The Wingham Advance, 1908-11-12, Page 8r
V7 J
xr►ialr>yaw ap MI -ON -A,
-� Mr, qaM t'oilack els Paisley was a Mir, plveritt and, Air. Rintoul,, who Welkin Miller is in our midst once -
Win ham f'ublicgf8chool Board )net welcome visitor (luring the holidays, were reported ill last week Are no bet- more, Mi -on -A, that extraordinat and per -
f3 feet stomach tonic, will relieve dya-
ox1 Tuesda evening all members pro- Mr. Sikes of Toronto is holding ter, but rather wase, Miss Elliott has been enjoying °visit pepsin in twenty-four hours.
sent except Messrs. Moore and Jen- special meetings among she Brethren On Wednesday last, while Duncan in Owen Sound. 14 will cure and is guaranteed by J.
kine. After confirmation of minutes of this locality, Kennedy was driving past Miles. Me- Visa Mary Ila,rria and Miss May f'er- Walton Mcli lbhou to the readers of
of October meelIxag, the PrinCipal s Dir, and Mrs. Ona, Spotton of Wing- Miilian a farm, his horse took fright 1•in are, visiting Toronto friends. the Advance to euro the most pitiful
report was read and, on motion Xessrs, Grlf in and Lloyd was adopted ham spent Thaukagiving at George and rant away. flo had in the rig Stewart MoKeroher spent Sunday to ditactio dyspepsia, if taken according
1<t showed attendance for the month Joixnston's,1st con, with, him, his, sister, X!ases M. Gillies and Monday with his parents here. M l-on•a tablets not only cure dye.
A memorial service of the late Jos- and R, Nixon, All of whore wore Coln• pepsia, but all stoinuh dtaturbances,
Mix R bt Miller West oro to
o Ii of ti. t T n
, iV s
s follow;.— , r
..sur a oni t' c e o
ae h Its ear's will be held in hoes ing .f>;arn . school, .Chet' }vete :r11 h v i rug of pregnancy, sea, x
Department I --Avera a 44 p y was renewing acquaintances hero on car sickness, and the stomach sickness
p ++ „ g church next Sunda mornin thrown out And more or less injured, after excessive indulgence,
II 4i 3'' g• Monday,
but none seriously.. The next even' Mc -on -a cures by strengtlaenin and
to It[ « 43 tries, F. Miller, who has been spend. Somerville and ]lo Hamilton were g
IV 40 ing, Mr. and Nita.. Kennedy and Miss Y invlgoratiu;, the flabby stomach walls
+. V it 40 ing the summer with. her daughter at AUie Kennedy wore coming to the home visiting their parents during and after it, course of Mi -on -a treat-
++ . V1 „ 44 Clifford, returned home last week. National Tea with the •same horse Thanksgiving, ment, Constipation, if there is any,
,4 „ r , - will entire��l�y hiss ear.
The balance o this season's make f
e c f a e, sons e o
when it again, ran away, throwing all Mr, and. Mfrs, V. Edwards .and blas• D:lrs, S. '!£.east of t7tarknaburg, Ont.,
Cheese at Ethel factory has been sold '
Total aver€ige for month --800. three out. Miss Iienilecly got an ugly ter lintels, aro spending a few days s�rys ; "A had stomach, trouble that
On motion of Messrs. Ross and to D. AT. Scott,. of Stratford, at lit 13 cut on the back of tier head. She was with Dr. Hazlewood of Bowmanville. had bothered me for years, baM,d
n and 10 ots, per pound. The season has brought to Whiteoburcb and, Dr, and puzzled skilled physicians, was
leered, the following accounts were been a most satisfactory one to both g Master Ben. ]Davidson and his twin nicely relieved key my using Mi -on -a.
