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The Wingham Advance, 1908-11-12, Page 4
THE +��/y{•/y7•.��Vry^��°y�^,'A A ^,�` /`] +��+/,+ �y�Vy��y7ry��{y; 4 .R H 0 I d .AMe+.7 \/l�•4+,.�..1� �• D T ,�,��.\ t.!.,.;,i, r received life sentonoes, leaving over 200 unsolved 1400"0' Lo (1011' L;pg- land, had 21 murders, 22 arrests made, 20 tried, found guilty and punished, When It is rernenxbered that London` ,Irla�ilrl °�� is at least twice the. size of New York AreYou Papticular ■ ; City, the significance of these figures Theo, }lith - . Proprietor. ; will be further enhanosd, Uponn the effectiveness with which the law is Daou want thinto be, just so Then y things .1 administered depends the minimizing we'd like you for a customer, We've promised of crime, A writer has said of the you satisfaction ---promised you that style, fit and 36bitorfal united states that its greatest curse price will please you ---- we'll keep our promise, is its growing disregard for law, It has been boasted that a coach and. Our best ads. are satisfied customers. Come here -Mr. Borden's platform has been four can be driven through almost for your next Suit or Overcoat. more successful than his party. Be- any law if there be money to back the fore the election the government stole driver. There. is too much tampering the civil service plank, utilities plank, with law even in this country. but we and the election reform plank, but may be grateful for one thing, ,�iErnFurnishlags. that �used them only sparingly and partial- its administration is such still as to ��++e13�4.� ly. During the campaign the free .inspire wholesome fear on the part of rural mail delivery p,I�ogramme was. criminals. Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Underwear, Etc., appropriated, though the ministers in every line that's new and up-to-date. had denounced the scheme as thirty --Few if any, will accuse the Weck- Call and see our elegant stock. years too early, they took it before ly Sun of being partisan, and .this thirty weeks, is what it has to say of present poli - Small Prices --Big Values. - tical conditions :-"The present situ- --Telegraph Manager Jas. Rent, of ation places a very serious responsi- the C. P: R„ who just returned from bility on Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his the West, states that telephone wires advisers. No matter. what course he are being strung on all telegraph may pursue, it is,only reasonable to Robt, Maxwell to les. This will establish complete ouothat the Liberal party will go telephone t hone connection between Mont- out off power at the next election. real and Winnipeg. This means that The growing popular aversion to the 1 when the operating department takes maintenance of a party in power too Tailor & Men's Furnisher over the double track between Fort long will of itself in all probability be William and Winnipeg the telephone sufficient to ensure this. If, however,. circuit with Winnipeg will be ready. Sir Wilfrid accepts .the advice of his "The telephone seems well adapted for best friends, defeat, when it does come train despatching,f' said Mr. Kent, will not carry dishonor with it, and "and already in the United States his party, even in defeat, will. still be over 7,000 miles of railway are cover- in possession of great moral strength. ed by it," The telephone has been If, on the other hand, there is con- ,,.. .:,, , .,.. ....W utilized b the C. P. R, in man laces King's For Bargains I We Want Your Trade y y p tinned extravagance in public expendi- $ $ for the running of passenger and tune, if waste of the public funds by ....."""" freight trains. purchasing supplies only from sup- porters of the Government still goes -Frere is a paragraph of good ad- on, and if there is a succession of Y vice from Rev. F. B. Meyer, D. D.: -events such as those which drove Em - Lam. Specials. "After all, the troubles you anticipate merson and Hyman out of office and may never really befall. 'Tis a long cast a cloud over the -present head of lane without a turning. The dreari- the Public Works Department, the est day has some glints of light. How Government's supporters will be anni- do you know that some spell .of good hilated in the neat election." 10 Dozen White Quilts. - fortune may not be about to befall you? In any case, worrying will not Large size, Regular $1.50 -to clear at ........ 