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The Wingham Advance, 1908-11-19, Page 4
f A,.MMMIrT 1P.. 4 THE WTNGHA)t ADVANCE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1 , 1008. 1`* - fie claimed to have kept no books and result of the Quobeo diticlosures and + could show leo account of his transac*, that the minister "Is Inexorable In hieM (tons with the department, and when intentionto weed out froth, his dRitchie& epart• cosens go& n qmplmk 0 the whole amount of the departmeut's inept all the ofllciale, adjudged • indebtedness was son.( in, he thou Eent guilty.'' u •�• Gregory a oheclile+ for his rake -off, lint a fraction of the zeal he now, REAL ESTATE AreYou Paptinul � He had secured several contracts far displays s in uniahin rbc+ alit ones N p y p g y AND. INSURANCE eril "ird Theo, Hall Pf0prietor. electric wiring on steaipbliips in the would have been, suflletent months last three years, and from the depart- ago to have prevented much of the Do you Want things to be just so ? Then ment had received in that time $10,- wrongdoing. Zeal for righteousness We'd like, you for a customer. We've promised 207.50. When it cost $,bt)0 to wire that operates only when the prod of one small steamer, electors will read- .necessity Is applied, is not the sort of Properties. GREAT you satisfaction-promised you that Style, fig and � �Vt��Z�f �,� ily sea how itis the national ex endi- zeal 't will .ole public p al hat r cleanse Canadian public Some exceptional values in ` price Wlll please you -- ave ll keep our promise' tune has run up at such an enorwous life, of its scum of Corruption-not in Farms, If you wa t e 't will (� f� ('� �"' , Our best ads. are satisfied customers. Come here --Conditions revealed b the Royal rate. 3 n one, i w 1 ASEASYNA B L E GOODS D It for our next. Suit or Overcoat. y y this generation. j' Civil Service Commission, and by -^-- Nov is it right to fiimply dismiss ib pay Toit ,to see lis. , Judge Cassels, make it simplyimpos- -On the first day's enquiry by few of the subordinator. The •'big" The good old Province of On- bible n bible for ministers to "keep down the fudge Cassels at Quebec, a large con• chaps should suffer too, especially tario, is all right. �7 lid" on, the charges of graft. After tractor testified that he had paid five should the Minister who permitted all !■ cy �rE1 } �s Given Men's ��s � (wi ► r/ these disclosures the country will not per cent commission to the local agent this wrongdoing to go on, hand in his pay Ladies' �i11 I�aG��t� Almost R�N��� AWay� +• a i o, 9UbflJit t6 5iippr09Sir1U Of facts, the re- of the Marine Department on Baits wsignation, Town P � Ur ieS prices, 3'• i fusal of publics documents, and the ex- made to the government, J. J. Mur- p Look at theEe rices then come in and bu Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Underwear, Etc,, elusion of useful evidence. Light has h , � p q received from the Murine Depart, � SOUTT� SF�I $L+'AL J,4,OFfETS AST1tACUAN O'4(.CiiETS In every line that's new and tip-to-date. P ment in five years, ending', in 1908, The CbesleyEnterprise says: }"Mat- At right prices. We have U $38-00-Now $245 00 *55.110.-Now . , • , „ $8800 Already been cured on the Marine Department. - It is only necessary $43400. He paid the government thew Goetz, Clerk of Bruce County number of places admirably suit• 433.00-Now....... $21.00 $28 00-Now... , .. 019.00 Call and see our elegant stock. p g p agent in all 3 303,08, which is con.td- And Surrogate Court, adds four T g that the others spending departments �• g. $ ed for retired farmers. No pret- 1 Astrachan Cape, regular $15.00 for .....................