aid•—J. a Stewart, glass,. accounts
R. H. Jamieson was called in to stop the sisters, Rditn and Mina, of Varna, My'trouble -was. on account of food
p + maker and patrons. bleeding,. which he found very difficult spent a few days with friends in our not di estiAg but ;fermenting in my
McKay, glazing, etc., $$,75; H, Kerr, The trustees of Oianbrook Public to do, The unfortunate young lady villi a and community, stomach, forming a yes that gave rue
stairway, and lumber, $I2,s10. g y untold sufforiug - and pain and also
Payment of salaries for October was as principal
.have re-engaged in yD. Ainley lay unconscious most of the night, but Dame rumor has it, that certain made inn weak, nervous, irritable and
as principal for the coming year and is considered out of danger. Mr, and ttualale to rest. Since using Mi-ou-s, I
authorized and Board Adjourned, have encored Miss Lizzie McKay. a Mrs. Kennedy are both laid up at parties were working last Sabbath, can go to bed at night and sleep and
repairing a little building that was wake up in the morning refreshed. I
former well known teacher in the home, but are not severely hurt. former) occupied b Mr. Jos, Cowan.
school, to take charge of the junior The National Supper is a thin of y p y cannotspeaki too nighty of Mic l ire
1L,ower Wi>n harp, department at .solar of $350. pp g It this is true, then there is week far Dli.on•a is a most economical treat -
Lower q the past, and it will go down in the the local branch of the Lord's Day ment, a largo box of tablets only costs
Goo. Phippen and family' have been We are pleased to state that Mr. history of Whitechurch, as the best Alliance. 50 cants at J. W, s ori`other a and the
Church given hero dyspeptic, nervous or otherwise, who
+`tinder the, weather" this week. Jonas Flood, who mot with such a butch entertainment ever It is reported that there is horrible clues not pias them R trial is losing au
The funeral of the late Mrs. Camer• serious accident at John Jackson's two up to the date thereof. The tables rowdyism practised at the King Ed- opportunity to regain health.
on took place on Thursday last, weeks ago, has been given permission were a great success, not only as to ward Hotel. There was a pugilistic
Dr. Agnew, who has been in Chi- by his medical advisor to go to his the good things thereon, but also as to encounter between the bartender and
cago for some time, returns this own home. We sincerely trope Mr, the why° .each country, was represent- one of the frequenters, in which the Teacher Wanted.
week Floods condition will continue to im- ed, iiolx table bore the emblems of former came off victorious, disabling
prove, the country represented, while the the latter very bad) Male teacher for U. S. S. No. 12,
lilies Hogg, of Grey Tp.. spent part Miss Seaman who has been on the waiters wore the national costume, y from all ac- Culross, for 1009. State, qualffications,
of her holidays with friends here and ' counts, there is, work for the License
y , salary, and experience. Address
Ethel circuit for 5 weeks and has won The Scotch and the Irish were part!- to her school near Blyth on p Inspector, May he be alive to his JOHN I. ASRAM,
the hearts of all who have heard her, cularl y noticeable,firstlad in
Monday. � y the c
duty. We hoar people say, who voted Belmore P. O,, Out.
Your correspondent hear will hold her farewell service Friday tartans and the latter wearing the against Local Option, that if the
evening. Very large congregations color of the Emerald Isle. All the measure was before the municipality
of the bereavement that called Mr. have at these services and over • while the supper was in progress, that now, it would carry. rel Right thinking FarFor Sale.
