HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-11-12, Page 1� .
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I SUBS01UPTION I '61"o PJRR 3(n" 111 A"A'Non'
36TH THAR, NO, It. . WINGH"t ONT.9 TJJ7URSDAY,, NOVEMBER 12, 1908. $1,00 To susscallmos IN V. 4;
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BF. WITH ME. 010H SCHOOL NOTES, � r' '�, I r A. V, P. A. Society. lospector's Visit. " RIFLE CLUB EXPLOITS. 11111111111IM'' ,I 1'1.11�. 11 "I . -1 I
.1 I � . " =sonals I �o F .1,0116 -
I A couple of 'pleasant. honre were Dr, Brace. Smith, Provincial Inspe ,- local Itents
, per ' , =
Personals spent on Monday evening In, the Mills to Wingliam Rifle Club spent part of
-Susa,ri Sophia?, Mutton of Form . I r of Hospitals, visited Wingliam Please $quape Up,
Whoever else Tasty talk with me, I, L . I . r 1. . I , . L%~..,�
Lord, be tboa near; wits sjok at, home with li, tooth4obe'on �. . Memorial H411 by the A. Y, P. A, of Hospitul on Thursday lasti, His re- Monday last At the target, and having
, p � I Drink Christle's. Teas. secured a number of prixen distributed . I
Tile 'Pre"ence in life'is roystery Friday afternoon. Mrs. Vorbeo spent Thanksgiving in St. aul's Church. A number of port is -not yet to hand, buebe appeal,, r '
Will banish fear ; Brussels, inembers of Blyth Society paid a fra- ed pleased with things As he found Wear Oreer's Shoes and Rubbers, them as follows. The maximum of A number of our skibscribors
. �
There is a shadow on MY way, Carter McKee, of the fourth form, Bert Martin spent Thanksgiving in ternal visit to Wingliam. And report them, We do riot see how it covild Six w .y of tllis week points was 10, and the number follow- have allowed their silbscription.s
I r
There is it darkness 14 the day bac .1 , . eeks from Frida I Ing each name is the number of points to fall In arrears. The year 1008
, ,I the misfortune to sprain his arin Teo$wg%ter, . all enjoyable evening. There Was be otherwise. Everythingis scrapu- -
Till thou appear. while playing too strenuous a game of will be Christmas day,
r , , Lloyd Awdo spent Thanksgiving a game of indoor -baseball between lously clean, and exceeding* ly credit- made:- Is nearly gone, and to some we
130 with me in the ,silences foQtball. in Toronto. Blyth a -ad `W-Irigbam, the latter win- able to those in obarge. Miss Welsh, King Edward; was 07 years of age On EVENT W0.1, a d Advance,
And in the noise; Alias Anderson was installed as Alf, Sebaefer spent Sunday with ning the liture , I& There war, also A the Superintenden . t, and, her asstat. Monday last, Nov, 9. God save the let prize -.13. Cochrane .......... �7 trusting that they would do as
In that diin place Where sorrow 1-0, assistant teacher last week, The As- Brussels friends. , . . 2na 11 Dr, J. MacDonald,. 0 -
. , , .
And in my joys; musical programme that was a pleas- ants are atfentive to. their (i9ties, and Kim& 3rd 11 A, Af, Crawford.r ..... ::6 they promised, and pay up, It
. With I -no whate'er in life lie wrought., sembly Hall is now being utilized as a Frank Mooney of Stratford was Ing, feature of the'evening, Mr, R, kindly In their intercourse Avith pa- Not often do the roads remain so HvzNT No.2 , - is now up to them to do so with -
And what of pain, or work. or thought school-rooin. home for Thanksgiving. Clegg hits offered a "Cop" in competi4 tients, When the inspector's report good ,so late in the fall, November - lat-A. M. 8 in the next few weeks. As we �
My, mind employs. . ,
, I 2ad-Dr. J, R, MacDonald ....... :7 have carried them through 1908
We expect to bold our first meeting Miss Shier spent Thanksgiving At tion by the various ball teall a of the is received, we expect it will bb favor- Will a' .
Thy merey is not very far of the Literary Society soon, and it is her home in Kincardine. . oon be half gone. 3rd -B, Cochrane ...... - - - I .... 7 (and a few of them longer) the
From anyone, , . Society. Refreshments. were served able indeed. Wingham HosO,Ifal Is an special Bargains in. millinery now$ . .
I see thee in .the ev'ening star, hoped that our president will bave Miss Olive Manners is home from at the close of tl;e programme. Rev. institn'tion which the cltizai3�'should at Mrs. Green's, EvuNw No. 3. least they can do is to renew for
And in the '4110; recovered by that time. Stratford on wbrief visit., 0, H. Jeakins presided. . appreciate, and encourage, , Ist-L. Atkinson. . ... _ ....... 8 1909 at the same time. R xguillne
And surely where thy children wait The lst form pit . pils were initiated Mr. Wes- Snell of London visited iii ,�. Either a system of sewerage� or- 2nd -Dr. 1, R. MacDonald ........ 8 your label, dear reader, and. ask
town over Thanksgivin ' . I . 3rd-L.Binkley ............... 7 .
