HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-11-12, Page 2 I - -W11— '. .- ,--T-,
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eN AW*.%W ' , L*,ft '. ,:j, _, . , . , I . I . :fto -_ . 1- ___1___-__.__ -_ . - I -,.-.---. .. . _. -_ .-- - .. - .- . . I . 11 A , , . . . " ,
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,4.00-w- 001b- f .,,% The 010pb6rd 'A'41)90a botoro hill fl*06'. Irm nie,'# Tke 411IN-1110 Sh-OP1101`41 114A 1114 1 0011ATIN, 901tin VOGINP
.. t thom from aailaultt 11 ad; firn4% oil the 6111VIleo of Ilia world, -NO SIGNS OF PR.O*81-PtL1'_,1R1Ty . lt,:io 't filtp the light. As a hoold'of the " ?
,, f. , C,A , ho h"Ots' AMS WIL14 BE TAXED WAS ff A CRIME
,. %,(%dy to protoo ' . *I
; /
. , " " '. - followea gladly Anti fearlea4ly itiatt 4AW VO#&W Q)' litei'll, flle 1N%'4)`. . W YQr)C .-
I t IN 3 'I '. 4011 N e"' , JaUnto it W44 III$ duty tO4 .. I Tim winghom AMOCO
wll _ , tIlQ.N . "'Anly.0 tile colle(MA)n and transitilsslozi ,.-. - --
I I , wheri,vor ho led, Q,! boNr hqt the conflict va Vic power of 01.
%! ,_ 11 - ".. . 11 . . It " $ir Thoulto 5haughoossy Retur.4.4
., . 11, The TIret And 1114 (Aziest tr4. ,t), 6). JICJI "In cruel u*aqult t1loll, lieree,st rage oi supplies froin
I A; -o is 0 vent;, the "supply Avagoll", 1114011 Inaugurated in. Ogrw"y tQ tivy 04 W lilt PeOPle I he Ex I . .1 9 it I W 410or
. - ,c - . III W be - il c4nnot Do. Without. Oraordinary Case f Pe A I. T 10, IRALIlet FrOPA '
, a tabit-4,P.- Ii"Ill ()
- . L 5 1 Vrepare-41. 'ith "Xntl(' a W i h G;lod NOW3 Fro ts,.,. I
I I N .1 rhauged. Jvl1(1%a!I is now de.orlt;ed 1% * ' ,X18" Of T1.111M rare, 14 11VA,YS M-111 by lssuil)g - laxter in Tow,
till 11 . mt %0(-, boutitirl vllt .rl .01080 at. banil, 11-44Y 004 sholl oupply ___ I)! whielt re3ds, _. I .1 . .1 -
1. -*III . Able I 6ir I . . .1 I . . .11 -1.
1111 vll I (.N, Y, k5ull'),
LEMON VII.—NOV. Xs, ;goll. J.-alallst au his table. 11 UOV1444 LIMA ail x . need" (111ill. 4. 10). God ig , , MQntr9AI, NOV. 9.1- President other days Ile buried; let us fQllow the Berlin, Nov. %—The Goverillnelivs
. it 10J.'111"; ill his ou'll * rkoai4a SJ)"llighne8sy ol tbo Ualladiall example of Grant and Lincoln—lot us Aqwmiii/
holl do exceediug abittl4lantily above till
__ I w. it i Cy"(111tal t.). . or thl-Ak (Ppit, 3. " 11 to Bilont. lintro peace. Lat u., In the brightness of WIS to looet the financial defielt pro- ('tin it ulan Italia a 40so 01 poison to. .
rulk.-I vittextahled tl%.IA:. to wholli 1.114t W44 Usk . ), aQ!fio Railway returned Dr. lip"
The Lord Our 8btpberd,--PsA. 23-1 Z-0- O-'"141 1 special. favor.- T'lle solll*sl U11111111,11-ailt exit. ."Ithough real thk Inapiling, '1%o 1.)pleldent to-worrow, forgetothe ,night .;lad errors viae, Among otheit things, that, tile (in- bla imeetheart, I.wowing that sIte latendi .
MON. wlslteit to 8110%
( olnulentnry._J. 'I'lle. shophord And Ills ! 0 1 It. . - image is eliang. f walk througli the ya,11py.,, 114%,log lived has been waMager it thol-oligh in%ve. ot the past, Let tin think of our Child- , lwrlal (4,014.'roolent, will take ov(kr tilt, to, kill herrmlf with it,wlthouf; locurrilig 0"49111110F
Alleop (vs. 1.4.) 1, my shopliord--ChrItit I It . Ill. 111. Altbough tilt . Ile tile tiolk of tile )Thole of tile collipally's I -ell, of tile Prosperity that is to. be theira, wholesals. buying And selling, of spiriti, . plowoblool, 4"F90001 A00
pit yet, lve have sulidtantial,,'y the sanie Ill followEllip with Jesua, 110% -I ay criminal liability for Ilia 414 Is, case
is the great Shef)I)o.rd alid Ills 101101YE'r$ itte'as as thw,e given Ill tlut 61.1jer Por, timigs of tultuall life begin to vecedo 11110s Ill the west, And just before !its to-inorrow, and all 011 be well." the oule price to be regulated so, US to earrit-s Out her piti-paia? We bad Gow-up"1141 ot 0.6 **U"* No^ i
I uhrist tioll Of tile J)"Itill). T-111pre .ark, as before, froux tile Cbristlan s Vision and the eter- l'"Iti'll to this City he inspectod. tile No wits soon confronted by a revolu, produce oL net reven of 22 ,000,000
, " . , ue- 0 -1 M oft% 41010 6111001"No 10, 0900* -
linx tilt- blivep. , s It allephol-41, the Pool, the guardinlIsIllp, 'tile perI4 tile Isal svorld loollis in sight and tile 164'eatil -Toronto terillinals, where alterations tioll. which brought into the 'field An inarks R55,000,000l, The beer tax ivill not *uppo6ed that at tile Present d,vy '. .. .. . . . .. .1 I I.. I - .1 . 11 . I
1034% tile sheep, ;P.. ,Aupvllos every lack. jtiurnev. Jehovull ia here regarded its struvole" is oil, t1leno -is nan,ght JO fear, lit the yalds at West Toronto Ate QvQlt larger force than linil fought be increased by two, itiarka per hecto- there was tiny civilized coluilluillty in . .
3. tataidi and keeii-4 them, 4- 6uPPOrt'3 it bountiful host aud Ills. people it-% -The go,od -Silop-herill, bus fulight allil k,Xpeowd. against tile Spanlairds. Prisidgut Palwa, litre (22 gallons). Bottled witles, both tho world In. AvIlielt this queotioll Could En
trouble, J01lovill Is , tobe ). to, KENN Y, 11401P Not." 04
welik iii, tinle* of . oests tit His banqo0thig tabl . Tho eonquored. death, Its 6ting bas been ex- In, ail interview President e,,, had )10 force to meet It, and Vpeale(l to, 4mostio 64 forei" , will be taxed i)e ani%yered tit tile afirillative, but our . . Ep 1 4 ORA
.often spoken of as tile Shepherd of Is- r, A. satisfaction At the QVI, ,flye. V1100111gs per b `ttle, besides A Bur- " W A00440004
illustrate certain striking f*lturea traoted, thu grave himi been robbod ot. 0`0441 . tile United states.
