burned down without doing any
Thames Road and when in front of damage further than scorching the
APB 11allie Brown's farm was seen to fall pannel. This happened on Monday,
_Acgq" EE & CA fvoin his waggon. The horses which Nov. 2nd. On Nov. 5th, she received
were walking at the, time, continued a letter dated, "York St., Toronto,
homeward. Mr. Brown saw Mr. Oct. 28tb," and signed "The Black
Turnbullfall and immediate' rus', A %� 0 1�
to his assistance. It was thought that
farmers Teamsters
and, OC!ety 0LAmerica. It accuses
her of practising the black art and
he was unconscious and a telephone
in both the
warns her that she hap been placed
incisage was sent in to Exeter for
h t shorIly alter the by-law was car-
t "
under condemnation ar.dwill be done
medical assistance and Dr. McGillicud.
to death unless she h6eds the warn.
dy responded. When he arrived at
ing. A daughter of hers, VIZ., I
the place where the man was lying he
worry and
Victor Foster, of Clarksburg, received
found upon examination that death
local option, but it was diseL
overed be -
a letter of similar nature, signed,
had overtaken him, before he had fal-
ten from the waggon, heart failure
"Apmoup Clad" - -and - " Diamond Edge"
One who knows," informing her of
her mother's alleged practice of the
- "
being the cause.
defeat the by-law. The temperance
black art and warnink her to make
Cause Of Boils Explained.
Are the Rubbers that wear. We have them in
her mother cease the practice "if you
wish to save further dis-'i
Even in health there is a large ac-
all varieties. Brand ne1w goods. Lowest prices.
grace." Another- who has received an
cumulation of matter in the system,
which if not destroyed, breaks
100 -an be put in Its place,
The lifting hoarth
alleged Black Hand letter is Mr. A.
through the skin in the form of pim-
Block and Navy, full wide
Kerr of Kincardine. All the letters
ples and boils. No remedy so cleans-
ing, so sure to drive out boils as Dr.
flamilton's Pills. They brace up the
W I L L I S & CO
are postmarked Toronto, Nov. 4tb,
-and there is a decided similarity in
system, rid it of humors, restore
scotes of other equally good
the composition and handwriting."
health, and absolutely prevent swel-
f r o vn a
For A Bad Cold.
lings, pimples, blotches and boils. Be-�
At Robt. Johnston's old stand. 'Phone 129.
cause mild and cer in anvone can
range witil it lini radil.fed lilto the roont, not
lok tip 010 chinill"'.
Notbin owes so I 1 +11
1 5 is ".y - e
uQe Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Sold by all OF healing Pine essences in Catarrhozone.
dealers. It fills the breathing organs with a
healing, soothing vapor that relieves
Local Option Upheld. irritation at once. Ordinary colds are
cured in ten minutes. Absolutely
sure for catarrb, and in throat trouble
it works like a charm. Catarrhozone
is a permanent cure for bronchitis and
throat trouble. Not an experiment -
not a temporary relief-bul; a cure
that's guaranteed. Get Catarrhozone
to -day. 25c and $1 sizes.
IT.' _- a
Jas. Steep, who is closing up his sea -
soWs apple business, states that early
fall fruit turned out bad, prices realiz-
ed not paying for the trouble, but win-
ter fruit is all right, selling strong in
0 0 OF - -
I ��Nvk ;gtj
There is Big Money Saving Chances at
this store from Monday morning until Saturday
night in Fifteen Departpients. Be sure and
get your' share of Bargains. See our display of
Ladies' Coats and Skirts on 2nd Floor.
I Big Sacrifice in Ladies'
Wonderful Wintep' Seasonable Coats. Some are
the manufacturers' loss, some
Coats At $5.00 are our loss — for whatever
reaEon, our customers will get
the benefit. Well -tailored Coats, three-quarter length, in
Plain Cloth and Fancy Tweeds. Have been
selling up to $7.50. Oa Sale, each ............... $54,00
e second group of Coats com-
Beautiful Coats p`rbises some of the very prettiest
styles, in all types of fitting gar -
At8.5 0 1 ments, in plain cloths and tweed
effects. Real worth up
to $12.50. Special Cut Price—each ............... $8.50
Wondefful Value In Underskipts,
We are making an extra strong bid for BIG BUSI.
The Local Option By-law in Hensall
has been in the legal balance some
in both the
time past, It will be remembered
h t shorIly alter the by-law was car-
t "
every buyer.
1 e'd by ", vote of the people of Rensall
orth and those opposed to
i1,1r,-,1000""KPtViton commenced an action
against the Village to have it upset.
worry and
The Council took up the defence of
local option, but it was diseL
overed be -
WE_ linve puf the best we Icnow in ninge
construction into the Impel.',;II 0..:ford
f we long that they were playing into
Range, Neries ioo.