Thou comest, ere the time be ,�Z�te, to science, in the Laboratory on F Ill- .1 - 9. A Social Evening. Tragedy Near Blyth. good water for domestic purposes, has Co,mot,4TION. - yourself this question- .
Forsaking none. I - become an actual necessity, . .
day, with a spraying from .a force A. U . Bird spent, Thanksgiving at The regular meeting of L, 0, L. 704 ;' .
%I are everywhere, llis home near Woodstock. I ' Mroo Robert Scott, and tWo sons, I Ist-J. McKeith .................. 7 AN I IN ARREARS?
I know that tho . pump by the Science master. was held on Friday evening, and in Leonard and Murray, aged thirteen The bacillus of typhold fever is so, 2ad-V. VanNorman .............. 6
In all my ways -, I Miss Mary Sadler spent Thanksgiv- - , - ' I I � � I .11 .1 11. . I
How sweetly through the summer air The Thanksgiving holidays were I commemoration of Nov. 5th, it as- and fourteen years respectively, were small that a drop of water mity con
. . it Ing with relatives in Detroit. I .
Earth sings thy praise, . we)conied by all, especially when Thor. G, . Wilson was honio from - purned the form of a social event. instantly killed at the 0. P, R. cross. taim, millions ; so. scientists tell. I I � . I
For thou, its Lord, art very near; Was aringirriced that bollool would neat, Hensall for the holidays. There was a large attendance, And Ave ing on the 13th con, of Hulleteb., at 'The Scarlet Chapter of the Orange WINGHAM MARKETS,
0, speak to me that I may hear close at three o'clock on F riday. Out candidates were initiated, Brief ad- - 11 o'clock Wednesday molvning.'Nov, Lodge will hold* its regular monthly I — � .
. in these glad days. Mlaq Marjorie Gordon was bome ; . � ""��
. of town pupils took advantage of the - dresses were given by Alessrs. Mar- L 41th, when the buggy in whibbf they
- ' from Toronto for the holidays. - meeting on Saturday, Nov. 14th. Wheat -88 eta.
. And then I will not be afesid . holidays to visit their homes. Miss E. L. Lloyd of Toronto visited grove, Spotton� Rev. 0. R. Seakins were driving was struck by a light en- Barley -52 ets. Peas -82 cts: 'Why a
Of anything; W4NTE,D.-A good, smart boy.- ,
I W ain lift up my head Great sorrow was felt throughout her brother in town this week. and others. Bros. Orr and Hewer gine,bourid for Godericb. The'§odies Apply at Lackle's bakery. Hay -$8.00 per fork,. . FWh y ff A. vA e Chapped -
!'I al try to sing - - the school wbpn Harry Green was Air. and Mrs. J. C. Lackie spent gave se , and violin of Mrs. Scott and oldest boy weA�'hor- I � Batter -21 to 22 cts. I R ye � 9 .
An' lections of flute
And I will no more 1�0 dismsi'ved. music, The drum also furnished its ribly mangled and, the manner in Dr. T. H_ Agnew, who has been Eggs -22 eta. 8
,Unable through illness to return to Thanksgiving Day in Wroxeter. toes -25 to 3' vts.
Thou bast my rest and comfort madef - � as I share of entertainment, Refresh- - which .they were struck indicated all spending a few weeks in the Hospitals Pota 0 Hands 9 _
school after his election on Tuesday Miss Lillie McCool spent Thanks- I . Chickens -7 to 8 eta. per lb. 6� �
0 Lord, my King. -Selected. President of the Literary Society. Be giving with her sister in Toronto, ments were served, and the company ball fail,d to bear the approach % the of Chicago, will return Thursday, this Ducks and geese -8 to 0 eta.
. parted, having thoroughly enjoyed week.' . I I I.
is at present in the hospital, but we Mr. Nicol of Paris visited his broth. train. A high wind was blowiffig at . Tarkeys-10 to 12 eta. per lb. I ..