, , -.% estig. llltplvtq dou lit tilat respeci; was 1), OMP0.0 St *6A 240" Us'N
racl, And Israel Us his flock. Tile title vcrilea I i ation by Mr. Taft showed that
oj kjiIpp,jI#.,rd 13 also upplied to rulers, Ill tile royal banqnctt 1. Th. ,a I it victory. Thihs Conqueror Is now the dollcoa of tile return. of prosperity dis- ti taX 1141-Filig fil(mil- ton plefIlli," to thl-PQ torrect. The highest critolval7coort to
1, provIII&I in (11'a midst of 1013111011t 111 .t g,t1ide al)4, defender of Ilia follower And IIIIIN104 0.3tlughout t1le west, -1:11e m Administration hail been Us lritich. to 'jii rks, ' 001W 219PAA0W1 XR Immix*
Una in particular to David. Christ aP' 1% is promotive of Abundant joy, a. It upolt Ills strong artil dotil lie leall. It I 4-4-1 proallority of the country was blame As the rebels for tile insurrection, I Sparkling wines will bear ail "Ie- great and . prosperolw Stato of .
gone addltlona,j ta:g. Tile. Otlatonle anty oil -
plies tile title to himself (Jobli 10; 1; a ing ietituros, of in October, 1000, the United States took Tcreign 1111-InAllul4eturod- tabitoco And .1'exas Itaki just decided that it is not ll *GAO somum V44 to woos" of Wo
t TO %,Ill satisfy till the Nvants of a lifetlille, N A 0 01IVO j ;alk clear through tile for- '-no of- tile most Ole 8 - crime for a inarl to fuxu6b. WAM " 0wora-
coulpare 110b. 13, 20, 1 Pet. 2, 23.) ,. It is the typo - it e valley to the ccs vc,A fields of Eden," Everywhero there control of the Cuban Government, and the tax on ]Ionic grown tobacco remalft , poison to a
I .
I appmelate the force of tile inkage It Is -and plt dgo of the ever I I " "" " I finq sinee fidmitAstored it, - %youinit kumving that she will use it to , *a , ELI V to I pi,,im
lastilIg feast in tha ileavoilly ba. lquet- .: - I better , unchanged, but all advalorcill, tax will. **bow#-& to 4 fh -
I 1 "'6 al tillica, alid ' tobaou-o, take her Own lifet . I . . I , I- .. ., " . , I 1. ,_ -
r ' '
O s -1
neccasar,y to undeistand the akforence U) .0141 and Mr. Taft hopes to be in Cuba, on Fell- Ile placed oil manufactured
Ing llall,__V Olnt Com. Alinl$ onemles — - P oollinvot , Vearl Baxter was tin Attractive youll"
1. . I .. .. - 411 e a lie w good evacuation of tile from four to 00 marl -Is on 1,000 girl, who lived Ili tier father's faluily 01*1 DR. ROOF, C. REDMON11)
betwtou tile itiodorit, r:&Lphord and tile prepared this banquet for ' I jvd,ust; Iall Ithtle Improve- ruary Ist, wholl the
Jehovah bad . I", .. I.. 1,4111114 by tile American troops in sebed, ","*"I" 1 000
,oriental shophord. of 0141011 times. In that 1),vid as 1% in %rit of special lionor and. , I'll . . . . . . . . . . ment , , ,tied to come off, Q19Ars,g 1 1.2 to 24 inalts per It lit ArLiver county, which is. sit- OL ILI a P. 00110 .
. laud there is a strong AttQ011men't be- . I . on cigarettes, ai .
ween tile shepherd And Ilia flock; the f4vor, and this ill till) presence of Ilia I - In eoull.ectiou with Ills visit to Vain- 4114. 1 .id 80, pfonui,gs to 100 41 r;llle
ollemiee -,v.110 look9d on Illit, were not in- .1 couver' and N71otGrla, the Presid-mt . marks per kilogr4m itatpil In the northern part of Texas, not .
t I . . (24 pounds) oil far [ion) the OkIlthoul.1 lint-, Among the 46 IL a 1P. U.".0 !
sheep by naute. I E 11
shepherd knows eaelu r I AMU W, V I I I 44 I L neighbors was it ,young inart named. ;Still-. PHYSIOIA14 A016 SUROV-09
ally tender relations exist 'between vited to ,Partake, This -was David's RT16- I I 1. I , ld "We have ninny improvent-,vtp UELI VING UNEMPLOY101). tobacco. . - .,
. w.110, 111LIlis Affli . vil,del- way oil llanqauyer Island, Anti I I defs, lie had paid her marked attentlon ilce&* 14th Dr 01:11044
11 Ou %Ner to those etion, had I I L I . . Ad. A tax will he levied on electricity and
611.11 hhr and his flock. . ., . 0 =3 - I
v hand there is no unfathomable told, "There is 110 help for him ill 04XLI;" I vatico will be lund-z with these as .-Ap- Various Schemes to. Aid the Hungry in gns of five por cent. of the supply PI'le , . .
the one , - I I . .. ., .. '). a n incandw-ent elevtrle laulps n-nd gans and there call be no doubt that stio had I . 11 , * .
Affection, aitti oil the other a calm, un- Cod hatb forsaken. h4m.11—Whodon. Spe- lldly.as is reaportahm'. 17,,verk effort will Britain, I 0 repoied the utluost confidence in ]its .I.%- 11
,in, experiences of cloass sufficiency art, TORONTO MARKET3 be made to aid the people in the dcvtl- Mantles. d.t from 5 to 30 lifennigs, a-Ild ame, ' - TONE "' .
limited confidence. in that land every , I 174ndon, Nov. 0,—Put brief] "Irancei of .1111 tx-tl oil. A tinie c R. VAN$
wont o n f special flif- Opine] t Of tl,4 great re,3011roes of tile y, the Brit. oil advertlaernuts of front 2 to 10 per , - ,c. .
flock of .heel) is apiler the caro of a ' Farmers' Market. Wand I ", I ish Government proposals for relief of (..cut. of tile advertising. charge, aoeoril- towevei, when the. Ardor of tlig.t af(L .
erd And lit David's time the dan- fleulty, as 111any a trite )ieart knowa. It Ing to tile frequency of their appear- tion lossened, greatly to the young wQ, SAXZtfr= ANh'001J0]TOA..' .
shoph J . As to the ennilian)"A plans for next ' -
ow, as le.11Q- scallty meal that awaits God's The offering4 of grain to Oay Nvero. tile, itnemployed are Its follows; rL, man's distress. Diere were suggestions L
,gors were much greater than it circumstances, but a' Sluall, And - prlce ' unchanged. Barle Year In regard to the rallwiy itself. 10100, '1110 (1(%.tl% duties will be madit 16may to W= at lowpot ro&m 01 foo-
P soldier under such IN"ar Office opon. to'take 24,000 I -e- Omt; Ike Ila(! beemne ongaged to be mar. .
wild beasts and roubers were inore iiiiiii- noeoulpatiled ,%vith signs of fes- sold at, 55 to 58c per bus4el for 400 bush- Sir Thomas said the work of, ,%x- more comprehensive, voryinX from 1-2 "aliguish' JJD J'rl L .
erou,%. Shall not want—The language is banquet . orults in eve,'ol. reserve. This would Lied to Another. lit her 2"TA* . w4qx, .
tivit'y' na-moly, the head Anointed %rith elB, and oats at 43 to 44o for 200 bushels. 4-11sion would 90 oil in Accordance if) I per cent., according to tile value Baxter threatened suicide, and It is be-
. Hay quiet and firmer, with, sit cost ,$1,06,J,600. Additional of ti e estUto, it estimate lieved thAt site more than once informed WrNQH.Lg. .
partly Of QXp(riQ11QG ill tbo yreseut and L lea of wIth the plaus that had been formli- I . L
confidence for the futUro. So oil an up, God's sup- ' lattil, but as to a specific progn-tinnie Admiralty to employ 2,100 now taxes will yield 475,000,000 marks. ' I L -1 L .
to eurpass tbo varroiv 25 loads at $14 to .115 a ton. Straw cold men for repitiring warships. tier fickle lover that slit contemplated
pt"71'ry 01 p!ie,s are wont . . . boon ,lo- :-t
0 a All, looking back oil the wandering limit of ijeed --E,xposltdr',s. Bible. An- tit $10 a ton for two loads. for next y1cor nothing hod lie was. in DICKINSON & HOLNES
in tile ,,vt1derness they had lacked noth- s . -e- unchanged at $8.60 Ode& The completion of the line T enders forL five new cruisers to be Iff- taking her myn life, While a]
ll ail . ; , a I ointest--iXiie reference is to thp. anolut- , Dressed bogs in . sued earlier than the routine time. this state of mind she left her father's I I . I
ina ith oil was an emblem of the b fir beiiTy and at $8,75 to $9 for light. from sAskatoon to Edmonton 'IS now Central gTant for unemployed increae. DASHED ON ROCKS&
the romised laud the omise Iva$ that 0 rimnap; 0, L . $ 0 92 $ 0 00 within sight. Bit- Thomas hod noth. I . house one evening and called att the BARRISTERS, SOLICITOM ora
. L
of t-110 Holy Spirit, Cup . etl Wheat, fall, bush. - - 0 1 to $1,500,000, Una restrictions respect,- — honie of San4ors, who lived with his sls . .
would lack nothing (Dent, S; 9. tiem. . , , :
tt . to )_ suggests .-I Do., koose, bush. - . , - 6 87 Q 88 Ing, to say regarding the now boats P' 1010-werw Sleek Vnisaam .