90C mend the matter. It can alter neither Plain Talk is This. the future nor the past, though it will materially affect your power for bear- ing it. It will not rob to -morrow of The following extracts from a strong I y its difficulties, but it will rob your Liberal journal, The Montreal Wit - 25 ladies Astrachan Jackets brain of its clear-sightedness and your ness, should be beeded by the Gov - heart of its courage. Turn from it to ernment. One of the stock declara- Bes.t lot of Coats for the least money ever - God with faith and prayer, and Iook tions of Reform campaigners during shown in Wingham-to clear, each...... $12.50 out for the one or two patches of blue the election was that the Conserva- which are in every sky. And if you tives had never proven in the house TERMS: -SPOT CASH. cannot discover any where you are, any of the charges which they were dare to anticipate the time when God bringing against the government on will wipe away all tears, and give you the hustings. When to this the Con - Butter 22c. Fresh Eggs 25c� a kiss like that which a mother gives servatives replied that they were FARMERS --Biro in Dried. Apples, Beans,.to her tired, sobbing child who is too never given an opportunity to prove g yourweary to go to sleep. anything in the house, the Reformers Feathers, &c. Highest Prices. retorted that every opportunity was given in committee, and that the Con- -The Home Journal has statistics follow- of it.. fives failed to take advantage . ing paragraph :-Crime statistics of of it. ' New York Cit last year give the The Witness, after commending the number of murders at 240. For these government for appointing the civil = murders 85 arrests were made ; 33 ail- service probing commission, says,: - Good GOODS I r Cheap Prices leged murderers were placed on trial «Very different were the com- with the result of 20 convictions ; two mittees of parliament before ' were condemned to death, three others which irregularities came. The acquittal of anyone by a commit- tee in which the majority fights and votes against frank efforts at discovery is entirely unconvincing - - - to theublic and leaves an ill odor _ of disinfectants in everybody's -- _ _ _._._...-----• nostrils. What the cunry " wants and sadly needs is a zealous cleansing of its public life." "Let Laurier finish his work. It remains to him to bequeath to his- tory a clean country. Let the / �e party, once called the Reform �le Sense Of Secu 1po party, do realreform." 0 A At least a government that ©o p:e2 ©0 09 0891 fears that its continuance depends 0 8 I 1 on bein over -gentle with hood - 99 ODOp 6 0 9 9 8 q a s t tO�'.t2101'�'OW lers, ha better commit hari-kari e?112 0� 0800 p (� 9 8 fl 9 q Y g than continue to live under such a 00 OE390 ® S 0 8 8 q consciousness and such a black 9.i1 q imputation. A party made up of 00 U00J3 0 0 0 0 0��1 hangers-on, who count themselves gives ample incentive e as having a right to the positions at its disposal, is a subject for con- e' tempt, and the support it retains ..._r way is y precarious and t0 Sa ve to? day/ false." The above three extracts from a Herd Office, Hamilton. Liberal paper of the standing of the Witness should have some weight with our rulers. HE men or women with a savings Bank Account can almost be picked out of a crowd. The sense of securit URSDAY, NOVEN A Review Of The 'Vote. A review of the vote in the recent Dominion election may be of interest. Ontario while giviugonly one more Conservative seat, increases tbO Con• servative majority by over 20,000. This. is due to the drop In Liberal ma- joxities In many seats and a largo iii- crease in Conservative figures where they won, So. small, a tenure had many Liberals that a change of FIGO votes would have affected nine seats,, meaning an increase of 18 In the Con- servative majority. Quebec, while retaining the same standing in seats, dropped from 33,453 to about 25,000 of Liberal majority. Nova Scotia fell 8,000.. New Bruns- wick, on the other hand, rose from 300 to over 800, and full returns way take this in the neighborhood of 1,800. Prince Edward Island had a Conservative majority of 515; this will probably be reversed. lvlanitoba reflects a big change in sentiment, advancing from 118. Con- servative majority in 7004 to over 3,000 now. The "Northwest" Provin- ces, .Alberta, and Saskatchewan, gave 7,003 Liberal majority in 1001. Now 30400 is their best, In British Columbia the turnover is seen from a Liberal majority of 1,142 in 1001 -making no allowances for Liberal acclamations -to a Conserva- tive majority of 2,350. Thus the Gov- ernment lost materially in all the provinces except New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. L SCALDED BY BOILING FAT. COULDN'T USE HANDS FOR A MONTH. Zam-Buk Gave Instant. Relief. An accident in a Toronto home might have had very serious conse- quences had it not been for Zam-Buk. Miss Martha Green, of 0 Claremont St., in taking a pan of boiling flit from the oven spilt it over her right hand. "The boiling fat ran into the palm of my hand," she says, "and over all my fingers. I was almost wild with pain, The band became swol- len, and large blisters formed all over the palm and along the fingers. For over a month I was unable to use the hand at all. I