. : hope lie will have a speedy recovery. er, A. Nicol, during Thanksgiving. the programme. The next meeting the time directly in their faces and Mr. Thor. Tay . lor of towrybas been Live. Hogs -$5.05. te X:_1
. . - I tE
will be on. Dec. 4, when the election of owing to the fact that the aebo&mo- seriously ill this week, but at present I � .1
SANCTUM PARAGRAPHS. , � Ernest Button of Shelburne spent officers for 1909 will take place. The - CREAM OF -
Thanksgiving at Mr. Win. Fessarit's. datiou had passed only a few ii�inutes is reported. out, q danger mild likely to tE
. year has been a successful one for 704 before it is believed that they ha&'Jaot recover. .. 't DR. OvnNs, M. D., London, Eye and _'
. -Provincial Inspector Ayearst an- Wingham � Hospital. Miss Edith Rush of Harriston visit- and a large number of candidates taken precautions to look in botk& . i on Ear Surgeon, will be at McKlbbon's
. ed at her home here over Thanksgiv- e'r on the Palmerst' d I
lng� have been initiated, making vhluable 'ek. The engine Cnt,� store, on Wednesday, Nov. l8tb,
nounces that "increased vigilance hap rections before driving on the tr� a aract, squint, failing eyesight, I VIOLETS '-:
been decided upon in maintaining the The directors of the Witigham Gen- additions to the membership. Mrs. Scott was in her forLy'ninth" train on Saturday evening bad one zal catarrh, deafness, head , ' :__
Alias Marjory Rose of Stratford was par finger crushed,'badly while,fising his nil f'1t`ti:ed'. I Cares chapped hands in one � I
law in local option municipalities.,' oral Hospital desire to express their - a holiday visitor with friends in - and w�s highly esteemed by all lt,�O 'ar if treated and glasses properly � -
* The methods to be employed are not thanks for the very liberal manner in town. A Sister Departed. knew her. . engine, me , I&evale. ..�', Hours -2 to 8 p. in. % night. Not greasy. Rubs in ;K_ -
*%. disclosed, but the Government is re- which tho people of Wingbarn and Dr. �tnd Mrs. R. 0. Redmond spent The following from the Stratford h - Fall and Winter Shoes for men, . . V riectly. Is perfumed with
I solved to enforce the law as tar as slIrrounding country have contributed a couple of days in Toronto last I Herald, has reference to the death of LADIES I -If 7011 Want the latest Read our ad. on page 5. -Willis & Co. I � I violet Petals. An elegant 11
" week. styles, and best and newest mateNals, . * - ,
. possible. . towards. the maintenance of the Hos- Mr. Bradwin's. sister, to which brief . Belgrave.
I. * * * pital during the year ending Oct. ist. Mrs. H. a. Chisholm of Toronto was , In Fill and Winter Coats, you �,vill Three hundred thousand feet of -1 preparation for after shavirig.
' I � I
. � a visitor at Mrs, R. Vanstone's this -eference was made last week. "Har- find them at D. M. Go,don's, at right lumber is soon to come in for th� Malcolm Walsh spent Thanksgiving to �, .
-The cost of gathering and distrib. The Treasurer, Dr. A. J, Irwin, ae� riet Bradwim, widow of the late Alex- prices, I . 11 113 Canada Furniture facto I ries here; this with friends in Halton county. ' .� 25 cents a Bottle. .
uting .the returns of Presidential elec , �. knowledges following donations :- week. . ander MacLennan, died at the family I I looks favorable for work6rs, Miss Ross of Blyth spent Thanksgiv- I . .
. Mrs. J. Pattison of Port El in I � d . .
n in the Uri t'e* Western Foundry Co .... �., ...$100.00 gi 45 residence, 188 Nile street, on Sunday'Bible Society Meeting� . - .-%0%0-1%11.0%0%^,-.,%1%0%0%^O%.-%011ll� ,�
tio 1 d States, Is iistimateA spenaingafew weeks at the parental an with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Geddes.
" ' ' Wm. Nicholson ................ 25.00 . �[ : Fred.. Tremaiiie met with I
I I at $1,WG,0W., and a,n army. of about , RoIA. F. White ...... a � ........ 15-00 home. . . .1 last, aged 71 years, one day less than - Wingharn Branch Bible So%�Ioty accident at the Upholstery factory 'Miss Olive Currie of Waw I
. I anosh is - .2
1 ��,,, 50,000inen rLnd women are empioj�a Imperial Theatoriurn benefit. .. 10,00 Mr. Jos. Stalker of Blyth was in three weeks after her husband. De- heldits annual meeting lAst Wearies- this week, by which the end of three the guest of Alias Nettie McLean. J. Walton McKibbon I-
1, at leas� . - � . , , day evening, in the Methodist Chilvell. *
, part. of, the d4y �ofi electiorf, CrareVanstone.Harnilton. _., 5.00 town last Saturday, looking for a resi. ceased had not been well during the ' of his fingers were injured. badly. --%.'
day, ftf the tremendous aniount of, ,'Crowell. Willson, Manitoba_... X00 dence. . I surn mer and became worse shortly af- : The officers elect are --President,, no. � Mrs. Daly visited a few days with
I . 1. - Wingbain Lodge No. 286, A. F. � I I 11 'Crowe of Dobbinton. DRUGGIST I
1 work involved, 1. . . � � � W Gordon Griffin of Owen Sound visit-. ter Mr., McLennan's death., $be was - Kerr; Vice-President,.Rob3rt- Ct�lrie - The rlew.bridgn rj6pth of Town was her sister, Mrs. I - 1�
,- . . I . . &A.M ........ � ......... 1c, , 1 hursday I I- I -5.
� . . f . �. ::: 00 ed his parents in town for Thank$- born in England, ana came to, Canada T,eas., Rev. .N. Burwash; Soo., 131� M. opened for public �iiifflc'on T Mrs. Harry Hopper visited her sis-
I 1. W. A. Currie ............... 1. . . . . I
. I
' . . . . I . .'Walker & Clegg, furniture..... 40,0() giving. . . when young with her parents, Shb: Gordon. Executive cominittee-From. last, the bridge itself, and also the ter, Mrs. Burney of Exeter, this week. F
-Were -you tbankf al ,on Monday t . . pr!oaches, havink been completed. -
,� . J. 49v A. Loutit. ................. 10-00 Dr. 'Hopper of Toronto was a was'married at St. Maiy'§ in 1803, and Me h,di,t Church, Frank Bdchanan, a�p . Mrs. Stewart of Bayfield is visiting L:%=
I ALI .�. � � . .