1, Vitli debova,li for my over—The overflowing cup I I. Ing men -,vho have received poor law re. ter in a neighborini; village, She did not "
n, , lb. 1 43 6 44- " Tog GI find him there,, but as She was coming 3L 16 Disklaosik
bush.. _ - - - - :' C I L' oil the Atlantic, I L adstaue and Scow Sinashed Dudley Rolo" .
shopherd and guardian whose ban4 rests ftiltices of blessing. Jehovah is it boun'ti- O% ,,,.,y, bush . , -, .. 0 55 0 58 L 'T : T. . lief removed. 1. -
, i3a, I
. oil all the sources of sii ply, I can lack fat provider and is able to a.4undant. Aye, bush . , . , , - .. .. 0 79 0 80 Post office to take 8,000 men during to Pieces. away site met him in the street And they L , I I I
. ges. L -
Ito tetuporal or spiritual good. When ly satisfY. 0 $ ' 0 00 ,liristinits season, At iva. ranging front I had some conversation and then soplai
rgin. Peas, busli, .. .. .. .... WHOJILIE&SALE RAIDS ated. Pearl Bax -ter returned to liter fit: J6 A. MORTWON
Johit Fletcher was asked by George Ill, 0, Surely"OaI,Y-!'—R- V-, Ind I _00 . . $4 to $5 per wook,
tile ,Xothint, but goodness. and inercy shall Ray, per ton , , '. , . '. 14 00 0. I L . The various municipalities in Britain Owen Sound despatch: In the terrific ' ther's house and went to tied, but be -
if he would accept, preferment ill 0 Straw, per tort. . . .... 15 00 16 00 . . BARRISTER AN6 SOLICITOR
eburch as tin Acknowledgment for an pursue me. Jyhat a contrast to the lot of 8 50 9 00 Bur. have decided ort remunerative works of ,rate that swept Georgian Bay on Toes- tweelt I and 2. o'clock It). the morning it
able and timely paper he had. written the Allicked Ilion, pursued by the angel Oi Dressed hogs .. ...... six Stores Were Entered by tilt kinds which had previously been do- 11 was discovered that site was not lit tier
- judgment (Pan. 35. 0), hititted by %tla- Butter .. .. 4. .. .. .. 27 0 30 . aided on, and these amounts in the it.g. ally night the t1tg GItKJstQTle with a room. She had evidently gone from the 0
Do., I creamery .. , - - , 0 20 0 32 . glars In Brockville. I
oil American affairs, lie returned .tile re large seow, broke from her moorings at "o"Ey TO OAN
,pectful but cliaracteriStie reply, '&ro, I mity" (140.31). Goodness and mercy — gregal.a exceed $10,000,000. house barefooted, for the tracks left by I
want nothing. but more grace.' "_w t- "Goodnes.4 gild mercy Una the staple Fggs, dozen .. _ , .. 0 28 0 92 1 1 - v I rJon's Head dock-, and was, dashed on tier naked feet upon the damp earth euka-vortox alock.-WIntham -
Chickens, dressed, lb. . - - 0 11 0 19 , .
viands of tho Post, Apd, '. 0 12 A B Poekvllle despatch: j3urglary by MARRIED IN SICK ROOM. the rocks and smashed to pieces, The were followed into a sorghura patch, . I I I . .
Pnve a flavor Docks, spring, lb .. .... 0 10
kinson., nQ vixtus to all tbo rest. Alan needs 0 12 Miolesale was committed in Brockville I Lug, Crawford, with % seDW, also broke 'where she was found npou the ground,
2. He maketiI me-17he Lord enables us goodnes§ to supply all his wants, and Geese, lb., , - - - . - - - 0 10 Toronto Bride, Thought to be Dying, But loose, hub was saveil, As sile was in a (lead, wibh a bottle containing 9, small Welfindton. Mututlit
to see tile preciousness of Ills truth, to . Turkeys, Ill .. .. .. .... 0 15 0 IS during the night, no less than six stores . . -
To lie down meri. -ds more protected poltion, The Gladstone quantity of oarbolle Reid by her side. Her
feed upon it and resi; in it. ,y to calleel all his ' sins. Tile woi d Cabbage, per dozen .. .. 0.25 0 30 - is Recovering. was valued at. About $4,000, and the death was subsequently proved to have
—The diving Shepherd gives. rest to the are expressive of simple and virWunee . Onions, bag ....... .. -, 0 85 , 0 90 ho,ving been entered oil the main busi ' ' I -
with un- confidence in God As to every event in 0 $5. ness thoroughfare, They included the .Coronto, Nov. 9i—A rather pretty lit- 4 teow at a -bout $1,500. Both were owned been due to cai-bolle acid poisoning. Fire Ins. Co.
weary Pr wicked are filled Potatoes', bag .. .. .... 0 70 I
'k (Isn'. 5, , — 11. Smart, Lie rommice bids fair to be realized on ce, sawmill owners ganders ,was indicted for her,murder I ' ..
. -eat . 20. 21), but Christ prom ciiii, eartlily future." SlIall follow tile Apples, bbl...,. . .. .. f R. Davis A Sons, R. by, Pedwell & Lontpl, 0W.*bI!1Sho4 236k) . .
ises spul rest to hose who come to libli rbis goodness and inercy of God sball Beef, Ili,duarters ... ... 8 00 0 00 Thomas MacDertnott G. X Quirni'llach, Oasingtoll Avenue, Oc,t, 2 had been sat .A.t Lion's Head. Information of the disas- .md folind guilty. The theory of the
follow him, 4aring his entire lifetime. 6 00 Q 'W. Johnston and the `Wm. Da No" 0MON-013=4A ONT. .
(Mattt, 11, 28-30.) Green pastures — . fi , vice GO,, as the Ivedding day i f 'Mliss 'Maild Hop. ter wits brought down this evening by prosecution was that he had by force
. ., fpreq AAna or fraud or threats compel
. p4r er4 .. .. 4 50 0 Amer led #ihe girl au%& fiab*& on till eiasoiw o: !naurabtb pro.