We lulve left out nothinF that our ynrs of
t�e hands of the liquor interests to
expe,rience range buil(ing has tauglit us
%vou d nialce Clio Imperial Oxford save nio e
defeat the by-law. The temperance
ftidl, bake and roast better, --that would dro
people �hen decided to engage a law-
Anyone can quickly
worry and dirt of and easily change thN
othet nuiges. range froni coal to
The result ig t] Ila I mperial Oxford
yer themselves. Mr. Stanbury wa;s
WOOLI-burning. The
coal grate comes out
retained and has succeeded in winning
tho front ofthe range
Seriesond the Nvood grate
at every stage of the case. He first
100 -an be put in Its place,
The lifting hoarth
succeeded in having the defence of
Block and Navy, full wide
We Want you to Call in and look at the
Imperial 0-tford range, see for yourself what
the by-law taken from the Village
Council. Then when the motion to
it high,�;fate of perfection hns been retiched.
At least, got our illustrated booklet about tho
Huron Stoves
quash was made before Chief Justice
scotes of other equally good
Alulock local option was upheld. Ap.
f r o vn a
Gurney. 'OeFord Art Laurel
peal was taken from his decision, and
so, becia" there ard
no, Chief Justice Falmribridg, and
Justices Britton and Riddell have
range witil it lini radil.fed lilto the roont, not
lok tip 010 chinill"'.
heard the appeal and have again con-
beight an'.1 11Ljv.
Call and see ON
Art 1,.; the ,,
produecd. 11oautiful !I, tlegig1l itis easil)? ltvi)t
firmed the by-law with costs against
Thio GurneV F ouridry
Co., Lirnitecl, Toronto
A Busy Life Best.
Cash Prices for the Fall of 1908 -9 A
From England comes the report of
a minister preaching at the age of 09
years. He is as diligent as though be
No. 9-18-4 Holes, square ................ 01650
were twenty-nine and leads almost as
9-18-6 ................ 16.50
active a life. He has always bad a
bobby. It was one a great inany neo -
cured in ten minutes. Absolutely
sure for catarrb, and in throat trouble
it works like a charm. Catarrhozone
is a permanent cure for bronchitis and
throat trouble. Not an experiment -
not a temporary relief-bul; a cure
that's guaranteed. Get Catarrhozone
to -day. 25c and $1 sizes.
IT.' _- a
Jas. Steep, who is closing up his sea -
soWs apple business, states that early
fall fruit turned out bad, prices realiz-
ed not paying for the trouble, but win-
ter fruit is all right, selling strong in
0 0 OF - -
I ��Nvk ;gtj
There is Big Money Saving Chances at
this store from Monday morning until Saturday
night in Fifteen Departpients. Be sure and
get your' share of Bargains. See our display of
Ladies' Coats and Skirts on 2nd Floor.
I Big Sacrifice in Ladies'
Wonderful Wintep' Seasonable Coats. Some are
the manufacturers' loss, some
Coats At $5.00 are our loss — for whatever
reaEon, our customers will get
the benefit. Well -tailored Coats, three-quarter length, in
Plain Cloth and Fancy Tweeds. Have been
selling up to $7.50. Oa Sale, each ............... $54,00
e second group of Coats com-
Beautiful Coats p`rbises some of the very prettiest
styles, in all types of fitting gar -
At8.5 0 1 ments, in plain cloths and tweed
effects. Real worth up
to $12.50. Special Cut Price—each ............... $8.50
Wondefful Value In Underskipts,
We are making an extra strong bid for BIG BUSI.
NESS in LADIES' WEAR, showing to
what vast differences Quier, CASH means
in both the
S-E,LLLWG and BuYi.NG of goods. Proving
the wisdom of
coming here where the best results await
every buyer.
Ladies' Fine Underskirts
One Dollar.
Ladies' Undershirts, made
of good Black Sateen, Em-
worry and
broidered flounce and Dust
frill, the first of the kind
WE_ linve puf the best we Icnow in ninge
construction into the Impel.',;II 0..:ford
ever shown in Wingliam.
Range, Neries ioo.