. I I
. - . .
_ iastr Ir nov, possju y YOU not - W. ff. Green ............ A—— 10,00 Thank�giving visitor at r. Geo- short] y af ter came to Stratford, wbbre I I You get the best, grade of Felt Foot- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Halliday I I
. . tempt to "count your blessings." Of . .'In januaryof , this year a subserip- Wynil's. . , I � . , . Walter Green from. Presbyterian . , I . I
1. I . I she hassince resided and b�en held in , Church, Robt, Lockhart, Robt.' Max- wear in all the ,Up-to-date styles, at of Belgrave. I . I I � I
, ,
. � I
course, at nearly all times, there will, tion list was started for the purpose Alr. and Mrs, Kastrier, SebringvIlle, high esteera *by her',acquaintances. : well; from English Church, A. E. Vy. J. Greer's. .j. - Mrs. Abe Proctor visited her bro- .,
-be something you would . rather have of establishing a free bed in the Hos� were holiday visitors at Mr. George .
otherwise than what it -is. But often, pital for one year. The following Is Mason's. . - She was a member of Knox church. 1 Smith, R. Nas'h -, froLm Baptist Church, 'k.newsy. budg'et from .Wroxetet ther Win. Stewart, High school ____ . I ,
, - , .
. �
Shb leaves one son, W. D., and one Peter Fisher, A. Cosens; from Salva- this week tells of it serious runaway I -4 ;�_ i& . .
-1� we are mot the best judges of what is � the list of subscribers :- , MiRseg Lizzle and Annie Cummings daughter, Annie, both living at home. , tio, teacher, of Acton. .1.,00 I
really best for its. An all -wise. over- 0. Lloyd & Son..... $25.00 vi8ited their ister in Lucknow over � Army, John McNevin, Robert accident., and how it cost some youths ' . ... � I
. ers � Fred Scandrett of the . School of . . .
' knows Walker&Clegg.... . 5 Three broth also -survive, Messrs. ! e Ha W en ., - I
. ruling and kind Providence :: *:::::.'::: 2:_,.00 Sunday. Mooney. After the election of officers, $20 .to settle for th ir 110 e' Science, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving ....
I . best, an& hence let Us be grateful for Canada Furn.'Alfgrs... ......... 2500 Mr. Morton of Brampton was the Jos,.11raiwin, Wingham ; V dmund, 'Of Rev. 0. 2, Jeakins, Rector of St. pranks. , with hisparents. I I % I I 11� . I
, .the blessings received. Ezzpecially J. D. Burns. 10-00 gueq of his son, J. A. Al- orton, over Mount F orest, and Edwin of Vancou- pa' Z I
I. ... I ........ I ...... . . . . . ul's Church, gave a most instructive Mrs. Gualco -of Kincardine has pre- Mr. Alex. Carr and sister, Miss Alin- ( I / "
should this be the case, when we con- T' ' A. Al ills_. � ............ ... 10-00 Sunday. . .1 couver. The funeral. took place on - address on the Bible, basing his re- sented that town with a large brick ,ie spent Thanksgiving with their . �, ", rr -
� I I Lebanon 0hapteit . ................ 10.00 Mr. P. J. McGarvey of Toronto was Wednes4ay,� to Avofidale cemetery." marks on .Luke 5.1-I'The people .
t sider how undeserving we are, and yet Wingharn L. 0. L .............. 10,00 - house and several acres of land adjoin- aunt, Mrs. Bates, 11 / ,
, a Thanksgiving visitor at Mr. James
-how intich is bestowed upon US. R: Vanstone _.. � ... ... w.. 10.00 I . . . pressed upon him to hear the word of �
. ()o Phelan's. ing, for hospital purposes. She has lel' r
. A. J. Irwin .. � ...... .......... 10, I . . Death Of Mr., Plenty. God." The. address was listened to Miss Marshall, teacher of Belgrave . N � "II, I
I .
I Wand 0. 0. F .......... 5.00 Mr. Win, Elliott of Wingbam Jet,, Early on Wednesday morning, Mr. very'atten Lively, and was much appre- also given $25,000 for an endowment I
* * * Court Mai spent the holidays at the parental
-Th W. Howson .............. _ � .... 50) spent Thanksgiving with his daughte,r . fund for its maintenance. ri Wawanosh. 1
4, , I _ e demand for Woman Suffrage Camp Caledonia S. 0. S ....... 5.00 in 'Berlin. - James Flenty, for 35 years a respected ciated. A'vote of thanks to Mr. Jea- home i . I
. Pas reached Canada. The women of J. G. Currie . I � ......... I ....... &00 , citizen of Wingiraw, and, a former kins was moved by Alm Fisher and Rubber$ that wear -we ,can fit any Ms Patterson of � 11.1 I
I Miss Sisf6rson of Toronto wAs -a a shape shop, and our variety is large.- ap. - -
. Ottawa'are to some extent following A. 0. U. W ...... ... * ........... 500 prop rietor of the Advance, passed the ably seconded by Rev. D. Perrie. The Wingliam called on friends in Bel- ,*a . � ... '.