Bradwin' to Stratford last week, the 50 have pubfioiy decided to begin the tireless. entertainer, the Edison Phone- citizens aro disgusted with what they
death of his sister, Mrs. McLennan. new life, graph, dealt out music of every de- hear about the hotel and the actions �•>,t First-class farm, ipleasantly aituat-
•The latest we can gather at the The total taxes to be collected this $criptiQn. Then came the rendering there. ed, adjoining Bluevale station, lots
l(ght factory, is that the staff hopes to year in Grey township amount to of the.programme in the auditorium. Several from this locality were at 29, 30, con, 1, Morris, 100 acres, all
have incandescent light for Saturday $201,702.77. Of this amount Jno. Me. Talk About programmes, I tell you the anniversary tea and entertain. Cleared except 1.2 acres, well fenced,
night. The new street Iights will come Nabb collector, leas $13890,02 to: that was a programme, and a more and in goonkarn, large brick house
d condition. There are a
Inter. We understand these .will not handle in the Southerly division while deligh$e "°and thoroughly satisfied went at Molesworth on Monday evg. large baThey repot•t a splendid time. There and kitchen, with frame summer kit -
be so bright as the old ones, but will P. J. Bishop looks after $10,802.15 in audience was never seen in White- ,was a largo crowd. A sad accident Chen, orchard, a never -failing spring
distribute their light farther. the north. It is no small Contract to church before. The four speakers, well, an artesian well with water
i e
Things begin to look a little more have to do with gathering in of , whQ championed the cause of the there. - happened Anon of Mir. Harr Gran to a young lady on her way Granger pd to house and bean ; pig pen and
p •
like business now at the Electric near) $25,009,.- respective countries certainly handled y g poultry house, 18x50, with cement
q $their siib
was driving a span of horses hitched floors; frost -proof silo, 10 x &l. Ten
Light factory. The new water -wheels A meeting.o£ the young people and jects well. According to Dr, to a buggy," when they took fright acres of good corn *ill go with the
Ake in position ancl. should soon be ratepayers of S. S. No. 4, was held .Redmond, there is no country on and ran away. The occupants were farm, if the latter ie'sold before corn
hntiiniin The are makinn connec- earth Iike England and according to is harvested.. Apply do premises.
g• y " 4 last Wednesday evening to talk up pitched out and. Mr. Grangers niece,
tions of sbaftin , etc., this week, and Rev.' (1, P. Duncan, England would be JAS. B. NBluev Proprietor.
g their annual entertainment which of Toronto, had one if not both of her Bluevale P. O.
-this will account•for the absence of no where, if she had not the. sturdy, '
was decided to be held on Dec. 22nd. lower limbs .broken. A doctor was
lights for a few nights. ''We have A public examination will he held Scots to fight her battles for her, and immediately summoned from Listowel
been unable to ascertain whether then according to the gospel of Prin-
during the day,. Committees were ap- but it is hoped.•that there are no in- �
f]adrs`will be covered with oilcloth or pointed and will at once set to work cleat Spotton, both England and ternal injuries. -
paiYrted. Nor have we heard the date Scotland would now be in the last WINGHAM
to make this another red letter day stages The young men; who brought them -
of the "oyster supper," that we expect for S. S. No. 4. g s of i£ it were not for •
selves into notoriety by their pranks Business College
will accompany the opening of the Pat and his Irish wit, But by the •
new plant. It is not true that both Misses Spence, accompanied by G. contention of Mr. Cameron, Canada on Halloween, found out that their
Kreuter and W. T. Spence, of Ethel, night work was a rather serious affair, Most modern and popular arin.
Bust -
the Citizens' Band and the Flute Band contains the bust elements of all three nous School in Western Onjurio,
have been. engaged for the opening drove to Wingham a short time' ago boiled and sugared off, and I believe Among those wino had property dis- sWidely d,experienced,
pm rienc , a broadly
ceremony, nor has it been decided to spend a day On the return trip he is about right. Miss Brook's read- Curbed and carried off, was Mr. Chas, stair The synonym of success.
Mr. Krauter got out to light the Pope. He obtained legal advice, and Graduates eminently successful.
who will be selected to "touch the ing° were simply splendid, and were The very eseence of modern,
button" that will set the new machin- lamps on the carriage. The sharp applauded to the echo, while Mir. Me- the result was that the youths were living business systems.
crack of the match startled the team notified by a lawyer in Wingham, St8 p y
ery in operation, but it is said that it Donald and his concertina will never eno rt► h Telegraphy
will be either the Mayor, Mgr. Gregory, Pope amagesone, or and away they went. After running be forgotten by those who were so that they had the option' of settling nils Commercial
a short distance the rig was upset and with Mr. Pfor dd
or that faithful old employee Joe fortunate al to hear him. The mag- Courses.