tried several kinds of salves and liniments, but the wound seemed apparently no better. It was altogether too severe for these prepar- ations to heal. About this time I was advised to try Zam-Buk. I stopped using all other preparations and applied it instead. The very first application soothed my hand and seemed to draw out the fire and inflammation ;- and as I kept on using Zam-Buk the blisters gradually dried up and disappeared. In it very short time the scald was healed com- pletely." This is but one instance of the uses to which Zam-Buk can be so advant= ageously applied. It is equally effec- tive for burns, cuts, bruises, abrasions, sprains and stiffness. It also cures eczema, ulcers, sores, blood poisoning, ringworm, scalp sores, blackheads, pimples, chronic wounds, cold sores, chapped hands, and all skin diseases and injuries. Rubbed well on to the chest, in cases of cold, it relieves the aching and tightness, and applied as An embrocation it cures rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, Ptc. All druggists and stores sell at 50c a box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co,, Toronto, for receipt of price, 3 boxes for $1.25. I ' Miss Elizabeth E. Grant Teacher of Piano, Theory, Harmony and Interpretation. Pupils prepared for Conservatory or University examinations. Terms on application. STUDIO - 1sT FLOOR-MACDONALD BLOOM Frank McConnell LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF HURON. Sale orders carefully attended to.. Stock' and implement sales a specialty. Terms reasonable. Residence, at North end. WINGHAM - ONTARIO WINGHAM General Hospital. BER 12, 1.908. Ritchie WONI - 0 111111101011010"001 i - 101 r REAL ESTATE WgUft _ joird ,AND INSURANCE Farm Properties, Every Day Bargain Some exceptional valises in harmsA, If you want one, it will Day ,t`�IYt This. .Store pay, you to see us,. The good old Province of 9n- :.. .-,. tario is all right, Barbains In Trousers. Properties A quantity of Men's Trousers to clear at about half At right prices.. We have a� price. (food color, grind workmanship, correct styles, regular price $1,75.. Special price to clear, number of places admirably suit- a pair ........................ ..... .. ...• •... 999 edi for retired farmers. No pret- tier or liftlthier town in Ontario - than Wingham. Property bought Ulstei�S And Overcoats For hien here eau always be re -sold. At Half Prose. Ritchie& cosens one doz. Men's Ulsters and Overcoats to clear at half price. REAL ESTATE AND $7.40 Coat for $3.50 $6.00 Coat for $3.00 5.50 Coat for 2.75 5.00 Coat for • 2 50 INSURANCE - WINGHAM 4.60 Coat for 2,25 4.00 Coat for 2.00 INCREASE YOUR SALARY. PROPER Men's Rain Coats At Half Price. PREPARATION DOES IT. ATTEND ELLIOTT Seasonable goods at half price is good buying. You'll I perhaps need a Rain Coat this &.Xva P F t t s season. If so, this is the d place to get it. I TORONTO, ONxee is RIGHT 6.00 Rain Coat for $5.00 $8.50 Rain Coat for $4.25 And I 6.00 Rain Coat for 3.00 5.00 Rain Coat for 2.50 NOW. One hundred and one students from other bueinoas colleges have pat"011 ,zed this college within one )car. N nam Mm Tuis PuovE9 We give the bo..t. Nothing else would satisfy u inl Women's Rain Coats' A� Halt Price■ else should Ratisfyvyou. ALL GlUDUArtanveTEs READILY SECURE EmLOYMENT. Write for Catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL Light, medium and heavy weight Rain Coats to clear. Cor. Yonge & Alekander Ste. You'll be fortunate to get a good, well made, fashionable - ��� garment at half price. $13.00 Coat for $6 50 $12.00 Coat for $6.00 THE GREAT SCHOOL. 10.00 Coat for 5.00 7.00 Coat for 3.50 _ CENTRAL 6.00 Coat for 3.00 5.00 Coat for 2.50 sTRATFORD, o1vT. 12 Doz. Whisks, good .quality, well bound, only..... Joe past record and our present grade - of �rofwork stamps us as the grecs practi- cal training school of Western Ontario. Colored Silk Twist, per spool, only. . . . . . . . IC Three departments -COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAP111C. Our graduates are in demand as Busi- ness College teachers as woll as office DIAMOND DYE, all shades, per package 8e or 2 for assistants. i.rgcatfre"'rterNOWLaoalogue efio 15c, or 4 for 25c.' We are headquarters. for it, ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN PRINCIPALS Z WANTED. -Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, White Beans, Wood and Oats. Also choice young Chickens, RTHUR J. IRWIN Ducks and Geese; must be fat and dry picked. + D.D.S., L.