$10.00 Small Prices-B1 Values, shall be overhauled in the same wa columns of figures correctly and as P i n , Prices-Big Y• er+i�bly more than five per cent.. on the (ler or healthier town in Qntario 1 'r i 1 "< �' P sales. The contractor admitted that quickly g p 00, for ..................... ,00 election, called for enquiry Into mat. run up one column. Matthew is a than Wingham. Property bought Even the Liberal press o�, since he came out. of the affair very well, as human adding machine, person would here Can always- �• • • 8 , tela which have hither( been P he sold to the oveinmenti,,at some- " be fie sold, dark, gA quantity of ��ro01 Tame, Camels Hair Tams and Robt. w ll thing higher than retail prices, IleWhite Bear Tams at Half Price. also paid $045 to the government L1l1CIC1lO�V -.Premier Laurier will be shirking yard foreman, who took delivery of � Ritchie��� cosens 85c Tams for....,......,, 780 $ .54 Tanis for ............ 25c his dutyto the people of Canada if he the brick cement,, lumber and other D. R. McIntosh was one of the jud- it 1 ` ' Y g PP y Murphy. ges at the Marathon games in Wood. 00 rams for,,,,....... bUC �( 1 fails to do an one of four thin s • supplies. furnished b Mur h W. Tailor tai Men's Furnisher (1) Enlrge the Cassels' enquiry into R. Blakiston, sail maker, who receives stock, REAL ESTATE AND c ams of ...,...,.... 3bc the whole of the public service and about $3,000 a year for services and Mr, R. J. Bell of Nietz, Ont., and INSURANCE - WINGHAM make sure whether the same system supplies to the Maxine Department, Miss W E. Alilne, of LangsidP, were Ulsters And Overcoats Foil Men. P 04 11"4011111, !OF 04044% P does not follow in more than the de- swore that he regularly paid five per married on Wednesday, the 11th inst., partment of marine; (2) have the guil- cent, commission to governm't agents, at the Presbyterian manse, Rev. D. T. e At Half Pric, a ty (both of high and low degree) am- Yet their rake•offs were positively L. McKerroll officiating, INCREASE YOUR SALARY. PROPER iia Price. ply punished; (3) seek restitution of at denied by Liberal platform speakers, While typhoid fever is prevalent PREPARATION DOES IT. ATTEND 2 One doz. Men's Ulsters and Overcoats to clear at half price. least some portion of the "plunder" and the Conservatives charges were more or less itr all our neighboring ELLIOTT thus received, and also restore to the called "slander." -It is easily seen towns during this long' dry period, we a $7,00 Coat for $3.50 $6.00 Coat for $3.00 Kings For targaitts I ( We Want Your Trade people whatever can be got back of now why the enquiry was not allowed have not heard of a case in Lucknaw a , 5.50 Coat for 2.75 b.00 Coat for 2 50 ' the land and timber which have been to proceed until after the election. this summer. This shows that we alienated through secret and improper - have remarkably pure water. TORONTO, ONT. 4.50 Coat for ., ..`�.o" 4.00 Coat for 2.00 0 - " deals. Whether the Premier does The regular meeting of the village And tho tine to commence is RIGHT Produce Wanted this or not remains to be seen, but the --0abinet meetings in these tim, s NU W. Ono hundred and one students Council took place Tuesday evening, from other business colleges have patron- Mens Hain Cows At Half Po�ice possibilities of his doing; so are not are, anxious affairs. October returns A petition signed b Ned this college within one year. WHAT . All kinds of Farm Produce-Butter, Eggs, Dried P g y 128 elector's, Dors Tula PROVE? We give th„ host, , show a decrease of $613,555 in customs Nothing else would satisfy us-nothing , Apples, Beano Feathery etc, for which we promising. -- praying for the submission of a Local g y SeaAonable goods at half rice is Mood buying. �7 pp , revenue compared with August, 19177. Clue should satisfy yOlt. ALL (i liADITATE9 g p • b y'1 g. , 1 UIl 11 Option by-law on Jan. 4tb, 19Q9, was READILY SECUREIL111PLOY111Ewr. write perhaps need a Rain Coat this. season. If so this is the will pay highest prices. i -With four deferred elections and From April to November the customs for Catalogue. i _ presented to the Council. On motion place t0 get it. several re-counts to be heard from, shortage is now •$9,103,5175. Interco- the Clerk was instructed to prepare a W J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL the government majority in parlia. lonial deficits are fully $100,000' a by-law prohibiting the sale of liquor Cor. Yonge & Alexander Eta. i $10.00 Rain Coat for $`,5.00 $8.50 Rain Coat for $4.25 T T j C = ment seems to be 49, as against 00 in month, and inland revenues are also 6.00 Rain Coat for 3.00 5.00 Rain Coat for 2.50 `, J j'c J within the village, and said by-law the last house. The Conservatives decreasing. There is no do t that Ives given a first reading. have carried io and Manitoba; the revenue for the full year will A full range of Fur Coats, Fur-lined . Coats( Neck and if they win one rof the British Col- t$15,00 ,0000 to Th 0,000 obvious othan THE GREAT SCHOOL. a •y = Fury 1VIUffB &C. at lowest prices. ! umbra by-elections, will. have a major. y c Women's Hain Cows At Half Price. y-- , J ' ' , p ity in that province also, They are sion from all this is that the expendi- , - libfBl'i $ - CTNTRAL three to seven in Alberta. They have ture must be cut down. But at that Ni am/ Light, medium and heavy weight Rain Coatg'to clear. Already ten more members than the moment expenditures are ilia u 1 cep--eft " You'll be fortunate to et a good", well made fashionable ' our Stock - y y P i g P e r v too " sTRATFORD, ONT. g g ' V 'had in the last parliament, and it is larger .than ever, and ministers are c�j<lili..,.c.�I3 �13�..��2��.•..v garment at half price. Our past record and our present grade likely to be eleven or twelve. There- called to make tip their estimates for vvIlen you ask for at work stamps us as the great practi- fore, it may be supposed that the the coming session. The manager of 1. cal. training school of western Ontario. $13.00 Coat for $6.50 $12.00 Coat ,for $6,00 Of Dress Goods, Flannelettes, Hosiery, Underwear, =sturdy fight put up by the Opposition the Bank of Montreal has seriously ` ` Thrao donartments-COMMERCIAL, 10.00 Coat for 5.00 7.00 Coat for 3.50 Yarns, Blankets, &c., is complete in every ' in the last four years will not be abet- laid the case before the Premier, who Opel 0., SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHIC. 6.00 Coaf for 3.00 5.00 Coat for 2.50 Our graduates are in demand as BuRi- particular, and we solicit a call. ed. If some good campaigners are says that he will keep down expenses , nobs Co logo teachers as well as 011100 'i)HtG DPaul`ddY D>v�SE)iLT assistants. Individual instruction. Hn- gone, there are able men among the so far as possible. But Sir Wilfrid ter NOW. Large catalogue free, write DIA-MOND DYE, all shades, per package 8e or 2 for ' new members, and the government has no kind of idea how it is to be or yo&ll Be . for it. 15c, or 4 for 25c. We are headquarters. done. The One thin possible is to re- ELLIOTTP& McLACHLAN Butter 22c. Fresh Eggs 25e. also has met with serious losses, !; P dI5saPPOIInted PRINCIPAL• "' pudiate all the election promises and WANTED.-Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, to cut down the estimates of next sea- White Beans Wood and Oats. Also choice young Chickens -Here is a sample of the loose busi- ness y a , G sion to the smallest point, We shall T Ducks and Geese must be fat and dr Irked. ness methods in vogue in the Marine see how Laurier finishes his work. 10 CTS. PER, PACKAGE ARTHUR eJ . II�WIN ' y p' ■ ■ ' department. A man named Gale tes- Meanwhile the recent Fielding loan tified before Judge Cassels, that he g D.D.S., L.D.E. does not appear to have been a sue- Send Pen- had been paid $2,500 for the wiring on • ' ' Doctor of Dental Surgery of the a of cess. • It was mostly taken by large A Normal School to train ns lvania College and f leen( ate of ClOOd CIOOd5 y .. ` _ �- Chea Prices ,•4 the steamer Arctic. he had not been y S Cheap underwriters, as a matter of necess- for life in the home. ;� Dental Surgery of Ontario. - asked to tender for the job, but was told to go ahead and do the work. ity, because investors did not bid for our Y Endowment perniits low -Cities in Macdonald Block- rates and high- daughter class advantages. PRICE -. _. ,_ ,•• , ... :...,. 28th year and bet- , W J. .L MCL . ter than ever. Write for Cata- --.� WH RE. alas, Ontario. College, Std , , Y NOT HE to f l uBSA, LDS. D.D.S. ' T o T. A. MILLS - - L� Honor D iconiatefof Rola 9.1 iga Toronto - H o (Galt Reporter.) ALMA COLLEGE eI to Surgeons o n r Every shop in the United States, it OFFICE rN BEAVER BLOCK - 'WINGUAM is declared, will be running on full Miss Elizabeth E Grant WI]ffGHAM time by the 1st of December. A most E. « optimistic feeling prevails among the Teacher of Piano, Theory, Harmony and CANADIAN NOME CIRCLES Republic's manufacturers. Good times interpretation. Pupils prepared for Conservatory or University p0 9a ' are facing them. examinations. Terms, on . ■ ♦ o l Op.gis� application. Wingham Circle No 434 0 ® a On the 3rd a national election put a ■ en GcaS 9 p STUDIO - IST FLOOR-MAODO ALD BLOCK Q EO 9.,q Protectionist Congress on guard and a i ee sp8© ©tip a a aa,�,'rs 0' men wwke,h = s 1Days,e6 �69 99 7 Protectionist into ills Presidential 11thete the lst Hall, at in each mon Frank McConnell in the Chisholm Hall, at 8' p. m. Candi- gl QppB B Q'� 00 B� r (y c Chair. dates for cheap, reliable insurance are a, 'the ♦oo� �{��7 g solicited. Ask to nee our rates from any i pQ gp0 8 0g That victory made for busy shops so the officers. Ladies' risks accepted at -f" and cod times. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR the samo rato as men. 1a q '� _Q COUNTY OF HURON. o f Bargains Canada had a federal election on the R. Aw ea T. R. Re. Secretary Leader Roc. secretary = ♦'� (% 11 2(ith of October. A art more or less yP, J, yPRLEs sin, secretary fin �o tune • • • ♦ committed to the advocacy for Free and aimplemontasalesya tspecialty� Terms _ Trade, a party that only tolerates a reasonable. Residence, at North end. Head Office, Hamilton. WINGHAM - ONTARIO COMMENCING tariff and has no love for the prin- ciples of Protection, triumphed at the WINGHAM -•" ORTUNE knocks more often at the door of the man quels. Not a mill opened as a uonse- Dolflifflox BANKS 21st with cash on hand, than of him who is without the Five thousand cottonoporatives lin. General Hospital. Saturday, Novembu � means to take advantage of opportunity. ing in the New England States were (Under Govornment Inspection.) READ OFFICHi TORONTO.w. _ ordered back to the mills on Thursday - l Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. ; of last week. Open to all regular)y lioanaed physicians, No matter what your income la aside in the safe P . P g PP Rates for atients (which include board and Following Ai a Just A Few Of The Special = y U in Hes eler the big upper wool- nursIng) -3.so to X15.00 per week, according Capital (paid up) • $3,976,000 t len mill still remains closed. Other to location of room. Nor further informs- custody of a Savings Bank, regularly end systematically, some tion-Address lulls J. E. w>LLcn Reserve (and u i ea- $5,297,000 portion of your monthly earnings. It is surprising how rapidly