badly damaged. The occupants were appear before a magistrate to have
Bradwin. nificent singing of Mr, Hill And the Preparatory, cour4o for those
considerably shaken tip, one of the justice meted out to then). The for- whose education has been neg-
young ladies having berankle injured thing to remember. Wingham has finer was readily chosen as it prevented Atat1 courses, in an subjects, _
and Will. Spence a damaged nose. their being brought before the public for those who wish io study at -
)i101 1'OOC�. some fine musical talent, and White- )tomo.
y gaze. They are now minus $20. It Individual instruction. Enter
church appreciates their assistance. any day. write for handsome
Ernie Ackert took cattle to Toronto is hoped that the have learned ales -
W leen we are as big or bigger than p y catalogue.
on Saturday. jyJprj'ig, son that will: do them for awhile. If
Wingham, we will.. return the comp ii- CEO, sPdTTtJN, — PRINCIPAL
Quarterly meeting was held at Betb- TownshipCouncil meets on the 16th' ment. The receipts amounted to they should s the future attempt to
re j
-any last Sunday. fest. about $50. do work of such a doubtful nature � �■ 1/
Mrs. H. Drebmann of Bayfield is The Nicholson Lima Works have NOTIC.—An additional newsy budget they wcI[ not got off so easily,
visiting relatives here. closed down for this season after a reached us at noon Wednesday, which _ Ql
Mr. Leslie Erwin of Lucknow called good run. we must hold over till next week's is-
sue. --The Editor.
on Gillies Haines on Monday. Mr. Jos. Smith, 0th line, who was Makes A Saint Swear. PHONE 5 s
James Haines of Dungannon spent away to Cobalt visiting his daughter, To have his favorite corn stepped
Sunday with his parents here. Mrs. Geo. Caldbick, is back home Jamestown. on. Don't have corns, cure them with
Putnam's CoY•n Extractor. Takes 21 NewRuits
James Benny delivered his' cattle at again' hours, no .pain, costs a quarter. Try ■
the Lucknow station on Tuesday. The many friends of David Mccut• Farming is not all gain. Since last "Ptitnam's."
cheon, 6th. line, hoe to hear of a April, d Jacklin lost two horses, a ,
Mr. and Mrs. James Hughes return- p There's all kinds of Fruit, but
g much improved condition of health colt and a cow. The latter died last ___. _ _ _ _ onlyone kind that lies entire
ad home from St. Mary's last week. week from too heavy, indulgence in g
in the near future. satisfaction—tbat s THE BEST.
Bert and Emma Edgar of Rivers- turnips in the field, which she got Salem.
dale spent Sunday with friends here. Miss Belle Henderron has been into when "Mr. Jacklin was away from
The Iasi threshing of the season in re-engaged as teacher of S. S. No. 10 home. Mr. & Mrs. Cassels of Berlin are the
the neighborhood was on Tuesday for the nest year at an increased sal- guests of Mrs. A. Willits. Currants and
last• dry, the figure being $430 Dir. Andrew Longley is visiting his
Miss Brandon, of Morris, who makes East Wawanosh. son James, in Toronto for a few days. Raisins.
Miss M. McKenzie -of Kincardine her home with her brother, met with The council met Oct. 31st at Bel- Mr. and Mrs. John Hartley of Clift- '
spent a few days with friends in the As formerly, you can depend on
a serious accident on Sunday of last grave, members all present; minutes ton spent Thanksgiving da at the
village. week in fallingdown stairs, of last meeting read and confirmed, p g, . y EVERY CURRANT and RAISIN
home of Mr. Wm. Weir, that leaves this store,
Harold Ackert of Kincardine High A drain petition was presented at The Treasurer reported that in ens- Mr. Geo. Gallaher of Gorrie, and his
school spent Thanksgiving with his the last Council meetin , having to wee r his advertisement ten different
parents. g g brokers had forwarded tenders for the daughter, Mies Minnie, are spending a
do with the easterly part of con. 0. purchase of the Hallahan Drain De- few days with friends in Toronto. feeing !S Believing
Mrs. S. parker and family of Tees. Engineer Roger was authorized to bentures. i1,
water spent Thanksgiving at her proceed with the plans, • Gillespie—Burchill—Thin the tender Mrs' Win. Mf"cCluan of Manitoba is
home here, from the Dominion Securities Cor- on an extended visit at the home of Therefore come along. We want
Tax Collector Proctor has comment- poration of Toronto, being the high- her brother, Mr. Wm. Mitchell of this you to examine our Fruit, and we
Archie MCDermid of Guelph is ed his duties for 1908 and has a big est offer, be accepted, and that the place, aro Confident you'll bop.