Pastures of budding or tender grass" 'Through all Its oblinges,All shade and 5 00 Q 50 Limited. It is supposed t4 have been , tile fisheries protection ate,
. (-. tender 4unshine, ite p . erils And deliveranoee., its Do., medium, carcass .. 8 00 an organized effort of local characters kins, SO Oasington avenue And Air. Rr- rvan, I . to take the carbolic acid -Which destroy- pwir on tbe cauh or vomtu a note rtyat*o,
The orl-inat word denotes tit DO,, choice, carcass ... 7 50 - nest Fawcett, us DdudAs street, but oil 10, - ;. ed her life. The conviction has been set FANMI 0OLD1111. CHAA DAMM96N.,
shoots (Deut. 32; 2) as distinguished .-,orrows gild' joyo, to Its close. His Go- 4NJutton, per ewt. - - - - 0 50 8 00 well acquainted with the several pre that day the bride was so seriously ill asid
. from the ripe grass.—Whedon, What emies bad pursued him even to the pre- Vpal, prime, per cwt .... 7 50 - 10 00 mises. This is abown, by the IGefttioft e by the Court of Criminal Appeals proodoiot. flearatarv,
are these green pastures but the SorID- sence Of Ili$ boat, hen'0041`0' gr4(!O a"d L,mb, per owt .. .. .... 0 00 8 50 of (lie weak spots.la the rear doors and that she w4s not expectea to survive. At FOREST FIRES. of Texas on .the ground that the inflict, .. 40as Ta"111A .
tures.of truth—aiways fresh, alwais joy will pursue him AM IoAd him ivith Live Stock. . windows. . ' 2 o'clock in the morning the doctor ex. Cc the Editor Inent wits Insufficient because it failod AwwoL ,Wlngbam. One. I
. rich, and never exhausted? There Is no blessings, The most Inillgont are rkb .. - . I Every cash drawer wits rifled of sums pressed the opinion that the young lady 1. assist in proporly to negative the idea that ,.. .—, . I—
fear of biting the bare ground, where the indeed wlien encompassed with the 41%,I,ie ReeOpts of.hvp stopl it, tile City '- Llr railgag front $2 to $12. ' The safes had only it ebiti)[c of hours to live. Rev, Dear Sir, --Would You Pearl Baxter took it voluntarily and ; , I -
. rtlilwaYs fk)" were not tampered with, wit 'of tier own ree will. According to the li
blesshig.1,' 1"What, Ail this, and Joeus, 'ket, as relpDrted. by tile _' J. D. Fitzpatrick, of Wesley Church bringing before the country at large f
,. grass is long cnou,gh for the flock to lie I loh giv . .
%ednesda anil ThuysdV, were 173 c,ir color to the theory that it was the wor ! bad even been called to administer bap jud our Dominion and Provincial .'m'%v of Texas as laid down in tile opinion ,
down in it. Sweet And full eve the doe- tool" said a poor cottager, as &Ile y Ipgs, 39QQ sheep' of amateurs. At Smart's hardware tism, but he remained to perform at . Governinwits in particular, the nec- . of reversal Sandore was not criminally ' I I
trities of the gospel; fit food for sollig,_ broke a pieck, of broad and filled a glass loads, 2401 cattle, $947
. water. 'Will dwell -Those and lambs, and 88 calves. - -store. revolvers, razors, - diamond glass marriage ceremony. The bride was .3ssity,of-some immediate definite ac- -liable for hor death t.0 any, extent Or in , I
Spurgeon. From this we see that soul with cold. . scarcely strong enough -to make the ro- tion 'being taken to lessen and it iny respect, even though lie knew that I
vords are to be understood figurativeli xxporters-A few lots of OxIld"ters -cutters and watches -,veto taken to the 0 . ,
satisfactloti Is promised, the one wliv fol- .1 - sponses. possible prevent the occurrence Of ,arbolic Acid was it deadly poison and
I Iowa the divine guide (lea. 58, 11.) Ile The psalinist expected to dwell in Cod'.$ were bought At $4.70 to $5.10 and $5.16 value'of $104, and at 11acDermott's to Rowever, the ' oung st -fires. That they are largely, I
. I . ort bulls sold at 43.76 to, bacco store the thillvesillued themselves lady is now Ott iore that tile girl intended to ,take it, unless ,
leadeth mo -The Oriental shepherd never "rinedlate presence forever. For ever-- per owt.; exp . mtoble, is the , Write for our Interesting bi t,L% 11 Irven .
ctra qualitk sola with cigars. MadDermott was also tile the road to health, ti)d in a few weeks perhaps wholly, prev4 lie exercised some force or used some 1. -
$4,25, and one or two ex , 4
drives, but always leads his flock; so Urere is a puggestion of the closest NO- ,to have given A Holf " an -i 1.1 tloni you ore owfaillt: .
. rnney with God and the ceateless enjoy. as,lilgh as $4.50 and $4.00 per ewt, heaviest money losei. The coal sheds the doctor thinks she 4 will be a% well its apinion of all those 10 deception to induce her to do $0. n.4 as a tough sketcu or model of yonr hit.
I our Shepherd leads the way, and never f his favor. . Butchers ---Choice picked but4hers' of the -"Geo, H. Shields Co. were. Also over. Mr.FAweettisapianomaker. attention to the subject. That the We quote tile remarkable judicial lit- "nuon orimprovenient and we will if.. I U
asks us to go where lie has not gone be- rl eat 0 . . . . . I - V losses in forest wealth this autumn tL tree our opinion as to vrhetho,r it I- p nIN101
-_ - were. scarce) i 'to $ to a e run into the . . itoutab* RcJecte4appficatiortsh-grien
. " . fore us. Tile Ao selling at $4,75 15; loads broken- in vring tho, night and a through these fires hav rRnc0 Ill which the law is thile ,qtatod- .
. into all tru&. No ly Spirit will guide us PILACTICAL APPLIC.VRO'NS '. of'good At $4.40 to $4.76; medium, $4 to quantity of anthracite- romoved. AUTO RAN OVER EMBANKMENT. . "Whatever May have liteop the ]a' C.. weseeAfully prov,clited by us. We
one .is wise enough to Soul transforinatlorl. 1, He restoreth - very many millicias of dollars- requires in England or wbatever tile I . w conAlipt Nily wqjlipped officeg in '.NlootreaI
I ehoose his own course in life. "Wben tile ) $4,30, common $3.60 to $3.00, collinkon It is supposed the burglars had in- I aw may e
. ,uy soul . I At'the very thregbold of -our cows, $3.25 to'$3.00; choice cows, good tended fleelug across the river to the One Woman Was Killed -Two Others to proof, One official at Washington there now witli ripferelice to suicide, or (and Wapthington; thi.,qualifies 11%to I)10n1y)I-
shopherd has called his sheep, and is sat, . -estimated the damage in the Adiron- . ly dispateb work sm(i quickly .-ircurr PlItL-D,le
; 40 1 e r of the States of i4 Federal 'Un as bmad its the Invention. 1,11gbestrefi-re
. ,tudy we meet with the do t -in of e-. oliough to evport, $3.75 to $4, And $4,25, United States, as a boat .house cont,iiiii- . May Die. - dack. Mduntahis ' alone, dur lof n -Y furzxfsha L ur"i
isfied that none is missing, lie starts :reneration. Naturally we are gonts lug a'motorJauficli was broken into. ing the i0liallyhere they ],five so provided by sta' Patents procured Ithrough Marion &.i4p.1
- canners And bulls, $1 to $2.25. . -Seven pal!- fires this autumn, at $1,000,000 per .
forth for the pasture; but this is contin. - ! 't), -nd He shall act tiv -Beat feede There were evidences of the liunell hav- Albany , N. Y.. Nov. 1). wi flon reselve special notice witbout chump )n q
RVIatt. 25" 3 rs, 050 .
ually changing, for the hillsides and un- 4 FeedersanaStockers I Bons in it, big automobile en route from day, whilst another official there con- , de, the plan.
. cultivated plalus. are practical heel) on His right hand, birt the go-.1ts t, 10,30 lbs. each, at $3.60 to $4,,;.bost ing beeli'tanipered with, but neglect to e American Nav ishment. of persons comlectod ,jyttll the over too xewspapar3 ditarlibuted throug,ligut
ly common ,n the left. There are rnly two claso,es turn on the supply of gasoline resulted New York to Albany were hurled over ,idered that the whol y suicide by furnigl I th Dominion. .
land belon Ing- to the village feeders, 860 to 9ZO Ills, uach, at .$3.60 to )n the a Aixtecii,foot embankment near Coey. could have beert paid for out of the pilo I agencies. i-i'stent builluess w miLoohm,
. .. .