We lulve left out nothinF that our ynrs of
Can be bad here only, as we
expe,rience range buil(ing has tauglit us
%vou d nialce Clio Imperial Oxford save nio e
have the sole agency for this
ftidl, bake and roast better, --that would dro
Handsome Skirt. Good value
Anyone can quickly
worry and dirt of and easily change thN
othet nuiges. range froni coal to
The result ig t] Ila I mperial Oxford
at $1-50. All i
WOOLI-burning. The
coal grate comes out
.sizes. $1,00
Only ........ .....
tho front ofthe range
Seriesond the Nvood grate
100 -an be put in Its place,
The lifting hoarth
witil R11tohl"ItIc catch
n,3 qhown in the illustration, milces it easy to
1"'1110VC OC aSh-PIM witlioutspillhir any Ashes.
Block and Navy, full wide
We Want you to Call in and look at the
Imperial 0-tford range, see for yourself what
skirt. On sale, each ... $1.25
it high,�;fate of perfection hns been retiched.
At least, got our illustrated booklet about tho
These Special Lines, and :3
scotes of other equally good
investments, will be on Buie
f r o vn a
the old country markets. \"*o- - ".
r J W Treleaven the o ul-
Classical Master of Clinton Collegiate,
was recently offered a more lucrative
position in connection with Kingston
Collegiate, but declined it, his rela-
tions with the school here being per-
fectly satisfactory.
Thursday, Nov. 5tb, 'while in the
operation of his cement mixing
m%chine, Mr. A. Cousins, accidentally
thrust two fingers into the machine,
with the result that the members
were so badly crushed as to require
amputation of a portion of the
After almost no end of difficultieq,
the second test well has been complet-
ed, an excellent supply of �vater hav-
ing been secured at a depth of 350.
U-ZV—% ................ I't. ou ple despise -work. There is a world feet. It was tested and readily pump -
9 -20-6 (1 * * ' * * * * - - - . 18.50 of meaning in this little -word which ed at the rate of a barrel a, inionte, the
9-18--4 with Reservoir .......... , 22.75 hides itself away among big words in Might Have Been Murder. (led itself in the back of the chair on supply seemingly being inexhausted,
9-18-6 99 ic ........... 22.95, the dictionary'. It explains why some During the time a dance was being which one of the young men, M. The town has now two eight inch
6-20-4 it it ...... 22.75 men succeed and others fail; why held FLiday night of IA$t week at the Matheson, sat. Had it been half an Nvells that should give an adequate
9-20-6 25.00 some are happy and others miserable. hotel at the Lakeside Rome, South- inch in either direction ib would have supply of water.
There are few persons who ever think ampton, it party as yet unknown, shot gone through his body. The local Mr. Andrew Taylor was this year
Cast high shelf $2.65 extra. high closet $6.60, of taking work its it cure for trivial all- a revolver at one of two young men police are busy trying to discover the able to have new potatoes for his
I - ments. Yet if the advice of old peo- Thanksgiving dinner. This unique
water front $2.50 thermometer $1.00. seated in one of the rooms. The ball perpetrator. He evidently had de- experience restiltod from a second
ple is worth a pinch Qf snuff, the went throu h the window and embed- signs on the life of the young man,
spring of youth lies in the eagerness growth of potatoes froni some that
to Work. Unfortunately all do not had grown and been left in the garden
Call and let us explain the many good pointig in eni-)y the employment they have during the summer. Mr. Taylor
chosen or have been nd c�pronts and carefully
this Range. It will be to your advantage to know how thrust into a noticed the new .
we are selling such superior goods at the above prices. rind it hard to put heart into It. But .0 cultivated them, with. the result that
if more would make work it hobby, as PONTGO TO BUSINESS he had actually two crops of potatoes
A. full line of home manufacture. Wood Stoveg� Base did the old clergyman of Lincoln, they from one planting� the second crop be,
Burners, Surface Burners, Wood Heaters and. Box Stoves - Age and take more COLLEGE UNM Youwc rtEAD THIS F R E
would reach ripel- Ing as large as ordinary eggs.
at proportionately low prices. Every Stove Warranted. out of living. Young men of to -day 4--% Mr. Reinhart, 'of the Waverly,
Call and be convinced. should study the careors of those who
climb high on the steep hills of human acknowledged before Police Magis-
trat; Audrewo, liquor having been gold
endeavor. They will find that all It It Irnmentaly Important tbrAt to a minor, and a flne of $10 and costs
along the way sign posts have fhown you stiould got all the Intoetiniffloft was imposed. A good doal of inter -
g one word to men and women— CATAL Aout d. college betoro you ailroll est centred Around two charges laild
0 work. at a istudent. Your succou do- by Inspector Asquith against Me,
ponds ulson your oholoo. Strome, of the Notmandie, One wag
MahY Down With Pleurisy. Our Free Cotalosvi tells all about for selling liquor on Sunday; the other
& "Dioctots say the country Is fall of It, our M60"'d, -o Twhing- -hy we. torm
Alex. Yo n V itat, comes a chill, then cold develops but dradu, for selling on eleation day. Magis-
-the 10FLInniation groVvg, you can't It *XPIKIng the commarolal and ShOt, teate Andrews heard both cases on
hand caurq6s in deth:1. showathavaklu-6
draw st long breatho lungs get sere, afthe Tuesday before a crowded covi-t, but
Dip6mk. And thf* lage, handoomely
and pleurisy sets In, A good home. 1114tatodLookwatba seawyou rREE no evidence was advanced In support
THE BIG H A' RDWARE enre consiRta In taking tw6fity drops I,* volvtn PF maill if g1l will just 116ha of either charges And both were din.