spending a week with friends in the job ahead of him as the roll calls for Reeve and Councillor Scott be ap On Saturday afternoon next the
peighborhood. $20,592, The building of the new pointed to arrange with the Treasurer y ALL OTHER FRUITS As
D. Morhood. will show same of his steel bridge, 5th ng is largely for the final settlement of the same— young people of Salem will commeAe THEY COME To IIAND
g g y carried. practising the children for their Xmas WILL BE OF THE VERY
moving pictures on Wednesday night responsible for the increase this By-law No. 16, 1908, to repeal By- entertainment, BEST QUALITY
in the township hall. year, lata No. 5, 1907, and By-law No. 17, Mr. Fred Kitchen o£ Essex sent
1908, ratifying the appointment of Ed- p
win 0. Fuca of Galt, Tp. Enmeer, in Thanksgiving holidays At the home of
m;,..,,, ,,,r•r„ ��� 1,� y13i ,,:,.,, �� place of Lewis Bolton of Listowel, his parents here, We etre sorry to
both duly road and passed. Ipiearthat Mr. Kitchen, sen„ i�not im- HellpyC�l®Gillespie—Curving—That the follow -Covin as ucckl as his man friends rSix i the a MI ing accounts be paidd carried.
Miall .Ct Empire, advertising sale of Would wish.
Drainage Debentures, $8.10; Connelly'. J
R Co., part paym% on the Hallahan -
Drain, $74'7.0$ ; Wm. Connell & Co., GOOD ROME RECIPE.
Clamoriongfor�� ��� building culvert fin the waliahan
Drain, $0.00; Geo, Taylor, building
Belgrave bridge con. 9, $551.79; ileo. Get from tiny prescription pliarma• ■ i � i ■ I r • '
,, �•';; • Taylor, building bridge opposite lot cist the following, lmit U0
+ *� One Package 39, con. 5, on the Hallahan Drain, Fluid Extract Dandelion, ono -half
$288.67; Thos, J, Bell, inspecting ounce; Compound Iiargon, one ounce; To Manitoba,
bullding bridge lot 39, cbti, 5, $9,00; Compound'Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
Jas. A. Scott, work and mitterial on ounces.
29 Aw nutlet Con, 0. $12,80; Hy. Edwards, Shako well itt a crottle and take a
1 �' cleaningout ditch opposite lot 37, boli. teaspoonful dose after each meal and Saskatchewan a n d
5. 50c ; hos, H. Taylor, jr., repairing at bedtime,
Pothergill's bridge, com 0, 75c ; Joshua The. above is considered as the most Alberta.
i rr'I i`l Sathsof41 thetu ally 1. Walsh, drawing and furnishing certain prescription ever written to
J ravel for Belgrave 'bridge, $3,00; relieve I3ackathe. Kidnfy Trouble,
�r, (ort rf icap m• Birkett, repairing the Marnoolx Weak Bladder and ail forms of Uri- The attradtive route is via phlca-
M bridge, con, 0, $5.75; Chas. Campbell, niary difficulties. This mixture Acta go and St. Paul, Minneapolis
underbrushing road allowance lot 34, promptly on the eliminative tissues of or Duluth.
Prepared Instantly Simply add boiling water and con. n, $4.00; J, N. Campbell, tale for the Kidneys, enabling them to filter
drain roadway, con, 5, $1.81-, Thos. and strain the uric abed and other
serve when cool. Rodger cleaning stones off hill, con, 6, waste matter from the blood which
Sweetened just Right. Flavored just Right. 50o, J. Anderson, . B1 0, hall tent causes Rheumatisin. .