, find shar- )f.cilaraeters known to God -the "ein. 'in thc craft being abandoned. C or -affording all opp P 110411i or It an Rngineers, * . I
I ed by at), 9.o no one can retain the best ier" and the "saint." We are eibhel- $4; best feeders, 850 to 950 lbs, each, lit Maus, Albapy county, last night. All losses' of the first few days of the ,ei.1-tvillity to the sui.
pasturage day after day." "But there -heep, under the tender, constant care 61 Ofeito -'best stockers, 650 to 806 door N as written in large letters, "We were injured, and Mrs. Mabel. Oakford, Ment forest fires of the 'United States. cide to tn4 his or her life has alot ob- MMON & MAMON.
. ,b . Le to $3.40; common and will come back again." The police have - - tained and does not obtain in Texas. So patont rxportrz ond S011,41to;i
'i $3.75,
are some shee p that are always strag- t%e divine Shepherd, or lie'.1-deservitirr I, at .$a no clue. I . one of the party, died later at the Al. .1lnd the Canadis;a losses t1lis Year New Yark Lite 0441
I niedium stockers, $2 to $2,75. - *11 ., nmitreal
I gling and so always getting into tron- liell-bound subjeucs of sin, Now, to 'he' . . . . bany Hospital, in this city. Owing to 11AV0 been much groatei'th6ii those far its our law is concerned, the stitaide oftel I I Atlantic Pl%%I IM
It I - I . . is innocent i _ to!!! ttvD:fo
. . ))to. Sometimes they are torn by dogs iheep, requires something more than to Milkers mull 51)ringers-I?rieps ranged' . . tile -in the United States. Millallty, There. _. - .
- . .. I . ji -% till acident to tile steering gear, e't 5 I
from $45 to $60 for good to choice, with h I need no apology for liviAging this lot* the party who ful-illabe4 the in . n , - - .
and sometimes they lost their way. have it sheep's skin thrown around onels 'Vi at.
Those who ,keep nearest tile shopherd body, conforming -perfectly the,reto, wall one ,or two extra quality cows at $65 KAISER 8 POWER turn at the approach of a bridge over Tatter before you. 81r. Henry Joly to. the suicide is, alao innoeent"of ol I
. . Are most contented and happy." Still ')eing placea in a sheepfold. It 4,i n)t ,Ind $70. lCommon to medium cows sold; . a areek. de Lotbiniere, Mr. Win. Little, of Ing t -bo lit-tv, it may ,be . a violation 'of DISHONEST JUDGE.
. ' Montreal and myspil w'er@ pioneers morals andethiceand re rebenqi4le that . .
. waters Ijiteratly, waters of rest; not lie perfect obedience of Jesus the F '.. - fmin $30 to $37 each. ;L, ,,#jtll MAY .BE LIMITED AS RESULT OF It was said at the hospital to -day anada. a partymay furnish 4noThel, poison. pis. .
, genfly flowing streams, bat streams ther looks lit and counts as ours, at the Veal Calves -Receipts moderal , that Mrs. Albee and Mrs. Gerson, both of the forestry movemoinit. in
s . where r6,st and refreshment 'may be 4aine time overlooking or lonoring our prices unchanged at $3 to $0.25 per ewt. RECENT INDISCRETION. of New York, suffered serious injuries We have seen much useful- - work tols or gulls gr noy .other ineans oi ag- Hungarilan Justice Trapped, by
. it Governments as epcy for t1lo purpose of tbo sillei4o to
$a of, Sheep And Lambe-Expott ewes, $3.25 . - - , lone by the differet.
,. __ f6ttfid (14a. 3-2; 18.) ---Cam. Bib, 'But oth- ,lisobedience; or lthe rlgylitceousn, ft ,Ind may not live.
: . . t consequence of this movementi but take his own 114, n. Notes Speemoy Marked. - .
I to $3.40, rams, $2 to $2.50; lambs, $4.40 It is Expected That the Various Patties -. : I fot '01 . ]aw has ,lot . .
ers fitink it hw% -reference to the quiet- Christ thrown ar(Jund its, while Ave 1-: . ,, the distressing fact xemains that after , .
' * J.80 pet- cwt., with selected owes and I se.en proper to pull 41i sailh persons or -
I TIM of the waters. In either ease the inain it ii ora% lepEr; btri; rather tile I'll- to . Ili the Reichstag Will Demand That GET LAND CERTIFICATES. all the legislative and e4upat4onal .
I figure is most beautiful and suggests the of the divine nature to our we&,rs al a, little more moi).ey.. the' Qonstitutiotc be Amended'on ' __ . efforts made, the groatesC enemy of such acts, A Party may furnish another Buidapest, Nov. 10.-11. Lathoczy, -VIce-
I t And peacefulness with which tile ,",Irlllit.ionl, llog;s-Recej p`ts of* hogs from all n. with a pistol knowing stich party intends- , ,
. by Which it is (Illiakened and C, British Lines, Rewards for Men Who Fought in South the forest -the forest fire -still co to titIce his ow Prtsident of the Suprenic..Adnililistrati*
I'lliL -$ -lie figitre Led . I I I ve
211ii is filled 'when it entei m- Made aliv sources were 1-44 . IIir. Harris repor Africa. I Unites in all its terrible effects. vu ,11 ,01,n (It neither would
I e;,or to.carry out t . 7 it be guilty of 10 At X .
inimion with God. Lhp nature is ehanged from that OF tli.' 'inarket steady at $0 for selects, And- . . Toronto, Nov.. Oi--A number of land shows that railway contractors, camp. 9 any statute of Court, is a,ccused of havblg. received, $12,.
. 3 lie rostoreth-Ae bringeth back my oalb to the sheep. Then tile life v -,,J-3, 0 . - Tov. 9, ers, pioneer farmers and others whose 'Texas. So it mAy be %aid of furvisbing. .500 a, a bribe to use his.infli-tonce to ols-
, I , $5.75 f I Or lights. New Yorl,. N -A cable despatch certificates under the South African poison to the x4lcldo ll
. soul, as a sheep that had strayed (Matt, naturally is that of a, Christian. OTHER MARKETS.- to the Hel-614 froin Berlin says: Two volu * business or pleasure leads them to
i , , nWers' bounty act of last session Lain a license to pratstke as a chemist for
i IS -.12, 13, 1 Pet. 2:25). Thi Soul rest. "He maketh me to lic intorpellittioni are Already announced for of the Dominion arliametit arrived in the woods and forests are grossly We .%hall not be deemed vainglorious '
"restoroth" means "to return," "bring ;town." This is suggestive of rest, aiifl,, Winnipeg Wheat Market. the Aelchstag. One will be introduced Toronto yesterday. These certificates careless, especially in the late sura- for rejoicing that such is not the law a cheinist's assistAnt nained Korbitly. The
I . back," or, figuratively, "convert," Of restlutness, which is assuredly what the Itiollowing are the closing quotations by tile, conservative party. it declares entitle the holders to select two ad- met and autumn months, and need of the Statoe -of Now York. 90"between is alleged to hgve been Via
. all animals the sheep is least able to de. ioul comes to realize as its burden of sin. on Winnipe rain futures; .. that tile 1`014POUSibility taken by tile joining sections of Dominion North. the intervention of the strong arm of Under our Penal Code allicide "is wife of '114 Francis Kretv, lievaelt ch.
. , .