500 Thanksgiving visitor tit Mr, J`.. J. Willis & Co. � . .
J the example of their English sisters, J. Henry Chr6tie ........ .. � I , . a - -ave last Saturday. .
Thor. Feljs ............ 1. ... I.:: 500 Mitchell's. . bounds of his earthly career. He *was choir of the Cb%irch furnished elec gi � �
And have formed a society to advance I Mrs. C. S. Thornton spent Tha�nks- b6rn,in Witham, Essex, England, in tious of music. The Wingham branch A houseand barn belonging- to Neil Mr. Walter Box of Stratford, was a
P . 910
their theory. We hope, that Canadian A f,-i,,d . ............. I ....... 5.00 V,ving holidays with her sist6r in 1838, He came to Canada in - 1858, at - of this useful Society is much alive, Campbell &t Lochalsb, Asbfield Tp., .
. . Visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
I 'Women will not go to the same ex- W. J. Patterson ....... i.. 1. I.. 5.00 .�aeiicb. the age of :1.0, going first to the home and the officers are looking for a sue- were destroyed by fire Friday might Win. Bates this week. 1he Slinpep Field
tremes thEtt Engl6h Suffragettes Mrs. J. Hanna .............. 5.00 P
W. J. Greer ............ � .... ", R. A. Cruikshank of Hensall e%t of his uncle and a -ant, Mr. and Mrs. cessful year and, increased contri- last. Mr. Campbell lives on another
I have. Some of them have gone to ... 5.00 herice this Miss Bella McRae has returned after
A. Cosens ... � ............... .. 2 ' 00 Thanksgiving turkey at his home near - Cp.rter of Elora. He secured a Pori- butions towards the spread. of the farm neal er the lake, a
� I not only Will. Weilwood ................. 2.00 Witigham. . s partly spending four months with her sister, I over -run with footwear that
-1 such lengths, that they 1[iave .. � tion on the old Guelph Advertiser, Bible in foreign lands. housewas vacant. The lose ii Mrs. Ed. Miller, at Roblin, Man. I is made more for selling than
made themselves ridiculous and ob- W. Bone ............. ......... 2.00 Mr. and Af rs. Arthur Mayce spent -and was on the staff of the Buffalo covered by insurance. wearing. We're proud to say
noxious, but open to arrest for law- B. Cochrane ...... ................ 2-00 Thanksgiving with friends in Ethel Cotirfer at the time of Abe Lincoln's Leggings I Leggings I For all pur- Tile A. 0. W. W. organizer, was in we do not, handle that kiUd.
14ansss.' Nevertheless,jit is our Opin- . . � and Brussels . I lie married poses, in Ladies', Gents, Boya'. Misses' The installation of dry earth system Belgrave last week and initiated four our Slippers, as well as our
. election as President. and, Childrens', in every new style. as authorized by the Town Council: � Shoes
s ion, thitt Woman Suffrage will be a . Air. Westman of Chatham visited'Miss Ann Bildson, niece of Mr. and Prices from 40c to $2 25 a pair. See i's held in abeyance until the Council new members, all quite young men.
. reform of the future. , his sister, Mrs. F. Buchanan, over . Wilson and Lorman Geddes
I . Public School Examinations. Thanksgiving. . . : Mrs. Carter mentioned above, and re- them, at W, J, Greel-'g, , decides whether or not they will sub- of LOOK, FEEL, FIT AND -
* 41 * . __ . Miss Minhie'Faweett of Harriston moved to Walkerton, where he was mit a By-law for a sewera-gla system or Winghara High School were at the
-An idea of the extent to which 9. I I ult of tile 'as the guest of Miss Deverell over foreman on the Bru6e Herald, and - A, Wonderful Machine. for water supply for domestic pur- home of their parents for Thanksgiv- WEAR WELL. I
. The following is the r6i tnershlp with The London (England) Daily poses (or both) at the approaching Yon certainly need a pair of
Pregidential election disturbs busi� ' I Thanksgiving. later entered into par I Mail Ing.
ness over the line, may be gleaned written examinations held during the r. Goo, and Alex. McCrackenof Lis- - the late Joseph Craig and purchased giver. an i1ccount of an electrical inach- munici pal elections. Misses Athirza, Elsie and Blaster Slippers to set off that natty . �
-For past six weeks. Subjects - Arith'- M , Ikerton Telescope. After dis- ine. for making bread. The machine Charlie $hoebottom. spent Thanksgiv- now Costume. Come here and .
from th6 following extraet: osi- towel s'pent Sunday, with their cousin, the Wa Bay '$Dainty Mode" Rubbers; they get them In the latest shape, I .1
'&ontbs there has, been an Uncertainty metic, grammar, geography, comp Miss E. Posliff. . I . solution of the'partnerrship, he came turns out 20�',000 loaves a clay and wear longer and cost no more. Ing at the home of Mr. J, W. Shoebot- leather and color. When You .
tion, literature, reading, writing and ' I to"'.