Nd'iltrrarr .
voters' list courts $2:00: Win. J. Some persons who suffer wi.tlr the C��Lfornil�, ����1��
No Cooking. No Fussing,3 Alex afflictions may tiot feel Inalinod to � 1
;' $ Aorks, selecting jtirora, $ .00;
Porterfield, selecting jurors, $5,00. place much cobfidenee in this simple
'I Choice F(a ars, at all good grocer-. 1? Cit. Potterfield, clerk's fees_ can the mixture, yet biose who have tried it and Florida.
i Johnson and Hallahan drains, $50.00 ; say the results are simply surprising,
New xBustlrated Recipe Boar, Frees Wirt, Deacon, gravelling on con, 10, the relief being efheoted without the
22 40; Jirs. Tundey, 60 yards gravel, . slightest injury to the stomach or oth• Special Bound, Trip Tourist Rates
17L 61mmit fila roofs to,, f3Iwai UX4, CANAb& 1.20; fly. Edwards, 28 yards gravel, or organs. fix sfyeot to Principal Winter
itflghtat .wind, Gold'Mtdailis at St. Loid 1,06; Robt. Slilell, 64: yards gravel, Mix some anti five it a trial. It cer- resorts.
$1,48; Win. G, Craig, 80 yatils gravel, Whly Coutes highly recommended,
ForCiand Af►d1 J'amesfoWn Xx1* ialttidila, $0;02; Hy. Deacon, 5 days shovelling It is the proscription of an eminent -- -
gravel, $0.%-, Fred Ratti, gr'availing at authority, whose entire reputation, it Lt'or tietceta and fa
lnrormatleii, oalt ob
�Y01A'VA10e �+'OUt Xleilit th AVold CihOmp I Mitatlons« lot 41, don, 4. $0880; Malcoltit To id staid, 'tva,s Cstalilished Uy it.
r Walsh, furnishing rile and puttintg In A drrrgglst hero at home, when W. IIleNRY, Town Agent, or wt�ite
011E It -0 C08ft a 101110 morel, but - - auludrt on natstr;rll Botiodar , $1U.xs, asked, stated that he Could dither, sup-
! The amweil thets stdjoltrnrIto �mdot ply the Ingrkdlebts or mix the pre- I D. It'Y+WDtntl�tii�
agahl orb lclalldity, Nov, 23rd Yee ;t. skriptiott for our rdadors, also taconnt• ,d Ati.'wroxtr.
10 MIMS P99 PAOXA,G Aknt, P1 tetrflbldr reit rk, ,. rAeildall it #A h6t•ibles , I
Bargain Day' Bos.
With every week our sales mount higher and bi-g �er Witll every Friday' a
new record is made for- a single day's business. '.Chat this Friday Inay be no
exception to the rule we offor oil such irresistable values for ever da necessi,
ties pthat you will, a -e this you
t y y
• y l ;<nab sole hum vi'il:h business.. Watch our win,.
dow display Thursday for Friday Bargains,
Ladis' Wear Department.
Our expire range of Ladies' Waiatp, consisting as it doe's""of the latest anti'
most artisttic productions of high•cl:res makers, on Special Sale Friday ---an an-.
nouncement our lady friends will bail with delight wb.atever your particular -need
may be, wilether a neat black satin or dainty flannel, plain lustre or an elaborate-
ly trimmed net or silk, you will find it here at redactions equal to those below.
$1,00 WRAPPEIZETTE $5.00 tkr $0.00 WAISTS $3,98 $3.00 LUSTRE WAISTS
WAISTS 03c In this range are included our FOR $2.30
most expensive waists, bought
New, smart styles, dainty especially for our Christmas. Fancy Lustre Waists, elab-
patterns, perfect colorings trade, comprised of delicate orately embroidered wli.h
are featured in this range cbades in net, silks, white or silk, distinctive style, Per-
o£ waists, all sizes, regular black, I.Pgl liar up to $6,00— fact in Ht, regular $3,00—
$1.00—Special Friday,.... 030 Special Friday .......... _.$3.08 ..$3,98 Special Friday...: . . ,....$2.39
A saving of 37o. A saving of $2,02. A saving of 31c,
Small Wares and Motions.