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. -Office in Macdonald Block - .W. J. PRICE . .. _ ....,.. . _ , . B.S.A., L.D.S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of University of Toronto T. A. MILLS and Licentiate of Royal College of Det tal Surgeons of Ontario. OarloE rN BEAVER BLOOIi - WINOHAT.r _ • WINGHAM-- N G H A� 1T. .CANADIAN ROME CIRCLES t u.i..,l Wingham Circle, No. 434 Meets the let Thursday in each month, in the Chisholm Hall, at 8 p. m. Candi- ie dates for cheap reliable insurance are solicited. Ask to see our rates from any Stan 8 of the officers, Ladies' risks accepted at the same rate as men. _ R. AwDE T. E. 11013INS09- Leader Rec. Secretary, W.•J. WYLEs - Fin. Secretary r/ nderc-0 r DOMINION BANS. -FOR- and Government y Marvels Of Wireless Telephony. (Under overnent Inspect`lon.) HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. and independence is noticeable in cheerful face and con- _ - Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. fident air. Friends are uncertain when needed --Mone open to all regularly licensed physicians.yWireless telephony is now- a fact. Rates for patients (which include board andualitl Fit and Wear. in the Bank is sure and certain,.when necessity or opportunity Count Arco of senile, and De Forest•, nursingion of do 416.0o per week, a000rding Capital (paid up) $3,476,000 y' to location of'room. For further infarma- makes the demand. Money is the best friend of man, and reserve have proved that a were trifle of 400 tion -Address MISS J. E. WELCH Reserve (and un tel- . $5,297,000 , miles is no serious obstacle to a tete-a- Superintotidont, monsy Is P ossible to all who work and save. Bo= e, Wingham, oat Total Assets, over $48,000,000 „ tete conversation. And as for driving an aeermobile WINGHAM BRANOH. ° The Bank of Hamilton considers. its most important public with this new brain -stunning force called wireless power, why nota Dur - function to be the education of people to systematically save, and Ing this year wireless power has been ROYAL GROCERY Drafts sold on all - to afford them a safe, profitable depository for their savings, used to push a heavy trolley oar with points in clan- range in all sizes. Every garment gdar- .complete success; and those two bird- ads, the United States and Europe. g. J Over Ninety Branch Savings Banks have been opened by like old bachelors, the Wri ht bre- SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. anteedg to be unshrinkable,y and to give thers, have developed the flying ma- thorough satisfaction in ever articular, the .Bank of Hamilton throughout Canada -which gather and care chine up to the point of a twenty-six Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and l t l i i d t added d d _ mile flight. upwards, anaeo principal quarterly. We - also carry' a full stock of lower for, the savings of the people ; and every dollar deposited in any � - Whatever id sent by wire, can D T HEPBURN Manager priced garments, ranging from 50 cts. up. branch office is under the direct custody of the Head Office in eventually be sent without wire=this , I C A L L Hamilton., is the great truth which is now revo- R. V0,18tone, solicitor We solicit comparison. - { lutionizing opinions and methods in And leave your order i Total assets of over Thirty Million, Dollars at present en- the scientific And engineering worlds. for fresh Oysters, Tar- � • - 1t is bud news for the copper trust, . _ trusted to the care of this Bank, is its best reference in soliciting no doubt, but it will make life much keys, Geese, Chickens l more interesting for. the rest of us. Protection and Safe We want your Produce = { your Savings Account, on which the highest current interest will The basic principle of wireless trans - be allowed, and credited on the deposit, four times each year. mission 19 one of the simplest known' TnQQ pn I li€hest prices paid and the best value for to science and will never change till a O 1111GStGllt your money. the universe changes, We understand - - • how sight i9 made possible by light THE BEST GROCERIES. A R co=NED M travelling in waves which reach the sensitive otitic nerve, and likewise THE BEST TEAS AND . The Endowment Policies BANK OF how sorind sets up delicate wavelike COFFEES. vibrations which, passing through our r I' atmosphere, Beat upon our ear drarns, THE • BEST SLICES AND The AOIIIIiIIOIi Life ("� SMITH ITH simian us to hear, In Impulse sassily EXTRACTS, �p • s 1 T 7l similar way an electrical ltnpulse est M* 11 u anywhere travels In waves throe 18 A sound, well managed T. A p y q 04tiadiafl Lifa Assuranoa Company, ,AGENT � � WINGHAM ether which, , con acts ever . - g y pard - ole of matter, conducts th© electrical PrOdtiCe Wanted. Average rate of llntetesti earned in 1006.. vibration through air, water. earth, A n and wails of solid ma8onr , nd it fli $.7ai P�� GENT.. 1�,. - o si t 1 these y A ti p s bra o p ek up ese cribra ons � � �ALCOLM �.,-7-anywhere, provided ane hale the rlglit r >I wnT:r ><t T. aaAY.L kind of reoelvar "tangd" to the W&Vk Ageat winghartt, il..;:.: p11MYiYlr longth oil wh1oh they Ata eerie out, L _ rrr. LIZY r