- which the Tegults of the election have Mrs. B. Jenkins and Mr. D.Senkins to Wingliam, in 1873. to take charge of Ighs neirly.200 tons, shown in oper- W. J. Greer. wear them you wortOt be bid.
spelling. The marks here given do spent Sunday and Mon4ay With Lis- Tap ADVANPH, then just founded by wt'l ing your feet. You will feel
now dissipated. it is expected every not fully indicate the ttanding of the towel relatives. ation at the Bakers' and Confection- Sever I aged voters in this county Mrs. Ceisar and sister, Miss McDon-
. line of industry will be quickeried. ,and . � Chits. Cliff lot- Kincardinei A year en? Exhibition at the Agricultural 10, - ndi- gald, apebt Thanksgiving at their bro� proud to have them seen,
pupils, is several were absent during J. A, Bush, of the Northern Crown later, he purchased the business, recorded their votes for Liberal ca
that large Undertakings, held back, one or . more of the examinations. Bank. Torontoo spent ilie-bolidays at Hall, London. Eight men standing at dates. Aviong them were Robert thers', Mr. McDongald, E %at Wawa- Ask for Dalniy Mode Itabbers
which he coudooted for 22 years. TO the ]ever& of the machine, do the work nosh,
will be carried through. Not only has To pass 300. . J. T_Lamonby's. I Lackingaged 07, and James Knight They are tile bett.
. confidence, been established I" the T.11olmes.....560 0, Irwin ....... 402 'Miss Ada Clegborn has returned to Air. and Mrs, Plenty were born eight which formerly employed twenty-five. aged 01, both of ."Grey Tp. A third, Hugh McLean, who had his leg bro- . I
States, but also in , R urope4 Foreign Z VanNorman488 Lila. Rowman.,453 Toronto, after spending a few weeks children. There now remain to moarn Two parts of 'the apparatus are con- Thor, Darwin of Seaforth is in his � ken five or six weeks ago, is doing
. trade has suffered from the depression A. McDonald,419 A. Wilson.....4412 with her parents. his departure, his widow, two sons sidered by experts to be unique -a Ill soon be able to got out -
ksh'n1(426 E. Armour .... 409 d four daughters. The sons are In mporary 100th year. It is 75 years since he - nicely, and wi
there, and, now the leaders in finance :21- Gruit Mrs, Sas. Pugh and Miss Jennie an echatlical kneader and to recorded his first vote. of bed. We I 6reer
G Hamilton _407 F. Manuel... 301 W. J. Fletity, editor of the Oakville device, and an adjustable moulder, I
+- ,of the United States feel safe in carry- G' McLeau_.391 Al. Patterson '.*:SS2 rv1lU"rl`y spenb the holidays with Record and Robert of Southampton. Master Gordon Irwin and sister, I
, , ' 'rids In Mitchell' . adapts itself automatically to The Railway Commission has issued Vernat May, were visiting with their -
Ing oat plans for large expenditures. I Lloyd ...... 882 N. Butcher.. irtO fl"C which
. Upon the announcement of Taft's oleo. L., Brock ...... 377 M. $Warts .... 359 Mr. and Mrs. V. Wenzel and two The daughters are Misses Louise, Liz- any sized loaf. So that no human ,in order modifying the Lora's Day grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bates, for � � .. - ,. . - 1. .. . � .. .... .. -.1.1 I . I..
tion, the 5,000 operatives in two great B. Blackhall...3-31 G. Howson ... 350 daughters were Thanksgiving visitors zie, Floe and Mande, at home. Mr. hand should touch flour, dough, or Act to the extent of allowing railway
R. Xihsman...340 R. Robertson..326 with friends in town. a couple of weeks. - ���
thread mills in Newark, N. T., were L Sturdy .... 314� L. Ale(lool......111 it Plenty was an upright, industrious loaf, rolling, continuous tracks and companies to handle grain on Sabbath Rev, Smith of Kintail occupied the I '... = "I'll, I- :
notified that fall time work would be R, Reidi ........ 30.5 S. MoMahnns 301, Mrs. E. Swarts and son Clare, 6f citizen, a member of St. PA"I's little wa'ggons running upon rails coti- and to 4,petfolmin all work necessary pulpit of the I Presbyterian church# ;�4, 1 ' : I - .- .