50c AND 75c BELTS 30c.
Our entire range of Ladies' Leather, Silk and
Elastic Belts, new styles, assorted shade°,
go on sale indiscritninately Friday at,..... 390
A saving of up to 300.
15c, 20c AND 25c EMBROIDERIES 13c.
Fine Swiss Embroideries of which the inser-
tions to match have been sold, in very dainty
patterns, worth up to 25c—Special Friday
peryard ..... ............ ................. 13c'
A saving of up to 12c.
20 Doz. Ladies' fancy embroidered Hdkfs, fine
hemstitched edge, special q`liality cambric,
regular 15e—Friday . , .... ... ...:... , . , .... Joe
10 Doz. only, Ladies' Cambric Hdkfs•, 'dainty
embroidered patterns, scalloped or. hem- .
stitched edge, regular 25e and 35c each—
Special Friday...... .. ..3 for 50c
Extra Specials for Men and ,Boyss
BOYS' 75c ODD VESTS 39c. MEN'S $1.25 SWEATERS 89c.
10 Doz., odd, tweed, we picked up from the Mien's fine worsted wool Sweaters, platin or fancy
makers at such it slash price we cannot re- colors, regular $1,25 value—Special Friday... 89c
sist the temptation and make a huge scoop.. A saying of 30 cents.
sizes 32 to 3a-, reg. 75c—Extra Special Friday 39c g
A saving of 30 cents.
BOYS' $1,00 BLOUSE SUITS 65c. 6 Doz. Men's heavy Calf Mitts, double stitched
10 Only, Boys' dark Grey serse Blouse Suits, with strong waxed thread, continuous thumb
sizes for boys of 5, 6, 7 and 8 years of age, lining and wrist of fine knitted wool, regular
regular $1.00—Special Friday .. , ......... 05c 75c—Special Friday .. . ....................... 49c
A saving of 35 conts.
Boys' fancy knitted Gloves in plain or mixed
colors, assorted sizes, regular 25c—Special... 17c
Men's fancy knitted Wool Gloves, black or grey,
high wrists, regular 50c—Special Friday..... 38c
A saving of 12 cents,
You Can't Afford to Hesitate - over the Floor
Covering Prices for Friday.
Our immense stock of 1, 2 and 4 yd. width Lin- FOR FRIDAY.
oleum in smart patterns, good colorings, We have picked out fifteen different as s
reg. 50c and 60c—Special Friday per sq. yd,. 41c p +l
unnecessary stock, among them Ingrains,
15o MATTINGS 10c PER YD. Tapestries and Brussels, splendid patterns
Japanese Mattings, full yard wide, colored pat- and colorings, sizes 3x3;1, 3x4, 3}x41•, regular
terns, reg. 15c per yard—Special Friday ..... 10e worth up to $15—Special Friday.... , , . , .. , , $9.4:5
per yard. A saving of tip to $5.55,
A saving of 5c .: .... .. . _. ...._ . _.. :._ .. .. .
Staples and Dress Goods for Friday.
At last we have secured a good quantity grey Domestic yarn, fine, even, soft quality, regular
Factory Cotton which we put on sale Friday 60c per lb --Special Friday ... , ....... , ... 47c
at per yard. ........ . ....................... 5c A saving of 13c per lb.
. Fancy Tweed Suitings in stylish stripes, cheeks
Pure linen, unbleached hand Towelling, splendid and plain colors, winter weights, regular 50c
in quality, regular 10c --Special Friday, ..., 7 -%Lao and 60a value—Special Friday .......... .... 37c
A saving of 21c per yard. A saving of up to 23o per yard.
That our Friday Bargain Day is amply appreciated by, the buying public is
clearly demonstrated in the ever inoreasing Numbers who orowd our different de-
partments. Should you not as yet leave benefitted by onr great underpricing,
come out. We pronlise you stleh treatnient as 'will, bring you out again.
Special Prices :lie strictly* Cast: or Trade,
Store opens at ."i a, li't.—Closes at 7 p, m,