I tend itself ? either by resistance or flight; ,;ondemnation. and guilt is lifted, ,and Ch.,! When. - ovember 90c bid, De0eniber .Chancellor does jido exonekate those, im- west lands, available for homestead the laivt% We owe it not merely to deemed a grave public wrong, yet from cousin of 2H. Latkoevy, And. A meee Or
is -most given to wander away, and has peace that th all underst ay 09yso asked, der hint. T -he other one, from the Lill- entry, amounting to 320 aereg. Accom- atirselves, but to those whb come al- tile impossibility of reathing the
socce`88,', the once-famotti 'Minister of Flnnale,,,
I the least sagacity in finding its way s imparted (!101-1"tet. 11, 28; nob. 4,alilid Oats-214vernber 381/ge liiIJ- Peceln'1110Y *,erals, 'aska what steps the Imporial panying the certificate is a blank lb ter us, and to Cho commercial future ful perpetrator no forfeiture is Imposed : -211"l, .. - Amd"
- to the fold,-Mbbard. my soul- Soul satisfaction , "The pastur of -17%c bid - , whiell
back es , otcot of the Dominion, 014t imingdIate ac- The same statute which contaills this qharles 1" poi's M. L'tticovzy r.
, , Chancellor proposes to take to Pr t1le voluntoor. m9p, appoint a . .
Tile same Ilebrew word is used for both i,endor grass" sr,gg sts a plentiful 3al . ubistituto to accept niqnojr poript for tion. Should .
e ),I;ly I I - Ip a poli ,Y Of i"M I be taken. &4claration, however, goes oil to pro. took ta semir'! t1l.. 1!,;!n.:i.1 I . )y 11; XL' Felt -
pastures I - -
. soul and life. "The soul Is the seat of )f nutritious food. Green ff w Vor'k Sugar Marl die Vedera butteti It -'- s . i tile prevail*ig 'iai of* dis- The _*llomor@bnd1ini enolosed 0011- vld,e that a person who wilfully In Any lary (I - I
17 . -tot, '
. We?' IT*, converts and cleanses and ly ail experience in Lite .grace of Of ; Sugarj raw firm; fair refir .illonalbility aild impulse. , 'Pi"ince VQII $160. Af , rt t latest.
.1ing,, 1-43c)' 1 . ourit this iieript will be worth about tains suggestions for legislation, part-
, 'centi . I tiltelaly has ei res*edsatisfactiou that a ty Provincial and pa manoer aodvlsecs encottrages, abets ;- Ile was trapped by a-- ttiel".. , X-111:3
gives spiritual power and vigor. paths I -rhich VA, ever now ana. ?wnee 01,1ty., -ifugal, 00 test, 3.05c; molasses eu- . ,tat-pellations eitail give hall an, (it)- $140, rtly Domi fion. assists another per -Ron in ta.Kting the money wa..., given hitil ill the fir...) ('t
'r __ - 1- -1 latterPs life is guilty!of qualislaughter Ilia
1. ,of righteousness-"Riglit paths are op- trash. The business of the shepherd is to gar, 3.20e, refined,'steady. ireights to 1,h0 11 . rhese suggestions its open to discus-
rosed to intricate and unsafe ways, and keep the sheep in the greetupftsture, In Liverpool, steady. ... . partanit ,v to explain recent events. . rked notes. )J(Jyt(-ttv- .s -,Yao wev,
I- The i4tional Liberals of Hesse have CAPTAIN WASHED OVERBOARD. sion And may lead to other sugges- III the first degree. Thetv, can be no in waitill- SID 11-S lkom" 4,.iz.!,l tlt.
. . 0 .
to wiLys of disobedience and perversity" . )rdn- to do this there mitat be variety The Cheese Markets, . turther held a meeting to pruteit I . . 1 _ tions. An important point is to show abadow of doubt that to.give ,a girl money and Q011frQ11ted lk.-Ii with tu.
(Psa. 126:5). 41he sheep are led by .is to scenery and loe%tion. This is trite - Schooner Lorna Doone Arrives at Halifax to out different Governments that in . for the purpose of citablina b -or inaiks oll the itotea, . .
r Belleville, Oftt..-YJ7o-dLv there were of- agailist the action of Prince Von Buo, , Po"On ,
; Many It way, ,ometimes through sweet af our exp6iience tinder the great Shop- . any effort by legislation to lessen .
! 067 clleese 882 I to commit suicide -%voidd bring t ver .m. 1"Atoozy ha.4 Neon obligAtt t.) re-
. meadows, sometimes limping forerl 9 sold at 12c, 300 low. it is e,,zpected that %he ,varioits Without Her Master. these forest fires, they will home the
along herd. As to eircumstmaos, ecstatic emo. , that in Rallfax, N. S., Nov. 9. -The schooner Active assistance of the press and ' p(Altion, tits 12011,011 Ai I'M
Aold.at 11 15-16c, 737 sold at 117,fic, 50 parties will units lit delhanding within the purview of this enactme b. %I'll, ]':a
sbarp-ilint.ed, dusty highways, , some, r.ions slid elivirotinkent there must be sold at 11 13-16e. Balance refused 1116 ? . uture nieusUres be taken to limit tIttl Lorna Doone, owned by Dr.' Gronfoll, the sym *ycuts The rule of Wir de.da.rod Ili the ex- it "Seci-Amy of t4ftLe, Ill-; title Of 11rivy
times high lip over rough, rocky moun- _ pathy of the public. x"
I tain pa.sses, sometimes down through variety. Our feelings are influenced more. . (Ind 11 13-16C. . powers of Ole monarch and to do Away Labrador missionaty, arrived at North faithfiffiy, traordinary ,oase of Pearl 130ctor is Councillor, "allti. kk.x t!w1klIb(,r--;hiL) at var-
I deep gorges, with, no sunshine in their or less by outwaxil. causes, Tile criterion Brockville, Ont. -To -day 2,193 boxes %vith tile present feudal System, which Bay to -day minus her captain, who A, T. Drunimbnd. directly contrary to that 1rhich pro. loitj c!04.
y which we should judge our spiritual %vero registeredi 735 white, balance color. makes auch incidents as tho Tweedniouth was washed overboard Sunday afterm ,, 26 Wellington street east, Toronto. vails in our jurisprudenoL-and to that ' POIliCA' (Ifficla,1-3 al"g-e that 34. ]Lilt.
. gloom; but they are ever being . led to on.ditioli is not how do I feel, but whal or, 11%e offere on boar - none sot . letter abil the present 41indiscretion!' 1poa- noon, . . which ought to prevail everywhere. kopAy was in 01:1 1)ablli of undevLakintr
and when the ]lot day is OV& is my relation to the great ISIteplial-dr Forest Fires and the Crilhinal Code. .1 atiAlilar m4.nipitlatiml.i. It ho was su '
I 'Ono "Ice gathered Into one 61d) and insday, he fin meeting of . lie sible. Captain Uobdrts was standilag'talk- . . . I - U . c -
hey' -are' iomotimes to climb the mountain Stoop, 1,That.is to say, that the condbittition ing to the holmsman when a huge -tat LaW of tile Dominion - cessful 110"kept. 6to money, but, ha th -
0 the 'ittkin - . -
g sun sees them anfe, ,where it other times to descend int6.'Llie v Lindsay 16heese Board was held to-itay, The Cihni CHARGED WIT9 ]PNRJV-R'T. eyeni' of' the fititure c,( Ills inte", - on.
T Ito wolf can come, nor any robber climb a 1 ":,y 1.003 boxes colored were offered-, till shall be Amended oil British' I'lles, "so sea broke over the vessel, carrying should be so changed as to make .
: if seeming gloom. may be neces-iary tit ,old at 12 6e. that,k, as one writer puts it, "tilt n )un- everything movable in its Wake, ' The punish -able by imprisonment what is tion, returtie(I tli,-. bribes,
'e bll,t al s der )rder to our being kept in "pasiturei- of Lortia Dogne was bound frorit. Boston e thought for ease Against Grand gec'r6tary Moffatt A 'letter p1l"PO"V119 'M bo signed by
up a"" Inc' ' 5 0 0 Pot 0 1 try shall not be led blindfold into .a now too often, Avith littl
rd'g , - his name's 'endei . with a ourgo of Sul Count Julius, An(jrassy le(t to tile be -
the she 110 tell Jay t . v - grass." British Cattle Market, I Illitional catastTopille6l, )plies for Dr. Gren-, corisoquences, regarded -as being but Opened 41 Sydney.