'.'3()2 Godericb, were vl6itors at the Queen's I Church, and of the Masonic Order. nect the various parts of this wonder- Upon the Lord's Day for the delivery I .
resumed next Monday. Since last H. Drummond30.3 J. Allen ..... . H I for Thanksgiving. . .- I
_V . ,Mr. Vilenty's illness was caused by ful machine. The flour rises In an ele-' to their several destinations of freight Belgr&ve, last Sanday� His sermon : I _=:� �
April the mills have been running on 4- Galbraith. 4301 L. flewer ...... 300 O" �� .. I-
part time, V. Scott ., 280 E. Dlamond_287 Mrs. Agnes Scott of Gorrie renewed 'that painful disease, cancer, but he vator to a sifting macbInew which au. cars thtit, were In transit when the wits highly appreciated. I I .. - . -
. M; Currie ...... 286 R. Walker�4 ... 285 acquaintances in town during the bora his sufferings with patience, and tormatiesill irlds It of Inipurities or for- torale Day began " Miss Rose of Guel�h, Mrs, Rutledge - I
� I I H R Iliott ..... 270 M. Allen ....... 272 Thanksgiving holidaysi I
� I M', lsard....268 L. Aitcheson .:201 1 Iness ' and son oe Titekeraimith and. Miss I
� expressed to his pastor, his readi eign matter. An automatic pathway " " �
I e . Forbes. .... 250 ,. Miss LinaJobriston of Galt was the, to depart., His age Was 70 yearij, two bears it thence to the kneading mach- Pon S,ir,z-A number of registere(l 'Weir of Wingliam were Thanksgiving - . W )1! -
I I ----- I . ..
--- guest of Miss Helen Grahain during Shropshire shearling rains, and ram . I I .
� I H. lienscliffe..249 G. Sbaefer... 229 months, and 23 days. The 'funeral Ine, where the mixing takes place; I Mr. and Mrs. 8 roat. .
� is F, McLean -.232 0. MeLeAn ..::228 the Thanksgiving holidays. ambs.-H. T. V�ordue, Box 114, Wing- guests Of p � I . -
I C b u r C'N"i lRew 1. Staipleton...224 O.Knox .--220 A. A. Lamonby of the tank of takes place on Friday, at 2.80 p.m. nil* tile dough when made is tilted, auto- balm. Ale. Adam Geades of Gratidon, . I 1. .
der Masonic auspices. Service will be Inatically into a waggon, Which runs Win. Britton, is the winner of the North Dakota, who has been visiting � - �,L - - - - - "I.- a
I .1 . . I . - E. Linklater ... 215 0. Angus ...... 21.1 Hamilton, Dinanville, spent Tbanks� 1. _ -
I %_.%0%0%A.%~ A. Walker . � .. 194 1) 89 giving tinder the parental root, private. down an incline into the "proving" Albert Shoes, offered by Willis & Co. hi's father -and, relatives ift 1101gravei
Rev. Fr. Laurendem! will conduct B. Swarts ..... 155 141. Sherk ...... 127 Mr. Sarni. Crozier of OPAnk6VII10 41DaInty Uddla" i's tbo name o ro6m, the doorsof which open aut,04 to the membor of the baseball team is now vNitingfriend;1a Bluevalo, EYE TROUBLES
service in Witigbarn, next Sunday W. Pagh. _.106 Al. Ilaines..... 90 f the
,morning ana evening. , I .. I � 1. - visited his daughter, Mrs, (DIP-) Price, I best wearing Rubber for Ladies and matically. After IyIng for hours mak(bg the most hits dating the ptist Aboat 125 ladies am(! gentlemen
I duringThanksgiving holidays, Gentsi, See them at -W. .T. Orc0l"g- hero, the dough Is carried Upon An- season. Will. is a good plityer, either gathered at the home of Air. and Mrs. Can be overcome if you seek the -
. Wingliani District Will be organize(t - A. M. Crawford spent Thanksgiving � � � I 11 . I., other Incline to a dividing machine, behind or at the bat. we understana P. w. Scott one evening lagt weeks right way about it. Oar luothods
along the lines of the taYman's M16- TAKE THE IIINT AND ACT, In Dutton, with his father, who is In A , which, sot to a certain gauge, cuts the there are thre6 clallimants for the where tliey enjoyed a very pleasant of fitting Spectacles are up-to-date -
. ilionary Movement, The -preliminary � vetyweak condition of health. Misges Florence Va,nNorman, .Team dough into pieces., These pieces. trA- h I ;p, Blytb, Goderlob. and time. I
c ampionab find wo gnarantoo to suit all do-
CommitteLi oonsirtg of Jac. Xerr of ' IgonoiindPi,aritinelli'taMu,kgrove Of the versing an endless bit -ad, ate seized tip, Winghaw. The latter tearn clAint Mr. Itob. Coulter, who purchase(I a fem.
A, new tietieg of short stories is Mrs. (Dr.) Scott dull her rl"t"t, Miss Nornial School, Stratford. spent the
wingham, (Conveiw) 1). 0- 'Taylor About to corrumened in the Fatmily Agape Wilson of Sandusky, Mich., holidays at their respective hot-at's Ott by the Mulder, Which Slippes they have Won it fairly. nice team of grey parcherons, three -
and Sohn Joynt 'of Lucknow, Thor. E. Herald and Weekly Star of MotitteAl open t Thanksgiving wilth,their parents hero. them into cottage. cobautg or "t.1b" YOAr-old, from Jos. 14iller recently, Eyes Tested Free.
Wilson of Ripley, and W. pi. Kerr of that are said to ba the best ever offer. In town. Mrs, Ric On. Tuesday evening, Xov. 8rd. he misfortune to lose one of
,h, Porter roturned home loaves. From this they drop "poll 411 it had t
ed toaawspaptr readers, A comp ete it, last week, where she electridally-pr6polled rack and are Wingliara members of It. 0. T. .
story will lippear each week. he ,lg th6m last week.