woollen mils a Ontario and Quebec superintendent, are in the same predicament. Others Total Assets, Over $48,000,00U bargains Of This Sale ' Box 223, Wingham, Ont. -_ persistent Savings grow ; remarkable, the business opportunities again are working short many hours WINGHAM BRANCH. they unfold ; and indescribable, the sense of personal independ- a week. The whole business is dettror- 4 only Men's Work Overcoats, regular price ence and security they create. allied. �t Farmers' Notes discounted. $4.4cJ The riturn of Sir Wilfrid Laurier _ $11.00-Side Price ................................. has not given the breath of life to a Drafts sold on all pointe in Can- 3 Only Men's Work Overcoats, regular price The Bank 'of Hamilton is. generally recognized as involving Single languishing industry in thisTRY Ada, the United States and Europe, 5"$10.00-Sale Price.................................$3.38 all that an ideal savings depository should be, with total asset, country. What we are apparently SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. only Alen's Ulster Overcoats, regular price of over Thirty Million Dollars • under sound conservative man- waiting for is a hum in the United r 1 = ,08.50-Sale Price.......................,........,..$3.19 y i States. With that on, our producersinterest allowed on deposits of $1.00 And ' agement ; governed by successful business men of known integrity q p ' upward&, and added to principal qua for y. , may take heart and put more life Into Malcolm's 3 only 330ys Overcoats, regular prieb $6 GO --Sale Price..........................................$2.93 their business. and repute ; and conducted economically, without display or un- D. T B&PliORlf, Mager - , Is that An enviable position to be 40 only Men's Fur-lined Caps, regular price necessaryformality, it is generally selected as the Savings Bank � () R R.raastoue, solicitor 750 each-Sale Price ..•.......................... 59c ' y g y ), i in ? Is the power to increase our _ by those who exercise due care in the selection of their Banker. industrial life only to be found In the business circles of the neighboring 20 only Boys' Peak Caps, regular price 500 Republic? Must Canada take its one NEW RAISINS 390 each--Sale Price .................................... L Your Savings Account, large or small, is solicited. An from its neighbor P CURRANTS n enquiry for the 'Manager will ensure all information and attenw _ Protection and Safe You will find many other lines tion to your particular requirements. DATES PEELS equally as good value JUDGE CASSELS) ENQUIRY, during this Sale. r � MINCE MEAT I�YeStln�int _ b In paokage of bulk B NK OF HAMILTON A8E atlMBINIeTi IN Itis very cleat now, from the facts disclosed by Judge Cassels in his The pOiICleS marine inquiry that the people of the Endowment _ 4�'e p EVERYTHING Dominion -of. Canada leave been a s• Want your 1�rodUce, tematically robbed by men who were NEW AND FRESH C7i�"" , employed to look after their P09 THE ■ Illl;hest prices paid and the best value for Interests. xMAs, nA>EINt. The Dominion Life your money. C+ P6 SMITH It Is a shameful thing, thin for the�ye' Past twelve years, the Laurier Gov- _ t _ z Canadians Life A.ssuranos�Comptiny. AC�EI`►1`I'' •� �• WINaRAM the proper responsible bof the people tot produce Wanted Amerage grata of Interest f the Marine de- , earned in 5900-� partment, have either remal'ned in Inexcusable Ignorance of true conal 6.73 PER CENT. rr A. i*lls , ALS ditions, or h va had knowledge, And +: Al Jr OLM "�VV',Ai,TYCii 7C, iiALirr��, ,,.took sari aotloti. 1 , -. LOW A*6%b � ''Wingheid. • , ,. ,.; a � it Tho �„� , � ! i.�. r�x� 1 i. 1l ,` +rho 6)lobe (alis us that flOn, left, ,." ...-. I3rorletix has uitspettcier133 ryfllehlltl to K