_ I ' fell's mission at Antony. I triflioget nqjler, . I : lief that sevvi-0 nV I
,salc -40 d glOtY Of big grace, Soul leadilrship, "He leadet1l me.!, Tho - - - otimlont, Iler-a-f-
a, en't on nec'unt of any racrit in - Londo)),-LOW-20i cables for cattleare Alleanwhile the much discussed illon . - e PV01 MITI- Wel-0 1111pliOlItOd JU ti%r Lz,i,J. 1_,y .L(
briati, ,laptain Roberts *as it' r i.
me l . all lift is riot one of luxiletailt Aeady nt. 11 to 13%@ per Jbi, dressed arch is leaving'here 'co -night for Vel,rart- ( hative of , This it fth6ild be made punishable , SYdII10Y, X S -i XOv- 0 Tit
dloness. The reclintit.- Alicep ifluatrat.!,; Twillingate, Newfoundland. . by Itriprisonmerit if camper ary hearing Ot tile perjury charge fair. '91110 letter, holveVer, prOvQ4 to
4. Shadow of death-toing so ffemr to I %veiglit; refrigerator beef is quoted at 11 sausen to shoot with Archduke Franz I a do not " .
0 :_
to 1116r per* lb. . Ferdinand. lits Majesty will. ii-ect I ln- keep a constant guard over their fires ngaintst Jol I Secretavy be a .torgery, committga, iL I., ,%It(,
mae phase ;of ealvakiAls work, milliely 11, 1.1ofiv , .ged,
dow falls over him, soul rest." TItis part of out, lesson e;a- FP,RNIE GROWING PAST, 0 , .Itt, GrAlIg y IV. T,at&,I,zv.
.1 Woodall. & Co. eablea Ebeft Jollies: 12,: pevor Fraliz Josef at Se-lionlrrunix on . . and entirely extinguish them b6foto at Sydney
for he is not far from the substance that Aasizes another phase. naluely, tile L-ar. I bkofilaf[k JJPL 'Camp. of the 11 AV-. A., began It 'k *Atftted% that tho ikeeli4ed Jti -
has come up with the shadow. The 1.1val- .)eat adtivfty And pobitive A,gg esslvvneAs ON bbls. selling" roarktt active at rath, S"Aturfloy. . I * - . Fifteen. Hundred, Mon tit Wdtk ou New Every epttler, Jum this morning before Stipendiary Hnat, I has fl 1190
I le death" seems to ' ' (,I, low prices. Western York State Bald- - Builaingii. 'ay. . eMal,, railly,% I too to . A I n . iorim,
bavo been Suggested. by those deep I n spiritual rife under thi- unerrind loj4l. -vn.us, firsts 17a to ITs Gd - seconds, 148 . contractor ot * railw company wh ))I Tit,- court roqtq WAs ello,w(j, d, and About : - _'_ . .
Noi , undeV a similar ,
--!rship of our divifte Quitlo. mA, --A,. perol,e, n, C., Nov. ly.-Scilue 1,600, clearing lands, should,
I I niountain gorges through ,whicli David leadoth," hot 11driveth" or t, (ITAO"eth," to 168 3d.,'&i1adiaft BAIdwins, firstg, Ift . APSAWLIMA DEAD110 ,out employed in build, POTIRIty - . twelve wittless,es were present- for the - BETTERTIMES.
was sometitnes obliged to land Ilia flocks, It re prompt, eftrile"40 to Ills, seconds, Ila to 16s, Canadian . . men tire. at pre - (a) -Alo fotbidd any prosectitiou, only two of whoin Wore I
,quires loviii,ee t anj ing about thirty permanent blocks tandin fr.ee apq lot Ro fire to "
though at the liavATd of death from the . I;Irreenlngs, firsts, l8s to 10s; aoeoftdg, Ids 0 an slump heard.
,ontloued obodieno. to keep close to car 185,. Canadian Spys, firsts, gos to 2gs, 'He WgS the. Fint President'Of it-nd buildings, among them being the I g ove'r
wild beaeta. 'a of duty I to J out feat mp or
When the walk I Guief in Christian livilig, high, or to any atia FAward Sutlijrjgud of "cons"dos' Every lUdiCatioij o
lie In the midst of dangers which fall Soul anaillithigr, What oil is As- it Iob. I socon&;, 14s -to 189, .. Provincial Govorhiriont structure, to brnsliwood nearer than I.iodge, testifilq'Ag to the iiiiii;Irles made .f a Fetilint of
. CutaMre, cost $80,00b; a new school, *29,000, twenty-five .'
around like gliadows, then, says the ricator to the lonftic,hine, the Spiritlo An. . Wall 9treet News. and eity offices, i)i 30,00. No addition Met from Any standing tree or. trees. to film aud othera regarding certafti Prosperity In the States,
Psalmist, I will fear, no evil, such ,eon- ointitig ill its gladdel effect is to . .4- (b) Be compelled to clear, away all payniftts to local Ilion for log -AT ser-
fidence has lie in his'Shopherd. But the tl;0 Soul In its ILE lit London to -day spot copper , A sant,lago deapalch; Tholuas Estrada will I)c ma'e to the "to "u' pment, Irueh, grass Kid leaves to a distance vice$, amounting to $190, 111-1 Ovidelled -
islu-dow of doAth may also 'mean the li"90 tog $a 9d, up 7's Q.d,' 0 with thol exception of increasing tile
' 'duoue la I's for chrl.1t. Sit .Oog At , . fatlul;leeol, of fifteen feet airound any stump or going to ellow that there had been a X0\\* VOVk 'N*Ov. 10 -Froin ilato. tol.
to be well Anointed I,j to gn,va wear 'tv a a O's 3J, lip Is od. Palma, the first President of the Ito, length of hose. The city is taking of bfushwood beore getting critiii A of tlle lectcil within the last mouth from All
darkness of sheol, or region of the dead, *Ila tear, And provoitt ees"tiou, of 'Op. X. ow York ba' ks lost $80,00 through . publile.of Cuba, died here to' -night. Win- Over the ielephorto and fightitig gys collection 'sin of the adramistratio
its in Sob 1041, 22, aud this gives tin TI fire to it. - bonds Of the ASSOCIRU011- parts of t1we country the National ,ks-
! outlook of confident hope upon tile dY- - I OrIlt"Ons. TAck of Oil 6ft6n oten,sious A .411b,.j *tettffilrY OPOVALiOns sillft FA&Y ni,ftg his first fame as a, revolutionist in terns. :-O - - (e) Do compelled during August, - ,Tolin W. MCLIkIVIIIIII, 0 Drunlln011d s0eintioll of .M.-4-nufacturer.4 has calcu.
: hour and the future life. This on- lot box, 11,111oll endangers,,11,fe "it Pro- I -.1.4 t. I ..
p6rty, q,.tamg, pr IS'18, Palma, af0r & stormy career) wits ALL WANT TO BE PARTNERS . September -and October, if not always, tio Mineg, testified ia him. lated tj%t before January I next ill(,, irl.