of Nervilino every four boarso I Sup- u6 Vdur name %n4 ad rsse�
StUJ*1116 AJrfk1tt4d ATty UM6! missed with eo8t,4,, Ate. Boydofte ap-
ploment this by vigorously rubbing spearl'i Opaplog Stiptember atsd Joinuar
the idtlett find chest with Norvillne, 'rho poreit Cl The Irortot 0V peared for the defonce; Mr. Daaley
id when warmth and circulation are Susid4ws hod Sb6rihnod Colled* Holmes, of Wingliam, for the prosocu-
GRAM kW ONTARIO aol'§tabiished, put . Netvitiae Poone 0814*90 iiin Ott, 010 latter oponly acknowledging
;;,hJJJj4 s
Plasterover tho mbing apot, Xdtvi tb*doa VU
line Treatment Is always itiodes4rul ilk, -that had his adviob and Jud
L coldis tiouralght, and pleurisy, Try it boon followedf the eaAea would not
yourself. hova bean ptotata�d with.
-.1111ts range
in your kitchen
you save
.............. ........
worry and
WE_ linve puf the best we Icnow in ninge
construction into the Impel.',;II 0..:ford
hented oven as the Imperial Oxford. This is
atic to our special ventre flue strip that divides
Range, Neries ioo.
We lulve left out nothinF that our ynrs of
the heat, w that half of it niust pm around
the front of the oven, instood of all the heat
expe,rience range buil(ing has tauglit us
%vou d nialce Clio Imperial Oxford save nio e
roing to the back of the oven as in ordinary
ran c,; Thatis whyit issuch a perfect bread
ftidl, bake and roast better, --that would dro
WILFC,�ice baker-suc'h an even ronster.
Anyone can quickly
worry and dirt of and easily change thN
othet nuiges. range froni coal to
The result ig t] Ila I mperial Oxford
!ilghest achievenien t
WOOLI-burning. The
coal grate comes out
til cast won co W
It is fitted R d
tho front ofthe range
Seriesond the Nvood grate
Gurney - Oxford re.
100 -an be put in Its place,
The lifting hoarth
vorsible grate, Tlie-----.---
grato with interlocking tooth t1lilt clit off all
dead Aslies, giving -a clear di-aftancla bright,
witil R11tohl"ItIc catch
n,3 qhown in the illustration, milces it easy to
1"'1110VC OC aSh-PIM witlioutspillhir any Ashes.
Ititekly ftipondh;g fire, Y(itj c,,Itl 1,oLp yolir
. in all winter an(l ahvtlyi 11 �Ivo ns goo(I a
We Want you to Call in and look at the
Imperial 0-tford range, see for yourself what
balchig oven As 11 tile fire Ava4 made fiesh
every viorning.
it high,�;fate of perfection hns been retiched.
At least, got our illustrated booklet about tho
offict, 111.11CQ of r,1n,&C 11.1,q FrIlell all 0VL,11ly
you det the
that coal can gd've
f r o vn a
Gurney. 'OeFord Art Laurel
Thoro is tit) coal wasted In (110 honie thnt ig
heated by Guriwy,:OmSurd Axt Laurel Base
so, becia" there ard
1��'Cry Piece ef coal Is burnt toa Ahe White
.),.]I ftnd Ali tile heat ITCnerated Is hold In the.
t1110 HM.0. tO
harboedirtancl c1liq,
vdiere the dusting
range witil it lini radil.fed lilto the roont, not
lok tip 010 chinill"'.
cloth can't get at,
YE Always tool's
This igneconiplWiect tilrolq-
,11 Our spocial
sy;!etit or drafts And circj1lt1tj!1� 1111c.q.
lie Lourcl
beight an'.1 11Ljv.
Call and see ON
Art 1,.; the ,,
produecd. 11oautiful !I, tlegig1l itis easil)? ltvi)t
lihe to 1:011 you nioro abotif it.
Thio GurneV F ouridry
Co., Lirnitecl, Toronto