11russels. A conVeintl6ft for the par. Dr. 'gall and 1011.6'Ear-10 of Toronto, from port r Wo examine each Eye aepari%toly
p e of orgaulm.tion *111 probably be . and Luther Vill, I Alymery Were had be . & in al ov and fit it with itl proper glase, so
04 series alone Is worth more than the Thanksgiving visitors with thelt Of$' ,on Waiting of, her daughter, swept into the 100 -tin oven, which mot ift Odl(If011OWS' b It to 00111 0 - , til- wo are ture to suit, Diffietilt Oasm
heldhi the neat futute,s whole year's subscription price, one t(Irs In town, , Virs, .1. Pattloon, who has been in bakes them to any desired condition AtO the 25th anniversary of the found- At A m0di'lag Of' tile Belgrave Me
Tho'evitrigell5tic s6tviceli; were not dollar, and when one thinks of All the poor health. . . in forty,two minutes. it in a wond6i Ing of the Or4or, A good prograin odlat Quarterly� lloavd Imt Monday, are our hpoiciAlty, Call and seo Uri
other good things that appear III that A11199 Panay Reynolds of Onderfell Mr, Edwin Jatvla tit " Holenii ful machine, Was given after Which coffee and eAko 11ev'. 0. W. Rivers received the unah
begun In Wit:ighani Methodist Church , t Weokl he call te"Ity under- and Mths M . Apy-holda -of St, Thomae, arrived home on Saturday ),Let, after wereattv6d, From itainall beginning Imong Invitation of the Board to re- -we can suit ,you.
* last snnaay by Atm. 0. it. Turk, =,ad 'Why tKo publishers so earnestly were ThanksgIiIng visitors at their hitting r, ont, it two months, visit with Thera is all etdollent agrioultiltAl **.A._101-��
3 to come. urga ptabout subscribers to 'renew home la town, I A'p ftrat In London, Ont., find afterwards main oft (Ile alrealt for the foarth . .
owlag to his not being abIc early and give them a chance to enter his diitigCir, Mrs. Sherwood* Wilklo. er that Is of more than %18UAI In- fit rorb Huron, Mich,, this ordor lim year'
All beltig well, ho*4vor, the services, Rigs Vem 11olmoo Was home from Sask� Ile looke its If the trip agreed P Rt to tho f1traler Who WAUtti to . -
the thousands Of new applications in 1111votgrd college for Thanksgiving no. with him. bare pactie,a,l and riot the theo-. grown to be one Of the AtrOb9clit Ilea- BlIseon Walker AYA 11,�nks�tf, Mr. ' W ' I I&
Will commenct, next Sunday, and 4on- Decetriber"Kild Jill-hultrY. It Is's6fe to oompauted. by Mite MittJdrie, Marron, know the p business. TO otio,h oftuls,vy Ai4sociationa In Amerles" and W8, r, lemIng, Mrs. W. G. PAtter- . ALLEY a .
A dollitr MeA14r#. �V.. J, PloUty Of OAkvillt rotleol b1do (if his I , T 1W
tinue thro,dgh tho4, following week, pay that to person rormitt1bg her room -mate, and Robt. Plenty of Southalm of Our refl,deps we would lariggeat th4t Hatay A worawl goes w1thol't f4oft itnil, daugliter of Wingbaln. gild
Mr. Turk tit &it excellolit, preacher and for the Va,mily Herald and Weekly �11061f! :
I StAt, for low will regret It, An took Advantavg6 of TharikP91ving and WhOil IYOU venew YO"r s"b"I'41f (Ott to R�Ib* ,Mrs. W. n. 0trligle ana tioa of rjondon :
I fitirmer, ' Orris over ds,3� to visit the parentAl home The Advanlw ,u Od , hers, stod. regrets It, affetAvardo. We RUG
Ion Of t"It"S Was - -
& good singer. 118 fil expected �to , pmrtlotil&rly, who to tiot ya I A vNitlairtMor&'6ittnth�iitttichoiti6 In M , nkigiving vl,Ators at the
rd"b 147 At 11 A-Ift, (tiftd 7 r6gulat, reader, Is Imisslog i6mel You will ftna it Worth Lila monoy, 65o, 63d 4U4 15a PAIr.-W. .T. Greer, , borne of Me. And MM, OArlisle. � I 1. .1 1.111-1 11 11 I
P . YieXt Satic thing TbankegIviog. Ho was &coompaniea see tbele tiggil father, Who Passed b- -4416, thf- P14('* ;f the two fig bt T bA'v6 WOMOn"s RUbh6rA In All styles- were Th%
. I . , � I I I. . . . � I � � lm�
P,ul. T446 ptmio 40raittly InvIt6d, ho op"Itnat 00M to, by him fifbo,d; Chas. Ma4T�ood, , Way on Wednesday in6mlog, :1 I i �
-1,4 .
�:. � I I . ; 1 I I , 0
, - ,I , � I
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