-S tile I Ing I rl?t
Ogress, MOCK - way . _ 'b
1111IFe psalm must be understood, not of Auierio.-m Mit and Dolt Pailteher 06.1, " I to keep ptoper p7arsons on watch day ug Onoh a matter before Ilia, ladge, d1latriva of this eolintry will Add to their
tile providential Wo of David onlyi but tkril is in All "AY 3'04POets II-1117tfitl And (r llittslmrg, advanees wAges 20 per In 101.oho ti.n as the first President; of and niglit on the land being cleared , wil re the tiae of the lodge fund4; was - orlolual working forej more t6n. 500'.
of Ilia spiritual life ana relations, its dr-maging. Ttdil in the !lands of ond , Vent. . UNihn, awl inatuiti-fate(i ou. tile gonle, day Trade 'Unions Accept Sir Chrigtophtr all'til (ill fites on tho cloarlog arto OX- disonssoil. The evzAmee brolifilit ant e 000 mep, Amorietal lodustries, thei offi.
well.--Whodon. fear no ovil-Tho soul who la&A the anointing may be as it tool raits talked of. t1fat tile United States fornittIlY retill- PurnosAl Co pattner§blp OffeV, finguished. by the primeeation to-4ay wits not j* cial Organ of Un! at;soc,intionk whiell will
I fears not to enter tile suilloog gulfs of N1201- in tit(' handf3 tit a mad man. A , ("it "' 'r'ee of " ets unsettled by dis. quishod all claim to ,jurisdiction dver t1le T4011dcin, Nov. 0,, 'The 'niombors of All mills, factoties and 100 strildug or aik intoreAthig as was ex- the data to-niorrow, s ys tl
! r 11 'rk _ ., ornotivea
; Itail dipped in oil may be driven to the , . . publish it lilt.
liorrow when fissured of the supporting tut%cdopeetaiditViona -rmah politics, internal, affairs of iA new nation. the intc,rosted ttades unions ave oded ov foreAt court. peeted, . Its figures are vonRorvative. Tito Jqa
a . of G( t " Palma Was born near Bityaltio in 1890. dorsed their delegates, a
! presence and protecting care of the good lit -ad withont domagirig the bodrd, 'V ry - Officialg Of. 34grrlm4n roa,ds expee - eeetiLftnols of try must, under it penalty, have Ork
! %Wiephord. Ther darkficsg of death is but nt-InY Christian 'worker.4 break down pro- - gAitia m Ilet osirnliags for a eiltl Ile ,studied law in Spain, and, upon the I tile,, 0-pattneWltp Offer recently ThAdO :tK'eir sniOIC4a Siftel(ii, a ark Protector The eakirt adjoutlliNl to meet -oil 6 , Q*oill Association of I Jatulfaettlr#rg ha,4
t 9 isday next, ,000 members. In -the raiddlo of Octo-
. inAturely 1;e0ouse they are NAthout the i outbreak of thd ton ,years' war (1868- Tilt I
11"Irgeh, A, lca . by 8Ir (.1hristopiter Purtleag, Of. tilt' ot 6, Meah to he lixod y the ov .
A Alia(loW after all. The trusting Aoul . Illout . G ern- . .
otge ar.olliting, Again, 611. A useil as it polish. oinell the r.ovplutiunists, itoon * i 4 0 her the oditdrs of Anivirleall Industries,
! onters the gloomy gorge only to em Twenty-five lroads for tbiril weeu Oct. 78) 1 Ti4ln iiiipbullding firm of Iturne", Withy ment. "
I sent Out letters to all, tile R'.38oelatjonv,,3
into the brighter do,y of Immortality. ?V, Wo need It to 1114W Our totes Attie. 811ow aV(,ragt gy"s deereaso 3.60 Pet to tille raiik of,generAl. ToNvior & &, Company, The majority In favor of 11ailway COMPAintea, mills ,and fat. AUSTRALTO WORMS
: Th6 Christian knows that the hand 11eniomber the root of moolvi as lie aes- ,e,nt, of file war Iyalma, wits lr6imed Preal. tho prol . )n4ition wits 10 to, 1. The tories operating with steam power ill I mealbovs Asidng About trado e0lialtiolIR
i whith guldes us into the, dark Valle *tmded the, mount *honot In I TIAT1111; dent of the (J'allan Republic, Soon Oter- " er flgvt DW&d to Stipport Premier DeAkin At thAt tIMN prospects for the Mar fix.
y oatolulillioll 1"x-nec(oll 046400 inort- Pit bome will amotillingly be tr1litil tv- woodod or forest pountry shotijj_ Un Lure, And wItat suggestiolig they had t(
I GO(I t10 had bft.l l linotIlted, a14 I)Wi" vVill wards Ito was captured by the Spinlar4s perimoiltalfly for a year. a u6naltyt, ha ma4a roap nsff or, No totig6r,
will g)ildc us through It and up out of witl so 1) a be 8 ,IJ withi-il it week ot Ao4, . - I - make AS to Weanq of restoring the coqi%.
ff.Irom. Com. red i%n4.Jlt1tff--- "*rhe 'ittPfift's face, A-311ch Alone as A - And bitiPphod froM Cuba, 013 proieetion' from 'fira of the,. *40da
IT Wl- - Iton Trade Revltw m7sr ded-dod 1111. Afollinims, Attatralla, Nov, 0,-- The trV's proillerity. The amwers 1JI(kdks 0,
I t-mblenis of the offird of the Allephdrd vJls White bo wits tuffering ,Iole,nt Ag. .provoll1pnt lln,q p.hAr.do,tcrIAtd the pig Ir6ft in Ills Palmit, winL to 110"durso, 0eneral 1106tlt Aft'ies that if tho pve- or forests within a giviln diataill Ir. 0 -1 -
*11 ho- rantriod tlia daughter of the v,nf; rftt4 61 tnilgtatlon front ottith their rpApootive tvapkiii alid bi I 'age, 1,
eep," The soult from till an9ty mn.h. A m1pAintulry 14 r Taborlati hAvo doel&(I to Nvit ldraw poiltioal niattor out uf tile reqlxl"it rot.
and hit protection of the fib, market within PaRt, fplv 41tyll, ore I . ftOT14, ,, their suppqtt frow Proinier NAkin 41A suggestions, 100 Or vi'ht. Of t*N mpin'.
. roil and staff soom to be two 11'Affi#ii tor 11. th"* foreign Reid Ivm On(A_ e*,'.d by it I I 11 -,-. Pro4dimt and was VI&O poitnisister- AfAft to Nlia& AAd Aostralilt 1('04- - - & A I T. Dimnir . 1011 probably fillit t1lent. Tho hl"114.1, boroi NAllio, f-awhoili 0t, iltimtkin sttyinp-
Dne InAtturnont, which was used for a intivo irbot ,medic,irt ho took th-dt entit. Tbo towli-812 of (Nelph Ig 101tig fte. noml. 110 next appftrell fit Cheq ry tinuem, Sou% Aftfo& will mon, be with 0_9 *,i -liat flip rlection (it N,J , 1F.. ft woul('j lit -
doubie purpme.- 1, To drive AWAY wild e-1 his tate to 4§111,0&. ti(M , 4114, X. Y,, And opron-01 4 ae,bool 'for t)llt it jvhfte wofltlng r1as, r .1 "
Agitill'It t * VIty M (11141ph Oil ay. i popullition, 11oftx'11 like antumm Wsi graftli HOP4 POInt to a uAloff of t1tv Ttftlit ,, t
., Latin-Auloleat ther." 101IX-11yos, grate wet ,
1"InItils stliti to dirett the sheep,. 2. POT Th6 Amil'.i porpetnal siippllex, "I aliall I'Mitil; bf 1101111(ing 4110 Speed River w1th boys. Ift, %tuek to this Tho tiogro viiukt be, OliviAtiolted, or w8a ith&e Donkitlitoo find ilk# Opposition. "Order" thp. bost 0ing that t.tml(l bappoll t(k
'. the ym"o of a staff 61k,whioll to le4n, not want," "good"(%t and inerty S-11411 fol. solftkk . JIM"fol oeellPittiOtt 1111til 1890, WhOn, ikera Will bt ttp*ling trouble, for the 00ill Mall", agal"L the I'abotists. trado. _.-
i I
. .
. I
, ..
I - . e I A A', I 1-1 I - 11* ,. , I I - , I ..... .. . _ 1. 111. 11 .. I I I - , -, - . .
, - - -_ a -_ ."_' 41' .
, I 'm , -
. lw . .1 I I _-_.1.1.1 ._.91K1&...i_,. !',;1f", ., ... . -__-_-.1-. I I . -